#just made chicken nood soup
verba-amoris · 2 months
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moon-catto · 2 years
A drabble about CEO!Gojo
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Summary: Arranged marriage with CEO!Gojo doesn't always feel painful. Cause we love a faithful Gojo in this household.
Warning: fluff, slightly suggestive.
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"That gala is so unnecessary." You rolled your eyes for the nth time that day after your husband still urges you to accept his proposal of holding a gala to celebrate your promotion as the CFO of the company. His and your company, to be exact.
"Come on! You said you'd do it if I behave well."
"Satoru, you spilled wine on that guy's suit. Is that what you meant by behaving well?" You raised your eyebrows at him and have him whimpered under your stark gaze.
"But he keeps talking to you!"
"I don't see what's wrong with that?"
"You're supposed to focus on me only." He huffed. "Your amazing, handsome, capable, and cute husband, Gojo Satoru."
You made a gag noises and he puckering his lips more. He resembles that sad duckling meme.
"Besides! I've noticed that he's trying to hit on you too." He murmured. Despite being angry, he hold your bag when you offer him because you need to fix your shoes. "Do you think I can just stand by and keep quiet while watching that?"
He's right, though. That man was quite rude, offering you a glass of strong alcoholic beverage that had you dizzy just from the smell. You're lucky Satoru was there to intervene, just to shock you when your husband pouring the whole wine bottle to the rude man with an angelic smile on his face.
"That doesn't mean you can pour him a fricking bottle of wine, Satoru!" You scold him and retrieve your bag from him. "He's the chairman of our partner companies!"
"Don't care." Both of you stopped at the elevator. After the commotion, you and Gojo excused yourself and let Yuuji and Yuuta handle the rest. You're glad they're willing to perform a sudden show in the middle of the chaos when they're supposed to take a break after their concert.
He turned to see you. All the teasing and whine from him disappeared and changed into something more... Serious.
You gulped.
"Do you really care about that man?" He leaned closer and you can smell subtle alcohol from his breath.
"... You will be in a difficult... Position if he decided not to invest on us." You continue, feeling yourself shrinking in each passing moment.
"I can invest in our own company and you know that." He turned softer this time when he knows you're worried for him, he brushed the strands of hair behind your ear. "Money isn't a problem to me."
He withdrew and you finally able to breathe again. You forgot that he's a CEO for a reason, he can be intimidating if he chooses to. To be honest, that was kind of... Hot.
You bit your lips. You quickly changed your thoughts at the image of him doing goofy shits instead. That one time he's crying because he fried his instant noodle that is supposed to be served with broth and not fried.
"The instruction is written in Chinese! I don't speak Chinese!"
"Satoru, that's Kanji."
You chuckled at the stupid memory of him keeps wailing at his miserable looking food. He looked so pitiful that you decided to take the matters in your capable hands.
"What are you laughing about." You feel his stare when he guided you to enter the elevator. No one is there besides you both.
You chuckled at his piercing gaze. "Remember that day when you fried your instant chicken noodle soup? It was hilarious."
"I never cook instant ramen, that's why." He puffed his cheeks and glared at you cutely. He keeps switching between cute and hot, you're wondering if he ever gets tired of doing so.
"I see." You hummed in delight when he pressed the floor button where your rooms are. "So..."
"Do you want to come over my room to have instant noodle?"
His eyes went wide on your bold words. You're just messing with him but his serious reaction made your cheeks growing warm. "I mean, it's been long since you eat instant nood—"
Before the elevator door is closed, he pulled you towards him. Muffled voices then can be heard from inside the metal box as the elevator slowly ascending to your said floor.
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The elevator dings softly and the door opened in the next second.
You get out of the elevator first followed by your husband who is having difficulty to walk straight, his clothes are ruined with his tie hanging off his dress shirt for dear life. Red spots and bite marks can be seen from his chest and your neck.
