#just posting this because i am exhausted rn and cant draw
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sickfires · 2 years ago
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little deercatdad i made for my website.
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antiradqueer · 1 year ago
To be honest I think it would be interesting if there were actual terms for things like "transcute" "transshy" or things like that because I feel like there are so many reasons why someone would want to have a certain personality that they don't have.
like for example (and that's definitely is not my own experience, never, how could it /j) someone with OCD or a personality disorder who feels like a "dirty" (immoral) person or is perceived that way but wishes they were seen and have a cuter personality, not just to be perceived as moral but because that is who that person should be and cannot do so due to disorders.
Of course, it is a very specific case and this term is not necessary at all, but I still see a cool use for a term like this. idk, I just think it would have some use that is not so bad as it is.
there is a term for it for people w/out disorders like that it its called "growing and changing as a person", its like the same as the trans-job n trans-artstyle and trans-fashion stuff, you dont need words for this kinda shit cus its literally just how shit works, you want a job, you want to learn to draw, etc. these arnt "trans" or "im transitioning" things. secondly the transcute stuff is definitely a self conscious thing, ive seen someone in our notes abt it iirc that talked abt transcute and transsmart etc. so if you see that post thats basically what i wanna say here.
the stuff for OCD or personality disorders i think labels like those shouldnt exist either bc to me that feels like its internalised ableism n hatered or straight up guilt over the people who demonise and hate people for those things, i dont think anyone with personality disorders or ocd or anything else should feel like that, i dont think terms for these things should exist because i feel it harms the one w/ the disorder and strengthens the people who think all of us are nutjobs who need to be locked in a hospital.
i can 100% see where youre comming from dont get me wrong. as someone whos got some ambiguous undiagnosed shit going on, people find me offputting, gross, strange, stupid, scary, and so on, for the ways that i act n the symptoms i show, i wish people saw past the symptoms and saw me differently, ofc you would want that to change and be perceived as nice or "normal" but i think it should be different because that fuels the hatered towards those things more, u shouldn't have to change or want to change because someone is making u guilty over something like OCD or a personality disorder. end of. you can feel guilty ofc, we all do, but we dont need to give in to what those people who want us to be "normal" or get chucked into a hospital til we are "normal" want.
thats just my 2 am just slept since like 6 pm brain tho lol, could word this far better but im too tired n just went through something today at school that i didnt think would happen ever in my life and i cant even get into on here but like yeah. take this rant with that little thought too, my brain is all kinds of exhausted rn...
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spellcasterjupiter · 14 days ago
Religion saved me... but make it helpol
Holy shit because rn my life is on such an upswing and there is no way in hell it's not due to the gods. Apollon has made me draw and practice guitar and the arts again as well as supported me in EVERY performance literally ever??? Not to even mention how no matter if i quit helpol or withccraft or whatever he was always so welcoming when I came back. And he literally helped my chronically ill cat heal for a long while and aided me in grief. Apollon truly lived up to his name of Protector of Youth and has aided and helped me in so many chapters of my life. I am an artist and always have been, and like most mentally ill artists ive been basically fighting myself because of it. Apollon has been the biggest voice of reason in my life, telling me just to create no matter the quality; if not for myself, for him. He's gotten me back into drawing, writing, songwriting, and even playing other instruments. I don't know where I'd be without him.
Aphrodite has forced me back into my skincare (JK) and is one of the first deities i wrote poetry for and holy shit shes so nice and caring and welcoming. She's truly changed how I view myself, my body, and my face. Especially with being a transguy. Aphrodite is always there. Gods do i love her. haha gods thats fun to say. When I was struggling a lot last year, Aphrodite was the one who'd comfort me. She loved me regardless and I'm truly thankful for it. I promise to keep spreading love in her name, and to know I am capable of being loved like she loved me.
Athene has literally saved my grades over and over again??? And helped me remember the joy of researching and learning and that it's not just exhausting??? Not to even mention how she helped me delve into my Autism and strategies to work around the problems it can cause me in tasks and what not. And she helps me learn more abt ancient greece. She has helped me learn so much about discipline, and helped me remember a lot about myself. I love learning, and school had made it a chore. I also love writing, as clear by my absolute yapping ive done these past couple of posts. She deserves a ton of credit for the reason my practice looks the way it does, and my standard of research ive set for myself in my worship that ultimately benefits me. Shoutout.
