#just pronouns that show ‘this character is somehow not cis’ is So Good :)
shroomboi-nerdshit · 1 year
new discovery in Random Things That Make Me Happy: when cis people on dnd actual play shows play characters that use “they” pronouns :)
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demonir · 5 days
Welcome to Adrian’s good omens thoughts while he’s half asleep again, on todays episode I want to talk about how important the gender expression in the show is to me
Don’t mind the typos I’m lying down without my glasses
I really appreciate how subtle they are about characters genders and stuff, characters with commonly male names being played by actresses and they still use stuff like “sir” or “lord” even if they also get referred to as they/them. They don’t make an intense effort to make them look incredibly androgynous either which like- idk it’s nice.
Knowing neither angels or demons have a defined gender also feels so so so nice because it comes paired with the fact they still choose to present in specific ways and use specific pronouns because newsflash bozo someone can be nonbinary or agender and still present masc as fuck or fem as fuck and use either he/him or she/her and if they wake up 2 weeks from now and change that they are still valid.
Which takes me to my second favorite point, Crowley’s change in gender presentation. I know we all know or at the very least agree he’s genderfluid but like I want to highlight the way he does it because it means so much to me. He has obviously chosen to be masc presenting through most of history (that we’ve seen, there could still be periods of time we haven’t seen where she’s been fem) and idk abt you but I was a tumblr teen years ago learning a very skewed version of gender identity and expression where if you wanted to be genderfluid you had to look very attractive as both genders and also PASS as both genders convincingly (as well as being perfectly androgynous when being neither, this also applied to nonbinary people), as well as change it like every 2 days or so and have no preference? That’s the way people would make it seem to me, that’s the way people would portray their genderfluid characters in fandom spaces and that’s the way my teenage mind came to absorb it.
Now, it’s 2024 and I’m sure all of us with common sense know this is bogus but still seeing Crowley just sorta… brightened my everything? Knowing nanny Crowley wasn’t just for the joke, knowing that during certain scenes she was indeed being fem… but the most important part to me is that no matter what he was still HIM, they could have gone the easy route and have an actress play fem Crowley and be like “oh well she’s a demon she can shapeshift whenever ooooo” like so many people do with their ocs (I was one at one point) but it is still obviously him, it is still David Tennant playing Crowley and nobody else and when she’s fem she’s still got the same features the same everything and that’s somehow just… so freeing to see? It’s realistic, it’s grounding. You can be fem and still have overly masculine features, you can be fem and still have facial hair, you can be masc and still wear makeup, you can be masc and not hide your chest.
Now I wish this was all just… more obvious to everyone, I know some of this stuff because I saw posts, I saw people talking about it… but not everyone is gonna go through a 3 hour post scavenger hunt for extra lore like I do and these things are simply not addressed in the show. There IS a certain freeing feeling to the gender stuff not being addressed, it simply happens, it passes by and you might not even notice, but also comes with the double edged sword of people simply thinking SOME of the characters have funny genders but the others don’t.
Sorry I’m distracted rn bc I can hear a fucking bohemian rhapsody cover coming from my moms tv the timing of this is fucking wild, anyways I’m gonna try to get my thoughts back on track
So yeah, to some people like for example my aforementioned mother, the nanny Crowley thing was merely a joke and nothing else, not a brief moment of gender expression but just a perhaps even nasty joke played at the expense of other people. To her every other Crowley before and after that has been strictly cis male and mlm despite the fact I did in fact explain to her that he’s not, same applies to Aziraphale and perhaps even harder because we only ever see him presenting masculine through the entirety of it and trying to explain otherwise to the woman that thinks she can use she/he on me because I’m bisexual will not work (and she refuses to use he/him on me anyways mind you, or my chosen name. Says it’s too complicated, but I know for a fact that if one of the characters had changed their name mid show she would switch to the new name instantly…..yknow… just casual transphobia for me only)
I would like just…a passing comment or a scene that lets everyone know the nuance yknow? Finally something that cannot be disputed by everyone, and you might say “well but Crowley says he’s neither when he gets called a good lad” and to that I say yes but people still dispute the meaning behind it, my mom certainly would. And again you might want to shake the nanny scene in front of me and again I’ll remind you of people thinking it was just a joke, a disguise, a singular haha funny. You might want to gesture towards other scenes or moments or passing phrases but the thing is they will or have already been debated on because people will try to deny it no matter fucking what and it’s FRUSTRATING, so perhaps it’s just me being petty or wanting to give them a good ol fuck you but I’d like it if either Crowley or Aziraphale or both just looked at the camera head on and went “we are not men, also Crowley is genderfluid” no ifs no butts no second meaning just straight to your face, a giant “shut the fuck up” to annoying people.
Now I’m not gonna die if this doesn’t happen, I’m fine with that… it just sorta feels depressing seeing someone in the wild genuinely saying shit like “why are you using she/her for Crowley? He’s a man” my brother in Christ I am about to hit you with the mallet of knowledge and you won’t be able to look at that demon the same way ever again.
The gender expression in good omens matters so much to me as someone who struggles with her own and Crowley and Beelzebub matter so much to me as a little afab genderfluid/nonbinary (I’m not sure yet) motherfucker, I need to go bite some fuckinf ccomcrete right now man, accidental typo but I’m keeping it.
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texanmarcusdavenport · 2 months
Mighty Med Headcanons
Gus is secretly a Perry. They have a lot in common: weird side character that shows up at the most (in)opportune moments, has an unrealistic variety of skills and resources, a past that's WAY too storied to be true yet somehow it is??, and obsessive behavior over their romantic interests (Perry with Douglas & Gus with Jordan). If they're not related, they'd 100% get along like a house on fire if they did meet.
Gus and Oliver are childhood friends of the "our parents forced us to hang out" variety. Oliver is GOBSMACKED that both his parents like Gus better than Kaz. Like. How??
Jordan!! I <3 her. There’s a post going around on here that says she should've been in Elite Force instead of AJ & I 100% agree. She does seem like the type that'd be a surprisingly good hacker... and honestly I just really miss her :(
Her & Daniel(le) would get along. I have no proof I just know it. Troublemakers Inc(TM)
Pansexual & polyamorous. As long as everyone's having fun he's down for whatever
Transfem genderfluid, he/she/it. Starts by calling itself a woman/girl casually until Oliver's like. Kaz is there anything you want to tell me. & Kaz is like pfffft what no that's ridiculous ha ha Oliver I think I'd know if I was transgender. Then Kaz thinks about it & it's like. Damn it.
It/its pronouns also happen via jokes, she's just like. I'm like if a girl were a bug :) or perhaps a small mammal. Until someone calls her 'it' and she's like. Hm. Kinda slaps.
Doesn't even realize she has dysphoria, just starts acting & dressing more feminine when it suits her & 2 years later she's like. Huh. I haven't been avoiding mirrors lately. Wonder what that's about?
Combined-type ADHD
Dyslexic & dysgraphic. Only got through English by the Grace of God (Oliver). But I headcanon that other than spelling & syntax errors he's actually a great writer when he puts the effort in. He'd kill in public speaking but he'd never do that lol.
If she had a Normo job, it'd be firefighter
Trans guy, he/him. He & Kaz are transmasc/transfem solidarity. His mom is more supportive than his dad.
OCD, anxiety, autistic. Gets all 3 from his parents which is part of the reason it took so long to get a diagnosis (both of them just thought getting crippling bouts of anxiety was normal).
Aroallo, specifically cupioromantic bisexual... this is so important to me you don't understand. Oliver is a very codependent character and I think learning to live on his own & not be jealous of his friends would be a great character arc for him.
He & Kaz r so fucking queerplatonic don't even get me started. Do Not Seperate Them.
Skylar Storm
Ace lesbian
She's an alien so I don't think she prescribes to human gender roles like. At all. So she's not really "trans" or "cis", but she does use she/xhe pronouns & mostly describe herself as a woman.
Futch Skylar... futch Skylar supremacy!! Has a sort of complicated relationship with presentation and whatnot, human femininity is sort of the norm for Skylarkind as a fashion trend. Xhe and Experion actually were both ostracized for their presentation (butch/trans Experion my beloved <3). I think xhe prefers more masculine dress but in fun styles and colors because, in her words, "practicality doesn't have to be boring".
Skylar Storm is essentially just a stage name, it started as anickname based on a very loose translation of xyr actual name.
Alan Diaz
Trans guy, any pronouns. Mostly because they're confused by language as a concept.
You know how its a running gag in MM that Horace never taught him how to count past eighty? That, but with language. Horace speaks Arabic, Old Castilian, & Mexican Spanish interchangeably so Alan grew up thinking that's just how people talk. Mix that with random alien languages &, well, they're incomprehensible on the best of days.
Doesn't know they're trans. Like they're trans obviously but if you told her that she wouldn't really understand.
Oliver: so you were, uh, born a girl but you're a boy now?
Alan: no, I'm a boy.
Oliver: yeah, obviously, but like, physically--
Alan: What Normo nonsense are you on about.
And it continues like that.
Polysexual, and if xe were married xe'd be a Wife Guy (positive).
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babyloncurse · 1 year
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ABOUT CADE | All I speak is static screams, can you hear me?
