#just fyi i will not only be griffith posting in here
tortured-griffith · 10 days
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-Silas Melvin, from "Twenty", Grit
-Anaïs Nin, from "Nearer the Moon"
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bthump · 1 year
I think I have diagnosed Griffith with 2 things after reading the manga, but am curious to know what you think
1. ⁠Narcissism. His entire worldview revolves around him. He thinks he is the protagonist. When he states that he can only respect another person who has their own dream and would do anything to make that dream a reality, he is putting a tremendous amount of weight on his "respect". And when someone actually does what the fuck he claims will earn his respect, he doesn't give it, because in the end it breaks his ego. In the eclipse, it's unearthed that deep inside, all along, he believes that all of the individuals in his army exist, living or dead, to serve him. That they died purely for him, not even considering that they yearend a life that was better then what they had, and surviving the front could have granted that. He never felt for a second that he actually owed anything else to anyone else.
2. ⁠Sociopathic tendencies: Griffith lacks true empathy. He views the world, and it's moral balance as a ledger, that he can add and subtract pros and cons to equal the karmic balance in his own eyes, and as such he "Greater goods" a ton of stuff that the fandom excuse or don't even consider prior to the eclipse, like burning the queen to shreds and sending guts on an assassination mission. He sells himself off to Gennon for the "good of his army", but this is just Griffith making ends meet to continue his ambitions of conquest, all of which are for his purpose. He excuses great amounts of evil because he is a narcissist and a sociopath. Other people's genuine state of being are not within his comprehension, and their situation is meaningless to him.
I gotta be honest, I'm pretty surprised you don't already know my opinion on this, since like my whole Fandom Brand is being a Griffith stan who thinks he's a genuinely good, empathetic person as a human lol, and I feel like I discuss that all the time. If you're very new around here and haven't really read many of my posts yet, then yeah, fyi we have deeply differing takes on Griffith.
And just as a warning, around this corner of fandom you're pretty much just going to see exasperated disagreement with this opinion, because it's what the majority of (English speaking) fandom tends to think about Griffith and the people who follow my blog tend to be pretty tired of it.
If you're genuinely interested in my own thoughts though, I'll link a few posts that explore my take on Griffith's personality in some depth:
Do I think Griffith is cruel
How Guts is not a better person than Griffith
Quick take on the Eclipse sacrifice
Griffith and power/control
The meaning of the Promrose Hall speech
Why Griffith lost his shit during the second duel
How Griffith both parallels and contrasts Gambino
Griffith's feelings for Guts are positive
Griffith's entire internal conflict throughout the Golden Age examined at great length
And just as an additional note, I generally don't engage with media through a psychiatry lens. Diagnosing fictional characters with personality disorders isn't my kinda thing unless the text is heavily implying it, because I view characters as tools that exist to help construct the meaning of a story, not as real people. If the narrative isn't interested in clinical psychology, then neither am I, basically.
But needless to say if Griffith was real I don't think either of those diagnoses would fit him, based on my layman's understanding of sociopathy and narcissism, for reasons I've discussed a lot in those linked posts, among others.
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fall-and-shadows · 5 years
Do you have any book suggestions for separatist feminists? Please and thank you for all your recent posts I'm loving them.
Yes! I have a whole list of works I want to read and articles I've saved over time.
**Disclaimer that I have not read all of these. Also keep in mind that although many works here state they are about and by lesbians, political lesbianism is rife in much of separatist and radical feminist theory**
Theory & Herstory:
Separatism and Women's Community by Dana Shugar
For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology by Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julie Penelope
Eden built by Eves: The Culture of Women's Music Festivals by Bonnie J. Morris
Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution by Jill Johnston
Herlands by Keridwen Luis
Lesbian Land by Joyce Cheney
Loving to Survive by Dee L.R. Graham
Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life by Dianna Hunter
Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
Ammonite by Nicola Griffith
The Wanderground by Sally Miller Gearhart
Some Reflections on Separatism and Power by Marily Frye
Women-Only Spaces: An Alternative To Patriarchy by Jennie Ruby (couldn't find this one online)
Exploring the Value of Women-Only Space by Kya Ogyn
SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas
The Combahee River Collective Statement (black women speaking against separatism, but I think it's an important read)
Dyke A Quarterly No. 6 Separatist Symposium Part One
FEMINISM FIRST: an essay on lesbian separatism
Separatism is Not a Luxury
Sonia Johnson:
Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Liberation
Wildfire: Igniting the She/Volution
The Sisterwitch Conspiracy
Bev Jo (she is poliles just fyi):
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cryptswahili · 6 years
The Spirit of the Bufficorn
Reflections from ETHDenver
We just got back from ETHDenver, Colorado's "full crypto" conference -- and one of our favorite events ever to have attended in the Ethereum space.
There was a lot going on at ETHDenver, but a few broad trends really came out over the weekend.
UX improvement is critical for Ethereum
One of the most important areas of development for Ethereum right now has nothing to do with Ethereum 2.0, eWASM, or anything else on the bleeding edge of the tech side.  
It was good ol' fashioned user experience.
