#junkenstein's monster
future-fortunes · 2 years
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i’ve been busy hhhh but enjoy this halloween drawing i did
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calico199 · 1 year
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Commission for @iamterra !!
I had an absolute blast creating this one, and I'm absolutely grateful for how it turned out. Thank you so much for your support; it means a lot to me !!
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Hurraahh!, saw the Junkenstein! Junkrat in the drafts and I think, how about a Van Helsing! Cassidy concept
Sure! Here's my thoughts on him :)
Yandere! Van Helsing! Cassidy Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Death/Murder, Stalking, Manipulation, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Some violence, Creepy behavior, Forced/Dubious relationship.
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If I'm correct this version of Cassidy would be one of the mercenaries hired to protect the lord of the castle from Junkenstein.
He is called The Gunslinger and has taken up monster hunting as his job.
I would assume he'd be a monster hunter due to what this skin is based on, even if I have not seen the original source material.
Cassidy has been hired by many to track down monsters, Adlersbrunn is no different to him.
He could be hired at Adlersbrunn and finds a cute townsperson such as you to "get to know better".
As long as he's paid he doesn't mind slaying any monster.
I imagine this version of Cassidy is still as flirty as any other version.
Just because he happens to be a gunslinging monster hunter doesn't mean he isn't also a flirt.
Perhaps Cassidy hits up one of the bars in the town to get a drink before setting off to do more work.
That's when he meets you either working the bar or also drinking in it.
Unsurprisingly Cassidy tries charming you, complimenting you on a sweet tone while explaining what he does since you asked so nicely.
This could be your first encounter with the monster hunter.
Another encounter could be being saved by him.
Be it being attacked by a monster or even normal human attackers, Cassidy rolls in to dispatch them.
He may even comment on the fact you two have met before with a wink.
What may start getting suspicious is when he shows up everywhere.
You can try to excuse it as him just having work to do for the lord here.
He's got to just be sleeping in an inn, right?
However... it's weird how he always searches you in particular out when he wants a chat.
His flirting used to be charming... now it seems strange.
Behind your back Cassidy is tracking your movements like the very monsters he hunts.
Ever since your first meeting you've caught the hunter's eye.
Even the faint look of fear on your face is enough to have him wanting more.
He can't help but let his eyes wander to you.
While watching you from afar he takes a drag of his cigar and winks when you look over.
Oh, baby, he doesn't mean you any harm!
If anything he'll protect you, it's what he's good at.
Cassidy would try to play his cards right other than watching you from the corner of your eye.
He wants to get closer to you so he can make you trust him.
He's pretty good with the whole charisma thing, his tone sounding sweet like honey as he charms you.
Maybe you'll fall for him, or still find his advances creepy.
No worries, he'll wait for a pretty thing such as you.
Perhaps he'll orchestrate a monster attack just so he can save you again.
Or maybe hire a set of goons to dispatch just to do the same thing.
Cassidy is one to try and plan things out around the two of you.
Even if you try to ignore him, he always seems to be around.
Maybe he'll ask the lord if he can have you as payment instead of the money?
Crude... yet he still ponders the idea for a moment.
He knows soon he needs to put some plan into action.
He's starting to grow irritated at the people around you.
Soon it seems like he'll never leave town until he finds a solution to his obsession issue.
Sure... the money from his jobs is good...
But you seem to be a much better prize altogether once he has his hands on you.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
General Lore of Halloween Terrors
Now before I get into the characters of Halloween Terrors let's start off with the general lore around the world of Halloween Terrors.
First off, what is the story?
Well the world of Halloween Terrors was initially a story told by Reinhardt during a Halloween party, in an effort to show up Cassidy's werewolf story;
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(Side note: I love this comic)
However, considering how the story has progressed, I don't think that is just the case anymore. I think at this point the Halloween Terrors Universe is on the same playing field as Starwatch, that meaning I believe it is it's own separate universe.
Now what is the general backstory of this universe? Well let's start off with a few foot notes.
Before the events of Junkenstein there was a war, a war that The Gunslinger and The Solider talk about in voice lines, no other character mentions this war so it can be assumed that this war only happened in America.
The world and countries of this world are exactly the same as our own, at least existence wise. There are no renaming's of any countries.
There is no question in this universe on whether or not magic is real, magic is defiantly real. However, alchemy and divine channelling are not considered magic. Alchemy is considered science and divine channelling is considered a separate thing from magic.
It's not just Halloween monsters that are real in this universe but fantasy creatures as well, such as dragons.
Now with that out of the way let's get into the surface level story of Halloween Terrors.