Dionysos has pushed me so much further in my acting and confidence and i cant thank him enough for it. He's always been so chill and he might have saved me bc i never felt this intense pressure and expectation from him like i did with others (which was all in my head btw). Im pretty sure the start of his worship is what got me back into helpol last year too. He urges me to celebrate more, and to enjoy the feeling of freedom. To be unapologetically me and to celebrate whatever that means. To recognize the masks i put up, and to set time to put them to rest. Dionysos also has one of my favorite altars lmao
Hekate has really pushed me out of my comfort zone in regards to my craft, and just my religion in general. When my brain convinces me that I'm not really a witch, or that I don't deserve to be one, or that I'm doing everything wrong, Hekate guides me out of that thinking and really reigns me in. She also let's me tap into a darker , more shadow aspect of my spirituality and self in general. Hekate lets me embrace every part of myself, and even sit with the parts I don't like. And she's been here for YEARS and super welcoming when I would quit and come back every other month lmfao.
Selene has been such a soft and gentle guider of me for years. I truly believe that if I had any kind of patron/patroness, it would be selene. I've been in love with the night sky for years, and when I was really struggling mentally it was Selene who I would come to late in the night when I was sobbing, and she would listen every time. Through every apology about how I wasn't doing enough for my deities, and how I thought they deserved better, and how I understood if they were angry at me... but she never was. She was never angry when I procrastinated her research, or when i was too depressed to clean her altar, or didn't offer her anything for months. She was simply just happy when I did. She's taught me so much about how the gods work, and it's very clear as to why she tends to be my first for a lot of deity workings. Like the first one I wrote a poem for, a prayer for, made a digital altar for, and she might have even been the first I offered food to. As a kid i would joke i wanted the marry the moon. This is close enough :)
I might add to this as I grow closer with Persephone and Hades, and maybe even as I expand my work further. But, yeah! I love my deities xoxo
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ghost-of-the-machine · 1 year ago
i know i just said im not ashamed but im SO ASHAMED you have no idea. over what? it
i have this weird mindset where like. if someone gets to know me for one particular things, whether it be a specific fandom or even just DRAWING HUMANS, i feel like i can never ever share my other interests with them cuz.. what if they dont care? i wouldnt blame them i cant make anyone give a shit about what i do but. ITS TERRIFYING TO ME.. so i just avoid it but. its leaving me very.. unfulfilled? like HORRIBLY, ive set aside a lot of my other interests because im . i dont care what strangers think, fuck you suck my dick but. people i know? people im close with? i know why i do it, hes right it feels like a test and tests can go wrong!!!! what if i test the waters and its not received positively? i cant bear the thought of any part of me being unappealing to my loved ones, genuinely it keeps me up at night fearing that some small thing might just switch it all off overnight its the worst thing ever.
i know its not healthy to just... shove myself into this little box but in my head, thats why they want! in my head its a good thing, i need to keep myself presentable and perfect, as perfect as someone like me can get anyways
maybe thats why i feel like i dont exist without them? ive literally pushed away anything i think they WONT like or even wont care about, ive just.. dropped it all. fear, it just comes from fear, but whew!!!!! exhausting
im not proud of this, i wish that changing myself to fit what i THINK someone wants wouldnt come so naturally to me but it does, i wish my brain worked differently
i just. i need to LOOK OUT for myself. the worst pain i can experience is rejection, its amplified 10000% it feels like. i know ive said before id rather relive all my trauma than feel rejected at all, and thats still TRUE i cant handle it.. as unfortunate as it is, bpd just makes me sensitive. theres like no other way to word it, i am SENSITIVE my skin is fragile its made of glass, i cant take criticism even if its GOOD because it hurts me to think that something i did wasnt good enough, it makes me sick actually!! i need to protect myself, i need to hide the parts of me that could be damaged like that but.. hiding parts of yrself doesnt feel good, does it? im scared of that pain, i dont want to face it.. but it doesnt feel nice to lose myself cuz i think its what someone would want
in my head this is how it goes, i do something, its received poorly (rejected), ouch!!! first of all. second of all, rejection cracks my image, it opens me up to the possibility of being left behind. bpd is all about black and white thinking. the good is the best and the bad is the WORST. it feels shameful to admit how my brain works but it . its true, its the truth. if someone doesnt like something about me, even if its SMALL and they dont actually care, in my head it means they basically dont like me, they must hate me! they must hate me and theyre probably gonna leave me since theyre so disgusted with me for.. what? being a furry? yes!!!!!!!!!! it goes from 0-100 so fast, its scary
but.. i really DONT feel like i exist without them. if im not talking with them about our things, im working on my things they know and like alright im never really doing anything else anymore.. like. why am i so ashamed to just... be a human with interests? im scared, scared the smallest thing will just... take it all away from me, yknow? as much as id LOVE to ramble about my ocs and stuff that ive never really talked about, that shame persists. its too strong, i end up just deleting the post or hiding it in drafts, i cant bring myself to share because im scared
i know its really dumb but. its what we're working with rn!!!! mild disinterest = rejection = abandonment, what a vicious cycle!!! i get it now guys omg.... all the bpd girlies who mirror, i know i mirror too but i never really like. GOT IT until now, i mirror cuz im afraid to be something they wont like!!!! it is all so clear to me now. doesnt make it better but whatever. maybe ill be brave one day, but idk
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ive been struggling to be more open about my life over here... beyond the sporadic gifsets of things im watching i cant really say ive shared much. but like, i cant keep on avoiding the mortifying ordeal of being known forever (also so much is going through my head all the time and i dont got anyone irl to vent so i gotta do it somewhere, even if it’s 2 the void) so here’s some life updates:
ive got a bunch of unfinished art i owe ppl so that’s what i’ve been trying to get through this past month....
