#just chenford moments
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isca-rambles · 7 months ago
Gods, it's been a long ol' time since I've used tumblr, so excuse this old woman for probably getting a lot of things wrong. Basically I dove headfirst into this ship and fandom, and now my brain is writing fics that my eternal writer's block won't cash...write, so I figured I'd make dig out an old tumblr account purely to see if anyone wants to write it for me. Except now as I edit this back, it just turned into one big ol' ramble so I could get this idea out of my head and get back to work. So it's less a prompt and just a half-formed, poorly written, disjointed fanfic word vomit. You can see where it starts as a prompt/idea, evolves into 'fuck it, i need this out of my head', and then slowly devolves into 'idk what's being said and what's being thought, you figure it out, i'm done' But if anyone wants to actually write this properly or use this as a prompt/idea for something else, have at it. Sorry. because apparently tumblr has a word limit now
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jesuis-assez · 3 months ago
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THE ROOKIE •── humorous moments [11\?]
Pt . 10 [x]
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 5 days ago
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Chenford Crumbs Per Episode:  Episode 7x8 Wildfire
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mellow-plum · 1 year ago
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Tim Bradford - literally DONE with the whole world 🙎🏼‍♂️
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kim-ruzek · 1 year ago
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it's the way Tim grabs her arm <3
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year ago
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This is work. This is work. ↬CHENFORD MOMENTS | 4.22 - A day in the Hole
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timothyslucy · 10 months ago
"sooo... um.... what are you doing tonight?"
"nothing. i hope."
"nothing sounds perfect."
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diazheartsbuckley · 7 months ago
The eyes, chico, they never lie
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ohjaimelannister · 2 years ago
Okay - can someone tell me why we get a Chenford moment in 4x01 with the hug and the obvious aftermath of it and its NEVER mentioned again???????
Like, surely thats kind of a realisation moment????????
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sgtbradfords · 2 months ago
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these tags by @zadien... i can't 🥹
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TIM BRADFORD AND LUCY CHEN in the 7x02 promo
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garbinge · 2 years ago
Clean Cut
Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of bullets, war, shrapnel, anxiety, worry, car accidents. Slightly angsty. 
Word Count: 1.2k 
A/N: Okay so I just caught up with all The Rookie seasons and I’m just LIVING for Chenford. Like LIVING. buuuuuut I noticed there wasn’t much Tim x Reader fic out there soooooo I figured why not! This idea came to my head at some point when I was watching and I also have like a whole story of their life beyond and before this moment but enjoy this little reworked snippet from 2x08. 
The Rookie Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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It had felt like a long day already and you had only been clocked in at the hospital for two hours. You still had 10 hours left in your shift and it felt like you experienced a whole day’s worth already. Being a corpsman for a Marine squad prepared you for a lot but sometimes the uniqueness of LA and the people who resided in it and tended to need your RN medical services at St. Stevens ran you for your money. 
Currently, you were updating patient charts during the lull that was likely to last all of two seconds but it beat staying an extra hour to finish your paperwork likely unpaid because the hospital rarely approved overtime for RNs. 
“Wanna tell me why it’s so crazy for a Tuesday?” 
The statement from your coworker caused you to look at them over your shoulder and let out a laugh. 
“I wish I had an answer to that, but I also feel like anything I say will jinx it even more.” You pushed the computer cart against the wall and moved over to your coworkers cart. “You’ve got like 15 pages here, what is this?” You picked up the manila folder that was larger than your normal ER patient folders. 
“Police car accident. There’s a few of them in the ER right now, these things always include tons of paperwork. Everyone needs to cover their asses.” 
Your heart started to beat faster at the mention of a police accident but what really caused you to go into panic mode was seeing your husband's name on the report. 
Before you could even answer your co-worker you were moving down the stairs, knowing the elevator would take too long. You knew the elevator would probably be quicker but the thought of standing still while you waited for and in it would drive your mind crazy so rushing down the stairs was the better alternative. 
Tim was sitting on one of the ER beds, the scene of it caused you to stop for a minute. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Tim hurt waiting to be treated. In all honesty this was probably the tamest medical treatment scenario you two had been in together. He looked fine from afar, but that didn’t stop the worry from boiling in your gut. 
