#junior doctor strike 2023
rightnewshindi · 7 months
एनपीए की मांग कर रहे डॉक्टरों की स्वास्थ्य निदेशालय ने भेजे नोटिस, जानें क्या बताया कारण
एनपीए की मांग कर रहे डॉक्टरों की स्वास्थ्य निदेशालय ने भेजे नोटिस, जानें क्या बताया कारण
Himachal News: नॉन प्रेक्टिस अलाउंस (एनपीए) की मांग पर हड़ताल करने वाले डाक्टरों को स्वास्थ्य निदेशालय ने नोटिस जारी कर दिए हैं। करीब 60 डाक्टरों से अचानक छुट्टी पर चले जाने का कारण इस नोटिस में पूछा गया है। स्वास्थ्य निदेशालय ने एक सप्ताह में नोटिस का जवाब मांगा है। जवाब मिलने के बाद स्वास्थ्य निदेशालय बड़ी कार्रवाई कर सकता है। गौरतलब है कि एनपीए की मांग पर अड़ी मेडिकल आफिसर एसोसिएशन ने पहले…
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dxmedstudent · 2 years
Some more pictures from Whitehall today. It's disappointing that there has been better little coverage in the media, especially little acknowledgement of the turnout and level of support.
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bisexualspace · 2 years
Amazing to see the solidarity today between multiple unions, including the teachers, doctors, and civil servants on strike
Pay restoration now!
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eastoniablogs · 2 years
Solidarity for you @dxmedstudent.
I'd join the line if I wasn't on compassionate leave.
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pers-books · 1 year
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Peter Capaldi is the fucking greatest! Here he is on the picket line outside University College Hospital supporting the Junior Doctors’ strike. The Doctor with doctors.
Bless the man!
Here’s a link to a story about the strikes for those who aren’t aware of what’s going on. But for anyone who doesn’t know - a Junior Doctor is simply anyone who’s not actually a consultant. So, for Holby fans, Morven and Raf, Dom and Zosia - they’re all classed as junior doctors. And Junior Doctors have a range of skills and experience, but they’re all paid peanuts. Collectively, 3 junior doctors working to take out someone’s appendix would earn £66.55 per hour between them. Which is fucking insane! And MPs are now earning £86,584 pa from 1 April 2023 - plus MPs get expenses paid and subsidised meals in the House of Commons - whereas NHS staff have to pay for car parking and they’re lucky if they can get a break long enough to find food - assuming there’s even somewhere to supply food for them, because a lot of hospitals don’t have staff canteens.
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reneewalkersbiceps · 1 year
some things i feel like i should share today as another unelected, money hoarding, tax-dodging, out of touch parasite takes his place as the ‘leader’ of the country:
• i have always been and will always be anti-monarchy. end of.
• today, peaceful protestors on the streets of london are being arrested before they have even started their protests. signs are being confiscated and the public arrested.
• this coronation comes at a time when nurses, junior doctors, teachers and countless others are striking for better working conditions, safety for those they look after and fair pay for the life saving work they do.
• this country has never had more food banks open and overwhelmed. we are drowning in a cost of living crisis that affects everyone but the rich. people have no food and yet east midlands railway is handing out free scones exclusively to it’s first class passengers to celebrate the coronation.
• over 270,000 people in the uk are unhoused (as of jan 2023), living on the streets or in temporary accommodation, meanwhile monarchists have been camping out on the streets for days - uninterrupted by the met police - to catch a fleeting glimpse of a man in a golden carriage driving past.
• speaking of the met police, a recent report found them ‘institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic’. just saying.
there’s so much more i could say but i just wanted to illustrate the absolute state of this country at the moment for anyone abroad. we should be ashamed that we as a country are celebrating this day when so many are starving to death, dying on the streets and dying pre/in hospital due to unsafe workplace conditions.
fuck the monarchy. fuck the tories. fuck the police. fuck the coronation. fuck this country and it’s warped sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.
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NHS union busting, I guess.
This is illegal, and pretty shitty to play on people's fears in this way.
For avoidance of doubt, here's the BMA advice for striking doctors on a work visa: https://www.bma.org.uk/our-campaigns/junior-doctor-campaigns/pay/junior-doctors-strike-doctors-guide-to-industrial-action-2023/striking-as-an-img
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coochiequeens · 1 year
"It is vital that women's voices are heard in the NHS and the privacy, dignity and safety of all patients are protected." -Steve Barclay. Finally a man I can quote without without an eyeroll emoji
Health secretary plans to bring back 'sex-specific language' to NHS
Steve Barclay wants to push back against what he calls "wokery" in the National Health Service, with a source telling Sky News "ideological dogma" is stopping women from being listened to when it comes to their health.
