#just doing the characters that have gotten the most screen time in dbd/mrts so far
vermillioncrown ยท 3 years
I'm the anon who asked about reverse transmigration! ignoring not so fun parts of reality: how do you think the dbd characters would react to being presented with fast food? if presented with a (not soggy) mc donalds french fry I think jin zixuan would spit it out
you. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ how dare you leave these kids on my doorstep, no child support -
more than anything, i think the amount of seasoning would kill them in shock
and i would never start them on that without prior warning. there's always rice leftover in the apartment - plain white congee first, with all the pickles they could ask for. work them up to our normal fare.
and not mcdonalds - i may be a sad grad student but i have standards. we're going to the only smashburger open in the state (now closed :( )
the 'original burger meal combo with rosemary parmesan truffle fries' slides in front of the transmigrator(s). zhu yunxun's counterpart in this world, and it is obvious to see now with the expression even if the features are more mature and worn, moves into the seat across the table. the same look of half-lidded assessment cannot be hidden behind the two pieces of glass ornamenting her face ("glasses, my guy - i'm blind as fuck")
"it's not poison." she snickers. "maybe all the same, to you."
a little prank, at most. even at their most vindictive, the more-familiar zhu yunxun has never caused real harm.
so, picking up one of the fried potatoes, cut so uniformly that the ease of it all is amazing in itself...
1) wangxian take a bite. wwx is fuck bombed at the cronch. WOW. the flavors are intense enough that he nearly forgets to ask if it's spicy.
"don't worry, i told them to add jalepenos and chipotle sauce to your burger. and..." zyx teaches them how to make a dipping sauce to wwx's preference.
"Lan zhan, lan zhan! isn't this amazing??"
lwj looks shellshocked. it is much too rich, almost overwhelming. warmth, texture, flavor - his tongue feels like needles pricking at its surface.
"ah fuck," zyx reaches into her bag and pulls out that smooth, heat-preserving water canister she started carrying out of habit. from within, she pours lwj a cup of warm, sharp oolong. "at least you didn't keel over, so moral victories there."
2) jzx and lqy take a bite.
jzx... his face is gobsmacked and the first reaction is to spit it out at zyx's cackling. Hmph, even across worlds they never change.
but... now aware, he picks up another potato stick and bites in again.
"ahahahaa did you die, rich boy?"
"shut up! i don't eat street food all the time!"
"well, allow this pleb to show you some real street food."
lqy quietly samples the food. after traveling with their group, to eat something so rich and flavorful was in direct opposition to the other zyx's habits. the bread and meat wrapping, with its thinly sliced vegetables and other accoutrements, is satiating.
she looks at zyx teasing jzx without malice, jzx blustering back while still eating. even if habits change at the surface level, zyx continues to look after them all the same.
3) "not poisoned, you little brat," zyx grabs a potato stick and tears it in half with a bite. she then squeezes the bitten end, so zl can see its innards. "i literally don't have the money to waste killing you, finding a place to get rid of the body, and deal with more questions."
zl finds himself agreeing. so he takes the leap, takes a bite. a noble's son he may be, but enough years on shuangfeng meant that he spent more time roaming cities as a commoner more than as gentry. street food is not unfamiliar.
"so what, does that other zyx try to kill you all the time? how much fucking energy does she have?" this older zyx drawls, jaw on her hand while watching him eat. "i'd said i'd take care of you while you're here. believe what i have to gain, if nothing else."
"this xuzhong believes qianbei." and he does, for the most part. the biggest difference is that this zyx is casually, painfully honest. while an oxymoron to the fullest degree, zl also knows that honesty can also be a mask.
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