#just make them all adults hima
hetalia-club · 1 year
I’m so curious to know Himas thought process in the characters human ages. Like what determines when they stop aging? Is it like twilight hybrid rules where the age until they reach sexual maturity and then just stop? And if so why did Latvia cap off at 15? He’s older than Germany and america put together. Why is he 15 but they are 19 and 20? And if it’s like political power or something that determines their aging then why as america stayed 19 and not aged up closer to Englands age?
I’m just curious if he has an actual reason or if he just picked random ages and didn’t put any thought into the reasonings of it.
Like italy was a baby FOREVER longer than he’s been an adult. Why was that? Where Germany has basically no baby stage at all and he was just older right away.
When really Romano and Italy should have been full grown because the Roman Empire was more of a powerhouse than Prussia was.
Idk I think about it sometimes and make up all these sanarios in my ahead wondering if there is a reason for it all. I have tried to come up with my own theories but they always end up not making sense the more I think about them.
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lietpolski · 1 year
when you have the chance, could you do a mischaraterization analysis on iceland?
sure!! i think the difference between him and nor is that people are more aware of the liberties they're taking with his characterization, so, disclaimer: i don't care how you characterize him and i don't think i'm better for sticking to canon. but let's talk about canon iceland!!
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one thing that's a personal pet peeve is his age, and when he's portrayed as an adult. i've seen people saying that they don't even know if he's meant to be a teenager or not! but:
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he's meant to be 16-17, as hima has said! now, i think it's fine to take creative liberties with most characters' ages. however, with iceland it's such a core element of his personality that aging him up just,, entirely changes him as a character!
iceland is meant to be a teenager. no, not in the emo tumblr user who loves memes sense (that interpretation was 90% of iceland content in 2015 haha), but like a teenager who because of his age can be immature, and struggle with his emotions, connections to others, and a lot of insecurity. you can see some of that insecurity in his need to be seen as mature, but also his embarrassment over his accent & being hot-headed (another aspect of him that's underexplored! people forget that side of him!)
"According to Himaruya (in a Comic Birz interview), Iceland tends to feel uncomfortable with his thick accent and hard to understand language, opting to speak in English when he can. This was further instated when it was mentioned in his Volume 5 profile that he tries his best to hide his accent.[17]"
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but more specifically, i'd say that iceland's main internal struggle & driving force is his want to connect with and be close to others. but in response to him always been forgotten, being an afterthought, and falling behind, he's put up a front of indifference about it - "i don't care if people don't care about me"
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but here's the thing! although he tries to act uncaring and fine being alone, he loves his overbearing family :,) and values the connections they give him so much!! in my opinion, him disliking how the other nordics act is just a front (except when he's being babied, which is understandable haha) and i think this gets kinda lost in fanon. just look at these interactions! (image order is left to right)
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this one below makes me especially sad :,)
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the other nordics being what stops him from being lonely is huge when you consider iceland's origins:
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he was all alone, for years and years and years, with no one like himself to explain to him who he was, what he was, a little kid all alone and he was so lonely. that is, until his big brothers finally came over to his island to bring him home!
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so yes, iceland does care about his family and does want them close, and he's not as indifferent to everything as he wants to act. he's a character with some deeply rooted insecurities, and he feels the need to hide them
and some quick thoughts: i don't have a lot of obvious examples, but iceland is an old-fashioned person! he's not as in touch with the rest of the world, he wears grandpa sweaters and cravats, he has an old ass phone, he doesn't at all strike me as internet savvy and i don't like that characterization of him
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i've covered this in more detail with my denmark & norway rants, but he's super close to both of them, likes both of them, and sees both of them as brothers! in fact, he sees sweden & finland as brothers too!
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(+ that image i showed earlier saying that he looks up to sweden as an adult, and how he calls them all nicknames! dan, svi, fin, nor!)
one last thing about his relationships!! people seem to think that him and hong kong are an entirely fanon thing, when actually they have at least 2 manga chapters where they interact and seem to be friendly! here's one of them :)
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i hope you found this long rant interesting, he's one of my favourites!
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sunnixsunshine · 1 year
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Vatican Cityyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! 🇻🇦he’s real and he’s old :)
Vatican City State // Stato della Città del Vaticano // Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Giovanni D’Amico • he/him • February 11, 1929 • 1,642 years old (71 human years)
Originally born around 380 AD when Christianity was made the empire’s official religion by Emperor Theodosius. Would later, in 754 AD by the Donation of Pepin, be known as the Papal States until year 1870. Finally, in 1929, he would be known as Vatican City.
Vatican City is a multifaceted elderly man. A loving and strict father, one who prefers tough love over a soft and gentle touch— he’s honest about the world and it’s struggles, even to children, and doesn’t sugar coat it when someone needs to be straightened out/intervened. He’s a devoted catholic who was ordained in 1961; if you ask him why he didn’t become a priest earlier, he’ll avoid answering, starting a brand new conversation all together or just walking away without a word. He has his reasons. Don’t underestimate him, however, because of his charming smile and kind air, he can be pretty cunning and even manipulative when he wants to be. His father was the Roman Empire after all.
Vatican City gets along with most people he meets and is pretty optimistic most of the time, much like Veneziano is. But he can lose his temper, or be in frequent bad moods, over small inconveniences in similar ways to Romano. Unlike the boys, he has a very close personal relationship with Switzerland— meaning he can walk onto his property uninvited without being shot at or chased out. This is due to their history since 1506, when Pope Julius II asked the Swiss to provide protection during the Italian Wars.
His relationship with the boys are actually newly built. Before now, his longest and closest interaction with the boys was when they were children. So having more time with them now is a little out of place to Vatican City when last he saw them was when they were teenagers and now they’re fully grown adults. It is still a little difficult to remember that oh yeah Veneziano is no longer a toddler, I shouldn’t be babying him like this. Romano isn’t some kid anymore either, he’s old enough to make his own decisions now. They’re still his kids though so of course he’ll baby them sometimes. His relationship with Seborga is the same as the Italies’— although the boys have noticed he treats Seborga with a softer hand than he did when they were kids. Like Rome often did, he shows favoritism. And Seborga is “allegedly” his favorite.
He walks with a limp, which many are unsure how it was obtained, some assuming it’s France’s fault when he lived in Avignon and jokingly shun him for kicking such a “harmless kind soul”. The real reason he limps is because of a humiliating trip he took down a flight of stairs in 1312, a story he plans to take to the grave. Vatican City uses a sleek wooden cane, however it’s more for the aesthetics than for practical use.
Vatican City claims to be extremely humble and honest, but he does pride himself on his continuous unwavering faith. He doesn’t brag about it though. …..Not often. He’s always looking out to help those around him, however he isn’t actually that good of a listener so sometimes he can totally misread the situation and apply the wrong fix/advice. He’s got a bigger mouth than he does ears.
Just barely keeping the house plants alive Gardening
Notes :)))))
I made him old as a contrast to the Italies— wanted him to stand out and seem wiser than them without actually being wiser because let’s face it. None of these fuckers are very smart. I can’t decide specifically when he ages so rapidly like this, but I am leaning towards the mid 1700s. He does appear much older than Rome, who, when he fell, was roughly 55-65 human years in appearance(in my headcanon). Also, if I remember correctly, Hima did describe how he thinks Vatican City would look— old and grouchy— which I didn’t remember until like. After I finalized this design 2 years ago 💀 which is awesome! We need more grouchy old men nations! Wrinkles are hot too! /j? even with the grouchiness, I really wanted him to be more like Veneziano, so I kind of split it in half, VC sharing traits with both the Italies.
Final side note that I couldn’t make fit above— yeeeeeah he’s kind of homophobic but at least he’s the type to not voice his disapproval so loudly or tries to force his opinions on others. He kind of just awkwardly and uncomfortably leaves the situation or starts a new conversation if you bring up being queer. Its the topic he’ll avoid, not the person. He’s not transphobic tho, even if he does misuse pronouns sometimes. Well he doesn’t understand nonbinary or genderfluid identities. He’s….. he’s trying at least. I think he actually forgets Romano is a transman though— “My daughter? I have two sons- oooooh yeah. That- no I have two sons now.” Also he’s celibate. Has been for many many years, even before he was ordained.
Please correct me if I got any historical or otherwise facts wrong!
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ateez-himari · 4 days
Hello bb🌸😽(I'll keep saying it hehe) thanks for answering my asks you're so nice literally :(( and honestly i could tell that our it couple were well thought of by their amazing creator(aka you) cause I could tell how much you actually love them by the answers you're giving
And honestly mimi(nickname for my hima) is so real for that cause I feel that every girl has gone into a somewhat similar phase, I always overthink about whether I'm feminine enough or not, like I always worry about my posture, my clothes, my makeup and every little thing regarding myself but if you think about no one actually cares, like even fans nowadays don't point things like that out (or atleast not so much) and it should stay like that, idols(especially female) aren't dolls, they aren't going to look flawless and act like a lady from the Victorian times all the time(lol) and same thing for male idols, just because they are men doesn't mean they aren't allowed to cry, or be sad like many people think(unfortunately) they're humans, both of them
And honestly I feel like their relationship is the meaning of healthy, based on how much they trust eachother and give for eachother, mimi and mingming are honestly what i want to have in life(my babies🥹❤️‍🩹)
(but who would want to cheat on THE min himari and song mingi)
Love you sweetie mwahh😽💗
Hey sweets 🥰 You take time from your day to ask me questions, of course I'm going to answer them! You're so sweet omg I think my heart might explode 🥹
That's what I was trying to convey through her (also I absolutely love that nickname it suits her so well), the industry is already very toxic when it comes to things such as weight or facial features that I wanted to make a character closer to how people truly feel or are. She's scarred but she's beautiful, she's happy but still fights with her own mental health, she can't fully hear but she feels, and she's an adult but childish in her mannerisms because she couldn't grow up
Our babies can definitely have their overthinking/jealous moments but at the end of the day they're just two little mochis that love each other so much 🤭I had some other idols that were contenders for the title of boyfriend but I think these softies finish each other so well and I'm so so happy that you like them!! Don't worry, they're not going anywhere any time soon (or are they....I'm kidding I would never forgive myself 🥲)
Also let me tell you, overthinking happens to everyone but you shouldn't have to worry about whether you're feminine enough, or have to focus on every single detail of yourself, I can already see that you're such a sweet person. Society is stupid, it'll make you believe that a woman is delicate, that a man is stoic, but just you being you with your unique flaws, your unique soul, is way more than enough and makes this world more interesting. Imagine if everyone was the same boring copy of each other
Love you too sweets!! Mwahhh 😘💕
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defira85 · 5 months
For the 8th Edition asks: 1, 5 and 9 please :)
Ask meme here!
