#just shut up and do it anyway day in qnd day out
dykecadence · 1 year
i hate the binge model actually. its one thing for me to sit down and, of my own volition, watch 8 hours worth of television on my day off but having shows drop half or whole seasons in a single day and then being expected to have watched them in their entirety in that first 24 hours if you dont want to be spoiled everywhere you look is just insane
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lazycheesecakeee · 2 years
Lovers in games
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Pairing: Lee Hyunjae x reader, *sorry fo the implications I put on Sunwoo it was just for the plot*
Genre: SMUT, angst, even fluff if you squint
Warnings: the usual- smut, curse words, implied cheating, my writing???, not edited enough I suppose
Word count: 5.1 K
"I know you're hurt, even if act nonchalant sweetheart" He says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
The fucking audacity.
"How observant you are" you roll your eyes. But the stinging and bitterness in your heart were very much there, as you watched the party unfold, even if you looked through everyone, rather than at something.
Hyunjae chooses to shut his annoying mouth for a little, opting to pour you another glass of whatever concoction of cheap alcohol was served. He hands it to you, but the look in his eyes as you made eye contact does nothing but piss you off even more. Not that you weren't already angry.
"Stop looking at me like that" you shoot him a glare.
"Like what?"
"You know like what."
"No I don't. Enlighten me."
"Like you pity me." You roll your eyes. "Also you don't need to babysit me. I won't start crying and I won't drink my bodyweight in alcohol either. You know me enough to know that." You say, voice laced with saltiness.
"I know." He sighs, seemingly unimpressed by your rant. But knowing him, it wasn't like that.
"Maybe I just want to spend time with you. You've been so busy lately." he adds, looking somewhere through the crowd.
Yes. You have been. Between the mountain of assignments, work, trying to keep yourself mildly sane, and your little escapades with Sunwoo, you were virtually impossible to catch, even if he was in the same major as you. 'He wants to spend time with me' You roll your eyes internally.
"You're so full of shit that I wonder what made me talk to you, like ever." you say to him with an eye roll, not sparing him a glance.
"Because I was hot. Thats definitely why."
It was true. 
Since everyone seemed to drool over him and call him mysterious and stalk his Instagram and praise every word that came from his mouth in class, you wanted to see what the hype was about. You obviously had eyes, so the moment he tried to sweet talk you, even if he was shit at the fuckboy game (he got embarrassed far too quickly by whatever came out of his mouth), you entertained him regardless. It was quite funny, maybe even endearing. Until you figured out what a little shit he can be sometimes. But keeping him close rendered advantages too. So, despite the constant nuisance and annoyance at his boyish remarks qnd mannerisms, you found he is actually fun to be around. Sometimes. And he liked cats. So you chose to keep him in relative proximity.
"True, you egotistical bitch. How is that working for you by the way? Did you find any interesting targets yet?"
"Nothing I would like to put any special effort in right now." He answers nonchalant.
"I see. Guess having people throw themselves at you has its advantages. You are not even working for it." You smile sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes. "So, why are you sticking around at this shit party after all?! Are you looking for targets too?"
"No. I just thought I would take advantage of the free alcohol and distractions."
It was true. Why go home and drown in thoughts of why your "boyfriend" would do such a thing, when you can chat up random people who probably don't remember you and drink as if it never happened. By the time it was time to get home you would be a mixture of drunk enougy and exhausted enough to just go to sleep without properly doing a skincare routine. And then it would be the next day. Ignoring the issue seemed like the answer for now. Or so you tell yourself.
"I know you expected better from him. And I know you're not gonna cry. I don't think I've ever seen you cry anyways. And this is not babysitting by the way. I do like being with you, I just happened to witness that. He's such a idiot for not knowing better honestly."
His words had this underlying honesty and objectivity. Like they always did. It kinda annoyed you how you admired the way he spoke about things with others.
You scoff. "Such bullshit".
But he is right about the timing thing. You haven't spoken to him more than "hello's" or acknowledging smiles in the hallways in weeks. But at this very party, when you were supposed to surprise Kim Sunwoo, your latest, over 2-months endeavour, Hyunjae happened to be around to witness you seeing him "mildly" cheat, to put it nicely. By mildly you mean witnessing a make-out session and this random girl trying to rile him up. He didn't seem particularly bothered. You decided to not make a scene and go outside. You werent per se dating. But it definitely stuck in your mind that you didn't really see either of them afterwards, you had to admit.
You honestly can't say you were shocked. You just stood there, barely even arrived at this ominous frat party and witnessed it go down.