“What happened?” You were next to him within seconds, the worry being the fuel of moving you from the staircase entrance to his side in seconds. 
“I rear ended a civilian.” Tim knew better than to try and calm you down with pleasantries and relaxing mantras. 
“Jesus.” Your hand moved to your pocket in search of your pen light. Quickly, you flashed it in front of his eyes, searching for his eyes to constrict and then dilate when you moved the light away. 
“They already did this.” Tim’s voice was neutral, but you knew he was annoyed. 
“Humor me.” Your head tilted, now your own annoyance was clear to him. 
His eyes softened as they met yours and he nodded which gave you the okay to keep running through the trauma checklist in your head. 
“This isn’t like you.” Tim said after a few minutes of silence between you as he humored you by lifting up his arms as you pressed down on his ribs and checked his reflexes. 
“In what way?” You talked as you continued to look him over. 
“I’ve come home and told you I’ve gotten shot at and you barely react, I tell you that I got into a car accident and you’re acting like I have internal bleeding.” Tim’s eyebrows raised. 
“Did they do a CT scan? You could have internal bleeding. Especially if the airbags went off.” 
“Doc.” The use of the nickname only 13 people in the world knew you as caused you to stop your examination of Tim and stand in front of him, slightly defeated. 
“If I worried about every close call you encounter everyday, I’d be dysfunctional. This.” You pointed towards him and the bed, “This is tangible. This actually happened.” 
Tim nodded and a smirk slightly filled his face. 
“You doubtin’ me, Sarge?” You frowned as you asked him, using your own nickname for him. 
“No,” Tim let out a chuckle and shook his head before looking back up at you. “I know better than to ever doubt you.” 
“Smart man.” Officer Lopez walked up to the two of you with a smile. “How’s he doin’?” She looked between the both of you. 
“He’s fine. No signs of a concussion,” you looked at Angela and then back at Tim, “and no signs of internal bleeding.” You smirked at him knowing he was going to give you one back. 
“Give us a minute, Lopez?” Tim stood up and ripped the hospital bracelet off his wrist. 
“Yea, just wanted to let you know the break lights were cut in the car you hit, foul play, you’ll likely be in the clear.” She explained while looking at the both of you, relief coming as a sigh from both you and Tim. “I’ll be in the lobby.” She nodded at him and squeezed your arm to say goodbye before leaving the ER. 
“We goin’ back to the conversation we were having or a new one?” You asked Tim as he towered over you. 
“You pulled shrapnel out of my abdomen in Afghanistan and you look more worried checking me for a concussion.” Tim said with his arms crossed. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing.” Your one worded answer wasn’t convincing.
“Don’t lie to me.” Tim said more seriously than any of his other statements. 
You sighed, “Like I said, this is tangible. In Afghanistan, we weren’t exactly given the space to worry. Here, I feel like it’s all I have to hold onto. But again, if I held onto every worry I’d be dysfunctional. I know you can handle yourself when bullets are flying, when shit goes sideways, it’s these out of your control scenarios that just get me flustered.” You explained moving your hands around as you talked. 
Tim brought you in for a hug, knowing nothing he’d say could change anything. “You do realize, I’m the one that rear-ended the civilian, not the other way around, right? Totally in my control.” He teased you. 
“Not according to Angela.” You corrected him and he chuckled. 
“I’ll see you tonight.” He placed a quick kiss on the top of your head. 
“See you tonight, I already texted Angela all the concussion signs in case we missed anything.” Letting your last bit of worry out. 
“You haven’t missed a single diagnosis or injury since I met you, Doc!” He called out from a few feet from you. 
“You know, I’m technically not a doc, anymore, Sarge!” You yelled out to him. 
He turned around with his arms up as he continued to walk backwards. “And I’m not technically a Sargeant anymore.” 
“Old habits die hard!” You yelled back just before the elevator doors opened and he stepped backwards into the elevator flashing you a quick smile before the doors closed and he was back on duty.
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jesuis-assez · 3 months ago
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THE ROOKIE •── humorous moments [13\?]
