#just hit me that bones has to animate katsuki...
escaping-peril12 · 2 months
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Katsuki's gonna be fine, right guys?? 🥰🥰
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makeste · 2 years
oh my god.
so first off, let's just get the one big major criticism out of the way: this episode was definitely not up to the same high quality standards as the first third of this season. and hey, I get it! you're doing 24 episodes in all, you're on a time crunch, and you've only got so many animators to go around. and the quality of some of these earlier season 6 eps (118 and 119 especially) was seriously some of the best this series has ever had. by contrast, chapters 284 and 285, while still easily ranking among my favorite chapters of all time, definitely do not go as hard with the visuals as some of the other War arc chapters (that very last 285 page being the one standout exception).
anyway so yeah, it was still a slight disappointment, but I'm fine with it. it does mean Deku vs Kacchan 2 will still retain its crown as my all time fave, but the real meat of this episode was never going to be about the flashy visuals -- it's all about that sweet, sweet character development.
two more very minor criticisms before I get to the OMG nonstop gushing part of this post! one, they did cut out this scene from ch 282 where Tomura originally had TWO quirk-be-gone bullets in his possession and Kacchan actually destroyed the second one.
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YOU THOUGHT WE WOULDN'T REMEMBER, BONES. BUT WE DID. so for everyone who is giving Kacchan his well-earned love, praise, and admiration today, don't forget to also give him props for saving Aizawa's other leg, or whichever other appendage this doubtless would have hit. my boy out here lowkey saving his sensei from being ReDestro'd.
and then one final nitpicky little quibble, which is that the anime subtitlers declined to use the "Catch-A-Kacchan" translation, despite it being the single cleverest translation of all time, and by far Caleb Cook's biggest and most important contribution to the BnHA canon. alas, twas not meant to be. BUT ANYWAY NOW ON TO THE GUSHING.
okay so first off, we all know that Aizawa is an absolute badass and the most metal motherfucker in this entire series, and that Shouto has by this point all but perfected the art of swooping in to save the day at pivotal moments, and that the U.A. kids all need ALL OF THE THERAPY GODDAMMIT, and that Deku is a COMPLETE LUNATIC who thinks that HAVING FUNCTIONAL ARMS IS OVERRATED ANYWAYS. yes and yes and yes and yes. and if you wish, you can read all about my thoughts on these things and more, here and here and here and here.
but you already know what I actually came here to talk about today.
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first of all, YOU GUYS. the music. THIS FUCKING MUSIC, THOUGH. they used the exact same OST track that was used for the "why was I the one who ended All Might?" speech all the way back in DvK2. THIS IS OFFICIALLY THE "TIME FOR NOBUHIKO TO FLEX HIS VOICE ACTING CHOPS" MUSIC. A TRADITION HAS BEEN BORN.
anyway so if anyone needs me I'll just be sitting here playing this scene on repeat until the end of time. no big deal though. I can quit at any time. not like I'm obsessed with it or anything. I definitely love this scene and this character a perfectly normal amount.
All Might talking about how Katsuki understood from the get-go about how OFA was a secret that could put other people at great risk really hits hard in hindsight. especially when you realize that Katsuki really did know right from the start, and he willingly accepted that risk with no hesitation, and he absolutely did suffer consequences for it (it was his knowledge of OFA that led to him following Deku and subsequently getting involved in this battle). and I don't doubt that he has absolutely zero regrets.
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okay but can we seriously just talk for a sec about the way Kacchan's anxiety is practically boiling over when he starts to ask All Might about the Fourth's cause of death?? I feel like this is one thing that kind of got overlooked at the time in the manga because we were so completely distracted by EVERY SINGLE OTHER DAMN THING IN THAT CHAPTER lol. but hearing it again here, you feel how worried he actually is about Deku, and idk why but it all of a sudden just hit me so damn hard.
"I'm worried about him. you are, too." because that truly is what this whole conversation is really about. or at least that's the driving force behind it. behind this whole episode, in fact. it's simple, when you get right down to it: Kacchan is afraid that Deku is going to die. it's literally been the biggest fear on his mind ever since Deku unlocked SIXQUIRKS. right from the start, his mind was immediately going to the worst case scenarios. he immediately deduced that OFA might have a deeper connection to AFO than any of them realized (shoutout to Kacchan for being the original "Deku is a horcrux" truther lol. ONE DAY HORIKOSHI WILL FINALLY REVEAL THE TRUTH AND PROVE US RIGHT). he instantly zeroed in on the sobering fact that all of the previous OFA users died young. and as he reveals here, he took particular notice of the fact that All Might seems to be hiding something about OFA IV's death, and he is goddamn PRESSED about it.
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and I absolutely LOVE the way that Nobu voiced this part of the conversation. when he starts to question All Might, his breathing starts to pick up a little, and his voice starts to get louder, and the words start to spill out faster and faster almost like he's in a rush to get it all out, and his voice starts to crack just a little, and he goes from not looking at All Might to hesitantly, almost fearfully glancing at him from the side, and then finally turning to face him head on with his eyes all wary and his teeth gritted like he's bracing himself for the very worst (because he is).
and then he finally just asks him, "was it because you realized something?" and then he takes in this achingly hesitant little breath before finishing with, "...about One for All?" and just. the whole scene is just SO well done. like, he's seriously so fucking scared about this, though. but at the same time he just needs to know, and just. oh my god. and Nobuhiko manages to emote all of this so clearly, and that is such a difficult line to walk when you're dealing with a character like Katsuki who's always so hesitant to show his vulnerability. he has to portray these two separate layers of Bakugou at the same time -- the part of him that is trying his hardest to be nonchalant and matter-of-fact in order to hide his fears and emotions; while at the same time also portraying said emotions which are clearly seeping through anyway, regardless of his efforts.
anyway so yeah. I could talk about this for eighty years and never get sick of it honestly but let's move on.
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let me tell you guys, I've been bracing myself for this scene for two full years, and it still kicked my ass. THIS SCENE HAD NO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE. literally RIGHT IN the feels. direct hit.
"he's always been that way." no, but guys. the regret when he says that. the way he states it with such simplicity and clarity. almost profound. this is just a truth of the world. this is just how Deku is. this is something that took him so long to understand, but now that he does, he can't fathom how he was never able to see it before. and then that ever-so-slight bitterness that creeps into his voice as he goes on to describe how he fucked it all up. ;_;
and then last but not least!!
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"ijimeta." one word, in Japanese. it all comes down to that. and his voice gets so quiet. this whole last part of his speech is so quiet and so soft. but when he says this very last part, his voice wavers perfectly on that last word, and it just. sounds so resigned, somehow, but also just... almost faltering, for just a moment. you can hear the regret as clear as day, but you also hear the fear once again as he finally reveals this fact -- literally his biggest shame; the worst thing that he's ever done -- to All Might. his hero. just, damn.
anyway. so needless to say, despite my expectations being SKY HIGH, this scene absolutely met all of them and blew me away. as expected from the best fucking voice actor in Japan, according to me, a single lone person, whose subjective opinion is absolutely definitely not biased in any possible way.
back to the action! and Nobu getting to do his very best Deku impression lol.
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can you believe this kid. one single nerdy analysis speech was all it took for him to start emitting such powerful Main Character Energy that even Endeavor got taken in and was just automatically following orders lol.
awesome choice of music here while Deku and Tomura continued to battle and Bakugou laid out his plan. you know it's good when they still manage to make you feel the tension even though this is basically just a generic action scene, and you additionally already know exactly what's going to happen.
I have no idea why, but that part with Deku's "Kacchan... my 'Deku' means 'you can do it!'" speech juxtaposed against the image of him going all out against Tomura with such fierce determination hit me like 100x harder than it did in the manga. I was NOT expecting that to be as powerful as it was. damn near gave me chills.
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literally the only time I've ever been on board with the whole "FUCK YEAH, I'LL JUST BREAK ALL MY BONES AT YOU!!" deal lol. it literally makes no goddamn sense but this scene is just so raw.
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and then the next few moments are some of the most legitimately unsettling of the entire series, as we have Tomura screaming at the top of his lungs while being burnt to cinders (and I mean, I love Tomura dearly, but I get it; he literally just Thanos'd tens of thousands of innocent people), followed by AFO's creepy fucking ghost hand reaching out all "LEND ME YOUR BODY~~~" which is a scene that absolutely NO ONE ASKED FOR but okay.
but then right afterwards though! when AFO finally did take over, and you hear that "TV shutting down" sound effect all of a sudden? and then the next few scenes with all the BKDK flashbacks are also weirdly TV-themed? I could not for the life of me figure this out at first, but now I'm actually thinking it could be a reference to the chapter 306 color page?
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OR MAYBE NOT? I actually have no idea. anyway though it may have been random af but it worked for me, what can I say.
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oh. my. god.
AND THEN?!?!?!
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holy shit. and then THE END CREDITS oh my freaking heart. words can't even describe.
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Studio Bones out here not resting until they've succeeded in making EVERY SINGLE PERSON feel the MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SADNESS THAT A HUMAN BEING CAN SUSTAIN. their callousness truly knows no bounds.
anyway so there we have it! part one of the spectacular season 6 Bakugou Katsuki Redemption Saga. I laughed, I cried, I cried, I cried, I cried a little bit more, and then I cried a little bit more after that. final verdict: yeah, it was pretty good.
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katsukikitten · 2 years
I was telling a close mate about this last night, I don't think I'll ever write it but fucking IMAGINE.
Dragon King Bakugou who has the MOST ornery dragon to ever live, that brings Bakugou things at the most inconvenient times, like a cow mid argument with his mother. An entire fishing boat dropped from the sky in the middle a counsel meeting. Trilling as if the dragon had a mocking laugh. But Bakugou never corrected or ordered Urid to do any different, not as if he could. The dragon only took two things seriously, mischief and war.
And Urid is ever bored in this time of peace despite having freedoms do soar and glide where the wind sees fit.
Bakugou holds back a growl when he sees Urid's wide and dark wingspan in the distance. The dragon would come around while he lies prone in tall grass, his red eyes focused on the herd of thick bodied bison. He'd spent the better half of his morning tracking and when he finally caught up, counting. Being sure the herd had grown enough that they would have young again next spring.
They'd doubled since he'd last spot the herd, the bison happily roaming the lands in which Bakugou controlled.
But it seems Bakugou wasn't going to get the four males who had just passed their mating prime. Their meat wouldn't be too tough and yet still Bakugou knew plenty of stew that could remedy that.
Urid flies directly over the herd and suddenly they scatter. Running with such power that Katsuki feels the vibration of their hooves in his torso as he presses his forehead to the dirt for a moment in frustration.
Urid practically lands on top of his mate with one of his large taloned paws curled up and to his body. Immediately Bakugou sees it, discarding the bison coat to hide his scent, fearing he is injured.
"Urid, have you been struck?" Katsuki's only fear, his large palm dwarfed as he goes to reach but there is no pain on Urid's eyes. Not as if the dragon would give it away. He comes down to nose him, pushing Bakugou's thick frame out of the way before he opens his paw he keeps pressed to his chest.
Something heavy drops, not as much as an animal or boar and the sound it makes when it hits the grassy plane ten feet in the air sounds like flesh and bone.
A grunt from what fell, Bakugou shoving away his overly affectionate dragon, that playfully snaps at his hands to keep him from looking as if Urid wasn't ready for him to see just yet.
Bakugou wins the battle of wits for now and ducks under his large snout, shocked to see a woman in fine clothing now covered in dust.
You jump to her feet, eyes blazing spotting the infamous Dragon King that the surrounding kingdoms had warned you of.
"You!" And if she could breathe fire like Katsuki could, he was sure his clothes would have been set aflame. You point, teeth bared and a cut in your dress from how Urid snatched you but no blood that Katsuki can see. He growls at his dragon, smoke and some flame escapes his own bared teeth.
You step towards him still shouting in your mother tongue, uncaring if he understood or not.
But Katsuki knew every tongue of both the mother land and his vast island and isles.
"You've kidnapped me for what? To take me as your wife? You are nothing but a barbarian as the rumors say. Pillaging and prowling like some fucking dog , taking, stealing and wetting your dick where you can! Return me at once you SWINE!"
Bakugou's temper flares, looking you over more closely now that he knows you're uninjured aside from the blood trickling over your brow from how you were dropped or taken. Your soft hands scratched most likely from trying to beat on Urid as if your delicate skin could do any damage to a dragon. You're dressed in fine but dark silk. Black as if you mourn but you are missing a veil, you were young, around his age of early twenties but Katsuki knew the mother land has dated traditions of marrying women off much younger than yourself. The thickness and style of your dress indicates you were at the southern sea of the mother land, your accent gives hint to that as well, summer was cooling for your land but still would hold Katsuki's for most of the year, only a few months would be a harsh winter, which left the land an abundance of clean water source for his people and the animals that roamed.
The jewels sewn into your dress spoke to your ranking, although Bakugou didn't care much for the court systems in the mother lands, the only ones he knew by name were King, Queen, Prince and Princess. Keeping those words in the back of his mind debating if a war would be worth the burden on his people.
"Is that anyway for a lady of 'high class' to speak?" He laughs, knowing their stupid customs and it makes you growl.
"In any circumstance my tongue is this bitter and sharp."
"I can tell, husband must not know how to fuck."
But yes something like this? I said I wasn't gonna write it and yet here I am 😂
Anyway eventually the dragon pushes reader with it's tail and Bakugou with his snout closer together in a "NOW KISS" meme fashion 😂
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trashbin-nie · 2 years
Someone on TT made a video claiming that if you criticize/hate Endeavor for his parenting you should hold that same energy, and criticize Mitsuki Bakugou for hers; to which I offer this point.
We see very little of Mitsuki in the anime/manga until more recently which I think, since we don't see too much of how they (katsuki and mitsuki) interact as a normal family unit it allows us to form this illusion or ideology that she is a perfect parent, which is very obviously not the case.
However, I think to compare Mitsuki to Enji is like comparing apples to a garbage fire. You can very obviously tell that Mitsuki loves her son. We see that in the way she tells Aizawa and All Might how she knew the praise that Katsuki got as a child turned him into the ego maniac that he was, and partially still is, and she acknowledges the changes in his personality since Starting at U.A. and how much it has helped him grow as a person. She wants her son to succeed, but she sees the mistakes that she made along the way.
Obviously I don't think she should have hit katsuki and told him he was "weak" and that "if he were stronger he wouldn't have gotten kidnapped in the first place" that was kinda fucked up he's only 16, but i feel she believes that comes from a place of encouragement and worry because she knows Katsuki doesn't respond to heartfelt emotions, or just any emotion other than calm and pure rage, very well, and he cant handle his own emotions, but that does not excuse her actions at all. We all know he is emotionally constipated and that is partially because of how he was raised.
The dynamic between Katsuki and Mitsuki is also something you need to consider, because of his brash and abrasive personality and Mitsuki's equally as abrasive one they are on more of an equal playing field.
Comparing Mitsuki to Enji is something that doesn't really line up to me, but again Enji's abuse of all of his children is handed to you on a silver platter, which I am going to bullet now because there is just so much and I don't want to get all up into why Enji sucks as a person, and parent. This is a criticism of a comparison, and so a list of Enji's abuse.
-He had one child, and was ok until he realized that because his wife had. An ice quirk, his first son's flame quirk ended up doing nothing but harm him. May have caused Enji trauma.
-He then decided to tell him that he could never be a hero, and made it his life's mission to have the perfect child.
-First Fuyumi. Ended up being an ice user. Not perfect, try again
-Natsuo, ice user. Wrong doesn't have both, try again.
-Shoto. This is where everything changes; he finally has his prodigy, and neglects his three other children.
Touya spends his days training trying to gain his fathers approval which he never gets and burns himself alive due to the overwhelming emotion and lack of outlet and pain he has put himself through and his father had caused him, and he became a villain (dabi) because of his childhood thinking no one cares about him, and ends up despising his father, and Shoto purely because shoto got what he (touya) always wanted
Instead of letting Shoto socialize he isolates him from his whole family and as a result he becomes socially inept and awkward (i love shoto but it's true) and after years of abuse from her husband, Rei (who i genuinely despise) throws scalding hot tea water on his face scarring him forever.
Shoto then spends his days being worked to the bone from the age of five until he turned 16. For eleven years he's been isolated from his family and denied any chance at making friends and learning basic social skills, and develops an anger that he doesn't know how to deal with and nearly injures himself due to his refusal to use all of his quirk, because his father only saw, and treated him as a tool to reach a goal that Enji himself did not have the ability to achieve.
The dynamics of the two are entirely different. Where Mitsuki and Bakugou have always been on a pretty even playing field, when it comes to Enji and Shoto (and his whole family quite frankly) there is a clear definitive line between the abuser and the person/people being abused.
I guess my point is to compare the two is entirely ignorant, and while everyone has the right to their opinion on this topic and any other topic, it is completely ignorant and in bad taste to compare Enji Todoroki, to Mitsuki Bakugou.
However, there is one thing we can all agree on: Inko Midoriya is an absolute angel and deserves the whole world on a silver platter.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk! I like hearing opinions so if you have any PLEASE PLEASE don't hesitate to comment I will read it and maybe you have a different opinion i love seeing different perspectives please send em my way!
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||The missing demon butterfly||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with a silly drabble for my friend @demon-blood-youths. So lets say after the beatdown and being proven wrong by Ashley, Bakugo has been told his own way and got his ass handed to him. So it’s been a few days that things seem to be normal again only to find out he was looking for her. What could be the reason? Read to find out!
~~Guests in this Drabble~~
Demon mun’s muses (They belong to her)
Joshua and his Knights of darkness
Ink and the DBT
Some of the Devils(They are guardians/teachers of the others) will be mentioned here
My muses (They are mine)
Bakugo, Midoriya, and Shoto (From MHA anime and manga but also me due to rping him as a muse)
Ashley and her shallow butterflies
Some of my devils/teachers/guardians will be also mentioned here/their like guardians or teachers in the MHA verse world
Jinx and her cursed vixens
Yuuka with her Dark Eclipse nightshades.
