#just the shirt and pants are new. I already wear the hat everywhere lol
flufflecat · 2 years
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I just need you all to see my new outfit
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
kiss me thru the phone
pairing: frankie ‘catfish’ morales x f!reader
warnings: SMUT - phone sex, dirty talk, masturbation (m and f)
a/n: @huliabitch wanted me to expand on the phone sex thing i mentioned in the latest chapter of pragma so...of course i did. sorry for the terribly corny title. couldn’t think of anything else lol.
Frankie missed you something terrible and he had only been gone for about twelve hours. He missed your voice, your touch, your softness—he missed you. Before he left, he had promised to find a way to keep in touch with you. Was it too soon to call now? Have you had a chance to miss him yet?
Before long he was dialing your number. He was sitting in one of the dingy hotel rooms he and the other guys had bought for the night just to get some much-needed rest before the madness that was this mission began.
He just needed to hear your voice.
The phone rang once, twice, three times before you picked up. “Hello?” You were confused. The number certainly wasn’t from in the country. Frankie loved the inflection of your tone when you couldn’t figure something out.
“Hey babe…it’s me.” He smiled, happy to have something to remind him of home.
“Frankie? How are you calling me right now?” you asked.
“Uh…they have phones here,” he joked and heard you suck your teeth.
“Is everything okay? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” You gripped your phone tighter.
“Everything is fine, baby. We’re still in the planning stages. I just…missed you. Wanted to hear you.” He kicked his boots off, tossed his hat on the small table in the corner, and let himself fall onto the bed.
“Missing me already, huh? You big baby,” you teased. You laughed but then became serious. “I’m missing you too, Frankie. So much.”
“I just wanna be home with you. Cuddled under the sheets…making out a little.”
“Hmm that sounds nice,” you sighed, lying down in bed on his side so you could bury your face in the pillow and surround yourself with his scent. You let out a sound that bordered on a moan—not purposely but Frankie had caught it and took a deep breath.
“What are you doing?” he asked, closing his eyes so he could imagine as you explained.
“I’m in bed, sniffing your pillow,” you said.
“Aw, babe, that’s kinda creepy.” You both laughed. “What else are you doing?”
“Just lying here talking to my boyfriend.”
“…what are you wearing?” He was joking but also sort of serious.
“Would you believe me if I said nothing?”
“No…wait…seriously?” He squeezed his eyes shut, remembering your body—every dip, every curve, every mark and imperfection that made you perfect to him.
“I’m serious. Unless you count a towel as a something.”
“Want me to take it off?” you asked.
“Fuck yeah I do…I mean…please?” Always the gentleman. He heard movement over the phone and smiled to himself—you were actually doing it.
“There. Now I’m well and truly naked.” You closed your eyes now thinking of what Frankie would do if he was there with you right now. His gentle hands exploring every inch of your body like it’s the first time every time. His lips would follow—kissing, licking, sucking everywhere his hands touched. He was a master at foreplay and didn’t even know it. By the time he found his way between your legs, you felt as though you had sprung a leak.
And your hand had found its way there now. You sighed his name quietly, so quietly you weren’t even sure if he heard you.
“Yeah?” he responded, his voice taking on that low, raspy sort of timbre. When you didn’t say anything back, he pressed the phone to his ear and listened closely and he heard it, heard you. Your breathing had picked up and there was movement, nothing extreme, but a rhythmic sort of sound coming from your end. His ears could pick up sounds better than most—it’s what probably kept him alive all those years—but right now he was using them to keep him alive, he was using them to listen to the beautiful sounds you made, to the way you said his name.
“I want you, Frankie,” you whined, “I need you here with me…fuck…”
“Baby…what are you doing?” He smirked. There was no need for you to tell him but he wanted to hear you say it.
“I'm touching myself and pretending it’s you.” You moaned a little louder and his pants grew far too tight.
