#Pamela Benavides
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juarezesdeporte · 2 years ago
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Ciudad de México.- El equipo mexicano de natación artística recibirá con efecto inmediato las becas que tenían de Conade y que la directora Ana Guevara les retiró de manera unilateral violando la garantía de audiencia, la confianza legítima y la seguridad jurídica.
Por lo tanto, Regina Alférez, Marla Fernanda Arellano, Miranda Barrera Jiménez, Joel Benavides Lepe, Nuria Diosdado, Daniela Estrada Flores, Itzamary González Cuellar, Glenda Inzunza Cabrera, Joana Jiménez García, Trinidad Meza Rodríguez, Samantha Jailib Rodríguez Rubio, Jessica Sobrino Mizrahi, Pamela Toscano, Diego Villalobos Carrillo, Ofelia Beatriz Pedrero García y Adriana Loftus recuperarán sus derechos adquiridos luego de promover un juicio de amparo.
"Procede conceder la medida cautelar solicitada para que se sigan recibiendo los apoyos y estímulos gubernamentales en la misma manera en que se venía haciendo; esto es, de manera monetaria, así como el acceso a las instalaciones que son proporcionadas para el desarrollo de su actividad. Esta medida surtirá efectos hasta en tanto se resuelve sobre la suspensión definitiva", resolvió el juez Decimoprimero de Distrito en Materia Administrativa en la Ciudad de México, Agustín Tello Espíndola.
El equipo de natación artística no recibe becas de la Conade desde diciembre del año pasado por los problemas internos de la Federación Mexicana de Natación, que actualmente se encuentra acéfala tras el desconocimiento de Kiril Todorov como cabeza de los deportes acuáticos en México por parte de World Aquatics, antes FINA, y quien enfrenta un juicio por presunto peculado. La Conade argumenta que el Comité de Estabilización instaurado por WA no tiene figura jurídica y por lo tanto los atletas de las disciplinas acuáticas no pueden recibir recursos federales.
"Cabe destacar que es un hecho notorio que participaron en el Mundial de Natación dos mil veintitrés realizado en Soma Bay, Egipto, obteniendo excelentes resultados; por lo que a fin de seguir participando en próximos eventos tanto locales, nacionales e internacionales representando a nuestro país, es necesario que continúen recibiendo el apoyo y estímulos monetarios correspondientes, así como el acceso a las instalaciones proporcionadas para el desarrollo de su actividad", se lee en el documento al que CANCHA tiene acceso.
El equipo mexicano de natación artística se prepara rumbo a los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe San Salvador 2023 para revalidar sus títulos.
(Yarek Gayosso / Agencia Reforma)
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paelabnavides0 · 5 years ago
via Pamela Benavides,
Most people have heard of affiliate marketing, even if they haven’t actually started doing it. Affiliate marketing is basically referring people to various products and services around the internet. For each sale you generate through your affiliate link, you earn a commission. The size of the commission depends on the products themselves, who is selling them and the percentage offered by the seller to the affiliate.
But what is actually involved in affiliate marketing? What do affiliates do on a daily basis? How do they earn money and how do they learn what to do?
1 An Example Of A Successful Website
There’s several ways of marketing products and services online. Many affiliates create a blog first and sell products and services through their blog. Martin Lewis has a very successful website called moneysavingexpert.com. This is also an affiliate website. By creating content and helping people decide which service to use: which credit card offers to choose, the best interest rate etc. moneysavingexpert.com makes money by sending website visitors to various offers. If a sale is made through this website, the link this credited to it and a commission is made. By creating content, offering value and helping people make sensible choices, the website has built a reputation and become more prevalent over time. Google ranks the site highly in the search engines and thousands of people use it to make purchasing decisions every day.
2 How Can I Get Started As An Affiliate?
Affiliate marketing is huge. There are thousands of people already making their main source of income from the internet. To get started as an affiliate you need to learn some basic strategies and build various methods of generating traffic from the internet to those offers. A lot of affiliates start with a simple blog. Many travelers ‘blog’ about their travels. If you don’t have a passion or interest to blog about, you can start by following an online course which will help. See my bio for more info on this.
3 How Long Does It Take To Make A Living?
Some people go into affiliate marketing with the intention of creating a second income. Some people want to make big money. Depending on how much time you can dedicate to your affiliate business, and how dedicated you are to it, is a big factor in determining your results. Results vary from person to person. With a large advertising budget and the right business model, some affiliates have replaced their living in 6-12 months. For others it can take years before it replaces their existing income. Depending on your approach, advertising budget, and business model, it can take between 3 months and several years to build it to a point where it can replace an existing income.
4 Can Anyone Do It?
One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that the technology is now available to allow anyone to build their own online business. As long as you are prepared to learn and implement that knowledge, anyone who can operate an email, can use online platforms and tools to build their own online business. The main thing you need is the desire to learn. Affiliate marketing isn’t for everyone though. It does take a lot of hard work and it can take years before you are rewarded financially.
5 What Are The Pitfalls Of An Affiliate Business?
You need to dedicate some time to your affiliate business for it to work for the long term. Some people go into affiliate marketing thinking it is some magic pill which will pay them instantly in cash. Much like a job you can’t expect to get out more than you put in. Affiliate marketing is performance related. This means you don’t get paid unless you can successfully sell products and services online. If you don’t know what you are doing it can take years to do this. You can’t be a dabbler and expect to earn the big money. The big earnings are created over years of hard work. Don’t expect to achieve this with only a small amount of input.
6 What Are The Best Things About Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing offers an incredible amount of flexibility and freedom. You can work an affiliate business from anywhere in the world providing you have a laptop and an internet connection. You can choose your own hours and build it up around existing work. Many people come into affiliate marketing because it offers this kind of flexibility. They can choose their priorities in life: spend more time with family, choose your working hours, travel and work abroad. No more commuting to work or working long hours for a boss you don’t like.
Affiliate marketing also offers incredible scalability. A business which is local is always limited to the people who can travel to that business. An online business can be global. Using digital products in conjunction with a global reach, you can scale using tools and software to reach thousands of people through digital technology. By using automation much of the work involved with an online business can be pre-built. By building automation into the business model, you can focus your activities on reaching a larger audience through content creation and paid advertising.
7 Why Am I Struggling With My Affiliate Business?
A lot of people struggle with their affiliate businesses.This can be for a number of reasons. Firstly building up an affiliate business takes time. You need to dedicate a lot of time to an affiliate business in the first place. Only when you reach a ‘tipping point’ do you really start to see your progress. Many affiliates simply don’t realise how much work is involved. They underestimate how much time they need to dedicate to their online business to make it work. Paid advertising can allow you to grow your affiliate business quickly. But it costs money and you need the right products too. You can’t advertise small value items with paid advertising. You won’t generate enough profit to cover your advertising costs. You need a range of products and an email list to advertise through. Content marketing takes much longer to work, depending on your chosen area of business. If you find an untapped niche to market your blog in, you can make some fast progress. However, with a competitive niche you will struggle to get noticed above all the other content which you will have to compete with. There’s several reasons why you might struggle. The main one is lack of knowledge. Get the right education first and your affiliate business will move much faster.
8 What’s The Best Affiliate Model To Use?
There are many different affiliate models, all offering something different to suit the individual. Some affiliates target search traffic and aim to get their content found on Google. Some create their own products and sell them directly to customers. However, having a range of products which you can sell over and over to existing customers is a great model for long term success. Selling a single item online is limited. It means you can only make one commission from each sale. By choosing membership products to promote which also offer back end sales and a built in sales team, you can benefit from monthly commissions and up-sell commissions for the lifetime of any given customer. Selling membership products is definitely a game changer when it come to affiliate marketing because you make an income from each customer, rather than a single commission. But a good model to choose is one in which you have a passion for and can keep doing for the long term. Choosing products which you have no interest in is a short sighted plan. Think about what you would like to do online to generate an income. If you choose to go with your passion, your business will last much longer, and be more successful.
9 Can I Just Sell My Own Products?
Many affiliates create their own products to sell online. However, when you are starting out it is a good idea to learn the basics of marketing first. That way you can start earning more quickly from your affiliate business. I spent a long time creating my own products when I first discovered affiliate marketing. But I didn’t sell anything because of a couple of reasons. Firstly I didn’t research whether my products would have a big enough demand. Secondly I didn’t know how to market them. By joining a program which teaches you how to market products first, you can start making money more quickly. Don’t waste time creating products if you don’t know how to sell them. Marketing is a much more important skill for making money online. Once you know this skill, you can then apply it later when marketing your own products and services. Also your own products will be limited in range. By using an existing product range, you can benefit from products which are already selling. You can choose a program which offers high ticket commission, monthly memberships, back end sales and a built in sales team. Building your own products which offers all of these things not a possibility for most people when starting out.
10 What’s The Point Of Affiliate Marketing?
Some people struggle with the concept of affiliate marketing.They think it sounds too ‘salesy’. When I understood affiliate marketing I immediately found it appealing simply because I needed a flexible way to work around my contract work. I had to drop what I was doing at a moments notice if the phone went. This meant other jobs were awkward to juggle around. No-one wants to employ a ‘flaky’ employee. I wanted to work from my laptop and affiliate marketing gave me that opportunity. For many people this is the reason why they choose affiliate marketing. They can earn an income from their laptop, choose their working hours and not have a boss or place of employment. You don’t have to sell directly to anyone or even talk to a customer. There is no stock to hold. Added to this, the scalability of affiliate marketing which lets you scale up to a global audience and deliver products on autopilot, makes it the best flexible business of the future.
Article Source: http:// EzineArticles.com/9671646
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.wordpress.com/2020/05/28/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate-marketing/ via IFTTT
from Pamela Benavides https://pamelabenavides0.blogspot.com/2020/05/10-things-to-know-about-affiliate.html via IFTTT
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nofatclips · 4 years ago
Pat Mastelotto remix of Salvaging by Steven Wilson from the mini-album NSRGNTS RMXS
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lasallenews · 4 years ago
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De manera virtual, el 23 de abril, el Director Académico Mtro. José Salvador Benavides Castro tomó protesta a nuevos profesionistas. En su mensaje mencionó, que este logro es motivo de gran satisfacción y que la Universidad La Salle Chihuahua es testigo de sus competencias y del compromiso emanado de la misión, de ser una fuerza transformadora y solidaria en la sociedad.
Asimismo, hizo mención de la distinción Cum Laude, que le fue otorgada a la Ingeniera en Energías Alternativas Karen Pamela Villarreal Ortega, por haber presentado un relevante examen oral en la defensa de su tesis.
Con expresiones de alegría y felicitaciones por este logro tan significativo,  se dio por terminada la ceremonia.
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bloganimallibre · 6 years ago
Cámara de Diputados aprueba proyecto de resolución que busca autorizar la matanza de perros asilvestrados, Chile
En la sesión del pasado martes 5 de marzo, la Cámara de Diputados aprobó con 98 votos a favor, 34 en contra y 19 abstenciones, un proyecto de resolución que solicita al presidente Sebastián Piñera dar urgencia al proyecto de ley que busca eximir de responsabilidad a quienes ejecuten la conducta enmarcada en el delito de maltrato animal tipificado en el artículo 291 bis del código penal, específicamente a “quienes deban matar a uno o más perros salvajes actuando en protección de ganado, el cual sean dueños o responsables”. Además de otorgar facultades al Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero para hacerse cargo de los perros “baguales”.
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Este proyecto de ley al que se insta la urgencia fue presentado el año 2014, y señala que busca hacerse cargo de aquello que no considera La Ley de Tenencia Responsable, y es establecer el concepto de perros “asilvestrados” o “perros baguales”, abriendo la posibilidad de que sean cazados, asesinados, y maltratados sin impunidad en las zonas rurales de nuestro país.
Aprobar esta modificación al delito de maltrato animal es contrario al trabajo en la promoción y educación de la ley de tenencia responsable, y el avance obtenido estos años por los derechos animales, sobretodo cuando la existencia de estos perros “asilvestrados”, es en gran medida, es debido al abandono y no esterilización de los animales.
Hacemos un llamado a la población a contactarse con aquellos diputados que votaron a favor o se abstuvieron, y hacerles saber su oposición al proyecto, y así buscar impedir que sea aprobado el proyecto de ley en una próxima votación.
A continuación, el detalle de la votación de cada Diputado:
Alarcón Rojas, Florcita
Alessandri Vergara, Jorge
Alinco Bustos, René
Álvarez Ramírez, Sebastián
Álvarez Vera, Jenny
Alvarez-Salamanca Ramírez, Pedro Pablo
Amar Mancilla, Sandra
Ascencio Mansilla, Gabriel
Auth Stewart, Pepe
Baltolu Rasera, Nino
Barrera Moreno, Boris
Barros Montero, Ramón
Berger Fett, Bernardo
Bernales Maldonado, Alejandro
Bianchi Retamales, Karim
Bobadilla Muñoz, Sergio
Boric Font, Gabriel
Brito Hasbún, Jorge
Calisto Águila, Miguel Ángel
Cariola Oliva, Karol
Carter Fernández, Álvaro
Carvajal Ambiado, Loreto
Castillo Muñoz, Natalia
Castro Bascuñán, José Miguel
Celis Araya, Ricardo
Celis Montt, Andrés
Cicardini Milla, Daniella
Cid Versalovic, Sofía
Coloma Álamos, Juan Antonio
Crispi Serrano, Miguel
Cruz-Coke Carvallo, Luciano
Del Real Mihovilovic, Catalina
Desbordes Jiménez, Mario
Díaz Díaz, Marcelo
Durán Espinoza, Jorge
Eguiguren Correa, Francisco
Espinoza Sandoval, Fidel
Fernández Allende, Maya
Flores García, Iván
Flores Oporto, Camila
Fuenzalida Cobo, Juan
Fuenzalida Figueroa, Gonzalo
Gahona Salazar, Sergio
Galleguillos Castillo, Ramón
García García, René Manuel
Garín González, Renato
Girardi Lavín, Cristina
González Gatica, Félix
González Torres, Rodrigo
Gutiérrez Gálvez, Hugo
Hernández Hernández, Javier
Hernando Pérez, Marcela
Hertz Cádiz, Carmen
Hirsch Goldschmidt, Tomás
Hoffmann Opazo, María José
Ibáñez Cotroneo, Diego
Ilabaca Cerda, Marcos
Jackson Drago, Giorgio
Jarpa Wevar, Carlos Abel
Jiles Moreno, Pamela
Jiménez Fuentes, Tucapel
Jürgensen Rundshagen, Harry
Kast Sommerhoff, Pablo
Keitel Bianchi, Sebastián
Kort Garriga, Issa
Kuschel Silva, Carlos
Labra Sepúlveda, Amaro
Leiva Carvajal, Raúl
Leuquén Uribe, Aracely
Longton Herrera, Andrés
Lorenzini Basso, Pablo
Luck Urban, Karin
Macaya Danús, Javier
Marzán Pinto, Carolina
Matta Aragay, Manuel
Melero Abaroa, Patricio
Mellado Pino, Cosme
Mellado Suazo, Miguel
Meza Moncada, Fernando
Mix Jiménez, Claudia
Molina Magofke, Andrés
Monsalve Benavides, Manuel
Morales Muñoz, Celso
Moreira Barros, Cristhian
Mulet Martínez, Jaime
Muñoz González, Francesca
Naranjo Ortiz, Jaime
Noman Garrido, Nicolás
Norambuena Farías, Iván
Núñez Arancibia, Daniel
Núñez Urrutia, Paulina
Nuyado Ancapichún, Emilia
Olivera De La Fuente, Erika
Orsini Pascal, Maite
Ortiz Novoa, José Miguel
Ossandón Irarrázabal, Ximena
Pardo Sáinz, Luis
Parra Sauterel, Andrea
Paulsen Kehr, Diego
Pérez Arriagada, José
Pérez Lahsen, Leopoldo
Pérez Olea, Joanna
Pérez Salinas, Catalina
Prieto Lorca, Pablo
Ramírez Diez, Guillermo
Rathgeb Schifferli, Jorge
Rentería Moller, Rolando
Rey Martínez, Hugo
Rocafull López, Luis
Rojas Valderrama, Camila
Romero Sáez, Leonidas
Rosas Barrientos, Patricio
Saavedra Chandía, Gastón
Sabag Villalobos, Jorge
Saffirio Espinoza, René
Saldívar Auger, Raúl
Sanhueza Dueñas, Gustavo
Santana Castillo, Juan
Santana Tirachini, Alejandro
Santibáñez Novoa, Marisela
Sauerbaum Muñoz, Frank
Schalper Sepúlveda, Diego
Schilling Rodríguez, Marcelo
Sepúlveda Orbenes, Alejandra
Sepúlveda Soto, Alexis
Silber Romo, Gabriel
Soto Ferrada, Leonardo
Soto Mardones, Raúl
Teillier Del Valle, Guillermo
Tohá González, Jaime
Torrealba Alvarado, Sebastián
Torres Jeldes, Víctor
Trisotti Martínez, Renzo
Troncoso Hellman, Virginia
Undurraga Gazitúa, Francisco
Urrutia Bonilla, Ignacio
Urrutia Soto, Osvaldo
Urruticoechea Ríos, Cristóbal
Vallejo Dowling, Camila
Velásquez Núñez, Esteban
Velásquez Seguel, Pedro
Venegas Cárdenas, Mario
Verdessi Belemmi, Daniel
Vidal Rojas, Pablo
Von Mühlenbrock Zamora, Gastón
Walker Prieto, Matías
Winter Etcheberry, Gonzalo
Yeomans Araya, Gael
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skyrosnoticias-blog · 7 years ago
Desde Barranquilla
Levantamiento de pesas sumó cuatro preseas doradas
(Prensa Comité Olímpico Venezolano. Barranquilla, 22 de Julio).- Cuatro medallas de oro llovieron este sábado en la segunda jornada del levantamiento de pesas, con tres récords de competencia de Julio Mayora en los 69 kgs  y un épico regreso de Génesis Rodríguez en los 53, luego de los años más oscuros de su carrera.
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“Me vieron llorando pero yo me prometí que me verían feliz”, resumió Rodríguez, la primera medallista de Venezuela en los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud, con su bronce en Singapur 2010.
Luego de dos años suspendida por un dopaje que ella siempre atribuyó a la manipulación maliciosa de un suplemento nutricional, Rodríguez regresó en grande, directo para disputar los Juegos CAC, sin ninguna competencia previa que advirtiera sobre su gran forma.
Apareció cuando ya nadie podía hacerle sombra en el arranque, y levantó 90 kgs, para quedarse con el primer oro. Luego fallaría en sus visitas a la plataforma con la pesa cargada con 95 y 97, sin incidencia en los resultados.
En el envión se repitió la misma situación. Génesis salió cuando ya nadie podía poner en peligro su oro, que ella aseguró con un registro de 105 kilos y refrendó con otro de 110, antes de fallar en 114.
“Estaba nerviosa, con ansiedad, pero la verdad es que todo lo que me pasó en estos años me ha hecho más fuerte”, comentó Rodríguez, quien se perdió unos Juegos Olímpicos en Río para los que era la usuaria indiscutible del cupo país de Venezuela, y durante su suspensión aprovechó para adelantar sus estudios universitarios de fisioterapia.
En este tiempo, fueron muchas las pérdidas de Génesis, de 24 años, como la muerte de su padre y más recientemente de su hermano, hace escasos dos meses. Su madre, también fallecida, formó parte igualmente de unas dedicatorias en las que no estuvieron ausentes sus entrenadores Carlos Pinto y Roberto Hernández.
A segunda hora, el ex medallista mundial juvenil Julio Mayora fue aún más dominante en los 69 kgs, sustituyendo por un nuevo nombre criollo los hitos de su división en los 69 kgs de los Juegos CAC. En el arranque, levantó 138 y los récords de competencia de 145 y 151 kgs, con lo que superaba la plusmarca de otro venezolano, Junior Sánchez. En el envión, derribaría un récord aún más viejo, el de Amílcar Pernía, vigente desde San Salvador 2002, con su marca ganadora de 176.
Por condiciones de competencia, en Barranquilla 2018 se entregan medallas independientes al arranque y el envión, y se obvia el total.
Edgar Contreras y Adriana Martínez aportaron medallas
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Edgar Contreras (-68kg) y Adriana Martínez (-57kg) sumaron una medalla de bronce y una de plata para Venezuela en la segunda jornada del taekwondo de los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe Barranquilla 2018.
Contreras, diploma olímpico en Río 2016, inició su peregrinaje en cancha desde semifinales toda vez su primer contendor, el campeón Suramericano Miguel Trejos (COL) no dio el peso.
Instalado en semifinales, el criollo se enfrentó al medallista olímpico junior, el mexicano Rubén Nava, disputando uno de los combates más aguerridos del evento, el cual se decidió en Round de Oro a favor del azteca, quien a la postre se proclamó campeón del torneo tras imponer su experiencia frente al guatemalteco Andrés Zelaya.