The first event is Junkensteins Revenge, after being scorned and insulted by the king Dr. Junkenstein tries to prove him and everyone wrong by creating life. With body parts he acquired from The Butcher, he created his monster. However bringing it to life was proving to fail time and time again.
Until The Witch of the Wilds saw potential in him and gave him a magic crystal in exchange for his service to her;
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After that Junkenstein's Monster was given life;
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However as a reaction to this rampage Four Heroes appeared, The Gunslinger, The Archer, The Alchemist and The Solider. Together they banded together and put a stop the Junkenstein, his monster, The Witch and her minion The Reaper.
There was peace for a time...
But the Witch was not done, she herself wanted revenge and so she plunged Adlersbrunn into an eternal night;
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Now initially four more heroes were called to aid, The Countess, The Viking, The Monk and The Swordsman. However, they were not enough as several other heroes ended up joining the fray. The Will-o'-the-wisp, The Outlaw, The Shield-maiden, The Renegade, along with the return of The Gunslinger and The Solider.
Eventually The Witch and her minions were defeated again and peace was restored.
Until Wrath of the Bride.
The Bride attacks Adlersbrunn and kidnaps the king, the only people to stop her? The Sleuth, The Outlaw, The Fortune-Teller and The Butcher.
Now I can't actually explain much about the story of The Bride without getting into theory territory and that's for another post.
After defeating The Brides allies and eventually The Bride herself, Adlersbrunn is once again at peace.
....But for how long?
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leorawright · 1 year
ayo open requests? 😳
would you be up for writing some dad hcs for reaper? especially for different skins, like do you think pumpkin or shiver would behave differently from the original variant? 🤔
no worries if this doesnt catch your attention! 🐀
Hmmm I'll try!
Dad Reaper headcannons
He's not completely soft for you but he's definitely less gruff
Sssssssuper protective of you
Almost never let's you be around anyone in Talon expect maybe on some days he'll let you stay with Widowmaker while he's doing something
Moira is never ever allowed near you
Tries his best to give you the attention you need but between you and Talon, he struggles
But if he has free time and you want to watch a Disney movie well then that's what he's gonna be doing
Pumpkin Reader
He's like Mercy's indentured servant in the Halloween lore right?
Personal headcannon and no one can tell me it's wrong, the reason he became her servant is because he wanted a child for himself, a.k.a you
So she granted his wish and conjured you for him
And you are who he cares for most in this world
When Junkenstein's monster is running rampant, he makes sure you're safe every five minutes
Plus, Mercy is basically your mother figure now, sooo
Hope these made sense and were up to standards I just woke up for sleep paralysis so I'm still a little jumpy🫠
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Junkrat X Sombra for the Haloween event D:
Nahhh I don't think it's like that--It's more like Sombra's supposed to be the main antagonist of the new event.
Also, the whole point of the Bride of Frankenstein is that she's the bride of the monster, but also, in the original Hammer Film, the Bride rejected the Monster. And I think the Sombra bride spray further indicates that she doesn't have any interest in Junkenstein or his monster.
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Look at how sad they are in the background! Dawwwww...
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Shiny Squigourgamonster
A Fusion of: Shiny Gourgeist (Pokemon), Junkenstein's Monster (Overwatch's Halloween Terror), Megamix (Crash Bandicoot), and Squigly (Skullgirls)
Element: Normal, Ghost, Grass, Fairy, Psychic, Rock, Dark, Fire, Poison, Steel, Fighting, Bug, and Electric
Capabilities: Pickup, Frisk, Insomnia, Eject, Spookify, Retract its limbs and upper body into a pumpkin, Can heal, Has a Detachable leviathan-like headpiece (To weaponized as a sickle, a lasso, a whip, a spear, a speaker, and a microphone), and can spit out metal pieces like either a shotgun or a gatling gun
Resident to: Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric
Immune to: Normal and Fighting
Natural Diet: They're Omnivores
Natural Habitat: Cliffsides, Forests, Nearing Lakes and Seas, Ruins, Towers, Rocky Areas, Mountains, Graveyards, in Islands, Abandoned Museums, Wastelands, and Abandoned Castles
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Random thought I had when I saw a Junkensteins Monster Roadhog
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Featuring halloween Pacha. :]
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repairingtomorrow · 11 months
Junkenstein's Rage - Tales from Aldersbrunn #1 (Part 2)
Part one here
Character list
The group stepped past the rubble that was once the gate for the castle. Everything within was covered in thin layer of dust, and there were pieces of broken furniture littered about the area. Warlock swiped her fingers across a railing, then shook off the dust. "It looks like nobody's been here for a while." She said, glancing over to Gunslinger as he stared at a destroyed tapestry. "Maybe we got the information wrong?" Alchemist wondered. Swordsman shook his head. "No, the mad doctor has to be here. There's no where else more fitting for his revenge." Gunslinger sighed and turned to them. "Maybe we should explore the castle. They have to be here somewhere." He started walking off. Right as the group was about to split up, a loud and deep yell came from the main hall of the castle. "Let's go!"
