iloveehlm777eleven · 3 years
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A mood board for my main persona Rose that I did long time ago I still think that it looks great yay
btw hallo everyone it´s the real IloveEhlm again my first tumblr account got removed since I forgot to accept them using my email so here is a new one I hope you all will enjoy my artwork and I can´t wait to create an audience of people in here yay!
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iloveehlm777eleven · 3 years
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yes it´s true it´s true I am an Apandah fan! So storytime/vent about his discord server warning this contain discuision of harassment and death threaths if you are sensitive to that then please please do not read this thank you soo soo much for taking care I love you all soo soo much and I am so sorry if I come off as super mean or rude in this vent truly don´t mean too ahh So now to something more serious I don´t know how to make this serious since it´s hard for me to talk about it.... I was once long time ago in the Apandah Discord server where I was just talking to people in there I got harassed multipole times in there and try to wait for help from the mods even when the mods where online they still didn´t remove the trolls who there and they still didn´t do anything but just talk to other people and even when an african amarican started to call me white all because I am a nurd and I speak in a very highly aducated way I dunno I have just been informed about it and been told that and so I explain to him that I was in fact not white but 100% african and 100% black but they kept on going and kept on being extremly rude tours me and another person jumbed in and continue to harass me together with them and they both called me white and stuff like that all because that they where trolls but you may be wondering how it all happened? Well the person who started the harassment was just there in the server and saying stuff such as man this server sucks etc etc and to that I responded by saying hey I don´t mean to get into your business but if you don´t enjoy this place then you don´t have to be here and to that he responded by harassing me and I kept on giving him logical explanation and then he went out of his way to use his raise against me by saying stuff yeah but did you know that I am black? In hopes of triggering other peoples feelings and emotion to make them get on his side so I responded by saying me too because I as well am black thereafter he went on by saying ok but did you know that I am also gay in hopes that it might help making people from our community the lgbtq+ to get on his side but no one came and while all this was happning then I mod was just busy spamming along with all the other members in the server and I responded with yeah I am gay too but I am also trans but that doesn´t prove anything nor does it means anyhing to your arguement and then he said f you to me the letrual f-word and then he started to say stuff such as you are white you don´t know how it is to come from the hood and to that I responded by saying yes I may not know how it is to come from the hood but I am an immigrant from africa and right now as we speak there is war in my home country and plus africa is a lot like the hood cause it is and yes  am a  proud immigrant and then he had nothin left to say but instead he just started saying stuff such as that I am white and that I am lying not enough with that but some weeks before head I had a dolliguts discord profile pic with their main oc Ash and then a bunch of people got angry at me for support them because does people are the types of people to believe anything that they hear but in case if any you who are currently reading this thing that everything that was said about dollieguts was true and that they where really that horrible person that they where paint to be then here are the advidence to proof you wrong I want to bring awereness and let the truth be told: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX4Wlyqx24Q and here is another vidoe for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltSauc4ALFMbut to make it short Ponder Sprocket made it clear that each and every single statement that was made by the people who didn´t like dolliguts wheren´t in fact true and that the evidence that was proveded was in fact fake they explain it in every detail why dolliguts was an actual good person who did no wrong but who end up getting acused for stuff that weren´t truebut at that time where I had that dolliguts profile pic then I got constantly harassed and talked down upon by a whole group of members and some  who didn´t know or understand what was going on asked them instead of me the person who was litally being harassed what was going on and they say stuff such as this person surports dolliguts and they are therefore deserving of being blocked and instead of quistioning their words then that person believed in them right away and start to join them on harassing me and more people jump in and contnue to act like nothing was wrong and just had a normal convesation while I was getting bullied and harassed and then they all started to blocked me and everytime I try to call them out or point out how radiciless it was then they will constantly send me blocked meme where it said a 100 messages blocked etc etc and so I just gave up with them cause the arguing wasn´t heading anywhere so I just said something extremly rude and mean that I truly regrat ever saying but it was Oh boy I am so glad that you guys blocked me cause I will much rather being blocked by you then ever try to speak logically with you all again and then a person came in and said go ahead and kill yourself like litally telling another living breathing human being to kill themselves and getting away with it cause the mods just don´t care I will like to make a little light of the situation and say that my exprience in the apandah server felt like this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q_q9cq3B5A also a quick warning the song contains strong langue that incloud swear words and drugs if you are sensitive to that then please please  don´t listen to it and it also felt like this song as well:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plJCH77VMoI also another quick warning this song also contains strong langue that incloud swear words and drugs but also secual dance if you are sensitive to that then please please don´t listen to it like that´s how I felt with how the owner and the mods of the server treated trolls and people who just overall harassed each other! but else it was only my exprience and becuase I am my own unique idevidual but I wanna make this public I would however not project my own unique exprience on other people however I truly hope and wish to see this server improve how it treats it´s members but regardless I come the best place from the bottom of my heart whenever I share my personal exprience here are some tips on how they can improve: they can remove every single troll who joins they can give people who harass other people and tell them to end their lives a strike and after enough strikes they can be remove in a pariode of time hopefully a year or two cause then they will be able to really pull themselves together and hopefully improve cause another human being should be alowed to live and have freespeach without people telling them to end their own lives... Now to something that´s more dark and truly horrible that I accidently did while being in the serverI know that it sounds hard to believe but I stayed in the server even after all of that but how did I get out of that toxic place you may be wondering? So it´s a very short story I saw a bunch of people in the server posting nsfw contain and getting away with it without getting kicked they even showed their butts in their underwear and didn´t get kicked out but what happened with me well it´s very simple I look into discords gif and what types of gif that they allowed in that platform and typed something lewd my first try nothing came and then my 4 something came up it was a Thousus iffinity stones pp (pp is a internet slang word that means a mans sexual repudocted organ for all of you wondering) and so I found something and had in plain of screen shoting it and send it to the people of discord but my lower part of my arm rested on my Ipad screen and it end up sending the gif deriactly to the chat and a bunch of people call the mods at me I didn´t get a chance to defand myself and I got immidatly removed from the discord server but I do thing it was for the better that maybe life thought it was about time that I should no longer be in that place so that´s my person exprience on how I got removed from the Apandah discord server I still enjoy Apandah´s containt but he got somethings he needs to work on with his discord server But now I shouldn´t just point fingers on Apandah I too have been bad in the past cause I used to allow trolls into my server because I thought that I could change them and help them redeeming themselves I kinda sound like one of does girls who sees a very plomatic dude and say I can fix him like nooo that dude is a letural human being not a robot you can not fix him but help him grow and better himself and improve himself you are not requard to do that unless if you are a profissinal such as a psychiatrist and I forgot my own way of thinking I was so naive and despart and in the end end up hurting a whole lot of people from keeping them around but now I have learned better and he is so longer a part of our discord server
everyone I need all of you´s help please please feel all free to help me out by spreading this massege I can not get in contract with him so I want my voice to be heard so please please spread the words untill he sees it I just want things to be better for the future members that are going to join his server!
But everyone please please no that this is in no way an attac to his chracter I think he is a cool guy and the way he makes his content is very interlatuel with  a dust of overly excaturated rude jokes that are not meant to be offensive I even watch everyoutube vidoe they post here is their channel I believe that they still deserve support regardless: https://www.youtube.com/c/Apandah they even make awesome music  that are fun to listen to and silly twitch Vtuber streams!
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