“Es la segunda vez que peleó con Rubén (Nava) y creo que me sentí mucho mejor: marqué giros, doble pateos y me sentí más suelto. Creo que el factor psicológico es algo fundamental en ésta etapa de mi carrera porque ya no hay tiempo para perderlo. Debemos responder con resultados y ante las dificultades aquí estamos, hoy con bronce y dando la cara”, asumió Edgar tras la jornada que significó su primera medalla Centroamericana en dos participaciones en éstas justas.
Adriana Martínez no pudo revalidar su título de los – 57kg en Centroamérica alcanzado en Veracruz hace cuatro años, tras caer ante la mexicana Paulina Armería 4-24, pero se sacó par de espinas con victorias sobre dos de sus más peligrosas rivales del área panamericana: la cubana Yamicel Núñez (Round de Oro) y la colombiana Katherine Toro (6-5), última quien la dejó sin posibilidades de podio en los Bolivarianos de Santa Marta el año pasado.
“En la competencia me sentí bien, sentía que estaba fuerte y me saqué la espina con Cuba y Colombia. Las tenía en mente a ambas”,recalcó Martínez. Y agregó: “Obviamente quería estar arriba en el podio, y es duro no haber ganado, pero somos el taekwondo de Venezuela y seguimos luchando contra todo pronóstico y con mucha humildad”.
En poomsae, el aragüeño Alvy Piña se ubicó en la séptima casilla de la modalidad individual masculina.
El tercer día de acciones en el Coliseo del Colegio Marymount de Barranquilla tendrá a Alexmar Sulbarán (-62kg), Carolina Fernández (-73kg) y Yorfren Benavides (-74kg) batallando por un lugar en el difícil podio centroamericano.
Yaruby y Jhoan rindieron en la pista
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 Venezuela celebró dos veces en la primera jornada del patinaje de los Juegos Centroamericanos y de Caribe, gracias a la plata de Jhoan Sebastián Guzmán “Chevy”, y el bronce de Yaruby Bandres, ambos en los 300 m contrarreloj.
El resultado no dejó satisfecho a Guzmán, que se saltó el Mundial de Holanda a cambio de sumar para la causa criolla en Barranquilla. “¿Qué contento voy a estar? No estoy conforme”, confesó Chevy, que con su crono de 24.372 estuvo a 26 milésimas del ganador del oro, el mexicano Jorge Martínez, campeón defensor.
Colombia no presentó a su equipo A, comprometido en el torneo del orbe de su disciplina, y Guzmán logró prevalecer ante Edwin Estrada, que aparecía como número uno local.
“Trabajé como un loco en Cúcuta, donde estoy viviendo, entrenando en un espacio que me dan en la pista, venía por más, pero ahora es que queda torneo”.
Para Yaruby Bandres, el desenlace, en cambio, era mucho más de lo que esperaba, luego de tres años retirada por problemas con la anterior federación, y apenas seis meses entrenando de nuevo. La joven de apenas 22 años, ex campeona mundial juvenil, fue contactada por la dirigencia actual, encabezada por William Rojas.
“Me convencieron y para mí fue como empezar de cero”, confiesa. Sin embargo, ahora se atreve a soñar con revalidar su título de 500 m batería en Veracruz 2014.
Su medalla de bronce, lograda con un tiempo de 27.3¿. detrás de la guatemalteca Dalia Soberanis y la colombiana Kerstinck Samiento, tiene una dedicatoria muy especial: a 50 niños a los que Yaruby enseñó a patinaje en Loja, Ecuador.
“Después de mi retiro me fui a  Ecuador, preparada mentalmente para hacer cualquier cosa. Llegué a hacer trabajos hasta por un dólar al día, hasta que me dije ‘tienes que hacer lo que es tu pasión’, y monté un club de patinaje. Comencé cerrando calles con unos conos y hoy ya el club está registrado en el Ministerio del Deporte. Tengo 50 niños y esta medalla también es para ellos”.
Tanto Bandres como Guzmán remataron la jornada con la clasificación a la final de los 1000 m, que se disputaba en la tarde. 
Venezuela cedió en su debut ante Puerto Rico
Venezuela tuvo un debut amargo en el béisbol masculino al caer derrotados 5-3 contra Puerto Rico en un encuentro que se definió en el último tercio del compromiso que se jugó en el estadio Édgar Rentería.
El lanzador abridor por el equipo nacional, Wilfredo Ledezma, tuvo una gran actuación brillante, al trabajar por espacio de cinco innings en los que solamente permitió un hit, manteniendo a raya a la ofensiva rival. Sin embargo, tras ser relevado en la sexta entrada, los bates de Puerto Rico respondieron, fabricando la primera carrera del cotejo cotejo con un sencillo al jardín central. Posteriormente, un episodio más tarde, los boricuas sumaron tres anotaciones más, gracias a un doble que barrió las bases, colocando la pizarra 4-0, ventaja que ampliarían después con otro imparable.
Aún así, Venezuela descontó en la octava, luego de un doble play con las bases llenas que permitió romper la blanqueada. Y aunque la selección nacional añadió par de rayitas más en la parte alta de na novena, no les fue suficiente para completar la remontada.
Gimnasia se quedó en la quinta casilla 
Desde el Centro de Eventos Puerta de Oro, la Gimnasia Artística de Venezuela cerró en la quinta posición en equipo por aparatos.
Las criollas Pamela Arrioja, Katriel de Sousa y Debora Salmina sumaron 136.350. Cuba dominó con 150.100. Las colombianas se colgaron la de plata con 149.950 y México cerró el podio con149.900.
#Skyros #SkyrosUniforms #SkyrosDeportes #SkyrosDeporte #SkyrosSPorts #Venezuela #Baq2018 #Barranquilla2018  #VzlaEnBquilla2018 @Bquilla2018 @OfficialCOV @PuntoOlimpico @INDeporteVE @MindeporteNE
Estamos también en:
Twitter: @skyrosnoticias
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyrosnoticias
Instagram: @skyrosnoticias
Venezuela en los hombros de Génesis y Julio / #Barranquilla2018  #VzlaEnBquilla2018 @Bquilla2018 @OfficialCOV @PuntoOlimpico @INDeporteVE @MindeporteNE Desde Barranquilla Levantamiento de pesas sumó cuatro preseas doradas (Prensa Comité Olímpico Venezolano. Barranquilla, 22 de Julio).-
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triknia · 7 years ago
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La Esquina Desplazada - Choreography: Carlos Jaramillo Vega Triknia Dance Company Premiere in the last 19 September 2013. 62 artiist and creative people / 28 in Tour / 14 presentations Last performance 14 February 2013 at the Teatro Mayor de Bogotá La Esquina Desplazada.- a production from Ministerio de Cultura / Colombia, Montaje Coreográfico 2013 Choreographer : Carlos Jaramillo Vega Choreographer Assistant : Katherine Guevara Velásquez Dancers: Ana Mria Benavides Rodríguez, Sandra Catalina Olaya Pardo, Mónica Osma Tapias, Sara Regina Fonseca, Pamela Andrea Rojas Cancino, Andy Sono, Alejandra Cuellar Hilarion, Cesar A. Bolivar, Geovanny Andres Palacios Sanchez, Jose Jaime Vanegas, Asdrubal Robayo, Jorge Bernal, Yehi Rodriguez. Aerial danecrs: Ana Prada, Carolina Ramirez Escobar, Rodolfo RF Photo: Ada Barandica Cañón / Colombia Video Artist : Francisco Cabanzo Costume Designer : Marta Combariza Costume Realizator : Alirio Maldonado Scenery Designer : Carlos Proenza Light Designer : Claudia Tobon Stage Manager : Producciones Jet John Triana Props : Kakalo Juan Carlos Giraldo Pava Musical Director : Ariel Flórez Chello : Carolina Moreno Ojeda Voice and Percussion : Nicoyembe Nicolas Rodriguez Press and Comunication : Nury Romero #hamburg, #contemporarydance ,#colombia ,#dance, #peace✌️ ,#nosestanmatando
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juarezesdeporte · 3 years ago
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Chihuhua, Chih., martes 12 de octubre.-Emite Protección Civil Estatal actualización de pronóstico por Huracán Pamela y Frente Frío número 4*****Durante las próximas horas se estiman acumulados entre 25 a 30 mm para municipios serranos desde Moris hasta Guadalupe y Calvo
El Gobierno del Estado, a través de la Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil (CEPC), con base en el pronóstico del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional y La Junta Central de Agua y Saneamiento del Estado, dio a conocer sobre el ingreso del Frente Frío número 4 a la entidad este martes por la noche, así como la presencia la tormenta tropical “Pamela”  quien se localiza a 660 kilómetros al sur-suroeste de las costas de Sinaloa, y el cual se prevé que este ciclón tropical se fortalezca a huracán categoría 1 en el transcurso de esta noche.
La dependencia estatal dio a conocer que para el territorio estatal afectara en su recorrido con lluvias fuertes a moderadas, con mayor incidencia en municipios serranos desde Moris hasta Guadalupe y Calvo, con acumulados estimados de 25 a 3 milímetros, en ese mismo orden, se esperan acumulados de precipitación inferiores a 15 mm en municipios como Madera, Temósachic, Guerrero, Cuauhtémoc, Hidalgo del Parral, Matamoros, Allende, López, San Francisco de Conchos, Jiménez y Camargo.
Cabe señalar que estas condiciones pueden estar acompañadas con descargas eléctricas y posible caída de granizo
Con motivo del desplazamiento del frente frío sobre al estado, durante el día se estiman velocidades de rachas de viento que pueden superar los 85 km/h en partes de la zona noroeste, incluyendo a Janos, Ascensión, Casas Grandes, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Galeana e Ignacio Zaragoza; pueden superar los 75 km/h zonas del norte, noroeste, occidente y centro, principalmente en Juárez, Madera, Buenaventura, Namiquipa, Gómez Farías, Cusihuiriachi y Majalca.
También se esperan ráfagas que puedan superar los 65 km/h en zonas norte, occidente y centro, como en Ahumada, Guerrero, Nonoava, Cuauhtémoc, San Francisco de Borja y Chihuahua, superar los 55 km/h en Temósachic, Bocoyna, Guachochi, Balleza, Rosales, Satevó, Aldama y Ojinaga y  superar los 45 km/h en Valle de Zaragoza, Parral, Jiménez, Camargo y Delicias.
Las ráfagas ocasionadas por los fuertes vientos pueden ocasionar tolvaneras en los tramos carreteros de Chihuahua a Juárez, Juárez a Janos y de Janos a Buenaventura.
En tanto, los vientos se mantendrán en la entidad durante las próximas 72 horas en el orden de los 50 a 60 km/ h con mayor presencia sobre las zonas norte, noroeste, noreste y occidente.
En lo que corresponde a temperaturas máximas éste día se esperan valores superiores a 30°C°C en municipios como Coyame, Aldama, Ojinaga, Manuel Benavides, Saucillo, Rosales, Julimes y Meoqui.
En el resto de los municipios del norte y noroccidente, este y sur el valor máximo de la temperatura estará oscilando entre 24 y 28 °C.
Para los municipios serranos, en sus partes altas se espera que el valor máximo de temperatura oscile entre 16 y 18°C, en las zonas bajas (barranca) el valor podrá encontrarse 20 y 22°C.
Mientras para mañana miércoles 13 el frente frío número 4 en interacción con la corriente en chorro, un canal de baja presión y el ingreso de humedad procedente del Océano Pacifico y las bandas nubosas del Huracán “Pamela”, el cual impactará sobre la región central de Sinaloa, favorecerá rachas que pueden superar los 55 km/h en partes de las zona centro, incluye Cuauhtémoc y Majalca; pueden superar los 45 km/h en partes de las zonas noroeste y centro, incluye Janos, Namiquipa, Carichi, Balleza, Chihuahua, Delicias y Parral; pueden superar los 35 km/h en partes de las zonas occidente, suroeste, sureste y noreste, incluye Guachochi, Jiménez y Ojinaga.
Las ráfagas ocasionadas por los fuertes vientos pueden presentan tolvaneras en zonas del municipio de Cuauhtémoc.
Además se pronostican lluvias dispersas a moderadas (de 5.1 a 25 mm) en las zonas occidente, suroeste y sureste, con mayor presencia sobre Chínipas, Guazapares, Urique, Batópilas, Morelos, Guadalupe y Calvo, Balleza, Guachochi, Parral, Matamoros, Jiménez y Coronado.
Lluvias de aisladas a dispersas (de 2.1 a 5 mm) en Moris, Ocampo, Uruachi, Bocoyna, Nonoava, Camargo, Delicias y Ojinaga;
Para Madera, Temósachic, Santa Bárbara, Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua y Coyame se tendrá presencia de lluvias aisladas con una acumulación de 0.1 a 2 mm
Cabe señalar que las precipitaciones pudieran presentar descargas eléctricas y posible caída de granizo.
Por otra parte, se prevén que los valores mínimos de temperatura se encuentren oscilando sobre la mayor parte del territorio entre 12 y 14°C.
En lo que corresponde a los municipios serranos en sus partes altas, se estima que el valor de temperatura mínima oscile entre 8 y 10°C.
En municipios de la franja oriental (zona desértica del territorio estatal) el valor mínimo de temperatura podrá estar oscilando entre 16 y 18°C
Debido a esto, la CEPC hace un llamado a la población a que extreme precauciones siguiendo estas recomendaciones:
-        Retira macetas y objetos colgantes que puedan caer. -        No te detengas debajo de los árboles ni de ningún elemento saliente sujetado a los edificios (andamios, espectaculares, anuncios, etc.). -        Cierra y asegura ventanas y puertas. -        Mantén a las mascotas en lugares protegidos. -        Evite en lo posible viajar por carretera. -        Aléjate de cornisas, muros o árboles que puedan llegar a desprenderse y caer. -        No realices fogatas.
Ante cambios de temperatura: -        Evita cambios bruscos de temperatura y corrientes de aire. -        Si vas a salir de un lugar caliente, cubre tu boca y nariz, para evitar respirar el aire frío. -        Abrígate bien. -        Consume frutas y verduras amarillas, ricas en vitaminas A y C.
Ante lluvias: -        Evita arrojar objetos en la calle y sacar la basura. -        No arriesgues tu vida al intentar cruzar corrientes de agua. -        Evita tocar postes, cajas de luz o cables. -        Evita transitar por calles inundadas. -        Circula despacio, con luces encendidas, intermitentes y cinturón de seguridad. (Comunicación Social Gobierno del Estado)
0 notes
paelabnavides0 · 4 years ago
via Pamela Benavides,
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easy ways to make money online with income replacement academy
youtu.be/G1fAPgDGglM www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM6H7kTHehk4mF3dnSMQxwrlNa… 40 easy ways to make money quickly Owen Burek by Owen Burek in Make Money Updated 3 April 2020 Share Tweet Money bagOn this page you’ll find all the best ways to make money in your spare time whilst at university based on our own experience. We’ll keep adding new ways to this page so go ahead and bookmark it. And please do share your own ideas in the comments!
Top ways to make money online and offline No-risk matched betting free bets from matched betting
Hands down the quickest way to make a lot of money (well, without breaking the law). Lots of students have genuinely made £100s from this technique. It’s completely legal, risk free, tax free, and anyone over 18 in the UK can do it (Not in UK? Skip to no. 2).
It works by taking advantage of free bets regularly offered by betting sites through ‘matching’ them at a betting exchange. Matched betting eliminates the risk (you are betting both for and against a certain outcome).
This leaves you being able to squeeze out the free bet, which can be as much as £100. Multiply this by how many betting sites there are and you can quite easily come away with a profit of a few hundred pounds.
Owen walks you through how to make your first £13 profit (using a real life example) in this gem of a guide to matched betting. If you know of any better way to make £40/hr sitting at home, please let us know!
Online surveys paid surveys
An increasingly popular way for students to make money is to fill out online surveys in their spare time. Research companies are always recruiting new members worldwide to answer surveys and test new products.
For a few minutes of form filling, you can make a couple of quid which is paid as cash or rewards. You can bag up to £3 ($5) for some surveys!
A few good ones to try are: Toluna, LifePoints, Branded Surveys, InboxPounds, Onepoll, i-Say, Opinion Outpost, YouGov, Pinecone, SurveyBods, Hiving, Panel Base, Prolific, Valued Opinions, Panel Opinion, The Opinion Panel, Survey Junkie.
Also sign up for Swagbucks which rewards you for surveys as well as simply surfing the web, watching videos and playing games.
Update: See our new full guide to the best paid online surveys!
Paid for searching the web Interested in earning cash for doing what you already do online? This has to be one of the easiest methods of making money online without really any effort or change in your behaviour.
This innovative idea by Qmee.com rewards you for searching in Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon and eBay. You just install a simple add-on to your browser and when you conduct a search there may be a few sponsored results alongside your normal search.
qmee paid search
Each Qmee result has a cash reward attached – if you are interested in it simply click on it and collect your reward.
The best thing is there is no minimum to cashout – our first one was just 72p wired to our Paypal account. You also have the option to donate it to charity.
Sign up now for free and start earning from your own searches! Click here to start.
Online market trading Whilst this isn’t necessarily an easy way to make money, investing in stock markets can be lucrative if you learn to do it properly and safely. By the same token, you may suffer significant losses if you don’t take it seriously.
Today there is no need to fund the yachts of Wolf of Wall Street style stock brokers. You can do it all yourself with the help of online market trading platforms.
Having spent many hours researching this new opportunity, I’ve been experimenting with the popular platform eToro.com.
eToro has over 12 millions users worldwide and offers free practice accounts. It has been featured in the BBC 2 documentary “Traders: Millions by the Minute” and sponsors several Premier League football clubs.
etoro trading
One of the best things on eToro is the CopyTrader feature. This lets you literally see, follow and copy the investments of other top performing traders.
Follow George’s complete guide to trading on eToro to learn more. I think $200 is a good amount to get the most out of the learning curve by trying out a few different markets. If nothing else you’ll learn a great deal about various investments and industries.
Please be aware that all trading involves risk. eToro is a multi-asset platform which offers real asset ownership and high risk leveraged ‘CFD’ products. 75% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. This content is not financial or investment advice.
Start your own website owen burek
Interested in generating passive income? You need a website. It’s THE way to make money while you sleep.
Starting a website with Bluehost takes less than 20 minutes, costs hardly anything and can be done by an 82 year-old. It only takes a bit of plugging on social media to get your first visitors, and there are plenty of ways to monetise your site.
Save the Student is just one example of a successful website, started at university by Owen Burek in his first year, which has since grown into a full-time and sizable enterprise.
Read Owen’s step-by-step guide on how to start a website in 20 minutes. It’s really one of the best assets you can have.
Review websites & apps for cash usertesting.com
Well it seems like you’re pretty nifty with a web browser, so perhaps it’s time to turn pro and browse websites as a paid and fun job!
Introducing UserTesting.com – a new platform that pays everyday people to review all kinds of websites. Each review takes around 20 minutes and bags you $10 (£6.50) via Paypal.
Simply sign up here, complete a test review and look forward to receiving websites in your inbox.
The ‘Disney Vault’ secret disney vault Credit: Walt Disney Pictures Inc.
To keep demand high across generations, Disney Studios carefully restrict the supply of some home release classics. They are locked away in the ‘vault’ for 8-10 years before being released for a short unspecified time.
Buy them in this window at normal retail price and you can turn a nice profit when they go off sale for another decade or so.
For example, in 2011 you could buy Beauty and the Beast on Blu-ray 3D for just £24.99. In just a couple of years it was on Amazon for a staggering £74.99!
Disney vault
Importantly, not all Disney releases are subject to the vault and only the true classics will maintain such demand.
Right now there are just 2 titles out of the vault which I would recommend snapping up. They are Bambi Diamond Edition Blu-ray and The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray.
‘Get Paid To’ sites coins
Similar to making money from online surveys, GPT sites reward you in cash and vouchers for completing various offers or activities online.
The most popular sites today are Toluna, Swagbucks and InboxPounds.
New! Join our ‘make money’ mailing list for the best opportunities every month. First name Email address
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Become a delivery rider or driver Make money as a delivery driver
Got a bicycle, motorbike or car? What about a Smartphone? That’s all you need to make some extra money by delivering food or people whenever you’ve got some spare time.
Sign up to delivery specialist companies like Deliveroo who are always on the hunt for new riders. They allow you total flexibility to work when you want, delivering food from restaurants to the customers’ door. You can make up to £16 an hour.
Double-up your opportunities by directly contacting local takeaways and bigger chains like Dominos to see if they have any delivery jobs going.
Write and publish a Kindle eBook If students are good at anything, it’s researching and writing. With the Amazon Kindle store, anyone can publish an eBook and make money.
