#just can’t juggle 4 blogs and expect to be active on them when I have stuff irl to do haha
aratakigang · 11 months
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A little update on the blog, but I'm changing just a handful of things. So basically,
first things first is that I am making this a multimuse blog. The muses will NOT be from multiple fandoms. All will hail from the land of Teyvat.
Muses will be added with a Pokemon verse and their main verse. The muses that will be added are:
Tartaglia (threads from his blog, abyssalriptide, will be brought here)Il Dottore.And in the next week or two, I'll be adding Duke Wriothesley. (No more muses will be added after Wriothesley. I don’t want to drown the blog with an insane amount of characters)
Things will be appropriately tagged, and the URL will remain mostly because the URL is too rare to give up LOL, and since gang is plural it's not too off-brand. I've added verses and stories for the new muses in the theme
also gonna use this as a new tag dump. but I'll also add a pinned post later on
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Happy 2021!!!
With 2021 being here, I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you for sticking with me for another year. This year has been hectic for a lot of us, probably one of the worst years ever, but lets be glad we can put it behind us and make 2021 a better year for us all.
Before I move into the Blog Update, I just wanna give special thanks to a lot of my close friends that i’ve met this year, and to those who have stayed with me since joining Tumblr about 3 years ago:
@demacianmage One of my first best friends to ever have on this platform, and someone who I put my trust in completely. We both have been through a lot of shit, but we stuck it out together and helped one another through it all. I could never ask for a better friend than you, and i’m glad to have met you.
@moonaspect One of my friends I met when I first made my Morgana blog through a mutual friend, someone who, even though I rarely rp with as of late, I do love and appreciate all of your hard work you put into your OCs and Canon muses. I loved out little jokes we had and how much you irritate me whenever we have the chance to play Minecraft. You will forever be known as ‘Mom’ to me. 
@vilefeather A dear friend of mine I met earlier this year, and someone I didn’t think would make me love a ship more than any of my OTPs. Even though we don’t hang out a lot, the little time we do spend together are always the best, and i’m glad to have met you. 
@halfliing-ormr Another dear friend of mine, and someone who I was actually scared to interact with when I first saw her on Tumblr. I didn’t think I was worthy enough to talk to you, but i’m very glad I got the courage to follow you and make amazing headcanons together. I love all of your hardwork you put into your OCs, and I love our family headcanons between Nami and Morgana, that I will treasure forever. I hope to continue this into 2021, and give all of my love to your OCs.
@thegoldentigress A friend I met earlier this year, and someone who I love to death. You make me smile with your antics and I can’t help but to poke fun at your OTP, WHICH WE ALL LOVE AND APPRECIATE AND DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. I love how easily I got you to adore Furyhorns and even have Dira adopt one, especially our headcanons between Baby and Goldie. I hope to continue to grow our friendship into 2021. 
@stabby-talon (I had to tag you on this blog) One of the FIRST Talon’s to ever interact with me and love my Talgana ship and headcanons I made, let alone, love and support this ship in Immortal Journey when Morgana got the skin. You’re a great friend of mine and I love all 16546543524635 of your muses. You will forever be the one person I can rely on for interactions even if you’re dead most of the time. 
And last, but not least, @ncumenia You are TRULY a close and dear friend of mine. You were a great friend when we first met, and you still are. I’m very happy you started talking to me again, and that you still love and adore my Kayn as much as I love and adore Nina. We have been through some of the worst bullshit we could have ever gone through, but i’m very glad we put what happened behind us and learned to trust and listen to each other. I love Nina a lot that I LITERALLY FORGET she’s an OC half of the time. Keep being you and staying strong, because you deserve all of the love in the world. 
And thank you to everyone else I have met along the way. I hope that you guys will become as great of a friend as these guys have to me.
Now, onto Blog Updates...
This blog as gone through a lot of changes, some I liked, some I hated, and I kept thinking what was wrong with it and why I wasn’t happy with it. After a lot of thinking, i’ve decided to go back to when I first made this blog.
I’m going back to being more Open to people, so my RULES have changed to accommodate that. I require EVERYONE who wishes to interact to PLEASE go and read them, new and old followers alike. 
I am also rewriting her verses, and removing those that were merely there for fun. I will not get rid of them entirely, but I will be moving them to DISCORD ONLY if anyone wishes to RP those verses on there. 
Likewise, all of her headcanons will be rewrote too. Now, that won’t be done tonight, as I am already writing a lot as is, but they will be done by the end of the week. 
I also plan on being more active on my other THREE blogs: My Multi, Kayn, and OC. I know, it’s stupid to juggle 4 blogs at once, but if I didn’t think I could do it, I wouldn’t have them. 
And, thats about it. As for some final words:
This year has been hectic, for all of us, and I know for me, it has been the toughest year i’ve ever had. From work being a disaster, to a lot of personal problems from either home or even on here. I’ve lost a lot of friends, i’ve made a lot of new ones, i’ve reconnected with a few, and hell, i’ve had a lot of drama from simple misunderstandings and rumors that I should’ve stepped up and resolved myself. 
To anyone who i’ve hurt this year: I’m sorry. From the bottom of my heart. I’m not asking for your friendship, i’m not asking for forgiveness, i’m simply wanting to apologize for not being honest, truthful, and taking my OWN advice and talking with you about it. That was my fault, and I understand that. I shouldn’t have done what I did, and I accept what I have done wasn’t mature, and it was in fact immature of what I did. I don’t want to start the new year with skeletons in my closet from this year, which is why i’m apologizing. You know who you are, and even if this isn’t the kind of apology you were expecting, it’s all I can give right now. Sincerely, I am sorry for hurting any of you. 
And again, I want to say thanks to all of the friends I have kept and made this year. Without you guys, I probably would have left tumblr and stopped roleplaying altogether, and not have met anyone. You guys keep me here, and it’s all I could ask for. 
I love you all, and I hope 2021 is better for us all. 
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thatlittledandere · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31 and 40 for that shipper ask meme (sorry for picking so many but those questions are GOOD)
You're right, they absolutely are. I'm sorry in advance that this is gonna be LONG and I'm on mobile so I can't even add a read more;;
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had
So I'm SURE there were relationships I was invested in in movies and cartoons I watched as a child (I've always been a sucker for romance, even though there was that period when I didn't want to admit it) but I can't remember anything from very far back;; So it was either Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter or Ichigo and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew, whichever I read first.
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life
GOSH. You can't do this to me. I guess Romione because it was the time in my preteens when I was becoming more aware of... stuff, in general, abs the two cemented my love for friends-to-lovers. Then Ioryuu, because I've never been AS invested in and passionate about a ship before and likely never will. Nothing can compare to that intensity and ngl I miss it;; I miss the genuine hype I felt in my heart that made me interact with people and make things. So many things. I honestly can't think of a third one with such a lasting impact, sorry;;
3. What's your current OTP?
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I imagine Souyo scenarios in my head every night before falling sleep and every morning after waking up, this is not a joke not an exaggeration. I still feel a little traitorous saying this on tumblr but their dynamic IS somewhat similar to the way I see Ioryuu so-
4. What's your current NoTP?
I don't think I have one? I have dislikes, some of them strong, but I don't see any of them often enough to be, like, actively angry. I have better uses for my time than willingly exposing myself to stuff I don't like.
5. Do you have any poly ships?
Not generally, juggling two characters is enough work lol. The only poly ships I've ever really actively shipped are Niels, Duncan and Natalie from the web comic Niels And the Gang by humon and Kinatsuen from Boueibu, but neither are actively on my mind much these days.
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
BOY HAVE I EVER. I've seen someone on tumblr have a side blog for self-shopping and not gonna lie, it's an excellent idea. My late teens were spent reading character x reader fics on Quotev and I started my fic career with the same genre. I don't really know what to do with myself when I DON'T actively ship myself with a character, which is my state of being now that Yosuke surpassed Yoosung as my favorite character;; Ibushi and Yoosung are the biggest ones but man oh boy I have shipped myself with characters from early age and I'm showing no signs of stopping! There's a reason that I main dating sims.
15. Have you ever "shipped at first sight"?
Not for long. I SUCK at forming first impressions. Usually if I start thinking I'll ship something, I end up not being so invested in it after all, and instead shipping something I swore off at first lmao. Which leads us to...
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked
As a rule of thumb, all of them. I don't understand HOW it keeps happening but somehow almost all the ships I truly care/d about (that I didn't start shipping through osmosis before knowing them in the source material) started out as something I thought I "wouldn't be able to get behind." Gajevy. Shikatema. Sasunaru. Doctor/Rose. Karabita. Atsutodo. Kiribaku. Yoozen. Enatsu. Freaking IORYUU. EVEN SOUYO. IT'S BEEN YEARS I REALLY SHOULD KNOW THE PATTERN BY NOW
17. Talk about a pairing you've stopped shipping romantically
Like, I started to think they're better as friends after all? I guess NaLi. Then again, I mostly only shipped them out of spite in the first place because I wanted a counter for N/a//Lu, which I never liked at all;;
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping
Now this time I can say for sure that there isn't one. I can't come up with ships myself and stay on board if there isn't content for it, canon or otherwise;; It's not a conscious decision or anything, it's just how my mind works. I get attached to stuff by exposure, whether from fans or the source material, and if the source material has enough content for two characters for me to pick up on and become interested, it's guaranteed to be enough to become a somewhat popular ship.
21. Is there a ship you just don't get, but have nothing against?
Actually... That's the extent I go to with notp'ing these days. I'm passionate about the right to ship whatever you want so by proxy I can't have anything "against" a ship, even if the sheer thought of it existing makes me nauseous. And I know how to think from points of view other than my own, so I can usually see the appeal, even if it appeals to me personally less than eating dog shit while walking barefoot on rusty nails that are also on fire.
That said, the only ships I have on my Tumblr blacklist are Yoo//ra/n and Suza//lu/lu because they're both popular ships for characters whose tags I am/was following and therefore get suggested a lot even if I want following anyone who ships then. Oh, and all B/LMa//tsu ships! I generally can't feel good about incestuous ships, but can and will fight for their shippers' right to do as they please as long as they stay respectful. (never saw blmatsus who weren't respectful. saw a plethora of anti-blmatsus who were absolute demons. actually the reason i moved away from the last remnants of my anti mindset was that i didn't want to be associated with THOSE anti-blmatsus, when the shippers they wanted dead were all such sweet people. food for thought.)
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
All of them?? Lmao I don't understand this question, isn't shipping all about liking the chemistry between characters? Or the potential for it I guess, in which case the chemistry is whatever you want it to be, which is great B) I'm sorry I keep accidentally dodging questions I'm bad at choosing examples from a long, unordered list
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing?
Hhhhhhh I shipped Jerza for years and was still unsatisfied with their ending, Jellal didn't get to heal enough and we didn't really see them working through their past in an effective way and getting comfortable around each other. It's like they were supposed to be friends to enemies to lovers but the last part didnt really develop and their relationship stagnated at the stage were they were both just permanently awkward out of regret, and couldn't bring themselves out of it even though everything was forgiven forever ago. Or I've forgotten a lot of stuff that happened. Very likely. Is your a case of bad writing or good writing not working out the way I wanted it to? You're asking the wrong person.
25. Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs/graphics or similar?
EYUP. Harumichi was my otp for like a whole year before I saw a single episode with them lol. It was crazy, but it was REAL. I've also went into shows already paying attention to things I knew my friends/people I follow shipped, kind of hoping I'd get into it.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic I'm writing these questions down from screenshots and I cropped the rest of this one out by accident rip
Eeeh I go for the obvious. Best friend pairs, obvious pining, some rivalry with sexual tension, though I don't really know what to do with those. Then there's the fact that I never see it coming sick Persona 5 reference bro and start shipping the couple I thought "should just be friends" at first. This is more about my relationship to the ships than their dynamic but it's very constant...
27. Is there a ship you've shipped for most of your life?
Hmmm well I got into HP and started shipping Romione sometime in mid elementary school so it's definitely been more than half my lifetime since, but I don't really know if I "ship it" anymore. I didn't start disliking them or anything but for me, "shipping" is an active intrest in a fictional relationship, so if it reaches the stage where I like it, in theory, but I don't have the feels, it doesn't really count. That's why I can say I like ships without shipping them. It's gotta be actively on my brain, man.
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love
I haven't mentioned Kannao once, which is criminal. So here's some of what I imagine their future to be like :D I've been getting new Persona followers recently so here's something for you to unfollow me over lmao
So first of all I ignore the canon that Naoto goes back to the city for her detective work after her first year of high school, shhh she stays in Inaba, only taking the occasional jobs. She and Kanji start dating during the spring break before their second year and get more comfortable with each other, so that the next summer they're still cute and very much themselves (which means somewhat reserved) but not as awkward anymore :) I haven't thought about what happens after they graduate but they get married in their early 20s and have a son <3 (Chie and Yukiko adopted their daughter only slightly earlier. They may or may not have had a bit of a competition going on) ((yes Souyo are very much together but if they end up having children I haven't thought about it it's later))
Kanji manages the textile shop and Naoto helps when she's free from detective stuff. They live in Inaba but Naoto is away quite often for her gigs;; She takes up a few jobs less when Kouta is little though so he wouldn't feel less close to his Mom than his Dad.
