#just absolutely cannot have a convo without namedropping the other and its always something super petty and not at all related to the convo
skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
vettonso soulmate au im begging catie
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Soulmates x Teachers
Hehe ty Ari, I had to think on this for a bit cause I don't tend to do modern AUs, but I think what I came up w is pretty fun and silly. As you can probably tell, I like forcing them to be in situations. This is very personal to me, but I love to imagine them as foreign language professors in a relatively small department. Fundamentally they should get along, as they have very similar backgrounds, but they have to fight for resources, so they despise each other…yet feel an inexplicable pull to each other and can’t stop bumping into each other. Anytime one of their students references even just the other’s courses, they just can’t help themselves from making some petty comment, like: “Oh you’re going on an abroad trip? But it’s with Dr. Vettel? That trip sounds cool, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck with him that long.” “Spanish? Oh yeah I wouldn’t take any classes with Dr. Alonso, I’ve heard he’s a pretty ruthless grader.” But on one fateful day, the department head decides that as a bonding activity, they will have to accompany the French professor on a multilingual abroad trip as additional guides. Oh no, their planes seats are next to each other, uh oh the hostel messed up and now they have a joint room, uh oh! Is it soulmates if they’re constantly forced by outside forces to constantly be around each other? They don’t have a lot of obligations as they’re mainly just in France, so they have a lot of free time and don’t want to be alone, so they begrudgingly hang out. And now that they’re away from the hypercompetitive environment, it’s just them walking around on the quaint French town like “omg you like [blank] too??” And then in a couple semesters after the trip, they run a joint linguistics history class, and finish each others sentences and grade papers together, and everyone wishes they'd go back to pretending to hating each other. The petty remarks were more palatable than having to watch them practically commit HR violations in front of a class of innocent students bystanders
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