ᚠᚱᛟᛗ  ⸻  tom holland. cis man. he/him. ⸻  i saw CADE ROTHSCHILD around colony house, you know? the  twenty-six year old that was driving from BROOKLYN, NEW YORK when they saw the tree on the road. CADE has been here for THREE YEARS and i think they were A RADIO SHOW HOST before they got stuck in the town. with the way things are now, they are now struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy and  seek a way out without losing themselves or dying.  lets hope you at least survive the night. 
FULL NAME: Cade Rothschild
NICKNAMES: That son of a bitch right there, that whiny kid from Colony House, fucking Cade
AGE: Twenty-Five
FACE CLAIM: Tom Holland
HEIGHT: 5′8″
DATE OF BIRTH: September 7th, 1998
AGE: Twenty-Five
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Bachelor's in Communications with a Minor in Advertisement & English from Columbia University
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, New York
FORMER OCCUPATION: Late Night Radio Show Host "Dorian Thomas"
POSITIVE TRAITS: Silver tongue, Reminiscent, Resourceful
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, Impulsive, Impatient
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Landscaper for Colony House
Before his disappearance from the face of the world a year ago, Cade was, in fact, just another golden boy— at least that's what everyone thought. But not all that glitters is gold, and Cade finally learned that when he was accepted into an elite academic society at Columbia University. He'd been an anomaly as he spoke the part, held the curl of lip just right, but he hardly looked it. Cade's saving grace was how he somehow demanded attention without ever being seen in the back of the classroom. His voice called out from the farthest row, a squint away, seemingly the only one with reason.
He'd been taken under the wing of his peers under the impression that they'd be his guardians. Known to be quiet, he found somewhere to stand and be heard. They made Cade feel as though he was heaven sent and angel willed, but it would be a hard fall from grace after that. No matter how hard they tried to dress him up, there were parts of Cade that they couldn't deny could never be reassembled to fit in with him. Towards the end of his college days, he had scraped himself of every gold flake they pressed against him like it was grime. Many say it was maturity that got to him and why he abandoned the comfort of his so-called brothers, while others believe to this day that maybe they realized Cade wasn't as special as they anticipated. As for Cade, he believes it was just a matter of time before he'd be another fool to false fortune.
Feeling out of place his third year, Cade's older sister, Olivia, had agreed to meet with him and venture out into the city together. They made plans to have lunch, he'd finally show her around and reintergrate his life before with the one he was building now. Their mother had fixated on finding the perfect white picket fence to raise her children in, even if she painted it herself. She had engrained in Cade that he needed to be good, smart, and ready to settle down. He was feeling out of place and exhausting pretending to care about a path he was told he had to follow. Olivia was suppose to talk sense into him, but she never showed up. They would have to reschedule for the next day, and then maybe the day after, as she never made it to campus and no one had been able to trace her down since.
Her disappearance took a toll on Cade that those around him found difficult to handle, and they took a step back. His grades began to slip, and every promise he had fumbled around him. The position he was promised at one of the most sought after news station was compromised. However, he was able to prevail and graduated but he'd once again start at the bottom of a ladder. While he had a degree that most didn't, he lost the drive to try harder early on and for the last four years he's stayed as an assistant.
At a Christmas Party at the station, a drunken Cade climbed up to the broadcast wing of the building to recover. Panic had settled in, and once more, that feeling of being out of place and stuck struck again. He had signed on to the broadcast after hours and sent a message to his sister if she was out there about how he felt and ultimately talked himself down. The message had resonated with many listeners to the point that a few had asked the next day while calling in if they had ever resolved the caller's request believing that Cade had just been someone who dialed in. He'd get on every night and talk into the void of listeners out there hoping that it was his sister. He build a reputation for himself as Dorian Thomas who took a full year to have his identity compromised when the radio station finally figured out it was their assistant. They didn't kick him off though— their profits skyrocketed during their dullest hour, and after a slap on the wrist, Cade was brought on as an official late night host.
Despite his success, all Cade ever did was speak to his sister hoping she was out there listening. After a few years, it felt like he was talking into the void again and he sought out a plan to try and find her again. The weekend he had off was dedicated to tracing another set of plausible footsteps Olivia could have made, but he'd been blocked by a tree in the middle of the road keeping him from finding it.
Cade arrived in town right at sunset. Orange hues were being consumed by the shadows of evening, and one knock on the door was interrupted when they pulled him inside and tied him up immediately. He fought, and they had to knock him out, and he's seemingly never picked a fight again except to strike a deal. After all, there's always a barter system as long as you play your hand best.
He's never ventured outside the Colony House after arriving, never making it into town and never wandering farther than the fields they tend to. The one time Cade did after falling asleep outside, he'll never forget it. He spends his time coping by distorting his new reality with a good smoke, or whatever escape he's conjured up with the mushrooms he brought with him.
Cade doesn't have a particular room that's his in Colony House. It's diminished to a small corner in the living room where he's tucked away what's left of his own belongings into a trunk under a bench. He tends to sleep wherever he ends up crashing, though he pays a due in anyway he can even if it's not sleeping at all.
When he first arrived at Colony House, he was very quiet and took to his duties as a working member of the house. He made up for it by rolling a good joint with just about anything. However, he didn't speak much except when he figured out how to channel the small radio in the back of his trunk to whatever channel hung around the town itself to express his own concerns into a void and prayers of seeing his sister again.
Most of the time, Cade is sleeping throughout the day or picking weeds (and his own personal stash of shrooms he'd brought with him) for hours at a time. Any mind numbing task he takes on with a beg. At night, he's found a way to not pay mind to the voices by distracting himself any way he can— including providing any distraction he can for someone else.
His car is near Colony House and has been picked apart for scraps, hit at for entertainment, and used as storage for whatever he doesn't want to share. It's a 1972 Monte Carlo he's demolished in the last three years.
Sometimes Cade will hosts what's reminiscent of a rager in one of the rooms by rigging up all of the break lights he's stolen from the cars in town and propping candles halfway under colorful vases while they spin on turntables. Sometimes, he's not happy with where he is or what he left behind— and he tries to find elsewhere to feel better by escaping it all.
People he's roomed with in the Colony House
People in town who have listened to him on the radio
Colony House hook ups, which has either worked for a transaction for something or problem solving because Cade is a pain in the ass
Anyone from the New York area since he went to Columbia University
People he went to school with at Columbia University, including those in the Brotherhood if possible
OLIVIA ROTHSCHILD - SISTER: Olivia has been Cade's fixation for the last five years since her disappearance. She was suppose to meet him in New York when he was having trouble his junior year of college, unsure of his decisions to chase a life of comfort their mother engrained in them by chasing a reasonable profession and education. She never arrived, and he's tried to keep her memory alive by tracking her down. It's her that he's always reaching out to on the radio even before he ended up at Colony House. He has yet to know she's been in town the entire time.
NAZLI SAYAR - BEST FRIEND: Cade had sought Nazli out in Brooklyn to take on his sister's case for their podcast, but every meeting was met with the same answer he had come up with himself. She was the last person he expected to arrive at Colony House, though, and seeing a familiar face pulled him out of the depression he had settled into. Nazli seems to be the only one who can snap him back to reality when he's become too distant from it all, and they're notoriously never far from the other. You've probably only ever seen Cade wearing clothes that match when Nazli's sitting on his lap wearing the matching silk pajama shirt to his pants at a Colony House meeting.
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lttleghost · 11 months
you're so right in that reblog for real ,i cannot stand how people are so open to trans headcanons until it's a transfem one :/ i'm not transfem myself, but i did have a really rough time coming to terms with my own womanhood! so taking characters i've liked my whole life and interpreting them as transfem is really nice! plus it helped me learn a lot about trans people besides my own specific type and experiences. but people can be so rude and dismissive about it just because... i dunno, harder to relate or something? it's so annoying!
IT'S INSANE TO ME!!! like it's crazy enough that people will hate a female character that shares the same traits as their male fav but for some reason I was just…. not expecting it to happen when… transing the gender of the SAME EXACT CHARACTER
another thing is you'll even see people call their favs "babygirl" and feminine terms or even sometimes "woman-coded" but nooooo they can't be transfem I guess? they're only "babygirl" as long as you can still say they're men!