“Oh…” he breathed, reaching for the button of his jeans and making quick work of them. He didn’t even bother pulling everything completely off, just down to his knees. He probably looked ridiculous but he didn’t care in that moment. He pulled his shirt up over his tummy and looked down, wrapping his hand around himself, hissing at the contact in relief.
“Are you thinking of me?” You knew he had started.
“Who else would I be thinking of, babe?” He watched his hand move and shook his head. It was nothing compared to you but it would have to do. In a move he hoped you hadn’t heard; he brought his hand to his mouth and spit before wrapping it around his hardness again. It was somewhat better but still not you.
“Are you…thinking of my mouth around you? The way I look up at you as I take you as deep as I can into my mouth?” That was certainly turning you on.
“Y-Yeah. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” he said quietly. He cursed quietly, working himself a little faster. When he closed his eyes again, he swore he could feel you. “Oh goddamn…”
“Yeah?” Your fingers would never measure up to what he did to you but, fuck if it didn’t feel amazing right now. “I'm thinking of you between my legs, tasting me. You would look up with those big, brown eyes and smile. Having the time of your life.”
“God, I miss the way you taste already.” He licked his lips then bit them, imagining the sweet saltiness that nourished him.
“I want you inside me. My fingers are okay but they’re nothing compared to you. You fuck me so good.” You whined again, fucking yourself faster, imagining him the best you could.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His jaw was clenched. You could tell. Praise always had a certain special effect on him.
“Are you thinking about me on top of you? Am I looking at you or am I facing away?” You were asking the questions to get him worked up but it was working on you too. You loved the way he looked beneath you, his eyes on yours before it became too much and they rolled back. Or the way he would look at your body as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, his hands touching and grabbing every inch.
“I’m thinking of it all. The way you move on me, the way you sound when you tell me how good I feel…damn baby.” He looked down at himself and dragged his thumb along the tip the way you would before slipping him back into your mouth. When he closed his eyes, he could see you rocking your hips on him the way he liked before you began bouncing on him. He would help you along, holding onto your hips as you kept yourself balanced with your hands on his chest. Sometimes you would hold his hands then pin them above his head as you leaned down to kiss him. If you were facing the other way, you would make sure to look back at him and smile. Sometimes he would sit up and hold you still as he thrust up into you…
“Fuck me Frankie,” you moaned. You were fucking yourself fast and hard now, craving some semblance of him.
“How does it feel?” he asked, thrusting up into his fist. “Hmm? Tell me, baby.”
“You feel so good,” you whimpered. “I can feel you…so fucking deep…”
“Oh shit…oh…fuck!” He grunted then groaned, coming hard, feeling the warmth cover his fist.
“I can feel you filling me,” you said, pumping your fingers a few more times before finishing yourself with a cry of his name. You sucked on your fingers and he knew.
“How does it taste?” He licked his lips again wishing that your fingers were in his mouth instead.
“Mm good. Want some?” you teased. He could hear the smile in your voice.
“I wish I could help you clean up,” you said, picturing the mess he had probably made. Covering his hand and stomach…
“No need for clean up when I’m with you because I always have somewhere to put it.” A smile spread across his face because he knew what kind of face you were making.
“Francisco! My god…” You laughed quietly then sighed. “We just had phone sex.”
“We did, didn’t we? It was pretty damn good but-”
“Nothing like the real thing,” you finished. “You know what that means? It means you have to come back home to me in one piece so we can enjoy the real thing again and again and again.”
“Yes ma’am.” He yawned then looked at the time. “I hate doing this but I should go. I got some cleaning up to do before going to bed.”
“Okay. I miss you and I love you.” You made a kissing sound and he smiled.
“Love you too.” He wouldn’t say goodbye and you wouldn’t either so the conversation always ended with ‘I love yous'.
He knew he would sleep well tonight with his thoughts of you. It might have been a distraction to anyone else but to him it was his reason to stay alive and come home. He had to see you again. He had to hug and kiss you again.
And all the other things he would do to you when he saw you again, well, that was an added bonus.
When the guys saw him the next day smiling for the first time since leaving you, they were all curious.
“What happened to you?” Pope asked.
