#just go till it looks like bread coloured lol
diah-the-demon · 2 years
@polilacksoriginality just putting this in it's own post cause it will be easier to link it
cut just to keep it tidy i guess
So here's the site I got my focaccia recipe from
I do some stuff differently than the one on the site (I don't put any honey or that much oil in the dough only a small amount)
If you have an electric mixer with a dough hook that can help alot, you just need to put the dough in there to knead for like 3 minutes instead of doing it for up to 30 min by hand
also when you put it in to bake if you have any rosemary, oregano or just mixed herbs put that ontop too with the salt
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icysab · 10 months
could u possibly do a matchup for enhypen pleaseee?
im 5'6.5, but i like to round up and say im 5'7. im INFJ-T, i have hazel eyes, long-ish wavy black hair. i usually wear my pyjamas everywhere, or its oversized clothes that make me look like im drowning in fabric.
im one of the youngest in my friend group, and 100% like the little baby too. im also the mom friend lol. i comfort everyone, give them advice, and really just act like a mom. but im also a bit crazy, and a bit hyper. most of the time im calm, but when I want to be istg im an actual tornado. im also very chaotic....
but i am still quite childish. i like running around and yelling, i like playing in the rain, i like getting sick and skipping school, I like going to amusement parks and the arcade. i loveeeee being annoying, and asking people random questions like, 'when was your mom born?'
im also a hopeless romantic. i want to have one of those cliche love stories (not enemies to lovers tho, that's only cute in books), where i'll never regret falling for who I did. I want someone who'll be my best friend, but will also love me till the day i die.
I definitely grew up too fast. the childish part of me only comes out occasionally. usually I try to be more calm.
some of my favourite things to do are paint, sculpt, draw, read, dance, sing, go on rollercoasters, and pretend im an idol lol. my favourite food is salmon, and I love bread with my soul. my favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla (yes im basic), and my favourite colour is dark green.
im also the type of person to remember and keep random things. I also don't know how to accept compliments.
in terms of looks, i have a face on the smaller side, and I have big cat shaped eyes (think haerin, but longer), a slightly sharp nose, and average heart shaped lips. I have sort of chubby cheeks, but I have high cheekbones. i have a soft v-shaped jawline. im on the lighter side of tan.
hope that's enough loll!
you are so, SO riki. in every single way. i think your energies match so well?? and you guys would totally enable each other in your antics. like i can envision you two harassing the other members with random questions and jokes (think enha road trip where you two won’t stop asking driver jay “are we there yet? are we there yet” LOL).
he’s totally the type to tease you for liking plain old vanilla but then buy your exact favorite ice cream from the convenience store and bring it to you late night.
def a lot of fun and exciting dates together! and that boy is so infatuated with you like 🥹🥹
hope you enjoyed! this was a fun one
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My lunch date with my buddy took us to a new place that we have been wanting to go eat for quite a while, but just never had the time till now. I present to you: Caliente!
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Location: Regent Square, the new Kiulap area, complete with outdoor dining if it were night time
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Setting: Not sure whether this is supposed to look like a Spanish design thing, but they got the right amount of red, so it should be right
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Super colourful and brightly "lit" plates, though not sure it's Spanish-themed accurately
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Appetizers: Pretty huge-ass bread stick, crunchy and hard and a little tough on my teeth, but pretty good neways
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My buddy's mint mojito, with a gajillion mints in there, I bet, just the way he likes it
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My strawberry mojito, which tastes more or less like Fanta Strawberry or something
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Quesadilla, nice and soft, like eating roti canai, with an interesting tomato salsa dip
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Caliente tapas platter No.3, an interesting combination of taco, chicken wings, potato wedges, meatball in tomato salsa sauce and egg pie slices
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Morish fish my buddy ordered, which is fried salmon with fried rice and tomato salsa sauce (I think), the skin is pretty crunchy
It's a pretty interesting experience eating this, though I still question the authenticity of the setting, but anyhow, it's pretty good. There were three types of platter, I picked the third and least expensive platter (coz I was kinda broke, LOL). Prices are pretty dear here in this restaurant coz of its exotic food, so it's advisable to prolly only go if you're feeling rich or during special occasions
Overall rating:
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fukurodaze · 4 years
can i have (timeskip?) kuroo with a fem! s/o who is a sophisticated introvert that intimidates people because she doesn't smile or talk much but when she's with friends she's actually really nice, funny and outgoing, and she has really good fashion sense? (i'm sorry if this is too specific lmao you can ignore this i'm just yearning for kuroo HAHAHAHA)
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this is so funny because this dynamic is literally THE cutest
so you know how kuroo works in pr right so this is The Office Romance Of The Century
the meeting <3
so kuroo works on the ninth floor and you work on the twentieth floor
though you guys work in different departments, you guys are both around the same age so you guys kind of have the same workloads because yall are still starting
different departments eventually do have different schedules, but as newbies you guys kind of follow one (1) basic timetable that is really just 9 to 5
one thing you never expected about the office: good ass food.... like you thought the bread at your school canteen was good? wait till you find the sandwiches on the fourth floor
and since you quite literally have no friends in this big ass building and there aren’t many co-workers who are your age you kind of hold onto the nice yakiniku sandwiches on the fourth floor
it gets rough in a new workplace for the first time ://
so the sandwiches become your routine - around 5-6pm, you’re coming down a whole sixteen floors otw home but also to get that nice thick yakiniku sandwich
guess who else comes? 
despite telling himself that he’s really easing into the work life well because his senpais tell him he’s smart, he really doesn’t know anyone
he also finds it weird asking his co-workers to drink as he feels like they should be the ones inviting him so he ends up just chillin it out with some surprisingly good sandwiches downstairs
he likes the chicken ones bc they’re just so nice n crispy yay
he kinda feels shit about it sometimes but thats just how it is huh... corporate work... no friends... and all the rest of his friends r like in other places... yeah
ay but at least he finds this cute girl ordering the same thing over and over again at the same time he’s there
he ignores it at first but you know the saying that the more you see someone the more likely they become more attractive in your eyes?
yeah... that’s kuroo @ u...
and usually he’s doesn’t really pay no mind to people who just do their own business
but your fits r just too cool for this workplace... like mans has been coming to work with suits and youre out here with some combo streetwear power suit... sometimes u wear the highest heels and sometimes you wear the chunkiest sneakers but still manage to look so sleek n sophisticated like 24/7
could it be... he finds you... attractive??? even though you don’t smile much?