I'm not transfem either and I've only got a bit of a connection to womanhood but I also really like connecting to trans people who have different experiences from me (also in direct opposition to the ideas that some idiots have about trans women "enforcing gender stereotypes" or whatever, more of the transfem community was (and still is) welcoming of my being no-med no-op, resembling my agab, and using weird pronouns than other transmascs were at the time when I first was discovering myself)
but also while there's some things I really don't care about textually supported headcanons, there's well written media where transfem headcanons just… make more sense thematically and even just in not interfering with the existing text like- I dunno how ppl expect me to interpret Hunter as transmasc when her whole thing is finding an identity outside of the MAN that she is a clone of, and then with my icon and wife Jesse Pinkman because I cannot stop myself from ranting abt her, I understand that there's a lot of things that can be interpreted as her being stealth transmasc… if you can suspend your disbelief enough that this person that has buried the person she really is from people, including herself, under this harmful façade that he's had to adopt to survive has still somehow figured out enough about himself to have already transitioned to the point of passing as cis in an environment where there's multiple individuals that would be incredibly transphobic and have known him long enough that they would know he's trans, like in a show that has a ton of themes about change and revealing true self….. why are you bending over backwards to say this character has already transitioned or has even realized she's trans? and that's not the end of transmasc Jesse being a weaker reading of her character either
like….. I don't understand the need for people to have their favs be EXACTLY exactly like them, like I understand projection and all of that and I think that's good but I think it'd be good for people to learn how to find common ground in identities that aren't the same as theirs, or even think about the differences someone might experience in an identity that is "mirror" to theirs like a very fem transmasc person like myself isn't gonna have the same experience as a very masc transfem person, and it's important to realize that or you're gonna make a lot of bullshit assumptions, but like if you can't relate to the fact that you're still both outside of what is expected of your gender and being trans then like.... that's pretty messed up
this is a pretty disjointed rant and not at all comprehensive but like..... yeah
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andie-cake · 2 years
no one asked, but here's some jasper mckenzie (my hf oc) hcs and stuff bc i'm thinking abt the blorbo from my brain again
the mckenzie family loves game shows, and that includes jasper. pre-rollerama, jasper often dreamed abt him or one of his family members being on a game show and winning a ton of money so they could move into a nicer house. once jasper started fighting in the rollerama and earning tons of money for their family, that fantasy kinda died (not like they needed game show money anymore). but they're still really passionate abt game shows, and when he grows up he really wants to make and/or host a game show one day. somehow both of my hf ocs either work in tv or have aspirations of working in tv.
speaking of jasper being grown up, i could never pinpoint which hf cast member i would imagine playing jasper if he was like a canon character bc they're only 13. but i started picturing what jasper would look like as an adult recently, and surprisingly i think jeff is the closest match. like, jeff with a bit less facial hair and curlier hair is how i imagine adult jasper, at least in terms of which cast member they most closely resemble.
jasper's best friend at the rollerama is jae's fighter character (y'know, the "that was wicked, yellow jacket!" kid). they were also the cause of jasper realizing he was Not Cis. like "wow, instead of going by he or she, you're a they? that's so cool, i wish i could do that :)", "...jasper, i have something to tell you-".
on the subject of gender, jasper prolly goes through A Lot of mini gender crises as they get older. jumps between several different sets of pronouns and labels for a while, maybe even id-ing as a trans girl and changing their name for like A Month before going "yeah nvm, that doesn't feel right". by the time they hit 21, i think he decides to settle back on he/they and not really label their gender.
jasper has a lot of foods that he can't really stand eating anymore after living in poverty for the first 11 years of his life, both from association and just generally being sick of it. pizza and cup ramen, mainly. they can stomach homemade, baked from scratch pizza, but like cheapo take-out pizza and frozen pizza just makes them kinda queasy now. similar case with ramen, the packaged or cup stuff makes his stomach turn, but the first time he got to have real ramen was an Experience. like you can make this stuff good? since when!?
really took to the post-fight rollerskating sessions at the rollerama, and managed to become really good at it. he's one of the few kids at the rollerama to have upgraded to rollerblades, and he's really proud of being able to out-skate some of the older kids.
gets crushes all the time without even realizing it. they've had small crushes on just about every kid at the rollerama, even if just for a little bit. on the rare occasion he does realize it's a crush, he kinda freaks out a bit. they're not emotionally prepared for these feelings, how do you turn them off-
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bettyshcw · 2 years
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❝ Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it —
CHARACTER NAME: Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Shaw
FACE CLAIM: Rachel Weisz
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 42 ; March 7th, 1980
HOMETOWN: Westerly, RI
TIME LIVING IN WESTERLY: Left mid-twenties and returned 9 months ago
GENDER, PRONOUNS & SEXUALITY: Cis woman, she & her, bisexual
TAGGING: @westerlyintros
There’s a pattern in the course of Elizabeth Shaw’s life. It’s something that she’s equally proud and ashamed of; the way she can hold onto something or someone until there’s nothing left to grasp. At times it was embarrassing to be the one on her knees grasping at straws and other times Betty knew she could walk away saying she gave it everything she had.
For most of her life she’d been trying to live up to her father’s image and his ideals. He was a man that came from nothing but the pennies in his pocket who worked tirelessly until he resided in the judge’s seat and provided wealth for his family. Every grade and minor accomplishment Betty rushed to him to proudly show it off, only to be told it was good but she could do better. To his credit, he was right. Most of the time. This stern parenting of low praise yet high expectations bore an overachiever. Betty got straight A’s in school, was in more extracurriculars than she could manage, and somehow had time for sports.
It was also the time that a best friendship became something more. First kiss, first love, first relationship, and eventually first major heartbreak.
Betty and James were inseparable in their youth, going through every major high and low of adolescence together and even being the typical teenagers with unbridled emotions and hormones they broke up and made up at least a few times. They got matching tattoos when they were 18, something commemorative of their favorite phrase strictly belonging to them. Despite the fact that they didn’t ed up together forever, Betty still has the ink etched onto her skin. Not covered up nor erased.
While the local university wasn’t Betty’s first choice in undergraduate education, she stayed in town to be with James. They were adults in a full fledged relationship, she believed their road would continue on. That they would be married and have kids one day. They’d buy a nice house with a view and a big yard. Life just has a way of happening when you’re busy making plans. Even though Betty could feel her and James growing apart, she dug in and held on. Much like she did in her youth when it came to sports she didn’t particularly like or enjoy, and likely wasn’t even all that good at, but kept on because it would please her father and look good for when university came in her future.
Letting go was never Betty’s thing. The relationship with James had run it’s course however, so she could walk away or let the same mistakes happen again. She could keep trying to fit a square into a circle, and continue to hold onto something that didn’t want to be held onto. When James ended things, for once Betty didn’t fight. In fact, she left Westerly entirely. Her dream of being an architect would never be realized, instead she was in law school in New York following in her father’s footsteps. After graduating, Betty passed the bar and began working at a big firm in the big city.
Tons of money was made, she climbed the ladder of success and became the youngest to make partner in her firm, and she gave up her dreams to be the image of accomplished and distinguished. She ran from anything that didn’t serve her, and Betty walked out on every relationship before they could leave her. After James, it had become a scary thing to be the one left holding the bag. That feeling of someone you loved pulling away and growing in the opposite direction was something Betty never wanted to feel again. For the majority of her adult life she never did.
Then it was time to return to Westerly. There was a big shake up at the law firm, an investigation that tarnished the reputation of everyone connected to the name. She walked out but only returned to her hometown because her mother had called to tell her that her father had passed away.
What was she to do now? Who was there to please?
There was going back to school to get her degree in architecture. A door had opened and Betty walked through, deciding for once to wade through the unknown to see where it took her now that her blank slate was bringing about some promise.
While Betty knows its a bad habit, a terrible one, she’s a secret shameful smoker. Even in her own house she steps outside for a cigarette so that no one would be able to smell it inside the house.
So much feels brand new to her. For most of her life she did the things she was supposed to do, believed there would be some reward in the end for hanging on and staying the course.
Since she never really drove while living in NYC one of Betty’s favorite things now is to drive around in her car. Often just random long drives with no particular destination.
When living in New York she would take pictures of buildings, sculptures, and beautiful angles that caught her eyes. Betty keeps those photos in a scrapbook.
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maliaxwoodard · 11 days
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Name: Malia Woodard
Faceclaim: Christina Milian
Gender & Pronouns: cis female & she/her
Age: 38
Birthday: December, 25th, 1986
Height: 5'2
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Nurse Practitioner
Neighborhood: Masonboro
Does your character have a secret? She ran away from her abusive husband and came to Wilmington.
Would you be willing to have this secret used against them at some point in the future? Yes.
short facts
Born on Christmas Day in Maple Falls, Wisconsin
She has no family she keeps in contact with
Been living in Wilmington for 2 years
A big time bookworm
Earned a nursing scholarship to University of Wisconsin-Madison
A survivor of domestic abuse and is raising her 3 year-old daughter, Leilani.
Malia Woodard was born on Christmas Day in a little Wisconsin town, Maple Falls. It should've been a happy time, but her parents were having money troubles and fighting a lot. Growing up, she found comfort in books. She loved getting lost in stories that took her far away from the stress at home. Even though things were tough, she was smart and worked hard. She did really well in school and got a scholarship to go to college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She decided to study nursing because she wanted to help people and have a steady job. After college, Malia started working as a nurse in Milwaukee. She was really good at her job and despite having no contact with her parents, she was happy. That's when she met James Woodard. He was a pharmaceutical rep and swept Malia off her feet. He was charming and promised her an amazing life together. They fell in love fast and got married when she was 30. For a while, it seemed like she had found her happily ever after. They had a baby girl named Leilani five years later, which completed Malia. But soon, things started to go wrong. When they were alone, James started showing an ugly side. At first, he just tried to control her. But then he started being mean with his words and even hitting her. Malia, like many people in her situation, kept it a secret. She felt ashamed and scared to tell anyone. For over a year, Malia put up with the abuse. It slowly wore her down. She focused all her love on taking care of Leilani, trying to keep her safe from what was happening. When things got really bad, Malia would think about the strong women in her favorite books. Their stories of not giving up when things were hard helped her keep going. One night, when Leilani was just a baby, James got frustrated and smacked her for crying. It made her realize she had to get out – not just for herself, but for her baby. In the dead of the night, Malia grabbed her baby and ran. She had nowhere to go and somehow ended up in Wilmington, North Carolina. She picked it randomly – it was far from Wisconsin so she'd feel safe, but close to the ocean which felt like a fresh start. There, Malia had to start her life over from scratch. The first few months were really hard. Malia didn't sleep much, always worried James might find them. She had to figure out how to take care of Leilani and make money. Luckily, she found a job as a nurse at Mercy General in Wilmington. She worked hard, often doing extra shifts to make ends meet. Wanting an even better future, she started taking online classes to become a nurse practitioner. She'd study late at night after Leilani went to bed. Seeing her daughter sleeping peacefully reminded her why she was working so hard. Now after being in Wilmington for 2 years at age 38, her life is so different from what it was. She's a nurse practitioner and people respect her for being really good at her job and understanding of others. Because of what she went through, she's especially good at helping patients who've dealt with hard times or abuse. Leilani is now three years old and full of energy and questions about everything. She's the most important thing in Malia's world. Even though being a single mom is tough, she has worked hard to make a happy home for Leilani. She wants to give her daughter the stable, loving childhood she didn't have.
