#just constant evidence even before the affair that he doesnt like her as a person bc he cant even trust her
ladysophiebeckett · 8 months
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mind you, they got back together two days ago and this is the face he's making when she starts complaining about betty getting a living wage.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon and I actually was skipping through the official City of Mizu episode and realized I missed Skeppy as a idol. So if you follow Skeppy you get to learn about different kinds of gems and what they can be used for, get trained on proper safety when mining, what to look for and avoid when mining, and they also get to go on supply runs that specifically require mining, though not many people follow Skeppy because mining is dangerous. Also I missed Charles personality a good bit so ima change it to where he's still quite, reserved and anxious, but is adventurous, curious, dedicated to his interests, and when given the chance or talking about his interests he gets very excited and talks a lot. Like a excited puppy. 
1: People can get kicked out of a idol following for many reasons, like disrespecting the idol and their peers, claiming some of the history their learning is fake, attacking anyone in the city (like stabbing, they just get chastised for fist fights), and breaking multiple rules of the city. And some people don't choose a idol, though its highly unlikely as those who don't know what idol to pick tend to pick Tommy or Tubbo. Those who choose not to choose a idol, tend to only work in farming, as its a easy job to learn. Its for these people that the idol-less council member was added, the council member also represent other cities and kingdoms that do still acknowledge and trade with Mizu. Most houses are actually built out of the side, like how we saw the idol rooms in the official episode, and their kind of scattered about, theres some halls filled with homes, but some halls have no homes. The halls with the homes tend to be the biggest/widest halls of the city, as to allow for room for the families living there, and also because theres sometimes stores in this area. Some halls also have multiple levels to allow for more room, these specific halls are referred to as Residential Complex, and only house homes in their multiple levels. While halls that hold only a few homes arent called anything special. Because outside affairs are very complex, most kingdoms and cities ignore Mizu, treating them with disgust and some times, people who have done supply runs that go into cities have reported having higher prices on what they want to buy, and disrespect from all citizens and police. But some kingdoms and cities respect them and trade with them without any tricks. The councils main agurement in this situation is that, the nice city is very far away, a weeks travel, but the mean city is close, only a 2 day walk away. They agure about what to do and what city to travel too for all supply runs. And another agurement that the council often has is what to do with visitors, they had visitors in the past that had destroyed and stole items in Mizu while causing disruptions, but some also brought their own culture and items and happily exchanged said culture and items. So their conflicted on if visitors should be welcomed or turned away. 
3: He went through what Ranbob did, being held to high standards that he just couldn't meet. But unlike Ranbob, he spoke up about his problems and managed to get held to lesser standards and allowed time to recover. When he moved out he originally lived on his own in a forest, and because he was vulnerable to monsters he didn't know how to handle, he had to make many fast paced despite when cornered by monsters or when trying to save crops or his house. And since he was also the oldest child of a 6 child family, he had to constantly look after his siblings, giving him his father-like attitude and knowing how to help people in basically almost any situation. His siblings are (current ages) Nick-17, calm, information nerd, introverted and Benjamins favorite brother. Rock-10, a tiny gremlin that loved to mess with people, he often broke bones or broke items when playing due to his rough play style and broke rules, Benjamin was the only one who could calm him. Ion-16, a teen that is very adventurous and always wandering off, she always talked about traveling the world, the hardest one for Benjamin to keep track of. Stellar-13, in love with space, but other than that is a normal child, but she also has a fascination with monsters like enderman, often wondering where they come from, Benjamin doesnt have any strong opinions on her.  And finally, Juka-15, they are very invested in redstone, often experimenting on it and trying to make different things with it, often the stuff they make blows up, Benjamin admires Juka's persistence and love for redstone but also wishes they'd stop blowing up the damn kitchen. 
8: Totems do exist, their just so rare its not believed Techno managed to have and use one. So that part of the story got lost and left out over time. Pandoras vault has fallen, mostly because of a break out by Dream that destroyed most of it, and because it had fallen into disrepair. And they do have such advanced technology to make such a prison now, but they doubted the SMP had such technology and availability to do it in their time. And there is also a great lack of evidence (expect for the actual building, but even then people agure it was used for something else) supporting the existence of Pandoras Vault. 
Ran and Ranbob used to feel confused and hurt, not understanding why the world hated their home and why the world was so mean to them. Over time they learned why they where shunned, but still didn't completely understand. Eventually they grew used to it, and learned to avoid saying where they lived, unless they wanted to partake in a fight. They very very rarely say that they came from Mizu, as they had learned long ago from both classes and personal experience. But a few times it was revealed they lived in Mizu, they had to just endure it and move along, even though Ran really wanted to punch a fucker. They became friends when Charles went to him during the trip to the flower field, asking to join in on a game he was playing. Its a miracle the two didn't get a heart attack tbh.
10: He was not! Ranbob was too weak for Dream to access all of his powers. And Dreams constant hold of control and withholding food and all the essentials from him, made him even weaker. No one is aware of it, not even Ranbob. A mix of pissed, a weird sort of pride, and determination. The pride and determination is there because knowing Dream thinks that way of them, confirms that they're enough of a threat that Dream actually acknowledges them. And helps them believe that they could truly beat Dream if they tried. Though it also means Dream will try his damned best to kill them. 
