#just another random moment where i remember just how much i adore hunter
Examples #56,282-56,285 of Hunter being an exceptional older brother/leader:
- Noticing Crosshair's continued hand tremor, but being discreet about it
- Noticing how close Crosshair and Omega have become
- Drawing a hard line on Omega being anywhere near Fennec, but also...
- Giving Omega an important mission of her own: talk to Crosshair about the hand tremors (because he knows Omega needs something to do AND he knows Crosshair needs to stop avoiding the problem)
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themissinghand · 8 months
Solo Leveling: Tease
Requested by: @666veiniklaas
Summary: In which Jinwoo likes every part of you, and he hates to share what’s his. 
Or, you finally take revenge on Jinwoo for teasing you a little too much. 
Pairing: Sung Jinwoo x M! Reader
Note: For some reason I lost your request in my inbox, but luckily I already started working on it in my drafts.
Anyways, not a bother at all! The cat drawing was so cute! Love how you showed my dark eye circles so accurately XD 
This inspired me to write a....sexier version of Jinwoo. Hope you enjoy it! 
Warnings: Some sexual tension and sensual touching, suggestive themes! Nothing beyond that, unless your imagination takes you there-
Jinwoo is an asshole, and he knows because his boyfriend tells him too many times. 
“Hey (Y/N).” Jinwoo called out, before noticing you hunched over your laptop in his hoodie, that was clearly too big for you. He smirks before walking behind you and tapping you on the shoulder. 
“What? I’m in the middle of a game right now!” He leans down and lets his wet hair touch your skin. He feels you flinch before finally turning your attention to him.  
“Do you know where my boxers-” 
“What the f-it’s in the drawer!” Like a cat, Jinwoo watches his boyfriend malfunction (checking him out) with red cheeks, before screeching and dashing out of their shared bedroom. 
It’s adorable, seeing you throwing random items at him to cover himself up, or when you run away anytime you see him naked. 
But he knows you like what you see. Maybe, you’re just too shy or prideful to admit it. 
(Jinwoo knows it, after all, he remembers you giving ideas to his Shadow Soldiers when building sculptures of him in his Shadow Realm - he’ll never let you live that down)
You’re like a cat. 
A cat thief that likes to steal his hoodies, and wear comfy clothes. Jinwoo didn’t mind it, after all, everytime he hugged you, he felt like he was hugging a big marshmallow cat.  
Sometimes, Jinwoo would come by and scoop you up in princess carry, and like a cat, you would fight him and try to get out. But that never works, as Jinwoo was a S-Class hunter for God’s sake! 
“Beru! Help me!” You cried for Beru, who sheepishly looked back and forth between Jinwoo and you. But could only disappear in Jinwoo’s shadow when His Liege gave him a “I dare you” look. 
In the end, his kitty would give up and grumpily cuddle in his arms until Jinwoo decided to let him go. 
It’s fun teasing you and watching you run away from him. It’s also a great way to get your attention. 
For example, Jinwoo found a great way to wake you up. 
“Jinwoo…? What time is it?” Jinwoo watches his little kitty do a little stretch in his arms, clearly not awake yet. 
“It’s time to get up.” He pressed a kiss to your palms, before cheekily bringing your hand to his bare chest. 
“Wha-” In the next second, you broke out of his hold and slammed your back to the wall. 
“Like what you see?” Jinwoo leans on his arm, purposefully showing off his toned body, but by then you were already out of the room and screaming profanities at him. 
“I swear to God Jinwoo! I will get back at you for this!” 
Jinwoo laughed as he saw his marshmallow cat angrily stomp to the bathroom. 
“Oh yea? I like to see you try!” 
Jinwoo regrets challenging you. 
It was like any other day in the Shadow Realm, Jinwoo was training with his Shadow Soldiers until he heard a call from Beru.
“My Liege! His Highness is-” Without another moment of hesitation, Jinwoo teleported back to his house and worriedly rushed to the bedroom where Beru was at. 
“(Y/N)! Are you okay-” Jinwoo froze when he saw your figure. His oversized hoodie no longer to be seen. 
“Oh hey Jinwoo.”
Your quiet seductive voice sent a wave through him and Jinwoo even let Beru quickly slip away despite being part of the whole farce. But Jinwoo couldn’t be angry at you, as he was too smitten with your appearance. 
His shadows' excited clammer was ignored. 
A slim fitted black top with fishnet sleeves and matching black tights. Your collarbone, flat stomach, and even hip bone was exposed, making him unconsciously gulp. 
The fabric was almost transparent, as if teasing Jinwoo and letting his imagination to go wild. 
You looked so good right now, and Jinwoo feels himself slowly losing control-
“I’m going out.” 
“Where? Looking like that?” Jinwoo flinched when he felt that he sounded a little too aggressive, but he really can’t let anyone see you looking so good. 
You had the audacity to look confused. 
“Nightclub, Liu Zhigang invited me out.” A cheeky little smirk rose to your lips before playing with the collar on your neck. 
“How do I look?” 
In the next moment, you were swept off your feet and slammed onto the bed, but this time, you weren’t backing off. 
“(Y/N), is this what you mean by getting back at me?” 
“I don’t know what you mean-” Jinwoo dived for the side of your neck and felt you squirm. 
“‘Cause it working. Your plan.” Inhaling deeply, Jinwoo feels dizzy, did you even put on cologne?
Even though he knows that this was all part of your plan to get back at him for teasing you so often, the fact that you mentioned another man’s name makes him mad. 
What if you actually did it for someone else? 
Just imagining you with Liu Zhigang and other men-
“Hey Jinwoo, calm down-” 
“Do you know what you’re doing to me?”
Jinwoo pressed a couple of kisses to your neck, and then left a trail of marks down to your shoulders. He peaks up, seeing your face bright red, but looking directly at him. 
Even more surprising, Jinwoo felt your fingers in his hair, before cupping his face and kissing him.
“I know.” You licked your lips, and tugged on your top, revealing more skin. 
“So hurry up and take me, My Liege.” 
That was all you had to say to make him lose control, and devour.
Let’s just say that the shadows smartly decided to not interfere and watch the premise far, far away from the bedroom. 
Beru on the other hand was just happy that he wasn’t the one being peppered with kisses this time.
The next morning was a mess. Jinwoo went back to being an asshole, not because he wanted to tease you, but also because he didn’t mind being an asshole for you to dress up like that again.
Also, Jinwoo eventually figured out that it was not just Beru in this, but Bellion and Igris too. Apparently, it was their chance to show off their knowledge of their master’s preferences, and also give you some armour…though Jinwoo doubts you would wear it ever again. 
Not if he had anything to say to that though.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Din who picks up a stranded Luke and his droid on a random planet while bounty hunting. Heading back to Nevarro to pick Grogu up from Grogu daycare whilst Mando-Dad is doing something stupid even for him.
Luke...well. There were rumors of an Imperial base and it’s Luke and anyway, he’s going to need a new X-wing and a head start before anyone tells Leia. but yes.
(Artoo is still complaining about all the way things did not go to plan. Which, odd, seeing as there wasn’t much in the way of plans in the first place.)
The Razor Crest is looking kind of rough at the moment - there was a whole Thing with a bounty he was tracking and then an asteroid field and some mynocks he’d rather not get into if it’s all the same?
But yes.
Luke who just looks at Din’s ship and offers to lend him a hand in fixing it up in exchange for a ride off-planet.
Smiles all :DDDDDDDDDD at the suspicious head tilt that gets him, “I’m not picky, anywhere but here would be great, really.”
And Din who’s been working on the Crest for the better part of the day and isn’t even a quarter of the way through repairs is like.
Luke doesn’t look like much, just has the one blaster on him and that :DDDDDDDDDDDD smile and while Din knows appearances can be deceiving (Grogu and his powers are a great example) the sooner he get off this planet and back to his tiny gremlin kid the better.
(Artoo’s holding on to Luke’s lightsaber because ~undercover and so on, but Din doesn’t need to know that just yet.)
They fix the Crest and head off towrads Nevarro, but then bounty hunters and that oh, no moment from both Din and Luke because of course there is.
Mandalorian with the tiny green gremlin kid and Hero of the Rebellion/Jedi and weird that Din hasn’t said anything, but whatever.
Pew-pew shootout in space wherein they get away but have to stop for repairs before Nevarro or blow up.
Din’s preoccupied with getting the Crest fixed - again - and while Luke thinks Din’s interesting as all hell, it’s probably best if he didn’t bring more bounty hunters or any nearby Imperials on him and tells him he’ll be fine and thanks for the ride and good luck and disappears on him.
Anyway, Din gets his ship fixed and off to Nevarro and Grogu who gives him this look, and scolds him for something he doesn’t understand - leaving him behind, perhaps, who can say.
They go about their business again and it’s just oh so strange how Grogu laughs and laughs and laughs whenever Din brings the subject of taking Grogu to be with other Jedi.
Chance encounters with Luke on other planets while Grogu’s not around - with friends and such - and it’s all very much the Scooby Doo chase through the doors thing just on a wider scale and such.
But then Gideon and all and Din’s rounding up people to help get his kid back and hey, wow, there’s Luke.
Cara and the others are all !!! because Luke Skywalker and Din’s trying to turn his offer of help down because he thinks Luke’s just an idiot who maybe knows his way around ship repairs and really, really, they shouldn’t be surprised he has no damn clue who he’s talking to.
And then Boba Fett shows up and there’s some Staring going on because Boba Fett and Luke and the last time they ran into one another things didn’t exactly go smoothly -
Boba starts laughing, and Luke is just ??? and a little !!! because what does that even mean?
Nothing personal, just a job. No hard feelings, eh, Jedi?
Sly edge to it, because Boba Fett, and seeing as how Din obviously trusts Boba to help him get his son back -
Luke looks at Din.
There’s an awkward little pause as Din looks at Luke.
“You’re a Jedi?”
Everyone looks at Din.
There would be an incredulous silence following that, but Boba’s laughing again, and so are Fennec and Cara and Din doesn’t dare look at any of them because he’s not that stupid.
“Uh, yes,” Luke says, alarmed by Boba and the laughing and all. “I am.”
Anyway, they go off to rescue Grogu where Luke deals with the Dark Troopers before Din can get that wonderful life experience of being punched in the head multiple times - something he appreciates because ow - and Din defeats Gideon and saves Grogu.
“Um...” Luke says, because goodness, that’s an unusual lightsaber Din has now -
Din glances at Luke and shakes his head, pushing Gideon ahead of him on his way to the bridge, and Luke follows, and anyway, anyway.
The whole accidental King of Mandalor bit while Luke takes Grogu to his secret Jedi summer camp training and so on?
And then a few months later Leia approaches Luke about a delicate matter. Negotiations with a world leader interested in joining the New Republic but there’s this tiny little...snag.
Leia hums, watching Grogu scamper about chasing after some kind of insect, happy burbling and coos and so much determination.
Luke is so very suspicious, because Leia is laughing at him, he can feel it. (Also, she’s smirking, so...)
Anyway, part of the terms include marriage to a certain someone, part of some old...whatever...because reasons.
Luke is like oh, no, because he knows where this is headed.
Last Jedi or not, he’s also Leia’s brother and Hero of the Rebellion and just all kinds of most eligible bachelor around and anyway.
Luke could say no, knows Leia would never push him into it, but then she’s all, “I’ve heard Mandalor is lovely.”
Luke’s suspicion intensifies.
Leia gives him a little crash course in Mandalorian culture, how their leaders are chosen and such and an image of Mandalor’s current leader and Luke is just.
You know.
Because Leia has heard, okay, she has heard all about Grogu’s dad, or at least what Luke knows about him and their past encounters and she’s still laughing at Luke, isn’t she?
“It’s not that funny,” Luke grumbles, because it really isn’t.
Din probably doesn’t even want to marry him, but something, something, something Plot Reasons, and anyway.
Grogu’s been sad lately, and Luke knows Din misses his kid - the look on his face on Gideon’s cruiser, the fact Luke even saw his face - and anyway.
Imagine Din’s face when he arrives to meet his future husband and Luke and Grogu are with Leia’s entourage.
(Well, okay, maybe not his face but his reaction.)
“Uh,” Luke says, because surely Leia or Din’s own people told him who he’d be marrying?
(They kind of didn’t though. Told Din about this guy who destroyed the Death Star and defeated the Emperor and Darth Vader and was hoping to restore the Jedi and so on but were purposefully vague on other personal details and so on.)
Awkward courtship in which Din just stares at Luke because who the hell even is he?
Meanwhile Luke is trying to keep Grogu from cleaning out the frog pond with mixed results because Grogu is fast and sneaky and combined with his adorable little face few can stand up to him.
(Leia will get over it, they can restock the pond.)
Maybe an assassination attempt or two in which they save one another’s lives and both have the oh, no he’s hot moment of realization watching the other in action. (No time for it during Grogu’s rescue, but now that someone wants the other dead? Why not.)
The two of them in the aftermath of one such assassination attempt -
“I think they were after you this time,” Luke says, because he had the first two, and this is Din’s...what, third one? You really think they’d learn after the first time, but no.
Din is looking around at the destroyed room - wall hangings and tapestries and banners, some with blaster holes in them, one almost sliced in half with peculiar singe marks -
“Look, I as trying to keep that one guy from killing you, I’m really very sorry about the banner.”
And various bits of broken furniture and other decor.
Luke with his hair all ~askew, because fighting for their lives and this brightness to his eyes and flush to his skin because fighting for their lives and adrenaline and whatnot and instead of being oh, no he’s hot he’s like that’s I’m married to him like it’s a revelation.
Actually, legally married and he genuinely likes Luke and likes to think the same is true for Luke, and it’s only natural to go over to Luke who’s taking survey of the room as well. Slight frown on his face because this latest assassination attempt didn’t come close to succeeding, but they’re adding up and the repair costs alone, you know.
Luke doesn’t notice Din’s gotten so close until he looks up to ask him something and his voice trails off because wow, okay, wow.
The only time the two of them are this into each other’s personal space is when they’re sparring (dangerous for the heart, because Pining and such), or co-parenting a certain tiny green gremlin kid who gets up to all kinds of antic.
Also, though, sometimes after a long day and they share a set of rooms and all, and it’s no big deal if they settle on the couch together, maybe fall asleep on one another once or twice. (They like each other and there’s trust between them, and anyway, they’re married, so....)
Anyway, Din is right there and he’s looking down at Luke with this intensity Luke’s never seen in him, and he’s about to say something when Din leans down and presses his forehead to Luke’s and Luke just.
He remembers the crash course in Mandalorian culture Leia gave him before she married him off, but also living on Mandalore and learning from Din and the other Mandalorians and he knows what that is, okay.
“Um...” Luke says, sure it’s a mistake, result of adrenaline and stress - multiple assassination attempts and political maneuvering and the whatnot, and surely surely Din doesn’t mean to -
“You’re ruining the moment,” Din says, amusement threaded though his words, but it’s still a moment longer before he draws back to look at Luke.
Doesn’t laugh at the look on his face but it’s a close thing, that.
Din reaches out, frames Lukes face between his hands.
Hair out of order and fading blush and this little cut above his eyebrow he must have gotten during the chaos of the fighting and he’s like I’m married to him, another revelation that settles beneath his breastbone because he loves Luke more than he realized - was willing to admit to himself for fear his feelings weren’t returned.
“...We need to talk,” Din says, because there are people in the room with them, cleaning up and removing bodies and the like and far from the privacy he’d like to talk to Luke about their relationship and just.
You know, smooches and happy laughter and so on and Leia being smug as anything the next time Luke calls her to update her.
“So I guess I can tell Han he won’t have to set a rescue plan in action?”
Because Han, and Luke, and Luke can hear Din talking to Grogu in the other room - a very important conversation about the fact some things are not, in fact, food
(Devastating for Grogu, he’s sure.)
“No,” Luke says, happier than he can remember being. “I don’t think I need it.”
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
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Main Four: Escapist S/O with a Three Year Old
This ask disappeared for some reason so I’m really sorry about that. A few other disappeared as well and I don’t know why, luckily I took pictures so I still have them.
Im going to separate them to make it to make it different than the poly relationship ones, I hope you don't mind.
• Imagining this baby boy having a baby boy, it's the cutest thing. Not really as a Yandere but you get the point.
• After being gone for four years he became desperate, anyone with any information of you had become important to him. He was patient at first but he can only last so long. He probably went to your family and friends and asked about you. If they know he'll take care of them one way or another.
• Once he finds you he is ecstatic. He sits outside of your apartment, jumping up and down just waiting to walk in and hug you. But when he sees you walking past the slightly open window with something in your arms, he freezes. Gon simply stops and stares at the moving bundle in your arms. At first he might not understand, but once he thinks about what this might mean, he grows furious.
• Lets just say he jumped to the conclusion that it is your but might not be his.
• Gon enters your house by breaking the front door open. You are obviously surprised and jump back from the place near the window, the child in your arms now crying. He storms around the apartment, looking for any sign of another guy in your life. When he finds nothing he storms over to you and demands to know where the baby came from.
• Out of fear of his immense aura, you would be quick to say it's his. Just like that he switches back to his happy, go lucky self.
• You'll be shaken up by this of course, but he won't pay any mind when he rips the child from your arms and holds it in his. He will shush it and calm it down easily while dotting both you and them for doing such a good job.
• Gon will grab your hand and drag you to the couch or bedside, whatever is closer, and hold the both of you close. By now the toddler won't be crying anymore and instead laughing and playing with their dad. They may not have been outright told who their dad was or what they look like, but the baby will know.
• Speaking of the toddler, this thing would be beyond adorable. Big round eyes and a button nose, chubby cheeks and spiky blackish-green hair, they will be adorable.
• I don't think Gon will ask why you left, instead he will just take you two somewhere safe and make sure you can't leave again. You or the child.
• Luckily Killua doesn't have a baby thing like Illumi or Kurapika, but he'd still be proud to be a father.
• When he finds you he is beyond surprised that you were able to evade him for such a long time. Sadly the little chase must come to an end, and it ends now.
• You've been gone for so long that anyone who had or as an affiliation with you is dead, pretty much no questions asked. Because you have been running off for so long you probably would not know this, the only way you would be able to escape for so long is because you left everything behind. It's sad but that is how it would have to be.
• When he finds you he will be beyond pissed off, I mean you left him for four years. That won't ever happen again and he'll make sure of it. Still, he won't show how pissed he is, instead it will be covered by an eerily calm and dull mask.
