#just saw someone saying that about floods in florida
sapphic-schizo · 1 year
why do people always say "literally no news outlets are covering this" and then u search it and find like every news outlet has published articles about it....
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ilypaigebuckets · 4 months
Jet Set - Paige Bueckers x Reader
this idea is from @princessrailgun-blog !! i hope you like this 🥲😛
plot: y/n attends university in windham, connecticut (semi close to storrs) and is on a flight from florida back to connecticut! on this flight she meets paige and the rest of the uconn wbb team
Your leg shook as you anxiously waited for your plane to board. You had only been on one solo flight before, that being your flight to Florida only a week prior. Flying alone had probably been one of the most nerve wracking experiences of your entire life, but it ended up being a fun experience. You’d flown to Florida to enjoy a girl’s trip with some of your friends from high school. While it was a memorable and fun experience, you definitely were not looking forward to this flight back.
“Now boarding Group B! Boarding for Group B!” You groaned. Of course they would call your group before you’d finished mentally preparing yourself. You stood up and grabbed your carry on tote bag, and got in the line. In front of you seemed to be a sports team, because they were all wearing similar colors and warm ups. They were chatting amongst themselves until you saw out of the corner of your eye someone staring at you. She was the tall blonde girl of the group. You weren’t sure if she was making fun of you in her head, judging you, or something else so you decided to give a classic little wave and a “Hi!”
She seemed surprised and stuttered a bit as she began speaking, “Uhhh hi! I’m Paige, nice to meet you!” You smiled at her and just nodded, you being shy and not really knowing what to say. “You going to Connecticut too?” She asked you. You looked at her and giggled. “Doesn’t this flight only go to Connecticut?” Paige’s eyes widened and she wanted to choke herself for saying something that sounded so dumb. “Oh. Yeah. Right. Haha, just messing with you.” You shook your head as she winked at you. The line kept moving and it was finally your turn to board. You showed your boarding pass to a flight attendant and she directed you to your seat: 35A. You were pretty happy with your seat (it was a window seat!) and it only had another seat next to it instead of the usual 3-seater. You put your bag in front of you and slid into your seat.
Then, you saw the same pretty blonde girl walk up. She looked at you then back down at her boarding pass. “I guess your stuck with me for this flight, I’m sorry about that!” You rolled your eyes and just smiled at her. With your nerves fading into oblivion you decided to be a little bold. “Don’t be sorry, I was hoping I could get to know you a little better.” Her cheeks got a little rosier and she looked the other way. “I’m Paige, by the way.” You extended your hand to her, “I’m Y/n! So were you in Florida for a school trip or something?”
“Sort of, I’m on the Uconn Basketball team and we played a game in Florida on Friday.”
“No way! That’s so cool! Did you guys win?”
“Yeah, we won. It was a pretty easy game honestly, but uh you should come see for yourself sometime. What part of Connecticut are you in?”
“I’ll have to see, definitely ;). I’m in Windham, that’s not too far right?” Suddenly the plane started to take off and it bolted down the runway. All your nerves flooded back to you and you froze in your seat. Paige looked over at you worriedly, “Y/n? Hey, you ok?” You nodded and tried your best to fake a smile at her. “I’m fine, just a little freaked out by planes is all.”
Paige nodded and looked down at your hand. Would that help you? If she squeezed your hand? She thought about the pros and cons of her boldness. She could squeeze your hand and you would either be forever grateful and in debt to her and fall in love with her, or you would think she’s a total weirdo and in that case she could just never talk to you again after she got off that plane. Paige decided to follow through on her bold move and reached down to squeeze your hand. Your palms were sweating with nervousness. She rubbed her thumbs against the outside of your hand in an effort to calm you down.
“I know touching pressure points can help with nerves sometimes, I get it. Take some deep breaths I promise you’re gonna be safe. You need some water.” You just shook your head and stared at her. “No, I’m good. I just really don’t wanna look out the window right now.” Paige nodded her head, she knew you needed a distraction to help you calm down a bit. “Okay, I gotcha. Just look at me then. Wanna play 20 questions? That way I can get to know the brain behind that pretty face.”
You weren’t sure if Paige was flirting with you organically or if it was just in an effort to calm you down. Either way you appreciated it, and found yourself immersed into the game of 20 questions with her. You learned about how she grew up in Hopkins, Minnesota. How her favorite color was purple. How she’d torn her ACL and how hard it was to recover from that for her. You told her a lot about yourself as well. From where you grew up, to your family life, your college experience, your favorite color, favorite food, you name it she was asking you about it.
“Attention passengers,” said the flight attendant on the intercom, “we are getting ready to descend into Connecticut. Please put your seatbelts back on and thank you for flying with us today!” You frowned. It had been 2 and a half hours already? That was weird. Talking with Paige seemed like it only lasted minutes.
“Awe, already? Man, I’m not ready to stop talking with you! I still had more questions to ask you!” Paige threw her hands in the air jokingly and slouched in her seat. You giggled at the girl’s antics. “Well, the flights not over yet. I think we have time for a couple more questions.”
Paige smirked at you. “Well I’ve only got one left for you right now, Y/n.”
“And what is that, Paige?” Paige leaned in close and
“When am I invited to Windham to see you again?”
You blushed and laughed nervously. “Well that just depends. When are you going to ask me out on a date?”
“As soon as we land.”
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newobsessioneveryweek · 5 months
Hey y'all who are keeping up with this, here's another one of these random updates on my Connor fic. It's, uh, going slowly but have faith 🙏 I still think about it so it's gonna get done eventually! Trust!
I don't have an official title for it yet so I'm just gonna call it Road Trip To Florida for now lol
Start of sneak peak
The walk to the Waffle House was short, quiet, and uncomfortable. It was early morning so thankfully there were very few pedestrians but no one Connor could recognise and, even better, no one who recognised him. When they got to the restaurant, though, an influx of memories came flooding back- good ones this time! Well, bittersweet ones which was as good as they came in this town.
The place was an average diner-style building with booths all along the walls and a counter at the back. The smell of sweet waffles and maple syrup wafted in the air and sent pangs of nostalgia poking at his heart. When they walked in Connor heard a gasp and turned to the counter. There he saw a tall teenage boy barely older than himself with tied up black hair and dark eyes wide with recognition. “It can't be,” he said with a hint of wonder. “Connor Stoll?”
Connor smiled for the first time in two weeks. “Hey, Andy,” he said.
Andrés grinned at him. “It is you, isn't it?” He turned around and called out to someone in the storage room. “Ey, Miguel! You won't believe who's here!”
The other patrons turned to look at the commotion but Andrés didn't seem to care. Next to him, Will shuffled his feet awkwardly and studied the floor while Nico glared at the customers staring at them.
“Who is it!” came Miguel's reply.
“It's Connor!”
“Get out!” Connor heard a small crash from the other room then frantic scrambling before Miguel burst from the doorway. His eyes were wild and his short curly hair messy as ever. The second he saw Connor standing in the entrance he bounded over and crushed him in a hug. Connor tried to say “hello” or something along the lines of a greeting but he couldn't breathe so he settled for a friendly pat on the back.
Miguel called him something very rude in Spanish before letting him go, giving Connor's lungs a chance to recover. In more polite terms, he said, “Where the hell have you been, man? It’s been like ten years!”
Connor stopped himself from saying “clown college” to satisfy the running joke they had that he would one day run away with the circus and just decided to be almost-truthful about whereabouts since actually running away. “Travis and I are in New York now. It's kind of been a permanent thing, you know?” They both nodded. Gods he missed these guys. If it weren't for the monsters chasing them across the country, he and Travis probably would have just stayed with them and their aunt for the past ten. As it stood, though, he hoped they didn't ask too many questions. It would just hurt to answer without being able to tell them the whole truth. “But enough about me, how have you guys been? How's Tía Julia?”
“She's great, prickly as ever.” Miguel said, rolling his eyes and Andrés snickered.
“You were always her favourite, as soon as you left she was out for our asses all the time, wouldn't let us get away with anything anymore!”
Connor laughed but his heart fluttered. Hearing that he was someone's favourite reassured him that he must have been doing something right at least. “Oh come on, Tía Julia is a saint, you guys are just nothing but trouble for the poor woman,” he joked and Miguel punched him lightly in the arm.
“Chupamedias,” Miguel grumbled but gave him a lighthearted grin.
“You haven't changed a bit, Con.”
Will and Nico didn't seem to know what to do with themselves among the company so Connor decided to introduce them to clear the awkwardness a bit. “These are my friends, Will and Nico. We're just here to… visit Will's cousins.”
Will's eyes shot up from the floor and he held out his hand politely for a handshake, smiling sweetly. “Nice to meet you.”
Miguel frowned at it. “No ese, we don't shake hands here.” He yanked Will's outstretched hand and pulled him in for just as crushing a hug as Connor received. The boy's face turned red from the lack of air and Connor forced down a laugh at the way Will's eyes almost bugged out of his head. “If you're friends with Connor you're close to family. And family don't shake hands.”
Will wheezed out an affirmative.
Andrés shook hands with Nico, probably sensing the son of Hades' off-putting demeanour around strangers. “Nice to meet you, Nico. I'm Andrés, and el tonto over there is my brother Miguel.”
Miguel let go of Will and yelled at his brother for the nickname. Connor took in the interaction with longing for a second before Will asked, once his chest recovered, “I’ve never been here, do you only sell waffles?”
Miguel whipped around with an expression of something like embarrassment. “Ay, my apologies, new customers! He handed them a menu he'd materialised and pointed to a booth in the far corner. “Take a seat and I'll be right with you! I just have to, uh, clean up at the back.”
He scurried off to the storage room. Connor suddenly remembered the small crash he heard earlier and chuckled to himself.
Andrés rolled his eyes again and shook his head good-naturedly. “El tonto.” He smiled at Connor once more before he walked back to the counter. “Come say goodbye when you're done.”
Connor nodded in response because if he had spoken at that moment he would have cried.
“Are they always like that?” Nico asked once they slid into the booth.
“Like what?” Connor asked just to be difficult as he perused the menu. He wasn't going to order anything, but it was nice to look at the familiar pictures.
“I don't know,” Nico said. “Energetic? Intense?”
“Friendly?” Will supplied.
Connor glanced up from the beverage list. “Since we were kids,” he admitted fondly.
End of sneak peak
I hope you enjoyed what you read so far! There are other snippets lurking around here somewhere if you're interested ☺️
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cursedpinterest · 2 years
the thing that makes me so annoyed about pinterest is that its made up mostly of kids who were regarded as so funny in kindergarten for whatever reason and internalized that as their only personality trait and later saw tumblr screenshots and because they didn't have any actual natural humor they decided the real way to be funny is just to be insanely hostile and #random to complete strangers. if I have to see one more kid repeating the "theres a headless corpse in the dumpster behind payless" joke on random comments from people who don't care, i'm gonna explode. please. please just look into how to develop social skills. there are worksheets free online I promise its okay to use them.
part 2 of what makes pinterest annoying is that nobody on that website knows what bait is and takes everything completely seriously and at face value and has absolutely no critical thinking skills and doesn't know how to absorb information and create their own opinions based off of that, they just believe everything they're told as long as it makes a little bit of sense to them. it doesn't have to make sense in the real world (ex: people identifying as animesexual or furries demanding litter boxes in school bathrooms), it just has to be ridiculous so they can react strongly to the idea rather than the actual reality of it. its also a dangerous mindset when you get real deep into it because it means they take whatever bait they can - and that's a tactic. there's tons of people who comment stuff on tiktoks like "fat women can't pull off short skirts or crop tops" or "you can't dance i bet you can't do this provocative dance" and they take the bait so easily because they've been taught that its funny to #own bigots and idiots online, and being funny is more important being safe. its genuinely horrifying.
omg the bait thing is so real. like people just farm outrage clicks and comments to get more traction and views, you see this a lot on facebook and twitter too, like someone saying something very obviously egregious and millions of people flood the comments in a huff. or they do that thing where they're like "omg people are so stupid how do you not know that miami is the capital of florida", which is just BEGGING for people to go into the comments to correct them like "ummm actually the capital of florida is tallahassee so actually you're stupid", falling into the OP's engagement trap hook, line, and sinker. its very competitive, people don't know how to let things go, they HAVE TO correct and one-up others and feel smarter than them, even when other people have commented the same thing already. they have to let their voice be known, even if its saying the exact same thing as thousands of others. individualism at its finest.
and honestly, i get it. it's hard to pull away, see something batshit and not respond. its hard bc people on pinterest are so naïve, but that's just a symptom of having a userbase consisting of mostly older conservatives and very young teens that happen to intersect at times. it ties into whole the #owning bigots thing too, like they'd rather make fun of obviously terrible people then help or support people that are being targeted. like ok, you hate terfs. now what do you do to support trans people outside of making memes about how terfs suck? this is why that stupid harry potter game is still trending, bc people refuse to block, ignore, mute stupid terfs who are chomping at the bits for a fight and have to argue with them and make memes, which is only aggravating it's notoriety.
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desertleviathan · 10 months
I'm having entirely too much fun designing a fake amusement park for a Changeling: the Dreaming campaign that I'll probably never get to run.
The rough idea is that in the window between Disneyland opening in California and Disneyworld in Florida, a couple of brothers with big dreams for the future of amusement parks tried to do their own thing in the Palm Beach County area (where I grew up, so I'm more familiar with the map), but the only people they could get to fund it were a Texas oil tycoon, and his wife who had ambitions in the burgeoning televangelist business, and those two insisted that the park have a Bible theme.