Pt . 12 [x]
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bronx-bomber87 · 12 days ago
Hello amazing fandom :) Ooh man this episode. I think it is my fav of the season so far. Which I know sounds insane considering what we got last week. But if you know me and been following me last couple years with my reviews, you know how much I LOVE me some Tim growth and depth. This is chock full of it so buckle in for the analysis and joy of that.
Other than our beautiful ship which I adore as you know. This is the other thing that makes my heart so happy. Plus it's pretty intertwined with their future as a couple this ep. Which excites me to no end. The episode as a whole was incredibly good too. The writers have really tapped back into the ensemble cast of it all. I adore it. I love this show as a whole and s7 is crushing it with that. Let us get started.
7x07 The Mickey
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We hit the ground running with Tim at group therapy. Not only that but thinking about Lucy and their night together. Excuse me while I freak out 30 seconds into this episode. Oh my word the raw cut of his memory has me fanning myself. The look on her face and hearing his belt buckle being undone. Holy hell. A whole week later and this scene is still ruining me in the best way lol
Look at my boy in group therapy. Not only that but one for veterans. This is the perfect setting for him. I’m so proud I could cry. I damn near do this entire episode. We see Tim just jumping right in when prompted. Definitely has been going a long time because he looks very comfortable. ALSO they know about Lucy.
This is huge. I can’t get over this. In my heart of hearts I knew he would keep going to therapy. Keep working on himself. But seeing the results on screen.*happy sigh* It brings my soul a happiness I can't quite put into words. He’s taking care of his mental health. Bettering himself by putting the work in. I could have an entire impressions just on this cause it excites me so much. Other than Chenford, Tim growth is my show crack. It excites me like no other.
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Tim sharing how far he’s come with Lucy. That he felt he had earned his way back in. Both professionally and personally. How hard he’s worked to get there. Now he's worried he's ruined it. I love his group leader nodding along and understanding him. It's so important to have that support. Just look at him so mad he gave in before he finished doing the work. Tim being so self aware is amazing to witness.
Saying he was being selfish. That he had't finished fixing what he broke with her yet. Is this a dream? This is what I’ve been WAITING for. Holy cow. Tim owning what he did to Lucy, knowing he had done it and most importantly knowing he broke them. What they had. That it's on him alone to fix it. I'm delirious with the continued growth shown in this scene.
What's that Lizzie McGuire song? ‘Hey now, hey now. This is what dreams are made of?’ My millennial is showing and I’m ok with it LOL How I feel about this opening sequence though. Encapsulates it perfectly. Cathartic and satisfying to watch after s6. After analyzing what he had done and what he needed to do in order to move forward. It's the best feeling to watch it unfold on screen.
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‘I couldn’t help myself....’ Oh my Timothy. Neither could she. That inexplicable bond wasn't to be ignored last ep. It was too magnetic in that moment. He's being SO vulnerable with his group. It's making my head spin with happiness. Telling them his first shot at being with her again broke his own boundary; That he went for it anyways. This is so good. Well done writers. I’m giddy. Love the person running this and their reply. My god it’s good. So spot on. Stating Tim’s using a lot of ‘I’ language.
Saying Lucy was a willing participant. As she always is with you my love. No one ever forces her to make the decisions she does about you. It's all her. Telling him he’s taking away her agency when he does this. *mic drop* Hot damn this is fantastic. That they made the mistake together. Not just him. It's true. She wanted him as just as badly. She too couldn't help herself. Lucy is the one who grabbed his face for that kiss. She's the one who went for his belt asking him to take this further. They did this TOGETHER. No coercion.
Takes two to tango as they say. He needed to hear this. This wasn't something he did to her. They chose it together. I love how receptive he is to this advice. Just look at his face above. Eric killing it like he always does with his expressions. He is absorbing it and internalizing what he is learning. I mean he's clearly doing this meeting before work. To get his head right before he goes in. My god how he’s evolved and the strides he's taken. I can’t even you guys. I’m feeling high off this opening section in the best way.
