#just landed up in bhujerba and
sarasa-cat · 3 months
If you haven’t played final fantasy xii— please go play it!
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stingslikeabee · 3 years
❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
loud and deafening silence starters . accepting
Leaving her home in the company of a travelling troupe had been one of the hardest decisions in Lilian’s life – and also one of the most rewarding experiences as well. She had a loving family and comfortable living conditions back in Bhujerba, but it was only thanks to her craft that she had visited so many different kingdoms and nations and got introduced to such a varied number of people and lifestyles – from the nomadic gypsies in Rozarria to the Bunansa family home in Archades.
And it was precisely under Doctor Cidolfus’ patronage of the foreign and exotic arts that she had met his sons – and one of them in particular. Ffamran was a few years younger than Lilian, but their connection had been… Unexpected. It had been his father who brought the young man over to her, his comments nothing short of encouraging (and borderlining obvious) in relation to his own progeny – a trait she had not really anticipated from a long, respected family line from the imperial capital.
However, despite the initial parental meddling, there was a mutual interest there – and his interest in the dancer went far and beyond her colorful attire or the enticing jingle of the jewelry – he wished to know more about the world, the places she had seen, the food she had tasted – a sample of freedom.
And from her part, Lilian had hardly been drawn to such an instigating and sharp mind before. He was obviously a well-trained conversationalist, but there was a genuine edge to his curiosity. Unlike other youthful heirs she had been paraded to, Ffamran did not talk down to her as if she was incapable of following intricate discussions topics, or ogled her like a prize they sought to win over for bragging rights – there was respect before there was any sort of yearning and pining, enough to briefly had her wonder about how different would her life be if she had just… Agreed to settle?
To give up her incessant travelling for a home, a life shared with an admirable man – wouldn’t it be wonderful to follow in her own mother’s footsteps, to create a family of her own?
But Lilian knew it would be impossible – not at that time, not when they had only known each other so briefly. Just over a couple of months – their stay at the Archadian capital had been fruitful and rewarding, but eventually it was time to move on, to become fresh news at a different location… And the dancer found herself struggling to part ways with the young judge.
And that was how she found herself boarding the airship that was ready to take the entire troupe to their next destination – the kingdom of Nabradia was their upcoming step, but rather than the familiar excitement before visiting an unknown land, Lilian felt immense sorrow at the idea of departing. The young dancer found herself looking everywhere for Ffamran’s familiar face in the crowds – and once she saw him, in full judge garb but without a helmet and refusing to break away from her gaze, she almost felt rooted to the ground.
Lilian followed him with her eyes – accompanied his intense gaze as she finished boarding and then within the ship, her face pressed to the transparent glass of the observation deck and both hands pushing against the crystalline surface as if she hoped to traverse that barrier to rejoin the judge on the ground. They never said a word – but the way she gazed at him until they no longer could see each other spoke volumes of the feelings they both kept in their hearts.
She loved Ffamran – and she had no idea of how cruelly fate would intervene to keep them apart for years before they were allowed to see each other again, under different identities and in the midst of a war, but with the same intense, shared longing locked away in their souls.
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atopearth · 5 years
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Part 1 - Fighting for Dalmasca
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Got the PS4 version on sale so yay, can finally properly play this game. I finished the PS2 version back in the day thinking it was a crappy game back in the past, so let’s see if my opinion has changed😅 All I remember is liking Balthier hahaha. Anyway, poor Ashe, her husband died practically right after their marriage, it was supposed to be a marriage to make the people happy and show more stability in Dalmasca (her husband Rasler was the prince there) but in the end he died :( He was a pretty boy too. And as Dalmasca continues to try and protect their people and their territory, only more and more people die, including Vaan’s brother Reks. I always thought Reks was the cool and better looking brother (back when I first played it) so it’s saddening to see him die again. And omggg Vaan is so not cuteee, lmao, I still remember thinking Reks was the good looking brother and I wanted him to be the main character when I was young XD I feel like Captain Basch looks familiar…why did he kill the king of Dalmasca? Isn’t it better to have some sort of treaty rather than none, since now the Empire just takes over and does whatever they want? Hmmmm. And why did Basch have to kill Reks too? :( Reks was only 17😢
Ooh, Vayne is the Archadian Empire’s son and the new consul of Rabanastre. Vayne seems like the supposedly nice but manipulative guy that knows how to sway the people’s hearts. So Lowtown is basically the slums where the Empire throws anyone that disobeys them, pretty cool huh, you make supplies and everything destitute here to make everyone give up on doing anything since they have no job or money, and then up in town, you brainwash the people with kind words and making them accustom themselves to obeying the Empire, win win for them~ Vaan seems keen on sneaking into the castle to steal stuff though, does he want an airship that much haha. Yayyy, Penelo finally joined! Yes, please heal me and be my meat shield🤣 That flower cactoid was so annoying! Killed me with its 1000 needles😭 And omggg Montblanc (Centurion clan leader) looks like a rabbit but is actually a moogle?? What a funky moogle lol.