As usual, a giant wall of text after the cut.
It got built on a parcel of dredged out swampland, saw a trickle of interest, and eventually got shut down due to some tragic accidents (possibly caused by sabotage). There was definitely some kind of power struggle between the creators, the owners, the staff, and some outside forces. So now it's the mid 90's and this place has been sitting there for over 20 years getting reclaimed by the swamp, only getting visited by teenagers to leave graffiti and battered by the occasional hurricane. But the Changeling folk of the region know that something sinister is going on out there, because particularly weird and dangerous Chimera keep emerging from that part of the Everglades, and after a brief initial investigation they'll narrow down the search for the source to somewhere inside the park grounds.
As someone with complicated feelings about his own Christian upbringing, I'm trying to thread the needle here on making this place feel in poor taste but also feel like you could imagine why someone would have thought it was an appropriate devotional act, through a lens of too much money and too little sense. I don't want it to just be seething, caustic parody. That's too easy. I want it to look and feel like you can imagine someone building this and saying "This is good. We're doing the LORD's work here," without them being a complete foaming-at-the-mouth strawman.
Current planned attractions (names are placeholders):
THE BEGINNING: A roller coaster with a bunch of Creation of the World decorations. The most popular ride back when it was open, because the Bible elements were the least intrusive.
THE GARDEN: An Eden-themed food court area, overlooking a small zoo. The valuable animals were sold ages ago, but that doesn't stop rumors of an escaped tiger still alive in the swamp.
THE FLOOD: A riverboat ride that was built on the other side of the zoo so that Eden's animals could also be the Ark's animals.
THE TOWER: An incomplete attraction used as a storage silo, because someone was clever enough to say "Hey maybe... maybe we shouldn't re-build the Tower of Babel? How about we don't do that" once all the disasters started happening and people started getting superstitious about this place.
THE NATIVITY: A train ride that allegedly charts the course of the Wise Men on their search for the infant Christ, but it also includes a bunch of Western Christmas/Winter Festival crap that would have been totally out of place in Bethlehem.
THE CULMINATION: A "dark ride" that's the Big Money item in the park, full of top of the line animatronics (circa 1966) recreating events from the Last Supper up to the Resurrection. Log Flume style, because the worst thing I could think of was having the customary huge drop where your picture is taken while you're descending so they can sell you a souvenir photo, and placing it right after the scene at Golgotha. You know the one.
THE FABLES: So let's say you're a parent and you figure that your pre-schooler is probably not ready to see glitchy animatronics recreate the Crucifixion. Congratulations, you're officially Not The Worst Parent Ever! This part of the park is basically a big playground for little little kids, themed with explicitly Christian interpretations of Aesop's Fables. Big emphasis on the Fable of the Grasshopper and the Ants (with a whole cast of different ants with one personality trait each), who also roam the park as costumed mascots.
THE KINGDOM: The central structure in the park is a big white castle in terrible disrepair. It used to house a bunch of shops and an information kiosk, a luxury restaurant, and park offices upstairs. I may lift the floorplan for Cinderella's castle more or less exactly. This place was built in explicit response to Disneyland, after all. There is also a carousel in this area featuring biblically accurate angels, that is probably the most haunted thing in this whole place.
THE END: Another dark ride, this one themed around the Book of Revelation, and all the wildly apocryphal notions of the Rapture that have proliferated in the Evangelical world. The one ride that was intended to be a haunting nightmare vision, but comes across as kitschy and silly instead.
THE FRONTIER: The Texas oil tycoon who funded the whole thing insisted that there be an Old West Town. And then his wife insisted that it still be a Christian Old West Town, about how America is the New Chosen Land and the conquest of the continent was Ordained by God. I'm still figuring out the details. Treatment of indigenous people would be at best a token mention of benevolent missionaries bringing them into the fold, and ignore all the genocide.
THE LEGACY: A walking trail with dioramas about the journeys of Paul of Tarsus. If I cast aside my goal of presenting something authentic to the cultures and time period involved and decide to editorialize instead, it will probably be here. I have opinions about the writings of Paul, and the legitimacy thereof.
THE HEROES: A Hall-of-Presidents style animatronic theater experience featuring various prophets, apostles, and other notable figures giving brief summaries of their experience. Near the entrance, the most heavily vandalized structure in the park.
So this place would have been enough of a mindfuck when it was active, but now it's had a couple decades of getting battered by the elements and vandalized by local kids, and it's just a horrific mess. And the Changeling game would be about investigating the nightmare spirits emerging from the place, but also investigating the origins of the park in the nearby city, finding and interviewing people who were involved in its creation, hunting for blueprints in city archives to find secret passages/access tunnels that bypass some of the ruined bits, and trying to penetrate to whatever inner sanctum is churning out all these Nightmare Spirits.
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aceontheline · 1 year
Love is in Bloom (Mass x Florida: Pt 8)
C//W: Panic Attacks, Violence (Fighting)
One afternoon after a Table Meeting, Florida got a message from his friend, Louisiana to meet up with him afterward. This was now becoming a pattern and Florida wanted to know why Massachusetts was never invited to these little get-togethers. Mass was important to Florida, seeing how they've been dating for quite some time now. Not to mention how poorly Louisiana spoke of Mass a lot of the time as well. Florida had plenty of ammunition to speak with Loui about and he did just that. He knocked on Loui's door, leaning against the door frame. Loui looked up and saw Florida looking at him with a stern look. One that read "You're in trouble". Loui asked Florida if he was okay and went up to him.
"Why is it that you only want to hang out with me in private now? And so frequently too? Mass is my boyfriend, so he should be allowed here" Florida said in an accusing manner. Loui shook his head.
"You wouldn't get it, Sha. Do ya wanna hang out or not?" Loui asked, getting slightly irritated now.
"Try me. Gov says shit all the time that I don't quite get, but I have to translate it so my head can understand it. Just tell me-"
"I like you! Like... A whole lot, Sha" Loui responded, looking Florida in the eyes.
Florida understood that part. A little too well, in all actuality. He looked at Loui in shock, then calmed down a bit, sighing heavily. "Well, that's a problem" Florida said matter of factly, re-emphasizing that Mass was his boyfriend now. Loui angrily stated that he knew this already, and that he had a feeling that his love was extremely one sided. He explained that he couldn't make sense of his own feelings about Florida, since he wanted the two of them to remain friends, but his feelings had escalated to romantic ones now. Wanting to hold Florida close to him at night, watching movies together and going on dates.
"I don't know what you want me to tell you, Loui. I'm with-"
"I KNOW you are. But since WHEN are YOU loyal?! Remember Caitlin? You cheated on her cuz you wanted an out-"
Florida was immediately seething in anger, as he smacked Louisiana across the face. Loui stepped back in mild shock, then took a swing. His fist connected with Florida's face almost instantly. The two lunged forward and began punching and kicking each other, slamming each other into surfaces. Florida landed a pretty gnarly punch to Loui's face, blackening his eye up and nearly breaking his nose. Louisiana also roughed Florida up pretty bad, blackening an eye as well and nearly busting his cheekbone. Some of the other states saw this going down and were egging on the fight, but two people stepped up to try and separate them.
Gov pulled Louisiana away and immediately dragged him into his room. New York pulled Florida away and slammed the door behind him. He crossed his arms, looking at Florida up and down, asking what the hell happened. Florida explained everything and New York just sighed and shook his head. "Unrequited love. I know how that is" York said, sitting down at the edge of Florida's bed. He explained that he knew someone from his old days that fell for him, but York didn't feel the same way in return. York said that she was fine now, but it took her a while to get over the feelings of rejection. Florida put his phone into "Do Not Disturb" mode and told New York to leave. York agreed to, only after patching Florida up first.
After a few hours of silence and falling asleep for a while, Florida switched his phone back to normal... A huge flood of texts came in from Massachusetts. Some of them were panicked and concerned, asking if he was okay and that he heard about the fight between him and Loui. Then the texts evolved into angry ones: "How long does it take you to answer me?", "Did you fuckin' get concussed or something?", amongst other texts that sounded angry. Concluding with one that Mass wanted to see him and that he was on his way. Right as Florida read that last text and heard Mass knocking on his door...
Shit. The panic was starting. Florida's chest rose in and out way too quickly and breathing was becoming more and more difficult. He was sweating profusely and he felt like the world around him was about to cave in on itself. Florida felt horrifically sick, like he was about to vomit or pass out. Or both. Mass kept pounding on the door and Florida was only spiraling further and further.
"LEAVE ME ALONE, CAITLIN-!" Florida exclaimed, tears in his eyes, legitimately sounding terrified.
Just then, Mass stopped pounding on the door and covered his mouth in shock. He realized what he was doing and sunk to the floor in terror. "Shit shit... What did I do?" Mass asked himself, nearly crying his eyes out. Mass texted Florida saying that he'd give him some space and immensely apologized.
"I know you won't forgive me, and I don't expect you to. But just know that I am SO. Sorry. I will try my damn hardest to make this up to you. I'll be available when you need me" Mass texted. Florida was still calming himself down from the panic attack.
"I'll let you know when I want to see you again" Florida replied.
Mass didn't reply. He knew he didn't need to. Florida calmed himself down by listening to music and watching some T.V later by himself.
-----------------------3 Days Later-----------------------
Mass was practically glued to his phone for 3 days, waiting for Florida to say something. Anything. He held in his panic as best as he could, just stating to himself that Florida needed time to recover after such a fucked up turn of events. Mass, after a few more hours, had gotten his wish. Florida told him to meet up with him in his room. Mass nodded and calmed himself down while walking to Florida's room. The door was already slightly open so Mass let himself in, waving to Florida. Mass sighed heavily and stood at the doorway. Florida cued him in, patting the edge of the bed. Mass slowly made his way into Florida's room, sitting right where Florida wanted him to.
"Start explaining yourself" Florida demanded.
"That's just it. I don't think I can. The only thing I can offer you is context. My ex, Darren... He would go DAYS without so much as even a text back. I found out days later that he cheated on me with someone from his workplace. He wouldn't text me because he was out on dates and fucking this chick behind my back. I guess I got paranoid cuz you weren't answering but... You have NO reason to do that to me. You're super sweet, caring, patient, and loyal. I love you to death, Flo. And I'm so fucking sorry" Mass replied, his head in his hands.
"It'll take me a while, but... For what it's worth, I forgive you" Florida said sternly.
Mass nodded and asked if he could give Florida a hug. Florida shook his head "No" but said that he could hold his hand. Mass nodded and held Florida's hand with the tight grip that he grew to love. It's the same one that made Florida feel safe and sound. Right now, Florida felt conflicted, as Mass's hands also broke down the door because he didn't answer texts right away. Florida looked at his lover, sitting further away and looking away. He couldn't stand this tension anymore, so he pulled Mass in for a light hug. It eventually turned into a firm hug with each other's heads on their shoulders. Florida's head leaned against Mass's broad, somewhat toned shoulder.
"Mass... We both need help, don't we?" Florida asked, sounding despaired.
"Yeah, but who doesn't need help these days?" Mass replied in a semi joking manner. "But seriously, I agree. You wanna look into couple's therapy or something? Individual?" Mass asked, still hugging Florida.
"... Yes. I think we should do both" Florida replied.
Mass agreed and asked Florida to "hang tight" as he ran back to his room and grabbed a small book. In this book contained numbers for past therapists that Mass had dealt with for individual reasons. Mass kept having to switch therapists because he kept moving out before settling into the current Statehouse in D.C. He called the last one he visited and left a message, letting the therapist know that he would need any and all relevant documents, as Mass would be seeing a new therapist soon.