The Patriars, what does Durge think of them? Do they share the same mindset as Gortash or do they maybe like some of the messed up stuff the patriars did?
Kass has a rather scathing view of the upper classes as a whole, due to her time living on the streets as a child and her brief stint living as Lady Hima's adopted daughter; her time interacting with the Patriars as an adult only reinforced her opinions of them as crass, insipid, wasteful and cruel. I know canonically the Bhaalist temples try not to prey on the upper classes too much lest they turn against them and drive them out of their cities, but Kass was more than happy to kill them or make a mockery of their social conventions and extravaganzas. She and Gortash held at least one exclusive dinner party that ended in mass murder, she plays a great slutty Masque of the Red Death. Her heavy handedness was what had the Flaming Fist vaguely turned in their direction at the time of her disappearance
5. What does Durge think of Bards? Do they like them, despise them, did anything ever happen?
I don't think she really has any strong opinions about bards, with the exception that it's a skillset she wants because she wants to be immaculately skilled at everything and just doesn't have time to commit to it. She has some very basic lyre and harp skills from her time living as Lady Hima's daughter, and would learn the harpsichord if she could, but she has more important things to do. She needs to take more classes at the College of Physicians and she wants to learn astrophysics and she needs to be better at alchemy and and and and......
Art always came easier to Heron and Orin, after all
9. Generally speaking, if Durge needed to travel, how would they go about it? By foot or horse, or did they have a familiar to use?
For the most part, Kass moves around on foot. She's an endurance athlete, she's trained relentlessly to keep working past the point of exhaustion in her quest to be the perfect assassin for Bhaal, so she'll default to on foot 95% of the time. She can ride horses, but animals have a habit of being uneasy around her, like they can sense the predator in her.
And after a certain point in her story, she has the benefit of wings too :P
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kiljoius-writes · 1 year
Favorite Poison
Ao3 | FFN
Full YOTP Series Found Here
Next Chapter Master Post
Pairing: Hanabi Hyūga/Konohamaru Sarutobi
Summary: They've never gotten along. How are they supposed to spend a vacation together?
Konohamaru braces himself to be tortured by Hanabi, not to fall in love with her.
July prompt: Enemies to Lovers
Rating: E for Smut
Chapter 1/5: Invitation
When Hanabi drops down from the top of the front gates of the Leaf Village with a pack strapped to her back, Konohamaru nearly turns on his heel and leaves.
“Oh, don’t look so frightened, Kono.” She reaches up to pat his head and he cringes away from her.
“Hm?” Hinata inquires, tilting her head at the two.
“Uhm…” Konohamaru darts his eyes over at Naruto who is grinning obliviously. “Big bro, you didn’t say…”
“Oh, yeah!” Naruto laughs, waving the group over. “Hinata invited Hanabi!”
“Big sister!” Himawari chirps as she bolts into Hanabi’s arms, who gladly picks her up and twirls her.
“Oh, someone’s glad to see me!” Hanabi responds brightly, holding the little girl above her head as she squeals in delight. When she plops her back on the ground, she raises her eyes to Konohamaru and furrows her eyebrows. “Unlike Kono.”
Konohamaru frowns purposefully low and sticks his tongue out at her. He catches the sight of her hand by her side with her middle finger up and he snorts. “Real nice, Hanabi.”
“I am nice, aw,” she sings, fingers rejoining the rest as she brings her hands to her cheeks, pushing them up so her eyes squint with a mocking smile. “Nice and cute, right?”
“Yes, of course.” Hinata nods, giggling. “Shall we?”
“You're happy to see me, aren’t you, Hima?” Konohamaru inquires, tilting his head down at the girl. She smiles and nods enthusiastically. He swiftly plucks her up now, too, and puts her on his shoulders. “More than big sis, right?”
“Huh?” Himawari asks with all the cutest naivety in the world while Hanabi glares at him.
“I wanna be carried!” Boruto whines, pouting up at Konohamaru. Before Hanabi can sneak in, Konohamaru's already swooping the boy up as well, tucking him under his arm.
“You’re gonna tire yourself out before we get there.” Naruto laughs, roughing his hand through Boruto’s hair.
“You’ll tire yourself out before we even make it out of the Leaf,” Hanabi quips quickly, smirking up at him. He huffs through his nose, refusing to pay her a look.
When Naruto asked him to come along on a vacation out to the Land of Waves, he hadn’t mentioned Hanabi would be there.
Well, he figured he had been invited mostly to keep an eye on Boruto and Himawari while Naruto and Hinata had some sort of alone time while they were there. He didn’t mind doing that, he enjoyed being around them. Now he knew it was a mistake to just assume things.
Hanabi and Konohamaru had never really gotten along.
Not that Hanabi ever let him show off what an amazing guy he is.
They graduated to genin at different times with Konohamaru being a year older, so they never really knew each other much before then.
Then she insisted on entering the chunin exams within a month of promotion to genin. Her sensei foolishly allowed this, and in the end, Konohamaru had been the one to beat her in the battle portion.
She never really let go of that.
And honestly, he never really felt bad about it, either.
It was the chunin exams. And it was nearly ten years ago, now!
They were adults, both in their twenties, and here she is, still holding onto something so petty. It's ridiculous, and he won’t be made to take pity on her. So he simply avoided her whenever possible, kept his distance if they missioned together, tried to make excuses to leave whenever she came around.
Of course, when Naruto and Hinata became an item, that became harder. A lot harder.
He almost resented the fact she drove a wedge in his relationship with Naruto. He was his big bro before she ever came into the picture, and now she acted like she’d been there the whole time. Like she deserved to intrude on their time. It was rude!
Once, Naruto suggested they go on a date when they were in their late teens.
They responded with a resounding refusal.
“Absolutely NOT .”
It was probably the first time they were on the same page, both hurling glares at Naruto as he laughed at them.
Then, of course, Boruto would get involved.
“Aunt Temari and Uncle Shikamaru are married…so are Aunt Ino and Uncle Sai. So you guys are married, too.”
“Boruto, if I ever hear that out of your mouth again, you may have no mouth left to speak with.”
Boruto was confused, so Hinata gently explained it to him.
As Himawari got older, she was expressing similar sentiments. Thankfully, she was still young and didn’t really understand anything about relationships outside of the scope of her mother and father, and they were able to get ahead of it before it would become a problem.
At Himawari’s fourth birthday, Naruto pointed out that Konohamaru and Hanabi were getting kind of close to each other, and Himawari immediately launched.
Oh, that was embarrassing.
Also a little funny, because they weren’t even friends.
Yes, a vacation sounded nice, but now with Hanabi here, it was bound to be hell.
Konohamaru braces himself and ignores Hanabi’s smirking gaze.
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Hanabi specifically accepted this invite because Konohamaru would be there.
She never missed the chance to mess with him, no matter what.
Assigned a diplomatic mission, but Konohamaru was headed the same way on a shinobi mission? They should go together!
Taking Mirai, Boruto, and Himawari to the Tanabata festival? Hanabi deserved to go as their aunt.
Moegi inviting her out for drinks? Would Konohamaru be there? She’d be there, too.
Her cousins never let her forget the Third’s scrappy grandson took her down in the chunin exams, so she’d never let him forget her, either.
Her bids to spar with him often went unanswered, and if he did answer, it was always to leave him alone.
Was it petty? Absolutely, and she knew it.
What compelled her? She reasoned revenge. But it had been nearly ten years now. Maybe there were other reasons, but she chose not to think on those. It didn’t matter.
Besides, he wasn’t so bad to look at. Once they got into their late teens, in fact, he became downright good to look at. So that didn’t hurt. Not that she’d ever, ever dare to tell him that.
She chose to let him think that when she stared at him, it was because he looked like an alien to her.
“Give me my nephew,” she demands once they were a few kilometers out, Hinata and Naruto further ahead chatting happily.
“No.” He turns his nose up at her as Boruto struggles under his arm.
“Yes!” Boruto calls back, “this doesn’t feel good!”
Hanabi raises her eyebrows expectantly as Konohamaru sighs, leaning down to put the boy on the ground.
“Come here, Boruto,” she beckons him, “come to your favorite!”
Boruto stops and looks up at both of them, confusion on his face.
“Don’t do it, Boruto,” Konohamaru warns, glaring down at the boy.
“Come!” Hanabi holds out her hands. “Come on!”
“You’re being weird!” Boruto cries, bolting past them to grab at his mother’s skirt. Hinata looks down curiously, then looks back at the two. Hanabi huffs irritably and crosses her arms while Konohamaru chuckles.
“You think it’s funny to turn my nephew against me?!” Hanabi snaps, resisting the urge to punch his shoulder while he carries her niece.
“Kind of funny, yeah.” He nods, eyeing her.
“You’re an asshole.”
Himawari gasps and covers Konohamaru’s ears. His grin is shit-eating. “Big sis! Mommy said those words are bad.”
“Actually, Hima,” Hanabi starts, tilting her head, “I think they’re completely appropriate when it comes to certain Sarutobi’s.”
“Huh?” Himawari leans forward, completely confused by what she had said.
“You’re dumb, you know that?” Konohamaru pulls one of Himawari’s hands from his ears while looking at Hanabi. “You always talk to them like they’re adults. They’re kids, Lady Heiress.”
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Lady Princess? Princess Heiress? Or just princess? You act like one.”
“Big sis is a princess!” Himawari chimes in brightly, beaming down at Hanabi. Despite her frustration, she smiles up at her niece.
“Regardless, you’re not good with kids,” he points out, “you frighten them.”
“Himawari.” Hanabi reaches up for her niece and pulls her off of Konohamaru who doesn’t put up much of a fight. She settles her on her hip.” Do I frighten you?”
Himawari is silent for a moment as she tilts her head. “Yes.”
Konohamaru howls.
“What?!” Hanabi gasps, “why?!”
“When your eyes get all big and pop.” Himawari points up at her face. “But I still love you!”
Hanabi sighs, shaking her head. She sets the girl down, ushers her away with a, “go to your father, Hima.”
“Okay!” Himawari skips ahead of them to catch up with the rest of the Uzumaki’s.
“Told you.” Konohamaru smirks that ugly smirk, resting his hands behind his neck. “Lady Hanabi Hyuga, terrorizing children everywhere she goes.”
“You’re a dick,” she huffs, looking away, “and soft. Maybe they love you so much because they can tell you’re just a weak idiot. They can take advantage of you.”