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Ooooh yes Lucy thinking about it too. Of course she is. Ooof love these raw shots and noises we’re getting in their thoughts. Reminds me of when Lucy was dreaming about kissing Tim in 5x01. She tries to shake it off and it comes right back to it like a boomerang. Can't keep her mind off the carnal delights she gave into with TIm. Gah I love this.
Saucy thoughts just keep rushing back to her. The first 90 seconds of this episode have me reeling in the best way. Sweet baby James. Also kudos to Melissa and her ability to convey so much with just her eyes. Her and Eric have this glorious ability to convey so much with so little.
Lucy is trapped in her thoughts and I'm here for it. I mean I can't say I wasn't in a loop watching that scene over and over the last week. heh. Celina scares the shit out of me and Lucy. Snapping Lucy out of her heated revere. God damn little lady lol She gave me a heart attack. Lucy messes up her lipstick and I’m cackling.
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Celina pointing out she put on new lipstick….Dressing up more than usual. I wonder who that’s for? hehe. Girl you could wear a paper bag and you would have Tim panting after you. But I do love her wanting to put in extra effort post 7x06. Those actions proving it was more than just 'Ex-Sex.' for her.
I mean we all know why she put it in that box. She isn't ready to handle that and I don't blame her. As I've stated before. Tim is going to have to put the work in to get her there. Until then, it's going to remain complicated af for her as she muddles through her complicated feelings for Tim. Our girl is doing her best out here everyone.
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I loved this scene with Nolan and Tim so much. Tim saying cops gossip more than middle schoolers. lmao accurate. Also ugh I remember this with post 6x06. I am LOVING post-therapy Tim helping Nolan out. Legit adoring it. Giving him some solid advice. "Feel like you don't believe yourself.' Nailed it.
Then of course turns back into being Cop Tim with how to handle it with some action. Not really John's style babe. Reminding me of s1 Tim looking for fights. With a biker gang…One the future love of your life had to wake you up from Timothy. But I do love them having a bonding moment over this.
It's cute how excited Tim is when Nolan agrees to his idea. I adored this scene so much more than I expected tbh. Pretty great watching them bond. I don’t always dislike Nolan lol I do tend to like him better when he’s with Tim LOL Or Lucy. But with Tim it’s extra good cause they don’t often share scenes. This one was gold.
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Hot damn this episode has it all for me. We get to have some protective Tim with Seth as well. *grabs ice water.* Protective with hint of feral. Yum. Gimme gimme. Always happy to have a slice of that pie. Don’t put his girl in jeopardy with your stupidity Ridley. You will answer to him if you do anything to put her at risk.
Also If this cancer ends up being a lie and Tim finds out? Phew boy he will legit end you. You think he's scary now? There will be no safe place for you to hide if that happens. That is a guarantee good sir. He will destroy you. And I will sit there with popcorn enjoying it.
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The tension inside the shop with Lucy and Seth is unreal. Palpable to say the least. It seems to only escalate and not cool off. Even with his time off for his 'treatments.' Lucy not so subtly rooting around to see if he’s lying about that. I love it. The timing was fishy af and he knows it. So he deserves this. His face when she says she might do that about his medical records. Oh my lord. Called her bluff and she rose to the occasion. I wonder if she will?
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Yay Tamara is back! My girl. I missed her. I can't believe the flirty nature between her and Seth. Last thing Lucy needs with this kid....Don’t look at her that way Seth. Lucy will strangle you to death. That is not the way to get back into her good graces you turd. Blatantly flirting with her pseudo daughter.
Appears she's reached out due to drugs on campus. Not great…..But hey UC time. Lucy says she can look like a college student for the buyer. Tamara isn’t sure and Lucy is so offended lmao I’m dying. I’ve missed their banter.
Sadly Ridley has to be used instead of Lucy. Tamara suggesting that Seth be her fake BF..... Lucy's protective mama alarm bells are going off so hard. Lucy's face when Tamara wraps her arm around him. This is gold. Well done Melissa. I'm laughing so hard. This would be cute if Seth wasn't sus af.
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Oooh teacher Tim always makes me happy to see. Ok that came out dirtier than I meant it to lol I just love to see him in his element. He observes Miles is riled up and asks why. Knowing it's more complicated than just not liking their suspect. You know Tim is far more emotionally intelligent than people give him credit for. This scene right here is proof of that.