Florida and Mass had a lot of work to do together in therapy, but they felt like both forms would help them edge out their own traumas and work on their relationship so nothing like this would happen again.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We actually have had enough time now we're still in the meeting but I will give him a rundown
-the mini cars sales including Fiat which jumped up to 20 trillion and they sell one for like 12 overseas and less in other countries but still expensive there it's kind of a status symbol for minis and the same size with they're actually larger than what you saw the other day it's a nice car it's fast and handles well including his it's like 200 trillion have been made between last week and this week and we expect to hit around 4:00 or 500 trillion by Friday that is a lot of cars and they ran all weekend. If it keeps going at this rate Florida will be flooded with these probably 3 weeks from now but you'll start seeing them in a week and probably see them next Monday. He says that they should put them at tourist places and they should rent them some of them are small like the Mexican one no there's there's some small ones. The fiance actually very small but it cost a lot of money and they're expensive to rent but they're thinking about it cuz some of the minis are cheaper like making Merkel and ours are cheaper than hers and they're decent and he says that would be great to put his there and people may encourage that
-sales of the electric motorcycle and now they've changed over to gas they sold like 20 trillion electric and they went great and they ran great and people said no they kept on failing because of emitters and magnets which apparently are everywhere cuz they scan and they made about 100 trillion the end of last week and this week that's a lot and they're opening more factories the reason why this is selling so much is because it's a basic design it looks like supermoto it's a little smaller and it's bigger than a Grom by far it's not as big as a Kawasaki I think it was a 400 he was on and it's it's not shaped like the one the smaller one 300 it's kind of like the size of a Honda rebel but it's a supermoto and it's nice it's really great it's a great bike and it is a 300cc and that's another reason it actually goes it's got about 17.5 horsepower is as much as that Yamaha and it doesn't really look like that it looks like a adventure bike without the boxes which is really super Moto and it's smaller so people who are smaller can get on it and that's why it's selling the other bikes are too big the sport bikes are too big for chrissy. And she likes this bike a lot and she had a tough time today at work and it's not her fault and our son knows it he just doesn't know what it was and hoping someone would tell him and says they're fighting and there's too many people and he understands it a little cuz Trump was running off and he could actually talk to her to make it worse so he kind of gets it it's tough though he's going to try tomorrow and see but he sent an email so they're fighting over that it's horrible who cares he says just trying to get me there you idiots in the mall all they do is embarrass themselves and set themselves up they never get anywhere. They're kind of pissed off about that but that's their problem. And the motorcycles are selling great we think maybe 200 trillion more no total by the end of this week the reason is he's spending a lot of time opening new factories and spreading his people out and next week maybe 500 trillion and he's taking this motorcycle thing by storm and our son says that once you get factories going to meet demand which might never happen everyone's looking for the size bike and I try to express it and I just got it and we went the wrong way a little bit they're looking for a dirt bike this size too he knows what to do you saying don't break your nail and I don't intend to. And it's going on now that we have a lot of people who are looking for the spike and they can't seem to get it they can't seem to make enough and he's not really subbing it out yet and we're not really making it yet
-we have a few more things the kit cars amazingly enough the Rolls-Royce is it number one seller for luxury cars number two is Bentley and the other ones are now being made Mercedes has a luxury car Cadillac has one and Lincoln and the top of the line and they're expensive and a whole bunch of other manufacturers globally they're not super cars or sports cars it's a different breed but this Rolls-Royce that we helped making zigzag design is intense and it's selling like madness and our son and daughter and zig and zag are buying more of the wooden cars and putting them out there with an advertisement and BG gets a bunch of the cars when he makes sales he sells 200 he gets like two and really he loves it these are real rolls royces and it's awesome because he's his sales technique has sold probably 15,000 it's a lot of rolls royces these are top quality and they're made the way they rules Rolls-Royce makes them and right now he's sold about 500 million this week and 500 million last week and we're feeling the orders and their hand assembled handmade and we are going to probably hit the 1 billion mark tomorrow I mean that we'll have them made and there's more orders coming in it's simply going to be a huge seller are we started making the other models with kits and there are other manufacturers in total the Rolls-Royce cruiser including ours sold about 2 billion and we are the leading manufacturer but they're making them using machines and they look like knockoffs they're not waiting there's only one company making them by hand and they still don't come out right and that's Mike too they look odd and they don't look really s***** but they don't look great he kind of agrees but not formally. We're making the other models now we've made about 400 million of the other models combined and other people have made 1 billion and there's kind of suck and they're making the new one and we're not we're making the models that came before that and they're going to be the staple and half of them are switching over this week and telling Trump to screw his an idiot.
-is also other things that are happening people are deciding these retards need to leave they never do anything right and the max have lived by a staple of doing things that are special in different and above all others and find out these people complete crap
-we have a winner everyone thought it would be Ferrari everybody thought it would be Corvette it is something they were thinking and his son was thinking it and daughter-in-law and hers same people and it didn't do it. Come back and it is Porsche their number one with the kit cars everybody wants the new Porsche boxster it's insanity he knew he didn't eventually but this is hitting it and nothing looks great with a certain tail on it it is you put a whale tail that come stock and it's amazing it just looks really push and it has a lettering in the in the running lights in the brake lights it's accentuated when it hits the brakes that boy does that thing move too it's fast and it looks like a C1 it's not really but it's close it's extremely fast 380 mph with the VW beetle chassis at 120 horsepower. And that's the basic beetle motor they have one is 200 horsepower it was 480 mph and the hell is very sturdy it's made by German engineering and mostly us and we're pumping them out so far they've made about $480,000 but add three zeros and that's a lot it's only been like 2 days or one day of manufacturing and they are gearing up with about 20 plants and this is a super car really and it's small and the other Porsche is so very very fast so far 200 million but they're going to go faster cuz they're faster cars and they're really only doing them on BMW chassis and people will do it and you can order it on a Porsche chassis they decided.
-runner up is Mercedes in the supercar now the Porsche boxster kit only as like seven Grand the Porsche and a supercar is around $28,000 and the Porsche GT has around 14,000 not the Mercedes super car is around 45,000 for the kid only I'm just a little bit faster than the Porsche but it has a lot of niceties inside. And the GT is being made and it looks nice not like the odd one and it's great so far they've made about 500 million cars and it's just a start by the end of the week both companies will be up in the billions probably at least 100 billion each and they're going to be making tons of them and then just switch over to metal at some point and BMW as well is making the James Bond version and they have a couple other vehicles one of them is a supercar it goes for about 23,000 and that's just as fast as the Porsche out of the box and they're going to use a BMW chassis believe it or not it's of sedan and it has about 320 horsepower it is about 580 mph if you put the upgraded motor it's about 450 horsepower and it's a BMW sedan it goes about $780 mph it's about 30 mph faster than the Porsche with the similar motor these cars are very fast and their contenders definitely are with others
-the Corvette is the leading more or less super car sports car out there still considered to be a sports car when it is a supercar the way it's designed and the interior is Corvette it's not very ritzy but it's nice and it's comfortable and is made for speed. And our son and daughter say it is the best thing they've ever chosen to do they've made over 2 billion of these in 1 and 1/2 Weeks and are still opening plants and it takes time they have to hire tons of people that is a lot of cars and overall there are three billion kits and that's a lot too. And they say also it led into the Camaro and he gave out the design and the one that we're going to do and they made tons of them they are ready they made about 7 trillion of each Ford and the Chevy and it's the mustang and Camaro and it's a huge seller huge that you would not believe how many it is intense a total for both cars of all the manufacturers around 20 trillion that's very big and it's going to lead to other vehicles being made another seller which is a surprise
-the new Dodge charger which is a two-door is sold 8 trillion by us and the Challenger 7 trillion overall both cars is around 50 trillion and we're going to be making those they'll be made up by thursday. It's a huge seller and the new car that's smaller is a kit and it's made for like Dodge neon and Chevy bolts and things like that it's selling all over the place as a kit and these cars were talking about that sold are not kits we're assembling them fully which is weird but it sounds going but these cars are selling kits there's only a few of them that's all kiys too the Corvette and the Camaro and the mustang but the Mercedes the Porsche the BMW those are not selling kit cars but the American cars are and tons of them and the minis we're not selling kits anymore and nobody is 3 weeks ago Meghan Markle discontinued it the only ones doing in a small companies. There's some other cars but they have not come too far
Thor Freya
He's got an idea
Olympus we like it a lot
We're going to have to go on it I'm doing some work and others are too
uriel and goddess wife
I hope the outsell your idea with these small bully Dodge and we might call it that too it looks like a bully it gets out there and beats the street
So far we actually made the about 20,000 of them and it's getting out there that they're being made and people are buying them but like you said the girls love them and we have orders in for 500 million and we expect a lot more if they're showing the pictures some people project 200 billion by this Friday and that's a lot
Frank Castle hardcastle
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cliquestitsandicks · 2 years
Ok but a short film about a BLACK ON BLACK lesbian couple who was going to attend the family reunion together, but one of them dies a few months prior, aneurysm or something (hear me out). And she wasn’t “out” to her family. She wasn’t exactly in either though. They just never talked about it and never had to because she lived hundreds of miles away and saw them maybe once a year.
Her girlfriend doesn’t really know how to navigate it all. And when we see her it’s always like she’s a bit distracted, like something else always has her attention. You don’t see her give in to the grief fully, just a few tears here and there before she’s off again doing something we can’t see off camera. She doesn’t have many numbers for the family of her girlfriend, but she calls the one she does have to let them know. They insist on taking care of the funeral arrangements. She doesn’t care about that though. She knows it doesn’t really matter. It’s a body in a hole in the ground, not the person, the spirit, she’d loved for so many years. She mourns with her own family as well as their found family and friends, but when she goes to the funeral, she just kinda sits on the end of third row, behind the parents & siblings on the first, aunts & uncles on the second, staring off into space because it’s all so surreal. They know she was important to her, just not how important. Well..except for one.
He’s the black sheep brother the parents are ashamed of for some dumbass reason. He arrives to the funeral late, smelling like a 8th and febreze, but freshly shaved and lined up with his best black button up, dry-cleaned slacks, patented leather shoes, and a black coat. It’s 90 degrees outside in this peninsula we call Florida. So the coat is out of respect. He doesn’t do suits, and fuck a tie, but this is Sis. He swags in walking to the front with all the “I dare somebody to say something” attitude he can muster and immediately spots her and where she’s seated versus where she should be. He stops and squats next to her countenance softened he gently grabs her hands and whispers “Trish?”. Travis. Her twin. “I’m so sorry.” He says the next part with a lump in his throat, “you don’t belong back here.” Then he stands up, pulling her up with him and wraps her in a tight embrace that reminds her so much of her girlfriend, floods her with so many memories, that she falls apart.
They pretty much stick by each other’s side at the afterparty (BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT A REPAST IS, FIGHT ME), the black sheep and the question mark - a pair of uncomfortable conversations in the flesh. Somehow the family reunion becomes a topic and she hears someone say “damn shame. She was coming this year for the first time in how long?” “Yeah and bought 2 tickets for the cruise”. She feels eyes on her, but still none come to express their condolences. She swears she feels Tracy’s touch before she hears Travis’s whisper “you good?” She squeezes his hand. They go.
She returns home and tries to resume life with a massive void. We see flashbacks of their sweet love story that ends with her curled up in their california king bed silently sniffling while the email with their cruise confirmation sits on the end table under Tracy’s favorite watch. The bed is way too big for just the two of them. Then we hear a knock on the door and it creaks open. She looks up, smiles through her tears “I didn’t say come in”. “Sorrrry”, a little girl about 4 peeps in, “can we sleep with you, mama?” Her brother, identical in every way but gender sticks his head in too, “pweease?” She pretends to really contemplate it, “just for tonight ok, then back to your own beds”. They trot in gleefully — him with a stuffed Simba, her with a stuffed Okoye. They climb in bed in front of her. The last image we see is where Tracy used to be on the other side of them, holding her wife’s hand (they’d made it official 6 months ago, on the little twins’ birthday).
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Hi, can you write a smutty Dean x Sam x reader where the reader is another hunter who has been hunting with them... then Dean and Sam come across her private diary and they plan to re-enact her fantasies about them with her xoxoxo
the POV is all over the place, but here you go… xoxo lemons
All hunters have somewhere to keep track of hunts, lore, tricks that worked and just plain weird stuff. Some keep their notes in a journal, some in a spiral bound notebook. One of the Florida nut jobs keeps his on a battered yellow legal pad that’s been spattered with were blood and ghoul guts, turning the pages brown and curling at the edges.
You keep yours in a basic hard-backed journal, the kind you get in the gift section at Walmart. This one caught your eye because it has a dark blue night sky printed on the outside, with tiny stars spangled across it. It reminds you of stargazing with your favorite hunters. Your favorite people, really. The Winchester brothers.
Sam and Dean would normally never read your journal, but after tonight’s hunt, in which the three of you took on a vamp nest and discovered that by adding rosemary to the cure potion you could reverse the effects of someone being turned even if you didn’t have the blood of the one that turned them, as long as you had some vamp blood to work with--you’d been tasked with writing down the new ratios in your journal and Sam asked Dean to get the recipe while you were washing the blood out of your hair in the motel bathroom.
Dean pages through the journal, looking for your recipe, when he stumbles on something he didn’t expect. Sometimes you get bored on the long drives from the bunker to the next job, and you let your imagination run away with you. You watch the sexiest men in America out of the corner of your eye and jot down thoughts of exactly what you’d like them to do to you if they ever saw you as a playmate instead of a work friend.
(smut under the cut)
How you’d like them to get a room with a single king sized bed for once, strip down and put you in the middle of a Winchester sandwich. You know they bring girls home and share them from time to time. What you wouldn’t give to be the one they set their sights on, feeling the rough calluses of four strong, capable hands running over your body, shivering under the attention of both brothers.
“Get this, Sam,” Dean growls as he reads from your private thoughts. “She’s ‘hungry to find out if our cocks are a perfect fit for her throat.” Damn. She wants to know if our cum tastes different.”
Sam whistles. “Never knew she was hiding all that. She’s usually all business.”
“I think she wants our business, if you know what I mean.” Dean leers at his brother.
“Yeah, Dean, I know what you mean,” Sam says with an exasperated, if fond, smile.
“So, you up for it? Should we mix business with pleasure?” Dean sidles up to Sam, puts his hand on hs crotch and squeezes. Sam shudders and goes for the buttons on his top layer.
“I’m game,” he says.
“Game for what?” You say, coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, another wrapped around your wet hair.
“We, uh, found your diary,” Dean says. “Dirty girl, you been holding out on us? Fantasizing about us?”
Your initial flash of embarrassment gives way to defiance. “Maybe. Why? You finally gonna do something about it?”
“Hell yes,” Sam promises, peeling off his outer shirt. He tugs the towel off your head and grabs you by the hair, not rough, but tight enough to feel, and guides you to the bed, where he sits you down on the dge. He nods at Dean. “You want first dibs?”
“Go ahead Sammy, I’ll watch.”
Sam yanks off his shirt. Your mouth goes dry at the expanse of rock-hard abs at your eye level, then floods with saliva when he flicks open his belt and fly. Looks like one of your fantasies is coming true. Sam’s cock is a tight fit, but you don’t give up easy. His hands tangle in your hair again, just this side of painful, encouraging you as you take him as deep as you can.