“That’s harsh.” He raises an eyebrow. “Wasn’t so soft when I took you down in the chūnin exams...”
Now she punches his arm and he recoils, hissing. “And you’ve never given me a rematch. I would bury you if you did, and that’s why you always say no.”
Konohamaru snickers, shaking his head.
His laughter is quickly cut off and he frowns, glaring at her. “Don’t go there.”
“Go where?” she asks, innocently pulling her hands behind her back to clasp. “Point out that you're afraid? Afraid of the big bad Hyūga? Because you know she’d beat your ass?” His face is quickly turning red and it brings her a high amount of amusement. “You are a coward!”
“I’m gonna go ahead and quit this conversation now, before I do something I regret.”
“Mhm. Coward.”
“You’re a bitch.”
Now she laughs, loudly. “Excuse me?!”
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Konohamaru stares at the ground with wide eyes.
Did that really come out of his mouth?
Couldn’t be. He’d never—
“Yeah, I said it.”
Oh gods. I’ll be dead within minutes.
Hanabi clicks her tongue and he feels her eyes boring a hole into him. “You’re right.”
“What?” He looks up, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and anger. “The hell?”
“When did you grow balls, little Sarutobi?” She punches his arm lightly now, almost fondly, smirking up at him.
Konohamaru contemplates for a moment. “Moegi says that term is outdated.”
“Oh, right. We’re saying ovaries now.”
Now Konohamaru laughs, feeling a little more relaxed. “Uh—sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
“Sure you did.” She doesn't look at him. “And I mean it, too. You’re a coward.”
Konohamaru glares at her as she skips ahead to catch up with her sister.
Never mind.
A few hours later after avoiding interacting with her, halfway to the Land of Waves, they stop at a little village that specialized in tourism. Everything one could need for a trip to the coastal city: beach balls, surfboards, floaties, sunscreen, sand toys, and more. Hinata and Naruto left the kids in their care while they went to inspect the food stands.
Konohamaru has a funny idea.
“Since I’m your favorite,” he declares, causing both kids to look up at him as they stop in front of a bright, colorful toy store, “we’re gonna go in there and I’m buying you each whatever toy you want.”
“Really?!” Boruto gasps, and Himawari is already bolting into the store.
Hanabi lowers her eyes at him, he can see it in his peripheral, and he smirks, ushering Boruto in.
They follow the kids as they inspect toy after toy until Himawari lands on a large, stuffed giraffe.
“This one!” she proclaims. It's bigger than her. Konohamaru frowned.
“Well, actually…that’s kind of big to be carrying around, Hima. We’d have to carry it back…”
Hanabi cuts in, “I’ll get it for you, Hima.”
“Yay, big sister!” she squeals as Hanabi picked it up.
“Since I’m your favorite,” Hanabi speaks mockingly at Konohamaru as she crouches down, pushing the giraffe’s face to Himawari's cheek and making a kissing sound, “right?”
“Yes!” Himawari confidently says, throwing her arms around the giraffe.
“You’re carrying it,” Konohamaru scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“No, you are. You are the one who offered.” Hanabi shoves it into his arms and then goes after Boruto.
Konohamaru holds the giraffe in front of him and glares at it.
As Konohamaru pays for the toys the kids picked out, they exit together, and Hanabi beckons them. “Big sister is going to get you two ice cream!”
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Hanabi smirks at Konohamaru’s look of disapproval.
“Ice cream, too?!” Boruto yells, eyes filled with wonder. Hanabi nods enthusiastically, leading them to an ice cream stand.
Boruto immediately points at the last item on the menu, a picture of a waffle cone topped with five different colored scoops of ice cream, whip cream, chocolate drizzle, sprinkles, and a cherry. Hanabi grimaces, avoiding Konohamaru’s knowing look. “Uhm, Boruto…you’ll never finish it, and you’ll get a tummy ache—”
“I’ll get it.” Konohamaru steps in, pulling out his coin pouch and Hanabi purses her lips, squinting at it.
“YES! Big bro for the win!” Boruto fist-pumps. She catches Konohamaru biting back a laugh as she scowls.
“Since I’m your favorite,” Konohamaru speaks in the same mocking tone she had used as he grasps the cone, then crouches in front of Boruto and offers it forward, “right?”
“Oh yeah!” Boruto greedily grabs the cone out of his hands and immediately bites into it.
“He’s going to be sick,” Hanabi growls toward him as she passes off a cup of strawberry ice cream to Himawari.
“And you’ll clean it up. You are the one who offered.” He looks at her, his grin wide.
Somehow, they had spent a good hour playing this game, indulging the children in too many presents and sweets until Hinata hastily collected them, scolding them for their recklessness.
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They promptly broke off from one another without kids to look after, and Konohamaru finds himself inspecting a jewelry stand outside of a shop Hinata had gone inside with Himawari and Boruto. He examines it closely, trying to find the cheapest thing possible to bring back Moegi, who had insisted he find her a souvenir. He may like her better than Hanabi, but he wasn’t about to drop a chunk of change on some stupid accessory for her.
Then he hears whistling next to his head and a loud thud. On instinct, chakra begins flowing through his extremities as he jerks up to find the attacker—someone coming for Naruto?
His mouth drops open at the sight of Hanabi on top of a restaurant, crouched next to its chimney, grinning down at him.
“Oh my,” the woman running the stand whispers, having gone pale white at the attack, “is that a kunai? You—" She pointed at Konohamaru’s headband. “—shinobi! Leave, take your business elsewhere!”
Konohamaru ignores the woman as he turns to Hanabi, folding his arms. “Really, Hanabi?”
She snickers and hops from the roof of the restaurant to the roof of the shop next to the jewelry stand. “Fight me, Konohamaru Sarutobi!”
“You’re insane!” he yells back, instinctively reaching for his satchel, “we’re in civilian territory!”
“Spar, then!” she demands, standing tall with her hands on her hips. “Don’t be a coward!”
“You’re gonna learn a hard lesson if you keep saying that shit,” he shoots back, leaping onto the roof to shove his fingertip into her forehead. She promptly grabs the finger and twists, hard.
“Come on, Honorable Grandson.” She uses her other hand to grab his shoulder, forcing him down as he growls in frustration. “Teach me a lesson.”
Then she's on the hard ground below them, back slamming loudly. Everyone in the center of the village freezes.
He hops down and promptly puts his foot on her chest to restrain her. “Stay down, little Hyūga.”
“Oooh.” He didn’t expect the giggle and also didn’t expect to end up crashing into the jewelry stand.
No souvenir from this little village, he supposes.
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Hanabi feels excitement bubble in her chest as she hops to her feet. She knows her eyes must look unhinged as she marches toward where Konohamaru lay in the broken wood. She plucks a sack of coins from her satchel and drops them in the old woman’s hands without even paying her a glance.
“This—this is unacceptable!” she cries. Then she opens the sack and her jaw fell. She promptly closes it, humming.
“You’re deranged,” he breathes as he peels himself up, all eyes still on the pair.
“Coward, coward, coward!” she proclaims far too proud, beaming at him as he stomps towards her, chakra flaring around his hands. She skips backward, ducking as he attempted to swipe at her. “Hit me, come on!”
She laughs as she continues dodging his attacks, fully enjoying the way his face becomes nearly purple with frustration. Just as he thinks he's about to get a hit in, she stabs her fingers into his side with a little chakra and cackles as he buckles.
But that had apparently been an act, because he immediately rolls forward and grabs her legs, forcing her to go tumbling into another stand, the wood cracking under her body.
He pulls himself up, but she's already up, too, and tackling him back down. She swings her legs over him and focuses chakra in her palm to close a chakra point. She gasps as he grabs her wrist and jerks his knee up, pushing the flat of his foot right into her chest to throw her backward.
“Shit!” she curses, skidding on her heel as he sprang to his feet.
“You’re gonna regret this, Hanabi!” he warns, pulling his hands together to start creating that familiar blue ball of chakra.
“Don’t think so!” she calls back, dipping her stance with her palms out.
Hanabi gasps as she feels herself yanked by the collar, and in a blur, she's being thrown to the ground in an unfamiliar area. She darts her eyes around, finding Konohamaru in the same position next to her, then—Naruto’s angry face, right in theirs.
“The hell are you two doing?!” Naruto demands, reaching out with both his bandaged hand and human hand to jab their foreheads. They both groan and reach up to cover the hit spot.
“She started it—”
“He was being—”
“I don’t care!” Naruto announces, straightening back out. “Whatever it is you two need to do, get it out of the way—WITHOUT civilians around!” He turns his back to them as he heads back to the little village. “Catch up when you're done, and don’t come back until you can be normal human beings with each other!”
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“That’s great—” Konohamaru huffs as he climbs to his feet, “just great, Hanabi! Look what you did! You’re a damn psycho—”
“I’m not done!” Hanabi hops to her feet, stomping up to him. He glares down at her, shaking his head. He watches as white chakra flares around her hands and sighs, grabbing her wrists to pull them apart.
“I am.”
“No!” Her voice turns almost whiny as she tore her hands from his. “Fight me!” She reeled her hand back. “I demand it!”
“I know you’re used to people doing whatever you say,” he says as he blocks a hit, stepping backward, “but I’m not one of your little subjects!” Another hit, and his frustration's about to bubble over. “Hanabi! Knock it off!”
She doesn't respond as her hits came faster and harder and he finally letsout an exhausted groan, grabbing her forearm and twisting it.
“Don’t make me put you down like a damn dog,” he growls, shoving her toward the ground.
She immediately rolls over, propping herself up on her elbows, and winks. “Try it, babe.”
That was a mistake. She catches him off guard, and now he's being thrown right into the base of a tree.
Konohamaru is done.
If she wants him to put her in her place, then he had no choice but to oblige.
They went on like that for far too long, probably, but Konohamaru had no time to think about it because Hanabi really was a better fighter now.
She had been good when they battled in the chūnin exams, but she was truly powerful now. That gentle fist was no joke, he was just glad she hadn’t been able to close his primary chakra point. He briefly wondered whether she was intentionally avoiding it, but quickly decided that was certainly impossible. She’d have closed it straight away if she could, so he continued protecting his chest as they gradually became battered and bruised.
Finally, after what felt like hours, he has her pinned on the ground. He uses his shins to keep hers down (so she couldn’t kick) and shoves her wrists into the earth above her head (so she couldn’t punch), leans down to settle his chest on hers (so she couldn’t get leverage) and presses his forehead to her forehead (so she couldn’t headbutt him, because he knows she'd try). It was a hold Ebisu-sensei had taught him, and while it was fairly intimate (and uncomfortable for a grown man on top of a boy to be doing), it was effective.