Lmao with the first distracting guards thing to go upstairs, it’s like c'mon guard dude! Vaan says “over here” and you completely ignore him and talk to the guy next to him?? Loll. I remember really liking Balthier when I was young, can’t remember much about Fran though😅 I wonder what the Goddess’ magicite that Vaan stole and Balthier wants is… And has Ashe managed to amass an army with the other captain guy in the beginning to destroy the castle and the imperialists? But what about the Dalmascan people that had to prepare that party?? What about Migelo..? Oh, was it actually the Empire who killed them, they knew that Ashe and then were coming to raid the castle so he planned to just destroy them easily like that with bombs and stuff.. lol at how snobby Ashe is when you save her in the sewers, at least she’s a useful healer! As expected, they all got caught and thrown into prison, poor Penelo that always has to worry about Vaan because he’s so reckless😞
Hmm, so Judges dictate the law and order of Archadia and are like the bosses of the Imperial Army, they look kinda familiar, do we have to fight a lot of them later? Ahh, so as I thought, the traitor guy that looks like Basch is probably his twin brother! No wonder when I first saw Basch I felt weird lol, I was like, I remember him being a good guy and faithful. Anyway, the Resistance guys don’t believe him or can’t accept him since his brother would technically be a Judge of the Empire then, and that’s not any better. So Vaan adopts him since he thinks that he can believe him😆 Too bad everything is finally a bit more merry but then Penelo gets captured to Bhujerba by those guys looking for Balthier (since they saw Balthier give something to her before he was thrown to jail). Shocked that Lamont is actually Lord Larsa, prince of the Empire and so Vayne’s younger brother! It was so nice when he helped Penelo out and is keeping her safe. He seems like a nice guy that sincerely believes that Vayne is a guy that will protect the people and give them the peace they want.
They’re always getting captured aren’t they, but I guess that’s what they gotta do to go save Ashe and Penelo. Seems like that guy who helped them (Halim, Ashe’s uncle, the guy who rules over Bhujerba) isn’t very dodgy at all, he’s just acting like that so he can conduct the things he wants to do in the background with less worry of the Empire suspecting him of rebelling. Well, now we have the whole party! I’m too indecisive though, who should be in my main party?! Anyway, understandable that Halim doesn’t think that this is the right time to act considering her lack of proof to show she’s the princess of Dalmasca and her lack of power tbh. He can’t do these things so rashly when he’s got people to take care of. Although it is also understandable that Ashe wouldn’t want to sit around and wait, so running off with Balthier and them to get the Dawn shard to prove her royal lineage, but I wonder how it proves it? Wouldn’t she be seen as a thief? And lol, Balthier is so soft with them, is there really treasure for him out of this? Sounds like more of a hassle to take care of a princess tbh.
I wonder why Gabranth (Basch’s brother) is loyal to the king of the Empire when he destroyed their hometown? Gabranth doesn’t seem like the type to be in it for power or something, he seems to really respect this dying king, enough that he seems to want to help fulfill the king’s wish for Vayne and Larsa to not go to war against each other after his death, since many people seem to want a king like Larsa who may be easier to control and talk to than Vayne who has a very strong agenda that won’t yield to anyone when it comes to his beliefs, imo anyway. I forgot to mention this, but omg there’s Japanese and English voices for the PS4 version and omggg, the English dub is so great, I tried the Japanese but just didn’t get into it, like dang, Balthier sounds so sexy. Gabranth sounds so great too. I don’t feel like I’ve heard Vayne enough to get a strong feel for it, but hands down Balthier is what makes this game for me right now lol. I can totally see why my memories of FFXII are limited to not liking Vaan (lmao) but loving Balthier, the leading man😆😆 Not only does he look awesome, his personality is great (I love all the banter he makes and how he focuses on his own objectives but is still pretty soft towards the rest of them) and his voice is the best☺️☺️☺️ Enough fangirling I guess lmao, but I gotta talk about something whilst I’m stuck in this huge desert zzzz😪😪 aaaand I finally made it out! Took me months to get out (I took a break from this game lmao).