Tuesday 3 October 2023 12:01, UK
Transgender women will be banned from being treated in female hospital wards in England, under new proposals put forward by the health secretary.
In his conference speech, Steve Barclay announced plans to push back against what he called "wokery" in the NHS, saying it had led to women's rights being increasingly sidelined.
The government will consult on making changes to the NHS constitution, which will also include the right to request same-sex intimate care requests.
The health secretary also confirmed sex-specific language would be used when dealing with women's health.
Speaking to party members in Manchester, Mr Barclay said: "We need a common-sense approach to sex and equality issues in the NHS - that is why today I am announcing proposals for clearer rights for patients.
"And I can today confirm that sex-specific language has now been fully restored to online health advice pages about cervical and ovarian cancer and the menopause.
"It is vital that women's voices are heard in the NHS and the privacy, dignity and safety of all patients are protected."
In April, Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch said the government could ban trans women from entering female-only spaces, and asked parliament's human rights watchdog for its advice to change official wording from just "sex" to "biological sex", which she described as a "technical and contested area of law".
Elsewhere in his speech, Mr Barclay also announced an expansion of NHS training and funding of new technology in the health service.
He also confirmed new medical schools in Worcester, Chester and Uxbridge, as well as an increase in the number of places up and down the country for students wanting to train to be doctors.
However, Labour said the three "new" schools announced already exist, and added that restrictions on the number of government-funded places mean they are only training international students.
Mr Barclay's speech comes with the backdrop of ongoing junior doctor and consultant strikes in England.
They are taking joint action, with Christmas Day levels of cover expected until Wednesday.
It follows two days of strike action at the end of September and coincides with Rishi Sunak's first Conservative Party conference as leader and prime minister.
The Conservatives will be hoping to grapple back control of its conference in Manchester, which has been dominated by leaks regarding the northern phase of HS2 - which Sky News understands will be scrapped in the coming days.
While Number 10 says no decisions have been made, it is thought the section of the high-speed rail project between Birmingham and Manchester will now be shelved.
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Junior doctors have been taking strike action on and off since MARCH 2023. Finally it looks like a deal might happen.
The latest strike alone resulted in over 60,000 appointments being cancelled, so it's great that the Chancellor Rachel Reeves is trying to sort this out.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Government to repeal ‘pointless’ anti-strike law in industrial relations ‘reset’
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/government-to-repeal-pointless-anti-strike-law-in-industrial-relations-reset/
Government to repeal ‘pointless’ anti-strike law in industrial relations ‘reset’
The government has confirmed it is repealing a piece of legislation that limited the ability of unions to strike. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 compelled various sectors to provide a minimum level of service in the event of industrial action. The Act enabled bosses in health, education, fire, ambulance, rail and nuclear commissioning to sue unions and sack employees if the specified “levels” were not met. The government insists the legislation has not been used and has “only inflamed tensions” with unions. No employer has issued a work notice forcing somebody into work as a result of the law.  ***Politics.co.uk is the UK’s leading digital-only political website. Subscribe to our daily newsletter for all the latest election news and analysis.*** The government has said it will unpick the Act — deemed to be ineffective, inflammatory and anti-union — through the new Employment Rights Bill, which will be introduced in the first 100 days of government. Deputy prime minister Angela Rayner and business secretary Jonathan Reynolds have written to the education, health, transport, energy, Welsh, Scottish and home departments to confirm the government does not support the minimum service levels rules. All 12 metro mayors have also been informed of the planned changes. Commenting on the announcement, Angela Rayner said: “Attempting to clamp down on the fundamental freedom of working people has got us nowhere, and this was targeted at sectors who dedicate their lives to serving us all. “That’s why we’re scrapping this pointless law and creating a new partnership between business, trade unions and working people through our new deal. “Repealing this legislation is the first part of our plan to reset industrial relations so they are fit for a modern economy.” Wes Streeting, the health and social care secretary, said: “This Act failed to resolve devastating strikes which led to cancelled operations and cost the NHS billions. “But this government engaged meaningfully with the BMA Junior Doctors’ Committee from day one, and agreed an offer in just over three weeks – paving the way to end strikes. “Scrapping minimum service levels marks another significant step in resetting relationships with staff, as we fix the broken health service.” Politics.co.uk is the UK’s leading digital-only political website. Subscribe to our daily newsletter for all the latest election news and analysis. The post Government to repeal ‘pointless’ anti-strike law in industrial relations ‘reset’ .
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
October 5, 2023
Literally I dread going to work every Thursday because I get the privilege of working with this awful consultant.