The way he spots Miles having an issue. Handling it right then and there. Does a good dose of logic with empathy. It’s fantastic. He doesn’t eviscerate Texas for his outburst. But wants him to understand the consequences of his actions. I love watching him in T.O. mode for this reason. Man is so perfect for the job. This right here is exactly why he's such an exceptional T.O.
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It's exciting that Lucy gets the go-ahead from Grey. The not so great part is she won't have stellar backup. Poor Lucy it’s Smitty or no one. LOL Already has to deal with the flirt fest and now she has the worst backup ever. Cool beans. Just what she wanted. The day continues to get better for her....
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Lucy in UC mode is always a delight to see. Reeling Smitty in while prepping Seth. 'Tam? eww. ' Lmao Of course Smitty thinks it’s cute. Eating his damn licorice while he pops off lol Lucy's reply has me laughing so hard. 'No, it’s not.' haha Smitty is being the complete antithesis to everything she is feeling right now. She is SO unsettled and I don't blame her.
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'You’re together we get is geez.' 'Mama bear Lucy is none too pleased with this scenario. Not holding her cards to her chest at all with this. But that's our girl. Said this many times before. She's a ten but terrible at hiding her feelings. I can’t believe Smitty giving Lucy parenting advice. I’m dying. 'Do you have kids? ‘Do I.? Oh I love him. Always the comic relief. Lucy's reaction has me laughing so much. I loved this scene of levity.
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Of course Seth pushed it… He’s just lucky it worked out. Well For the the moment. Friggin Smitty praising him when Lucy is far from thrilled about all this. She is channeling Tim in this scene. The way she scolds him and asks for the product. Her gesture signaling how over his bravado she is.
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Hot damn Tim in streets with his gun/badge on display with tight jeans? Excuse me while I drool a bit. This ep gonna kill me in the best way. I'll always take Tim in non field clothes anytime. Tim and Nolan standing side by side isn’t fair to John lmao
Tim is just exuding sex appeal and authority. While Nolan exudes midwestern dad scolding his kids. LOL I'm sorry John really I am. I actually like you in this episode. So my apologies sir. That is just my fav Tim pose and no one does it better than him. Forearm porn when he does that stance too. *phew lord.* Mmmm.
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As I stated earlier I'm really enjoying Nolan in this episode. He is more human. More realistic in his failures. If they wrote him like this more I wouldn't be so hard on the guy. I used to love Nolan. Back in s1-2 he was written really well. I did start this show partly for Nathan. Eric being the other. They've been writing him better this season. With some humility and consequences for his mistakes. I'm digging it.
This scene was hilarious. John had no idea about the ring. That’s so funny. Also a friggin trip The Hammer is a softie for love. I didn't see that one coming at all. Just shows you the right person is worth fighting for or you live with the regret of it. That is the theme going forward for sure. Tim being so nonchalant about fighting The Hammer for the ring has me rolling. What makes Nolan's reaction so friggin funny.
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I’m all for Tim leaning on stuff every episode looking like a damn snack. Feral Caitlin is here for it. Cause hot damn show me those forearms all day. I'll be a happy girl I'll tell you that. Tim suggests John actually sleep if he needs it. Since he looks like a damn wreck. Ugh Tim’s face when he says ‘Hard to sleep when she’s not there.’
Rip my heart right out there Eric. Tim understands far more than you can ever know John…. *sad sigh* The pain train continues to roll through this season. With a side helping of 'hurts so good' to go with it. I'm sure Tim has had many a night where he couldn't sleep without Lucy since they broke up.
I mean they scarcely had a night apart when they dated. Only times they did was 5x21 and the fight at the end of 6x01. Other than that he lived with Lucy at his side nightly. That man feels the loss of Lucy by his side in more ways than one. You can see how it haunts him as he agrees with his statement. Gah this episode is just so damn good. I can't get over it. This scene of theirs is my favorite of the episode.
