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meatcute · 1 year ago
the joker has died :( it was to a simipour with scald on an optionwl fight. im not happy about this
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harkovastwebcomic · 1 month ago
Chapter 1 part 7
“Thanks,” said Ferrix with a nod to the stranger, before sitting down against a tree to rest. Prince Moshul looked at the new arrival, then to Ferrix, dumbfounded by the Junlock’s underreaction. ”That was amazing!” said the Prince as he ran over to the stranger. “You came in just when we needed you.” The Al-Saigal regarded the Prince for a moment, and then looked over at Quinn-Tain who was approaching them. ”I don’t believe in coincidence,” he said, turning to the Prince and smiling. “But thank you.” “I’m Prince Mashul.” ”Don’t tell him…!” cried Shalem in frustration, before realising it was already far too late. He continued in a lowered voice. “Might I suggest you desist from telling people your identity when we are in the Knarl Empire?” ”I suppose we all have our secrets,” said the Al-Saigal. “I’m Xan.”
“Al-Xan?” said Raeeda as she approached. “You mean Al-Xan? You said it wrong.” “No,” Xan responded. “It is just Xan.” Raeeda’s eyes went wide. Shalem was aware of Al-Saigal naming conventions, and their quaint habit of adding ‘Al’ to the names of their men as a sing of devotion to their god Thane. The Al-Saigal were tiresomely keen to let other people know about their religion. Knowing this, Shalem was not at all surprised by Raeeda’s overly shocked reaction. An offended Al-Saigal’s exaggerated responses often bordered on pantomime. But what happened next did surprise him. Raeeda dropped to her knees, bowing her head before Xan. ”You are him!” she said earnestly. “The Warrior King!” Xan turned his head away, obviously uncomfortable. ”Get up, please,” he said, not looking at her. “That isn’t me.” ”Impossible!” said Raeeda standing up. “I saw you fighting! You just said you are Xan! You must be him! You are the most favoured of Thane!”  “I am who you think,” said Xan “but not what you think.” ”He walked away from teachings of the Al-Saigal after the Nameless War,” said Quinn-Tain as he reached them. “Now he walks his own path.”
“Do I?” said Xan. “I didn’t get here by chance. Eldex are still pulling my strings.” Quinn-Tain’s hood hid his eyes, so only his snout was visible, and the expression of his mouth was blank. ”I would not have summoned you if the situation was not dire.” ”With you it always is,” said Xan with a smirk. “That doesn’t make any sense!” said Raeeda. “You can’t walk away from being the Warrior King!" “And yet here we are.”
“What is the Warrior King?” asked Mashul, confused. “An Al-Saigal superstition,” explained Shalem, “of a mystical warrior blessed by their god." “He’s right here, you clod!” said Raeeda, gesturing angrily. “You saw what he did to those Tolpish! This is the Warrior King!” ”It was impressive, I’ll grant you,” said Shalem. “But I’m not sure sword play and somersaults confer divine authority. ”And I’m sure you are an idiot.”
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jun1ocked · 2 years ago
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chriscalledmesweetie · 6 years ago
somebody take google translate away from me
After creating the google translate fic title game and posting my favorites, I  decided to run those — the wacky translations, along with my original titles — back through the same ten languages, to see what would happen. Here are the most interesting results:
First, it's a glorious and wonderful day: years are not enough, good will be. = The first is a good and good day to come — Past Imperfect, Future Perfect
I am John Watson, I am a guardian, John Watson, I like black hair. = I am John Watson, I am a pastor — I Am John Watson, I Speak for the Curls
If the patient is sick, the weight of dystrophic disease is painful only. = When a sick person gets sick — The High-Functioning Sociopath Who Walked by Himself
Hammer fears: you do not need to fear a doctor's doctor for anything = The hammer is scared — The Little Army Doctor Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
John Locke Comes Happy Day - Singer John Locke = John Locke enjoys happy days — Jolly Johnlock Christmas
When it comes to midnight - it comes at midnight = He came in the middle of the night — It Came Upon a Midnight Queer
Thank you, John, come, everywhere, come, see the people of Junlockers everywhere. = Forgiveness: Yes, come, Ionlockers are everywhere — O Come, O Come, Johnlockers Everywhere
Diana is a diane of Diane and has a Hirsch microphone burning at the hall. = Diane is a diane model — Mycroft Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Are you sure you can verify these pages? "John wants to get to see.” = Would you like to recommend this location? — We Wish for a Johnlock Kiss Scene
LIKE LIKE = interesting — chriscalledmesweetie
Exhibition - fruit products - oily fat oils = Fruits of fur — Bad-Ass Mother Figure
Loads of luggage = Hot cars — Pants on Fire