Anyway, made it to the tomb! Great way to start my return to this game was dying to that Death Wall that comes smashing into you hahahaha, yes I didn’t realise you’d actually die if you don’t kill it in time hahaha. I couldn’t be bothered so I just ran from it and killed the next one lol! Mmm I see, the reason the Dawn Shard can prove her ancestry and rightful heir to the throne is because no one should know it is here in this tomb and even if they do, the tomb purges those that don’t belong so I guess you’ve got to be the right person or a super strong person to get it either way haha! It’s kinda funny how everyone was so guarded against Basch and yet Vossler ended up betraying them. Honestly though, you can’t blame Vossler. Indeed, Ashe is young and evidently naive as well, she has the heart and the resolve, but not only does she lack power, she also lacks the ability to look at the greater picture, currently anyway. She still needs guidance, but I guess Basch will provide that, whilst Balthier will provide her “reality”. I do admire Vossler’s loyalty to Dalmasca though, he honestly thought this would be the best way, and tbh Larsa is a good option to put your bets on, but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be…Especially with all the variables that could have gone wrong by relying on the Empire, but at least Basch acknowledged him and his beliefs before his death. Otherwise, guess the shards are all overpowered nethicite (stones filled with power, the shards are probably enough to destroy countries maybe), and it’s likely Vayne has other shards in his hands, time for the party to look for some kind of elders to understand how to use these shards~
Omg, I died so many times trying to get better weapons in side areas loll, guess it was worth it? The anger was real though lmao, I had to take a break hahaha. Anyway, surprisingly, the Garif who created the nethicite are clueless about it~ As for Larsa suggesting that Ashe kinda compromise and work with him to prevent war from happening within Dalmasca, I can see why it would anger Ashe to co-operate with the Empire, but at the same time, Larsa is right, the ones that would suffer the most would be Dalmascans if they allowed this war to happen at all. Aaand is Gabranth on Larsa’s side or Vayne’s? Hmmmm. Eruyt village was an unexpected place to visit, I didn’t think we’d get to suddenly see a bit more background on Fran. Didn’t expect that she actually has two sisters! But it’s kinda saddening that she can’t really hear the voice of the woods anymore after leaving it. I think when she stopped her little sister from leaving as well and talked about how she won freedom but lost her past, it was quite heartbreaking to think about. She ventured out seeking a land beyond what she knew of, and yet because she chose that path, she lost everything that makes her who she once was. In a sense, she’s probably a Viera only in name and appearance, and I think regardless of what she won from being in the outside world, she also equally lost a lot. Whether it was worth it or not isn’t even something she can or will want to weigh either, since she made that choice and can never go back no matter what she does. It’s just saddening to think about tbh. But I do have to say, it’s gotta be worth it for Balthier! Jks, but seriously XD
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5judgements · 2 years
just another drabble
   High above the sky-city’s tallest structures sit the suffocating presence of warships, Archadian in design. They linger without known purpose to the inhabitants. Some would suppose that is it yet another detachment of soldiers to loiter in their streets, others hoped it were the opposite, that the Marquis had been finished with Imperial occupation. None of them could ever understand the truth, and those that did readily kept such notions hidden behind closed doors, for what a grand panic it would be for the populous to know that their ill conceived treaty had been forged with a vice around their leader’s throat.
   That being the subject of Ghis’s current expedition.
   He feels that he now spends more time in Bhujerba than his homeland of Archades, tolerating the altitude and exotic food, drink, people. It is a necessary evil to have him and his fleet returning every so often to ensure that their business ventures were still in Ondore’s best interests, especially with hefty rumor regarding resistance forces so too occupying Bhujerba.
   It should very well be another routine visit; the Judge arrives and roams the mines, the palace, personally observes the carts of Magicite and gathers any collected information from those stationed in the streets. Gabranth might yet be the head of intelligence, but Ghis so too took it upon himself to make certain that there were no active threats to himself, or any other Imperial in the land. Even a whisper of resistance gathering or misdoings and the Judge would increase security, citing the act to be only advantageous for the city’s safety.
   A lie, and not one readily concealed, because it too was used as a weapon against the Marquis. None of them had anything beyond word of mouth regarding the man’s allegiance, and the tension Ghis’s acts invoked was all the more palpable.
    Which is the underlying cause behind the Judge’s motions of the day. He does not head to the mines, the palace. Ghis is there to make a statement not only to Ondore, but the resistance as a whole, to Rozarria; the empire would not give quarter to any acts against them. They will be broken, they will die, and all of Ivalice will bear witness to what happens thereof. While the Judge had no proper authority within the city itself, he did still hold command of the protection detail.
   By no small coincidence, the Imperial soldiers had been given details regarding a meeting between Bhujerban law enforcement and resistance fighters. Upon investigating the validity of these claims, a fight had broken out, and Ghis’s soldiers would happily attest that they had been attacked first. It was all done in defense, after all. No more than two of the heavily armed and armored infantry had fallen, but half a dozen others lay dead or dying, and several others chained up alongside one another on the ground.
   It doesn’t take long for the Marquis to arrive at the scene of such outrage, and to see that Ghis himself was already there, watching on with a hand over his sword. His attention does move when Ondore storms up to him, those nearby keen to observe, and the Magister is all the more amused to see how well the Bhujerban can maintain his temper.
   “Your Honor, I will not stand for this open display of aggression-”
   “And I will not abide by those who take it upon themselves to attack my men, unprovoked,” Ghis interrupts swiftly. “Your alliance with the empire entails that you will allow our forces within your city to dissuade any civil unrest that may potentially rise from the treaty, am. I. Correct?”
   Ghis waits briefly to see if Ondore wishes to contend him on that fact, and continues on while moving away from the other man, gesturing down to the frightened and angry faces that stare up to them.
   “These people so chose to raise arms against Imperial soldiers who were only doing their job. Ask any of them; they heard raised voices within, and rose to the possibility of discord, with intent to calm any agitated persons. Not only were they met with violence, but it seems that some of your own were the cause,” he states, glancing downcast to the cooling corpse of a Bhujerban enforcer. Ghis hums thoughtfully before turning around to face the Marquis again.
   “You know as well as I the fate of aggressors to Imperial personnel.”
   Fortune favors all who cannot see the way Ghis smiles when he watches Ondore’s expression of animosity, how his hands gripped tightly the cane, then turn into abject horror. His eyes widen slightly and snap down to the people lined up for execution, before going back to Ghis.
   “Wait,” he begs. “Let us handle the rest of this unfortunate happening.”
   Ondore moves forward to place himself between the Judge and the people- his people.