Your hand tried to erase the smudge from your smeared lipstick before turning to him, his eyes glued to you with a crooked smile on his blushing face. He looks so adorable that you can't help but leaned closer to peck his lips, the apple of his cheeks reddened sweetly.
"... I'll see you in ten." You kissed his cheek, leaving another lipstick stain before walking off to your hotel room.
"... Okay." He watches you walk into your room in a hazy daze, heart beating too quickly in his ribcage. His large palm grazed his red neck, before licking his lips.
"... Sweet."
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evas-apartment · 3 years
your opinion on the best noodle dish, be it the one u find the most comforting, or just the tastiest, or whatever
I feel like once I actually make a homemade chicken noodle soup, it'd be that. Big fan of like a Thai peanut noodle dish, also wanna make that. Made ramen once, that was awesome, wanna do that again. Honestly, there's this like dollar, packaged chow mein dish i got into recently, and I love that.
But as for favorites, mostly Italian, I LOVE pasta, and have made some awesome pasta dishes before, if I do say so myself. My favorite things I've made before are spaghetti a carbonara, spaghetti cacio e pepe (which was fantastic, a spaghetti dish where the sauce is just fresh parmesan, fresh pecorino, pasta water, and pepper, incredible), and spaghetti and fresh scallops i make sometimes for my mom and I.
I like spaghetti the most because its the most satisfying to me, to like take stupidly large, animalistic bites out of a pile of carbs? Like mouthful of noods? Awesome.
Thanks for the ask! I love answering these!
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sortasirius · 4 years
dean for the character thing!
Ah.  The one.  My comfort character.  Strap in bucko.
How I feel about this character: Not to be a dramatic asshole but he is literally the love of my life.  In the beginning, he hides all his emotions behind this macho bravado, womanizing personality, all sarcasm and sass, but he’s always been the one with all the emotions.  He’s so fucking smart, he loves Vonnegut and Tolstoy, he’s naturally good at engineering and math, he can rewire literally anything and make it work again.  He’s a kick-ass mechanic, literally built Baby back from the ground up without even thinking about it.  He’s an amazing cook, he’s a natural giver, and is always willing to protect the people he cares about.  He loves fiercely, and has a hard time believing the people he loves would do him wrong.  He loves Taylor Swift, he loves rom coms, he loves cucumber water.  He has hotdog pajama pants and noodle socks that say “Send Noods”  He wanted to be a rock star.  He had to become a parent at five years old, and he always put Sam first, even when he was given another choice, a way to get out of the life, he chose Sam.  He’s a great hunter, he can figure out the through-line or the mo of the bad guy before almost anyone else.  He’s a drama queen™   He’s good with babies, kids, and teenagers.  He stands up for people that are being bullied.  He sings when he’s nervous.  He knows how to flirt his way past a man.  He’s a big nerd that would absolutely be into DND.  His comfort show is Scooby Doo and he watches it when he’s sad.  He calls himself the Meat Man.  He can sing even though he pretends he can’t.  He’s made some really fucked up mistakes.  He took the Mark of Cain, he’s killed innocent people that didn’t deserve it sometimes, he let an angel possess Sam and didn’t tell him about it, he kicked Cas out to protect that secret, he pushed Jack away and othered him because of his anger about Cas and Mary.  But at the same time, he’s overcome so much.  He’s literally gone to Hell and back, gotten through the Mark of Cain, escaped unscathed from Michael, gotten through the connection to Amara, from being a demon.  He’s gone through so much grief but it’s never stopped him from loving and accepting love from others.  I could go on for hours about him, about how much he means to me, how much I love him.  I know it sounds sappy as hell, but he will truly be with me for the rest of my life.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I will give you one guess lmao.  I mean, it’s Cas, it’s always been Cas.  I love their married energy, I love the way they will literally use their last breaths to sass each other.  I love the random things that just make me go ????????  (”Not every hookup’s perfect”, the mixtape, “And you’re gonna storm in righttttt now”, “what broke the connection?” “I’m not leaving here without you” THE PRAYER?????). I also love that Dean shows him movies and gets upset if he doesn’t remember them.  I love Endverse, and how Ben Edlund basically said “yeah they fuck in the Apocalypse lmao.”  The way they look at each other literally makes me nauseous sometimes.  That profound bond is something else, and I’ve had my clown paint on since 15x01 aired lmao.
