#jurdan fanfic requests
wanderingpages · 1 year
peach!! can you write a car sex jurdan smut? it can be short but the concept is so sexy 😭 on my knees rn
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“You’re trouble,” Cardan had told me minutes prior, but he repeats it now, more wary than he had been when he said it by the bar. Maybe I had used him then, because it sounded like flirting to me and I so badly needed his help. It’s how I’d always gotten what I needed before. Maybe I thought he was no different, so I took him down to a hall no one ever used and pressed him up against the wall. I smiled at him, feeling shy from his attention but not wanting to admit it. My hands had wound around his neck, and his fingertips traced up my shoulder, guiding my hair to one side. He placed a kiss on my throat and I felt it in the pit of my stomach. Then further up he trailed his soft lips and I gasped. I gripped at his hair to guide his lips to mine. He tasted heady and like the scotch I had given him. Cardan had cradled the back of my head, tilting me as he pressed his tongue into my mouth to open and deepen the kiss. He felt like mine, I felt a little guilty answering his question.
“Jude,” he had murmured against my skin, kissing a patch from my mouth to my throat, then his lips were by my ears and he asked, “What do you want from me, princess?” When I told him, he immediately fell back, only half in a daze but vehemently shaking his no – but I won in the end, because here we are, where I asked to be. I feel only a little remorseful and he’s telling me I’m trouble again.
I tilt my body, trying to get a closer look at the scene, but no matter how much I shift and turn, I can’t quite make out who my father is with, nor what he’s saying. My finger absently finds the buttons on the side of the car, but before I can lower the window, Cardan takes hold of my wrist. I’m already practically on top of him, my knees bracing against the console from the passenger’s side, and a hand planted firmly onto his lap. So it shouldn’t bother me when he pulls me closer, tightening his hold on me. Cardan’s warm fingers encircle my wrists, his thumb right where my veins sing.
I’m alive, he should note. I give him a look, eyes unable to stray too far from his still pink and swollen lips. I did that, I think to myself. I wonder how many other can say the same. And then I realize I don’t actually want to consider that at all. Cardan narrows his dark eyes at me, “Don’t even think about it, Jude.” My name on his tongue always felt like sin, but it’s when he teases me with my pseudo-reign that I feel like penance should only a breath away.
“But -” my mouth feels dry, searching for excuses but he shakes his head, halting my explanation.
“We’re not even supposed to be here,” he seethes, “and if you think we’re not being watched right now, you’re sorely mistaking.” I find myself pouting when he firmly guides me back into my seat, forcing me to gather the rest of my surroundings. We’re in a secluded area, backroads lined with trash bags and oily pathways between buildings. My father is currently having a “business meeting,” as he explained before abruptly leaving. I’ve only ever seen business meetings that take place between alleyways in movies that involve the mob.
When I tell Cardan this, pointedly looking at my father’s silhouette, he gives me a dry kind of look I choose to ignore. So long as he’s looking at me, I suppose. He was left in charge of watching over the club in Dad’s absence, but we both knew it just meant watching over me.  I was working the bar tonight, a job my father now is incredibly annoyed with, despite the fact it had been his suggested punishment for my overspending a bit.
“Just because there’s no limit does not mean you get to test that theory, Jude.” I roll my eyes now, because jokes on him; I'm a hit at parties now that I know to mix drinks and do little flairs that I’m quite proud of. I like to impress Cardan with them when he leaves Dad’s office and orders something boring on the rocks. I’m nearly positive that’s the charm that had him following me to that hall and led to him driving me right where we are currently parked.
“Haven’t you heard the saying? Curiosity killed the girl.”
“It does not go like that,” I tell Cardan, unamused.
I’m no idiot, I know Madoc’s club is only half of where our family income comes from, and the guests he entertains in the VIP section are never just guests. Business partners maybe, buyers or sellers, I could never tell. It was the same as usual until Dad had gotten a phone call in the middle of his hosting. It had seemed as if he had been waiting for the call all evening. However, him leaving abruptly made me too antsy to stand idle and make vodka cranberries all night. It always felt like the entire staff was in on a big secret I wasn’t apart of. It didn’t help that lately, Dad had been a little worn down, coming home tired or frustrated, answering calls curtly, stuck in his own head looking haggard. I’m allowed to worry.
“You didn’t,” Cardan says, pausing the sudden gnawing I’d been doing on my bottom lip, “by the way. Your bar tricks are not what got you into my car.” I guess he’s a mind reader now too.
“You’re telling me you weren’t impressed with my juggling?” I didn’t even break a bottle this time.
He sighs, “you probably could have just asked and I’d taken you.” I raise an eyebrow, not believing him since even with all my womanly whiles and eccentric charm, I still had to plead with him to get out here. The side of his lip tilts up in a smirk. “I just like watching you beg.” He shrugs, “So, you would have begged.” His warm voice sends a shiver down my spine. “Maybe I would have gotten you on your knees.” He could still get me on my knees if he asked nicely, but I don’t tell him that.  Cardan glances out the window, making a face at the two men. “There’s no point in being here if you can’t even hear what’s being said.”
I nod at this, finding my composure. “Exactly, Mr. Greenbriar.” I grin, “We should move closer.”
“No,” he tells me. He fumbles for the lock but my door is swung open before he manages to press the button. His eyes widen, “Jude,” he scowls quietly when I give him a triumphant grin. Without waiting, I duck for cover, sneaking up closer to the building. “Fuck me,” I hear Cardan moan. “Jude, you idiot,” he mutters, silently getting out of the car and following me. When he’s caught up, he pushes me behind him as we near the corner of the building. “You’re gonna get us both killed.”
“Are you not carrying?” I ask a bit startled. “Wait so that wasn’t a gun in your pocket? You really were excited to see me?” His hand comes over my mouth, and my eyes widen in shock, absolutely enthralled with the way he’s decided to manhandle me tonight. I’m always the one testing boundaries, so maybe my heart pounds a little faster at our proximity more than the shooters probably ready to gun us down – if Cardan is right about us being watched.
“Have you always been this bratty?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him instead of giving him an actual answer. He looks heavenwards before moving to stand behind me. One hand is now across my chest, the other still firmly over my mouth. I lick him but he doesn’t let off. “Of course, I’m armed, but I’m not Superman, princess. I don’t even think I have 15 rounds,” he says the last part more to himself, but that’s news to me anyways.
We lean closer to the alleyway, bracing our shoulders on to the bricks of the building. Whatever Dad and his friend are talking about is only slightly less muffled than before. Its longer than I expect to finally make out pretty keywords like “shipment” and “missing equipment,” and then something that has me ridged.
“You have three daughters don’t you, Madoc?”
“Don’t bring them into this,” Dad responds clearly. My heart beats even faster, I'm all too aware of Cardan’s palm searing hot against the unsteady thumping. He pulls me even tighter against him. Dad says, “I came in good faith to hear you out. You’re the one who lost my supplies.”