And the Kindle app is now available on almost any device (laptops, iPads, smartphones and yes, Kindles) so your global market is huge!
List your book for £1.49 – £6.99 and you earn 70% of the sale. Considering Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and remember people are looking to spend), that is a fantastic deal.
kindle ebooks
The key to success with eBooks is to create value, and write non-fiction. Simply bundling information you have researched and compiled on a common problem (eg. ‘secrets’ to finding a job) and then presenting it in an easy to digest format (an eBook) justifies someone spending a few quid on it.
Another big tip is to have a great cover designed (browse these) so it stands out, and once your book is live on the Kindle store it’s really important to get some reviews so it shows up higher in results. Encourage readers to leave an honest review at the end of your book.
The best thing about this lucrative idea is that once you’ve invested the time (say 20 hours), you’ll earn a passive income for years to come! For a step-by-step guide to publishing and earning with eBooks, see “How to write a nonfiction eBook in 21 days”.
Affiliate marketing awin affiliateIf you’ve got a good presence on social media or perhaps you even have a blog or website, you can start bringing in money immediately by promoting all sorts of companies, products, services and offers online.
Sign up as a publisher on the Awin network, check their offers blog or browse the merchant listings to find something you think your friends would be interested in, grab your affiliate link and share it. If someone buys (can be within up to 90 days) using your link you’ll make a nice commission.
To take it a step further, set up a website (read our guide) or a topical Facebook page and invite all your friends to join it and post your affiliate offers on there.
Mobile phone recycling mobile recycle
You can earn good money and help the environment by recycling your old mobile phones and other unused devices. Maybe ask your parents if they have any lying around too.
Head to our page on making money from old phones for the best companies to use and how to ensure you get all the cash quoted to you online.
Become a ‘Clickworker’ The Clickworker.com concept is based on ‘internet crowd-sourcing’ where businesses advertise specific, scalable tasks they need completing quickly. And for us, it’s an easy way to make fast cash from our couch.
There are a variety of tasks, but most commonly they involve mindless data entry, web research or form filling. You are rewarded and paid in cash (via Paypal) for the work you do, and you can choose for what and when you work. Give it a go. [If you’re US based, also try Amazon’s ‘Mechanical Turk’].
Claim tax back Many students work part-time or during the summer months, and others will be on placements or paid internships. More often than not, if you are a student working during the year, you will be overpaying income tax.
Why? Simply because few students reach the personal tax-free income allowance each year but are put on an emergency basic tax-code by their employers meaning tax is being paid when it shouldn’t be.
Click to use the Tax refund calculator
To learn more and calculate how much tax back you might be due, see our guide on student tax refunds.
Get cashback when shopping Our Quidco Cashback I earned this much in 2 years
This is not only a way to make money but also to save money as a student. If you look at it in a different way then you are making money with every purchase you would have made anyway, whether it be 10% or 0.5% cashback.
There are a number of cashback sites out there which pay you the commission they otherwise would have earned.
We recommend signing up with Top Cashback, Quidco.com and Swagbucks which are free and offer the best selection of retailers and exclusives.
Part-time job bar jobs
A part-time job is the obvious first choice, opted for by most students looking to supplement their student loan. It provides a pretty steady flow of income and can enable you to gain valuable work experience.
But good jobs are not always easy to find!
Start with our student job search, then check local classifieds and your university careers service for vacancies.
It’s also worth signing up with CV Library, a free service which will match your CV with suitable part-time jobs and career opportunities.
Read our guide to finding a part-time job whilst studying for more tips.
Gigs on Fiverr Fiverr pranks
Fiverr is now the world’s largest marketplace for people to make money selling small services (known as ‘gigs’).
What you offer could be absolutely anything, from writing and translating, social media posting, playing pranks and teaching to creating music, voiceovers and short video clips for people all around the world!
The default price is $5 (hence Fiverr..), but you can attach extra services to gigs for more money. Whilst it might not seem like much, it can quickly add up and there are plenty of examples of people making a really good living from the site. The key is to get a system in place which minimises the time spent on each gig.
But there is another way to profit even more from Fiverr for potentially far less work. How? By simply reselling gigs elsewhere. For example, find a decent logo designer then reply to jobs on Upwork or even local classifieds. A $5 spend can easily become $50+, and it’s repeatable!
If you’re not interested in selling at all there’s SO much good stuff you can get done for yourself. Have a browse and get inspired!
Review music for money If you love music, make it your business by reviewing unsigned bands and artists online for cash with Slicethepie.
It can take a while to build up your reputation but some users of the site have said that they earn £40 a month. This may not sound like much, but if it’s something you enjoy then it shouldn’t be hard work and is another thing for your CV. Money you earn will be in $US but anyone can sign up and review.
To get started, head over to Slicethepie now or read our quick guide for more info.
Sell your notes If you don’t mind sharing your notes with other students it’s a great way to generate a little extra cash. There are sites out there that you can upload your notes to, along with your price, and then when another student downloads them you get paid.
Most of these sites like Nexus Notes and Stuvia are free for you to list your notes but tend to take a cut of your profit in order to handle the marketing etc so that you don’t have to go out there and promote your notes yourself.
You will most likely have to upload PDFs but it’s worth it for the return and you can submit handwritten notes but you’re likely to make more money if they’re typed up.
Sell second-hand course books One great way to make money is to buy other students’ textbooks at the end of the year, and then sell them just after freshers’ week – when the new intake of students know that they need them!
You can either advertise on campus or list them online very easily on Amazon Marketplace (just bear in mind they take a commission on books sold).
Here are 28 other things you can sell right now!
Competitions Entering competitions of course comes with no guarantees, but there is a growing community of so-called ‘compers’ in the UK consistently making up to £50,000 a year through all sorts of competitions.
Types of competitions available to enter vary from simple registration forms and Facebook page liking to answering questions correctly over the phone to being a TV game show contestant. Imagine you made it onto Deal or No Deal instead of just watching it!
Start by entering our very own monthly student competition (Follow our Instagram page to see when our next one is)!
Then head to our active competitions page to enter other free competitions that we have found. Just note that some of these sites may send you spam so use an alias email address and opt-out of as many of the offers as possible.
For loads more tips on achieving success and making money from competitions, read our guide to entering competitions.
Buy and sell domain names domain-for-sale
A domain name is just a website address (eg. ‘savethestudent.org’ or ‘mysite.co.uk’) and there are lots of extensions (.com, .net, .co.uk etc).
They cost as little as $0.99 to register with GoDaddy.com yet premium domain names can fetch $1,000s if not millions when sold on. In 2007 VacationRentals.com went for a cool $35m!
Now you’re probably not going to come across anything like that, but you can still turn a quick profit with a bit of searching. The trick is to find available domain names which have some commercial value, snap them up and then list them for sale on a site like Sedo.com.
Mystery shopping be a mystery shopperToday becoming a mystery shopper is easier than you think and you can get rewarded handsomely.
There are dozens of agencies that pay you to visit all sorts of shops and restaurants to feedback on how they are performing. We’ve reviewed the best agencies in our guide how to become a mystery shopper.
Tasking apps are another form of mystery shopping, where you earn rewards for completing small local tasks. It can be a lot of fun too!
Be an Extra Do you fancy yourself as a budding young actor or just that person that walks past in the background shot of an episode of Eastenders? It could be you if you apply to be an extra in TV or film.
The pay isn’t bad either: £60-80 a day on average, and you hardly have to do anything!
There are lots of casting agencies that place willing extras. They make their money by taking a cut from your earnings, so always ask what that is before you take on work.
Head over to our how to become an extra guide for 5 of the better agencies, plus lots more advice on getting your first gig.
Sell all your old CDs, games and movies If you are looking to make a very quick buck, then selling your old bits and bobs that are cluttering up your room is a good idea.
The best thing about it is that you can rip all the songs and films onto your laptop or external hard drive before selling them. This means that you are only really selling the plastic and artwork!
You can earn anything from 10p to £20 per item, and the earnings can really add up if you have a large collection. Whilst you’re at it, see if your parents have any ‘clutter’ they’d be happy to see the back of.
You can also sell almost anything for free on Amazon Marketplace or Preloved and sites like MusicMagpie will pay you instantly for sending in unwanted items.
For more tips and places to sell check out our guide on selling DVDs, CDs and games.
Sell on your education! graduate_studentBecoming a tutor to other students is easier than ever. Until recently your market was limited to local face-to-face sessions, but thanks to online tutoring sites you can go global!
Udemy allows anyone to create an online course (on literally anything!) and get paid forever after as users take it up.
For one-to-one tutoring, list yourself on Superprof and UK Tutors.
You can expect to earn upwards of £10 an hour, and you don’t have to be highly qualified to tutor younger GCSE or even A Level students. Get started with our guide to making money as a private tutor.
Sell your photos If you think you’ve got a good shot and a little creativity, try uploading your photographs for free to stock websites. A good starting point is Adobe Stock or Getty Images.
Make more money selling photo subjects that have fewer search results but you feel would have some demand. It might be a good idea to test them out in print first yourself (get free photo prints here).
Rent out your car parking space car parking spaceSome student accommodation comes with a drive or garage. If you aren’t using your parking space and you live in a busy area then you might be in luck. There are plenty of people that may work in the city centre and are fed up of paying through the roof for daily parking.
Advertise your space on Gumtree, Parklet or Just Park.
Or, check out our full guide to renting out your parking space.
Babysitting It’s a classic money-maker, and for good reason. You get paid (well) to watch TV and not very much else – hopefully!
If you are wondering what to charge have a look at local ads, but you can expect to be paid over £9ph even if you aren’t trained in childcare.
Aside from advertising yourself, it’s free to create a profile on Care Babysitting. It really can be easy money (unless you get stuck with the child from hell!).
Our guide to babysitting walks you through the main considerations. For instance, in the UK you will need a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check to look after small children, even though some parents may not ask for one.
Dog walking & sitting If babies ain’t your thing, then maybe canines are… dog sitting is big business. Students especially are likely to have free time during the day when others are out at work and worried about their pets at home.
You could bag around £8 an hour per dog, and it’s also a great way to keep fit.
Join Care Pet Care who are best for dog sitting and also Tailster who specialise in dog walkers.
Become your own bank be your own bank
‘Peer-to-peer’ lending is the future of banking. It cuts out the middle-man, passing on higher interest rates to you and cheaper loans to borrowers. And it’s all managed online from the comfort of your sofa.
Founded in 2010, RateSetter was the first to reimburse lenders on late payments or defaults through its ‘Provision Fund’. Effectively it is designed to be like a normal savings account. To date RateSetter say no investors have ever lost money, and they are fully FCA regulated.
Right now you can expect to achieve up to 4% fixed return, depending on how long you choose to lend for. If you can, go for the ISA account to earn interest tax-free.
Update: for a limited time also get this £20 bonus when you deposit just £10.
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2jxXMi2
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noticiaspuchuncavi-blog · 8 years ago
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Puchuncavi Jueves 04 de Mayo 2017 Estimados amigos, les Informamos y les damos a conocer a ustedes el listado oficial de los 178 beneficiarios de la Beca "Municipalidad de Puchuncaví" MODALIDAD 1,2 UTM: 1. Améstica Bazáes Natalia Andrea 2. Arancibia Macias Gabriel Claudio 3. Aravena Aravena Nicolette Paola 4. Armijo Zúñiga Osmar Bhalú 5. Arredondo Encina Darynka Yanara 6. Barriga Moreno Matías Benjamín 7. Bernal Saavedra María Esperanza 8. Berrios Aravena Francesca Natalie 9. Bravo Morales Laura Lizbeth 10. Burdiles Díaz Diego José 11. Cabrera González Ivania Guisel 12. Cabrera Santander Ithan 13. Calderón Pozo Javiera Nicole 14. Cárcamo Díaz Yanira Patricia 15. Carvajal Moya Cindy Cristina 16. Chirino Moreno Juan Sebastián 17. Cisternas Tapia Bastián Antonio 18. Cruz Fernández Benjamín Moisés 19. Fernández Alvarado Romina Alexandra 20. Figueroa Bofill Gonzalo Esteban 21. Figueroa Carrasco Sebastián Andrés 22. Gavilán Yáñez Gabriela Andrea 23. Gómez Mena Liz Viviana 24. Gutiérrez Sufan Nayareth Paulette 25. Hernández Castillo Ankai Alejandro 26. Jara López Paola Andrea 27. López Rojas Angela 28. Luke Castro Yerka Mariela 29. Montano Donoso Daniela Andrea 30. Morales Fernández Francisco Alejandro 31. Moran Calderón Edgar Patricio 32. Moya Campos Bárbara Pricila 33. Muñoz Silva Sebastián Nicolás 34. Navia Jorquera Priscila Romanet 35. Neira Silva Ricardo Sebastián 36. Norambuena Onell Karla Francisca 37. Osorio Huentrepán Yessica Yarella 38. Osorio Olivares Yasmín Andrea 39. Osorio Tapia Tamara Angelina 40. Palma Zapata Roberto Alejandro 41. Peña Bazáes Mitzy Alejandra 42. Pequeño Arancibia Geraldy Constanza 43. Pérez Contreras Sofía Fernanda 44. Pérez Ogaz David Esteban 45. Pérez Soto Catalina Stephanie 46. Quiroz Díaz Camila Fernanda 47. Rojas Alvarado Pola Estefani 48. Sáez Galdámez Melannie Yannire 49. Saldivia Huichal Yoselyn Betsabe 50. Salinas Vargas Karla Francisca 51. Sánchez Bernal Matías Enrique 52. Sánchez Torres Felipe Ignacio 53. Segura Vizcarra Priscila Ivania 54. Tapia Paillán Francis Bélgica 55. Tapia Ramírez Jaime Esteban 56. Torres Bernal Laura Aracelly 57. Troncoso Cisternas Rita Del Carmen 58. Valencia Michea Franco Paul 59. Valenzuela Osorio Skarlette Arely 60. Vera Acevedo Verónica Patricia 61. Vera Ríos Moira Patricia 62. Vera Romo Natalia 63. Vergara Ugarte Nayareth Javiera 64. Vergara Vicencio Gonzalo Andrés 65. Villalón Vásquez Alejandro Francisco 66. Villarroel Aguilar Fabio Elías 67. Villarroel Mattisine Dyana Okarina 68. Villarroel Rojas José Eduardo 69. Vinet Soto Nicole Hermosina 70. Zamora Angulo María Paz MODALIDAD 0,6 UTM: 1. Abarca Pérez Carolina Paz 2. Acevedo Muñoz Claudia Javiera 3. Alvarado Herrera Francisca Chantal 4. Álvarez Villalón Paulina Isabel 5. Amado Amado María Angélica 6. Ampuero Pizarro Samantha Andrea 7. Aravena Vásquez Catalina Rocío 8. Arias Pino Paula Franchesca 9. Armijo Troncoso Ricardo Fabián 10. Avalos Camus Israel Ignacio 11. Ayala Varas Francisca Belén 12. Barrera Barrera Gerardo Esteban 13. Bazáes Donoso Bastián Eduardo 14. Bernal Bernal Natalia Andrea 15. Bernal Bernal Julio Renato 16. Bernal Bustamante Francisca Camila 17. Bernal Estay Nicole Alejandra 18. Briones Ureta Elliot Alejandro 19. Campos Gómez Carla Dominick 20. Campos Parra Sofía Belén 21. Cares Hurtado Jacqueline Pamela 22. Carmona Abarca Odaly Miyaray 23. Cepeda Cuevas Constanza Pamela 24. Christensen Gaete Kiara Goretti 25. Cisternas Gatica Nicolás Francisco 26. Cisternas Marin Cristopher Jesús 27. Díaz Pérez Jeanson Nicolás 28. Díaz Tello Francisco Javier 29. Domínguez Cerpa Rosa Alejandra 30. Elgueta Flores Cristian Génesis 31. Espinoza Gaete Carla Tamara 32. Fernández Alvarado Melissa Amelia 33. Fernández Cárcamo Débora Ivania 34. Fernández Fernández Francisca Constanza 35. Fernández Osorio María José 36. Fernández Yáñez Erik Yerco 37. Figueroa Tapia Emerson Leandro 38. Galindo Verdejo Camila Constanza 39. Gálvez Palma Gonzalo Matías 40. Georgi Reyes Francisca Daniela 41. Gizzi Hermosilla Catalina 42. González Montenegro Sebastián Ignacio 43. González Poblete María Paz 44. Herrera García Maira Inés 45. Herrera Ibarra Michelle Yaritza 46. Infante Echaiz Yerko Ignacio 47. Jorquera Neira Yeison Nicolás 48. Labraña Jeldres Daniel Alonso 49. Leiva Ahumada Héctor Isaías 50. López González Javiera Millarai 51. López López Jannette Alesandra 52. Maldonado Maldonado Kerly Vania 53. Maldonado Villarroel Miguel Ignacio 54. Matta Vizcarra Caterina Daniela 55. Maulén Vicencio Benjamín Ignacio 56. Mella Moya Maripaz Del Carmen 57. Mena Pacheco Dania Belén 58. Meza Romo Leyla Yokasta 59. Mora Olivares Hideki 60. Morales González Marta María Paz 61. Navia Vera Tiare Nicole 62. Navia Vergara Pablo Cesar 63. Obreque Hidalgo Tania Margarita 64. Ogaz Saavedra Victoria Margarita 65. Ojeda Castro Claudia Deyanira 66. Olivares Celis Wallis Amarilis 67. Onell Cisternas José Luis 68. Padilla González Irenka De Jesús 69. Palacios Benavides Silvia Del Pilar 70. Pérez Díaz Pablo David 71. Pérez Villarroel Saska Nabieska 72. Pizarro Calderón Maciel Vanesa 73. Pizarro Sandoval Patricia Isabel 74. Pozo Flores Dania Aracelly 75. Ramírez Vicencio Scarlett Belén 76. Rivera Díaz Catalina Solange 77. Rivera Fernández Paola Macarena 78. Rojas Labarrera Branco Ignacio 79. Rojas Ramírez Nicolás Matías 80. Salas Ávila Ingrid Alejandra 81. San Martin Santibáñez Ervin Manuel 82. Sepúlveda Valenzuela Luis Humberto Javier 83. Silva Maturana Gabriela Del Carmen 84. Soto Ortiz Ana Yoselyn 85. Tamayo Moran Miguel Ángel 86. Tapia Montes Guillermo 87. Torres Rivera Milene De Los Ángeles 88. Urquía Muñoz Cristian Javier 89. Valenzuela Gajardo Nicole Stephanie 90. Valenzuela Rocco Enzo Román 91. Valle Lamilla Aymara 92. Varas Pérez Fernanda Paz 93. Vargas Torres Geraldine Vanessa 94. Vásquez Fernández Constanza Javiera 95. Vásquez Vásquez Claudia Daniela 96. Vegas Fernández Ignacio Alejandro 97. Vera Fernández Michelle Alexandra 98. Vera Soto Belén Alejandra 99. Vera Soto Camila Alejandra 100. Villalón Cisternas Natalia Pamela 101. Villalón Fernández María José 102. Villalón Villalón Jennifer Karina 103. Villarroel Chacana Gonzalo Ignacio 104. Villarroel Morel Luz Anaís 105. Villegas Galdámez Catalina Estefani 106. Villegas López Virginia Mariela 107. Yévenes Daza Susana Moira 108. Zepeda González Giorginna Estefanie
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paelabnavides0 · 5 years ago
via Pamela Benavides,
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easy ways to make money online kindle books with dr pete
The Amazon Kindle is a series of e-readers designed and marketed by Amazon. Amazon Kindle devices enable users to browse, buy, download, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines and other digital media via wireless networking to the Kindle Store.[5] The hardware platform, which Amazon subsidiary Lab126 developed, began as a single device in 2007 and now comprises a range of devices, including e-readers with E Ink electronic paper displays and Kindle applications on all major computing platforms. All Kindle devices integrate with Kindle Store content and, as of March 2018, the store had over six million e-books available in the United States.[6]
Contents 1Naming and evolution 2Devices 2.1First generation 2.1.1Kindle 2.2Second generation 2.2.1Kindle 2 2.2.2Kindle 2 international 2.2.3Kindle DX 2.2.4Kindle DX international 2.2.5Kindle DX Graphite 2.3Third generation 2.3.1Kindle Keyboard 2.4Fourth generation 2.4.1Kindle 4 2.4.2Kindle Touch 2.5Fifth generation 2.5.1Kindle 5 2.5.2Kindle Paperwhite (First generation) 2.6Sixth generation 2.6.1Kindle Paperwhite (second generation) 2.7Seventh generation 2.7.1Kindle 7 2.7.2Kindle Voyage 2.7.3Kindle Paperwhite (third generation) 2.8Eighth generation 2.8.1Kindle Oasis (first generation) 2.8.2Kindle 8 2.9Ninth generation 2.9.1Kindle Oasis (second generation) 2.10Tenth generation 2.10.1Kindle Paperwhite (fourth generation) 2.10.2Kindle (10th Generation) 2.10.3Kindle Oasis (third generation) 3Official accessories 3.1Cases 3.2Audio adapter 4Features 4.1Send-to-Kindle service 4.2Format support by device 4.3Multiple devices and organization 4.4X-Ray 4.5Annotations 4.6Textbook rentals 4.7Collection of user reading data 5Kindle ecosystem 5.1Kindle Store 5.2Kindle applications for reading on other devices 5.3Kindle Direct Publishing 5.4Kindle Development Kit 6Reception 6.1Sales 6.2Aftermarket 7Criticism 8See also 9References 10External links Naming and evolution In 2004, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos instructed the company’s employees to build the world’s best e-reader before Amazon’s competitors could. Amazon originally used the codename Fiona for the device.[7]
Branding consultants Michael Cronan and Karin Hibma devised the Kindle name. Lab126 asked them to name the product, and they suggested “kindle”, meaning to light a fire.[8] They felt this was an apt metaphor for reading and intellectual excitement.[9]
Kindle hardware has evolved from the original Kindle introduced in 2007 and the Kindle DX (with its larger screen) introduced in 2009. The range includes devices with a keyboard (Kindle Keyboard), devices with touch-sensitive, lighted high-resolution screens (Kindle Paperwhite), a tablet computer with the Kindle app (Kindle Fire), and low-priced devices with a touch-sensitive screen (Kindle 7). However, the Kindle e-reader has always been a single-purpose device for reading rather than being multipurpose hardware that might create distractions while reading.