I am a helper, I can find a lamp = I am a dog — I'll Get a Candle
Loop - pride of Loki = madness — Cocky Locky
Note: There are many important things = There is a problem — Bad Cocks Rising
He is the key, he is the brother of his brother = He is a guide — There Was a Detective with Things in His Bum
No, no respect: three parts, no, no — No country, no respect — Three Continents, No Compliments
John Watson I like to play games: You need to listen to John Watson, to learn to watch porn — John Watson I love porn — Everything John Watson Ever Needed to Know About Sex, He Learned by Watching Porn
John Bumf - Big John BAMF = Chief John Bamf — The Big BAMF John
Unlike Debt Debt - Mycroft and Other Loans. = More photos and other features — Mycroft, By Any Other Name
Problems and problems - ignorance and trouble. = It's embarrassment and trouble — Nonsense and Insensibility
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meatcute · 1 year ago
not taking any questions about my munna's nickname
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meatcute · 1 year ago
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badge 4. hooooly fuck
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meatcute · 1 year ago
decimated clay. i was disappointed with rolling timburr for my encounter (wanted a grass type) but sheer force gurdurr fucking oneshots excadrill. like i think i got the critical hit but still. and it missed rockslide then used hone claws likee okay free win?? and swadloon took care of the rest ez
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meatcute · 1 year ago
for lenora i got intimidate herdier, sawk, servine, drilbur, confuse ray/hypnosis/detect watchog, and yawn munna >:) shes getting cheesed
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meatcute · 1 year ago
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dude the N boss fight at the ferris wheel ... my shit is wrecked D: clay is gonna be so much harder without my starter too waaauhh
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meatcute · 1 year ago
dude bianca and cheren both got crits on me D:< i dont want to count the initial rival battles but this is not a great omen
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harkovastwebcomic · 3 months ago
Book 4- Chapter 1- Into Danger
Quinn-Tain didn’t talk much, and what he did say was usually strange. Shalem, however, had no doubt that the Wizard was always listening to everything said around him. What Quinn-Tain did say wasn’t nonsensical, but he seemed to view things from an odd perspective, like an outsider seeing society for the first time, or a philosopher discussing the world in abstract terms. Raeeda would argue politics, theology and anything else about the state of the world. Her large, green eyes (the only part of her visible under her ever present veil) were always darting around, as if looking for an annoyance or an injustice to challenge. Ferrix, the large, grey-furred Junlock, met the world with cynical annoyance. He saw injustice just as much as Raeeda, but seemed resigned to the fact there was nothing he could do about it, and grumbled with no expectation of any result. Prince Mashul was young and idealistic, and enthusiastic to an extent that was rather unbecoming for Tendu royalty. He would eagerly listen to Raeeda or Ferrix lament the world’s problem, treating their complaints as deep insights. This bothered Shalem, but he had come to realise that trying to tell the Prince to avoid such bad influences would just push him to them further, so he held his tongue. But when any of them spoke to Quinn-Tain, the result was invariably the same. Quinn-Tain was neutral to the point of frustration. He seemed to have no opinion on any issue of politics, even the most controversial. Wars, slavery, sexism, injustice, he could not be drawn on anything. The most he would voice as an opinion was a generally positive view of different cultures, praising their noble aspects but not speaking of their faults. He was so detached that it became annoying to deal with--an aloofness that started to feel like patronising arrogance. You found yourself wanting to make him pick a side, as if the scarcity of his opinions gave them more value and there was some unique authority that would come with the Wizard’s validation. The most Shalem had been able to tease from Quinn-Tain was a statement that it was  “not for him to judge.” Shalem had tried talking to their hunch-backed Xateem guide Vaul, but that had gone nowhere. Vaul thought of nothing but deserts, water, the horizon, what plants to eat and a whole host of other things that were useful for a desert guide to know but utterly tiresome to talk about. Sometimes Shalem would just talk to Glunn, his tall Bardabor slave. She would listen to what ever he said to her intently, but would not voice any opinions of her own…or really say anything at all. If asked directly she would nod or shake her head, but it would quickly become obvious she was just trying to agree. If a question was too difficult or the answer was unclear she would just shrug.