Both Kanji and Naoto suffered from unfair expectations growing up, so they try their best to make up for it with Kouta's upbringing. They want him to feel comfortable being himself and free to express himself the way he wants; they make sure he knows he'll always be loved and supported, and to never be ashamed of who he is. As a child it doesn't even occur to him that many social norms and social expectations exist, because Naoto and Kanji pretty much let him do whatever as long as he isn't hurting himself or anyone else. They might go a little overboard though, giving into Kouta's whims without much consideration at all. The Amagi Aunties enforce rules and keep kids grounded in reality much better lmao
40. If you could change one thing about your otp, what would that be?
HMNGHNMHGNMGH I WAMT YOSUKE'S INTERNALIZED BULLSHIT ACKNOWLEDGED!! It's there AtlUS!! Stop pretending oh my god.... I love the Dancing All Night story mode (so far. I am by no means done); Yosuke gets cool moments and Yu's internal monologue really shows how much he appreciates him. The dynamic is so much better than with a silent protagonist, and thank god they didn't go with the tactless anime Yu (as fun as he is). I know there are a bunch of nods to the cut romance across spinoffs but mannnn... I wish they were more serious about it. At this point it's not even that far-fetched to think Yosuke has feelings for Yu that he may or may not be aware of, and I know that Yu as the player character can't be too tied down to one option in canon, but still... Even the clown gets tired of jokes at some point. One can dream.
40 ship questions
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pearloftheorient · 4 years
sorry to not be a fandom blog or roleplay blog for a moment. i just feel like i wanna express a bit of a heart-to-heart, just a quick rundown of whatever’s going on and how it all happened from my perspective. i mean i don’t even care if nobody reads this, but as someone who expresses a lot more in writing i feel like i should take this opportunity to help unload, you know?
so the lockdown definitely hit us here on friday the 13th in march, which didn’t feel as bad as it was. as a nurse i’ve had this weird concept that a lot of the common diseases that spread around can easily be blown up by social media (hold that thought for later lol) and i just you know, say you should just wash your hands, it’ll be okay. i mean i tend to take the logical route when it comes to health care?? because that’s what i studied and i feel like i owe it myself not to panic TOO MUCH. plus, my husband (an intellectual) also had the same attitude towards media being exaggerated, so like i’m copying his cool attitude as much as i can. i mean we even went to budapest just a week prior, watched a play, mingled with clusters and clusters of people..... and even though people already started wearing masks, i even make fun of them for wearing it wrong or just being quite excessive and wearing gloves in public (i still don’t like seeing gloves in public and if you’re a health care professional you might feel exactly the same way)....
and then they told me on that friday that all of the training days for the next three weeks that i have worked hard to set up, study for, book on rotas, juggled, invited speakers for (i’m a nurse-educator and i organise staff training as part of my job) are now to be stopped. my staff are now asking me about their learning opportunities, is the course gonna go on, and i feel a bit more responsible to give the correct information but i just don’t know where to get it??
then come monday, it was a whole different story again. since the non-clinical aspect of work has been indefinitely stopped, i am one of the people who had been expected to go back into the clinical area and handle patients (i mean i still do this despite my role, but i now have to do it more often). which was fine because handling patients is my happy place, i feel like it is within my remit, i know exactly what i’m doing most of the time, i have a smaller scale to tackle and that’s gonna ease my brain a bit while the world starts to fall into chaos. i’ve done this for the next few weeks. i did mostly clinical shifts, and just do some admin stuff like once a week?? just so i can keep up with the new developments and properly disseminate information, like what PPE are we gonna have, train people in wearing them, what we actually need to do if we get patients with COVID, crash courses for those who will be redeployed, cancelling and cancelling and cancelling study days and training days and finding multiple alternative ways so people still maintain standards despite not having the face-to-face training....
as a nurse-educator, i also feel like i should always watch the news and be aware of the latest guidelines, what WHO wanted us to do, how am i gonna apply this for my colleagues and the safety of our patients... so i’ve done that on a regular basis, and my brain is just filled with information and i actively help in setting up bedspaces with the initial instructions of what PPE to wear....
and then towards the end of march, people are dying. and the fact that it was building in numbers made it more real. and now i started to question what i already know, if we’re actually doing the right thing, but why do other countries do it differently?? why do other hospitals do it differently?? how come people are still on the street?? decisions from the government and the big execs just fluctuate and this trial and error approach just all of a sudden.....became the new normal. 
and then we’re all like, but we just have to work together - since all of our non-clinical stuff had been on standby then we can just focus on working clinically, doing patient care. and then i was given the instructions to gather nurses from my unit (we deal with neonates - babies - like i personally haven’t got a clue on how adults work anymore as i haven’t handled one for like 15 years) who can be redeployed based on their previous experience. redeployment sometimes is viewed as heroic, like wow you’re brave to work in adults despite your rusty experience just for the sake of helping with the pandemic, that’s Great. and then to some, it is their worst nightmare, being redeployed is like being fish out of water - going back to square one, not knowing exactly what you’re doing (remember how i was so confident doing clinical?? yeah that’s only for neonates). and then the solidarity feel like, yeah but at least you’re not alone? we gonna support you?? you’ll get all the special messages, a round of applause, because you’re doing something so brave. i wasn’t redeployed, but six of my colleagues are - and every time they talk to me about how stressful it was and how scared they were being uncertain all the time and surrounded by death and suffering, i felt responsible for putting them in that position.
and then i started to feel sadder and sadder. but i can’t stop working, i am physically well, i am strong enough and i am a Great addition to the numbers. besides, with all this redeployment, we are also receiving some temporary replacements who simply had no idea how neonates work! (it’s like a full exchange programme but with little training) and it is my responsibility to make sure they are trained (i mean look, we all did LONG ASS courses to reach where we are in terms of knowledge, months and months of clinical exposure to the area to gain experience, but now i’m asked to train all of them for just ONE DAY.) and so after training, i’m like this mother duck chasing all the ducklings making sure nobody goes astray. so that was the first two weeks of my april.
it’s also when i decided to stop watching the news or looking at social media about the virus because i have enough stress going on, and i don’t wanna like sound so depressed whenever i’m teaching this new people that are coming to us. i have to be open and warm and welcoming and maintain a cheery attitude despite my patience running so infinitesimally thin. i’ve always been known for my calmness and patience. i may be an anxious bean but i’m quite good in not letting it show in my handiwork.
so i know that’s been stressful - but the good things, i am definitely thankful for. people stepping up, working hard and together with less animosity. the free food was overflowing, i don’t even have to bring lunch at work anymore because there’s always something, even fresh produce because tbh everything hurt after a hard day’s work that you can’t even go grocery shopping :p we had this really posh resto that gave us free breakfast every single day and normally in this resto you like have to make reservations at least 6months before to be worthy lol. despite the back and forth decision making, we do have the right equipment to do our work, and with the virus not usually affecting the little ones, we are not heaving as much in terms of the amount of patients. and just the love, the supportive messages, the rainbow drawings, the applause - i mean just wow.
i guess the more i’m fueled to work harder. and the fact that i get to keep my job when a lot of people had been furloughed or lost theirs, i just feel i have to make it count and continue helping in ways i know how.
i have just trained the last two nurses to come (so far) when i got called that my husband got sent home because he got ill. and he is a nurse too, looking after adult patients with covid so he is getting far more exposure than me.
by protocol, i am automatically self-isolated because of him. and so for the last week of april, we are on a full lockdown, with him on a sickbed and me trying to “work from home”
i am working from home and my colleagues continue to ask me questions about work, i write guidelines, mark essays, basically all the admin stuff i’ve stopped doing because i have been pulled into clinical numbers. i constantly dreaded how my husband will be - knowing the scary stories about how the virus treated some people and the rising number of deaths, especially among frontliners. he was fine and got better, thankfully. and then i fell ill that very weekend - and i became a full dramatic binch for a week because my fever and muscle weakness definitely prevented me from doing anything productive. (this is when i binge-watched the untamed lol)
but then we both got tested and we’re both negative lol. whatever the fuck that was surely knocked us down but thankfully it wasn’t covid WHICH MEANS we should go back to work sooner rather than later. yay. we’ve been off for a total of 10 days.
and then i returned to work last week, and i felt so exhausted. apparently it was a common theme from those who had symptoms or had self-isolated (even though i am negative) and i just felt like those 10 days despite spending them mostly in bed, i felt like i ran a marathon that entire time and now i’m paying the price.
i still feel tired now after 4 days of work, and i haven’t even been clinical (they gave me the benefit of the doubt that it might be FALSE NEGATIVE) so i haven’t handled patients YET and instead focused on my admin work - which welcomed with its spiky arms fuck that shit we just had the most dramatic cases at work that i had to deal with, and that’s not even covid-related. and so my brain was also like scraped to the core lol
so anyway, yeah i guess that got long.
i mean i still haven’t talked about what’s happening in the background at this point, like my family (they are okay! thankfully. and my mom is very paranoid which means they are always taking care of themselves lol), the government in where i live and where my family lives (lotsa fucked up things happening right now out there too, dammit i’m so sorry philippines), and all my future plans for 2020 that have now been shitted on by this virus, but let’s not get overly dramatic now.
idk i just feel like pouring stuff out because apparently that’s healthy for you.
stay safe. wash your hands. stay at home if you can. frontliners - and i’m just not talking about my fellow nurses - TAKE CARE AND STAY STRONG. AND THANK YOU. but don’t be an extra hero. wear PPE when you come face-to-face with potential risks. take breaks. know where to draw the line.
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paelabnavides0 · 4 years
via Pamela Benavides,
Most people have heard of affiliate marketing, even if they haven’t actually started doing it. Affiliate marketing is basically referring people to various products and services around the internet. For each sale you generate through your affiliate link, you earn a commission. The size of the commission depends on the products themselves, who is selling them and the percentage offered by the seller to the affiliate.
But what is actually involved in affiliate marketing? What do affiliates do on a daily basis? How do they earn money and how do they learn what to do?
1 An Example Of A Successful Website
There’s several ways of marketing products and services online. Many affiliates create a blog first and sell products and services through their blog. Martin Lewis has a very successful website called moneysavingexpert.com. This is also an affiliate website. By creating content and helping people decide which service to use: which credit card offers to choose, the best interest rate etc. moneysavingexpert.com makes money by sending website visitors to various offers. If a sale is made through this website, the link this credited to it and a commission is made. By creating content, offering value and helping people make sensible choices, the website has built a reputation and become more prevalent over time. Google ranks the site highly in the search engines and thousands of people use it to make purchasing decisions every day.
2 How Can I Get Started As An Affiliate?
Affiliate marketing is huge. There are thousands of people already making their main source of income from the internet. To get started as an affiliate you need to learn some basic strategies and build various methods of generating traffic from the internet to those offers. A lot of affiliates start with a simple blog. Many travelers ‘blog’ about their travels. If you don’t have a passion or interest to blog about, you can start by following an online course which will help. See my bio for more info on this.
3 How Long Does It Take To Make A Living?
Some people go into affiliate marketing with the intention of creating a second income. Some people want to make big money. Depending on how much time you can dedicate to your affiliate business, and how dedicated you are to it, is a big factor in determining your results. Results vary from person to person. With a large advertising budget and the right business model, some affiliates have replaced their living in 6-12 months. For others it can take years before it replaces their existing income. Depending on your approach, advertising budget, and business model, it can take between 3 months and several years to build it to a point where it can replace an existing income.
4 Can Anyone Do It?
One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that the technology is now available to allow anyone to build their own online business. As long as you are prepared to learn and implement that knowledge, anyone who can operate an email, can use online platforms and tools to build their own online business. The main thing you need is the desire to learn. Affiliate marketing isn’t for everyone though. It does take a lot of hard work and it can take years before you are rewarded financially.
5 What Are The Pitfalls Of An Affiliate Business?
You need to dedicate some time to your affiliate business for it to work for the long term. Some people go into affiliate marketing thinking it is some magic pill which will pay them instantly in cash. Much like a job you can’t expect to get out more than you put in. Affiliate marketing is performance related. This means you don’t get paid unless you can successfully sell products and services online. If you don’t know what you are doing it can take years to do this. You can’t be a dabbler and expect to earn the big money. The big earnings are created over years of hard work. Don’t expect to achieve this with only a small amount of input.
6 What Are The Best Things About Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing offers an incredible amount of flexibility and freedom. You can work an affiliate business from anywhere in the world providing you have a laptop and an internet connection. You can choose your own hours and build it up around existing work. Many people come into affiliate marketing because it offers this kind of flexibility. They can choose their priorities in life: spend more time with family, choose your working hours, travel and work abroad. No more commuting to work or working long hours for a boss you don’t like.