kuroo doesn’t stall, so he just goes “i like your style”
my my... you love hearing that dont’cha
but u were like “thanks” 😐
he’s like sheesh
and as he’s about to leave you ask, “what department do you work in?”
kuroo does a double take and is like “um... PR...?” he literally looks over his shoulder to see if you’re talking to anyone else because yo... is this you showing interest???
spoiler alert this is the introduction to his chapter in your love life <3
look it’s not hard for kuroo to get along with quieter people because he used to be siiiiilent, and he’s also grown up with kenma, who was much more introverted throughout middle school and high school
god, you felt so comfortable
and he was SO hot.... WTF
but yeah you’re always like 😐 but make it chic because your fits r fire and your eyeliner SLAYS
this may or may not have turned into a little date at the bar nearby
yes the sandwiches are good but you know what’s even better? drinking some good food in tokyo as Official Employees of the Japanese Volleyball Association
this night was pretty flirty, what can u expect... compliment here, hand brush there, cute laughs n chuckles everywhere
hahaha when kuroo saw you laugh and get super talkative... is that a turn on or what... youre also like funny too??? oh cmon...
safe to say you said yes when he asked you out again, and he swears he would do anything to see you laugh again 🥰
and yes, he does see that laugh again. a lot of times, actually.
the relationship <3
first off: he likes seeing u all professional... good food 
second: him in a suit??? yessir. him making connections??? YESSIR
you guys end up hanging around a lot with each other at the office even when you’re busy. and yknow, since it’s the honeymoon phase, might as well sneak a kiss. or a lot of kisses.
people get so surprised when this happens at first, since theyre like... why r they both disappearing 24/7... they cant be going together bc hes... kuroo... and you’re... you... aren’t you guys are supposed to be DIFFERENT??
he always goes heart eyes for u even though it seems like you’re always shooting daggers at him from everyone else’s pov
eventually, as you two get more comfy with each other and spend more time, you find yourself at his place like 4 days out of 7... his place is closer to the office anyways so it’s just convenient especially when you’re busy with your department when kuroo isn’t, and it demands later nights and earlier mornings
when BOTH of you are busy... expect stress makeouts in the kitchen
the way yall would shower together not because of sexy vibes but because yall both overslept and literally have no time 😭
but that doesn’t mean yall dont enjoy it!! u think he’s hot, he thinks you’re hot, works well (you two still end up arriving late)
eventually people see how you guys walk to work together in the mornings a lot... and go home together a lot... and drink at bars together...
and they’re like holy fuck how did kuroo snatch her... like other than the fact that he’s hot... she literally doesn’t smile and is so scary
the sandwiches on floor four have become breakfast burritos because none of yall go home at 5 all that often anymore
but on a lucky day where destiny aligns itself with the stars and time and the volleyball league you’re lucky to get a yakiniku. or maybe chicken.
you guys influence each other, and it’s so funny seeing kuroo come in with some more colourful suits after you told him to experiment with colour
the other people at work r like: kuroo ur gf controls u
kuroo’s like yeah she’s like powerful huh 😏
you kind of laugh it all off, since now you have your own friends at work too, and so does kuroo
they surprisingly ask a lot about your relationship... and though you would like to brag about your very good boyfriend, you keep it pretty vague
you do like to talk about important days though, like anniversaries
but being with kuroo has genuinely made you more comfy in the workplace even though yall are in different departments
you love hearing kuroo’s stories about his co-workers, and you wondered if you could kind of have those kinds of relationships with your co-workers too
your closest co-workers have always been kind to you, albeit intimidated at first
but they’re great shopping buddies, great listeners, and great gossips <3
you normally wouldn’t care about gossip but it’s fun to laugh about sometimes when you’re getting ready for bed and he’s like “by the way... have you heard of [person A] doing ... ” on call
and you’re like oh yeah, actually i have
even he’s surprised at first because you seem like that cool introverted employee but you do have your fits of laughter and bouts of humour
you guys become more comfy with your jobs, and before you know it, a year has passed
you’ve moved in lol
kuroo’s just 100% heart eyes for u pls
the vibes you guys are as a couple?? immaculate. everyone looks at yall like holy fuck. opposites attract and it’s HOT
and it’s so good because you guys know each other so well, from personalities to bodies to work
when you’re on a low, he holds you close and tells you such sweet things, but makes sure to give you space
when he’s on a low, you make sure to talk to him to take him off of his thoughts, to reassure him
kuroo kind of realises he’s actually... like REALLY in love with you and it just hits him a week before christmas when he looks into his cupboard and hates how it’s so messy but ends up swooning 😭
so the next day LIKE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING he’s like “hi. im renting a car. and i am in love with you. do you wanna go on a christmas trip together?”
you don’t even react when he says that... it’s just two seconds of silence and then “okay. i’m in love with you too.”
he’s like “cool. cool.”
proceeds to smother ur lipstick when he kisses u right after work... 
but u love him anyway 🥰
and in that trip... just you two in a strange place together... with nobody else...
he sees you with him for a long, long time
and honestly, with the feeling of his hand in yours, you don’t think you’ll be going anywhere either.
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
Can I request something sinful with Nero maybe having his first heat with his s/o? Lol maybe he's surprised about it and didn't know about it till either Dante or Vergil warned him?
(I’m not gonna add the spice in this one, I don’t think. Purely because I have another Nero in heat request and I don’t wanna seem like I’m being repetitive??) Also sorry this took so long, I’ve been procrastinating with OC stuff lmao 
Nero had been acting weird for the past couple of days. Weirder than being a demon hunter who previously had a demonic arm that got chopped off by his own father, only to then have it grow back human-like. Deep breath. No, he was acting more… unlike himself, more aggressive, more animalistic. 
One of the many odd things Nero had been doing lately, was constantly telling you how nice you smell. He was always one to tell you if he thought you were cute or sexy, but never really about how much he adored your scent. No matter if you had just gotten out of the shower or if you had been rolling in the mud for a solid hour, he’d always come and sniff you. Inhaling your scent and almost getting high off of it. 
Not only was your smell suddenly amazing to him, but so was his to you. He never really smelt bad in your opinion, though there were a few times when he had been covered in demon blood and hadn’t had a shower for at least a week where it was probably at its worst. Now, however? You couldn’t quite place what he smelt like but you loved it. He was never really around long enough for you to get a good whiff though. 