• He would enter the home you've been staying in at night, carefully maneuvering in the dark to get to you. Killua will start to notice some strange things, kids toys? Small baby bottles? He would instantly know why you left, and in return he would understand your fear, but that won't stop him.
• Instead of going to your room he will find out where the toddler is. Killua would sneak in undetected and loom over the crib/small bed, his child resting inside. The assassin would instantly know it's his, his chest swelling with a sense of pride. The fluffy white hair and pale skin are a huge indication as to who is the father.
• Carefully and gently he would wake up the kid, calmly whispering sweet nothings and how his daddy is home. The toddler would instantly understand, and will excitingly jump up and out of bed to tell you.
• You will wake up by being roughly shaken by your kid, a small questioning 'what' slipping past your lips. Why the hell you they be so excited at this hour? But when your sleepy gaze pulls them in, and your eyes settle on the dark figure looming in the doorway, you know what's wrong. Killua would calmly watch before stepping forward into the moonlight.
• You would be afraid, your child would be happy and tapping about how daddy's home, and Killua would have a smug look across his features.
• That will be that, Killua would use the kid as a hostage of sorts, as insurance to keep you with him. The bouncing baby would be a target to his family, but nothing will happen to the kid or you for as long as he lives.
• Oh dear, one of the scarier yanderes of the Hunter x Hunter universe. At least for me.
• This guy is already unhinged because of you leaving, being gon for so long, without anyone to keep him in check, everyone would be killed.
• Do you guys remember the Kurapika having an S/O who just vanishes? Yeah, he would give up after six or so years, depending on how long it takes to slaughter anyone who might have a vendetta against him.
• When four years hits he is hunting down the Phantom Troupe, at least starting to hunt them down. He will be wondering the rooftops trying to find the Troupe, maybe he is currently trailing a few of them.
• If like to imagine you accidentally bump paths with them on your way to wherever you are going. Like your walking through the streets with your son/daughter and you accidentally bump shoulders with them. You would apologize (like a decent human being) and move on your merry way. (I might actually turn this into a short story because it sounds fun;))
• If That happens Kurapika would be holding his breath, because you have been found and you were too close to the enemy.
• Weare talking about Kurapika so obviously he would be angry you have left, but seeing you happy and with his child... he's beyond relieved. I mean just look at the kid! Cute blonde hair and round, brown eyes with a round face and gleeful smile.
• I can see Kurapika being very calm about the situation, which would be terrifying since he's a bit emotional. He would meet you at your house with a blank expression.
• When you two meet again he will have mixed emotions. Should he be angry, disappointed, relieved, happy? Honestly he doesn't know.
• But he knows one thing, you won't escape again. He will act like the nice guy to your kid and try to paint you as a damsel in distress. He will manipulate your kid to start being as protective as himself, and he will do this with all of your kids. Kurapika wants more children, he wants a big family, and he'll make sure he has one.
• He will trap you and lock you up, making sure your kids learn to be like him. The kids will also be a bargaining chip, you won't want to leave them but they won't want to leave their dad.
• He might not be as angry as usual, but his manipulation will surely compensate.
• This guy would be deathly irritated at everything if you left him for so long. He would snap at pretty much everyone for the smallest of things. But finally, after devoting so much time in finding you he has finally done it.
• Leorio would simply find you in the street and try and pluck you to the side to give you a piece of his mind. Though before he can do that you are met with some other girls, instantly he would be both curious and more irritated.
• He would take his time brooding in the dark alleyways as your group walks to a daycare. The black haired guy would furrow his brows as he watched you smile and pick up a small kid. The two of you would be laughing.
• Leorio's mood is ever changing from irritated to super happy. This would be one of those moments. He would immediately smile to himself and calmly follow you on your way home.
• When you make it home you see a man standing near your doorway, you are nervous about this man but he doesn't seem threatening. That is until you realize who it is.
• Simple 'Hey babe' exchanges will be given, your son/daughter asking who the man is. Your too frozen to answer.
• So he does for you. He'll answer with his name and then his affiliation with you, this will make your child's day. They had a dad?! That crazy!
• They'll jump into Leorio's arms and start talking about random things. Leorio would act as if nothing happened, as if he was just gone on a business trip or something. And that's what the toddler will be told too, he was gone for a really long business trip.
• You on the other hand will know, and despite him not outright using the kid to threaten you, you probably won't even try. His firework like temper would be enough to scare you into submission.
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vidaflxwer · 3 years
some random idv fic recs
because i just wanted an excuse to gush about some of my favorite fic authors and maybe get some of you into them as well! or idv in general.
sub rosa by xioying: okay this author has another fic i’m a huge fan of - lily of the barren valley, it’s still on-going and i’m glad for it because i can’t wait to read more - but sub rosa is genuinely one of the most precious things i’ve ever read. the way they write eli is absolutely fucking adorable - and this goes for all of their fics, so if you like the way they write eli in this, definitely read lily of the barren valley too! - and i love the way that aesop doesn’t really know how to handle him because of his social anxiety, but he still weirdly appreciates this strange man who showed up outside his door, begging him to come with him because he saw into the future and it said he’d die today. them eating breakfast together, aesop buying him new clothes, it’s all so cute. the ending is what really makes it for me, though. i just cannot stress enough how if you love elisop, you need to read xioying’s elisop works. please and thank you.
a red darker than roses by starlightsonatas: aka the michimary smut that made me sob hysterically that i still reread and cry to quite often. like i said, this is smut, so please be wary of that but this author is an absolute sweetheart, and i cannot get over how ridiculously talented she is. the way she writes about michiko’s love towards mary, and really indulges how both she and mary are actually hunters, is beautiful. the way she writes, in general, is beyond gorgeous and i don’t even know how to articulate how talented she is. i’ve read another fic by her, as the tide rushes in, and that had a similar affect on me. what i love about the works i’ve read from her is they’re hot, yes, but they’re also written with so much love built into that, and it’s lovely. truly lovely. absolutely check out their work if you’re looking for really well-written adult wlw content for idv!
his faith, illusory by eversleeping: i read this one just a few days ago and it ripped my heart out and stomped on it, in the absolute best way possible! i knew it was going to be sad going into it, but it was totally worth it. the ending’s probably the best part, solely because of how it references the title, and i’m a sucker for when fics do that so i will forever adore this one and remember its title solely because of that last scene. the amount of angst, compared with the amount of fluff, is such a perfect balance for a fic like this. you really get attached to aesop and eli and their dynamic in this, and then when a certain thing happens, well. it just makes it hurt that much more. i love whenever fics do that - build up a relationship in such a perfect way, only for something awful to happen - because it just makes it all the more painful in the end. i love this, truly, and highly recommend it.
heartstrings by snappleguts: heartstrings, my beloved. an absolutely precious elisop battle of the bands au where eli gets his high school band back together and has a very bad habit of breaking his strings, and learns very quickly that the new cashier at the local music store is quite adorable. this fic just makes me smile, there’s really no better way to put it. i love eli’s friendship group with norton and naib - how they lovingly tease him about his crush on aesop, how naib’s mom cooks for them whenever they go to his place to practice, how they jump at the chance to get the band back together because they wanna see each other again - but the moments with eli’s other friends are pretty great, too. especially that one scene, later in the fic, with victor who’s his roommate, it’s so fucking funny. really, if you need something to cheer you up, this is your best bet. i know i reread it a lot when i’m sad, and the smile on my face everytime i do is just as wide as the first.
i wonder who you pretend i am by daguerreotype: a lucadrew fic that made my heart ache so bad for andrew. the way luca interacts with him is so needlessly soft in the best way, and all of the kisses and handholding in this just feel gentle in the nicest way. like it’s angsty but it’s weirdly kinda wholesome at the same time so i’m an absolute sucker for it. the way andrew describes luca, and how much comfort he clearly brings him, but the angst of him feeling like it’ll never go anywhere, because it never has, and probably never will is so great. i don’t really know what else to say about this fic other than please read it, i promise it won’t disappoint. though i don’t know how anything with andrew in it could disappoint, but this author wrote him exceptionally well and i’m positive you’ll enjoy it if you’re an andrew and luca stan like me, which is kind of why i started shipping the two of them in the first place, but that’s besides the point.
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devnicolee · 4 years
Anniversary Blues
A/N: just some slight angst then fluff... idk, this is random but I decided my weekend needed some of our favorite Mountain King. Enjoy!
M’Baku x Reader
"Leave us!" you called out, authority reverberating throughout the throne room as you marched down the center aisle to your husband's throne. Like a hunter eyeing its prey, you only had eyes for the man sitting tall and proud at the front of the room as weeks of building frustration propelled you forward. You were so distracted that you did not really pay the rows of soldiers much attention. You tried to be understanding for over a month now. But this was the final straw. You finally had enough.
The chatter in the room ceased almost immediately as the men and women around you looked from you to her husband, waiting for the leader of the Jabari to speak. He simply looked at you with confusion. If you hadn't known him as intimately as you did, the flicker of annoyance and frustration that passed behind his brown eyes would have gone unnoticed. But you noticed and like gasoline to a fire, your anger exploded.  
Once you reached the front of the throne room, you sighed deeply at the sustained presence of others in the room. You turned to find the group gathering their things at a painstakingly slow pace, not with the haste you required and demanded. 
"Are you all suddenly hard of hearing? I said: Leave. Us. Now. Do not make me repeat myself again."
As the Queen of Jabariland, you were known for your gentleness, your compassion, and empathy. The calm to M'Baku's fire. In your two years of marriage, most had never even heard you raise your voice. This was uncharted territory and no one needed to hear or see anything else. They quickly scampered, scurrying from the room as if they were trying to escape a literal fire. You waited for the heavy wooden doors to slam shut behind the last person before you turned back to your husband.
"What is the meaning of this Y/N? I was in the middle of a meeting."
"I know. A meeting that was more important than our anniversary?"
M’Baku’s heart fell into his stomach. That was today. His eyes studied your body, taking note of the black skin-tight dress (his favorite) covering your shape, the makeup on your face and the small gift-wrapped box in your hand. He hung his head, guilt rushing through him, as he remembered the private chef and dinner you planned in the city to celebrate two years of marriage. Though he would never admit it to you, your anniversary had not even been on his radar before you reminded him of this dinner. And it didn't stay on it long because he quickly forgot to add it to his calendar. 
"Y/N… I am sorry. Today has been hec-"
You raised your hand to silence him. His excuses had long grown tiresome, you were not interested in them anymore. "Is everyday not hectic for a chief? That does not excuse broken promises, M'Baku. You are a man of your word, are you not? That is certainly one of the reasons I married you... because you are trustworthy and reliable. So, you are going to need to do a whole hell of a lot better than that." You were not angry that your husband was busy, there was no leader on Earth that was not burdened with too much. And since rejoining Wakanda, your already overflowing workloads had only grown larger. But this was not an ordinary evening, he was not just missing dinner in your private quarters or movie night. It was your anniversary, your night to celebrate your love and commitment to one another, your night to make each other a priority.
"I am sorry, Y/N. I will make it up to you, I promise."
"'You'll make it up to me?' How? When? It is not like you are ever home," you retorted. Your eyes rolled up toward the ceiling as you tried to stop tears of anger from falling before you took a deep breath and continued. "We barely see each other. I fall asleep alone almost every night. I wake up alone every morning. I eat alone, I am basically alone in this marriage. When will you carve out time in your busy schedule to make it up to me? I mean... I just asked you for one night." Your voice trailed off as your anger dissipated and hurt seeped in. 
"I am trying to run an entire tribe, Y/N!" M'Baku said defensively, frustration taking over as his pride could not tolerate an attack from his own wife. " I can't always be with you! And it is unfair for you to be angry at me every time I have to prioritize our people." 
You almost considered just turning on your heels and walking out the door as you listened to him. You knew exactly what moment you were approaching in this argument, his voice steadily rising to the point where he simply shuts down and refuses to listen or see reason any longer. You let out a deep sigh, trying to calm yourself before attempting to explain your position again. 
"I am not asking for always M’Baku! I mean Hanuman! At this point, I am not even asking for sometimes. Merely occasionally. It is not about one dinner. It is about you being emotionally and physically unavailable for over a month. I understand you are running a tribe but lately, it seems like you do not have time for me at all."
For the most part, you had enjoyed a union of marital bliss for the last two years. No real issues, no real arguments. Your marriage and the foundation of your marriage were seemingly solid and unshakable. But something shifted in the last month. Your husband stopped being your husband and he became your coworker. Your marriage stopped being a marriage. It was as if someone extinguished a fire and robbed you of all the intimacy you required to survive. If it did not pertain to a council meeting or tribal business, M'Baku carved out no time to talk to you, much less spend time with you. You had not gotten married to be lonelier than you were before. 
You could justify the late nights, missed dates, lack of intimacy to a point... He gave you many excuses but you made them for him as well. You tried your best to bury your frustration and disappointment, pretending like rarely seeing your spouse did not bother you. Because you did understand he served a higher purpose, his responsibility to your people was too important. But, last week, everything changed for you. You started viewing his absence differently, examining whether he actually had time for you or the little ones he desperately wanted. How could you be a successful couple... successful parents if you existed as co-workers and not as husband and wife? 
"I cannot ignore my responsibilities to be with you every second Y/N! You knew that when we got married." The bark and anger of a scorned chief now fully coloring his words.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I am simply asking you to remember you have a wife, other obligations outside of these four walls," she argued, gesturing around his throne room. "When was the last time you asked me how I was doing or asked me something unrelated to being chieftess?" you listed. "You claim to want a family but how? When you barely have time for me?"
"That is enough!" He yelled, his fist banging loudly on the arm of his throne as his hubris and exhaustion made him unwilling to continue listening to his wife's very valid criticisms of his behavior. "I said I was sorry Y/N! I will not apologize again. The Jabari are my obligation first and foremost. We can discuss this later in the Golden City when you have calmed down and can see reason."
You scoffed, knowing there would be no later. Tomorrow morning, you were both supposed to head down the mountains for meetings and King T'Challa's birthday party. You saw the jam-packed agenda the Queen planned for the week; there would be little time to breath, let alone have private conversations.
"No! Go by yourself!" Your mind conjuring up the only consequence you could think of.
He immediately shook his head, almost scoffing at your assertion. "Absolutely not. First, your presence is required as chieftess. And second, I am not leaving you here alone for a week."
"It would not be any different than the last month. I will not go down the mountains to smile and put on the show of the happy chieftess when I am everything but happy. You want to be alone? Fine. Enjoy doing your job alone." You turned on your heels to leave him, ignoring the rage painted on his face. However, before you took a step, you whipped back around.
"Oh, I almost forgot. Happy anniversary Lord M’Baku," you stated stiffly, voice void of the love and adoration it usually held for him. You tossed the box at him before you walked out, leaving him alone.
You sighed as the masseuse kneaded your tense shoulders and pounded into your back. You preferred M’Baku’s massages… his gentle touches melting away all the tension you housed in your muscles. Usually those massages turned into less medicinal activities, which made you crave them even more. You missed that, especially now, after being deprived of his soft, sensual touches for a month now. But this was a fine alternative for when your stress levels ran too high. The tranquility and meditation was short lived when the shrill sound of your beads, a recent gift from the Wakandan Princess, rang out loudly. You lifted your head to see who was calling before slumping back down angrily. 
I should have known who it was.
Three days had passed since your argument in the throne room, three days since you had spoken to your husband. You ignored his 50 calls a day, they were nonstop and incessant. You knew it was not rational to be this angry over one missed dinner but you stood firm in your position. You refused to speak to him unless he was calling to apologize and promise to change his behavior. Any other conversation was useless
The ringing continued, leaving you frustrated. It was over. Whatever relaxation you hoped to get from this would not be achieved with him bothering you. You politely asked the masseuse to finish up. When she was done, you covered yourself in a thick navy blue robe before calling out to Amari, who stood on the other side of the door. 
"I think I would like to go to the market to do some shopping. Can you prepare the carriage?" you asked when he poked his head into your bedroom door. 
"Are you sure, my lady? There is supposed to be a storm tonight. Lord M'Baku told us to ensure you were safe while you were alone."
You cut your eyes, "My husband does not dictate my movements around my kingdom. This is as much my dominion as his. We will make it back well before the storm. So please, prepare the carriage," you responded coolly.
"Yes, ma’am," he answered, retreating to make preparations.
Less than 20 minutes later, you were off on the winding roads down the mountain for much needed retail therapy.  You knew you would find no real comfort or answers in the racks of clothes but it was the only thing to keep your mind off your very real problems at home. But you figured it was a necessary trip either way, you would need new clothes in a few months anyway.
"Lord M’Baku, I was sad to hear Lady Y/N was not able to attend," Nakia offered as she and M'Baku shared an embrace at the entrance of the banquet hall.
"W-well yes, she was sad that she could not attend either. However, she was under the weather and we both felt travel was not in her best interest," he lied, fidgeting with the cuff links on his suit. He was not a fan of lying but admitting to his King that he upset his wife so much that she refused to come did not seem like a better option. 
"Understood. We are happy one of you was able to make it and perhaps we can all get together soon for dinner. The next time you both can make it down the mountains?" T’Challa offered, as he took Nakia's hand again. M'Baku caught the subtle motion with the corner of his eye and a tinge of sadness blossomed inside as he tried to make it through the night without his partner in crime. 
"Y-Yes, that is a great idea. Happy Birthday again, King T'Challa. Will you excuse me?" He saluted his king and queen before finding his seat. He was not in the entertaining mood, nor had he been in the socializing mood any moment since his arrival. He had not really realized how much he relayed on you to survive these hellish events until you weren't there. You made every meeting and event more tolerable, you knew exactly what to say or do, how to charm the right people. His fingers picked at his beads as he contemplated stepping out onto the balcony and calling you. He knew you would likely not answer, like the other 100 times that day. But he needed the silent treatment to end. He missed his wife. 
It only took the length of the ride down the mountains for him to see the error of his ways. Your words echoed in his head every night and free moment since the blow up in the throne room. He wasn't listening then, but he heard the words loud and clear now. He had been absent and unavailable. He could see the path littered with broken promises and miscommunication that led you both to this exact moment. It was entirely his fault. He could always count on you, you never missed a beat, never failed to be present for him. And he was unable to be that for you. He spent most of last night brainstorming ways to make it up to you immediately and ideas to balance his schedule to make more time for you in the future. 