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John asking if he can ask a personal question? 'Usually I'd say no, but I've been working on being more emotionally available.' Be still my damn heart. Knowing pre-therapy Tim would've said no. But wanting to continue to put the work in he says yes to Nolan. This ep has me floating on cloud 9 you guys. Oh my Timothy, how you have grown so damn much. I'm misty and squeeing.
John eagerly pulls up a chair next to Tim. I do love Tim helping Nolan sort this mess out. I really do. It's creating a bond I never expected to love this much. The advice he is giving. Holy hell. Color me impressed. Look at how this man has emotionally evolved. How he can speak of his ex-wife with such emotional maturity and clarity.
That had he tried sooner he would've seen the broken mess of his marriage. Telling Nolan he can't just ignore this and hope it goes away. Because if he does he will end up same way his marriage did. That if he doesn't try now he's only going to fracture their relationship beyond repair. This is such SOLID advice he is giving John. It's insane.
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I am blown away by his emotional depth in this scene. His clarity sharper than it's ever been. Tim continually sees and is reminded of what he did to Lucy. Using it as a cautionary tale for Nolan. Giving a piece of himself to drive home his point. Telling him not to make the same mistakes he did with Lucy. Side note, look at how soft his eyes are when he speaks about her btw. Eric killing the game as always. I love that Isabel is what is brought up but Tim ends with Lucy. This is where the growth is momental.
And if you can't get excited about this. About how huge this is for his character. For their future as a couple. Then I'm doing a bad job of explaining why. Because this is HUGE step in the right direction. Tim is telling John he gave up long before he should’ve. That he left mid-battle. Left Lucy holding the emotional bag of it all in that battlefield. Basically telling John he regrets how he handled it all. How he handled his treatment of Lucy and their relationship. The way he went about their breakup. Regretting the breakup all together really. That he gave up and retreated before he should've.
Fandom. I’ve had dreams about him saying this kind of stuff. To hear him acknowledge what he did to her. That he still has work to do. And why he still does. The next battle is getting him to relay those things to Lucy. It would un-muddy those waters so quickly if he did. Give her the clarity she’s been yearning for since he left her in that parking lot in 6x06. Clarity we’ve all been waiting for her to have. But as they say patience is a virtue. Tim even tells Nolan one step at a time. We gotta heed that same advice. This is no small fix Tim is undergoing here.
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Tim is tormented by the decision he made in 6x06. It's written all over his face at the end of this scene. Telling John that he is gonna spend the rest of his life wondering if he could’ve done more. Been better. I adore the writers taking their time with this all. With Tim, their relationship, and Lucy. Because as forever grateful I am for s6. For getting a shortened season win on the heels of the writer strike reconciliation.
It didn’t have the time to flesh out everything and let it breathe the way this season is doing. Honestly I am grateful the heartbreak was in a shortened season. Or we would be dealing with that now instead of a s7 if we didn't get it. It would’ve hurt even more in a longer season. S7 is taking what couldn’t be fleshed out and delved into with s6 this season. I am personally loving the delayed gratification. It’s lending to wonderful scenes of growth like this.
Also like to say how proud I am of how far Tim and Nolan’s relationship has come. This a massive far cry from the s1 pair up they had watching a convict. Tim has grown so so much for this scene to take place. I keep saying how I could cry at how happy this makes me. But it's because this is what I hoped for with this season. This level of depth and growth before a reconciliation. It's going to make when they do that much sweeter. I guarantee you it will. The writers are crushing this season. It's a legit a joy to see come to life.
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Oooh I love Lucy calling Tim needing his help. Her go to. Shows he's still her person. *le sigh* Tim was clearly was giving himself some time to decompress after that heavy convo, but he immediately picks up knowing it's his girl. Her reaching out will always make me happy. Tim tells her he will get himself replaced to go help her. God I love these two so much. Always have each others back when they need them. Never change you two.
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I love Lucy Chen so much. BAMF level of bad assery in this scene. Doesn't turn around for most of this scene. Wants him to understand the gravity of this situation. To know he is VERY lucky this worked out the way that it did. That it had nothing to do with his skill in this case. She is cold as ice with his mentioning of Tamara. I love it. She has learned that hard edge from her man. Once again embodying Tim. Especially with telling him she had no keys LOL Classic.