The group ran to the main hall, where they heard the shout. They were greeted with a machine which had a pale yellow crystal attached at the top of it. Below the machine was a table: There was a figure on top of the table, and they were covered with a heavy cloth. Two long and thick cords extended from the machine to the figure, and electricity seemed to pulse through them. The machine released a pulse of electricity, which shocked the figure and caused them to shout. "That has to be him!" Medium said as they approached the table. Gunslinger reached out to pull the cloth, but he stopped when a maniacal laugh rang throughout the destroyed hall.
"Oh, it's been so long since we've had guests!" A voice called out from above. Everybody looked up to see the Mad Doctor Junkenstein sitting on a platform above them. He had his weapon laying across his lap as he kicked his feet playfully. "Well, the party's over, Junkenstein." Gunslinger said, hand on his gun holster. "Is it? I think it's about to start, actually!" The doctor replied with a giggle. "Give us the lord, and surrender, Doctor!" Archer demanded, bow and arrow in hand. "I've had enough of this." Soldier muttered, marching over to the table. "I wouldn't do that if I were you! He's not quite ready yet!" Junkenstein warned, waving a finger at the older man. Soldier ignored him and pulled the sheet off the figure.
It was not the Lord of Aldersbrunn. It was a large person, with disgusting green skin and stitches all over their body. They had a putrid smell to them, which made many in the group gag. "What is that?!" Countess exclaimed, covering her mouth and nose. "My monster! Isn't he beautiful? And a wonderful woman helped me make him!" Junkenstein replied, sounding rather proud of himself. "It's far from beautiful. It's an abomination." Archer spat out, which the Doctor did not like to hear. He stood up and started shouting. "Nobody appreciates my genius! Nobody! Not even the Lord!" He walked over and set his hand upon a switch. "Well I'll show him. I'll show everyone!" Countess shot at him, but he ducked and pulled the switch. The machine seemed to overcharge and it sent down a large amount of electricity towards the creature. The crystal shattered and the machine died down.
There was moment where everything seemed to pause in anticipation. Then, the table creaked as Junkenstein's Monster stood up from it. Its eyes flared up with a yellow light as it let out a roar. "It's alive! It worked!" Junkenstein cheered, laughter ringing around the castle. "What. The Hell?" Warlock looked up at the creature in horror. He did not give her much time to stare before swinging its massive arms at her. Gunslinger quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "No time to gawk! Fight!" Soldier growled as he started to shoot at the creature. Warlock backed up and started firing, along with Gunslinger. The bullets sunk into the creature's decaying skin and it only seemed to get irritated.
The monster grabbed the massive hook on its hip and threw it at Archer: Swordsman took his wakizashi and deflected the hook away. An arrow flew past his head and struck the creature in the stomach, and Swordsman followed up with a fan of shurikens. In a flash, the Monster swung its powerful arms and knocked him away into a nearby wall which partially collapsed on him. "Bro--Swordsman!" Archer shouted. Medium ran over to him, and began pushing rubble off of him. Gunslinger shot the side of the Monster's head, which grabbed it's attention away from the trio. He slammed his fists into the ground, which made many of the group stumble. Countess had grappled up to the platform where Junkenstein was. He seemed to have disappeared, when she heard his insane laughter.
"You're looking for me?" He asked, and she looked up to the rafters. Junkenstein giggled at her, and shook his gun at her. "Watch out!" Countess called out as the doctor started launching small bombs down below. Renegade gasped in surprised and jumped back from a few bombs. He shot at the mad doctor, who just dodged his attacks. Junkenstein's Monster swung and threw its hook at Gunslinger, which grabbed and pulled him closer. It then threw him against a pillar, and grabbed a rock and raised it to throw it at the man. Then, Swordsman pushed himself out of the rubble he was in and plunged his sword into the monster's back. It let out a pained roar as it dropped the rock and recoiled back. Beelzebob shot at the creature's stomach, his fiery bullets burning its sickly green flesh.
Meanwhile, Renegade scanned the rafters, looking for the elusive Junkenstein. Warlock and Countess searched too: They followed his insane laughter as it echoed through the building. "I've had enough of this!" Warlock shouted, tightening her grip on her rifle. "Oh, you're tired of me already?" The Doctor said. Warlock quickly turned around and shot at where she heard the voice. It grazed his shoulder and he let out a growl. He aimed his weapon and launched a grenade at her. It almost immediately exploded when it reached her, and the impact knocked her out. Renegade jumped down and went to her side. "Alchemist! Cover me!" He called out to her, and the older woman nodded and aimed up at the rafters. "Come out, Junkenstein, and surrender! Or die." Countess demanded, looking through her scope. "Countess, why so cold? Is it because you're undead like my dear creation?" Junkenstein taunted, which only angered the woman. She turned and shot blindly at where he was last heard.