Amazon has also introduced Kindle apps for use on various devices and platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone.[10] Amazon also has a cloud reader to allow users to read e-books using modern web browsers.[11]
Devices First generation Kindle Amazon Kindle – Wikipedia.jpg Amazon released the Kindle, its first e-reader on November 19, 2007 for $399.[12] It sold out in 5 1/2 hours.[13] The device remained out of stock for five months until late April 2008.[14]
The device featured a six-inch (diagonal) four-level grayscale E Ink display, with 250 MB of internal storage, which can hold approximately 200 non-illustrated titles.[15] It also has a speaker and a headphone jack for listening to audio files.[12] It is the only Kindle with expandable storage, via an SD card slot. Content was available from Amazon via the Sprint Corporation US-wide EVDO 3G data network, via a dedicated connection protocol which Amazon called Whispernet.[15] Amazon did not sell the first-generation Kindle outside of the US.[15]
Second generation Kindle 2 Amazon-kindle-gen2.jpg On February 10, 2009, Amazon announced the Kindle 2, the second-generation Kindle.[16] It became available for purchase on February 23, 2009. The Kindle 2 features a text-to-speech option to read the text aloud, and 2 GB of internal memory of which 1.4 GB is user-accessible. By Amazon’s estimates, the Kindle 2 can hold about 1,500 non-illustrated books. Unlike the first-generation Kindle, Kindle 2 does not have a slot for SD memory cards.[17] It is slimmer than the original Kindle.[18][19][20] The Kindle 2 features a Freescale 532 MHz, ARM-11 90 nm processor, 32 MB main memory, 2 GB flash memory and a 3.7 V 1,530 mAh lithium polymer battery.[21]
To promote the Kindle 2, in February 2009 author Stephen King released Ur, his then-new novella, made available exclusively through the Kindle Store.[22]
Kindle 2 international On October 7, 2009, Amazon announced an international version of the Kindle 2 with the ability to download e-books wirelessly in over 100 countries. It became available October 19, 2009. The international Kindle 2 is physically the same as the U.S.-only Kindle 2, although it uses a different mobile network standard.
The original Kindle 2 used CDMA2000 for use on the Sprint network. The international version used standard GSM and 3G GSM, enabling it to be used on AT&T’s U.S. mobile network and internationally in 100 other countries.[23]
Kindle DX
A Kindle DX underneath a Kindle 2
Amazon launched the Kindle DX on May 6, 2009. This device has a larger screen than the standard Kindle, and supports PDF files. It is marketed as more suitable for displaying newspaper and textbook content,[24] includes built-in speakers, and has an accelerometer that enables users to seamlessly rotate pages between landscape and portrait orientations when the Kindle DX is turned on its side.[25] The device can only connect to Whispernet in the U.S.[26]
Kindle DX international On January 19, 2010, the Kindle DX international version was released in over 100 countries.[27] The Kindle DX international version is the same as the Kindle DX, except for having support for international 3G data.
Kindle DX Graphite
Kindle DX Graphite On July 1, 2010, Amazon released the Kindle DX Graphite (DXG) globally. The DXG has an E Ink display with 50% better contrast ratio due to using E Ink Pearl technology and comes only in a graphite case color. It is speculated the case color change is to improve contrast ratio perception further, as some users found the prior white casing highlighted that the E Ink background is light gray and not white. Like the Kindle DX, it does not have a Wi-Fi connection.[28] The DXG is a mix of third-generation hardware and second-generation software. The CPU has the same speed as Kindle Keyboard’s CPU, but the DXG has only half the system memory, 128MB. Due to these differences, the DXG runs the same firmware as Kindle 2. Therefore, DXG cannot display international fonts, like Cyrillic, Chinese, or any other non-Latin font, and PDF support and the web browser are limited to matching the Kindle 2’s features.
Amazon withdrew the Kindle DX from sale in October 2012, but in September 2013 made it available again for a few months. Using 3G data is free when accessing the Kindle Store and Wikipedia. Downloading personal documents via 3G data costs about $1 per megabyte. Its battery life is about one week with 3G on and two weeks with 3G off. Text-to-Speech and MP3 playback are supported.
Third generation Kindle Keyboard
Kindle Keyboard Amazon announced the third-generation Kindle, later renamed “Kindle Keyboard”, on July 28, 2010.[29] Amazon began accepting pre-orders for the Kindle Keyboard as soon as it was announced and began shipping the devices on August 27, 2010. On August 25, Amazon announced that the Kindle Keyboard was the fastest-selling Kindle ever.[30] While Amazon does not officially add numbers to the end of each Kindle denoting its generation, reviewers, customers and press companies often referred to this Kindle as the “K3” or the “Kindle 3”.[31][32][33] The Kindle Keyboard has a 6-inch screen with a resolution of 600×800 (167 PPI).[34]
The Kindle Keyboard was available in two versions. One of these, the Kindle Wi-Fi, was initially priced at $139 and connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi networks.[29] The other version, called the Kindle 3G, was priced at $189 and includes both 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity.[29] The built-in free 3G connectivity uses the same wireless signals that cell phones use, allowing it to download and purchase content from any location with cell service.[29] The Kindle Keyboard is available in two colors: classic white and graphite. Both versions use an E Ink “Pearl” display, which has a higher contrast than prior displays and a faster refresh rate than prior e-ink displays. However, it remains significantly slower than traditional LCDs.[35] An ad-supported version, the “Kindle with Special Offers”, was introduced on May 3, 2011, with a price $25 lower than the no-ad version, for $114. On July 13, 2011, Amazon announced that due to a sponsorship with AT&T, the price of the Kindle 3G with ads would be $139, $50 less than the Kindle 3G without ads.[36]
The Kindle Keyboard is 0.5 inches shorter and 0.5 inches narrower than the Kindle 2. It supports additional fonts and international Unicode characters and has a Voice Guide feature with spoken menu navigation from the built-in speakers or audio jack. Internal memory is expanded to 4 GB, with approximately 3 GB available for user content. Battery life is advertised at up to two months of reading half an hour a day with the wireless turned off, which amounts to roughly 30 hours.[29]
The Kindle Keyboard generally received good reviews after launch. Review Horizon describes the device as offering “the best reading experience in its class”[37] while Engadget[38] states, “In the standalone category, the Kindle is probably the one to beat”.
Fourth generation The fourth-generation Kindle and the Kindle Touch were announced on September 28, 2011. They retain the 6-inch, 167-PPI e-ink display of the 2010 Kindle model, with the addition of an infrared touch-screen control on the Touch. They also include Amazon’s experimental web-browsing capability with Wi-Fi.[39]
Kindle 4
Kindle 4 The fourth-generation Kindle was significantly less expensive (initially $79 ad supported, $109 no ads) and features a slight reduction in weight and size, with a reduced battery life and storage capacity, compared to the Kindle 3.[39] It has a silver-grey bezel, 6-inch display, nine hard keys, a cursor pad, an on-screen rather than physical keyboard, a flash storage capacity of 2 GB, and an estimated one month battery life under ideal reading conditions.[40][41]
Kindle Touch
Kindle Touch Amazon introduced two versions of touchscreen Kindles: the Kindle Touch, available with Wi-Fi (initially $99 ad-supported, $139 no ads), and the Kindle Touch 3G, with Wi-Fi/3G connectivity (initially $149 ad-supported, $189 no ads).[39] The latter version is capable of connect via 3G to the Kindle Store, download books and periodicals, and access Wikipedia. Experimental web browsing (outside Wikipedia) on Kindle Touch 3G is only available over a Wi-Fi connection.[42] (Kindle Keyboard does not have this restriction). The usage of the 3G data is limited to 50MB per month.[43] Like the Kindle 3, the Kindle Touch has a capacity of 4 GB and battery life of two months under ideal reading conditions, and is larger than the Kindle 4.[44] The Kindle Touch was released on November 15, 2011.[45] Amazon announced in March 2012 that the device would be available in the UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy on April 27, 2012.[46] The Touch was the first Kindle to support X-Ray, which lists the commonly used character names, locations, themes, or ideas in a book.[47] In January 2013, Amazon released the 5.2.0 firmware that updated the operating system to match the Paperwhite’s interface with the Touch’s MP3/audiobook capabilities remaining.
Fifth generation Kindle 5
Kindle 5 Amazon released the Kindle 5 on September 6, 2012 ($70 ad-supported, $90 no ads).[48] The Kindle has a black bezel, differing from the Kindle 4 which was available in silver-grey, and has better display contrast. Amazon also claims that it has 15% faster page loads. It has a 167 PPI display and was the lightest Kindle, at 5.98 ounce, until 2016’s Kindle Oasis.
Kindle Paperwhite (First generation)
Kindle Paperwhite The first-generation Kindle Paperwhite was announced on September 6, 2012, and released on October 1. It has a 6 in, 212 PPI E Ink Pearl display (758×1024 resolution) with four built-in LEDs to illuminate the screen. It was available in Wi-Fi ($120 ad-supported, $140 no ads) and Wi-Fi + 3G ($180 ad-supported, $200 no ads) models,[48] with the ad-supported options only intended to be available in the United States.[49] The light is one of the main features of the Paperwhite and it has a manually adjusted light level. The 3G access restrictions are the same as the Kindle Touch, and usage of the 3G data is limited to 50 MB per month and only on Amazon and Wikipedia’s websites; additional data may be bought.[43] Battery life is advertised as up to eight weeks of reading with half an hour per day with wireless off and constant light use; this usage equals 28 hours.[50] The official leather cover for the Paperwhite uses a hall effect sensor to detect when the cover is closed or opened and turn the screen off or on respectively. This was the first Kindle model to track reading speed to estimate when the reader will finish a chapter or book; this feature was later included with updates to the other models of Kindle and Kindle Fire. The Kindle Paperwhite lacks physical buttons for page turning and does not perform auto-hyphenation. Except for the lock screen/power button at its bottom, it relies solely on the touchscreen interface.[51]
In November 2012, Amazon released the 5.3.0 update that allowed users to turn off recommended content on the home screen in Grid View (allowing two rows of user content) and included general bug fixes. In March 2014, the Paperwhite 5.4.4 update was released that added Goodreads integration, Kindle FreeTime to restrict usage for children, Cloud Collections for organization and Page Flip for scanning content without losing your place, which closely matched the Paperwhite 2’s software features.[52]
The Kindle Paperwhite was released in most major international markets in early 2013, with Japan’s version including 4 GB of storage, and in China on June 7, 2013; all non-Japan versions have 2 GB of storage (1.25 GB usable).[53]
Engadget praised the Paperwhite, giving it 92 of 100. The reviewer liked the front-lit display, high contrast, and useful software features, but did not like that it was less comfortable to hold than the Nook, the starting price includes ads, and it had no expandable storage.[54]
Shortly after release, some users complained about the lighting implementation on the Kindle Paperwhite.[55] While not widespread, some users found the lighting inconsistent, causing the bottom edge to cast irregular shadows. Also, some users complained that the light cannot be turned off completely.[56]
Sixth generation Kindle Paperwhite (second generation)
Kindle Paperwhite 2 Amazon announced the second-generation Kindle Paperwhite, marketed as the “All-New Kindle Paperwhite” and colloquially referred to as the Paperwhite 2, on September 3, 2013; the Wi-Fi version was released in on September 30 ($120 ad-supported, $140 no ads), and the 3G/Wi-Fi version was released in the US on November 5, 2013 ($190 ad-supported, $210 no ads). The Paperwhite 2 features a higher contrast E Ink Carta display technology,[57] improved LED illumination, 25% faster processor (1 GHz) that allows for faster page turns, and better response to touch input compared to the original Paperwhite. It has the same 6″ screen with 212 PPI, bezel and estimated 28-hour battery life as the original Paperwhite. The software features dictionary/Wikipedia/X-Ray look-up, Page Flip that allows the user to skip ahead or back in the text in a pop-up window and go back to the previous page, and Goodreads social integration.[58]
The Paperwhite 2 uses a similar experimental web browser with the same 3G data use restrictions as previous Kindles; there are no use restrictions when using Wi-Fi. The official Amazon leather cover for the Paperwhite 2 is the same item as was used for the original Paperwhite. The cover’s magnets turn the screen on and off when it is opened and closed.
Although released in 2013 with 2GB of storage, by September 2014 all versions of the Paperwhite 2 were sold with 4GB of storage.
Engadget rated the Paperwhite 2 as 93 of 100, saying while it offers few new features, “an improved frontlight and some software tweaks have made an already great reading experience even better.”[59]
Seventh generation Kindle 7 Amazon announced an upgraded basic Kindle and the Kindle Voyage on September 18, 2014.[60] The Kindle 7 was released on October 2, 2014 ($80 ad-supported, $100 no ads). It is the first basic Kindle to use a touchscreen for navigating within books and to have a 1 GHz CPU.[61] It is also the first basic Kindle available in international markets such as India, Japan and China. Amazon claims that a single charge lasts up to 30 days if used for 30 minutes a day without using Wi-Fi.
Kindle Voyage
Kindle Voyage with origami cover.
Kindle Voyage’s rear The Kindle Voyage was released on November 4, 2014, in the US It has a 6-inch, 300 ppi E Ink Carta HD display, which was the highest resolution and contrast available in e-readers, as of 2014,[62] with six LEDs with an adaptive light sensor that can automatically illuminate the screen depending on the environment. It is available in Wi-Fi ($200 ad-supported, $220 no ads) and Wi-Fi + 3G ($270 ad-supported, $290 no ads) models.[63] Its design features a flush glass screen on the front and the rear has angular, raised plastic edges that house the power button, similar to the Fire HDX. The Voyage uses “PagePress”, a navigation system that has sensors on either side of the screen that turns the page when pressed.[64] PagePress may be disabled, but the touchscreen is always active.
The Verge rated the Voyage as 9.1 of 10, stating that “this is the best E Ink e-reader I’ve used, and it’s unquestionably the best that Amazon has ever made. The thing is, it’s only marginally better than the fantastic Paperwhite in several ways, and significantly better in none” and with those differences in mind, disliked how it costs $80 more than the Paperwhite.[65] Engadget rated the Voyage as 94 of 100, stating that while it was “easily the best e-reader that Amazon has ever crafted,” it was also the priciest at $199.[66]
Kindle Paperwhite (third generation)
Kindle Paperwhite 3 The third-generation Kindle Paperwhite, marketed as the “All-New Kindle Paperwhite” and colloquially referred to as the Paperwhite 3 and Paperwhite 2015, was released on June 30, 2015, in the US. It is available in Wi-Fi ($120 ad-supported, $140 no ads) and Wi-Fi + 3G ($190 ad-supported, $210 no ads) models. It has a 6-inch, 1440×1080, 300 ppi E Ink Carta HD display, which is twice the pixels of the original Paperwhite and has the same touchscreen, four LEDs and size as the previous Paperwhite.[67][68] It has over 3 GB of user accessible storage. This device improved on the display of PDF files, with the possibility to select text and use some functionalities, such as translation on a PDF’s text. Amazon claims it has 6 weeks of battery life if used for 30 minutes per day with wireless off and brightness set to 10, which is about 21 hours.
The Paperwhite 3 is the first e-reader to include the Bookerly font, a new font designed by Amazon, and includes updated formatting functions such as hyphenation and improved spacing.[69] The Bookerly font was added to most older models via a firmware update.[70] The official Amazon leather cover for the Paperwhite 3 is the same item as was used with the previous two Paperwhite devices.
In February 2016, the Paperwhite 2, Paperwhite 3, Kindle 7, and Voyage received the 5.7.2 update that included a new home screen layout, an OpenDyslexic font choice, improved book recommendations and a new quick actions menu.[71]
On June 30, 2016, Amazon released a white version of the Paperwhite 3 worldwide; the only thing different about this version is the color of the shell.[72]
In October 2016, Amazon released the Paperwhite 3 “Manga Model” in Japan that has a 33% increase in page-turning speed and includes 32GB of storage, which is space for up to 700 manga books.[73] The Manga model launched at 16,280 yen (~$156) for the ad-supported Wi-Fi version or 12,280 yen (~$118) for Prime members.[74]
The Verge rated the Paperwhite 3 as 9.0 of 10, saying that “The Kindle Paperwhite is the best e-reader for most people by a wide margin” and liked the high-resolution screen but disliked that there was no adaptive backlight; this is featured on the Kindle Voyage.[75] Popzara called the 2015 Paperwhite “the best dedicated E Ink e-reader for the money.”[76]
Eighth generation Kindle Oasis (first generation)
Kindle Oasis being used with one hand
Kindle Oasis Amazon announced the first-generation Kindle Oasis on April 13, 2016, and it was released on April 27 worldwide.[77] The Kindle Oasis is available in Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi + 3G models.[78] The Oasis has a 6-inch, 300 ppi E Ink Carta HD display with ten LEDs.[79] Its asymmetrical design features physical page turn buttons on one side and it has an accelerometer so the display can be rotated for one-hand operation with either hand. It has one thicker side that tapers to an edge that is 20% thinner than the Paperwhite. It includes a removable leather battery cover for device protection and increased battery life that is available in either black, walnut (brown) or merlot (red); the cover fits in the tapered edge. The Oasis has 28 hours of battery life if used with the battery cover with Wi-Fi off. However, without the cover, the Oasis battery lasts about seven hours. It has nearly 3 GB of user storage. The Oasis includes the Bookerly (serif) font and it is the first Kindle to include the Amazon Ember (sans-serif) font.[80]
The Guardian’s reviewer praised the Oasis’s ease for holding, its lightweight design, long battery life, excellent display, even front lighting, usable page-turn buttons, and the luxurious cover; however, the reviewer did not like that it was so expensive, that the battery cover only partially protects the back, and that the reader is not waterproof. The reviewer concluded, “…the Paperwhite will likely be all the e-reader most will need, but Oasis is the one you’ll want. The Oasis is the Bentley to the Paperwhite’s Golf – both will get the job done, just one is a cut above the other.”[81] The Verge rated the Oasis as 9 of 10, praising its thinness, its weight without the cover and the ability to read with one hand, but did not like that is so expensive, has no adaptive backlight like the Voyage and it is not waterproof.[82]
Kindle 8 Amazon’s upgrade of the standard Kindle was released on June 22, 2016 in both black and white colors ($80 ad-supported, $100 no ads). The Kindle 8 features a new rounded design that is 0.35 inches (9 mm) shorter, 0.16 inches (4 mm) narrower, 0.043 inches (1.1 mm) thinner, and 1.1 ounces (30 g) lighter than the previous Kindle 7, and features double the RAM (512MB) of its predecessor. The Kindle 8 is the first Kindle to use Bluetooth that can support VoiceView screen reader software for the visually impaired. It has the same screen display as its predecessor, a 167 ppi E Ink Pearl touch-screen display, and Amazon claims it has a four-week battery life and can be fully charged within four hours.[83][84]
Ninth generation Kindle Oasis (second generation) Amazon released the second-generation Kindle Oasis, marketed as the “All-New Kindle Oasis” and colloquially referred to as the Oasis 2, on October 31, 2017. It is available in 8 GB Wi-Fi, 32 GB Wi-FI and 32 GB Wi-Fi + 3G ($350 no ads) models with a seven-inch E Ink display with 300 ppi.[85] It has an asymmetric design like the first-generation Oasis, so it works for one-handed use, and the device finish is made from aluminum. The device has a black front, with either a silver or gold colored back.[86] The Oasis 2 is the first Kindle to be IPX8 rated so it is water-resistant up to two meters for up to 60 minutes, and first to be able to change the background black and the text to white. It is front-lit with 12 LEDs, and has ambient light sensors to adjust the screen brightness automatically. It supports playback of Audible audiobooks by pairing with A2DP supported external Bluetooth 4.2 speakers or headphones; the device can store up to 35 audiobooks with 8 GB or 160 audiobooks with the 32 GB model.[87] The Oasis 2’s internal battery lasts about six weeks of reading at 30 minutes a day.