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harkovastwebcomic · 4 months ago
Chapter 31 part 3
Each Temple of Lungoss, the dark destroyer god, contained a portal. The priests of Lungoss alone knew the full secrets of the portals operation, and normally an Assassin of the Republic would utilise their assistance to travel vast distances quickly, jumping between Temples in different cities almost immediately.
The priests of the Temple in Yalangov had all been slain by Zadakine assassins before the battle even began, but Ki still had the means to escape. In his years of Assassin training he had gleaned some idea of the portals’ workings, enough to make a small, if inaccurate, jump away from the city. Now Ki sat on the nearby hill side, watching the smoke rising from the burning ruins of Yalangov. Ki felt numb, struggling to comprehend what had come to pass. Shogun has betrayed him, the city had fallen. Everything had come to nothing. And he knew that he could expect no more aid or guidance from Eldex. He had refused their call and now they had turned their back on him. He didn’t remember exactly when he had been told this, but everything was so confused now he couldn’t remember every detail. For a man who normally possessed singular focus, he found himself lost. He was completely adrift, with no idea what action to take next. He sat for some time, just watching the smoke, unable to take action or even to think of an action he might attempt. Suddenly, a thought came to him. There was still a path ahead. He must kill Versalic! This Junlock shaman was an agent of the West, working to undermine the Junlocks and use them as pawns against other free nations. Ki didn’t stop to think how he knew about this, but he was certain it was what Eldex had instructed him. Perhaps if he could carry out this last mission, he could earn their favour once more, and more importantly their help to turn back the Zadakine aggression. His dazed mind clung onto this new certainty with the desperation of a drowning man. He would find this shaman, this agent of the West, and kill him. This was the Will of Eldex. End of Book 3
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harkovastwebcomic · 5 months ago
Chapter 29- The Key Moment
Nido rubbed her temples with her fingers. This was tiresome. ”My warriors should be at the forefront of the next attack!” snarled the Ivos commander. “The Junlocks are in no fit state for more heavy fighting.” ”How dare you---you flat-snouted fool!” yelled the representative of the Junlock mercenaries. “My warriors cleared the outer walls and we are more than ready to do the same again!”
“A bunch of shirtless primitives can’t be trusted to maintain discipline in the heat of battle.” ”Ivos are more concerned with hiding behind their shields than achieving victory!” Nido sighed as the two hulking warriors continued to argue in front of her. She looked around the tent at the Zadakine leaders and soldiers present, but they looked completely blank, obviously as unsure how to deal with this nonsense as she was. She raised a hand for them to be quiet. ”Let me try to understand this,” she said. “You are both insisting that your warriors should be at the front of the next attack?”
“Exactly,” said the Junlock.
“The decision to use my warriors should be obvious,” said the Ivos. ”Shut your yap!”
”Make me, you ugly…” Nido raised her hand again. ”You realise,” she said, trying to make things as clear as possible, “I’m not going to pay any of you a bonus for who takes the most casualties.” The two commanders didn’t even seem to really acknowledge what Nido had said and resumed their argument. To a Zadakine, their entire disagreement was mystifying. Concepts of warrior honour or martial rivalry were entirely alien to their culture. From Nido’s point of view, these two ugly, smelly thugs were standing in her tent shouting about which of them could get the most of their warriors killed. To a Zadakine it was obvious that losing more warriors would make the battle LESS profitable, but such sensible financial consideration seemed beyond these barbarians. It was all giving her a headache. She felt a great sense of relief when a swirl of dark smoke formed beside her and solidified into Night Blossom, the assassin. If nothing else, the new arrival was enough to surprise the arguing warriors into silence. ”Ma’am” said Night Blossom, lowering her head respectfully, “I bring urgent news. The Ivos mercenaries within the city are rebelling. They are marching towards the West Gate with the intention of leaving the defences and deserting.” ”Ha!” said the Junlock mercenary, “See? You are can never rely on an Ivos!” His Ivos counterpart looked about ready to punch him in the face, but Nido spoke up.
“You both wanted your warriors to be the first into battle? Well now is your chance! Whoever can get there first can have at it!” The Ivos and Junlocks looked to each and then both hurried out of the tent. Nido turned to the Zadakine officers present. ”Well…what are you all waiting for?” The Zadakine Commanders looked at each other in a moment of panic before hurrying out of tent as well. ”I hope what you say is true,” said Nido. “The sooner I can be done with this tiresome business, the better.”
