#jungkoook reaction
chocominnie · 3 years
Desperado — 11 (M) | JJK
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Pairing: Badboy!Jungkook X Reader
Summary : A messy situationship at it’s finest. You don’t even know whats headed your way, just even engaging in the slightest within him. See, he has an assignment to complete. A mission granted by his father thats do or die. You just so happen to be a major pawn in that assignment. He didn’t mean to take an interest in you. Surely it was an accident right? Only except. you hold much value in this game that he’ll do anything to complete it. Oblivious is what you are. Poor thing. Poor.. Poor thing.
Genre: Mature/ Mafia!Jungkook
Trailer: xxxxx  preview 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Word Count : 6k
Warnings : This honestly isn’t for the light hearted and the weak…High angst, usage of drugs, drug mentions, mental illness, switch!jungkook, Brat reader, possible stockholm syndrom, kidnapping, assault, death of side characters, murder, weapons, usage of weapons, masturbation, physical violence, blood, alcohol, weed, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, honestly its a lot of aruging…
Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
You didn’t know. You had zero idea about his little “watch team” over you. Hell, you seemed so happy to recieve that gift and that right there masked up everything. Everyone got one... if you remember. What you didn’t know was that everyone was in on it, including the now deceased Kang Minlee.
It was his idea. Sungmin of course. The moment you ran into Jungkook that very first day of school, he knew what was going to happen. The only reason he knew was because of his parents. His parents were in connection with Won-Shik and it made him mad like hell when he over-heard them talking in the study room. You see, his parents were persuaded by him. That walking bastard mafia man. He ruled all of South Korea, some of the police units work under him now so there’s an easy way out if things get caught up. Won-Shik wanted Jungkook to attend one of the most prestigous schools that just so happened to be owned by Sungmin’s parents.
In return of allowing Jungkook to attend, they’d recieve not only Bangtan protection, but Won-Shik’s protection as well. Why would one need any of those two though? Only because things can get real hectic with other rivalrys and threats from other notorious gangs. So far so good though, for right now atleast.
What nobody knows is that Sungmin is Jungkook’s half brother. Sungmin only knows Jungkook as his childhood bestfriend. To Sungmin’s knowledge his birth mom is the maid that took care of him while living in and cleaning Won-Shik’s and Eunji’s home. That night was a cold night. He’ll never forget it. The way the blood on him from damn near killing Jungkook made him feel powerful, yet disgusting. The blood dripped from his knife and fingers like a bloody nose, making him want to vomit. 
At that moment, he wondered why and how can someone be so sane and happy enough to do such a thing for a living, like Won-Shik himself. Since then he vowed to never hurt anyone else like that again.
Boy did that only get so far.
Here he is now, plotting to kill Jungkook solely because he knew that he had killed Minlee, the person who played a great pawn in his plan. You didn’t know that though. Instead it fucking dusgusts him that Jungkook get’s to walk around free and head held high, including making you somewhat his girl, all without you knowing the bloody, cold truth. You’re so oblivous of his fuck-boy ways that every single day that passes by Sungmin cannot stand the sight of you and him together. 
So what does he do in return?
Form an alliance with your one and only, father. 
It wasn’t hard to track him down. No not at all. You see, you’d gave out too much information that night. Taiwan. That’s what you said when you had asked him. It only confirmed that who he had been talking to prior, which was your father, that it was actually him. Before asking you that question, he’d already contacted him via email and phone call. Sungmin gained that information by also tapping into your macbook. When you guys group facetimed after you spending a drunk, drugged night at Jungkook’s is when he did it. All right while you all were on facetime. 
Crystal didn’t notice it though. He had did it right before she sat down next to him to join the conversation. While you guys talked, the software ran it’s course through the background of the call. Information was gained after the call ended. He went through the call log and emails of yours and found everything he needed to contact your father. He was happy about it. In fact, he thanked Sungmin for telling him that you were getting involved with Jungkook, his rival’s son.
The two of them ended up talking further about who Sungmin was and how he knew what Jungkook does. That led to them forming a protection alliance for your safety, but also for Sungmin’s benefit in taking Jungkook down too. You see at first your father wanted to do things with the law and so did Sungmin. That is, until Jungkook killed Minlee and now it’s blood for blood.
So here he is, watching your every location via the tracker bracelet he got you. Everyone has one, it’s the group bracelet he bought for you guys. Yours specifically had a tracker installed in it as it was an agreement that him and your father made.
The guest who’d soon be here in Sungmin’s apartment made things even more riskier. Namjoon came over brought an unexpected guest with him. The pure and utter shock across his face when he opened the door to greet, what was only supposed to be Namjoon whom he didn’t like anyways, was unforgetable. 
There she is, in the flesh. Hair long and curled with her signature dimples. She hadn’t aged a bit. Still slim and a bit shorter than him. When she says his name and opens her arms with tears in her eyes, that’s all it takes for him to pull her inside and break down crying in her arms. Kim Eunji. The lady that took good care of him when his mother was busy or couldn’t afford something.The lady that was always happy and always defending him from Won-Shik when the two boys would get into a little trouble. She treated him like her very own, because he is her own.
“ Eomeoni.” He chokes out, tears falling down his face like a river while holding onto her tight. The two hold onto each other, Eunji crying and praising him on how tall and grown up he’s gotten.
Holding onto her makes Sungmin feel like he’s just a kid again. The way she would hold him when he got hurt or when he was scolded, it all made his emotions pour out of him. It’s been years, and he’d missed her along with his other mother. Her makeup stains his fresh white colored t-shirt, but he doesn’t mind it. It feels all to real to him right now.
Crystal soon joins the room, furrowing her eyebrows at Namjoon who was just as confused as he was. Instead of saying something, the two let Sungmin and Eunji have their moment. When all the emotions are pour out and the outbursts of crying stops, they both pull away from each other.
“ How do you know her?” Namjoon says, leaning against the apartment wall. Crystal hurriedly hands Eunji the box of tissues that was on the kitchen island.
She thanks her, and carefully dries her tears, “ He’s Jungkook’s bestfriend.”
Crystal and Namjoon’s eyes almost bulge out their sockets at the sound of that causing Eunji confusion of their sudden reaction. In no doubt is it completely awkward for Sungmin right now. Crystal nor Namjoon know his past.
“ Bestfriends? They hate each others entire existence.” Crystal plops herself ontop of the island counter. Sungmin shoots her a glare in which confuses her even more. 
Eunji looks back at Sungmin concerned, “ Hate each other? Why? You guys were so close before I left Chung H-”
“ We aren’t friends anymore.” He quickly says, eyes pacing around the room. The last thing he wants is for Crystal and Namjoon find out his real name. Let alone, who he really is.
“ Chung? Chung what?” It’s too late. Crystal, who got herself down from the counter upon hearing the surname, crosses her arms waiting to be answered.
Namjoon stands next to her, also waiting to be answered but already having his speculations. The air is as thick as a brick with the mood quickly turning from happy to questionable. He wasn’t prepared for this. Sungmin completely had forgotten his real name for so long because he was used to his new one he made for himself.
“ Nothing.” Eunji interrupts, glancing at Sungmin to get the memo. “ I made a mistake. I just mixed his name up with my nephew. I’m sorry.” 
The apology is taken, and it’s a relief that they both buy it and don’t ask another question about it. Eunji glances at Sungmin again but this time with hurt eyes. She gave him that name. Chung Hee. Jeon Chung Hee would’ve been his actual name if she’d let him have the Jeon’s last name. She didn’t allow that because he wasn’t his child and she wanted Sungmin to have nothing to do with the Jeon’s malicious ways and name. 
It hurt to know that he changed his name. Of course she wants to know the reason behind it, but right now isn’t the time to ask.
Namjoon sighs, sitting down on one of the couches. “ Sungmin.. I need to.. ask you a favor.” His voice is uneasy as the rest join him in the living room. Sungmin makes sure to sit next to Eunji, who pats his thigh ensuring him he’s protected.
“ Crystal is on board with it. I just want to make sure you are too.”
Hell no. Sungmin bites his lip in anger turning towards Crystal. She isn’t allowed to make decisions by herself, as because the decisions she makes are always risky and dangerous. His adoptive parents made sure to make him the one in charge when they both decided to move out. Being her older brother and all, he knows that it’s his duty to protect her from such alarming situations. Also an alarming person who just so happens to be apart of the mafia he oh so hates so much and wishes she would leave him already, Kim Namjoon.