Such behaviour was quite expected of Sunwoo. Everyone knew that. Including you. And you can't say you expected a dramatic change in behaviour from him, just because he chose to be around you more and fuck you regularly for the past 2 month or so. But it was still quite shocking of an image. It stung just the normal amount and made you feel slightly sick in your stomach and disgusted. And through all that as it happened, right behind you was the infamous older "fuckboy" you knew, Lee JaeHyun. He didn't have the tactics down as well as Sunwoo, you suppose, nor much of the typical behaviour. He cringed himself at any sweet talk or bold, cheap flirting remark. But it was part of his charm. Not that it mattered. He had people throw themselves at him constantly. And him seeing this while knowing of your business was making it worse. Now he stuck by your side.
But back to the culminant moments. He seemed quite shocked himself as he didn't take his eyes of Sunwoo and the scene, even as you kinda bumped into him to go somewhere else. He knew and saw, much like a lot of people, the two of you together quite a bit. He chased after you through the people. To the outside you looked just like you usually did, pouring yourself another drink, as if the one you had in hand was now too disgusting to look at. You downed the shot in one go. You went outside to breathe. He stood by your side. You came back inside. He stood by your side. He didn't dare speak. Until he did. And now, half an hour later, with a few more drinks in your system, Hyunjae following you like a hawk, and a heaviness in your stomach, you opted to sit on some counter and have underwhelming conversations with him, in a mildly sheltered place where you could hear each other and watch random people do stupid shit.
"Well, thanks for the therapy, I guess." You laugh as you down the rest of your drink. But you can't say you're not grateful for his presence.
"That's what I'm here for, love" he laughs.
"To be my therapist? I think it could rather be the other way around but sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night."
"You make me sleep at night" he says with a suggestive smile plastered along his features. What a good joke.
You give him one of the signature look whenever he tried flirting with you. A mix of "wtf" and disgust. "Can that even be qualified as a terrible pick-up line? It could pass for an insult honestly." You say with fake pity in your voice.
"Guess it's good I used it on you then. Constructive criticism on why I shouldn't use it. Besides, you also like insults. Win-win I say." He says with another arrogantly boyish grin.
You spare him a glance before rolling your eyes with a sarcastic smile.
"See? You can't even say I'm not right. I win." He winks at you. Cocky idiot.
"Anything for your ego, you moron." You add with an eye roll. "Degrade me senseless, Hyunjae." You say in a sarcastically submissive voice. "Is that what you want to hear?".
Of course it was. You don't exactly know what prompted you to say such a thing to him all the sudden. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe you were losing braincells. But you sense the change in the air immediately, in the way he turns to look at you.
It came that much better from your lips. He might not go around admitting it, but he wouldn't pass on the opportunity. He would like to have you at his mercy. To ruin you. But he couldn't let you know it was that easy to get to him.
"Sounds good coming from you. We should try it sometimes." He says playfully, taking another sip of his drink, maybe to hide the reaction you stirred in him.
You smack him playfully, smiling. "Is that your tactic, usually?"
"I don't need a tactic. People just can't have enough of me."
"How humble, just like I know you." You state.
"It's true." He adds, as if it's the most natural thing in the world.
"I know that. I see many girls everyday who talk about wanting their opportunity with you. It must truly be something. They don't even come back crying because you're an asshole. They just plan how to get to you."
"I see you have plenty inshight. If you want a taste we can always schedule something. You'll have priority in the list, too." He closes the space between you just a bit more than usual, looking you in the eyes. His gaze is powerful.
"Aww am I that special?! How sweet." you coo with sarcasm dripping from your tone. "Oh to be part of Hyunjae’s body count."
He pokes his tongue on the side of his cheek. If it's one thing he has, it's the audacity, besides the looks.
"Of course you are special. Besides, I bet I can make you cum faster than your shitty sound cloud rapper boyfriend." He adds, closing the distance even more, arms touching, and his lips touching the shell of your ear.
'Maybe sometimes... just sometimes... he knew what he was doing', you're thinking.
"What makes you so sure?" You challenge him, usual sarcasm barely covering the fact that you were flustered.
"I just have a feeling" he adds nonchalant as he comes face to face, closer to you. Sudeently eye contact seems impossible to hold. There is not anymore space you can back into on the thing you chose to sit on. And then he adds with incredible nonchalance: "If you wanna test the hypothesis, I can be your rebound fuckboy."
His hand is on your thigh and you don't even remeber him touching you before. And now it was digging and you felt the growing neediness in your stomach and lower.