((Their is going to be grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you enjoy))
It was another cold but nice morning today with the light rain coming through for the last two days. The Fractions were doing well staying warm while also preparing for new adventures. Seems everything was doing well till this morning...
Ashley butterfly, leader and founder of the Shallow butterflies was standing in shock while looking nervous at the one at the door. She was just done making breakfast for her team when answering the door.
“You fucking heard me! “Bakugo Katsuki was standing there while wearing a jacket but he was alone to speak to her. The guys were shocked hearing this that they even stood paralyzed. Sighing, he looks at Ashley now annoyed but keeps his cool after the beat down he got from her.
“Tch, listen. I...wanted to say sorry alright? I shouldn’t have been a ass to you so there!” He glares to make Ashley tense up but he stops to look away. “And..to say sorry, I’m taking you out on a sorry date! Just one dumb date alright!?” he really was looking annoyed but Ashley slowly lowers her hands to see this.
“..I....umm..b..b...Bakugo, you k..know I can just t..t..take the sorry. Their i..is no need t..to go that far-”
“WELL I’M GOING TO! I’ll pick you up later so be ready!” He shouts but turns to leave to Ashley standing there but blinks confused. All she did was close the door but was worried.
“I..I wo..wonder what that w..was about..” she mutters nervously but her team was worried but looks at one another then at her.
“Ash? Your not going are you? I mean...He’s..well....rude and he don’t seem to understand.” she heard T-bone say this but she looks worried to feel Timmy hug her worried.
“I..I’m not. I mean..I..I could have taken the s..s..sorry. That would have been f.f..fine..” she mutters. “T..though, he might st..still come and take m..me on one a..anyway...” she was worried.
“Well, he also needs to learn about dating too. I’m sure he’ll forget later..” Hex said but Ashley blinks to sigh. She was hoping that’s the case. The sorry was enough so he didn’t have to do that.
~~Later the next day~~
“I’m telling you Ink, pancake muffins are the best! Melinda seems to add a lot of things in them!” Jinx was giggling while she and her fraction was hanging out with the DBT today. They had their usual hang out with everyone either eating some muffins Melinda brought over, some was playing video games or some chatting about things.
“These are pretty good though!!! I can’t believe she even made these!” Ink smiled eating a few but saw Breezy and Rust playing SMBU together with some of the members cheering or watching.
“Ha! Almost got ya!” Rust was smashing buttons with Breezy doing the same focused as she had her main Link fighting Rust’s main before she did a grab and was hitting his character.
“Seems like I got ya this time Rust!” she laughed smashing buttons.
“NO NO NO NO NO!!” Rust was fighting back as the two were fighting. However, he saw her take his character out, showing her victory.
“Damn it!”
“YES!” She giggled to fist pump but Rust looks at her but Looks to rust. “I win again!” she winks but he looks to ruffle his blond hair.
“Ugghhhh Not yet! I want a rematch!” he said pointing but Breezy snickered ready to go again. That’s when they heard a little explosion to see Echo and Navarro working on something together as she was tinkering with some things. She had some goggles on while working but Navarro was helping her wearing goggles too. That and Mouse and Fosh making a new server for hackers like them. It was something that was rebuilt due to him helping her remake hers when it was heavily hacked way back.
Seems everyone was having fun which was nice but that’s when a rapid knocking was heard to make everyone look up. “Hmm? Who could that be?” Mouse asked. “I’ll be back Fosh.”
“Alright.” He saw her get up but to answer the door. When she did, a few boys falls to land on the ground as Mouse jumps back startled a little as they groan from the fall. “Uhhhh wait Hex? Is that you?” she asked but He along with others were wearing their winter coats and gloves as he sits up rubbing his head.
“Mouse! Guys! We have a situation here!” He said that everyone looks with Ophelia going over.
“What’s the problem?” she said to see some helping the boys up but T-bone decided to answer.
“It’s Ash..”
“Huh? Did something happen to Ash?” Vivi asked with Shdwkyz beside her.
“That’s the thing..she’s missing!.....”
A record scratched hearing this that everyone was either shocked, silent, but even really confused. All their responses was the same.
~~Moments later~~
From that morning to the afternoon, they were looking around all of NYC to try finding the butterfly demon. They looked in their own destinations to hidden places and other things leaving them worried.
Even Rex heard of this and the same for Joshua. “Where could she be?! She was at home this morning right???? How in the world could she have disappeared like that!” Rex was worried while seeing the others meeting up once more after looking. Both Fosh and Mouse was hacking the cameras trying to find something but nothing yet.
“I don’t know! We were all doing some training and headed out to get things she needed from the store. We came back and she was gone!” T-bone said worried as Rex glares.
“And you didn’t have someone stay with her?”
“She said she was going to be fine! We had no idea someone would kidnap her!” Hiroshi said but the others think.
“But it’s weird. Who would even kidnap her.” Jinx with her arms crossed think about it but that was strange. How in the world could she have disappeared like this. They just hope to find her.
“She must be so scared though. Who knows what she could be going through! Or who was hurting her!” Joshua said panicking but his team calms him down while Melinda looks to him.
“Don’t worry Joshua. I’m sure we will find her. She can’t have gone far.” she reassures they will find her. She had to still be in NYC.
“Right now, we all need to stay calm and look for her soon. She has to be close somewhere. She couldn’t have gone far.” Shdwkyz said with Vivi nodding to agree. Surely she was close and maybe just been taken somewhere close. For now, they just kept looking around trying to find her all that afternoon.
They were trying to calm Cal down when he saw his heir was taken or kidnapped! who dares take the next heir in line of his daughter!? He was already shouting and panicking waking back and forth with Vanity watching him but sighed with eyes closed.
“Calm down Cal. I’m sure she’s safe and will be found-”
“I DON’T KNOW THAT! My poor Ash. She must be scared or worse! She’s already scared and having a weak immune system so I don’t need some idiot harming her!” he was gripping some tissue worried as the other guardians watching him.
“Why are you freaking out? She is going to be fine geez-”
“Shut up you! You don’t know that!” He points to Caym who glares back. The others sighed seeing Cal freaking out worried but they saw one of them pet his shoulder. “Come on Cal, she’s going to be alright. I’m sure the others will find her.” He heard Minx said seeing him nod.
“Right, thanks Minx. I Just hope she’s alright..” he sighed to go sit down but Vanity had some of his men make some tea to help calm everyone down. So far they kept looking for her for the time being but nothing came up. This worried him even more that this kept going into two weeks. Making others fear for the worst.
~~Later that evening after two weeks of looking~~
Everyone was tired but looks to see they been looking. Joshua was really really worried fearing the worst that someone did more than kidnapped her. Rex was sitting by him but he was covering his face.
“Ashley...where are you?” he whispered but Rex sighed to pat his back.
“Calm down, Joshua. I’m just as worried about her too. I’m praying she pops up soon. WE can’t give up. We just need to keep looking.” he said to him but he just looked down as the others saw he was really worried. As they were taking a break from looking again, it seems they were going to rest for the night until...
“GUYS!! GUYS I GOT SOMETHING!!” Joshua and Rex looks over seeing Mouse standing up showing on the Tablet computer showing a red dot beeping.
“She’s right. We tracked down some deeper trails and it seems she might be here! We might have found her!” Fosh said seeing everyone having hope.
“Then what are we waiting for?! Lets go find her!” he said as everyone was rushing to that location.
~~At that location~~
“BAKUGO ARE YOU STUPID, WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED ASHLEY!? Do you know how the others will feel from this! Even worse when seeing she was badly hurt!” Momo with the others were worried seeing him sitting but he glares.
“SHUT UP! I DIDN’T KIDNAP HER! I JUST DEMANDED FOR HER TO TRAIN ME AND THEN OFFERED TO TAKE HER OUT AS A SORRY! It’s not my fault she suddenly got sick during the two weeks! Or hurt after some villain tried to kill her!!!” he said angry seeing Ashley sleeping but she was indeed sick with a cold cloth on her forehead.
“You do realize that you could have called her friends or told us so we can tell them! We were just finding out you had here hiding here all that time!” Mina said that Bakugo glares.
“LOOK! I didn’t know he was going to be sick! Second, I didn’t make her sick I have no idea why she got this sick!” he shouted but he looks to see Ashley sleeping still being covered with a blanket.
“Oh dear, the others are not going to like this. Her brother is going to be furious with you for this..”
“I don’t care! I’m sure I can explain if he-” Suddenly, their was rapid knocking seeing the class blink and go to answer the door. “Now who could that-.” she looks to see Yuuka but she sighed to see. “I should have guessed-”
“HI there! Remember us!?” Ink waves smiling that Momo blinks to sweatdrops.
“Ummm, Yes. We all remember you.” she said nervous seeing them.
“I get the feeling your here to pick up Ummm Ashley right?” Momo said nervous but Ink blinks.
“Huh, how did you know we were here to-” that’s when she moves letting them inside to see the class but also seeing Bakugo sitting by Ashley who was laying down.
“ASH!” Her team rushes over worried but see her sleeping. Hex checks but sees that she was sick while looking worried seeing some bandages on her.
“What the hell did you do to our leader!?” T-bone said grabbing Bakugo to lift him up off the ground since to him being strong.
“HEY, I DIDN’T DO SHIT TO HER!!” he shouted but T-bone drops him mad that Rex walks over but aims his sword at him.
“Explain. You had her here for two weeks!? Everyone has been worried about her due to disappearing. We thought something happened to her and it seems something did! Why does she have bandages on her!!!” He said mad that his team calms him down worried. Bakugo glares but sees the blade lowered.
“Tch, I just borrowed her for something! I asked for her to train me but then I was just trying to say sorry for what happened. So, I tried to take her out on a date and-”
“A DATE!? YOU WERE TRYING TO TAKE HER OUT ON A DATE!!” He saw Joshua mad at him but he was worried about Ashley. “Why would you take her that way! You kidnapped her if you were borrowing her! She’s been missing for two weeks! TWO WEEKS!” he said looking at him.
“AGAIN, I JUST TRIED TO SAY SORRY!? I was taking her out on a fighting date to have her train me! So then I offered to take her out as another thank you but we got attacked! Second, why the hell do you care!?” he shouted at Joshua but Rex gets in between them to stop them. Hex looks but sighed.
“I care because she has a weak immune system!” Joshua explains but everyone looks at him even Rex.
“How did you know that?” he asked calmly to Joshua.
“Because she told me. She has a really weak immune system and tends to get sick during the season changing. She must have gotten sick before she went missing. I usually get her something to help her stay warm or cool so she don’t get sick. That and her quirk is weakened during the few days.” Joshua said.
“I mean, after a few days she’s fine after rest but it only happens from time to time.” He was worried to look at Ashley who was resting.
“So that’s why she was sick. We didn’t know she had that.” Izuku said but Rex sighed.
“He’s right. She was born with a weak immune system but she’s trying to find ways to strengthen it. But still..” he glares at Bakugo again. “You should have took her home when that happened and yet you kept her here.”
“I didn’t know!”
“You should have known! If something was wrong, you should have took her home Bakugo!” Yuu was not happy hearing this but he only looked away since this was unlike him. Though, seems the beatdown got to him a lot. Even so!
“Second, why didn’t you call her team or one of us to let us know where she was!” Yuuka said at him but he glares.
“Because I was not expecting her to get sick! Geez, why don’t you get off my back!” he shouted.
“And why is she hurt?” Hiroshi asked.
“It seems villains attacked them during this ‘date attempt’ but she got hurt by the fight. We didn’t know any of this because he kept it secret till we found out.” Shoto explains.
Rex still was furious but as the others tried to calm him down, a weak whine was heard that Joshua saw her waking up slowly to turn her head. He goes to carefully keep the cold rag on her forehead.
“Easy Ash....it’s alright.” he said but she slowly opens her eyes to look hearing a familiar voice. Her eyes were alright but she did look sick to sniff.
“Gu...guys? J..Joshua? Is that you? Where d..did you come from?” she mutters but he sighed to pet her head.
“Lets just say we are here to take you home so you can get some proper care..” He said but she coughs softly to close her eyes. The others got worried but looks to the others.
“Y..You are? I..I’m s..sorry. B..bakugo told me..”
“Shhhh..you don’t have to explain...we are all just glad your alright.” He said but she only blinks to relax while coughing softly again.
“It seems she’s too weak to move right now from scanning some broken bones and other things.” Hex said worried. “ For now, she’ll have to stay here till she is better and safe to move..”
“Again, we are so sorry. We wish Bakugo told us about this.  We can offer you guys to stay for a few days if you like.” Momo didn’t want them to get angry for this but even she was mad. Bakugo should have said something or told one of her friends about this.
“....That’s fine. That way we can help take care of her.” He said but the others agreed. While they were thinking about that, Rex senses Joshua still near his baby sister. Though, he was happy to know they found her. 
And so, Ashley was indeed found and safe but she was really sick. They had to stay for a few days till Ashley was safe to move. Joshua even helped Ophelia, Hex, and Swan with the healing and monitoring her during the time. However, Bakguo got beaten up again by Rex for him doing this. Even Cal who was informed a few hours later was spoken to but they were happy knowing she’s safe. For that time, Joshua was the only one remaining by her that when everyone was sleeping, Ashley slowly woke up blinking as she felt sleepy.
She looks to see she was still covered by a blanket then turns her head to see a sleeping Joshua by her bed side. “......” she knew he with the others were worried about her but all she did was lightly smile to hold his hand before closing her eyes. She did say this to him that she was sorry for worrying him and them. She didn’t know she would get sick but she was alright now.
Laying back down, she goes back to sleep while her hand rested on top of his. However, a green vine grew to wrap around their hands with a flower of two blooming. For now, she was found and recovering now.
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bellsarefun · 4 years
𝕯𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈 (Dragon! Bakugo x Reader)
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【summary:(Y/N) (L/N) lives a surprisingly domestic life alongside her husband, the powerful hot-headed dragon Katsuki Bakugo.】
【pairing:Dragon! Katsuki Bakugo x Female! Reader】
【rating:PG-13 — All characters featured in this story have been aged up over eighteen. Also, there is gore and blood in this, so if you are upset by that this isn’t for you.】
【word count:2.6k 】
【Next Chapter: Part 2】
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(Y/N)’s hands kneaded soft, fluffy, pale dough on a stone counter top fitted in smooth grey stone, the flour falling like snow on her pale beige apron. Her mind wandered with the routine task; make the bread, let it rise, and then bake for one hour—she had done it all before.
Grabbing a nearby bread pan, she eased the freshly kneaded dough into the oak wood bowl. Her hands wiping the bits and pieces of stray batter on the fabric apron tied tightly around her waist. Once she had cleaned them in a nearby water basin, she laid a tea towel over the mouth of the bowl to rise for a few hours.
‘Finally, done. I can take a minute to relax.’ The woman thought to herself, untying the nice bow created by the laces of her apron. ‘Let’s hope he doesn’t get back early.’
Hanging the apron on a nearby hook near the entrance to the makeshift kitchen, she stretched her arms high over her head. Her neck muscles protested angrily as they were strained, but she smiled at the relief shooting across her form.
She looked around the kitchen, her (E/C) eyes scanning the beaten stone counter tops, the haphazardly hanging plants from the ceiling, and scratched wooden shelves for any sign of misplacement or grime. The rocky interior walls casted dancing shadows from the many flickering candles around the room.
Satisfied with her keen observation, she hummed to herself contently. Her feet spinning on their heels as she walked out of the kitchen, making a mental note to light the slab, stone oven afterward.
The kitchen lead into a larger room, large wooden support beams held up the ceiling in every corner. There was a large rounded bed pressed against the wall to her left, large furs and pelts were piled in a heap on the bed. On the farthest wall led a corridor where bright sunlight streamed through from the outside—a stairway could be seen in the corridor leading into a dimly lid spiral down.
(Y/N) noted a few of the candles had blown out in the room, presumably the breeze from outside had extinguished the weak flames. She sighed to herself, straightening out her white blouse and suspenders while she moved to a small table across from the bed.
A small green book embroidered with gold detailing waited for her on the scratched dark wood of the table. Her hands picking up the book she seated herself on one of the chairs, but she soon felt herself falling back onto the cold ground with a painful thud.
(Y/N) groaned, holding the side of her head carefully as the world spun around her in a warm blur. Her eyes managing to focus on the chair who had spitefully broken under her the moment she sat down.
“For fucks sake, of course.” She cursed under her breath, using her elbows to hoist herself up from her spot on the floor. Her hand searching for the book that had been flung from her hand, finding it a few feet away.
Looking at the chair, one of the legs had given out and the scratched up, claw-marked, and singed wood wasn’t able to hold weight any longer. It was a wonder how it didn’t break sooner.
“Fucker almost killed me.” (Y/N) voiced allowed to no one in particular, the stabbing pain in her head not receding and only increasing as she pushed herself to standing.
‘I really need to find other furniture that the ones he steals from his raids. A new set of chairs is something I’d pay money for.’ She thought to herself, running a through her hair and picking out pieces of dirt and splinters from her (H/C) locks.
A large roar shook the entire inside of the cave, the forceful vibration almost sending (Y/N) tumbling once again. The book nearly falling from her grasp, but this time she clenched it tightly in her fingers. The sound of scraping stone echoed wildly in (Y/N)’s ears, her face scrunching up at the unpleasant sound.
Her hand was quickly placed on the rocky wall beside her, watching the furniture, that had been fashioned to the wall with wires, to make sure nothing broke. ‘That bastard just had to come now.’