He feels her chest heaving against his and has to assume she felt his, too. They're both taking haggard breaths as their eye contact remained unbroken.
Then she tilts her head up and her lips were on his.
He freezes—paralyzed, really. He doesn't even realize his grip has loosened on her wrists, and—
“FUCK!” he yells as he rolls off of her, clutching his chest.
Now she's on top of him, grinning that wild grin down at him as she holds his shoulders down. “Want me to close another?”
“Cheater!” he gasps, rubbing his chest, realizing that it wasn't his primary chakra point she’d closed—but damn, it was close. “You’re a damn cheat!”
“Art of seduction,” she damn near purs the words into his ear, leaning in close, until their noses were touching, and his eyes blow wide. “It’s part of the shinobi way, Konohamaru.”
“That was sexual harassment.”
“Oh please!” she laughs, pressing her forehead against his, “don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”
Konohamaru presses his lips in a thin line, glaring up at her.
Truth be told, he's not really sure if he did or not. He has no time to think about it.
Because in just as quick a motion, he grabs the back of her head and forces her to close the little distance that remained between their lips.
“Mmph—” she gasps against him, and he's…surprised that she hadn’t resisted. She hadn’t resisted at all.
And Konohamaru's not really sure what comes over him, because he finds his other arm snaking around her waist and pulling her flush against him. He pulls his knees up between hers, forcing her legs to straddle around his abdomen, and she's pushing down and he realizes—
Konohamaru Sarutobi is locked in a passionate kiss that Hanabi Hyūga is returning. Eagerly.
So he rolls her over and forces his knees between hers, resting his hips against hers as her arms wrap around his neck.
Is this actually happening?
He pulls the arm from around her back to grab her waist, burying his fingers there as her nails dig into his scalp, head tilting and lips parting. His head goes cloudy as he feels her tongue swipe against his lips, forcing them to immediately part for access on instinct. He pushes his tongue against hers, letting her run hers over his top teeth—he's not sure a girl had ever licked his teeth before but finds he doesn't hate it. Then he pushes back, attaching his teeth to her bottom lip and tugging it. When she lets out a breathy moan, he bites down harder.
Once he feels her hips rock up into his is when he knows he's on the edge—of what, he's not sure, but he's going to be shoved off it if he doesn’t stop this, now.
He quickly pulls his arms from her body, hands planted on the ground as he tears himself off of her. He stops to observe her in the seconds he has. Her face is flush, her lips swollen, her eyes closed, and she's leaning up as if to bring him back.
“Hanabi—” he breathes, causing her to pop her eyes open, “—what the hell?”
As if clarity had rushed her senses, her eyes turn fiery. “PERVERT!”
Next Chapter ->
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Had a particularly deep Hetalia thought come into my head yesterday, it just speaks to me.
So over the last year, I discovered Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, which is a beautiful Russian opera all about unrequited love. Tatyana is a young woman in the countryside, born into good family, very bookish and introverted. When she meets Onegin, a new neighbour who is looking after an ailing uncle, she is instantly head over heels for him. She writes him a letter telling him her feelings, only for him to reject her and tell her that love and passion are too frivolous for adults to bother with. Years later, he returns after travelling for years (after killing Tatyana's sister's betrothed in a duel), and discovers that Tatyana married a prince and is now a societal beauty, and finally realizes what he missed out on.
In terms of Hetalia, the novel by Pushkin was published in the 1820-1830's, while Tchaikovsky's opera premiered in 1879. This was knee-deep in the era of the Russian empire, where Lithuania and Belarus were firmly stuck in Russia's house as his subordinates.
Lithuania in particular used to be a European power as part of his commonwealth with Poland, but has now lost all that. Over the years, through what I've read on Wiki about their mutual history, Belarus was controlled by the Commonwealth for significant amounts of time, when she wasn't controlled by her brother. As such, when they're both part of the Russian Empire in the 1800's, the only constant from Lithuania's past that is still at his side is, well, Belarus.
As we all know from Hima's canon, Lithuania has pined for Belarus for years, but that affection is unrequited. Belarus has pined for her brother for years, but that is also unrequited. And while not addressed in canon explicitly, we all know there is tension between Russia and Lithuania, where Russia wants to be closer but Lithuania does not.
So, here's the deal: I think all three of them relate to Tatyana. I also think they are each other's Onegin.
Lithuania is the Tatyana to Belarus's Onegin.
Belarus is the Tatyana to Russia's Onegin.
Russia is the Tatyana to Lithuania's Onegin.
This story resonates with all three of them. Sure, the conclusion where Onegin eventually comes around and figures out what was missed before is unlikely to happen, the eventual requiting does not fit this triangle at all.
Perhaps an even hotter take, if anyone flies by it at all, is that Belarus once admired Lithuania during the Commonwealth times, when she was a much younger (and a bit naive) subordinate of his, but that faded away quickly once she grew up and Russia gained power. That would also make Lithuania more of an Onegin, as he reflects on what could've been after he's lost everything and has to watch her fawn over her now-powerful brother.
Long story short, you can't convince me that these three do NOT love this story and this opera, and that all three of them have definitely cried whenever a soprano sings Tatyana's letter scene beautifully enough. (As much as Lithuania will deny his appreciation for any Russian art, this is the one exception.)
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brambleberrybunches · 2 years
latvia america philippines
Three in one! Thanks a bunch! <3 Latvia
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Here's my reasoning for all of them:
I think my biggest gripe with Latvia is towards Hima and him being portrayed as a 15 year old. He's older than America and Germany, he's his own nation, he should be an adult. Hell, Seborga and Molossia are adults and they're not even nations. Why is he a child? Aside from that, I think his blunt honesty and drinking habits make him very reliable when he's sober, but not at all when he's drunk. He's capable of great things, but he's got poor self-esteem and poor economics that limit him greatly. I think that his being so young in canon limits him a lot, and that if he was put on a similar level as Estonia and Latvia even age wise a good portion of his fanon perception would shift.
As an American, I'm entitled to have an opinion on him, and my opinion is that almost* every interpretation I've seen of him is valid. The United States as a nation is a fucking weird anomaly of fifty mini countries hiding in a trench coat of star-spangled nationalism, and with the diverse population that it has as a mainly immigrant-founded nation, it's going to have a lot of cultural trends that often times go in contradictory directions. We're loud and like socializing, but hate people getting into out "personal bubble". We value entertainment and fun, but we're actively killing our workforce with inhumane working hours. We're an immigrant nation, but have gone through several periods of immigrant intolerism and cruelty. It's all over the place, and so is America. He's the loud, golden retriever-esque moron, he's the manipulative cold asshole, he's the sweet awkward kid who grew up too fast. Almost every interpretation of him, fanon or canon, that I've seen I usually resonate with in one way or another because usually the creator chooses his personality or interpretation based off of their own perception or values, and I find that super cool! Just that makes bingo-ing him pretty hard, lol. "I don't trust the fandom with him" is mostly to canon America, because canon America's usually thrown out for more fitting interpretations as stated above. Overall, I think the fandom does this blond haired monolith pretty well.
I don't know much about the Philippines unfortunately, but I've loved all the fanon ones that I've seen before canon came out, and I love the canon Phil a lot as well! It's a very "modern" personality that I can easily see in the past, which is nice! Especially when you have a lot of nations that have tech illiterate energies, like England or Greece. He's fun and a lot of energy, and I think he's a good driving force behind half of the nonsense the ASEAN gang gets into. He's making sure they're all enjoying life and having fun, and good for him! Someone has to. I'm very excited to see more of him and the ASEAN gang in the future.
Ask Game
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luctheletterweaver · 2 years
Fight or Flight Symphonia Side - Eight Fragment
Next one, I'm practically making Ozette a big deal because it's about Presea and Genis cares too much about her. One of my missions here is to make his feelings more... genuine? Something like that. It's not that they would end up together, no, since Presea's whole demeanor makes it clear she sees Genis as a kid.
However, I do want to make Genis actually liking Presea a strong point, and that their subsequent friendship develops in later parts when they can actually get to know each other.
Of course, no Raine means Regal is the only adult in the group right now (I refuse to consider Zelos one until much later and Sheena barely qualifies), so, I feel he would try to pitch in a little more since these kids are way over their heads with a lot of things. Of course, it doesn't mean some have to like it.
I struggled so much with the group discussion at first, but Kat helped me find the way to make it work, and I think the final result was pretty decent.
This fragment appears right after the seventh on Ch 30! Ozette sadness with Presea!
Word count: 2009
Presea's wellbeing
Ozette was on top of a big old tree. From what Sheena could tell them, people who didn’t like the busy life of the cities and academies went there to live quietly and without any care for what happened outside of the forest. It reminded Genis of how much Iselia was isolated from the rest of Sylvarant; perfect to protect a Chosen for sixteen years if the Human Ranch wasn’t right beside it. The hike was tough, though not as much as when they first visited Hima. Guess all the running from the Desians, Papal Knights, and angels paid off.
When they arrived at the entrance and came into view of some of the villagers, Genis immediately sensed the hostility. The second they laid eyes on him, they glared, not that he wasn’t used to that. Presea left them without a word. Genis called for everyone to follow. As they did, more stares fell onto them. Whispers started to fly around but Genis paid no attention, he just ran trying to not lose sight of Presea. He followed her down another giant trunk.
A house stood at the bottom of the tree, looking like it had seen better days. The wood was old and falling apart, vines were growing around it, the windows’ glass was broken and scattered everywhere. There was no way anyone was living there. Yet Presea approached it calmly. In the porch, a man with purple hair stood in wait, a grin in his face.
Genis recognized him. The weird man from Meltokio. What was he doing here?
That’s when a familiar feeling hit him. He’s a half-elf! But it can’t be, I didn’t feel anything in Meltokio. Had he been too tense back then to pay attention? Or maybe the man had a way to hide it. His pristine robes and golden accessories showed status, so having the means wouldn’t be impossible.
Both Presea and the man turned to the party.
“Presea! We have to make a Key Crest for you!” Genis said.
Presea shook her head. “My job awaits. Goodbye,” and entered the house without looking back.
Inside Presea’s house was just as unkempt as the area outside. Furniture strewn around and broken, giant cobwebs in the corners, more glass on the floor, everything covered with dust. The only thing that showed use were the tools Presea had gathered in the table. The party walked further to the back where there was a room with beds. One of them had a lump covered by sheets that looked like they hadn’t been washed in years.