“Talked to my girl last night,” Frankie said, putting his shades on and grinning. “Nothing like talking to someone you love to give you a new outlook on things.” He slapped Pope on his shoulder and got into the jeep then rolled down the window. “We doing this or what? I got someone to get home to!”
permanent taglist: @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @tiffdawg ​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @heresathreebee​ @jawabear​ @agirllovespasta​ @opheliaelysia @thisis-theway @huliabitch @sammiesweet @pedropasscals @katlikeme @marshmallow--3
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tvehyungs-gf · 5 years
Could you do 1, 12, and 94 with jimin :)
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Birthday Kisses and Cacti - Fuckboy!Jimin DrabbleI DIDN’T MEAN TO IT MAKE SO LONG OMG THIS IS AN IMAGINE NOW
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✧ What if I kissed you right now?✧ Quit looking at me, you’re making me nervous.✧ This is why we can’t have nice things.
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Jimin is a fuckboy, it was evidently obvious with the number of girls and boys who left his apartment every other day. Being his across the hall neighbor was hell and you weren’t sure why you haven’t moved to a new place yet. Maybe it was because you silently hoped that he would come knocking on your door and fuck you till noon or for him to confess his true feelings to you.
You were indisputably pathetic for being head over heels in love with a fuckboy, but you had no fucking shame. It was wack, yet, you didn’t care. Of course, however, you forbid anyone from knowing about your undeniable massive crush on the man. Despite being a nerdy love-struck girl, you did have a title to withhold; the fuckgirl of college.
It was cheesy really. You being the fuckgirl that no one could call theirs and Jimin being the fuckboy that no girl had the chance to ever be in a relationship with. For both of you, you only believed in one night stands and nothing more. However, oddly enough, the only fucking person you wished to be in a relationship was with Jimin. It was weird. And unfortunately, you had no answer that can explain the question of why you liked him. You just do.
And it was already weird enough that the two biggest players on campus haven’t already fucked another yet. Now, that is another question that’s left unanswered.
Speaking of unanswered questions, this leaves us with this scenario. Your best friend, Jungkook, has been nagging you for the past hour about some party that was going down in the ‘Three Kim’s’ dormitory.
“Dude, you have to take me with you!” Jungkook whined, his phone held tightly in the grasp of his hands. Twitter was pulled up on his phone, the tweet mocking you in the face as you read what Jungkook was showing you on his feed. “And I can’t go if you’re not going! Plus, we would be absolute losers if we don’t go!”
You rolled your eyes after reading the tweet from one of the Kim’s themselves, specifically by Kim Taehyung. “Party tonight at the house! You’d be fucking losers if you’re not showing up for the biggest Halloween party! Also, bring presents lol!”
“Why should we go?” You asked with a brow raised. “You don’t even go to college here.” You folded your arms across your chest and watched the younger boy roll his eyes at you.
“And?” He scoffed before looking back at his cellular device. “I was about to go to college here, so technically, it counts.”
Boy, he was reaching. “That really doesn’t count, bro.”
“Aaaand!” He dragged. “I have lots of friends who go here too!” He shrugged. His eyes were glued to his phone before a malicious smirk played on his face. “I think I know what will get you to come to the party.” His eyes peeked up at you, making his face look like a devil in disguise.
“And it is?” You questioned kind of curious.
Jungkook chuckled evilly, the phone he held now shoved in front of your face. It was another tweet by Taehyung. “Lots of people are asking why it’s important to bring presents & its because we’re celebrating our favorite fucker, Jimin’s birthday!”
You were going to fucking go. And Jungkook knew by the look on your face that you guys were definitely going to the party. “Fine.”
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Panic. You were in panic mode for many reasons, but let’s start off with the fact that you had no idea what the hell to dress up as. Should you look cute or sexy? Should you cosplay or just go simple? These were tough questions to answer and it made you feel stressed out. And stressed out for what? A party? You really were pathetic.
“Dude, just pick something.” Jungkook groaned. “It’s literally not that serious.”