"How sweet to offer" you add, almost breathless. When did he come to have such an effect on you?! You were fake flirting all along, after all.
But the moment doesn't last as all the sudden some drunk dude stumbles upon the edge of the small carpet and drops both bottles, shattering them into pieces, few inches from you. The liquid spreads and the shards are everywhere. But even with Hyunjae’s back fortunately covering most of your front, a piece of glass manages to cut your knee, not even mentioning his jeans are ruined. The pain is not high, you don't even really realize, as you were worried if anything got to hurt Hyunjae.
He asks if you are fine and you nod, he says he is fine as well and helps the dude get up on his feet.
"Your bleeding from your knee" he says concerned, and before you have time to process, he lifts you to take you upstairs.
The movement surprises you and as you adjust yourself better you cannot help but say "I can walk dumbass."
"I know you can."
"You're gonna get blood on you." You add, wondering how such a small cut can actually bleed so much down your leg.
"I don't care."
Finding an empty bedroom with a good bathroom proves pretty challenging but you manage.
He basically sits on you the bed but he feels the need to add "Sit for me sweetheart." as he goes to look for, you assume, whatever supplies. You are more shocked by his actions than the small cut. After all you had endless such cuts from not paying attention when shaving.
"Is that your usual line?" You raise your voice slightly to make sure he hears you.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He says, mocking you with your own earlier remark. He comes back fastly and sits on his knees to examine you knee. He takes your legs and lifts you again to move you further back on the bed have more space. 'Fuck why is he strong enough to do that so effortlessly?!' You think to yourself.
"Guess going to the gym so often is working for you" you say sarcastically. He only spares you a glance.
The sight of him on his knees on the floor attending to you was delicious, to say the least. He takes your leg and bends it to his will and after he is done disinfecting and applying pressure he puts a plaster on the cut.
"All set baby" he says and looks up at you, patting your bare thigh.
His job is done. But why do you feel like that wasn't even his job to begin with. You almost wanted him to disrespectfully look under your skirt. You wanted to feel his gaze and lust on you. So you take matters into your own hands and lift your leg just enough to give him plain sight of your crotch, just for a brief second. As if it was an accident. The crotchless underwear a sight to see, too.
He sees exactly through and his expression changes, and his hand goes on each one of your thigs, squeezing them, skirt slightly lifted from earlier still. You can feel his breathing on your lips. And the intense gaze he has on you. You wait for his next movement. The anticipation of having his mouth on your clit is beyond words, and you made it pretty clear, as desperate as that might've looked, you didn't even care.
"Is this your way of telling me you want your place?" He says condescendingly. "Because you will have to be more specific to get what you want, sweetie." That damned smile. He does know what he's doing, after all.
You don't say anything. You just grab the back of his head and kiss him, going down from the edge of the bed on his lap. He starts kissing you right back and his hands start to wonder. The material of his jeans feels more than amazing as you start grinding on his thigh.
He stops you in your movements. "No-uh. You don't get to cum like this sweetheart. You tell me what you want and I consider giving it to you."
"That doesn’t work on me" you say, disregarding his words on purpose. He lifts you and throws you onto the bed. The manhandling. You liked it more than you would admit. He comes on top of you.
"Is that so? Let's test how resilient you are, kitten."
The petnames were always a thing with him. But in this context it grows to affec you more than you would like.
"I bet you are exhausted from pretending all the time" he says between forceful kisses on your jaw and neck, which are bound to leave marks.
"Shut up. Good for you for not caring. Maybe you should show me how one day you fucking..." You say between breaths. He wraps his hand around your throat.
"If you are a good girl, I can show you everything and more" he says, seemingly not half as worked up as you were, despite the feeling in his pants saying otherwise.
"Shut the fuck up" you say and you wrap his necklace around your fingers, pulling him down. He is a better kisser than you would like to admit. Better than you thought. You suppose it's from the experience.
His hands trails downwards and under your skirt and when it finally reaches your core he can fully feel how wet you are through the gap in your lingerie. Fucking Sunwoo. He really screwed you over big time. You went to this kind of length for him. But it's not like he mattered right now. 
"What an idiot. He could've had this and missed the opportunity" Hyunjae says, the dent in his pants rising significantly, as fingers barely graze your pussy. He lowers himself, going back to the edge of the bed and pulling you by your legs.
"I never thought I would see you on your knees for any woman." You admit, somewhat condescendingly.
"I only get on my knees for the interesting ones."