An awful smell filled the house, expected due to lack of cleaning, but it was more noticeable in that room. He noticed Lloyd step back when he entered the room. Then, Genis covered his mouth and gagged.
“That smell,” Lloyd gasped.
The party saw Presea running from the occupied bed to a cabinet that had lots of small items, mostly bottles, on the top. Sheena approached the cabinet but refrained from touching anything because Presea’s eyes were on her.
“Medicines. They’re empty though,” Sheena turned to the bed.
Dread filled Genis. The lump wasn’t moving at all, not even a hint of breathing. Didn’t Presea notice? He approached the bed. Inside it…
Genis screamed.
Someone dragged him away as fast as they could. He hadn’t noticed falling on the floor. How could he? The sight was too ghastly, Genis was bewildered he didn’t faint there. Still, his terror hadn’t done anything to alert Presea, she just kept watching the cabinet. Everyone’s looks ranged from disgust to pity.
Genis clutched his fists. Cruxis is unforgivable. He really wanted to run outside to escape the smell and that view, yet his worry for Presea kept him rooted to the spot.
In the middle of all the horror, Genis didn’t notice who dragged him away. He turned and saw Colette, whose hands were hovering over his shoulders. When he looked closer, her arms were trembling, and her eyes were holding back tears. How has Colette been feeling this whole time? She was indirectly the closest to this situation, having been a victim too, and Genis couldn’t imagine the powerlessness that filled her after seeing this. He nudged at her, but Colette didn’t notice as she was lost in her thoughts.
“How could this happen?” Sheena said.
“It’s probably the exsphere…” Zelos replied while covering his nose. The smell was starting to become unbearable for everyone. “And there’s a chance she has no idea what happened here.”
Regal approached the cabinet. “Presea, are you not coming with us?”
“I must do my job,” Presea turned and answered automatically.
Regal’s shoulders slumped and let out a short breath. “We should leave her here,” he said dryly.
Genis frowned. How could this guy start making decisions for them when he had barely joined? Unlike everyone else, Genis still wasn’t cozy with having a former enemy —Sheena would always be an exception to him after everything they went through— join like nothing happened.
And he wasn’t the only one, apparently. Colette and Lloyd looked at Regal in shock. Genis got up from the floor and glared.
“Are you serious? Here?!” Lloyd yelled.
“There’s no way we’re doing that!” Genis joined.
“Regal, we can’t do that,” Colette finished.
The three had their own reasons to speak up. Genis’ was he couldn’t leave Presea alone in such a place. When had he become so stubborn? That was Lloyd’s job.
“What if something happens to her?!”
“We can’t take her against her will,” Regal said calmly.
“Leaving her alone would be much worse. You saw how people looked at her when we entered this place.”
“I doubt anyone will try anything if they’ve seen her use that axe.”
“But what about that guy who just left?” Lloyd raised his concern. “He could have someone come and take Presea prisoner while we’re gone.”
“He could be with the Church of Martel, too,” Colette said. “Presea is strong but she’s vulnerable to orders from them.”
“Guys,” Sheena interrupted. Everyone turned to her. “I get it, I’m worried too, but… it would be faster if we go to Altessa’s place and get the Key Crest repaired.”
“Sheena!” Genis yelled. “Are you really going to listen to him?”
“Genis, it’s not-”
“It’s not that, brat,” Zelos spoke for Sheena. Genis directed his glare at him. “Remember what Kate said, she’s just like sweet Colette was. Unlike her though, we don’t know how longer Presea can afford to stay that way. It’s better we leave right now.”
Lloyd grimaced. “Yeah, but…”
“The church has a need for her. They won’t harm her,” Regal added.
Genis’ frown grew deeper. He didn’t like Regal. The interest he showed about Presea’s wellbeing didn’t help either. Genis wanted to help her too.
If Raine was here, she would probably declare this whole argument pointless when they all wanted the same thing and call Genis out for being so petty.
“I know but maybe it’s better she comes with us,” Colette said.
His sister wasn’t here though.
“Colette is right! We can’t leave her anyway!” Genis argued.
“It’ll be much faster to take her to Altessa’s house rather than-” Lloyd started but got interrupted.
“Okay, that’s it!” Sheena raised her voice, her eyebrows and eyes in a scowl. Genis got startled; Sheena rarely directed anger at anyone that wasn’t Zelos. “Did you guys forget in what state Presea is? If we try to move her now, she’ll retaliate.”
“But-” Lloyd, Genis and Colette spoke at the same time, yet the three got shut down immediately.
“No. Yuan told us that day what will happen. If we do anything she considers a danger to herself, she’ll attack. Are you prepared to fight Presea head-on if that happens?”
Genis’ face paled. He was pretty sure Lloyd and Colette had similar reactions.
"Wait, you mean like when Colette almost sent me flying down the stairs in Meltokio?” Zelos’ eyes widened in slight terror. “No way, I don't want my beautiful face to get hurt!"
“Shut up, idiot Chosen!” Sheena breathed deeply. “The point is you kids need to calm down. I know you want to help but fighting like this is not the way to get what you want.”
“Sheena, that’s not it…” Lloyd spoke weakly.
“Stop it. Regal is right. We’re leaving Presea here because I refuse to put any of you in danger over misguided feelings.”
Colette grimaced. “It’s just… I feel so sorry for her. This is unfair.”
Sheena sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Colette, this isn’t your fault.”
Colette nodded with a smile, though her downturned eyes said a different story, and left the house. Lloyd went after her.
The tension got cut after that. Genis’ nose was irritated and his head throbbing. He understood Sheena’s feelings but… Genis didn’t know when to stop sometimes. There was a last thing he could try, even though it made him sick to his stomach to do it.
“That man we met is a half-elf.”
Revealing the man’s secret without asking was wrong. Genis would have never dreamed of exposing another fellow half-elf like this. He still had to try though, Presea wasn’t safe here no matter what everyone else said.
Despite those feelings, something about the man rubbed Genis the wrong way and it was best to let the rest know anyway. With the significant influence Cruxis had in both worlds, he couldn’t cross out the possibility the man had ties with them.
Sheena didn’t look taken aback by this information like the others. “That could explain some things. He smelled of blood. If he’s got some ulterior motive with Presea, we should hurry.”
Nothing, huh? Guess I won’t convince them.
This wasn’t right. A rift was starting to appear in the party, and Genis didn’t understand why. Even with all the disagreements they’ve had in Sylvarant, it never felt this hollow. Not even Sheena joining them after Raine healed her in Luin per Colette’s pleas or their discovery of the exspheres’ creation had made any of them fight like this.
At least with Raine and Kratos there had been a strange sense of union between all five of them. Here, without his sister or the mercenary —Genis should drill in his head Kratos almost killed them and no amount of help after the fact would change that—, that union was still missing. Worst of all, Sheena was forced to assume a role that clearly wasn’t for her. If at least Raine was here, Genis was sure she would keep them all, especially the kids, in line and none of this would have happened.
Zelos sighed and left, his nose red from pinching it close due to the smell. Sheena looked between Genis and Regal, something clearly bothering her, but shook her head.
“Let’s go,” Sheena turned and left.
Genis checked on Presea. Even through all the arguing, she never moved from her place in front of the cabinet nor stared. Her mind was somewhere else, the presence of the party that had brought her back home became unnecessary to recognize. Genis wondered if their helping Presea was the right choice. When she was freed from the prison her heart was in, how would she react? If Zelos’ assumption was right… I still want to help Presea. They all wanted to, so why couldn’t they agree on what was the obvious choice?
Genis swore he would make up to her for all the trouble she went through for them, that hadn’t changed. That’s why, when Presea was able to feel and speak with emotion, when she saw what became of her house and village, he would make sure to be there for her, not as a protector, but as a friend.
Regal was about to leave but called for him. Genis didn’t reply, instead approached Presea. “We’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” He then turned towards the exit, never giving Regal a look.
“About what happened-”
“Who went and put you in charge?”
Genis ran outside.
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logobossbull · 2 years
Annamayya telugu movie
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He would personally feed them and would take care of their welfare. He took up a three-story bungalow in Calcutta and housed the children there during the shooting. Pullayya was not just the director but became the de facto father of the children, whom he and his wife Rangamma looked after like their own during the shoot of Anusuya. Pullayya who hailed from Kakinada has the credit of being the first director to make a film with children which was considered a revolution in those days. Even here the lead actors were children, with the other roles essayed by adults, but the seeds of a full-blown children’s film were laid with ‘Sati Anusuya’ĭirected by C Pullayya again, he was considered a genius with his experience in the fields of film presentation, production, and directing since the silent era. The lead child artists (Master Bhimarao, Master Malleshwara Rao) who acted as Lava and Kusa - both became stars overnight thus paving way for the children’s film in India. Ramayana-based story 'Lava-Kusha' is the first box office hit in Telugu. The Calcutta-based East India Film Company had already made two Telugu talkies, 'Sati Savitri' (February 5, 1933) and 'Lava Kusha' (December 22, 1934), where both were directed by Chittajallu Pullayya (Pullaih were super hits and made huge profits. Producers in Bombay and Calcutta studios were mostly making films in Telugu. It completed 50 days in 92 centres and 100 days in 60 centres.Children’s Day 2021 Special: The first Children’s film in India was made in the year 1936 and the notable fact was that it was two Telugu films titled 'Sati Anusuya' and 'Dhruva Vijayam' which heralded the era of Children's films in the country.ĭuring the initial days after the silent era of movies ended in our country and the talkies had hit the silver screen, the first full Telugu talkie 'Bhakta Prahlada' (Februand where the lead was a child) was released. The film had collected a distributors' share of Rs.16 crore in the initial two weeks after its release. The track "Hima Seemallo", sung by Hariharan and Harini won the Nandi Award for Best Playback Singer, Male for Hariharan. Mani Sharma composed the songs, while Veturi, Bhuvanachandra, Jonnavittula and Vennelakanti penned the lyrics.
Mamilla Shailaja Priya as Priya, Soundarya's friend.
Soundarya as Gajjala Kanaka Maha Lakshmi Devi.
Chiranjeevi as Rajaram (Aathmaram in hallucination).
The film ends with all the three brothers getting married Rajaram with Devi, Ravi with Latha, and Gopi with Geetha. In the ensuing melee, Rangarao is killed. Rangarao is the brother of Chinna Rao, a criminal who was caught in the police dragnet with Rajaram's help and later died. A furious Rajaram goes to Rangarao, who reveals his real identity.