Coworker at Mercy General who becomes a close friend and confidante Another single parent she meets at Leilani's daycare Lawyer assisting with her divorce proceedings Yoga enthusiasts Bookworms Friends Best Friend Neighbors in the Masonboro Area Another transplant to Wilmington who becomes a friend
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grimmplacehq · 2 months
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Character name: Suzy "Kitty" Müller Age & Birthday: 20 & August 3rd Gender & Pronouns: Cis-female & She/Her Occupation: Lead Singer & Guitarist of the Weird Sisters Blood Status: Pureblood Previous House: Hufflepuff Previous Affiliation: Neutral Face Claim: Adeline Rudolph
Kitty is taken by Charlie
The Müller household was as typical as could be - besides maybe the fact that there were no boys to speak of. Soo was the last of three, and considered as much of a blessing as the first two. Her childhood was busy, and fairly strict, but there was no lack of love or fun; blending learning with playing and balancing nights in with evenings out - and by the age of seven when she was to go off to Mahoutokoto school of magic in Japan, she was fluent in both Japanese and Korean, and had started showing promise in the control of her metamorphmagus abilities, although her parents wished she spent the time on practicing more practical things. 
It was on the first day that she met Bo-da, a young girl from the other side of South Korea, and they hit it off immediately, inseparable in classes and owling each other over weekends and breaks. Soo was inspired by her friend to study English, much to her parents' approval, and things seemed perfect. But just when they were most excited - the summer before they'd finally be able to live together at the school, Bo-da’s family moved away. 
The little girl didn't let it dampen her spirits too much, though she missed her friend greatly, and she moved into the school with her sisters, but she had a hard time focusing. Naturally gifted, it was a frustration to both her professors and her parents that she didn't have perfect marks, but Siu didn't want to sit behind a desk and read from a book - she wanted to explore and experience. 
When she was thirteen, her father informed them they'd be moving back to his hometown of Germany - his mother was having a hard time as she aged and they'd go stay with her to help. It was a good thing she'd decided to learn English, because her mother told her she'd be calling herself Suzy and going to Hogwarts. 
The school felt vastly different, but the magic of Hogwarts was warm and comfortable and she quickly made herself at home, sorted into Hufflepuff away from her two sisters (they had been put in Ravenclaw) she quickly discovered a familiar face in her first potions class: Bo-da, now going by Greta. It suited her - but Suzy didn't suit Soo. She decided to go by Kitty, an inside joke between her and her friend but it had caught on, and it felt right.
However, if her parents thought Hogwarts would help her get back on track academically, they were wrong. She had been farther along in her curriculum at Mahoutokoto, and she grew bored easily in class - daydreaming and doodling lines of poetry in the side of her journals. 
The day she picked up a guitar, it was all over. The poems she had been writing were lyrics, and she spent long nights by the fireplace learning to play the instrument, singing softly to herself. It didn't take long until she had convinced her sisters to join, and though her parents were far from happy that all three were forgoing stability to try their hand at music, they supported The Weird Sisters as they graduated and rented a small flat together, playing small gigs whenever they could and barely making enough to scrape by. But somehow, some way, they did it. They made it, and got booked for larger slots and opened for some of the most popular wix bands until one day - their agent told them they'd be headlining. 
They'd made it - and they'd done so with a war raging around them. But that hadn't mattered, because the Müller sisters - the Weird Sisters, had never picked a side, being too busy going out and getting everything they'd ever wanted. 
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talenlee · 3 months
Crossdressing In Pokemon
You know about this, right?
Obviously if I bring up crossdressing in Pokemon you might think ‘well, yeah, there’s that one episode with James…’ and then maybe you kinda wonder about the times you’ve seen screencaps of Jessie in a suit. You maybe even remember the time Ash dressed up as a girl to sneak into a grass-type gym.
Thing is, it’s not two specific instances. In fact, it’s got an entire page on Bulbapedia, which you could go read, right now, if you wanted to, and if you don’t this article is going to largely be about that page, because I don’t have all the episodes of Pokemon or Japanese versions of the game to check.
Content Warning: I’m going to talk about crossdressing as a source of comedy that doesn’t treat it as a fundamental evil. I am going to talk about crossdressing as a form of ethically-neutral gender play, and not treat it like ‘a character crossdresses’ is itself a transphobic thing for media to do. This is a fraught area, especially when it comes to transphobic humour, and, as a cis guy, I want to be understood I’m not going to feel bad if you just step out of the conversation.
Spoiler Warning: I guess I’m going to run the risk of spoiling some twenty-five-ish year old episodes of the Pokemon anime. If you’re doing a full watchthrough and don’t want spoilers, that’s information you can act on I guess.
There’s a bunch of crossdressing in the Pokemon anime. The stuff that stands out the most in my mind is that the Team Rocket characters frequently show up in themed outfits where, for some reason or another, Jessie dresses in the masc-coded outfit of the pair and James in the femme-coded outfit of the pair. It seems a pretty obvious and harmless thing to me, where the delightfully useless villains are defined by doing things that are funny and silly, and also to highlight their supposed expertise at the art of disguise and subterfuge. You know, James is so good at disguising himself he’ll bust out a truly preposterous rack to do it.
(“but how” don’t worry about it)
And like, some people have helpfully documented each outfit and episode, but it’s not just James crossdressing. There’s also the masc-coded pokemon who dress as women, like Claydol and Meowth, who are both addressed with he/him pronouns. Though you know, maybe Meowth is a he/him lesbian, I’m not gunna give him guff no matter how he wants to cut that particular poffin. Then, sometimes but not always as a direct connection, Jessie also crossdresses, but you know, somehow a woman dressing in a suit doesn’t make anyone get all mad about it, like we’re not mad at girls for wearing cargo shorts (yet).
Thing is, only 11 episodes after James first threw on a skirt, Ash did the same thing, to get into a gym! And if you’re like me and mostly know this stuff from memories of the game, you might think ‘wasn’t this a gym for women only?’ and then have the moment of horror that oh no, this story had a story about a Sneaky Crossdresser Infiltrating Women’s Spaces, Oh No, Does This Suck? And good news! No it’s about Ash trying to get back into a place that threw him out because he, specifically sucks! It’s not gendered, it’s just that Ash is trash and then the story recognised that him attempting to sneak in as a girl would be difficult and also extremely impractical if that’s what he wanted to do.
This created the faux character ‘Ashley,’ or in the Japanese, ‘Satoko.’ And in several of the games (Crystal, the G1 and G2 remakes, Diamond, Pearl and Platinum), in Japan, one of the default names you can pick is Satoko. The crossdressing from the anime gets referenced in the games. Makes sense – after all, a bunch of the games have crossdressers in them – whether a character disguising themselves as other characters of other genders (like Janine or your Mom), Nursery Aide June crossdresses to have access to a woman-coded job (overseeing kids and young Pokemon). This is something he says while flirting with you, at least in the Japanese and French versions, but they cut the dialogue in English. Which suggests that in English there are unacceptable ways to present as a teacher, almost like June is completely right about need to present specifically in order to access the job he wants.
The thing is, we know that crossdressing in this context isn’t the same thing as being transgender. That is, thanks to the presence of Beauty Nova, we know that in the Pokemon games, the play experience that gets treated as elevated text, there’s someone who’s trans. She’s not a crossdresser, she’s not represented the way the crossdressing is, and that’s distinct.
If you don’t already know about Beauty Nova, first I guess you need to know about Archetypes. The trainers you meet in the world all are sorted into archetypes, which indicate (generally), a playstyle and an aesthetic. Black Belts for example, are represented by a man in a black belt and usually use fighting type or rock type Pokemon. The Beauty archetype – which Nova is – are all women. When you meet her, she remarks she used to be a Black Belt, and in English, calls this a ‘transformation.’ In the Japanese, what she says is closer to ‘the power of medical science is awesome, wouldn’t you say?!’ which explicitly links this to a medical process.
She’s trans. It’s not detailed, we don’t see the colour of her estrogen pills, but this tiny bit of text does everything it needs to in order to present a trans character in a way that neither detracts from nor demands anything from the story it’s in. There are people who argue against the presence of Nova, who try to find some way to argue against this position with what-ifs and kinda-sortas and actually-in-the-German.