Affiliate marketing also offers incredible scalability. A business which is local is always limited to the people who can travel to that business. An online business can be global. Using digital products in conjunction with a global reach, you can scale using tools and software to reach thousands of people through digital technology. By using automation much of the work involved with an online business can be pre-built. By building automation into the business model, you can focus your activities on reaching a larger audience through content creation and paid advertising.
7 Why Am I Struggling With My Affiliate Business?
A lot of people struggle with their affiliate businesses.This can be for a number of reasons. Firstly building up an affiliate business takes time. You need to dedicate a lot of time to an affiliate business in the first place. Only when you reach a ‘tipping point’ do you really start to see your progress. Many affiliates simply don’t realise how much work is involved. They underestimate how much time they need to dedicate to their online business to make it work. Paid advertising can allow you to grow your affiliate business quickly. But it costs money and you need the right products too. You can’t advertise small value items with paid advertising. You won’t generate enough profit to cover your advertising costs. You need a range of products and an email list to advertise through. Content marketing takes much longer to work, depending on your chosen area of business. If you find an untapped niche to market your blog in, you can make some fast progress. However, with a competitive niche you will struggle to get noticed above all the other content which you will have to compete with. There’s several reasons why you might struggle. The main one is lack of knowledge. Get the right education first and your affiliate business will move much faster.
8 What’s The Best Affiliate Model To Use?
There are many different affiliate models, all offering something different to suit the individual. Some affiliates target search traffic and aim to get their content found on Google. Some create their own products and sell them directly to customers. However, having a range of products which you can sell over and over to existing customers is a great model for long term success. Selling a single item online is limited. It means you can only make one commission from each sale. By choosing membership products to promote which also offer back end sales and a built in sales team, you can benefit from monthly commissions and up-sell commissions for the lifetime of any given customer. Selling membership products is definitely a game changer when it come to affiliate marketing because you make an income from each customer, rather than a single commission. But a good model to choose is one in which you have a passion for and can keep doing for the long term. Choosing products which you have no interest in is a short sighted plan. Think about what you would like to do online to generate an income. If you choose to go with your passion, your business will last much longer, and be more successful.
9 Can I Just Sell My Own Products?
Many affiliates create their own products to sell online. However, when you are starting out it is a good idea to learn the basics of marketing first. That way you can start earning more quickly from your affiliate business. I spent a long time creating my own products when I first discovered affiliate marketing. But I didn’t sell anything because of a couple of reasons. Firstly I didn’t research whether my products would have a big enough demand. Secondly I didn’t know how to market them. By joining a program which teaches you how to market products first, you can start making money more quickly. Don’t waste time creating products if you don’t know how to sell them. Marketing is a much more important skill for making money online. Once you know this skill, you can then apply it later when marketing your own products and services. Also your own products will be limited in range. By using an existing product range, you can benefit from products which are already selling. You can choose a program which offers high ticket commission, monthly memberships, back end sales and a built in sales team. Building your own products which offers all of these things not a possibility for most people when starting out.
10 What’s The Point Of Affiliate Marketing?
Some people struggle with the concept of affiliate marketing.They think it sounds too ‘salesy’. When I understood affiliate marketing I immediately found it appealing simply because I needed a flexible way to work around my contract work. I had to drop what I was doing at a moments notice if the phone went. This meant other jobs were awkward to juggle around. No-one wants to employ a ‘flaky’ employee. I wanted to work from my laptop and affiliate marketing gave me that opportunity. For many people this is the reason why they choose affiliate marketing. They can earn an income from their laptop, choose their working hours and not have a boss or place of employment. You don’t have to sell directly to anyone or even talk to a customer. There is no stock to hold. Added to this, the scalability of affiliate marketing which lets you scale up to a global audience and deliver products on autopilot, makes it the best flexible business of the future.
Article Source: http:// EzineArticles.com/9671646
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.wordpress.com/2020/05/28/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate-marketing/ via IFTTT
from Pamela Benavides https://pamelabenavides0.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
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easywaymoney0 · 4 years
via Easy Ways To Make money Online,
Most people have heard of affiliate marketing, even if they haven’t actually started doing it. Affiliate marketing is basically referring people to various products and services around the internet. For each sale you generate through your affiliate link, you earn a commission. The size of the commission depends on the products themselves, who is selling them and the percentage offered by the seller to the affiliate.
But what is actually involved in affiliate marketing? What do affiliates do on a daily basis? How do they earn money and how do they learn what to do?
1 An Example Of A Successful Website
There’s several ways of marketing products and services online. Many affiliates create a blog first and sell products and services through their blog. Martin Lewis has a very successful website called moneysavingexpert.com. This is also an affiliate website. By creating content and helping people decide which service to use: which credit card offers to choose, the best interest rate etc. moneysavingexpert.com makes money by sending website visitors to various offers. If a sale is made through this website, the link this credited to it and a commission is made. By creating content, offering value and helping people make sensible choices, the website has built a reputation and become more prevalent over time. Google ranks the site highly in the search engines and thousands of people use it to make purchasing decisions every day.
2 How Can I Get Started As An Affiliate?
Affiliate marketing is huge. There are thousands of people already making their main source of income from the internet. To get started as an affiliate you need to learn some basic strategies and build various methods of generating traffic from the internet to those offers. A lot of affiliates start with a simple blog. Many travelers ‘blog’ about their travels. If you don’t have a passion or interest to blog about, you can start by following an online course which will help. See my bio for more info on this.
3 How Long Does It Take To Make A Living?
Some people go into affiliate marketing with the intention of creating a second income. Some people want to make big money. Depending on how much time you can dedicate to your affiliate business, and how dedicated you are to it, is a big factor in determining your results. Results vary from person to person. With a large advertising budget and the right business model, some affiliates have replaced their living in 6-12 months. For others it can take years before it replaces their existing income. Depending on your approach, advertising budget, and business model, it can take between 3 months and several years to build it to a point where it can replace an existing income.
4 Can Anyone Do It?
One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that the technology is now available to allow anyone to build their own online business. As long as you are prepared to learn and implement that knowledge, anyone who can operate an email, can use online platforms and tools to build their own online business. The main thing you need is the desire to learn. Affiliate marketing isn’t for everyone though. It does take a lot of hard work and it can take years before you are rewarded financially.
5 What Are The Pitfalls Of An Affiliate Business?
You need to dedicate some time to your affiliate business for it to work for the long term. Some people go into affiliate marketing thinking it is some magic pill which will pay them instantly in cash. Much like a job you can’t expect to get out more than you put in. Affiliate marketing is performance related. This means you don’t get paid unless you can successfully sell products and services online. If you don’t know what you are doing it can take years to do this. You can’t be a dabbler and expect to earn the big money. The big earnings are created over years of hard work. Don’t expect to achieve this with only a small amount of input.
6 What Are The Best Things About Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing offers an incredible amount of flexibility and freedom. You can work an affiliate business from anywhere in the world providing you have a laptop and an internet connection. You can choose your own hours and build it up around existing work. Many people come into affiliate marketing because it offers this kind of flexibility. They can choose their priorities in life: spend more time with family, choose your working hours, travel and work abroad. No more commuting to work or working long hours for a boss you don’t like.
Affiliate marketing also offers incredible scalability. A business which is local is always limited to the people who can travel to that business. An online business can be global. Using digital products in conjunction with a global reach, you can scale using tools and software to reach thousands of people through digital technology. By using automation much of the work involved with an online business can be pre-built. By building automation into the business model, you can focus your activities on reaching a larger audience through content creation and paid advertising.
7 Why Am I Struggling With My Affiliate Business?
A lot of people struggle with their affiliate businesses.This can be for a number of reasons. Firstly building up an affiliate business takes time. You need to dedicate a lot of time to an affiliate business in the first place. Only when you reach a ‘tipping point’ do you really start to see your progress. Many affiliates simply don’t realise how much work is involved. They underestimate how much time they need to dedicate to their online business to make it work. Paid advertising can allow you to grow your affiliate business quickly. But it costs money and you need the right products too. You can’t advertise small value items with paid advertising. You won’t generate enough profit to cover your advertising costs. You need a range of products and an email list to advertise through. Content marketing takes much longer to work, depending on your chosen area of business. If you find an untapped niche to market your blog in, you can make some fast progress. However, with a competitive niche you will struggle to get noticed above all the other content which you will have to compete with. There’s several reasons why you might struggle. The main one is lack of knowledge. Get the right education first and your affiliate business will move much faster.
8 What’s The Best Affiliate Model To Use?
There are many different affiliate models, all offering something different to suit the individual. Some affiliates target search traffic and aim to get their content found on Google. Some create their own products and sell them directly to customers. However, having a range of products which you can sell over and over to existing customers is a great model for long term success. Selling a single item online is limited. It means you can only make one commission from each sale. By choosing membership products to promote which also offer back end sales and a built in sales team, you can benefit from monthly commissions and up-sell commissions for the lifetime of any given customer. Selling membership products is definitely a game changer when it come to affiliate marketing because you make an income from each customer, rather than a single commission. But a good model to choose is one in which you have a passion for and can keep doing for the long term. Choosing products which you have no interest in is a short sighted plan. Think about what you would like to do online to generate an income. If you choose to go with your passion, your business will last much longer, and be more successful.
9 Can I Just Sell My Own Products?
Many affiliates create their own products to sell online. However, when you are starting out it is a good idea to learn the basics of marketing first. That way you can start earning more quickly from your affiliate business. I spent a long time creating my own products when I first discovered affiliate marketing. But I didn’t sell anything because of a couple of reasons. Firstly I didn’t research whether my products would have a big enough demand. Secondly I didn’t know how to market them. By joining a program which teaches you how to market products first, you can start making money more quickly. Don’t waste time creating products if you don’t know how to sell them. Marketing is a much more important skill for making money online. Once you know this skill, you can then apply it later when marketing your own products and services. Also your own products will be limited in range. By using an existing product range, you can benefit from products which are already selling. You can choose a program which offers high ticket commission, monthly memberships, back end sales and a built in sales team. Building your own products which offers all of these things not a possibility for most people when starting out.
10 What’s The Point Of Affiliate Marketing?
Some people struggle with the concept of affiliate marketing.They think it sounds too ‘salesy’. When I understood affiliate marketing I immediately found it appealing simply because I needed a flexible way to work around my contract work. I had to drop what I was doing at a moments notice if the phone went. This meant other jobs were awkward to juggle around. No-one wants to employ a ‘flaky’ employee. I wanted to work from my laptop and affiliate marketing gave me that opportunity. For many people this is the reason why they choose affiliate marketing. They can earn an income from their laptop, choose their working hours and not have a boss or place of employment. You don’t have to sell directly to anyone or even talk to a customer. There is no stock to hold. Added to this, the scalability of affiliate marketing which lets you scale up to a global audience and deliver products on autopilot, makes it the best flexible business of the future.
Article Source: http:// EzineArticles.com/9671646
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.wordpress.com/2020/05/28/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate-marketing/ via IFTTT
from Easy Ways To Make money Online https://easywaystomakemoneyonline0.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
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exsanguisdraconis · 5 years
i don’t have a blog for this so even tho i’m supposed to be fixing this blog up and getting active i’m going to use this blog to viciously complain about HBO’s His Dark Materials. the below opinions are overwhelmingly negative so if you aren’t interested in that, don’t read it.
I just... don’t understand these writers. I feel like over the course of the five episodes we’ve had that I’ve been very laid back. My expectations were high, I’ll admit that, because I needed SOMETHING to save me from the absolute shit tornado that was The Secret Commonwealth. I needed some good HDM to lift me up from that low and I was counting on the show. Maybe that was unfair. 
To start off with some good things the show, for the most part, looks really nice. Most of the actors are really good. I was pleasantly surprised about the number of POC in the cast. The daemons, though not focused on nearly enough, still look really nice. Ruth Wilson is phenomenal in her role as Mrs. Coulter and even in the couple of scenes where I was like “why did they add this to her character” Ruth acts it out so well I’m happy to just accept it. I think this show is adding in a lot of the complexity to her character that Pullman always wanted, and given she was one of my first “older villain woman I definitely shouldn’t be in love with but am” crushes in media I’m thrilled about that.
My main problem with the show is that it’s---boring. And it’s ridiculously frustrating because it feels like you have to put effort into making it so bland and dry.
The newest episode is an absolute train wreck that lumps together all the minor issues I’ve had with the show into one big pile of shit.
First off I’ve never seen Dafne Keen in anything else. I don’t know if she’s a good actress. I know that in this, she’s really really bad. Even when they put her in emotional scenes, her inability to act like she has real human emotions sucks the life out of them. When Coram was recounting the story of his lost son in the last episode I went from being a little choked up to almost laughing with how much it just didn’t seem like Lyra gave a fuck. Her delivery is so monotone that it just zaps the feeling out of everything she touches.
Secondly what the fuck happened with Billy Costa. Or more specifically what the fuck happened with how they chose to handle the scenes with Billy. The death of Billy, the reactions of people toward him, the dialogue from Iorek, these are some of the most interesting parts of the book. But rather than having Lyra ask, get denied, and then ask Iorek to take her anyway, whisking her off into the night and encountering the witches and creeping into the fishing village where they’re met with terrified villagers... they spend several scenes with Lyra just asking people if she can go. And it’s not even heated argument or charming wit. It’s just “I want to go” and “No it’s out of the way and too dangerous.” Over and over again. 