“Attagirl,” Dean says approvingly when you start choking but struggle through. “Big boy, isn’t he.”
Your eye are watering, but Sam tastes so good, you don’t want to stop. Your can feel yourself creaming up so much the towel under your ass is getting soaked, but you’ll worry about that later, right now you’re desperate for the sexy hunter to come down your throat. You suck like a pro, and Sam swears a blue streak, but pulls out at the last second.
“Yeah, money shot,” Dean says as Sam shoots his load onto your face and chest. “Dirty girls need to wear your come.”
“Fuck, she’s good at that,” Sam says breathlessly. “You want a try?”
“I’ll bet she wants something else,” Dean says, paging through the journal. “There’s a theme here—looks like she likes it hard from behind.”
You whimper. That sounds pretty fucking awesome right now. Your pussy’s throbbing and soaking wet. Sam pulls the towel around your body open, revealing your tits, nipples already standing to attention.
“That right? You want my brother to ream you from behind?” Sam asks, as he lazily swipes a thumb across first one hard nipple, then the other.
“Yes, please,” you say, womb clenching in anticipation. Sam squeezes your nipples between strong, long fingers until you’re practically squirting you’re so turned on. He lets go and the blood rushes back. You’re so stimulated you feel like you’ll come the moment Dean, now naked, gets inside you.
“Come on, dirty girl,” Dean says, slapping your thigh until you scramble up on all fours, just like you wrote about in your journal. He doesn’t bother to climb on the bed with you, just positions you at the edge of the mattress, lining up with your cunt and thrusting all the way to the hilt in one hard motion. You scream, coming like you knew you would. He chuckles and starts fucking you through your orgasm. By the time he’s done with you, you’re sweating and fuck-drunk, coming too many times to count. You roll over and see Sam sitting on the other bed, reading your journal with his hand around his dick. He looks over at you with a crooked grin. “You’re not tired yet, are you? You wrote about a lot more than that in your diary.”
“It’s a journal,” you say. “And I can go all night. Can you?”
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ask-the-usa-manor · 2 years
ok, i have to know. Please
So what sort of trauma does dad have?
Also how tall is everyone?
“Trauma?” Vermont asked with a frown, “I’m not sure if you’d call it trauma, but... Well, I guess participating in Dad’s wars wasn’t always pretty. Then I was there when the Hartford Railroad Disaster happened... Not fun to helplessly watch. The Flood of 1927 was terrible too. More recently, Tropical Storm Irene, but it’s not like I’m the only one to get affected by storms... I was pretty lonely for the majority of my childhood too, but I don't think that would be classified as traumatic. I’m pretty sure it didn't even leave any lasting effects—”
“Monty!” New Hampshire called, “We’re going to get some groceries. Do you want to come or just chill here by yourse—?”
“Are you sure? Nutmeg’s driving,” Massachusetts explained as he tied his shoe, a distant ‘Ay, f**k you! I’m a great driver!’ sounding in the distance from Connecticut.
“YepI’msuredon’tleavemealone!” Vermont begged as he scrambled to get ready to leave with them.
“Heights?” Rhode Island grumbled, “Not sure why it’s so important for you people, but I’m 5’—“
“That’s being generous,” Arizona interrupted, looking down at Rhode, “You’re like, what, 7 inches tall?
Rhode Island: 5’ and ready to kill.
Delaware: 5’1 and ready to be morally conflicted about the murder.
Connecticut: 5’3 1/2 and ready to be the getaway driver.
New Jersey: 5’3 3/4 and ready to dispose of the body.
New Hampshire: 5’4 and ready to frame someone else for the murder.
Vermont: 5’4 and ready to be framed by New Hampshire for murder.
Massachusetts: 5’4 and ready to set up a fake alibi for everyone involved in the murder.
Hawaii: 5’4 and ready to have a suspicion that Vermont’s innocent.
Maryland: 5’4 1/2 and ready to be the one who arrests Vermont.
West Virginia: 5’5 1/2 and ready to investigate the murder.
South Carolina: 5’6 and ready to accuse Vermont of murder in court.
Maine: 5’6 1/2 and ready to be Vermont’s lawyer.
Indiana: 5’6 1/2 and ready to sentence Vermont to thirty years in prison.
Kentucky: 5’7 1/4 and ready to be Vermont’s cellmate after being sentenced to fifteen years in prison for eating every bird he saw on the front lawn.
Tennessee: 5’7 3/4 and ready to begrudgingly visit Kentucky every other month.
Virginia: 5’7 3/4 and ready to offer assistance as a detective to Hawaii to see if her suspicions were true.
Ohio: 5’8 1/4 and ready to be the first person to get questioned by Hawaii and Virginia.
Pennsylvania: 5’8 1/2 and ready to warn Delaware about Hawaii and Virginia’s investigation after Ohio tells him about it.
Washington DC: 5’9 and ready to notice how nervous Delaware appears to be and ask him if everything’s alright.
Mississippi: 5’9 and ready to accidentally interrupt the conversation before Delaware cracks and confesses everything.
Louisiana: 5’9 1/2 and ready to carry a message to Rhode Island from Delaware that says Virginia and Hawaii are on their trail.
Alabama: 5’9 1/2, single, and ready to mingle.
Arkansas: 5’9 1/2 and ready to lend Virginia and Hawaii one of his retired police dogs to aid them in their investigation.
North Carolina: 5’9 1/2 and ready to give Alabama the worst dating advice in existence.
New York: 5’9 3/4 and ready to give Hawaii and Virginia their first piece of evidence that indicates Vermont might be innocent.
Iowa: 5’10 and ready to offer Alabama some popcorn and words of encouragement after Alabama’s date stormed off on him due to North Carolina’s terrible advice.
Illinois: 5’10 and ready to tell Rhode Island the perfect people to hire who could go after Virginia and Hawaii to throw them off of his scent.
Georgia: 5’10 1/2 and ready to give Alabama actual dating advice.
Wisconsin: 5’11 and ready to be one of the perfect people to be hired to go after Virginia and Hawaii to throw them off Rhode Island’s scent.
Florida: 5’11 and ready to be another one of the perfect people to be hired to go after Virginia and Hawaii to throw them off Rhode Island’s scent.
Missouri: 6’ and ready to set Alabama up with one of her friends.
Oklahoma: 6’ and ready to be the one who visits Vermont in jail and explains what Hawaii and Virginia are doing, including that he thinks the real murderer might of sent some people after them.
North Dakota: 6’ and ready to help Vermont and Kentucky make an escape plan so they can all ditch prison and help Hawaii and Virginia before it’s too late since North Dakota got arrested for drugs and had nothing else to do.
Washington: 6’ 1/2 and ready to give Alabama a high-five after his date went well.
South Dakota: 6’1 and ready to hide North Dakota, Vermont, and Kentucky from the cops.
Nebraska: 6’1 and ready to help Rhode Island hire an assassin to take down Virginia and Hawaii.
Kansas: 6’3 and ready to overhear Nebraska’s conversation and warn Virginia and Hawaii so they could lay low.
Idaho: 6’3 1/2 and ready to help Alabama pick out an engagement ring for his lover after two years of dating.
Utah: 6’4 and ready to officiate Alabama’s wedding.
Minnesota: 6’4 1/2 and ready to give Alabama a toaster as a wedding gift.
Michigan: 6’6 and ready to be the cop trying to track down the escaped inmates.
Wyoming: 6’6 1/2 and ready to be the one digging up more evidence that Vermont’s innocent for Virginia and Hawaii while they're laying low.
Oregon: 6’7 and ready to be the one who helps Wyoming piece the case together.
Colorado: 6’8 1/2 and ready to ignore all the storylines to just chill and smoke pot the entire time instead.
Nevada: 6’10 and ready to find Wyoming’s body after the assassin got to him and Oregon.
Arizona: 6’11 and ready to be the one Rhode Island originally murdered.
New Mexico: 7’ and ready to bring North Dakota, Vermont, and Kentucky back to jail.
Montana: 7’3 and ready to be the hired assassin.
California: 7’6 and ready to arrest Florida and Wisconsin for going after Virginia and Hawaii.
Texas: 8’8 and ready to arrest (with Michigan, Arkansas, and New Mexico’s help) Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, and Massachusetts after they were found guilty for the murders of Wyoming, Oregon, and Arizona after Vermont was proven innocent.
Alaska: 10’ and the ready to be the one Virginia and Hawaii go to to prove Vermont’s innocence.
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
I Promise (Part 1/2)
Pairing: Chris Beck x Reader Word Count: 4106 Warnings: fluff, smut, pregnancy
Summary: Before heading to Mars Chris Beck reconnects with his best friend, unaware of the outcome of their night together. With the burden of his mission will Chris make a promise he can’t keep?
A/N: My first Chris Beck fic! Rather than a really long one shot I’m splitting it into two parts. A big thank you to my love Allie @all1e23​​​ for beta reading 🍕❤️ gif source (x)
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The soft resonance of Chris’ voice brings tears to your eyes, ones you couldn’t help from slipping out. They fall down the curve of your cheeks past the uneasy smile you wore.
“I kept my promise,” he said. Chris flashed the top row of his bright white teeth, his mouth curving into a boyish smile that reached his eyes, the fine lines crinkling around them. He tilted his head as he looked at you through the screen, a comforting gaze that made you feel as if he was there with you. 
The quality of the video chat is near perfect making you almost forget Chris was millions of miles away. He looked the same, not that you expected him to look different. It had only been a few months since you last saw each other. 
His hair looks darker than usual but you suppose it’s the low lighting of the small room he’s in. He’s bundled up in a thick NASA sweatshirt and you can see several more layers he has on beneath the collar. Chris looks tired but that’s expected, what he’s doing right now is not a walk in the park. You know it’s the reason why it’s taken so long for him to contact you but you wish he did it sooner. 
More tears flood your eyes, burning their way out as you wished he never left at all. You can barely hear Chris over the sound of your own sobs.
“Please don’t cry,” he pleaded.
You lifted your head towards the screen and seeing the concern on his face only made you miss him more, wishing he was there to console you in person.
Your hand swept away tears from your cheek as your voice cracked saying his name. “Chris…” 
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The streets are simmering with the heat of a summer that couldn’t wait to officially start. Calendars be damned, it was hot. You indulged in a cool shower when you got home from work but time didn’t allow for a languid evening of staying in your towel as you applied serums and moisturizers, lotions and creams and every other post-shower pampering you normally do. Tonight was dinner with a friend and you needed to get ready.
Chatter filled the air of the patio, a small secluded outdoor space at the back of an Italian restaurant on the Upper East Side. It had an Old World Tuscan feel, from the stucco walls that looked purposely imperfect. Green patina shutters hung beside a wrought iron lantern that glowed in the early evening. Lush greens and bright flowers sat atop the half wall that surrounded the dining area making you forget you were in the city.
Chris looked the same, not that you expected him to be different. It had only been about two years since you’ve seen each other, right before he began training for his mission and now you can’t believe it was about to happen. Never would you have expected that the little boy down the block who became your best friend would actually be going to Mars.
For most of your lives you were in the same school, starting in Mrs. Kramer’s kindergarten class where you stuck together; two kids that were nervous about making friends and finding comfort in each other. As the years went on you weren’t always in the same classes but your friendship continued to grow. Chris was picked on for having a girl as a best friend and the girls always teased that he was your “boyfriend.” It never felt that way with Chris. He was your friend first and you never saw him as anything more. 
By the time you were in middle school Chris was already taking advanced classes in math and science and the only class you had together was art which he was famously terrible at. It was there you asked him a huge favor, whispering to him at the sink as you rinsed off your paint brushes. “Could you kiss me?” Chris turned as red as a boiling lobster, immediately sweating as if he was being roasted alive himself. It was later that day walking home from school that you clarified what you meant.
There was a boy, Justin Kaufman, who was the coolest kid in your grade. You had a crush on him like everyone else and you were shocked when he asked if you would go with him to the dance on Friday. You were worried he might try to kiss you and being inexperienced made you nervous. Justin was really popular and if you were a bad kisser then the whole school would know it. Chris was your friend, someone you trusted, someone you could practice with just to make sure you didn’t make a fool of yourself. 
You had no frame of reference for kissing back then apart from one sided smooches to pictures of movie stars that you had a crush on. But feeling Chris’ lips press back against yours was… nice. The best part about it was that things didn’t feel awkward after. Chris was still your best friend and nothing changed. 
A server hands you a menu and you thank him, scanning through it to see what you might be interested in. Chris looks up at the same time you do, wondering if you wanted an appetizer.  You nodded letting him choose, considering the limited food options he’ll have for over the next year. 
“Can you drink?”
Chris’ nose crinkled as he smiled. “In space? No. Tonight? Yes,” he chuckled softly. 
Two glasses of red wine were set on the table as you indulged in delicious food, catching up as much as you could before Chris’ mission. 
“So you’d love what happened today,” you began, leaning closer, “We filmed a restoration video and yours truly was in it.”
Chris’ eyes lit up as he gasped. “I love those! You have to send it to me. Hopefully I can see it before I go. What was it?”
“A sixteenth century European oil painting.” You went into detail and Chris loved listening to your knowledge of art history. It was no wonder that was your major, taking your studies further to work as a conservator at the Met.
Chris swallowed his food quickly to speak. “You were always good at that– art, attention to detail. Remember when we had to sculpt our own faces?” he chuckled.