Another thing was how he hated when you’d leave the house. It was like he was unbelievably jealous whenever you had to go to the store to buy milk or bread. As if anyone who saw you was going to woo you and steal you from him. 
He’d even go as far as canceling on missions and sending either Dante or Vergil out to do it for him, meaning he got to stay at home with you. Which usually you’d be okay with spending so much time with him, hell, you begged for it sometimes, but when he was acting as he was… Let’s just say it easily got to be a bit too much pretty quickly. 
The day you had just come home from the store, you were surprised to not have Nero jump on you and kiss you roughly like he had been doing any other time you came back from wherever it is you were doing. This time you walked through the door and were met with the sound of water running from the bathroom. Either the bath or shower you weren’t quite sure, but you figured Nero was just getting cleaned up. 
You didn’t expect to walk in on him sitting inside the tub, particularly long nails digging into the wall beside him and cracking the tiles. His eyes were closed, face screwed up into a look of pure concentration and rage. The room was hot, warmth radiating from the water running or Nero himself you had no idea. 
“Nero? Babe, whats wrong?” You asked, quickly jumping into the room and kneeling down beside the tub. You reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder comfortingly, only to realise just how warm he was. He’s part demon, demons cant get sick can they? Or do they get very sick, more so than humans? You took your hand off of him to check the temperature of the water, only to pull your hand back with a soft squeak. 
“Nero, the water’s freezing!” You didn’t know if maybe you should turn it off or not, since his body was still so warm. He was clearly trying to cool himself down. 
“I don’t know whats happening to me, but whatever it is, I hate it” Nero hissed through his teeth. He opened his eyes and finally turned to face you, you couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips once you saw the all too familiar look of arousal, lust and hunger in his eyes, mixed with anger and pain. 
You didn’t know what to say, shaking your head as you look over his body. The only thing that seemed out of the ordinary to you, other than the heat his body was emitting or the look on his face, was how he was covering himself. His hands were still human but it was as if his demon form was trying to burst through, turning his nails into long, sharp claws. His knees were slightly bent in the small tub, but the hand that wasn’t gripping the wall was cupped around his manhood. 
“Why cover up? Not like I haven’t seen you naked before?” 
“…It won’t go down” In any other situation, you might have laughed. But the look of pain and dare I say fear on Nero’s face had you a little concerned. 
You shared a look with Nero and you were thankful he didn’t put up a fight, instead he turned his head to the side out of embarrassment as he moved his hand. Your eyes widened at how red and angry his hard member was, the first thought coming to mind was that maybe he simply needed a release and he’d be good. However, you had a good sex life with Nero so why would this be a problem now? 
“Um… okay. Look, why don’t I help you out? I can’t think of anything else that might help.”
“No! I-I don’t want to h-hurt you.” Nero panicked as he covered himself up again.
“Nero, you’ve never hurt me, and you never will. We’ve been through thi—“
“UGH!” Nero’s hands twitched before they suddenly turned into the familiar colour and texture of his devil bringer. The horns a top his head extended before disappearing shortly after, as if his demonic form was glitching and trying to come forth without him controlling it. 
“Thats it. I’m calling Dante.” 
Nero got dressed by the time Dante came over, he was still hot and suffering but the cold bath seemed to help a little bit. He sat in the lounge room and crossed his legs while he dug his nails into the arm of the couch while you sat across from him on the opposite couch. Dante stood in between you and Nero, looking between the both of you like you were stupid and the solution to Nero’s problem was right in front of you. 
“Tell me, kid. You start making a nest with all their clothes yet?” Dante asked with a sly smirk on his face, clearly enjoying this more than anyone else in the room. 
“I’m sorry… a nest?” You ask, confused out of your mind. 
“You really have no idea what’s going on, huh?” Dante replied, the curve of his lips never faltering. You didn’t know if you should be mad at him for not taking Nero’s suffering seriously or if you shouldn’t be worried since Dante clearly knew what was happening and didn’t seem concerned in the slightest. He did however seem a little too eager to come over when you called him, wether that be because he was bored or because he just really wanted to see Nero so uncomfortable was beyond you. 
You shook your head and shared a glance with Nero before pleading with your eyes for Dante to explain what was going on. 
“Look, watch this” The older hunter grinned, walking the few steps over towards you and turning to face Nero as he slowly placed his hand on your shoulder. You didn’t know what you were meant to be watching or why Dante was touching you, but the moment you heard a low growl, you started piecing it all together.
You glanced at Nero who was gripping the arm of the couch roughly, tearing the leather with his claws. He looked like he was doing everything in his power not to stand up and rip his uncles head off. You were actually surprised he hadn’t gone into his demon form with how aggressive he looked. 
“C’mon, kid. You’re acting like a bitch in heat” Dante chuckled, taking his hand off of you and taking a few steps back. You watched as Nero visibly calmed down, his claws retracting and the murderous glint in his eyes disappearing. 
“Is that what this is? Some demonic heat kinda thing?” You asked, pushing yourself out of your seat and going to stand beside Nero just in case he happened to get angry again. You expected to stay standing beside him just as emotional support, but apparently he had other plans as he wrapped an arm around your waste and pulled you down into his lap. 
“Now, I’d say it wouldn’t be as bad for you, considering you’re not a half demon and all, but… Maybe it’s worse for you? Huh, weird” Dante mumbled under his breath, seeming not to care that Nero was nuzzling into your shoulder as if to rub Dante’s scent off of you and cover it with his own. 
You tried to push Nero away, finding the sudden PDA a little much, but there was a low grumble down in his chest when you tried to stop him. Dante however kept talking like nothing was happening. 
“Once a year you’ll get like this and the only solution is wait it out. Should last about a week or two. Though…” Dante trailed off, feeling amused by both yours and Nero’s stunned expressions. You were shocked and still so very confused even though you now know what Nero is going through. 
“To make it a helluva lot more bearable… all you have to do is bump some uglies. It’ll help calm him down a bit. Just be prepared, cause when a demon goes through heat, we can go at it for days” Dante chuckled, seeming a little too casual about this situation and telling his nephew to engage in sexual activities. 
“Are you kidding me? Won’t I hurt them?” Nero asked, worried and confused. There was a light pink dusting his cheeks and nose as he asked. 
“You could. But you won’t.” Dante grinned, clapping his hands. “Anyway, I’m going to leave you guys to it. Be careful and feel free to call me if you have any more questions” And with that he walked away, letting himself out and not giving either you or Nero the chance to thank him for his help. 