“You’re the one who lost two of my guys,” the other man counters, not really angry and seemingly uncaring for the men in question. He makes my skin crawl on sight alone.
“That’s not my -”
The other man holds up a finger, cutting my father off, offending me in the process. His phone had been ringing and Cardan stiffens, as the man answers, eyes still boring holes into my father. “Yes…really? Okay...” He hangs up and tilts his head, “Good faith? Someone’s tailing us.”
“I didn’t -” whatever my dad says, I don’t get to hear. Cardan is cursing, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me towards the car. It’s a struggle because my entire body wants to run to Dad, but the hold Cardan has on me is iron tight. A shot goes off and my body seizes. My eyes go so wide they hurt. I only wanted to know what Dad was hiding, wanted in on the big secret everyone knew but me – wanted some type of undeniable proof so he couldn’t brush this away, brush me away. More shots are fired and I’m too far to know who’s shooting at who.
Cardan pulls open the car door and shoves me in before rushing to the other side. I don’t even have my seatbelt on when he pulls out of the spot. I hear more bangs ricocheting and panic begins to set in, “Cardan! Dad -”
“He’s fine – Balekin wasn’t lying.”
Cardan doesn’t exactly answer me, but continues, “Madoc definitely brought back up. No good faith and all that.” He waves his hand and it freaks me out that both hands are not on the steering wheel. It also unnerves me that Cardan knows my Dad’s tells more than me. “We, on the other hand…” he trails off, shifting gears and stepping on the gas. My heart flies into my throat. I hurriedly manage to snap on the seatbelt, but even then, I don’t think that’ll protect me at all if Cardan decides to bend us into a tree or light pole or worse – another vehicle. “God,” he mutters, “you’re so reckless, Jude” he mumbles, “absolute fucking brat,” he continues. My cheeks flare pink but I hold my tongue, scared I might vomit if I talk. I grip at the leather seats so tight I feel my knuckles start to cramp. “And me – I follow you like a fucking dog.” Outside is a blur of lights and the night sky. I'm too scared to look at the speedometer but I know it’s beyond what the legal limit is. The one reprieve is that the road is clear for now.
“I think where in a fifty zone,” I finally manage in a squeak. Cardan side eyes me and I let out a yelp, “Oh my god, pay attention to the road!”
My hysterical tone eases him somehow, because he begins to relax. He eyes the rear view mirror and shrugs, taking a hand off the steering wheel again. My heart is beating so fast that my eyes seem to shake at every little pump. “We’re good,” he lets me know. He smirks at me and when I look sick at his lack of attention to the road, he tells me, “Crack the widow, let your hair down and all.” He does it for me with his free hand reaching to the top of my head, pulling at the clip securing my bun. It unravels just as the window slides down. Air gusts through my hair and stings my face.
My ears are filled with the rush of wind. “I…” My words are lost in the noise.
“It’s okay, princess, I’m a good driver,” he promises.
“What are you,” I manage, hoarse, “Dad’s getaway driver?” he shifts gears and I'm seeing double. Soon we’ll be doing donuts in the parking lot.
He shrugs, “When he needs me to be.” I remember what he said about curiosity killing the girl and that must explain the stroke I’m having. I feel like an idiot – a little girl trying to be much bigger than she is. What the hell would Dad even say if I go to him about tonight? He’d probably gaslight me. I shakily look back, wondering if we’re being followed. I calm when I see that its just us. “Do you trust me?”  
I nod my head and settle back into the seat. I try to get my mind off of this, thinking about our kiss from earlier instead. Had only an hour passed since then? I should apologize for leading him on only to get him here. Except I hadn’t really led him on. I’ve wanted Cardan since the moment Dad introduced us. I think him working directly under my father only fueled my desire more. It felt very taboo. However, those thoughts only race my pulse for a completely different reason. Slowly, I release my death grip on the seat and hold my hand out to Cardan. He raises a brow, but takes it anyway, letting me squeeze it tightly. “Yeah,” I whisper. I clear my throat, “I trust you.”
There’s a lot to take in, but I'm trying to stabilize my pulse instead. It’s like an onslaught of adrenaline wafting through me repeatedly and I can’t find a release. The car rolls to a stop just off the highway and into the cover of trees and shrubbery, This feels like an illegal spot to park, but what do I know? I watch in a stupor as the slim needle on the dashboard falls from somewhere in the hundreds down, down, down to 0. I find myself absolutely petrified but yet a giggle escapes me. Suddenly, I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh because if I don’t, I think I might cry.
“Are you okay?” Cardan reaches over and unclips my belt. He then brushes my hair back, forcing my gaze to his. He thumbs at my eyes, tearing up from the wind, and not at all because of the emotional turmoil I’m going through.
The rush that had been whipping past my ear had been halted so suddenly that my head begins to sway. I turn to look at him, uncaring for once how unput together I must look. “Dad…”
“He’s fine,” Cardan says again, sure of himself. “Are you?”
“Not dead,” I confirm, and he gives my hand a little squeeze. I give him a dazed look, and then, I smile softly at him. It must have been what he was waiting for. In one swift motion, Cardan tugs me over the console, guiding me to straddle is lap. My skirt hikes up and Cardan only pushes it up higher. There’s a pulse between my legs and when he pulls me down, his breath tickles my skin, filling me with heat all the way to the pit of my stomach.
“You’re okay,” he tells me quietly. “It’s okay, Jude.” I nod, placing my hands in his shoulder, fingers teasing at his dark curls. I stare at his neck, at the tendon there that I want to place my lip against. I bend down to do just that, letting his steady pulse beat against my skin. “Jude,” he murmurs, tilting his head to give me more access. When I press my lips on his skin, he sucks in a breath.
“I'm sorry,” I whisper, leaning up.
His hands run up my thighs, and if I had survived a shootout and a lone speed race, I don’t think I can survive Cardan and the way he looks at me right now. “For what?”
“Using you?”
Cardan chuckles, and reaches one hand up, working at the buttons of my shirt. Slowly, he pushes it off my shoulders, letting the material fall to the floor, all the while he’s admiring the swell of my breasts, contained only by sheer white lace. He looks up at me, gauging my come down from the adrenaline. I’m still utterly tweaked, and every touch of his is no help at all. My skin is on fire everywhere his fingertips touch. He teases a digit over my breast, up my neck and to my chin, pinching it between his fingers and pulling me forward. “I don’t think it counts,” he tells me. “I would have done this anyway,” he reminds me.
“Oh,” is all I can say.