Soldier, Archer, Swordsman, Gunslinger, and Medium were whittling away at the Monster's stamina in the meantime. However, the rest of the group were also growing tired, their movements clumsy and sluggish. "We need to finish this, and soon." Medium panted, and Gunslinger nodded in agreement. Just about every bullet that went into this Monster would not do much: Only two things would effect it, Archer's arrows and Swordsman's weapons. "Archer, Swordsman! You're the key!" Gunslinger called out to them. Swordsman dodged the Monster's attack, and quickly nodded at the monster hunter. "Get us an opening!"
Soldier, Alchemist, Gunslinger, and Medium grouped up together, and started attacking and drawing the Monster's attention. It let out a roar as it charged at them. Archer drew back his bowstring, and waited for the perfect moment. The Monster raised its fists up to slam the ground, and Archer let loose the arrow. It struck the creature in the chest, which made it pause and stagger. Then, in its moment of weakness, Swordsman plunged his katana into its back. Both struck it in the heart, which oozed a sickly fluid. It dripped off the arrow and the sword, and Swordsman pulled his blade from its back. It collapsed to he ground with a thud, and the fluid oozed out of its wounds.
"My beautiful creature!" Junkenstein cried out, staring at its lifeless body. "If we cannot survive..." He grabbed a device from his back: It was shaped like a tire, and it crackled with electricity. He pulled a cord and let it go. It roared to life as it dropped below him. Renegade quickly readied his weapon and shot it out the air, causing it to explode. It knocked everyone to the ground, and he laughed maniacally--almost in despair. "If it can't survive, then neither will we!" He had a button in his hands. Warlock and Gunslinger locked eyes, and nodded at each other. She aimed at his hand and shot at it, forcing him to drop the button. Then, Gunslinger quickly pulled his gun out and shot the Mad Doctor in the head. He let out a cry and fell off the rafters. A table broke his fall, and life left his body. It was finally over.
Swordsman walked over to his body, and searched through his pockets. He pulled out a yellow crystal, similar to the one inside the machine. He let out a quiet grunt as he pocketed the crystal, and Gunslinger watched him. They locked eyes, and Swordsman just gave him a smirk. "We need to find the Lord." Alchemist said, looking around. Soldier scanned the room, and glanced upward at a window. A familiar figure sat on a windowsill; It was the Reaper, seemingly observing everything that happened. Soldier aimed his gun at the specter and fired a round. The Reaper disappeared into his mist, and escaped out the window. "An observer. Reporting to his master, no doubt." Countess said to the older man.
The group started searching for the Lord--the mad Doctor had to hide him somewhere. Eventually, the reached the dungeons and found the Lord trapped in a cell. "Haha, my rescuers! It's good to finally leave this place!" He cheered, sounding unusually jovial for being trapped. "You seem to be in high spirits, my Lord." Alchemist chuckled, watching Archer crouch down to pick the lock. "Honestly, he mostly left me alone down here. While I don't enjoy being trapped and 'evicted' from my home, I am at least not dead." He explained, exiting the cell when the lock was picked.
The group of adventurers escorted him to the main hall. He looked at the mess that was the room. "It'll take some time to rebuild everything. I will not be able to reward all of you yet, I'm afraid." Warlock chuckled. "The favor of a Lord is good enough for me." She replied, hands on her hips. "Well, it's not good enough for me. But you'll have to accept it for now. Patch yourselves up, and your work is done here." The Lord dismissed them, and walked off to one of the rooms of the castle. Alchemist, Renegade and Medium went off to tend the wounds of the group.
The adventurers leave the city, and made it to the outskirts of a bustling town. "So, how about a drink, anyone?" Alchemist shook her head. "It's time for Soldier and I to head our separate ways. Wouldn't you agree?" She glanced to her companion who nodded. They quickly said their goodbyes and left. "Countess seemed to have left us already." Archer observed, looking around. "She's probably gone back to her den. I'll deal with her later." Gunslinger's voice was filled with animosity. Warlock put a hand on his shoulder. "No use getting worked up about it right now. One thing at a time." She reminded him gently.