“Tiny! Where the fuck are you? I’m back if you hadn’t noticed.” The loud booming voice emanated from the corridor, the pissed of tone making (Y/N) roll her eyes. She scrambled to the doorway of the kitchen, her book forgotten on the table, and she checked to make sure the bread bowl hadn’t fallen off the counter—luckily, it hadn’t.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, you impatient bastard wait one minute!” (Y/N) called back to the voice, her eye brows narrowing as she noticed the plates and bowls that had fallen from their wooden shelves.
“Whaa? You calling me a bastard, you better watch your fucking mouth, human.” The voice responded sourly, the unmistakable growl that edged it’s way into the tone making (Y/N) chuckle lightly to herself.
She walked toward the corridor of the room, noting that most of the candles has blown out in the rumbling. The rocky hallway was rather small and led into a larger cave with a ceiling that stretched meters above her head. There were no stalactites, like they had been broken off purposely.
Sunlight streamed into the large cave from outside, giving it enough natural light to see around without any aid of candles or lanterns. In the corner of the cave sitting with his legs crossed, his hands tearing at the meat of a freshly killed deer, was Bakugo.
(Y/N) rubbed the back of her neck in defeat, seeing the blood already beginning to pool around the carcass of the poor animal.
“I’m here and already, you’ve made a mess.” She commented in disgust, walking over to the man as he turned around to face her—lips and cheeks smeared with thick red blood.
Bakugo swallowed the meat in his mouth, the hind leg of the deer had been ripped off the animal and was being held in his hands.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re a fucking clean freak.” He retorted, his mouth opening and taking a large squelching bite of the raw meat. “Only humans would worry about shit like this.”
(Y/N) hummed, rolling her eyes as she scanned him up and down—he would definitely need a bath after he was done his “meal.” The blood soaked into his pants and the beautiful white fur of his long red cloak around his shoulders. The red sticky ooze seeped over his toned, muscled body.
“If you’re eating all of it, just give me tender loins to cook please.” (Y/N) sighed defeatedly, the smell of raw bloody meat hitting her nostrils in an unrelenting attack of metal and gore. 
“You humans and your risk of worms.” He grumbled under his breath, his hand reached toward the back of the deer and shoved his hand into the back—through the pelt. (Y/N) winced at the sound of his hand pulling out the two strips of meat, his other hand shoving another mouthful of meat into his mouth. No matter how much (Y/N) has seen him rip flesh from bone, it still made her nauseous sometimes.
“You’re looking green, Tiny. Go back inside, if you’re going to vomit your insides out again.” Bakugo said, his crimson eyes scanning up and down (Y/N)’s pale face. His hand threw over the two pieces of tenderloin, the meat landing on the ground with a splat.
(Y/N) nodded her head silently, crouching down and delicately picking up the strips of deer. The blood was still warm in her palms and she groaned at the thought of getting the red stains on her nice blouse.
“If any of this gets on my shirt, I’m slipping laxative in your water.” (Y/N) threatened, hurrying toward the corridor once again and she heard the outraged exclamation of Bakugo behind her. 
“You better not, fucking tiny ass human. I will rip your precious books to smithereens.” Bakugo shouted after her with a growl, the woman rolling her eyes around her skull in response.
“Okay, dragon boy, let’s see you fucking try. I’ll bleach your cape pink.” (Y/N) jabbed back, calling over her shoulder at Bakugo who continued to munch on the meat. She could hear him grumbling curses under his breath and she giggled softly to herself.
(Y/N) hurried through the corridor, through the room, and into the kitchen. She could see a drop of blood preparing to fall onto the floor she zoomed toward a clean bucket and dropped the meat into it. Her palms leaned on the counter for support, for some reason the smell of the fresh meat made her feel sick to her stomach.
She sharpened a knife and began trimming the meat on the counter. It wasn’t long after she heard Bakugo come stomping through the corridor and she leaned out of the door to see the muddy tracks behind him.
“Clean your shoes off next time, I swear you lived in a barn.” (Y/N) called out, her lips frowned at the sight of the freshly mopped floors being covered in brown muck. Bakugo paused, turning around to look at the mud he was dragging through the room before he smirked deviously.
“I was raised in a cave.” He said, continuing to stride toward (Y/N) with an evil glint in his eye and her frown turned down into a scowl. “What’s wrong, Tiny? You’re looking a little pissed off.”
(Y/N) sighed and shook her head, looking at the blood still wet on his body.
“Don’t take another step, clean off the blood. We have bathing pools for a reason, dipshit.” (Y/N) demanded, pointing her sharpened bloody knife toward him. Bakugo faltered for a moment, a dangerous frown forming on his face.
“I’m not fucking that filthy. I washed yesterday, just like you asked, remember?” Bakugo retorted, his arms crossing over his chest. (Y/N) hummed at his rather adorable expression and continued flaying the strips of white fat from the meat.
“You’re covered in blood, Katsuki Bakugo, and that means your washing.” (Y/N) said, her eyes glanced down where she was happy to see that her work was pretty much finished.
Bakugo rolled his eyes and grumbled his way back toward the corridor, she was pretty sure she heard a imitation of her own voice. She simply giggled and packaged the meat in parchment paper to save for stew later and dropped any dirty dishes in the sink-bucket.
He returned a few minutes later, dripping wet and clothes in his arms. Bakugo wasn’t wearing a thing and (Y/N) noticed right away, her face turning a lovely shade of rose red.
“Okay! That’s- No clothes- Your other shirts are in the dresser!” (Y/N) said, looking away from the spectacle of a naked Bakugo. She heard his footsteps approach her and felt strong arms wrap tightly around her waist, pulling her snugly against him.
“I’ll get changed later.” He muttered against her skin, the warmth of his breath tickling the skin of her neck. “Nothing happened while I was gone?” (Y/N) was frozen in her spot, the feeling of the water dampening in her back, and her face flushing with a beautiful color of red.
“N-Nothing, the den’s been quiet as ever.” (Y/N) answered, her voice stuttering at the beginning but she managed to focus on the cutting board in front of her. “No one’s touched your precious gold horde.”
Bakugo hummed, his chin resting on top of her head, and he snuggled his face into her hair. His hands wandered about her waist, his toned chest pressing against the small of her back.
“I wasn’t worried about the gold.” He muttered quietly, the growl at the end of his voice made (Y/N)’s arms explode in goose bumps. “You smell different, tiny. Did you use the milk soap you bought a while ago?”
She paused for a moment.
“No? My smell changed?” (Y/N) asked, she had never really gotten used to the draconic abilities of her husband. Bakugo nipped at her earlobe absentmindedly, he’d always held this animalistic quality that he brought everywhere in their relationship.
“Your cinnamon smell is just different, alright? It smells like milk mixed with cinnamon.” Bakugo said, his eyes watched her hands move rhythmically as she finished up ridding the meat of any fatty tissue.
“I still don’t know why you humans are so picky.” Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head as let go of her waist and walked out of the kitchen in order to hopefully put some pants on.
“The fatty parts make the meat chewy.” (Y/N) said honestly, her eyes glanced over to Bakugo’s form but she refused to look for long—the blazing warmth in her cheeks forcing her too.
The conversation continued for awhile, (Y/N) was busily hurrying around the kitchen and chopping vegetables for the stew. Bakugo was making himself useful and watching her whisking around the kitchen from his spot sitting on one of the counters.
The stew shimmered on top of the stone oven, the bread was baking in the rocky blazing insides happily. The smell permeated the air and the warm smell making (Y/N) sigh contentedly.
“Shitty hair and pink bitch want to come over for dinner, they want to taste human cooking.” Bakugo started, the subjects of his yapping changed like the wind—it could go from hating Midoriya, to how great he is, or how he caught the deer earlier.
“Of course, I said no-”
“Why don’t you invite them over? They haven’t been over since fall, the winter’s been tough on them.” (Y/N) said, stirring the stew in the pot and sprinkling in a few herbs and spices into the shimmering pot. Bakugo scoffed.
“Hell no! They’re messier than me. That shitty hair is really fucking annoying.” He retorted, his posture straightened to a stiff board, and he muttered quietly under his breath. “He’s always touching you.”
“What is it with you dragons? Always so overprotective of your ‘mates.’“ (Y/N) sighed, looking toward her husband who huffed and shoved himself off of the counter. His shimmering ruby eyes glaring darkly in her direction, stalking over to her.
“Mates are a big fucking deal, tiny, I’ve told you this before.” (Y/N) nodded her head, her lack of listening made Bakugo snatched her wrist and pulled her roughly against his body.
“Dragons mate forever. You are mine, forever, you fucking idiot.” He growled, her smaller body was pressed flush against his. (Y/N)’s eyes widened at his serious tone, he usually wasn’t this sentimental and she expected a scoff from him instead.
Her heart fluttered in het chest, a large smile crossing her features
“I understand, Katsuki.” (Y/N) simply said, embracing her husband close to her and enjoyed the peaceful moments that followed. Two years ago, she didn’t expect to find herself here and married to the dragon that had quite rudely crashed through her house—hurting himself in the process.
For months, she nursed him back to health and somehow managed to love him in that time. Now, there they are, two years later and married. If (Y/N)’s younger self had a conversation with older (Y/N), she was sure that younger her would call her insane.
“I love you, dragon boy.” She said softly, her hand running through his spikey blond hair. Bakugo huffed and he laughed cockily.
“Who doesn’t love me?” A swift jab to the ribs made him cough and he nipped at her neck in retaliation. “Heh, I love you, tiny human.”
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
the marriage contract
chapter one: [begin this journey.]
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— Just because your soulmate is Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t mean that he’s the one meant for you; in fact, he’s your worst enemy. With trouble brewing across the way, and with no one able to complete this job except you and Bakugou, there’s nothing you can do except go along with the mission. But wait, what?! You’re supposed to be married?!
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pairing: pro hero!bakugou katsuki x pro hero fem!reader
chapter warnings: cursing
word count: 4,093
a/n: in this enemies to lovers story, only you get to decide whether you remain enemies, or if you succeed in becoming lovers. the choice to make is at the end of the story, good luck :D also, background on your quirk (sorry, I had to give you a quirk in order for this to work the way i see fit.) I won’t lie, im really nervous about all this... hopefully this is fun and won’t come and bite me in the ass.
Quirk: Water Sprout - using water from your body, you are able to extract and then use the water (that comes from your body or has come in direct contact with your fingertips) freely. Drawbacks include constant dehydration, dizziness, headaches.
bolded choice is the answer. ~ {masterlist}
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[Begin this journey.]     [Turn back now.]
relationship status: enemies.
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“You’re fucking with me, right?”
Cosmic and gods, there was nothing in this world that proved these existed.
Nothing in this world could show the nonbeliever that there was an outside force in the world that made people suspect that there were otherworldly ties. Not the appearance of quirks, which was proven to be a genetic mutation as part of humans' evolution, and even the sudden and ancient appearance of The Contract did anything to solidify this - well, at least to some.
Quirks were easy to understand.
Powers, drawbacks, uniqueness.
Oh, it was something that was still so new to the world that people enjoyed it so, but for The Contract, oh how that was different.
The Contract was what was the name of the world wide know phenomenon more known merely as soulmates. Everyone had a fated one, and you would know who they were because every once in a while, a simple choice would appear before you.
A this or that situation.
You would pick one of the options, and somewhere out in the world, there was a person who, despite their own free will, would succumb to your choice. It was as simple as choosing to make someone double knot or single knot their shoes, or sometimes as hard as pulling the plug on a stranger, you had no idea existed. But it had been generations since it had first appeared, and people had grown to accept the inevitable. Which, in turn, brought out new problems.
Soulmates, while fundamentally and theoretically excellent and good, seemed to shock people by the work that needed to be put into them to succeed. Two souls that were perfect for each other didn’t guarantee two people were perfect for one another. The blind, false, true love these people bragged and teetered on was ridiculous and often led to horrible breaks within soulmate bonds. People did not understand that soulmates - just as any other relationship - needed time to fester and grow. It wasn’t an over the counter remedy, it was two people trying to find similarities other than the gods and the cosmics wanting this.
It was rather rough, to say the least.
Most people didn’t mind the growth, waiting for their soulmate to become the person meant for them. Others, well, you were the perfect example of it.
Your entire life, you had thought your soulmate was an asshole, well, scratch that, he IS an asshole. Every chance he got, he would always pick the worst of the two options. He chose for you to reject pursuers in your school days, to trip your siblings, to yell at your parents when you were upset. He picked for you to get up early in middle school and train, to study for tests right when you were about to go out with friends. He was obviously picking the worst things for you (not that you were any better), and so by the bitter age of fifteen when you were put into Shiketsu High School, you were glad to pledge to be someone who wouldn’t accept the soulmate shit for anything.
If he was your soulmate, so be it, but he would never be your lover.
Things in high school and your last year of middle school went reasonably well, the choices the two of you had to make were simple enough. The worst one you remember seeing late one night at the beginning of summer break during your last year of middle school, two options illuminating before you.
[Accept his offer.]     [Decline his offer.]
There was no context for your choice.
But there had been a pit in your stomach, something telling you to chose the bottom one, and you did. Nothing consequential came from that, and you forgot about it with time.
High school went on with usual choices; both of you continue to choose the lesser of two options from what you could tell. The worst thing was rejecting your senior who had asked you out on a date (something he had told you to keep a secret from the school officials), and you had really wanted to go on a date with him… but nonetheless, you survived. Fresh out of high school with your official Hero License under your belt, you had been accepted into Rising Agency, a very new agency founded by a class older than you over at Yuuei - Class 1-A.
The prominent faces being hero Deku, Ground Zero, and Shouto.
Somehow you had passed the interview selection and had been accepted, and your first day went horribly. On account of your quirk, Water Sprout, you had woken up with a mouth drier than a desert, and like you always did, you grabbed your liter bottle and went to chug.
Only two options popped before your eyes the moment you moved the water to your parched mouth.
[Spill the water.]     [Safely drink the water.]
You had tried your hardest to get your lip to the opening, but you knew better. During the time The Contract appeared, time literally froze. Your soulmate was given up to fifteen seconds to choose the answer before the first choice was automatically selected. You had tried to suppress the scream at the back of your throat when the cold, cold water came splashing down on your chest. Spraying all over your bed.
The scream you made when you were soaked to the bone no doubt made your soulmate smile wherever he was.
So you were glad when his options appeared before you a few minutes later.
[Break the sink faucet.]      [Turn off the water.]
With a sniff, you held no remorse when your hand jammed out and hit the option he deserved.
You had arrived at the agency's front door within the next hour, your most formal business clothes were worn fresh and sharp. Your hand held your case with your hero costume and nerves at your stomach. This was it, you had thought, your hands sweating profusely, your mouth so dry you felt faint, and with a quick chug of your water, you entered the facility.
The agency smelled like Pine-Sol and sweets, and you found the front desk immediately but were off-put by a man who was already there. His back hunched over, arms crossed, and placed onto the counter as he seemed to be arguing with the receptionist.
Nearer and nearer you drew, and the more you began to recognize just who the man was: Ground Zero.
Calm down, calm down, calm down.
Your heart hammered viciously in your chest as you were finally in earshot of the conversation - it seemed that he was fighting over his new time slots for his routine patrols. But you were no stranger to his… vivacious temperament, and instead of addressing him first, you figured it was in the best interest to simply ask the receptionist what your first steps should be.
But as you opened up your mouth, your internal monologue of what to say blaring on repeat so that you wouldn’t mess up, the world froze, and you panicked.
[Ace the introduction.]      [Fumble the introduction.]
The world was still for five seconds, but never did you ever once experience someone moving within The Contract. So, when Ground Zero’s hand moved and punched in an option that was mirrored right in front of your mouth, you immediately felt the blood in your cheeks from seeing him recoil back to your heart faster than you could blink.
“Hi, I’m Hero, and I’m new? I’m looking for the y/l/n room?”
Horror struck through you immediately at the realization.
Ground Zero was yours...?
He was your…?!
You saw red.
“Hah? What kind of introduction was -- WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Your fist throbbed pathetically still curled near his face, and Ground Zero’s blazing, burning red gaze matched the blood pouring from his busted nose as you panted like a corned animal.
So went your first interaction with your soulmate.
Your fist connecting and shattering his nose. Three of his friends holding him back, and three trying to escort you away quickly. It was indeed one for the books.
But that was three years ago, and at the age of twenty-one, you could still not handle the sight, or the presence of your soulmate, and vice versa. The both of you were like oil and water, conflicting and fighting whenever left together for too long, unable to get along. He was not meant for you, and you were not meant for him - it was evident like night and day.
Right decisions were made, however, once knowing who the other one was. The both of you taking track of each other’s patrol schedules to make sure good choices were made at that time, just in case, but as soon as the other was off, payback was a bitch. The entire agency had learned that both of you were soulmates the same day the both of you found out, and there were actual looks of sorrow given to you from his friends?!
Not to mention that his nickname for you was bedwetter now, something that both infuriated and embarrassed you to this day.
Both of you were separated at all times, never once having to work together, that is, until today. A time where we find ourselves back in the beginning.
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
A part of you wanted to roll your eyes at Bakugou’s quip, but in all consideration, you agreed with him ultimately.
“Unfortunately, I’m not,” Yaoyorozu sighed, her mouth pinched and her hands passing both you and Bakugou a small stack of documents for you to read over. You took your file after placing your water bottle down and opened it immediately as Yaoyorozu continued to speak. “Kane, Bryan is an American man who has recently been on Japan’s watchlist. He is highly dangerous, evasive, and a hard man to pin anything on… all we know is that innocent people are going missing when they enter his land, and undercover heroes end up in the sea with no memories, or worse, dead.”
That took you by surprise, and your stomach twisted at that thought.
Heroes have turned up dead?