NOT Cas related, I really don’t mind Lisa (my hatred of anyone that wasn’t Cas as a teenager was born of hmmmmmm my own self hatred), I think she was exactly what Dean needed, she was a way to get out of the life, but it still wasn’t something he could ever escape.  I’ve always loved the way she listens to him, the way she tries to understand a world that she really can’t wrap her head around.  I also love how good of a mom she is.  Also Cassie, listen I know we only got that girl for one episode but I’ve been in love w her ever since.  And of course, my boy Lee.  Y’all wanna talk chemistry?  I haven’t seen Dean have that kind of chemistry with anyone other than Cas.  Also I’m just extremely partial to everything in that ep bc ya know.....canon bi Dean for me so I’m just a little bit in love with them and their ultra tragic backstory.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Sam or Benny.  I already talked about him and Sam a little bit here, but I just love those two codependent bitches so much.  They will literally sacrifice anything for each other (Dean literally walked away from a normal life because of Sam) and I am soft for them.  BENNY.  My boy, that Southern bastard who I would gladly die for.  He and Dean have such fratbro energy, they are so funny together, so at ease with each other.  I LOVED S8 Purgatory, like LOVED it, and I still wish they had had the budget to like make Ty a permanent recurring character, because it was just so easy for he and Dean to be together.  They had a bond that I don’t think anyone else (Sam and Cas) understood, and I still wish I could watch a whole season of them in Purgatory, how their relationship went from grudging trust to “I would die for you in a heartbeat”
My unpopular opinion about this character: a LOT of this boy’s problems would be solved if he talked about his trauma.  He doesn’t really talk about anything he’s been through with anyone, not even Sam, and his drinking isn’t a funny coping mechanism, it’s dangerous and I wish he’d stop doing it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: also should’ve punched John in the face lmao.  Also there are just a lot of softer moments that I know happened offscreen that I wish we could have seen.  Like I don’t ~care~ if it’s boring I want to see Dean make Sam chicken soup when he’s sick and teach Jack about mechanics and watch movies in his bedroom with Cas!  What are Dean’s favorite romcoms????  What was on the MIXTAPE??????  These are all things I would pay millions of dollars to see.
Link to OG post
Ask me character opinions!!
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daisugababy · 6 years
I'm sad, please talk to me about casey parker (and/or his girlfriend)
Although Casey is always 100% supportive of his friend’s shenanigans, he can be a lil shit sometimes as seen when Levi tried to get in the contacts and Casey just standing in the back, laughing at him. He did it with love though.
Levi was the easiest target to laugh at, because he’s just a gay disaster. One time he tried to cook a nice dinner for Nico, but somehow he ended up burning the chicken and overcooking the noodes into some kind of goopey starch soup. That was a fun one. Casey then told him to get rid of it and helped him making bologna sauce, but not without making comments about the overcooked goopey noodles.
Taryn tried making origami swans, but they kinda looked like mushrooms. So Casey showed her how to do it, but had to grin every time he looked at the mushroom. (he framed it and hung it on a wall in the living room)
He doesn’t often laugh at Dahlia, because she’s just too precious for him to make fun. But this one time when whe mixed up salt and sugar to put into her tea, even he couldn’t hold back.
The first time Casey made fun of Nico was when he gave Levi major heart eyes, thus forgetting the worl around him and putting chili instead of chocolate sauce on his ice cream. Tbh Nico didn’t mind it, because that meant that the others were comfortable around him and liked him. And that actually warmed his heart.