There was a short burst of laughter as you remembered that day from so long ago. “Yes! Thankfully the real you doesn’t look anything like that abomination you made.” 
Chris drops his head down to hide a bashful smile that mixed in with laughter. He’s enjoying himself, catching up with you, eating. This was so good. He couldn’t help but scoop up another forkful of pasta, not expecting you to ask him a question. “So, how are you feeling?”
He paused to reflect and wiped a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth. “I’m nervous… excited.” Taking a sip of wine, he sets the glass down carefully on the table. Chris’ face has grown more serious. “My mom’s worried.”
“Of course she is, I don’t blame her. I’m worried. Mars is… well it’s Mars! It’s not around the block.”
He chuckled. “No, it’s definitely not.” 
Chris is heading home to Connecticut tomorrow to spend the next few days with his parents. Chloe, his younger sister is coming in as well so they can all spend some time together before he has to fly down to Florida.
“Then it’s go for launch!” he said with a beaming smile, though Chris had to correct himself for the sake of accuracy. Once he’s down there the crew has to quarantine for at least ten days and go through a bunch of pre-flight checkups and procedures first. “Are you gonna watch?”
The incredulous look you gave him answered his question. “Did you really have to ask? Of course I’m going to watch the launch.” 
His eyes twinkled as he smiled back at you. “Oh and don’t worry I put you on my contact list so you can send me emails. Not sure how quickly I'll get them since CAPCOM directs it back to us. And as long as we have the right satellite coverage we can even do video calls.”
“Like Facetime?”
“In theory yeah, more like space Skype,” he laughed. “It’ll be nice to stay in touch.”
Your smile was bright in the dimness of the evening. You can’t imagine not staying in touch with Chris. The longest you had ever gone was during his Air Force training. He checked in with his parents when he first arrived and from then on it was sporadic. You were able to send him letters though and tried to write him every week though your own schooling and an apprenticeship at the Louvre had taken up a lot of time but that was how your relationship was. 
No matter where you were in life, across the world or hovering above it in the International Space Station, you always kept in touch. It’ll be harder now considering he’s going farther than ever before but you’ll make it work. 
Chris would be back by next November and his mom was already planning a big party for his return, one he’s certain you’ll be invited to. Though you haven’t seen his parents in a while you still kept in touch with them from time to time seeing as they were still friends with your own parents.
“It’s crazy to think you’re about to go to Mars.” 
Chris swipes a palm down his mouth, leaning his elbows against the table as he muses, “I know. Feels like I got the call yesterday.”
It was a night similar to this one, where Chris was in New York celebrating with you and other friends on his selection to be part of the Ares III mission. He had been working at NASA for a few years, doing biomedical research in their center in Virginia and now he was about a month out from spending two years training for his long term mission to Mars. 
He stayed at your apartment that night, continuing the celebration in your own private way. You had come a long way from learning to kiss with Chris. It wasn’t a big deal, neither was it the first time you had sex with each other. It was a special dynamic that worked for the two of you, one you don’t think you could have pulled off with anyone else. With Chris you had trust that was built up over the years. He was safe, he was your friend and this was nothing more than just sex. 
It didn’t happen too often, a couple of times here and there. You both dated a few people over the years and even though you were single at the moment you thought about the promise you made to each other as teens. “If we’re not married to other people by the time we’re thirty let’s promise we’ll marry each other.” Such a silly promise but thirty seemed so far away at the time. 
Chris couldn’t make it to celebrate for your thirtieth birthday but you did get a card from him where he joked that the wedding was off. You were in a long term relationship, one that Chris thought would lead to marriage but you ended things a year later. It wasn’t there; that natural spark that made your heart skip a beat every time they smiled brighter than the sun, or when their eyes sparkled like stars in the night every time they looked at you. 
You walked through the streets with Chris after dinner, casually strolling back towards your apartment and stretching out the inevitable goodbye that you didn’t want to say. It was so good to be with him in person again, not realizing how badly you missed it until the hours started ticking closer towards him leaving. By the time you get to your apartment Chris decided to come up stairs, wanting to spend as much of his time with you as he could. 
Chris sits comfortably on your couch, cozied up beside a large pillow. He places his wine glass down on your coffee table, needing to gesticulate with both hands as he starts getting into talking about his research. He’s been published before in numerous academic journals and now he’s going on about how excited he is for his latest topic, musculoskeletal alterations and the effects of deep space travel. 
He’s cute when he really gets into it, crinkles pulling around the corner of his eyes as his whole face lights up. You let out a shaky breath, smiling even wider yourself as you watched the passion he had for science and learning, one that matched the level you had for art and preserving their history. 
Chris apologized for rambling on, taking a sip of wine to clear the dryness from his throat. 
“So, give me the lowdown… can you jerk off in space?” 
He covered his mouth to prevent the wine he was choking on from spitting out. You couldn’t help the sly smile on your face that cracked wider the redder he became. 
Chris cleared his throat again. Pinching the bridge of his nose he looked down into his glass, chuckling a bit as he said, “The official stance from NASA is no comment so I’m going to stick with that.” 
“That’s not an answer!” You could barely hold a faux sneer before you broke into a smile. Teasing Chris was all in good fun, something that went both ways from the time you were young. 
You adjusted the way your legs were folded underneath you, brushing your knee against his leg. Chris lifted his arm up, a silent invitation for you to get closer and so you did, resting your head against him as his arm came around you.
Things had quieted down and you listened to the steady beat of his heart. This would be the last time you would see Chris for a long time. Your arm reached around to hold him for as long as you could.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whispered against him. 
Chris’ chest sunk as he exhaled a deep sigh. “I’m going to miss you too.” His arm squeezed a little tighter around you as he pressed his lips gently against your forehead. “Just look to the stars and I’ll be there.” 
His words brought a comforting smile to your face, one you shared with him as you tilted your head to look up at him. “Do you want to stay?”
The corner of his mouth tugs a little as Chris thinks about it. There’s nothing he really misses at his hotel more than he does you. The only reason he came to New York was to see you first before going home. 
“Yeah, I’d love to stay.”
You shifted yourself on top to straddle Chris, carding your fingers through his hair and taking in the gaze of his eyes that became pools of deep blue. You closed the distance between your lips, feeling his hands come around your back. Soft moans bubbled in your throat and soon you found yourself being carried to the bedroom. 
Clothes were discarded, lips were on skin that burned hotter than the stars. You writhe against him, thighs quivering around his head, reaching out to grip him by the hair, holding Chris in place as he coaxed out your release. His lips taste like you and he licks them again, savoring your sweetness as he crawls up your body. 
He tears open the condom, gathering your wetness on him as he slowly pushed in. A sinful moan falls from your lips as you feel the stretch of him inside you, inch by inch until he was fully seated. An experimental roll of his hips sets the pace for pleasure. 
Your hands graze up the curve of his arms, reaching his back and digging in half moon shapes into his skin with your nails as he thrusts into you.
“Ahh fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he panted, moaning as his hips snapped forward. His name fell from your lips, a sweet sound that he couldn’t deny he loved hearing. 
He changed his angle, hitting you with deeper, longer strokes. His mouth found your nipple, sucking at your peak as his hips gained speed; groaning and squeezing his eyes tightly as he fucked you, ready to explode.
“Shit!” Chris hissed, backing off quickly. You’re confused and concerned, sitting up and turning the light on beside your bed to see what was wrong. “The condom broke,” he said, still catching his breath.
Chris got up to discard it in the bathroom as you sat on the bed, crossing an arm over your chest, waiting nervously. When Chris walked back in the room he apologized for that, the stiffness of his length giving you relief that he hadn’t finished so you continued. Using your hands on him as he let out soft moans, distractedly opening another condom that you rolled down on him. You straddled him, leaning forward to capture his lips for a sweet kiss first before you lined yourself up and sank down on him. 
Soon enough you were riding waves of bliss together, gripping Chris as you clenched around him, burning white hot behind your eyes. He’s right behind you, on the edge of pleasure, exploding inside you like a supernova.
Dropping your head onto his chest, it felt like your body was made of overcooked noodles that splayed loosely against him as you were desperate to catch your breath, coming down from the heights you soared to. Chris’ arms hold you close against him, his lips languidly peppering kisses to your sheen covered skin. 
When his heartbeat returned to a steady pace Chris went to the bathroom to once again discard the condom and you followed behind him to use it. He went to the kitchen to get something to drink, bringing back an ice cold glass of water for you. 
Back in bed you cuddled together, with goosebumps breaking out on your skin as Chris’ fingertips graze gently up and down your arm. Your eyes feel heavy but you don’t want to give in because when you wake up you know you’ll have to say goodbye and that’s not something you want to do. 
“You’ll stay in touch, right?” you murmured against him, as worry took root within your stomach. His quick and emphatic reply should have been enough but you couldn’t help yourself from needing to make sure you would still hear from him during the mission. “And call me? With the space Skype?”
“I promise,” he said, as a smile spread across his face. Chris’ hand stopped moving, settling on your arm and holding you close. 
“Promise me one more thing?” He hummed in response and you continued, “Stay safe up there.”
Chris tilted his head down and feeling him shift you looked up as he said, “I promise.”
In the moonlight his eyes sparkled like clear tropical waters. Slowly, a soft smile spread across your face as you stared at him. “I love you, Chris.” There was no romanticism behind it even after being together, just pure love for your friend. 
Chris exhaled, planting a kiss to your temple. “I love you too, Y/N.” 
Despite wanting to spend your remaining hours together awake you reluctantly fell asleep in his arms, tearfully parting in the morning. Two weeks later you watched as the space shuttle launched, with proud tears filling your eyes as Chris’ picture flashed on your screen along with the rest of the crew. Seeing that made you feel hopeful and overjoyed at the prospect of hearing from him soon.
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“Chris… I’m pregnant.” It was a relief to finally tell him but you didn’t feel any better, uncertainty weighed heavy on your shoulders, crushing the space for your lungs to expand. Chris knows but now what?
He’s silent, his lips parted slightly and you don’t know if there’s a delay in the feed. Maybe you should have emailed it to him. You were going to at first and instead chose to word the importance of needing to speak to him in such a clandestine way that you were contacted by someone from NASA. Upon speaking to them they allowed your email to be dispatched and then you waited. 
Chris’ eyebrows knit together, his shoulders slumping down as he stared at your face through the screen. He didn’t have any doubts, you were always truthful with each other, but he still wondered how.
“We put on a new one, I thought…” 
“I thought we were good too,” you said, letting out a shaky breath. 
You weren’t just pregnant, you were pregnant with his child and based off of some quick calculations in his head you were nearing the end of your first trimester. “H-how are you? I mean, how are you feeling?”
“Physically or…” Nervous laughter bubbles out of your throat. 
This was hard on you, the physical symptoms weren’t fun but you could manage. What was more difficult was not telling anyone. It was early enough in your pregnancy that you could hide it from your family. They still lived in Hartford and hadn’t been down to visit yet but you couldn’t avoid them forever. Work was a different story. You had to let your boss know you would have to modify your duties as working around solvents and other chemicals would not be safe.
There was never a doubt in your mind about keeping the baby. When you were younger you imagined having children by now but it didn’t work out that way. It was something you were okay with, finding life fulfilling in different ways. Work was incredible, you were able to travel and though your relationships hadn’t worked out in the past you didn’t hold on to any resentments. Life was always complete and now things were going to be different. 
You wanted to speak to Chris first before telling your family because you needed to know your expectations. Chris had a life of his own and you didn’t want your choice of having a baby to make him feel obligated in any way. You were an adult; a smart, independent woman and could do this on your own.
“I know this isn’t something we planned but…” Chris exhaled, the corners of his mouth lifting upward, “There’s no one I’d rather do this with than you... I promise.” 
Chris’ eyes glisten with tears as his smile grows and you find yourself brushing away your own from the corner of your eyes. It was comforting to know Chris will be part of the baby’s life. Truthfully it would have been weird if he wasn’t in some capacity considering how close you were. For now you have a lot of time on how you’re going to figure things out for the future.
After the call Chris reflected in silence, staring out of the giant triangular windows of one of the Hermes’ common areas into the vastness of space. He was lost in thought, startled by his name being called by a crewmate. He turned to see Mark whose bright smile fell with concern upon seeing Chris’ face, asking if he was alright.
“I’m gonna be a dad,” Chris responded, his tone mournful in the realization he’ll be missing the birth. He accepted the congratulatory hug Mark gave him, sighing heavily as they separated. “I always thought I’d be there for that.” 
You were due in March and Chris hated the fact that he won't be there for the first nine months of his child’s life, moments and milestones he’ll never get back. He doesn’t like leaving this all on you. He knows you can do it but you shouldn’t have to. 
“I can’t pretend this isn’t hard but don’t think of it in terms of what you’re missing, look at what you’re gaining, what you have to look forward to when you come home.” Chris nodded, his smile trying to come back. “I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend,” Mark teased. 
“I don’t. Y/N, she’s…” Chris’ face lights up as he thinks about you, which does not go unnoticed by Mark. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. She’s always meant so much to me and now…” 
Mark gave Chris an honest smile as he spoke plainly, “And now you’re having a baby.” 
With a proud smile that stretched from ear to ear he affirmed, “Yeah… we are.” 
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brightdrawings · 3 years
Pulled Back
The words left Jimmy’s lips before he could stop them. They felt heavy on his tongue and like he was ripping open his chest for everyone to see. But in that moment, with the sight of Stan at the door to their apartment, his duffel bag packed. Jimmy would have walked to hell and back to keep Stan from leaving.