You’d be lying if you said you couldn’t feel the bulge growing in Nero’s pants the whole time you were sitting on his lap. Perhaps Dante could sense the arousal and figured it was best to get out of there ASAP. 
“Well…” You said, facing Nero and wrapping your arms around his neck. He looked a little hesitant but pulled you in for a deep, rough kiss anyway. “Bedroom…” You mumbled against his lips, squeaking as you felt his tongue slip into your mouth as he soundlessly stood up, keeping you in his arms as he walked you to your shared room. 
(Woah can you tell this is rushed or what? Ha ha *sweating*) 
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evermoredeluxe · 4 years
I was tagged by @marysong thankyou abi💕
50 questions you’ve never been asked
what is the colour of your hairbrush? beige
a food you never eat? bittergourd and cucumbers
are you typically too warm or too cold? moderately warm
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? going through dms on insta
what is your favourite candy bar? kit kat or bar one
have you ever been to a professional sports event? no
what is the last thing you said out loud? Maybe
what is your favourite ice cream? chocolate
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
do you like your wallet? I have a few but don’t really use them but ldsfjalf but yes?
what was the last thing you ate? bread
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
the last sporting event you watched? probably cricket, that too monthssss ago
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? butter and salt or caramel
who is the last person you sent a text message to? a friend
ever go camping? yup
do you take vitamins? no...
do you go to church every sunday? no, not christian
do you have a tan? nope
do you prefer chinese food or pizza? pizza(I love italian)
do you drink your soda with a straw? don’t really drink soda
what colour socks do you usually wear? grey/black
do you ever drive above the speed limit? can’t drive :(
what terrifies you? DYING
look to your left, what do you see? my tumblr(literally lol)
what chore do you hate? dishwashing maybe but idk
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? UHHHH... the word mate?
what’s your favourite soda? don’t really like any
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? go there
who’s the last person you talked to? my mum
favourite cut of beef? I have never had beef and never will
last song you listened to? tiwwchnt
last book you read? Uhh... dont remember :(
favourite day of the week? probably friday
can you say the alphabet backwards? yeah, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
how do you like your coffee? tea’d(I love this ans, so copy pasted lol)
favourite pair of shoes? my pink shoes
at what time do you normally go to bed? like 11pm/12am
at what time do you normally get up? 5:30 am because of school :(
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrise
how many blankets are on your bed? one
describe your kitchen plates. BIG circle in middle and then a pretty wide yellow border
do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I wont ans this cause I am underage and might or might not have done something... illegal(eww, I hate that word lol)
do you play cards? I dont know how to play most of the games, I know like 1 or 2, so no
what colour is your car? don’t have one
can you change a tire? no
what is your favourite province? don’t have one ldjldd
favourite job you’ve ever had? Havent had one yet
how did you get your biggest scar? I literally dont know my biggest scar aksjalaj lol
what did you do today that made someone else happy? I don’t know and I dont think anything till now, its 8am hahah
Tagging: @youbelongwithmes @gorgeouss @nweromantics @sweetinyourmemory @starsthatshines and anyone who wants to do it, just tag me and do it, PLEASE!
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doodlebopshibop · 6 years
Moon light cascading through a window was the only lightsource in the room, many stars had seen a young boy diligently work on the special gift for his young love, currently sleeping on the bed above and next to him. Internal conflict was clearly written all over on his face, cross eyed intensely staring at his project, working string by string.
“Wrap, slip, pull through. Wrap, slip, pull through. Wrap, pull-, slip-, shit!”
A soft thumping of a ball of yarn and the clack of needles accompanied an internal scream trying its best to work outward.
Callused hands worked their way through red striped hair. He narrowed his eyes at the messy gloves and half knitted hat laying next to him, a set of deep red fingerless gloves, matching the red stripe colouring Riches own dyed hair, made of the softest string he could find. A black “R” and “T” on the left and right glove.And a hat with a yellow, red, and blue pattern currently wrapping its way around the entire garment closely resembling Timmy's iconic propeller hat.
He breathed deeply, his head in his hands sitting on the floor and slouching against the wooden frame wraping around the bed. Meditative breathing was the only sound in the room. He took a final deep breath and slumped his shoulders down. His eyes scrolled over to his boyfriend, cuddling his small stuffed rabbit taking in small even breaths, a little drool on his pillow. Rich smiled, all the frustration was completely worth it. He could almost see the smile on his boyfriends face now. His heart glowed and swelled with adoration. He really did love him.
He got up to stretch and use the bathroom, his vision was blurry and steps were out of order as he hugged the wall just to stay upright.The quiet noises of groaning and thumps had woken Timmy.
“R-r-richie? You o-oka-okay?” without his glasses and a lightsource he couldn't see in the dim room. He groped around the nightstand for his glasses and to turn on the dim lamp. With his vision cured, he turned to question his partner to discover he was gone, “Where-wher-where did y-you go?” he rubbed his eyes and frowned taking in another sweep of the room. The ball of yarn and gloves and hat caught his eye. He slid off the bed and re wrapped the loose yarn back onto the ball before inspecting the goodies.
He let out a small gasp and his cheeks bloomed a light pink. He sat on his knees and softly cradled the unfinished hat in his hands, inspecting the shakey work. He stared, his eyes darting across the hat. His mouth hung slightly open in disbelief that his sweetheart would take the time to learn and put use Timmy's tiny hobby into such a lovable gift. Distracted by the thoughtful gift, Timmy didn't notice Rich re-enter into the room.
“Timmy? What are you-” he then noticed was was in his hands “oh god damn- you weren't meant to see that..not till morning” his voice sounded tired. He slumped against the door frame and looked off. Timmy put down the gloves and hat and raised to his feet, he wrung his hands together and walked over with faint steps, “Aw Rich im-im sorry, i-i didnt me-mean to.” his eyes joined Riches in looking at the floor.