13: Yeah he comes out on top, he still has some advantages over the others even without tatics, like his speed and he knows how to sneak around and use the area to his advantage pretty well. 
14: He seemed more finicky, more nervous and anxious. Constantly trying to seperate himself from the group when he tends to stay very close by. And more on edge/quick to snap at others.
 Ayy! Starting off with Skeppy and Charles, what a wonderful way to begin. How did Skeppy’s few followers mine? Were there mines under the sea floor? Did they travel out of Mizu to go find mines in the earth? 
1: Hm, interesting. The idol-less leader seems to have quite a bit on their shoulders, if they deal with all outside affairs. Were they specifically selected to learn their position? Since you said most of them farm, but all those politics and stuff seem kind of different from it. Does Ranbob remember any of the nice cities? Did either boy ever meet a former visitor that recognized them from back then?
3: Benjamin’s family sounds really cool. Does the gang ever get to meet them? If so, how do they get along with them?
8: Huh. Well, how about Woodland Mansions? What happened to those, to make totems so rare? So Pandora still stands today? Cool. Does the gang ever come across it? Where would it be located-or well, what areas would be around it? Is it used for anything else nowadays?
And that sucks. If this happens while the brothers are at odds with each other, do they still help each other out with it, since they’re being mocked about their home, or do they just ignore it, and such. How do their respective groups feel both about them being from Mizu, and how they’re treated for it, both before and after the two hauntings started to merge? Did it effect how they thought of them in anyway?
And that sounds cute. What game was it, and who won? 
10: Hmm. Was Dream aware he was causing Ranbob to become weaker, or was he that out of touch with human needs? Also, I think I remember way back then, you mentioned this part of Dream was the evil bits that survived his death.
What do you think would happen if they somehow managed to end up seeing the good parts, maybe with a similar artifact that Ranbob found in your supposed fluff?
13: Nice.
14: Oh, no. That’s not good.
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demons-jim-demons · 7 years
Personal Timeline Headcanon  PART A: 1910 - 1930s/1940s
Based off HCs I liked, Mark’s own “canon” (the stuff he likes to think how it works but is in no way saying it is canon because it was not in the video), my own HCs that I haven’t said, and the actual canon information from the WKM videos. 
Making up a fake family trees and events with a spattering of canon from this point onward.
Timeline basis: 1920s - 1950s timelessness. 
William Ford, WKM!Mark Fischbach (who will be called Mark from this point on), and Damien & Celine Ark were born in 19XX. Celine is 9 months younger than Damien. 
Mark and William grew up together in The House. 
William is Mark’s cousin from the maternal side. 
They meet Damien (and Celine) at a young age. 
William joins the military as a young man.
Mark peruses a career in acting. 
Damien meets Y/N Yancy Nancy at University 
Mark and Celine date and eventually marry. 
William and Celine have an affaire and Mark’s marriage falls apart. Mark spirals down into a terrible depression that leads to the darkness of The House. 
Damien becomes mayor and Y/N is given the job of District Attorney. 
Poker Night
Celine not being an expected part of the group and Damien never being the one he wanted to possess. 
Dark and Wilford 
Path A: 1909 - 1930s-1940s
1910s: Birth - Pre-teen 
William Ford, Mark Fischbach, and Damien Ark are born in 1909. Celine born 1910 (nine months after Damien). 
In 1914, World War 1 begins. William’s father goes off to war and is killed two years later in battle; Will is only six when he experiences his first loss. The widowed Mrs. Ford beings her son to her sister’s place in hopes to having some help there in raising her son and dealing with the grief.
Mrs. Ford makes sure William knows of how great of a man and a solider his father was. She wants to make sure that her son knows that his father loved him and was brave. 
Mark and William are fast friends. They liked to explore the grounds together and pretend they are on safaris, or soldiers, or any game that really had to do with make-believe. 
They took these games to the primary school they attended. One such game led them to meeting Damien. They quickly became fast friends and were practically inseparable.
Through Damien they would meet Celine, who was a year under them, but she wasn’t interested in her brother’s friends so much as trying to meet her own friends. (While also constantly being around them when they came over...just to watch is all). 
Damien and Celine are the typical sister brother duo. They love to make fun of each other, constant teasing, but they do have a close bond that says that they care deeply for one another. 
Mark and William made it a mission to see how much they could get away with at school and at home. Damien was constantly trying to stop them or weasel them out of trouble. 
1920s: Preteen - Teenager 
The 1920s came around as they moved into teenagedom and high school (since they could afford such an education). This was a time of parties, girls, and all out craziness. 
William starts to realize he may have a crush on Celine but doesn’t want to admit it because it is weird to like your best friend’s sister. Mark is also realizing he likes he and also keeps it to himself. Damien is oblivious to this.
The Widowed Mrs. Ford meets a new man and marries him. Instead of leaving The House with his mother, Will stays with Mark’s family. He is very bitter about this new man replacing his father. 