"And what makes me interesting?! The fact that you cam compete with that fucking asshole to fill your ego at my expense?"
You like getting a rise out of him more than you would like to admit.
He smirks. "No. The ego boost is just a natural bonus." He says starting to kiss up your inner thighs. "Observing you is always interesting. But watching you fall apart up close I guess is that much better." He says, sucking your skin, and you can feel it's gonna leave marks.
"You carry yourself well, kitten. Truth is I was surprised to see you with him in the first place. Didn't take you as the type to date fuckboys."
At this point your breathing was unstable and all his useless talk and intense eye contact while feeling his breath on your core was making you more needy than you thought possible.
"Oh really? Who did you think is my type?" You ask, just to keep up the seemingly unaffected image.
"Maybe someone like Changmin. You stare at him a whole lot."
"I suppose you're right." You say but it comes out breathy, as a moan.
"Already falling apart, huh? And I haven't done anything yet. Maybe I am your type after all."
He could be. You can't say no. And your pussy seemed to betray you like no other in front of him. There was something about seeing him like that, that made your brain go insane.
"Fucking do something" you urge him by grabbing his hair.
"Tell me what to do"
"Shut up and finish what you started. Your ego will get filled regardless."
He looks up at you as his finger grazes with enough pressure over your wetness and clit. But he stops. This little shit.
You render any rationality useless at this point.
"Fuck me Hyunjae. Fuck me until I have nothing to say. Fuck me senseless." You say to him.
'What an irony', you think.
"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He says as he starts rubbing you clit with more pressure and kisses your sex.
Ironically that he got you to be exactly where he said he could. And you even mocked him. But he put you in that exact place.
"Fucking finish what you started" you say, as you grab his hair, but his mouth was running laps already pleasuring your pussy.
And boy did he finish what he started. He did that and so much fucking more.
Half an hour later, or so you presume, you don't even think you can take more after how he overstimulated you. Maybe he was right about making you fall apart faster than Sunwoo.
After your third orgasm just from his fingers and tongue you have to plead with him.
"Fuck, Jae, I don't think I can take anymore"
"That's what you said after your second one too, kitten."
You raise yourself on your elbows and grab at his hair to bring him up on the bed, face to face with you. He gets up, taking your jawline between his fingers a little less than gently and bringing his other fingers to your mouth. You suck on them without hesitation, tasting yourself and his work on them.
"Fuck, you're so good kitten. You've outdone yourself." He says as he pulls his fingers from your mouth and kisses you deeply.
"Let me show you I can outdo myself even more." You say, trapping him with your legs on each side. You bring him down and turn the two of you around. He complies. You continue to kiss him and grab his crotch. He groans and you feel his cock twitch in his pants.
You skilfully open his button and zipper and your hand reaches in his underwear, stroking his head.
"Fuck, kitten." He says with another groan.
You push him back onto the bed and take his jeans and underwear down, just enough to take his cock fully in your mouth. You tease him by kissing around where he really needs you. Having the power back and watching him squirm in your hands in nice. But then he reaches and grabs you forcefully, flipping you over, face in the mattress.
"You think you have it, huh? You think I'm done with you? Sweetheart." He says arrogantly. "You think you can take my cock?" He says, whispering in your ear, pushing you into the mattress further by the back of your neck, his weight fully on your back.
"I can do anything you want me to" you say, head too clouded by the rush he is giving you.
"Aw, look who is being good all the sudden. Guess I've done my job well."
"Have you? Refresh my memory." You say, moving your ass so he call feel it.
"Oh I will rearrange your guts until you cry for me. Don't test me Y/N."
The use of your name made it that much more serious. The sterness in his voice made you shudder in anticipation and you hear him opening a condom. 'That was hot' you think. And he wasn't kidding. You were in for another long ride. By the time he was done you didn't even remember how to be coherent anymore.
"You can really ruin me just like that, huh?" You say, exhausted, as he cuddles you close. He even cleaned you up and everything. He was such a gentleman too. You didn't per se expect that from him. The duality between taking care of your wound, fucking you senseless until tears were forming, and now whispering nothings while stroking your hair was somewhat fascinating, all in the span of a few hours. "Now I get why everyone wants you. Guess you're not just hot." you add, rolling your eyes. Even if he can't see your face, you can feel him smiling proudly, cocky.
"Of course I'm not just hot. I'm perfect. And you are exactly what I needed."
"To prove your ego and your skills?"
"As I said, that's just a bonus."