The Verge gave the Oasis 2 a score of 8 of 10, praising its design, display, and water resistance, but criticizing its high cost and inability to read an e-book while its related audiobook is playing.[88] Techradar rated it as 4.5 of 5, saying the Oasis 2 is expensive but it praises as the best e-reader at the time with its lovely metal design, waterproofing and great reading experience.[89]
Tenth generation Kindle Paperwhite (fourth generation) Amazon announced the fourth-generation Kindle Paperwhite on October 16, 2018 and released it on November 7, 2018; it is colloquially referred to as the Paperwhite 4 and Paperwhite 2018.[90] It is available in 8 GB Wi-Fi, 32 GB Wi-Fi and 32 GB Wi-Fi + 4G LTE ($250 no ads) models. It features a 6-inch plastic-backed display of Amazon’s own design with 300 ppi and a flush screen featuring five LED lights.[91] It is waterproof with an IPX8 rating, allowing submersion in 2 meters of fresh water for up to one hour. It supports playback of Audible audio books only by pairing with external Bluetooth speakers or headphones.
The Verge rated the Paperwhite 4 as 8.5 of 10, praising its great display, water-resistance and battery life but criticizing its lack of physical buttons and no USB-C support.[92]
Kindle (10th Generation) Kindle 10 Kindle 10 Amazon announced the Kindle (10th Generation) on March 20, 2019, that features the first front light available on a basic Kindle. The front light uses 4 LEDs compared to the Paperwhite with 5 LEDs. Kindle 10 uses a 6-inch display with a higher contrast than previous basic Kindles and has the same 167 ppi resolution.[93] It has black and white colors and can use Bluetooth to connect headphones or external speakers which can be used to read out content, it also reads out the menu options you tap on the screen.
Kindle Oasis (third generation) Amazon released the third-generation Kindle Oasis, colloquially referred to as the Oasis 3, on July 24, 2019. Externally it is nearly identical in appearance to the second-generation Oasis, with a similar 7-inch, 300ppi E Ink display, one-handed design, waterproofing, aluminum exterior, Bluetooth support and Micro USB for charging. It adds a 25 LED frontlight that can adjust color temperature to warmer tones, the first Kindle to be able to do so.[94]
The Verge gave the Oasis 3 an 8 of 10 rating, praising its design, display, and warmer E Ink display, but criticizing its high cost, no USB-C support and the lackluster update over the 2017 model.[95]
Official accessories Cases With the release of the Kindle Paperwhite in 2012, Amazon released a natural leather cover and a plastic back that is form-fitted for the device that weighs 5.6 ounces.[96] The cover closes book-like from the left edge. The cover has magnets that activate the sleep/wake function in the Kindle when the cover is either closed or opened. The subsequent Amazon covers include this function.
With the release of the Voyage in 2014, Amazon released two covers with either a polyurethane or a leather cover. The Voyage attaches to the rear of the Protective Cover magnetically and the case’s cover folds over the top, and the case weighs 4.6 ounces. The case can fold into a stand, propping the Kindle up for hands-free reading.[97] With the release of the Paperwhite (4th gen) in 2018, Amazon released three versions of its cover: a water-safe fabric cover that can withstand brief exposure to water, a standard leather cover and a premium leather cover; these covers all weigh 4 ounces.[98]
Audio adapter In May 2016, Amazon released the official Kindle Audio Adapter for reading e-books aloud via a text-to-speech (TTS) system for the blind and visually impaired.[99] This accessibility accessory, initially supported only for the Paperwhite 3 and Oasis, plugs in the USB port and connects to headphones or speakers. Once connected, the reader uses the Voiceview for Kindle feature to navigate the interface and listen to e-books via TTS. This feature only supports e-books, not audiobooks or music.
Using the accessory reduces the Paperwhite 3’s battery life to six hours. As an alternative to the official adapter, a generic USB to audio converter will also work with Voiceview.[100]
Features Kindle devices support dictionary and Wikipedia look-up functions when highlighting a word in an e-book. The font type, size and margins can be customized. Kindles are charged by connecting to a computer’s USB port or to an AC adapter. Users needing accessibility due to impaired vision can use an audio adapter to listen to any e-book read aloud on supported Kindles, or those with difficulty in reading text may use the Amazon Ember Bold font for darker text and other fonts may too have bold font versions.
The Kindle also contains experimental features such a web browser that uses NetFront based on WebKit.[101] The browser can freely access the Kindle Store and Wikipedia on 3G models while the browser may be limited to 50MB of data per month to websites other than Amazon and Wikipedia,[102] Other possible experimental features, depending on the model are a Text-to-Speech engine that can read the text from ebooks and an MP3 player that can be used to play music while reading.
The Kindle’s operating system updates are designed to be received wirelessly and installed automatically during a period in sleep mode in which Wi-Fi is turned on.[103] A user may install firmware updates manually by downloading the firmware for their device and copying the file to the device’s root directory.[104] The Kindle operating system uses the Linux kernel with a Java app for reading e-books.[105]
Send-to-Kindle service Amazon offers an email-based service called “Send-to-Kindle” that allows the user to send HTML pages, Microsoft Word documents, GIF, PNG, and BMP graphics directly to the user’s Kindle library at Amazon. Sending the file is free if downloaded using Wi-Fi or $0.15 per MB when using a Kindle’s 3G service.[106] When Amazon receives the file, it converts the file to Kindle format and stores it in the user’s online library (called “Your Content” by Amazon). In addition to the document types mentioned above, this service can be used to send unprotected MOBI files to a user’s Kindle library. The Send-to-Kindle service’s personal documents can be accessed by all Kindle hardware devices as well as iOS and Android devices using the Kindle app.[107]
Format support by device Main article: Kindle File Format The first Kindle could read unprotected Mobipocket files (MOBI, PRC), plain text files (TXT), Topaz format books (TPZ) and Amazon’s AZW format.
The Kindle 2 added native PDF capability with the version 2.3 firmware upgrade.[108] The Kindle 1 could not read PDF files, but Amazon provides experimental conversion to the native AZW format,[109] with the caveat that not all PDFs may format correctly.[110] The Kindle 2 added the ability to play the Audible Enhanced (AAX) format. The Kindle 2 can also display HTML files.
The fourth and later generation Kindles, Touch, Paperwhite (all generations), Voyage and Oasis (all generations) can display AZW, AZW3, TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, and PRC files natively. HTML, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP are usable through Amazon’s conversion service. The Keyboard, Touch, Oasis 2 & 3, Kindle 8 & 9 and Paperwhite 4 can also play Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX). The Kindle (7, 8 & 9), Kindle Paperwhite (2, 3 & 4), Voyage and Oasis (1, 2 & 3) can display KFX files natively. KFX is Amazon’s successor to the AZW3 format.
Kindles cannot display EPUB files but by using calibre, an EPUB or other unsupported files not listed here can be converted to one of the supported file formats.[111]
Multiple devices and organization An e-book may be downloaded from Amazon to several devices at the same time, as long as the devices are registered to the same Amazon account. A sharing limit typically ranges from one to six devices, depending on an undisclosed number of licenses set by the publisher. When a limit is reached, the user must remove the e-book from some device[112] or unregister a device containing the e-book[113] in order to add the e-book to another device.
The original Kindle and Kindle 2 did not allow the user to organize books into folders. The user could only select what type of content to display on the home screen and whether to organize by author, title, or download date. Kindle software version 2.5 allowed for the organization of books into “Collections” which behave like non-structured tags/labels: a collection can not include other collections, and one book may be added to multiple collections. These collections are normally set and organized on the Kindle itself, one book at a time. The set of all collections of a first Kindle device can be imported to a second Kindle device that is connected to the cloud and is registered to the same user; as the result of this operation, the documents that are on the second device now become organized according to the first device’s collections. There is no option to organize by series or series order, as the AZW format does not possess the necessary metadata fields.
X-Ray Main article: X-Ray (Amazon Kindle) X-Ray is a reference tool that is incorporated in Kindle Touch and later devices, the Fire tablets, the Kindle app for mobile platforms and Fire TV. X-Ray lets users explore in more depth the contents of a book, by accessing pre-loaded files with relevant information, such as the most common characters, locations, themes, or ideas.[114]
Annotations Users can bookmark, highlight, and search through content. Pages can be bookmarked for reference, and notes can be added to relevant content. While a book is open on the display, menu options allow users to search for synonyms and definitions from the built-in dictionary. The device also remembers the last page read for each book. Pages can be saved as a “clipping”, or a text file containing the text of the currently displayed page. All clippings are appended to a single file, which can be downloaded over a USB cable.[115] Due to the TXT format of the clippings file, all formatting (such as bold, italics, bigger fonts for headlines, etc.) is stripped off the original text.
Textbook rentals On July 18, 2011, Amazon began a program that allows college students to rent Kindle textbooks from three different publishers for a fixed period of time.[116]
Collection of user reading data Kindle devices may report information about their users’ reading data that includes the last page read, how long each e-book was opened, annotations, bookmarks, notes, highlights, or similar markings to Amazon.[117] The Kindle stores this information on all Amazon e-books but it is unclear if this data is stored for non-Amazon e-books.[118] There is a lack of e-reader data privacy — Amazon knows the user’s identity, what the user is reading, whether the user has finished the book, what page the user is on, how long the user has spent on each page, and which passages the user may have highlighted.[119]
Kindle ecosystem Kindle Store Main article: Kindle Store
The New Yorker subscribed on a “Kindle Keyboard” Content from Amazon’s Kindle Store is encoded in Amazon’s proprietary Kindle formats (.azw, .kf8 and .kfx). In addition to published content, Kindle users can also access the Internet using the experimental web browser, which uses NetFront.[120][121] Users can use the Kindle Store to access reading material using the Kindle itself or through a web browser to access content.[6] The store features Kindle Unlimited for unlimited access to over one million e-books for a monthly fee.[122]
Content for the Kindle can be purchased online and downloaded wirelessly in some countries, using either standard Wi-Fi or Amazon’s 3G “Whispernet” network.[123] Whispernet is accessible without any monthly fees or a subscription,[124] although fees can be incurred for the delivery of periodicals and other content when roaming internationally beyond the customer’s home country. Through a service called “Whispersync,” customers can synchronize reading progress, bookmarks, and other information across Kindle hardware and other mobile devices.[125][126]
For U.S. customers traveling abroad, Amazon originally charged a $1.99 fee to download e-books over 3G while overseas, but later removed the fee. Fees remain for wireless 3G delivery of periodical subscriptions and personal documents, while Wi-Fi delivery has no extra charge.[127]
In addition to the Kindle Store, content for the Kindle can be purchased from various independent sources such as Fictionwise and Baen Ebooks. Public domain titles are also obtainable for the Kindle via content providers such as Project Gutenberg, The Internet Archive and the World Public Library. In 2011, the Kindle Store had more than twice as much paid content as its nearest competitor, Barnes & Noble.[128]
Public libraries that offer books via OverDrive, Inc. also lend titles for the Kindle and Kindle reading apps in the USA. Books are checked out from the library’s own site, which forwards to Amazon for the completion of the checkout process. Amazon then delivers the title to the Kindle for the duration of the loan, though some titles may require transfer via a USB connection to a computer. If the book is later checked out again or purchased, annotations and bookmarks are preserved.[129]
Kindle applications for reading on other devices Amazon released the Kindle for PC application in late 2009, available for Microsoft Windows systems.[130] This application allows ebooks from Amazon’s store or personal ebooks to be read on a personal computer, with no Kindle device required.[131] Amazon released a Kindle for Mac app for Apple Macintosh & OS X systems in early 2010.[132] In June 2010, Amazon released the Amazon Kindle for Android. Soon after the Android release, versions for the Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad) and BlackBerry OS phones were available.[133] In January 2011, Amazon released Kindle for Windows Phone.[134] In July 2011, Kindle for HP TouchPad (running webOS) was released in the U.S. as a beta version.[135] In August 2011, Amazon released an HTML5-based webapp for supported web browsers called Kindle Cloud Reader.[136] In 2013, Amazon has expressed no interest in releasing a separate Kindle application for Linux systems; the Cloud Reader can be used on supported browsers in Linux.[137]
On April 17, 2014, Samsung announced it would discontinue its own e-book store effective July 1, 2014 and it partnered with Amazon to create the Kindle for Samsung app optimized for display on Samsung Galaxy devices. The app uses Amazon’s e-book store and it includes a monthly limited selection of free e-books.[138]
On June 2016, Amazon released the Page Flip feature to its Kindle applications that debuted on its e-readers a few years previously.[139] This feature allows the user to flip through nine thumbnails of page images at a time.
Kindle Direct Publishing Main article: Kindle Direct Publishing Concurrently with the release of the first Kindle device, Amazon launched Kindle Direct Publishing, used by authors and publishers to independently publish their books directly to Kindle and Kindle Apps worldwide.[140] Authors can upload documents in several formats for delivery via Whispernet and charge between $0.99 and $200.00 per download.[140]
In a December 5, 2009 interview with The New York Times, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed that Amazon keeps 65% of the revenue from all e-book sales for the Kindle;[141] the remaining 35% is split between the book author and publisher. After numerous commentators observed that Apple’s popular App Store offers 70% of royalties to the publisher, Amazon began a program that offers 70% royalties to Kindle publishers who agree to certain conditions.[142] Some of these conditions, such as the inability to opt out of the lendability feature, have caused some controversy.[143]
Kindle Development Kit On January 21, 2010, Amazon announced the release of its Kindle Development Kit (KDK).[144] KDK aims to allow developers to build “active content” for the Kindle, and a beta version was announced with a February 2010 release date. A number of companies have already experimented with delivering active content through the Kindle’s bundled browser, and the KDK gives sample code, documentation and a Kindle Simulator together with a new revenue sharing model for developers.[145] The KDK is based on the Java programming language’s Personal Basis Profile packaged Java APIs.
As of May 2014 Kindle store offered over 400 items labeled as active content.[146] These items include simple applications and games, including a free set provided by Amazon Digital Services.[147] As of 2014, active content is only available to users with a U.S. billing address.
In October 2014, Amazon announced that the Voyage and future e-readers would not support active content because most users prefer to use apps on their smartphones and tablets, but the Paperwhite first-generation and earlier Kindles would continue to support active content.[148]
Reception Sales Specific Kindle device sales numbers are not released by Amazon; however, according to anonymous inside sources, over three million Kindles had been sold as of December 2009,[149] while external estimates, as of Q4-2009, place the number at about 1.5 million.[150] According to James McQuivey of Forrester Research, estimates are ranging around four million, as of mid-2010.[151]
In 2010, Amazon remained the undisputed leader in the e-reader category, accounting for 59% of e-readers shipped, and it gained 14 percentage points in share.[152] According to an International Data Corporation (IDC) study from March 2011, sales for all e-book readers worldwide reached 12.8 million in 2010; 48% of them were Kindles.[153] In the last three months of 2010, Amazon announced that in the United States its e-book sales had surpassed sales of paperback books for the first time.[154]
In January 2011, Amazon announced that digital books were outselling their traditional print counterparts for the first time ever on its site, with an average of 115 Kindle editions being sold for every 100 paperback editions.[155] In December 2011, Amazon announced that customers had purchased “well over” one million Kindles per week since the end of November 2011; this includes all available Kindle models and also the Kindle Fire tablet.[156] IDC estimated that the Kindle Fire sold about 4.7 million units during the fourth quarter of 2011.[157] Pacific Crest estimated that the Kindle Fire models sold six million units during Q4 2012.[158]
Morgan Stanley estimates that Amazon sold $3.57 billion worth of Kindle e-readers and tablets in 2012, $4.5 billion in Kindle device sales in 2013 and $5 billion in Kindle device sales in 2014.[159]
Aftermarket Working Kindles in good condition can be sold, traded, donated or recycled in the aftermarket. Due to some Kindle devices being limited to use as reading device and the hassle of reselling Kindles, some people choose to donate their Kindle to schools, developing countries, literacy organizations, or charities.[160] “The Kindle Classroom Project” promotes reading by distributing donated Kindles to schools in need.[161] Worldreader and ‘Develop Africa’ ships donated e-readers to schools in developing countries in Africa for educational use.[162][163] ‘Project Hart’, a non-profit created in the legacy of Michael S. Hart, will take donations of e-readers that can be refurbished to give to people in need.[164]
Whether in good condition or not, Kindles should not be disposed of in normal waste due to the device’s electronic ink components and batteries. Instead, Kindles at the end of their useful life should be recycled. In the United States, Amazon runs their own program, ‘Take Back’, which allows owners to print out a prepaid shipping label, which can be used to return the device for disposal.[165]
Criticism On July 17, 2009, Amazon withdrew from sale two e-books by George Orwell, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, refunding the purchase price to those who had bought them, and remotely deleted these titles from purchasers’ devices without warning after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish these books. The two books were protected by copyright in the United States, but they were in the public domain in some other countries.[166] Notes and annotations for the books made by users on their devices were left in a separate file but “rendered useless” without the content to which they were directly linked.[166][167] The move prompted outcry and comparisons to Nineteen Eighty-Four itself: in the novel, books, magazines, and newspapers in public archives that contradict the ruling party are either edited long after being published or destroyed outright; the removed materials go “down the memory hole”, the nickname for an incinerator chute used in 1984.[168] Customers and commentators noted the resemblance to the censorship in the novel, and described Amazon’s action in Orwellian terms. Ars Technica argued that the deletion violated the Kindle’s terms of service, which stated in part:[169]
Upon your payment of the applicable fees set by Amazon, Amazon grants you the non-exclusive right to keep a permanent copy of the applicable Digital Content and to view, use and display such Digital Content an unlimited number of times, solely on the Device or as authorized by Amazon as part of the Service and solely for your personal, non-commercial use.
Amazon spokesman Drew Herdener said that the company is “changing our systems so that in the future we will not remove books from customers’ devices in these circumstances.”[170] On July 23, 2009, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos posted on Amazon’s official Kindle forum an apology about the company’s handling of the matter. Bezos said the action was “stupid”, and that the executives at Amazon “deserve the criticism received”.[171]
On July 30, 2009, Justin Gawronski, a Michigan high school senior, and Antoine Bruguier, a California engineer, filed suit against Amazon in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington. Bruguier argued that Amazon had violated its terms of service by remotely deleting the copy of Nineteen Eighty-Four he purchased, in the process preventing him from accessing annotations he had written. Gawronski’s copy of the e-book was also deleted without his consent, and found Amazon used deceit in an email exchange. The complaint, which sought class-action status, asked for both monetary and injunctive relief.[167][172] The case was settled on September 25, 2009, with Amazon agreeing to pay $150,000 divided between the two plaintiffs, on the understanding that the law firm representing them, Kamber Edelson, “will donate its portion of that fee to a charitable organization”.[173] In the settlement, Amazon also provided wider rights to Kindle owners over its e-books:
For copies of Works purchased pursuant to TOS granting “the non-exclusive right to keep a permanent copy” of each purchased Work and to “view, use and display [such Works] an unlimited number of times, solely on the [Devices]… and solely for [the purchasers’] personal, non-commercial use”, Amazon will not remotely delete or modify such Works from Devices purchased and being used in the U.S unless (a) the user consents to such deletion or modification; (b) the user requests a refund for the work or otherwise fails to pay for the work (e.g., if a credit card issuer declines payment); (c) a judicial or regulatory order requires such deletion or modification; or (d) deletion or modification is reasonably necessary to protect the consumer, the operation of a device or network used for communication (e.g., to remove harmful code embedded within an e-book on a device).[174]
On September 4, 2009, Amazon offered all affected users a choice of restoring of the deleted e-books or receiving an Amazon gift certificate or check for $US30.[175]
In December 2010, Amazon removed three e-books written by Selena Kitt for violations of Amazon’s publishing guidelines. For what Amazon describes as “a brief period of time”, the books were unavailable for redownload by users who had already purchased them. This ability was restored after it was brought to Amazon’s attention; however, no remote deletion took place.[176]
In October 2012, Amazon suspended the account of a Norwegian woman who purchased her Kindle in the United Kingdom, and the company deleted every e-book on her Kindle. Amazon claimed that she had violated their terms of service but did not specify what she had done wrong.[177] After the woman contacted the media, Amazon restored her account and her purchased e-books.[178][179][180]
Richard Stallman criticized the Kindle,[181][182] citing Kindle terms of service which can censor users, which require the user’s identification, and that can have a negative effect on independent book distributors; he also cited reported restrictions on Kindle users, as well the ability for Amazon to delete e-books and update software without the users’
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from Pamela Benavides https://pamelabenavides0.blogspot.com/2020/07/easy-ways-to-make-money-online-kindle.html via IFTTT
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Write and publish a Kindle eBook If students are good at anything, it’s researching and writing. With the Amazon Kindle store, anyone can publish an eBook and make money.