You scoffed, flicking him off. “Fuck off. I can’t just go there looking like I didn’t put some type of effort. I have a reputation to withhold.”
“Yeah, right.” Jungkook sighed and stood up on his feet. He was seriously one to talk because he had dressed all out. From the doc martins to the black military pants and the matching military top, Jungkook looked like he just got done with his military service but with a twist. He had a deep fake gash on his cheek and vein marks on his skin. To put it lightly, he was zombified. “You should dress up as Lara Croft since you have all those accessories from when you did that Attack on Titan cosplay.”
“Wow.” You gasped surprised. “You actually have a good idea for once.” Quickly, you reached for your grey tank top and a pair of military-style khaki pants.
Jungkook shook his head in disagreement. “You’re so rude today. After everything I’ve done for you!” He sighed dramatically and fell back onto your bed with a bounce. “I get treated like a bag of dirt by my own best friend. Wow!” He gasped. “Life is great.” He continued, eyes closing.
“Oh shut up.” You rolled your eyes and began to get undressed out of Jungkook’s oversized t-shirt and shorts. Quickly, you threw on your cargo pants. “Anyway,” You pulled the tank top over your head. “Who did your zombie makeup?”
Jungkook sat up, his head resting on his palm as he readjusted himself to lay sideways. “Ya know how Hoseok works at the Korean BBQ place?” You nodded with a hum. “Well, his coworker goes to school here and she’s super into makeup and whatever so I stopped by her place before coming back here.”
“Oh, nice.” You gave him a thumbs up and turned back to your closet. Now all you need was to find all the gear you needed.
After a while of digging, you eventually found everything you needed. Once that was done, you did your makeup and styled your hair. “Alright!” You smiled happily. You looked fucking great! “Now we just have to find Jimin a present and then we can head to the party.”
“Finally!” Jungkook cried out excitedly. “I thought I was going to die of old age by the time you finished.”
“I’m actually this close,” You showed him an okay sign to represent how annoyed you were. “To smacking you in the face.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “You haven’t done it already so…” He shrugged. “Let’s go.”
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By the time you the two of you finished getting Jimin a present, you found yourselves standing in front of a big house. “Damn, they must be loaded if they can afford to live in this type of house.” Jungkook gasped in awe. His eyes were wide open and you swore you could see a fly dancing in his mouth with how big his mouth was open.
You chuckled. “Yeah, well,” You shrugged your shoulders. “They are rich. Anyway, c’mon lets get inside.”
Jungkook closed his mouth and followed you inside the house.
There were people everywhere with red solo cups in their hands and costumes adorned on their body. You were surprised with how many who actually dressed to par and went all out. But not even a minute later, you both were in the kitchen getting drinks.
Eventually, Jungkook bid farewell without even telling you. You only noticed he was gone when you saw him chatting up with some chick across the room. Typical.
Taking the present you got Jimin, you decided it was probably a good idea to give it to him than to hold onto it all night. So with the quest set in mind, you left the kitchen to find the man of the night. Surprisingly, it didn’t take long to find him because you actually bumped into him in one of the hallways on the second floor.
“Ah, Y/N! I didn’t know you were going to come.” Jimin side hugged you. He was wearing a typical cop costume with the all-black attire, handcuffs, a fake gun, and a hat. “I would’ve dressed up with a better costume.”
You giggled. “Ah, you already have a nice costume, Mr. Officer.” You winked. Gosh, you were in too deep with this crushing thing.
“You do too, Ms. Croft.” Jimin bit down on his very plump bottom lip. “Ah, is that a cactus?” He pointed to the small plant you held in your left hand.
“Oh!” You blushed and handed it to him. “Yes, it’s your birthday present. Happy birthday!”
Jimin laughed and gladly accepted the plant. “Thank you!” He grinned, eyes turning into crescents. “I should probably put this in a safe place.” He turned around and walked towards a door, but before he opened the door, he turned to you with a raised brow. “Aren’t you going to come?”