   “We can make example of the intolerance for violence without in turn using more violence, your Excellency.”
   With a pregnant pause between the two of them, and Ghis offering no plain insight to his thoughts, it is hard to tell whether or not the Magister was truly considering the offer. Perhaps it would shine the empire in a better light to show an ounce of mercy, faint words of Zargabaath toiling within the back of his head. Ah, but he is not the other Judge. No, he did not go through the efforts of that day to leave appearing soft.
   “Sparing them would encourage further outbursts,” he starts calmly, waving a hand and motioning over a few soldiers on standby. They line up person for person behind the captives, some of which have already begun to whimper and whine, with swords poised and glinting in the high light of a cloudless day.
   “You must see my reason, Marquis. These people.. if they do not fear the consequences of their actions then what will stop others from following in their stead? So said you the intolerance for violence. What better way than to give them exactly what they offer?”
   Ghis raises his hand further, though his full attention is on Ondore, nowhere else, even as he gives the command for his soldiers to act. The Marquis doesn’t flinch. He only meets the Judge’s eyeless gaze with silent ferocity, as steel cleaves through flesh behind him, ending the lives of supposed collaborators against the empire. 
   “Take solace in knowing we are making your job easier, your Excellency. I pray we do not have this happen, again, or I might have to do something drastic.”
   Though despite the proclamation, it can in no way go unnoticed the lack of remorse that sits well within the Magister’s voice. This display, gruesome as it had become, was no accident. His soldiers had known the risks. His order for them to intrude upon a place of respite for soldier and civilian alike was done with full intention to garner attention. None of those that had just been slain under his command had been in any way, shape, or form, part of the resistance. Ghis willfully picked out those he knew would rise up against uninvited intrusion, those that would defend themselves, those that could make for perfect precedent.
   A dastardly ploy that he enacted solely to secure his resolve would not go unconfirmed, and that his threats placed upon the Marquis for any lacking cooperation would thereby be unquestionably true.
   “Clean this mess,” Ghis calls out to his soldiers, sparing nothing more than a glance towards them, and then onto Ondore one last time, before stepping around the other man to depart. “And dispatch the injured.”
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FFXII Zodiac Age Playthrough Part 4
Prison again, only this time in the sky
-Back in Rabanastre, the team disbands, Basch to be picked up by the #resistance, Fran and Balthier to drink cosmos and gossip about Amalia's outfit.
-Vaan asks if they want the stone that he stole from the palace, and they hard pass.
-Once they're gone, he heads to show it to Penelo. Only, she's not there. Kytes sends him to see Old Dalan.
-Dalan admires Vaan's stolen treasure and his having escaped prison.
-Dalan's kitty, on the other hand, is unimpressed.
-Dalan gives Vaan a Sword to give to someone names Azelas, and Vaan identifies is as a Sword of the Order.
-Of the phoenix?
-Vaan tells Dalan to find out where Penelo went and heads out.  
-At Azelas' place, everyone's arguing about if they can trust Basch about him being a twin separated by his divorcing parents, each twin only have a torn picture of themselves with their custodial parent.
-Lindsey Lohan trusts him.
-Vossler is also there and says he won't trust him, but also won't turn him in?
-He also tosses Basch the sword.
-Is Basch Azelas?
-This part is so confusing.
-(Vossler is Azelas, we find out later)
-Basch requests Vaan take him to Balthier because he "needs wings."
-Red Bull has not yet been invented.
-Vaan tells Basch that his parents died of a plague, and he went to live with Penelo, but then the war happened.
-Also, he knows that Basch didn't kill Reks.
-Character development!
-At the bar, Migelo is chewing out Balthier because Penelo has been taken by Ba'Gamnan to Bhujerba, and he left a note saying it was because of Balthier.
-Balthier and Fran don't really want to go, but Vaan offers the stone if they do, and Basch will tag along as well to tend to some business.
-Balthier asks if this business is with the Marquis.
-Who dat?
-Anyway, the gang's all back together again (reluctantly again).
-Road trip!
-Actually, sky trip. Bhujerba is a floating city.
-Balthier's airship, The Strahl, is white, flirty, and ready for some fun.
-Like Balthier.
-As it takes off, we cut to Penelo locked up in a dungeon. Ba'Gamnan comes in and makes sure she's well fed because he needs Balthier's bait alive.
-When the team arrives, Balthier tells Basch to keep a low profile and not use his name.
-On their way to the mines where Penelo is held, a boy asks to join them, and Balthier mysteriously lets him with little protest.
-The boy says his name is Lamont.
-It's obviously not.
-Vaan says that he's in good hands. "Right, Basch?"
-You had one job.
-One job.
-And you got it like a second ago.
-It matters little. The team is off to explore the sky city. If Rabanastre is Rome, then Bhujerba is sky Venice.
-With some Russian architectural influence.
-Lamont brattily tells the team that the Lhusu Mines, where Penelo is being held, are not under heavy imperial watch.
-Inside the mine, however, the team has to hide from a group of imperials including a judge and the Marquis Ondore of Bhujerba, who are talking about the purest magicite being produced in the mine making its way to Vayne.
-Apparently, Ondore oversaw the "peace" negotiations with Dalmasca, but now he's on the imperials' side, according to Lamont.