His desperation to go back home showed through the Jabari King's sulkiness the entire evening, only engaging in conversations directed at him with short responses. His internal debate on whether to call you raged on as he listened to the leader of the mining tribe drone on and on about something uninspiring. He feigned interest in her story until his head guard raced up to him.
"We need to return to the mountains. There has been an accident!" He kept his voice low, as to not attract too much attention, but he failed to limit the frenzy, urgency and fear coloring his words. 
Confusion clouded his eyes as he looked up at Dakarai, trying to understand what accident could warrant interrupting an official ball. No one paid the two Jabari any mind as they mingled and danced among themselves. "What kind of accident? Surely the warriors and Lady Y/N can handle it?"
"No! Lady Y/N was in an accident," he stressed. "In her carriage, it hit ice coming up the mountain. She is hurt, the healers are tending to her."
Dakarai was unable to conclude his thought; M'Baku was out of his seat and racing toward T'Challa the nanosecond he heard your name. He resisted the carnal instinct to strangle his guard for wasting precious time and not leading with the critical information first. He caught T'Challa's attention with ease, the King abandoning his conversation immediately at the site of M'Baku's face. M'Baku didn't take a breath as he explained the situation and excused himself from the remainder of the week. 
"Take the Royal Talon. Ayo can have you there in under 20 minutes. Ayo," he motioned for the Dora soldier who arrived at his side in seconds. "We are praying for her. Update us when you can."
M'Baku nodded and shared a salute before he marched quickly behind Ayo. They were loaded in the Talon and zooming toward the snow-capped mountains of Jabariland within five minutes. He paced up and down the small ship, praying silently for her health as it zoomed toward home.
M'Baku ignored any and everyone he passed as he ran through the Lodge to your private quarters. He threw the heavy double doors of his bedroom to find you in bed, chatting with his private healer. The healer was replacing a bandage on your head gently when M'Baku approached him. You were listening to the healer tell a story about his daughter while patiently staring around the room. You wanted this examination to end so badly, you were exhausted and just wanted to rest. 
However, your face lit up when M’Baku walked into the room. You felt bad, the clear anxiety etched in his eyes. You both connected eyes and you offered him a small smile, mainly to reassure him that you were indeed ok. You were in pain, sure, but given the state of the carriage when the guard helped you out, you were just thankful everyone walked away. 
“Lord M’Baku, I am glad you were able to get here so quickly. Lady Y/N is going to be fine. No need to worry,”  the doctor prefaced quickly, getting the important information out of the way. “The head wound was pretty bad, which caused a bit of panic. But otherwise, all the injuries will heal with time. And the baby is doing just fine as well, Glory to Hanuman. A strong heartbeat.” He turned to address you, “You are certainly lucky, Lady Y/N. The damage could have been significantly worse.”
M’Baku let out a deep sigh of relief, he was so elated to hear that you were indeed alright that he almost missed his last statement. “T-thank you. Th- wait. The baby?” He turned from the doctor to you, waiting for confirmation. If you weren’t so tired, you would have hit yourself in the face for forgetting to tell him not to mention the baby. 
“Surprise?” you offered quietly, with a tentative smile on your face. 
The healer’s eyes widened and he bowed his head, “A-ah… M-My apologies, Chief M’Baku. Lady Y/N found out last week. I assumed you knew.” 
M’Baku smiled politely, mainly to assuage the man’s obvious guilt at spilling his wife’s secret. Of course now, your anger the other night made so much more sense. He, not only missed your anniversary, he ruined what would have been a life-changing surprise. “No need to apologize. S-she had not gotten the chance to tell me. B-but thank you. Could we have some alone time please?” 
He bowed to both of you before quickly exiting, leaving the two of you alone.
“You are supposed to be in the Golden City,” you smiled softly, as you pushed yourself up into a seated position. 
“Well, the well-being of my queen is my top priority, my only priority. When you are in trouble, I come running.” He walked up to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. 
You grimaced silently but held on to him as tightly as you could with one arm in a sling. While you would have loved different circumstances, you hadn’t been in his arms in so long. Your body filled with warmth like he was hot chocolate on a cold day. He shifted and pulled you so you were curled up in his lap, your face buried in the nape of his neck. You stayed like that for a few minutes before he leaned back to look at you. His finger lifted your chin as he examined the bruise growing darker on your cheekbone. 
“None of it is that bad,” you promised. “It is my own fault. Amari warned me not to stay out too late, that a storm was heading through. I lost track of time because… I-I didn’t want to come back here and be alone. I missed you,” you whispered, your fingers played in his beard as you spoke. You had every intention of making him sweat originally but now that he was here? You just wanted to be close to him. “I thought we would make it back in time. Thankfully no one was seriously injured. I am sorry, it was reckless of me.” 
M’Baku shook his head, “Don’t apologize to me my love, this is all my fault. You were right, I have not been the present or attentive husband you need. I get so wrapped up in the tribe and obsessing over every little detail, I lose sight of the bigger picture. I couldn’t last 2 days without you. I am in love with you and I know I can’t do this job… this life without you. You were right, my head hasn’t been here with you and certainly not enough to start our family. I am just sorry it took so long for me to see that. Can you forgive me?” 
Part of you was hesitant to forgive him so quickly. After all, actions did speak louder than words and recognizing your faults did not mean his behavior was going to change. You picked at your nail beds as you responded, “I will always forgive you, my King. I-I j-j-just need to know you are there, you know? I thought about it and I shouldn’t have waited until it built up to say something. If we are upset or disappointed, we are supposed to speak up… talk. And I didn’t do that. I am sorry too.” 
Silence fell over you both for a few moments before you spoke up, “This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out by the way. I had this cute onesie and everything. That was the gift I threw at you.” 
M’Baku’s loud laugh rang out through the bedroom, “I don’t care how I found out. You have made me the happiest man in the world, Y/N. I swear on my life, that you and our child are my first priority, now and always.”
“I will hold you to that,” you giggled as he peppered your face with soft kisses. He picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. He sat you down and filled the oversized bathtub with your favorite bubble bath and hot water. 
“How about this? After the bath, we can pick a movie to watch tonight and a few more for tomorrow?”  
You paused as you tried, pathetically, to strip off your clothes with only one arm. He turned and chuckled before helping you. “What do you mean tomorrow? You still have meetings in the Golden City?” 
“No I do not. T’Challa will understand. I am all yours. I told you, you are my priority.”
“I like the sound of that.” M’Baku helped you into the tub and slid in behind you. You laid against his hard chest, your eyes lulling closed as his finger traced patterns into your stomach. His lips placed soft kisses on your neck. 
“I love you… more than anything,” he said quietly. 
“I love you more.” 
Tags: @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @destinio1 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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Hey can we get some relationship headcanons with lady, trish and lucia? Thank you moosh! 💝💝💝
Possible tw: talking about Lady's survivors guilt because Arkham is a piece of purple blobby shit. 
Lady is without a doubt a very strong woman, after having to deal with everything her father caused at the tower and everything that lead up to it including the murder of her mother, to killing him and slowly recovering from the guilt the best she can and suffering from it all even to this day, and that's not even getting into her successful career as a devil hunter. Even with how hard her life has ever since the death of her mother, Lady is strong and has learned how to treat her mental wounds and how to move on as best as she can. She's especially pleased now that she has the rest of the crew and you to call as family. You are very lucky to have this woman at your side. 
Lady loves hunting demons, she has ever since she started her revenge against her father, so if you're in the business (which I'm going to say is likely because I don't see Lady dating a civilian without having lots of guilt about you being possibly put ton of danger because her name is pretty big with rival hunters and devils alike) expect to be hunting partners like Dante and Trish are which she finds quite amusing seeing you in action especially on big jobs where the both of you have to bust out the big guns (and in her case literally.) 
With you two being partners, both in business and romantic sense, you can expect cut on jobs to be fairly equal (sometimes with her giving you most of the cut because you're so cute) compared to whenever she teams up with the rest of the crew which she keeps most because everyone has at least a little debt owed to her, and Dante (who has the biggest ridiculous amount of debt) has bitched and whined over this fact the most before going back to pout over his strawberry sundae, which the sight makes Lady laugh every time. 
She has surprisingly really soft hands, which you would expect calluses and for her to have joint issues given how much she shoots things on a weekly basis but the woman takes good care of herself and practices regular self care so whenever she holds you hands, caresses your face, or mindlessly runs your sides when in bed her touch is very comforting. 
She likes giving attention to scars, whether it be hers or yours she likes for the two of you to trace each other's and tell the either the cool stories about the badass ones you've received from jobs or share the the mental ones and the anguishing hardships from them that will end in the two of you finding quiet comfort in each other's embrace. 
Kisses with Lady go through a variety of stages depending on where you are in the relationship. In the beginning they are quick and flustered (especially on Lady's part) then they turn into more and more confident with time as the two of you get over possible embarrassment before finally they turn into kisses that tingles your brain and makes you forget how to breathe before one of you pulls back and gives the other a cocky smirk before going back to doing whatever they were previous. 
Lady's preferable date locations are at bars, she really likes the occasional drink and it's fun to hear gossip and possible leads for potential jobs. Lady is actually a lightweight so when she does have the occasional drink be prepared to take care of the mess afterwards because she is a clingy drunk and it's actually pretty funny to hear her complain to Dante about terrible lines when her pick up lines are godlike in cringe and it's fucking adorable added with the cute shade of pink dusting her cheeks. But without fail Lady is also a bitchy nightmare when she's hungover so also be prepared so her to often harshly snap back at you the next day but know she never means the harsh words thrown your way, just let her shoot Dante a few times and she'll be good as new. 
An activity that she absolutely loves doing with you before bed is taking a shared bubble bath together. She finds it super relaxing with you leading into each other and washing each other's hair as you talk about whatever that occurred in your dangerous lives that day, also a bonus if there's music playing in the background because she loves hearing you hum along with the tune as your hands make work shampooing her hair. 
Somewhere around the time she realized things between the two of you are very serious and that the two of you are going extremely steady, does she decide that she has to be a hundred percent honest with you. She loves you and you deserve to know about the truth about the nights that she leaves you alone in bed to do whatever random thing around the apartment to distract herself from sleeping. Her haunting guilt, even though she's come to accept that what her father did wasn't her fault...the guilt still comes up from time to time, his face still imprinted in her mind. When she tells you one night before the two of you were getting ready for bed, something in her just - broke and she had to come clean. When she starts telling you the details of how her father sacrificed her mother for being a descendant of the priestess that Sparda sacrificed, how that he probably never did love either of them and that he just manipulated them both for his own plans and that sometimes she would desperately think of somehow she could've changed things and at that point each word she speaks gets harder and harder to understand before she breaks down crying. Hold her and let her sob into your shoulder and let her take all the time she needs to let it all out. Once she's calmed herself does she apologize for having to see her like this, these types of situations are hard but make sure you tell her that you love her and other comforting words that slowly give her peace of mind. Your relationship noticeably deepens that night. 
Once long further down the road of your relationship does Lady start thinking about the future. Yes she loves hunting demons but she would absolutely love to retire one day and finally settle down with you and just...somehow live a normal life. However those are thoughts for way into the future and she still hasn't had her fill yet and she's proud to have you right along with her. 
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Trish has always been since the moment she was created a woman that was very hard to get a good read on what she's feeling, she just radiates this smug badass confidence everywhere she goes whether it be hanging around the office or gracefully slaying demons. However despite this everyone who has been around for long enough knows that expressing sometimes feelings can be really hard sometimes for Trish, with her still being demon and all. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel anything; the exact opposite in fact given the dmc rules she has cried therefore she feels human emotion, so she feels a lot but given her demonic nature she doesn't know at times how to apply them and that was the one of the exact reasons why she left Dante to travel the world to do some self discovery shortly after dmc 1, so that she can learn what exactly to do with these new sensations. And with that journey it eventually leads her to having you be a major role in her life. 
Trish can be a bit unpredictable and when it comes to this they're often moments that show her devilish side off, especially on jobs (again another case of not feeling very comfortable dating a civilian) where she jumps around the battlefield, bright volting yellow electricity trailing her every movements, slashing through devils one after another and another before leaving you completely abandoned and going off on her own or with her still massacring every demonic thing that moves but this time she's looming over you almost like a predator on prey when actually she's only taking a front row seat watching you beat the shit out of demons on your end or right after the two of you slay all enemies in one area she either complements or taunts you on your kills one form the other depending on your kill count versus hers and this ends with her challenging you to a friendly spar before going any further on the current job. 
With Trish being a demon and all she has a great memory so she remembers a lot of mundane things about you, some things that even you didn't notice. She remembers all of your favorite restaurants, your favorite breakfast dishes, what preferred time you wake up, how exactly you like to be held, what tell signs that you're embarrassed, and her personal favorite: what exact words to say to see those pretty cheeks heated up. 
Her hands are fairly smooth given the healing aspect to demonic nature but uniquely her touch always has a sparking touch to it so that's something you're going to have to get use to every time your skin comes in contact with them, but after awhile you'll find comfort in it every time your hands interlock together the electricity is like a spark of a reminder that two of you are there together and alive. 
She is absolutely not afraid to spook you at times either at your place or at the office with taking on different human forms, one time she took on her Gloria form to sneak behind you while you were cleaning your pistols and tapped a few fingers along your shoulders and next thing Dante knew was there were several new bullet holes in the kitchen that he didn't remember there being before. 
You know how I talked about the electric sparks on her hands? Well that doesn't just apply there but on other parts of her as well. So that being said it's no surprise that kisses between the two of you are quite electrifying, and again something that will take time to get used to but eventually it's quite comforting. 
Trish, like Lady, loves self care and that includes going on shopping sprees so expect a lot of dates at various stores, your girlfriend with Dante's -stolen- borrowed credit card in hand getting you everything your hearts desire. 
Being a full demon Trish technically doesn't need to eat or drink anything but still she goes for the occasional pizza slice since that's usually the only food to be found at Devil May Cry, which she only does when she's bored and wants to do 'human things' however if you so happen to cook anything she will always 100% eat your food. It doesn't matter if your cooking skills would put Gordon Ramsay in an absolute shit fit, she will eat all of it and proclaim that it's the best meal she's ever had, this is a cute way she's found a small way of expressing her love. 
In the beginning of your relationship, Trish has to actually remind herself that you're human and even though you're strong you're nowhere on the same level of strength that she and Dante are on, and that even though you can handle yourself you do need protection from time to time. But she doesn't just need to remind herself that on strength but also on the emotional aspect as well. As a human you've come into this world feeling emotions, she's only felt them for a few decades which in a demons lifespan is barely anything. Trish loves you deep down and she's told you that countless times, but there are situations that you've been dragged to your absolute worst and she...has no idea what to do. She feels awful and wants to comfort you but she just doesn't know how to express that, so she can only sit there next to you and listen to you sob for hours and just feel...hopeless. Over time the two of you find a way; she confronts you about this and tells you that she doesn't want to feel hopeless without being able to express and be able to properly comfort you, which ends up with the little system of whenever you feel sad that she says next to you and holds your hand, the light bolts of electricity becoming the way of her expressing her comforting presence to you for however long you need it forehead has all the time in the world, and if you need something further feel like it feel free to cry on her shoulder and tell her everything that's bothering you, she's a great listener and her memory is great after all. 
I think out of everybody it's Dante that notices and feels Trish's feelings the most, call it a demon thing with feeling auras and such, or that he really knows his friends, or just it's possibly both. He actually prefers when Trish wants to go on jobs with you instead of him, and sure it's a little weird seeing the clone of his dead mother with someone that isn't his dad, but he really appreciates that you bring something really amazing out of his old devil hunting partner, thinking about how vastly different the demon servant that led him to Mallet Island is to the woman he sees now, and even though he doesn't comment on it the sight of the two of you excitedly bustling out of the door to go on a hell spawn killing spree always without fail gets a smile on his face. 
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Lucia has come a long way with her self acceptance. She's artificially a demon and not human and for a good while she worried there might be a day where she might lose control of the devil inside and kill Matier and everyone else she loves and cares for, but a certain son of Sparda changed her way of thinking and now she's proud to have her powers to protect the ones she holds dear, and that includes you. She's a proud guardian of Vie de Marli and she hopes that one day she can be just as strong as Dante, and with it that's her motivation to continue to train. 
Lucia has a duty to kill demons and she views it as the way to get stronger, out of her Lady and Trish she is the one that would be alright dating a civilian although with you being a civilian that puts an even heavy weight on her shoulders to make sure the island is protected at all costs, but if she were to prefer she would rather you be a demon hunter so she wouldn't have to stress as much. 
I think Lucia would really want whoever she's interested in to be liked and respected by Matier, she is her mother after all, adoptive or not. But I really don't think there's too much to make Matier not like you, she trusts her daughter's judgment after all but still expect the cliché: "If you hurt my daughter-" speech, and despite the older woman's small figure and age this is probably the most terrifying moment you'll ever see from her. 
Lucia's, even with the healing aspect from her demonic nature, hands are fairly callused with how much she's gripped her blades over the years. Maybe it's because of her artificial status that she can heal herself quickly like all demons can but it's just not perfectly on point, she does have many scars from slip ups from the past that never fully healed that she keeps mostly hidden. 
Despite her most being present on Vie de Marli she does like to travel to the Devil May Cry office to take jobs from Morrison from here and there. It took awhile for her to feel comfortable around everyone else who was Dante bit she came around and she actually likes spending time with Kyrie when Nero brings her over. So eventually when she considers everyone in the crew trusted companions does she bring you along on one of her trips. It really does warm her heart to see you around having a fun time with these ragtag gang of colorful personalities, maybe if she has the chance and the island isn't at that much threat she could also bring Matier along? 
Kisses with Lucia are awkward at first. You're most likely her first s/o so she has absolutely no idea what to do. She had pinned feelings for Dante awhile but after seeing him in day to day situations at the office she came to learn that it would never work between them and she would prefer to stay friends, but now she has you and an actual relationship? She gets embarrassed from the slightest touch so kissing is a whole different realm for her. But of course over time and she learns to have some confidence with you she slowly becomes used to it and those awkward fumbles become slow and sweet passionate entanglements. 
Dates with Lucia on Vie de Marli mostly include late night patrols around the island, a time where it feels like it's just the two of you on the island where any type of conversation can start. But on the mainland with Dante's suggestion Lucia really likes going with you to Fredi's dinner the food there is quite different from back home and the people that work there are so nice, she once got a compliment from Cindy about how pretty she was and the shocked flushed look on her face was so adorable and precious that it's something you'll never forget until the day you die. 