“Huh?” You were confused. “I mean, yeah.” You followed him inside the office room with a questionable look. Why did he want you to follow him? You stood by the door and watched him set the plant down carefully on the desk that was placed in front of a window.
Suddenly, Jimin turned to you. “Quit looking at me, you’re making me nervous.”
“Nervous?” You asked with your arms folded across your chest. “The Park Jimin is nervous because I’m looking at him?” You chuckled. “Weird.”
He rolled his eyes. “I mean, you are the Y/L/N Y/N. Why wouldn’t I be nervous about you?”
“Because you’re used to girls ogling you.” You shrugged. “I don’t see how I’m any different.”
The cop scoffed as you walked towards him. He leaned back against the desk with arms on either side of him. “You’re the hottest girl here and it’s impossible to get into something more than a one night stand with you.”
If your heart hasn’t already fallen to the floor, it definitely did now. To say you were in shock was an understatement; you were astounded. “Wait, what?” You had to be hearing things!
And now were you seeing things too? Because the blush on Jimin’s cheek wasn’t there before. “I-” He sighed standing up. “Fuck, well, I’m already in a bit too deep and maybe it’s the 5 and a half shots I took that’s making me too fucking confident but I think I like you. I mean, I find you extremely fucking attractive.”
That’s it. You were hallucinating! “There’s no way you feel the same way I do.”
“You feel the same way about me?” Jimin was surprised too. Wow, the odds were in your favor tonight. “Fuck, that’s amazing.”
You literally had no words because everything seemed as if you were just imaging things. “To be fair, we should’ve expected it. Literally everyone on campus expected it.”
“Then,” Jimin took your hand in his and pulled you closer to him. He leaned back against the desk again and looked at you with eyes that screamed hunger and lust. “What if I kissed you right now?”
Biting down on your lip, you took the initiative to take the last step closer to the cop before you. At this point, you could climb on top of Jimin if you wanted to. “Do it and find out.” You winked.
Jimin smirked, his hands released yours as he placed them on your hip and leaned in closer to your lips. His lips were soft, fuck, they were super soft and moisturized that you took a mental note to ask him what type of chapstick he was using when you have the chance.
The kiss itself was fantastic, however, it was quick to escalate into a heated makeout session that resulted in Jimin spinning you around and placing you to sit on the desk. His hands found their way from your shoulders to your hands, holding them.
Your legs voluntarily wrapped themselves around his hips as your hands knocked off the forage hat he was wearing so that you can tangle your hands in his hair.
If someone were to walk in and see what the two of you were doing, they would definitely say that it was some pretty hot shit going on. However, the moment was quickly ruined when Jimin accidentally pushed your arm back making you come into contact with the cactus plant. “Oh fuck!” You whined, your arm stinging from the thorns.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry!” He took hold of your arm and examined it. You were lucky enough to be only pricked with two thorns but it still hurt. “Can I pull them out?”
You nodded. It was quick when he pulled the thorns out. With a sigh of relief, you looked at your arm with a frown. “I should probably put some ointment and a bandaid on it.”
“Yeah…” Jimin agreed. “I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to push your arm into it.”
You shook your head, your hands gripping his shoulders. “You’re fine! It’s fine, don’t worry.” You laughed.
“This is why we can’t have nice things.” Jimin frowned as you hopped off the desk. “I’m really sorry.”
“Jimin!” You rolled your eyes. “If I said that we can continue doing whatever we were doing back at your place tonight, would you stop saying sorry?”
“What was I saying sorry for again?”
You smirked. “Thought so.” You held his hand and pulled him out of the room. “Let’s go.”
As you both walked out, you failed to notice Jungkook standing there with his arms across his chest as a knowing smirk played on his lips. He knew that you guys were definitely going to fuck and that Jungkook was definitely going to use this against you.
What an amazing night.
