#just in time for lore olympus to go on its forecasted 4 month hiatus
genericpuff · 1 year
holy crap this is the first time in like 3 days I've been able to sit down at my computer for longer than 20 minutes jesus christ-
SO YEAH IT'S BEEN A BUSY AND PRODUCTIVE WEEK LMAO Garrison Night Market on Thursday went well, first day of Animaritimes went REALLY well, and now I'm home after wrapping up my second day which wasn't as good as the first day but was still very good! I've sold out of a lot of the originals which means all that's left are stickers, a couple perler magnets, and prints! Might try and find some time tonight to throw together a couple more perler magnets for any last minute shoppers tomorrow, but I'm also really just wanting to sit and play Zelda LMAO
What I find fascinating is that every person who spots the two Lore Rekindled prints I have on display always has one of two opinions: either they read Lore Olympus and completely agree with the dip in quality, or they don't read Lore Olympus but have heard the horror stories. It's quite telling.
That said, there may be some new folks coming in over the next couple days after being given special cards with my IG handle on it, so please make yourself at home! I hope you enjoy my hyperfixation essays about a comic that peaked during the plague and my interpretations of how it could have gone through LORE | REKINDLED ! <3
ALSO, I believe I mentioned it here already (I definitely mentioned it in the Discord) but just to repeat it for those who missed the memo: The next LORE | REKINDLED episode will be going up July 1st! I don't really have any other major conventions to attend between now and September/October (and that's only assuming I get in on the ones I've been waitlisted for) so I'm aaaalll yours for the rest of the summer, Tumblr! (* ̄3 ̄)╭
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