Lucia when she's not on duty has a hobby carving wooden figures, the process really relaxes her. So a lot of gives from her are of beautifully sculpted animals with your name carved neatly onto the bottom of them. You end up having lots of them on shelves in your study and whenever you're sitting down doing whatever while Lucia's away they bring a nice sense of comfort like she's still there with you. Another bonding moment the two of you have is her teaching you how to carve, it's a sweet moment with her place next to you holding your hands as she instructs you what to do, all potential shyness that she normally shows gone and instead replaced by full confidence, which is always really nice to see from her. 
Lucia has long before your relationship learned to accept what she is, but there are some times where she has moments of doubt that you would be much happier dating another human instead of a devil as herself. After the two of you have visited the office a couple of times and she sees how you've become good friends with Lady that her insecurities come up and she has the thoughts of if you'd be more happy in a relationship with Lady, another human, than her, an artificial demon. With this plaguing her mind she becomes more distant, which with her not being really good at hiding when something's bothering her you notice fairly quickly. When you finally approach her about it she does come clean and tells you what's troubling her and even more than she's still doubting her strength as a guardian and isn't sure if she's able to protect you, Matier, and everyone, and even more so that even though she has demon blood (even though artificial) that she is nothing like how strong Dante is. You then tell her that her being demon or human doesn't matter, that you love her for her and that she is strong but she doesn't have to be strong for everyone she can show weakness and that everyone does, and that you know Dante is proud of how far she's come and how far she can still go. She looks at you with a mystified look before pulling you into an embrace telling you how to Sparda she's so lucky to have someone as amazing as you. 
Lucia likes to think about Sparda from time to time, with all the stories that she's managed to get out from Matier and the various things she's read in books she wonders what type of man he really was deep down to love a human woman - Dante's mother - and if what he felt about her was anything how she felt about you. 
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noonmutter · 4 years
He remembered thirst. He remembered a thirst so powerful that he'd stopped feeling it; like guzzling an entire cask of water would only have brought him back to the point where he was aware of how much more he needed. He remembered hunger, gnawing slowly at the inside of his empty stomach, leaving him desperate enough to cut off a bit of his tunic and chew on it. It didn't offer any respite, but at least it was a distraction as long as he did it.
He remembered watching his own hand sink slowly into itself when he stumbled and tried to catch himself. The horrible squelching sound as bones broke like wet twigs and ground against themselves inside. The agonizing slowness of the arm reasserting its shape.
He remembered collapsing under the rock, and not being able to get up because he couldn't tell which limb was which. He remembered trying to weep, and having nothing within him to weep with.
He remembered...speech. Vague, unidentifiable; was it a language he didn't know, or had he deteriorated so much that he'd simply lost the ability to comprehend? But it was there. Loud. Angry. More than one. Shouting.
Someone grabbed him. Recoiled, to guess by the sudden lack of dull sensation and the much louder, more high-pitched shouting. More hands the second time, and then he was moving, roughly shifted back and forth. It was hard to say, everything was so muted, but he thought he felt lighter once they began to drag him...
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Terry growled under his breath and pushed his scraggly hair out of his face. Sweat had made the ever-present soot and ash cake to his forehead, and while he had been filthier in his lifetime, the detritus in this stupid, bloody tower felt greasier than anything he’d ever been covered in.
The mistake had only needed to be made once; he still had a scalding burn in his palm from trying to grab one of the many jutting spikes and seemingly random rails and pipes to support himself. Instead, he set his hand on his knee and forced himself to stand for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour.
If hours even meant anything in this shithole, he’d have been shocked. Thros had felt less endless than this. Gargantuan plate-wearing guards patrolling around every corner, metal skeleton-dog things, whatever the blue screaming fuck that building-sized skullfaced bastard had been two or three runs ago... Terry was tired of it all. It was repetitive, but random, and the combination made it all the more frustrating every time he thought he’d found a way out.
He hated thinking he’d found a way out. It was foolish thinking, and he knew it--especially before he was actually out, it was so foolish--and yet, inevitably, when he would find a way to put down an insane tree-creature or some kind of blob that seemed to siphon the energies he kept finding, he would ascend with a feeling of triumph.
He wasn’t convinced that it wasn’t something the tower did to him, forcing him to take pleasure in victory so he would feel it when it inevitably turned out to be false.
But he had no other choice. The way back was barred, as ever.
There were enemies all around him, as ever.
There was a yawning abyss all around the platform he’d collapsed on, as ever.
He was tempted to try and climb the seemingly infinite chains reaching up into the certainly false emptiness above, as ever.
And, as ever, he simply picked up the strange, bow-like thing he’d been given--it was a bow, in that it had a string and a grip and it did ugly, violent things when he drew an arrow and released it, but it felt like a weapon built by someone who had only ever had one described to them--and gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts.
And kept moving.
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"Whose desire for adoration and glory..."
He remembered a voice. High, sneering. Like he would have attributed to the worst kind of blue-blood, the kind that looked down a nose that pointed right back up at them, piggish and ignoble.
"Who killed, tortured, drugged and manipulated..."
He remembered pain, but not the searing rawness of torture, of brutality. A dull ache, as though each throb of fiery nerves left him with less energy for the next beat of his heart.
“Whose pride blinded him to his failings..."
He remembered shame, greater by a thousandfold than the agony wracking his entire being. He remembered defiance, his own but not, driven by reaction rather than thought.
"Who showed remorse, but not change..."
He remembered his useless legs hitting bare dirt, cold but solid, and then the sound of snapping jaws and a hunter's horn. He remembered trying to flee in a body that was all but formless...
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His back hit the wall of his cell with a jarring, painful impact that he infuriatingly noticed as though it were brand new. Yet another of the grand joys of the Hotel Torghast. Everything was old and wore at his nerves, but his nerves did not wear down, and the things he ached to stop feeling felt like the first dose every time. It was the first indication he’d had that he wasn’t in a normal prison, that total lack of exhaustion.
Terry was used to exhaustion. It made sense; you exhausted a captive, the better to make them malleable. But he was used to it, so he could cling to his knowledge to combat it, and weaponize his anger at being manipulated against it. Exhaustion had a purpose, so he could counter it. Any decent soldier, any decent spy could do that. This... this was different. There was no one standing there to cajole him, to manipulate him, for him to manipulate back and stimulate his own mind by antagonizing.
They just... threw him into the cell, left him there for one eternity, then released him from the cell for another eternity. After each cycle of eternities, he felt exhausted in a way he would never be able to quantify, and every time, he entire being felt heavier. Sometimes it was hard to move his arms or legs, and it was a supreme act of will rather than of strength just to stand and pace the tiny space afforded to him.
He’d lost count of how many times he’d been forced to run the maze almost immediately, but that didn’t matter very much. There was no benefit to knowing; the time passed made no difference. He only knew that every time he found himself staring out of a barred doorway, he was failing to keep his promises.
Sooner or later, that knowledge more than anything else was bound to bring him down beyond his ability to stand back up. Leaning against the bars, he was once again too weary to weep. And even if he could have, there was nothing in him to make weeping worth the energy.
All he had left was his voice, so he sang.
“I'm just a poor, despairing stranger “Traveling through the dark below “I'll lead the sickness, fear and danger “From the bright world I used to know
“I'm going back no more to suffer “I'm going back no more to harm
“I'm just a-gon' to lands of shadow “I'm just a-goin' on alone...”
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squid-rp · 3 years
River Jones
Angry Blind Werewolf living off of a modest fortune that was shrewdly invested. Respects his alpha (is the most loyal but isn't going to say it openly without good reason), adored his mother and sisters, having to deal with his great-niece showing up out of the blue with her five-year old daughter and keeping them safe on top of everything else going on.
Looking for: His great-niece (just left a bad marriage, has some vague knowledge of the supernatural. Is probably just human, but I'm open).
Bo Brighton
A Regular Ol' Human Hunter in the Circle of Orion, Bo is a diamond in the rough from a midwestern town with a genius intellect who had the misfortune of falling in love with the girl next door when she broke through all his logic and theories of the world with a charming fairytale about falling stars. Vera ended up moving away when her parents divorced, but she and Bo exchanged letters all throughout the rest of their childhood and adolescence . While he didn't look like traditional hunter material in his late teens, Bo was scouted by a set of Hunters who crammed his genius brain chock full of lore of the supernatural and taught him how to fight for himself. He ended up joining the Circle of Orion right as letters from Vera stopped, leading him to wonder if the Supernatural was behind her disappearance.
He's too smart for his own good, tends to ramble, has piss poor social skills at times and has a bunch of knicks and cuts and burns from trying to cobble together some sort of new invention... or make the perfect soufflé (or both).
Looking for: Because I'm terrible, you know full and well that Vera's a GD supernatural. Whoever picks her up gets to pick what she is.
Sarina Corwin
Brackish Siren turned during an adolescent summer afternoon by the river gone terribly wrong. Sarina's sudden change of both diet and demeanor led to great tragedy, leaving her ostracized and out of touch and struggling to learn the ropes on her own. Years spent learning on her own and avoiding hunters has led her to Colorado, where she relishes helping bby supernaturals without a clue find their way in life, while also keeping them safe from hunters.
Looking for: Her concept is still formulating, so she doesn't really have any want ads at this time.
Neriah Hanlon
The Petal and Vine Shop has been a staple of Crow River since the town's inception, all operating out of a dreary-looking Victorian manor owned by the Hanlon family who seems to pass the business and the property from Mother to Daughter throughout the years. These days, the shop is owned by Neriah Hanlon, a Changeling who has secretly been running the shop the entire time. Neriah is something of a town darling -- always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it, and who would literally give you the shirt off her back and knit you a whole closet if she felt you needed it. In truth, Neriah helps people forget when needed, and as a neutral agent, has probably offered her services to many of the factions within town provided that she gets proper payment of... a secret, a story, a little trinket that has some sentimental value -- anything with meaning.
And for anyone who would threaten her, she'd like to remind you that oleander is such a beautiful bloom, but can be so very poisonous.
Looking for: Still an evolving concept. I kind of want her to be a Mom friend to people, but who can also snap into being TERRIFYING if trifled with. Give her employees at her floral/tea shop/parlor. Give her people she's helped in the past. She's SUPER OLD, and has probably known some of these characters since they were knee high to a grasshopper.
Genevieve Thorne (Née Durand)
Born to a prominent and well-respected family of New York old-money sorcerers, Genevieve was born out of a magically political union and was expected to do the same. While her magical talents were not neglected, Genevieve was always thought of as "less than" when it came to her older brother, even when she proved more capable, more ambitious, and more willing to learn and be more. When the time came, Genevieve ended up showing up to her marriage ceremony, only to end up murdering the groom and most of the wedding attendees (including her own family) with the help of a Vampire that she had fallen head over heels for. While the pair officially tied the knot later, they would refer to that instance as their true wedding.
Genevieve has arrived in Crow River arm-in-arm with her husband, and has made powerful friends to gain a foothold in the city (it does help that Ariana is rather charming and useful) and to gain knowledge. Genevieve's true goal is to find some magical way to render herself immortal while still retaining her magic. Lord only knows if she'll actually find it.... and god help everyone if she does.
Looking for: Her husband, namely. It might also be fun if someone were coming after her for that wedding fiasco.
Everly O'Reilly
A curious creature from her earliest days, Everly had a habit for constantly being underfoot and eavesdropping on everyone's business as a child, which didn't earn her a lot of friends, but did leave her with plenty of time to read and soak up as much knowledge as she could about random subjects during her childhood. As she grew older, Everly became less of a pest and more of an it-girl with an Instagram following to match. She was her school's prom queen, but also the Valedictorian, and she was a shoe in for going to school on a scholarship for journalism. Instead of taking that road, Everly decided to be her own boss and became a Podcaster for things dark and strange and twisted that most people would have balked at investigating. She gained a huge following and her work enabled her to travel the world...
Which is how she ended up in Crow River. Crow River was going to be a quick stop on the way to something greater, but Everly ended up seeing something she shouldn't have seen, and one moment she was snapping a photo... and the next there was darkness...
And then she was literally clawing her way out of the grave in the woods she had been tossed into, newly reborn as a Vara Vampire.
Looking for: She's got "her Yoda" as she likes to say, but I would like to figure out wtf Everly saw that she really shouldn't have, and if anyone needs an accidental Vara bby fledgling that they didn't mean to create, hit me up!
James J. Jamison
A few years ago, James would have said that he was the most unordinary of the unordinary folks. A supernerd to the max (complete with the comic book collection and fondness for dungeons and dragons), James grew up being ostracized by most of his peers because he was VERY HANDS FLAILING ANIMATED LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS THING I LOVE. Cue toilet swirlies in the bathroom during recess and lunch. James made friends with another nerd aficionado in elementary school, but said aficionado never learned a healthy way to heal from the psychological trauma of bullying and turned mean instead, quickly becoming a bully himself once he and James reached high school.
And everything would have been all hunky dory had James not pulled his best "What would Lara Croft do" moment and stood up to his ex-best friend, which ultimately earned him the beat down of his life, but earned him a sea of friends who respected him for what he did.
Flash forward a few years, and James was studying to be a graphic artist and was supporting himself in Portland, Oregon by being a pizza delivery driver...
The last thing he saw was the grill of his ex-best friend's car heading right for him... and the next... being cradled in someone's arms, the wet rain, and then... fire and smoke and ash and...
Confusion. James reawoke as a Phoenix and has been trying to piece things together ever since. Luckily, his parents put out a missing person's report for him and he was quickly picked up by a patrol car. After a few weeks of confusion and therapy, James decided to try and go back to his old life, even if he couldn't remember most of it...
But then a letter beckoned him to Crow River, and like Frodo leaving the Shire, James set off on his quest.
Looking For: I would love it forever if someone wanted to be the person inviting James to Crow River. Like, we can hash out that plot together, but I need it like breathing.
Levison Harding
I admittedly do not know too much about Levison beyond a vague concept of him being a native son of Crow River, and a werebear. He left some odd years ago to do things, and just came back after being captured by a group of individuals who hunted supernatural creatures to make a black market of parts for magical rituals, Vampire blood, etc. I think they originally captured Levison for vampire blood and didn't know he was a werebear until he broke out and murdered the lot of them, taking all of the captives with him in the process of escape.
Now seen as the leading figure for a group of Supernatural refugees, Levison has returned home to try and figure out what his next steps are for both himself and the small group of a misfit found family that he's become the head of.
Looking for: Give me the black market group that he's run afoul of now, and give me his found family. There are no alternatives.
Maira Joshi
Another prominent Crow River family, the Joshi's have been present in Colorado records as early as the late 1800's, and they gained a strange notoriety of mostly having daughters within the family. The current head of the family, Faria, hides her status as a seer in plain sight by offering psychic readings and "mediumship" skills to those who aren't in the know, and her abilities as a seer to those who do. Maira is the youngest of her granddaughters, and showed little affinity for magic and happily went along to become an elementary school nurse. She would have stayed that way had she not started having ominous visions all swirling around Crow River, prompting her to take a position in Crow River and move in with her increasingly ailing grandmother for further instruction. Maira -- by her grandmother's own description -- is a sweet and empathetic soul, more likely to slip into someone's dreams to drive away natural nightmares or induce states of calm on the panicked and suffering. Between her growing skills as a Seer and her knowledge of first aid, her true goal is to help where she can, and to stop the terrible future she occasionally still sees from coming to pass.
Looking for: Other Joshi seers? IDK, I'M JUST EXCITED.
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
✍ Thank u very much!!
“Well, it definitely was not well-paying.” mmm relatable ✋🏻😌
“There was a bond of sorts between them. Elena could feel, even pinpoint sometimes what the little bean was sensing, and knew that we was the same with her.” FORCE SENSITIVE READER???!!!
“The bond between Bean and her suddenly swelled, as if something clicked into place.” love how you still allowed Grogu and Din to have their moment!!
Such a great start to the series and the ending really compelled me to want more!
“The only thing she currently knew about their captor was that he did not talk much, and he had not displayed tendencies in being violent at random. He did not snap at her or at the baby to keep up. Yet.” I love being able to see Din from a captor’s perspective!
“He stared down at her, before sighing deeply. ‘...Thank you.’ Elena faked surprise. ‘Oh, you do have manners.’“ Precious boy Din!!!
“’Don’t touch me,’ he threatened quietly, and Elena instantly shrank back, heart pounding. Feeling a flush rise up in her face bacsue of how foolish she felt, she just held up her palms a little awkwardsly bevause of the cuffs, trying to placate him. He simply turned around, and ignored her timid, ‘I’m sorry.’“ !!! My heart panged ugh!
“The world suddenly went flying and she found herself pinned under the Mandalorian, his hand curling around her throat, the other pressing her into the ground. She gasped, both in shock and at the force with which he had slammed her into the ground, and clawed at his hand, scabbling underneath him.” NOT ME HAVING SOME THOTS DONT MIND MEEE
“Bean did not listen to him though, and just swallowed the mudjumper in one piece. He then burped loudly, beaming up at them and giggling. The Mandalorian sighed.” PRECIOUS
“Not daring to look up, she stood with her arms full of things, waiting for the Mandalorian to make space so she could pass through. Her heart was beating fast, limbs almost seizing up in fear the longer she and Bean were under his scrutiny. He did, after another moment where his visor was trained on them, and let them through. Almost fleeing from him, she did not know if she imagined the sigh he gave as the door to the bathroom shut with a click.“ OOPE MY HEART IS THUMPING
“You’re a cruel man,” she whispered, blinking furiously, feeling hot tears threatening to spill over.
The Mandalorian scoffed, half turning his head back to her. “Does that bother you?” It was the only thing he said before the ramp lowered, the sunlight from Arvala-7 streaming in. The Mandalorian left as soon as the ramp touched the ground, stalking across the rocky terrain of the desert, cutting an impressive figure with his rifle slung across the back and the glinting beskar helmet, the pram floating next to him.”
My heart!!! 😭😭
“She gave a start, and her head whipped around to where she suddenly knew Bean was. Some deep part in her reached across the bond, and felt him, sitting in his pram, whimpering to himself.