His lips graze against mine and there’s a heat pooling between my legs. I shift, only to find him already hard and straining in his jeans. “Tell me to stop,” he mouths against me. I don’t. My eyes flutter and I hold on to him tighter. I pick at the buttons of his shirt, slowly undoing them until my cool hands can press firmly to his hard chest. His muscle seem to tighten when I graze them. Cardan holds my wrist gently this time, guiding it further down to his navel. “Come on princess, tell me this is a bad idea.” I stay silent. Even if it was a bad idea, I won’t let it stop. “Then open your mouth for me.”
My lips part for him and when our tongues meet, Cardan moans softly. He pulls me in closer, nipping at my bottom lip, sucking on it until my toes curl. His hand on my thigh slides over my ass and between my legs from behind. His fingers deftly rubbing at the already wet cotton and I gasp out, arching my neck, letting him trace his tongue down my skin. He pulls down a strap of my bra with his free hand, meeting my eyes and keeping my gaze as he lowers his head to kiss the tip of my breast. I inhale when his tongue laves my nipple, drawing it into his mouth. He sucks gently at first, finger rubbing over me just as soft. Then, he tugs my underwear to the side, now parting my pussy just as he begins to suck on me harder.
He makes a noise that vibrates against my skin. I hold his head against me, nearly close to weeping. His teeth graze my skin and I jump, hitting my head against the ceiling of the car. He pulls away from me, his lips obscenely wet and his eyes lidded. He reaches up, rubbing my head before feeling the side of his seat and pulling a lever to slowly recline the seat. “Sorry,” he says and I laugh, despite the ache in my breast and the throb in my pussy. I bite at my lip and undo his belt. “You’re so beautiful,” he tells me and my skin heats up. He pulls the other side of my bra down while I stroke his stiff cock. “Beautiful,” he repeats, I'm dripping between my thighs and his finger rubs me faster.
I go in for another kiss. Not short and sweet like I had been intending. This time Cardan kisses me rough and hard. There’s passion and ache between us. He reaches down to align the head of his cock where it needs to be. He rubs the tip between my slit with one hand, the other moves to come between us, rubbing soft circles into my clit. My knees strain on either side of him, and I let out a whimper when he teases the head shallowly. My hand finds his shoulders, and I cry out when he thrusts upwards, impaling me in one swift movement.
“Cardan!” My head falls forward, into his neck, and I try to muffle the cry into his skin. He gives me little time to adjust before he pulls out and slams back in. My muscles pulse when he pauses again, gripping him in spasms. He groans wrapping his arms around my back, moving me to his pace now, and I try to keep up with his steady pounding, but all I can find the energy to do is lay on top of him and take it as the length of him rubs every tender spot within me. I’m groaning and panting and he’s whispering my name.
“Jude…” my nipples feel so tender, brushing against his chest at every thrust, “God – you take me so good, don’t you?” I feel like I’m being spilt in two and its absolutely delicious. “Does that feel good, princess?”
“Yes,” I say, breathing hard. He thrusts into me harder, and harder and swear he’s rocking the car, but I want more of him, so much more. “Yes – Cardan…” my eyes get glassy, and I shut them tight, pressing my head onto his shoulder.  He slows down and grabs hold of my hair, pulling my head back. The slower he moves the deeper he seems to go; the tip of his dick kissing at my womb. I whimper, fingers flexing against his skin
“Look at me,” he whispers, sweat sheening his body now, slick and warm. His eyes are wild and full of lust and I'm so gone for him, so absolutely gone for this man. “Tell me,” Cardan requests in a slur. “Say it again.”
“It feels… so good,” I manage, “ah… more,” I beg and he’s ramming into me now, so hard and rough and then I say, “faster… please…” and it’s so frantic that I grab on to the headrest, bracing myself so I could take everything he gives me. There’s a tight knot at the pit of my stomach, and my cunt is dripping onto him. My heart hasn’t calmed down since the first gunshot but I find that I don’t mind the intense thumping anymore; it makes me feel so alive instead of being on the verge of death.
“Come for me, baby,” Cardan orders. He fucks me so recklessly, and his shaft rubs against my throbbing clit at every deep stroke. I feel delirious, holding my breath and clenching my stomach.
“Ah,” I cry out, back arching. His hand in my hair loosens to roam down my body. “I…Oh,” I bite at my lips, feeling the start of an orgasm that wouldn’t quite come. “I don’t know if I…” my confession trails off as I fall back with his guidance, careful not to honk the horn. He slows down again, torturing me. His finger finds my hardened clit and I scream when he presses down on it.
“You can,” Cardan lets me know. “You will,” he promises, in a breath. “For me, just for me.” My hands are frantic, unsure of what to hold onto. He pulls them around his neck, bringing me over him again. “I can go as long as it takes, princess,” he says into my ear before he kisses me there, then lower until his teeth latches on to the curve of my neck, all while fucking me hard and deep and so dirty, driving into me with little mercy. I’ve forgotten my name, it must be Princess with how much he says it. But it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, just him being inside of me does.
He fucks me endlessly and I bite down on his neck, mirroring him, screaming when I come. It feels so intense, I see stars as I shudder uncontrollably.  Cardan cries out too, slamming into me one last time, his climax mixing with mine and it seems unending when I shudder again, tightening my thighs against his. I gasp again when my stomach clenches, “Cardan,” I whimper, slowly coming down.
Cardans hand brushes down my back, soothing me as we both try to catch our breaths. He gently lifts me up, letting his cock slip from me. Come drips out of me, pouring onto him but he doesn’t care and I don’t think I care either. He smooths my hair back and pulls me in for a kiss, soft and slow this time. He reaches between us, and my body jolts when he pets my pussy, rubbing at the soreness sure to come soon. When we pull away, I ask, “Where did that come from?”
“Long time in the making,” he grins wryly, “you already knew that though.” I roll my eyes but jump at the vibration in his pants. His phone was buzzing. He pauses his hand on me and reaches into his pocket awkwardly. It’s my dad’s name on the screen and my cheek runs from a soft blush to full on crimson. Cardan unlocks it and reads the message. He looks up at me warily. “He’s asking why you left early from the bar.”
“Tell him I went for a ride.” I grin.
Cardan fights a smile, muttering, “trouble,” like a praise as he begins to type.
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bellarkeex · 8 months
Do you accept jurdan fanfic requests?
Ahhhh!! Yes, haven't really been feeling inspired recently so if it inspires me I'll try my best hahah :)) x
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viivdle · 4 months
Are you in a position to accept Jurdan fanfic requests?
i'm always looking for ideas but just so you know i can never guarantee i'll get the vision for it and i've also been swamped so it could take a bit!! but i'm always sooo happy to get ideas (especially cause they can inspire me too!!)