Rich's eyes then snapped to Timmy and stood up straight moving his arms forward and outward toward Timmy, “Oh! No babe, i didn't mean it like that, im sorry. I just wanted to surprise you is all and, heh, i'm just, really tired too” Timmy tuned his attention back to him gave him a sincere look before accepted his hug. They both stood in the doorway in a warm embrace laughing quietly and swaying back and forth. They pulled away and looked at each other. “So-so what whe-where you work-working on so l-late a-a-at night? And wh-why?”  he gave his boyfriend a quizzical look that made Rich laugh. “Well, secrets out, it was supposed to be a Valentines gift but crocheting is so much harder than it looks. Like seriously how do you even freaking do it?!”Rich geustered wildly to the supplied strewn on the floor while staring it down like it was his sworn enemy. Timmy muffled giggles into his hands “C’mon Mon lapin m-maybe i-i c-can show you h-how t-to finish it.” Timothy took Riches hand in his own. They both settled into bed Timmy slowly working to yarn over with the needle and explaining how build up the hat.
“I c-can see whe-where you-you went w-wrong R-richie, you sk-skipped a f-few loops a-and did-didn’t use the correct nee-need-needle.” Timmy put bluntly. Some may find it rude to have such things put so dry, but not with Rich.
He's had his fair share of experiences with fake friends and meaningless gossip and lies drilled into his head. He loves having friends like Timmy that say exactly what they're thinking and always mean it, even when it sometimes stings a bit to hear, he can take comfort in the fact that it's always honest, and every single time he looks into the eyes of his boyfriend and hears that ‘i love you’ he always knows that he means it.
He doesn't know when he nodded off but it wasn't long. He woke up to see Timmy working with laser focus, only a few more rows needed to be sewed done and all the gifts would be finished.
“Good-Good morn-ing sle-sleepy he-head~” he joked
Rich gave a warm smile and a loving gaze, “hey there” he rasped “sorry I conked out on you”
“That-that's okay” he gave Rich a kiss on the forehead before handing him the supplies “You finish” :3
Rich took the needle and yarn, a tired yet determined look settled onto his face. Slowly he looped the yarn over and over until the stretch of yarn was completely done. Rich dropped the honest masterpiece onto him lap and sunk into his mass of pillow and blankets. Timmy snickered and sewed up the end of the work and tied it off. he pulled it snug onto his head. It fit perfectly. It was warm and secure and incredibly soft. He reached over and pulled on the messy, yet made with love gloves onto his hands. They were pretty uneven but he didn't mind one bit. Rich cracked open his eyes and gazed over to his love, “So...do you like them?” he rumbled
Timmy responded with a warm smile, that same smile that Rich fell in love with. They shared a loving kiss before Timmy snuggled down next to him and nuzzled his head in the crook of his shoulder, Rich wrapped an arm around his back. Rich could feel the wool of the hat on his neck. “I l-love it R-Rich. I l-love yo-you” he slured.
Rich smiled and his heart rate elevated. He completely believed him.
This is a (kinda late) valentin(m)es gift for @madhattey  i adore their work and amazing research of different mental illnesses and traumas. its amazing, the broad spectrum of topics they talk about and how they inspire me every day. I sincerely hope they like it, its like 12:45 where i am, lol, i really am out here getting this bread. All credit to madhattey of course!! check them out Blease
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teroknope · 7 years
(Oneshot) Kylo Putting your little daughter to sleep while you talk to your eldest son (14 years old) smoothing his hair and talking about the force
A/N: Omg! I can’t believe someone actually asked me something lol. I hope this is okay. This is my first time ever answering an ask! I’ve assumed the daughter to be a few months old, I hope this is okay anon. Thank you for asking! 
Notes: Y/D/N = Your Daughters Name. Y/S/N = Your Son’s name. There is a really cool extension called InteractiveFics. You can replace words with whatever you want! I use it all the time.
W.C = 1,300 
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No matter what you did, your four-month-old daughter would not stop crying.
You tried to feed her, which worked for a short while until she started wailing again. You tried changing her, winding her but nothing was working. Fussy was an understatement.
It’s just like when Y/S/N was a baby you thought. At that exact moment, Y/S/N and Kylo walked through the door; your son looking exhausted after a day of physical training. He was looking more like Ren every day, especially since he had the same colour hair.
At fourteen he was growing broader and taller every day, becoming a young man. It was making you nostalgic. Kylo would return from his duties and Y/S/N use to run with excitement to greet him as he came home. That relationship had altered as Kylo began to teach him the ways of the force.
Your daughter noticed her brother and father walking into the room, he cries stopped for a short second and her eyes gazing at them.
“Y/S/N, go write down what you learned today” The training never stopped for your son, one of the drawbacks of having Kylo as his father.
“Yes, Father” Your son silently nodded and went to his room, smiling at you as he walked past. Your eyes followed him as he walked into his room while your daughters crying unfortunately returned.
“She’s restless again” You sighed.
“I’ll take her” Kylo asserted “Have a rest for a moment”. You passed your crying daughter over to Kylo. He cushioned her in his warm hands, she looked so small.
“Come on, it’s okay” he soothed softly to his daughter, gently bouncing her in his arms.
“I’m going to go see how Y/S/N is, he looks more tired than usual today”
“His training is becoming more intense, he is growing stronger” Kylo stated with pride, he was very proud of his son. Even if he struggled to show it.  Likewise, Kylo knew your son was exhausted, but it was the way of the force. It required dedication and commitment.
You poured a small glass of blue milk and grabbed a small piece of bread from the counter.
“I’ll go check up on Y/S/N”
Kylo nodded, he was grateful for how you never stopped looking after them.
You knocked on his door “Can I come in Y/S/N?” You opened the door gently and he turned to you, his eyes weary. It was a change from the energetic child that he was. You closed the door behind you and placed the milk and bread on his bedside table “How are you?”
“I’m good, How are you?” Your son inquired. A slight lie, his legs were aching and his arms felt dull.
“I’m good” A lie, You was exhausted. “How is the writing going?”  You sat down on his bed, opposite his chair, the desk was covered in stacks of papers.
“It’s going well I think, there is so much to remember” your son murmured “There is a lot to learn, father said I am to begin to make my own lightsaber soon”.
“Ah yes, he’s mentioned it to me briefly. He is looking forward to teaching you” Although you hoped his lightsaber won’t be as erratic as Kylo’s. “Your father is very proud of you Y/S/N, even if he struggles to show it” You reassured him.
“What if I can’t do it, mom? I’m not as strong as him.” He whispered, although he did not want to admit it he felt intense pressure to live up to the expectations of his father.
You could see the worry and doubt cloud his face, you pulled him into a reassuring hug, your soft hands smoothing over his black hair. his arms wrapped around you tightly. You missed the days where he would fall asleep hugging you after a long day.