“ You aren’t allowed decis-” His growing temper is cut off by Crystal, “ I can make my own decisions by myself. I’m fucking old enough!” She snaps.
“ Watch your mouth.” Eunji says, shaking her head at her. Crystal apologizes politely to her. “ What do you mean with this decision?” Sungmin, who’s clearly too pissed to even look at Crystal, says.
Namjoon shoots a look at Eunji who then nods her head in approval. It only rises more suspicions from Namjoon. His second mother coming in cahoots with him couldn’t be good. Does she even know what him and his boys do?
“ Eunji needs a place to stay for a little while.. while her penthouse is being set up.” Namjoon blurts, eyes shifting between the two of them. The news catches Sungmin off-guard to where his breath hitches upon exhaling.
Penthouse? A place to stay? To make things worse of it all, in his very own apartment. The risks and danger it would put all three of them in if Won-Shik finds out is surely to be gruesome. Especially if it’s Eunji and her first born, bastard, son.
But he couldn’t let the lady who took care of him even at the slightest small cut on his little leg when he was just a small boy, be abandoned and at danger in the middle of Seoul. He loves her way too much and her motherly figure around him and always have. Sungmin inhales again, throwing his head back in frustration, then releasing.
It wouldn’t hurt to keep her hidden for a couple of days. Besides, he’ll kill anyone if they touch her or Crystal the same way he almost did Jungkook.
“ Fine. I’ll let her stay.”
Relief is felt all across the room. He takes a good look at Crystal and then Namjoon. Their apartment is only two bedrooms, and one of them would surely have to give up their room. “ She can stay in Crystal’s room.” 
That devilish smirk runs across Sungmins face. Thats her punishment for making decisions by herself. He would give up his room in a heartbeat for Eunji, but he also needed his space in the room to plot and plan quietly. 
“ You’ll be staying in Crystal’s room.” 
As if she heard the devil speaking herself, she glares at Sungmin’s sudden saying. Sungmin pays the girl no mind, smiling at Eunji and pointing towards the room. “ Lee Sungmin! Have you lost your mind?” Crystal semi-yells.
“ She can stay in your room. You can stay at our parents.”
Namjoon laughs a little, “ Why can’t she stay with me?”
“ Yeah, I’ll stay with Namjoon and his pa-”
Sungmin roars, “ Over my dead body.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes at Sungmin while Crystal pouts her infamous face at him. As if Sungmin would ever let Namjoon take her away for the night. It’s bad enough he has to hear them every fucking weekend talking and.. doing other digusting things in the apartment. Nevertheless, at-least he knows she’s safe and near him.
Whereas for you, you are still on the constant supervision of both Sungmin and Jungkook. Especially, Jeon Jungkook. On the way to the market, he recieved a call. A call that just made things worse as it was already getting late at night. But, when an heir recieves an important call he’s to take it and do as told. So he does. Those grey contacts are popped in and black hat hangs low with his matching mask. Soon enough, that deed is done.
On the way back from the market after picking up several things such as ramen, juices, your favorite strawberry cookies, and of course the Plan B, he notices your mother’s car parked along the street outside your house. Parking his lamborghini a block away, he picks up his phone to shoot you a text asking what to do. As he awaits your reply, something seems off to him when he gazes up at your window from his car and see’s three figures in your room.
Three figures..
Three fig-
Jungkook’s eyes go wide. It can’t be. Of course he’d show up at the wrong moment. The entirely wrong moment. At this very second, Jungkook knows your danger is now on full alert and active. The phone call he’d regret getting could be made any second. Won-Shik has to know that he’s here, your dad. There’s no way possible that man could walk in Korea freely without one of his workers knowing. He thought he had a bit more time to spare, but now things are about to get messy.
The main goal right now is to deliver the pregnancy pill to you, cause there’s no way he’s having any sort of kid running around a year from now. Jungkook sighs, sitting back in the driver seat and massages his head. Still, with Won-Shik barking up his ass, and now your dad has returned as well, no amount of stress could top this. Time has begun, and your life is now pending.
The sudden ringing of his phone takes him out his trance. Casper. His anxiety kicks in, staring at the calling number. With each vibration his body trembles a bit more. Casper doesn’t usually call unless it’s urgent. He texts, and occasionally just shows up to Jungkook wherever he is. The call cannot be good.
With trembling fingers, Jungkook presses the answer button and it automatically connects via bluetooth to his lamborghini. “ We need a plan Jungkook and we need it fucking fast.”
Jungkook throws his head back shaking his head in the process. He isn’t ready for it. Not ready to play the game of life or death with you. He’s so roped into you that he can’t even fathom something happening to you. You complete him. That missing hole in his heart, you applied your tough love yet sweet actions that patched him right on up. For someone to ride things out on a risk, and addicted to the adrenaline rush on life and getting anything he wants and everything he wants, it’s clear to admit he’s in love with you. You challenged him, he accepted it without knowing the outcome. He came in with a plan to destroy, but came out with pure love. 
He’ll be damned if someone is going to take that away.
“ What does he know already.” Jungkook says, reffering to his father. “ Yoongi told him that you fell in love with your target. He also got the word that her dad has returned. It’s not looking good Jungkook..”
The main question is how did Won-Shik know before him. Yoongi betraying him has another fucking thing coming. “ I don’t know Casper. I can’t just kidnap her and take her far far away. It’s not realistic.” He sighs angrily.
“ I’ll do it.”
Jungkook furrows his eyesbrows at the comment. Casper never has did such a thing before. Truth is, Casper sees how much Jungkook cares for you. Jungkook doesn’t treat other girls like you do, let alone even letting you inside his home. Yeah he knew you two used to bicker 24/7 but the love that came after that he knows for sure Jungkook is whipped. The way Jungkook would rant and talk to Casper confirmed it for him. The nights you two would bicker, Casper was there listening to Jungkook and he knew puppy love when he spotted it. You though, you’d go a long way with life and Jungkook in it would essentially better him.
“ How are you going to hide her in the midst of all this? He’s out for her and her dad now. She isn’t the type to just go along with things. She asks too many questions. Yn also doesn’t know you that we-”
Casper cuts him off, “ We bonded a bit. I think she trusts me. Just trust me on this. I can take her to the villa and quarantine her till due time while you and the boys get this sorted out.” 
The villa. Jungkook had completely forgotten about it. His mother left it to him, it used to be their get-away home. Only Jungkook and Sungmin knows about it because she used to take the boys there on the hot summer weekends. The ocean breeze gave them relief and time away from Won-Shik. The only reason he knows she left it to him is because of the documents that were found when he was the only one cleaning her things out and putting them away safely.
“ Casper this is risky..” Jungkook’s uneasy voice slips right through. Something could easily go wrong with this. “ I don’t have the slightest clue of how I’m gonna sort this out.”
“ Jungkook, do you love her?”
“ Yes.” No hesitation at all. 
“ Then you’d save her before she gets murdered right infront of you.”
He’s right. Those words set off the switch inside him. He’s no longer uneasy, but blood thirsty to kill whatever gets in the way of you and him. His eyes dialate and that sharp jaw he has locks in.  Fuck Harley. Fuck Won-Shik, and fuck anybody else who wants to play this goddamn game. You don’t have shit to do with this. Hell, Won-Shik should have just gave up a long damn time ago. It’s been years. Jungkook had always been annoyed through this entire mission that he had to be the one to finish what Won-Shik couldn’t figure out. The man doesn’t fucking let up at all. 
Nevertheless, if the mission is completed the way Won-Shik wants it, then he’s promised to be the heir to the thrown. First mission was to find his missing mother, but that can come second right after killing his father with his bare fucking hands. He’s had enough of his bullshit. Enough people taken out of his life out of spite, enough of being his little guinea pig running around. No. He’s going to be the big boss from now on, with you right by his side whether its do or die.
“ Meet me at the villa. Bring Yoongi there too.”
The phone hangs up, causing Jungkook to let out a huge scream with his hands punching the steering wheel repeatedly. All of this is too fucking much, but he’d go through deaths end to save your life from the hands of his father. In the meantime, he has to find some way to drop these items off to you. You haven’t text back yet, so he assumes you’re too caught up with you father.