And the Kindle app is now available on almost any device (laptops, iPads, smartphones and yes, Kindles) so your global market is huge!
List your book for £1.49 – £6.99 and you earn 70% of the sale. Considering Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and remember people are looking to spend), that is a fantastic deal.
kindle ebooks
The key to success with eBooks is to create value, and write non-fiction. Simply bundling information you have researched and compiled on a common problem (eg. ‘secrets’ to finding a job) and then presenting it in an easy to digest format (an eBook) justifies someone spending a few quid on it.
Another big tip is to have a great cover designed (browse these) so it stands out, and once your book is live on the Kindle store it’s really important to get some reviews so it shows up higher in results. Encourage readers to leave an honest review at the end of your book.
The best thing about this lucrative idea is that once you’ve invested the time (say 20 hours), you’ll earn a passive income for years to come! For a step-by-step guide to publishing and earning with eBooks, see “How to write a nonfiction eBook in 21 days”.
Affiliate marketing awin affiliateIf you’ve got a good presence on social media or perhaps you even have a blog or website, you can start bringing in money immediately by promoting all sorts of companies, products, services and offers online.
Sign up as a publisher on the Awin network, check their offers blog or browse the merchant listings to find something you think your friends would be interested in, grab your affiliate link and share it. If someone buys (can be within up to 90 days) using your link you’ll make a nice commission.
To take it a step further, set up a website (read our guide) or a topical Facebook page and invite all your friends to join it and post your affiliate offers on there.
Mobile phone recycling mobile recycle
You can earn good money and help the environment by recycling your old mobile phones and other unused devices. Maybe ask your parents if they have any lying around too.
Head to our page on making money from old phones for the best companies to use and how to ensure you get all the cash quoted to you online.
Become a ‘Clickworker’ The Clickworker.com concept is based on ‘internet crowd-sourcing’ where businesses advertise specific, scalable tasks they need completing quickly. And for us, it’s an easy way to make fast cash from our couch.
There are a variety of tasks, but most commonly they involve mindless data entry, web research or form filling. You are rewarded and paid in cash (via Paypal) for the work you do, and you can choose for what and when you work. Give it a go. [If you’re US based, also try Amazon’s ‘Mechanical Turk’].
Claim tax back Many students work part-time or during the summer months, and others will be on placements or paid internships. More often than not, if you are a student working during the year, you will be overpaying income tax.
Why? Simply because few students reach the personal tax-free income allowance each year but are put on an emergency basic tax-code by their employers meaning tax is being paid when it shouldn’t be.
Click to use the Tax refund calculator
To learn more and calculate how much tax back you might be due, see our guide on student tax refunds.
Get cashback when shopping Our Quidco Cashback I earned this much in 2 years
This is not only a way to make money but also to save money as a student. If you look at it in a different way then you are making money with every purchase you would have made anyway, whether it be 10% or 0.5% cashback.
There are a number of cashback sites out there which pay you the commission they otherwise would have earned.
We recommend signing up with Top Cashback, Quidco.com and Swagbucks which are free and offer the best selection of retailers and exclusives.
Part-time job bar jobs
A part-time job is the obvious first choice, opted for by most students looking to supplement their student loan. It provides a pretty steady flow of income and can enable you to gain valuable work experience.
But good jobs are not always easy to find!
Start with our student job search, then check local classifieds and your university careers service for vacancies.
It’s also worth signing up with CV Library, a free service which will match your CV with suitable part-time jobs and career opportunities.
Read our guide to finding a part-time job whilst studying for more tips.
Gigs on Fiverr Fiverr pranks
Fiverr is now the world’s largest marketplace for people to make money selling small services (known as ‘gigs’).
What you offer could be absolutely anything, from writing and translating, social media posting, playing pranks and teaching to creating music, voiceovers and short video clips for people all around the world!
The default price is $5 (hence Fiverr..), but you can attach extra services to gigs for more money. Whilst it might not seem like much, it can quickly add up and there are plenty of examples of people making a really good living from the site. The key is to get a system in place which minimises the time spent on each gig.
But there is another way to profit even more from Fiverr for potentially far less work. How? By simply reselling gigs elsewhere. For example, find a decent logo designer then reply to jobs on Upwork or even local classifieds. A $5 spend can easily become $50+, and it’s repeatable!
If you’re not interested in selling at all there’s SO much good stuff you can get done for yourself. Have a browse and get inspired!
Review music for money If you love music, make it your business by reviewing unsigned bands and artists online for cash with Slicethepie.
It can take a while to build up your reputation but some users of the site have said that they earn £40 a month. This may not sound like much, but if it’s something you enjoy then it shouldn’t be hard work and is another thing for your CV. Money you earn will be in $US but anyone can sign up and review.
To get started, head over to Slicethepie now or read our quick guide for more info.
Sell your notes If you don’t mind sharing your notes with other students it’s a great way to generate a little extra cash. There are sites out there that you can upload your notes to, along with your price, and then when another student downloads them you get paid.
Most of these sites like Nexus Notes and Stuvia are free for you to list your notes but tend to take a cut of your profit in order to handle the marketing etc so that you don’t have to go out there and promote your notes yourself.
You will most likely have to upload PDFs but it’s worth it for the return and you can submit handwritten notes but you’re likely to make more money if they’re typed up.
Sell second-hand course books One great way to make money is to buy other students’ textbooks at the end of the year, and then sell them just after freshers’ week – when the new intake of students know that they need them!
You can either advertise on campus or list them online very easily on Amazon Marketplace (just bear in mind they take a commission on books sold).
Here are 28 other things you can sell right now!
Competitions Entering competitions of course comes with no guarantees, but there is a growing community of so-called ‘compers’ in the UK consistently making up to £50,000 a year through all sorts of competitions.
Types of competitions available to enter vary from simple registration forms and Facebook page liking to answering questions correctly over the phone to being a TV game show contestant. Imagine you made it onto Deal or No Deal instead of just watching it!
Start by entering our very own monthly student competition (Follow our Instagram page to see when our next one is)!
Then head to our active competitions page to enter other free competitions that we have found. Just note that some of these sites may send you spam so use an alias email address and opt-out of as many of the offers as possible.
For loads more tips on achieving success and making money from competitions, read our guide to entering competitions.
Buy and sell domain names domain-for-sale
A domain name is just a website address (eg. ‘savethestudent.org’ or ‘mysite.co.uk’) and there are lots of extensions (.com, .net, .co.uk etc).
They cost as little as $0.99 to register with GoDaddy.com yet premium domain names can fetch $1,000s if not millions when sold on. In 2007 VacationRentals.com went for a cool $35m!
Now you’re probably not going to come across anything like that, but you can still turn a quick profit with a bit of searching. The trick is to find available domain names which have some commercial value, snap them up and then list them for sale on a site like Sedo.com.
Mystery shopping be a mystery shopperToday becoming a mystery shopper is easier than you think and you can get rewarded handsomely.
There are dozens of agencies that pay you to visit all sorts of shops and restaurants to feedback on how they are performing. We’ve reviewed the best agencies in our guide how to become a mystery shopper.
Tasking apps are another form of mystery shopping, where you earn rewards for completing small local tasks. It can be a lot of fun too!
Be an Extra Do you fancy yourself as a budding young actor or just that person that walks past in the background shot of an episode of Eastenders? It could be you if you apply to be an extra in TV or film.
The pay isn’t bad either: £60-80 a day on average, and you hardly have to do anything!
There are lots of casting agencies that place willing extras. They make their money by taking a cut from your earnings, so always ask what that is before you take on work.
Head over to our how to become an extra guide for 5 of the better agencies, plus lots more advice on getting your first gig.
Sell all your old CDs, games and movies If you are looking to make a very quick buck, then selling your old bits and bobs that are cluttering up your room is a good idea.
The best thing about it is that you can rip all the songs and films onto your laptop or external hard drive before selling them. This means that you are only really selling the plastic and artwork!
You can earn anything from 10p to £20 per item, and the earnings can really add up if you have a large collection. Whilst you’re at it, see if your parents have any ‘clutter’ they’d be happy to see the back of.
You can also sell almost anything for free on Amazon Marketplace or Preloved and sites like MusicMagpie will pay you instantly for sending in unwanted items.
For more tips and places to sell check out our guide on selling DVDs, CDs and games.
Sell on your education! graduate_studentBecoming a tutor to other students is easier than ever. Until recently your market was limited to local face-to-face sessions, but thanks to online tutoring sites you can go global!
Udemy allows anyone to create an online course (on literally anything!) and get paid forever after as users take it up.
For one-to-one tutoring, list yourself on Superprof and UK Tutors.
You can expect to earn upwards of £10 an hour, and you don’t have to be highly qualified to tutor younger GCSE or even A Level students. Get started with our guide to making money as a private tutor.
Sell your photos If you think you’ve got a good shot and a little creativity, try uploading your photographs for free to stock websites. A good starting point is Adobe Stock or Getty Images.
Make more money selling photo subjects that have fewer search results but you feel would have some demand. It might be a good idea to test them out in print first yourself (get free photo prints here).
Rent out your car parking space car parking spaceSome student accommodation comes with a drive or garage. If you aren’t using your parking space and you live in a busy area then you might be in luck. There are plenty of people that may work in the city centre and are fed up of paying through the roof for daily parking.
Advertise your space on Gumtree, Parklet or Just Park.
Or, check out our full guide to renting out your parking space.
Babysitting It’s a classic money-maker, and for good reason. You get paid (well) to watch TV and not very much else – hopefully!
If you are wondering what to charge have a look at local ads, but you can expect to be paid over £9ph even if you aren’t trained in childcare.
Aside from advertising yourself, it’s free to create a profile on Care Babysitting. It really can be easy money (unless you get stuck with the child from hell!).
Our guide to babysitting walks you through the main considerations. For instance, in the UK you will need a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check to look after small children, even though some parents may not ask for one.
Dog walking & sitting If babies ain’t your thing, then maybe canines are… dog sitting is big business. Students especially are likely to have free time during the day when others are out at work and worried about their pets at home.
You could bag around £8 an hour per dog, and it’s also a great way to keep fit.
Join Care Pet Care who are best for dog sitting and also Tailster who specialise in dog walkers.
Become your own bank be your own bank
‘Peer-to-peer’ lending is the future of banking. It cuts out the middle-man, passing on higher interest rates to you and cheaper loans to borrowers. And it’s all managed online from the comfort of your sofa.
Founded in 2010, RateSetter was the first to reimburse lenders on late payments or defaults through its ‘Provision Fund’. Effectively it is designed to be like a normal savings account. To date RateSetter say no investors have ever lost money, and they are fully FCA regulated.
Right now you can expect to achieve up to 4% fixed return, depending on how long you choose to lend for. If you can, go for the ISA account to earn interest tax-free.
Update: for a limited time also get this £20 bonus when you deposit just £10.
Work as a charity collector Ok, so this job takes a certain kind of person, as you’ll have to take a lot of rejection and be persistent.
But if you are bubbly, personable and reckon you could sell ice to an Eskimo then this could actually be a great student money making idea. You get paid commission on new sign ups (typically around £20).
Have a look at Wesser as well as charity websites like Oxfam.
Rent out your house for filming Directors for TV and film are always on the hunt for houses to film in. For instance, a scene for Coronation Street was recently filmed in the student house one of the Save the Student editors used to live in!
Not only can you make good money but it’s crazy seeing your own place on TV. Start out by looking at this site.
Rent out your body student thinkingIf you are comfortable taking off your kit then why not try life modelling. Sit there in the buff while budding artists capture your every curve (or pokey bits) in frightening detail! Try RAM, a website especially designed for these kind of jobs.
You could also get involved in clinical drug trials, but be sure you fully appreciate any risks attached.
Warning: Do not do anything you are not comfortable with, no matter how desperate you are for money!
Freelance work Perhaps you enjoy writing, managing Facebook pages or doing a little bit of graphic design in your spare time. There are so many freelance jobs out there that require simple skills or just time that someone else might not have.
And the best thing about freelancing is that you can work for clients in the UK and around the world with just an internet connection from home, to your own hours whilst developing valuable skills.
A great place to start is with the leading freelance site Upwork.com. Or try using our student job search to find freelance jobs closer to home.
Sell clothes on eBay ebay-logoEveryone’s best friend when it comes to getting rid of junk is eBay. Online auctions are a sure-fire way to turn that sleeveless jacket (which came in and out of fashion in a week) into hard cash.
Some eBay sellers look at trends and try to predict what will be big ahead of the market. If you are good and don’t mind taking a risk then you can buy early in bulk and sell on when the craze hits.
For lots more tips on selling on eBay read this guide.
Sell your stories and videos If you have an interesting story then you could try selling it to the papers. It could be anything from sleeping with a professional footballer to getting caught in a clothes horse!
One of the Save the Student team was unfortunate enough to have a pigeon fly through and smash their window at university and sold the story to The Sun for a tidy £50.
You could also film your mates at all times and send it into You’ve Been Framed to net yourself £250 and a few seconds of fame.
YouTube videos According to recent stats we now watch more videos on YouTube than searches on Google. And with the recently introduced YouTube Partner Program you can now profit from making and uploading videos. You will receive a percentage of the advertising revenue collected per 1,000 views.
Depending on how successful you are (virality, subscriber base and topic) you can make a lot of money, and there are plenty of stories every week of more and more YouTubers making it their career.
For more tips read our guide to making money from YouTube.
Network marketing the business of the 21st centuryAlso known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), this is a business model that allows you to generate ongoing income in two ways: by making a commission selling products and by recruiting other members who go on to sell. The latter allows you to make money from the sales made by those you have recruited.
Importantly, this is not a pyramid scheme (they are illegal) because there is an end goal which involves a customer buying a product or service of value.
It’s also not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. You will have to work I’m afraid! However with the growth of social media, network marketing is becoming easier and lots of people are now making a decent living from it.
This is a serious way of making good money on your own terms and it’s well worth reading up on it. I recommend getting “The Business of the 21st Century” by Robert Kiyosaki.
Source property for wealthy investors contents insuranceWe all know how much money there is in property, but on the surface (with house prices as high as they are) you might be thinking this market is off-limits.
Truth is, lots of people make a great deal of cash simply sourcing suitable properties for wealthy investors who simply have no time.
The trick is to find properties below market value (BMV) by avoiding estate agents and instead flyering your area with your contact details offering to buy houses. Then approach investors with a no-brainer offer to pass on the details of cut-price property in exchange for a % of the sale value.
Most cities will have monthly networking events for landlords and property investors. Track these down, sign up, put on your best suit and go along with lots of business cards. Or you could start on LinkedIn or even Twitter to build some initial contacts.
As you might imagine, this isn’t necessarily a quick way to make money but once you’ve got a few investors in your phone book it can prove to be very lucrative in the long run. If you’re interested, I recommend reading this book.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies Update. We’re increasingly being asked about how to make money from Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies). This isn’t surprising given the ever-growing hype and stories of kids making millions.
Please don’t rush into buying Bitcoin to make money. It’s really important to know what you’re getting involved with. Read our new how to buy Bitcoin tutorial which explains everything you need to know.
There are many other creative ways to make money as a student, such as our 50 business ideas.
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Comments Andy
Great ideas here! I personally am a fan of blogging and YouTube as great ways to make money online! There are so many different niches available for you to build your online business. You just have to get started!
Mark Jones
Really good article with some great tips. Affiliate marketing has the potential to earn lots of money and I’m hoping I can make it happen. I have tried the matched betting and it DEFINITELY works. The one thing I would say is that you need to check that any bets have been accepted by the bookmaker. I have had on occasion bets which look like they have been accepted but don’t register in my account. Always go into your account and check outstanding bets or your bet history.
Linda Springer
A suggestion – if you are a reasonably healthy individual, try donating plasma – it’s in high demand all year round and they will compensate well particularly if you become a regular donor
I’m going for the Clinical tests…. regardless of the risks, I’d rather get rich or die trying.
Thanks you for the tips! I’ve already signed up to Tailster and got myself a few bookings, can’t thank you enough for bringing them to my attention! Tailster has helped me fund me whilst at uni, i would highly recommend anyone to use their service if you have a passion for pets with the added bonus of getting paid for something you love!
Guys thank you for these tips, I’m looking to make a little extra to fund my dream to go sailing. Though these are not big amounts they will be perfect to add a bit of money to the kitty. Every little bit counts!
I’ll be trying out quite a few of these in my spare time and will come back and leave some feedback on the ones I have tried.
Kieran Nash
How long after buying the Disney films should you put them back on sale?
What happens is they go back to the vault, and the movies suddenly become rare again. Basically put the movie on the market whenever the prices go up. It’s kinda like stocks, but much easier to predict. Just check Amazon occasionally and when the price soars, sell it.
Meri Caska
One of the best posts I have read. I loved it. thanks for sharing with us. Making some extra side hustle cash doesn’t actually have to be that complicated. As someone who’s been immersed in the field of online income generation for nearly two decades now, I can tell you that it takes some work. However, there are several clear paths forward. At the end of the day, it all boils down to what your goals are and just how much you’re looking to automate your income.
Could you make an extra $200 per month? Sure. How about an extra $1000 per month? How would that change your life? To most, it would make a monumental difference. But what if we were talking thousands more per month or even tens of thousands more? How would that alter the trajectory of your life? Clearly, you can make money on the internet. You just have to decide how much of your time it’s worth.
While we all have some extra time, it often doesn’t feel like it. But it also doesn’t take too much effort to make some extra dough on the side. We’re not talking about millions upon millions here — we’re mostly talking about doing small, bite-sized projects to generate some fast cash. And depending on your skill set, you could easily make a few hundred dollars or even a few extra thousand per month.
Related: 4 Side Gigs You Can Start Today
1. Become a virtual assistant. One simple way to make money from home is to help others complete tasks as a virtual assistant. If you’re highly organized and can properly manage your time, then becoming a virtual assistant presents a low-friction entry point into the digital services industry. You can easily perform these functions as a remote worker no matter where you live.
Finding work as a virtual assistant can be easily done through sites like Upwork, Indeed.com and Remote.co. Search the existing posted jobs and create bids. You’ll need effective communication skills and fluency in English and popular web and business software applications.
Related: Learn the 4 Principles That Helped This Virtual Company Become One of the Best Cultures in America
2. Sell stuff on eBay or Craigslist. A large subset of our society is earning a full-time income by selling items on Craigslist and eBay. You can do this by selling your own items, or you can help sell items for other people and take a small commission. Selling on eBay offers more friction than Craigslist and you’ll need to establish solid reviews before you can begin to move high-ticket items.
However, eBay does provide resources for sellers to help you get acclimated to selling on the platform. Take the time to do your due diligence and research the platform. If you have some solid online marketing skills, you’ll find this much easier than if you’re a complete newbie to the world of digital marketing.
Related: 8 Places to Sell Stuff Fast When You Really Need the Money
3. Trade cryptocurrency. As the digital world evolves, so does our currency. What seemed like a novelty yesterday will ultimately become the preferred medium for money. A Gallop poll found that 10 percent of people claimed to use cash as their preferred payment method in 2016 (down from 19 percent in 2011).
While cryptocurrency is still relatively new, it will ultimately become the standard. Bitcoin and Etherium might be the primary cryptocurrency platforms today, but the US Dollar will eventually become the Digital Dollar by leveraging the blockchain. You can take advantage of the current boom in cryptocurrency by trading it through platforms like eToro and Kraken, amongst many others.
Related: Bitcoin Is Now Classified as a Commodity in the U.S.
4. Online tutoring Websites like Skooli, Tutor Me and Tutor.com provide resources for entering into the online tutoring space. While you don’t need to use a platform like these, they provide a lower friction entry point into the market. You could also search for online tutoring gigs on a variety of other sites like Upwork, Freelancer and many more.
What types of things can you tutor online? You could easily tutor a subject like math or science, while also teaching a language if you’re bilingual. You could also tutor musical instruments like the guitar or piano, along with a slew of other subject matters.
Related: To Rapidly Enhance Your Business, Stop Selling and Start Teaching
5. Sell services on Fiverr Fiverr has grown significantly since its inception. Today, it’s a vast marketplace where you can sell just about any service under the sun. This is great if you’re looking to make money online as a digital nomad or even while sitting at home on your laptop while in your pajamas.