"Hm. How poetic." You laugh, turning to him. "And full of shit." You add, kissing him once more before getting out of his embrace to adjust yourself. He lets you slip from his arms. You stand in front of the mirror and adjust your clothes, put on your jacket, taking your purse and checking your belongings.
"And you like me just like that. Poetic. Maybe that's your type. You can't even deny."
"Oh I can easily deny anything." you say, glancing challenging at him in the mirror reflection.
"Then I'll have to prove myself again, until you cannot help but admit it." He winks at you.
You turn around.
"As if you would get another chance." You throw his pants at him. "Get dressed, you idiot."
"Still feisty. I like it."
"I'll fucking show you feisty." You say, marching towards him and throwing his blazer in his face too.
"Oh I'm ready. You're still at the top of my list. Besides, a hypothesis cannot be tested only once. It's not relevant enough." He says matter-of-factly, suggestive smile still plastered over his features.
You roll your eyes. But you cannot deny even to yourself how much you like his words. "I am glad something from this forsaken college curriculum is sticking to you, you'll need it." You retort without sparing him a second glance as you go for the door.
He gets up fast and grabs your hand forcefully before exiting, turning you around.
'Guess the manhandling never ends with him' you think and raise an eyebrow inquisitively. But the only thing he does is kiss you again.
"Let me walk you to your dorm."
"I'll be fine. You've done more than enough for just one night." You say as you try to get out of his grasp.
"It's not like that. I just want to. Please?" He pleads as he hurries to out his jeans back on and check his things in his blazer.
"Ok. Since you want it SO BADLY," you playfully say, with a smile, rolling your eyes.
"I'll always want you badly."
You roll your eyes as you both exit the room. The party has significantly quieted down. Flashbacks of Sunwoo are still at the back of your head as you exit and you don't know how you feel about the turn on events of the night.
As you reach your dorm you wonder in the quietness how it has come you ended up like this. But you cannot say you weren't grateful for Hyunjae in this instance.
"Thanks for walking me. You get to yours safely too, ok?"
"Of course" he says, and opens his arms for one more hug. You give into it. It was nice after all.
"Anything you need just text me, ok?" He adds.
"We almost never text each other Jae-"
"Maybe we should change that." He says confidently.
You roll your eyes for the nth time. "Sure. Thank you Mr gentleman."
"Always" he adds, before turning around in the direction his own dorm, sparing you one more glance and a wave. "See you in class."
"Mhm" you say while getting into your building and letting the door close behind you. You wonder how the repercussions of this one will turn out for you. But just for this evening, you suppose you can let the exhaustion engulf you and go straight to sleep. Consequences and awkward talks tomorrow.
Yeah soooo... I kinda wrote another thing. Hope you enjoyed! My braincell feels empty so idk how I feel about anything I produce but hey, here’s something :)))
Let me know what you think, also sorry for implying Sunwoo is a mild cheater it was for the plot and that’s it.
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atsumiyass · 4 years
hello, I saw your shiratorizawa manager post and was wondering if you could maybe do some manager content but with seijoh? Sorry if its too much to ask but have a good day!
hi!! thank you for requesting this anon, i’m sorry that i focused mainly on the third years but regardless, i hope you enjoy! if you wanted something more specific, let me know and i’ll gladly write again! also, if anyone’s interested in a part two, let me know!! - mars
Lets go to the beach! 
f!reader x seijoh third years (platonic relationships)
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on the court, the seijoh volleyball team was a force to be reckoned with, a challenging opponent to defeat.
off the court, though? seriousness and intimidation went out the window.
honestly, none of them could take anything seriously (besides maybe iwaizumi, but even he needed a break sometimes).
so, to reward the team for “day 100 since our last volleyball related accident”, you’d decided to invite them to the beach.
that, and the fact that this was one of the last times you’d all be able to hang out before the third years (including yourself) left to go their separate ways.
the third years’ groupchat (appropriately titled ‘iwaizumi and the circus’, name chosen by yours truly) was being blown up by oikawa, who was most likely asking if they could stay to take sunset photos, and the memes from hanamakki and matsukawa. iwaizumi had the groupchat on do not disturb, or so he claimed, and wouldnt reply for a while.
pulling the oversized team jacket in your closet on (oikawa had lent you his after you’d lost your first one, and you still wore it), you finally answered the groupchat.
y/n: please :)) shut :)) up :))
oikawa: you wound me
matsukawa: that isnt hard to do
oikawa: i’m starting a go fund me for new teammates. the benefits are that i would get bullied way less.
hanamakki: i’m 100% sure they’d still bully you.