Delivery man. The idea pops into his head like magic. He can pose as a delivery man and discreetly hand you the items. Sounds like a great plan. They won’t notice who he really is, but you would. Grabbing the bag from the passenger seat, he quickly makes his way over to your front door. The laughter coming from inside shocks him a bit, but he’s ready. Three hard taps on the door and he steps back to wait for whoever. Time is ticking.
Luckily it’s you who comes to the door. You look at the bag and then back at him. You almost don’t recognize him with the grey contacts and black hat and mask. You can tell by his tattoos peeking from under his coat that it’s Jeon Jungkook in the flesh. 
“ Jungkook why-”
“ Listen take the bag it has the pill and some snacks... I have to run somewhere. I’ll stop by later if I can.” That last part is a lie. He won’t be back tonight and so will you. If lying is going to protect you, then so be it.
“ Jungkook wha-”
With no second to spare, he pushes the bag into your hands, gives you a quick kiss on the lips, and runs off back to his car. The confused look just pushes yourself even further as to why he was dressed like that and in a hurry. When he pulls off, you go back inside while rummaging through the bag.
It’s there and so is the snacks. Your dad will kill you if he sees the pill package. The only way to sneak taking it is to come up with some excuse. You notice the package of ramen in the bag. That’s your excuse to get into the kitchen and prepare it so you can take the pill.
“ Dad have you tried the fire noodle ramen? I got some snacks delivered. I’ll make it for you.” You hold up the big ramen bowl up with a warm smile. He agrees to try it, only if you will too. Whatever floats his boat so you can do what you have to do.
Leaving him in the living room, your hands anxiously rip open the package and you stare at the little white pill. Your first time ever taking one. Will it work though? The back of the package and direction goes on and on but after five minutes of reading you sort of got it down pack. It’s a little bitter when it goes down with your sip of water, but anything to not have a baby right now.
The rest of your night consists of different board games and catching up with your father. It feels great to have your family all together again. You all share laughs and jokes in the living room till what seems like forever but only midnight. Lots of food was ate, and old stories from when you were a baby were brought up. The smile and laughter of your father couldn’t make you anymore happier than you were. You’re just glad he’s home, and home for a while.
Jungkook on the other hand, is nearly about to lose his shit. Casper’s having a hard time getting Yoongi to come face Jungkook privately for a quick talk. He should be very afraid. How dare you betray your own member like that? Let alone the one who gives him the orders. The pacing back and forth through the villa echos throughout the place. Murder. Murder is on his mind. He want’s nothing more to just get things fucking over with. 
“ Jungkook.” The bland, semi-deep voice comes from behind him. He knows that voice so well. Turning on his heels, he bites his jaw and places his hands in his pockets. “ Min Yoongi. The one who dare betrays me.”
Yoongi scoffs bringing his vape up to his mouth to take a drag from it. Jungkook watches him inhale and exhale carefully, eyes piercing his soul. “ You fell inlove with a target all while your father was just going to end up killing her anyways. You? You know the consequences of falling in-love with targets.”
“ Consequences my fucking ass. I have things under control. Besides, you betrayed me and you know the consequences of that.” Jungkook’s voice is laced with venom hoping to hurt him with words the worst way possible. Yoongi sees right through him though.
Right through his weakness, which is you. “ So you want to beat me up because little princey pooh fell inlove with a useless bitch who seems to be so fucking clueless. At-least im not the bitchmade one who gets a rush off of fucking and leaving females. You wont ever grow up Jungkook will you?”
That’s the last straw for Jungkook. He sees nothing but rage and red through his eyes. Jungkook reacts before Yoongi can even lift a fist up. Jungkook charges Yoongi into the wall, making sure he hits his head against it to knock a bit of sense into him. Jungkook get’s a few punches into Yoongi, poudning him like an animal who’s lost all control. Yoongi grabs his next flying punch with his hand, making sure to make eye contact with him.
“ You fell in love with her, have you lost your god damn mind? Do you know how much is on the line for you Jungkook? Do you fucking know?” He roars, punching his lip which throws Jungkook’s head back.
The blood fills his mouth but he doesn’t care. To his left is where he spits it out and breathes heavily at Yoongi who now stands over-top of him. “ Don’t ever in your life utter those disgusting words about my girl. Do you understand?”
“ Wow. You’ve really lost it over some girl. When you both fucking die in the shit-show of a mess you created, then will you come to your senses. You’re risking and losing it all over a girl Jungkook.” Yoongi says harshily, dragging Jungkook back up to his feet by his shirt collar.
Jungkook dusts himself off. You meant way more than just a girl to him. “ She’s not just any girl. She’s mine. She also isn’t apart of this shit-show the way my father thinks she is. You can walk out on me now Yoongi, but just know if you do you lose everything.” He sternly says. 
Is it worth it? For Yoongi to walk out on him just now? Bangtan means the world to him, it’s all the family he’s got left other than his older brother. Everyone else was a victim of gang violence and rivalries which led him to join under Jungkook’s team to protect his only living family member left. Without Bangtan, he knows for sure things would end very bad.
“ Jungkook I never said that. I just want whats best for you and Bangtan.” He snaps. Jungkook rolls his eyes and sighs heavily at the boy. He’s always like that. Will fight you physically but become soft right after so you can see his point of view. “ I know what’s right for my team. I also know whats right for my girl. I’ll protect her at any costs like the way you protect your older brother.”
The conversation gets interrupted by the front door opening and closing. Footsteps scramble through the entrance and it sounds like they’re having trouble. The two boys look at each other then back at the noise, Jungkook’s hand already inside his pants reaching for his gun. He pulls it out and cocks it at the entrance-way, waiting for the intruder to make their way to them. Yoongi stands there, knife out and ready to be used on someone.
To their relief, it’s Casper coming through with what seems like a sleeping body being carried in his hands bridal style. It’s you. You’re wrapped in a white fleece blanket snuggled up carefully against it. Your head peaking out through the top, resting against Casper’s chest. “ She’ll be knocked out cold for the next few hours.”
Jungkook rushes over, holding his hands out to take you from Casper who gently places your limp body in his arms as if he’s holding a small newborn. Not a word is said when he begins to take you up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. He studies your face on the way there. Every crevice, mark, small laugh lines, all of it. From your forehead down to your chin, he soaks in all your beauty. Those lips he kissed and kept kissing just hours ago, look so lifeless but pretty. The cute nose you have he would give anything to rub against his. Your cheeks he can just bite right off whenever you smile and laugh at him. 
You don’t deserve any of this. You’re clueless about everything, but you don’t deserve what’s been going on around you. Jungkook hates that, but would rather protect you discreetly than to let you know who he really is. Placing your body down on the bed, he unwraps you from the blanket. You’re wearing a v-neck long sleeve shirt and pajama shorts. Jungkook silently curses you for not dressing properly for the cold night. Theres no time for that now. After tucking you inside the bed, he plants a long kiss on your lips. It feels weird to not have your lips move back in sync with his, but its for the greater good.
Tonight may be his last night alive if this doesn’t go as planned. So he grabs the notepad and pen from the night-stand writes a long note;
My lovely yn,
If you’re reading this it means I haven’t come back. Theres things you will and wont understand but please just know that I meant no harm. I wanted what was best for you, and to save your life. From the very start I knew you meant something to me. It went from hatred to me falling deeply in-love with you and the way you changed me subtly. Everyday I spent with you felt like I was on heaven on earth. You are my heaven on earth. You came to me like a lost puppy and taught me things about myself that I wouldn’t of understood if you hadn’t pointed it out. You did so many things for me without knowing it. You gave me hope. You gave me strength. You gave me love with a blissful rush, something I never felt before. 
I love you, Lost Puppy.
A single teardrop escapes his eye upon finishing writing the letter. You mean the world to him and it kills to have to set things up like this just in case. Keeping you safe is more important than anything right now. Taking his necklace off, he carefully lifts your head up to clasp it around your neck. Bangtan Boys. Its a silver necklace with the team’s initials wrapped inside the logo. With this necklace you’ll be protected forever. Jungkook’s the leader and the only one with the necklace, the rest of the boys have rings dedicated to the mafia team. Whoever tries to harm you in any way and gets a look at that necklace across your chest would instantly back off. People know what that logo and initial mean, even the law enforcement. You now have Bangtan’s protection for the rest of your life as well as a piece of Jungkook.