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harkovastwebcomic · 6 months ago
Chapter 28- Telling Truths
The Ivos idolised their military above all things aside from the gods themselves. However, this was not the same as the warrior veneration that cultures like the Brorg-Dao or Junlocks engaged in. Though undoubtedly the Ivos admired personal courage and strength, it was possible to earn adoration in roles related to combat, but not directly involved in such. This was the case of Praetor Goldus, an overweight and physically lazy individual who nevertheless was held in high esteem amongst the Ivos. He was too lazy to pick up his own snacks and move them to his mouth (he had servants to do this for him), much less pick up a sword, but he had commanded a successful mercenary company for many years and achieved great wealth and success from hiring out the services of his troops. He was staying in a large villa that had become a barracks for his troops. His own personal quarters were decorated in the Ivos style, including his long couch that he was currently reclining on, being fanned by a servant while he looked over some reports. Goldus was waiting to hear back from one of the three cohorts under his command. They had been stationed in a position of pride, defending the main gate. Ivos viewed war in a practical, matter- of-fact way. As long as they weren’t fighting against the good of the Empire and would return to serving their nation when needed, Ivos saw fighting as mercenaries in foreign conflicts as a noble profession in times of peace. If Ivos found themselves on opposite sides of the same conflict, they would do their duty and fight as they would against any other enemy. Goldus had recognised the banners of the Ivos mercenaries in the opposing army when he was on the walls, and these troops belonged to Praetor Orgus. Goldus didn’t know Orgus except by reputation, but had heard was a commander of good reputation. Goldus had hoped that Orgus would also want his troops in a position of pride, leading the assault on the gate, as defeating another Ivos commander would be a great increase in status for Goldus. But the wait to get news from his troops was making him apprehensive. During the retreat from the outer walls there should have been plenty of time to fall back in good order, but war always featured some uncertainty. He was sure he would feel better when he received some solid information. It was at that moment he heard a commotion at the villa’s entrance. He looked to one of the heavily armoured guards standing to attention at the side of the room. ”Soldier,” he asked, lazily, “are we expecting anyone?”
“No, sir,” responded the guard, not turning to face him and remaining rigid at attention. ”It sounds to be getting closer,” said Goldus raising himself slightly from his couch, and looking at the doorway curiously. Sounds of shouting and commotion were indeed growing closer, until Shogun, bloodied and wild-eyed, burst into the room. Two Ivos soldiers that Shogun had just wrestled his way past came rushing after him. ”Goldus!” snarled Shogun, his voice crazed and uneven, “I bring you news!”
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harkovastwebcomic · 7 months ago
Chapter 27- The Will of Eldex
Ki dabbed the cloth into the pot of white polish. Then, looking into the mirror, he began to carefully polish his beak with small, circular motions. The substance became clear when rubbed on thinly, giving an aesthetically pleasing shine. Physical appearance was of great importance to the Nymus, and the lull in the fighting gave him a good chance to avoid letting standards slip. Having a little to collect his thoughts and smarten his appearance was quite pleasant to Ki-- which made the arrival of Black River especially unwelcome. Black River did not approach on foot, but you could not fail to sense he was coming. Ki’s feathers ruffled as a chill passed through him. He felt a sense of revulsion and dread. Something unnatural and unseemly grew near. He watched in the mirror as dust in the room behind him swirled and formed together into a humanoid shape, and then solidified into the hideous form of Black River, resting on a crooked staff. His fur was dark brown, matted and dirty, his body thin and unhealthy, with ribs visible even through his fur. He wore only a ragged cloak over his shoulders and tattered knee length shorts. But of course, his most striking and horrific feature was his face, which was missing all skin and flesh on one side, leaving half of it as a leering skull, with exposed dry bones carved with strange symbols. This gave the impression that Black River was grinning mockingly at all times, regardless of what the other side of his face was expressing. But distinctive as Black River was, Ki had no memory of meeting him before, for such was the nature of this Threshoulder. Ki spun around and raised his fists. ”Whoa! Get back demon!” Ki yelled. ”This is not the will of Eldex,” said Black River, his voice an awful, grating sound that didn’t seem to always emanate directly from his mouth. ”Quinn-Tain sent you?” ”He is Black River’s master,” said the horrific apparition before repeating: “This is not the will of Eldex” ”I’m not allowed a shine beak?” scoffed Ki, sarcastically. ”Your purpose here was to destroy the Kabal.” ”Which I did. You’re welcome” ”The purpose of the Kabal was…” ”To help The West take over, why are you telling me things I already know?” Black River persisted, ”You have knowledge but not understanding.” ”Urgh,” Ki lent against the wall of his small quarters. “Fine! If it is the only way to end your cryptic nonsense, please, explain what you are waffling on about.” ”The West was never concerned with whether the Kabal succeeded or failed.” ”What? That doesn’t even make sense.” ”The goal of The West was to create conflict between Nymus and Zadakine.” Ki opened his beak to answer but then paused. Black River narrowed his single, red eye. ”You completed your mission but did not stop at that,” the hideous, once Ano-Chee creature hissed. “Your appetite for revenge has driven them into open war!” ”Eldex has the luxury of having only one enemy,” Ki replied sternly. “We are not so fortunate. When The West falls, we will still have to contend with our rivals here, who seek every opportunity to destroy us. Or did you assume that after such treachery the Nymus would join hands with the Zadakine and start singing songs?” ”Black River brings you a new task,” said the creature, his tone suddenly flat and unemotional. ”Is that right?” Ki said, with noticeable sarcasm.