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Blog 8: WonTON Noods Soup
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HERE WE GO. EP 8 BABY! WE LIVE. You know what it is, back out here with the shmackers. On this episode of Munchin Till Ya Can’t Function, we got the core warming, stomach growling, mind blowing...... NOOODDDSSSSS. YOU KNOW HOW IT BE. At one point or another, and I am generalizing here, everybody in their life has wanted some NOODS🤳🏻. Well I’m here to tell you, that these are probably the best you’ll ever have. ONCE YOU LOOK AT THEM👀, AIN’T NO GOING BACK. This fuego dish will make you double take, triple take, shoot it’s anything but hesitating to get another look. And for that reason we have dubbed this dish as THE NECKBREAKER🙆🏻‍♂️. This mouthwatering Cantonese dish is made up of ground pork, mixed in with salt, sugar, sesame oil, white pepper, wine, oil, water, cornstarch, and the most crucial ingredient, CHOPPED SHRIMP. Now that shrimp is MANDATORY in all wonton dishes, cuz its like a lil surprise that just blends the overall flavor, leaving you with a rushed flavor of the ocean. Then, you’re gonna want to lump the paste mix wrap them with wonton paper. Next, take some egg noodle, or any type of noodle, and boil that joint with the wrapped up wontons. Then you serve the noods and wontons in a broth of chicken, add in some scallions and green onion. FINITO. YOU GOT YOURSELF A GREAT DISH TO KEEP YOU WARM THROUGH THOSE COLD WINTER DAYS. SHOOOOOOT, FUCK SCOTCH OR ANY HARD, ONE SLUG OF THIS AND YOU’RE SET. This dish is a great comfort food, that fits any event. Finals coming up and you sick, sip on this and you’re chillin (maybe take some Nyquill on the side too🤫). Great uncle’s cousin’s nephew just pulled up and y’all tryna have a good meal but nothing to heavy, here you go. This dish is the answer to all last minute festive meal, because it NEVER GETS OLD. Go to your local neighborhood Chinese restaurant and you will forsure find some NOODS waiting for you on the table😋.
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Vaugeposting @justify-mythoughts-of-flight
here are the other 50. Tumblr fucked up the formatting
The meaning behind my url: I was inspired by a book i read where two dudes went cross country correcting people’s grammar.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:none. YET.
Piercings i have:i don’t even have my ears pierced.
Biggest turn offs: anything fascists do, voices that i don’t like listening to
Tattoos i want:flowers all over my back about places ive lived
Age: 20
Life goal: Be remembered for writing or teaching
Relationship status: single. Hopefully this changes soon
A fact about my life: My father and grandfather have written at least 40 books between them.
Middle name: Andromeda
Are you a virgin? No
What’s your sexual orientation? Bi/Pan
Someone you miss:My cat, hobbes. Wait does it have to be a person? There’s a girl fom my middle school i havent spoken to in years.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: no one. They’re fake people. I don’t understand the appeal.
One insecurity: People think I act like jake peralta
Have you ever taken a picture naked? Who hasn’t in this day and age. It wasn’t of me, though.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Yep. It was pretty great.
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Poorly.
Have you ever been dumped? Yeah. The coffee shop it happened in isn’t there any more. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? My uber driver. Otherwise, no.
Have you ever snuck out of your house? Technically. I didn’t do anything fun tho.
Have you ever been arrested? nope.
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? This is stupidly vauge. I have been on dates. I have gone to the movies with my male friends.
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? I don’t talk to my neighbors.
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yeah. Waking up next to someone who is also naked rocks.
Have you ever been on a plane? Often.
Have you ever slept in until 3? AM or PM? I’ve done both.
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? I prefer stars to clouds, but I’ve done both.
Have you ever played dress up? Not as much as I’d like.
Have you ever been lonely? Yeah? Do you know anyone who hasn’t?
Have you ever been to a club? Yes! I go to my school’s ballroom club every week. I don’t go to clubs where you drink tho.
Have you ever touched a snake? It was great. Very friendly, great texture. 10/10 would pet again.
Have you ever been suspended from school? Nah, I never did anything that fun.
Have you ever been in a car accident? No.
Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yeah I was working at a convinence store and two dudes got into a fight in the parking lot.
Have you ever been lost? Every time I leave the house. I would still be lost if google maps wasn’t a thing.
Have you ever felt like dying? Sophmore year was a time.
Have you ever sang karaoke? For my ex’s birthday party. It was a lot of fun. Bohemian Rhapsody featured heavyly.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes. With chicken noodle soup. Noodes came out my nose. It ranks in the top 5 worst feelings I have felt.
Have you ever kissed in the rain? I don’t think so.
Have you ever made out in a park? Yeah. It was awkard because we had to keep looking over our shoulder.
Have you ever glued your hand to something? No, but sometimes I just glue my hand with school glue.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked? Again, I wasn’t that fun. Maybe I should tho.
Have you ever sat on a roof top? Yeah. Great view.
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? I don’t watch most movies alone. Not because they’re scary, but because I can’t sit still that long.
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Nope. Maybe that goes on the bucket list.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Yes. Someone came up to me in a five guy’s and told me I had hot elven features. I’m still not over it.
Have you ever broken a bone? No, my brother does it four me. He’s a high school freshman and has broken a leg and an elbow.
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? nope.
Have you ever cheated on a test? Nope. I’ve wanted to a lot.
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? A guy I played DnD with was a (gay or bisexual I forget) climbing enthusiast with magnets in his fingers. He’s by far the weirdest person I’ve ever met. Cool dude.
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berrymeblog · 8 years
Wonton Soup
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Soup is crazy. There is your plain old chicken nood, pea soup, borscht, pho, wonton and about a thousand others. I’ve had a lot of terrible soups, however. So many people tend to under-salt and season soups, leaving them bland and boring, probably making you not like soup very much. On the other hand, there are those who over salt and season, which to me is a much more unpleasant experience. The key to finding serenity in your seasoning is to find the taste that works right for you, which is why many recipes tell you to “season to taste”. Basically, taste what you make, and gradually add seasoning until it’s what you want. 
Today I made wonton soup from packaged stock (not something i’d usually do but you shouldn’t feel bad for cutting corners when you need to, cooking at home should be leisurely, not work!). Unfortunately this removes a lot of control from the seasoning in this dish and I only added a small amount of chicken stock I made this week and a few veggies. When looking for more flavour in your soups, look to veggies as they will create a lovely flavour to the soup as it simmers away. I added chopped red onion, zucchini, green onion and cilantro stalks. 
In my wontons this time I put creamed sweet potato, garlic and caramelized onions. You can essentially put anything in your wontons, I try to mix it up a bit every time and try new things. Generally you should be able to find wonton wrappers in the meat-alternatives/produce area of the grocery store. If not, I’d hit up your local Chinese grocer. I’d also suggest grabbing some miso paste while you’re there so you can make your own wonton soup broth (if that’s something you’re into) some sesame oil (always have this!) and ginger. Probably also get some rice noodles cause they are bomb. Look up a recipe (I’ll be posting one once my official blog is back up) and have at it! 
As for wrapping those wontons, I highly suggest looking up a video, as I’d do a horrendous job explaining it and you’d probably end up doubting my culinary abilities and boycott my blog all together. (Just kidding... But still, let’s avoid that. Look it up!)
Once you’ve got your broth bubbling, throw in your wontons. They won’t take long to cook at all, but use this time to put some uncooked rice noodles into a bowl. Because rice noodles basically take zero time to cook, you can just pour your soup overtop of them and they should be cooked within a few minutes. Noodles tend to absorb a lot of liquid from soups, so if you’re looking to refrigerate or freeze your leftovers, don’t put the noodles into the broth while it’s cooking. 
I added some chopped green onion and cilantro on top of my finished soup along with togarashi (get thisssss) and leftover roasted chicken. 
I haven’t added any specifics or a recipe really to this post, simply because it’s up to your discretion and I certainly didn’t use a recipe. Follow your heart and your food will likely be good. 