The remaining members sat in the pub of the town, each one of them more relaxed since they've completed the mission. "So, have any of you thought about my earlier offer?" Gunslinger asked, putting down his empty glass. "I'll join. I'm sure you can use my skills." Medium said, and the monster hunter nodded. "As much as I miss it, I won't come back, Gunslinger. In fact, I think it's time for us to go." Warlock said, putting her hat back on. "It was good seeing you again, Warlock." Gunslinger said, flashing her a smile. She walked off, when Archer got up from his seat. "I'll have to decline. I...haven't found what I'm looking for yet." He replied, picking up his bow. "Do you really have to go?" Medium jumped up, taking his arm. The older man shifted nervously, but nodded. The young woman watched him go with a sad look on her face.
Renegade took a sip of his drink and set it down. "I'll join too. You need someone who can get you out of trouble, no?" Gunslinger laughed. "Yeah, that would help. God knows I need it." Renegade laughed with him, then glanced over to Swordsman. "What about you, loner?" He asked, giving him a playful nudge. Swordsman thought for a few moments, then spoke. "Why are you so desperately looking for new members?" He asked Gunslinger. The monster hunter let out a awkward chuckle, and a sigh. "A while ago, there was an...incident. Me and my group of monster hunters were out on a pretty big job. It was a huge den of monsters, and lets just say...it didn't end well. Lost almost everyone. Warlock was part of that group too, she left after the mission. Can't say I blame her, really." Gunslinger explained, taking off his hat.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Swordsman replied, looking away from him. "Yeah, well...shit happens." The other man said with a shrug. "I'll join. Perhaps helping you will help me." Swordsman smiled at him, and Gunslinger raised an eyebrow at him. "Help with what?" He asked. Swordsman remained silent. "If you can't trust us, how can we help you?" Medium pressed the issue, which only made the other double down. "I understand. You're still welcome to join us." Gunslinger replied. After a while, Renegade yawned and stretched. "I think it's time for lights out. I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted." "Agreed. Luckily for us, the place is not far from here." Gunslinger replied, paying for their drinks.
The 4 adventurers stood up from their table, and headed out into the night, looking forward to a new set of adventures.
(I finally finished! I didn't really edit this one tbh, because I wanted to get it out before October ended. Also, I said it in another post, but I plan on expanding this into an AU that I'll occasionally write for when I feel like it. Thanks for reading!)
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bombmate · 1 year
💣 Verses 💣
[Jamie's personality and physique changes slightly throughout the different verses. Most of the physical traits remain, but depending on the verse, the personality will change a little in the way of thinking and speaking.]
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🔴⚪ POKÉMON AU: Jamison is a professor specializing in pokemons fire and dark types. He can always be seen traveling in search of new species for his private research. He's a bit too lively, clumsy, and won't stop talking. And more because of his personality for some, he is considered crazy. But he was always very kind to his pokemons and gentle to young trainers who crossed his path.
Pokemons: Blaziken, Ditto, Mimikyu, Duskull and Gengar.
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🤘PUNKRAT AU: Jamie Fawkes is the lead singer and guitarist of an Australian punkrock band. He with his friends Mako/Roadhog (drummer) and Odessa/JunkerQueen (guitarist). They form the Junkers. Their band is not very well known but they are always playing in different places promoting their work. When he's not playing in the band or practicing. He is working part-time as a clerk at a boba tea shop.
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🦸 MY HERO ACADEMIA AU: Jamie Fawkes better known as the infamous hero Junkrat in the past. His career was cut short after a tragic accident that happened on one of his missions. Which he had to sacrifice his leg and his arm in favor of his partner and also hero The Great Roadhog. His friend retired and he, feeling a little guilty about the situation, decides to retire too. Besides the guilt, he ended up having a trauma that left him incapacitated during the missions. So resolve to stay out of the battlefields and hero profession.
However, his friend suggested that he not give up and become a professor at U.A. That way he could help young heroes and perhaps overcome the trauma that still plagues him.
His quirk is that he has mouths spread across his body. That can produce different elements depending on what they eat. He specialized in producing chemical elements to make different types of explosives.
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⚗️ DOCTOR JUNKESTEIN AU: Dr. Jamison Junkenstein was a scientist who served the local Lord of Adlersbrunn. He was known for creating lifelike automatons that the lord was never impressed with, considering them as nothing more than slaves. Upset at this disrespect, Junkenstein intended to prove himself by creating a creature that was truly self aware. His attempts ended in failure, but before he was to give up the Witch of the Wilds and her servant, The Reaper appeared to him with an offer. She offered him the Spark of Life in return for a favor that she will ask of him someday in the future. The doctor agreed, and with the Spark of Life he succeeded in bringing his creation to life. The doctor allowed his monster to ravage the town as revenge against the people there who scorned him.