...without much success, usually i come home so tired from school + work i cant be bothered to draw. this is the main thing im working hard about fixing rn. i have doodled more and have done some studies (haven’t posted them tho because i don’t feel great about them ugh)
one thing i’ve decided to try to see if it helps is regular exercise (in the form of solo capoeira training and trail running) + biphasic sleep schedule. in theory both of these things will give me the energy needed to draw... 
after / meanwhile tho, the fancomic project that ive been cooking for about a year-ish is still, at least, slowly progressing... i haven't posted anything about it (tho i have talked to some ppl about it privately ) but i might have to bc i know it’s only a matter of time before someone else does this idea, and i will be v pissed if that happens after i have spent so much creative energy on it lol
im currently on a research + outlining step of said project... these are   the books i’m plowing through, to give you a little idea of the (ridiculously bitting-more-than-she-can-chew) scope of the story sklajdksad)
national/regional/international politics are exhausting and draining as always (more than usual?) and tbh im sort of... actively tuning out of them atm. im trying to focus on “the big picture” so that means less time and mental energy for keeping track of whatever new apocalyptic headline crops up on the news. literally all my time reading, reflecting and studying is going toward collapse(tm) related literature and focused more on deep global issues and it is quite a lot of stuff to study, reflect and read,
(am i using all that as an excuse to not deal w/ the immediate surrounding? that might be part of it, perhaps... this is the only workable solution i have found that doesn’t involve weekly emotional breakdowns tho)
on that note, ive been using the ashes ashes podcast as a guideline for those studies. it’s great stuff and i highly recommend. the guys in charge of it are really nice, and the scope+breath of their research is impeccable. i’ve been telling everyone i meet about it bc it really has been a game-changer of a resouerce.
have felt very depressed at times for various reasons. some new, some not so new... not much to say in that area. v loneliness. much sad. whatevs
university and work were kicking my ass a couple weeks ago, but im getting them under control now (...i think). im getting a kind of ~synergy going too where im using knowledge learned in one place and applying it somewhere else
(like im learning sketchup for design class, but im hoping to later use it for making assets for the graphic designs at work. and the visual + communications stuff i have had to research for work is helping with both uni and my personal projects...)
arrowverse rewatch however is kicking my ass. and im only rlly watching supergirl + flash + batwoman ! but god. it’s literally.... endless... episodes.... if i have to hear another character say “no more secrets!” again im gonna flip
 my enthusiasm for crisis and stuff is making me soldier on tho. (as is my hyperfixation w/ supercorp that has even managed to lure a fellow nerd coworker into it lmao)
while on the topic of tv: i *am* keeping up with the last season of the good place... i haven’t felt the need to talk much about it tho bc i mostly just discuss it with one of my cousins (who is also watching ) and we got our own like little after-show routine where we discuss theories and stuff :)
im watching hdm when it repeats on hbo latam. it’s nice to watch on hd for once rather than crummy 120p streaming sites...
havent sat down to watch 7 worlds 1 planet fully yet but i did watch the first 10 minutes of ep 1: antarctic and predictably cried
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animated-moon · 4 years ago
Good morning my little lamb! (Yes I saw the post, it was very helpful my moon <3) How were all of the movies I picked? You were able to watch almost all of them before falling asleep on my lap (you looked even more cute while doing so)
Oh don’t worry! I don’t particularly like Moose either, so I’ll gladly run away from them while taking you with me. I prefer seals actually! They even have a rare species in Finland called the Saimaa Ringed sea, so I’m very excited to see them! What is your favorite animal my sweets? We must go and see them as well!
Oh you are planning to draw me my love? I can’t wait for what you draw (not only because it will be amazing, but because I need to get to see it before my teammates try stealing your art for themselves! They saw your art on tumblr and they are in love with it)
But how are you doing my lovely? I am doing very well now that I am able to talk to my stunning spouse <3!