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The brothers escape death and land in a hospital with injuries. Rangarao has other plans and tries to have them killed with gundas. This brings about a total change in them and the repentant duo go to Rangarao to restore the property to their brother. She, being in the know, slaps them and opens their eyes by informing them of his sacrifice. Piqued at being kicked out of home, his brothers, unaware of his hand in securing the partnership for them, nurse a grudge against their brother and insult Rajaram in Devi's presence. Rajaram, who is genuinely fond of his brothers, sells away his property and gives money secretly to Rangarao, paving the way for a partnership deal between Rangarao and his brothers. The two brothers being state rank holders in engineering find favor with a businessman, Rangarao, who employs them. An outraged Rajaram kicks his brothers out of home. She insults him and leaves with her sisters. But the incorrigible brothers come in an inebriated condition for their engagement and Rajaram faces the brunt of Devi's ire. Since then on he is more exacting with his brothers and brings about a transformation in them. Rajaram reacts sharply to it and vows to get his brothers married to her sisters. But she curtly refuses her consent on grounds that the two are wayward drunkards. On his brothers' request, Rajaram approaches Devi for her sisters' hands in marriage to his brothers. With more such incidents, the two fall in love, with the brothers and sisters not far behind. Rajaram takes the incident lightly as the pranks of youngsters and is very lenient with them. After that acquaintance, she once seeks his help in dealing with two street ruffians, who were teasing her sisters, Lata and Geetha, and is shocked when the culprits turn out to be his brothers, Ravi and Gopi. Rajaram, owner of a fleet of lorrie, meets Devi, a garment factory owner.
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bom-bombon · 4 years
I wanna point out that all my characters are over 21, they’re grown ass adults. I like to explore more the mature sides of Hetalia (mostly alcohol) but I freaking can’t because they’re so young! Hima w h y. I just can’t accept Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, and fucking everyone 15 years younger than I imagine them,
A reason why I made the 50 US states is so I can use them to justify looking into the history of booze in the US and the types of alcohol across the country. Like? The fuck is Hawkeye Vodka?? Iowa exPLAIN.
I would use Alfred but this bitch is 19. At most, I bet this kid would try and be all grown up, then when he sips beer (let’s say Coors Light), he fucking chokes on it cuz it smells and taste fucking awful.
I do not condone underage drinking. Please wait until you’re of age. But personally, it’s not worth it.
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sunny-pandas · 2 years
Well, I have some thoughts about the connection between Himawari's motivation to become a ninja in the manga and in the anime... maybe, it has no sense
so, in the manga it was so good and complex. she need to protect the important people of her (especially, Boruto). but in the academy the girl just said it would be fun to be a ninja... and it seems to me a little shallow. BUT! What if Himawari didn't want to say the real reason for others, because they're just strangers, some random kids... and she didn't want to let them in on the situation of her family. what if himawari wanted to look like ordinary, cheerful girl. because, I swear, Himawari is really smart and she perfectly understand all this 'adult problems'. like she could accept the fact her father needs to work a lot, ect...
it could be that deep? or it's just the anime, that didn't show her serious side?
I literally had a similar thought not gonna lie, even if Anime Himawari had the same motivation as the Manga, she probably still wouldn't say it out loud to her classmates.
HOWEVER there's also another possibility that the Manga panel where Hima reveals her motivation to Hinata could take place AFTER this Anime Arc is finished
Like we don't know how this Arc is gonna will end and I honestly believe Himawari will probably still be in the Academy by the time it actually does.
So the Manga Panel with Hima could be realizing that she has found a new goal right before becoming a Genin
And I agree that I like the motivation more in Manga because it's such a wholesome and sweet motivation but tbh at the same time I also really like the idea that Himawari chose the path of Shinobi out of her own initiative and not because she felt like she absolutely HAD to do it ya know?
So I like both takes but I can see the Anime retroactively making Anime Hima discover that her Bro needs her help and make it so that Himawari chose to do it because she BOTH wanted it and she wanted to help her family
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ultralovedeluxe · 3 years
Hey I love your work! Would you mind doing Rohan with prompts 41 and 43 whenever you can? And maybe nsfw if your comfortable? 👉🏼👈🏼
Have a good day/evening!
Oml I love YOU so much! I'm a big fan of your work so I was nervous when writing this (it's very rushed oml), I hope you enjoy though!
Yandere! Rohan Kishibe with prompts #41 and #43
'I'm all you have left now'
'They didn't know you belonged to me so I had to get rid of them!'
Warnings: yandere behaviors, cheating accusations, manipulation, slut-shaming, inappropriate use of stands, non/dub con, blow-jobs, nsfw
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Dating the famous mangaka Kishibe Rohan would be an honor to most people. He's a man of power and fame, who wouldn't want to be with him? The moms who hang out at the park always tell you that you should feel like the luckiest person in the world. They'd tell you that a million girls would kill to be in your shoes.
Although you love Rohan with all your heart (and you should feel deserving of his love), you sometimes start to wonder if dating the great Kishibe Rohan is worth it.
You met Rohan at an art exhibit in France. You had been a model for several pieces in that said exhibit, so obviously you had to come along for the event. Meeting Rohan was a love at first sight. He had asked if you would want to model for him sometime, and you had agreed. Soon after one visit and project, came after another, and then another, until you were working mainly with the mangaka. You can't say you didn't like it though, you enjoyed being in Rohan's presence. He was chivalrous when he wanted to be, and you found his sarcastic nature be quite humorous in fact. You spent so much time with Rohan in fact, you would have considered him a friend. Your relationship with the mangaka was no longer just work related, the both of you had become good friends.
However, the real problem in your friendship with Rohan began to show when your parents were involved. Your parents tolerated Rohan (or at least you thought they did), but they were getting annoyed with the fact the mangaka kept hogging your time. You should be modeling with professional photographers, or modeling for famous designers. But instead you're being used as reference from some manga artist in Japan.
You understood your parent's point of view in the subject, but you enjoyed working with Rohan more than you did any other project you had worked on. You continued to visit Rohan, despite your parent's protests (and Rohan couldn't have been happier).
The more visits that happened, the closer you got to the mangaka. It wasn't long before Rohan had asked you on a date. Eventually multiple dates leaded to the both of you starting a relationship. You knew your parents would hate Rohan even more now, but he didn't seem to mind. He'd always tell you that he didn't care what your parents thought about him, he was content with having you as a partner. Even if your parents did find out about your secret relationship, you highly doubt they would react dramatically. Sure, they'd really, really dislike it, but they wouldn't disown you for it. After all you were a grown adult, you should be able to make your own decisions right?
At least that's what you thought. One day, Rohan made an unexpected visit on your front door step. You didn't expect for him to be there, nor did you know how he got your address (considering the fact you lived in a completely different continent), but you didn't think much of it since you thought this could be your chance to properly introduce Rohan to your parents.
The introduction went by smoothly, Rohan was getting along with your parents, and your parents seemed to accept that Rohan was your partner. However, it did seem a bit suspicious that your parent's dislike of Rohan turned into an approval almost in a span of a few minutes. They had even agreed to let you move out with Rohan. While you could admit that you and Rohan had been planning to live in Morioh-Cho together, you didn't think it'd happen instantly. And that your parents would agree nonetheless. Regardless, you and Rohan accepted your parent's blessing's and left France.
You vividly remembered on your plane flight to Morioh-Cho, Rohan had whispered in your ear while stroking your hair softly, "You must be lucky to have me right [first]? I'm all you have left now.."
Life in Morioh-Cho was sweet to say the least. It was a drastic change from living in a fashion capital of the world, to a small quiet place where there was much to do. Nevertheless, you truly enjoyed your new life, it was better than going to photoshoots every week. Speaking of which, you never do photoshoots anymore. Rohan convinced you to quit your job as a model (since he is wealthy enough to provide for the both of you anyway), and you had agreed. Though, every time you mentioned getting a job to Rohan, he'd simply call you an idiot for wanting to work. He'd ask you if he needed step up his game for you, and you'd only close your mouth in the conversation.
Your relationship with Rohan was a drastic change too. From what was sweet, humble dates every weekend, went to being locked in a home for what was everyday. Rohan would spend hours in his art studio, drawing multiple pages for his manga. He'd tell you to not go out while he was working. But even then, that's most of the time.
You'd be lying if you didn't find this type of behavior weird.
"I'm leaving to go visit Italy for a couple of days [first]. Do you remember the rules?"
You nodded and kissed Rohan's cheek before handing him his suitcase. "Don't go outside unless we run out of groceries, don't let people inside-" Rohan cut you off "Especially those idiots Josuke and Okuyasu" he said scoffing at his distaste for the boys. You only sighed in response, "Especially Josuke and Okuyasu. Hope you have a good trip love" you smiled holding his hands close to your chest. Rohan kissed your lips softly and mumbled a quick 'goodbye' before leaving your shared home. You sighed and walked into the kitchen, before sitting down on a chair. You respected his rules, and you didn't want to lie to him, but you were bored out of your mind. You wanted to go out and have fun. Not to mention, although you know that Rohan could buy you whatever you wanted; but you wanted to have some money of your own. You can't rely on Rohan forever. You had decided that tomorrow you'd start looking for a job (any job, part-time even, you just wanted some type of job to keep you entertained for a while). Rohan would get mad sure, but you promised you'd discuss when he'd come back. You were sure he'd support you
You were sure of it.
Looking for a job was harder than you thought. It seemed that nobody wanted to hire somebody who only had 'model' on their resume. Sometimes you'd wish you had taken on other jobs other than modeling, maybe then people would hire you. Regardless, you kept looking, desperate to find a job somewhere.
In the end, you ended up finding an Italian restaurant after hours of searching. You stepped in and was greeted a tall, blonde Italian man. "Hello good afternoon my name is Tonio, welcome to my restuarant" he greeted you while smiling at you sweetly. You smiled awkwardly and muttered a quick 'thank you', "Um Tonio san, I'm not here to eat..but I'd like to ask you if you are hiring. I can't cook, but I can be a waitress!-" you exclaimed, leaving Tonio in a small shock. He looked at you up and down before smiling at you once again, "Well I don't usually hire people since I'm doing good on my own, but I guess a little help wouldn't hurt.." he told you. You smiled back and hugged him, "Oh thank you so much! You don't know how much I struggled finding a job today-" you let him go, "Uhm, sorry.." you mumbled. He chuckled and led you to a table.
The two of you talked a bit for a while, you told hima bout your modeling career and your relationships, while he told you about his journey to Japan and Italian cuisine. You both shared laughs and stories together, you had a good time. Your time with Tonio became even better when he officially had hired you as a waitress! You were happy, and you couldn't wait to tell Rohan when he got home!