As with so many of these things this is a negotiation. For example, it is an extrapolation of the information in the game presented here to see Nova and consider that she’s talking about having transitioned. You have to bring to bear the knowledge that Black Belts you see in the game are always represented by men, and understand what she calls a ‘transformation’ and parse together that information. The information from the Japanese version where you can integrate the knowledge she specifically links this to medical science, that becomes part of it as well. Whereas if you’re arguing that actually this doesn’t have to mean that, and it doesn’t really mean that, what you get to bring to the argument is the presumption that everyone around you is going to believe you’re as rock fucking stupid as you’re pretending to be.
I know crossdressing is something that makes people upset, especially in a sort of agnostic, not-looking-at-anyone-in-the-room-kinda way. Setting aside the dickheads, a lot of trans folk, especially a few years ago pre-pandemic, were energetically mad at the presence of Drag Queens on the media because of Drag’s specific imposition into how people perceived trans issues. And like, yeah that makes complete sense to me, I wouldn’t want someone three doors down from me answering the survey about my life, even if we do, as it were, live on the same street. And let’s not kid ourselves, there are a lot of dragsters who are pretty shocking about trans issues, especially because they’re close enough to something similar to assume they’re inside and informed. I understand the distress with the practicioners and I understand the irritation with the big media representation.
But that’s Drag, which isn’t all of crossdressing.
I’ve been thinking about this in the context of queering spaces. Decades ago, we had Bugs Bunny doing funny crossdressing malarkey, along with other Looney Tunes characters, and in many cases it was never something that diminished the character doing it, but was rather instead a sign of how clever they were compared to their opposition. There was a presence of crossdressing in the media that was allowed and playful and funny and okay, and what a thing the media could do without it being about imposing shame on the person doing it.
Thing is, in Pokemon, it’s all safe and it’s all playful. Jessie and James show up in disguises that fool Ash (sometimes) and don’t fool you, and it absolutely should be okay for that kind of thing to exist. People should be able to play with gender and play with presentations and for it to fall in a space so safe we show it up in kids’ shows. The games can mention and show crossdressing and even give you a way to consider yourself crossdressing if you want, and again, all of that is okay.
If it’s a performance, you should be able to play with it.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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henry-espionage · 3 years
hq men helping you through crippling dysphoria (reader is ftm)
in the past two hours, my dysphoria has suddenly spiked and i've become hyper-aware of just how feminine i look so i wrote this. you can tell how hard i projected onto suga's one.
characters involved: sugawara and suna.
content warnings: gender dysphoria, trans man!reader, transphobic/self-centred family, misgendering, sexualisation, plus sized!reader (for suga's bit), general transphobia, cursing
Kōshi Sugawara
Being a plus-sized trans man wasn't fun at the best of times. Your cheeks were considered by your mother to be 'too chubby' to look good with short hair, your hips too wide to fit into men's jeans and your binder never fully flattening down your chest. What's worse, your large chest was often the subject of sexualisation and led to various jokes/insults being showered upon you (often by your own family).
Speaking of family, they never used your correct pronouns. They got a hold of the name but still refused to do the pronouns; they somehow managed to centre their feelings in your identity.
Bottom line: aside from your boyfriend and a handful of your shared friends, you were still seen as a girl.
Today had been a gym day, meaning you couldn't wear your binder to school which had resulted in many odd glances and whispers as you got changed in the toilet stall of the boy's locker room.
Even worse, the buttons of your school shirt strained around your chest uncomfortably.
Every little comment found a way to get stuck underneath your skin; your teacher's confused stare and near-intentional misgendering burned into your skull.
The final straw came in the form of your mother texting you about some bra fitting she had booked in for you.
Wordlessly, you slipped out of your class and to the toilets in the music building to cry in peace. You honestly thought that no one had noticed you.
Your knees found a way to your chest, pressing tightly into the uncomfortable flesh mounds as your vision blurred with hot tears. Choked sobs finally broke through the damn of your lips as you hit the back of your head against the bathroom stall door.
"Y/N?" You startled at the soft voice, ready to tell them to fuck off until you recognised him as your boyfriend. You shrunk back into yourself as he stepped into the room you sat in. "I thought I'd find you here... and before you ask, no one else noticed you left." At that you sighed in relief, holding your arms out for Kōshi to sit beside you.
As soon as you felt him take his place next to you, you pressed your entire form into him and sobbed even harder than you had been doing so before, his fingers softly stroking through your hair as he shushed you gently. He opened out his arms and allowed you to crawl into his lap: an offer you took immediately as you gripped on to his school shirt. Kōshi slowly rocked your form back and forth, all the while listening to you as your cries slowly subsided.
"You're safe with me, dear. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." His voice was so soft and quiet, your sniffles nearly drowning him out as he placed a kiss atop your forehead. With shaky hands, you showed him the message your mother had recently sent you to which he quietly called her a bitch before pulling you in closer.
"You're my favourite boy, you know that?" You let out a shaky breath and rub aggressively at your eyes.
"Do you never wish that you could be with, you know, someone cis?" A hand found its way to your chubby cheek and tilted your head up to face your boyfriend, his eyes doused in care and concern.
"No, never. You're the most gorgeous boy I've ever met and I love you." His planted another kiss on your temple. "I would never want someone else."
Rintarō Suna
It's an odd experience being the only non-cis player on the Inarizaki volleyball team but they never made you feel alienated or excluded.
However, the same could not be said for some of the 'supporters' who attended matches.
Normally they're easy to ignore but after the team lost a set, the shouts and transphobic chants were overwhelming.
You went on to win the match but the boos and taunts still followed you as you shook the hands of the other team.
Not even bothering to attend Kita's debrief, you bolted it to your school's bus and slunk into one of the backseats, your hands still shaking.
You couldn't help but feel envious of the entire team like the Miya twins with their parade of fangirls who would fight for them tooth and nail or Kita and his confidence in his own masculinity.
The way the outside perceived your gender was starting to make you spiral, your eyes becoming unfocused and your ears swimming with the insults from before.
You didn't even notice your boyfriend, Suna, taking the seat next to you.
"You know you're one of the best people on our team, right?" You jumped nearly out of your skin until your eyes refocused on Rin's face. You opened your mouth to object only to feel your throat go completely dry; you closed it again in defeat. Rin didn't miss a beat, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your head to his chest where you could feel his soft heartbeat.
The silence finally became comfortable; Rin's hand wrapped around your own, his thumb massaging the back of your hand as his lips found their way to your forehead.
"I'm so jealous." You muttered, letting out a sigh into your boyfriend's chest.
"Hm? What of?"
"The rest of the team," Rin opened his mouth, "you're all tall, well-built men who clearly radiate testosterone and manliness. Your faces are so angular and I'm myself. It's so obvious that I don't fit with the rest of you." You gently coughed after your impassioned rant, groaning and staring up at your boyfriend apologetically. Rin, ever the loving boyfriend, simply ruffled your hair and pressed a kiss to your soft lips.
"I know that I won't ever be able to fully understand what you're going through, but I know that you're plenty manly enough for me. Without a shadow of a doubt, you're absolutely perfect and the rest of the team knows it." He shifted you so your chests laid against one another, sighing deeply as he did. "If I wasn't on the court, I would have given those assholes shouting at you a piece of my mind. I think that might be what Atsumu's doing right now?"
As if on cue, the distant sound of Atsumu's angry shouts filtered in through the ajar window.
"I love you, Y/N. You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for."
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lacefuneral · 2 years
character opinion bingo: jim jimenez & izzy hands (OFMD)
(in regards to this poast:)
[murray hewitt voice] jim!!!!! my best friend jim!!!
the moths are all over the board for this one.
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okay so. i have complex feelings about jim. on one hand, i love them. easily the coolest character on the entire show. but feel like we needed even more screentime with them then we got. i mean, hell, they fucking teleport onto the ship with no explanation. an entire bit was cut out about them lying to oluwande about their favorite color, only for them to open up later and tell him the truth. that's important! that's an important part of character development just... deleted. removed. reshaped.
i love the relationship with oluwande but i feel like it needs to be more fleshed out because, again, stuff got cut. but even aside from this, i feel like they were sidelined to favor the the leads.
but my main complaint is... how jim was handled. because, okay. yes. there were nonbinary people in the writer's room, but this is still a show created by a cis man. and jim is outed against their will. twice! the first being the most egregious, with their naked body being seen by lucius without their consent (to be fair, neither of them consented to that). and it's... sososo icky yucky. not to mention, if you watch the audio description, jim is consistently misgendered as "a young woman" and with she/her pronouns. i feel like it would have been so easy to say "an androgynous person" or even just "a person" or fucking. "jim".
there's also the fact that the way jim's identity is tackled on the show is that people loudly proclaim that they're a woman over and over again, and then suddenly characters are using they/them for them, and this is never explained. especially because nana deadnames them repeatedly (even if she uses the right pronouns). so every time i have introduced the show to a cis person, i've had to sit them down and explain "i know the show will tell you that jim is a woman, but they are transgender. they are nonbinary."
i don't expect jim to walk up to the camera and say "i'm nonbinary and I use they/them" pronouns, but more care could have been put into how their story was told.
my proposal, in a rewrite, would be as simple as jim's beard falling off in front of lucius. maybe it gets caught on part of the ship. the same events still play out, but jim isn't forced to be seen in the nude. and if jim did something like janet from "the good place" - correcting when someone says woman to "not a woman" - i feel like that would solve so much even without a full blown coming out scene.
ok. so. izzy hands.