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madrabbitsociety · 3 years
* Involves Macaroni and Cheese
INGREDIENTS: One box of macaroni and cheese that you don't know how long has been in the back of your pantry (probably since the pandemic started). One fistful of broccoli because that's all that's left in the bottom of the bag. Some random frozen veggies. Better than bunyions chicken stock paste. Some spice.
Step 1. What up demons, it's me, ya boi.
Step 2. You might also need a boiling pot and a frying pot and maybe some burners or a stove. Separate the noods from the enclosed bag of fake cheese and start those little suckers boiling in one of your vessels.
Step 3. In the second Vessel, melt a bit of butter and like some splashes of olive oil out of that fancy container your mom has in the cupboard. As that's heating up, take your sad, wilted broccoli and chop it small so you can make it seem like you have more than you do.
Do I really have to keep labeling steps? Okay the next one is to panic while these things are cooking that you won't have enough veg in your diet and go raid the freezer in your parents' basement. Say hi to Frank, he looks a little chilly in there, and then come back up before you actually set the house on fire this time.
Throw in some frozen corn and some peas & carrots mixture even though you told yourself ten minutes ago you weren't adding in carrots.
As that's melting, decide to reuse some of the cubed cheddar cheese you had in your lunch this week and oh yeah you forgot to put that on the ingredient list. Okay, you will need real cheese for this one. Are your noods soft yet?
The pasta water should be looking gross and milky by this time just because that's what noodles do, so take a few large spoonfuls and add them to the veg mess. Toss in the barely-a-tablespoon-left of chicken stock your mom had and season with whatever it pleases God. Today it was pepper, cayenne, salt, garlic powder and onion powder.
Once noods are soft, use the lemon zester you used to grate your cheese to drain the pot... or a colander, if you have one. Transfer wet vegetables into the larger vessel with the macaroni. At this point, everything is... moist.
This is where the cheese packet comes into play. Plop that, most of a stick of butter and a splash of milk into your nasty looking stuff and then say to your mom, "I accidentally made it too wet, I think I made soup."
Doesn't matter. Add in the REAL cheese and as soon as that's melted and become saucy, you're done. Ta dA!
If you enjoy these cooking tips, feel free to check out my Magical Tuna recipe and my Demon Tea Recipe.
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mastcomm · 5 years
Bottomless Brunch Means Bottomless Khao Tom at Noods n’ Chill
“Bottomless brunch” has never been an institution that promised particularly inspired food. For many, the phrase inspires fear rather than an appetite. But at Noods n’ Chill, a Thai restaurant that opened in December in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the bottomless vessel in question is not a pitcher of booze but rather a generous caldron of khao tom, a rice porridge.
This is the newest outpost from the team behind Plant Love House, which opened in Elmhurst, Queens, in 2014 and has since expanded to Prospect Heights and Kensington, Brooklyn. (The original location closed in 2015.) The restaurant grew out of a series of casual backyard lunches hosted by the sisters Benjaporn Chua and Preawpun Sutipayakul; the recipes came from their mother, Manadsanan Sutipayakul, whose homey Thai dishes have created a small empire.
The dinner menu at Noods is a collection of greatest hits from the family’s previous Brooklyn menus: guay tiao num tok, the Thai boat noodle soup whose pork blood-fortified broth tastes like what you’d get if you infused a pig with star anise; the bits of pork knuckle simmered until they slouch like a surly teen.
Noods offers a wide selection of vegetarian dishes — mostly because that’s the way the family likes to eat, Ms. Chua said, but she has also noticed an uptick in vegetarian customers at this new location. That includes mock duck as an option for its curries and noodle dishes, an enormous win for anyone enamored of the spongelike way that really good mock duck absorbs sauce, bursting with flavor and promise like a rum-soaked raisin.
On weekends, starting at 11:30 a.m., there is porridge. It comes with two or four toppings, which are more like side dishes to be spooned or forked, bite by bite, into a bowl of rice that’s been cooked until soft and broken. The porridge stretches each small dish and also mutates it, serving as both quiet backdrop and alchemical medium.