“In the lands of the Junlock there is a Shaman known as Versalic. He is an agent of the West and deeply under their control. His influence cannot be allowed to continue. You will travel south and kill him. You will need this.” Black River placed a scroll on the room’s small table. ”No.” Said Ki, abruptly.
Now it was Black River’s turn to open his mouth but then pause. Ki felt a certain satisfaction that he had managed to stump so strange a creature.
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harkovastwebcomic · 8 months ago
Chapter 26 Part 4
The Ivos became confused, unsure why the way was blocked. It became clear the retreating Nymus faced no such obstacle, using their wings to leap up high and catch onto small handholds that had been made in the wall for this purpose. Using these, the Nymus warriors were able to quickly scale to the top. The Ivos, lacking wings, had no such advantage and remained stranded. Confused, Shogun hurried along the wall, rushing to reach another gate. Before he saw the second gate, he noticed the crowd gathering in front of it. This group included Nymus, but also many Tsung-Dao who had been fighting on the battlements. Such close-quarters fighting suited the Tsung-Dao well, and their blades and armour were bloodied. The Samurai and Ivos mercenaries were shouting up to Nymus on the battlements, though it was difficult to hear if the Nymus were even responding. Shogun rushed over and grabbed the shoulder of the nearest Samurai.
“What is happening?” he demanded. “Why is the gate closed?” ”I don’t know, sir,” responded the Samurai, with a bow of his head, “maybe sabotage?” ”This isn’t sabotage!” said an angry Ivos warrior. “The Nymus have closed the gates! We are betrayed!”
Shogun looked up in disbelief. The Nymus weren’t looking over at them, or lowering ropes. Suddenly there was a pained cry behind him. Shogun looked around to see Zadakine arrows raining down on the group of warriors he was standing among. Blood thirsty Junlock warriors, their grey fur splattered with blood, were rushing out, forming a semi circle around the group and closing in from three sides. Javelins and arrows flew down from the wall above, but the gates remained closed. The Ivos and Samurai became panicked, banging against the gates to be allowed in, the warriors at the back crushing into the ones near to the gate, creating a press that trapped them in place. The ferocious Junlocks could sense their enemys’ weakness and set about them with unrestrained aggression, hacking with the deadly Falx swords and inflicting terrible wounds. Shogun realised he was in danger of being trapped himself, and even he could not battle an entire army alone. With great effort he climbed up, over the struggling warriors, using their shoulders to stand on. Calling on all his strength, Shogun leapt up from the mass of struggling bodies below him. With his mechanical hand, his fingertips just managed to catch onto one of the handholds in the wall. He hung precariously by his fingertips, but the metal hand was unfeeling and its grip was tremendous. With a snarl, Shogun pulled himself up and then sprang up on the wall, catching onto another handhold. Glancing below him, he saw the stranded warriors being overrun, bodies hacked apart by the Junlock hordes. He turned his gaze upwards and saw a rope lowered toward him by two Nymus soldiers on the wall. The soldiers had been ordered to close the gates, but had been given no instructions regarding not doing anything else to help the stranded men. Unfortunately, this act of compassion toward Shogun would have terrible consequences for the city and all of Vellastrom.
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