-Balthier is skeptical about how he could know that.
-Vaan's like, "whatever, let's find Penelo,"
-Lamont's like, "is that a new writing app?"
-Deeper in the cave, Lamont pulls out his own stone, nethicite, which has been created in a place called Draklor Laboratories (cue Balthier having a subtle reaction), and which absorbs energy unlike magicite.
-This game has very complex geopolitics/magic/geology/science
-Balthier is not having it and asks Lamont to fess up about who he is and how he knows what he knows.
-Before Lamont can, however, Ba'Gamnan and crew shows up to slice and dice. And Lamont bolts.
-The gang's supposed to run away, but some well-placed quickenings make the lizard crew easy work.
-At the mines entrance, Lamont joins up with the group of imperials from before, who comment on how he's been wandering alone.
-They call him Lord Larsa.
-Penelo's there too.
-The judge is harsh to Penelo but Larsa intercedes and gets a room for her at the Marquis' place. Sweet digs.
-Vaan has 0% idea what's going on.
-Balthier explains that Larsa is Vayne's brother. Fran says that he'll treat Penelo well.
-Balthier says that no one knows men like Fran.
-Basch still wants to talk to the Marquis and Balthier suggests that they start with the organizations opposing the empire that the Marquis helps fund.
-For being the main character, Vaan is really not the main character.
-They need some clamor, so Vaan volunteers to wander around yelling that he's Basch (who's supposed to be dead).
-This whole scenario, with Vaan running around yelling "I'm Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca!" makes me have such secondhand embarrassment.
-After Vaan has embarrassed himself (and me) enough, he gets abducted by the Bhujerban FBI.
-The people who intercepted Vaan quickly realize that he's not Basch (who ain't no PBT).
-Balthier emerges and is like, "duh"
-Basch emerges and is like, "sup"
-At the palace, Larsa tells Penelo that he will talk with his brother about the Rabanastre police brutality. Penelo tells him that his brother is mad scary and so is the empire.
-Larsa is genuinely shocked that people would be afraid of the empire.
-Sweet summer child.
-Like is there ever any nation known as "The Empire" that isn't frightening and overly aggressive to the natives of foreign lands? Like isn't that the definition of empire?
-Larsa says he'll make sure no pain comes to her.
-Back in town, Basch gets a meeting with the Marquis.
-At this meeting, he asks for help rescuing Amalia. Vaan interrupts (he really has no social sense) and asks where Penelo is.
-She's going with Larsa back to Rabanastre.
-Meanwhile, a large imperial ship arrives and deploys smaller ships, for something.
-In the meeting, The Marquis says that the enemy's chains should be easy for Basch to bear. He draws his sword and the guards come and aprehend the group.
-I made Basch an archer, not a swordsman. Get your facts right.
-At the palace in Rabanastre, Vayne speaks with a judge about stamping out the #resistance. They also know that Ondore is funding the #resistance in Bhujerba.
-Also, he has a letter saying Basch has been captured and taken to Judge Ghis.
-The judge with Vayne, Gabbranth, says that Basch will die by his hand.
-Gabbranth is Basch's twin.
-That's cold.
-He leaves and a rambling Doctor Cid enters rambling about Nabudis. He tells Vayne that the Archadian senate is looking for ways to backstab him.
-On the Dreadnought Leviathan, our prisoner team reunites with Amalia, who promptly slaps Basch in the face. She says that he should be dead.
-She takes no shit and I love it.
-Judge Ghis introduces her as Princess Ashelia B'Nargen Dalmasca.
-Last we saw her as princess, she was rocking a sheer mourning outfit, the likes of which Cher would wear.
-Unfortunately, she has no proof that she's princess.
-Luckily, Basch can prove it if he goes and finds a dusk shard.
-The Princess is none too pleased still because she would live in shame.
-Basch is like, "tough break"
-Vaan tells them to stop or everyone will get killed.
-"Don't interrupt," Ashelia responds.
-Love. Her.
-At that moment, Vaan's stone starts glowing. It happens to be the dusk shard. Convenient.
-He gives it to Ghis telling him he needs to promise no executions.
P-That's...not how the law works.
-They're taken away, but only briefly before Basch, Balthier, and Fran beat up their guards.
-Vossler is dressed as one of them and joins the party as a guest so they can save Ashe.
-Baschler reunited!
-Vossler tells the team not to cross the red lights because an alarm will go off, and then literally walks through it five seconds letter when he sees an enemy.
-Thanks, bro.
-Deep within the ship, the group reunites with Ashe, who really looks like she wants to slap Basch again.
-Rain check, because they need to escape ASAP.
-They're going to jack a ship to escape, but Ashe is not down to hang out with Basch, whom she still thinks is a traitor.
-"Too bad," says Vossler.  
-The group runs into Larsa and Penelo.
-Penelo and Vaan hug and reunite.
-Larsa tells Vossler that they must get an airship before Ghis finds out, and then tells Ashe that the fact that she and Basch were made to seem dead is suspicious and that their actions will reveal what's really going on.
-It will be for the good of Dalmasca and the empire.
-Ashe really wants to say that she likes Vaan more than the empire, and she doesn't like Vaan at all, but she holds her tongue.