“I don’t doubt the seriousness that this Kane man brings, but no offense, Creati, why does it have to be a mission for Ground Zero and I?” you asked, your eyes flittering from the blurred photo of the man on your page onto the slightly frowning commandeer of this agency. “We aren’t exactly… a good fighting duo? If what I think you’re asking is correct, why not send in Deku and Ground Zero? They have the best duo track record, I’m sure that they’ll be able to apprehend this man better and faster than we can.”
Yaoyorozu sighed, her teeth tugging at her bottom lip while her fingers drummed on the table, obviously not comfortable telling the full explanation.
“Well, to be honest, he stays on a remote island nearby, and it’s very exclusive.”
You owlishly blinked at Yaoyorozu, who straightened in her chair, a new air of confidence flowing through her that made you almost ask if a choice had been made for her.
“Kane owns a private island that is known for its resort, and to enter the resort, there must be two truths to this,” her eyes were holding yours for a moment, they were deep, so dark that for a second you felt fear tickle at the back of your spine before she turned her attention over to Bakugou. “One: those who may enter must be in a romantic relationship.”
“Two: they must be soulmates.”
You blinked, your head snapping over at Bakugou, who had yelled the same words as you did, obviously not impressed with what they were now enforcing. Oh god, this was not what you were thinking at all!
“Why the hell does it have to check off those two boxes? I’m not going somewhere obviously dangerous and in the middle of nowhere with bed wetter!” Bakugou growled, his feet planted onto the floor as he had his upper lip pulled into a sour face of sorts. “I’ll do it with literally anyone else, ponytail!”
“Unfortunately, that’s not an option,” she sighed, her hand pushing through her bangs with a sad shake of her head. She looked tired, and her exhaustive eyes rose to meet yours, and his, and her voice was weak and oh so pleading. “There is some way they can tell if you’re soulmates, and those we sent out who weren’t already soulmates never made it in. You two are quite literally our only option, without the two of you, we don’t stand a chance.”
“So, can we act as estranged lovers then?” you questioned, your stomach twisting in the thought of having to display any sort of romantic displays with the man sitting right next to you. “We can be a couple trying to work on our relationship?”
Yayorozu gulped.
“W-We actually made profiles for the two of you…”
“And?” came Bakugou’s near whisper.
“Y-You’ll be acting as a, well, a newly married couple. This is your honeymoon… I know you two don’t have a good history, and your on field teamwork has never been tried, but I’m pleading to you two now, please consider. You have until tomorrow to tell me if you accept.”
If there had been a choice that appeared for Bakugou to make you slam your head through the desk, you would have thanked him for choosing it.
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[Carry all the bags]     [Take only his bags.]
“Thank you!” you chirped with no pity for the situation you had just placed him in, the glint of a sneer flashing across Bakugou’s face was fierce as he took the bags of luggage the two of you had been given from your agency. This was it, it was starting.
The weight of what was to come of this was now starting to hit heavily, the importance of the diamond ring on your finger - a symbol of the fake marriage contract between you and Bakugou felt like a ton. There was no hiding the discomfort the both of you held when you had to act in love, your hand itching to leave his clammy, abnormally warm hands, and you never realized how he mumbled under his breath until you were forced to sit next to him on the private plane. But as you were given two days to prepare for this mission, it didn’t hit you what was happening until you unloaded from the plane.
From the initial observation of the island, you immediately recognized just why the owner was so elusive and able to keep his agenda hidden. The island's natural barriers were bright as day, the rocky mountains seemed entirely inhabitable, and the entire resort was located where the mountains met the beach. Tropics and natural waterholes existed in those parts before slowly blending into the white sand beaches with water so blue and clean that you genuinely wished you would be having a good time.
You hated having to remind yourself that you were here for the sake of a mission and not to simply lay out, well, it was easy to forget that until Bakugou was beside you, and you fought the instinctive reaction to scowl at him. In fact, with your gaze falling onto the blond-haired hero, you didn’t notice the small woman appearing from nowhere, a bright smile on her face and white linen clothes on
“Welcome to Hibani Island!” she chirped, her eyes closing in well-practiced greetings, she spoke with an accent, and with her appearance, you assumed she was American. “My name is Jane, and I’m here to welcome you to our wonderful island! May I please have your names and the choice you had upon arrival?”
Your greeting smile disappeared at that point, your head tilting in confusion, “I’m sorry, our choice?”
“Mhm!” Jane nodded enthusiastically, the same bright smile plastered on her face. “Our wonderful island works in mysterious ways! As you both know, our beautiful resort is only for those who are soulmates; after all, we would never wish to poison her beautiful nature with impure love! Upon entry, with the help of the island, I am able to procure a choice for you and your soulmate to make! Since I posed the question to you,” her glazed over eyes focused on you, “I would appreciate it if your partner answered!”
There was a silence, and it couldn’t have lasted any more than a few seconds in all reality. But in that still, you could feel the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up, there was obviously something entirely wrong here.
“A choice about who would carry the luggage in,” Bakugou calmly, smoothly answered, his voice somehow not picking up on any suspicion. “Be -- Y/n chose that I would carry them all.”
The way your name passed his lips made your spine stiffen, it felt weird, unnatural, fake.
Well, this entire thing is fake, you reminded yourself, grateful that Jane was at the moment impressed by Bakugou’s correct statement.
“Well, wonderful! I’m so glad that our island can greet two beautiful soulmates today! Your names? So that I may check you both in?”
“Nakamura Katsuki and Y/n.”
“Amazing! Let’s get you to the main lobby, and they’ll set you two love birds up!”
Thankfully, Jane was a woman who didn’t mind talking to herself the entire way over to the resort’s main lobby, she spoke wonders of how the hot springs were especially “magically” at night, and promised that a trip during that time would lead to “the best of fantasies.” The resort itself was oddly busy. Couples were everywhere, each in their own world, yet all orbiting around one another, never once mixing.
The white sundress you wore suddenly felt too simple, especially with the stupid designer wear most people were wearing.
Jane escorted you to the front desk, and with one last overenthusiastic smile, she disappeared.
“Check us in, Joo Dee just about made me fucking lose it,” Bakugou grumbled, his patience hanging on a much thinner thread than yours apparently.
“Glad to know it takes only one super smiley person to ruin your day,” you couldn’t help but snip, the rolling of your eyes only stopped when the front desk clerk began to walk over, a bright smile on his face, and his hand waving in greeting.
You opened your mouth, ready to begin talking when his welcome rang clearly in your ears, but just as it happened all those years ago, the world froze.
[Ace the introduction.]     [Fumble the introduction.]
The prideful, arrogant smirk on his face seemed to burn into your back as he stared from behind you.
“Hi, I would like it.”
Your voice gave out, and with burning cheeks, you and the front desk clerk stared at each other, the awkward silence biting into your throat. The clerks’ smile, breaking slightly in his second-hand embarrassment and wonder as to why you stopped talking, but despite wanting to continue speaking your voice refused to work again.
Bakugou Katsuki was an asshole.
“Are you here to check in?” he asked, his eyes searching yours in hopes that was what you were here for.
With a burning face, you nodded, and the check-in proceeded.
The clerk, who introduced himself as Ryan Locke, quickly checked you and Bakugou into your rooms. He pulled out a simple paper map and circled the small house - yes, small house - that the two of you would be residing in. Just as the package the two of you purchased, both of you would be here in two months, and the entire time everything would be included. Name it, and it would be brought to the room, well, house. You nodded, trying to take everything he was throwing at you in, not at all relying on Bakugou, who was standing by the window staring at the other guests with a frown on his face.
PDA was not something either one of you were comfortable with.
“Well, that’s it from me! Should you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to call!” Ryan smiles, the crinkles by his eyes creasing, even more, washing you over with ease despite the tension in your body. You heard Bakugou approach the two of you, and with him beside you, Ryan seemed to remember something as he rubbed the back of his neck. “And, there is a couples event tonight, should you and your husband want to join! Most couples do, and by the look of it, it may help re-spark things?”
A sour rancid taste crawled at the back of your throat as you awkwardly laughed, your fronts were weaker then you thought, and shook your head, “Oh no! That’s no issue! We’re actually here on our honeymoon,” your fingers pressed to your chest, your eyes trailing to where Bakugou was standing in hopes that it somehow looked romantic. Pet names were a thing, right? But what to call him? “Uh, K-Kacchan is actually super shy with PDA!”
You froze when the only nickname you’ve ever heard used toward Bakugou fumble clumsily from your tongue.
“Oh! Yes, I understand now!” Ryan laughed, waving off his mistake, the apples of his cheeks dusting in what you could only pray to be embarrassment. “Well, if you want to help your Kacchan here express his love for you without care of the world, tonight’s session is the place to be!”
He turned and walked away with a final smile, most likely retreating to the ringing phone in the back room.
“I swear to god, do not ever call me that shitty nickname ever again, or else I’ll explode your ass,” Bakugou hissed, his hand grabbing you by the elbow as he had you in close.
“I’ll call you whatever I damn please!” you hissed back, ripping your elbow out of his hold.
You watched as his upper lip twitched, and he moved to go grab your luggage, something The Contract still held over him. You stood with the papers that Ryan had given to you, the stack of itineraries and options of what the both of you two could do while at your stay taking far more room in your arm then you thought was acceptable. Your concentration on your fake husband - as you kept vehemently reminding yourself - broke when the door opened and in walked a woman who was alone, and headphones on her ears. You offered her a smile when eye contact was made but did nothing more.
Bakugou leaned down, his hands lifting up the luggage, most definitely annoyed with rolling the large suitcases. But with the woman’s course and the way that Bakugou’s back was towards her, having not noticed her entry at all, you could see that they were going to collide. Essential items were in that suitcase, and you had no idea if they could break if Bakugou managed to drop them after crashing with her. But again, it would be payback for the embarrassing first encounter with Ryan!
But before you could make up your mind on what to do, the world froze.
[Crash into her.]     [Avoid her.]
(make sure to vote for the choice to be chosen!)  poll closes august 30 8am pst
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Dragon Bakugo's darling escaping to the forest where a Fae Shouto awaits....
I went with more of an Elf!Todoroki, for the sake of AU differentation, but I’d like to think any variation of Todoroki is an awful variation of Todoroki in their own, special way. And Bakugo… I don’t have to say anything about him, right? He’s his own problem, in any scenario.
Title: Lost and Found.
TW: Mentions of Captivity, Blood, Dehumanization and Mentions of Bodily Harm. 
At the time, you’d been sure that no place in the world could be worse than Katsuki’s den.
Getting away was all that mattered. You didn’t have a destination, you didn’t plan, just a window of opportunity and enough food scrounged away to last you a little over a week, the time it’d take to walk to the nearest village and beg for hospitality, whether or not you were marked by a beast. Even if they cast you out, you were sure it’d be an improvement. Even if you were a starving, filthy nomad, you’d be a starving, filthy nomad who wasn’t another gold coin in a dragon’s hoard - you’d be a monster, but one that didn’t belong to another. You wouldn’t be Katsuki’s mate, you wouldn’t be his captive. You would be free, and in the moment, that was all that mattered to you.
But, that was before the village did cast you out. Before you realized that you wouldn’t just be a starving nomad, but an exhausted one, too, a freezing one. Before you learned that there were monsters who wanted to do far worse things than collect you out there, monsters that didn’t look like what they truly were.
Monsters like Shoto, and his sharpened, true, frustrating arrows.
You barely recognized him, like this. You’d only seen him on the rare occasions when Katsuki (a royal in his own right) chose to host company, inviting diplomats from the harpy flocks and the wandering tribes of satyrs, from the merfolks in the South and the elves, like Shoto, in the North. You’d never spoken to him, never shook his hand, but you’d recognize those mismatched eyes anywhere, the graceful way his hair cascaded down to his waist, uninterrupted save for the occasional braid to keep it away from his face. His decorative sword has been traded for a bow, his hand-crafted robes and jewels for furs and faded fabrics, but there wasn’t much you could do but look at him, stare up as you desperately tried to pry his arrow from your sleeve, where it kept you pinned to a tree that refused to let you go despite your silent prayers and weak kicks to the trunk. If Shoto noticed your distress, if he cared, he didn’t make an effort to show his concern. He didn’t make an effort to show much of anything, as he came to a stop in front of you.
“You’re not a stag,” He said, his monotone drawl portraying nothing, save for the barest hints of disappointment. Your fear dissipated in a matter of seconds, lax caution and irritation taking its place. “I wasn’t hunting human.”
“And I wasn’t trying to be hunted,” You replied, giving another futile jerk to the arrow shaft which, yet again, refused to budge. Shoto watched as your body slackened in defeat, but he didn’t move to help, his eyes only widening a fraction when you threw him a glare and a snarl more befitting of your former captor than yourself. “If you don’t mind, I need to keep moving. I don’t have time to be…” You trailed off, trying to find the words for your current problem before failing, simply gesturing vaguely in his direction, instead. “I don’t have time for this. If you’re going to slow me down, you might as well put one of those arrows in my head, too.”
At that, Shoto let out a soft chuckle, as if your panic was something irrational and unreasonable you were foolish for putting on display. But, he stepped forward all the same, running his fingertips idly over the engravings scrawled into the wood of the arrow, every rune glowing with a faint, silvery light as they made contact his skin. For a moment, his touch did nothing, but a second later, the point dulled and retracted, the weapon falling into his waiting palm without the slightest bit of resistance. “They’re enchanted,” He explained, taking your hand, helping you to your feet as he spoke. “Once they find their target, they’ll only release when prompted by their crafter. It doesn’t make the injury any more fatal, but the blood trail is useful.” He paused, scanning over you slowly. Taking in your tangled hair, your bruised skin, your tattered clothes - once flawless silk degraded into something rough, something primal, a material that hung off your form as lifelessly as a funeral shroud. Taking in you, and the fact that you didn’t belong in a forest so pristine, so picturesque, it could only be elven. “But, you were not my target.”
“You better fucking hope they weren’t.”
Instantly, you went rigid, your grip tightening around Shoto’s hand and your body fighting the urge to press itself against his side, but Shoto remained unaffected by the abrupt gust of wind, the sound of heavy footsteps, the sudden intrusion to your conversation. Rather, he merely glanced at Katsuki - awful, terrible, monstrous Katsuki. Shoto’s inhumane traits were subtle, hidden, found in only the furrs of ears and the points of fangs and the whispers exchanged between him and the animals, but Katsuki’s were blatant, apparent for the world to see and cower beneath. He didn’t try to hide it now, either, his golden scales flickering in the sunlight and his wings flared out behind him, each twice the length of his arms and spread in a clear sign of aggression, one you’ve had the chance to see far too many times. One you’ve had to be far too scared of for far too long.
“If there’s a mark on my mate that I don’t remember putting there,” He went on. “Assume you won’t leave these woods alive. I don’t take kindly to other people trying to tarnish the things that clearly belong to me.”
Idly, Shoto glanced between you and Katsuki, between the victim and the supposed victor. “I was under the belief that a dragon’s mate was something to be safe-guarded,” He started, his grip tightening around his bow. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re no longer in your territory, are we? I can hardly say this human looks very guarded, either.”
“(Y/n) got away from me.” It was a minimalistic excuse, one that accepted blame as much as it denied it. He edged forward, crossing his arms, and Shoto was quick to react appropriately, tucking you behind him in a single swift, continuous movement. “They got lost. No one would wander into your domain out of their own volition. Return them now, and you might still have a domain for your prey to wander into, when we finish speaking.”
This time, Shoto adressed you, his tone bordering on bored. “Does he always make this many threats?” He asked, throwing you a glance over his shoulder. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were beginning to sound rather hollow.”
Katsuki bristled, baring his teeth at the insult. Rather than continuing to hold himself back, he allowed himself a long, ragged breath before his expression hardened and he approached Shoto in earnest, barely bother to meet the man’s eyes before pushing him aside with one clawed hand and taking up your wrist with the other, dragging you from behind your protective barrier and against his warm chest, his pulse beating heavily enough for you to feel through layers of muscle and bone. His anger was still focused on Shoto, on the threat, but his nails bit into your skin, drawing blood and earning a swallowed down scream you nearly failed to suppress. There’d be more later on. You’d run away before, but never for so long, and Katsuki wasn’t going to ask for an apology and shove you back into your gilded cage without another word. You’d be lucky to see sunlight in the next year, let alone retain enough strength to seek it out yourself.
He’d always said he wanted to protect you, that you needed him to protect you, and you’d gone against that, you proved you could survive without him, even if his looming presence had made it difficult to thrive. You proved you didn’t need him, and already, Katsuki seemed prepared to make it so you would.
So wrapped up in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice Shoto shift, his posture straightening and his bow rising, barely giving Katsuki the time to wrap an arm around your waist before three arrows were knocked, pulled back, and aimed, ready to find their home in Katsuki’s eyes and stomach and lungs, not fatal wounds for a creature so strong, but ugly ones, even for Katsuki. “I want to keep that,” He muttered, his tone as apathetic as you’d come to expect. “And unlike you, I don’t let my toys wander beyond my reach.”
There was a growl on Katsuki’s part, a scowl on Shoto’s. You weren’t sure which to be more unnerved by. “You’re making a very, very bad decision, Todoroki.”
All he did was cock his head in response, perfecting his aim by less than a hair’s width. “At least I’ll be alive enough to make it.”
Without further argument, Katsuki released you, but you didn’t turn, didn’t run, didn’t think until you heard his wings clap against the air, until you were sure he was gone and he wasn’t coming back, not right now. As soon as you could no longer feel his heat on your skin, you collapsed, Shoto letting his bow slacken and catching you before you hit the ground, hardly batting an eye at the effort. You couldn’t bring yourself to resist, to fight, only burying your face in his tunic and thanking him, words of apology and gratitude spilling over your slips as he merely hummed, brushing your hair out of your face, his smile coming to press against your scalp. “It’s alright,” He whispered, his thoughts just barely loud enough for you to hear. 
“I’ve always wanted my own pet.” 
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Part three of three. Let’s close this match out in style.