iwazumi: shittykawa, we’re the best youre gonna get, so shut up.
oikawa: i hate it here.
y/n: you love us, just admit it.
oikawa: mmmaybe, but where are you guys? you all said you’d be here thirty minutes ago and i haven’t seen any of you?
y/n: 😃✌️
matsukawa: who’s gonna tell him that he got the time wrong?
iwaizumi: you absolute buffoon.
oikawa: i am once again starting a go fund me.
y/n: for braincells? you need those 🥰
oikawa: i just wanna be APPRECIATED.
y/n: tuff
leaving the others to the daily discussion of teasing oikawa, you picked up your duffel bag with towels, snacks, water, and sunscreen stored in it.
oikawa had volunteered to bring a volleyball, and you agreed- beach volleyball was always fun. iwaizumi said he could bring some beach chairs, which was appreciated by everyone.
you finally stepped outside your house, acknowledging your neighbor nearby, and noticing matsukawa down the street.
he had his back to you, so you decided to take advantage of it- back to the groupchat, which had apparently been now been named ‘go fund me’
y/n: did you know matsukawa is wearing sneakers. to the beach.
hanamakki: that’s gonna be a nightmare to clean
matsukawa: bold of you to assume they’ve ever been cleaned
y/n: i hate it here
oikawa: i don’t know why but he’s lying
- oikawa: l/n,,, matsukawa,, could you two be a dear and hurry UP i’m stuck with iwa and he’s aggressively setting up the chairs. 
y/n: how do you aggressively set up chairs?
oikawa: do i look like iwa.
y/n: you’re right, iwaizumi looks much better.
oikawa: i hate it here
matsukawa: y/n l/n can you stop texting and WALK because i’ve been standing here waiting for you 😐
y/n: i’m a manager not a runner smh
oikawa: i saw you running to say hi to iwa the other day.
y/n: that doesn’t count.
shutting off your phone, you jogged up to your friend, who was waiting for you so he could continue his walk to the bus stop.
“looking nice, issei.”
“if you’re expecting a compliment back, you aren’t getting one.”
heart been broke so many times 💔
but to be fair, you signed up for it all those years (note: 3) ago.
finally, you two dumbasses made it to the bus stop, and the bus arrived moments later.
even though you were sitting next to each other, you both opted to sit in comfortable silence.
and send memes in the group chat to annoy everyone.
a short while later, and bearing witness to much more of oikawa’s complaining and iwaizumi getting annoyed over text, you both got off the bus and started searching for your friends.
not too hard to find because oikawa was wearing the tackiest swim trunks ever, and you were considering taking a photo and sending it to karasuno.
sprinting over to iwa and oikawa, you kicked sand on matsukawa in the process.
trust 📉
“y/n-chan!” oikawa chuckled when you threw one arm around him in a weird hug, using the other to pull iwa in and ignoring matsukawa.
“okay, wow, rude. ignoring me is not very cash money of you.” you heard a familiar voice say, and turned to see hanamakki practicing receives in the sand a small distance away- near the beach volleyball net that had been set up for anyone to use.
“that’s what you get for bullying me,” oikawa retorted, and you stifled a laugh.
everyone looked at peace and happy, free from the stress they had been dealing with, and you smiled. your last job as manager had been complete.
“hey, how about we play? me and hanamakki versus oikawa and matsukawa. iwa can be referee.”
“finally, a break from his annoying ass.”
“you love me!”
“don’t dream of it.”
the game was relatively simple compared to the usual- no intense or complicated moves, just keeping the ball from hitting the sand.
the score was relatively even- no one could really be counted as in the lead, and iwaizumi was getting annoyed with standing.
in the end, oikawa and matsukawa pulled ahead and won, which resulted in you getting thrown over matsukawa’s shoulder and dumped in the water, soaking your jacket and shorts.
very nice matsukawa.
“what was that for!?”
“losers get dunked!”
you: 😐
him: 😁
now, sitting in the chairs iwa had brought as oikawa admired and took photos of the sunset, and even took a selfie with you qnd the sunset in the background, you were content.
“thank you.” you turned to face them, eyes softening as you smiled with your eyes misty.
“for what?”
“oi, don’t turn into shittykawa on me!”
“no, i mean it... thank you for the past three years. i’m going to tell the rest of the team too, but you guys have been here for so long. thanks for letting me be the manager.”
“i’m taking this as a declaration of love. y/n, we appreciate you too and wouldn’t want anyone else to manage us. i know the rest of the team will miss you.”
you snorted.