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pollyaunt · 1 year
Can you write a multi chapter fanfic of what if Justin Duarte survived but Madoc took the twins and Vivi to live in faerie with him, madoc love Jude and Taryn very much in this AU BTW, like my interpretation of canon and he still loves them no matter what, but Jude ends up having amnesia during her exile, and Justin finds her, and knows she’s his daughter and keeps her away from faerie, and faerie is suffering because the land chose as it’s queen and is basically causing famine strife and illness to fae until Jude comes back. And the fae realize they have to get Jude back
mhm anon, i do take requests but i cannot promise that when it comes to multi chapter ones. i gave up on them years ago and as im focusing on my original writing, i dont think i can write a multi fic au for jurdan at the moment. so sorry, but if you have a one shot idea or smth, im most definitely down to write it.
you can most definitely request other jurdan accounts out there though!
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yurayuramiharin · 8 months
Do you accept jurdan fanfic requests
I haven't really done fanfic requests before but this could be fun! Idk if I have brain capacity for a full fic but I could totally come up with some jurdan ficlet. Send me your prompt! (I don't write rape/non-con)
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jeslo · 8 months
Do you accept jurdan fanfic requests
Hi! I'm not sure! No one has ever asked before!
I guess it would depend on content. I don’t feel super comfortable writing spicy scenes yet. It’s not that I won't, I just 🤷‍♀️ you know.
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atlasrep · 8 months
Do you accept jurdan fanfic requests?
Hi! I do
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sapphicmsmarvel · 8 months
Do you take fanfic requests? Also are you ok with non con and dub con for jurdan.
unfortunately i do not take requests! and tbh i dont know? im 50/50? who knows lmao but thank you for asking!! 💖🫶🏻
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Taking TFOTA/Jurdan Fan Fic Requests!
Hey ya’ll, drop any requests for Jude/Cardan fanfictions! 
I am about to finish a +20,000 word fic (Can be found here -> How Do I Tell Him?) and I am looking to write some more one-shots or multi-chapters stories. I like writing left out scenes, alternative scenes, and post-book stories! 
I am pretty much open to any suggestions!
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satynejulianna · 3 years
Punishment of Love (Request)
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Summary: Takes place post-TWK, before TQON. Jude, while still in the mortal world, has finally begun to get over Cardan. Or so she thought. When Cardan comes looking for her and finds her out on a date, he lets his jealousy overcome him.
Author’s Note: Thank you to @fantasyfox10123 for requesting this one-shot! I hope I gave your idea a life of its own. I really enjoy writing these! I definitely recommend listening to “Triggered” by Chase Atlantic before reading.
Song Inspiration: “Triggered” by Chase Atlantic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcOCAmj3fDs
Anything in the story italicized and bolded is a song lyric!
CONTENT WARNING: Swearing, smut, unprotected sex, bondage, dom!Cardan, punishment is a huge theme throughout this piece (naturally. If he can’t have her, nobody can, right?!)
Cardan stood stiffly at Vivi’s apartment door, his hands crossed over his chest. Twice he had traveled from the Palace of Elfhame to come and stand in front of this damn door, and twice he had been turned away swiftly by Vivi.
“You might be the High King of Elfhame, but this is my apartment,” Vivi would scoff. “And I would be much happier if you left.”
But this time, it was Oak who greeted him, the 8-year-old boy offering a clueless smile. “Hi,” He stepped outside sheepishly as if he wasn’t completely sure if he was supposed to be doing so. “Why are you here?” In his hands, he held a half-eaten cheese stick, his little horns protruding from his sandy hair as he looked up at Cardan quizzically and cocked his head to one side.
Cardan knew that this was his chance. He returned Oak’s smile, kneeling down so that he could be on the boy’s level. He placed his hand lightly on Oak’s shoulder. His voice was the sweetest, most innocent he could make it seem. “Hi Oak, I’m on an important mission to find Jude.” Technically, this wasn’t a lie. He needed to know why Jude hadn’t returned any of his letters. The thought pained him greatly. How utterly awful. “Do you know where I can find her?”
Oak furrowed his little brows together, as if in deep consideration. As if this was indeed a super important mission- the kind superheroes went on in the movies he had watched with Vivi. “She said she was going on a date, but I don’t know what that is. She went that way.” He pointed down the road. “I don’t know what a date has to do with the coffee store.” Taking a bite out of his cheese stick, he shrugged.
A date? Cardan felt hot anger boiling up through his veins. “Oh. I see. Thank you Oak,” He gritted through his teeth. “You’d better get inside.”
The little boy nodded in innocent agreement, and retreated inside, the door closing softly. Cardan stomped off the steps and drew some ragwort out of his pocket, tossing it into the air and watching the thin pony appear, its yellow eyes shimmering in the growing darkness. He grabbed hold of its mane and directed it in the same way that Oak had pointed. His eyes had grown to be as black as the paved asphalt below him, the golden rims around his pupil hardening to flints. He was so furious he thought he might explode.
Is this why she never returned his letters? Did she replace him? He thought of the kisses they had shared that one night in the passageways under the palace. Shaking the thought from his head disturbingly, he stormed ahead, determined to make her pay.
I’ve been in a rage and I’m headed your way
With the devil on my fucking shoulder
I’ve been thinking ‘bout all of the things I might say
Or might do to ya
Jude sat awkwardly in the coffee shop, clutching a hot latte between her fingers. In front of her sat a boy her age, grinning goofily as he put a magazine down on the table between them. “Have you seen the movie, Harry Potter? We should watch it together sometime if you haven’t.” She watched uncomfortably as his milky blue gaze shifted over to her hands, more specifically her missing finger. “What happened there, camping accident?” He teased.
“Yeah, something like that.” Jude lied. Her own gaze drifted to her hand, remembering with a sting what actually happened when Madoc’s guards ripped it off. Elfhame. An ache filled her chest with the thought of Elfhame. Of Cardan, to whom she was supposedly wed before he exiled her. Jude had just begun to pick up the pieces of her life, to get over Cardan and Elfhame and the despair she had endured at their hand.
“What’s your favorite movie?” The boy asked, and as Jude lifted her hazel gaze upwards to answer him, it slowly traveled past in slow horror to what seemed like a ghost from her past. Except this was her present.
There, in the ordering line, was Cardan Greenbriar, the High King of Elfhame, Jude’s faerie husband. You know, the one that exiled her. He was in somewhat mortal clothing: tight black jeans tucked into a loose white shirt unbuttoned to his sternum, leather boots, his fingers still heavily ringed with palace jewels. His raven-black hair was long and disheveled, tufts tucked behind his pointed ears which were covered in golden cuffs to seem less conspicuous. He ordered nonchalantly, seemingly unaware that even among the beautiful fae he was considered gorgeous, so in the mortal world, he would be like something out of a painting. The barista blushed as he flashed a quicksilver smile at her, gripping his drink and turning towards the exit. But as he did so, he caught Jude staring, and titled his head threateningly, smirking and raising one long finger to beckon her towards him. And then he went out the door.
