#just looks up at the disguised plane and hang gliders and realizes that those clouds are weird
ceiling-karasu · 4 months
Poll: What is up with Commander Seungnyangi?
Characters in Squirrel and Hedgehog appear to be mostly named based on their species (squirrel, hedgehog, weasel), profession, or other distinguishing features (Aekku = one eyed, Oegwipali= one ear). The commander of the Wolf Unit, Seungnyangi, has a name (승냥이) that translates into 'Jackal.'
Borrowing from a previous post I made, but he does look slightly different that the other wolves.
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Somewhat of a thinner muzzle than the rest, rounder ears. Jackals in real life can have longer thinner muzzles and sometimes rounder ears than wolves.
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Insults based on species do appear to exist in the Squirrel and Hedgehog universe. For instance, Bamsaegi provides a distraction by calling Geumsaegi a 'running dog of General Commander,' which means some dogs and other animals must have a reputation.
Jackal has connotations that suggest trickery, cunning, and treachery. Commander Seungnyangi does not much care about the safety of his own men, and is very intelligent and brutal in getting what he wants. Which means he could have been named after this factor. Golden Jackal may be most likely.
Or (and this one would be tricker for a few reasons) he could be a mixture of both or other canines, as the wolves have have looked down on him for being part of a supposedly weaker species, while jackals stayed away because they saw him as yet another wolf brute. Or he kept one parent’s name. I’m still kind of keeping the canon-typical speciesism as in the other AU. It is a war and espionage AU fanfic, after all.
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Feel free to make any suggestions!
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