#just remember I'm physdisabled and I see everything you say on this post
(I am USAmerican and this post is centered around USAmerican disability rights). if I see one more able bodied and/or able minded person calling an angry disabled person facing discrimination "entitled" or a "karen" I'm going to lose my shit.
A person asking to speak to a manager over inaccessibility is not entitled.
A person suing over denied services is not entitled.
A person getting angry, frustrated, upset, or crying over inaccessibility isn't entitled as long as those emotions are directed at the person actually responsible (not just a random employee who's nearby).
A person complaining to corporate about inaccessibility isn't entitled.
A person getting someone fired over denied service is not entitled. The specific situation I saw was someone reporting an Uber driver for announcing that he didn't care that her dog was a service animal and driving away without providing a ride. Aside from being federally illegal, this interaction violated Uber's policy, which requires all drivers to sign a form stating that they accept the duty of transporting service dogs. He got himself fired and people insulted and threatened her and her dog over it.
A disabled person requesting "special treatment" is not entitled. Some examples of this would be asking for music to be turned off or down, asking for lights to be dimmed, asking a venue to provide ramps, or asking for food to be cooked separately to avoid allergies. Disabled people have a right to ask for reasonable accommodations, it's up to the business to decide whether they can fulfill a request without undue financial burden or significantly altering their function.
A disabled person requesting "a lot" or "too many" things is not entitled. Lots of people are multiply disabled or have complex disabilities. The person knows this is a lot to ask. You don't have to remind them.
A disabled person having accommodations at work or school is not entitled. Yes, you have to be respectful to your disabled coworkers too, not just the customers. I don't care if their accommodation are annoying or inconvenient or "not fair". Get over it.
Basically, if it's about disability assume the disabled person is right. Accommodate where you can, be kind where you can't, and stop siding with ableists who are getting rightfully called out for it.
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