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here's the thing about izzy hands.
he serves a very important narrative purpose as the personification of homophobia and toxic masculinity. he's excellent as a villain. the show would not be able to function without izzy hands in it.
i found myself being repelled by him while watching, particularly because i watched the show at a time where i'd just cast aside a metaphorical izzy. for a while, i was deeply ashamed of the fact that i was a GNC man, and i felt like not being attracted to women anymore somehow made me lesser? less queer? and when i was watching the show, i was coming through on the other side of that. and before that, a couple of years ago, i was struggling with a lot of internalized transphobia.
and having sloughed all of that off of me like dead skin, I felt like Izzy's purpose was obvious. homophobia, bad. toxic masculinity, bad. he's less a character in his own right and more of a vessel for the societal attitudes at this time - he has this in common with the batminton twins and calico jack. very little depth beyond "this is a bully, and his motivation for hurting people is because he wants to."
(con adds to his character's lore, which is lovely and i'm glad he's doing this - but in the show itself, that substance just isn't there. maybe we'll get something more substantial in season 2 that rounds him out beyond his obsession with ed.)
but in the way that cishet dudes will watch "Fight Club" and "American Psycho" and walk away idolizing Tyler Durden and Patrick Batemen respectively - entirely missing the point of the satire of these movies - I feel like a lot of white transmascs watched this show, saw Con O'Neill in leather, and their brains shut off. I've seen people say things about Izzy Hands that is so far removed from the character we see on screen it's genuinely baffling to me.
Some people do Izzy Hands right. Some people say "this guy needs a lot of work" "this guy needs to leave Ed alone" or even "Izzy Hands should remain an unrepentant and bitter asshole, and the crew should treat him as such - which is to say, distance themselves from him."
But so, so many babygirlify him. And as part of that process, they do this horrible thing to Ed. They dehumanize him. They villainize him, and not even for the right reasons. How dare he break Izzy's heart, by not wanting to fuck him they say. Hey guys? Ed cut off his toe. I know you like to meme about it but that's a real criticism you could use instead of "this brown man is heartless and doesn't deserve boundaries." I hope that this isn't a revelation to anybody: No one owes you anything, ever. And Ed certainly doesn't owe a homophobic man that verbally abuses him and cuts him down for being emotionally open anything at all.
TL;DR - Izzy Hands isn't my favorite, but he's important to the plot, but also the fans irritate me to hell. Not all of them. Hashtag not all Izzy Fans. Hashtag some of my best friends are Izzy Fans. Hashtag hashtag. Disclaimer this is my opinion. Etc. Etc.
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tg-headcanons · 4 years
Ghoul headcanon: Gender and Bigotry
Something I will never get over is the poor handling of clearly Trans characters in tokyo ghoul, Mutsuki and Kanae deserved BETTER so I’m fleshing out something I’ve noticed: I think that ghouls themselves are generally accepting.
When I was watching the episodes with Kanae, I couldn’t help but notice that no one seemed to say much alluding to him being afab. At first it could be brushed off as “well he just passes very well and has been presenting as male since he was little,” but as we’ve seen, ghouls CAN tell males and females apart by scent.
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Nishiki mentions this in episode 2, then goes on to refer to him as a man. It stands to reason that Nishio acknowledges that Kaneki is somehow not completely biologically male, but never addresses it again.
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Like with Nishio and Kaneki, any ghoul can smell that Kanae is not biologically male, but they do not address it. They recognize that he presents as a man, and treat him as such. I’m willing to bet that if genderfluidity was handled with any amount of respect in this show, the same would have gone for Mutsuki.
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I still fully maintain that Kanae and Mutsuki are ftm, and THIS IS THE HILL I WILL DIE ON. The one good thing, however, to come out of this abysmal handling of trans characters is that we’ve seen the way ghouls react to them
They are fully aware of biology, but simply respect their identities
And it makes sense! For ghouls there is no social safety net, them simply existing is a crime and because of that they must govern themselves. When they fight, it’s for survival or personal grudges that stem from survival, it would be self destructive for them to be bigoted. When there’s nothing stopping the people you hate from throwing hands, you better choose who you hate carefully, and they know this. After generations of a desperation to live in a world where any grudge can mean death, raising a kid to be accepting will save their lives. It’s because of this that when ghouls interact with people who are not Cis or hetero, just going “oh okay, that’s cool” saves everyone’s lives. Having grown up seeing this and knowing that picking a fight over something so minor causes pointless harm for everyone involved, a ghoul would recognize transphobia and any other bigoted rhetoric for what it is. A stupid waste of everyone’s time.
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Sure they are forced into positions to murder, sure they kill people, but ghouls respect the FUCK out of pronouns
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viciousapathy · 2 years
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( lesley-ann brandt . cis woman . she/hers ) ➶ DID YOU SEE THEM ?! they’re finally back as a SPECTATOR , and you know they’re one of my favourites ! it’s JOHANNA MASON , the FORTY ONE year old WINNER of the SEVENTY-FIRST hunger games! i’m just so excited to see them returning to the capitol all the way from district SEVEN ! they won their games using AN AXE / DECEPTION so their tributes will no doubt be desperate for their wisdom. the capitol just loved them for being so CALCULATED , even if they have been known to be VICIOUS at times. they DON’T have a tribute in this years games . ( character IS part of the uprising )
Name: Johanna Mason. Age: 41. Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis Woman, She/Hers, Demisexual. District: Seven. Affiliation: The Resistance. Job position: Former mentor, currently a simple lumberjack. Skills: Strength, endurance, and agility attributed to her life’s work in district 7. Limitless rage, honestly. Relationship status: Single. Family: All deceased. Don’t mention them. Children: None, she had her tubes tied shortly after her victory. Positive traits: Challenging, efficient, honest, loyal, resourceful. Negative traits: Aggressive, deceptive, dominating, stubborn, unhinged. Character Comparisons: Selina Kyle (Gotham), John Murphy (The 100), Billy Butcher (The Boys), John Bender (The Breakfast Club), Anakin Skywalker (Revenge of the Sith), Bellatrix LeStrange (Harry Potter), April Ludgate (Parks & Rec), Octavia Blake (The 100).
All of the pieces of Johanna Mason’s life that anyone would be interested in have already been telecasted live to the districts and Capitol. It’s a fact she’d rather not relive in any sense of the word, but is routinely reminded thereof.
She was always a rough child ---around the edges, in personality. Growing up in a family full of brothers did that to her. Five older brothers, one younger ... the only girl. They teased her as if she were one of them, and showed her the way of being a Mason.
Climbing trees, playing tag after work, or hide and seek. Johanna was taught to carry and swing an axe almost as soon as she could walk ---put to purpose to help feed the large family she’d been born into. Her bond with her siblings was strong, unbreakable. Life was much simpler when she was younger and couldn’t quite grasp the dangers of living in an outlying district.
Somehow her brothers had avoided the reaping. Johanna almost made it herself ---a late seventeen, budding eighteen when she was reaped. Her siblings couldn’t do anything to help (not that she expected they would) and her parents wept for the assumed loss of their only daughter.
She spent a good portion of her time quiet. Silently seething at the circumstances she’d been played into, angry at the smallest of things. Her stylist for his ridiculous taste, her escort for being overly bubbly about the death of a child (that’s what it was, wasn’t it?), her mentor for attempting to ease her into reality. They all saw her as a weak little girl, thin and wiry, so she let them. Johanna barely scored a 3 in her personal session, and even the careers didn’t believe she was worth the effort. She’d likely die to exposure ... or maybe fall on something and kill herself.
Three days before the games Johanna celebrated her 18th birthday alone. She told nobody.
And she took everyone by surprise. Nothing worth watching for the longest stretch of the 71st Annual Hunger Games, until it came down to the last handful of tributes. The games ended swiftly when she played her hand: vicious, strong, capable. Johanna showed no mercy at all in her methods. Putting an axe in her hands, assuming she was just a weak little girl had been their largest mistake.
Peace did not last long. She hadn’t made it to her victory tour before she was propositioned. The Capitol wanted her ---citizens wanted a piece of someone so malicious, but Johanna refused. In an attempt to call their bluff, she denied becoming a toy of the citizens. Her family was killed for it.
Just like that. Six brothers. Sisters-in-law. Nieces. Nephews. Parents. Gone, because of defiance. Gone, because she’d underestimated the Capitol, Snow, the way everyone underestimated her. And it only made her more angry.
For 9 years she served as mentor, passing the torch along to Mina DeWitt after her victory. In Mina Johanna placed all of her rage. In Mina Johanna placed all of her desire to lash out and cause harm she knew she otherwise couldn’t. And with Mina’s victory Johanna retired, disappearing into the woods of District 7.
She doesn’t remember who approached her about joining the Uprising. Someone who recognized that rage, that anger, the hurt. Someone who knew it could be weaponized and put to use. Someone who knew she was a weapon, a sharp axe requiring something to sever. Johanna will never thank them, but that purpose is the only thing keeping her from falling into nasty habits, to numb herself from the guilt.
Her home in the Victor’s Village is filled with mementos of her family. Every single decoration, even the clutter, is something from them. The jackets she wears are cycled between brothers. Her axe is her father’s. The flannel blankets her youngest brother’s. She lives in their memory as a means to remind herself that she is the reason they’re dead.