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️‍🔥 FIRE DEMON AU: The junkrats are the most scarcely seen of the fallen family of demons. Capricious and suspicious to a fault, they prefer to live amongst the ruined war-machines that litter Pandemonium where they scrounge for resources.Jamy is one of those demons. Or nearly so. He is descended from a succubus and a junkrat. But his powers of seduction are almost nil, drawing more on his father's abilities. As a mixed child, he was frowned upon by his parents' races. Their parents wanted to be together so they fled to the human world. And tried to live their lives somehow. However, they ended up being killed by demon hunters. Leaving Jamy alone when he was 6 years old.
A fire demon, Gabriel took pity on him and ended up raising him as his own. He then calls himself a fire demon despite knowing his origins. He has better firebending and uses this along with the powers of his junkrat race. Creating explosive bombs of all kinds. His powers on his mother's side are very few and he rarely uses them. Since he didn't pick up traces of seduction powers. But he can use it as a last resort to escape unexpected situations. What may or may not work.
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🔫 MOBSTER AU: Jamison “The Wiseguy”. Fawkes was responsible for many of the most explosive heists in New York mafia history. Unfortunately, he has a habit of blowing up his loot right along with his targets. It is generally considered the jack of all trades. Doing all sorts of dirty work for your boss. The lively personality makes people call him the gang clown. However, he is smarter, colder, calculating and deadly than most people think.
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❤️ UNDERTALE AU: Jamie is a scarecrow monster who fell into the underground no one knows when or how. He is an entity that was created from the whining of many souls that died in the cornfield where he lived. He is a very shy monster but very kind to others and has always been one of the few monsters who treated humans well. He's one of the few who doesn't want to leave the underground and even if they do, he doesn't want to come back to the surface. He created a small farm on which he manages to grow vegetables, vegetables and some fruits. For some reason he manages to make the entire plantation work even without sunlight.Despite his gentle nature, Jamie can't stand to have his crops touched. Getting to throw bombs if someone approaches without his authorization.
In the pacifist route, he likes Frisk and even lets them choose to take anything from his plantation. Which helps Frisk a lot in the future. Because these items can recover a large amount of HP. If Frisk befriends Jamie and becomes his special mate. Jamie will give a special fruit that can revive Frisk.
In the genocide route, the farm is closed to Frisk. And Jamie always hides from the human. If Frisk somehow manages to get into the farm a angry Scarecrow will appear. and drop multiple bombs on them. If defeated, the scarecrow will cry and say that he only wanted to have a friend to tell stories to him. Just like the kind old man who raised pigs used to do. He will drop the scarecrow mask that protects his eyes from light attacks.
[main theme song - boss theme song]
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🕵️ TALON AU: Jamie was found by Maximilien when he was still a teenager. The blond young man had found an important treasure that became of interest to him. But Maximilien ended up finding interest in the young man and decided to take him with him. At first everyone treated him like Maximilien's pet. The son adopted out of pity. But Jamie was proving to be more and more intelligent. He already had enough skill with machines and bombs. And with proper education he became a hacker, mechanical engineer, chemist. Besides a explosives expert by the time he reached adulthood.
The blonde became known as Junkrat. Who caused waves of terrorism and robberies under Maximilien's orders. He is sarcastic, petty, and somewhat of a jerk when working in a team. Preferring to work alone most of the time. However, he never disobeys when his boss / father sends him on missions with other Talon agents.
Fawkes sometimes abuses the privileges he has. Especially with the doormats Talon uses. Sometimes even being somewhat cruel and dismissive of them most of the time. He doesn't give a shit about Overwatch and just thinks it's a thorn in Talon's side. Not caring at all about killing agents if asked.
He remembers his past very well and hates the Junkers and Junkertown with all his might. If he sees a Junker he prefers to kill without hesitation unless they are useful for something. Taking that off kills them without hesitation. Jamie lost his right arm and leg when he was found. Today he wears the best prostheses money can buy. And he loves wearing suits and long baths in the bathtub.
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🧜 MERFOLK AU: Jamie is a merfolk, eel electric type. He loves exploring the ocean looking for all kinds of treasure. He is a collector and keeps anything he finds valuable in the cave he lives in. He also explored the surface a bit and had good and bad experiences with humans and other species. He even lost half of his right arm when he was hunted by humans. A fisherman named Mako saved him and took care of him. Mako became his best friend. And sometimes he presents him with human treasures. Which Jamie is very fond of. Jamie has never attacked anyone. But if he feels threatened he gives electrical discharges that can kill anyone close by. But usually he tries to control the electricity that emanates to just come as a warning.
If you offer gifts and are polite to Jamie he will want you to become his special mate. And he give gifts to you as proof of friendship. Which can be anything he thinks is treasure. This ranges from trash, shells, and gems.