“Don’t say that Y/S/N, you are determined and driven. Whatever you make will be a success. Besides, your father has had a lot more time to practice” you confidently spoke. He drew a small smile and looked at you, his eyes not looking as tired as before.
“What do you know about the force mom?” He asked inquisitively.
“What do I know about the force? Hmm” You pondered for a second before answering. “I know the force is around us all, regardless of the belief in the dark or light. Just because I can’t wield it like your father or yourself does not mean that I can’t sense it”.
“Do you think Y/D/N will be able to use the force?” Your son gently smiled.
“I think so yes, your father could sense it before she was born, the same with you, who knows you might be able to teach her some things when she is a bit older”. He smiled warmly,
You both noticed the crying of your daughter eventually turning to soft murmurs.
“Dad’s good at calming Y/D/N” He observed
“He was good at calming you, there were nights where you would scream this room down and no matter what I did it would not work. But when your father took you, you stopped crying. He seems to have a gift for it.”
Kylo watched as you walked into your son’s room, he knew it must have hurt you being unable to calm her. She was still wiggling in his arms. grabbing at his clothes. “Come on, I think it’s time you went to sleep” Kylo slowly stood up and calmly walked her to your room.
He tenderly walked over to your large bed and gently placed her in the centre, she was too young to crawl but still managed to roll over or wiggle around. The second he put her on the soft covers she started wailing again. He took a quick second to remove his top, and then scoop her back into his arms again. You both sought out advice when your son was at a stage where he would not sleep or settle; the doctors recommended that skin-to-skin contact may help calm him.
“it’s okay, I’m sorry for putting you down, I know you don’t like it” He positioned your daughter so she was lying against his bare chest, near his shoulder. He gently placed himself against your bed frame. He began rubbing her back softly in a circular motion. He threw a small blanket over her back.
“You’ll have to get used to being by yourself, I can’t be here all the time” he kissed her softly on her head, “As much as I would like too”
He knew he would miss these moments when she eventually grows up like Y/S/N. It’s part of the reason why you both decided to have another baby. Kylo recalled when he held her for the first time, she was much smaller than Y/S/N.  She had his dark locks, but more your nose and lips. She was so different to Y/S/N yet so similar.  
Time seemed to pass slowly in the quiet room, whether it was the warmth of his chest or the soft gentle rubbing of her back her loud crying had turned into soft murmurs. “I’ll always protect you, I hope you know that” he whispered.
Kylo noticed she was asleep when her breathing became more regular. “Good Girl,” he kissed her on the head softly. He slowly lifted up his hand and put his finger in her hand, she held onto it tightly as he stroked her hand. He continued doing this until her murmurs turned into soft snores.
When he was confident she was asleep Ren softly placed her in the crib next to your shared bed. He placed her in it gently, treating her like glass. He watched her for a few minutes, wished her goodnight and eventually moved off the bed.
When Kylo walked back into the living area you and your son were sitting at the table, waiting for Kylo to join you for dinner. Kylo sat down next to you. He looked with concern at his son, he could see how tired he was under the light.
“Do you want to see my notes, father?” Your son asked Ren.
Kylo spoke softly but with authority. “No, it can wait till tomorrow. You need your rest.”
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missguomeiyun · 6 years
lunch @ Bubba Gump
A new place is in West Edmonton Mall: Bubba Gump. 
They’ve actually been around for like. .. a few months now, like since March. Bubba Gump is an American-based restaurant that specializes in shrimp dishes & they have over 40 locations worldwide. This one in WEM is the 1st location in Canada. 
So many ppl are familiar with a rom-com movie from the 1990s (1994 to be specific) called Forrest Gump - this film is apparently the inspiration behind the opening of its 1st restaurant. I am part of the minority group, where I have never heard of nor seen such a production (n surprise there!). 
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Located on the 2nd level near the movie theatre & entrance to Fantasyland Hotel, Bubba Gump occupies a very large space. 
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*omg, I cut off the “C”*
I was informed by multiple ppl that the wait time was like 2-3 hrs when they 1st opened & have continued to be like that for dinner service, even on weekdays. As a result, I “gave up” on dinner & found time to meet up with Diana L. to come here for lunch instead (yesterday, Aug. 13th). They also got rid of reservation option bcos the customer flow was getting out of hand, so now it’s just 1st come 1st serve concept. 
For Monday @ noon. .. I was shocked that there was still a wait time of 10-15mins. When I peeked thru the restaurant, there were many empty tables o_O I was asked to provide my phone number so they could text me. The 1st text is immediate & I was still by the counter when I received it- it was to ensure the right phone number was correct (as a confirmation ensure). When my table is ready, I will get a 2nd text. With 10-15mins in the area, you really couldn’t go anywhere. For those who are familiar with this area of the mall, there’s nothing exciting to check out. AND there was no waiting seating around -.-’ So I just walked around in their merch store!
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PS: not all their dishes are shrimp-containing. 
Ok, their merch store! It’s connected to the restaurant but it’s divided out so from the front, it looks like nay other clothing store in the mall. 
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Tops & hats everywhere.
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They have a small section that sold kids clothes. & pingpong balls & paddles. 
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Seemed out of place for me but that’s bcos I don’t know the story of Forrest Gump lol.
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It legit looked like a clothing store.
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Besides clothing, they have several décor items - ones that sit up, ones that are for hanging, & glassware.
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After 10mins, I got a text notification & we got seated. Our table was the one that’s in the corner, just beside the guy right there.
The online menu is the same as the in-store one so I didn’t take photos of the menu but what I did take pics of was the drinks menu :P
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So they offer something that I have never seen before - buy the drink & keep the glass. For $11, I think it’s worth it if you want a souvenir. If this was a restaurant that I had visited during a vacation, I would heavily consider. But as an Edmonton-ian going to a restaurant in Edmonton, I have no reason to. 
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Our server told us about their “service system bcos Diana & I have never been here before. At every table (besides the bar), there is a sign that looks like this: 2 metal plates connected by a ring. The blue one looks like this, while the red one says “Stop Forrest Stop”. So if we need something (like water or whatever) & need the server’s attention, we’ll switch it to the red sign & someone will stop by. If we are doing well, we keep it on the blue. 