Johanna had her tubes tied shortly after her Victory, after she had been propositioned by the Capitol. If it had ever come to it, if they ever forced her into it, she refused to carry a child ---someone to be possibly reaped in the future and used. Now that these games are drawing upon a pool of relatives to the Victors, she’s silently thankful for that decision. Besides, she stands she’d be a horrible mother.
Don’t speak to her about her games unless she mentions it first. Never speak to her about her family. It’s a great way to lose a limb.
the person who recruited her into the uprising
perhaps a romance? it’ ain’t gonna be easy, godspeed (any gender welcome).
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers Of The Chaos (Chapter 1)
The first chapter of the Tumblr KOTLC Fandom Fandom story is here!
Summary: Tam, Linh, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh's podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing
Word count: 1204
Read on AO3
Linh leans into the microphone. "Welcome to the Twins of the Chaos podcast," she says.
"Where some chaotic twins discuss our favorite show, Keepers of the Chaos," adds Tam. He tugs at his silver tipped bangs. "I'm Tam, and my sister's Linh, and today, we're going to be talking about why you should watch KOTC. Now, if you're one of our five regular listeners, you've probably already seen it, but feel free to share this with a friend or relative to convince them to watch this show!"
Smiling, Linh takes the microphone back and continues. "In this show, there's a group of very, very chaotic friends who all go to Tumblr High School together. As soon as they return after New Year's, their principal informs the school of a writing competition taking place between high schools, with other opportunities for extras like drawing or animation. Every member of the winning team gets a free scholarship to an arts school the characters all want to go to, but don't like their chances of getting in normally or paying, so they sign up. Through the nine episode season, taking place over the month of January, the characters in the writing competition start on the premise, get sidetracked, come up with some truly horrifying ideas, write some gay short stories, and, as the title promises, act very chaotic."
"Now, the writing prompt that the group has to build on is kind of... fuckin' weird," Tam says, barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "They have to write about a girl named Sophia, who's twelve years old and can read minds, who meets a teal- yes, teal- eyed boy named Finn, who tells her she's an elf. Then, she travels to the elf world, where she struggles a bit at elf school, makes friends with some other elves, learns that she is an illegal creation of a rebel group called the Dark Duck, and another rebel group- the Rarelynoticed- tries to kidnap and kill Sophia and her friend Deck. And yes, we're aware that the names are shitty but the characters in the show really get into mocking them, so that's an upside."
Linh laughs a little at the names. "There are a lot of rebels, you might have noticed," she adds.
Tam nods. "Yeah, I noticed. There are a lot of rebels because their government sucks. There's a council of twelve really old elves, and only two of them are alright, then one of those two dies, and then one of the previously bad ones turns good."
"The characters in the show were given a very detailed list of worldbuilding, plot, and character details. We don't have to read the whole thing, though- they just consult it when it's relevant."
"But writing about Sophia and the Dark Duck isn't the only plot of KOTC, thankfully. We also get to see the competitors writing Dark Duck interact with one another and have fun. It makes connections to real life events- mainly through Bernie Sanders memes, but whatever. Bernie Sanders memes are funny."
"Bernie Sanders memes are funny," says Linh, nodding seriously. "And yes. There are some romantic ships in there- like Amelia and Akki, or Shai/Lynn/Tater, but there are also close friendships, and you get to see the group bond over their shared desire to get the scholarship, and their collective love of chaos, so the more platonic aspect is definitely given screen time as well."
"Which, given how often shows center only on romance, is really great," Tam agrees.
"The show also does really incredibly with including diverse characters. Pretty much none of them are both straight and cis, and most of them are neither."
Tam grins. "Right, and no one really makes a big deal about it. They mention it when relevant, of course, and some have homophobic parents, but they have depth beyond getting the authors ally cookies or whatever. Everyone uses correct pronouns, or apologizes when they screw up, and everyone's pronouns are validated no matter how 'weird' or 'confusing' it might be."
"The show also has a lot of good religious diversity, with quite a few Jewish characters, who make sure it's very clear that they're Jewish."
"Yeah, one of the characters- Shai- starts a movement to turn all the Sophia and the Dark Duck characters Jewish as well."
"It doesn't succeed, but good job to aer for trying," Linh says, sighing sadly.
They fall silent for a little while as Tam checks their episode outline, scribbled in Linh's rather illegible handwriting. "Linh, what the fuck does this say?"
Brow furrowing, Linh asks "You can't read my handwriting?"
"No, I can't!"
She sighs. "It very clearly says 'great characters- discuss,'" she huffs.
"Yeah, no one can read your handwriting. Also, we should probably cut this out when we edit."
Linh nods. "Probably, yeah."
Tam leans in closer to the microphone and starts speaking into it again. "The competition has fifty something participants- fifty two, was it?" He looks to Linh for confirmation, who nods again. "Fifty two. But somehow, all of the characters have their own distinct personalities and stories and interests, and they're shown as complex human beings."
"Yeah, that's always been my favorite part of the show. The characters are just so interesting. Canon manages to focus on them a lot more than I would have thought possible, but it still doesn't give us all the details- since it has to balance so many people, it can't spend a long time focusing on just one- so there's a lot of room for speculation in the fandom. Some get noticeably more or less focus than others. Like, Lynn and her fiancees get kind of a lot, while I wish some of my favorite characters like Specs or Charlene got a bit more screen time. But everyone gets some, no one gets too many, and the fandom is there to fill in the gaps!"
"Yeah, and the fandom is fantastic," says Tam. "There aren't a whole lot of us, which we wish would change because the show is really great, but we're a good fandom to be in. There's not usually a lot of discourse, and there are so many talented people making content. lordofthesnuggles's theories for season two are always so detailed and logical that I lowkey suspect he writes for the show, and thehunkiestofhunkyhair makes fantastic fanart."
Snapping her fingers, Linh exclaims. "Oh, and les-biana has the best fanfictions."
Tam coughs, and mutters "Yeah, you like Biana's fanfictions."
"Oh, like you're any different with Keefe," Linh huffs.
There aren't any visuals, so no listeners of the podcast can prove Tam was blushing. "Anyway, the first- and currently only- season starts with everyone signing up for the competition, no idea what they're in for, and ended with half of them wearing sleeping masks with teal eyes painted on and the other half watching the chaos with mild amusement. It's entertaining as fuck, and very well written, so do go check it, recommend it to your friends, let Keepers of the Chaos take over the world, whatever you like."
"Thanks for listening to the Twins of the Chaos podcast, and have an amazing day!" Linh finishes, and she stops recording.
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lilyhoshikawa · 3 years
OC Profile: Blake Leto
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(Art by @thesunsetbox)
Blake is a character built for @myosotis-horizon‘s One More Persona TTRPG system.
The design philosophy behind Blake’s development was to combine traits from Ren and Akechi and unite them into a single, very mentally ill character who would act as both a unifying presence and a point of tension between the party. A character who is at once a liar and a manipulator and a victim nursing unspeakable trauma. At once a hero and a villain.
They are the world’s foremost actor, adept to hundreds if not thousands of roles. Mask atop mask atop mask, layers so deep that their genuine self is perhaps impossible to discern. Lies have kept them alive their entire life, and persistence will get them what they want. They’re the type of person set on a path that can’t be stopped. They are the force that will bring about major change in the world of those around them, the people and the systems they interact with. One can only hope that change will be for the better.
TWs below the cut: drowning, police brutality, physical abuse, drugs, self-harm, attempted suicide, mental abuse, possible gaslighting
Name: Blake Leto
Nicknames: The Killer Prince (by the media), Prince (by Masumi), Princey (by Bee), Blakey (by Sammy and several of their fans)
Gender: Nobody Has Any Damn Clue But They Sure Aren’t Cis (Transfem something-or-other)
Pronouns: They/Them (She/They if you unlock their Secret Gender)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 20-21
Birthday: January 9th
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Purple
Combat Role: Navigator
Magic Type: Almighty
Persona: Artemis
Arcana: Justice
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Blake was born into a lower-class New York home to their parents, Gavin and Christine Leto. Their parents, both under intense financial stress, were neglectful at the best of times and abusive at the worst. Blake’s father wielded the heavy hand of punishment while their mother, reluctantly, comforted them in the small moments she had to do so. Blake, lonely and without many friends, took to a small forest they discovered by their home as a place of solace, writing in a journal they kept as their only confidant.
One day, this habit sparked a disaster that would change their life. Blake happened upon the dead body of a police officer, seemingly drowned in the shallow lake. Shortly after, the middle school-aged Blake was arrested for the murder.
Blake somehow knew they’d be convicted, knew the police weren’t interested in solving the case. They formed a plan in a moment that would change the course of their life, smiling for their mugshot and slowly working to become a celebrity on the back of their outrageous and captivating murder case. After working to get into the good graces of the media, Blake managed to obtain bookings on radio shows followed by tabloid interviews and daytime talk show appearances, permitted to leave jail for just long enough to show up. Before long, the strangely charismatic alleged murderer developed a following of passionate fans, and was branded with the name “The Killer Prince,” playing off of the Japanese Detective Princes from the official Persona titles.
In the background of this rise to fame, however, Blake was on the verge of death on a frequent basis. The police who arrested Blake targeted them in jail, seeing them as having killed “one of their own,” with their bias and disdain only increasing as Blake’s prominence rose. Blake was regularly beaten by the officers during interrogations and in their cell, and drugs were used during their interrogations to make them more susceptible to manipulation. The regular violence to which Blake was subjected drove them to desperate ends, slitting their wrists on two separate occasions after their conviction to be placed in solitary confinement and away from the whirlwind of the media and their abusers.