The menu of toppings celebrates preserved and pickled things, ingredients that have long turned pantries into lands of plenty. Sweet preserved radish, which gets caramel-like depth from palm sugar, is stir-fried with garlic and served with an egg’s worth of omelet, and turns earthy and subtle when spread into the blanket of softened rice. A bristling, savory plate of salted duck egg dressed up with lime and fish sauce becomes a seasoning for the porridge — which, in turn, quiets a bit of the egg’s funk.
Ms. Sutipayakul learned to make porridge from her parents, who fled China for Thailand in the 1940s and relied on the dish to turn small amounts of rice into enough food to feed a large family. Growing up in Bangkok, she made the porridge her parents craved, and topped it with the Thai dishes she loved. She later carried on the tradition for her daughters.
Noods is a small space that relies on self-service and a large takeout operation: The kitchen is roughly three times the size of the seating area, which can accommodate about 15 people as long as they are happy rubbing elbows. The cozy setting encourages sharing, as it’s far easier to reach your friend’s plate when it’s right under your nose.
That’s good news for brunchgoers, and any daytime meal here should include a few of the menu’s snacks. A slice of brioche can arrive griddled into submission, smeared with sweet chili paste and covered edge to edge in a forest of salty pork floss; or steamed and ready to be pulled apart, paired with a pot of pandan-coconut custard that glows an extraterrestrial green. Lavishly flaky roti can be dipped in either condensed milk or a vibrant chicken curry.
You may be wondering about the name, and the dazzling pink neon sign in the window that reads, “Noods … yes! You? Maybe …”
Noods is a cheeky homonym that doubles as a promise of noodle dishes like pad Thai and pad see ew; the “chill” part made more sense, Ms. Chua said with a laugh, when they were planning on serving kava, a nonalcoholic drink that originated in the Pacific islands and has a relaxing, slightly intoxicating effect. They’re still entertaining the idea, but don’t currently serve it.
For now, Ms. Chua and her family are just enjoying the newness of the brunch menu, she said. “We get to have some fun, and a little bit of the childhood memories.”
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from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/life-style/bottomless-brunch-means-bottomless-khao-tom-at-noods-n-chill/
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asianbourdain · 7 years
Hong Kong: All the Random Shit I Ate in Hong Kong 2016
Coconut Mango Sago Drink at Hui Lau Shan
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Right off the plane and you know ya boy went straight for the sweeter than summer mango drink from the holy grail of Ataulfo mangos.  Light coconut milk, ice, blended fresh mango, and some medium sized sago to cut through that humidity. 
Milk Tea and Pork Chop bun at Lan Fong Yuen
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Toasted sesame seed bun, a swipe of mayo, a slice of tomato, and a seared pork chop on the flat top.  Accompanied by their famous “pantyhose milk tea” this is a meal classified by many as a must try when visiting HK.  Personally, the tea was a bit too bitter, the pork chop was a bit overcooked, and everything was a bit bland.  They’re better elsewhere.
Dinner at this Dai Pai Dong in Hang Hau
A quick dinner at the GF’s local DPD.
Sweet and Sour Pork Chops and Tong Choi with Garlic
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Salt and Pepper Fried Tofu
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Steamed Egg with Minced Pork
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A cheap local restaurant serving honest, real food to the local village of Boon Kin.  Feed the family for under 25 USD with some home cooking without dirtying your kitchen?  Amazing deal.
Breakfast at this Congee Stand in the Hang Hau Wet Market
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Fish Fillet Congee with Chow Mein
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Fresh chow mein at a congee stand! What!?  The congee is also mixed and reboiled to order!
Dried Shrimp Cheung Fun with all the sauces
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That’s right.  All the fucking sauces.  This was my first legit experience with Cheung Fun in HK after the kiddie days and man I’ve been missing out.  This is simply an art that is forgotten in America, or never made it to begin with.  Extremely cheap, ridiculously satisfying.   