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“I’m Stuffed Shrimp”. Served with a ball of rice & a piece of buttered bread, there were 7 ‘stuffed’ shrimps in garlic butter. Diana & I both really liked the sauce; the colour looked creamy yellow & tasted refreshing (had a note of lemon in it). We didn’t use the lemon slice bcos we thought it was enough already. We were, however, disappointed by the stuffed shrimp. We expected something diff but our expectations matched each other lol you know the stuffed crab claw in Chinese banquets? The one that literally has a fried shrimp ball & sticking out of it is a tiny crab claw? We imagined something like that - something intact, a 1-piece item that you put in your mouth. However, the crab + cheese “ball” here was just sitting on top of a sliced shrimp. The 2 components fell apart easily & you basically had to eat them separately. While the shrimp, rice, sauce was excellent in flavour, the crab pieces didn’t really do much & was rather plain on its own. You need to scoop some sauce with it & consume it in one bite.
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Coconut shrimp. The shrimp reminded Diana & I of the coco-tofu we had at The King & I last time we hung out haha the shrimps were very good! Crispy, lightly battered & lots of coconut shreds. I just liked them on its own bcos the batter itself had a bit of seasoning. Diana preferred them with the dipping sauce, which I didn’t like. The menu says “Caju marmalade”, which. .. I don’t know what it consisted of. The initial taste was quite sharp & tangy (like a burst of citrus in your mouth), but then it changes & leaves a bitter taste behind. .. wasn’t a fan. Fries were alright, but like I keep saying, my standard for fries has been kept high ;)
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The jambalaya (contains shrimp, chicken & Androuille sausage). This was me & Diana’s fav! Slightly spicy, the flavour was just delicious. It was creamier than what I had expected but that wasn’t an issue as I loved it. I also liked the fresh tomatoes that were scattered on top; it was very refreshing & added another texture to the dish. 
Overall, it was an enjoyable meal~ 8.5/10. Pls try the jambalaya :D 
* * * epilogue * * *
Diana & I ordered 3 things. .. Our server had the 3 dishes on a large tray, & started placing the I’m Stuffed Shrimp on the table, while Diana & I ceased our conversation to wait till our food was served. The server hesitated - while holding the next plate of food, she asked, “the stuffed shrimp for you two?”. We said yes. She then said she thought she was at the wrong table bcos there’s 3 dishes but only 2 of us lol. 
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dds-writes · 7 years
Sept 1: Fight/makeup (Sheith, w: 1k) for Day 6 of @voltronnsfwweek
// Yeah so it’s no actually NSFW, because it’s just fluff n Keith being bratty and argumentative lol and it’s hella late because I moved house this weekend lol enjoy //
It was Keith's day off and he was spending how he spent every day off, dossing about at his boyfriend's studio flat. He was lounging across the sofa, head lolling over the back to look over at where Shiro was sorting through some old files, "Shiro, I'm huuuuuuungry!" he whined, dragging out the word and sounding just a bratty 5 year old who hadn't eaten in 10 minutes.
"Pretty sure we only had breakfast an hour ago ... " Shiro replied, not turning round. He flicked some old receipts into the bin, "Besides, you had double eggs," He knew Keith was sticking his tongue out behind his back.
"Yeah, but that was hours ago," he gave an exaggerated eyeroll and sat up, "Plus, I'm hungry now," he finished.
Shiro check his watch to find it was actually later than he thought, and way past lunchtime, "Gimme two minutes," he said, starting to pack away the files. He chuckled when he heard Keith huff and flop back down over the cushions.
Twenty minute later, the boys left the flat. The first signs of winter were starting to show and there was a distinct chill in the air. Both were bundled up against the chill, Keith had layered up under his painted leather jacket, and Shiro wore a thick scarf with his long woolen trench. "So, what do you want?" Shiro began, as they walked arm-in-arm along the pavement towards town.
"Hmm, not sure," Keith replied, "What d'you feel like?"
"You're the one who's hungry," Shiro pointed out, "But if I get a say, how about a pastry? Old Joe's should be open today, and they do good coffee too,"
Keith stopped walking and scrunched up his nose, "Nah, that's not filling enough. How about that Chinese buffet?"
"You know I don't eat there after what happened at Lance's birthday," Shiro countered, both shuddering about the memory of Lance drinking too many cocktails and then throwing up 4 servings worth of noodles and duck pancakes, "What about takeaway? The Indian’ll be open ..."
"Ew no," said Keith, immediately dismissing the idea and dropping Shiro's arm. His eyes lit up, "There's that new sushi bar, the one that opened last week!"
"Fish Me Up? Heard it's not that great, Allura says it's not fresh enough or something," Shiro shrugged, "Mexican? We could take a cab across town and ..."
"That'll take forever! No," Keith butt in, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms in defiance.
"Okay, fine, you decide," Shiro said curtly, crossing his own arms and narrowing his eyes in response.
Keith thought for a second before smiling, "Pizza,"
"Again?" Shiro started to say, but Keith had already started walking, setting a quick pace now he had somewhere to aim for.
The neon 'open' sign blinked a welcome from the window, and a bell rung cheerfully as Keith and Shiro pushed through the door. No one was behind the counter, so Shiro picked up one of the colourful paper menus.
"... and we'll just get a large and share it. I know what you're like for abandoning your last slices," he said, eyes flicking over the lists of different pizzas.
"Well, that means we get garlic bread as well then," Keith replied, scanning the big table of sides written above the till, "Or how about cheesy garlic bread?"
Keith stuck his tongue out, "Spoil sport," he whispered. Shiro raised an eyebrow but didn't give Keith the satisfaction of a retort. Luckily so, as just then Pete, the jolly owner of the place came through from the kitchen. Keith looked up, "Afternoon, Pete,"
"Hey Keith, who's this?" Pete said, gesturing at Shiro.
"An old friend," Keith smiled broadly, "Just moving in,"
"Ahh well, Welcome to Big Pete's Pizzas, what'll it be today?" he asked, wiping flour coated hands down the front of his apron.
Shiro began, "Uhm, right, okay. So, we'll have a large ..."
"Extra large!" Keith interrupted.
"... with extra cheese ..."
"Tonnes of cheese,"Keith added.
"... pepperoni and spicy beef" Shiro continued.
"Half beef, half chicken," 
Shiro gritted his teeth, "Sweetcorn, onion, peppers," he flicked his eyes to Keith, "Pineapple,"
"You are the worst," Keith said to Shiro, "No pineapple,"
Shiro smiled, "And some sausage please," he finished.
"And a side of garlic bread!" Keith added, ignoring Shiro's glares.
Pete rung up the order, Shiro paid, and they were instructed to hang around for the short wait.