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🧪 THE WITCHER AU: Jamison Fawkes is a young half-elf who on his road trips to Nilfgaard. When he was captured and almost killed by some vampires. But he was lucky that the famous vampire Emiel Regis saved him. And even though Jamison is on the verge of death, Regis decides to transform him at the last moment. So the young doctor dies to return to life as a creature of the night. Grateful for the second chance, Jamison becomes Regis' apprentice. Follows him on his adventures and research. The new vampire falls in love with alchemy. And specializes in creating varied explosives. Which are very useful in times of battle.
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heroselect · 2 years
ooc. “Is the bride married to Junkenstein or his monster???” JUNKER QUEEN ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Hello!! I hope it's alright i request some junkrat...hes my fav goober...
Specifically his Junkenstien skin, maybe he becomes obsessed over townsgirl reader ? (I know halloween is over but I just love this skin sm!!)
Sure! I get what you mean, it's a good skin and it even has an event storyline tied to it. I'll see what I can do!
Yandere! Junkenstein! Junkrat with Townsgirl! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, One-sided adoration, Violence, Death, Mentioned murder, Pining, Forced relationship.
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Honestly we aren't too sure why Junkenstein wants his revenge against the Lord of the castle.
Far as I know that backstory was never revealed in the event.
Except for him being mocked according to a comic.
But hear me out-
Maybe he feels the Lord is keeping him from his love?
Maybe the gate being closed and the heroes being hired was to separate you from Junkenstein.
That could be a potential motive, yeah?
That's how Junkenstein sees it.
In reality it was due to his monster's rampage.
Let's first layout backstory for you and Junkenstein.
Junkenstein was a scientist for the Lord of Adlersbrunn.
He worked day and night making robotic creations to appease the Lord.
Yet that's not all.
Junkenstein was also in love with a girl who lived in the town.
Love felt more like infatuation as Junkenstein always rambled about you to himself.
The scientist often tinkered and made robots to appease his love.
You had a vague idea he loved you... but not the extent of it.
Junkenstein's gifts were plenty.
Only the best for his love....
"To the loveliest girl in town... from your intelligent admirer!"
His gifts are all made with shiny metal, small robotic automatons to make you smile.
Perhaps a small robotic dog or cat? Something to remind you of him?
Junkenstein may be mocked by the Lord... but never you.
You always loved his creations, with you he was never judged.
How could he not fall for you?
To him... you are everything.
Sure... call him a creep for watching your every move and fantasizing about you...
You're just so... magnificent.
None of his creations could match your beauty.
Junkenstein feels his heart swell when you enjoy his gifts.
He promises he'll make more for you if you wish for it!
Unfortunately... Junkenstein still has to appeal to the Lord.
Which makes him go down the rabbit hole of making his latest creation, a living creature.
He visits you at times but eventually has to return to his work.
Junkenstein thought he was making progress between you.
He no longer had to "admire you from afar"... he was able to hold giddy conversations with you!
Then disaster strikes for the first time.
He manages to make his new monster come to life with the help of a witch, only for it to rampage through the streets.
At first Junkenstein likes the carnage.
It serves as revenge against those who mocked him.
Right up until... his monster attacks you.
You weren't hurt too badly but Junkenstein felt guilt seep into his heart.
He goes to comfort you, chanting apologies one after another due to the fact he let this happen.
What he got? You pushed him away.
Junkenstein was exiled shortly after, along with his creation.
For years after the event Junkenstein thought of the fact he hurt you.
He mulled things over, twitching and sobbing into himself.
This wasn't supposed to happen!
He was supposed to love you!
You were both meant to fall for one another and become a couple!
Now all he has is memories...
Yet... the witch said there was a way to get what he wanted.
He wanted you, yes?
So why not plan to take you?
This starts Junkenstein's Revenge.
He charges through the town with his creations.
He first intended to search for you... his beloved townsgirl... then he planned to make the Lord pay.
Unfortunately he saw you run off into the castle... protected by a locked gate and four heroes.
He saw the look in your eyes... you're scared of him.
There's nothing to be scared of... he won't let his monster harm you again.
One way or another... he plans to break that gate down and kill those four hired guards by his own hands if he has to.
He doesn't care if he dies trying... he knows what he has to do.
He'll break that gate down and claim his prize...
Even if blood stains his coat and gloves... he plans to have you two together once again by the end of tonight.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
My Pages Halloween Event
The Lore of Halloween Terrors
Now you might be thinking "but Issy, Halloween Terrors doesn't have that much lore, what is there to talk about?"
And oh my sweet, naieve friend, let me take you on a journy of the lore of the characters featured in the Halloween Terrors event!