“don’t think they’ll miss you though.”
“hey! way to ruin the moment!”
you all ended up leaving shortly after that.
coming back, you see over 100 notifs from the team groupchat.
yahaba: wait, so you got to see l/n-san in a bikini?
kunimi: do you ever shut up about her
matsukawa: yeah
hanamakki: don’t worry there wasn’t much to see
y/n: man i hate it here
oikawa: start a go fund me with me
y/n: no
y/n: wait money yes
oikawa: i
iwaizumi: you?
oikawa: hate it here.
y/n: anyways youre all invited to my house for a get-together tomorrow.
kindaichi: me and kunimi will be there!
kunimi: what
matsukawa: if i don’t go youre just gonna drag me so i don’t have a choice.
y/n: i would never smh
oikawa: will i get bullied
y/n: maybe not
oikawa: deal
iwaizumi: why not
hanamakki: yeah ^^
kyoutani: maybe.
y/n: oh wow he speaks
y/n: wait where yahaba
yahaba: sorry trying to find missing shirt yes i’ll go
y/n: thank you.
you can find our haikyuu masterlist: here
or our general masterlist: here
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i-spilled-my-soup · 5 years
shoutout to @spacestuffing for being the only person to support my cause for this god-awful solangelo fanfic idea
i wanted to go with the classic royalty au and its better than any other original idea ive had(as original as you can get in this neighborhood)
prince will is in an arranged marriage with princess bianca di angelo from a super-rich kingdom, though king hades is known as a tyrant and generally not trusted by his people
will is immediately against it, but can’t change his parents’ minds as this will benefit their kingdom greatly as they are small and can barely qualify as a kingdom, though will can’t imagine falling in love with a total stranger just because he’s told to
will finds out(through eavesdropping) that princess bianca was killed in battle, the king’s only daughter has already been betrothed, and their son has gone missing, so his parents are super stressed about what to do qnd try to search for other options
will goes ”fuck this” and sneaks off during the day to hang around in the slums just to get away from it all
turns out he has no clue what he’s doing and gets caught by some muggers
they start punching him when he doesn’t give them any money and this weird kid in a cloak shows up and beats the literal shit out of them all
so now will’s thinking ”shit i’m next”
except weird creepy stranger just calmy bandages will up and apologizes for the muggers, saying that he was going to turn them in for a bounty anyways
will is thoroughly freaked and returns to the palace before anyone notices he’s gone and recuperates for a bit before returning to the village a few days later
oops he finds the scary guy again and formally thanks him a dozen times over
”thank you so much you saved my life” ”uh- no problem- i guess?”
so will keeps sneaking out and he and the guy slowly become friends
will learns that he’s a runaway too and for some reason he has to hide his face at all times, something about people looking for him
”aw c’mon your face can’t be that bad” ”trust me, it is”
will’s parents tell him that the other kingdom settled on will marrying their son once he was found and will is not happy
king hades says that if prince will is insistent on refusing, he will look for another suitor from a better kingdom and this makes wills parents even more stressed because they cannot let this opportunity slip away, though will is still reluctant
so will rants about his problems to his newfound friend since he seems pretty trustworthy, about how he’s heard of horrible things about the other family and so on, but the guy seems to get annoyed by him, though he won’t tell will why
once or twice nico pulls him away to hide from something, though he won’t tell will what it is
will also notices that this guy is almost always injured and tired, to which the guy usually explains with ”bounty hunting”, which makes will a bit unsettled
eventually, will realizes that he doesn’t even know this guy’s name and confronts him about not telling will anything
”you helped me. let me return the favor already, aren’t we friends?” ”since when?”