Curried Snacks at this stand in Cheung Chau
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The smaller islands are known for their oversized fish and cuttlefish balls.  This bowl was packed with it but the bottom was laced with some secret weapons: Simmered pork skin.  The curry sauce was thick, robust, and the heat came late.
Desserts at Cong Sao
Walnut Soup with Sesame
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Durian with Thai Black Sticky Rice
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Steamed Egg with Ginger Milk
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A series of classic flavors and techniques here, all done extremely well.  The only downside is their portion size.
Salted Veggie Rice Noodle Set Breakfast at this Cha Chan Teng in Hang Hau
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Less than 30 HKD!  Wow...
Tofu Dessert at Kung Wo Bean Factory
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Though tofu fa is fucking great almost everywhere in HK, this place is the damn experience.  It’s wet everywhere, tofu churning out of every seam.  You might get wet, but it’s ok.  At one corner they’re grilling tofu, the other corner they’re frying tofu puffs.  It’s a busy place that does not wait for anyone.  
Chicken Pot at this Hot Pot Place in Causeway Bay
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Chicken Pot is a unique type of hot pot derived from the Sichuanese but has gained huge popularity in HK.  It’s a whole chicken diced up and stewed with some veg in a bed of spices.  The routine is, you work your way through the chicken first, then the normal hot pot ingredients come into play.  A bit thicker and richer than normal hot pot but man it is good.  What remains after the chicken is consumed is a hearty broth of Sichuan spice, chicken bone broth, medicinal herbs, and a whole bunch of disintegrated vegetables.  You can cut it a bit with some hot water or chicken broth, but then the real meal comes after.  The normal smorgasbord of hot pot goodies, but the key is this guy here:
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Yuba sheets rolled and fried until they puff.  Dip and eat.
Coconut Juice at King of Coconut
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Really reminiscent of one of the most popular drinks we made at Sweethearts Cafe (RIP).  Could this have inspired my old bosses?  Possibly.  This Coconut Milk drink is semi-blended with seemingly nothing but fresh coconut milk, ice, and sugar.  There’s got to be more.
You already fucking know at Hot-Star Chicken
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No words necessary.
Pineapple Bun at Kam Wah Cafe
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Known by many as the best Pineapple Bun in HK and by god now I know why.  The milk bun portion comes out fresh, light, and literally collapses in your mouth.  The sweet egg topping is crunchy, delicate, and THICK.  It’s not your normal top that caves after staring at it the wrong way.  This hard hat isn’t going anywhere until your teeth crush it.  Absolutely amazing.  Why can’t we do something like this back home?
More Desserts at Cong Sao!
Pomelo and Mango Sago
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The classic dessert that floods your palate with bitter, milky, coconutty, sweet mango, and tiny sago pearls.
Steamed Egg with Ginger Milk
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Shrimp Egg Noodles at Tsui Wah in Shatin
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Fulfilling some nood cravings at the local chain Tsui Wah.  Still good.
French Toast at Tsui Wah in Shatin
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My aunt claims her favorite HK French Toast is at the Tsui Wah chains, which is blasphemous to hear as an American because what “Best Anything” do you get at your local Denny’s?  Fucking nothing.  But I think my Aunt is pretty serious about this one.  This was the best French Toast I’ve had in recent memory, and it has truly triggered the nostalgic memories from my trip to HK when I was 5.  Golden brown, crispy, not too greasy, and the perfect ratio of crust to toast to peanut butter.
A quick little dinner at this dai pai dong in Shatin
Last quick meal before we fly out and we were shooting for an early dinner at the infamous Chan Kun Kee, but apparently they don’t open until 6:30PM.  We walked around the corner and this other DPD was open and pumping.
The Dining Room:
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The Kitchen:
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Fried Rice Noodles
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Beef Chow Fun
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Eggplant with Minced Pork over Rice
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Just a few classics to feed the family for next to nothing.  When food is this good, this accessible, who needs to cook?
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