[No. 40 - Emancipation]
Endeavor is, unsurprisingly, thrilled with this development. He yells his son’s name, marching his way down the steps of the stands as he continues to shout. He’s pleased with Shouto finally accepting his fire, and that it all starts now for him. With Endeavor’s blood in his veins, he will surpass him and fulfill his ambitions. 
Shouto… doesn’t even seem to hear him. 
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Endeavor, Toshinori, and the audience in general are left in an awkward silence. Eventually Present Mic makes light of the sudden pep talk from Endeavor, calling him a ‘doting parent’ with probably a bit of wry humor, and that it’s a bit unexpected since they’re not on good terms. 
Shouto wipes away his tears, looking back up at Izuku. Izuku is still proud of his victory in getting through to Shouto, which prompts Shouto to ask why he’s smiling. With his wounds, and in this situation, he must be crazy. It’s not Shouto’s problem what happens to him now. The two pull up the full power of their quirks as they face each other down, ready for the deciding blow.
Cementoss, meanwhile, gets up and calls to Midnight for help in stopping the match before it goes any further. Cementoss sends out a wave of cement, while Midnight tugs open her costume and lets her quirk loose.
Shouto sends out another massive glacier, which Izuku leaps over by sacrificing his right leg. Izuku thinks on how he has to get close and give it everything as he brings his right arm swinging around, thinking of his own words to Shouto to give everything he’s got. Shouto brings up his left hand, wreathed in flames, as he thanks Izuku.
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Not gonna lie, I really do appreciate the anime for how much more epic they were able to make this, mostly because of the advantage of sound + music + animation in conveying battle scenes. But also, the art style… Horikoshi really started out great and only got better from there. God, those flames...
Also, it’s such a small thing, but I can’t help but notice that thank you, so small against the rest of the full page spread, basically lost among everything else happening in that instant… it’s questionable whether Izuku even heard it over the noise of everything happening - we can certainly guess no one else did. And it’s so important, that acknowledgement, even if it’s unheard, to what Izuku did for him. 
In the aftermath, smoke covers the arena, making it impossible to see the results. Cementoss comments on how he doesn’t believe bigger is better, but that was something else. Present Mic, knocked over from his seat, is in shock, asking what is up with Aizawa’s class. Aizawa replies that all that chilled air had been heated in an instant, making it expand. Present Mic comments on the blast and the heat, as well as being unable to see anything. He wonders whether the match has been decided. Midnight is picking herself up as well, her hair a mess and mask blown away. 
The smoke clears just enough to see one of Izuku’s shoes scritching against the ground. Toshinori and Endeavor are tense as the smoke continues to clear, enough to see that Izuku-
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-is out of the ring and out for the count. His unconscious body continues to slide down the wall, hitting the floor with a heavy thump, while Shouto, conscious and just inside the ring, watches on. Midnight calls the match - Izuku is out of bounds. Shouto moves on to the third round.
The crowds murmur and comment. Izuku got straight up blown away… was he just provoking Shouto without a plan to back it up? Did he even want to win? Or was he trying to lose? Either way, that was some impressive power… he’s got some moxie, for sure. He put on a good show up through the cavalry battle, anyway.
The scene closes out on Katsuki’s contemplative expression.
In the back stage walkways, Endeavor tracks down Shouto once again in order to talk. SHouto says nothing, prompting Endeavor to make a comment on Shouto not telling him to get out of the way this time. Without control over his flames, going all out is dangerous - but he’s finally put aside his childish rebellion. He’s ready to replace Endeavor - to surpass him, even. He tells Shouto to work at his side after he graduates, and that he’ll guide him down the path to supremacy.
Shouto butts in, saying he hasn’t put aside anything. Endeavor is struck speechless. Shouto is not one to be turned that easily. It’s just that… in the moment… in that instant… he forgot all about Endeavor. Whether that’s good, bad, or something in between… that’s something he’ll have to think about.
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God, I love this, not just for Shouto managing to hit harder with those words than all his anger before, but because Endeavor himself is struck speechless with this change and blunt admittance. It’s a small peek into his character development to come, and god does it make me want a look into his head in that instant.
...honestly. In retrospect, and acknowledging how far he’s come since here, I can’t help but wonder if this was actually a kicking off point for his development, that only really got seen much further down the line. 
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We shift to Recovery Girl’s office, where Toshinori looks on his heavily injured successor. Recovery Girl tells him that Izuku’s right arm is shattered, and that it won’t be easy to set back to normal. First, she has to remove the bone splinters from his joints, and healing comes after. The boy admires All Might so much that he’s willing to destroy himself. Toshinori lit that fire. Toshinori moved him to this. She doesn’t like it, not one bit. Toshinori is overdoing it - him and Izuku - so he’d better not praise the kid for it. 
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Several of Izuku’s friends slam their way into the room, worried for him. Poor Toshinori is startled in the process, clutching at his chest. Ochako gives an aside greeting to him, while Izuku notes that the next match is coming up. Tenya tells him that the arena was mostly destroyed, so there’s a break while it’s being repairs. Ochako adds on that they came because they were worried. 
Mineta comments on how that was scary as hell, and that no pro will want to hire him. Tsuyu slaps him with her tongue, commenting on how she can’t say she likes his rubbing-salt-in-the--would style. Mineta argues that he’s right, though. Recovery Girl tells them to pipe down as she starts shooing them out the door, stating that it’s fine to worry, but he’s about to have surgery. All of the kids are shook at this.
Izuku gets Toshinori’s attention by apologizing. He couldn’t do it. Maybe if he’d just shut up… but he had to say what he did to Shouto. Toshinori is speechless for a moment, seeing how distressed Izuku is at his perceived failure. 
He eventually notes that Izuku was trying to bring it out of him. Izuku agrees, saying that it was just too sad. He thought, maybe he should just mind his own business… but, he had to… at that point, he couldn’t take it anymore. It was so frustrating. He forgot why he was there… he lost himself. He then apologizes again, leaving Toshinori with no words. 
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Recovery Girl finally succeeds in shooing out the other kids as Toshinori finds his words again. He calls the match an unfortunate outcome, indeed. And calling Izuku a fool won’t change what happened. However, giving help that’s not asked for… is what makes a true hero. Izuku himself seems to have no reply to that. 
We close out with a few shots of Shouto making his way into the arena with a new uniform to replace the one he half-destroyed, while the narration notes how Izuku finished in the top eight. 
Sorry for this being late by a day, but just. Wow. This match is just… in the manga, it feels just a bit different. And this aftermath, I think, makes it hit all the harder, what Izuku gave in order to save someone from themself. He feels like he disappointed All Might for prioritizing someone else’s life, and I just. This kid. This kid.
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I’ll try to get through the rest of the chapters of this arc over the next week, then take a break before tackling hosu and all that stuff. See y’all tomorrow, hopefully.
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todoscript · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞?
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anonymous requested: Can I request Angst Prompt 11 with Izuku saying that to the reader? Hopefully, it has a fluff ending. But if looking at the prompt makes you have another great idea with Izuku then please do write it that way if you want. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it this long. And I adore your work! Take care
prompt for milestone event: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” genre: angst with a bit of fluff at the end pairing: midoriya izuku x fem!reader word count: 1.4k+ warnings: small mention of possible cheating.
author’s note: You too, Anon, take care! I hope I wrote this request to your liking! And a thank you to @lovelusional​ and @add-a-teaspoon-of-heroism​ for betaing this for me really quick, you guys are great!
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“I’m home…”
Midoriya calls out with fatigue in his steps as he halfheartedly closes the front door of his apartment. Every muscle of his aches down to his bones from after another long day of hero work. Today especially so, as the rampant villain he fought in the city earlier took the combined efforts of multiple Pro Heroes in the area to take down.
“Ah, welcome back!” you reply. Midoriya hears the distance between your voices and realizes you must be in the kitchen. Carrying his heavy body across his apartment, he finds his way to the living room, eyes locked onto the couch that’s calling his name. Unlatching the padded gloves and the other weighty equipment of his hero costume, he lets them hit the floor with a thud before he takes a seat. He releases an arduous sigh while allowing his tension to sink into the comfortable cushions.
Just as he expects, you pad into the living room from the kitchen. Midoriya watches with discerning eyes as you dry your washed hands against the orange and black apron wrapped around your waist, lined with green on the edges.
Another one.
It’s Ground Zero merchandise he has no recollection of you owning, so it must be new.
At the last second, he contains the grimace his face itches to convey from where he sits on the couch. He masks it with a stiff smile he can’t tell is due to his fatigue, or the exasperated notion that his girlfriend has been repping his rival’s merch for the past couple of months now.
“I saw the whole battle on TV! Boy, it was a tough fight, but it’s a good thing Baku— I mean, Ground Zero, came and helped you out!” you say, rubbing your hands on Midoriya’s tense shoulders that only grow tenser hearing Bakugou’s hero name uttered from your lips.
“Yeah… Right…” Midoriya mutters through the grit between his teeth. Bakugou had arrived on the scene a couple moments later while Midoriya was going toe to toe with the villain, explosively making his entrance with that quirk of his. He practically shifted the entire momentum of the battle, and in turn, took your attention with him as you watched the full coverage live on the news at home.
“I mean, he was amazing! You saw the way he came and blasted that villain, right? I mean, of course you did, you were there, but still it was—”
There you go again, babbling about Bakugou Katsuki of all people—the current Number Two hero by the name of Ground Zero that was taking Japan by storm and aiming to snatch Midoriya’s Number One spot from under him. You’d think, after being together for over four years now, his girlfriend wouldn’t be droning so incessantly about his rival. But after seeing you buy the blonde’s merchandise and watch all of his battles on TV, Midoriya grew apprehensive.
Ever since Bakugou’s debut into the scene as a full-fledged Pro Hero, and meeting the man in-person one time on an outing with Midoriya, you’ve been an avid fan of Ground Zero for many months now. Always prattling on about Bakugou this, Ground Zero that. Midoriya can’t even mention his hero lifestyle to you without you jumping into the conversation with GZ coming out of your mouth. 
He admires the man just as much as you do, maybe even a bit more at one point in his life. His strength and tenacity as a Pro Hero were something worthy of praise, and Midoriya always looked to him as his drive and inspiration to work harder, and only aim for the best. Bakugou is his longtime rival, after all. However, when is it too much?
“—Ground Zero was absolutely incredible! His attacks were so sharp and powerful, he had the villain on the ropes—”
Your droning becomes background noise to him at this point.
Midoriya comes home to you today with an exhausted body and weary mind, and yet, all you can care to acknowledge at the moment are Bakugou’s feats from the fight earlier. What about him? He’s the Number One Pro Hero—your boyfriend—but you’re not even sharing as much of an ounce of the same enthusiasm you have for the blonde toward him.
In fact, he can’t even tell if your admiration is idolization or infatuation.
Which was another thing.
With all this going on… do you truly love him? Was there a possibility that Bakugou and you might be holding feelings for each other? It feels like at this rate, if given a chance, you might just turn tail and run straight into Ground Zero’s arms. Or maybe, something was already going on behind his back—
No. No, he can’t think like that. Can’t let such deprived thoughts cloud his judgment and start accusing you of something you haven’t done. You’re his girlfriend of four years. He should know better than to doubt and weigh his trust in you.
But at the endless jargon that blubbers from your mouth, tension continues to accumulate throughout his body until it boils into anger. His hands clench together into tight fists, and then all at once, that string of restraint in him snaps. Midoriya yells out something he wishes never left his mouth.
“God, can you shut up for once in your life?!”
He whips his head to you as the words echo into silence throughout the apartment. Your hands immediately retract from his body, and when Midoriya’s eyes find you, all he can pinpoint is the unfamiliar panic that floods your face.
You’ve never seen him act this way before. He was always caring, kind, and soft with you, treating you gently and never one to lash out, even when you two got into occasional fights. But in the face of his astonishing anger, you teeter on the balls of your feet with wide, bewildered eyes directed toward him.
“I-Izuku..?” you hesitantly call to him, voice shaky like a frightened animal.
At that moment, Midoriya regrets what he said, and the taut, narrowed brows wrinkling his skin soften.
“Oh, god, no. Sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” he apologizes and gathers you in his arms, rubbing circles into your back that calms your body. The small trembles in you begin to still at his familiar warm touches, and you let his arms fully wrap themselves around you.
“I-I didn’t mean to lash out at you. No, I never wanted to do that, it was just—”
“Bakugou… right?” You finish and move your head from Midoriya’s chest, searching out his eyes. The uneasiness hidden within confirms your answer. You cup your boyfriend’s face in your hands, thumbs brushing against his freckled cheeks.
“’Zuku… I should be the one apologizing. You came home all tired from a hard day of work, but I’ve been so oblivious to your feelings lately,” you say, tip-toeing so your lips reach the corner of his own.
“Besides, you’re my boyfriend… What kind of girlfriend am I to wear merchandise under another man’s name? Ah, no, tell you what I’ll throw everything out tomorr—”
“No, you don’t have to do that!” Midoriya interjects, to your surprise. “It’s fine, I understand you admire Kacchan as a fan. It’s just… I kinda wish you showed as much enthusiasm with me as you do with him…” he admits to you wearily, eyes downcast.
Your hold on his face tightens at his words. You lift him so his eyes meet yours once again, making sure he can’t avert them from your steady gaze.
“’Zuku, I could never love anyone else other than you. You’ll always have my support because you’re my man and my number one, alright? And starting from here, I’ll make sure you know this fact every day for the rest of your life,” you assure him, unwavering throughout every word.
At this, Midoriya’s eyes begin to shimmer. Before a tear could quiver down his cheek, he weaves his hand through your hair and brings your lips to his own. You embrace the kiss with as much passion as your smaller body could give him, arms latching to his neck to tug him down and deepen the lip-lock.
When you two finally part with ragged breaths, you press your foreheads together, staring into each other with only pure love and tenderness between you two.
“I love you, ’Zuku.”
“I love you too, Y/n. So, so much.”
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kurokoros · 4 years
appetence (part 1) | bakugou katsuki
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Rated: M
Words: 4.8K
Pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
Summary: Appetence: longing or desire. A mission to track down a villain leaves you and Bakugou in a rather… compromising situation. It’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
AN: I have zero explanations for this one either. I just felt like writing a smutty fic with Bakugou and the reader locked in a building for twenty four hours. Queue the kinky smut. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for future chapters! I’ll try to update once a week, but it depends on how long the chapters get! I’m aiming for 4-5 chapters, but again, we’ll see!
Warnings: smut, language, aphrodisiacs, marathon!sex (future chapters)
As a Pro Hero, you’re no stranger to potentially hazardous situations. Tracking an A rank criminal isn’t exactly a new experience. In fact, most of these missions go exactly the same way. Mind-numbingly boring stakeouts that can last for hours until you can verify the presence of your target. A sixty second window between verifying the presence of said target and all hell breaking loose. And, of course, the part where all hell breaks loose because no one can understand the concept of a stealth mission. Stakeouts you can handle, for the most part. While boring, at least you aren’t actively being punched, stabbed, or shot at, so you consider it a minor win most of the time. The conversation is never great, but you can deal with that. And, really, you can’t complain about having a six feet wall of solid muscle to back you up.
But why the hell did you have to get stuck with Ground Zero?
You cast a glance at the other Pro out of the corner of your eye, your mouth twisting into a frown when you see his agitated expression. He looks halfway to blowing a gasket already, and you’ve hardly been here for an hour. At this rate, the two of you aren’t going to last until the target slips up.
It’s not that you dislike Bakugou. That’s not it at all. Frankly, you usually enjoy working with the brash, temperamental man. He’s a good Hero: smart, strong, capable. He always watches your back when you need him to—and you can’t deny that he’s some pretty great eye-candy, considering your situation. But he’s also incredibly impatient. And watching him pace around like a caged animal isn’t exactly helping your own irritation at being stuck in a cramped, ram-shackled building, in the rain, waiting to catch a glimpse of a villain that might not even be here.
It’s going to be a very long night.
“Would you sit down?” you snap at him, tearing your eyes from the compound you’re supposed to be staking out once again. He shoots you an irritated look, and you sigh, shifting in your seat. “Please? You’re making me claustrophobic.” It’s like he’s trying to make you antsy. Usually, stakeouts aren’t this bad, but something about the shitty location and the shitty weather--and the fact that he’s close enough for you to feel the heat rolling off him--have you a little on edge.
Something in Bakugou’s eyes shifts, his glare losing it’s bite, but then he snorts. Shuffling back to where you’re sitting near the small window of the hideout, he does as you ask, though he doesn’t look happy about it. Whatever. You’re just glad he doesn’t seem to be in an arguing mood right now. 
“This is fucking stupid,” he grumbles under his breath. You probably wouldn’t have heard him if there wasn’t exactly two inches of space between you. His shoulder brushes against yours as he crosses his arms, firm muscle flexing beneath his costume.
You ignore your little flicker of disappointment over the fact that he’s wearing his winter costume.
Figuring he’s complaining about the waiting, you say, “Regardless, we can’t just go charging in there, Ground Zero.” This time, you keep your gaze locked on the building Cobra is supposed to be in, watching for any signs of movement at all. Nothing. Either Cobra’s being especially careful--something he’s never been before--or you were given faulty Intel. “We don’t even know if Cobra is inside,” you remind your partner. “Dammit, if Omen sent us on a bust mission…” You trail off with a heavy sigh.
Bakugou follows your gaze to the building, regarding it carefully. It’s not particularly large or heavily fortified, but that’s the point. It’s the perfect place for a group of villains to hide and lay low for a while. His jaw clenches and he turns back to you. “What do we know about him?”
You sigh, shooting him another look. “Did you seriously not do any briefing at all?” You shake your head. “Why they put you on this mission instead of Deku is beyond me.” Before he can start bickering, you continue. “Cobra’s quirk allows him to secrete and manipulate toxic fluids created from his body. Gasses too, according to a few sources.”