After collecting himself together, Jungkook joins the two downstairs only to be shocked another person has joined the room. She stands there, crossing her arms with an angry look across her face. “ Kidnapping? Really Jungkook?”
“ Who let the chihuahua in the house.” He groans, sitting down on the sofa next to Yoongi. “ Why are you here Ayami?”
“ You kidnapped my bestfriend and think I wouldn’t know it? She has a tracker on her I hope you know that.”
Yoongi and Jungkook’s eyes nearly buldge out of their sockets when they sit up fully. Does she know? About me having a tracking deviced placed on- his thoughts are cut short being answered already by the upset girl.
“ Sungmin got us all bracelets with trackers inside of them. Me and Minlee agreed to it for then safety from you monsters, but yn doesn’t know about hers.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “ I’m going to kill him. I really am. Casper go cut the bracelet off her wrist and damage it please.” Casper nods his head, rushing up the stairs to the occupied room.
Ayami purses her lips and narrows her eyes, “ Jungkook we agreed that you wouldn’t fuck up yn’s life right? That meant dating her and using her too.”
Yoongi scoffs looking at Jungkook with suprised eyes. It’s not ever known for Jungkook to ever agree to not do what he does best. “ You actually agreed to that? Wow, you know you could nev-”
“ I’ve changed!” Jungkook yells suddenly. “ Why can’t you guys see that?”
“ Fuck that. Jungkook do you know what happens if she ends up dying? It’s your ass against her father, your father, and yourself.”
“ What happens if she knows you two dated prior to her dating Jungkook.” Yoongi laughs, taking a drag from his vape. Ayami and Jungkook look at him, daring him to say another word. Yoongi gets the memo and just silently laughs to himself. “ This really is a shit-show.”
“ I dumped him first after finding out he cheated on me with Melanie.”
“ Oh like you’re any better. You’re the one who stayed after dumping me and planned out some killings for me. I actually could use your detective, plotting brain right now.” Jungkook scoffs, tucking his gun further down his pants.
“ I’m not helping you kill my fucking bestfriend Jeon Jungkook. I’m not on your fucking side anymore. You took this too far.” Ayami snaps.
Jungkook groans again just wanting her to shut up already. The last thing he needs is for her to start doing the most. “ I’m not killing her. I love her. I’m plotting against my father.” He simply says, shrugging his shoulders.
Ayami’s mouth drops at his words. Against his own father? “ Are you out of your mind Jungkook? You’re going to get everyone, including yourself killed.”
“ Not if I have my mastermind whip up a plan with me.” He sits up, pointing for Ayami to sit down in the chair across from him. “ You’ll get big money out of this one. More than you ever got working with me before. You said you didn’t want Bangtan protection before.. but you’ll need it after this.”
Ayami hesitates at first. Is it really worth it? It’s been a good couple of months since she last worked with Jungkook. The last time being when she came up with a plan with him to take down one of the most notorious Japanese gangs. They came onto Bangtan territory thinking they’d end up winning it over. It was a blood-bath to end with. Though, the rush she felt with Jungkook being his little side-kick in action gave her a rush of never ending adrenaline what seems like. The two always laughing and talking while cleaning up the massacre they finished each time the job was done. Two innocent teenagers thriving off of each other and their will to kill. God she missed that so much.
Jungkook crouches down infront of her, holding his hand out with a devilish smirk on his face. “ What do you say Ayami. Do we have a deal?”
And so she looks him in those eyes that pierce into hers grasping his hand firmly. A deal about to be made with the devil himself.
” Deal.”
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sofftiecherrys · 4 years
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𓂐 is perfect.
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BTS Reaction: Out of frustration they yell at their kid for distracting them and the child goes running to you (request)
Request:  Can I have a bts reaction on u being a new friend to the guys and your staying over at the dorm but they have a son from a past relationship (she left both of them almost as soon as he was born) and they have gotten pretty attached to you almost seeing u as a mother figure since he has never had one. And he has a bad dream and he goes running to his father but they were working so he gets mad at him so he goes crying to you for help.If it is too much work u don't have to thank u.
A/N: I am so sorry this has taken so long! We have all been so busy! But I also made sure to take my time with this request. It was so cute and fun to write and i had this certain idea as soon as i read it! I got a bit carried away with some of the members haha.
Tbh though, i wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be “new friend” or “new girlfriend” (since it had girlfriend vibes) and that it was like a typo, but i stuck to the request and wrote it as Y/n being a friend.
*the intro is the same for all of them, then each reaction
It had been an eternity of being locked in his almost sound proof prison. Just when he thought a home studio would make his life easier, it only made his role as a single father that much harder. It was yet again another night where there was just a wood door holding him back from being with his son; that and his pending deadline to add his voice to the last remaining song of the album.
Tonight was like every other. He called his friend Y/n over to look after his son ,______,  while he recorded. Sure, _______ loved when you were over but, he knew his son was always a bit sad when he had to work. He always hated the moments where he had to look into his son’s happy wide eyes and turn him down to play time, or lunchtime, or bed time, or taking him to preschool or daycare, or eating breakfast with him… just about everything really.
But now was not the time to be heartbroken over the fact he was such a bad father, now is the time to perfect his recording. It had to be the thousandth time that night he was recording this last part of the song, but now with the stress of his deadline, it was all getting to him. It seemed like every attempt was horrible. Either his voice cracked, or his words didn’t come out like he wanted or there were faint sounds of ________ playing with you out in the living room.  Honestly if it wasn't for you, he didn’t have too many options as who would be able to help him look after______ . So of course he shouldn't be getting too mad over his recording being ruined by the two you. If anything, every failed attempt always lead back to him being the problem… and it was eating away at him. He wanted nothing more than to have a decent enough recording and call it a night.
However, little did he know, his almost perfect recording was going to be ruined any moment by _________. _________ was experiencing yet another nightmare caused by a scary clown movie Daddy’s friends were watching and he just so happened to be watching from over their shoulders. Like the nights before, the evil clown had broken into the house and attacked you, his dad’s friend who he saw as his mother, and then attacked his father, who attempted to save the both of them. Now the evil clown was coming after him. In a broken sweat, little ________ awoke from the nightmare just as the clown opened its mouth showings it millions of sharp teeth.
Being in his pitch black room he couldn’t differentiate whether he was in his home or the stomach of the monster. As any five year old would, _______ began crying, sobbing out for his father to just know he was alive. He pushed his little body out of the bed and ran to the one room his father was most likely to be in. He tried to open the recording studio door that was locked. With his heart racing, he pounded his little fists on the wood door “ Daddy! Daddy where are you?!? Daddy!” he cried harder when there was no response.
He banged the door over and over and over until finally it opened and thankfully his dad stood there...with the angriest look on his face.
“Daddy! Daddy! The clown!” he shouted, running to his father and hugging him by his legs “The clown is going to eat us!”
“__________ get off!” His father said sternly, grabbing him by the arms and pushing him away. “Daddy is working! What have I told you about trying to come in when I am working?!? If you need anything you know to go to y/n!”
“_______!” The small child could hear his “mother” calling out to him. “_______, it’s alright, come to me.” you cooed as you walked down the hall, a bit too late to the commotion due to falling asleep on the couch. In an instant you scooped up the boy in your arms and carried him tight.
“Mommy!” _______ was only able to get out before he started crying harder.
“I got this.” you said looking up at the boy’s father, partially throwing him a dirty look over his outburst. “C’mon ________, let’s go to bed so your daddy can get back to work.”
The door the the studio slammed shut, leaving you by yourself to look over your friend’s child.
“But I don't want to sleep! I want daddy!”
“You don't want to sleep? Why don't we watch tv in daddy’s room while we wait for him to finish?” Having been here the last week to calm ________ down from his nightmares, you knew he would be back to sleep in second if he knew he felt safe.
It wasn’t until the wee hours of the night that father dearest finally perfected his session and dragged himself into his bedroom to find you and _________ cuddled together in a deep sleep.
His guilt intensified seeing the sight before him. He was the one that should be cuddled up with his son. He should have been the one to comfort him from his nightmare instead of scream in his face. What father literally pushes their crying child away?
He needed to apologize.
Being careful not to wake you up, RM crawled into bed, getting as close to _______ as he could.