Jude’s stomach felt like it was going to double over. She felt like she was going to be sick, the color draining from her face. “Um, I’ll be right back, I’m sorry I just need to go.” She fumbled, apologetically smiling towards the boy she had tried to go on a date with and failed. Her knees felt like they were about to give out from underneath her, but she shakily made her way towards the exit. She felt the painful sting of anger bubble up her throat. At least now she could get answers from Cardan.
Girl, you gotta know right now, there’s no way out
I've been outside for a long damn time
And I figured, how this might go down
Cardan was waiting for her outside. Jealousy raged inside of him, clouding his vision. He flexed the muscles in his jaw, his eyes stony. At the sight of Jude coming out the door, he just wanted to wring her neck between his ringed hands. “It’s so great to see you’ve forgotten about me so quickly, Jude.” He growled. “Did you get my letters?”
Jude froze a few steps in front of him, her own cold gaze meeting his. “You have forgotten about me.” She snapped back. “What letters?”
With one outstretched hand, he grabbed Jude by the collar of her jacket and pulled her roughly to him. His breath was hot on her neck as he breathed in the scent of her. He had missed her so much but never before had he felt such animosity and spite. “I don’t believe you.” He hissed. “Well here’s a letter, delivered to you in real-time.” He reached into his pocket with his free hand and threw ragwort into the air again, this time two ponies appearing in the darkness. “Just as I commanded your exile, I command you as your husband to accompany me home.”
See I’m not trying to hurt you
But I don’t have a choice right now
“Cardan, if you think I’m just going to come with you and stay and everything will be fine again, you are very mistaken.” She just wanted answers. An explanation for her exile. Jude allowed him to lead her into his bed-chambers, taking in the familiar surroundings. As much as she hated to admit it, she had missed Elfhame.
The heavy wooden door closed behind them and before Jude could say anything else, Cardan shoved her down onto one of the many chairs strewn about the room. She sunk down into it with a grunt. “Jude, dear, if you think that I will allow you to stay, then you are the one mistaken.” His words were laced with dangerous venom. The jealousy was practically spewing from his lips, images of the boy flashing through his head over and over again. He wanted to gut the mortal, slice him from head to toe and feed his entrails to the Goblins. “Unless you beg, of course. Then I might be forgiving.”
“You’re hilarious.” Jude narrowed her walnut eyes to slits as she stared up at him indignantly. As she did so, she couldn’t help but feel a pang in her chest, her heart betraying her and fluttering against its cage at the sight of him. He was every bit of the gorgeous King she had remembered, the kohl smudged under his black eyes matching perfectly, and the golden powder sheen highlighted his sharp cheekbones. By contrast, his soft lips smirked devilishly as he reached for the trunk in front of his bed and whisked out a thin, gilded rope.
Looming over her, his chest rustled with dark laughter as he peered down at Jude. His dark curls fell across his brow as he reached down to grab hold of her chin. “And you’re in trouble, my sweet nemesis.” Swiftly he tied Jude’s hands together behind the chair, similar to the way he had been tied to one during the Coronation with Jude’s knife at his throat.
My, how things change.
Jude felt herself blush, the back of her neck heating up. She swallowed hard. What did he mean, “in trouble”? He’s the one who essentially dumped her. She battled his cold stare by meeting it evenly. “I don’t have any idea what you mean.” Now, Jude’s tone was flat, but goosebumps had begun to rise across her.
The High King did not respond immediately. He wrapped his hand around her neck, his heavy rings indenting her skin, lifting the chair slightly off the ground. Jude gasped as he pressed harder, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. His lips brushed across hers in a cold, calculable way. He was planning every next move on her like an expert chess player, and he had captured the Queen.
“Did you miss this?” He bit down on her lip hard enough to draw blood, and then he licked it off. His black gaze never broke from hers as he did so. He had pulled up her tank top and taken off her leggings at this point, leaving her exposed. His fingers traced around her deceivingly slick center. “It feels like you do. Did he touch you like this?” Cardan tsked, pressing his fingers inside of her.
The truth is, Jude was only hoping to use the date as a distraction from her thoughts about Cardan. They had become unbearable, with Vivi encouraging her to go out and “network”. However, at this point in time, Cardan and his hands were the only things on her mind.
His other hand shot up to grab a fistful of her hair, wrenching her head backward and leaving her neck exposed. Jude shivered, gulping loudly. “Well?” His fingers drew in and out of her tight center, sticky with her juices. “Did he lay his disgusting, mortal hands on you? My cruel wife, tell me where he touched you and I will make sure you never forget the feeling of my blade on it.” His fingers retreated out of her and grasped at the dagger next to him, running it over her skin ever so lightly.
“Cardan, no, he didn’t….” Jude whimpered as she staved off tears, her eyelashes dampening. Every hair stood on edge of her body, but she couldn’t help herself. Every word he spoke felt like ice shattering on her skin, but when he touched her he set it ablaze with passionate fire. He cared so much, it hurt.
Once I pull this trigger off
You’ll be begging me to stop
Telling you, I won’t slow down
Can’t nobody hear you scream right now
After a few agonizing minutes, Cardan had moved Jude from the chair to his gigantic bed, using the rope to tie her hands to the headboard. The rope dug into her skin, strawberry marks beginning to bloom around her wrists. She kneeled before him on all fours, her face smashed into the silk sheets. He unclothed himself, shadows dancing on the angular planes of his high cheekbones and chiseled chest. His tail lashed back and forth in anticipation.
Once again, he held the blade to the back of her neck, a wild grin settling across his face, his sharp canines glinting in the candlelight. He was so hungry to make her cry out for him. He traced the silver dagger down her spine and over her hips while Jude held her breath, her legs beginning to quiver. Suddenly he pressed down on a spot just above her hip, crimson blood spurting from the small cut. “Cardan, please.” Jude cried. “Stop this.”
“Oh Jude, but I’ve only just begun!” Cardan seethed. He ran his hand over the blood and licked it off his fingers. “You’re so pretty like this. Look at me, pet.”
Jude peered over her shoulder, straining against the ropes that held her wrists in place. Her cheeks began to burn with a blush as he stroked himself. What the fuck, how could someone be so evil yet so gorgeous? He flashed her with a quicksilver smile and urged himself into her. She gasped, overcome with a wild feeling of fullness as she felt every inch of his throbbing member. Her head dropped back onto the bed, squeezing her eyes shut as she let out a little moan. But he would not allow her to do this. He grabbed her hair, pulling her head backward roughly. “I told you to fucking look at me.” Cardan began to stroke in and out of her, and he leaned forwards so that he could spit into her mouth. “Swallow it.”
She let the warm spit slide down her throat, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from moaning louder. Every time he rammed into her, she could feel the coil of heat rising in her stomach, pushing her closer and closer to euphoria.