There was an impression of the Mandalorian being hurt. Badly. Heart pounding, she debated over what to do, panic swelling up in her. She was too far away to help, and if it was the Mudhorn, something that could hurt a Mandalorian, she had no chance against it anyways.“ !!!!! Ooh I love this connection
“It felt as if every fibre inside her had started to swell with some power, blood rushing in her veins, an instant connection to, well, everything. It surrounded everything around her, everything that was was inside her, an energy field, and it came directly from Bean.“ I KNEW IT
“I don’t believe you,” she spat, “I told you that he should have stayed! What were you thinking, taking him to get a Mudhorn egg? He could have died!” GET HIS ASS ELANA
“You know, running on stims is not–”“Are you the baby’s caretaker or mine?” The Mandalorian asked dryly.Elana glared at him. “Seems like I have to, if you’re stupid enough to fight a Mudhorn on stims.”“Cut the sass,” The Mandalorian growled, stepping closer, towering above her.“Make me,” she snarled without thinking, scooting back until her back hit the spare parts on the sledge, curling a protective arm around the sleeping Bean. FUCK FUCK FUCK THE TENSION
“She felt like a complete fraud, everything she did before to protect Bean? It was worth nothing, because he would give them up anyway. She could have tried to kill him before they left Arvala-7, but she did not. Never mind what would have happened, she could have killed him, stabbed him in his sleep while they were repairing the Razor Crest. She and Bean could have stayed at Kuiil’s place until they would have to leave again, seeking shelter somewhere else. If she had done that, Bean would not face capture tomorrow. If.” 🥺🥺💓💓
“Looking up into the small mirror cabinet, she winced at the puffiness of her eyes, how prominent the bruises under them were.“ mmm SAME
“Careful, please,” Elana pleaded, already taking a step towards them, but the doctor moved towards a device with a huge droid floating above, laying Bean down on the slab beneath it. The small one wriggled and tried to turn on his belly, but with one well placed palm on his body, Dr. Pershing stopped his efforts. He turned his head to Elana, struggling to move towards Bean despite the grip of the stormtrooper on her, desperation on her face” 🥺😭 no precious baby!!!!
“Dizzy,” she choked out as black spots danced in front of her eyes, and whispered “Really dizzy” as her knees buckled again, limbs seeming so heavy. He cursed low under his breath before snaking an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and tugging her along.“Can you hold him or should I?” He asked, gesturing to the unconscious Bean. Her grip around her child tightened without her noticing.“I can hold him,” Elana managed, and with a nod, he pulled her further along, helping her stay upright.” din ugh!!!! Goddamn i love him
"He moved his body over hers, shielding her and Bean with his armour, a few shots glancing off the beskar as he held himself up on his elbows. “I’m sorry,” he grunted, his voice crackling through his modulator, sounding genuine, “I’m sorry for this.”Elana stared up at his helmet, at the T-visor, inches away from her face, and felt strangely empty.It should not matter that he is sorry. But it does.“ ahhh I love this part!
“Elana glanced down, and was surprised to see that most of the redness had receded, the wound still steadily closing. “Looks nice,” she said, her lips curving up once again, “Thank you for taking us to the medcenter.”“It was nothing,” the Mandalorian said quietly, helmet downturned, and he took a step back, giving her space.It wasn’t, though.And both of them knew that.“ oh my goodness so precious!!!!! Din baby! 😭
“It did make finding Bean a lot easier, Elana had to admit. She could always count on him clinging to the bounty hunter’s boots, or hiding under the pilot’s seat, a corner of the cape in his mouth, trying to scramble up onto the Mandalorian’s lap or just staying somewhere near him. The man had let him stay on the controls several times now, Bean being content in watching either the blue swirls of hyperspace for hours or the twinkling void of real space. He was especially fascinated with all the glowing buttons and switches in the cockpit, and Elana did not know if they would wake up some day and have the baby gleefully smashing at the control board.“
“Being on the Razor Crest with him was almost pleasant.”
!!!!! We love to see it! Daddy din 🥺
“He seemed to sense her internal turmoil, and worked against her unspoken fear by willingly watching Bean for a few hours without prompting. He would sit in the cockpit with the little one, explaining star charts and buttons to him with the patience of a saint, giving her moments in which she could be alone for a bit.”
“He turned around and looked at her, incredulously. “Why does he do that?” He asked, shoulders raised high in defense.“He likes you,” was her simple response, “get used to it.”
It's okay Grogu I would cling to din's boots too 😌
““Womp rat,” the Mandalorian said, and it almost sounded fond.“
“Omera waved slightly. “Nonsense, you have a little one! I remember when my Winta was that small,” she sighed with a wistful note, “I would not want those sleepless nights back but…” Omera smiled down on Bean, “sometimes you just miss them being tiny and cute.”
Classic mom to mom convo absolutely adorable
“The girl nodded, big eyes earnest. “But the Mandalorian, he saved Bean and you, right?” Winta asked.
Elana gave a half shrug, eyes still fixed on the little child in front of her. “I suppose you could say that,” she heard herself saying absentmindedly as she straightened the collar of Bean’s robe.
“He seems very nice,” Winta said, “Mama said that he is.”
“Yeah, he is,” Elana said, and realised that it was both a reassurance for the little girl and for herself. If she disregarded what he had done prior to Nevarro, he would probably have been the kindest person she had met in years, helping with Bean and helping her to find somewhere they would be safe. But she would always keep Arvala-7 in mind”
All in all, a super cute series!!!
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It was really easy to read and felt natural to the flow of canon! An adorable read, Rea!
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marril96 · 4 years
When in Rome...
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: Your and Rowena’s moment of fun is ruined when an alternate world hunter starts making unreasonable demands.
A/N: Set after 13x21.
Editor: @miss-moon-guardian​
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Things were hectic at the bunker, and if it wasn't for your and Rowena's tiny, same-private space, you would have gone insane. The two of you settled on a pair of chairs by the library, invisible to the swarm of people around you. It was more for your benefit like hers; Rowena could handle herself amongst people just fine, having done so for almost four hundred years.
As an introvert, you were finding it difficult. There was too much noise, too many people. They were like ants, swarming you, surrounding you, technically harmless but not enough for you to let your guard down. They may not have wished you harm, but the majority of them were still hunters. As such, they couldn't be trusted. Just because Rowena had helped them didn't mean they posed no threat. The two of you were witches, and that was enough for them to want you dead.
You were supposed to be on your way home by now. With the rift taken care of and everyone back home and safe, you and Rowena had done your part. But there were still a few things the Winchester needed help with and Sam had asked Rowena to stay for a while longer. She agreed, and thus you were stuck. You weren't going to leave her here alone, the only witch in a sea of humans. Leaving her alone had gotten her brutally tortured and murdered by Lucifer the year before, and from then on the two of you had agreed to stick together as much as you could. Where one went, the other followed.
"You have to work on your pronunciation," Rowena said. You were having difficulty with a spell and had asked her to help you out. Anything to pass the time.
"Gaelic is hard," you said.
"It is," Rowena agreed, sympathetic. She was a great teacher, endlessly patient, quick to calm you down every time you got into one of your I-quit moods. "Would it help if I wrote down the phonetics for you?"
"Yes, please!"
She smiled. "Alright." You handed her the piece of paper the spell was written on. She took a pen from the coffee table and started scribbling on the back. "When we get home, we're starting Gaelic lessons again."
"Okay." You'd handled Latin just fine, but could never grasp Gaelic. It was a difficult language to learn. Pronouncing it was all but impossible. "There's a language school in town. Maybe I should sign up for Gaelic lessons."
Rowena looked at you, deadpan, serious. "Don't insult me."
You grinned, which prompted a smile to break free on her mouth. "Just kidding. You're a good teacher."
She raised an eyebrow. "Just good?"
"Great. Awesome. Gorgeous." Her face lit up; the way to Rowena's heart was through flattery. "Sexy. Lovely. Adorable."
"Adorable?" she questioned.
"Most adorable." You booped her nose, and she scrunched up her face, confirming your words. Adorable. Adorablest. Goodness, you loved her! "God, you're so precious!"
She playfully smacked your arm, cheeks flaming, red as her hair. "Am not."
You pouted. "Ow! No violence!"
"Then behave."
"So mean."
"That's right. I'm mean. Not adorable, and certainly not precious."
"Sure." Your tone was dripping with sarcasm. Rowena rolled her eyes with all the drama of a theater actress, a practiced, seasoned one. "Think I'll ever be as powerful as you?"
The thought came to you out of nowhere, though it wasn't the first time you'd pondered it. Rowena was a powerful witch. One of the most powerful witches in the world. Was it possible for you to acquire such power? Birth hadn't gifted you nearly half of it, but was it possible to amplify what you had? Was practice and studying enough? Or would you forever be a regular witch, no different than any other in the crowd?
You were okay with being ordinary, but it would be a lie to say you didn't aspire to be like Rowena. The woman could make gods fall to their knees, could make archangels tremble in their vessels. One word, and what she wanted was hers. Who wouldn't want to be like her?
Many witches would kill for a chance to study under her. You were dating her. All you had to do was ask, and all her knowledge, gathered through centuries of hardship, was yours.
You just needed skill to harness it.
"Aye," Rowena said without a moment's hesitation. Completely and utterly sure of her response, as if you'd asked if the sky was blue or if bees made honey. She just knew it, and she was certain of it, and it made your heart swell up with warmth. "You're a natural-born witch, just like me. You're skilled, and you work hard." A smirk grazed her lips. "You have a great teacher, after all. I don't see why you wouldn't be like me. Power is taken, not given. Remember that, dear. I was born with potential, just like you. It was up to me what I did with it, and I made the most with it because why wouldn't I? It was mine for the taking."
She made it sound so easy. So effortless. Want? Take. Have. The end. If only you were gifted with such confidence. If only you were so sure of your capabilities. You weren't a bad witch by any means, but your power was still raw. Untamed. You still struggled. In comparison to Rowena, you were a peasant.
To be fair, almost every witch was a peasant in comparison to her, but that didn't make you feel any better about yourself.
"You're really good at pep talks, you know that?" you joked, trying to lighten the glum mood that befell you. No use beating yourself up over something trivial. After all, it was just magic. Your magic, that worked perfectly fine the way it was. However much you wanted it, you didn't need limitless power. You weren't helpless; you could defend yourself if you were in need. You could fight. You could have fun. So what if you couldn't seek out and kill reapers? It didn't make you any less of a witch, no matter what your insecurities said.
"Shut up!" Rowena said, a traitorous giggle — one of the most adorable, precious sounds she could make — escaping her mouth.
"You should pursue it as a career," you teased.
It earned you a glare that had to have killed before. The kind that scared everyone but you because you knew her enough to know she was all bark and no bite. A yappy puppy that loved to put on an act in attempts to be tough, all the while melting into a puddle at the softest touch.
You pecked the tip of her nose and blew her a kiss as she shot you another glare. The corners of her mouth twitched; she kept it shut, lips a thin line, giggles begging for freedom that would never come.
"You know what my favorite spell is?" Your eyes wandered to a bookshelf across from you, right behind Rowena. You focused on the spine of a random book; a leather-bound one, with neat writing and intricate lines trailing around the letters. As old as you and Rowena combined, possibly older. Beautiful in that way old, well-loved books were. Your hands rose up in the air, palms open, and you said, "Liber."
Magic stirred within you, a warm, comforting rush of delight, and the book shot out from the shelf, straight into your waiting hands. Your mouth dissolved into a grin as you clutched the book to your chest, heart brimming with pride, with wonder. No matter how many times you performed the same spell, it never ceased to amaze you.
"Lazy-arse," Rowena commented.
You shrugged. "Why should I get up when I can just say the word — Liber—" you glanced at another book, and it, too, jumped into your hands "—and voila! It's here."
Rowena shook her head. "I should have never taught you that spell."
"Hey!" you protested. "I'm a practical girl."
"You're a lazy girl."
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
She sighed, shaking her head.
"It's fun and you know it! Liber!" This time it was a journal, written almost a century ago by some Man of Letters. You set it on your lap, atop the other two books. Rowena couldn't help it — she chuckled, and you shot her a smug glance. "Told ya."
"It's not—"
"Could you stop?"
The two of you looked up, startled by the unknown voice. A man was staring at you. He was tall, hair a scruffy brown, clothes hanging on him like curtains — Sam and Dean's borrowed flannel, too big for his skinny frame.
Rowena frowned. "Beg pardon?"
"Could you stop doing magic?" His voice was strained. Politeness as fake as the smile he was trying to put on. "Please."
"We're not doing anything bad," you said, baffled by the request. Unsure how to approach it. "We're just having fun."
He swallowed. Cleared his throat. Swallowed again. "Could you please not do it?"
Why did that please sound so accusatory? So insulting? As if he wanted to call you a bad word and opted for a pleasantry instead, hoping you wouldn't notice.
"Why should we not?" Rowena asked, daring him to shed the mask and say exactly what was on his mind. Challenging him the way she always did, never one to back down.
"It's making me uncomfortable," the man said.
Rowena raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"We're not doing anything to you," you said. You didn't even know his name. Up until now, you'd never seen him before in your life. Plenty of people had rushed in through the gate; you were more focused on Rowena, tired, at the end of her strengths, than the swarms of strangers bursting in through the rift.
"I don't like magic."
The man's cheeks flushed, a faint tint of shame staining them red. It was hard to believe he had any shame, saying things like that. For all you knew, it was as fake as everything else about him.
"Or witches." Instantly, pulling on a ridiculous smile, he added, "No offense."
People always said that, as if the phrase somehow made the blatantly offensive thing less offensive. As if it made it okay just because someone said (and lied through their teeth) they didn't mean it.
You stared at him, flabbergasted. Rowena's face was the picture of offense, but there was a flicker of amusement in the small smile on her mouth. She'd heard it all before. All the worst insults, she knew by heart. Nothing surprised her anymore. The audacity of the man, though, made her want to curse him right then and there (you could see it in her eyes, the desire to let her magic roam free, to unleash it upon him), but she kept herself in check. No need to make a scene — yet — over an insolent man.
"I don't mind you… doing whatever it is you do," he said. "Just, please, don't do it in front of me."
"Then don't look," Rowena said simply.
He tilted his head. "What?"
"If our magic bothers you so much, don't look at it. Surely you are able to look away?"
A nervous smile. "In my world, witches—" the word was spat out as if it were dirty, foul "—don't hang around hunters. And they don't use their magic around us, if they know what's good for them."
Was that a threat?
"This isn't your world, is it?" Rowena said, cold as ice. Tone a thinly-veiled threat.
"I'm just saying I'm not used to seeing magic being used so openly," the man said with an innocent shrug.
You couldn't resist a retort. "And we're not used to being threatened so openly." Two could play this game.
"I'm not threatening you."
"Yes, you are." You weren't going to back down, either. Rowena had taught you well. Alone, you would have cowered, maybe ran away, but with her there, you had nothing to fear. She wouldn't let anything happen to you. She wouldn't let a stranger — an ungrateful hunter — lay a finger on you. "Leave us alone."
He held up his hands, a feigned surrender. "I'm not doing anything to you. I just want you to stop using magic around me."
Looking him straight in the eyes, you held out a hand to your side and exclaimed, "Liber!" The book — a random paperback — flew perfectly into your palm. Not taking your eyes off the man, you laid it on the others in your lap. Does this bother you? your gaze said. Challenged. Dared. Does it make you uncomfortable?
It apparently did for he shifted his feet awkwardly and took a large breath. "Please, don't do that. I don't want you any harm. I just don't want to be around magic."
"You're the one who approached us," you pointed out.
A gulp. "Like I said, in my world—"
Rowena cut him off. "Shall we find you a way to go back?"
He stared, baffled. "What?"
"You seem to miss your world. Would you like us to help you go back?"
"Wha-that's not what I'm saying!"
"Witches fear you in your world, do they not? Isn't that what you want?"
"I don't… that's not what this is about. I don't want you to fear me!" The tone of his voice, his demeanor, the flicker in his eyes said otherwise. "Just stop using magic! How hard is that?"
"You didn't mind our magic when it kept the rift open for you and your people to come here," you said. "Maybe we should've let it close and left you in that war-torn shithole."
A vein on his forehead popped, face flushing an angry red. "I didn't ask for your help!"
"Why'd you come here, then? You could've stayed home. No magic there."
"You don't know what it's like to see everything you've ever known destroyed. The people you grew up with dead. Your home shattered to pieces."
"Sounds horrible." It truly did. "Seems you're better off here. With witches."
"I'm not used to your kind."
"Get used to us, then."
"Your kind is unnatural." He spat it as if it were filth.
There we go. "So you do have a problem with witches." Surprise, surprise.
"I don't want you here," he said. As if his opinion held weight. As if he had any say in the matter.
You couldn't hold back a laugh. "Sam and Dean are our friends." Acquaintances? Allies? Who was counting anymore? "We've been here long before you. If that bothers you, why don't you leave? You're living here for free. You're wearing Sam and Dean's clothes and eating their food. You don't get to make any demands."
"Who are you to talk to me like that?" he spat. "You're just a witch!"
"And you're an ungrateful bastard!"
"Watch your mouth!"
"Or what?" Rowena said. "What are you going to do, boy?"
The hunter leaned in as if to whisper a secret. "Sam and Dean won't always be around."
"That's right," Rowena told him, looking him straight in the eyes. Making her own threat clear. "They won't."
He laughed. "You're pretty feisty for a witch. Knew a few of them just like you. At the end, they were all begging for mercy."
"I don't beg."
"Leave us alone!" you shouted, purposely loud, having had enough of this. You'd agreed to stay on Sam's behest, but you'd never signed up to be harassed. You weren't going to let some lowly hunter threaten you.
All the chatter in the Bunker instantly stopped. Heads turned your way. Eyes observed you, curious, confused. The hunter froze at the sudden attention, caught off guard.
"Is everything okay?" Sam asked, walking over.
"This guy's threatening us," you said.
"What?" He eyed the hunter, who put his hands up.
"She's lying."
"She is not," Rowena said. "This nit won't leave us be."
"Is that true?" Sam asked him.
The hunter sighed. "They were using magic. I just told them to knock it off."
"We were just having fun," you said.
"And I told you I don't want you to use magic around me!"
"It was a simple bloody spell to pick up books!" Rowena snapped. "We weren't hexing anyone!"
Sam looked from the two of you over to him. "What's the problem?"
"The problem is, they're witches!" the hunter said. "How can you let them into your house?"
"They're friends," Sam said defensively.
"They're witches." His face twisted with disgust. "And they were using magic. Doesn't that bother you?"
"No. They weren't doing anything wrong."
"Their entire existence is wrong."
"Fuck you!" you spat.
"Okay," Sam said, holding up his hands. "Okay, let's all calm down."
It was easy for him to say. He wasn't the one being insulted.
"I want them gone," the hunter said.