-Larsa gives Penelo his manufacted nethicite, and then leaves with Vossler.
-At bridge, the group runs into Ghis, who tries to kill them with a big magic attack, but it is absorbed by the nethicite Larsa just gave Penelo.
-Penelo's already pulling her weight and she's been with the group for like five minutes. What have you done, Vaan?
-Ghis compares Ashe to her father for not knowing when to surrender.
-Ashe takes off her earrings and shit goes down.
-After defeating Ghis, Vossler comes in to say that they've secured a ship that Balthier is none too happy about.
-"Not fitting for a leading man."
-They're literally trying to escape for their lives and he's worried that their escape ship isn't flashy enough. I love it.
-Fran stealth pilots them to safety, and Penelo makes fast friends with her and Balthier.
-Vaan's jeal.
-Back in Bhujerba, Vossler and Basch convince Ashe to speak to Ondore. Vossler also tells Ashe that Basch will be her bodyguard even though she mistrusts him.
-She knows he doesn't speak lightly so she agrees.
-The plot is really starting to pick up. That's it for this section!
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
it is her first performance in archades since donning a new name, a new person, a new life. the stage is set beautifully and lit with the warmth of dimmed magicite lamps, hues of orange and red and yellow casting a farce of fire glow across every surface in the large space. it should due well to lull just about anyone into a sense of security, especially considering where it is they all are seated. well within the confines of countless walls, hundreds of soldiers, in the nestled heart of an empire seeking to subdue all of ivalice.
gabranth hadn't found any particular favor in joining for the entertainment preceding what would be a long deliberation at vayne's behest, a meeting that had been held beneath the noses of the senate members. it was a dangerous thing indeed to have the nations most predominant law enforcers in one room, and an even a more grand notion to have them under one's thumb.
though, here he finds himself; seated between drace and ghis at one table, gabranth wonders how zargabaath and bergan had managed to wriggle their way out of attendance- perhaps not bergan. one could know the man for a single minute and understand exactly why he had been absent. it matters not, in the end.
for now he finds himself unbearably idle. at long last there is a pull for the entire room's gaze and the main performer steps into the center of them all, and he cannot help the feeling of how his hackles raise upon the sight. red flags wave vividly behind his eyes; in charge of understanding their enemies and allies alike, it had been him who looked into the past of those that were an unknown to the palace. melissa had bore some resemblance in story to someone he knew, once, a part of his past which rarely crept up. seeing her now the pieces he'd waved off as mind tricks for nostalgia, start to fit together all too well.
to anyone watching him, the expression gabranth bore might resemble someone being awestruck by the beauty of a foreign dancer, and they would be half correct. there is awe, but only as shock for the happenstance of them crossing paths again; it swiftly turns into something far less innocent. his passive demeanor warps into a tense demand for answers, and none he would have on this night. part of him wonders if she will share in the surprise, if he is even brought into her recollection at all, and gabranth loathes how the thought alone twists like a knife jutting out of his emotions.
unscripted asks . always accepting
Despite the fact that Bhujerba had never been formally dragged into the war that Archadia waged on so many different fronts, it still had irrevocably touched the country. The Sky City had not been subjugated or occupied, but it served the Empire’s goals more than anyone else’s. No citizens had been recruited into the imperial ranks, but many had already lost their lives to a struggle they had wanted no part of.
The Drysdells had fallen to that conflict - a vain attempt to escape the ever creeping fear of Bhujerba being inevitably drowned in the way Archadia and Rozarria seem to hunger for direct confrontation. Her entire family - as well as other civilians, from many other countries - died during a raid in Nalbina, even if their destination had been the Empire proper, to seek refuge in the land that she was a daughter of in the same fashion of the Sky City.
The profound grief Lilian experienced after that changed her life - the new purpose given to her by the Marquis the only thing that kept her breathing. The once innocent flower from Bhujerba had to perish so ‘Melissa’ could be born, her new name evoking a sweetness that was meant to be deceptive. A distraction from the underlying poison she hoped to inflict at the heart of the Empire, destroying it from within.
Her new persona did not purposefully hid the woman she once was; she had just been packaged differently by the Marquis and sponsored as some sort of representative of Bhujerba’s real power (outside of magicite) - the ability to enchant and convince, to sway and influence. Her role was to entertain the masses and steal hearts, if only to soak up all the information that could be relayed to the Resistance and slowly mine the imperial efforts. In the months preceding her debut, Melissa was trained in other things - how to concoct untraceable poison, to perfectly conceal her blades, the perfect place to plunge her dagger into if only to ensure a swift death with no screaming.
And yet, with a look at the Bhujerban, her true nature hidden underneath the flowers in her hair and the silks of her attire, there was very little that would lead anyone to think Melissa capable of anything more than pretty words and a passionate dance. As the first performance of her new act began in the imperial capital, that was all she had in mind - to look like the most gorgeous, exotic bloom; to one day coil around their throats like a snake.
With the room illuminated according to her specifications, Melissa had limited visibility of her audience from the stage - but given how little she spent there, it was just fine. Her act depended on interaction with the people, so she eventually descended the stairs in rhythm with the music, making her way around the tables filled with soldiers - she supposed her main targets would be at the front - in a proud country like Archadia, the people of honor would surely be in prized seats.