“________… ________, wake up.” he whispered softly
“Daddy?” _______ called out with eyes still shut tight.
“_______, I am so sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
_______ finally opened his eyes, not having paid attention to a  single word he said. “What?”
“Daddy is very sorry for yelling at you.” He repeated. “I shouldn't have done that. It wasn’t a nice thing to do at all okay? Can you forgive me?”
His son stared at him for a long moment with sleep in his eye. “... What does “forgive” mean?” he asked innocently
He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. However, too tired to explain, he changed the subject. “Why don’t I tuck you in back in your bed? I can read you any bedtime story you want!”
______ only shook his head. “I want to sleep here with Mommy.”
“Mommy? Who is mommy?” he couldn't help but panic at the thought of his ex.
“Mommy!”______ said pointing at the sleeping you.
RM fought back the urge to correct his son. It was bad enough he yelled at him for something he couldn't help, he didn't want to make thing worse by putting a separation in _______ relationship with you. In that moment, ________ had a point. You really were like a mom to him. The last thing RM wanted to do was deny his son the closest thing he had to a mom. “Okay, but just tonight you and I can sleep here with mommy.” he smiled at him.
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There was this bittersweet feeling in his gut. He hated the fact that he didn’t and wasn't doing his job as a father, but he had to admit, you and ______ looked so cute cuddled up together.
He tiptoed over to your side of the bed and gently shook you awake. “Hey y/n, thanks again for helping me with ______.” He began when you finally opened your eyes. He hated waking you up, but he had the sudden urge to thank you for everything you’ve done up to this point. “I am sorry I took so long today. I really thought I was going to finish everything faster.” he sighed.
“... Jin it’s fine.” you mumbled. It was something you always whenever he gave his thanks but honestly you always down played just how much he appreciated your help.
“...What was ________ crying about? Was it that same dream?”
“Yeah. He was crying that “Mommy and Daddy got eaten” and that the clown was after him and all that stuff.”
“Aish, I already talked to him that it was a movie!” he huffed, “And I’ve also gotten after him for still calling you mom.”
“Jin, it’s fine! Honestly, I don’t mind him calling me mom. And c’mon he is only five, he can’t be logical about what is real and what is fake.”
He only ran his fingers through his hair. “You're right, you’re so right!” He felt stupid for expecting that much out of his toddler. “...Thank you y/n. I really don’t know where I would be without you.” he vented
You grabbed his hand that he had balled into a tight fist. “What else are friends for?” you smiled at him.
Instantly his body loosened and he put a smile on his face as he looked down at you. “Well… Breakfast is on me! I’m making us a feast. Now you stay here and get some sleep. I’m gonna get ________ and tuck him in his room.”
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Honestly, seeing You and _______ sleeping together on his bed had to be one of the cutest things he had seen in a long time. It was such a picture perfect moment, the two of you with your faces squished together in a deep sleep, just derpy and adorable. However, the only reason this moment was actually happening was because he was such a bad dad.
If only it weren't so late in the night. He wanted nothing more than to wake you and _______ up and watch a movie or like go out for food or something do happy! He wanted to do something that would erase the moment he yelled at his son.
The longer he stared at the two of you, the more his guilt ate at him. When he thought about it, you were more of a parent to ________ than he was. You were the one that deserved to be called “mom”, while he felt more like a distant uncle sometimes.
“I need to make things up to them.” he thought. The last thing he wanted was for ______ to grow up with a memory of him only getting yelled at. And he for sure needed to make things  up to you. You had taken so much time out of your own schedule to help him out, he needed a way to thank you for everything
“Making breakfast tomorrow could be a start.” he said to himself in a yawn.
Sleep was getting the best of him and there was enough room on the bed… but did he deserve to sleep there? Was his comfort worth the risk of waking up you or ________.
“...I should let them sleep.” he frowned as he dragged himself to the living room and knocked out on the couch
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He smiled at the two most important people in his life sleep in his bed. It was cute, really cute, but he was still hit by a wave of shame and guilt. What he had done was wrong and thankfully you were here to take care of it, but how long was that's going to last? How long were you willing to put up with him?
Before he knew what he was doing, he was by your side waking you up. “Y/n…. Y/n… Can I talk to you?”
“Huh? What? Hobi? What times it?” you mumbled groggily.
“I’m- I’m sorry… but are you made at me?”
“Um” you took a moment to rub the sleep out of her eyes. “No? “
“Are you sure?
“Why- why are you asking me this at-” she checked her phone, squinting her eyes at the blinding light. “At 4 in the morning?”
“... Because… I saw the look you threw at me earlier… I know I put so much pressure on you and I shouldn’t! All this started because I needed you to babysit _______ for me and it is at the point where he is calling you mom! And I feel like such a piece of shit.”
You sat up just starting at his sudden mini breakdown. “Hoseok where is this coming from?”
“I rely on you too much!” he continued. “I should have been the one to comfort ________. I should have stopped recording and be an actual dad. You shouldn't have to be here, up in the middle of the night looking after MY son. I should! When we meet up to should be for having fun and plain hanging out, not me dropping off ________ with you then going over plans on when you can look after him again-”
“Hoseok, calm down. you are overthinking all this.” you laughed lightly. “Yes, I was upset that you pushed ________ away, but I know you are stressed I wouldn't be here 2/7 if i didn't want to be. C’mon we both know that when it comes to raising a kid, it take a village”
That was enough to make him smile. and he wrapped his arms around you, so relieved you didn't hate him. “My parents are visiting next week. They are going to hog ______ all to themselves, so next time we hang out it'll just be you and me and i’ll make it all up to you. How does that sound?”
“It’s a date.” you laughed. “Now you get some sleep you must be exhausted.”
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Your body was sprawled across his bed. Your limbs hung in all different directions. She looked almost like thrown ragdoll. In complete contrast, his little  ________ slept in a tight little ball nestled into your side. He was using your arm like pillow his his little hands clung to your clothes like a koala. the image before him was not only adorable but hilarious.
Despite his complete exhaustion he used what was left of his energy and pulled out his phone to take a picture. It was something that was screensaver worthy. He chuckled to himself for a quick second as he made the picture his homescreen, but seriousness was quick to set in. He was still guilty about the whole thing. He couldn't get that look you threw him out of his head. He felt like a failure, a failure that threw his problems on someone else
But what's done is done. It wasn't like he could go back in time and stop himself from snapping. What he had to focus on was how he could make up for it. “There is enough room for me on the bed. Maybe I should sleep here with them? ________ might like waking up to me being right there next to him.”
He shuffled his way over to the little space left next to ________ and climbed on as gently as he could.
Both you and _______ rustled a bit but neither one of you woke up.
Considering that you had been to one to tuck ______ in for the past week (yes, you were practically living with him and ______ at this point) he thought he'd take the chance to “tuck him in”.
Now next to _________, V lightly ran his fingers over his hair and took in the image of his sleeping mini me.”I’m.sorry I yelled at you ________.” He whispered to his sleeping son. “I shouldn't have done that, but I am going to make it up to you okay? Please don't hate me” he said before he leaned down and gave his son a quick peck on the head. “I love you. Sweet dreams.”
Then he looked up at you. You were as knocked out as ever. Him getting on the bed did nothing to distract your sleeping. “Aish, y/n I’m sorry I am such a bad friend. You're helping me so much! You have no idea how much i appreciate you... You're a better “mommy” to ________ than I am a dad…” He could feel a sting in his eyes as he vented to his sleeping friend just how he felt. “I’m gonna make things up to you too alright?” He promised, swallowing down the lump in his throat. He leaned over a bit and kissed your hand, that being the only part of you that was close enough to.him. “Night. Love you too y/n. Sweet dreams. I’ll see you both in the morning.”
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Seeing what he saw, he couldn't get himself to move you or _______ from his bed. Who was he to ask them to go home/ go back to their room? who was he to disturb their sleep especially after the Stunt he pulled? “Looks like the couch is meant for me tonight.” he thought to himself
Being so tired, he was asleep the second his head touched the cushion.
He awoke to the smell of food and the sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen. He sat up immediately. If he wasn’t a bad enough parent and friend, he just got a lot worse.
He was up in second. He skipped the step to wash up and went straight to the kitchen, ready to apologize to you and then run off and wake up _________ with a million kisses.
“Morning daddy.” he heard his son say once he made his appearance in the kitchen.