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➝ ask box ➝ bts masterlist
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kyarymell · 5 years
A Little Less “Concern for Demons”, A Little More “Touch Me”
Pairing: V x F!Reader Rating: Explicit Summary: PWP. Following a bet with Nico, you convince V to fuck you in a phonebooth. Note: Art trade fic for the beautiful @mysticalkhfan​ who drew me an ABSOLUTELY DELECTABLE Erron Black fanart. Hats off to you! I tried to fill in as many requests as possible LOL.
You were a force to be reckoned with.
Equal parts alluring and dangerous, only you could convince him to partake in debauchery in public. The pair of you were on a routine mission, clearing out some demons for a client. When the task was completed, you all but dragged him into a phone booth.
“Not this again! Let’s go, kitty. You too, boulder boy.”
V’s familiars were used to your insatiable desire for their master, already removing themselves from his person. Tattoos faded and hair returned to white, the summoner felt exposed. Unfortunately for him, this was only the beginning.
Pushing him against the glass, he gasped as you pressed heated kisses on his neck. Biting on the soft skin near his collar bone, you moved your hand to palm V through his jeans. Despite the (worry? thrill?) of being caught, he’s getting hard.
How could he not? Even if you’re too much to handle sometimes, you’re still his lover.
…You’re also pretty skilled with your lips.
“Ah-You’re getting lipstick everywhere.”
“That’s the point.”
His concern only rewards him with you kissing him squarely on the mouth, tugging at his soft hair. V yields to your attack, lost in the pleasurable sensations you’re giving him. You only let him go when he’s struggling for breath.
The aim was to have him inside you as soon as possible, lest the two of you get discovered. Leaning forward you distract him with another heated kiss, your nimble fingers working the strings of his vest. Pulling the clasp free, you step back to admire your handiwork.
The flimsy material falls to the ground, revealing more of his pale skin. For a moment he shivers, a slight chill in the air. Lipstick smeared across his mouth and neck, lips glistening with saliva, he’s sure that he’s a mess.
V can already imagine what his other self would say.
“Foolishness. Why would you leave yourself exposed and vulnerable in front of someone?”
Thoughts returning to the present, you’re moving to unzip his pants. V catches your hand, regaining enough sense to take control of the situation.  
“Do you really think you’re in charge?”
His eyes are dark, grabbing a hold of you and switching the positions so that you’re in full view if anyone were to walk by. You’re smirking because despite the fact that he’s being more impulsive, you’ve effectively convinced him to get down and dirty with you in public.
Wrapped around your little finger.
Such a prim and proper person he was, never getting involved in the grit of battle. Now, he’s making short work of your button-up shirt to access the skin underneath. Pushing the fabric up and over your head, V immediately presses kisses along your spine.
To think that this all started from a bet- he was so easy to tease.
From the debriefing, you knew it was going to be an easy job. You were busy most days, so this would be an ample opportunity to wear the new skirt you bought last week. Not the most combat-ready gear in the world but you had confidence in your abilities.
Nico left the engine off, the two of you waiting for V to arrive. Cigarette between her lips, you’re both leaning against the side of the van.
“I dunno what you see in Mr. Poetry over there. He seems so uptight- never the type to fuck in an alleyway or anything like that.”
Crossing your arms, you tilted your head curiously.
“Is that supposed to be a normal thing that happens? What brought this up?”
“In all the time we’ve been colleagues, I never thought you interested in them quiet types.”
You shrugged, a moment of silence passing between the both of you. Tapping a finger on your chin, an idea came to mind.
“Wanna make a bet?”
“You know I’m always down to gamble. But what we bettin’ on?”
“Whether or not I can get him to fuck me in public. Fifty bucks.”
Nico’s eyes were blown wide, snorting like she was trying not to laugh. Shaking hands with you, she crushed the cigarette butt under her heel.
“Sure. You’re about to be fifty bucks poorer. That’s a fact!”
When you were finally alone with the summoner, you made sure to take the most forward approach. Reserved as he is, he’s still unable to resist you on attack mode.
It started with subtle things, touching him a lot more in and out of combat. Eventually, you worked up to making flashy moves while killing demons, giving V an eyeful when possible.  