And as her eyes grew used to the faces in the crowd, she knew she had been right - the distinctive armor of the judge magisters were concentrated at a particular table, and while that was her goal, Melissa did take the time to go there. The Bhujerban pulled others into clapping alongside her, to stand up and dance for a second, until she made it to the very center and the more respectable occupants of the room.
Three judges were there - the first one, Drace, was given the flower she had in her hair; the second one, Ghis, was given one of her veils after playfully enlacing the magistrate; when she moved to third one and looked at his face, Melissa’s heart almost stopped right then. No - it couldn’t be... And yet there was no mistaking that gaze.
These eyes - they were as piercing as they were when they first met all these years ago.
She had been given pictures of the judges, as well as profiling from Ondore’s intelligence; they had all made mentions of this ‘Gabranth’, in charge of a bureau dedicated to information gathering, but his face was unknown. His role was secretive and he kept a low profile when compared to his peers, perhaps even for security reasons - she had assumed him to be another random Archadian individual. But there, sharing the table with Ghis and Drace - this man was not Bergan; he was also not Zargabaath.
It could only be the famed Gabranth - the new alias of a man she had once loved so deeply and under a different name. Just as she had buried the identity she had been born with, it appeared Noah had done the same - and their new functions placed them on opposite sides now.
The way their eyes met did not last more than a few moments, her pause supported by the way the song rolled around the audience. But to Melissa (or rather, Lilian), it had been as if someone had cast ‘stop’ on her - nothing but a powerful time magick would be able to explain the way she felt so many emotions at once, and contradictory ones at that: she burned and yet there was a chill in her bones; there was a need to scream and yet nothing came out of her throat; her heartbeat indicated relief and exhilaration at seeing him well and alive, but her brain flooded her body with the disbelief and repulse at the armor he had on.
Her Noah had turned into Judge Magister Gabranth and she did not know what to make of that painful, absurd realization.
At the end, as if the spell had ran its course, she moved - and rather than gifting the third judge with anything of hers as she had done with his peers, Melissa offered him something different - her hand found his face and the touch there was fast and soft - not unlike the playful interactions she had shared with other members in attendance, and hardly a threat to anyone considering the extensive checks she had been subject to as soon as she arrived. Perhaps unbecoming of a performer before a magister - but she had to know for sure.
She had to confirm for herself that he was real.
But the warmth from his face seeping to her fingertips was enough - she pulled away and the barrage of memories that flashed in her eyes were pushed to the confines of her mind. The look that took over then was a practiced one to entice, the smile over painted lips trained to exhaustion to be charming - and she removed herself from the magisters to continue with her act. It was a lucky thing that dancing came so naturally to her, because her concentration had been wholly destroyed by his presence there.
She did not know what it meant to the Marquis’ plans, to Bhujerba, to the war; she did not even know what it meant to her own heart. For someone who thought that part of her life had finished on bittersweet note but still regarded with fondness, it appeared as a new chapter was presenting itself to her - one that would not be not nearly as innocent. Lilian had thought of Noah as a protector back then: a good man, a gentle soul.
Now, with Melissa and Gabranth, it seemed very unlikely their paths would converge - a blade (his or hers) would surely find a resting place at the other’s throat or back. It should only be a matter of time.
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
[ SENSUAL ] uwu
some more smutty memes . selectively accepting
When one became a partner to a judge magister, understanding that their routine was guided by the (many) needs of the empire was of fundamental importance. It was not infrequent for Ghis to return to the capital earlier than anticipated, or to be kept abroad for longer than planned because of some unforeseen incident. Melissa knew that, as much as she had the magistrate’s heart in her hands, his duty before Archadia long predated their romantic involvement.
But the Bhujerban never felt as if she was on a competition she could never hope to win with the whims of House Solidor; she only wished there was some more predictability about Ghis’ routine if it meant an easier way of surprising him when he came home. Given how long she had been sharing his home with him, the changes in terms of interior decoration were hardly a novelty; and neither were her experiments and recreations in the kitchen (of recipes both from her homeland and others from his younger years in the capital).
Now, on the very day where the six-month mark of living with Ghis had been reached, she had wanted to prepare something special - and unless another emergency kept him far from Archades, the stars should have aligned just right for her plans to succeed. When Melissa heard the noise of someone entering the house and recognized the traditional metallic noise produced by his armor, the dancer knew that the gods had been kind to her this time.
“Melissa?” Ghis’ voice reached her from the floor below, and a smile formed on her face despite being in a different room. The magistrate always paused by the door to remove his armor - after a few incidents where the Bhujerban ended up hurt after cutting herself on the sharp edges of his impressive protectives, Ghis acquired the habit of dressing down at the entrance of his home. There was a particular place destined for the pieces of his armor now, and they were always taken early next morning for cleaning and maintenance.
“In the bedroom!” she replied in what she hoped to be a normal voice; but her heart was beating frantically in her chest as she gave one last look to the room and claimed her place on the bed shared by the couple. Inhaling sharply, Melissa hoped Ghis hadn’t returned home too tired or in need of medical assistance - it would severely impact her plans if that was the case; but given the sound of his steps up the stairs and the usual time to remove his armor, it appeared as if he was just fine.