_________ sat adorable the end of the table with a coloring book as you stood by the oven scrambling some eggs..
‘Morning  _________.” he practically sang. “Morning y/n” he said to you
“Morning .” you only yawned
He went over to his son, scooping him in his arms and covering his face in kisses. ________ only laughed.
“How’s my big boy doing today?” he asked
“I’m hungry.
“How are you he's asked. “ as he made his way to you
The unsuspecting you let out a squeal when you felt Jimin’s free arm wrapped around you and suddenly his lips put a peck on your head
“And how is the bested person in the world?’ he asked
“Wondering what the heck is going on with you.” you laughed, trying to hide your blushing face.
“Guilt” he said out right. He sat __________ down on the counter, and then suddenly turned off the stove.
“Jimin! Why are you-” you didn't have time to finish our question because he grabbed you and gently moved you over next to ________.
“I need to apologize to the two of you.” he said seriously.
“Why daddy? ________ asked
“Because what daddy did last night wasn't nice. I shouldn't have yelled at you when you were scared. What I should have done was remind mind you that monsters aren't real…. well I take data back there is one monster, but only one.”
“What?!? There is?” ________ already teary eye  with fear
“Yeah, the tickle monster! “Jimin roared, attacking his son with tickles
_________ shrieked with laughter.  Even you couldn't help but laugh at  how cute he laughed
He looked over at you “And I need to say sorry to you too.” he put all his attention on you
“Why?” You asked him.
“Because you help a lot and I feel it's gotten to the point where I might be taking advantage of you. I’m not am i? I don't want you to feel like we are mostly friends cuz you help me with _______.”
“Chimmie don't worry. I love being here and being with you and ________.”
He smiled. “ I love when you are here too…” he blushed. “But I’m gonna make it up to you and you too ________” Jimin turned back to his son. “I have the day off today! so today it’s going to be just you and me and we can do whatever you want!’
“But what about mommy?” __________ frowned looking up at you.
‘Ya, _______ what did I tell you about calling y/n mommy-
“Jimin, its fine.” you insisted before ______ could feel guilty about it.
“Well okay then. “Mommy” is going to have a whole day to herself!” he cheered. “She’s been really busy taking care of the both of us don't you think ______?” he waited for his son to nod in agreeance. “So she is going to rest all day. And that is starting right now.” he smiled at you. “You go sit down, I’ll make breakfast for us.”
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The light of the tv lit their sleeping faces
All he could do was let out a sigh. This was just another night of failure to add to his I-have-failed-as-a-dad list.
He shuffled over to you and ever so carefully removed the remote from out of your hand and turned off the tv.
Suddenly you rustled awake. “I was watching that!” you mumbled as you tried to sit up.
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, struggling to keep quiet and not wake up _______. He turned on the lamp on the nightstand so he could take a look at you. “Y/n go back to sleep.” He instructed, resting you back in a laying position
“Oh Kookie… when did you get here?”
“How it is that you woke up from me turning off the tv but not from my footsteps walking up to you?”
“Tv is life.” was your only explanation. “But are you finally done recording?”
“Uh, yeah, pretty much. I kind of gave up and just used whatever was best.”
“Finally. _______ kept asking when you were going to be done. He tried to stay up for you, but fell asleep after half an hour.” you chuckled as you looked down at the child that clung to your side.
The guilt inside him intensified. “How is it that you aren't even his real parent but you are better for him than i am?” the thought out loud.
“He isn’t your son, but you take better care of him than I do.”
In an instant you sat up and your hand cut through the air, lightly smacking the side of his head.
“Ouch! What was that for?” Jungkook cried
“Why did you say  something so stupid? You’re a great dad!”
“No I’m not! I don't even know what i’m doing half the time.”
“Do you think anyone does? Do you think i actually know what i’m doing? I know just as much as you.” you said in a hush, still being careful to now wake up ______.  “Jungkook, you were a teen dad, you’re a single dad, and on top of it your this crazy international idol! Of course being a dad is going to m\be hard and it's going to be a thousand times harder because you are who you are, but you are still a great dad!”
“Yeah?” he smiled shyly
You grabbed his hands and sat him down next to you. “Yes! Of course!”
“Are you sure? Cuz i feel like you do all the work and i just poke my head in every now and then. And like ______ calls you mommy all the time and i don’t even know if you are okay with that. I haven't even had time to explain to him he should do that. And i’m scared to talk about his actual mom and just ugh. I don’t know. And like i hope that i don't overwhelm you with always asking you to come and help me with ______ -”
“Kookie.” you had to interrupt. “It’s fine. It’s all fine! Now about the whole mommy thing, i was just wanting to know if you were okay with it. Cuz like you never even bring “her” up so i don't know.”
“I mean, i’m cool with him calling you that. You're Like a mom to him basically. I see you like his mom.” He gave your hand a squeeze.
You just giggled.” YEah I get you. And like I love my Jeon boys, so of course i’m always going to be here helping you out, even if you don't want me to be.” you smiled, giving his hand a squeeze in return.
Suddenly he pulled you into a hug. “And we love you too.”
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-Admin Boat
Again, sorry this took so long, but i wanted this one as perfect as could be. I loved writing V’s part. Did any of you have a favorite member’s reaction to read?
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guksthighs · 7 years
Sample || jjk
Excerpt: "I think it's a fair deal. I give you something to keep up a good appearance and you give me a vial of your venom so I get a good grade."
Genre: fluff, college!au, siren!au
Length: 1.2k
A/N: mermaid aus are my favourite to write and kook as a siren is a new favourite
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"Here's the deal, what I want from you is your voice," Jeongguk's laughter echoed in the pool, a few other sirens that were lounging around the edges of the pool glanced over at you with knowing looks on your face and just as you began to get up, a wet hand landed on your thigh and squeezed causing you to slip in surprise.
The hand was slightly webbed, a green translucent slime covering it and behind him, his tail flicked in the water absentmindedly. You hated your toxicology professor but it was Jimin you were most annoyed with at the moment, the boy who had recommended seeing Jeongguk to take a sample of his venom.
"We're not recreating the little mermaid," you raised an eyebrow, trying to hold back the groan as you looked down to see your sweatpants now covered in a mixture of water and slime from Jeongguk's hand, that was beginning to tap a rhythm into your leg as he smiled innocently up at you.
The fact that you had no other option than to go along with Jeongguk's whims made you frown slightly, grabbing his hand and placing it on the cool tile of the swimming pool and watching as his doe eyes further widened as you stood up, reaching into your pocket and tossing a package that he caught with ease.
"Are you bribing me?" Jeongguk's tail flipped up with the question, droplets of water flicking against your face and although you flinched slightly, you kept steady eye contact with him. A small smile spreading across your face as you watched him open the container, a specialised wax made for fish scales to give his orange tail more vibrancy and stop scales from falling off.
A few other sirens had swum over but you only recognised one from his bright box smile, "Just give her some venom Gukkie," Taehyung lunged for the container, but Jeongguk pulled his hand away and you smiled resting your hand on your hip with a knowing look.
"I might be bribing you," Jeongguk and Taehyung fell silent and you watched their tails flick slightly in agitation as they waited for you to continue, "I think it's a fair deal. I give you something to keep up a good appearance and you give me a vial of your venom so I get a good grade."
Taehyung nudged his friend, sharing a knowing look with him before pulling himself out of the pool, you watched completely awestruck as the boy's green tail became two legs and then slowly became skin coloured. Taehyung's chest was covered in water that slowly dripped down his chest and rested on the dips in his abs and it was only when Jeongguk cleared his throat that your eyes darted away.
Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair, dragging the fringe out of his eyes that met yours making him grin, "maybe you should be asking someone else for their venom." But you shook your head in disagreement, Jeongguk was known for having particularly potent venom that had on many occasions had victims rushing to the infirmary.
"I need your venom," you groaned, trying to get him to just comply with you for once but as you watched him cross his arms you felt like you were about to be faced with another bad deal which sirens were famous for and Jeongguk was as siren as they come.
But instead of words you felt a hand wrap around your ankle, and slowly you looked down and as your eyes locked with his grip you felt it tighten as he began to pull you towards the edge of the pool, and finally he just ushered you to lean in as if he were to tell you something. And desperate as you had become, you leant in.