It’s not too different from Bakugou’s quirk, if you think about it, but you’d take the explosive sweat over toxins rivaling that of a Box Jellyfish any day.
He scoffs. “That all?”
“Reportedly, these toxins can be corrosive enough to burn straight through human tissue and bone in a matter of minutes.” Bakugou doesn’t look the slightest bit impressed by the new information, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “If he manages a direct hit on either of us, we’ll have an hour tops to get help before the damage is irreversible. And we don’t have backup,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he grumbles. Despite his blasé reaction, you’ve known him long enough to recognize the slight furrow of his brow. Clearly, he’s about as enthused as you are about dealing with Cobra. “Any idea how to take him down?”
Pursing your lips, you turn back to the building across the street, scanning the windows for any kind of movement as you contemplate your response. “We’ll have to be careful,” you tell him. He snorts at the obvious advice. “Cobra is fast, and we only have one shot at this. He tends to go underground for long periods of time after a spree like this week.” Two bank robberies and a successful museum heist. He’s getting bolder, smarter--running with a crew now. You need to take him out now or things are only going to continue to escalate. “If we time it right, we should be able to incapacitate him fairly easily if we stick together. He has a strong quirk, but he’s not much of a fighter.”
Bakugou hums in thought, his brows furrowing as he surveys the building as well. “Got a plan, babe?” he asks. There’s a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there just a moment ago, and you can tell he’s just itching for a fight. Clearly, you should have told him about the corrosive, flesh-dissolving poison earlier. 
Bakugou catches your gaze and smirks in a way that does dangerous things to your heart. And then--fuck--he actually licks his lips and a large part of your brain short-circuits for about half a second before you catch yourself. Shit, you need to confirm the target and get some sleep. Obviously, you aren’t thinking straight.
You swallow thickly, mouth a little dry. “Apparently, he’s a talker,” you say, opting not to comment on the pet-name. “If we time it right, I can keep him distracted long enough for you to blast his ass from behind.”
His expression goes from pleased to petulant in a second. “You wanna play bait?” he grinds out from between his teeth. The question comes out akin to a low growl, and you quirk a brow at his apprehension, bristling. A quip burns on your tongue, but any thought of snapping at him for doubting you disappears as soon as you glance at him. There’s a slight grimace on his face, like he’s uncomfortable with the thought of you playing distraction for an occasionally homicidal art thief with a quirk that can eat through flesh like paper. As soon as he realizes you’re watching him, Bakugou’s lips curl back in a sneering grin. “Sure you can handle that?”
“One of us has to,” you say, deciding to ignore whatever just happened. You can worry about that later. You glance at him again, grinning. “And I’m faster.” He still doesn’t look very reassured, so you try a different tactic. “Though, like I said, that’s only if he’s here.”
Of course, that’s when a small explosion goes off in the building across from you.
Bakugou swears under his breath, lunging to his feet. “That proof enough for ya, sweetheart?” he asks, straightening his gauntlets. He flexes his fingers before curling his hands into fists. His roguish grin is back.
“Dammit,” you hiss, scrambling up as well. The explosion might not be big, but it is noticeable. Criminals don’t draw attention to themselves like this unless they don’t plan on sticking around much longer. “Let’s go.”
You practically throw yourself out the window, Bakugou right on your heels as the two of you fall two stories to the ground. Hitting the ground, you roll to your feet. The impact jostles you, but it’s not the biggest fall you’ve had before, and Bakugou’s firm hand on your lower back urges you forward silently.
The two of you run silently across the street, smoke from the explosion offering you cover, so thick you almost can’t see. “Stay close and stick to the plan,” you call towards Bakugou, not waiting for a response as you dash towards the entrance on the side of the building, close to where the explosion came from. If you can cut Cobra off as he’s trying to run, you might be able to end this fight before it really starts. 
Things go wrong the moment you step into the building. 
The smoke is thick and noxious. The smell burns your nose and chokes your throat; your eyes water, stinging, your mask doing little to protect you. Something about it doesn’t feel right, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, goosebumps prickling across your bare arms and legs. The smoke and the smell are disorienting, and you know immediately that you need to get rid of it, but neither of your quirks are practical for this. Bakugou’s would only spread it around. Shit, this isn’t good at all.
Movement to your left draws your attention. Your gaze snaps to the hazy outline of a person racing past you and disappearing around a corner. Bakugou. Swearing under your breath, you take off after him. Of course he would ignore the plan--as vague and half-assed as it was--and run headlong into things like this. You should have expected as much coming from Ground Zero. Hopefully you can catch him before he runs into Cobra.
Careful not to make a sound, you race after him, throwing yourself around the same corner he did. The hallway is empty already, but you can hear faint footsteps coming from the other end. The smoke isn’t as thick here either. You round the corner at the other end of the hallway in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of Bakugou turning another corner. Huffing, you give chase again, picking up the pace now that you can see again.
It’s like a game of cat and mouse. Each time you think you’ve caught up, he manages to stay just out of your reach, much to your frustration. You don’t know what the hell he’s playing at, but when you catch him you’re going to throttle him. Damn stubborn bastard.
You round another corner.
A hand lashes out, purple gas bubbling against a calloused palm.
The reflexes you’ve gained from being a Pro are the only thing that saves you from having your face melted away. “Shit,” you hiss, throwing yourself back against the nearest wall as the blast blows past you. Some of that purple gas brushes the tips of your hair, dangerously close to your nose, and you watch the strands dissolve in front of you.
“Ooh, you’re fast,” the man in front of you compliments. His grin is wide, revealing dangerously sharp canines. He stares at you from behind spiky hair, impressed. “Not many people are able to dodge a point blank hit like that.” His head cocks to one side, his expression smug. “The commission really sent in the pros this time, huh? I’m so flattered.” The toxin he secretes with his quirk liquefies and drips down his fingers. The ground smokes where the droplets land.
“Cobra,” you respond, voice even. Shit. It definitely wasn’t Bakugou earlier. Cobra must have noticed you were there, somehow, and used the smoke to get you separated. Fuck, you’re going to kill Omen later. Tensing, you keep your eyes on Cobra as the man takes a step towards you, relaxed despite his escape being compromised.
Maybe this is what he was waiting for.
You clench your jaw, back straightening as you edge away from the wall--you can’t let him pin you down.
His smile widens. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He looks particularly pleased with himself at your recognition, violet eyes darkening as he looks you over. His fingers flex, purple smoke billowing around his palms. He doesn’t strike at you though, not yet.
If you can keep him distracted for a little longer, maybe Bakugou will be able to find you. You can still make this work. You can fend him off for that long. “How did you know we were here?” you ask, wetting your lips.
If he finds the conversation suspicious, he certainly doesn’t act like it. “Just a hunch,” he tells you, shrugging. “Things were a little too quiet. I figured the commission had to be sending someone.” The corner of his mouth quirks upwards. “Didn’t think it would be you and Ground Zero though. They must be getting desperate, huh?” His drawling tone makes your jaw clench in irritation. When you take too long to respond, Cobra sighs, his mouth curving down in a disappointed sneer. “Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I really don’t feel like going to jail today. So why don’t you make this easy for me and step aside?”
Your hand curls into a fist that doesn’t go unnoticed by the villain in front of you. Channeling your quirk into your feet, you prepare yourself for his next strike.
“No?” Any lingering friendliness disappears in an instant at your silent refusal. “All right, sweetheart, we’ll do things your way.” He throws his arm forward, poisonous gas hurtling towards you.
You’re already moving, springing from your spot as pale blue electricity crackles around you. The impact of your feet against the opposite wall sends a shock-wave through your legs, and you whirl around, keeping your eyes on your target. There’s a hole in the wall where you were just standing, and a jolt of fear strikes you between your ribs.
The next blast comes just as suddenly as the first, and you dive out of the way again. It sets up another game of cat and mouse, but this time you’re the one running, and there’s nowhere for you to hide. You don’t know the building like he does, and Cobra is proving to be nearly as fast as you are, throwing poison gas at you just as quickly as you can dodge it.
He doesn’t let you get close enough to strike at him, and you silently curse your quirk for being ill-suited for long range combat. You’d need to land a direct hit, and in these cramped hallways you can’t surprise him from behind.
Where the hell is Bakugou?
Poison nearly scorches your arm, and you hiss as it burns your skin despite not touching you directly. With your jaw clenched, you throw yourself against the wall to your right. In the split second before he can aim his quirk at you, you change your angle and lunge for him. Cobra’s eyes widen in surprise. Caught off guard, he doesn’t have the time to deflect the electrically charged fist aimed towards his head.
Cobra smirks.
Panic wells in your chest, and you pull your fist back just as Cobra dissolves in front of you. Your knuckles brush against the cloud of violet dust before it disappears. Fire races through your veins.
“Too slow,” a teasing voice calls from behind you. You whirl around on your heel, prepared to strike again, but Cobra is faster. As soon as you catch a glimpse of him, his hand lashes out. Coral colored dust explodes in front of your face, blinding you. The powder sticks to your skin and chokes you, rushing down your nose and throat until you feel like you can’t breathe.
It knocks the breath out of you, throwing off your balance, and suddenly you’re falling to your knees and coughing. Panic swells in your chest, but you’re quick to shove it down. It’ll only make the poison spread faster. You can already feel it burning through your veins, an uncomfortable heat tingling from your fingertips to your abdomen. 
As if he can hear your thoughts, Cobra smirks, all teeth. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, it’s not poison,” he coos, crouching down in front of you. “I couldn’t do that to a face this pretty.” He grasps your chin between his fingers, tilting your head so that you’re forced to look at him. The desire to lash out rushes through you, but your limbs are heavy and you still can’t breathe. Cobra wets his lips. “Though, you might wish I did.”
A hiss escapes through your teeth as you double over, the heat intensifying. “What the hell did you--” You cut off abruptly, crying out as a full-body shiver wracks your frame.
“Such a strong reaction already,” he muses, squeezing your chin a little tighter. “You’d be a fun one to play with. Damn shame I can’t stay to watch the results.” There must be a puzzled expression on your face, because Cobra leans in a little closer, lips hovering an inch away from yours. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, sweetheart. I like to mix a little pleasure with my pain.”
It clicks. “An aphrodisiac,” you gasp. 
He taps your cheek with one finger, and the feather-like touch makes your breath hitch. “Smart girl. Poison works fast, but sometimes it’s fun to watch people squirm a little--until they’re just begging to get fucked.” Cobra’s head cocks to the side. “Bet you can feel it now, right? Heard it’s a bit like liquid fire. And let me tell ya, that itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.” He chuckles. “I’d give you a hand, but I don’t think your partner would like that very much.”
Cobra releases your chin and lunges to his feet, swinging his arm just in time to send a fistful of that pink powder directly into Bakugou’s face.
“Ground Zero!” you cry out, voice shrill.
A small explosion bursts in front of Bakugou, dissipating most of Cobra’s quirk before it can hit him. He winces as the dust burns his throat.
“Perfect timing,” Cobra murmurs, throwing himself backwards as Bakugou drives his fist into the ground in front of you. 
The floor explodes. You throw your arms up to cover your face, and when you lower them again, Bakugou is standing in front of you, one arm thrown out defensively as he glares at Cobra, sneering. His shoulders are tense beneath his jacket, and in your dazed state you can’t help but appreciate how broad they are.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” Bakugou growls, his fingers sparking. You can feel the tension rolling from him, the hallway sweltering with the heat from his quirk and the drug burning through your veins.
Cobra glances between the two of you, a slow smirk overtaking him. “As you wish,” he says, taking a step back. “You two have fun.” And then he turns around and runs.
Instead of giving chase, Bakugou whirls around and drops to his knees in front of you. His gloved hands cradle your jaw carefully, and you whimper as he touches you. Heat bursts across your skin. Fuck, he needs to stop touching you. “Ground Zero,” you gasp, “you have to--”
“Shut up,” he snaps at you, tilting your chin to the side. His ruby eyes look over you carefully. “That bastard hurt you?” he demands, jaw clenched. The pad of his thumb brushes against your bottom lip.
“I’m fine,” you hiss through your teeth. “He said it wasn’t poison.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. He’s so close that you can smell the caramel scent of his quirk. It curls around you, making you press your thighs together tightly. You shiver as he moves your head to the side again, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop another soft noise from slipping from your mouth.
Bakugou’s eyes narrow. “And you think he was telling the truth?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Yes. Now you need to go after him, I’ll be fine.”
He continues to stare at you, then makes a displeased sound in the back of his throat. “You better be right fucking here when I get back,” he snaps, lurching to his feet and taking off after Cobra.
Outside of the building, a hooded figure glances up as Cobra comes strolling out of the building, his arms crossed behind his head lazily. “You took too long, Cobra,” he says, voice eerily blank. Blue eyes narrow behind his hood, glowing in the darkness. 
“What can I say?” Cobra grins, winking at his partner. “Good things take time, Diamondback.”
Diamondback's gaze slides to the building curiously. “Did you finish them off?”
Cobra’s smile widens. “Not quite,” he says, waving off the other man’s concern, “but they won’t be following us anytime soon.” 
“You sure about that, bastard?” someone snarls behind them. 
Both men look up, Cobra glancing over his shoulder to see Ground Zero racing towards them, small explosions lighting up the darkness. Cobra’s expression sours, his smile waning. “Seal the exits,” he demands. 
Diamondback is quick to comply. Clear fluid springs from his hands and snakes across the ground to the open doorway. The substance covers the door and hardens just before Ground Zero can reach it, and the Hero slams into the shield feet first. Bakugou grunts at the impact, the glass like structure holding firm beneath his weight. His eyes narrow on the men on the other side, a feral grin spreading across his face as his feet slide back to the floor. “Think that’ll stop me?” he taunts, pressing his palm to the clear wall between them. An explosion rips from his palm, bright light and smoke clouding the room.
When the smoke clears, Bakugou’s eyes widen. 
There isn’t a scratch on the shield.
“Nice try,” Cobra commends him. “Unfortunately, even your power won’t be enough to get you out of there. Diamondback’s shield is stronger than any other substance on this planet.” He steps towards the building and raps his knuckles against the glassy surface. “And I wouldn’t try blasting your way through the walls either. Enhanced, quirk resistant steel walls, and such. All you’re going to do is make that pretty friend of yours inhale more smoke.” When Bakugou bares his teeth, Cobra laughs. “Really, you should be thanking me,” he tells the Hero. “Enjoy the next twenty four hours!” Still laughing, he walks backward, offering Bakugou a salute as Diamondback starts to follow.
Bakugou throws his fist against the surface. “Dammit!”
Honestly, you didn’t think tonight could get much worse, but seeing Bakugou stomp back into the hallway with Cobra nowhere in sight proved you very wrong.
“Shit,” you groan, head lolling back against the wall as Bakugou inspects your injured knuckles. They don’t hurt much anymore, just sting in a slow, irritating way, but he insisted on looking them over as he explained what happened with Cobra. “Diamondback wasn’t supposed to be here. We aren’t going to be able to bust through.”
Bakugou’s eyes rise to meet yours. “So what the fuck are we supposed to do?”
“Well, the good news is that Diamondback’s shields can only maintain their solidified form for a maximum of twenty four hours. After that, they’ll return to a liquid state and disappear.” He nods in understanding, finally releasing you in favor of helping you to your feet. His hand is hot against your waist, and you swallow down a pleased sound as his touch lingers. Cobra must not have gotten a good shot on him. Or maybe the aphrodisiac isn’t as strong because he’s so much bigger than you are. You quiver at the thought. “Until then, I guess we just… make ourselves at home.” You shrug, glancing around the empty hallway. “They were camped out here for a while, so there should be some place to sleep.”
Sleep would be good. The heat that consumed you before has only spread in the short time Bakugou was gone, and with him so close the feeling has only doubled in intensity. It spreads like water beneath your suit, which suddenly feels almost too tight.
Bakugou nods, but doesn’t say anything as he helps you back to the main room where you came in. The silence would be comfortable, if you couldn’t feel the way your face flushes, your nipples stiff beneath your bra and suit. Each step makes you wince as the fabric scraps across your skin.
“You good?” he asks as you drop down on the couch situated in the main room. A quick glance around the room tells you that your suspicions were correct. There is indeed a bedroom. Singular. Fuck, Cobra was right, you definitely would have preferred flesh melting poison over the steady pulse of heat growing between your legs.
There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep in the same bed as Bakugou tonight--not without doing something you might regret. Already, the urge to reach down and touch yourself is almost unbearable, and it’s hardly been more than twenty minutes since Cobra hit you with his quirk. You can’t imagine that having Bakugou’s tall, muscular frame pressed up against your back would do you any good. Especially when it would be so easy for him to pin you down and rip off your--
“I’m fine,” you lie, struggling to keep your breathing even. If you sound breathier than usual, he doesn’t notice. “You should get some rest. Aren’t you usually asleep by now?” you try teasing him, grinning. Your thighs rub together subtly, arousal pooling low in your belly as you reach into the secret pocket in your thigh-high boots.
He doesn’t take the bait. “What about you?” he asks, crossing his arms skeptically. His eyes rake down your body slowly, and you feel it like a physical touch.
Your mouth is painfully dry.. “I’m going to stay out here for a while,” you tell him, holding up your phone with a hand that trembles just the slightest. “Someone has to report back to Deku and Red Riot and let them know that Cobra got away. And that Diamondback is with him.” You can see the argument in his eyes before he even opens his mouth, and you hurry to continue. “I can’t sleep in strange places anyway.” You really fucking hope your smile is reassuring and not something closer to a needy wince.