Sam turned to him. "They're not going anywhere. Like I said, they're friends, and we need them."
"I don't need them."
"That's fine, but this is Dean and I's home. They're welcome here." He pointed up the stairs. "If you don't like it, there's the door."
Warmth swelled in your chest. Rowena smirked victoriously.
The hunter was flabbergasted. "Are you seriously siding with witches over a hunter?"
"Yeah," Sam said without a flicker of a doubt. "I am. They've helped us a lot. If it weren't for them, the rift would have closed and none of us would be here right now. I understand your reservations, but they're not bad people."
"You're crazy! This world is crazy!" Sam shrugged. The hunter rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself. I'm not hanging around witches."
He slid up the stairs and slammed the door on his way out so hard the walls shook. You sighed in relief. Good riddance.
"What was that all about?" Dean asked, emerging from the kitchen with a sandwich in his hands.
"One of the other world guys didn't like our rules," Sam said.
"Sucks to be him," Dean commented, took a bite out of his sandwich, and went back to the kitchen.
"You guys okay?" Sam asked.
"Aye," Rowena said. "A wee hunter doesn't scare us."
"Sorry about that. Most of the guys are really nice. I swear, this won't happen again."
You sure hoped so.
"Don't worry about us, Samuel. We're big girls."
You nodded, though it felt nice to know the Winchesters — for once in your life— were completely on your side.
"You're always welcome here," he said.
"We know," Rowena said. "Do you happen to have any more of that scotch from last night?"
Sam laughed. "Sure. I'll get you some."
"It would be much appreciated."
You quirked up an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
She shrugged. "That nincompoop exhausted me. I need a drink."
You supposed that was fair. Maybe you could snag a glass as well.
And, hopefully, you could head home soon.
As welcoming as the Winchesters were, there was no place like home.
Tags: @werewolfbarbie​ @oswinthestrange​ @songofthecagedmoose​ @apurdyfulmind​ @getthesalt-sam​ @metallihca​ @salembitchtrials @jay-eris​ @hellsmother​ @elizabeth-effie​ @shadowgirl-vsb​ @rowenaswife​ @wonderifshelikesroses​ @xfireandsin​ @liddell-alien​ @hotdiggitydammit​ @lae-lae​ @darkhumorsblog​ @angel7376​ @cherrypierowena​ @evil-regal-vampiress​ @collectorofsecretsandsouls​ @angel-e-v-a​ @a-queen-and-her-throne​ @carryon-doctor-lock​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @rowenaslilwitch​ @midnight-lestrange​
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murdersexual · 4 years
Part III? To that LeoPika fic~?!
-Rated MA.
-Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling and Gun Violence.
-I wrote this at 3am and absolutely love this one.
-Edit was done by me... Pic was found on Google somewhere lmao.
-Nicknames: Birthday Koi/Koi Fish/Fishie: Leorio (cause he’s a Pisces) and Smol Ram/Blondie and whatever I used is obviously Kurapika.
-LeoPika (Leorio x Kurapika)
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Part III: All In Or Fold:
Bridge To World Resorts Hotel - 10:34pm:
“Where are you taking me...?”
An annoyed sigh left Kurapika. He knew he was gonna ask that fucking question.
“You’re doing the very thing I told you that agitates me...”
Leorio turns up his lip and rolls his eyes. A heavy sigh leaves him. As they walk across the tubular glass bridge, Leorio takes in the sights of the night skyline. The bright lights were always a sight to look at, besides a bodacious beauty of course.
“Oh good evening, Fine Sir and Madame Fatale~”
Greeted a pair of rich women dressed in mini dresses. They looked high if not drunk. Nonetheless, their killer curves caught Leorio’s eyes and he instantly returned their greeting...
“Good Evening Ladies~ Hope to see you around the casino~”
That suave voice of his was enough to make their lower halves quiver with excitement. While he was too busy watching them, an unimpressed Kurapika stopped in his tracks just to feel Leorio run into him.
“Agh! Seriously?!”
And with that, he kept walking. Leorio gave him a glare before huffing. His semi exposed chest quickly expanded only to drop. His hands were in his pocket but every time there was a silky greeting from any of the women who bypassed, he’d take out his left hand and wave. His bright 1000-watt smile was enough to charm them every time. Giving a wave only to those who didn’t really assume his gender is the little ram. The closer they were getting to their destination, the more anxiety started to lowkey rise.
‘What to expect? Probably for him to be not surprised but on the inside, he’d be flattered... Then he’d leave... Maybe he’ll be flustered? Or actually surprised and flustered? But... he’d still leave...’
The thought bothered him, his grey orbs gave a casual swish to each of his sides. As unnerving it could be, he realised that the outcome will never change. Once Leorio’s mind is made up, he’ll never go back on his words. To play a game such as Russian Roulette, one needn’t to fear the outcome but only hope for the best...
However, in these circumstances?
The mighty fatal bullet was shot and caught.
Finally, the two made their destination. The jingle of keys chimed in the emptied hallways. Finding a card key and tapping it, the reader gave a soft beep and with a gentle twist? The door came open. Stepping in, the light from the hallways illuminated their backs, their shadows on the ground appeared outstretched. With his left hand feeling the side of the wall, Kurapika finds a circular knob and twists it to where the lights are dimly lit. Taking that jet black blazer off and hanging it up, a soft sigh of relief emits from the little ram. Spotting an ice bucket with a fancy bottle of the finest of Hennessy, he didn’t hesitate to head over to it.
“Huh, bougie... Now what are you showing me?”
Popping the top and sliding a glass over, he takes a few ice cubes and places them in it. Staring at the second one, he hesitantly slides it over and does the same.
“Patience is still a weakness for you, I see.”
Staring intensely at him, he roams over and ‘kindly’ snatches the glass up. Taking some of it down, he leans lightly against the table and once their eyes meet?
“And prolonging the inevitable is still your favourite coping method, I see.”
They never left. It’s moments like these where they were would never stop looking for any weaknesses.
“Since when…?”
Finally the incomplete question comes rolling off the blondie’s tongue.
“...Have you’ve known me to ever do such...?”
Sipping down some of that drink, he could feel how it burns the back of his throat, however, he plays it off rather coolly. Dealing with Leorio and his aggression will always be a hassle—forever plucking at his nerves. What’s the best way not to engage him in combat?
By having a pretty levelled drink of course.
As their eyes finally left one another with Kurapika leaving from the wonderful shot table, Leorio’s never truly left. His eyes saw how calmly unnerved he is and it actually pleased him. Who knew he still could rattle the blondie?
“Well... I mean, since now and we don’t wanna even get into the times that—“
Before the fishie could finish?
He was cut off.
“There were no such times, but nice try though.”
He saw him glancing over his shoulder, the look in his eye showed he was defensive and it just made him smirk. His patience started to dwindle, that pride of the little ram’s wasn’t going to allow him to pluck at his strings.
“Hmph, whatever you say~ I remember everything despite I may not look it~”
He sang, now taking one of the cubes and popping it into his mouth. He gave a singsong like chuckle. The sound of that always gave Kura the wrong type of chills up his spine. He stopped in his bedroom’s doorway, his eyes immediately taking time to adjust to the thick dark. They slowly swished to the right then to the left.
While he was momentarily lost in thought, his feet carried him to his destination. A cherrywood gothic styled two door wardrobe with the fresh wooden polish was always a nostalgic reminder... Turning a few lock combinations that’s been cleverly installed, it clicks open and he’s able to pull the handles apart.
“Ah... Here it is...”
Taking up a jet black chest in his arms, he roams back to the main room, just to find the birthday boy, chilling at his desk and turning on music.
“Go ahead and play...”
Leorio’s eyes widened! The song of choice is very mellow, something that’s very contradictory yet relatively random. ‘Love Calls’ by Kem. Many questions went through Leorio’s mind, but now it’s not only him. Instantly pouring another shot, he clears his throat, finding it ever so awkward.
“Okay then... I suppose, ahem... What the fuck is that?!”
It took a moment for the smol ram to adjust to the sight of this tall fucker sitting at his desk like it’s his own. His feet being kicked up, jacket around the chair, shot glass in his hand and of course toying with his damn music station. His eye wanted to twitch but at all costs he’s refrained from showing how slightly triggered he is. After regaining his composure, he shuffles on over and drops the chest on his lap. Now leaning against the right side of the desk, one arm folds under the other.
“Hmm, I don’t know, you tell me.”
Feeling mighty suspicious, the koi fish takes it and undoes the latch, his hazel eyes were rather shocked to see...
A picture just before the whole Yorknew incident.
“Oh no way...”
Their eyes met for a moment with a soft smirk on Kura’s face and a genuinely shocked expression remains on Leorio’s. Setting that picture aside, his hand reaches in and pulls out what appears to be a mood board with blue flowers and aesthetic blue letters with glitter that says ‘Sleep Well’. There are screenshots of a infamous text argument between the two of them.
“Are you kiddin’ me?!?! This is when I threatened to suplex your ass into oblivion.”
Sentiment softened his eyes at such a board, a smile curved its way onto his handsome face.
“Exactly, it’s still such a disappointment you didn’t come and do it too.”
The side eye that was sharply given indicated that he’s here now and won’t hesitate to do it. Kurapika remains unbothered, that smirk on his face now hinting at a bit of mischief.
“There’s another one... Oh hell nah! Is this our conversation as we split before Yorknew?”
It’s another aesthetic text mood board with stickers of airplanes and clouds that has the bedazzled letters for the words ‘Fly High’ and ‘Stay Together’. It’s little things like this that warms the fishie’s heart. He sips his shot casually as his gaze scans through.
“I... am in disbelief... YOU actually made these? With what fucking time?!”
Kura rolls his eyes dismissively.
“The time I managed to find...”
Setting that aside, he finds another mood board, this time with pictures from Yorknew. From how they all met up at the park, had a picnic and the way everyone was so relaxed, even how they all sat at the end of the slide, just like how they slid down together during the hunter exam. There was a surrounding innocence around each of those photos. This one had a flower that matched every personality and the bedazzled letters were also coloured for the word that was used is...
That one right there was enough to melt the iceberg around Leorio’s heart.
“I... This... Mmmm this is so fuckin’ adorable... For you especially!”
“Hmph, leave your flattery for the last one... I do apologise in advance for its unfinished...”
The confidence that surrounded those words excited the koi fish. He sets that board aside and pulls out one that is most definitely unfinished, it’s black and white themed, with the halfway bedazzled words ‘Man or a Monster’. It’s screenshots of the many missed calls and texts. But there’s a screenshot of a text that was never sent...
‘Whilst this apology may fall upon blind eyes and a closed heart, I’m humbly sorry that I have to ask that you please remain patient with me. There’s so much I’d like to express but specific circumstances will not allow me the time... I promise you that I’m not ignoring you, if anything, your calls and texts are a constant reminder for how blessed I am. I’m not entirely sorry for the path I’ve chosen, but I’m sorry for hurting you.’
After reading that text that has a not delivered icon by it, Leorio found himself slowly looking at the blondie. No words really left him. He stared at him, taking in this so-called horrible best friend of his. Those hazel eyes had lost all sense of anger and were replaced with a gentle twinkle. A soft chuckle emits as he now downs his shot.
“You’re about to ask why I never sent it? Well... something told me that had I done it would only further complicate things and so I... didn’t.”
Finally looking out the large windows made of the finest of bulletproof glass, the little bit of a shot he has left is downed. The little ram hated how his answer came out. It gave him way more anxiety than it should’ve.
“You can never look me in the eyes whenever you tell such a harsh truth...”
Putting his glass down and reaching for the bottle that Leorio actually passes over he couldn’t help but wonder what else could lay heavy on his chest.
“Because I don’t like seeing those flashes of pain, I feel ultimately guilty and it’s just haunting.”
In the back of his sharp mind, he had to stop himself from saying...
‘Just like I would hate the way you’d look at me if you saw me in such a state of vulnerability...’
After nearly pouring a full glass, he takes that glass back up and casually sips on it. Those pale grey orbs finally finding Leorio’s again. There was a brief moment of silence and it didn’t help that ‘Take a Message’ by Remy Shand played in the background. It added to the dimmed and heartfelt ambience that’s currently going on right now. With a smirk gracing the koi fish’s face, he raises an eyebrow...
“You? Being sensitive? Having a side that’s softer than the finest of plush? Trust me, I love seeing this but there’s no more priceless feeling of knowing how you truly feel... I mean tch, yeah, still fuck you, but you really pull through when needed.”
Poor Kurapika nearly choked on his drink. His gaze instantly swishing around in a startled motion before turning away to hide his now pinkish tinted cheeks.
“You love seeing it if it’s a way to poke at it... Like you’re doing now.”
He wondered if he’d actually stick around now...
“I mean yeah, but I don’t think I’d stick a goddamn knife and twist it in ya... I ain’t that cruel.”
Although he knew what he meant, the idea of him leaving was taken as a stab and twist. Of course, he’d never come to say it. Leorio reaches and hooks a finger around his belt loop and with the slightest of tugs, a tiny bit of stumbling comes from the little ram. In reflex, his hand grabbed his hand and there was a threatening glare.
“I was just trying to see what you were hiding from me~”
The way those words came rolling off of Leorio’s tongue sounded way too melodic... In the most playfully teasing tone. The rosy cheeked blondie huffed! His mind was a bit frenzied... What the fuck did he really mean by those words? His heart felt like a rabbit’s for it rapidly raged against his chest.
“I’m not hiding any—!”
“You’re ever so flustered! Look at how pink you are! Haha!”
That wavy brown hair mocked his movements as he tossed his head back to laugh. There’s a look of disapproval now forming on Kurapika’s pretty little face. With a soft bite of his bottom lip he uses his nails to scratch his hand.
Now turning his lip up with a low growl, the hazel eyed koi fish slips his hand from him only to use his leg to shove him away before replacing it. A victorious laugh emits as he sees him stumble and nearly drop his glass.
“Can never stand it, can you?! Ahahaha~”
With a slow turn to face him, all he sees is that devilishly handsome smirk on his face as he holds his glass up.
“Seeing you flustered like a high school girl who’s just seen her crush is the most spectacular gift I could ever ask for~ Haha, now I’ll drink to that~”
In that moment, Kurapika froze, his gaze taking in this koi fish that’s dressed in all black. Despite his ignorance, he would never admit that at times Leorio can serve some looks. Those words did fall on partially deaf ears though. What mattered in that moment was how different Leorio seemed. Hell, in a two year span, there are quite a few changes a person can go through. Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional and or spiritual. That’s what the little ram is seeing right now... How far he’s come as a person.
“Look, I know I’m fine and all but you lookin’ kinda sus...!”
It wasn’t until then he snapped out of his mental appreciation for him. With a smirk and a quiet chuckle, that grey gaze had softened.
“Is it a crime to admire how much you’ve grown within the last two years~?”
Swinging his long toned legs off the desk, he casually packs up the jet black chest, totally trying to come up with a witty answer to that obvious rhetorical question. Once he closes it, he nods slowly while calmly getting up from the chair. Holding close to his heart is that chest and he can’t help but turn pink at such a sentimental craft.
“Everything you do is a damn crime nowadays! But I thank you for the gift, it means so much to—!”
“Wait, n-no... The gift was you looking AT it NOT taking it!”
Now frowning at such ridiculousness, the birthday koi steps back like somebody just slapped him! The little ram slowly readied to chase him for it. Kicking his shoes off to reveal those jet black socks.
“What the fuck do you mean?! I do believe I have all right to keep this!”
“No you don’t!”
“I do!”
And the back and forth has begun! Suddenly, it was like that wonderful moment never existed. There’s Kurapika now walking over to snatch that chest only for those quick reflexes of Leorio’s to hold it high in the air. He wasn’t even gonna reach no more... But with the intense and competitive glares they’re giving each other?
Determination grew tenfold.
Reaching for that chest once more is a soft growling Kurapika! He even stood on his toes, much like a balanced ballerina would. Just for the trickster koi to smile victoriously.
“There’s something else that I want for my birthday...”
Raising an eyebrow—being completely suspicious, the blondie slowly drops his arm.
“Humour me....”
Stepping closer to him while still holding that chest protectively, he takes his free hand and covers his eyes.
Their lips met, both soft and alcohol tinged. The city lights twinkled behind the two, making them appear like silhouettes. Softly nipping the ram’s bottom lip, he suavely says...
“They say stolen kisses are the sweetest and I’m sure yours is the equivalent to Candyland~”
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secret-engima · 5 years
It's gonna be interesting to see Lucis's reaction to the existence of the second Prince.
-Meltdown just about covers it, but not quite. Like- not only is this a second prince, but he’s OLDER than Noctis by a good seven years. Ignoring the media for just a sec (though OH BOY THE MEDIA) the MOOGLENET (or whatever the FFXV version of the internet is) is gonna have a collective heart attack. Some people are gonna be joining on the media boat of questioning Regis for having a son out of wedlock (and if he still has Nox’s mother in hiding somewhere as a mistress) but others are going to be harping on Nox himself. Like- the theories get WILD. How did Regis’s agents not find him until he was 15+? How strong is his magic? Why does he wear long sleeves in every (rare) photo or video and why are his photos and videos so rare? Where was his mother from? Was she even Lucian?
-Top theories on those are that either his mother/mother’s family HID him from Regis’s agents or he was living in another country until recently (considering the only other “countries” right now are all under Niflheim’s thumb, this immediately spawns the theories that he’s a double agent for the Empire or he was tortured by them and escaped, which would explain the long sleeves). Other theories for the long sleeves is he’s hiding tattoos that would shame the royal family (he already has long hair and strange taste in earrings after all). Maybe Regis is hiding him from the public eye because he’s ashamed of his illegitimate child, or maybe there’s something wrong with him (people who go with the “tortured and escaped the Empire theory assume he has mental issues on top of scars). A really popular theory for his mother was that she was from Niflheim, possibly a Nif agent there to get the royal bloodline in Nif hands, until someone dug up a picture of him hanging out with the glaives and someone else (probably a Galahdian tbh) did a breakdown on how the single braid visible in all of Nox’s photos is a Galahdian braid, which immediately makes the theory that his mom was Galadhian way more popular (there’s also a niche theory that he’s the kid of Queen Sylva and Regis and that Slyva had been hiding him in Tenebrae until recently, but few people subscribe to that one).