This really hits on a big problem I have with a lot of media right now where they want to tell me something rather than show it. Usually because that’s the cheaper route of doing things. I get it. The bear is probably difficult and costly to animate... however, why have him IN the show at all if he doesn’t get to be a proper character with proper emotional building scenes. I would have much rather them cut that scene where he’s just giving exposition on bears to Lyra in favor of him telling Lyra about the witches going to war and shaming the people for not having Lyra’s bravery in dealing with Billy Costa. Because those are scenes that tell us something about Iorek the character, and that’s always going to mean more than general lore about Svalbard’s bears.
You see it doesn’t mean anything to me to hear the words “it’s dangerous” or “something is really wrong here” and then not.... see it. The scene with Billy is meant to turn your stomach. You’re supposed to think “who the fuck are these people mutilating children in this way” as Billy repeatedly clings to a dead, dried fish and vacantly asks “where’s Ratta” over and over. And something that adds to that revulsion is seeing how other people treat this small, innocent, injured child. It’s not with compassion and sadness. People are AFRAID of Billy. They don’t want to look at him or touch him. The fishermen beg for Iorek and Lyra to come and relieve them of this evil being. They have no compassion for this child, no outrage for what has been done to him. All they have is fear. 
And maybe I missed Iorek’s iconic “when I’m afraid I will master my fear” but I’ve watched the episode through twice and haven’t found HIM saying it first. So Lyra not wanting to look like a coward in front of him, and Lyra mastering her fear in favor of compassion for Billy means NOTHING. Because it wasn’t in the show. There was no scene where Lyra sees that Billy’s daemon substitute has been ripped from his dead hands and she flies into a rage at the utter disrespect of the people around her. There’s no scene where she gives him the coin with Ratta’s name scratched out in an attempt to give him that dignity and respect that was ripped from him before he died. So what did we get to replace these deeply emotional and telling scenes? Two sing-a-longs from people that can’t goddamn sing.
The thing about these scenes is they’re very straight forward, and we don’t care enough about Ma Costa or John Fa to care that they’re sad. At most they tell us “the Gyptian people are united” but we’ve already seen that. It was the FIRST thing they showed us about them. What we haven’t seen yet in this show is Lyra’s character development. Where Lyra starts to go from a pigheaded, selfish child into a more mature and compassionate person. These scenes rob the situation of deeper meaning. Because we KNOW Billy’s mom is sad, we don’t necessarily need to see it. The story isn’t about her or John Fa. The story is about Lyra, and by cutting more meaningful scenes where she deals with Billy and shows him compassion, and instead just showing her be a little sad at his grave side... it feels flat and emotionless. I didn’t feel sickened or sad for Billy.
I’ve read the books over a dozen times, and out of the series I feel like The Golden Compass/Northern Lights is the most special. It is paced well and filled to the brim with interesting characters and when things happen they happen for a reason. The show is making cheap shots at my emotions by showing a crying mother and honestly it’s bouncing off the rim.
To be clear I WANT this show to work. I felt like episode 4 was perfect. I had absolutely no complaints aside from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s painful attempt at a southern accent. I LIKE that they’re showing a bit of Will’s backstory rather than try and juggle flashbacks or exposition in season 2 (if they get a s2 and I don’t think they will unfortunately). In fact, it seems like most of the scenes they add in for themselves, most of the details they insert, actually have a lot of depth and feeling. Mrs. Coulter’s relationship with her daemon and her scenes of dialogue that hint at her self loathing is brilliant. The scene where Tony and his friend break into her home in defiance of Ma Costa and the others is exciting and emotional. 
Third and finally I just feel like this show is trying too hard to say “I’m not the movie.” First off, I don’t think The Golden Compass was a terrible movie. There are a lot of things I don’t like, but when I think of a terrible remake I think of Gerard Butler playing the Phantom of the Opera and the train wreck into a flaming pile of dumpsters that entire movie was. And I think this show is trying so hard to avoid certain lines and scenes that were in the movie that it’s killing some of the best content from the book that they could pull from. The big problems with the movie didn’t have anything to do with the dialogue or source material, but rather pacing, acting, and set design choices that were made. 
Idk. I hope we get a season 2 and I also kinda don’t care. Because if this is what they’re going to do with The Golden Compass I’m a little worried about what they’ll wind up doing with the other books in the series. And I feel bad because I genuinely like His Dark Materials, I even really enjoyed La Belle Savage. Sure the newest book was.... bad. Really bad, but at the very least the first three books of His Dark Materials deserve a really good show or movie and I feel like between some of the direction choices and Dafne’s acting (which I’m not entirely certain isn’t due to choices from the directors) in some ways this show is way, way worse than the movie ever was.
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kusunokihime-a · 6 years
     [ Okay y’all, I think it’s about time I got a few things off my chest and onto the dash. This isn’t anything personal, nor directed at any one person. Just my feelings about my dash and how things have been going the last few months for me. There’s some important info under the cut, but I’ll try to summarize at the end for a tldr for those in a hurry.
     First off, admittedly, muse has been hard to come by lately. I’m sure a lot of you have noticed that I’ve slowed down a lot in activity. Life has been a lot busier than I’m used to due to my summer job (aka raising five orphan calves). It’s been a far cry more of a juggling act than having only one last year, and it’s honestly made keeping up muse hard due to it being very time-consuming and tiring. Add in that it’s the pits of Summer, and my room where my desktop is regularly reaches 90+ degrees Fahrenheit for several hours a day, and that leaves very little energy/mojo for sitting in the heat and trying to write when I’m tired. The last straw is that my mental health has been in a fairly steep decline lately (none of which I can afford to treat). Put those factors together, and you have a very drained individual who is all the more depressed because her one outlet is less enjoyable due to those very factors.
     I’ve been trying to get back into things: revamping my blog design, new icons, even new blogs! And though I want to be doing these things, I still lack the energy for them for the above-mentioned reasons. My drafts and ask replies are still slow, and I feel bad for making everyone wait. True, this is a hobby, but one I love dearly. I don’t like to disappoint those who help make it fun for me.
     So, to try and make up for my lack of activity, I’ve done my best to make a regular habit of having inbox calls! All it takes is a like, and I’ll hop into your inbox and give you an ask to reply to from whatever muse I’ve got inspiration for. Seems simple enough, and all of the regulars have been using them frequently, which I’m glad for!
     But admittedly, I’ve gotten a bit...frustrated lately. A few months ago I started making a point of clearing out inactive blogs of 4+ months. And even with that in place, I still follow over 160 blogs, probably which 95% are RP blogs that I’m mutuals with. And yet my efforts to reach out and interact are only met by the same five or so people, with the occasional rare exception.
     No one is obligated to interact, of course. I’m not begging for that. What I am trying to convey is that I’m reaching a point where it seems largely pointless to be following 90% of the blogs I follow. Admittedly, I don’t read others’ posts hardly at all unless they’re meant for me. I just don’t have the time, and I often lack context to make them as enjoyable for me to read as they do for those they’re intended for. And while I understand people do so themselves, and sometimes follow blogs just for reading their writing - without intent to interact - I guess I’ve just reached a point where I don’t see much reason to follow many of the blogs I follow. There’s no interaction despite me both reblogging memes, and having open calls.
     Like...forgive me for sounding short, but all it takes is a simple click from a blog on my open posts, and I’ll bring the ask to them. It takes literally a moment. And while I, with abundant social anxiety, understand that sometimes that’s too much, there’s not much else I can do besides just doing things of my own volition. Which, again, given my lack of energy and time, I just...can’t do. Especially not for as many blogs as I follow.
    So, what’s my point? My point is, I’m considering a sizable purge of those I follow. Mainly those I’ve never interacted with despite having been mutuals for a good share of time. Maybe even those who very rarely interact. Because at this point, I have so little energy to be here properly, I don’t want to squander it on those who won’t reciprocate. Which may sound harsh, but this is a hobby. And if I’m to enjoy it, I have to do it in a way that lets me get the most out of it.
     This, I suppose, is a heads up that in the coming days, when I have time to sit and do it, I’m likely going to go through my following list and unfollow a great share of people. It won’t be personal. It’ll just be because interaction - the reason I follow people back - just isn’t happening, and there’s not much point for you to be on my dash. You are, of course, in no way expected to keep following if you’re among those I unfollow - I know many people only like to follow mutuals. That’s how I operate, after all. So if I unfollow, feel free to do the same.
     If you’re someone who follows just to read my stuff, good on you! Keep on following - I appreciate you, even if we don’t interact. But given that I don’t read things that aren’t intended for me, there’s just not much purpose in me following you back. If I’m to be mutuals with someone, then it’s because I want to write with you. And I want you to want to write with me. Given that my numerous open posts over the last several weeks have only been taken by a regular group of people, then...I see no point in extending my dash beyond those who make the effort.
     I know this might sound harsh, but I’m tired of having so much...emptiness in this hobby. I only really have time and energy for what directly involves me and my muses. Which might sound a bit self-centered, but that’s how it is. I know you’re all wonderful writers. And I’m not booting you off my dash because I don’t like you, or your writing. I just want to condense things to what I personally want to see. And for me, that means what involves me, and the people who have taken the time to bond with me and my muses. So again, it’s nothing personal - I just have to clear my dash and following a bit. 
     IF we’ve yet to interact and you’d like to start something before I go through my list, PLEASE just let me know. I promise I’m a very approachable person. But I can only make opens so many times and have them be ignored before I get tired of trying. Hence doing a little cleaning house, so I can enjoy this hobby a bit more. Thank you all for your understanding <3
     TL;DR - I’m going to clear my following of people who aren’t interacting with us, because limited time/energy mean wanting to condense my dash and following pool. Feel free to also unfollow, but I won’t softblock just in case you'd like to remain following. This probably won’t happen for a day or two, so feel free to talk to me OOC before then if you’d like to discuss anything. But it’s personally time for me to clear out those who aren’t meeting my offers for interaction so my dash is filled more with those who are willing/able to write with us. Thanks to everyone who’s followed regardless - y’all are great <3 ]
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senshikarenkujo · 5 years
Status Quo!
Tumblr media
Here are some explanation things for what to expect/what I expect will happen/anything you might want to know if you’re interacting with this blog/recognize me but not for this character! 
First, I’ll quickly introduce myself! Hiya! I’m Bunny! I’m 19, gonna be 20 soon (holy heck), and I started roleplaying in like 2012, I believe! I roleplayed a lot and then had big gaps in between but then kept roleplaying a lot/returning to it time and time again! It’s been 7 years, but if I think about my roleplaying bursts, I’d say I have about ~4-5 years of experience? I first started rping on tumblr like 2 years ago (and haven’t been rping consistently since), but basically I think I know my stuff when it comes to roleplay, and I’m always willing to learn! 
tldr; I love rp a looot! 
You might know me for my Tewi! In about April or May of 2017-2018-ish (my senior year), I made a tumblr account for the first time dedicated to Inaba Tewi! The truth is, I still really love her, but I wanted to do her justice by making a million gazillion icons of her and doing my absolute 100% best at every post, and coupled with rl events, that got draining fast. I made another blog to suit my other big favorites (Raccoon and Fennec from Kemono Friends), but I think I did some super complicated tagging things? And it never really took off because KemoFure started causing me stress after all of its controversies. (sweats) I still love these characters a loot! However, I’m trying to get back into rp through Karen from Kinmoza (another big obsession of mine, especially recently) and simply put, if you know my other accounts (or even if you know me from my warriorcatsrpg days lol), that’s super cool! Feel free to say hi! 
I’m likely not gonna update those blogs because I’d rather not revive something I can’t keep alive, but this blog, I hope to make last! I’m gonna be serious but it’s gonna be way more casual than my previous two blogs (involving my absolute faves), so yeah! 
tldr; I have two tumblr rp accounts, one was Tewi and the other was Raccoon and Fennec from Kemono Friends. They’re inactive now, and they’re probably going to stay that way because I want to be more casual about rping and rp with Karen! If I can rise to the challenge/my own standards, I might revive both/either, but it’s unlikely since I’m juggling a lot of stuff right now. (I love Tewi/Araifenne tho.) 
My love for those characters has never died away; I just want to take it easy for a bit before I do anything huge. Discussing them actually makes me really want to revive them on the spot (they were really fun, no matter how short their reign), but this is my gateway rp blog, okay? I should mention that I’m in university right now and taking a lot of classes/trying to do a lot of different things (including my other hobby, art), so yea-- I can’t dive in that much YET. 
OK, that was background!
Things to expect/what I plan to do:
-I’m gonna update all of my pages! Including stuff about me/stuff I mentioned up there because knowing I’m in university/knowing my age in case you don’t wanna interact with adults is important to know!
