#just for pfp purposes-
buddstar-hugger · 1 year
Been roleplaying as homestar runner characters recently using tuppers, and seeing how all I draw anymore is homestar stuff, MIGHT AS WELL DRAW THEM ICONS!
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And guess what! You can use these as icons too! Fitted for discord pfps, just make sure to give credit and your good to go!
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kala-mies · 1 year
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JAY FERIN JAY FERIN JAY FERIN J-(i am crushed by a piano)
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crebbyhermit · 9 months
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jan 2024/oct 2021
vici redraw
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starreo · 9 months
why do yall make a tumblr acc if yall arent gonna reblog
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art-leon · 2 months
shocking! local tumblr artist actually works on her ocs for once
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bellyjellyfish · 1 year
bots or just new users from twitter without a pfp? who knows, but i am blocking all of them 🤭
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steelycunt · 2 years
i think if he did have a tiktok it would be one of those like. soundless ones where he does the most random thing like. melding or pottery where only his hands + the object show
see i see this but i also think even then he wouldnt post them...i just think the idea of him. making an account. choosing a bio and pfp. taking a video. choosing a thumbnail. choosing a caption. uploading it. i just think at some point there his general disposition that is so diametrically opposed to the entire concept of tiktok + social media in general would intervene and stop that from happening there is just no part of that that would appeal to him i feel
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lacecap · 1 year
hiiii am i allowed to use this https://www.tumblr.com/lacecap/714326255450898432/other-detail-of-this-drawing-that-cant-be?source=share for a theme 4 my 3ds ? :3
of course!! thank you so much for taking the time to ask :")
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item-shoppe · 1 year
Hmm... today's been rather calm... no world-threatening event... no overly agitated customers... no new stock that is unfit for sale... nothing to complain about, really...
I don't like it...
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zombvibes · 1 year
why am i now realizing i have a suzberd layout.
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ofmd-archive · 1 year
my heart genuinely goes out to every black woman and woman adjacent black person who's hurt by episode 7 like i was by zheng being screwed over*. white dude dumly outsmarting zheng is hurting me because she's the sole character that looks remotely like me. Seeing spanish jackie's bar exploded and that it implies she was foolish enough to accept a fucking grandfather clock from someone she cut the nose off of can't be the best feeling.
Idc if the next episode "fixes" things. The statement has been made and the betrayal has been commited. Things can be mended but it sucks cus for once i let my guard down. I god forbid felt safe. I guess that teaches me a lesson.
"But that was just it - hate was exactly the right word. Hate is a force of attraction. Hate is just love with its back turned." -Terry pratchett
That is where i'm left with this show at this current time. No i will not be taking constructive criticism from white people on this. Only voicing this so that anyone reading and is currently feeling isolated, doesn't feel alone. Cus i don't think many people will point this out.
And i swear to fucking god if any of you white saviour fucks try to twist my pain here into justifying sending hate to the writers or actors then you will get the most biting letter i am able to compose from me. Don't you fucking dare take my pain and try to use it just to get your hateful rocks off.
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peach-pot · 1 year
9 8 of us
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cnnamonrolls · 2 years
the urge of making a new sideblog
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advancement-made · 1 year
[Now alone, Vance continues his almost anxious conversation with himself.]
(Translation: Tumblr is totally functional and I'm definitely not working on something I actually care about for the first time in years)
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kikizoshi · 2 years
On today's episode of 'Obscure Knowledge I'd Like to Share with Fellow Ruslit-Loving Godos Enthusiasts', apparently there's a Gogol Hotel right down the street from where Dostoyevsky lived while he was writing 'Crime and Punishment', which is also consequently just down the way from where Raskolnikov lived. The bridge Raskolnikov almost jumped from is pretty close too.
Also, someone put together a list on Google Maps of a lot of the locations in 'Crime and Punishment', which is how I found those locations. Thanks very much to them!
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zaynes-ocs · 3 months
Xadian’s official Ref sheet!!!!
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Feel free to ask any questions about him if y’all are curious!
He’s easily one of my favorite ocs ever I rotate him in my brain constantly
Voice claims/headcanon for him is Alex Brightman, specifically his performance as Beetlejuice!
Some basic story information includes:
A several millenia year old forgotten demon of the abyssal plane (he’s lost count of his age) who was summoned by a human named Jasiker Willowspeak to let him see his sister (Wendy Willoswpeak) one last time, to which Xadian took that very literally.
The two are now a case of demonic possession, and Xadian being the merciless trickster he is killed Wendy calously, though he later regretted that act after spending a bit too long in Jasiker’s body.
Together, they kind of copilot Jasiker’s mortal form, though Xadian prefers to take more of a back seat to mentally torment the object of his affections.
At the end of the day, no matter what, Jasiker’s soul belongs to it, and he seems to think thats enough to keep them together, though he has trouble understanding the ins and outs of mortal courtship.
He dislikes alcohol and falsehoods, refusing to indulge in Jasiker’s favorite beverage of choice and he’s very literal and deliberate with his words, much prefering speaking around the facts rather than outright lying, for example his contract with Jasiker states that Jasiker wanted to see his sister “one last time” which by all technicality, Xadian did allow, before promptly killing her. By all written means of the contract, it fufilled it and blames Jasiker for not being specific enough.
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