Scrubbed for the first case and he was so impatient. I really can't with him. I literally hated every minute of it. The second the surgery was over I did a sign out and hurried away and had a 45 minute break. I wouldn't want to scrub and work with him. The next time they tell me to scrub for him, I won't. I don't care if I don't learn, I cannot be subjected to this kind of treatment.
Went home a bit early but didn't have the capacity to go to the gym because my legs. and calves hurt so much for standing 4 hours with a heavy lead gown on and my lower back really hurts.
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October 4, 2023
Last day of the junior doctor and consultant strike! Sad that this didn't extend until Thursday and my favorite consultant has a case tomorrow and I just know that I'll be there in his list! Goody! Nakakaputangina talaga. Pagod ako at galit every Thursday!
Assigned in Emergencies with Niki, Ate Rose and Erol today and not a single case. I was about to do a lap but got canceled last minute. Niki and I just spoke about Ed and Merch and how they're similar and we both just found out that we're really similar. She even said that birds of the same feather flock together.
It was a very quiet day. Nothing major to note really. Didn't go to the gym today but instead just went home. I'm literally regretting this decision.
October 3, 2023
Second day of not doing anything really. Today has been uneventful. I was initially assigned to do emergencies today with Kuya JM but Sam said that I was supposed to be doing something downstairs in Orthopaedics but when I came down, Elli just told me to continue with the inventory of stocks. Another lazy day. Finished everything and when I got too bored I looked up all the expired sets and consumables that we had.
Didn't go to the gym because I was tired for some reason.
October 2, 2023
First day of the junior doctor and consultant strike and I thought I wouldn't be doing anything but I'm assigned in emergencies with Tanya, Erica, and my baby girl Ally. I volunteered to do the first VP shunt and I just observed that neurosurgeons really are meticulous and bitchy. I really don't get the micro aggression that these professionals do sometimes and that's all that we did. Nothing else followed.
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dxmedstudent · 2 years
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Twitter Highlights so far about the Junior Doctor Strikes 2023
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bisexualspace · 2 years
we're striking babyyyyYYY!!!
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eastoniablogs · 1 year
Round two of the strikes are upon us.
We got this.
Stick together.
Strike together.
Win together.
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/09/uk-government-to-be-reported-to-un-over-strike-law-by-tuc
UK government to be reported to UN over strike law by TUC
By Vishala Sri-Pathma
Business reporter
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) says it is reporting the UK government to the United Nations watchdog on workers’ rights over a new strikes law.
New rules on strikes will require some employees to work during industrial action – or face being sacked.
The TUC said the legislation fell short of international legal standards.
The government said the new rules “protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public” as well as access to public services.
Once implemented, the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act will apply to a wide range of workers, including those in the rail industry and emergency services.
The TUC labelled them “anti-strike laws” and, as representatives from 48 unions gathered on Sunday, its general secretary, Paul Nowak said they’re “unworkable” – and may be illegal.
Speaking on the opening day of the TUC Congress in Liverpool, Mr Nowak said the union body will be lodging the case at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) because the new law “falls far short” of international legal standards.
The government took forward the legislation following a year of unprecedented industrial action by hundreds of thousands of workers, including nurses, teachers, civil servants and railway staff.
A spokeswoman for the government said: “The purpose of this legislation is to protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public and ensure they can continue to access vital public services during strikes.”
She added: “The legislation does not remove the ability to strike, but people expect the government to act in circumstances where their rights and freedoms are being disproportionately impacted, and that’s what we are doing with this Bill.”
The government pointed to research which suggested 600,000 medical appointments have been rescheduled over the past year, and £1.2bn in output has been lost, due to strikes.
A public consultation is under way into how the laws, which received Royal Assent in July, will be implemented by employers, but trade unions may well challenge them in the courts.
When and where are the next university strikes?
How trains were affected by latest rail strikes
Junior doctors and consultants to strike together
Under the new law, which will apply to England, Scotland and Wales, the government would set minimum service levels after a consultation.
Employers will then be able to issue a “work notice” to unions, setting out who is required to work during a strike.
Under the legislation, there would be no automatic protection from unfair dismissal for an employee who is told to work through a notice but chooses to strike.
If a strike is not conducted in accordance with the new rules, employers would be also be able to sue unions for losses.
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johnbrace · 1 year
Junior doctors strike in England continues following rejection of pay offer by BMA
Junior doctors strike in England continues following rejection of pay offer by BMA                                  Junior Doctors Strike (11th August 2023) Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral, Merseyside, UK (Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) taken by John Brace Junior doctors have been on strike (a picket line outside Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral, England, UK is pictured above)…
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