-I’m not gonna do this immediately/quickly though (unless I have no impulse control). I currently can’t give an exact date, but basically I wanna finish my assignments + my art first (I’m doing Inktober), so this blog might not get updated for a week/more. Just thought you should know! As this is super casual, it’s not a concern if it ends up not getting activity for 2 weeks+/etc. because I don’t want this to be a duty-- rather, I want it to be for fun
-After I update all of my pages (when I finally do), I’ll make a starter call/rp posts/etc. This blog is new so I won’t expect a ton, and that’s ok! I’ll try to find people to interact with, and if you’re interested/want to interact with me, feel free to follow me! All follows come from my main blog touhoureactionslol. So garnering attention might be difficult, but I’ll try!
-I might reblog art to this blog in my free time/if I’m not updating the info posts. To show that it’s still active. It doesn’t mean I can rp/etc. yet, but it does show I wanted to give the blog a bit of life!
That should be all, ok! I tested the blog’s features/did all the art stuff immediately since it’s fun, so everything should work! Let me know if there’s an issue anywhere! (By the way, if you mouse over Karen’s icon while on my blog page, it rotates. cx) 
I did the aesthetic appearance stuff, but what’s next now is substance! I can’t add it immediately since I really am busy, but I definitely expect that I will (if this ends up being an empty promise, fjhsdfksdds no i dont want it to be like that :sweat: )-- just 
Please be patient with me please! ( uwu ) And if you know me, feel free to say hi! 
I’m excited to rp again, really, and I hope to do it soon! It won’t be immediately, but wait! 
Soon, my friends! Soon!! 
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valianova · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @teakoii
1. What is your full name? Valentina
2. What is your nickname? Tina, V, recently I’ve been called Val, occasionally Robin. Online I’m usually called Bookie or Chat Mom.
3. What is your zodiac sign?  Pisces~
4. What is your favorite book series? The Leviathan Series by Scott Westerfield probably.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes.
6. Who is your favorite author? I used to exclaim PATRICIA WREDE when I was a tween, but now I’m not so sure. Ray Bradbury? C. S. Lewis? Moliere? Who knows! Not me, that’s who.
7. What is your favorite radio station? 98.3 when I’m home in California. Otherwise . . . *shrugs*
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Strawberry probably. Peach is good too. If we’re talking ice cream, Vanilla, Coffee, or Strawberry. I don’t have complicated tastes.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Precious. Absolutely amazing. Super.
10. What is your current favorite song? [https://youtu.be/ilw-qmqZ5zY] This one, for some reason. Reality--Lost Frequencies. I’m a sucker for chill songs.
11. What is your favorite word? Perspicacious. Or maybe Darling. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? Probably something weebish. Been mostly watching anime lately. It might have been Genghis Khan. Oh, no it was Kpop. I was showing a friend a Kpop group.
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? American? Anime? Uh, probably. . . ATLA, BNHA, Haikyuu, Voltron, or something similar.
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I don’t usually rewatch movies, I do watch Haikyuu when I’m feeling bad. I also have always been attached to the movie Singing in the Rain and Oscar.
15. Do you play video games? If I can. I usually don’t have a platform.
16. What is your biggest fear? DEEP OCEAN. Most definitely. I like the beach just fine, but anything down deep terrifies me. Like crap, so many things can go wrong.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I don’t get angry, or more accurately, I’m not upset when others have conflicting opinions if they’re reasonable about them.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Laziness. I’m all for relaxing, but I can and will take it too far quite often. 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? I freaking adore them both, but cats are my soul animals most definitely.
20. What is your favorite season? Summer
21. Are you in a relationship? Probably never.
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Innocence.
23. Who is your best friend? That’s a hard question at the moment, for multiple reasons.
24. What is your eye color? Black.
25. What is your hair color? Black.
26. Who is someone you love? A great many people. It hurts and it’s scary.
27. Who is someone you trust? Depends on what I’m trusting them with.
28. Who is someone you think about often? Too many people. Um, friends I don’t get to see like @teakoii and my Jesika. My friends who just graduated. People I’m just getting to know. People I don’t see/talk to anymore.
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Relaxing. Breathing and not feeling anxious, I guess.
30. What is your biggest obsession? . . . Haikyuu?
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Code Lyoko? ATLA? I had a lot of fun shows as a kid.  
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My best friend, but the idiot has to live very far away.
33. Are you superstitious? Casually, I am I suppose. I avoid breaking mirrors, I throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it, etc. I don’t think too much about it but I do a lot of traditional superstitious things.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? I used to be scared of skeletons, but that’s not really a phobia.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Nail art I suppose. Or writing.
37. What was the last book you read? Besides school? A crappy top twenty from the teen section. I was disappointed tbh. For school, I read a Jane Austen book recently. 
38. What was the last movie you watched? Batman: Lego Movie (finally!!)
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? I sing. I don’t count that, but my music friends and acquaintances tell me to count it, sooooo.
40. What is your favorite animal? I really really love animals, but cats make me super happy. Dogs as well. I LOVE guinea pigs. Oh, geez. I don’t know.
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? @teakoii, @all1sees @engekihaikyuu @lightprince @miyakuli @littleballofspace @theonegirlunderyourbed @embrace-the-yaoi Couldn’t make up my mind. And of course, I can’t leave out @thatsthat24 It’s just impossible tbh.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? It’s a toss-up between flying and invisibility. I’m so original. I know.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? When I’m not at college and people aren’t actively expecting things of me. Probably curled up with a cup of coffee and good show to watch. If possible, watching things with family and my closest friends.
44. What makes you smile? Almost anything. I smile a lot.
45. What sports do you play, if any? I used to be a competitive gymnast and a ballerina. Learned volleyball for a few years as well. I’ve been interested in getting into dance again lately.
46. What is your favorite drink? Oh! I just answered this the other day! For soda: Cherry Coke || Dr. Pepper with lemon || Strawberry Crush || Ginger Ale Then it’s coffee (sweet or unsweet, I like it all), hibiscus tea, and chrysanthemum iced tea.
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Like a month ago probably. I handwrite a lot of things and like to send letters to anyone and everyone who enjoys them.
48. Are you afraid of heights? Definitely not. I love them. 
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? People leaving their shopping carts out.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes.
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? Nope. For sure not.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet or an animal cop. I think I used to want to be a teacher too. Radio talk show host and a weatherlady/news anchor.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Hmm, tough. Maybe BNHA’s or the new show’s universe I’ve been watching lately. 
54. What is something you worry about? EVERYTHING.
55. Are you scared of the dark? Depends on the kind of darkness. Natural darkness is calming, but the staircase at night still freaks me out a little tbh.
56. Do you like to sing? Veeeeery much yes.
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yes. Mostly when I’m feeling really bad.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Pike’s Place Market
59. Where would you like to live? Seattle or just somewhere far away.
60. Do you have any pets? A dog and a bird at the moment.
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Most definitely a night owl.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets I see more often, but sunrises have their own kind of charm.
63. Do you know how to drive? Yes.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Headphones.
65. Have you ever had braces? Never.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? A little of everything, but I tend to avoid screamo, rap, and usually country.
67. Who is your hero? My parents probably. They’re superheroes in their own ways.
68. Do you read comic books? Occasionally. I want to read more.
69. What makes you the most angry? Not much, but people who refuse to change bad habits they know are wrong and hurt others in the process make me upset.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book. 100%
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Uhh, I enjoyed balancing out equations in math waaaay too much. Really enjoying studying English at the moment in college. I love seismology as well.
72. Do you have any siblings? Older sister.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries. Lots of them.
74. How tall are you? 5′3
75. Can you cook? Sorta. I can get by cooking things I enjoy.
76. What are three things that you love? People in general, pretty lights (city lanscapes, stars, etc.), and good food.
77. What are three things that you hate? Abusive relationships, unnecessary conflict, and anxiety.
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
79. What is your sexual orientation? Straight
80. Where do you currently live? America
81. Who was the last person you texted? My sister
82. When was the last time you cried? Recently probably. I’ve been a wreck from this last semester.
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? ReacttotheK
84. Do you like to take selfies? Not ones I show people.
85. What is your favorite app? Instagram or Line I guess.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? I love them indescribably.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? Korean
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Venice
89. What is your favorite number? 8 and 13
90. Can you juggle? Nope.
91. Are you religious? Yes.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space is amazing but, remember my immense fear of deep ocean? There’s sooooo many amazing things down there to learn about!
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Definitely.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Soaps, perfumes, bandaids, certain medications, and pineapple (to a mild extent).
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yup, the taco and the clover.
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nah.
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Whenever I can.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forests are gorgeous, but the beach probably. California has it’s hooks in me, I suppose.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? "You can give up, I won’t mind. But you definitely will. So just keep going.”
100. Are you a good liar? I’m not sure to be honest. I don’t lie, but I can’t say I never have. I think I am a good liar, but I hope I never have to prove it.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin. 
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  An extroverted introvert.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? No.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Definitely.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Find who it belongs to, however I can.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? For sure.
108. Are you ticklish? Not at all.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Lots of times.
110. Do you have any piercings? Double piercings in my ears.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Probably all the ones I’ve ever had a crush on.
112. Do you have any tattoos? Nope.
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? To keep living.
114. Do you believe in karma? In a sense. When you continually do good/nice things to people, you’re bound to find those who will return the favor and vice versa.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Both.
116. Do you want children? Yes, but not until I can settle down properly.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? Some of my college teachers. My family are all very intelligent people too.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? My skirt got pulled off in front of a few people when I was a little girl. Still stuck in my memory. Or maybe when I misunderstood what my Spanish teacher was asking and rambled some nonsense in response.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Many times.
120. What color are most of you clothes? Black.
121. Do you like adventures? Of course!
122. Have you ever been on TV? For an interview once, I think. It was local so I didn’t pay much attention to it.
123. How old are you? 22
124. What is your favorite quote? Um, I collect them, so here are a few, “Everyone wants sunshine, no one wants rain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.” “Sticks and stones only break bones, but words can shatter a soul.” “Don’t cling to a mistake just because you took a long time making it.”
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory probably.  you don’t have to do it but if you want to @all1sees, @lightprince, @embrace-the-yaoi, @littleballofspace, @theonegirlunderyourbed and anyone else who feels like it, tag me. I’d love to read your answers.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
6 Secrets to Achieving Work-Life Balance, According to HubSpot Marketing Managers
Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you love your job, you’ll never have to work again.”?
Well, that myth is both false and incredibly misleading. In fact, research shows that the more passionate you are about a job, the more work you’ll actually do. The truth is, a successful career takes time, initiative, and hours of hard work. And, while some companies enable employees to successfully execute on their roles within 40 hours each week, you’ll occasionally need to work later or longer to excel at other organizations When you think you have the perfect job, you might tell yourself, “I clock in 70 hours a week because I’m doing what I love,” or “The family dinners I’m missing will be worth it in the long run.” But, while your role might not “feel” like a job, working long hours without making time for yourself eventually takes a major toll. In fact, research shows that throwing yourself into work too heavily could cause stress, burnout, and — commonly — a lonely personal life. Yes — Managers value employees who take initiative and put in extra effort when needed. However, your personal life is important to your physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. So, how do you continue to excel in your career while making time for yourself and your loved ones? The truth is, there’s no simple trick to achieving an ideal work-life balance. But, luckily, there are a handful of strategies that can get you pretty close. To help you juggle your work and personal life, even if you work remotely, here are six tips that I collected from a few highly-motivated HubSpot marketing managers. While the tips below work well for in-office employees, these can be especially helpful if you’re working remotely and finding it hard to separate your work life from your personal life.
