#just like..... dont do an adaptation of dickens if u just wanna be a boring edgelord idk
episode 5 of great expectations aka please end my suffering
it's so bad it's so bad i was barely paying attention cos it's just so fucking boring godddd
herbert my poor poor boy what did they do to you :(((... also im literally never gonna forgive them for how they've fucked over pip's character!! he literally has no emotions or empathy or like... any likable qualities have been taken away and replaced by 'pip SWEARS now and takes DRUGS and DRINKS oooh so eDGY' i just don't understand how we're supposed to root for a protagonist that's clearly so unlikeable (and like they haven't done it in a way that he's SUPPOSED to be a kinda anti-hero, but instead he's just fucking annoying lol)
also why is mrs joe still alive lol?? like... her death is what leads to biddy and joe getting together but this version seems to be completely ignoring that lol?? (like, pumblechook being whipped and miss havisham smoking opium is fine but a relationship with an age gap!?!? despicable!)
i just... i'm just annoyed lol
i only just watched it and i still can barely remember anything from it pfft only thing that stuck in my mind was this strangely homoerotically charged moment between pip and jaggers which had me like wait... what (but it DID make me feel something other than anger which is a miracle in this show lol... side note, this show really doesnt like showing men showing each other affection... literally all pip's interactions with other blokes either end in them saying something mean to him or they fight which like... maybe it could be a commentary on modern notions of masculinity, homophobia and male friendship but this isn't a modern adaptation, so it just doesn't really work in historical context lol... plus i've probably put more into this small paragraph of analysis than the writers put into the whole show pfft)
the magwitch/compeyson stuff is just straight up boring lol... like i'm sure very few people reading great expectations thought to themselves 'hmm yeh what i want more of is these two old blokes hating each other across 2 continents'
i'm not even gonna get into estella cos i'm Tired lol...
anyway it's bad, we already knew it was bad, i've got one episode left and i wish for DEATH... but i will be watching it so stay tuned for my final descent into madness lol!
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