Love you my paradise~ - Your husband💜
yes love!! the movies were amazing! i’m kind of convinced that you cured my insomnia or something… after you entered my life i was able to sleep soundly on most if not every day. ahhhh i still don’t like my sleeping expression 😭✋ i’ll be working on learning to love it………….. maybe
BOO MOOSE 👎👎👎 MOOSE ARE SO LOWKEY INTIMIDATING I JUST CANT COME UP CLOSE WITH ONE 😞 OH! THE SEALS!! i’ve heard of that species before! they’re endangered, if i’m not wrong. we have to go see them!! seals are so so so cute 😩 hmmmm… my favorite animals are probably bunnies, cats or snakes, though. i doubt we’d be able to find any of those widlife in finland. though, there are reindeers in the northern part of finland, right? we could go see those, my love!! i don’t really mind, as long as i’m with you <3
AHHHH TORI!! i’m glad you have so much faith in me love :,((( <3 i’ll be trying my best!! (oho?? i mean, i could draw them next, but they’ll have to wait in line)
my sun, getting sweeter each day. i’m good!! today was exhausting AND it’s the birthday of someone special to me! (as it is already 12.30am). i’m thinking of going to sleep soon!! i’ve also bren trying to prioritize my health and own wellbeing over some other things!! so far, it’s going pretty well <3
alright, the exhaustion is really starting to get to me 😩 i’ll see you soon, my sweet *kisses you*
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lydah · 7 years ago
Just cuz you're "autistic" and "trans" doesn't mean you can ask for free handouts like a lazy cunt. Get a job and stop pretending to be special, snowflake.
get a load of this guy everyone alright i’ve been ignoring comments like this because y’all are vicious and insatiable but it’s 5 in the morning, i’m tired, and my claws are out rn, i currently don’t care about being mature or doing the right thing i’ve got a job, i’ve been working my ass off at many types of jobs since i graduated highschool in 2011, the minute i was out of school i was forced to either pay rent or live on the street. i have an impressive and extensive resume, i’ve not been unemployed for longer than 3 months since then, i’ve only taken 1 vacation, and i’ve called out of work less than 10 days of my life, i’ve never been formally disciplined or fired, i’m the most reliable god damn employee these people will ever get. i’ve worked some pretty miserable ass jobs and have come home from many sore and bleeding, but even the worst jobs i stuck with for st least 6 months to keep my track record going and keep myself as hirable as possible. i grew up with an IEP, i had been in remedial classes since i was in 2nd grade, i do not have the necessary knowledge to start college. i graduated highschool knowing little more than the simplest 5 paragraph sentence structures and pre algebra. if you think college is expensive now, try going to college with the formal education level of a 7th grader i currently work 39 hours a week without getting any full time benefits, over half the money i make every month goes to bills, not including paying for food and medical expenses. i’ve been earning my own way since i was 18, and i’ve been living without any parental help or supervision since i was 14, i’m turning 25 in less than a month. anyone who knows me knows that i do not normally take handouts, i’ve always been the type to work for everything, if anyone wants to give me money i want to feel like i somehow earned it or i turn the offer downi’ve always taken care of myself, i don’t like feeling like a burden on anyone and rarely so much as accept simple favors, and swallowing my pride and making this fundraiser was extremely difficult for me, it wasn’t my idea but the idea of many of my friends who have been watching me suffer for months now holiday season is hitting hard, i’m exhausted and depressed, i’m trying my best to keep up with commissions but i am left with very little time to draw and i don’t make enough per drawing to help me make this move i’ve been avoiding talking too much about what happened between me and my ex fiancé i was with for *7 years* lest this becomes a public callout post and shit gets ugly, but we were together so long and shared so much that this is less of a petty breakup and more of a informal divorce, we lived together for a year in colorado and lived in cali together for almost 3, we split costs on many things and shared a lot, we still have to sort out who gets to keep what, but let me tell you, in order to save money on finding a moving van, i’ll be going back home with almost nothing but my cat, my clothes, and my computer because that’s all i can afford to ship. ill still have other things to figure out once i get there like refurbishing my room and getting a bed, but at this point it’s not like i’m a stranger to sleeping on the floorto only scratch the surface of what’s happening right now, last year she cheated on me and shit got rocky. my trust was shattered, shit started to fall apart, but i stuck around and tried to repair my trust in her and continue our relationship. it didn’t work, and things continued to happen that ruined my trust in her more and more every time i felt like things were getting better. the nail in the coffin was when she wanted to be “poly” and date our room mate basically directly after getting jealous acting passive aggressively toward anyone who so much as complimented how i looked in my servershe is currently dating said room mate and reinforced what she told several people about how she’s “only with me because she doesn’t think anyone else will put up with her” by waiting to secure a relationship with her before breaking up with me i just want to go home i’m swallowing my pride and asking to help because i don’t want to sleep on the floor of a closet for the next 5 months, i don’t want to watch the person who i was with for 7 years replace me so easily and snog on her new lover all the time while i’m still trying to get over our relationship, and i cant afford to move and pay the expensive load of bills on my plate at the same timeso leave me the fuck alone
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