6 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance 1. Set hard-stops for each workday. Despite the thought that successful employees will work late into the night, studies show that you’re least productive at night. Additionally, working late hours can make you tired in times of peak productivity during the day. If your role revolves around large projects or long to-do lists, you might be tempted to work late or on weekends to get more done. However, our marketing managers suggest setting hard stops so you don’t overexert yourself. “When working on a long-term project, it’s very easy to keep going into the night thinking, ‘I can get the whole thing done today,’ which was obviously bad for work-life balance,” says Joe Mayall, an associate product marketing manager at HubSpot. “Setting hard stops for myself in the evening really helped me balance things out.” “Set (and abide by) your own boundaries and accept that a task is usually not THAT important that it can’t wait until tomorrow,” advises Lisa Toner To prevent any tasks that you can’t plausibly complete in normal work hours, Toner says, “You should manage expectations with your manager about how much can actually be done during business hours.” When you’re working remotely, setting hard stops can be even more important. In a recent post, my blog colleague Christina Perricone explained that knowing when to stop working is a common struggle of remote employees who usually work where they live. “Since you miss out on the social cues to head out for lunch or end the workday that are inherent in in-office settings, you have to create them,” says Perricone. “Set calendar appointments for lunch or a walk or a midday workout. Otherwise, you might find yourself sitting in front of your computer for 10+ hours a day.” 2. Make time for self-care and breaks each day. Whether you’re working remotely or in an office, you can take steps towards managing your personal life without getting distracted from work. If your schedule allows, one way to do this is by blocking time for breaks or short self-care activities, such as taking a walk, on your calendar. “Schedule personal things in your calendar like workouts, phone calls with family or friends, or coffee breaks. Then honor those commitments. This will force you to take a break in your workday and do the things that will recharge and fulfill you,” says Jennifer Stefancik, a marketing manager in our acquisitions department. “When I get back to work after doing something personally fulfilling, like going on a run, I always feel more focused and energized.” Stefancik shares. 3. Be transparent with your manager and colleagues about your personal-life boundaries. While you need to set work-life balance boundaries for yourself, you should also be transparent about boundaries you’ve set with your team or manager. One way to do this is by noting your work and off-work hours on your company’s internal calendar. Additionally, you should also talk to your manager to come up with a schedule that enables you to experience and manage important moments in your personal life. One HubSpot manager who’s transparent with his team and creates a public schedule to embrace his life as a parent is Victor Pan, HubSpot’s Head of Technical SEO. “I cherish the small talk I do when I drop off my daughter at school and with other parents. To do this, I talked to my manager about blocking out time in my work calendar — which is shared externally to my peers and colleagues,” Pan explains. However, Pan notes that establishing a flexible schedule with managers won’t always be doable at other companies. “Being able to engage in work-life design is a privilege for teams with safe spaces, but it’s also something someone engaged in part-time work can consciously control,” says Pan. “At the end of the day, we’re here to make the most out of the time we have given to us.” 4. Prioritize and audit your to-do list. Along with establishing a transparent schedule that fits in both time for life and work, you can prevent yourself from instances where you’ll need to work overtime by taking on prioritization tactics and auditing your to-do list to ensure that you’re working efficiently. “So many of us get bogged down by never-ending to-do lists and as you check off one item, three more gets added. In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to focus on the high impact activities and reduce or cease the activities that do not drive significant results,” says Toner. To help her prioritize her tasks so that the most important items fit smoothly into her work hours, she draws out an “Impact/Effort Matrix”: a four-by-four chart where you list all your tasks on scales related to the effort needed to complete them and the impact they’ll create. Once she’s done filling out her matrix, Toner follows these steps: Review the activities in the high effort low impact bucket, and assess if you can simply stop doing them — these are usually not worth your time. Take the activities in the low impact, low effort bucket. Determine if you need to keep doing them or if they can be delegated to someone else. Look at the high impact, high effort bucket and research more efficient ways to achieve the same results. If so, move those items into the high impact, low effort square.
When you’re done using the matrix, “you should have one to two items remaining in the high effort, high impact bucket that you continue to work on over a longer period of time,” says Toner. “Everything in the low effort, high impact bucket should be the work you prioritize,” Toner adds. “By doing this exercise regularly you can learn if your to-do list is actually worth the time it takes to do it. Then, you can decide if you should stop, delegate, improve efficiency, or keep going.” 5. Schedule time off as needed. In a recent blog post where HubSpot marketers revealed how they prevent burnout, Irina Nica, a community and influencer relations manager, noted that taking time off can help you eliminate stress while also adhering to your personal life. “I was one of those people who would rarely take any time off because ‘there are so many things to be done,'” Nica said. “Even when I did, I still let some work slip into my day, even if that meant only checking my emails.” “Over time, I’ve changed my views on time off and it’s been great for my productivity,” Nica explained, adding, “I learned to disconnect in the evenings and during weekends. Now, aside from the regular summer and winter holidays, I take long weekends off every now and then. That helps me relax and refreshes my perspective.” Taking time off doesn’t necessarily need to be devoted to vacations or travel. For example, if you live with family, time off can be used for staycations, where you stay in and spend time with loved ones. Or, if you live alone, you could simply take a few days off to relax, video call friends, binge some TV, and perform self-care.  6. Physically separate work from your personal life.  If you occasionally or regularly work from home, the lines between work and life can get incredibly blurry. Because of this, you might find yourself working too late or thinking about work when you try to relax in your home. Luckily, one strategy that can help with this is creating a workspace for yourself. “Try to designate a space in your home exclusively for work,” Perricone advised in a recent post. “Taking calls from your bed or writing memos in front of your TV likely won’t be very effective. You need a space that allows you to focus and be productive. That way, you can keep your work and home life as separate as possible.” Finding a Good Balance While the five tips were all slightly different, they all followed just a few major themes that you can keep in mind when aiming to achieve a work-life balance: Time off: Everyone needs breaks or time to disconnect from work. Even if you work remotely, be realistic with yourself about when you’ll need a break from work and schedule break times in your day or longer PTO accordingly. Setting boundaries: Schedule hard stops and breaks for yourself, while also setting boundaries related to your work hours with your team and manager. Prioritization: Recognize the tasks you can save until tomorrow and how to complete your weekly to-do list more efficiently. Separate work from life at home: When you work from home, the lines between work and life can get blurry. Be sure to use the tips above to help separate your work life from your personal life at home. You can also find more detailed tips in this remote work post. To learn more about how to be successful in the marketing workplace, check out these blog posts on avoiding burnout, productivity, and how to stay creative under pressure.
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/6-secrets-to-achieving-work-life-balance-according-to-hubspot-marketing-managers/
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neptunecreek · 4 years
9 Tips for Nonprofits To Boost Resilience During A Pandemic
Our family with adopted senior rescue dog, “Tigger.”
Greetings from shelter in place California!  I have not left my house much in the last few weeks due to being in a higher risk category for COVID-19. If that wasn’t enough stress, I’m either living at work or working from home, along with my entire family. I realized after the first week, that I needed to gather every tool from my Happy Healthy Nonprofit toolkit to try to keep calm, focused, and positive.
If you are feeling COVID-19 anxiety,  you are not alone.  And, it is going to take some adjustments for us all as this piece by Prof. Aisha Ahmad in the Chronicle of Philanthropy points out. We have to not beat ourselves up if we are not as productive during a crisis – and this is not just a weather event. It will be a marathon.
Here’s a roundup of tips for building your personal resilience as you begin to accept how COVID-19 has changed our daily lives.
#1:  Get Enough Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise
Focus on these three activities: sleep, nutrition and exercise to help strengthen your immune system and feel better.  I continue to use Fitbit to make sure I get daily 10K steps a day, but I’m giving myself permission to get in fewer steps as long I get outside everyday.  The blessing of shelter in place is that you can still exercise by walking, jogging, or running as long as keep your distance from other people. And as much as I want to binge eat all the ice cream in my freezer, I’m trying to avoid that and keep healthy food on my plate.
I’m trying to get the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep per night to help me feel better, although I do admit that in the beginning I suffered from plague induced insomnia.
#2:  Practice Mental Distancing
The public health advice is to social distance, but we also need to mental distance from news and discussion about the virus.  You simply can’t obsess about every news report or the worst possible outcomes. I put myself on a news diet by only consuming one-hour of news a day to be informed enough to keep my family safe.  It is also important to practice information hygiene and consume news from trusted sources, especially medical information. Here’s some more tips on how to practice mental distancing.
#3 Socializing At A Distance
It is very hard not to be able to see family, friends, or co-workers in real life.  So, I’ve been experimenting with how to socialize at a distance using the technology. I’ve been using FaceTime or Zoom to go on virtual walks with people.  Lots of fun to show off our neighborhoods or our dogs.
In the workplace, nonprofits have experimenting with zoom and social activities.  TechSoup has been hosting a weekly themed Happy Hours with staff  Participants get to do a show & tell and of course bring their own beverage. Packard Foundation OE staff hosted a birthday party on Zoom. In addition to Happy Hours, your workplace can also host virtual coffee hours, watercolors, and more.
#4 New Workplace Norms for Meetings 
Since this crisis has unfolded, I have had to ask myself, what expectation of normal am I giving up today?  One of those expectations is that children, dogs, and cats should not be seen or heard on zoom calls.  I think we need to be more gentle with ourselves given that many people are juggling home-schooling with their work.   We have to replace this norm of pushing family away from the camera to this norm of welcoming them.
Here’s a fun process to establish meeting norms during a pandemic that can be done online.
In addition, given that we are all sitting in front of a screen for more and more hours, we need to make desk stretches and energizers norms for meetings as well. Here’s a simple set of desk stretches that you can do alone or as a group. Also, don’t forget to avoid eye strain by doing Eye Yoga exercises.
#5 Incorporate Quiet Time During Your Day
In times of uncertainty, we often get overwhelmed and don’t know what to focus on. As our routines change and we have to shift our behaviors or even the day-to-day tasks that we do, we also spend a lot of time switching between tasks, but not tackling any of them in a disciplined or intentional way. The result is that we feel that we are not accomplishing as much as we should be which adds to our feelings of anxiety and further contributes to our perception of a lack of control.
I had to reclaim my morning routine of doing quiet activities that include stuff journaling, reading, or writing. I have also use that time to set my intention for the day. I use a chrome and firefox extension called Momentum that helps me maintain focus when online. (I’m not always successful or productive, but I’m getting better at it).
It is also helpful to set a regular routine if working from home is new to you.
#6 Focus On Positive Thoughts
Negative thoughts can influence how you feel, increase anxiety, or get in the way of getting things done.  Look for positives. Looks for blessings.  Ask yourself these questions or use them to check-in with your staff at the beginning of meetings.
What am I grateful for today?
How will I get outside today?
What is one thing that me laugh?
What beauty am I creating today?
There is a whole field of scientific research about the power of gratitude practice for not only individuals, but also in the workplace.  There are also lots of ideas for different rituals that your nonprofit can establish to help people keep positive.
#7 Tend & Friend & Spread Kindness
Caring for others or just checking in can help reduce stress. Do calls with friends and family, check-in on elderly neighbors ask them if they need anything.  There are lots of useful resources created by nonprofits to help facilitate kindness and mutual aid.  For example, GivingTuesday has a daily kindness text and email action alerts and you can download this kindness template and use it to check with neighbors.
One thing our family did was adopt a senior dog from Muttville, a local animal rescue. His name is Tigger and he has been a joy to add to our family.
Ask yourself everyday, who will I check in on? What can I do for others?  We are all in this together.
#8 Eat A Rainbow Everyday
My friend, John Haydon, who passed away from cancer last month, shared this one tip on how he remained optimistic in his book, Donor Care.  “Eat a rainbow.’  He was talking about eating a rainbow of healthy fruits and vegetables.
In our neighborhood, there are many families with young kids.  They have taken to using colored chalk and drawing rainbows on the sidewalks outside their house.  Other families walk by and they are counting rainbows.
We need to look at the rainbows yet to come at the end of this horrible nightmare.
What are your tips for personal resilience during a pandemic?
from Beth’s Blog https://ift.tt/2yrFgw3
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roamingmom · 4 years
Day 11 – Lockdown in Spain
Lockdown means we can leave the house to get food & pharmacy items – one person only. We can access ATMs & essential service workers can continue working. This seems to extend to trades people as well.  All bars, restaurants, theatres, churches, clubs, etc are closed until April 11, 2020 (this may get extended). We can walk our dog (one person only), as long as you stay in close proximity to your casa.
The general expectation is to remain indoors unless absolutely necessary. No outdoor activities. So no hiking, biking, running, etc. All beaches & parks are closed. The military police the Highways and the Guardia patrol the streets and the skies.
My hope is that the rest of the world is following suit. I know many of you are. For the rest of you – WTF? You are smarter than that.
When people started hoarding toilet paper several weeks ago – it was clear that many just didn’t get the gist of things.
But we’ve now all had time to come to grips with the gravity of this nasty bitch. If you haven’t then I urge you to pick up a newspaper – watch the news. Google the meaning of pandemic.  You will find that you are very late to the party and that Covid-19 is everywhere.
The sooner we all comply and stay at home – the sooner we all get our lives back. For those in the US. Here’s an excellent website that projects Covid-19 by State.
More Tips on How to Stay Sane
So in my last post Surviving Quarantine, I gave some links on how to stay busy from the comfort of your home.
This post expands on those tips and offers a few more.
What’s everyone watching? This is a golden time to go back & binge on movie series.
IMDB lists the Best Movies Series of all time. If your kids haven’t seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Back to the Future both are fun ones to bust out on family movie night.
Chick Flicks
RedBook Magazine  – Lists their Top 20
Cosmo – Gives you 42 more options to make you swoon (Dirty Dancing) or reach for the tissues (Steel Magnolias).
Rotten Tomatoes – Lists their 60 Best Adventure Movies of All Time
Rolling Stone – Rolls out their Top 40 list of Greatest Animated Movies of all Time.
There should be no shortage of time to catch up on your reading backlog.
Top 5 Books I’ve recently read:
Ask Again, Yes – Mary Beth Keane
21 Lessons for the 21st Century – Yuval Noah Harari
The Testaments – Margaret Atwood
Olive Kitteridge –  Elizabeth Strout
Educated – Tara Westover
Ask Again, Yes
Olive KItteridge
The Testaments
21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Good Reads has compiled two noteworthy lists:
Keep in Touch with your Peeps
There are so many cool ways to virtually connect with friends and family.
Did you know that FaceTime allows up to 35 people per call?
If you haven’t downloaded Zoom – you definitely should.