You weren't surprised when he pulled you into the water instead of saying anything and as you resurfaced, legs kicking at the water desperately trying to stay afloat, you made desperate eye contact with Jeongguk, you managed to ask for help just as your head dipped underwater, "I think my leg's cramped."
The water surrounded you and your eyes were burning as you opened them and tried to find a way to get your head above water when your legs had become a dead weights, your breath left your mouth in surprised bubbles that tickled up your face before rejoining the surface and finally Jeongguk realised this wasn't a joke.
His muscular arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt the slick of his body behind you as he kicked his way to the surface. When you did resurface, you began to cough up water and Jeongguk's hand automatically landed on your back, smoothing over your shoulder blades as he tried to get you to breath again, "Did you really have to go and almost drown on me?" You continued to cough as an answer, "Is this a twisted way of getting my venom by almost dying because I pulled you into the pool?"
You tried to shake your head as the coughing continued, desperately trying to ask him to let go of you because you were struggling to concentrate when his hand was on his back and you could feel the definition of his chest pressing into your top that was now clinging to your form.
"Okay! Okay I'll give you my venom, just stop coughing," your coughs began to silence, as you pressed a hand to your chest and tried to take deep breaths, but you felt like a rock and had to wait for Jeongguk to swim over to the side after realising you wanted to sit down somewhere.
Finally, when he placed you down, you cracked open your eyes that you hadn't realised were scrunched shut, only to see Jeongguk who was looking incredibly worried, "Y/N? I'm sorry, okay. Please don't fucking scare me like that again, can you not swim?"
You rolled your eyes, clearing your throat before finally talking, "I can swim just not after being dragged in. Now, give me the venom so I can go dry off in peace," Jeongguk nodded, being quieter than he had ever been with you and out of nowhere he began to cry, tears rolling down his face.
Something clinked against the tiles of the pool; pearls. And as you glanced at Jeongguk in confusion, you watched as his tears became pearls and with a wide grin the tears came to a halt, "do I really need to educate you about siren poison?"
You nodded in embarrassment, collecting up the pearls and placing them safely in a plastic vial so you could analyse them later, but now Jeongguk was lifting himself out of the pool to sit next to you on the side, and he began to explain the poison, "most of my bodily fluid is poisonous, save for one. I can go into more detail if you let me take you out to that sushi bar as an apology for almost drowning you."
You nodded before standing up and smiling down at him, the pearls in your pocket clinked slightly as you began to walk away before turning to catch Jeongguk staring at you, "You've been a massive help, I'm definitely going to ace this class now."
And tell me your thoughts in the comments/ask box <3
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yohotte · 7 years
The Hot Weather
Jimin: it's so hot jfc
Jungkook: yea sorry, it's because of me
Jimin: yes because youre a fucking demon
Taehyung: no its because of climate change
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mintvender · 3 years
Y/N came home after a war that took months, What's the boys gonna do??? I'm thinking that the war is to either take over a kingdom or the kingdom declared war!
-🌼 Anon
Little anon, for this particular ask, I will be focusing more on the emotional aspect of each person with a less detailed scene as that may contain some spoilers. Hope you understand 🌿 🌿 💚
BTS’s Reaction to Y/N Returning Victoriously
A/n: Please do keep in mind that these boys have a very traumatizing past so they won’t act like the average person. Also, this is also an era where power rules all, so you can tell that without power, a person will literally be of no use so please understand that it differs from ours.
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Red Carnations: Symbolises admiration and missing another. Along with pink carnations, they are a common flower that is used to signify your longing for a particular someone.
Kim Taehyung
With his identity, it is not a surprise to many people that he is in fact involved in the planning. Though, due to his rather weak physique, he obviously would have no chance of surviving the battlefield so he had to stay within the capital, and wait for your return. Taehyung knew that the chance of you winning is much more likely but with how long you were gone, he was slowly losing hope. Days without you seems to be eternity for him, with every passing moment bringing pain, while the next too far out of his reach. As days turned into weeks which morphs into months, Taehyung is slowly reminded of his past traumas. The longer he is without you, the more insecure he became that it made an opening for his nightmares to begin chasing him.
The moment he saw you, Taehyung basically forgot everything in the past few months and focus solely on you. Seeing you alive and healthy, he was beyond glad that you have kept your promise. Though, he would be quite calm during the celebration of your return, but the moment you guys are alone, Taehyung would cling to you, telling you how much he had missed your presence. As the Royal Consort, he gets to spend the first night back with you. As a result, that night was the first night in months where he was able to sleep soundly, a gentle smile adorned his face in the process.
“ You... are back? Is this a dream? ... No, you’re really back!”
Kim Namjoon
As the head of the medicinal department, Namjoon wasn’t allowed to leave his office to attend to all the injurded soldiers on the battlefield. If he were to do so, there would not be a capable person to handle all the affairs of the department which would be extremely burdensome once he gets back. As a result, Namjoon makes sure that all the physicians, who will be accompanying you are very experienced and skilled. Of course, he was very proud of all the physicians in his department but he wants the best to serve you while being away in a foreign area.
During this time, Namjoon’s way to cope with the feeling of longing for you is to busy himself with work to get his mind off you. So during your time away, he had accomplished many major plans which resulted in you awarding many valuable herbs when you had returned. It was clear as day that Namjoon was extremely proud of his effort, and seeing you also feeling honour of having him by your side, nothing boost his self-esteem than that. He, also surprised you by using all those previous herbs to help concoct essences and medicine for you to utilise. To say the least, Namjoon would show his affections through the hours you both spent together nurturing you back to perfect health.
“ How have you been these months? I assume it was quite exhausting considering how tense your muscles are.”
Jung Hoseok
When you’re busy in the foreign lands, Hoseok would be much more involved in the harem’s matter because of many reason. The main being him wanting to help you out as best as he possibly could. He knew that with you being away for months, piles of work will start to accumulate and would overwhelm you the moment you are back, so he does try to ease some of those burdens. Hoseok, at this time will be less energetic, seemingly loosing his energy as time continues to go by. Assuming that you guys already has a deep bond at this time, he would feel like something is weighing down at his heart the longer you are away. This continue to worsen once his father got permission to visit him.
Despite this, he tries his best to continue to smile on but anyone could tell that it was far from genuine. However, the moment that he heard that you are indeed returning and after getting reassurance too many times, he began to feel his heart lighten, seemingly relaxing along with the news. He would be very proud of you for winning the war, but will freak out the moment he detect a single wound on you. Though, during the entire process, a smile is always adorned on his face while his body relaxes within your presence. Hoseok would also make sure to praise you plenty of times whenever you are with him.
“ Don’t worry, your majesty. Your... workload is not that much. I bet that you can even finish it in a week. Why?... I-I tried my best to help you, I hope you don’t mind.”
Min Yoongi
Aside from you getting to see his vulnerable side, Yoongi still remains as an emotionless person for everyone else. On the outside, he doesn’t seem to be affected by you being away but if anyone were to observe a little closer, they would start to notice how his motions are much sloppier than normal. This was the result of the countless nights that he spent awake, crying to himself. Yoongi felt that he was worthless and couldn’t help you in any ways. Because of his status, he was restricted from getting to attend anything that could threaten the new dynasty’s position. As a result, Yoongi has no power to be of any help to you. Though, he does managed to utilise his previous lessons and try to improve himself.
As a result, you were quite surprise to see how different Yoongi was when you got back. On the other hand, Yoongi almost couldn’t take hold of his feelings and tackled you on the spot if it wasn’t for the countless people present on the scene. You bet the moment you guys are alone, he would hug you tightly and cry within your arms, wanting nothing but your comfort. These past months had been extremely hard for the boy, especially without your protection but he managed to survive it all and is now bathing in your presence. He then began to list all the things that he had done and promises to be more helpful to you.
“ Your majesty? How are you here? Aren’t you at... No, that’s not important now. You are finally back! I have been working very hard to be of help for you. Let me show you what I’ve accomplished.”
Jeon Jungkook
As your bodyguard, it would be extremely unlikely that he would ever leave your side in this kind of situation. However, if there was a chance that he would have to part from you, possibly likely forced to, it would have to be from an injury that prevents him to do his job that would take an expansive time to heal. Jungkook takes his position very seriously and would be quite lost once he returned to the capital to take a break. He feel like he just failed his job as a bodyguard and couldn’t protect you properly.