What, specifically, can you sell on Fiverr? Anything from graphics and design services, to digital marketing, writing and translation services, video and animation services, music and audio, programming and application development, business services and lifestyle services that includes anything from celebrity impressions to gaming.
Related: How to Use Fiverr and Skyrocket Your Startup’s Growth
6. Build sales funnels. Every successful business has an automated sales funnel. Yet, so many businesses are completely unaware of the power of an effective funnel. Sales funnels provide automation in the sales process. They help you build a relationship with your audience and develop a bond with the consumer. There are plenty of tools you can use to build a sales funnel, but the world’s most successful businesses often create custom-coded funnels.
Expert sales funnels often start with a free offer, also called the lead magnet. By delivering value in the lead magnet, you’re creating trust with the consumer. In the next step, you’d usually find what’s called a self-liquidating offer or a trip wire. These are deals that are hard to pass up, often for $7 to $47. The front-end offer is usually found beyond that along with one-time offers to help boost the lifetime value of the customer and the average cart value.
While there are considerable technique details when it comes to sales funnels, understanding them today, right now, could set you up for a higher degree of online marketing prowess. It’ll also help you scale your business by optimizing a conversion rate, then simply expanding your ad spend.
Related: What Is a Sales Funnel? The Guide to Building an Automated Selling Machine
7. Rent out your home. Another way you can make money at home is to actually rent out your home. AirBnB has carved a sizable industry out of vacation rentals. While the market did exist prior to AirBnB’s arrival, it’s certainly grown by leaps and bounds since its arrival on the scene.
In 2017, AirBnB purchased luxury vacation rental provider, Luxury Retreats, and other consolidations in the marketplace have happened with leading sites like InvitedHome’s acquisition of PPG rentals and Seasoned Dreams’ platforms, and Expedia’s $3.9 billion acquisition of another vacation rental giant, HomeAway. The market is booming and the time is ripe for entry, no matter how big or small your home or condo might be.
Related: 11 Weird and Wonderful Airbnb Listings, Including a New York Taxi and an Igloo
8. Launch an ecommerce site. Ecommerce is booming. While Amazon takes the lion’s share, consumers are buying by the droves when they can scoop up great offers. In fact, some of the leading online marketers like Neil Patel, Frank Kern, Dean Graziosi, David Sharpe, John Reese and many others, are using free-plus-shipping ecommerce and book funnels to make small fortunes. This comes back to the implementation of sales funnels within an ecommerce environment. In fact, much of what people think about traditional ecommerce stores taking months or even years to build and costing a small fortune simply isn’t true.
Related: How Can Ecommerce Owners Use the Latest Trends to Their Benefit? 5 Entrepreneurs Advise.
9. Start a blog. Blogs are quite possibly one of the best ways to earn a passive income, even while traveling the world. While starting a blog might be simple you will need to put in the work and the effort in order to reap the benefits. Plant the seeds now to enjoy the harvest later.
However, once that blog gets going, generating an income and scaling out your business is straightforward. Simply produce more content and line up more offers. As your blog grows in popularity, you’ll also be able to attract top talent willing to write for you simply in exchange for one very powerful link back to their own websites.
Related: How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online
10. Build a side hustle business. There are plenty of ideas for lucrative side hustle businesses that you could easily start from the comfort of your own home. While starting them is easy, actually putting in the work to market and grow those businesses is a bit more challenging. The hard part is seeing them through.
While you could launch a regular business selling someone else’s products, you could also invent your own product. While businesses based on inventions might seem more complex to create, they do present attractive investment opportunities as depicted on popular shows like Shark Tank.
Related: What Type of Side Hustle Should You Try? (Infographic)
11. Create webinars I’ve become obsessed with the webinar medium for selling. Building out automated webinars is one of the most useful skills you could possibly have, like entrepreneur Jason Fladlien, who’s done of $100 million in sales through webinars by only selling other people’s products and not his own.
Webinars follow a specific template and format. They’re formulaic. If you can master that formula, you can quite literally dominate in this space. Find a great business idea or opportunity that you can sell that delivers massive amounts of value.
Related: 12 Steps for Creating the Perfect Webinar
12. Social media management. Social media management is a great way to generate an income from home. Considering the expansion of social media, businesses are clamoring to find their way in front of prospects. However, most businesses haven’t got a clue about how they can increase their exposure. That’s where you come in.
Building a social media management business might take some effort and time, but it’s well worth it. You could charge a sizable monthly fee for each business to help manage their social media, allowing you to earn a full-time income doing this gig.
Liz Benny, the founder of Jinga Social, not only built one of the largest and most well-known social media management businesses out there, but also created multiple seven-figure webinars teaching people, you guessed it, how to launch your own social media management company.
Related: Top 10 Social Media Management Tools You Should Try Now
13. Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing presents a very low friction entry into selling products online. While you do need some type of audience to sell these products or services to, you could make a significant amount of money from home while doing it. Some products or services have very high earnings per click. That means, if you play your cards right, you could easily make a large profit on conversions by driving traffic to specific offers as long as you target the right interests.
You can find affiliate marketing offers on sites like ClickBank, CJ.com and Rakuten LinkShare, amongst many others. Search for the right offer and ensure that you present it to the right audience and don’t spam people about it. Do your marketing ethically.
Related: Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tracking Software Platforms
14. Create online courses. One of my absolute favorite ways to make extra money from home is to create online courses. Now, this does take an upfront investment of time. But, as any other passive income generating activity, you do the work once and get paid repeatedly for it.
Take whatever skill you have and find a way to build a course around it. Use sites like Udemy, Ankur Nagpal’s, Teachable or Jonathan Cronstedt’s Kajabi to build those courses then begin marketing.
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2jjLvcK
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.wordpress.com/2020/07/10/easy-ways-to-make-money-online-from-home-with-dr-pete/ via IFTTT
from Pamela Benavides https://pamelabenavides0.blogspot.com/2020/07/easy-ways-to-make-money-online-from.html via IFTTT
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paelabnavides0 · 5 years ago
via Pamela Benavides,
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Easy Ways to Make Money Online Physical Products With Dr Pete Easy ways to make money online physical products with dr pete
An online marketplace (or online e-commerce marketplace) is a type of e-commerce site where product or service information is provided by multiple third parties. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce and can be a way to streamline the production process.
In an online marketplace, consumer transactions are processed by the marketplace operator and then delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers. Other capabilities might include auctioning (forward or reverse), catalogs, ordering, wanted advertisement, trading exchange functionality and capabilities like RFQ, RFI or RFP. These type of sites allow users to register and sell single items to many items for a “post-selling” fee.
In general, because marketplaces aggregate products from a wide array of providers, selection is usually more wide, and availability is higher than in vendor-specific online retail stores.[1] Since 2014 online marketplaces have become abundant.[2] Some online market places have a wide variety of general interest products that cater to almost all the needs of the consumers, others are consumer specific and cater to a particular segment
Contents 1Online retailing 2For services and outsourcing 3The sharing economy 4Online marketing intermediaries 5Criticism 6Market economy 7See also 8References Online retailing Online marketplaces are information technology companies that act as intermediaries by connecting sellers and consumers. Examples of prevalent online marketplaces for retailing consumer goods and services are Amazon, Taobao and eBay, which cut its “buy-it-now” online auction fee in 2008. On the website of the online marketplace sellers can publish their product offering with a price and information on the product’s features and qualities. Potential customers can search and browse goods, compare price and quality, and then purchase the goods directly from the seller. The inventory is held by the sellers, not the company running the online marketplace. Online marketplaces are characterized by a low setup cost for sellers, because they do not have to run a retail store. For consumers, online marketplaces reduce the search cost, but insufficient information on the quality of goods and an overloaded goods offering can make it more difficult for consumers to make purchasing decisions. Consumers’ ability to make a purchasing decision is also hampered by the fact that an online marketplace only allows them to examine the quality of a product based on its description, a picture and customer reviews.[3]
For services and outsourcing There are marketplaces for the online outsourcing of professional services like IT services,[4] search engine optimization, marketing, and skilled crafts & trades work.[5]
The sharing economy In 2004 Yochai Benkler noted that online platforms, alongside free software and wireless networks, allowed households to share idle or underused resources.[6] As the sharing economy inspires itself largely from the open source philosophy,[7] open source projects dedicated to launching a peer to peer marketplace include Cocorico[8] and Sharetribe.[9] In 2010 CouchSurfing was constituted as for-profit corporation and by 2014 online marketplaces that consider themselves part of the sharing economy, such as Uber and Airbnb, organized in the trade association Peers.org.[10] In 2015 Alex Stephany, the founder of online marketplace JustPark, defined the sharing economy as the economic value arising from making underutilized assets available online. 6 Creative Ideas to Make Money Selling Physical Products By Kari Sayers Leave a Comment This post may be sponsored or contain affiliate links. All opinions are 100% my own.
Can you make money selling a physical product on a blog? Table of Contents 1 Can you make money selling a physical product on a blog? 2 6 Creative Ideas to Make Money Selling Physical Products 3 Sell Homemade Lip Gloss 4 Sell Handmade Jewelry Online 5 Sell Crochet and Knitted Items Online 6 Sell Paperback Books Online 7 Sell Paperback Journals and Planners Online 8 Sell Drop Shipped Items With An Online Store 9 Did you enjoy this post about selling physical products? You might also like… Make money with a physical product
I know I talk a lot on this blog about creating and selling digital products, but it is absolutely possible to find creative ways to make money selling physical products via your online business as well!
Currently, I have two ways that I make money selling physical products. My primary source of income from physical products comes from selling paperback journals using Amazon’s print on demand service. Here’s an example of my most recent journal.
A secondary source of physical product income comes from a t-shirt that I also sell on Amazon. I paid a graphic designer to create a shirt design for me a few years ago and I made it available for sale via Amazon Merch.
I make a few sales here and there. It’s not a significant source of income for me, but there are definitely people who have created full-time passive income selling shirts.
My physical product business is small time right now. In the near future, I plan to sell more journals and planners through my personal development brand. For now, I just love being inspired by the creative journeys of other mompreneurs rocking their physical product businesses.
Check out these physical products below being offered by some amazing women making their mark in the online business world!
6 Creative Ideas to Make Money Selling Physical Products Sell Homemade Lip Gloss Yolanda, who happens to be one of my best friends from college, recently started Sweet Tooth Lip Gloss for kids with her 6-year old daughter.
Sweet Tooth Lip Gloss
Sell Handmade Jewelry Online Kandy Davis is the Artisan and Founder of Kardinal Kandy, a collection of handmade jewelry! Her jewelry is inspired by her travels and is totally customizable.
Each design is crafted color by color and each pair is as unique as the lady who will wear them! You can find Kandy’s jewelry here.
Sell Handmade Jewelry
Sell Crochet and Knitted Items Online Taylor is a blogger/etsy seller who makes crochet and knitwear items, as well as designs and sells her own patterns! Her twist knit headbands have been a great hit this season. They come in tons of colors and make the perfect one size fits all gift for loved ones.
You can check out Taylor’s Etsy shop here.
Sell Paperback Books Online Kyle Beale runs a travel blog called Oliver’s France where she posts twice each month about cool places to visit in France as well as tips and special activities to do there. She wrote and published three books including Magical Paris: Over 100 things to do Across Paris, Real French for Travelers, and A French Garden: The Loire Valley.
Sell Paperback Books
Dr. JB Kirby is the creator of the website, The Voice of Chronic Pain. She realized that there were a lot of people who needed the support of knowing that they were not alone with pain. With this in mind, she wrote and published her personal story about managing chronic pain.
Her book, Pain Management Decoded: Surviving and Thriving with Chronic Pain, became an Amazon bestseller.
Sell Paperback Journals and Planners Online Tamara Bell is a lecturer in both the Journalism and Advertising & Public Relations schools at The University of Texas at Austin. She is also the creator of The Quote Keeper: A Journal for Collecting & Reflecting On Your Favorite Quotes.
The idea for the journal came to her as she was reading Brain Pickings the Sunday after her father’s funeral. As she was adding quotes to her blank journal, she thought of a way to do it better!
Her creative journal pairs your favorite inspiring, motivating, and encouraging quotes with 65 beautiful illustrations, or quote posters, to spark an exploration of what makes you, you. (P.S. She also sells one for left-handers!)
Shantequa McGill is the creator of “The Mompreneur Movement”, a safe haven for new and aspiring Mompreneurs. Here mompreneurs can connect, learn, grow, share information, and be encouraged to build successful businesses so that they can leave a legacy. She is also the creator of Focused and Fabulous: The Mompreneur’s Quarter 1 Goal-Getter Planner. This planner was created, specifically, for the busy Mompreneur that needs the perfect tool to help them stay organized and on top of their goals!
Shantequa is also the creator of a mompreneur apparel line.
Sell a Planner
Sell Drop Shipped Items With An Online Store Beck Beach is the owner of the online store BeachSugar.com. One of her most popular dropship items is her Beach Sugar Luminous Purse.
On her blog, MomBeach.com, Beck writes articles on how other moms can get started with making their own Shopify stores to start dropshipping.
I hope these entrepreneurs and their products inspire you to take a closer look at creating a physical product as a creative way to make money!
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About Kari Sayers Kari is a wife, a mom of twin boys, and the founder of MompreneurMoney.com. She is the author of several books and online courses for business moms. Her biggest passion is helping mom entrepreneurs to create passive income while balancing family life.
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Top 5 Easy Ways to Make Money Selling Physical Products Online GUEST CONTRIBUTOR 1 COMMENT
Share 4 Tweet Pin 1 Share 5SHARES How to Make Money Selling Physical Products OnlineAs the Internet has evolved and ecommerce and delivery systems have improved, more retailers have decided to sell their physical products over the internet. Setting up an online store that sells physical items is a relatively easy and affordable way to start an online business, and you could be selling your products pretty quickly to a local and worldwide market.
How To Make Money Selling Physical Products Online If you’re not sure how to sell physical items online, you may get inspiration from the list below.
Third Party Ecommerce Systems If you want another company to take care of the technical side of your online business, you have a wide range of third-party shopping systems like Shopify to choose from. There are numerous Shopify reviews that will explain why it’s such a popular Ecommerce platform.
Third party systems are usually extremely secure and they are updated on a regular basis by the security team of the company you are dealing with. You can easily change the look of your website and add products. You are normally charged a monthly or annual fee to set up shop, but it’s well worth the money.
Set Up Your Own Ecommerce Store If you are able to store your own products and fulfill online orders, you may be in a position to set up your own ecommerce store on your own domain and hosting platform. There are many shopping systems available that allow you to display your products, take orders, process payments and fulfill each order taken through your website.
With these systems, you have total control of them and you can make changes to these systems whenever you wish. However, you need to keep your ecommerce system maintained and secure with the latest security updates.
Dropshipping Dropshipping is an extremely popular and straightforward way to sell physical products through another company. Your online store sells the physical item and this product is bought from a dropshipping company at a reduced price.
Mediavine The product is then shipped to your customer by the dropshipping company. Your profit is the difference between the price you charge your customer for the item sold and the price the dropshipper charges you to fulfill the order.
Auction Websites Since eBay was established, a huge number of auction websites have emerged. They can be a great place to pick up a bargain if you’re a shopper, and these websites are also the perfect places to sell all kinds of physical items because thousands of shoppers flock to auction websites every day.
Amazon And Other Leading Marketplaces Sometimes it pays to piggyback off the popularity of other websites, instead of going it alone. Many of the world’s biggest marketplaces like Amazon allow retailers to sell their products on these huge websites. In some cases, these companies even store and fulfill all of your orders, so that you can focus on promoting your products to more shoppers and customers.
It’s never been as easy as it is now to set up an online store. ecommerce technologies keep improving and more shoppers want to buy items online, so you should seriously consider each of the options above.
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2jio7Bj
from Income Replacement Academy https://incomereplacementacademy.wordpress.com/2020/07/05/easy-ways-to-make-money-online-physical-products-with-dr-pete/ via IFTTT
from Pamela Benavides https://pamelabenavides0.blogspot.com/2020/07/easy-ways-to-make-money-online-physical.html via IFTTT
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paelabnavides0 · 5 years ago
via Pamela Benavides,
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Easy Ways to Make Money Online- Digital Products With Dr Pete
An electronic book, also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices.[1] Although sometimes defined as “an electronic version of a printed book”,[2] some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. E-books can be read on dedicated e-reader devices, but also on any computer device that features a controllable viewing screen, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
In the 2000s, there was a trend of print and e-book sales moving to the Internet,[citation needed] where readers buy traditional paper books and e-books on websites using e-commerce systems. With print books, readers are increasingly browsing through images of the covers of books on publisher or bookstore websites and selecting and ordering titles online; the paper books are then delivered to the reader by mail or another delivery service. With e-books, users can browse through titles online, and then when they select and order titles, the e-book can be sent to them online or the user can download the e-book.[3] By the early 2010s, e-books had begun to overtake hardcover by overall publication figures in the U.S.[4]
The main reasons for people buying e-books are possibly lower prices, increased comfort (as they can buy from home or on the go with mobile devices) and a larger selection of titles.[5] With e-books, “[e]lectronic bookmarks make referencing easier, and e-book readers may allow the user to annotate pages.” [6] “Although fiction and non-fiction books come in e-book formats, technical material is especially suited for e-book delivery because it can be [electronically] searched” for keywords. In addition, for programming books, code examples can be copied.[6] The amount of e-book reading is increasing in the U.S.; by 2014, 28% of adults had read an e-book, compared to 23% in 2013. This is increasing, because by 2014 50% of American adults had an e-reader or a tablet, compared to 30% owning such devices in 2013.[7] Website monetization is the process of converting existing traffic being sent to a particular website into revenue. The most popular ways of monetizing a website are by implementing pay per click (PPC) and cost per impression (CPI/CPM) advertising. Various ad networks facilitate a webmaster in placing advertisements on pages of the website to benefit from the traffic the site is experiencing.
The two most important metrics that matter to a web publisher looking to monetize their site is “Fill Rate”, or the % of inventory where ads can be shown by a partner advertising network, and eCPM, which is the effective cost per thousand impression dollar amount that is paid out to the publisher for showing ads to their audience.
Additionally, aside from typical ad display and various advertising generated revenue, some webmasters or site owners utilize Lead Generation to monetize Internet traffic to a website by creating leads or inquiries from submission forms or phone calls from interested consumers and then delivering those leads to a business seeking that type of inquiry Pay per click advertising Main article: Pay per click Pay per click (also called Cost per click) is a marketing strategy put in place by search engines and various advertising networks such as Google Ads, where an advertisement, usually targeted by keywords or general topic, is placed on a relevant website or within search engine results. The advertiser then pays for every click that is made on the advertisement. This paid click activity fuels many revenue generating programs such as Google Adsense.
Cost per impression advertising Main article: Cost per impression Cost per impression (also called cost per mille) is a marketing strategy put in place by various advertising networks, where an advert is placed on a relevant website, usually targeted to the content sector of that site. The advertiser then pays for every time the advert is displayed to a user. Most system will use a method known as cost per thousand impressions. If a website publisher charges $4.00 CPM, the advertiser is paying $4.00 for every 1,000 ad impressions (each time the ad is shown 1,000 times).[1] Banner advertising Main article: Web banner Banner advertising consists of placing a graphical banner advertisement on a webpage. The role of this banner is to catch the eye of incoming traffic to the page, enticing readers to click the advertisement. This form of monetization is implemented by both affiliate programs and advertising networks. Banners originally just referred to advertisements of 468 x 60 pixels, but the term is now widely used to refer to all sizes of display advertising on the internet.[2]
Typical web banner, sized 468×60 pixels. Banner ad types Banner ads come in various shapes and sizes and are sized according to pixel dimensions.[3] Typical banner sizes include:
Leaderboard 728 x 90 Banner 468 x 60 Skyscraper 120 x 600 Top cube, NTV (nex to video), IM (instand message) are widely used in 300×250 format Wide Skyscraper 160 x 600[4] Various Banner Ad Networks : BuySellAds.com, Blogads[5] “BING ads by Microsoft”,[6]
Affiliate programs Main article: Affiliate marketing Affiliate programs are another popular way of monetizing existing website traffic. By joining a business’ affiliate program, any searches for products within that business’ catalog may earn affiliates a commission on each sale that was originally referred through their website.
Data monetization Main article: Data monetization Websites also generate valuable user data that can be monetized through various methods. Data generated by websites about their users can range from being demographics to in-market data (e.g. in-market for a car).[7] This data can be sold through behavioral data exchanges and used by advertisers to target their online media campaigns. Websites can also generate revenue from their newsletter and on-site registrations programs by finding companies whom are eager to reach the newsletters subscriber base.[8] Another method of monetizing data is through the use of a surveywall instead of a paywall, asking users to take a short survey, rather than paying the website directly. The website is then paid by the surveywall operator (such as Survata).