It wasn't too long before Hunk, Pete's line worker, brought round two boxes, "Right, so that was  one extra large, personalized pizza, and one side of garlic ..." Hunk froze in what he was saying, having finally looked up at the two boys who were leaning against the wall of the waiting area. His jaw had relaxed, hanging slack, and his face had flushed, red splotches showing up under his olive-toned skin, eyes wide as they started at Shiro. He promptly pulled himself together, looking down at the pizzas "Uhh, g-garlic bread, fresh just for you," He held the boxes out over the counter in flour covered hands.
"Thank you very much," Shiro said, flashing his most charming smile and taking the boxes from Hunk, "I'm sure it'll be perfect," He watched Hunk's face go even more red, eyes downcast and smiling slightly.
Back outside, it had gotten colder since they'd gone into Pete's. They walked to a nearby bench, setting down the pizza boxes and making themselves comfortable.
"God, did you see that kid's face? He could barely get his words out," Keith chuckled, taking a large bite of garlic bread, "Could've gone easy on him, Mr. Handsome,"
"Maybe I should go ask him out for dinner, bet he'd be a better date than you," Shiro chewed on his pizza slice, "Easier to please too, I'm sure ..." Keith stuck his tongue out in response, letting the half chewed garlic bread fall out onto the floor. Shiro snorted, "Gods, less gross too,"
"Dessert?" Shiro suggested.
"Of course, at least we can both agree on that. Skarlett's for some cupcakes, yeah?" Keith commented, knowing Shiro's love of their signature cakes coated in lashings of buttercream icing.
"Yeah, like I need any more carbs. Sprinkles should be open today ..." Shiro replied, meaning the ice cream parlor that had recently opened down the road.
"You're never too cold for ice cream, I guess,"
"Yeah, the best flavour being Strawberry, right?" Shiro said between mouthfuls.
Keith's eye twitched, "I hope you meant to say mint choc chip,"
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dharad03 · 6 years
That big fat “J” Feeling
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Well, I think it’s the most effortlessly coming form of feeling with most honest emotion. First of all if somebody is jealous for you well done buddy you have invested some great moments with that person and now your relation is standing at those points from where going back is not an option. But jealousy is always taken into a wrong form, jealousy is not a cousin of possessiveness or dominance.. no no.. Jealousy is a simple word let’s leave it that way only. I will be glad if somebody is jealous for me. If jealousy is for me than after having these much different relations, taking care of people and giving time to it, I think I deserve one jealousy from one jealous person who is actually jealous because I am not around. And if jealousy is because of me than I have done something pretty good I must say.. Yes jealousy are of many kinds but we can easily exclude the bad ones here (yes jealousy could be nice too) because that is what I do in real life (I am really colour blind towards the negativity part, till today I am unaware of grey and green shades people talk about.. what they’re talking about???) Yes so important one is the main one. The good/decent one. Which will give you the awwww touch when you think through it or go to the core.
     You know I had my first j feeling from my house only. It was my brother. I was so jealous when I have to share my mom with him in those little times (trust me I am still unhappy with that) I always wanted my mom concentrating on me only and my mom do understand that feeling of mine and that is how I got the genes of her to understand every feeling of the life normally and taking it humanly. She taught me that you become jealous to only those whom you love and upkeep because you never want to share them, this is also the way to say I love you and it comes naturally. But who has the IQ (here IQ is referred as internal qualities) to understand so!!! Because jealousy always stated as the negative part of relation. It only looks noble in the movie. Well sometimes jealousy took a nasty role but it’s finally up to us. Jealousy is a feeling and like every other feeling it has to come out at the right time else it will come out as a bang.
    I am jealous because I want you because I had you for so long, it is as simple as that and why not you allowed me to feel that way. If you are turning your ass and focusing on other stupid parts without explaining me than I am jealous. After giving the hope bowl that I am more important and you yourself forget that for some purpose than I am jealous. If I am a side order now like garlic bread with no cheese than I will feel jealous. After sharing a decade together if you tell me “tum nahin samjogi”  than I will be crazy definitely.. You are not wrong may be but I know I am totally right. Allow yourself to feel relations to the gravity and frankly there is no need to think before feeling jealous that what relation tag you share with that person, if you are just a friend you cannot feel jealous, it has been 2 months you are not allow to feel that or this way, we never reached there and I never felt that way and bla bla.. shut up man.. The person is going through the real pain and you have to understand that. Not to talk after dialling your number 100 times, stalking you, ignoring you, screaming at you without any reason, telling you to back off with him or her than these are the symptoms of pure jealousy. Its not easy to suffer and feel deceptive calm. It starts from not so good facial expression you can actually smell their expressions from far (its called jalne ki badboo lol) and ends to sudden ignorance, counter questions and best one is they keep asking about their importance in your life and more..… Well if somebody is doing all these cracked stuff than you have to just understand them and hug them and need to add little bit of salt. That person could be jealous or mad at you but cannot leave you. Of course, they are using a lot of muscle to feel ok at first and then it turns into this. They have 100s of people around but you have that power to make them feel totally shaken. If you are busy-tell them, if you are in love or don’t like them anymore or if your ego suddenly becomes more active than try to talk, it’s just one hand away thing.
    I am writing on jealousy because obviously I was jealous at some point with few ones and maybe today also I am a jealous kiddo somewhere but the difference is I have understood it more clearly. I can differentiate who is imp to me. Where my jealousy is worthy. I can justify them how I am feeling and I can demand more. I advise you to stick to those people who is jealous for you because they have made you an integral part of their life. May be it could be hard to handle them at first but you just need a little    shift that’s it. And its worth doing that than loosing someone repeatedly.
    People are hard to find and so is the true relations. It takes years to take out a real relation out of the people, to feel the real they or the real us for something conquer in life. So, why to waste this jealousy when it is coming naturally to you!! Take it and enjoy, it is so significant and treasurable you will miss it when nobody will be hanging around with those green jealous monster eyes. Enjoy and Adios.
Jealousy is very hard to understand especially when you are a part of it. I always like one movie because it showed the right skin of jealousy, smoothly and effectively. I suggest to watch “Cocktail” before or after reading this article. It will help you to understand it and plus this movie really presses the right button of jealousy by showing the actual mode of jealousy ,which actually teaches me that my jealousy is common and healthy and you are not suffering from any neurological disorder. And trust me you are not mad. you are just more human.Do try.
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