Cardan’s strokes came harder, faster. He raised his hand and smacked her ass, his rings leaving indents in her skin. She cried out, and this only riled him up more. He smacked her again, his tail wrapping tightly around her leg. Her wrists strained harder against the ropes. “You can’t escape me,” He growled. “You are mine. I own you.” He let out a deep, guttural moan as he felt her walls tighten around him. He felt like he could explode at any moment. He wrapped his hands around each of her hips, gripping the bones and continuing to rack her body. “Tell me how much you hate me now, Jude.” His blown-out black pupils roamed every inch of her, waiting for her to respond.
“I hate you!” Jude half muttered half moaned into the sheets.
“You hate your High King? Tsk, how blasphemous.” Cardan slowed down his strokes, becoming more deliberate. “Be a good girl for once and come for me.”
Jude couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She arched against her ropes, struggling to stay on all fours when her legs felt as if they’d give out. The handprints on her ass still stung like that of an asp, and her skin was traumatized from the blade dragging across it. The mixture of pain and pleasure was almost too much for her to handle, and her head felt like it was spinning. She erupted, screaming out in ecstasy.
“Very good, my dear Jude.” Cardan groaned, exploding inside of her and filling her with his seed. His tail unwrapped from her leg and he retreated from her swollen center, untying her wrists. “As High King, I think my first act of mercy will be granting you to spend the night here with me. It’s time the High Queen learns her true place.”
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wanderingpages · 2 years
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TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Song Requests
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Give me attention/ Are you flirting with me?
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Cardan’s jealous, Jude kinda sucks at flirting.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Please wake up/ You said to be honest, stop hitting me.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Jude’s on the verge of a breakdown.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: TWK AU, post undersea kidnapping smut.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Its been a year and a day, Jude has moved on.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: I wish I could say I was drunk right now.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Babysitting Oak, but sis is still on the lam.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Fun with Faerie fruit. Based on fanart.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Cardan is Jude’s bodyguard.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Enemies with benefits.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Jude’s sick, Cardan tries to take care of her.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Jude walks in on Cardan.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Blowjobs 101
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Massage (gone dirty) (#emotional) (I cried).
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Vampire kisses and such.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: “I knew little else...”
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: College AU, Seven minutes in heaven
Serpent & Dove, Lou and Reid: College AU, Reid finds himself looking after his class partner too often.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Sleepy morning fluff.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: TWK AU, Jude is nearly hurt in the mortal world.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Vampires like expensive vip rooms in exclusive clubs.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Throne sex is not it, fam.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Shower Lovin
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Clingy // Bratty
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: The morning after a non-mistake, she swears.
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: we miss every kiss we don’t take 😔
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: I just wanna get high with my lover and whatever
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: (Spoiler) Jude is not okay.
TOG, Rowan and Aelin: Lewd Little Tattoos
TFOTA, Jude and Cardan: Car sex and he calls her princess. Oh and Madoc's in the mob?
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murderofcrowsss · 3 years
'tis the damn season
part 3
a/n: heh heh
requested by the lovely @fantasyfox10123 <3
Jude hated the meeting. She kept spacing out. She kept thinking about what Cardan had said to her earlier. She swore she could feel Cardan’s gaze on her throughout. She refused to acknowledge it. Her subjects had excused her. Blaming those wedding jitters, again. Not like said wedding is happening anyway. Jude pushed the thought down.
“As I was saying, the spies are spreading out to outside Elfhame as well. We think they’re powered by revenge. For the courts – specifically, the Court of Termites.” Caiben, the Chief of Military said.
That brought Jude back to reality.
“The Court of Termites? Lord Roiben is officiating these spies?” Jude asked.
“According to our intelligence.” Caiben replied. Jude nodded.
“However, it is interesting as the same intelligence conveys to us that you once struck a deal with Lord Roiben himself, and promised something in return. Is that correct, seneschal?” He continued.
“Yes, it is accurate.” Jude replied with all the confidence she could muster.
“Care to spare the details?” Caiben scoffed.
Not a good time to mess with me, dear Caiben.
“I do not. However, I can assure you that it was necessary if we wanted our High King’s coronation to take place smoothly. You wouldn’t oppose that, would you Caiben?”
“I never meant-“
“Moving on,” the High Chief interrupted. “We just received intelligence about a spy. In the mortal world, from the Court of Termites, as we correctly predicted.”
That surprised Jude. “The mortal world? But why?”
“We have yet to know. But we have his name.” Everyone waited.
“His name in faerie in Alberich Sallow. He goes by Alec in the mortal world. Anyone heard of him?”
Jude gasped. Everyone turned to look at her.
It couldn’t be.
Absolutely not.
She refused it to.
“Do we have a last name?” She asked, slightly out of breath.
“Yes, Alec Moore.” The High Chief replied.
Cardan was staring at Jude; she could feel it. He wanted her to confirm if it was her Alec since he was the only one who knew the name of the man she was going to marry. Tomorrow. She could vomit.
“Alec Moore is the name of the man I was going to wed. With the blessing of the High King.” She could feel the tears forming in her eyes. “I suppose that won’t happen now.”
Deafening silence.
“But he’s a faerie. He must’ve told you he loved you or that you would spend forever with him. Faeries can’t lie. It can’t possibly be the same man.” The Roach finally said.
The tears fell.
Everyone was looking at her.
“He didn’t.”
“Jude-” The Roach began.
“Halt,” Cardan commanded. “This meeting is over. Everyone exit the room. I would like to speak with the seneschal.
Everyone left.
Jude and Cardan remained.
Jude laughed. She supposed she was relieved, for some odd reason. Cardan must be enjoying this. She was too. This was all a game. Of course, it was. Everything with her was a game. She should’ve suspected. She would never open her trust to a stranger again.
No one except the man standing in front of her.
“Cardan, I must apologize to you.” She began.
He interrupted her. “You never could’ve known-“
“Maybe I was just too desperate to have someone in my life except you. I found an available opportunity and took it. The warnings were everywhere. I should’ve run. I should’ve known. He never even confessed his love – not like there was love between us in the first place to confess of.”
It was tragic, but Jude’s whole life had been so. That must be the reason she wasn’t very shocked. Everything can be and mostly is, a trick. Locke acting as if he loved her, the Folk pretending to like her, Madoc pretending to want what’s best for her, Taryn betraying her. She supposed at some point, she would be expecting it. It was what she was trained on. It was what made her Jude Duarte.
She pitied the life she could’ve lived. But now was not the time for pitying.
“I reckon I should be thanking you, Cardan. Or else I would’ve been married by now. Bound to a fraud. I am aware this is odd for you, to be thanked. But I think you deserve it. So, with all of my heart, thank you.”
Cardan looked like he’d been slapped.
He regained himself soon enough.
“I told you I was smarter than you thought” He said with a smirk.
Jude had missed that smirk.
