#just me fulfilling my wish for Harwin and Rhaenrya to be happy together :((((
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feyhunter78 · 2 years ago
The Dowager Queen (8/?)
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Description: Harwin is finally able to be by Rhaenyra's side during the birth of their fourth child. While he does so, he observes the dynamics between the Targaryens.
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Harwin had stood guard outside Rhaenyra’s room for all of their sons’ births, a grueling task, but one he knew he must endure for the safety of Rhaenyra and their children’s reputations. But now they’re married, and it’s safe for him to kneel by her side and let her hold his hand in her punishing grip.
“After the men see my hand, they will call you Lady Breakbones.” He jested weakly, willing his strength into Rhaenyra as her screams echoed off the vaulted ceiling.
“Once more, My Queen, the babe is nearly here.” Maester Orwyle said, his expression unflinching as Rhaenyra cursed him out in both Valerian and the Common Tongue.
“I will tear this babe from my body if it does not—” Rhaenyra’s threat died as she gave one final push and fell back against the pile of pillows, utterly spent.
Harwin smoothed back her hair and held his breath, waiting for the tell-tale cry of a newborn babe.
The moment between Rhaenyra’s cursing and the cry of their child seem to stretch forever, his heart pounding against his chest like the mighty wings of his wife’s dragon.
Finally, a small cry was heard, and a midwife brought the child to him. “A girl, My King.” She said, a bright smile on her face.
The entire realm knew how they longed for a girl, and Harwin blinked back tears of joy as he stared down at their daughter’s face.
She opened her eyes, and he let out a bark of a laugh, rousing Rhaenyra from her exhausted state. “What? Is she alright?”
He carried their daughter over to her gently, as if she were the most precious jewel, a thing of beauty made of the most delicate of spun glass.
Rhaenyra held her and her eyes sparkled with mirth. “A Targaryen child by blood and coloring, how ashamed those who spoke so vilely against our sons shall feel.” Then she brushed a finger down their daughter’s cheek. “Your brothers will be so excited to meet you, sweet Aemma.”
Harwin felt his heart would burst, and for a moment he felt a great wave of grief overtake him. His father would’ve loved a granddaughter, a little princess that belonged solely to the Strongs, that bore their family name with no shame, no doubt.
“Harwin, come see, her expression reminds me of your father.” Rhaenyra called; her whole being focused on Aemma.
He did as she asked and fought back tears. Aemma’s expression one of a fatigued curiosity stirred such powerful memories his head dropped to Rhaenyra’s shoulder, and he wept, both from sorrow and joy.
Rhaenyra’s hand carded through his hair as she dismissed the maester and midwives. “Oh, Aemma look at your father, can you believe this is the man they call Breakbones?” She teased, not unkindly, but affectionately, an understanding smile on her radiant face. “Fatherhood has softened him.”
He took her hand from his hair and pressed it to his lips, applying soft kisses to the pads of each finger. “You are a goddess, brilliant and determined, the strongest woman in the realm.”
She smiled at him and scooted ever so carefully over so that he could lay beside her. He curled his arm around her, bringing his wife and daughter into his embrace. This is where they should stay, where he could protect them.
Rapid knocks at the door caught his attention and soon enough the door was flung open, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey barreling in, followed by Alicent and Helaena.
“I did try to keep them outside, but…”
Rhaenyra smiled at Alicent and beckoned her over with one hand. “Come, meet your niece.”
Alicent bounded over with a childlike joy that looked so odd coming from a woman he had previously considered dour and strict, that he nearly began to laugh once more.
“I am glad we have done away with the grandmother title; it did make me feel so dreadfully old.” She said, kneeling beside the bed, a soft look in her eyes. “Oh, Rhaenyra, she is beautiful.”
Helaena came up behind her mother as Harwin threw his arm out to keep the boys from jumping onto the bed.
He knew it was not the supposed age that truly bothered Alicent, but the reminder of her marriage to Viserys. He had suggested the change after seeing how Helaena crinkled her nose at anyone referring to Jacaerys as her nephew.
While he found the idea of betrothing blood together appalling, he would not question his wife’s traditions. All he could do was ponder aloud if it would not suit all parties better if Rhaenyra and Alicent were to operate as sisters the way they had before.
Both women had fallen quite naturally back into the position, and soon most of the court referred to them as such.
“I want to see her.” Joffrey whined impatiently, trying to slip under Harwin’s arm.
“Let Jace see her first, he is the eldest.” Rhaenyra said gently, nodding at their firstborn.
Jacaerys carefully climbed up onto the bed and slightly pulled the blanket away from Aemma’s face. “What did you name her?”
“Aemma, the gentle one.” Helaena said softly, staring at Aemma from beside Alicent.
“Yes, that—that is right, her name is Aemma.” Rhaenyra said, looking at Helaena with a curious look in her eyes.
“You were right, Helaena, I owe you a lemon cake.” Jacaerys said, giving Helaena a smile Harwin knew was saved specifically for her.
Helaena reached out and stroked Aemma’s tuff of silver hair. “Ours will not share this coloring.”
Jacaerys cheeks, still rounded but soon on their way to the sharpening that came with manhood, flared a bright pink and Harwin saw Rhaenyra’s shoulder shake with silent laughter.
“I want to see Aemma too.” Lucerys protested, finally losing his patience and clambering up on the bed, Joffrey following after with gleeful delight.
“Boys.” Both Alicent and Rhaenyra chided, their voices riddled with the exhaustion that only grows after years of motherhood.
“Sorry.” Lucerys and Joffrey said, moving with a deliberate slowness as not to further upset their mother.
“She is so small, was I that small?” Joffrey asked, his eyes wide with wonder.
“No, you were fat and round like a toad.” Lucerys jested, his hand, still small, resting on Aemma’s blanketed form.
“No, Jace tell him that is not true.” Joffrey cried.
“No, of course, not, you were merely ugly like a toad.” Jacaerys snickered, unable to resist joining in.
“I think toads are lovely, they are able to jump very high, and they sing without care.” Helaena said, giving Joffrey a soft smile.
“See, this is why I love Helaena the most.” He said, scrambling off the bed to wrap his arms around Helaena, hiding behind her.
Jacaerys reacted immediately, pulling Joffrey from her. “Joff, you must ask first.”
Joffrey pouted, his shoulders sagging, and he turned to Helaena.
She bit her lip then nodded.
He brightened and wrapped his arms around her once more, sticking his tongue out at his brothers.
Harwin shook his head fondly and thanked the gods for the joy they had blessed him with, before he pressed a kiss to the crown of Rhaenyra’s head. “You did this, you have given me, the realm, so much joy.”
Rhaenyra tilted her head up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “It is you who has brought me such joy.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Alicent slip from the room, a white cape following behind. “Perhaps you should encourage your sister to pursue her own joy.” He whispered, lips brushing against Rhaenyra’s with each word.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhh, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon, @boofy1998, @kravitzwhore, @caribbeangel, @krispold, @issshh, @afro-hispwriter, @ryswritingrecord, @prettykinkysoul, @elissanatok, @sahvlren, @its-sam-allgood, @happinessinthbeing, @8e-h-e8, @feyres-fireheart, @just-emmaaaa, @crazylokonugget, @hedahobbit98, @devils-blackrose, @mercedesdecorazon, @snh96, @imjustboredso, @izzicle, @hiatuswhore, @aslanvez, @devils-blackrose, @yentroucnagol, @queenofshinigamis, @partyposion00, @cryptidsrcool
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