Damien is a pretty popular guy at school, so is Mark, so the three of them are always hosting parties or going to parties. William isn’t as well liked but he goes where his friends go. 
Still they all kept of their grades rather well. They are smart boys but they do just like to have fun.
Graduation held a bunch of unexpected paths for the three of them:
Damien had been excepted into many Universities where he would begin to study political science and leadership.
Mark had also been excepted into University but he would drop out after the first semester to pursue acting. 
William was not sure what he wanted to do and decided to follow his father’s footsteps and joins the army. 
1930s/early 1940s(?): Young Adult - WKM
Damien meets a very interesting law student while at university and you become fast friends. One night he decides to invite you along as his plus one to one of Mark’s movie premiers. This is where you meet Markiplier for the first time. 
William goes into boot camp and is one of the star soldiers. He finds this stuff easy. What he is not expecting is to be sent overseas. While over there he climbs up ranks quickly but also experiences things that they had no way to train him for in boot camp. Will does get to visit home when he can but that becomes less and less often. 
Mark has some trouble at first with the acting but with a few string pulls, and help from his friends and family, he does make it to Hollywood. He soon adopts the name Mark Iplier as his stage name, like all the stars were doing. It was misspelled in the paper’s once as Markiplier and that misspelling stuck.
Mark’s parents move out to a smaller country home and give The House over to Mark and William. With William over in the army and rarely home the young military man decides that it would be fine to sign The House fully over to Mark. 
Mark invites Celine to a movie premier and soon after begin to date. 
The Great Depression has also hit during this time. It puts a small dent in many of their lives: 
Mark’s career falters some but he stays strong with the rich audiences.  
Damien graduates and has some trouble finding a job right away. 
William is given an UNDETERMINED amount of leave due to ‘military cuts’. This was an excuse because of training gone wrong. Hint: Zombies + Jungle. 
William moves back into The House with Mark’s promise that he can stay as long as he needs to until he gets back on his feet. William is greatful for his cousin’s kindness but can’t help but feel that there is something off. 
Mark and Celine get married. Damien is happy (?) for them but William is not too pleased but does not say anything about it because he does want her to be happy. 
William moves out of The House right after the wedding. He barely talks to Mark anymore. Damien tries to get them together but it is always tense (on Will’s side especially). The only one that can seem to cut the tension some is Celine. 
Y/N gets a job in the DA’s office. Just a simple job right now but it is a start. After so long of no work. 
Mark and Celine were married for about 2-3 years before things go downhill. Mark is becoming very egotistical with his job and Celine does not like this new side of Mark. She decides to confide in William with this. Their meetings over her worries soon turn into something more. 
The revealing of his feelings was an accident but William does not regret it
He finds he can tell Celine things that he had been scared to tell anyone about. 
William did not mean to use Mark to secretly be dating Celine but once he asked for money to take out the girl of his dreams he found he could not stop. He wanted to make her happy and she was not happy with Mark. 
These meetings do catch Mark’s suspicions after awhile and that is when the detective comes into play. Becoming Mark’s friend and secretly investigating people. 
Mark does find out through the detective (whom he doesnt believe at first) and then by sheer chance. He catches Celine kissing William good bye after a dinner where the three of them were together. There is a confrontation, Will almost shoots Mark but Celine gets between them. Mark tells Celine she has to make a choice. In the morning he finds her gone and her closet empty. 
Meanwhile Damien is busy and he regrets his terribly. He had gotten a job at the town hall and soon started a mayoral campaign when he saw that their current mayor was doing nothing in terms of trying to help the people that were suffering from the Depression. When he hears of the events that happened between Mark, Celine, and William he does try to go and talk to any of them but none of them wish to talk about it. Mark won’t even answer any of his letters. 
Mark locks himself away in the house and falls into a terrible depression. He does not accept movie deals, he does not talk to press, he just stays in his home and talks to no one. He attempts suicide and soon learns about The House’s ability to prevent him from dying. He ‘comes up’ with an idea about how to get revenge for the situation and begins to explore this dark nature. 
Celine cannot shake the feeling of darkness that had been around her while she lived at The House and starts to dig into it. Eventually finding about the occult and the mystical arts. William has no idea about this as he is working off his anger the only way he knows how: shooting. He goes on a safari hunt with what extra money he still had saved...sadly it goes terribly wrong and not all of him comes back. Celine does her best to help him recover but PTSD isn’t a a known thing yet really so there isn’t much she can do
Damien is also there to support Will. Mark makes no attempt to reach out besides to remind Will of the debt he owes...that is until he stops sending letts all together. 
Damein contacts you after finding you and appoints you to DA. It is a great honor. 
After much ‘plotting’ (The Dark entity in The House giving Mark ideas), the revenge plot is set to frame the colonel. He calls in the detective to investigate his new butler and the cook under the pretense that he wants to make sure that things were okay before he through a nice celebratory poker night, which he invites the detective to. He then sends out the other three invites on people he wants for this. Damien, whom he knew would mourn his death and get his affairs in order. You, the district attorney who will surely make sure justice is done. The Detective, whom will make sure that all the planted evidence will point to William. And, of course, William, the man he would frame for his death and then destroy his reputation. 
WKM happens
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