And boy, progress has been made. Here's what makes me think that the next big leap in Ethereum adoption is going to come from the UX/Design domain:
Food trucks @ETHDenver led the way for real-world usability
This was the first conference I've attended where we ate our own dogfood -- Well, we ate a wide variety of delicious food from around Colorado: tacos, sushi, pizza, gyros, and ice cream -- but we paid for that food using crypto!
Each attendee was given a small (physical) token that instantiated a burner wallet filled with $40.00 worth of "Colorado Coin" in a burner wallet. Using QR codes printed on the sides of the trucks, attendees were able to purchase what they wanted, or send their extra coin to other attendees.
One moment really illustrated how far we've come from a user onboarding perspective: I watched as a confused customer handed his phone over to the food truck operator, who showed him how to buy food using the burner wallet. Think about that for a second: The process was simple enough (and designed well enough), that a small business owner felt confident enough to walk a customer through the process of using crypto to buy a gyro.
I would be remiss not to give due credit to one Austin Griffith, who ran the Buffcoin show and made sure things ran super smooth over the course of the event. Well done, Austin!
User on-boarding for 'non-crypto' transactions
Another thread in the same category is the number of projects in the hackathon who focused on making a first transaction as simple as possible.
A newcomer to Ethereum won't have Ether. They won't want to take the time to understand what a private key is and what steps they need to take to secure it. They certainly aren't going to even try to understand what 'gas' is and where that money goes.
Taylor from MyCrypto said it best in her presentation:
Users are expecting the same simplicity from web3 that they currently experience with web2.
Talk to PEOPLE. Build for PEOPLE. Talk to more PEOPLE. React to how PEOPLE use your product. Save PEOPLE from themselves.
For the first time at an event like this, I saw a number of projects integrating with services like Portis and Fortmatic (who put up bounties for integration, FYI), which allow users to pay for their first transactions using only a phone number and a credit card.
This might go against some of the stronger "decentralization maximalist" sentiments in the Ethereum community, but we have to be real: It's these kinds of "trusty" integrations that are enabling mainstream adoption, and they need to be embraced by more projects if we want adoption to continue.
As we continue to develop our products, we need to remember many, many PEOPLE might see bugs when we (the core Ethereum fans) see features.
We at Colony have been thinking along these lines more and more, and that's one of the reasons we've chosen to roll out a one-transaction payment method for developers integrating with our platform.
Even though it side-steps some of the game-theoretic security built into a task transaction workflow, making a direct payment with reputation gain without a multi-sig approval process is something that PEOPLE have asked for, and we are building for them!
Developer Experience matters
This is my main takeaway from ETHDenver: In many senses, the whole Ethereum community is still in the middle of a massive period of bootstrapping. We're building (or #buidling) some things that enable us to build more things that enable us to build all the things.
The project that illustrates this particularly well was built in the hackathon: EthDevTools.
The concept was simple enough: It's the web3 analog to the Chrome dev tools. As a chrome extension, it will show transactions, contract ABIs, logs, and a GraphQL explorer.
When concluding the presentation, Billy Rennekamp (@okwme) said something that made me clap:
"This should have been around from the very beginning."
So much in Ethereum development right now is "roll your own" that many projects end up building different implementations of the same functional tool, or similar (yet incompatible) approaches to the same problem (like debugging and ABI generation).
Projects like ETHdevtools may not be as sexy as token-curated registries or decentralized carbon offsetting, but they are going to have a huge positive impact on the lives of developers who are building those (sexy) things right now.
Open Source enables a better developer experience
At Colony, we do our best to, whenever possible, open-source the tools we build (from scratch) in order to save other developers from having to re-do our work:
We still need to improve on getting our tools out there faster, with better documentation and examples -- but we are keeping our commitment to contributing and maintaining open-source tools and infrastructure for the broader Ethereum development community.
Speaking of those open-source tools, we are super proud of Ryan and Scott, who made major progress on a command line tool for generating javascript libraries on-the-fly -- and won the Infura prize for their work!
Impact is where it's at
The final thing I noticed at ETHDenver was the number and quality of projects that submitted along the impact track for the hackathon.
This was also the first Ethereum conference (to my knowledge) that officially partnered with UNESCO:
Key highlights at @EthereumDenver. @UNICEF share key initiatives + what's coming: #boosttoken | #impacttrack | #collaboration with @Ethereum Foundation. Find out more via @Newsweek ➡️ https://t.co/Kzm3AtLBjJ.@hichrisfabian @mi_ayako @crlomazzo @ETHGlobal @EthereumFog pic.twitter.com/TNM9JKeOBn
— UNICEF Innovation (@UNICEFinnovate) February 20, 2019
The impact-focused hackathon projects are important. The people working on them are proving to the world that blockchain technology is not just a buzzword, but something of great potential for NGOs, non-profits, and larger impact initiatives, like the Sustainable Development Goals.
I anticipate we'll continue to see more interest and involvement in the Ethereum ecosystem for projects that not only focus on cutting-edge technology, but on solving real-world problems.
Focus on impact was one of my personal favorite highlights from the Colony Hackathon last year, and we're going to take that into consideration in planning this year's hackathon model. (stay tuned).
Last word: Bufficorns are great
This is too good not to re-post:
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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