Fic inspired form a conversation between myself and @garbage-cowboy
(also on ao3!)
“Please stay.”
The words left Jimmy’s lips before he could stop them. They felt heavy on his tongue and like he was ripping open his chest for everyone to see. But in that moment, with the sight of Stan at the door to their apartment, his duffle bag packed. Jimmy would have walked to hell and back to keep Stan from leaving.
“Jimmy, my last gig was a bust. You saw how everyone was laughing.” Stan said. His face burned red with the memory from the situation playing again in his mind, like a record stuck in a loop. “It’s better than being chased outta town by a mob with pitchforks. But I need a clean slate, somewhere that won’t have anyone know about the screw up who couldn’t sell lemonade on a hot summer’s day.”
“Stan, please.” Jimmy stumbled out of bed.
Stanley watched from where he stood. His feet felt like cement, his brain was telling him to run out the door, tear off the bandage and flee. It worked before, back in Jersey, Florida and Texas, he could depend on gunning his way past the border in the Stanley mobile. But now, with Jimmy scrambling to his feet, the cheap motel bed sheets hanging off of his body like a toga, Stan felt that maybe, for once he could risk sticking around.
“Stan, listen to me. You had a bad sale, we can try another scam. There are plenty of ways to make cash around here. We could try finding some other work! I heard-” Jimmy said quickly. He stepped over his pile of clothes from last night as he desperately made his way to Stan’s side.
“Jimmy, this world ain’t fair. You know that..” Stan sighed. He turned away from Jimmy. “It’s sink or swim. Some people are able to keep up with the changing current, fight off any chances life might take at drowning them. While others are meant to be fish food” “Stanley, you’re better than that.” Jimmy said. He placed a calloused hand on Stan’s shoulder. “One screw up isn’t the end of the world.”
“One screw-up already ended my world several times, Jimmy!” Stan snapped. Painful memories started to flood back into his mind as he spoke.
“You’re better off without me.” Stan said.
“Don’t. Don’t say that Stanley.” Jimmy grabbed a hold of Stan’s shoulders and turned to face him. “You fucked up. I don’t care. I’m with you through thick and thin. If you’re leaving then we leave together. But don’t ever talk shit about yourself.”
“Why? Why shouldn't I talk shit about myself? It’s the truth. It’s what everyone else is thinking.” Stan said darkly. The words felt like bile on his tongue.
“No it’s not.” Jimmy said.
“What do you know? You’re some fancy biker with some fancy bike.” Stan pushed Jimmy away. “You haven’t had to fight for shit. I’ve been clawing my way from the bottom to get where I am and I’m still no better from where I started.”
“I got to where I am from working hard. Just because I didn’t have to run from state to state doesn’t mean I don’t know what it means to struggle. I’ve lost good men from my gang and been through shit as well.” Jimmy shot back. “Just because you’re mad at yourself doesn’t mean you get to throw it at me.”
“So what?” Stan said. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. “You had it worse than me and made it. So why do you care about some fuck up that you barely know? I could walk out that door right now and I bet that you’d find someone who’s not dead-weight in an afternoon.”
“I don’t care about you being a fuck up and I don’t want to find ‘some who’s not dead-weight’. I want you.” Jimmy Said. “I’d sooner sell my bike than watch you walk out that door.”
“And how do you know that Jim?” Stan screamed. Hot tears fell down his face.“Give it a week and I won’t be more than a passing thought.”
“For fucks sake Stan, I'm still naked from last night. Do you really think that if I didn’t care about you or if I’d forget about that easily I would still be like this right now?” Jimmy said. “If there’s something about your past that is hurting you then please, Kitten, talk to me about it.”
“You don’t know my life,” Stan said weakly. He held his arms and stared at his feet. “You’re making a mistake; wanting someone like me around.”
“It’s a mistake I’ll gladly make every time if it means I get to spend more time with you.” Jimmy said. He pressed a hand on Stanley’s cheek, using his thumb to wipe away his tears. He looked into his boyfriend’s eyes, offering a gentle smile. “C’mon Stan, it’s still early, let’s get some rest then talk about this over breakfast. We can get some pancakes from the diner up the road. My treat.”
“I still don’t feel like I should be here.” Stan muttered. Despite this he let Jimmy guide him to their bed.
“If it makes you feel any better. I’m asking you to be here because I want you to be here. No pity, not trickery from being seduced by your hot ass. Just a good friend who wants to spend time with you.” Jimmy said.
“It does make me feel a little better,” Stanley admitted. He leaned into Jimmy as they laid down on the bed.
“Feeling better?” Jimmy asked, wrapping his arms around Stan.
“It’s too early.” Stan said while yawning. “I’m sore for being dumb.”
“You’re not dumb.” Jimmy pressed a kiss to the top of Stan’s head. “Just need some support.”
“Not that I deserve it.” Stanley said under his breath, snuggling into Jimmy’s embrace, listening to the blond’s gentle humming.
Soon a deep sleep took both men to distant land where the pain of this morning, of troubled pasts and terrible futures were far away. All they had was the warm feeling of one another, and that was all they needed.
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jasperswh0re · 4 years
Savior [Raylan Givens x reader]
aaand yes i went ahead and made a part two for this. will this be a series? no clue :) hope you all enjoy nonetheless
Summary: You see Raylan Givens again at a bar
Warnings: Physical fights, drinking, creepy guy
Word count: 1,702
part one
The cold countertop felt fresh against your burning cheek. You paid no mind to the clinking sound near you, along with the loud voices from the back of the bar. It had been a long day at work. You needed a drink.
"You doing alright there, hon?" The bartender asked. She was sweet. You always enjoyed her company. "Are you actually going to order something tonight?"
You lifted your heavy skull and sighed. "Long Island iced tea, please."
The drink was sat in front of you in a matter of seconds. You took your time sipping on it, watching the bustling bar crowd around you. Well, as bustling as a bar was in this state.
You found that people in Kentucky drank differently. They were quiet. Came for peace after a long shift, similar to you. Of course, there were always the assholes creeping on women or the loud young women who were celebrating their 21st. Every bar had them.
But for the most part, they were quiet. Calm. You preferred it over the bars in Oregon.
Cool glass now empty, you left the barstool behind to play some pool. You weren't terrible at the game, it was fun for a completionist like you. A part of you hoped you had someone to play with. Hell, even someone to spend time with outside of work. But moving down to Kentucky had you entirely cut off from your Oregon life. No friends.
Just a family you were not determined to see anytime soon. You were thankful they had no idea of your presence. You intended to keep it that way.
"Don't I know you?" Someone said behind you. You didn't recognize it immediately, assuming they were talking to someone else, but you rolled your eyes at the male that was attempting to hit on you.
"Probably not..." You said in an annoyed tone. You leaned on the cue and turned to see a very familiar man wearing an even more familiar cowboy hat.
"Oh that's a shame," Raylan said sarcastically, but a smile sat on his face. "I was trying to find the owner of this-" He held up your silver bracelet. The one stolen from you weeks ago.
"Marshall!" Your eyes widened. "What in the world... You were trying to find me?"
"Not inherently," Raylan placed the bracelet in your palm and leaned against the pool table. "I did get it back from that asshole after the whole... ordeal."
Raylan paused. A part of him wanted to admit that yes, he was trying to find you. Something about you had his mind running a mile a minute. Tim took notice of his distractedness during work, so he figured, why not find you? It took a while but he stumbled upon you on accident. The one time he wasn’t actively searching for you.
"I figured you wanted it back... for uh... sentimental value."
"That's too kind," You smiled down at the jewelry. "Thank you, Raylan."
You guys stared at each other happily. Somehow, the distance between you had nearly vanished. A sense of wanting washed over you both. You wanted more. He wanted more. Though, you guys weren’t sure what you wanted more of.
And more you each received.
The coming weeks were full of Raylan running into you (or meeting you, on purpose) at the same bar. Sometimes he would arrive all scuffed up from a day at work and others you could see regret in his eyes.
Raylan didn't bring up his days at the Marshall Service very often. You were the first person he knew outside of law enforcement and Harlan. You weren't a criminal, either. So he figured he would bring it up as little as possible. It made everything easier.
He found you mildly interesting to say at the least. You were a small-town person, he was too but his definition certainly didn't match yours, and you grew up a simple life. You didn't talk much of your family but rather ambitions, goals, and everything in between.
You're a calm person, he realized. Way more collected than any person he's met. You aren't wild. You go with the flow. You don't step out of line. You were no goody-two-shoes and definitely not a criminal, he could spot someone shady about a mile away.
You were just... laidback. Even when he showed up with a swelling face and a bloody nose, you wouldn't scold him or make a fuss. If he didn't want to talk about it, you would know.
Instead, you’d take care of him. He never had a say in, either. It didn't matter if you had to take him to the men's restroom to wipe away the blood and sweat. You were there for him that night, no questions asked.
Raylan found peace in this. Any night that he saw you, calm flooded his body. It was like you were an escape from his day-to-day life. It was like you knew exactly what he was thinking.
Slowly but surely, this was how he began to fall for you. More time passed and he was in deep. Your meetups at the bar became a consistent thing. Every Friday night. And every Friday he got to know you a little more.
"So you haven't told me this yet," Raylan set his whiskey on the counter. "Why did you move to Kentucky... of all places? You're from Oregon. I think it's neat... so why here?"
Your calm exterior faltered for a moment. Raylan was quick to pick up on it.
"Just..." You looked to the side, avoiding his eyes. A hard mask replaced your previous expression. "No reason in particular."
"That's a little hard to believe..." Raylan's eyebrows furrowed. 
“Trust me,” You flashed an unconvincing smile. “I’ve read up on you cowboy. I saw an article about your little-” You made a motion of a gun shooting with your fingers- “Down in Florida. Is that why I’ve never seen you ‘round here before?”
Raylan’s concerned face didn’t drop, but he slowly answered you, “Yeah. That’s why I’m down here. Why won’t you answer my question?”
You slammed your drink on the counter and snapped, “I never ask you questions, Raylan.”
He lifted his brows and held up his hands defensively. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could get a word out, a taller man blocked his vision of you. 
“Is he bothering you, cutie?” The man said. He was drunk as hell. “Let me take you out of here. No problem, no stress.”
Raylan glared at the figure in front of him. More than anything, he wanted to yank on the dusty flannel and shove him into the row of drinks behind the counter. He restrained himself. 
“No thanks, we’re okay,” You pursed your lips into a thin line.
“Come on...” He drawled and reached out a hand to touch your shoulder, but a hand yanked it away.
“Don’t touch,” Raylan warned. 
“Oh? What... are you their boyfriend?”
“Raylan,” You glared at him. “Don’t be stupid.”
“Yeah, Raylan,” The man teased. 
“Personal space is of the essence,” Raylan trained his eyes on the man. “Touch them again...” He breathed through his teeth. “You don’t want to find out.”
“Did you just threaten me?” The man leaned towards Raylan, their faces inches apart. Raylan didn’t answer him. “That’s what I thought...” The man turned around again, grazing his fingers across your bare knee. 
Raylan took that as an invitation to swing a fist into his head. He warned him. You leaned backward in surprise when the man stumbled, hitting his head on the counter. You could only watch, sipping on your whiskey, as the man tackled Raylan to the ground. You warned him.
The bartender forced the two men outside to fight and you didn’t follow right away. You finished your drink, eyeing the bartender who was staring back at you as if to say, “Aren’t you going to follow him?” 
Realizing that it wouldn’t go well, you dropped your head in defeat. Damn it Raylan, you thought. You gulped the rest of the alcohol and slowly walked out of the bar. You took your time, not exactly eager to see the rest of this fight. 
The cool breeze hit your skin. You loved the Kentucky breeze. Tobacco scent filled your lungs as you stared up at the golden sky. The only thing interrupting this peaceful moment was the sound of grunting and punches being thrown. 
You looked down to see Raylan getting his ass kicked. He shielded his face from the punches, his hat was a few feet away from his head. Your eyes flickered between him and the hat for a few seconds. Eventually, you walked past the fighting boys and grabbed the hat from the brim. How it managed to stay on while he was tackled... You hadn’t a clue. Every time you saw him this was glued to his scalp. 
Your fingers traced the tan object. You liked how it fit him. Somehow, he pulled it off well. But Raylan could pull anything off. Even getting the starlights beat out of him. You drew a sigh and placed the hat on a nearby bench, then approached the large man on top of your friend.
“Hey!” You yelled, kicking the side of the man. He groaned, barely pausing. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
The man didn’t answer. You glared daggers, which seemed to have done enough. “Go on home... Go on!”
He let out a huff of frustration and left. You stared down at Raylan’s beaten body. 
“You’re an idiot.”
“I was drinking,” he groaned, pressing his palm to his temple. 
You grabbed his hat and sat next to him on the pavement. Some blood from his forehead spilled onto his hair, so you squeezed a strand between your thumb and your index finger, ridding it of the hot blood. It was a gentle gesture. All Raylan could do was stare at you. 
“So dumb...” You muttered. “Do you ever think with that head of yours?”
He didn’t answer.
“Always trying to save me...” You stared at him disappointedly. 
“Anything... for you,” The words slipped out. He froze, wondering if his words would scare you away, but you laughed. 
“Let’s go get you cleaned up, Marshall.”
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hufflautia · 4 years
Where it all started [Part 1]
Chapter 1 
Sometimes links don’t appear on posts. if you can’t see the link to “Chapter 1”, my masterlist is pinned to the top of my blog, and you can find it there.