They looked into each other’s eyes. If fate is real, this had to be a textbook example of it.
“You asked me to stay this evening.” Jude continued. “You asked me to stay with you. Well, my King, your wish is my command.”
Cardan laughed. “You know Jude; you are quite hilarious. Also, I could kiss you right now.”
That was frank.
“What’s stopping you?”
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degenderates · 4 years
🧠can you do an angst Jurdan in Cardan’s pov where Cardan confronts A Jude that after her banishment 3-5 years later is married with a child?
title: before you go fandom: the folk of the air rating: t ship: jurdan prompts: the above headcanon, dizziness for whumptober, ill-fated for @jurdannet & @jurdannetrevels ‘s Folktober!
read on ao3: before you go
taglist for tfota: @thepurpledragon4444 @aneurwin
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
bitter sweet.
My love @rowanwhitethornss requested I write the first Jurdan kiss from Cardan’s point of view and this is hot garbage but i hope you all enjoy anyway.
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Jude is standing far too close to me, the look on her face a determined one like she knows exactly what her next move will be. It unsettles me that she lifts my chin with the tip of her blade, effectively forcing my eyes to fall on her. I hate her.
The closer she clean toward me the harder it is to keep the horror from washing over my features, to contain the shame that I feel from how badly I want her. Jude, who is more beautiful than any flower, who is perhaps the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life. I hate her. I want her. Looking at her makes it worse, meeting her light brown eyes just as she leans close to me. Too close.
Too far.
“You really do want me,” she says as my eyes widen, as she alters the angle of the knife, her full lips shifting slightly closer to me. My palms were sweating, fingers shaking and eyes wide as a full moon. But when she finally brought her mouth to mine, it was a shocking jolt of electricity through every part of my body so much that I was completely frozen where I sat. I move slightly, my eyes fluttering closed and Jude shudders at the way that they brush her cheek.
It was impossible to mask the shock of having Jude kiss me, and ever harder to mask just how badly, how desperately I wanted it. My hands moved along her arms slowly, so slowly to savor the feel of her skin. Jude was so soft, so warm. Her full lips are like pillows that are all too inviting and make me never want to stop doing this. I never want to stop kissing her. I never want to stop worshipping her with my mouth. I want to touch and feel and taste the rest of her body to see if it tastes as bitterly sweet as her lips do. But I settle for her tongue.
My hands twine into her thick hair, her curls falling around us like a curtain and I kiss her in such a claiming way she has to know how badly I want this. My teeth tug on her bottom lip until I’m able to slip my tongue into her mouth. Jude. All I can think about is Jude. Jude. Jude. Jude. Her lips, her tongue, the way she tastes. She might very well be the end of me, this kiss might very well be what ruins me.
Something in her shifts, and she has one hand slipping into the curls at the nape of my neck, the other hand still holding that knife against my throat. I couldn’t care less about the knife. It could stay pressed against my skin all night so long as I get to keep tasting her, keep —
A loud bang startles us both. I bark out a laugh at the knife that she’s just thrown and imbedded in the wood of the desk behind us. My hands drop from her hair and she staggers back, several emotions flashing over her features while she wipes her lip with the back of her hand.
“Is that what you imagined?” She asks, the words nearly as sharp as that knife.
“No.” I keep my voice flat. There’s no way in hell I would ever tell her that truth.
“Tell me.” But I shake my head.
“Unless you’re really going to stab me, I think I won’t. And I might not tell you even if you were going to stab me.”
I would never tell her. Never tell her that nothing could have prepared me for kissing her. Nothing I had ever thought up compared to what it really felt like to have her hands in my hair and mine in hers. That I wanted to be able to lay her out on that desk and never stop kissing her, to take her to my bed and kiss every part of her body until she was writhing beneath me.
No. I would never tell her.
@starseternalnighttriumphant @musicmaam @darklesmylove @myfeyrelady @kandasboi @rhysands-highlady i can’t remember who I’m supposed to tag idk man like @city-of-fae @zoyastormwitch
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darklesmylove · 6 years
come to the revel | jurdan
prompt request for jurdan fluff! does this mess of a drabble really count as fluff? i dont know you read and get back to me on that one
My face pressed harder into the pillow, a grumble of irritation muffled by the soft fabric.
"Jude, come on, please?" Cardan's voice fell dangerously close to a whine, dragging out the vowels in the words in obnoxious fashion. Quite reluctantly, I turned onto my back on the soft mattress, meeting his eyes with a brow arched in brooding annoyance. 
He was dressed in his usual extravagant attire, fingers stacked with a variety of heavily jeweled rings and a buttoned down ruffled shirt laden with ebony, silky feathers at the collar lazily draped over his shoulders. Dark charcoal lined his eyes, accentuating their glimmering blackness.
As always, dramatically elegant and slightly infuriating in his beauty.
The bright, dazzling smile he flashed me in response to my lingering stare was enough to make me roll my eyes. 
"Come to the revel with me, we can dance and drink and, you know, actually talk to people," he pressed, lazy steps taking him to the side of the bed where I was splayed out. 
"I don't want to, you go if you want Cardan," I sharply spoke, batting at his hand as it reached out to take mine. 
"Well I don't want to go if my wife isn't there with me," he murmured, eyes casting down as his rosy lips twisted into a slight pout. 
A guttural scoff left my half parted mouth. "I'm sure you'll not even notice my absence once you start drinking. I'm not in the mood for the politics, Cardan, just let me be and go have fun." He seemed to consider that for a moment with a thoughtful look of contemplation. 
Then, without warning, he launched himself onto the bed next to me, almost sending me hurtling off as the mattress bounced with his sudden weight. My scolding snap of irritation died on my lips as he grabbed for my hand, lacing his fingers through mine and pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles as he tugged me into him. 
"It most definitely will not be fun without you. So I guess I'm staying in for the night." His crown slipped from his brow as he tilted his head, lips curling when my body immediately softened into his touch. 
"Are you trying to score points with me," I questioned flatly despite my growing smile. He shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye as his hands captured my waist, pulling me on top of him so my body was held flush against his. 
The glimmer faded in a blink as his gaze settled on my face, tracing my features with gentle reverence. "The only thing that I care about is you, Jude Greenbriar," he whispered, fingers reaching up and cascading down my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed, I leaned into his touch as he continued. "I'd let the world burn if you wanted it. I'd fall on my knees every day and beg for you if you asked. I'd do anything you'd ask even without you commanding me. To me you are not just the Queen of Elfame. You are the queen of everything." 
His soft smile was almost pained with adoration as I met his dark eyes. 
A wave of overwhelming possessiveness rolled through me with the warm caress of an invisible hand. It was a sight no one else would ever get to see, the High King straddled between their legs, his cheeks flushed as he stared up at them through slightly lidded eyes as he proclaimed his love. 
