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fandom-trash-goblin · 4 months ago
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hello. i'm silly and in love with you
id in alt, credit and love to @fagdykevash
for a version with ID in comments: link
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dirbenaffleck · 1 year ago
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the way this scene lives in my nightmares because I know it would have devestated me more than his death
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staryscorner · 3 months ago
My savior
Didn't reread this so it might have some errors ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Paring: The Salesman x Female Reader
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It was a tiring day after working one of your many jobs but after your current shift you would have to run out immediately to catch the last train. You ran and yelled at someone to not let the doors close but it was too late the train had left and there you were alone at the platform with another man sitting on a bench. He called you over.
“Would you like to play a game?” He said with a cheeky smirk
“I'm sorry but I have to get to work or else I'll probably get fired.” You said in a panicked tone 
“But what if you could with 100,000 Won just by beating me at ddakji” still smiling at you
You thought about it for a while…that was way more than what you would make in a night and you then agreed to play his game. 
“I'll pay you for every time that you beat me but if I win you would have to pay me the same amount”
You were not expecting him to say that.
“Um sir i'm sorry but I don't have that kind of money” you said in a sheepish tone.
“Well there is another way you could pay me” He said grinning from ear to ear
“H-how?” you said trying to keep your composure 
“I'll show you once we played the first round”
After playing the first round and losing miserably he looked at you and not even hesitating he lifted his hand and slapped you…
You stood there putting your hand where he had slapped you feeling the sting and almost wanting to cry but you still decided to play. You needed that money… you needed to have your child back. 
After what felt like an eternity you had finally won you could feel like tears were going to fall from your eyes. He opened his briefcase and you saw that it was stacked with cash. You really wanted to continue but you knew you had to get home so you could get at least some sleep before your next job in the morning. You thanked the many for the opportunity and told him you had to leave. He looked at you a bit surprised. No one had quit the game this early, but he decided to just let you leave.
As you walked off you started to feel weak and then soon collapsed when it happened. He might be cruel but he was not a monster. He was not going to leave a women lying on the ground in the middle of the night especially you who he found quite interesting for leaving so early into the game 
You woke up confused, finding yourself under a warm blanket and comfy bed. You looked around and saw that it was a fully furnished room which looked luxurious. then you hear footsteps coming closer to where you were and there he was the man from last night 
“I see that your awake” he said holding a cup of coffee and having that same smirk from last night
“I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude” You said trying to quickly get up.
He pushed you on the bed and tucked you right back in handing you the cup of coffee in his hand.
“Drink this and tell me why you decided to play.” He said sitting near the edge of the bed.
He already knew about your situation and how much you needed that money, but he still wanted to hear you explain it
You hesitated a bit to tell him since you had only met last night, but there was something about him that made you trust him.
“Well about a year ago things were great. I was married and had a beautiful daughter. It was a perfect life, but until one day it wasn't. My ex husband began to hit me…” you paused letting out a big sigh trying to not let your emotions take over. “I tried my best to make sure he never got to my daughter . I wanted to protect her but I couldn't.” “Then one day I came home and there was no one inside”. 
As tears started to stream down your cheeks he came over with tissues and tried to clean your tears away.
“I looked all over for my daughter in that house but I never found her. The police were no help and that's when I started to hire private investigators to look for her but none have ever gotten a lead. That's why I work from morning to night just so that I could pay them to look for her” You were trying to keep yourself together. Then He hugged you and held you close. You could hear his calm heartbeats which helped you.
You both stayed like that until you felt better.
“Hey how about this I will take care of all your debt and help you look for your daughter and get her back”. You sat there in shock after hearing what came out of his mouth.
“But with one condition… you go out with me” He said giving you a sly smile
He saw how fragile you are and didn't want you to go through anything like that again.
You wanted to say yes right away but could you really trust him you did like him and he was willing to help you find your daughter
“alright” you said with a hint of blush on your face
He stepped out of the room and began to make some phone calls you didn't know to who but you just laid on the bed until he got back. When he said that he found the address that your daughter and possibly your ex husband might be at.
“WHAT YOU FOUND HER JUST LIKE THAT!” You began to cry tears of happiness
“We can go to the address right now if you want?”
“Yes please I want to see my baby girl” 
As soon as you finished your sentence he hurried you to a car that was already waiting for you both outside he opened the door for you to enter and after you went in he followed right behind you. From being in a rich area of seoul to a rundown and shady neighborhood you made it to an apartment building that was falling apart when you both entered it smelled rotten you reached a room that slightly opened as you both went in there was not many things inside the room but what caught your attention was a small closet that was right next to you so you decide to open it and what you saw was your worst nightmare
 it was your daughter with just a small blanket covering her and she had lost so much weight. You dropped down and picked up her small fragile body. Then came footspes from the other room. It was your monster husband.
“What do you think your doing here” He started yelling at you 
After saying those words he began to run towards you and holding a knife in but before he could get to you the salesman pushed him on the ground 
“Dear if you don't mind, could you grab your daughter and carry her outside and don't come back in here ok? I'll be out in a few minute” 
Not wanting to know what he would be doing next you grabbed your daughter and brought her to the car that was still there. He came out a bit after with a few red stains on his shirt you didn't even want to ask he then got in and asked the driver to take them to the nearest hospital as the car drove your daughter began to flutter her eyes open.