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The scene with Tamara and Lucy made me so bummed. Seth is infecting her world in more ways than one. I legit had zero idea the writers would go this route. I love that they've surprised me so much with this kid though. Lucy going into mama mode saying she can't date him. When teenager 101 says you do that they'll go running toward that choice. *sigh*
Tim coming in while Tamara shuts her down made me giddy. Asking right away what that was about? Going into protective dad mode himself when he hears why. Mmm. Asking ‘Want me to put the fear of Bradford in him?’ Heh I was all for it. Lucy too. She honestly considers it by saying 'Yeah.' I love the look he gives her following that. Knowing that isn't actually what she wants. Because the man knows her so damn well.
That it's just a gut reaction to knock some fear into this guy. Lucy responds to his knowing look saying no.... That it'll just make things worse....That it will. Sadly. This is not going to end well. But's Tamara's mistake to make. Look at them co-parenting Tamara like the good ole days though. my heart
Oh my word that episode was SOOO good. The growth alone had me buzzing. I an enjoying this season so very much. I can't wait to see what next week has in store for them. Thank you as always to those who support these. Without fail means so much to me. Every like, Comment ( come chat with me I love it) and reblog are noticed and appreciated by me. Shall see you all in 7x08 :)
Side notes
Of course Smitty has been divorced three times lmao
Damn look at James pulling one over on Nyla to talk. Loving the realness of this season. He just laid down the gauntlet with her whew lord.
Holy crap that shelter lady was a bad ass. She didn’t win but gave him a good fight. Run for his damn money that's for sure. Loving the empowered women in this season.
Celina you cannot flirt with the bad guy omg lol The hammer is back. Loving this call back.
‘Tough woman often come with dark stories.’ I felt that deep in my soul.
Nolan getting actual consequences this season. I’m digging it. Like a lot. Grey reminding him how many times his shop been stolen before. Yikes John...
What a bad ass Celina Juarez has turned out to be holy cow. I love her. Just sprayed his ass she closed the door lmao Don't got time for that macho fight.
Man never thought relate to Bailey on something. But that hospital scene I did. Her saying emotional isn't the same as physical. I hate that for her. Because I know what that is like. Some people do treat it like it’s not as bad when it is.
Emotional abuses is just as scarring as physical. If not more because it’s harder for people to see your scars. To see what you’ve lived through mentally and survived. Writers are doing a very good job this season. You got me to empathize and relate to a character never had a connection with. Well done.
'He cannot help you heal if he’s doesn’t know what’s still alive inside you.’ Damn if that isn’t true for Tim as well with Lucy.
The Hammer helping them oh my lord that was amazing. Because he wanted a clean slate and new chance at love.
Texas my word. What a man offering up his services to her shelter. Loving this kid more each week.
I love Harper’s new group this is awesome. Look at her listening to James. Also Wopez got her there. That was really good. Working together to making policing better. I love it sfm. Very them. They have the same common goal just had to tweak how they handled it. Yay they have good depth this season. Excited to see where they go.
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mellow-plum · 1 year ago
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Lucy Chen - Just having a BAD day 🙎🏻‍♀️
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mazzystar24 · 3 months ago
How I sleep knowing the amount of friends to lovers slowburns that had their biggest moments or confessions as a result of one nearly moving away:
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Some that come to mind: new girl (nick and jess), bones (bones and booth),Gilmore girls (lorelai and Luke), friends im counting just cos the I got off the plane scene is iconic eventhough I hate Ross with a flaming passion, the rookie (Chenford), the office, how I met your mother, greys anatomy with like most their couples at one point or another, castle and according to Google the oc, Dawson creek, parks and rec and abt a billion others
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violasghost · 12 days ago
If you love her, then fight-Chenford era, The Rookie 7x7 episode discussion
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Am enjoying reading the already many excellent reviews out there in Chenford nation- but just wanted to add a few favorite observations of this recent episode.
Celina: Aw, I loved how she really did the work and earned her officer status. So proud of her. Would love to see her riding with Lucy sometime (not just as TO and Rookie) but as two female cops kicking ass in the near future.