All the teasing you did throughout the day seemed to have worked, for V was riled up enough to leave bites along your shoulder and shove you against the glass. His hands are on your breasts, giving them a squeeze.
“Is this what you wanted,” he grinds his hips against your backside, “to be indecent like this?”
A hot tongue presses against your ear and you whimper in response. It’s seldom that he’s rough like this and it satisfies the masochistic side of you deep within. He’s clearly not pleased with your lack of words, for he moves to pull on your hair and pinch one of your nipples.
“Answer me.”  
V switches tactics, tracing circles around the band of your skirt with his fingers and then moving to stroke the skin at your waist. You’re almost too distracted to answer, he’s touching too lightly for your liking.
How the tables have turned- it was your intention to turn him into a blushing mess, but you’re the one stifling moans against your hand.
The summoner clicks his tongue, lifting the back of your skirt. You shivered, feeling his fingers slide between your thighs. It’s suddenly feeling all too warm in the phone booth, your shaky breaths causing condensation to form on the glass.
“So you want to be stubborn, is that it?”
You closed your eyes, feeling V push aside the delicate lace of your panties. He slides his finger against you, before slipping it in with no resistance. The man hisses, imagining just how easy it would be to shove the entirety of his length inside you. You’re already wet with minimal touching.
“I see. This was your intention all along. You wanted this.”
He stroked your insides painfully slow, adding another finger even when he knows you can take much more. It’s polarising, the fact that he can be domineering but still ensuring that you won’t be hurt. Then, he hits your sensitive spot.
He stills his fingers, making you groan in frustration. You wiggle your hips, hoping that it would entice him to continue. V smirks as he barely brushes against the spot once more.
Damn those long fingers of his!
“Please what?”
“Don’t be mean, you know what I want.”
The fingers leave you completely. That was the opposite of what you wanted to happen…!
“You must apologise.”
Pulling his cock free of his jeans, he stroked himself. Taking his turn to tease you, you felt it rub against your entrance, smearing pre-cum on your thighs. You’re trying to get him inside you by pushing backwards but the summoner has you pinned against the glass.
“F-for what?” you hate how your voice is trembling.  
“Apologise for being indecent in public and I might just consider your request.”
Play along. Play along. You were the one that got yourself into this.
“I’m sorry for acting… indecent… please V. Please fuck me-“
After what seemed like forever, V finally pushes into you- making you gasp at the sensation. He starts slow, even if you don’t need it. Thoroughly frustrated from the earlier teasing, you turn your head to face him, meeting his lips in a searing kiss.
That was all the encouragement needed, for he set a brutal pace that had you gripping the front of the glass for dear life. You whimpered when he brushed against your sensitive spot with the tip and it had you pushing back and meeting him halfway. It was deeper like this and you found yourself crying out his name…
…until you heard voices not too far away.
V pressed his partially gloved fingers in your mouth, trapping your tongue with his fingertips. A cheerful group of teenagers passed by, talking animatedly amongst each other.
The summoner just kept moving.
“Did you see the movie I recommended last week?”
The way the summoner rolls his hips are sinful and all you can do is squeeze your eyes shut.
“Yeah, I guess I cried a little…”
“Aw, really?”
Heat pools in your stomach, almost overwhelming as he nudges your legs apart. V was large despite his slim build, the burn of the stretch sending shivers down your spine.
“Hey, did you hear something?”
You tried desperately to be quiet, V holding you in place with his punishing stokes.
“No way. Don’t scare me like that!”
Please, please let them be gone…
“You did well.”
You could practically hear the smirk on his lips. What a smug bastard. Oh, you were definitely going to get him back for that.
With one particularly hard thrust, you tightened up considerably and the summoner removed his fingers from your mouth. Unable to hold back your voice, you yelped as he spanked you with his other hand, the ring adorning his middle finger cold and leaving a mark.
From there, V timed his thrusts with his palm striking your ass. His gloved hand moved to your hip in order to get a better angle. Not long now until you would come undone, your toes curling in delight. Hair sticking to your face, you whined as he pulled out completely and shoved his cock back in all at once.