Bakugou stares for a little longer before shrugging. “Your loss,” he says, tossing off his gauntlets and gloves. They land on the other end of the couch. Your fingers dig into your palms as you look at them. “See ya in the mornin’, sweetheart.” Your head snaps up just in time for you to see him strip off his shirt and toss it onto the couch as well. The dark fabric peels from his sweat-slicked skin, and your pussy clenches as you get an eyeful of lean muscle and a soft trail of blond hair that disappears beneath his low slung pants. “Fuck, it’s hot in here,” he grumbles, shaking his head as he strolls toward the bedroom.
The door shuts behind him with a loud click.
Phone forgotten on the table, you aren’t sure how long you sit there in silence before your hand moves down between your thighs without your permission, pressing against the seam of your suit. The fabric is thin, and you have to swallow down a moan as your fingers brush over your clit. The light touch has your legs quivering, and your free hand clamps over your mouth. Fuck, you shouldn’t do this.
Your eyes close, exhaling slowly, and tip your head back against the couch cushions. This is enough. You’re definitely not going to start thinking about the man in the bedroom less than a dozen feet away from you. You will not slip the crotch of your suit to the side, letting your fingers drag through the slick already dripping from your slit.
A shudder rips through you as your hips buck against your hand, two of your fingers slipping inside of you easily.
Cobra’s voice echoes in your head. That itch isn’t just gonna go away by itself.
Fuck, it’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
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h3l10tr0p3 · 4 years
BNHA OVA: Make it! Do or Die Survival Training!
So, the Class A students are training for their provisional exams and have to operate in an underground mall rescue mission which caved in due to an electric fire. Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Uraraka, Asui (I mean, Tsuyu), Kirishima, Kaminari, Yaoyaorozu, Iida and Tokoyami embark down the site when a secondary disaster seperates them.
The OVA most probably takes place between Deku's visit to Hatsume Mei's Studio and the second scene at Gym Gamma where Deku kicks away a boulder dislodged by Katsuki's AP Shot in his recently updated gear (which he wore in the OVA too). In the OVA, Deku's kicks are also shown to be choppy and he doesnt have precise control over it as he kept falling off the ice-raft when he kicked holes through the ceilings of B6 - B3.
This OVA was filled with student interactions and shippy goodness.
We had IidaMomo, IzuOcha, OchaTsuyu, BakuKami, BakuTodo KiriKami and even a Todoroki × Tokoyami (Todoyami? Tokoroki?) even a rare TodoKami moment! (Todoroki calls Kaminari by his first name, Denki!!)
But at the end of the day, the bkdk feels hit it home.
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That's it. THAT'S THE OVA.
What blows my mind is that when the Next big three were at level B6, using the geyser to get up to ground level- Studio BONES could have easily made them shoot up to surface without stopping on B3 and injuring Kacchan.
But they did.
This whole OVA basically revolves around injuring Kacchan and the "Be my cane' dialogue and you caNnoT convince me otherwise.
Now to some it may seem out of character/chronologically dubious for Kacchan to relent to easily to Deku in this OVA considering that this took place before Deku v Kacchan 2, and the OVA clearly states that Aizawa was training the children for the oncoming Provisinal Liscence exams. It was only after Kacchan failed the Provisional exams did DvK2 happen.
But there is a very thin vein of appropriation which makes Kacchan's reaction to accepting Deku's help justified with the time line and it all comes down to Kamino.
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Hailed as a championing Kiribaku moment, what is often overlooked in this arc is how Izuku gave up his chance to reach out to Katsuki because he was afraid if it were him, Katsuki would not accept his hand. His anguish is easily overshadowed by the success of the rescue stunt.
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Look at Deku in the second gif closely.
In the very last frame, his eyes are shadowed, like he is physically holding in the hurt at seeing how easily Kirishima can reach out to Kacchan again and again in a way Deku is not allowed to.
And it is my belief that Katsuki saw that look.
So, Kamino Arc comes and goes. Students are gearing up for Provisional Exams as shown in the OVA and near the end, there comes a time where Katsuki, injured, clearly needs assistance and this is what Deku says.
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"I want to save you too"
Kacchan's response to this is clearly unprecendented, and let's face it soft. Him getting a character development like this before DvK2 when he should be steeping in self-loathing for ending All Might and already suspecting that Deku has AM's power, sounnds a bit far-fetched but consider, obliquely, for one moment that Katsuki knows what Deku feels like.
If Katsuki knows Deku wanted to save him badly back at Kamino, that changes things. It probably hints that Katsuki is aware that Deku relinquished the role of taking his hand to Kirishima fearing he wouldn't take Deku's. Katsuki understands that Deku was deeply hurt by this. So when Deku says "I want to save you too" it's like a callback to Kamino and what he means is -
I want to save you like Kirishima is allowed to do.
Katsuki's "I refuse" and consequent (meme-worthy) "Be my cane" dialogues have a lot more weight than comic relief in that context. He is acknowledging Izuku's help not only as a stepping stone, but also accepting it in a non-personal nature- it's like it is an integral part of his growth that he accepts the only way he knows how to-i.e. on his terms.
But the very act of accepting at this stage of their relationship speaks VOLUMES of how Katsuki percieves Izuku and cares for him beyond his brittle and bruised ego. Because despite the misconception Katsuki holds that Izuku is always looking down on him (right uptil the big fight in DvK2 I might add), Katsuki understands and acknowledges Izuku's hurt at not being the one able to save him. Most importantly,
He sees the anxiety Deku suffers from the mere thought of having lost him again.
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By the way, the last time Deku looked even remotely concerned about Kacchan's well-being with such open anxiety on his face looked pretty much like this-
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(Yeah...it did not go well)
Add that to the fact that Kacchan probably knows that Deku pushed Kirishima to save him when he blamed himself most (despite having nearly broken his whole fucking skeleton in the process) for not being able to rescue him at the Summer Camp itself.
Kacchan clearly understands the lengths Deku is prepared to go, and will go through again to see him safe and secure. Regardless of what kind of hit his ego takes from Kamino (which is compounded by his failure at the Provisional Exams), being saved by Deku in the wake of these realizations clearly surpasses the need to cling to his own pride in the OVA
And that Alone is a testament to the fact how Katsuki's character has been slowly and surely maturing even before DvK2 which makes him such a well-developed character. He is not completely without empathy Pre-DvK2.
He shows it, but sparingly. He convinces himself that he is saving people like Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki and Deku in the OVA because he doesnt 'want to owe it to anybody', but he has already started to internalize this attitude of 'Save to Win' this early in the series.
And the biggest proof in the OVA, of how Katsuki has taken the Kamino experience to heart is when Katsuki persists on the mission to save the dummy despite a secondary disaster complicating their exercise. In a way, It is a catharsis. It is Katsuki's re-enactment of Kamino from Deku's perspective, even if it is to save just one lifeless dummy from debris. He is not going to slack off.
(Funny how, here too, the one needing to be saved was ultimately saved by Kirishima)
He has already started to show (and accept) his dedication to saving as well as winning well before AM gives him the "Save to Win. Win to Save" talk, which cements the vector of his future development in the series.
All things considered, is this OVA a valuable addition to the main story of bnha?
Well, depends on the viewer. It has lots of cool highlight on character dynamics, character focus and fleshes out how the next Big Three seamlessly coordinate with each other. (Also shipping material) However in my humble opinion it seems to make the transition of Kacchan's char development easier for the anime-onlys or the anime-and-movie-onlys, so that the Class Exercise arc doesnt seem like a drastic change in his motivations.
(As if we need any more convincing how in-character it is for Bakugou to want to Save as much as he wants to Win)
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spikethecrazycat · 4 years
Quirks for the Parents of BNHA
I decided to come up with quirks for the parents of the students in Class 1A, Class 1B, The Big Three, Hitoshi Shinso, and Mei Hatsume.  These are not necessarily what I think their quirks are, but it is what I have decided, I started to do this because I needed quirks for certain parents for a fanfic, but then I decided to do everyone.  I will also be listing the parents that we know the quirks of, or a guess based on looks if we don’t know for sure.  Also little headcanon/theory things. 
If you want me to elaborate on any of the quirks, just leave a comment, I’d love to talk about them.
Class 1A
Yuga Aoyama:  Mom has laser eyes, and Dad sparkles like a Twilight vampire all the time.    
Mina Ashido:  Mom produces bases from her skin and her skin is bright blue, Dad has the head of a big horned sheep.  
Tsuyu Asui:  Mom has a frog quirk, Dad has a toad quirk, (based on looks).  
Tenya Iida:  Mom eats citrus fruit and gets faster, Dad has an engine in his lower back.  
Ochaco Uraraka:  Mom can fly but isn’t strong enough to carry anything, Dad can make things heavier.  
Mashirao Ojiro:  Mom has super strong hearing, Dad has a lion quirk.  
Denki Kaminari:  Mom can make a little thunderhead cloud that she can make follow people around like in cartoons, Dad can learn languages instantly after hearing one grammatically correct sentence but he will only know the words that he knows in his first language.  
Eijiro Kirishima:  Mom has bones as hard as diamonds, Dad can produce sand from his hands.  
Koji Koda:  Mom has a mutation that is looks only (we have seen her), Dad can imitate animal sounds.  
Rikido Sato:  Mom is 12 1/2 feet tall, Dad eats spicy food to gain strength.  
Mezo Shoji:  Mom has eight eyes, Dad can grow three extra arms whenever he wants.  
Kyoka Jiro:  Mom has earphone jack, Dad has perfect pitch no matter what.  
Hanta Sero:  Mom produces glue from her skin, Dad can make himself flat.  
Fumikage Tokoyami:  Mom can make small tornadoes, Dad can control shadows, no one in their family has any sort of history with bird quirks and they were surprised when their kid was born with a bird head, so Dad was slightly suspicious of his wife, but when their kid got a shadow quirk, he’s just even more confused.  
Shoto Todoroki:  Mom has an ice quirk, Dad has hellflame.  
Toru Hagakure:  Mom has invisibility, Dad is clear (what’s the difference, I don’t know).  
Katsuki Bakugo:  Mom produces glycerin from her skin, Dad has acid sweat from his palms.  
Izuku Midoriya:  Mom can attract small objects, Dad can breath fire, but I think that his dad is All for One (and he has a half brother, but more on that later).  
Minoru Mineta:  Mom can make berry bushes grow faster, Dad can be sticky all over if he chooses (I headcanon that his parents are just the sweetest couple, and that they don’t realize that their son is a huge perv).  
Momo Yaoyorozu:  Mom can write so fast that the paper starts to smoke, Dad can produce metal from his body.  
Class 1B  
Yosetsu Awase:  Mom can mold metal like it’s clay, Dad can turn his arms into any wood.  
Sen Kaibara:  Mom has metal fingernails and toenails that she can grow, Dad can spin his whole body like a drill but not individual limbs.  
Togaru Kamakiri:  Mom produces metal blades from her spine, Dad can breath underwater and his skin is blue-grey(Togaru’s manga skin color).  
Shihai Kuroiro:  Mom can teleport very short distances that have to be in sight, Dad can change the colors of things and his skin changes color all the time, that he can’t control.  
Itsuka Kendo:  Mom can jump super high, Dad can make his feet huge.  
Yui Kodai:  Mom can grow and shrink, Dad can teleport small objects.  
Kinoko Kimori:  Mom is immune to poison and venom, Dad can make mushrooms grow large but he can’t just make them.  
Ibara Shiozaki:  Mom grows flowers in her hair, Dad is made of plants.  
Jurota Shishida:  Mom is like Sasquatch, Dad has an elephant quirk but no trunk.  
Nirengeki Shoda:  Mom can make any sound that she hears echo, Dad can air punch and it hits like a real punch.  
Pony Tsunotori:  Mom has the head of a hartebeest, Dad is a minotaur.  
Kosei Tsuburaba:  Mom can make a bubble around herself, Dad can make and control a small breeze.  
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu:  Mom has hair made of metal, Dad has venomous fangs.  
Setsuna Tokage:  Mom can detach her hands and make them walk around, Dad has a lizard tail and tongue.  
Manga Fukidashi:  Mom can turn her fingers into pens, Dad can see images in your mind but he can’t hear anything in your mind.  
Juzo Honenuki:  Mom can produce water from her mouth, Dad can control dead skeletons, animals included, so he can’t control your skeleton in your body while you are alive.  
Kojiro Bondo:  Mom is like a cement mixer, Dad has a jaw like a snake.  
Neito Monoma:  Mom is like a printer but she prints out her thoughts, Dad is All for One (Izuku’s half brother).  
Reiko Yanagi:  Mom can float 5 inches above the ground, Dad can turn transparent but you can still see his shape like a ghost.  
Hiryu Rin:  Mom has dragon feet and hands, Dad has a porcupine quirk.  
Hitsohi Shinso:  Mom has telekinesis, Dad can hypnotize people.  
Mei Hatsume:  Mom has flashlight eyes, Dad as periscope eyes.  
Mirio Togata:  Mom can make things intangible, Dad has cat legs.  
Tamaki Amajiki:  Mom can digest anything, Dad can transform his head into different animal heads.  
Nejire Hado:  Mom has feathers covering her back, Dad can make small waves in water.  
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Okay, okay, hear me out. My hero academia AU
Izuku is hit with a quirk or even sent into a coma or something that sends him to our universe. (The manga and anime doesn't exist though) Izuku just grows up in our normal universe. A quirkless society. Since hero's don't exist here, maybe he becomes a fireman or even a cop or something else that makes him feel like a hero. He even goes to college under a scholarship (cause firefighters get scholarships but also cause he's a smart kid I wouldn't be surprised if he got a scholarship under something else)
Maybe he studies law, or physics or psychology, with a minor in art. Cause you can't tell me Izuku doesn't have at least some sort of interest in drawing. While in college and training to be whatever it is he's gonna be, he decides to take up parkour and other fighting styles just to better protect himself and others. He also gets a first responder certification, cause why the fuk not. He has wanted to be a hero his whole life and if there isn't any here then he might as well get as close to it as he can in this world. So he takes up every precaution he can think of.
He's buff, ripped, everyone assumes he dyes his hair even though it's naturally green.(he's decided to just stop correcting people on it) people kneel over in awe when he looks at them with his brilliant green eyes. Maybe since he's growing up normal, he gets a tattoo or two, or even some piercings.
Then, something happens where our young man dies in this universe. Nd he opens his eyes to find himself in a hospital, the same age as when he left. He's been out for a few weeks in their time. He's confused asf but breaks into tears when he sees his mom cause it may have been a few weeks for her but to him he hasn't seen her in years.
If you want, maybe Izuku came back with the muscle, tattoos and piercings. Where did they come from? Maybe they're a side effect of the quirk, or the work of an unknown quirk. Who knows. Or maybe he decides to train again to gain back all the muscles he'd lost. Goes to get his hair cut and maybe a few piercings (his mom is utterly confused but supports her baby. After all, he went through something traumatic in her eyes)
He goes back to school after a while of recovering, and he ain't no bitch. He knows how to bite back with words, maybe he worked customer service for a while and learned how to smile and make sugary sweet words sound like an insult. He doesn't take Katsuki's bull anymore. Everyone is confused, Katsuki's both confused and pissed.
Izuku decides to jump into heroics and just go underground. Cause why not. It's Izuku. He figures out a way to take down the robots. How? Idk you tell me. Maybe he picked up a stray pole and just bashed them around. Maybe he figured out the secret point system (or didn't) and started saving people. I mean, it's just in his bones. Maybe he did both.
And maybe Aizawa is impressed. Nedzu is to cause Izuku's intelligence seemed to be higher than a normal high schooler. He wants him as a personal student. Maybe All Might is also an asshole. Maybe Katsuki's meets consequences.
Make Nito a quirk analyst and good friend 2021.
Make Hitoshi a sleep-deprived cat lover good friend 2021.
Make Mei the crazy inventor and good friend 2021.
Make Denki a oblivious blond and good friend 2021.
Make Shoto an awkward turtle duck and good friend 2021.
Ochako who? Iida who? I only know of the chaotic outcast gang, sorry. 😂😭
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rexnihilis · 4 years
... run, dodge the Air Cannon and bounce back from Forced Quirk Activation. It seems that Shigaraki is trying to copy the movements of All For One from Kamino. Although he also does not refuse Decay and the  explosion quirk...
... jump from the Decay wave, hide behind the building from the explosion and get away from the laser from the right eye.
"Kacchan. We leave closer to the city, there are more covers."
Shigaraki will definitely hear this broadcast, but Bakugo knows that we will not endanger the civilian and at the moment when Tomura tries to block our withdrawal, we will be able to break ahead...
... send an air attack towards Shigaraki, smash the ground before the Decay wave, grab Kacchan's hand and...
The calculation turned out to be correct, and Shigaraki tried to block the passage to the city, which means...
"KACCHAN, C'MON !!!" and with the explosion of Bakugo and a strike of 45%, we are leaping back to ground zero...
But then he began to choke ...
How lucky! How lucky I am that the owner of One For All is this small bastard! How will it be worthwhile taking his quirk from him, and then his life, after he interfered with me in the USJ, became one of the reasons why I am considered only an appendage of Stein's ideology, as well as for the destruction of our triumph in Kamino. This is not the whole prize that I will receive for his death! The killing of the  All Might successor, gaining the power that was stolen from Sensei 200 years ago, and also destroying the reputation of the heroes with a final blow to their "golden eggs". This is the same as getting  Royal Flush in the final of the poker game.
Everything would be even better if this brat DON'T! DODGE! FROM! MY! HITS! To get on it is like trying to grab a rat by the tail. Although the comparison with the rat, for this hero, is still a compliment...
"Kacchan. We leave closer to the city, there are more covers."
Great. This bastard thinks I'm falling into such a simple trap. If I try to catch him now, then I will have to protect him from this idiot who didn’t join us when there is a chance. And now, I have a chance to get closer to residential areas where there are still a lot of civilians, so get rid of it explosive Pomeranian nor do I even have to do anything, except using the trick of the enemy, against himself!