Also while in prison, Blake met Desmond Price, a social services worker who was assigned to their case, and the man who would become one of the few to know the genuine Blake’s feelings on many things. Blake regards Desmond as largely useless, but his connections are a critical part of their ability to make large moves in their attempts to reopen and retry their case to be vindicated.
Blake’s plan was ultimately successful, leveraging their social influence and fan support to pressure the justice system just enough to grant them a very limited parole, allowing them to return to life outside the prison system just as they were leaving high school age. Blake found a place in Belknap College, negotiating a place for themselves with the help of Desmond. It was divisive at first, and Blake was subjected to no shortage of spiteful disbelievers and adoring fans in equal measure.
It was also upon their arrival at Belknap that Blake learned of the alleged murder of their mother, a crime they’d never even been told about. After the incident, Blake’s father had moved away, vanishing from their life entirely. Blake concluded this to be the work of a serial killer, the same one who had framed them as a child, still prowling around the community they’d grown up in, existing somewhere out there, still free. This doubled Blake’s determination to solve the case, continuing to appear on TV and radio shows even after starting college to pressure their fans into continuing the push for a retrial. In their eyes, another trial meant a chance to solve the murders of both the officer and their mother.
But later into that college life, in the midst of it all, they encountered the world of Fractals, and awakened to their Persona.
Alongside Lena, Camellia and Ilse, Blake stumbled into Fractals and met the mysterious Puck, awakening to Artemis, their Persona, first, and eventually becoming the de facto leader of the small group they named The Hunters after meeting up with their teacher, Sakio, and learning about the Shadow-hunting organization the Daedelus Collective.
Blake trusts neither Saikio nor Daedelus, nor even their own teammates, but continues to run their assigned missions with the intention to leverage their influence as they always have, aiming to learn the truth about Daedelus and its intentions. But beyond that, Blake also finds Fractals compelling, as it has proven to have a bizarre link to the real world, with Blake happening upon the childhood journal they presumed to be lost forever on their first outing into the world. Blake has bet their case on a slim possibility of using Fractals to procure new evidence in their case, and if push comes to shove, they’ve learned that Fractals has the potential for… other uses.
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Blake’s primary persona is Artemis, who is gifted with incredible navigational and protection abilities at the cost of power and health. Artemis is able to transmit details about enemy Shadows directly to Blake’s journal as well as providing some slight analysis upon further focus. Artemis’ main abilities consist of buffs and nerfs, empowering other party members while weakening Shadows. She also wields Almighty attacks, specifically the Megido series of spells. Compared to canon Navigators in the Persona series, Blake is more aggressive and offensive-based, though their versatile moveset allows them to pivot to healing, defenses, or buffs depending on the need, making them a valuable part of the team. Artemis also offers constant protection to Blake, preventing them from getting hit by most attacks and preserving their relatively frail health. Artemis is also unique in that she allows Blake to act first in any combat encounter.
Wielding the Justice arcana, Blake is able to use their bonds as a resource, risking lasting damage to their relationships to enhance their own power. This is mainly done using their premiere ability, Spark and Tinder.
Blake is also positioned as party leader on account of above-average problem-solving skills, typically able to think through situations and puzzles calmly and work out a solution. Their intelligence comes at the cost of both an incredible and annoying ego and a fragile pride, but it nonetheless makes them an asset.
Blake also has a relatively vast network of connections due to their prominence in the media that they can attempt to utilize, and seem to also have a somewhat significant wealth from their various TV and radio appearances.
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Blake is a pale-skinned individual with light brown hair, purple-colored eyes and light freckles. Their typical outfit consists of a white button-down, a pair of jean shorts, leggings, and black sneakers. They wear their hair in a high ponytail and also wear a clip in their hair styled after a sunflower. They also wear a pair of circular glasses. They are frequently seen carrying either their journal or some other book or novel, flipping through it idly at times.
In the winter, Blake’s attire remains similar but includes a purple sweater vest worn over their shirt and long jeans rather than shorts. They also have a heavy winter coat, which is black and reaches down to their knees, worn with a red scarf and snow boots.
Blake also occasionally wears a suit for more professional occasions or attires, consisting of a dark blue suit jacket and formal pants over a white shirt with a black tie and dress shoes. Their sunflower hair clip is replaced with a star hair clip.
In Fractals, Blake wears armor themed after a paladin’s, primarily consisting of white platemail over their torso and lower body. The armor ends around their elbows in order to enable them to easily access their persona at any time. The outfit also includes a vivid red cape. Blake carries their journal as their primary weapon, using it for combat notes and strategic planning. They do not wear any hair clip in this appearance.
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On TV, Blake appears to be a relatively quiet and soft-spoken young man, formal and deliberate in their speech as well as charming and captivating. They’re well-known for being agreeable and funny, drawing crowds of their curious followers. Many watchers of Blake’s TV appearances write them off as unintelligent due to their nature of agreeing with most of the hosts and guests and rarely bringing up their own points or insight unless it’s specifically to do with their prison experience, a topic on which they seem strangely defensive.
Those who have met Blake in real life once or twice will reaffirm this to be true- a very charming and well-spoken young man with a winning smile and prettyboy appearance, one that has won them the hearts of many fans their age.
In reality, Blake hides their true intentions behind layers of masks. The TV sweet-talker is the most surface-level of these, hiding an obvious bitterness and hostility just beneath the surface that often breaks through. Though they are used to using their charming façade to get their way, a cynical and sarcastic secondary personality often breaks through, revealing Blake’s anger and outrage for the life stolen from them, a distaste for all the fans dumb enough to buy into their lies and all the hosts careless enough to platform them. Blake despises most of their fans, as much as they despise having to pretend to support the very police that abused them to win over public appeal. The same way they hate the personality of prettyboy that they’ve had to adopt, and the way it’s changed them.
This, too, is just another layer of the masks Blake wears. A hostile, bitter and angry person who manipulates a blindly loyal fanbase is an easy thing to write off. Beneath even that, there’s the turmoil, the blind rage and confused feelings, the anger and despair at the self that could have been and went missing. Beneath this layer, Blake has shown a complete fury bubbling over with rage and unable to be reasoned down from their need to be in control, to not have their deeper self pried into.
Blake looks down on most people, including their own teammates, and is indignant and hostile to those with power over them, lashing out at those who they feel threaten their mask with sharp, targeted, biting remarks. They delight in calculated manipulation, reveling in tearing off the masks of those around them and revealing their true feelings and intentions so that Blake can feel secure in the knowledge of their friends and foes alike. While they can dish it out, however, they certainly can’t take it. Blake is averse to attempts to pry deeper into themselves, angry whenever they let genuine emotion or information slip. Beyond all of that, they fear getting comfortable. Coming to accept and love their teammates, considering them friends and allies who they wouldn’t want to use, and settling into a normal and happy life instead of pursuing the goal they’ve sacrificed so much for. The culmination of Blake’s final mask is a person desperately afraid to form genuine bonds, to move on from the past traumas that have driven them to making the moves they’ve made. A scared kid who hates themselves just a little bit less than they hate the world, and can’t stop until they’re vindicated.
Blake is at once condescending and oddly formal in their speech, in a way that comes across as stilted and unnatural. They’re bizarrely verbose where they don’t need to be, and it clicks into place when you realize this is a mix of them never turning off their TV persona and never learning how to talk to their peers as a teenager. Blake talks more like a character in one of their detective novels than an actual person. The smug, talkative smartass that makes up a part of their mask is also a very genuine part of themselves, indulging in wordy rambling to stroke their own ego. Blake is also cynical, quick-witted and sarcastic, often making rude jabs at their teammates and enemies alike, no stranger to quips and banter.
Arrogant, hot-headed and showy, Blake’s smug belief in their own superiority sometimes translates to battles, showing a fickle favoritism to allies on their good side, rewarding them with more buffs and support. In spite of this, they’ve shown to be able to buckle down and get serious when push comes to shove, and can act as a reliable leader when their back is to the wall.
Blake’s first incarnation was a character I call “Proto-Blake” these days, a non-finalized version of their character that was a lot more sincere and soft-spoken, more introspective and far less abrasive. At the end of the day though, I just like writing bastards too much.
The decision to give Blake purple eyes was inspired by Futaba.
Blake refers to the other Hunters by their last names at the start of the campaign with the exception of Lena, who they have a prior relationship with. After becoming closer with Sammy, they also began using their first name. Ironically, they do NOT trust anyone who calls them by their last name.
Blake actually kind of hates their name, a mix of familial trauma and media bombardment that feels like it’s separated their name from their self. In that context, the “Killer Prince” title is almost a safety blanket, in a way.
Blake lives on campus even during semester breaks because they do not have anywhere else to go.
Blake experiences paranoid delusions, but they hide this as best they can, and would never admit to it.
Blake has projected their mommy issues onto Sakio. It is unclear where the daddy issues went. It’s possible they never left Gavin.
Blake is responsible for coming up with the name of the group of persona-users, The Hunters, for which the campaign is also named. It is a reference to The Hunters of Artemis.
Blake is the only party character to have two favorite locations, The Petit Prince Café and The Bridgehead, though both have identical functions (increasing Charm).
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