"Well I'll see you next week Tonio!" you shouted as you left the door, carrying the bouquet of daisies Tonio had gifted you. Tonio smiled, "I'll see you then bambina!".
You arrive a little later than planned (guess you spent too much time talking to Tonio), but you finally made it home safe and sound. You might as well start cleaning, since you weren't going to sleep any time soon. As you opened the door, you were met face to face with Rohan. You dropped your daises on the floor, and began to think of all the apologies and excuses you could think of. But it was no use, excuses would only make Rohan's anger boil even more.
Why was he even here in the first place? Wasn't he supposed to be in Italy by now?!
"Rohan I-"
"Save it, I don't want to hear a word from you" Rohan growled angrily before walking towards you. He had pulled out a pen and you felt as if you passed out.
Rohan had used Heaven's Door to read the pages of your life. He looked for the information of today, and when he did, he was fuming. He read his newly learned information out loud, gripping onto your hair in the process, "This man named Tonio is so handsome, and he cooks too.. I feel like this skirt is a bit risqué, but oh well.." with that last sentence Rohan had the last straw. He removed his stand's effect on you, but not before writing a few things.
Once the effects of Heaven's Door were gone, you began to feel a heat between your legs. Noticing you were on your knees, you crawled your way to Rohan, "Rohann, feel so hot need you.." you mewled out. Rohan was furious with your previous behavior, but maybe this would help you learn a few things. "So you were tempted to cheat on me right? I bet you would’ve enjoyed if that Tonio flipped your skirt right?" he said slapping your face in the process. You whimpered, "No no no no, that's not true..please need you. Need you so bad" you were starting to tear up just by him insinuating you were going to cheat on him. Rohan looked down at you, gods you looked so pathetic, just like he wanted you to look like.
"Such a fucking slut" he said unbuckling his pants, eager to have your warm and needy mouth all around his cock. Once he finished doing that he looked at you dead in the eye, "Suck. Suck like the whore you are. Aren't you ashamed [first]? I bet you also sucked Tonio’s cock in that job interview right?” He said watching you as you sloppily sucked his cock. You probably aren’t even thinking right now, your just hungry for his cock right? Such a little slut. “And to think your parents didn’t like me. They just didn’t know you belonged to me. But that’s fine I had to get rid of them regardless..” he chuckled before he bucked his hips into your mouth repeatedly.
Rohan grabs you by the hair and begins to push your head down his member, sinking your mouth down to his pubes; much to your displeasure. At the moment however he didn’t care what you felt, sluts like you don’t mind right? He continued to do so for a few more seconds before he came in your mouth, groaning loudly. He came inside your mouth, and there was so much of it you couldn’t help but to cough some out.
You laid your head on his lap and breathed out softly, before Rohan lifted your chin up and grinned,
“Who said we were done?”
Dating the great Kishibe Rohan would be an honor to most people. Who wouldn’t want to be by his side. Unfortunately for you, dating Kishibe Rohan was not a glitter and sparkles.
Being Kishibe Rohan’s personal cum dump isn’t much better either.
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defira85 · 5 months
2 and 3 for Kassara!
Ask meme here!
2. How does Durge actually view death? Is it a mercy, a gift, or perhaps just nature's course?
God that's a hard one to untangle from my own thoughts on death in the Forgotten Realms. She's never been scared of death except for two occasions - her death in 1482 at Bhaal's resurrection terrified her, and Heron's death in the confrontation with Orin and Bhaal in 1492. Neither one of them stuck, of course, but it was the only time she looked death in the face and flinched
The rest of the time, she's very pragmatic about death. All things must die. There is no such thing as true immortality. Even gods must die. Death is an inevitability, but those who are clever enough or strong enough are able to negotiate the timing of such an inevitability. She of course thinks herself far cleverer than most everyone she meets, which is why so many people die after they meet her
Older, post-Bhaal Kass still thinks of death as an inevitability, which really just manifests as her trying to live every day to its fullest and make sure that her family are safe and loved
3. How many languages does Durge speak?
Oh my god she speaks so many. At least five I think? Lemme check the fic:
So she bared her teeth at Lady Hima in the closest approximation she had to a smile and said "Of course, ma'am. I can read and write in Thorasta and Calant Common, Netherese, Midani, Chessic, and I can fluently speak in Elvish, Dethek and Gnim."
And then I had her speaking Infernal at least as an adult, and... I think Celestial? Dethek is technically the written/runic language of the dwarves but was used casually to refer to the oral language as well. Gnim is gnomish.
The idea behind her knowing so many languages was that she was somewhat of a child prodigy, being a titan, and her fixation on bringing Bhaal back to life meant that she chased down research in any number of philosophical schools of thought and languages, because many races and peoples through the ages have pondered the nature of gods and how death relates to a creature like that
If she'd been nurtured appropriately as a child and given the environment for learning that she craved, she might have been a wizard to rival Master Dekarios
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temas-misc-gamework · 3 years
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Salutations! My name is Tema, and I am bringing back the TemTam Fam Jam this year with new themes and surprises!
This jam will take place from June 1st - August 1st. The theme will be…
Himaruya has made many aus of his own in the many years of the comic, but more often than not most people don’t know of them! So I thought that would be a perfect opportunity to turn these designs and concepts into fun games to spread awareness of the cool AU’s that exist in Canon too! 
The application will start two weeks early, on May 15th and accepted applicants will be able to build teams before or after they’ve entered the server. You will be able to find a team once in the jam chat, and the team and theme will have to be finalized but June 15th.
All prep involving the game can be worked on from June 1st onward (art, assets, team organization, picking your theme etc.). The official coding will begin on July 1st, this is when people will be able to start coding. You are not allowed to open your coding software until July 1st.
Overall Guidelines and Rules:
The team size limit is four. 
The game must be compatible to use for Windows players, and made in a game software like RPGMaker, Renpy etc. 
You may not start coding until July 1st. 
You may test scripts in a sandbox separate from the project itself or testing map designs, but you cannot make nor edit the official game files until July 1st. 
When submitting the game, please upload it to google drive and share the link to the judges for download. (Mediafire and other websites are not allowed, but are allowed for later distribution.)
The game length must be at least fifteen minutes with cutscenes excluded. 
Credits for all assets must be properly given either in a text document in the files or at the beginning or end of the game. Improper credits are grounds for disqualification.
Proper warnings for content (epileptic warnings/gore warnings/overt political themes) must be placed at the beginning of the game. Lack of these warnings are grounds for disqualification. 
Try to keep the game Rated T or lower.
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. 
If your game is romantic or has romantic elements; ships must be between two consenting adults in a non-abusive, non-incestual relationship. Ask the judges if you’re unsure if your ship falls into this category. 
No shipping of characters directly stated in canon to be siblings or ships in which one nation raised the other from childhood. (Ex. Veneziano and Romano, Norway and Iceland, America and England or Germany and Prussia.)
No Ped*phillia or L*li/Sh*tac*n ships. 
No Teacher-Student Relationships
Topics like Rape, Racism and Antisemitism should be avoided. 
Please handle other people’s jam games with discretion and do not share information about them/their games without their permission. 
Streaming your development process is ALLOWED. Posting WIP images or videos in the Jam server or in other servers are also allowed. 
In streaming your process you are accepting the fact that it will remove the surprise your game has post-jam, and accept that the judges might be spoiled about your game. 
In opening this opportunity the judges will be as blind as they can be about the game process itself, and will stay neutral in their judgement whether they are spoiled about the game or not. A good game should hold even if it is spoiled. 
There will be a Jam Favorite that will be voted on by all teams, this is the only award that could in any way be affected by knowing the game ahead of time. However it will have nothing to do with outside sources and will be between the participants of the jam only.
Theme Guidelines:
If any of these rules are unclear, or you’re not sure if your idea fits. Please contact one of the judges and we’re more than happy to clarify for you. 
The only AU theme’s allowed are one’s designed by Himaruya.
Cardverse and 2p Hetalia are not allowed as themes, because they vary so much from person to person, they could be their own jams.
Any kind of nations are welcome as characters; be it 1ps, 2ps, Nyos, or 2p Nyo characters. OC’s are welcome as side and background characters, but it should focus on the nations.
You may have AU’s in AU’s (Example a Nyotalia Fantasia OR 2P Gakuen Hetalia) but you can only select one AU as your main theme.
You must include some of the original cast of the AU in some way. You do not have to have them be the main protagonist, but they must be included in the story in a deeper way than just a background character
In the example of Nyotalia Fantasia, the main cast there as girls, works with the rules. But if you wanted to do a fantasia game in the regular AU but with say the Nordics as the protagonists, it would be encouraged for you to include someone in the original cast line up in some way to show the two are linked.)
Some Example Canon AU’s That are Allowed
Magical Strike
Hetalia Musicals
Gakuen Hetalia
Paint it White (But it cannot be a direct retelling of the movie.)
Halloween Hetalia 
Hetalia Fantasia
There are more AU’s than this, I know. But these are a few examples. If you have questions on if you can do a game based on a specific AU, please ask! The only qualifier is they have to be an AU Hima himself has made.
Grab Bags:
The grab bags pose as an extra challenge for those interested in adding them. They are 100% OPTIONAL, you are not required to have them but they add an optional condition to your narrative.
When rolling for your grab bag, you will pick three numbers. Each number is a bag, out of those three, you may choose ONE. If you are not happy with any of your grab bags, you are given the option of re-rolling for a new theme list.
On June 15th, you will be required to submit your final team, main theme and grab bag (if applicable) to the judges before the start of the development month.
May 15th: Applications Open for the Fam Jam
June 1st: Pre-Development Officially Begins (No Coding)
June 15th: Final Date to submit your official team/theme. Last day to join. 
July 1st: Official Jam Begins! (Coding Begins)
August 1st: Jam Ends, extensions provided if needed.
Thanks for Reading to the Very End! Here’s the Sign Up Link!
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☕ Tea Party Tuesdays ☕
All this talk of Lion and him being canon makes me feel like he needs a fic. 🤔
So I wrote one! 😇
Includes Lion's perspective, a trashed Uzumaki household, a flirty (and comforting ❤) Naruto, Sir Older Brother Kawaki, a jealous Boruto, and Madame Himawari, the hostess of the tea party!
Now, please enjoy Tea Party Tuesdays! ~
Tuesdays were his favorite day of the week. Paws down.