There is absolutely no excuse not to host an online cocktail party this weekend, or meet online with friends for Happy Hour. Also reach out to those that are harbouring this storm on their own. They’ll be glad you did.
4 Drink Ideas for Happy Hour
Cocktail Recipes to spike your quarantine.
Set a goal. My husband ordered a Rubik’s cube that he plans to master. My middle son has taken up juggling. I’ve decided I want to be able to do the splits again. I know, random. But there are no rules – be creative, you’ll come up with something.
Put the kids to work. My kids are actually quite useless around the house. So we’re taking this time to learn how to do laundry and to learn how to cook a few things. Begs the question – why have I waited so long?
TV Series
Admittedly, I am not a big TV watcher. But, I am on hooked on two series.
The Handmaid’s Tale
Highly recommend both.
Binge Watch Recommends:
Make Plans for the Future
This too shall pass. Couch surf for your next holiday – plan a few months out. The tourist industry is going to need our support. Think about supporting your domestic economy by planning to explore your own country. Regardless of where you go – your dollars will be needed everywhere.
I’m not a big YouTuber but my kids can watch it hours on end.
Our eldest son has a music channel that might resonate with teens.
My friend Suzanne (very fun) does an inspirational channel where she covers everything from living room dance parties to puppet shows for kids. Check her out:
Don’t Watch or Read Too Much News
I know this is hard and we need to stay informed. But with all the fear mongering – best to disconnect once in awhile or at least keep it light.
Funny News
Optimistic News
Stay Fit
Don’t underestimate the multitude of benefits that we get from fitness.
Own Your Goals Davina is offering a 30 Day free membership.
I subscribe to Beach Body – it’s been my go-to for years. Right now I’m doing Morning Meltdown 100 created by Jericho Matthews . Great way to energise and hopefully melt off the quarantine snacks.
If you’re looking for a whole body reset. Check out this online program offered by the amazing Stacy Matthews.
Final Thoughts
Remember to be kind.
If you’re at the grocery store give elderly people loads of space. Let them go in front of you. We need to minimize their exposure. Be extra courteous to the cashier – he/she is risking a lot to be at work and their paycheque (likely) doesn’t reflect it. Aside from the amazing healthcare professionals – it’s the cashiers, truck drivers and delivery people that are keeping us going right now. They deserve our gratitude.
I will leave you with a funny quote from a fellow Gen X.
Can’t even stay home for a weekend. Motherf#ckers, it’s not hard. You turn on the TV or pick up a book. AND YOU F#CKING SIT THERE – NO ONE CARES THAT YOU’RE BORED.
People – we can do this. We can shelter in place as long as necessary. We will curve this beast. We must.
If you need someone to talk to – you’re not alone. Reach out – I’ll be right here. x
The Gran Via in the majestic city of Madrid. Spain in Solidarity.
  I hope you enjoyed this post.
Please click on the links below to read more:
Surviving Quarantine
3 Days in Tokyo
Kyoto & Confessions of a Geisha Stalker
Kate ❤️
Surviving Quarantine – Part 2 Day 11 - Lockdown in Spain Lockdown means we can leave the house to get food & pharmacy items - one person only.
0 notes
bishal-06 · 5 years
2019 Top 20 Digital Marketing and Social Media Management Platforms
1)      Quintly
Combine the social media analytics data of all your social networks in one tool. Whether you are using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogs or all, quintly visualizes and checks your social marketing success, presented in a clean and neat design to always keep the overview. Get valuable competitor insights and data like never seen before. Benchmark your social media performance and marketing analytics against competitors and alongside best-practice examples
2)      Lucidya
Lucidya is an AI-Powered social media analytics service For Businesses and Marketers.Automated trend detection and cause analysis to be able to know what about to trend, started by whom and who is endorsing it. Arabic Focused Social Media Listening Tool Powered By Artificial Intelligence
3)      nTuitive
Just another all in one place social media management tool is here, you can play with nTuitive if you have to manage more than one or two social media profile because it supports over 20 platforms for now. And Cynthia Johnson says that about nTuitive.social “I've reviewed and used many of the leading social media management solutions on the market over the last few years. None of them have come close to providing the amount of features and value that nTuitive.social does.”
4)      Kuku
Kuku is an intuitive web tool for publishing content to multiple social media at same time. This may sound way too familiar, but what contrasts us from competitors is a really addictive, coupled with an unexpectedly broad range of features and supported social networks. Kuku is up to add Reddit, Pinterest and quickly achieved a base of active users without spending a single penny on paid marketing.
5)      Socialweaver
Discover what any company's audience responds well to without spending time and energy running tests across platforms. Stop juggling tabs and apps: Access all of your accounts from every single post, eliminating the need to juggle tabs and apps. If you see a post youd like to engage withwhether its liking someone elses post or responding to a comment on yoursa simple dropdown menu makes it easy to select which profile youd like to engage as. You can configure some categories to your content automatically, increasing your ROI on time spent creating each post.
 6)      Sprout Social
Its been one of the many reasons why I’ve recommended Sprout Social to friends and clients over the years particularly over Hootsuites offerings. For example the reports generated by Klear are more comprehensive, look great and give you the ability to filter the data on a finer level. It allows you to export as a PowerPoint presentation AgoraPulse Powerpoint Report Sample If reports and analytics are important to you, there are better tools out there.
 7)      Zoho Social
It's also ideally suited for small to midsize enterprises managing up to three different brands that are looking to track core internal metrics and external reporting on specific social networks. While its broader social listening capabilities and depth of reporting data can't match the global enterprise scale of Editors' Choices Synthesio and Sysomos , Zoho can also do a lot more on the publishing and CRM integration front, and at a bargain price. Pricing and Setup Zoho Social is free for a single user and brand, with basic social publishing functionality with no Instagram But the real features begin in the $10 per month Standard plan, which includes two users, publishing and scheduling, and basic monitoring, reporting, and collaboration features.
8)      Sendible
The ability to auto post is a necessity, but where sendible shines is in content aggregation. A few steps and you are provided with new content on a daily basis that you can then easily turn into posts. I have used Sendible in both an agency setting and with a single client and the power behind Sendible is obvious, I have always called Sendible my secret. Sendible has been a key component to growing our Instagram followers and putting our brand infront of other agencies. Additionally, the Pinterest integration seems buggy and Instagram, due to the current API, posts via email and not directly to your account. I came to Sendible to bring all of my clients into one hub and to automate the posting process to a certain degree. I needed to do different things for these very different clients and Sendible allowed me to import all my social accounts and post from one dashboard.
9)      Agorapulse
There are many apps on the market to help companies and individuals with social media management. AgoraPulse covers basically everything you could possibly need for social media marketing , monitoring, and management. Focusing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram currently with more networks set to roll out shortly, it helps small businesses that are on tight social media marketing budgets have a complete tool like the Fortune companies! Comprehensive Analytics Tools The analytics tools found in AgoraPulse are very similar to what you’d find in Facebook Insights. Besides the interface, AgoraPulse also includes all kinds of reports that you won’t find in Facebook Insights. This includes post recommendations, average fan profiling, reach and engagement breakdown, page views, export into Powerpoint, ROI analysis and competitor analysis.
10)  Hootsuite
Mobile networks or Utility companies love Hootsuite as it allows them to delegate customer messages to different team members and these can be managed overall by an administrator. Another useful feature is that Hootsuite allows you to store draft messages that you can post when you receive a frequently asked question for example open hours or directions to your business. You Want to Cross Post to Your Page Google’s own social layer, is finally being seen as an important network for businesses to be using. Not only does it help with SEO and the authorship of your website or blog, but it has some amazing features that could help you reach your customers such as Communities and Hangouts. When it comes to updating and managing your business page you have a bit more and Hootsuite is a big winner here! Pretty much all the features you’d expect are available, including posting to your circles, location, links and scheduling.
11)  Fanpage Karma
Analyze your profiles - and your competitors. With KPIs, analyses and reports. Monitor your success and increase your social reach every day. Rule your market: analyze your page and those of your competitors. Check out key performance indicators of an unlimited number of pages – it has never been easier to discover trends and get inspiration.
12)  eClincher
Timing is everything when it comes to nurturing your social media channels. In addition to the hours we invest developing original content, our clients count on us to spend just as much time tracking referrals, advertising top campaigns and analyzing best So how does an entrepreneur solve this social media challenge? With the dilemma of having to invest time and resources for social media promotion, smart companies and marketers are seeking solutions from technology and software that provide organization and automation. However, they are now faced with the challenge of researching and finding the right set of tools to provide the desired results.
13)  MavSocial
I was chatting with a friend the other day who spends hundreds of dollars a month alone on stock photo solely for promoting content in social media. My friend, not being social media savvy, did not know, and in fact very few of the social media marketers I know understand that this tool exists. MavSocial is not a site to source stock photo images but a fully functional and mature social media solution. It has all of the features you would expect, and some you might not, like their news feed targeting for Facebook Pages pictured below. And, MavSocial handles Instagram posting with an app for iOS in addition to directly automating content for other top networks. Now, there are LOTS of social media dashboards out there, so youre probably wondering why you might want to change to a new one. Being focused on the visual brings many advantages to MavSocials users, especially those managing multiple brands as part of a social media agency.
 14)  SocialPilot
How SocialPilot helps in social media marketing More Accounts, More Posts, Affordable Price Share as many as posts and connect up to social profiles from a single account. Read More Schedule Tweets and Posts in Bulk Have the hundreds of social media posts you need to share got you feeling fatigued? Bulk Scheduling ensures your posts will go out according to your own schedule, and thus, saves you time. Read More Teams & Collaboration Work collaboratively with your entire team and share your social media calendar. You can also designate some members as content schedulers, and other members as managers, to ensure that only the best and approved social media content gets posted on your accounts.
15)  Oktopost
Expand social reach by publishing to multiple networks and deliver engaging content to the target audiences who matter the most. Now is the time to get the team on board with content sharing, and leverage its untapped social reach. Our Pricing Philosophy Social media has become an inseparable component of any inclusive B2B marketing strategy. Businesses must engage, listen and participate in a multitude of social channels, online communities and segmented markets. With this new challenge, a bountiful of social platform vendors provide spot solutions to manage and measure social media activity. It's become burdensome to navigate and connect so many social tools, having them work in harmony and seamlessly share data. Oktopost's SaaS pricing is determined by your company's organization structure of marketing user seats, social advocates, and social profiles.
16)  Wask
Wask has created to maximize your ads’ efficiency for you. You can connect all your different accounts into one platform. You can make special ads for your needs with the help of our experienced advisors. Always updated unique AI program that Wask use to manage your ads is provide you to manage your budget and time in the most efficient way. Compare your results, control your ads automatically daily/weekly/monthly, start/stop/delete your ads at any time with Performance Comparison, AutoPilot and Scheduler to increase your efficiency.
17)   Friends+me
Friends+Me posts using physical real-world Android phones, all running latest official Instagram application. No Instagram private API is used, we are inline with Instagram's terms and conditions.
18)  Crowdfire
Crowdfire claims to be the biggest marketing product for Twitter and Instagram and offers smart features, which guarantee rapid growth on the social media through its philosophy. Accessible through Web, Android and iOS apps, it’s a powerful solution to attract targeted followers on Twitter and Instagram. It powers connections that help its users achieve their social media goals, including brand recognition, brand popularity, increased sales and fans. Launched in as JustUnfollow, it transitioned into Crowdfire in and currently boasts over million users, which include businesses of all sizes, individuals and entrepreneurs. Overview of Crowdfire Benefits Crowdfire follows the Grow philosophy, which is a recurring and a strategy of growth on the social media. Its Clean features keep away irrelevant, unwanted and spam accounts, which do not add any real value to organizational or individual feeds and also don’t contribute in achieving strategic goals.
19)  Post Planner
Post Planner is like having an entire social media team on demand. We help you FIND, PLAN and POST amazing content to your Social Profiles guaranteed to drive engagement. Our algorithm ranks content based on virality and engagement to give you a predictive performance score. So the more stars you see, the better that content will perform. Your personal Facebook profile and Group posting have a daily limit of 15. This does not apply to Facebook Pages.
20)  Social Oomph
The primary use of each of these tools is to allow you to schedule posts in advance, and all three services meet this need. To do this in HootSuite, you have to upload a CSV file, whereas in Social Oomph, they can be uploaded from a Word document, therefore Social Oomph gets our top pick in this category. Analytics are only available in HootSuite and Social Oomph, but there is more detail and information in Social Oomph particularly if you are trying to get analytics for a variety of accounts at once. Seeing a live feed of posts by those accounts that you follow or a Facebook News Feed is only possible with TweetDeck and HootSuite, but some people have reported trouble with TweetDeck and Facebook posting, so HootSuite appears to be the more reliable here. Social Oomph is the only provider that allows you to set up messages, and but this is a premium upgrade feature.