Paid subscriptions Paid membership or ‘continuity’ programs are another way to monetize existing traffic. Examples of media membership sites are the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times[9]. In the gaming world, Blizzard’s World of Warcraft has millions of members. However there are many other kinds of member sites that cover niche markets. Often people join to get access to content and expertise, or for community, such as discussion or bulletin boards. The term “continuity” is used because the goal is to develop income continuity. Instead of making a one-time sale of a product or service, the membership site brings new, repeated income every month. Besides news, other kinds of membership site include: health, fitness, marketing, copy writing, social media expertise, paper products, dating, paper crafting, scrap booking, coaching, writing and many other applications.
Experts in the membership site field say that “people come for content and stay for community.”[10] The challenge of a member site is to retain paying members. Some sites, like the New York Times, offers some content free and then charges a fee for more in-depth access, or access to special kinds of content[11]. Some sites offer downloads of audio or video content, free graphics, free software that is only available to members with a Creative Market. Many sites also offer webinars to members. The webinars are often recorded as video, audio and also transcribed, creating more special content that is behind the pay wall.
Fees for membership vary widely. They can be billed monthly, annually, or even lifetime memberships. The digital access to the website is sometimes sold as part of a combination package that also includes physical product. For example, the Wall Street Journal offers a combination paper subscription, which is delivered to the subscriber’s door, combined with access to the website and the smartphone app versions of the paper for about $140. Another site that sells membership to large corporations in the mobile phone industry, charges up to $12,000.00 a year for membership, which gives tech employees the right to pay to attend conferences on different aspects of the technology of cellular phones, and to access, on the website, recordings of past meetings. Business sites may offer a special information package, perhaps CDs or DVDs shipped to the new member as part of a package that includes membership.
Affiliate marketing is sometimes used to build membership in membership sites.[12] Some sites continue to pay a percentage to the referring affiliate as long as the member continues paying monthly fees. Others pay a larger up-front fee. The page that marketers use a marketing or social media “funnel” to bring potential new paying members to is called a “squeeze” page. Structure The industry has four core players:[citation needed]
the merchant (also known as ‘advertiser’ or ‘retailer’ or ‘brand’) the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments) the publisher (also known as ‘the affiliate’) the customer The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates, and specialized third party vendors.[citation needed]
Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC – Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, content marketing, and (in some sense) display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.[citation needed]
Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to the retailer. The two forms of marketing are differentiated, however, in how they drive sales, where affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations, while referral marketing relies more on trust and personal relationships.[citation needed]
Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers.[6] While search engines, e-mail, and web site syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers’ marketing strategies.[citation needed]
History Origin The concept of revenue sharing—paying commission for referred business—predates affiliate marketing and the Internet. The translation of the revenue share principles to mainstream e-commerce happened in November 1994,[7] almost four years after the origination of the World Wide Web.
The concept of affiliate marketing on the Internet was conceived of, put into practice and patented by William J. Tobin, the founder of PC Flowers & Gifts. Launched on the Prodigy Network in 1989, PC Flowers & Gifts remained on the service until 1996. By 1993, PC Flowers & Gifts generated sales in excess of $6 million per year on the Prodigy service. In 1998, PC Flowers and Gifts developed the business model of paying a commission on sales to the Prodigy Network.[8][9]
In 1994, Tobin launched a beta version of PC Flowers & Gifts on the Internet in cooperation with IBM, who owned half of Prodigy.[10] By 1995 PC Flowers & Gifts had launched a commercial version of the website and had 2,600 affiliate marketing partners on the World Wide Web. Tobin applied for a patent on tracking and affiliate marketing on January 22, 1996, and was issued U.S. Patent number 6,141,666 on Oct 31, 2000. Tobin also received Japanese Patent number 4021941 on Oct 5, 2007, and U.S. Patent number 7,505,913 on Mar 17, 2009, for affiliate marketing and tracking.[11] In July 1998 PC Flowers and Gifts merged with Fingerhut and Federated Department Stores.[12]
In November 1994, CDNow launched its BuyWeb program. CDNow had the idea that music-oriented websites could review or list albums on their pages that their visitors might be interested in purchasing. These websites could also offer a link that would take visitors directly to CDNow to purchase the albums. The idea for remote purchasing originally arose from conversations with music label Geffen Records in the fall of 1994. The management at Geffen wanted to sell its artists’ CD’s directly from its website but did not want to implement this capability itself. Geffen asked CDNow if it could design a program where CDNow would handle the order fulfillment. Geffen realized that CDNow could link directly from the artist on its website to Geffen’s website, bypassing the CDNow home page and going directly to an artist’s music page.[13]
Amazon.com (Amazon) launched its associate program in July 1996: Amazon associates could place banner or text links on their site for individual books, or link directly to the Amazon home page.[14]
When visitors clicked on the associate’s website to go to Amazon and purchase a book, the associate received a commission. Amazon was not the first merchant to offer an affiliate program, but its program was the first to become widely known and serve as a model for subsequent programs.[15][16]
In February 2000, Amazon announced that it had been granted a patent[17] on components of an affiliate program. The patent application was submitted in June 1997, which predates most affiliate programs, but not PC Flowers & Gifts.com (October 1994), AutoWeb.com (October 1995), Kbkids.com/BrainPlay.com (January 1996), EPage (April 1996), and several others.[18]
Historic development Affiliate marketing has grown quickly since its inception. The e-commerce website, viewed as a marketing toy in the early days of the Internet, became an integrated part of the overall business plan and in some cases grew to a bigger business than the existing offline business. According to one report, the total sales amount generated through affiliate networks in 2006 was £2.16 billion in the United Kingdom alone. The estimates were £1.35 billion in sales in 2005.[19] MarketingSherpa’s research team estimated that, in 2006, affiliates worldwide earned US$6.5 billion in bounty and commissions from a variety of sources in retail, personal finance, gaming and gambling, travel, telecom, education, publishing, and forms of lead generation other than contextual advertising programs.[20]
In 2006, the most active sectors for affiliate marketing were the adult gambling, retail industries and file-sharing services.[21]:149–150 The three sectors expected to experience the greatest growth are the mobile phone, finance, and travel sectors.[21] Soon after these sectors came the entertainment (particularly gaming) and Internet-related services (particularly broadband) sectors. Also several of the affiliate solution providers expect to see increased interest from business-to-business marketers and advertisers in using affiliate marketing as part of their mix.[21]:149–150
Web 2.0 Websites and services based on Web 2.0 concepts—blogging and interactive online communities, for example—have impacted the affiliate marketing world as well. These platforms allow improved communication between merchants and affiliates. Web 2.0 platforms have also opened affiliate marketing channels to personal bloggers, writers, and independent website owners. Contextual ads allow publishers with lower levels of web traffic to place affiliate ads on websites.[citation needed]
Forms of new media have also diversified how companies, brands, and ad networks serve ads to visitors. For instance, YouTube allows video-makers to embed advertisements through Google’s affiliate network.[citation needed] New developments have made it more difficult for unscrupulous affiliates to make money. Emerging black sheep are detected and made known to the affiliate marketing community with much greater speed and efficiency.[citation needed]
Compensation methods Main article: Compensation methods Predominant compensation methods Eighty percent of affiliate programs today use revenue sharing or pay per sale (PPS) as a compensation method, nineteen percent use cost per action (CPA), and the remaining programs use other methods such as cost per click (CPC) or cost per mille (CPM, cost per estimated 1000 views).[22]
Diminished compensation methods Within more mature markets, less than one percent of traditional affiliate marketing programs today use cost per click and cost per mille. However, these compensation methods are used heavily in display advertising and paid search.
Cost per mille requires only that the publisher make the advertising available on his or her website and display it to the page visitors in order to receive a commission. Pay per click requires one additional step in the conversion process to generate revenue for the publisher: A visitor must not only be made aware of the advertisement but must also click on the advertisement to visit the advertiser’s website.
Cost per click was more common in the early days of affiliate marketing but has diminished in use over time due to click fraud issues very similar to the click fraud issues modern search engines are facing today. Contextual advertising programs are not considered in the statistic pertaining to the diminished use of cost per click, as it is uncertain if contextual advertising can be considered affiliate marketing.
While these models have diminished in mature e-commerce and online advertising markets they are still prevalent in some more nascent industries. China is one example where Affiliate Marketing does not overtly resemble the same model in the West. With many affiliates being paid a flat “Cost Per Day” with some networks offering Cost Per Click or CPM.
Performance/affiliate marketing In the case of cost per mille/click, the publisher is not concerned about whether a visitor is a member of the audience that the advertiser tries to attract and is able to convert because at this point the publisher has already earned his commission. This leaves the greater, and, in case of cost per mille, the full risk and loss (if the visitor cannot be converted) to the advertiser.
Cost per action/sale methods require that referred visitors do more than visit the advertiser’s website before the affiliate receives a commission. The advertiser must convert that visitor first. It is in the best interest of the affiliate to send the most closely targeted traffic to the advertiser as possible to increase the chance of a conversion. The risk and loss are shared between the affiliate and the advertiser.
Affiliate marketing is also called “performance marketing”, in reference to how sales employees are typically being compensated. Such employees are typically paid a commission for each sale they close, and sometimes are paid performance incentives for exceeding objectives.[23] Affiliates are not employed by the advertiser whose products or services they promote, but the compensation models applied to affiliate marketing are very similar to the ones used for people in the advertisers’ internal sales department.
The phrase, “Affiliates are an extended sales force for your business”, which is often used to explain affiliate marketing, is not completely accurate. The primary difference between the two is that affiliate marketers provide little if any influence on a possible prospect in the conversion process once that prospect is directed to the advertiser’s website. The sales team of the advertiser, however, does have the control and influence up to the point where the prospect either a) signs the contract, or b) completes the purchase.
Multi-tier programs Some advertisers offer multi-tier programs that distribute commission into a hierarchical referral network of sign-ups and sub-partners. In practical terms, publisher “A” signs up to the program with an advertiser and gets rewarded for the agreed activity conducted by a referred visitor. If publisher “A” attracts publishers “B” and “C” to sign up for the same program using his sign-up code, all future activities performed by publishers “B” and “C” will result in additional commission (at a lower rate) for publisher “A”.
Two-tier programs exist in the minority of affiliate programs; most are simply one-tier. Referral programs beyond two-tier resemble multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing but are different: Multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing associations tend to have more complex commission requirements/qualifications than standard affiliate programs.[citation needed]
From the advertiser’s perspective Advantages for merchants Merchants favor affiliate marketing because in most cases it uses a “pay for performance” model, meaning that the merchant does not incur a marketing expense unless results are accrued (excluding any initial setup cost).[24]
Implementation options Some merchants run their own (in-house) affiliate programs using dedicated software, while others use third-party intermediaries to track traffic or sales that are referred from affiliates. There are two different types of affiliate management methods used by merchants: standalone software or hosted services, typically called affiliate networks. Payouts to affiliates or publishers can be made by the networks on behalf of the merchant, by the network, consolidated across all merchants where the publisher has a relationship with and earned commissions or directly by the merchant itself.
Affiliate management and program management outsourcing Uncontrolled affiliate programs aid rogue affiliates, who use spamming,[25] trademark infringement, false advertising, cookie stuffing, typosquatting,[26] and other unethical methods that have given affiliate marketing a negative reputation.
Some merchants are using outsourced (affiliate) program management (OPM) companies, which are themselves often run by affiliate managers and network program managers.[27] OPM companies perform affiliate program management for the merchants as a service, similar to the role an advertising agencies serves in offline marketing.
Types of affiliate websites
This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. (February 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Affiliate websites are often categorized by merchants (advertisers) and affiliate networks. There are currently no industry-wide standards for the categorization. The following types of websites are generic, yet are commonly understood and used by affiliate marketers.
Search affiliates that utilize pay per click search engines to promote the advertisers’ offers (i.e., search arbitrage) Price comparison service websites and directories Loyalty websites, typically characterized by providing a reward or incentive system for purchases via points, miles, cash back Cause Related Marketing sites that offer charitable donations Coupon and rebate websites that focus on sales promotions Content and niche market websites, including product review sites Personal websites Weblogs and websites syndication feeds E-mail marketing list affiliates (i.e., owners of large opt-in -mail lists that typically employ e-mail drip marketing) and newsletter list affiliates, which are typically more content-heavy Registration path or co-registration affiliates who include offers from other merchants during the registration process on their own website Shopping directories that list merchants by categories without providing coupons, price comparisons, or other features based on information that changes frequently, thus requiring continual updates Cost per action networks (i.e., top-tier affiliates) that expose offers from the advertiser with which they are affiliated with their own network of affiliates Websites using adbars (e.g. AdSense) to display context-sensitive advertising for products on the site Virtual currency that offers advertising views in exchange for a handout of virtual currency in a game or other virtual platform. File-Sharing: Web sites that host directories of music, movies, games and other software. Users upload content to file-hosting sites and then post descriptions of the material and their download links on directory sites. Uploaders are paid by the file-hosting sites based on the number of times their files are downloaded. The file-hosting sites sell premium download access to the files to the general public. The websites that host the directory services sell advertising and do not host the files themselves. Video sharing websites: YouTube videos are often utilized by affiliates to do affiliate marketing. A person would create a video and place a link to the affiliate product they are promoting in the video itself and within the description. Publisher recruitment Affiliate networks that already have several advertisers typically also have a large pool of publishers. These publishers could be potentially recruited, and there is also an increased chance that publishers in the network apply to the program on their own, without the need for recruitment efforts by the advertiser.
Relevant websites that attract the same target audiences as the advertiser but without competing with it are potential affiliate partners as well. Vendors or existing customers can also become recruits if doing so makes sense and does not violate any laws or regulations (such as with pyramid schemes).
Almost any website could be recruited as an affiliate publisher, but high traffic websites are more likely interested in (for their sake) low-risk cost per mille or medium-risk cost per click deals rather than higher-risk cost per action or revenue share deals.[28]
Locating affiliate programs There are three primary ways to locate affiliate programs for a target website:
Affiliate program directories, Large affiliate networks that provide the platform for dozens or even hundreds of advertisers, and The target website itself. (Websites that offer an affiliate program often have a link titled “affiliate program”, “affiliates”, “referral program”, or “webmasters”—usually in the footer or “About” section of the website.) If the above locations do not yield information pertaining to affiliates, it may be the case that there exists a non-public affiliate program. Utilizing one of the common website correlation methods may provide clues about the affiliate network. The most definitive method for finding this information is to contact the website owner directly if a contact method can be located.
Past and current issues Since the emergence of affiliate marketing, there has been little control over affiliate activity. Unscrupulous affiliates have used spam, false advertising, forced clicks (to get tracking cookies set on users’ computers), adware, and other methods to drive traffic to their sponsors. Although many affiliate programs have terms of service that contain rules against spam, this marketing method has historically proven to attract abuse from spammers.
E-mail spam In the infancy of affiliate marketing, many Internet users held negative opinions due to the tendency of affiliates to use spam to promote the programs in which they were enrolled.[29] As affiliate marketing matured, many affiliate merchants have refined their terms and conditions to prohibit affiliates from spamming.
Malicious browser extensions A browser extension is a plug-in that extends the functionality of a web browser. Some extensions are authored using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Most modern web browsers have a whole slew of third-party extensions available for download. In recent years, there has been a constant rise in the number of malicious browser extensions flooding the web. Malicious browser extensions will often appear to be legitimate as they seem to originate from vendor websites and come with glowing customer reviews.[30] In the case of affiliate marketing, these malicious extensions are often used to redirect a user’s browser to send fake clicks to websites that are supposedly part of legitimate affiliate marketing programs. Typically, users are completely unaware this is happening other than their browser performance slowing down. Websites end up paying for fake traffic numbers, and users are unwitting participants in these ad schemes.
Search engine spam As search engines have become more prominent, some affiliate marketers have shifted from sending e-mail spam to creating automatically generated web pages that often contain product data feeds provided by merchants. The goal of such web pages is to manipulate the relevancy or prominence of resources indexed by a search engine, also known as spamdexing. Each page can be targeted to a different niche market through the use of specific keywords, with the result being a skewed form of search engine optimization.
Spam is the biggest threat to organic search engines, whose goal is to provide quality search results for keywords or phrases entered by their users. Google’s PageRank algorithm update (“BigDaddy”) in February 2006—the final stage of Google’s major update (“Jagger”) that began in mid-summer 2005—specifically targeted spamdexing with great success. This update thus enabled Google to remove a large amount of mostly computer-generated duplicate content from its index.[31]
Websites consisting mostly of affiliate links have previously held a negative reputation for underdelivering quality content. In 2005 there were active changes made by Google, where certain websites were labeled as “thin affiliates”.[32] Such websites were either removed from Google’s index or were relocated within the results page (i.e., moved from the top-most results to a lower position). To avoid this categorization, affiliate marketer webmasters must create quality content on their websites that distinguishes their work from the work of spammers or banner farms, which only contain links leading to merchant sites.
Adware Although it differs from spyware, adware often uses the same methods and technologies. Merchants initially were uninformed about adware, what impact it had, and how it could damage their brands. Affiliate marketers became aware of the issue much more quickly, especially because they noticed that adware often overwrites tracking cookies, thus resulting in a decline of commissions. Affiliates not employing adware felt that it was stealing commission from them. Adware often has no valuable purpose and rarely provides any useful content to the user, who is typically unaware that such software is installed on his/her computer.
Affiliates discussed the issues in Internet forums and began to organize their efforts. They believed that the best way to address the problem was to discourage merchants from advertising via adware. Merchants that were either indifferent to or supportive of adware were exposed by affiliates, thus damaging those merchants’ reputations and tarnishing their affiliate marketing efforts. Many affiliates either terminated the use of such merchants or switched to a competitor’s affiliate program. Eventually, affiliate networks were also forced by merchants and affiliates to take a stand and ban certain adware publishers from their network. The result was Code of Conduct by Commission Junction/beFree and Performics,[33] LinkShare’s Anti-Predatory Advertising Addendum,[34] and ShareASale’s complete ban of software applications as a medium for affiliates to promote advertiser offers.[35] Regardless of the progress made, adware continues to be an issue, as demonstrated by the class action lawsuit against ValueClick and its daughter company Commission Junction filed on April 20, 2007.[36]
Trademark bidding Affiliates were among the earliest adopters of pay per click advertising when the first pay-per-click search engines emerged during the end of the 1990s. Later in 2000 Google launched its pay per click service, Google AdWords, which is responsible for the widespread use and acceptance of pay per click as an advertising channel. An increasing number of merchants engaged in pay per click advertising, either directly or via a search marketing agency, and realized that this space was already occupied by their affiliates. Although this situation alone created advertising channel conflicts and debates between advertisers and affiliates, the largest issue concerned affiliates bidding on advertisers names, brands, and trademarks.[37] Several advertisers began to adjust their affiliate program terms to prohibit their affiliates from bidding on those type of keywords. Some advertisers, however, did and still do embrace this behavior, going so far as to allow, or even encourage, affiliates to bid on any term, including the advertiser’s trademarks.
Compensation disclosure Bloggers and other publishers may not be aware of disclosure guidelines set forth by the FTC. Guidelines affect celebrity endorsements, advertising language, and blogger compensation.[38]
Lack of industry standards Certification and training Affiliate marketing currently lacks industry standards for training and certification. There are some training courses and seminars that result in certifications; however, the acceptance of such certifications is mostly due to the reputation of the individual or company issuing the certification. Affiliate marketing is not commonly taught in universities, and only a few college instructors work with Internet marketers to introduce the subject to students majoring in marketing.[39]
Education occurs most often in “real life” by becoming involved and learning the details as time progresses. Although there are several books on the topic, some so-called “how-to” or “silver bullet” books instruct readers to manipulate holes in the Google algorithm, which can quickly become out of date,[39] or suggest strategies no longer endorsed or permitted by advertisers.[citation needed]
Outsourced Program Management companies typically combine formal and informal training, providing much of their training through group collaboration and brainstorming. Such companies also try to send each marketing employee to the industry conference of their choice.[40]
Other training resources used include online forums, weblogs, podcasts, video seminars, and specialty websites.
Code of conduct A code of conduct was released by affiliate networks Commission Junction/beFree and Performics in December 2002 to guide practices and adherence to ethical standards for online advertising.
Sales tax vulnerability In 2008 the state of New York passed a law asserting sales tax jurisdiction over Amazon.com sales to New York residents. New York was aware of Amazon affiliates operating within the state. In Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, the US Supreme Court ruled that the presence of independent sales representatives may allow a state to require sales tax collections. New York determined that affiliates are such independent sales representatives. The New York law became known as “Amazon’s law” and was quickly emulated by other states.[41] While that was the first time states successfully addressed the internet tax gap, since 2018 states have been free to assert sales tax jurisdiction over sales to their residents regardless of the presence of retailer affiliates.[42]
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