First of the canon characters, these are the characters actuvely featured in the lore of this event. Characters that include;
The First Heroes;
The Gunslinger (Cassidy)
The Archer (Hanzo)
The Solider (Soldier 76)
The Alchemist (Ana)
The Four of the Endless Night;
The Countess (Widowmaker)
The Monk (Zenyatta)
The Swordsman (Genji)
The Viking (Torjourn)
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Renegade (Baptiste)
The Sheild-Maiden (Brigitte)
The Will-o'-the-wisp (Tracer)
The Defenders of Revenge;
The Outlaw (Ashe)
The Butcher (Junker Queen)
The Sleuth (Sojourn)
The Fortune Teller (Kiriko)
All of these characters are the canon adventures in this world, however we are not finished yet, here are the main villains of this world;
Revenge Era;
Junkenstein's Monster (Roadhog)
Dr. Junkenstein (Junkrat)
The Reaper (Reaper)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Witch (Mercy)
Wrath Era;
The Banshee (Moira)
The Gargoyles (Uses Winstons abilites but they are not Winston)
The Marionette (Echo)
The Summoner (Symmetra)
The Unstoppable Ghost (Sigma)
The Experiment (Bastion)
The Bride (Sombra)
Now time for the mentioned/NPC characters;
The Ape/Werewolf (Winston)
The King (Reinhardt)
Now all of these characters have lore that is implied mostly through interactions but some are implied through the names in game and their canon skins associated with the character in the Halloween Terror's universe. Some more then others but there is lore non-the-less.
Throughout the month I will be exploring the lore and implications of each characters, starting with the playable heroes and going down the list all the way to the NPC characters.
During this time I will try only answering asks that are centred around the Halloween event.
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nightmaresart · 2 years
Happy FFWF! Any fun lil headcanons you wanna share about your overwatch ocs? maybe for halloween what role they might have in Junkenstein's Revenge? - @hphmmatthewluther
Hi! Thanks for the ask<3
Zaire is completely blind! But he is still capable of fighting perfectly due to his hearing, since he is based off a bat!
Calla has two prosthetic arms which are see-through, they have flowers and plants around and inside of them!
Calypso, better known as Eleneore to those who know her, has some see trough skin at the tips of her fingers and feet. That is where her skeleton can be seen, this is all thanks to her being a ghostly apparition!
Bonnie used to be a professional ice skater before an accident made her incapable of preforming her passion again! However, she does bring the elegance of ice-skating and figureskating to the battlefield!
Mona is much like Echo and Pharah an airborne hero! She has wasp wings attached to her suit and she capable of gaining quite some speed! She even has some dialogue with Pharah and Echo about the skies and flying!
Some Halloween stuff under the cut👀
For the junkenstein story I have Aleksander as a mage, since that is what he is anyways, but in the story he would have a rivalry with the witch. This results in the mage siding with the defenders!
For skins in general there are some plans but they still need to be perfected
Louis is more or less a werewolf and has a debt to the witch, which resulted in him having to fight for the witch. He's one of the bosses you face before they're all brought back!
Rachel is one of the defenders/wanderers, but she has a twist to her story as she would be a ghost of a viking that Torbjörn and Brigitte would have once known!
Piper is just another one of Junkenstein's creations, an algomation of machine and flesh that just serves as another mini boss. She would be fought before the monster/roadhog
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Junkenstein, writing to the Gramercy in the woods: "She's drinking all my wine and the machines have been bullied into her service--"
Junkenstein, nodding along: "Yeah, AND SHE'S TAKEN THE BIG COFFIN ALL FOR HERSELF!"
Witch Mercy: You--you don't even sleep in a coffin.
Junkenstein: It's the principle, Gramercy! THE PRINCIPLE!
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A Fusion of: Gourgeist (Pokemon), Junkenstein's Monster (Overwatch's Halloween Terror), Megamix (Crash Bandicoot), and Squigly (Skullgirls)
Element: Normal, Ghost, Grass, Fairy, Psychic, Rock, Dark, Fire, Poison, Steel, Fighting, Bug, and Electric
Capabilities: Pickup, Frisk, Insomnia, Eject, Spookify, Retract its limbs and upper body into a pumpkin, Can heal, Has a Detachable leviathan-like headpiece (To weaponized as a sickle, a lasso, a whip, a spear, a speaker, and a microphone), and can spit out metal pieces like either a shotgun or a gatling gun
Resident to: Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric
Immune to: Normal and Fighting
Natural Diet: They're Omnivores
Natural Habitat: Cliffsides, Forests, Nearing Lakes and Seas, Ruins, Towers, Rocky Areas, Mountains, Graveyards, in Islands, Abandoned Museums, Wastelands, and Abandoned Castles
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