Miles: He was really sweet too. He has a good heart and I think he has what it takes to make it as a successful cop and go places.
Seth: I’m still on the fence about this one. On one hand, I want him to do well because I want Lucy to do well and get her win for once by showing her superiors that she is worthy of making detective or whatever she wants by helping Seth succeed. I don’t want her to fail. On the other hand, he is super flaky. Aside from the lie thing, he knows Tamara and Lucy are close, and then he arranges to hang out with Tamara privately knowing Lucy is his TO. I mean if he wanted to get on Lucy’s good side he would have asked her if she was cool with him hanging out with Tamara. But he just went ahead and did it without saying anything, then he put himself in jeopardy, which Lucy had to go and bail him out of. The baby cop act thing is getting old. Even when Lucy, Nolan, and Jackson were Rookies, they weren’t even close to that ignorant. Seth is going to get himself killed sooner or later. I get why Tim is concerned honestly.
Nolan and Bailey: I actually empathized with Bailey more this time. I felt like Nolan was being kind of a dick to her by ignoring her for a week. I like this angle for Bailey and hope they play it up, because she really needs a purpose, other than being the helpless damsel and supportive little wifey to Nolan.
Nolan and Tim: I enjoyed these two together as well. They actually have pretty good chemistry. I wouldn’t mind more Nolan and Tim scenes. I feel like Tim tells it like it is and sometimes Nolan needs that. Nolan is pretty damn dense sometimes. I mean exhibit A. He asks Tim when he knew his relationship with Isabel was over, which was like what 7+ years ago, and not really the same situation at all, since Isabel was addicted to drugs and was an undercover cop. And it was SO hilarious when he found out about the ring. I LOL’ed. And yeah, Nolan should have gotten in more trouble for losing the squad car. That was really really bad.
Nyla and James: I’m really glad they are working together now. I was worried about them for a bit, and it was nice of Wesley to chime in too. I feel like Nyla was kind of hiding out with Angela and avoiding dealing with James a lot and it wasn’t fair to him. So glad they finally have a plan.
Chenford: Last but not least. For the couple who didn’t have much in person screen time together over the course of the episode, they sure had a lot to say/think/suggest about one another.
Starting out with Tim’s veterans group and him getting lost in thought about their kiss and hook up. And then he confides in the group about what happened, and we learn that they are quite familiar with Lucy, and not only that, but Tim feels guilty that he did not earn her affections, and hasn’t done the work he feels he needs to do to earn Lucy’s trust back. But the group leader points out that Lucy was an active participant as well.
And then we see Lucy, who is daydreaming about the same exact moments, and not only that but she is putting on a new shade of lipstick, to draw the attention of a certain someone at work perhaps? But also possibly to mimic the feel of his lips against hers. Either way, we know they are both fantasizing about the other.
Then we get to Tim at the station and he’s making sure that Seth is 100% healthy so that he does not put his TO (aka Lucy) at risk. Love protective Tim!
And that’s only the beginning. When Tim’s shacked up with Nolan in the safe house he tells him about how he has regrets about not fighting for Lucy. And again when Nolan said he had trouble sleeping when Bailey wasn’t around Tim nodded in agreement, as if he might understand exactly how that felt.
Then when Lucy called Tim’s phone, waking him from sleep (And yeah when Lucy got in a bind the first person she called was Tim), he was about to bail on everything and planned to meet her until everything went haywire.
And lastly, the scene when Tamara is at the station and Lucy confronts her about Seth and then Tim walks in and he notices some friction between Lucy/Tamara. Then Lucy confides in Tim about her warning Tamara about Seth and it not going well, and Tim offered to put the fear of God into Seth. (Fast-forward if you want to see into future Lucy/Tim’s life in 18-20 years when they have their own young adult kids)
Their lives are so intertwined at this point it’s crazy they aren’t together yet. It’s pretty damn obvious at this point which direction they are headed and its not backwards. Chenford is the last stop at the end of the line, end game.
Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for our dynamic duo next week. Their chemistry is off the charts. They got off to a slow start, but loving the Chenford we’ve gotten the last couple episodes. I hope they keep it up. :D
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