-And let’s not forget the DRAMA the mooglenet is waiting breathlessly for the moment his existence is known. I mean- think about it. Much older illegitimate prince with possible scars, mental issues or enemy agent mom suddenly gets found and taken into the Citadel and named the second prince? A lessor inheritor even though he’s older than the Crown Prince by seven-ish years? If this was a drama show, then Regis would end up assassinated by the long-lost son he foolishly took in and Noctis would either die or disappear mysteriously and Nox would suddenly be the only LC left to take up the throne (and possibly turn it over to the Empire if you’re one of the theorists on the “was born and raised in Niflheim and is their double agent” boat). Like- you KNOW that is how the plot would go, and so does all of the mooglenet, who await the descent of their kingdom into Game of Thrones intrigue and murder with baited breath and much frantic typing.
-But those are mostly Insomnian mooglenet users. No, the ones who live out in the wilder areas, the small towns and the outposts where Hunters often come through have a different kind of meltdown that mostly comprises of “hgdgfd that guy who saved me from monsters/daemons/nifs was WHO????” or “That’s my regular non-regular. He and his weirdo Uncle stop by my ramen stand whenever they’re in and bicker over the best toppings. ACTUAL ROYALTY likes my ramen WHAT IN THE WORLD-” or, arguably the funniest one, “HGFGFHGFD THE DRIFTER I REGULARLY HIRE TO DO RANDOM CHORES IS THE PRINCE. OF. LUCIS?? THE KIDDO WHO DRESSES LIKE A HOBO AND TAGS ALONG WITH AN EVEN MORE HOBO UNCLE IS ROYALTY???? I SENT ROYALTY TO COLLECT MY BEAN CROPS??????”
-Basically while all of Insomnia is wary and confused by Nox’s existence, the rest of Lucis is collectively losing their minds because, you know, Nox has helped out his people where he can, which means he has ABSOLUTELY done all those random side-quests where you harvest somebody’s crop or look for a lost shipment or go out and fight HORRIBLE MONSTERS so bring back some of their parts that you need for your dinky little weapon’s shop. Like- everybody thought they were the only ones who got helped out by this random drifter kid, but then THIS happens and the mooglenet explodes with stories from ALL OVER FLIPPING LUCIS of this kid dropping everything to like- help a researching find certain colored frogs or something in exchange for trinkets and petty gil and shop discounts and the occasional potion.
-While Insomnia is busy prepping their Game of Thrones style fanfic and the tabloids are speculating on the mental (in)stability and bloodline of the “brooding illegitimate prince, no doubt embittered over his early life and eyeing the little brother keeping him from the throne”, the rest of Lucis are basically melting into puddles of shock, confusion, and adoration for the royalty that would drop everything to help out random citizens. Care packages start showing up from all corners of Lucis to thank their prince, and after they’re cleared by security, Nox opens them all. And writes thank you cards. Personalized thank you cards that often reference some individual event or factoid of the person/people it comes from (thing’s like, “I hope your ankle is doing better”, or “tell your wife thank you for the knitted socks, they’re very warm and she didn’t have to make them for me, I know wool is expensive in your area”, or “sorry I won’t be around to deliver your next batch of spiracorn tails, my father doesn’t want me going on Hunts right now for whatever reason”) and this proof that he REMEMBERS and STILL CARES just makes them love him more.
-Also there’s this music-based drabble thing I’m working on that happens JUST as the mooglenet/media is starting to calm down and THAT sets everything off again with even more screaming and confusion and Insomnians going “I’M SORRY WHAT????” while the rural Lucians just go “ahh. Ah yes that explains it. That’s our little Drifter.”
-Regis is torn between being Responsible About Security and wanting the Hilarity Factor of letting Nox have a social media account. Like- his son hates public appearances of any kind and he respects that (barring the few mandatory noble balls), but Regis can just imagine the utter chaos Nox would unleash if anyone ever let him have a Twitter account and it’s .... tempting. The nobles haven’t been this off balance in years and for all some (a lot) of the tabloids and media commentators are annoying in their harping and gossip, the collective brain-melt Nox keeps triggering in the collective public/nobles/Council/media is HYSTERICAL.
-Nyx, snickering, announces one day that Nox has fanfiction about him. Like- A LOT of it. He is reigns over a thriving chunk of the Real Person fandom, almost all of which is massively OOC and either filled with political intrigue and assassinations (and sordid badly written romance) or just straight up AUs (vampire/werewolf/supernatural Nox is a stunningly popular AU as is the Usuper Dystopia AU). Nox is morbidly curious but refuses to actually read any of it for fear of losing his mind (she doesn’t tell him about the very fierce Shipping Wars that have broken out, or the fact that most of those Shipping Wars are over various popular celebrities Nox has never met, Noble Daughters he’s met and despised, and Aranea Highwind, who is on the list solely because she’s a famous female Nif officer and the Nif!Nox theory is very popular).
-There would be a segment of that fandom dedicated to works from the common folk who’ve actually met him, but for that part of the population it’s more popular to share various stories about how they met the then-unknown prince for real and how he either helped them or was adorably awkward over something (there is a magazine anthology of those stories, released monthly and very popular out in Lucis proper, Cindy has a subscription that Cid refuses to admit he reads).
-The fandom/theorists even stretch into Altissia and Niflheim. If ANYONE asked, Loqi would refuse to admit, on pain of DEATH, that he is the author of That One Fic everyone knows about/favs/follows/fanarts that features a Nox/Aranea ship, the now ex-Chancellor as Nox’s maternal uncle, and a SCARY in-depth knowledge/breakdown of both Niflheim and Lucian politics (in the context of Nox and Aranea navigating them, surprisingly this is the one Super Popular Nox-Nea fic that DOES NOT feature a Double Agent!Nox).
-The only reason Ardyn does not contribute to the rumors/fanfics/theories is because he doesn’t Understand How the Mooglenet Works™. He has, however, gleefully listened to some of the glaives read Loqi’s That One Super Popular Nif-Written Fic and smirked to himself over how it is so OBVIOUS who the author is, and pleased that Loqi the author is actually tasteful in his courtship subplot and shipping habits.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I thought about We Bare Bears: The Movie
Salutations random people on the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. Today, I'm going to do one-fourth of what I do best by talking about We Bare Bears: The Movie. Now, if you're a member of the cartoon community, odds are you've heard of We Bare Bears. It might not be as well-remembered as shows like Adventure Time or Steven Universe. But We Bare Bears has gained its own following through its charm and simplicity. So much so, that the series got it's very own movie, acting as the series finale to the beloved show. And to honor that milestone, I thought I'd share my thoughts by listing the things I liked and disliked about the film. Keep in mind, this is your last chance to avoid spoilers if you haven't seen the film yet (even though it’s been out for more than a week). Because I'll be spoiling the heck out of the movie by listing plot details, characters, and little touches that I think are worth mentioning. With that out of the way, let's dive on in with-
The Baby Bears meeting: To me, this was the first indicator that the movie was going to be the end. The Baby Bears meeting always felt like a moment saved for the series finale to me. Because answering the question of whether, or not, the Baby Bears find a home isn't something we need an answer to. But learning about how they met? Now that is something I'm sure most fans were curious about. And in true Baby Bears style, it's big and epic while still being downright adorable. Not to mention that Grizz's line at the end of how not looking alike is the best part about being brothers is not only sweet, but it also sells the main moral of the movie. If I had to nitpick, a part of me wonders how their separate journeys got them all in that one spot. But that's just another question that doesn't really require an answer, so I'm alright with not receiving one. Besides, that's what fan-fiction is for. GET ON IT WRITERS!
The Bears Running Through the City: I'm sure some people are tired of the cliche of having characters run through the city because they're late for something. But to me, I think that type of thing works for a series finale. It offers one last glance at familiar environments, but familiar characters as well. Not only do you get to see the people who love the Bears the most, but you even see the Human Bros in the background as the Bears run. This scene also sets up the conflict of the film as the Bears accidentally wreak havoc to get to where they're going. Even more so than usual. Plus, the scene serves as an excuse to hear the extended version of the theme song. And personally, I just love it when a series finale finds a way to incorporate the theme in a way that's better than the opening.
The Bears Complaint File: This was another indicator that the movie was going to be the end of the series. Usually, when a show like We Bare Bears finally acknowledges consequences to a character's actions, it's safe to say that the end is nigh. Because this presents the idea that the characters are close to being the straw that broke the camel's back. Which is something you can never do twice.
The Bears Viral Video: There are going to be people out there who'll find the Bears' video of outdated memes cringy. And to those people, I say: "THAT'S THE FRICKEN POINT GENIUSES!" Seriously, the characters themselves point out how what they're doing is going to be cringy, so it's safe to say that it was very much the intention from the writers. Besides, We Bare Bears always had scenes, and entire episodes, that acknowledged modern trends. And unlike other shows and movies, We Bare Bears doesn't use memes to stay fresh and hip with the kids. Instead, the show-and movie for that matter-uses trends to tell a story that will be timeless. Albeit dated in a few years. The only complaint I'll accept is that you didn't find their video funny, which can be valid. As for me, yeah, I chuckled. Speaking of-
The Comedy: We Bare Bears might not be the funniest show I've seen, but it still gets a chuckle out of me from time to time. It works with an absurd sense of humor, which is either your thing or it isn't. As for the jokes in the movie, most of them work pretty well, and the ones that don't aren't too bad. Personally, my favorite scene is when the Bears slowly drive away from Wildlife Control. The fact that that plan worked was so absurd, I could not help but laugh.
The Blackout: This was the straw that I mentioned earlier. The Bears have finally crossed a line that turns several people against them. In fact, it's very reminiscent of Ed Edd and Eddy's Big Picture Show, where the characters are forced to leave after doing something unforgivable. Although, there's one thing that We Bare Bears: The Movie does better than Big Picture Show. In Big Picture Show, fans never really saw what the Eds did that was so horrid. We were just told that it was so bad that our trio had to leave everything behind. Never seeing the answer always bothered me as a kid because I was always curious about how their last scam was somehow their worst. This is why it's nice that we actually get to see what the Bears did that was so unforgivable in We Bare Bears: The Movie.
Agent Trout: At some point, if you found Trout to be the most unlikeable piece of trash that he is, then you found the writers' possible intention. Trout acts as the movie's main antagonist, and on top of that, a character you're not supposed to like. And granted, there have been movie antagonists that are pure evil, but audiences can't help but love them anyway. But personally, I feel like making Trout a likable antagonist would have spoiled the point of the film. The movie's message, which I'll get into later, is about how being strange is ok, and that anyone can fit into society. Because society changes and people become accepting of these changes, every day. Trout is meant to represent the type of people who refuse the idea of change. He is a character who believes everything should operate as nature intended, which in this film's case, having bears reside in their natural habitats. And I honestly think Trout does his part as an antagonist really well. He's easy to hate for all the right reasons, and it's satisfying to see him get his coupons. It's also even better that we don't know his motivations to be so cruel to the Bears. Because there are real-life people out there who share Trout's mindset, with zero reasons behind why. Plus, his design is really great, being devoid of color and drawn with sharp edges in comparison to the bright and smooth looking characters. It helps him stand out from most characters in the show, while also making less overly threatening that the hunter in "Yuri and Ice Bear."
Officer Murphy: As far as I know, Officer Murphy was never really that big of a character. In fact, I don't even remember if the show mentioned his name until this movie. So to some fans, it might come off as a surprise that Murphy is given such an enormous role in this movie. Regardless, the position Murphy has is a great one. He is meant to represent the positive type of law enforcement. The officers who don't punish people due to who they are or what they look like. Instead, Officer Murphy is an officer who upholds the law to protect others. Take note of the fact that Murphy never wanted to physically or emotionally hurt the Bears. He understood that the Bears crossed the line and needed to be punished, but never to the extremes that Trout took. Speaking of Trout, Murphy acts as a great comedic sidekick for the antagonist. There's this nice running joke where Trout shoves random food in Murphy's mouth when Murphy makes an unwanted comment. And said running joke also leads to a great payoff in the movie's final act. So while I'm surprised at Murphy's inclusion, I gotta say that I really appreciate it.
Mystery Machine Cameo: I'm the biggest Scooby-Doo fan you'll ever meet, so believe when I say that seeing the iconic van just made me giddy.
Pizza Rat: I'll be the first to admit that Pizza Rat was a scumbag for betraying the Bears. But gosh darn it he was hilarious. I'm not kidding, whenever Pizza Rat showed up, he got funnier and funnier with each scene. Especially with his hatred of the rat with Spaghetti.
Grizz’s Nightmare: There are two things I really like about this scene. The first is that Grizz's nightmare is easily the creepiest the show has gotten. Seriously, something tells me that Trout's face being on the death train is going to be in kids' nightmares for weeks. The second is that there is some outstanding visual symbolism in this scene. It shows how Grizz is under a lot of stress for carrying the weight of protecting his brothers at all costs. Not only is that the best symbolism the show has ever used, but the scene gives the perfect insight into Grizz as a character. It's rare that we ever get to see the serious side of him, so I appreciate this one last glimpse into his personality.
That Epic Car Chase: If I'm being honest, there were not that many scenes that showed this movie being anything else than an extended episode. But this scene, however, was the most cinematic that We Bare Bears have ever been. The quality animation and cinematography help make the scene action-packed and surprisingly tense at times. Like I genuinely felt worried for my favorite trio of weirdos. There's not much I can say about this scene other than it was pretty impressive as well as awesome.
The Bears’ Plan Fails: It's weird saying that I like this, but I do. The movie could have gone down the same route as The Simpsons Movie by having the plan work for the sake of a joke. But no. We Bare Bears: The Movie actually employs logic and says, "you can't move to a new country, without a passport." And I can't help but give kudos to a movie that doesn't allow a simple solution.
The Third Act Break Up: Ah yes, the one cliche scene that makes audiences go "Really? We're doing this song and dance again?" Now, here's my defense: When it comes to something made for kids, you gotta be more forgiving of cliches. Odds are, some children watched this movie, and this will be their first third act break up. So you can't really fault the film for wanting to use a popular cliche. Granted, you could wish to have your kids watch something original, but that's a request that gets harder to do with each day. Besides, some cliches, like the third act break up, aren't bad unless they're done correctly. And I honestly think the movie uses the cliche just fine. The tension between Grizz and Panda has been built up throughout the film, so one final blow-out was bound to happen. Plus, the Bears don't really break up, but rather argue. If Panda had walked off dramatically, after saying "we're not brothers," then I would consider it a break up. Instead, it comes across as characters saying things they don't mean due to the heat of the moment.
Trout’s Bear Sanctuary: This was depressing but in a good way. The colors being swapped out from the show's usual bright pastels to dull and gray? That perfectly explains how dire the situation is without outwardly stating it. And yeah, I got a little misty eyed when watching this scene.
Grizz Talking to Baby Grizz: Another scene that I thought would be endgame would be having the grown-up Bears meeting the Baby Bears. I always dismissed this idea because I kept reminding myself of how it was impossible. I mean, how can you make characters meet a younger version of themselves? Turns out, the answer to that question was to have the younger version of a character act as a conscience. And yeah, this scene was pretty sweet and charming. And once again, my eyes started to get all misty. The tears didn't fight hard enough to get out, but they still fought pretty hard. Also, was it just me, or did it sound like Baby Grizz's voice actor was beginning to hit puberty?
The Bears Cheering for Grizz: I'm not the only one who thought it sounded like the bears were chanting/roaring Grizz's name, right? Because that's what I heard during this scene. Also, this scene was pretty epic, while doing its job to get me hyped up for what happens next.
The Moral: I've touched upon this moral earlier, and I want to make it clear how important it is. Some people feel as though they don't fit in anywhere, mostly because law enforcement has a history of punishing those that don't. But as Grizz says: "Nature adapts." The same goes for society. More and more people are fitting into groups that make them feel welcome. And those groups become more accepted with each passing year. Now to be fair, there are scum bags like Trout, who seek to punish people who are different. But again, there are still good souls like Murphy that attempt to do the morally correct thing no matter who/what you are. And I have to give kudos to We Bare Bears: The Movie for showing the brighter side of things. Because let's face it, we all could use something positive as of late. And I'm sure there are going to be people out there who'll call this movie 'preachy' and 'overly optimistic.' To those people, I would like to once again point out that this is a kid's film. Yes, kids are smarter than we give them credit for. But that doesn't mean you should give the harsh truth about how hard issues won't have simple solutions. They at least have until their teen years before that happens. Besides, look at the ending shot of bears normally fitting in with the rest of society. If you can see that and not love the symbolism being represented, then this film clearly is not for you.
It’s More of an Extended Episode Rather Than a Movie: Before I explain, I want to make it very clear that this is mostly a nitpick. Like I said before, there weren't many scenes that made this movie feel like, well, a movie. The animation never seemed better in comparison to the show, there weren't that many cinematic scenes, and the story didn't feel all that epic either. I honestly feel like the bears went on grander adventures than the one they went on here. Like the first time they became wanted criminals in "Captain Craboo." Yeah, remember that episode? It was emotional, intense, and actually kind of epic at times. And that episode was a half-hour long! The movie was an hour and eight minutes, and it still couldn't outdo the quality of "Captain Craboo." I know that I'm being a little harsh. But when I see "the movie" attached at the end of a show's title, I expect something grander and more epic than the original show. And yeah, We Bare Bears: The Movie is good for an extended episode, but not for what I consider for a movie.
What Supporting Cast?: Here's where looking at the movie as a series finale becomes an issue. This is the last time we'll see ALL of the characters from the show. So giving no proper goodbye from the supporting cast, who have all been significant people in the Bears' lives, feels wrong. The best-or rather worst-example of how wrong this is would be Nom-Nom. This was a character who was on the road towards redemption. So to have his last appearance show that he's the same jerk as he started is disappointing. The worst part is that the movie had the right idea with Charlie's scene. He helps the Bears one last time and says he's happy to do it for all the times they helped him. It's a touching moment and honestly feels like a proper goodbye to his character. And I can't help but see ways that the movie could have included the rest of the supporting cast. Have Ranger Tabes join Murphy and Trout due to her being a bear expert. Have Nom-Nom stand up for the bears at the Internet Animal rave. Have Chloe literally do anything other than stand and watch her best friends in the world be in danger! I understand that the Bears are the main characters who deserve most of the closure. But that doesn't mean other characters should be left in the dust because of it.