"I know I'm beautiful, but you can stop staring now," he tilted his head with a ghost of a smirk, his arrogance having apparently not deserted him for long. 
"I hate you," I murmured, leaning down and capturing his lips with my own.
 His reply was a faint breath between kisses. "I love you too, Jude."
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myqueenjudeduarte · 5 years
I can’t wait until we’re alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now.” Or “truth or dare?” “Dare” for jurdan smut prompts 🙈
Omg thank you! I went with the first one but changed the wording slightly, I hope that’s okay!!
(NSFW and Wicked King spoilers below!)
“Will you give me the honor of this dance, my queen?”
That was how it began.
Cardan had approached Jude where she stood talking to some of their subjects, fake-smiling and doing her best to charm them. This was a job which was best left to Cardan, and both of them knew it, but as queen, Jude tried to do her fair share of networking and conflict resolution both.
Now, though, Cardan had decided to free her from the misery she had trapped herself in, and so he asked her to dance.
“A simple dance?” Jude asked, eyebrows raised, ever expecting a catch. “Of course.”
Cardan took Jude’s hand in his and led her to the dancing. He spun her into his arms, twirled her around until she was so dizzy she began to laugh. And once she started laughing, she seemed to have trouble stopping, near giggling as Cardan continued to twirl her.
Cardan was far past certain that it was the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on. Jude’s laughs were few and far between, and a spell of it like this was unheard of.
“Have you indulged in drink tonight, Jude?” he asked, smiling at her.
“No,” she replied, laughter still bubbling out of her, “I’m just...” she paused, laughter faltering, as her voice began to take on an uncertain tone. “I believe I’m happy at the moment.”
Cardan leaned in, pulled her against him and brought his mouth close to her ear.
“Your happiness, it seems, is affecting me.  I can hardly wait until we find ourselves alone, Jude. There are so many things I want to do to you tonight.”
Jude’s steps faltered, though they could not cease until the music did. She rapidly regained her composure, however, and stood on her tip toes to whisper in his ear,
“We could be alone quite quickly, King, if we so chose.”
Cardan could feel his blood heating. “Where,” he demanded roughly.
Jude subtly motioned to the door behind the throne, to the room where they had their first... encounter, almost a year ago now.
So much had happened since then, and Cardan felt emotion well up in him as he thought of how vastly things had improved between them.
“Yes, we should confer on this matter,” Cardan announced when the music paused, loudly enough to be heard but not so loudly as to provoke suspicion. “Join me in the conference room, Jude?”
“Of course.”
Cardan hurriedly led Jude to the room, and before the door had even finished closing behind them he had her pressed up against it.
“That was a flimsy excuse,” Jude protested. “Everyone will know what we’re doing.”
“Yes, Jude. And the people will be listening near the door for proof of the depraved actions of their king and queen, so I should think it in your best interest to remain very, very quiet.” He punctuated his words with a finger against her lips, the tip of which he slipped into her mouth. She bit it teasingly.
“I am not the one with trouble keeping quiet,” she said, but she kept her voice low as he suggested.
Before Jude could say anything else, Cardan’s mouth was on hers again, his fingers wandering down her sides, tugging up the dress she had donned for tonight’s revel. The dress she looked so stunning, so happy in that he found her irresistible.
One of Cardan’s hands found its way under her dress, and he ran his fingertips teasingly along her inner thighs.
“Spread your legs,” he pleaded, trying to shove one of his own between hers. “Let me touch you.”
Jude smiled. “And if I don’t?” she asked, toying with him.
Cardan stepped back until no part of their bodies remained touching. “Why, I would respect your space, Jude.” The smile on his face belied the fact that he knew exactly what his actions would do to her.
Jude fisted her hands into Cardan’s airy shirt, yanked him towards her and pressed his body back against hers.
“Touch me,” she said, a demand more than a request as she spread her legs for him.
Cardan knelt, skimming his hands up her legs and bringing them around to cup her ass.
“Here?” he asked, smiling an innocent smile up at her.
“Cardan,” she said harshly, one hand coming down to fist in his hair, to force his head back. “I told you to touch me.”
His smile faltered and he obeyed, ripping off her underwear in a fluid motion and plunging two fingers inside her.
Jude gasped, her head hitting the door with a thunk that she knew their audience could probably hear.
“Shh,” Cardan said, grinning as he began curling his fingers inside her, stroking a spot that had her gasping, her breathing turning shallow. Her hand in his hair tightened.
“Tell me where you want me, Jude,” he said softly.
This was a pattern — Cardan would make sure Jude was wet and wanting before encouraging her to speak her desire to him. That was the only time he could compel her to. Generally, she was somewhat shyer when it came to talking about sex than having it, and Cardan fully intended to remedy this with persistent persuasion.
“I want,” Jude began, breaking off to bite her lower lip as his fingers stroked her especially hard. “I want your mouth on me,” she gasped out.
“Where?” Cardan asked, voice smooth, as he began to lick, bite, kiss his way up her thigh. “Here?”
“My clit,” she said in a rush, heat coloring her cheeks. “Cardan, taste me.”
He could never resist those words, and he did as she requested, licking up from the place his fingers entered her body to circle her clit with his tongue.
Jude moaned and he hummed against her.
“Quiet, my girl,” he murmured.
Jude didn’t reply, merely breathed heavily as his tongue flicked over her clit repeatedly, his fingers never stilling their motions inside her. With his other hand he reached up, found a nipple and flicked it through her dress in time with the motions of his tongue. When he changed his motions, sucked her clit into his mouth as he pulled sharply on the nipple, Jude cried out softly.
Cardan laughed.
“Are you so desperate for me that you find yourself utterly unable to keep quiet? That you insist upon providing entertainment to our subjects?”
Jude whimpered, far past the point of providing a clever retort. Rather, she grew even more wanting at his words.
“Cardan,” she breathed, “I’m close.”
“Close to what, Jude?”
“Close to coming. Oh, god, I’m close.”“Then come, my dear,” he said softly, speeding up his ministrations until he sent her tumbling over the edge, crying out his name as she came hard around his fingers.
When she came down from her orgasm, panting, legs shaking, Cardan pulled back and gazed up at her.
“You’re beautiful,” he told her matter of factly. “And perhaps all of Elfhame heard you come.”
Jude now had the presence of mind to blush, but smiled down at Cardan anyway.
“Then all of Elfhame will know that it merely takes a bit of laughter to make its High King desperate to please.”
Cardan’s expression grew softer as he looked at her. “That is an honor, my dear Jude, reserved for the High Queen.”
Jude smiled and pulled Cardan up by the hand, straightening her dress before she pulled the door open, leaving her underwear off and discarded in the room.
“Let us face our subjects proudly, then,” she said, leading him out by the hand. “And show them that their rulers are, for the night, happy.”
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