0 notes
16 Things That Only Happen If You're a Chronically Ill 20-Something
New blog post! When you have a chronic illness and are only in your 20s, life can be a bit...interesting. Instead of struggling to juggle late-night partying with early mornings at school or work, you may just have a hard time getting out of bed every day. And as someone who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at 11 years old and celiac disease at 16, I know how isolating it can feel to have health issues at a young age. That's what inspired me to write this post about all the funny ways a chronic illness impacts a 20-something's life. My hope is that if you also have a chronic illness and are on the younger side like me, this post makes you feel less alone and reminds you that there are people who TOTALLY get what you're going through. And if you don't fall into this category but know a chronically ill 20-something...here's a little peek into what aspects of their life are probably like.
So without further adieu...here are 16 things that only happen if you're a chronically ill 20-something!
1. You're constantly being told, "You're too young to have *insert random medical problem here*."
I've even heard this from my dentist, y'all.
2. When you do find someone your age who understands, fangirling is inevitable.
Talk about spoonie partners in crime. (And if you ever feel like you need to vent to someone who totally gets it...don't feel shy about direct messaging me on Instagram!)
3.  Your wild Friday night involves refilling your pill organizer.
Am I the only one whose mind is kinda blown by the idea that some people don't own or need a pill organizer?!?!
4. Somedays, you don't know if you're tired from school and work, sick or having a flare up.
Eenie, meanie, minie, mo...especially if, like me, one of your main symptoms of being glutened with celiac disease is extreme fatigue.
5. You are an expert on the best TV shows to watch or the best books to read for hours (or days) at a time.
Because when a flare up hits, Netflix really is life. (And if you like documentaries, love food or are looking for something interesting to watch, check out my list of epic food documentaries on Netflix!)
6. You rarely go anywhere without your water bottle, purse or backpack (packed with some backup drugs).
I only recently discovered (thanks to my post about 15 Ways Anyone Can "See" My Invisible Illness, Fibromyalgia) that I'm not the only person with fibromyalgia who's always thirsty!
7. You're one of the youngest people in your doctor's waiting room.
Yes, thank you, I am in the right place.
8. You go to social events as soon as they start...so you can go home and take your sleeping pills at a semi-Godly hour.
You might say chronic illness determines my curfew.
9. You find fun ways to cope with or celebrate your chronic quirks.
For example, I'm a huge fan of Celiac Cutie's t-shirts, which I won in an Insta giveaway!
10.  Along with homework, your planner is full of chores like "make doctor's appt," "reorder pills" or "do PT exercises."
'Cause if it's not written down, it ain't getting done!
11. You're constantly balancing FOMO with FOPTH: fear of pushing too hard.
To be 100% honest...I do feel guilty for all the social invitations or grad school activities I say no to. But sometimes you just have to put your health first. And "little things" to other people - like going to a late-night reading or attending a busy dinner party - can trigger a flare-up or a couple of very bad days for us.
12. You have a routine or schedule you need to follow to feel your best...for better and for worse.
When you have a chronic illness, life often feels like a puzzle you're finding new pieces to every single day. And when you find daily activities that make you feel a whooooole lot better...you keep doing them. Sometimes, it's hard for other people to understand that our somewhat "strict" routine is just our way of trying to set ourselves up for a healthier, happier life. But I can say from experience that the people who really matter will accept your quirky rituals. So you do you!
13. Dating feels a whooooole lot more complicated.
Because romance is complicated enough without having chronic illness as a third wheel. However, as I've said in previous posts (like 5 Gluten Free Lessons From a Celiac's First Relationship and 9 Hilariously Accurate Reasons to Date Someone with Fibromyalgia), finding a supportive partner is soooo worth all the time and effort you spend searching.
14. You've gotten pretty dang skilled at advocating for yourself!
'Cause no one knows better what you need than you!
15. You sometimes feel tired of explaining how real your invisible illness is, or that you won't ever "be healed."
One of the hardest things about invisible illnesses is that people can have a hard time understanding how serious your condition really is...and how much you might be hurting even if you look "fine." Ditto for explaining that chronic diseases can't be "grown out of," especially to people your age who might know even less about chronic illnesses than the average older adult.
16. BUT you've learned that you're a lot more resilient, strong and capable than you thought.
Can I get a "Hell yeah"?!? For sure, when you have a chronic illness in your 20s, life looks a lil' different than people expect. But your health challenges also make you one epic chronic illness warrior. And "normal" 20-something challenges like finding a job you enjoy or moving into your own place don't stand a chance when you've conquered so many other challenges in life!
My Final Reminder to 20-Something's Living With Chronic Illness
No matter how old you are, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people your age and to feel wrong or out-of-place because of your chronic illness. But know that you are not alone! In fact, six and ten adults have a chronic disease...and you might be surprised to discover you're not the only twenty-something in your friend group that can relate to this post!
What's one way your chronic illness makes your life a little quirky or unique? Tell me in the comments! via Blogger http://bit.ly/2SbfGPZ
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theherblifeblog · 6 years
Spotlight Series: Tweedledoob
If you've spent any time at all on Instagram looking at cannabis feeds you likely have come across Tweedledoob. The Canadian cannabis photographer and social media consultant has built a personal brand that is trusted and respected throughout the global cannabis community. 
She is a writer, a product designer (check out her online shop) and a photographer who has an Instagram feed featuring many other well known creatives in the space whom she collaborates with and supports (yay for collaboration over competition!) 
Today we are very pleased to introduce you to Marly AKA Tweedledoob.
How did you get involved in the cannabis industry?
I had already used cannabis for over 10 years when I moved to Toronto in 2012 to go to the UofT to study Philosophy and Buddhism. I quickly discovered the city’s cannabis lounges - a safe social space to bring & consume your own cannabis - I was instantly hooked! I got a job at a lounge shortly after and over 4+ years became part of a community that I previously didn’t know existed! A few years in, my friend @SpliffsMackenzie got a job at the same lounge - she already had about 10k followers on instagram and convinced me to start an account. I was just learning to use my camera manually (thanks, YouTube!) and within a year my instagram started to take off. I started getting photography jobs for local cannabis companies and with steady growth on Instagram I started doing paid promotion & social media consulting for cannabis companies. It’s been a wild ride - I never would have expected my passion for cannabis to get me where I am today but I couldn’t be happier with where I’ve found myself!
Tell us a little bit about your product or service
Right now I am dividing my time between a lot of things! I still do product and event photography, but as of lately consulting is taking over. I also have a shop on my website with a bunch of tweedledoob merch which I’m looking to continue expanding, a gallery of photo collections, plus a general blog and new one specifically about mental health. It’s a topic that has personally affected me and too many people I know, so I’m passionate about helping where I can.
What time does your day typically start and what does a normal day look like to you?
The beautiful thing about full-time freelancing is that no two days are the same! I’m not naturally a morning-person, but I try to get up early and get my day started on a positive note. I like to get my emails and administrative tasks done first thing, then I celebrate the new day with a sativa joint and coffee! From there it can be any combination of writing, product or event photography, meeting with clients, working on my personal brand - between consulting, retail, blogging, photography, and social media stuff I keep pretty busy! I love juggling several projects and being able to make my own schedule but it has definitely been a learning experience full of challenges! I wrote a bit about this journey on my latest blog post, depression and procrastination have definitely played their respective roles in learning to effectively manage my time, but Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has made a huge difference! Being excited and loving what I do keeps me going!
What is your vision for your company going forward?
This should be a simple question, but for me it’s somewhat complex / I’m still figuring it out! My broadest goal is to help normalize cannabis and reduce the suffering of my fellow humans - I’m dedicated to doing that in any way I can. How exactly I’m going to do it in the future is uncertain, I just have to keep plugging away at it! I will always love taking pictures, but it’s not my goal to do it full time, it is more a way of interacting with and capturing the world and sharing my experiences. Because everything has evolved organically, I didn’t ever set out with a business plan, it just kind of happened and continues to evolve! I’m still figuring out my place in the industry, and because I am essentially a “personal brand” what my future holds is largely dependant on my own personal development.
What would an ideal post prohibition society look like to you?
Every human should have equal and fair access to cannabis, period. Amnesty needs to be given to everyone with possession charges, and in some cases I believe trafficking charges as well. Ideally there will be no more stigma surrounding cannabis use, whether medically or recreationally - although that will take the longest. Laws can be changed with the signing of a document, but perceptions and stereotypes live deep within the human psyche. Those with the most deeply ingrained biases are often the least willing to change their opinions, even when presented with valid evidence. All we can do is continue to be loud & proud cannabis users and demonstrate that we are not only “not bad” for society, we are actually an asset!
What was your first experience with cannabis like? 
It was so much fun! I had grown up thinking that all drugs were bad and had no interest in trying cannabis until half way through high school. I had seen my friends get high enough that I realized it was more benign than I had been taught. The only thing I remember was laughing a lot and reminiscing about McDonald’s pizza. We became so fixated on figuring out why they stopped making them that we went through the phone book (remember those?!) and called several McDonalds until we had a satisfying answer. So silly but such a classic cannabis experience! It wasn’t for a few years that I got into it daily, and a few more years until I really realized the mental and physical health benefits!
Tell us about some of the challenges you face working in the cannabis industry 
First, I have to say that I feel blessed to be who and where I am. I know I am privileged to live as an educated white woman in a cannabis-friendly city in a country that is about to legalize recreational cannabis! Because of all this, I know I face less challenges than many canna-warriors around the world. Right now, less than 3 months from legalization and the subsequent corporatization of the industry, my biggest challenge is adapting to the big-business world. It’s important to me that I stay true to myself and my message, but in order to stay relevant and really scale up, I know I need to learn to navigate the new corporate industry and become comfortable in the space. It’s kind of daunting, but I’m confident that it will all work itself out if I just keep pushing forward & surrounding myself with people who challenge & support me.
What are some solutions you've found? 
Collaboration! I’ve been lucky enough to connect with some wise and experienced people who continue to help me navigate the emerging legal industry. I feel like there’s this resentment among a sector of the community who feel like the corporatization of the industry is inherently bad so they are actively and vocally resisting all big-business. But I think that’s short sighted. Not all corporations are the same and necessarily evil & it’s happening whether they like it or not; I think it’s all about finding people whose values you align with and figuring out how you can work together. Nobody can do this alone, but together we can help bring cannabis to the mainstream and that is so incredibly exciting to me!
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about cannabis? 
I know most consumers know this, but I wish the general public knew that EVERY HUMAN has an endocannabinoid system and that it is a key factor in regulating homeostasis. I can’t wait for doctors and other healthcare professionals become fully educated on cannabis to the point where they are comfortable educating people on it’s benefits. At risk of sounding like a snake-oil salesman, I truly believe there is a way for cannabis to improve every human's life at some point - not that everyone should smoke it, but everyone inevitably deals with aches & pains, burns, and other skin conditions that are wonderfully healed by topical cannabis.. plus, there are the many wonders of CBD!
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about your product or service? 
Because I do so many things it’s hard to pick one, so most generally, I think I’ve learned that as a personal brand, integrity & authenticity are vitally important. Without the earned trust of my followers, my value & relevancy go down significantly. This is why I am selective about what I share & promote - I’m careful to only talk about brands I know, love, & trust.
If you could go back in time and do it all over again, what (if anything) would you do differently? 
Nothing! If any one thing was different I may not be where I am today. As cheesy as it sounds, I have always followed my heart. At times I’ve been stressed and depressed about not knowing what I want to do with my life, but in just doing what felt right at the time I stumbled into the cannabis community and finally found my place and my people & I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
What is your favorite way to consume cannabis? 
I’m an avid joint smoker! I know combustion is not the healthiest method, but it is by far my favorite.
Concentrate or flower? Why? 
I prefer flower most of the time but I do enjoy concentrates and edibles occasionally as well, mostly when I’m in pain or need to sleep.
Do you think cannabis legalization will change the world for the better? Why? 
Of course! I’m so excited to see all of the beautiful ways that cannabis will improve the world. The ways are endless! Recreationally it is a far safer alternative to alcohol and other drugs, and even if you’re not using it for medical benefits, you still receive them! What a gift! Socially it is far less destructive as well - people do not get high and fight like they do when they are drinking, and as we have seen in legal states alcohol and opioid use are down, overdoses and suicides are down, and other things like thefts and car accidents are down! ...Plus there’s all the tax money! There are still many nay-sayers now, but I think in a few years time once all the statistics are in here in Canada they will change their tune.
"Recreationally it is a far safer alternative to alcohol and other drugs, and even if you’re not using it for medical benefits, you still receive them! What a gift!"  -- Tweedledoob
What advice would you offer to another woman who is looking to get into the industry? 
DO IT! If you are passionate about cannabis, that’s more than enough to get started. The industry is blossoming and there are an increasing number of opportunities to get involved. If you have a specific idea of what you want to do, dream big then work backwards and break down your goals into small, actionable tasks to do every day until you get there. If you’re like me and know you want to be part of it but still don’t know exactly where you fit it, assess your skills, strengths, and what you love doing and work with what you’ve got! The industry needs all types of people so use your experiences in any way you can to get your foot in the door in any way you can and see what happens!
Connect with Tweedledoob online
Website: http://tweedledoob.com
Instagram Handle: @tweedledoob
Twitter Handle: @tweedledoob
Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/tweedledoob/
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