#just as willing to infringe upon our civil liberties as we feared trump would be
fellow usamericans just a small reminder (bc I feel like I need to hear it rn) that the primary elections are still a thing and we shouldn't have to settle for less just because the pres sucks rn. I feel like the vast majority of democratic voters are less than pleased with the current genocide enabling state of affairs so really. we should pick another candidate, (someone younger and less prone to do literally nothing for 4 years of presidency ideally,) and vote them for pres candidate. we got a good chance of being heard I think. and then we should vote them into potus power with a swiftness. numbers that blow the last election out the water. check your voting status y'all they tryna silence our voices more than ever but if we can make some sort of change at the polls we should damn well try fr
(remember: presidential primaries are in march! check your voter status both now and somewhere in february jic!!)
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