Mondays were usually the busiest days of the week as Naruto, Kawaki, Boruto, and Himawari had to return back to work, missions, and school. He and Hinata were left with all the chores of the day and were easily tired out by the time the rest of the family made it back home. Helping Hinata was much easier now that he was officially 1 year. Especially since someone would randomly leave his toys around the house. He was still trying to solve that mystery.
And while Wednesdays and Thursdays were still super fun with family gardening time ™ and runs around the backyard, Tuesdays still had them beat. Not even the movie and cuddle filled Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays came close! (Though he loved them just as much. Especially with Naruto glaring at him from Hinata's other side as he knowingly stole the blond's cuddles. The man was too fun to mess with sometimes.)
He watched in his seat, specifically reserved for Tuesdays, as Himawari ran to the table and back with stuffed animals and accessories for each. The girl was already dressed in proper tea party fashion with a crown on her head, a pair of fairy wings on her back, and long tea gloves on each of her hands. Very high level fashion.
She had everything (and everyone) ready and had already placed his bowls on the placemat in front of him after their last disaster last week where he had been given tea cups and plates instead. (Luckily no one was the wiser and he was still invited to Hima's famous tea parties.)
When he was still about 5 months old, the Uzumaki children had invited him to his first tea party. He hadn't known what they were called due to all the sneaking around he and the kids had to do. And at first, Kawaki wasn't too sure about hiding him from their parents but one group of puppy dog eyes later, he was sitting at his first tea party!
He had been placed between the kids as they sat on the floor in a triangle as they decided on what to call him. It wasn't until the youngest sibling had yelled out "Lion!" that their decision was made . (It was the only name that had received a tail wag.) She and Boruto had argued about his new name for a while until Kawaki had ended it by saying he agreed. And with 2 against 1, the Naruto lookalike gave in.
When he had become an official part of the family, he had received a collar with "Lion Uzumaki" printed on it and everything!
He straightened his back and licked his lips as the blue haired girl made her way to sit at the table with a tray of cookies she had made in her Easy Bake Oven. Only gentlepups got cookies so he had to have the best behavior. (Not to brag but that was something he had learned at his 4th tea party so he was kind of an expert at these things.)
He licked his lips once more after Himawari had booped his nose as she placed the cookies on the opposite side of the table. "You can't eat them all, Sir Lion. We have to save some for Kawaki. Um, I mean Sir Kawaki." she lightly scolded as she placed a crown on his head.
She received a whine as she poured the rest of her guest their "tea". After a couple more whines, Himawari had of course relented. Curse those puppy dog eyes! "Ok! Only one. We have to save some for our other guests!"
He let out a happy "woof!" as the girl placed a cookie into his bowl.
Oh yeah. He loved Tea Party Tuesdays.
Meanwhile in the Uzumaki family living room...
"Are you sure you haven't found him yet?" Naruto asked his wife. He had just finished looking for the golden retriever in their shared bedroom and hadn't seen hair or hide of their beloved pet.
Lion had been missing for about 15 minutes and the Uzumakis were getting worried. They had already turned the living room, kitchen, and the bathrooms upside down in hopes of finding him. Maybe he thought they were playing hide and seek?
They were trying their very best in hiding this fact from Himawari, who was fortunately busy with Tea Party Tuesdays. Kawaki was currently at the store so they were down a pair of eyes. Hopefully though, the three could find him before the older teen came back.
Hinata shook her head as she closed the laundry room door behind her. "I know he likes to take naps in the laundry bin but he wasn't there." she sighed heavily. What if they never found him? What were they gonna tell Himawari and Kawaki?
Naruto's blue eyes softened as he made his way over to his wife. He grabbed and squeezed her in reassurance. "We'll find him. I promise."
Even if he acted like he didn't, Naruto cared about Lion just as much as the rest of his family did. And if he had to, he and millions of Shadow Clones would search for their dog all night.
Hinata looked up and smiled as she squeezed Naruto's hands back. She nodded in determination. If Naruto gave his word, then they will for sure find Lion.
And if they didn't, she was sure that Naruto would send tons of Shadow Clones into the night until they did.
The blond pulled her in closer and rubbed his nose against hers. "Has Bolt found him yet?"
Hinata smiled in amusement as Naruto continued to rub their noses together. "I'm not sure." she giggled slightly . "Maybe we should continue our search?" Hinata teased but asked seriously since Naruto showed no signs of stopping to try to cheer her up.
Her husband pouted slightly before he let go. Lavender eyes looked at him pointedly as if telling him "now's not the time". He only raised his hands in surrender and shrugged. "I got distracted."
He was glad that his flirtations brought Hinata back to her smiling, happy self but he wasn't too sure if they would have the same effect on Himawari and Kawaki if Lion was nowhere to be found.
Hinata rolled her eyes at him lovingly but before she could properly convince him to resume their search Boruto came in through the back door.
"Hi guys."
Naruto and Hinata shared a look before they glanced back at their second eldest. "Bolt, why are you covered in dirt?" Naruto questioned slowly as Hinata blinked in confusion.
His clothes and hair were smudged in soil and he even had some little pieces of mulch in his hair. Boruto was tasked to look out in the yard to see if Lion was sunbathing or had (possibly) escaped through a hole in the fence, not fight any Earth jutsu users.
The miniature blond sighed. "A bag of dirt fell on me in the shed. I grabbed at it thinking it was Lion. It wasn't Lion." he shook his head in embarrassment as a light blush stained his whiskered cheek. "Did you guys find him?"
The silence he was met with was telling enough.
Boruto pulled at his hair in frustration. "What are we gonna do now? What are gonna tell Hima and Waki? But most importantly, who's gonna tell Hima and Waki?" the dirt covered boy yelled in despair.
Boruto was close to tears. Not only was Lion missing, but they had to share the news with his siblings, who would heartbroken as well.
As the adults made moves to try to comfort their clearly distressed son, they heard the front door open and turned in it's direction slowly.
"Tell Hima and Waki what?" Kawaki stood in the doorway with grocery bags in each of his hands and a look of bewilderment on his face. His eyes glanced at the mess the three had left behind and then widened at the sight of his brother. "What happened to the house? And what happened to Bolt?"
Kawaki placed the grocery bags he had been holding the entire time on the kitchen counter and turned to his embarrassed family members. He laughed in amusement before he spoke. "You guys think Lion is missing?"
Naruto, Hinata, and Boruto looked at Kawaki like he was crazy. They had just finished explaining that when Boruto went looking for him to take the pup on a walk, he was nowhere in sight and now he was laughing instead of offering to help look?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the teen pulled out a fake mustache out of his pocket, placed it on his face, grabbed one of the bags he had placed on the kitchen counter before he motioned for the extremely confused three to follow him.
Kawaki walked to Himawari's closed bedroom door and politely three times. "Madame Himawari, may I, and three other guests, please come in?"
Hearing poorly hidden giggles behind the door, everyone smiled unconsciously at their sunflower child's happiness.
Himawari took a second to clear her throat before she spoke in a fancy tone. "Yes, you may, Sir Kawaki." There was a slight pause before she added, "And guests."
Sir Kawaki, who was now in his tea party attendee mode, glanced back with a smirk before he opened the door.
With confused looks on their faces, Naruto, Hinata, and Boruto leaned on close to see...
"Sorry I was late, Madame Himawari. I was buying a gift." Kawaki said as he entered the bluenette's room and gave her the bag.
"Oooo! Cinnamon rolls! Perfect. Shukaku and Lion have been eating them all." she looked up from the pastries and shook her head at the dog seated across from her.
... Lion. They leaned in and saw Lion.
Standing there in his seat, specifically reserved for Tuesdays, Lion looked up happily from the tray of half eaten cookies and yipped in greeting to the rest of his family.
Himawari cupped a hand towards her new guests and whispered into it, "I think Lion's framing Shukaku."
Kawaki pat Lion in between the ears as he sat down in his own seat, which Himawari had left clear of any stuffed animals waiting for his arrival.
As the two kids continued on with the tea party, Naruto, who still stood in the doorway with Hinata and Boruto, got rid of his shock quickly.
Nudging Hinata with his elbow slightly, he said, "I told you we'd find him."
She let out a breathy laugh, all her worry washing away. "You did." She turned to him in curiosity. "Since when has Lion been apart of Tea Party Tuesdays?"
He tilted his head back at her. "I think the real question is when did Kawaki start wearing a fake mustache on Tea Party Tuesdays?"
Her eyes widened in realization. "I don't know."
Naruto nudged her again. "He looks good, though." his blue eyes shined down at his wife in mischief.
A loud cute snort was his reward. "Come on, we have to clean up the house before dinner." She used both her arms to force him to turn.
The blond nodded and headed toward the living room before he faced his wife with a smirk. "What do you say, Hime? Should I grow a mustache?"
Hinata lightly shoved him forward. "Don't start."
As Naruto and Hinata made their to fix up the house (bantering back and forth about Naruto and his wish for a mustache), Boruto fumed in his sister's doorway.
Obviously as her favorite brother, he should be the one wearing the fake stache!
"Hima! Why have you never invited me to Tea Party Tuesdays?" he pouted uncontrollably.
Himawari and Kawaki turned to their upset brother. Lion, who had resumed to eating the cookies, looked up as well.
The hostess of the tea party shrugged. "You never asked." She wrinkled her nose after noticing how filthy he was for the first time. "What happened to you?"
Kawaki snorted behind one of his fist. "Long story, sis."
Boruto blushed in embarrassment. "Did Kawaki ask?"
The boy in question straightened his fake mustache and smirked. "Since I'm her favorite brother, I didn't have to ask."
Blue eyes narrowed. Two could play that game.
Boruto walked calmly as he could to the table and sat down on his knees on the floor. "Pass the tea, please, Madame Himawari."
The girl squealed in delight and got up to find more tea cups and hopefully another chair.
While the two boys started another one of their 'Himawari loves me the most' arguments while the girl searched for more pieces in her tea set, Lion curled up into a ball, belly full of cookies, to take a nap.
And with the Uzumaki children's noises of laughter as background music, Lion fell asleep happily.
And with that, the surprise is finished!! 😆😆😆 I know the end wasn't that Lion based but we needed an end to Tea Party Tuesdays! 😝 Which are (clearly) famous in the Uzumaki household. From now on, Bolt is invited to all of Hima's TPTs so all's well that ends well!
And I'm not sure if Naruto would look good in a mustache or not but that was to go along with Kawaki and his fake stache. 😂🙈
Hopefully no one is too OOC?? 😅 I was especially nervous writing Kawaki but I wanted to include him in the fun!
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