“Mommy” she asked in a weak voice
“Yes baby I'm right here” You said holding her close to your chest 
He just held your hand not knowing what to do 
Once you made it to the hospital the doctors took her from your arms and brought her to a room and they made you wait outside the room until they said you could come in. He was there the whole time with you making sure you were ok. Bringing you water and just comforting you. You never expected that meeting him at the station that day would bring you here and you felt love when you were with him not wanting to spend any time apart from him.
After a few hour the doctors finally came out and told you that she was in bad condition but nothing to much to worry her all you would need to do is give her the medicine that he proscribed and everything would be fine after he left you ran into the room where she was and then you saw her with the biggest smile you went over to hug her and all the stress left your body and you began to cry heavily not ever wanting to let her go the salesman came over to her bed and introduced himself as her new daddy and she loved the idea of having him as he new dad. (you did blush a bit when he said that) but these 3 days have been the most tiring but you could definitely see him had your husband and the love of your life even if he has a few screws loose thats what makes you love him even more.
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A/n: OK im literally hyperfixating on this man so I just had to do something with him so this is kinda like a rant. I feel like it started off strong but I did spiral a bit on what to do with this but hope you all enjoy it!!! Pls suggest some ideas :P
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jellyvibes710 · 1 year ago
@evenmoreofadisaster it’s a super rough story board but I first stumbled upon these guys because of @2aceofspades doodles of them and now I’m gradually becoming obsessed haha
I haven’t gotten too far into the story yet so the dynamic might be off, I’m sorry if it is 🫠
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corporealchaos · 2 months ago
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danny-chase · 2 years ago
Jason reacting to Dick's "death"
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Batman #649
Vs Dick reacting to Jason's death
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The New Titans #55
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anticidic · 3 months ago
a skk heist au where they're simultaneously some of the best thieves and worst thieves because when it comes time to collect their reward they fight over who gets what
Dazai and Chuuya fighting over who takes possession of the diamonds and who takes possession of coins. Chuuya insists he takes the diamonds because on their last heist some of the loot fell out of Dazai's pocket from the vent they were in and alerted security. and Dazai refused to cut his losses so he broke into the room, knocked the guards out, and grabbed everything, but then they had to run as alarms went off
or the time they were standing around a sculpture in a museum arguing who should take it because once again, Chuuya thinks he should carry it back but Dazai doesn't let him live down the last time he carried a statue out the door and the head broke clean off going through a door because it was much taller than Chuuya
they're so busy quiet arguing Dazai accidentally puts his hand on the case protecting the sculpture, he triggers an alarm and a trap, and Chuuya says screw it, smashes open the case, and runs out with the sculpture and dragging Dazai behind him
It ends up being Dazai's idea to go in wearing disguises or wearing Halloween masks so the cameras can't identify their faces, and once he tosses Chuuya a cheap werewolf mask that was incredibly hard to see out of so he kept bumping into Dazai when they were crawling through vents
like, they actively make it more difficult for themselves being the way that they are, but they also get a thrill out of the chase. Dazai likes being sneaky, but he also likes running circles around security and vaulting over things like he's in a movie, and all Chuuya cares about is that their effort doesn't go to waste (but also for Dazai to quit playing games as he's knocking things over and spilling things on the floor to make their pursuers trip)
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lemon-wedges · 6 months ago
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working on some oc stuff :D
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shinobus-left-eye · 1 month ago
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loneliness-suffering · 1 year ago
This movie messed me up.
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bruqh · 1 year ago
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milliesfishes · 8 months ago
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rawr-mortgage · 7 months ago
i'm curious, who else in Crown apart from Harrison and Roger has existing family members that are still alive? i'm assuming both parents aren't aware of Crown's existence as an organization under the employ of the queen for their own protection, but do they at least know that their sons are Cursed to a certain extent? iirc Harrison's mother lives in the countryside, while Roger's dad still works as a doctor in London.
does Harrison visit his mother sometimes? if she doesn't know about her son's curse, does she at least know his friends from work, like Liam whom he finds troublesome but lovable and that they often visit teahouses together, or Will, whom he describes as charismatic, a natural leader, and someone he really enjoys playing chess with?
could she be the reason for Harrison's massive sweet tooth, fostering his love of desserts from a young age due to being a masterful baker? did she watch young Harry plow through the cookie jar in a single sitting enough times that they started hiding it in the cupboards where he couldn't reach but being the smart and resourceful kid he is, little Harry always managed to find and get his hands on the precious cookie trove no matter how many times they changed its hiding place? did the success of hunting them down and solving homemade mysteries made the cookies taste sweeter to little Harry? has she caught him red-handed before and just sighed, shaking her head in exasperation before patting her son's hair, saying he even takes after his father in being a glutton for desserts?
when he does visit, i bet she sends him home with enough freshly baked cookies to share with his friends from work :3
me making myself emotional while writing this:
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weemsfreak · 1 year ago
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Larissa Weems bts is just sooo - UGH🤤
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joffyworld · 4 months ago
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lonelyvampx · 7 months ago
matt smith & fabien frankel 💖
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