zacksnydered · 8 months
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the way this scene lives in my nightmares because I know it would have devestated me more than his death
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steampoweredskeleton · 9 months
It's 1am and baldurs gate 3 is FUCKING GREAT
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honeybunchcalum · 1 year
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girls (gn) after the luke hemmings solo show 
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jellyvibes710 · 6 months
@evenmoreofadisaster it’s a super rough story board but I first stumbled upon these guys because of @2aceofspades doodles of them and now I’m gradually becoming obsessed haha
I haven’t gotten too far into the story yet so the dynamic might be off, I’m sorry if it is 🫠
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danny-chase · 1 year
Jason reacting to Dick's "death"
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Batman #649
Vs Dick reacting to Jason's death
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The New Titans #55
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loneliness-suffering · 6 months
This movie messed me up.
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bruqh · 6 months
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lemon-wedges · 14 days
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working on some oc stuff :D
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rawr-mortgage · 1 month
i'm curious, who else in Crown apart from Harrison and Roger has existing family members that are still alive? i'm assuming both parents aren't aware of Crown's existence as an organization under the employ of the queen for their own protection, but do they at least know that their sons are Cursed to a certain extent? iirc Harrison's mother lives in the countryside, while Roger's dad still works as a doctor in London.
does Harrison visit his mother sometimes? if she doesn't know about her son's curse, does she at least know his friends from work, like Liam whom he finds troublesome but lovable and that they often visit teahouses together, or Will, whom he describes as charismatic, a natural leader, and someone he really enjoys playing chess with?
could she be the reason for Harrison's massive sweet tooth, fostering his love of desserts from a young age due to being a masterful baker? did she watch young Harry plow through the cookie jar in a single sitting enough times that they started hiding it in the cupboards where he couldn't reach but being the smart and resourceful kid he is, little Harry always managed to find and get his hands on the precious cookie trove no matter how many times they changed its hiding place? did the success of hunting them down and solving homemade mysteries made the cookies taste sweeter to little Harry? has she caught him red-handed before and just sighed, shaking her head in exasperation before patting her son's hair, saying he even takes after his father in being a glutton for desserts?
when he does visit, i bet she sends him home with enough freshly baked cookies to share with his friends from work :3
me making myself emotional while writing this:
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weemsfreak · 11 months
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Larissa Weems bts is just sooo - UGH🤤
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milliesfishes · 2 months
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Pearl Eye
A Sleuth Jesters MerMay Fic
Movement. A mer swims overhead, speaking to someone, blocking out the starlight. The interloper lays a hand on the rim of the entrance but doesn’t look down just yet, and doesn’t see you, red-handed. Your gut clenches with the urge to flee, your strength already spent in the fight moments earlier, and you heed the warning.
Word Count: 10,800~ Warnings: Blood and injury, violence, weapons, bruises, angst, threats of violence, death, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, killing, and suggestive themes.
A/N: *shows up late to MerMay with Starbucks and sunglasses* I made it! I'm so excited to share this one shot with you! It's more of the usual for the Sleuth Jesters crew, just shoved into the ocean and fish-ified. The world-building has been tweaked to fit this setting as it's less formal and less organized, but Sun and Moon are still the equivalents of detectives, Eclipse as a mafia boss, and Y/N is doing the usual vigilante shtick.
Eclipse's octo design is based on @xitsensunmoon's art which you should absolutely check out right here! I cooked up some mer designs for Sun and Moon, but they're a lot less tentacle-y (kind of).
There's a lot I ended up not going into for this universe, but if you have questions or want to know more, you can always shoot me a question here!
Merry MerMay! Enjoy ♥
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I love monochromatic colour schemes and Kakashi so I combined them <3 I think the quality tanked when I uploaded it thou??
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seulgishaku · 6 months
When Jason had his coin that could transform into a spear or a lance or a battle hammer and a sword etc, he had names for all the weapons
Now Jason loved mythology. It was the one pleasure he allowed himself to delve into so naturally, all of his weapons were inspired.
He called his spear Ius, to rep his father's titles for law and justice. He called his hammer Mjolnir, in honor of the mighty Nordic god, Thor.
But his sword he named entirely on his own. He called her Scarlett, to spite the foolish demigods who would dare draw their swords against Rome. No matter how many times he attempted to clean her, no matter how deep and thorough, her beautiful gold blade was always stained a tinge of red.
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lonelyvampx · 2 months
matt smith & fabien frankel 💖
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skoulsons · 1 year
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in the mood drink a cyanide smoothie and bury myself alive actually
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