#just constantly and randomly pop up outta nowhere
nezuchuuko · 2 years
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Yoshida is committed to the bit
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genshingarbage · 3 years
oooo can you do Hcs if our boys Diluc, Zhongli, Childe and Kaeya turned into a small animal for a day (could be based off their canon constellations or whatever ahah)? Like idk just imagine Zhongli turning into like a cute baby dragon/noodle-y lizard or Diluc becoming a ball shaped owl or eagle LOL. This can be both safe and non sfw ~
Congratulations to you for being our first ask~! We’ll do our best to serve. We are really excited to write this one, we were just thinking about things to write and then you popped outta nowhere with this amazing ask, brain go boom~ Enjoy your day with a bunch of feral animals, Lady Myrx - Mod Kaeya/Diluc
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A Day In The Life Of ...
|| Head Cannons ||
We really wanted to stick to the constellation idea but with Childe that was a bit hard... considering his is like a fish/whale. So we thought about it and the only small critter we could pair with him was a ferret. I hope this will suffice. - Mod Diluc
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How did he end up as a ferret today? No idea. Does he even care? Mmh... not really. He's found out that being a ferret has its pros surprisingly.
Scaring you awake for a first was the highlight of his entire day tbh.
The way you reacted when he kept licking your nose hearing you giggle 'Childe' under your breath.
Only to then scream when you opened your eyes to be greeted to a small ferret sat ontop your chest STARING at you.
You'll be spending all day trying to figure out how this happened?
But he will make it impossible for you to actually find any clues or evidence- he doesn't want this to end dammit.
Getting strokes and pets from the lovely ladies in Liyue when he does a small turn or lifts onto his back legs. Heaven <3
Running into the restaurants and kitchens stealing food and being chased out with name-calling ensue.
Music to his ears. Oh also you can bet you're his get out of trouble free card.
Scampering back to you and climbing up your leg till you hold him toward your chest.
He doesn't mind being there one bit either.
You'll be spending the day saying sorry to many angry shop keepers and chefs. Apologising on your 'dumb pet ferrets' behalf.
Eventually you'll tire yourself out from trying to get him to sit still for one minute to help figure out this crazy conundrum.
Because he's far too busy being the nightmare pest to Liyue right now.
He'll enjoy making you chase him only to squeeze himself under heavy objects that he knows you'll struggle to lift.
At one point he'll just completely dip.
Leave you outside looking for him while he gets comfy in your panties in your drawer.
Also you just know when he does wake he'll make you know exactly where he's been.
You'll see him in the hallway of your house with a pair of panties in his mouth. Just standing there.
He can't do it but you know he's smirking like a little shit to himself right now.
However when it gets late and you can't stand up anymore from having to deal with a demon in a ferret body all day he'll eventually give in.
The night will come to an end with you laying in bed with him coiled up into a tight ball on your lower abdomen.
Don't deny it. He's adorable as a ferret and that moment will declare it official 100%.
However what's more precious is when you wake up the next morning to him still curled into a ball but he's beside you in bed naked and very much human again.
You take great joy in waking him up by throwing water over him that morning and hearing him scream instead of you.
You still love him though and he'll never stop loving you <3
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Why is he an owl? How does he fix this immediately?
He will not enjoy this freak occurrence one bit.
He has evil to crush and innocence to protect. How's he suppose to do that as a tiny owl?
It doesn't help his humiliation either that you're just constantly going 'Awe' and 'Omg' to every movement he does.
He will randomly flap his wings out a lot. As if to shrug or try cross his arms but he keeps forgetting they're wings now...
Once you're finally over the attack of cuteness you'll sit down with several books on all sorts of magic and mystery to try help decipher this.
He will for sure sit on your shoulder. Just perch there while leaning down to also read the books along side you.
He really wants to be human again. Please help him.
Every small noise around him will result in his head doing the full 180⁰ head spin that owls do.
He is literally a fat feathery potato right now with bright red eyes. He looks kinda demonic ngl.
But the fact you know he's so embarrassed and humiliated over the situation just makes him so cute!