so now will is pissed
he lashes out at the guy, pulling back his hood, and gets a glimpse of the guy’s face and- oh- oh wow
so not only does this guy look like a corpse, but he looks genuinely confused as to why will is angry
they make up and apologize, but the guy won’t tell will anything other than that his name’s nico
the prince of the di angelo family still hasn’t been found, and a bounty’s been offered for whoever can find him and return him safely to his family, including the prince’s hand in marriage
will is now super determined and devoted since, even though he’s against the idea, his family’s kingdom will be guaranteed health and prosperity if he finds the prince
will asks nico to help him, as he’s more experienced, and he’s hesitant at first, but willing once will explains the circumstances
nico leads the way, as he ”knows where to look”, and will is confused, but trusts him nonetheless
along the journey, nico seems to become more confident: letting his hood down, talking and planning with will more often, and will realizes that he’s falling for nico, and he’s falling hard
he chides himself as he is quite literally searching for his future husband with this guy, but oh gods this guy looks like an angel and he’s exceptionally cute and so nice and so smart an ”shut the fuck up brain” ”what” ”nothing”
and will’s left brain is dragging him out of those waters, but nico laughs once and it’s over
so it’s been a week of walking and they haven’t found the prince, asked for advice from anyone, or anything else aside from following nico’s lead
will’s suspicious, but nico tells him not to worry about it
at this point, will is convinced that he’s in love with nico, and that he’d even settle with seeing him just once a month, as friends and nothing else, but he knows that this new family won’t be as loose with their customs and appearances
nico tells will that ”they’ve arrived”, and will finds himself standing in front of king hades’s palace
will starts freaking out, telling nico to turn back as they are walking into the palace with no prince to coolect a bounty for, to which nico just tells will to follow him
will expects the servants and guards to kick them out, but they just nod and whisper to one another
they reach the throne room and will is pleading nico to turn back, in fear of execution, but nico just walks in, dragging will behind him
nico bows down to the king, as does will, but introduces will as having brought him here, though nico was the one leading
will doesn’t dare look up from the floor
the king accepts this and thanks will for rescuing the prince, to which will tentatively asks where the prince is
”you brought him here. you, of all people, must know”
will still doesn’t understand, to which the king just gestures to nico
[will.exe has encountered an error, please do not turn off your computer]
commence will going batshit crazy in his head as he comprehends what he’s hearing, and what he’s been doing this whole time
the king goes easy on nico, as the prince's disappearance was not told of to the public until the bounty went up in an attempt to not cause a scene, but he makes nico promise that he won’t pull a stunt like that again
they’re escorted to private quarters, and nico confesses that he had ran away once he’d learned of his sister’s death, and had been living on the streets since, only returning in an effort to help the one friend he had
will is angry at first that nico had kept so much secret, but calms once he hears nico explain, and once he realizes he’ll be able to spend the rest of his life with his best friend and crush
nico asks will if he’s okay with going through with the marriage, as will had adamantly objected before, but he obliges this time, to which nico can’t help but smile
turns out the king is holding his annual banquet the next day, and it’ll only be heightened by the prince’s return
will asks nico to dance with him in preparation for the banquet, nico accepts with a kiss on will’s hand, and they dance together, stepping on each other’s toes, and laughing from the exhilaration of having finally made it
jesus this was much longer than i expected
hope yall fuckers are happy, and if you’re not, i sincerely apologize
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graveyarddeer · 4 years
Mmmmm bad night so anyway daily reminder
Dont let others police you for your identity or anything. As long as you arnt hurting anybody, fucking exist. Exist to spite the world, spite at ppl who say you cant and tell them that you've gotten this far, you will survive longer.
If you want to find a reason to live, choose spite.
Also, ppl who do not fit in the usual gender norm deserve to exist. It does not matter whether or not a piece of paper says ehat you were at birth. It does not matter what clothes you wore what you were younger, what your name was, or anything.
They existed. They continue to exist. And anyone who says otherwise can fuck right off. Whether or not you're trans, nonbinary, or have a gender or multitude of genders that don't fit society's norm, you fucking exist. No swine on the internet can say otherwise. You're breathing. You've existed this far.
If you want a reason to continue, choose spite.
Also TERFs are just transphobes trying to hide themselves as fighters for women's rights. Dear terfs, you dont fucking care about womens rights. If you fucking cared, we would be hearing more about women getting rights, getting more protections, corrupt companies that benefit off the suffering of women getting shut down, but we dont. All we see are yall being vile and hateful, trying to push down others for fucking existing. Almost like yalls oppressors. Trauma is a healing process and there's a reason 'break the cycle' exists. How about yall sit down, and breath. Drink some water. Eat something. And take a break.
Life is a shitstorm, but its up to us to figure out how we'll approach it. I personally choose to be happy, to accept ppl for how they are. I may not get along with many, but i still met them and i cherish all since thats just another human being who has lived a life thst i have not seen, have gone through hardships i have not witnessed. And im proud of them for surviving this long. Qnd it makes me pissed off ehen they choose to face the world in anger, in hatred. It sickens me when they beat down others for existing.
Fuck yall, if you do that. Not even just terfs at this point, if youre racist, antisemitic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, or an exclusionary in any way, fuck you. You choose to face the world with hatred, with anger, and it fucking sickens me.
Anyway, rant over, im fucking tired and mildly annoyed. Hope yall have a nice day/night/evening
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