Snapping your eyes open at the sensation, you arched your back. V was seldom aggressive like this and you felt yourself melting into his embrace. The summoner was breathing heavily now, stopping every so often to leave kisses on the side of your neck.
Completely at his mercy, you felt him pound into your sensitive spot over and over again. Your legs trembled, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hold yourself up. Tears gathering in the corner of your eyes from the over-stimulation, you leaned your forehead on the glass of the phone booth.
The cold surface gives you a short reprieve, until V grips your arms, pulling them back. You’re almost sitting backwards on his lap when you reach your peak, stars bursting in your vision. It was embarrassing how fast he pushed you over the edge.
“Just… a little more…”
“Not inside!” you didn’t want anything dripping out, especially since you were wearing only a skirt.
Becoming more vocal with every thrust, you knew that he was close. Wrenching yourself free from his grasp, you dropped to your knees. Taking his length into your mouth, you swirled your tongue around the tip, hand stroking the underside. V became flustered at the sight of your ruined mascara, tear-streaked cheeks noticeable in the low light.
Losing his confident demeanour, he gently tries to pry you off by tugging on your hair.
Payback is a bitch. You loved seeing V turn suddenly shy- it was seldom that you pleasured him in this way and as a result, it had a huge effect on him. Pushing his hand away you sucked, drawing all sorts of pleased noises from the summoner. He threw his head back, biting on his lip.
Unable to hold back, he starts bucking into your mouth making you choke slightly. He tries to apologise but he’s already so close. Remnants of lipstick smudged on his most intimate parts and you couldn’t help but feel like you owned every part of him.  
“Wait, I might dirty you-“
His orgasm hits him unexpectedly when you hum and he subconsciously pulls away, leaving a mess on your cheeks. V is doubled over, leaning on the glass of the phonebooth, legs trembling and breathing erratic. Swiping your tongue across your mouth, you taste his bitterness. Smirking, you couldn’t help but crack a joke.
“Thanks for the meal.”
V runs a hand over his face, sighing. He tucks himself in and goes to wipe your face with the edge of his coat.
“So vulgar. I do not know how you were able to convince me to… do this…”
“But you wouldn’t have anyone else, would you?”
He helps smooth out your clothes, brushing stray hairs away from your face. You understand that it’s difficult for him to put his feelings for you in words, but his actions show how much he cares. Watching you button up your shirt, V holds his hands out, tattoos re-appearing on his skin.
It’s only when his hair returns to black that he runs a hand through the unruly mop to look decent once more.  Thankfully, his lust-addled brain hand enough common sense to set his cane against the wall before tangling with you. In turn, you found your weapons resting on top of the phone.
Adjusting your skirt, you attempted to wipe the ruined mascara from your cheeks. It would’ve been nice to have a reflective surface handy but you did what you could. V saw your struggle, licking his thumb and reaching over to assist you. Heart seizing in your chest at how gentle he was, you gave him a quick peck on the lips.
The summoner smiled in return.
Exiting the phone booth together, V twirled his cane around and tapped it on the pavement.
“Let us make haste to the van. We are overdue for a shower.”
“Is that an invitation?”
Griffon chose that moment to appear.
“You two are disgusting, you know that right?”
In a rare show of childishness, V rolled his eyes, opting to not humour his familiar with a response. He didn’t complain when you looped your arm around his, leaning against his side. Griffon scoffed and dissipated into ink once more.
Call it woman’s intuition (or the fact that V was bruised and covered in lipstick), because Nico immediately knew what transpired. V went to shower and you sauntered over to the driver’s seat, shooting the gunsmith a smile.
“I gotta hand it to ya, I did not see this coming.”
Leaning over, you held out your hand.
“Looks like I’m fifty bucks richer.”
Waving you off the mechanic frowned, reaching for the glove compartment. Placing a fresh bill in your hand, Nico sighed.
“Really shoulda learned after I kept losin’ to D-Dante in cards.”
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