Panda’s Kind of Annoying: Cards on the table, I'm not the biggest fan of Panda. I don't think he's the worst character or even a bad one. But to me, he always came across as so whiney and annoying, and he's somehow worse in the movie. I get that he's a straight man who's meant to be the voice of reason, but there's a way to make a character like that entertaining. Some amazing straight men are specific iterations of Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Velma from Scooby-Doo. Those are characters that know how to be the calm of the crazy storm that their fellow cast. They offer witty comments and charismatic one-liners that prove they could also hold off on their own at times. Panda never really did that for me in neither the show nor the movie. He has his entertaining moments for sure, but most of them get overshadowed by his weaker ones. So while I don't exactly hate Panda, I can't really say I love him.
Ice Bear Does Next to Nothing: I'm not the only one who thinks Ice Bear was underutilized, right? In fact, We Bare Bears: The Movie is also similar to Ed Edd and Eddy's Big Picture Show in how to write its main trio. Both films pay more attention to the relationship between the leader and the straight man, where the comic relief is there for jokes and to give the occasional contribution. However, it's easy to forgive with Ed, because his character has little to offer other than being a loveable doofus. But Ice Bear? He has so much personality, so much backstory, and so much more to his character that you could make an entire movie just about him. Plus, going back to the fact that the film is a series finale, this is not a proper conclusion to his character. Sure, it's nice to see the Bears be accepted for who they are, but what about all that stuff with Yuri? Are you seriously telling me that the show wouldn't do anything with the fact that Ice Bear fell in love with Yuri's daughter?! I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I really wish the movie had something more in store for Ice Bear.
On The Road Song: Out of all the good qualities that We Bare Bears have, having good music isn't one of them. The few songs that the show has are not bad by no means but aren't really songs I would find myself listening to on repeat. The same goes for "Road Trip Song." It's perfectly fine, but nothing more than mediocre. Plus, weirdly, it's the only song in the movie. I mean, if you're gonna introduce something like a musical number, at least go all out with making a musical. I'm not saying the film should have been like Steven Universe: The Movie in terms of a soundtrack, but at least have two or three more songs. As is, it just feels like a weird detour on the road to Canada.
The Bears Survive Falling Off a Cliff:...That’s it. Just the ludicrousy of the fact that the Bears survive a fall like that. When you think about it, it removes a lot of the tension when you they could survive huge feats like that too.
Overall, We Bare Bears: The Movie gets a well earned B+ for me. When you judge it as a movie AND as a series finale, it loses a lot of points. But when you look at it as an extended episode? You get something that has a great moral, an outstanding antagonist, and a nicely put together story. Like the original show, I'm probably not going to remember it in about ten years down the line. As for the here and now, I'm glad I took the time to watch something so much more than BEARable.
(Now if only we got that Amazing World of Gumball movie. GET ON IT CARTOON NETWORK!)
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mythvoiced · 4 years
which muse is the trickiest to get into character for? why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
@theimpalpable​​ |  — ⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰ 
-. Which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?  I think that would be Patrick, which is quite something considering I keep stubbornly referring to him as my main muse - some main muse he is, fickle as he continues to be - and that is mostly because I keep struggling with connecting the different versions of Patrick that exist within my head. I don’t remember if I’ve described this before, but Patrick is meant to be a character with a secret internal monologue, a secondary character if you will, or more fittingly a deuteragonist because he’s meant to be experienced from an outsider’s point of view.
His manners, his facial expressions, his tensed nature, how quickly he dons and sheds personas, they don’t have quite the effect they’re meant to have if you can read his internal monologue.
This heavily contrasts with my writing style, though, that is characterised by a lot of dipping into said internal monologue, or even if it’s not a monologue and described from a 3rd person point of view, there’s still too much of that insight, those references that give enough hints to properly understand or get a hunch of what’s going on, when experiencing as I’d like him to get experienced can only be achieved by having NO HUNCH at all in regards to his thought process, his feelings, and everything related.
SO, it’s difficult getting into character because I’m constantly with one foot in and one foot out of his mental space.
-. Why were you drawn to each one of your characters? THIS one will be a TAD long, please forgive me ♥ I can start by saying that all my muses with mythological roots, specifically of the Norse, drew me in because of my adoration for the mythology that functions as the source of their base, starting from Patrick who kickstarted my obsession with everything Norse.
Many other characters pull me in because of their standpoint on things, their emotional journeys and their psychology: from Seona who’s hurt translating into unapologetic anger makes her so interesting to write, to Jungwoo and Taejoo who are just trying to survive and disappear within or from society, depending on which one you focus on, and so on and so forth.
And others just... provide me with a challenge I didn’t know I was looking for.
I can do a quick rundown (initial reasons, won’t list things that relate to subsequent changes):
Cesare: his 'caged animal’-like attitude towards just about anything and anyone he encounters, the way aggression used to be his first defence and the psychological divide between trauma-born reactions and natural werewolf instincts. Seona: her restless rage and the contrast between her actions and the person she’s justifying them with. Diana: I wanted a valkyrie and I love her ongoing identity crisis and how violently she defends herself against it. Eunjae: I can’t remember if the mind-reading or the social worker came before, might have happened at the same time, but the idea of an emotionally extremely reserved social worker with mind-reading abilities and a hidden past just has me going buck wild, everything from their attitude to their circumstances to their secrets has so much potential for so many different directions they could be taken into. Domenico: dorky vampire Caleb: Initially I just wanted a hunter muse again, but when I came up with his Sight and started developing his personality, I guess I just can’t get enough of a naturally self-denying and self-sacrificial person with a nurturing demeanour who is also Very Woke on issues and has, you know, those abilities. Sunhee: Lotte’s story gave me the opportunity to introduce someone who has to live through the repercussions of what happened to a loved one Catharina: sells info, steps on men’s feet with her heels, untrustworthy and wicked smart Yoshino: dorky tanuki with no sense of responsibility whatsoever Nathaniel: a challenge to myself, someone who’s views on morality I can’t justify with a traumatic past, he just is and just thinks the way he is and does, without redeemable reason Eros: writing him feels like watching a lover run their hand over silken drapes as they recite love poems with bittersweet undertones to their lover waiting for them in bed Samuel: always wanted an author muse and his ability came to me at random really, so I love the idea of combining the basics of his character with a personality trait I haven’t dived in a lot: inability to act Quincy: dorky time-traveller with very grey morals, sort of toeing the line between good and not so good Haniel: I wanted an angel who is so convinced with the idea that they’re doing good and doing it the right way too, that they’re fallen as a punishment to the very thing they thought was the most praiseworthy part of their attitude, someone who’s so convinced with her ideals she doesn’t realise how many people she’s hurting and damning Muninn: I love Norse mythology Jungwoo: when I first made him, I wanted to dwell into a representation of PTSD I hadn’t yet: plenty of my muses have PTSD, have been through things, but most of them are “””high-functioning”””; with Jungwoo, I wanted to explore not dealing with one’s symptoms well, living one’s own live passively and according to said symptoms, rather than with them; Jungwoo’s passivity is the core of his character and the things I’d like to explore, his passivity and his exhaustion Corey: neglected prodigy with enough good in his heart to not realise how angry he could be Kaeden: I love Goblin and grim reaper lores in general, and I’ve actually given writing a reaper shots before (Han, for one), so I thought I’d give it another one, but divert from the traditional exploration of reaper lore by having him... well... refuse to reap; when I came up with his backstory, the life of Kiha, my interest only grew because it opened such a vast amount of things to work with and also inspired me to connect more muses the way I had Kiha & Seona Lotte: initially, Lotte’s base characterisation was... my love song to the moon, everything I wrote about him, his appearance, his demeanour, his voice, his movements, was meant to remind or be compared to the moon, never equalled; I think that’s why his original concept didn’t inspire me to actually write him a lot, because it lacked a backstory beyond said concept; now though, with the memory loss added, and his indirect connection to Jungwoo, well, I’m dying to write him at all times Taejoo: I’ve always wanted to write a telekinetic character and this was the opportunity to do so; initially, though, Taejoo was meant to be a less... morally excusable character, his original concept depicted him as a character who felt marginalised for his abilities and thought himself not forced to abide by the rules & morals of the world that marginalised him, as a result; then, though, when I sat down and wrote out his full backstory, and added those little details, he lost most of that disinterest towards his peers and developed a near-obsessive nature to create or avoid certain impressions people may have in his regards; while the core of his concept is still ‘just trying to survive in a world that doesn’t want him for something he can’t change’, it is now driven forward by the opposite of the original idea meaning submitting to the best of his abilities to his surroundings and the people living in them, and it’s something I’ve never written before, and its similarities and stark differences to Jungwoo’s attitude make it all the more interesting Nota: I’ll admit, I wanted a tragic character and as a result of this lack of a proper central concept, I don’t write him a lot; his two defining features, the abuse in his home and his wish to be a musician don’t... fit together well, they don’t tie into the other, they just co-exist within his character so there’s a lot I need to work on because at the moment I am NOT drawn in by his character Sabriel: I was on an angel-muse making spree and wanted a Yoon Jeonghan muse, so... the two things just kind of got together and Sabriel happened; when I started working a little on their abilities and especially when I fully established what their role was in Heaven, I was drawn in by the fun, high-spirited personality, combined with good intentions and the truly vast powers of the rest of their character created a fun contrast I couldn’t wait to explore: they’re simultaneously one of my most harmless and most powerful muses Junghoon: I wanted a detective muse :3 but as I started developing him and his personality came forward, he became a muse that worked perfectly with the concept of ‘the cards someone is handled in life doesn’t determine their worth or their abilities’, to have such a studious & ambitious muse with ADHD who continues to look forward no matter what may be thrown his way, without showing anything but gratitude towards the things he’s given, and also having enough confidence to hold his own ALMOST unapologetically, he became a Great Guy basically; but I’ll be honest, I simply adore writing his personality, it speaks to me so well and is always something that gives me joy Kangmin: I wanted a perfectionist and the opportunity to explore how ‘all work and no play’ is detrimental to a person and not something that should be considered praiseworthy, how a solely work-oriented lifestyle can lead to an excessive amount of negativity with little to no rewards; the addition of past health problems, I’m not quite sure where it came from, and Kangmin themself has actually softened from what they were originally meant to be like (not excessively, simply more likely to NOT snap than SNAP as they were meant to be) and all in all they’ve become rather melancholic and something about this air surrounding them keeps drawing me in Beomsoo: another psychological aspect I was intrigued to explore: the absolute denial people can get stuck in during their grief, and the extremes to which a human mind would go to protect itself from a reality it can’t cope with; Beomsoo’s generally positive or at the very least neutral outlook on life and how, from an outside perspective, he seems to be a regular guy living a somewhat regular life, while in reality he’s denying something so big that it goes as far as fabricating memories to keep the pretences up, well, it’s quite interesting Chulsoo: I sincerely have no idea at the moment. That may be because he’s so fresh, but, I think continuously re-watching Love Me Harder might have had something to do with it, because I could feel the MV was inspiring me to write s o m e t h i n g, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what. Then I just… thought to make something up on the spot and kind of roll with whatever idea would stick first et viola, out came Chulsoo. Now he draws me in because he’s becoming meaner than anticipated, which is always an interesting turn of event
So, here is a rundown that was anything but quick, I am so sorry
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dafukdidiwatch · 5 years
As Above So Below
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This somehow both scared and bored me at the same time
<Lots Of Major Spoilers>
: After years of searching, Treasure Hunter Scarlet finds a clue that would lead her to the fabled Philosopher's Stone somewhere in Paris. She gathers together a crew to find the stone in the catacombs of Paris, but there are other things that lurk down below.
I would consider myself a big time movie/tv person. Have I seen everything? No. Do I like watching anything? Yeah, I'll give it a chance. I like most genres.
Horror though, I have mixed feelings.
Now, I'm gonna be honest, it was hard trying to go into this movie open minded. I have a love/hate relationship with the Horror genre of movies. Older classics like John Carpenter's Thing, Alien, even Scream are movies I adore. But...modern horror movies are a pain to me. I hate how they use shortcuts to try and scare me with random ass Jump-scare for no purpose other than to scare me. It's ridiculous! I can call out when the jump-scares happen, and they Still scare me because of the freaking sound track!
Anyway. I felt it would be unfair for me to say how much I like/dislike the movie without mentioning my preferences. If you like the newer horror movies, awesome, you do you, but for me, its like one of those gatchapon machines where theres a 50/50,chance you'll like it or not.
With that out of the way, lets Actually start talking about the movie.
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The movie is shot in Found Footage style and that already added a tally against it in the 1st minute. I am not a fan of found footage. I know that it's popular to make it cheap and personal, but it makes it so hard to follow what is going on. When they are being chased or attacked, I don't know whats happening! Its too dark to tell, the camera is jostling around making me slightly nauseous, and if it does show something, its only for like 5 seconds unless it is stupidly close! There were parts that felt more like watching a Let's Play of a 1st person horror game. Run Run Run, Punch Monster, Run.
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It is due to this 1st Person view that, not gonna lie, I barely followed how they got into the catacombs in the first place. Scarlett was in Iran...then she went to France, then...a church to pick up a reverse vandalizer, club, tunnel, catacombs. I can remember the place order, but like hell can I remember what exactly they were saying. All of that took 30 minutes and I was bored out of my mind. And the things that I do remember, they just sort of randomly popped up? Like, they were discussing on whether to jump into the hole
There are parts of the movie that I think was their attempts to build atmosphere, but sort of came out of left field. They say a pale woman walk away from a club: ok. They see her...directing the creepy ass ghost choir?? No idea what that was about. Then They ran into statues that just....came to life to bite at them??? This,was Never Mentioned as potential threats anywhere, it was as if the movie decided it needs random encounters to fill the climax, which is a shame because the tension in this in the middle was really good.
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In the middle, when they are Finally going underground to when things got fucked, had a good tense build up. Showing landmarkers that shouldn't be on their route later on. Local lore of "don’t go down the cursed tunnel" (PSA: If the locals say don't do something, don't do it). They get trapped trying to crawl through a pile of bones. Now that part wasn't scary, but was Very Uncomfortable, especially if you have claustrophobia. They have just...random ass things appear like a Piano and Phone which, these people are dumbasses for thinking those things are natural to be there, but does add a good "what the hell" moment that just pikes on. I thought they might go the whole "vague supernatural tunnel turning tricks and getting them to turn on each other" route instead of "slowing pick one off one by one" type. And maybe that’s what they were trying to have, but it was still random monsters popping out to attack so... c'est la vie. 
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Another thing I take issue with is part of the lore they use for the Philosophers stone. First, they use the legends and work of alchemists. And that’s pretty cool. Like mystical National Treasure, unlock secret symbols and solve chemical problems. There was a part where they had to figure out the number of celestial planets in the sky based on what century the stone came from since it kept changing over the years, that part was pretty clever. I didn’t know the information, but i appreciated the history.
But they just add random bits from around the world to be like "ooh they connected" like, ok. They have alchemist lore, 14th century Flamel. Makes sense. Then they add a mummy of a crusades guy. I don't know which crusades, but it doesn't matter since he was used more as a prop than plot device. Hell it might be Flamel himself, I don’t know. Then they throw...Ancient Egypt....Sure. Why not. Alchemists could go to Egypt to learn then stick hieroglyphics and traps in the french catacombs. Given how I don't know anything about alchemists history, I'll go with it.
What I WONT accept is them calling Dante's Inferno Mythology! That is Bullshit! I call BullShit! That! Is where I DRAW THE LINE!!
Because they carved "abandon all hope he who enter here" into the tunnel wall when things turned batshit and thats where i gave up on the lore.
Dante's Divine Comedy is not a myth! It is a poem! A poem written by Dante about Christain ideology of what heaven and hell is like! But the movie doesn't give a shit. The line just sounds cool to have as they go deeper into the tunnels!
If they just went with Dante references and alchemist lore, I would have been fine there. The main reason I got angry at that part with Scarrlet saying about "Dantes myth" is that she knows like 5 languages + 2 dead ones, all this backstory and alchemist stuff, and she doesn't know that inferno was a poem? Yes, part of that is semantics and technicalities, but it sort of pulled me out of the world a bit. Because at that point, it felt like they were picking and choosing lore to fit in because it sounded cool. Have an egyptian trap! Why? Because it was cool! Have hieroglyphic puzzle to find the stone? Sure, don’t know why it’s in France but whatever!  I dont know. It threw me off because it felt like they were adding too much, which is a shame because some of the Dante references like traveling through a pool of blood was really good.
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I don't get the visions. I really don't. Like...random pianos and telephones just appear on level one of their journey, that calls out to their memory. Which is...bizzare. Especially since they actually touch the freaking things. Like, don't touch the childhood piano! It will make things worse! Seriously! White people!
You later learn that the visions come from their sins (like the one and only tormented sin they got) and it is only when I googled the end of the movie did I learn that they have to acknowledge their sins or die. Which if you have to google the movie to understand the message, the message didn't go through. And opens up to more questions.
Because there were other people that died that didn't get to see their sin visions. George and Scarlett got taunted with pianos and objects since the 1st floor. What about Benji? He was followed by the creepy ghost choir and fell down a hole. Tell me what sin that means. Do They....all have sins, or did the vague demons here have to kill off the innocent ones first before putting the focus on the true targets?
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And Scarlett finding out that the power was in her all along? What? Did she...consume the power? Was it transferred? Did she have it since she was born? Does she still have it? It felt like a bad moment to throw in a self esteem psa in this movie.
I will give the movie credit though, i liked how they were forced to go down to get out. When everything turns to shit and they have to do the same things they did but in reverse order, but still forced to go down, that was good. It adds to the tension of "holy fuck how are they gonna get out is this even the right path?" And that last scene with the manhole, gorgeous. Really truly gorgeous. It just shakes you to the core with what you are seeing.
But Overall.....yeah did not like this movie. Wasn't a fan of shakey cam. Wasn’t a fan of the "gotcha" jump scares. The movie felt a little more uncomfortable than scary to me with the claustrophobia. There were a bunch of times where I had to check how long was left in the movie because I was really bored with what was happening. I did like the use of alchemist lore, the Egyptian trap scene, and the end scene, but just wished they stuck to one part than try to mash up different myths to fit.
And if they wanted to stick with Dante, fine. Apparently this entire movie was an allegory of Dantes inferno. (Thanks google) But while i can appreciate looking back on it in hindsight, it doesn't change the fact that I really didn't "get" the symbolic nature of what they were trying to do in the initial watch. Maybe if I rewatch it I would appreciate it more, but I would just skip like half the movie to the actual cave exploring part because I am not sitting through the full thing again. 
If you like horror movies with historic flair, this might be for you. But its not my cup of gatorade.
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