... take on an air strike, send the collapse toward the civilians, jump into the "trap" and activate Warping. And then again that heady feeling, when his thin neck is in your hands and you just want to, and he will turn into a bunch of dust. It remains only to pick up One for All.
And again, I feel the warmth that filled me after awakening, but... It stretches, it kicks and breaks out! Now it’s clear why Sensei couldn’t take this quirk. It is reasonable, although not completely... It can take 10-15 minutes, so it’s worth knocking out this bastard and just picking up this quirk bit by bit...
While these thoughts flashed through Shigaraki’s head, his hands lit with lightning, and the caught went into the abyss of his mind...
Darkness. Previously, there was only darkness, but now there, on the horizon, a white wasteland is visible, which is illuminated by a gray, dim light, which breaks through cracks.
Cracks in One for All.
Cracks in reality.
This is the end.
Cracks go faster and faster from the horizon, and hands are visible right behind them. Hands that expand cracks and absorb this world.
Izuku lost. Izuku couldn't escape from the successor of All For One, and now not only One for All, but all of Japan will be waiting for this wasteland.
He did not fulfill the request of the first, he ...
These words came from darkness. Swirling darkness that always surrounded and covered him inside a quirk. Continuing to cry, he saw that now not only his fingers, but his whole hand are now not covered in this darkness. He still couldn't speak, but now he felt this world even more real. Even colder.
"Kidou. You mustn't blame yourself. It isn't your fault that your enemies are stronger and more experienced than you. You mustn't blame yourself for not being able to fulfill the request of the First."
These words were warm in Izuku's chest. The warmth that he had forgotten so long ago. The heat that filled it better and stronger, even than 100% One For All.
Tears poured from his eyes, because he had to stop Shigaraki. He was the only one capable of doing this. He...
"You don’t have to do this. You are still a child, Izuku. You are all still children, and they shouldn't have put you in such a situation. They had to do everything themselves and they failed. You shouldn't take the blame for other people's mistakes. You are already a hero, but the hero isn't obliged to solve all the problems that appear by people's actions. People must accept their mistakes and pay for them. And if they aren't able to accept their mistakes, they don't deserve to be saved. And now... Sleep. You need rest."
Izuku tried to refute his words, he wanted to say that everyone deserves to be saved, but the words of this man were echoed in Izuku’s soul. These glories lulled and offered to relax and then everything will pass. They promised hope and trust. They promised protection...
"Sleep, Kidou. Sleep and everything will pass. You mustn't solve their problems. But since they are not able to deal with this problem, I must do it."
The last words of this shadow sounded more like a threat, but Izuku was already fast asleep and there was only a person in his dreams that gave him warmth. A man whose hair was white as snow and his eyes was red as blood...
Endeavor strove for the place where Shigaraki went. Midoriya said that he would go right behind him, and this conclusion was not a bit wrong.
"Burnin, report!"
"Midoriya Izuku and Bakugo Katsuki left in an unknown direction, while Uraraka Ochako and Shoto Todoroki tried to follow this idiots, but I caught them."
So Katsuki went along with Midoriya? Is he also connected with One For All? Shoto too try to run away. What is One for All and how is it related to All For One? No time to find out.
"Burnin, Shigarki headed for Midoriya. Order for you and all nearby sidekicks - take all students, civilians and injured as far away from this damn mountain! Contact the commission and ask for reinforcements."
"Yes sir!"
Well, we figured it out. Now we need to call the rest of the pro.
"Ryukyu, Crust, Wash! Answer!"
"Wash! Wash!"
"Ryukyu in touch!"
"Where is the Crust?"
"... He died saving us."
Silence hung on the channel of the heroes for a short while.
"Wash, help Burnin and warn everyone you meet that Shigaraki has several quirks. I’m also send off the coordinates. Shigaraki is there, pursuing Midoriya Izuku."
A crazy and inhuman roar filled the sound channel.
"Ryukyu, what was that?!"
"It was not me!"
“Okay, we don’t have time for that. Send as many heroes as possible there and bring the Eraserhead. While Shigaraki is distracted, we have the opportunity to eliminate him.”
And will pray that Midoriya is still not in Shigaraki’s hands...
It’s easier and easier, pieces of One for All began to ripped out, only 5 minutes remained, and the void that was inside All For One should have been filled. Only 5 minutes, but nothing is ever going to be easy. There is always something that spoils his ideal plans. This time it was Hero No. 1.
"Even a step and the boy will fertilize this lifeless land."
It was a bluff. Shigaraki couldn’t afford to lose One For All. Not now that he was in his hands. So close that it has almost become a part of himself.
Endeavor, stepped back and looked. He was looking for a way to save that brat.
Useless hope.
A little more and it will be impossible to save him...
And then the Cold came.
It was all-consuming and murderous. It promised suffering and torment. It only wanted death...
Shigaraki used the Search to find the source of this cold and he saw darkness in front of him. Where previously there was the brightest light of all possible, darkness and cold now swirled. Something that terrified him more than anything that he had met in his life. Even when Sensei used his Aura on Shigaraki to teach him to resist, it was not so scary ... It was not so hungry. It was not so angry. It didn’t exude such a...
Turning off the Search, he saw that the bastard reopened his eyes, but now fear and determination were not read in them. Now there was only a look of the Monster, which was troubled by stupid and weak hunters, who guessed to awaken that which would kill them, and decided how to have fun at their expense...
Not only his eyes changed, but also the color of his right eye and several curls of his hair.
The eye turned red. Pomegranate color. The fruit by which Hades bound Persephone and his underworld. The kingdom of the dead.
Hair turned white. They became even whiter than even Shigaraki’s and they were not snow, but bones. Bones of heroes and villains that gave their lives on the orders of the gods.
Seconds stretched out in a minute, and then in hours. Horror flooded Shigaraki, but this horror was dispersed by the warmth of One for All. The fire that was in the hands of the first man when he burned the forests of all those animals that threatened him...
And then this Monster touched him. He touched his face and all the warmth that was One For All went out. Shigaraki no longer felt the warmth he was just trying to steal. On the contrary, the warmth with which he woke up began to leave him. It left behind only the chill of death, which was getting closer and closer.
Shigaraki tried to activate the Decay.
The decay responded with a good old sense of dust that clogs the face and covers the body. The very disgusting, but so familiar feeling of worms dripping in the body. And so he tried to direct this force, in order to kill this monster.
But the Monster was no longer here. 
There was only PAIN. 
Trying to touch his face, Shigaraki did not feel anything until he touched his brain.
This monster ripped out his face and a piece of skull.
He ripped out his skull.
Turning toward the Monster, he shouted at him in pain and rage. He hated him even more than All Might.
If All Might simply did not save him, then He hurt him. He took away from him what I wanted.
Shigaraki never hated anything so much in his life. Never in his life did he want to destroy something so much.
And now That Something has appeared.
His skull and face grew again, and Monster threw up a piece of his face with a skull several times in his hands and looked at the horizon.
He tossed the skull one last time, destroyed in the air with the help of pure darkness that shouldn’t have existed in this world, and turned around.
His hair was white as snow and his was eyes red as blood.
Instead of the green of the forests and the light of the heavens, the blood of the fallen and the darkness of the depths swirled around him.
The Lord of the Underworld reappeared in this world and now his servants were his victims.
The only thing he said was:
It’s Show Time.
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bakugoubabygirl · 4 years
       Allmights daughter   Part three
        Y/n POV 🌸💜
    “Bakugo, what the fuck are you doing?" I try to free my self from his grip . It just made him grab my other arm .
     " You got a thing for shitty  hair now. This morning it was half bastard  and now him." He growled . I was so confused maybe he gay .
      " look I don't know what your problem is but, we have to go. someone broke in" I  was panicking.
        " If someone comes in here , I will kick there ass . Now  answer me do you have thing for them" he was fuming.
       " Me and kiri are Just friends and, so what maybe I do like shouto. It's none of your damn business" I free my hands from him .
      " Why because he gave you that shitty flower. He not even good  enough for you"
        "Why do you care so much?" I had to know
        " Your on my team, and I don't need you screwing up. Just because your head is filled with stupid shit"
        " Whatever your not going to tell me what to do" I yelled .
        " Your a  fucking idiot"
                              Todoroki POV 🌸❤️🤍
          It turn out it was just the press. I wonder how they got past the school security system. Someone else has to behind this. Where Y/n I saw her disappear with Bakugo . I have a bad feeling about this . Bakugo was abusive and Y/n is so precious .
     I'm sure she can take care of herself but I will murder katsuki if I have too. Everyone made it back to class. Y/n and bakagou were already setting in there seats .
     Eraser head announce that we were going on a field trip . We're going to the USJ to do rescue training.
     I was the first one on the bus. I pick my seat in the back. Then a h/c hair girl plop down next to me . There was a silence for a few minutes . I don't know what to say to her .
Bakugo got on and sat right in front of us . I guess it don't matter where he sits , we will hear his obnoxious mouth .
I look over at Y/n to see her reaction . She wasn't paying attention . She was space out, like she seen a ghost . Her eyes were a glowing purple.
A wave of panic wash over me " Y/N, what's wrong" I shouted . Bakugo turn around and saw it to.
" What are you doing dumbass" he shouted . He had a worried expression on his face though. I started shaking her . After two minutes she jumped back. Her eyes return normal.
I was about to ask what happen but bakagou beat me to it. " What the hell was that" he screamed . She look terrified but then she smile .
" I'm just not feeling well I guess, I'm fine" she looked at us both and laugh. This wasn't funny and something tells me she far from okay.
"You idiot, you look like you were possessed" Bakagou fumed. " Your not fucking fine but whatever I don't care" he turn around and sat back in his seat .
" Are you cold" I asked . She look like she was shivering .
" Yeah but it's alright" she said rubbing her hands together.
" Here let me give you my hoodie" I reach into my bag to look for it . When something hit Y/n in the face. It was bakagou hoodie.
" Take it I don't want it any fucking way" he mummer. He did care about her . I hope I'm wrong, he won't give up until he gets what he wants. I look over at her with his hoodie on. It made my heart ache a little . I won't give up either .
Y/N POV 💜💀
I had a vision it was terrifying. It was a room and it was made entirely of human skin. A lady sat on a throne with purple eyes. She smiled and then it was me setting on the throne. Then the vision ended .
The boys were worried but I couldn't tell them what I saw . Bakugo gave me his hoodie . Maybe he did care about me just a little bit. It was huge on me but it's smelt like him. It smells good like Carmel.
The bus came to a stop . We all got out to meet hero Thirteen. She gave us a long lecture . I couldn't focus though. Wasn't dad supposed to be here today . Then it hit me, he said he had to hero work this morning . He must of use up all of his powers for today .
I saw Izuku face; he was feeling like something was off to. Then the lights started to flicker. Some weird portal thingy came out the fountain . What in the actual fuck . Villains started pouring out of it.
"Thirteen, Protect the students" Eraser head shouted.
   The portal looking dude showed up in front of us.  Asking where was all might was .Sayinh how disappointing it was . Because they showed up with away to kill him . My heart felt like it dropped .  
      Then all a sudden bakago and Kirishima went to attack. They fail and the warping thing got bigger. Next thing i know I was falling . I landed on top of bakagou.
" Damn your just throwing yourself at me now" Bakagou smirked . I felt my face get red. I hurried up and got up.
" You wish you could be so lucky" I scoffed . He didn't respond . That moment villains started to surround us . Bakugo started attacking and Kirishima did the same.
I made an army of shadow man with my mind . They started kicking the shit of the villains . We were done In the matters of minutes . They weren't nothing special. Bakugo and Kirishima was shocked by my powers.
" Wow Y/n how did you do that?" kiri shouted . He was such a cute little thing.
" I can mold shapes with shadows is one of my quirks" I explained . " I took there shadows and use it against them" Kirishima seemed impressed .
" Lets go kick that warp bastard ass" Bakugo yelled.
" What about the others" Kirishima asked
" They we'll be fine" katsuki said. He was right if there anything like the villains we fought . It should be a piece of cake.
We made it to the middle where Eraser head was fighting . when we got there the freaky bird dude had my dad . Why he did he come here, there going to kill him.
Bakagou ran in front of me grabbing on to the warp gate . Then Todoroki froze the bird . Freeing my father. We all stood around getting ready to fight . Izuku looked like he was about to cry.
" Y/n you and your classmates need to get out of here" All might order. I wasn't leaving without him . Nomo freed himself from todoroki ice.
Nomo went to attack Bakagou . Bakugo was holding down the warp gate. " Bakugo watch out" I cried out. Bakugo went flying but there wasn't a scratch on him. All might saved him .
He got up and told us once again to all go . I couldn’t just leave him here. “ Your bleeding though” I cried. Izuku grabbed my hand I could tell he was scared too .
He gave us a thumbs up . Him and Nomo went at it . All might kept punching Momo all over the place. I was still terrified . I floated up and my eyes flash purple. I had to do something but what ?
The guys with hands all over his face was staring at me . It made me feel uneasy . “ I know those eyes but it can’t be” he mumble .
Izuku heard it too . We look at eachother in confusion. “ Unless allmight didn’t kill you, and took you in” he gave me a creepy laugh .
“ What the hell is he talking about Y/n” todoroki asked .
“ I don’t know” I want to know damnit.
“ Yes if you’re all might daughter which is the same age as (pick a dark name D/N). It all makes sense. He will be happy to know his daughter is still alive” he laugh again .
My attention snap back to All might. He was still beating the shit out of bird brains. Finally he sent Nomo flying . It was insane . I ran to him, I don’t care how much dangerous I put myself in.
“ Dad” I ran and hugged him. I stood by him ready to fight, when he changes into his civilian form.
“ Y/n get away from here” he screamed. I didn’t listen.
“Y/n is that her name or is it D/n” he crooned. I gave my dad a confused look.
“ leave her out of this” he yelled. “ let’s just get this fight over with”
“ So is true she long lost daughter of the Maeve and All for one” he crackled . Everyone was staring at me. “ In all this time we thought you killed her”
“ Dad what is he taking about” I demanded an answer. If what he says is true, then how can I call myself a hero. Everyone knows that Maeve is a demon queen . Most believe she just a myth. All for one is the cruelest villain out there.
There a story that they had a child just so it could have both if there powers. The child was destine to destroy the world. Then a hero came and killed the child as baby,before it had the chance.
“ Oh so you haven’t even told her yet ?” The villain was about to say some more.
“ Come on why are you stalling, let get this fight over with” he yelled. The others went to go fight the other villains. Izuku stayed with us . The villain ran to All might but before I could move; Izuku threw himself in the way. Right before they grab him, the teachers finally showed up.
My Heart was pounding , Everyone was shouting. The villain retreated. Kirishima went to check on us . Then all might transfer to his civilian form. Oh no if he comes over here he will see. Then a concrete wall cam up dividing us .
“ Dad are you all right,” I hugged him until someone came and help him. I have questions but they can wait until he okay.
“ I’m fine I’m so glad your okay babygirl” he smiled.
Time skippp( that’s my quirk lol)🤍
We were in the nurses offices . She fixed my dad up and Izuku after he broke he’s legs .
“ Dad the villain what he said about me . He lying right ?” I grabbed his hand. I hope and pray it wasn’t true.
“ I’m sorry kiddo but it is. I was told about you and what they wanted you to do . I couldn’t let that happen. They were going to make you into a weapon. I was going to destroy you. The way you were describe to me . They made it sound like it was some type of monster. When I got there, I just saw a little girl . You wrapped your hand around my finger. So I took you from the crib. I sat the crib on fire and threw animals bones in there . So they would think you were dead. I fell in love, from there on you were my little girl. I love you, not like you were my own, because you are my own.” His eyes started to tear up.
I was feeling warm drops running down my cheeks. I could hear Izuku sobbing. So it true, I’m a monster. “ When were you going to tell me?”
“ I’ve been planning for awhile, but didn’t know how. Please forgive me.” He sounded weak
“ Forgive you? You saved me and show me love” tears were spilling out my eyes. “ I love you” I hugged him. I was careful not to hurt him though.
“ I love you too. Please don’t let this change how you see yourself . There going to be a lot of people who say different; but your going to be the worlds greatest hero. The princess of peace along with your brother” I turn to Izuku. Me and him grew close during the summer.
“ Do you still trust me” I asked Izuku .
“ With my life. Family isn’t blood it’s about love” he gave me a warm smile. I still felt out of place, I always have . Now I know why. “ This might be a bad time but is that Bakugo hoodie” Izuku pointed out .
“ Yeah, he was just being nice” My face got red for
some reason.
“ Bakugo isn’t one for just being nice” Izuku laugh. Well he just looking out for his team mate .
“ Bakugo is strong and powerful . But As a dad I don’t approve” All might gave me a just kidding smile . I know he some what serious.
“ We well never be like that , so both of you calm down” I mumbled. I rather jump off a roof. He probably hates me now anyways . Todoroki probably won’t even look at me either.
Todoroki 🌸🥰
I was worried about Y/n . Not only because who she is was revealed, where the world could see. But What happen on the bus. I wonder if there a connection. My phone lit up with a message.
Y/N: I understand that you probably hate me now . I don’t want to lose your friendship though.
Todoroki: I could never hate you . Your parents aren’t who you are. I understand trust me .
Y/N : thank you 😊
Todoroki: goodnight
Y/N: goodnight todo
Todoroki: wait Y/n
Y/n : yes?
Todoroki : Do you want to hang out tommorw after school?
Y/N: I have plans tommorw, I lost a deal with Bakagou lol
Todoroki: Oh okay . Are you two a thing ?
Y/N: no it’s not like that. Your the third person who ask me today 😂 I rather jump off a bridge
Todoroki: I’m sorry, I just enjoy your accompany and if you want to talk about today . I can listen if you want .
Y/N: thank you todo I enjoy you accompany as well.
Thank you for reading I try to update every day. Please like and give me feed back . I love criticism I want to better my writing .
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