Summary: Slytherin’s parents have another argument, but at this point, no one’s surprised. After all, they’re her parents. It would be abnormal if they didn’t argue. However, this one’s a biggie. The fight ends with the slam of a door and her dad packing his bags into the car and getting ready to leave. Desperate for him to come back, Slytherin’s mom forces her to go to him with a message that will surely make him stay. Buckle up folks, for this is where it all began. 
Slytherin stood on the sidewalk as she watched her dad pack up his things into the van. 
She dug her fingernails into her arm, her heart stinging with ache as her dad turned around with a smile on his face, a failed attempt to reassure her that it was going to be ok. It was all gonna be ok. After all, this was normal, right? It’s not like it was unusual that her dad was leaving again to go back to Florida, where the homewrecker waited for him, her outstretched hands eagerly opened up to him and his credit card. 
However, this was the first time he left abruptly. A spike of sorrow stabbed at Slytherin’s heart as she thought back to the sound of her parents’ door abruptly opening; soon after, she could hear angry stomps that quickly descended down the steps of the staircase. 
She could almost hear the hiss in her ear as she stood in the archway of the living room, watching her dad leave in the far distance. “Tell him that Ravenclaw’s crying,” her mother spat, pushing her towards the front door. “Quickly, before he leaves!” 
Slytherin internally sighed. How typical. Instead of resolving their relationship issues by going to couples therapy, her mom decided to throw all those burdens onto her daughter, who had already grown tragically used to being used as her puppet. 
She decided not to argue against going after her dad and trying to guilt-trip him into staying home as her mom wanted. Otherwise, she would be lectured on how she’s selfish and wouldn’t do this small thing for her mom, how she’s basically ruining this family by letting her dad leave, how family is so fucking important and manipulating her dad into staying would be vital to their happiness as a whole, how family this and family that. 
You get the point. Slytherin certainly did. That’s why she was currently standing awkwardly behind her dad, staring at his back as he lifted boxes into his car. 
“Um, Raven…” She paused. Her throat felt dry and tight. Swallowing with difficulty, she tried again. “Ravenclaw’s crying.” 
It wasn’t the crying itself that mattered. That wasn’t the main reason why her mom rushed her out the door to deliver the message to her dad. It was simply the fact that it was Ravenclaw who was crying. Let’s just say that he and his dad had a complicated relationship. 
Things were never the same between them after Ravenclaw sent an angry message to him via text when he was in Florida a year ago. The contents of the message reeked of disdain for his constant infidelity. When his mom found out, she shoved the phone into Slytherin’s face in the dead of night and asked if she knew about this. The glaring light from the screen nearly blinded her. 
Slytherin read the text messages through squinted eyes and could make out a few curse words here and there. Though she was slightly disoriented from the sudden ambush of information, it was clear to her that her brother resented their dad for what he did.  
That made Ravenclaw’s anguish even more useful in their mom’s opinion. Seeing the tears streak down his face when he heard that his dad was leaving again, she had a glorious idea. Perhaps if her husband knew of their son’s sorrow, he would reconsider his abrupt departure. After all, it was Ravenclaw who was crying. 
If it were Hufflepuff, that would be understandable—she can get quite emotional sometimes. But it was Ravenclaw, who was usually guarded and distant. One might suggest that he was secretly broken inside. But that’s not the point, at least not in his mom’s opinion. The main thing she was concerned about was that she could use his misery to her advantage! Maybe if her husband knew of his sadness, he would feel guilty enough to stay behind. After all, if his son, who despised him, was upset over his departure, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to stay home and endure his wife’s temper for a little while longer. 
Slytherin’s words did produce somewhat of a reaction. Her dad didn’t turn around for a while, but when he did, his eyes were slightly red and puffy. It was evident that he was trying to hold back his tears. One might think that this means that he’ll stay. He seemed distraught over the news that his son was crying because of his leave. Surely, he’ll stay, right? 
It wasn’t enough. Nothing ever seems to be enough.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?” He hugged her briefly and gave a light squeeze as a sign of reassurance. As a silent message that it was going to be ok. Even though everything was most definitely not okay. A thousand hugs and gestures of reassurance wouldn’t change this. 
Slytherin didn’t react angrily to his refusal, the unspoken declaration of No, I will not go back home. In fact, it seemed as if she didn’t react at all. However, if one were paying close attention, they would notice the sparkle in her eyes dim. But maybe there wasn’t a sparkle to begin with. She had been enduring this shit for so long that she forgot what it was like to be normal, to feel like the white kid you see in commercials, the one who seemed to radiate mirth, a type of energy that said, I don’t have a care in the world because life is so fucking great and I can’t stop smiling. She didn’t even bother to smile, a common facial expression when one is in a difficult situation and tries to diffuse the somber atmosphere by slapping a facade on their face, the corners of their lips upturned to form a grimace that resembles some sort of a smile—a twisted kind of smile, that’s for sure. Why should she pretend that everything was okay when it wasn’t? Instead, she merely nodded in response. 
When her dad pulled away to pack the last box into the trunk, she took a deep breath to diminish the familiar sense of abandonment that flooded her senses, to clear the warning signs that flashed in her mind. He’s leaving! Your dad is leaving! He’s abandoning you again. You’re apparently not important enough for him to stay. 
She stared at the ground, only looking up when she heard the sound of a car door slamming shut. The resounding click was all it took for the waterfalls to finally pour from her eyes, for it was at this moment when she realized that this was actually happening. This was no dream—it was reality. Her sad, devastating reality. Tears blurred her vision as she watched the car drive away, leaving her in the dust. 
Slytherin gasped in erratic breaths between her broken sobs as her eyes hung onto the tiny speck that resembled her dad who was driving 
and a-w-a-y.
Through the jumble of thoughts that clashed in her head, one thing was clear. Her dad was her dad, but only sometimes. 
Tears streaking down her face, she tried to soothe her pain with the belief that he would be back soon. If only she had known that it would be a while before he returned. If only he hadn’t left. Perhaps things would’ve been different for her if he stayed, for this was where it started. 
This marked the beginning of it all.   
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Comments and reblogs are a writer’s gold!
MASTERLIST ; sometimes links don’t appear on posts. if you can’t see the link to “MASTERLIST”, the masterlist itself is pinned to the top of my blog. check it out if you haven’t already! 
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Author’s note: HI! Were you surprised to see that I posted two fics in a row?? I hope you enjoyed this. Most of it was unfortunately based on what happened to me a year or two ago. I based Ravenclaw on my brother, who did actually cry when my dad was leaving after an argument, and yes, my wack mother did force me to run after my dad to tell him. One of the few differences is that I’m not a drug addict and I’m fine now so dont worry. 
Idk how I feel about this series, it is a lot darker from what I usually write. I know I’m gonna have to write more for creative writing class, so maybe i will continue it. I will try to think of how to turn these fics into something more positive, because this stuff is very heavy and depressing. however, that will be a little difficult because the plot itself is naturally drab. however, i will try to think of a happy ending for Faye/Slytherin. 
Shall we look at some wholesome pictures? 
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lmaoaoa i pasted this picture from the internet and tumblr glitched and pushed the pic all the way to the top. imagine seeing this dog at the beginning of the fic, that would be funny :’) 
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ok hold up i just realized that is probably a stuffed animal 😐 this is so embarassing lmaoaoa when i saw it i was like THAT IS SO FRICKIN CUTE
OK WAIT WTF NOW I THINK ITS AN ACTUAL DOG??? CAN SOMEONE HELP AND TELL ME IF ITS REAL OR NOT?!! at first, i thought it was real, but then i looked at the paws and it looked kinda fake and i was like this dog is too fluffy and wholesome to be real. BUT THEN I LOOKED AGAIN and i think the owners just put the pooh outfit over the dog?? what is going on with my brain.. but at the same time, its 2 am for me rn so maybe i should get some sleep BUT FIRST, LETS LOOK AT MORE DOGS <3 (lmaoaoa i feel like my friend would say “gosh ur such a hufflepuff” (menna im talking about u lmao omg hey gorl)) 
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After seeing this gryffindor pup, i immediately searched up “dog costumes hufflepuff” lmaoooooo
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OK THATS ENOUGH DOGS FOR NOW. Part 2 is coming soon. I already have it ready but I might not post it right away. 
That’s all for now. Be sure to let me know what you think. TOODELOOO!
TAGS:  @slytherpuff-shenanigans @lokijiro @xxkitsurikaxx @sara-is-boredd @skylee-skz   @determinedpines @draco22malfoy @pancakes-and-sugar  @casteel08 @indigosimon1998 @tell-that-to-my-feather @the-ugly-duck0 @prettyblueskylark  @okiguessimawitchnow @daisyinmyheart @peachyblue @korra4321 @shoyoockbby  @ravenflowersposts @walkinganomaly @parkerthemarker02 @hummingbird-hufflepuff @bumbblebeeeeee @luciferswife16 @iknow-im-cute @maisen98 @shadowsinger11 @tuonglam03 @fanfic-reblogger @mygc0re @rellasworld @sha3thehunter @croctusjuice @jadefox05 @d0uxs @charleii @kaylenthegreat @hufflepufflepukwudgie3897 @insertlongnamehere @trashpannda @ihate-myname @nowheredreamer @history-geek101 @strawberrypanda99 @nikkijovanic @hannanshi @sirenofthe7seas  @johannamariemst @badass-like-damon  @willow-salix @remmyswritings @x-whatsupdoc-x @dracosvftie @hitchhiker-of-the-galaxy @akerlizzie @thatfann @justanxiousme @another-witch @bucinjisung @elegantcroissantplaidpony @treefroggo @narritydream @hufflpuffles @adreameratdawn @leftpeanutturtleegg @turbulentbluebird5 @geekgirl69 @praiseourlordduck @quakemebacktothe50s @nomad-of-the-realms @stardustzainy  @theblackwolf21 @crakencc @introvertedrae @cryinbisexual @bojelina @cocoqueenstheword @manicpixiedreamtarot @velvetstrawberry @jxmpsuitx @simpering-simpleton @urfaveslytherin @asterinatlas @simpforkpop @pufflehuff929 @morallyambiguoussimp @applekenm @chunwest @oncergleekpotterhead @no1-importan @qiaopao  @dulduldoldul @schlongbottom @vickeyunicorn @peanut-in-the-goal @hufflepuffgirly @flvrqnce @nothingtoseehere812 @maxwellsgang @1d-killed-me @betacaroteno-lanudo @dragon-slayer-fairy1 @thatonebislytherin @dragonsandbread @justanotherperson @sophiexteresa @hmilkwhoney @writertwiddle @questionsbecameourocean @anomiatartle @coldsweetharmony @dont-hyuck @fixstationed @kindawannadietbh @trippy-morgan @xo-angel-ox @fangirlgeekandfreak @evolnura @mossy-axolotl @verylovelystars @boilyourteeth @megand2017 @malfoys-demigod @booksntings @joshirlangford @staymoarmyzen @poojxshxh @hedgepuffgirl @alverniaphi @verifiefangirl-mainblog @purpleskymalfoy @roxy3457 @rayanicaraynbow @jess-harrywars @starrysonic @tonksichu @lauxtbs @tumlbr-trasher @chelseasosa @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @swagangelhorsepickle @princessstoopid @pymmoon @emilyaneliperry @pond-waterr @pandapillow @saraleo95 @astrartss @trentalexanders @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @nevilletheplantboi @just--another--hufflepuff @yoongifiess @ajdqueen @annie-mcl @coloring-bud @majorfangirl37 @eatacrackerandstop @weasleytwinswheezes @imscaredofhorses @dontmindmeimjustabox @glitterykidlightmug @multi-fandom-nutjob @littleemotionalpanda @thewitcheswords  @blueberry-9-pancakes @worldsbestdilfbecky @qixnsriess @inexperiencedpotathoe @notsowiseravenclaw @captiniminnie @ruinyourface @da-fox-rangerrr @inkedintothepaper  @happy-puff @grandcyclecreation @dawinehouse @catiwisspuff​ @aasa2102​  @mae-25​ @sydthekidd98 @kokichismango @xxavaloraxx​ @iamahufflepuff​ @adoregin​ @sunnniiee @lewispoolerpayton @dumbbitch85​ @bumblebirbs​ @diggorycullen​ @protectorofsk8topia​ @silverhetdanes​ @zuko-28​  @beardedhumanoid​ @arianatorpotterhead​ @shipping-book-keeper​ @marvelenthusiast10​ @i-cannot-do-aesthetics​ @a-huffleing-lesbean​ @kaslec​ @hufflepuffwritess​ @mouthfacereborn​ @kodeinekissss​ @ihavenocontrolofmylifeeither​ @pinqgchuu​ @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum​ @clementines-x​ @stressy-depressy​ @sweetinvisiblewriter​ @absentmindeduniverse​ @asnowpuff​ @theofficialgaybestfriend​ @violayaxley​ @sunshinyyb @colettedelaurel​ @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog​ @i-have-a-bad-feeling​ @jpow345​  @gay-disaster826​ @bloodyxheaven​ @autumnpleaves​ @froggy-failure​ @toomanybandstocare​ @pink1babez​ @untitled-2424​ @sleepdeprivedgurl​  @chaseanders​  @wolfpack-arts-industries99​ @nugnugchick​ @queenofwordsandnerds​ @ganjeolhiddaeng​ @wordy-escapades​ @writtenfoxscreams​ @w0odr0ses​ @coolpetsmcubandit​  @crypticcandi​ @widowsgranger​ @fantasyprincess101​ @wiiltedflowers​ @aestheticworldd​ @miniaturefunnytraveldonkey​ @bucketofdeadroses​ @uwuplsh​ @softedits-exe​ @cel3stialone​ @sofiapeachyy​  @wanderaven92​ @eunnieah​ @marsupialsgotbloodyears​ @eurydicedior​ @neonuzumaki​ @uhhhem​
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anightflower · 4 years
Come and Find Me Chapter 5: The Game
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Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I am in the midst of finals and final projects. Thank you for sticking by my side, despite the crazy schedule 
Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Stalking, Swearing, Violence
Spencer made his way to the counter, a smiling Ava greeted him. 