The judge did make his way over to her as instructed - and then paused at the threshold of the master suite, his eyes clearly widening at the sight presented to him. Melissa had been there - that much was true. What she failed to disclose was the way she had arranged for the room to be illuminated by candlelight and with fresh flowers, their soft and pleasing scent filling the room. The bed had been given a new set of linens, colorful and plush to the touch (another one of her acquisitions from the bazaar), and served as the canvas where the Bhujerban offered herself like a painting.
She had been dressed in one of his gifts - a floor-length robe made of the most expensive chiffon, with sleeves tying at her wrists and a matching obi sash for the waist fashioned out of imported silk. The piece was dyed with the most beautiful dark blue - not unlike a night sky; the hundreds of details etched in silver mimicked the stars, and it did feel like she was being embraced by the nightview from Bhujerba when she dressed with such an item. There were other jewelry items on her, such as earrings, a necklace and bracelets around her arms and ankles.
Archadia currently had no empress or queen, but she did look every bit the regal ruler of a foreign land as she laid over the incredible number of pillows she had gathered for such display. As Ghis took the sight in and quickly realized his lover was up to something, Melissa smiled - and gestured for him to join her in bed, the invitation a wordless one with a beckoning finger that set the judge in motion, climbing over the sturdy mattress to reach her.
When Ghis was hovering over her, it was possible to observe how the look in his eyes had changed - with nothing but the fire from the candles burning, the feelings that he kept often buried in his heart seemed to have surfaced, free of any barrier or amor and on full display to her. On her side - Melissa moved to touch his face, bringing him down and closer, gracing his lips with a kiss that was just as sweet as the perfume on her skin.
“Welcome home, Jarvis.”
“One does certainly feel welcomed,” he replied with a gentle curve of his lips, a hand moving to cup her face and trace her features with incredible softness - and to think a judge magister was able to hold such tenderness in his bones. And yet, that was how he treated Melissa more often than not: as the perfect gentleman, the adoring lover, the worshiping spectator. There was fire in him, most surely - but it usually took the Bhujerban to fan it to a full, glorious blaze.
“Is there a particular occasion we are celebrating?” he asked in a whisper, and she nodded, comfortable in being trapped between the pillows and his body. It was one of her favorite places, Melissa soon learned - once she had realized how deep and irrevocable her feelings for him were, there were very few locations she preferred - such as in his arms, or when joined with Ghis as one single soul.
“A six month anniversary - since I moved here, I mean. I thought it merited a little surprise for you, provided the 8th fleet did not have other appointments,” she joked in response to his commitments, but there was no malice there; she knew that if it was for him, Ghis would be home with her than away with his men. And yet, Melissa’s response elicited a small chuckle out of him, and he kissed the corner of her lips, going down along her neck.
“And what does the 8th imperial fleet commanding officer win for punctuality?” 
“Me,” she breathed in response - and the fact that her voice oscillated briefly was entirely due to the way he was making her feel. The press of his lips over smooth skin were just perfect, and Melissa moved slightly under him, “Unwrap your gift, Jarvis. You have more than earned it.”
He did as told - and while one might have found it amusing that a man who served so few in the country was ready to heed her orders, it hardly felt like it was something he objected. His hands were gentle, tracing her body over the soft fabric before untying the ribbons - and inhaling sharply upon the realization she had nothing else on her body. Melissa had only the jewelry over skin, and with inch of the dancer that was uncovered, Ghis bent his head down and pressed lips to her in saccharine, devoted kisses.
He did it to all of her - he never rushed or showed preference to any patches of flesh. Every single limb of hers was showered in affection as he undressed her as per the Bhujerban’s own request, sliding over her figure and making sure to lavish his lover with the same attention she deserved from her head to toes, fingers lingering over the colorful beads and stone of the jewelry every now and then and coming to rest in a sitting position over his heels when he was done.
The Bhujerban lay on his bed, like a gift indeed - there was nothing in-between his hungry gaze and her body, and the effect Ghis had on her could be see in the way her chest moved up and down with her breathing, Melissa yearning for more of him - much more than the gentle and soft caresses bestowed over warm flesh like blessings. It was not difficult to see that these flames had been unlocked - the pause where he observed the woman was but a mere interlude.
“Did you enjoy your gift, my love?”
Her question was rhetorical, of course - and the way her painted lips moved upwards and how she made no effort to either cover herself of pretend she wasn’t terribly turned on by his ministrations was proof enough she sought merely to tease Ghis. He offered her a look that was a curious mix - hopeless adoration and enormous desire, moving to cover her again and to press his body against her, despite remaining fully clothed in his own attire that served as the foundation for the metal of his armor. Without the metallic plate, she could feel just how much he burned for her, his erection pressing against the inner part of her thigh and making her gasp.
But in addition to a small press of his hips against hers, he went for a whisper close to her ear - Ghis gave her the courtesy of a verbal response before he allowed his own restraint to fall and claimed her completely as both of them seemed to so desperately ache for.
“The only gift I could possibly enjoy more than you right now, my dear,” he paused, and his voice was distorted with lust just in the right way, the intonation making her whimper under the delightful pressure of his body over hers, “Is whatever you come up with for the one year anniversary.”
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