Diluc may consider suicide if you do.
The nonstop teasing and ruthless bullying that will come from Kaeya is inhuman.
"Wow Diluc you took being the nocturnal type a bit too seriously huh?"
If he doesn't commit suicide he'll definitely commit murder when he's human again. So just don't let Kaeya find out.
You'll hear a lot of people questioning why you suddenly have a pet owl. And when people ask you'll have to sputter out half arsed excuses.
"A gift for Diluc."
"It was injured and I'm helping it."
People will ask alot if they can stroke it and even though you know Diluc is screaming no you'll say yes.
You'll have to stifle your laughter when you see his podgy unamused owl face being squatted down by pets on the head.
If you keep taking the piss however he will eventually peck your ear. Just bite it. Hard.
Make you squeak and apologise to him.
Despite being given a once in a life time chance to FLY he just WON'T.
He'll remain on your shoulders the whole day. He doesn't want to go anywhere like this. Just make him human again already.
However as night approaches and it's clear there is no resolve to his problem he'll reluctantly give in.
You won't even know it but you'll pass out searching through the books trying so hard to help him.
He's totally not gonna then chose to fly in the night sky to find a pretty windwheel aster to leave on your window ledge to wake up too.
His way of thanking you for trying so hard all day to help him even if it does end with fruitless results.
He fall asleep perched at the bottom of the bed. Looking like a fluffy ball with a face and nothing else from how round he is.
When the morning does arrive and he wakes up to his human self again he's actually gonna be smiling like a maniac.
And if he's with you he's gonna get lost in his glee and lift you up and twirl you like a princess.
Before clearing his throat and putting you down and going back to his nonchalant ways.
His face bright red however as... yes... he did just pick you up and twirl you round while he's stark naked.
Time to find his clothes ASAP.
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Aight, first thing he's gonna do is discover that peacocks can scream because he certainly is on the inside
You know that video of that seagull screaming?
Yeah that's him when he first finds out
But after you manage to help him calm down he's...pretty chill honestly
He gets to just vibe perched somewhere high, eat and sleep all day while everyone else rushes about and figure out what's wrong? fuck yes
Peakaeya is gonna be roosting on the shelves above your desk, the door frame and frantically tip tapping after you as you run errands around Mondstat without so much as a care in the world
Let's get this straight alright if one thing about Peacocks is known it's that they're drama queens so this is like normal Kaeya ramped up to about a 10. If you so much as deny him a rice grain he's gonna get pouty and act all cute and sad for pets
Just tease human Kaeya about it later for revenge it's alright we know you want to
He's gonna present
A lot
Because he's a massive flirt and now he can lay into people without having any consequences and make their day while he's at it
Especially you, especially to interrupt you while you're scolding him because his feathers are gorgeous and the fucker knows how to work them to his advantage
The one place I wouldn't recommend taking him to is DIluc's for obvious reasons
It's going to end in a fight or at the very least customer's mugs and glasses being kicked to high heaven by a mischievous little fowl with claws the length of your finger
God forbid he tries to peck someone's eyes out after they make a comment
So yeah no just don't take him to the tavern, if you do leave him outside and ignore the screaming Peacock staring through the window so intently at the back of your head you're starting to get freezer burn
If you can't find him he's probably posing dramatically on the Anemo Archon statue or in the courtyard by the Knights' HQ, there I just saved you 2 hours
When it comes to bed time he's gonna find all your clothes and make a little nest out of them on your window sill and brood there until he falls asleep
Thankfully he didn't fall off it in the middle of the night but the sight of a naked Kaeya leaning against the wall under your window is uh
Pretty interesting
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Well this was a predicament
Being a gecko was hardly one of the first forms he would've chosen to shift into, especially considering his retirement but he couldn't seem to shift out of it so guess he's stuck with it
You know it was him from the first second you saw him perched next to his cup of tea looking confused
The lil horns and whiskers gave him away
He's gonna do a cute little tail wiggle every time he notices you looking at him, he can't control it it just happens
When you do manage to get a brush and ink geck-Li just sticks his whole paw in the ink and writes to communicate that way but the letters come out so botched you can't even tell what word he's trying to write you just know it is infact A Language and that it is A Word
Don't worry about it too much since he's used to existing as small creatures
He may waddle back and forth across your desk as you work
He doesn't really know what to do with himself, I mean he's tiny right now so he can't exactly give you his usual lectures or aid
If you need to leave just put him in your breast pocket and he'll go along for the ride but he wants to keep near you
You'll feel him shift around don't worry he's just napping or moving to hang his for legs out of your pocket so he can see what's happening
Boop him and watch his eyes go wider than you've ever seen them
He'll also follow your finger even to the point he's crosseyed
In the event someone sketchy comes up to you he just screams
It'd be adorable if not for how horrific it sounded? You didn't know what dinosaurs sounded like but you're pretty sure they'd sound like whatever the fuck kind of noise he'd managed to produce when a particular bold treasure hoarder tried to get you to join them
How was he so loud??