“Spencer! I��m surprised you’re not with (Y/N), not that I’m not happy to see you of course.” 
Spencer returned her smile with a slightly nervous one, “She’s still in bed, I thought I would bring her some coffee before I head to the office. I also wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“Oh Spencer, if you’re confessing your undying devotion to me now, I’m afraid it’s a bit too late, I have my own sexy superhero boyfriend now.” Ava said, doing her signature eyebrow waggle, causing Spencer to laugh. 
“I do have a confession, but it involves (Y/N).” Spencer said, a smile spreading across his face.
Her expression became more serious. “Wait is (Y/N) pregnant?” 
“I- no, that’s not what-” Spencer stuttered, Ava let out a giggle out Spencer’s flustered face. 
“I want to ask her to move in with me.” Spencer said finally. 
“Oh my gosh Spencer, that’s fantastic! And I’m honored that you’re asking me, as (Y/N) was mine first, so it’s only right you ask me permission.” Ava grinned, pressing a hand to her heart. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes? I don’t want to rush her, I know we’ve been only dating for 8 months, but it just feels right. I love her so much and I want to wake up to her every morning and kiss her goodnight every night. Besides it will be so much easier because she basically lives at my apartment now and I just want to make it official, you know?” Spencer rambled. 
Ava’s face radiated pure joy. “Oh Spence, she’ll definitely say yes! God (Y/N) will be over the moon are you kidding? You two are the cutest fucking thing, oh my god this is so exciting!” She squealed. 
“I’m going to ask her when she gets back from Florida, I know her lease is almost up so that will make things a lot easier too. I’ve been looking at different apartments that are slightly bigger because I know she wants an at home office and I’m sure it will be nice to have her own space-”
“Spencer, I am so glad she has you. You make her so happy and treat her so well. I know she’ll be happy with whatever. But beware, her full interior designer will come out if you guys get your own place.” Ava warned teasingly. 
“I’m looking forward to it.” Spencer grinned. 
His hand shook as he opened the door to his apartment. As he slammed the door shut, he met the worried face of his roommate, who was putting on his jacket to leave.
“You okay man?” His roommate Nick asked, eyes filled with concern. 
“Don’t worry about it dude.” The Boy said with an angry shrug making his way to his room. 
“Uh, okay dude, if you need anything shoot me a text. I’m meeting up with Ava, I’ll probably stay at her place for a couple days.” 
“Cool bro, have fun.” The boy said flatly. 
Nick looked like he was about to say something, but he shut his mouth and shrugged.
“Later.” Nick said quietly, grabbing his bag and fleeing out the door. 
The Boy didn’t respond. He just stomped into his room, red filling his vision. 
The Doctor was going to take you away from him permanently, he could feel it. 
Moving in leads to marriage, then kids. How could he have let it get this far? The Boy should have intervened earlier, opened your eyes to the truth. 
The Boy let out a scream and punched a whole in the wall. It felt good to let his anger out. He pictured the Doctor in place of the wall, the image brought of that man bloodied and pleading sent pleasurable shivers through him. The Boy made his way to his bed and pulled out a box from underneath it. It was an obvious spot to keep it underneath there, but Nick respected his space, so the boy had not been worried. 
He pulled out his pictures of you. Each image lovingly taken of you, images of you getting ready for work, smiling with Ava, and then his favorites, the ones of you sleeping peacefully in your bed. He had to resist reaching out and caressing your face. He knew he couldn’t risk waking you up, it wasn’t time for you to see him yet, but now it was. 
The boy had started to calm down, until an image of you kissing Spencer fell out of the pile. Red filled his vision once again. He had purposely taken this picture to remind himself of his goal; being in the Doctor’s place. 
He ripped the image to shreds, and threw the box of goods causing your pictures, some of your old coffee cups and Drew’s home videos to fly all over his room. His rage filled him as he flipped his desk. He couldn’t stop himself as he ripped his rooms to shreds, breaking things and tossing various items at the wall in rage. 
When his breathing finally returned to normal, the boy grabbed a bag and began packing. He threw in all of his essentials and grabbed the tapes and photos he could of you. He wasn’t coming back here after this. You and him were going to start a new life in Florida, he had already set everything up. He had his own secluded place and sent ahead some of the things he needed ahead. 
He would leave tonight and be down in Florida a day before you. He had planned to arrive a day ahead of you so he could get your home ready. He had even made a little room for you to adjust to everything, knowing how this big of a change would affect you. But he knew you would do it once you realized that you two were meant to be. 
Joy filled the boy as he looked around his mess of a room, he felt relief at the thought of never seeing this place or the Doctor again. Yet in his happy stupor, he failed to see the photos and tape he had missed to pick up.
Present Day
Reid had reached speeds of nearly 110 as he raced back to the precinct with Emily. SHe had not chastised him for his speeds, too worried about the sorrow in Penelope’s voice and what that could mean. 
They raced into the precinct and found Penelope, JJ, and Morgan in the meeting room. 
“Hotch and Rossi are still talking to Curtis, but they should be back in 30.” Morgan explained. 
“There is no time to wait.” Penelope growled. “I can show this to them once they get here.”
“Any luck at Special Delivery?” Emily asked JJ. 
“It shut down 5 weeks ago apparently. So whoever we saw, still had access to a uniform. They probably did it to copy Curtis.” JJ explained, her face solemn. 
“Shit.” Emily said, flopping down into a chair.”
“I received this ten minutes ago.” Penelope explained, drawing everyone’s attention to the screen at the front of the room. “Reid, you aren’t going to like this, I’m so sorry.”
Spencer’s blood ran cold as he prepared himself for the worst. 
The screen was black for a few seconds and then an automated voice rang out from the speakers. “Ring! Ring!”  the deep voice said. “Have you figured it out, Dr. Reid?” 
Spencer’s heart stopped as images of you flooded the screen. Photos of you and Spencer flashed across the screen. None of which either of you had taken yourselves, each of these was taken from afar. He felt ill when he saw the ones from outside of your apartment. He nearly vomited when the screen switched to photos of you inside your apartment, peacefully sleeping, completely unaware that a completely crazed man was inches away from you. 
“I’ve been to your lectures, Dr. Reid.” A voice narrated from the screen. “I know you’ve studied men like me. It’s very fascinating to hear someone talk about you like they’ve known you since birth, when the two of you haven’t even met once. You took one of my dearest friends away from me. But we adapted, your small victory didn’t stop him from guiding me to my love and taking her from you. Do you think with all your knowledge, all of your cases, all of your team, that you can find her in time?” 
A timer appeared on the screen, counting down from a minute. 
“What?” Penelope cried out, “That wasn’t there before, how in the hell is it there?” She rushed to her computer and began messing around on the keyboard. 
Spencer shot out of his chair and raced over to Penelope’s side. “Penelope, what does this countdown mean?” He asked, panicked.
“I don’t know, I don’t know! It didn’t appear before this. The email didn’t even mention a countdown! I tried to track the email, but it was a throwaway.” Penelope looked ready to cry. 
“Spencer, it could mean anything.” Morgan said, trying to calm him down.
“Oh yeah Morgan?” Spencer spat. “Well considering it was showing images of my girlfriend before it, my hopes aren’t too high!”
“Spencer.” JJ snapped, “Yelling isn’t going to solve anything.”
“What if it was Will JJ? Would you be calm?” Spencer growled back at her. 
The timer was quickly reaching its end. 
“Penelope do something, please.” Spencer begged, his voice breaking.
“I’m trying, I don’t know what to do.” Penelope cried out, horrified at her helplessness. 
Tears began to flow down Spencer’s face. The room watched in horrified silence as the timer reached zero. 
It was silent for a moment and then Spencer’s phone rang.
He looked down at it to see it was an unknown number. His heart stopped as he realized “Ring! Ring!”
“(Y/N) promised to call me after her meeting, if she had been there, she would have called me now.”  Spencer said quietly. 
“Spencer, if you answer it, I can try and track the number and centralize the area it could be coming from.” Penelope explained urgently. 
Spencer took a deep breath and answered the phone. They all jumped up in shock as a video feed came on at the same time he pressed answer. 
His heart swelled with relief, you were alive, you seemed unharmed, but god you looked terrified. 
“Penelope, scan the room, see if you can find any recognizable items.” Morgan mumbled quietly.  
As Penelope’s keys began clacking a way, a voice that sounded eerily like the one in the video of you smugly said, “Hello Doctor, so nice to finally talk to you. Or have we talked before? You never know, let’s see if that big brain of yours remembers.” 
“Who are you?” Spencer hissed into the phone.
“Someone who you’ve taken so much from. My mentor, the woman I love- but luckily this ends now.” The voice purred.
“What do you want?” Spencer tried to keep his voice calm. 
“I want to play a game with you Doctor, let’s see if that genius brain of yours is as good as they say. You have 24 hours to find your girl. If you are so smart you’ll be able to find her. But when you don’t, and you won’t, it will prove that you don’t don’t deserve her. That you never deserved her. If you can’t find her in time, you will never see her again.”
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a few other things going on
Here in Charlotte county they're holding off on stuff so it's not to alarm everyone and that's what they said. And really the clean up in a sense that you got to at least do a canal for the rental stuff too so it doesn't flood around here they said that's not a bad idea just started working on some of the canals cuz you can't really see him doing it and pulling out some junk this is way too hot . And yeah we tried it before and they don't let you so there's some work is in here before we can do the other work too it was a good heads up and I'm trying to plan that now today.
There is a whole bunch of people here who are unreasonable and unruly and we are going to go through their numbers to do stuff to them and that would be we're going to remove their possessions from themeselvs. We were going to take things to that give somebody power this is ridiculous and by the time they're rebels in Star wars they don't have anything and we just like the film and we kinda planned it that way, it's because it's their Acts and their actsucks. I don't want to hear from them ever again and they keep blabbing stuff at us so to send people to get them
Will launching attcks on these people and even here.
The rest of the state country and country by the way it's going to be cleaned up pretty soon debris and this area here will cleaned up by the end of the week. As the rest of it will be done by Wednesday probably all the tearoits too. It says he says we should start building everywhere in Florida and then here and we agree with that
Number one filled up eight points with tons about 4 or 5 septillion they all died and see idiots was very stuff they were demanding stuff after dying it is ridiculous so connected why don't you stop it and you pushed him out of Georgia and they push them out of Alabama that was it.
Come on serious have started a couple series have started and it's Halloween and Friday the 13th and both of them have serious meeting and that's the title and I need to use the shows to do other stuff what happens is the I go out and hit the target and grab them on the transport the target somewhere and Michael Myers is wearing their sons jumpsuit he wore at Halloween so he's a pretty big fella that you see in the movies is Jason is wearing our son's clothing many times you can see he has his jacket on and he's running around with it that's what these guys do. grudge match when it comes to Tommy f they're taking stuff from him and threatening him. The sick and tired of it flowing one way. Now there are some other things to do with this and it did start up last night and it started in Florida. And the murder was done in Georgia and she was taken to Appalachia and the guys are grabbing Tommy F and holding him hostage to take him there to get her out and he's saying no no no he wants to show them that's where the sapphire is made they go up there and they do find that they're doing it they can hear it I want them software crack saw through the cracks at their big machines and they hightail it out and say you didn't know and he said I'm the one showing you and this is there after us and it won't be long since he doesn't believe it but Trump didn't believe it the truck doesn't have anything and still doesn't believe it but they're going after them hard and I understand once you guys are out of the way that they're going to professional on this afternoon there's a big difference. He looked at them and said somebody regulars get it and they said yes we do they can kick our ass too.
It's a lot of problems right now all over the world but it seems to be someone's solutions okay and we're getting to work and that would start off the series today and something very huge it's like the nuke going to go off. In a say its in Florida but it's really in Georgia. And she gets a radiated and she's held there and she doesn't appreciate it because she needs to reduce it and it wouldn't let her and she gets the hell out.
Is a few more things that we're going to note and they're pretty big. This movie series is kicking off it's going to put a wanted notice on these two the idiots here it's real and Terry cheesman. They're not going to escape it and I need to turn security up for our son. We need to start doing it now this afternoon is when the incident occurs and they start to come Michael Myers tonight and as you know someone's imitating her and she goes out to the West Coast and what we say is the houses were moved it's not true the starts here or the second movie with copycat killing. And others are doing it mostly Trump thats tonight,ok. And the murder kidnapping is probably not happened yet that's true. And saving Zoe happens, if that's not today that's tomorrow after tonight when they fake the Halloween thing. Where they go to that area in Georgia and people want to know why and their son says it's like the river it's by Harley-Davidson and that's where it is it it is similar inside the start of it was smaller ones would be and then go around and they find these balls and in the river
Thor Freya
That last part will get them out of here
Olympus we agree
Really do a move on and publish this Hera Zeus and I said it Hera
0 notes