And defensive???? He tried to bite a shop owner when he moved to fast helping you pick up some chilis
Though when he spaces out and licks his eye it's pretty cute
It's honestly eye opening seeing him like this...it's like you know him better
Bedtime means he's going to just starfish on his pillow and I mean his pillow because somehow he takes up all of the space on it and no no you cannot take it back from his tiny little gecko paws
Waking up, he’s missing and there's a note on your bedside thanking you for taking care of him
He did wake up stark naked with his arms wrapped around you but he felt that was vastly inaproriate, so he got dressed as quickly as he could and left a note
A couple days later when you visit him in Liyue with a new gecko pet (a species named after Rex Lapis as it so happens) he can't help the small smile that graces his lips
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
I would like to make a request if I may. Something with Luffy's SO doing something crazy strong ( taking out a fleet of marines, lifting something heavy, idk) and Luffy just sits there with that big goofy grin of his and is like " Yep! That's my girlfriend." Please and Thank You.
(I didn't know if you wanted a scenario or headcanons, so hopefully these are alright 😅)
So Luffy would be his girlfriend's number one fan, and he'd get stars in his eyes whenever he saw her kicking ass on the battlefield. He'll be yelling encouragement to her across the battlefield while taking out enemies, and he'll get annoyed whenever some random Marine or pirate gets in the way while he's watching her.
"Oiiii, ____! Kick those guys' butts, you can do it! Hey, get outta my way, I wanna see ____ fight!"
*one Gomu-Gomu-related ass kicking later*
"Aw, maaaan, you made me miss her finishing move!"
He's torn sometimes on whether or not he should fight alongside her or just watch her kick ass. I mean if he joins in he gets to beat people up WITH her! But if he just watches, he gets to see what she's capable of just on her own. Aahhhh, sometimes he doesn't know what to do...so he'll randomly pop in the middle of fights to take care of a few enemies, give his s/o a quick kiss on the cheek, and then bounce away to watch her take the rest of the enemies out on her own.
Any time Franky needs ____'s help to lift parts of the Sunny for repairs, Luffy's impressed by how easily she can lift a huge piece of the ship with barely any effort. He's seen her do it a million times, but he's always got the same grin on his face every time she does it.
He's also constantly asking for piggyback rides out of nowhere, since he knows you're more than capable of carrying him. He'll even ask if anyone else like Chopper or Usopp wants in on this piggyback action, and depending on how long they've been exploring they might actually say yes. Luffy loves how she can carry him and other people without a problem.
He's more eager to spar and play fight with ____ compared to other members of the crew, even the stronger ones like Franky and Zoro. Not only does he know she can play along without accidentally hurting her, but it's very common for their play fights and sparring sessions to segue into some romantic cuddling and whatnot. His favorite move is to coil around her like a snake and just wrap himself around her, like a cute lil' boa constrictor.
Seeing her fight alongside him and the rest of the crew gives him an extra boost of confidence. Even when they're facing an enemy like Kaido, who's impossibly strong, just knowing she's there and on his side makes him even more confident that he'll win.
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