If this happens, the best way to deal with it is to let him be alone, before approaching him. Once he starts to open up again, carefully approach him with the topic to not overwhelm him. After getting him back, you would noticed how much his swordsmanship have improved. This was the result of the countless of hours that he spent working on them so he can do his job better when you get back. Hearing about your victory, Jungkoook would become quite proud of getting to be the bodyguard of such an amazing person. However, do try your absolute best to not be injured; it would put quite a bit of pressure on him for not completing his role.
“ Your majesty, are you wounded. Are you sure?... I sincerely apologize for not being there to protect you! If I was there I could have prevented these wounds from appearing on your body.”
Kim Seokjin
Since our merchant is from a different country, he would spend the majority of those months there. Seokjin’s main reason to come to Corea is to be with you so with you being away, he has no reason to be cope with the life within the palace walls. He will spend his days in his old home, reviving all the long forgotten memories of you and him. As he is in the headquarter of his company, work is expected to consume most of his time. However, this does not stop him from thinking about you. In fact, it makes him long for those times even more. Once he heard that you are returning, Seokjin will work countless hours to finish all his work and assign people to represent the company in his stead and rush back to Corea. How he is still allowed to be there? Thanks to you of course; you’ve long bonded with each other that you pay no mind with him staying there.
Now, if Seokjin sees even the smallest wound on you, he will spend hours lecturing you in private setttings, and a couple more for the rest of the physicians. To say the least, he will be quite upset about seemingly everything you say — both privately and publicly, and he will proudly show his distaste. However, Seokjin is proud of your achievements even if he is too prideful too admit so. Though, he will lightly congratulate you on behalf of his country.
“ You BRAT! Is that a scratch that I see. Maids, go and get the medicine from the west! You worthless physicians, why couldn’t you even prevent these measly wounds from scarring!”
Park Jimin
Jimin, would probably the most affected besides Taehyung and Yoongi just because he is grown so used to your presence. Suddenly getting forced to separate from you, he would naturally seem quite loss. It is a reasonable actions for someone who has been traumatized during their childhood. Unlike Taehyung, who will continue with his duties, Jimin will lock himself within his yard, seemingly gone missing during those months. His attitude would also be quite off whenever the consorts would go and visit him. As a person from somewhere else, he does not have any relative that could help him pass the time. As a result, he would feel nothing else than suffocation during those months.
With you coming back, it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Jimin would desperately cling onto that very speck of light until he finally realizes that you are indeed truly coming back. Slowly Jimin would pick up his shattered self and force them into a perfect mask again. It is up to you to continue to help him heal and understand why he is so vulnerable.
“ Don’t come here! I said I’m fine... NO! Your majesty? Is it really you?”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Eternal beings | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Key words: supernatural, vampire.
Word count: less than 3,000
Warnings: swearing,  sadness, jealousy, mentions of murder
Inspo board
The series is still going. I have some more chapters up my sleeve. Please like and reblog if you like where this is headed or let me know what you think of the whole think through the ‘ask’ button. ;)
“Do I know you?” You asked, begging in your head to hear a different answer than the one you were thinking of right now.
“Yeah. We’ve met.” He said, stepping through the doorway slowly. Suddenly you felt an urge to vomit. “But we haven’t been properly introduced to each other.” He added weighing every word. This felt like too much. He smiled at you and even though the hallway was dark and the only light coming in was from the street lamps you could see a gold shine in his eyes. “My name is Jungkook.” He put his hand on the door handle, which your hand was still holding onto, and pushed the door to a close. The darkness of the hallway felt as if it swallowed you whole. With his cold hand still touching yours he spoke softly. “Remember me?” You took a step back releasing your hand from his grip.
“What the fuck?!” You screamed in your head. In the darkness of the hallway you barely noticed him flinch as if you actually screamed the words in his face. You heard Yoongi laugh from the other room and suddenly you felt petrified. “Of course those two are friends. A pair of antisocial psychos. What was I thinking voluntarily opening the door to that lunatic’s friend?” You whined in your head. You heard Jungkook exhale a quiet laugh which brought you back to reality.  “What in the hell is going on here?” You asked him a little too quietly for your liking. It made you sound scared and even though you were you didn’t want to seem that way to him.
“I have to say that this is not the reaction I was expecting from you, (Y/N).” Yoongi spoke from behind you, and though you couldn’t see for yourself, you sensed a bit of satisfaction in his voice.
“Turn on the lights, dummies. It's pitch black in here.” Taehyung spoke with his usual chipper tone entering the room. “Don’t come here.” You cried in your head, wanting your best friends as far from this man as possible. As Taehyung turned on the lights you came to the frightening realisation that there was no way it wasn’t him.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung.” He said, extending his hand to Jungkook. You wished this wasn’t happening. “It’s nice to meet you. Welcome to my home.”
“I’m Jungkook.” He said in a relaxed tone. “I have to say Yoongi, your friends are very kind and welcoming.” He added smiling widely at Taehyung and you. Taehyung said something back to him, but you couldn’t hear him over the mountain of questions piling in your head right now, the most prominent one being: “It’s him, right?”. Your brain felt as if it was going to explode any second. The guys started walking to the living room so you followed mindlessly behind them. They sat on the couch while you made your way towards the stairs.
“(Y/N).” Someone called behind you. “(Y/N).” Someone repeated and you turned round to face the not so friendly looking group anymore. Your best friend, your coworker, his weird boyfriend and his murderer friend. “What an odd line up…” You thought.
“(Y/N), where are you going I thought we were going to watch Holiday.” Taehyung asked you with his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, I forgot I have an assignment due for tomorrow.” You said hoping that he won’t see through your lie this time.
“Look at you, hardworking student.” He laughed. “Can’t you just do it later or something?” He kept asking.
“No, it really can’t wait.” You said slowly walking up the stairs still facing all of them. Taehyung and Jimin both looked a bit saddened by you leaving. “But if I finish quickly maybe I’ll join you later.” You said cursing at yourself in your mind for saying that. 
“Okay, work hard.” Taeyung cheered you on and reached for the TV remote. You turned around, but before you took another step Jungkoook spoke again.
“It was nice to meet you, (Y/N).” You wondered if it was only you that heard the menace in his voice.
“You too.” You lied looking at him from over your shoulder. When you made it upstairs you quickly got into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. “What the hell?” You thought looking into the mirror. “Why is he here?” You wondered. “It’s him. It’s definitely him.” You thought pacing from the shower to the laundry basket. You reached into your jeans back pocket to get your phone out, but it wasn’t there. “How the hell am I supposed to call the police, if I can’t find my phone?” You scolded yourself. Then a chilling thought came over you. “I left my phone downstairs…” You cried. Going back down to face all of them, even for a minute, seemed like too much. “What do I do? What do I do?” You repeated the question in your head for a good minute, before deciding. You took a deep breath and twisted the lock on the door, but instead of opening it all the way it hit something and stopped.
“Hey!” You heard someone shout and pull the door open. It was Yoongi. He stood there with a hurt expression massaging his shoulder you probably just hit with the door. For some reason you felt more confident all of a sudden, ready to fight.
“What are you doing up here?” You asked him with anger lining every word. Yoongi’s face immediately changed from hurt to annoyingly smug. 
“Delivering you this.” He said, holding up your phone in his hand. The abrupt rush of anger that gave you confidence just a second ago seemed to have vanished as you calculated ways to get your it from him. You reached your hand to take your phone, but he backed away. “Not so quickly.” 
“What do you want?” You asked squinting at him. He crossed his arms over his chest,  leaned against the wall and exhaled loudly.
“I want to know what you’re up to.” He asked, totally serious.
“What do you mean?” You fired back and mimicked his pose leaning on the door frame.
“I want to know exactly what you’re going to do when I give you this.” He explained showing you your phone again. “What now?” You thought and sighed loudly. “‘Cause from where I’m standing it looks like you're going to take your phone, put it in your pocket and go back downstairs to watch a movie with your friends.” He said, taking a step closer to you with each word. His eyes shined in the yellow-ish hue of the bathroom lights. “What is going on here?” You asked yourself in disbelief. It seemed as if Yoongi was somehow in on the whole thing. As if he knew that you saw Jungkook before, where you saw him and what you saw him doing. As if he knew you wanted to call the police the moment you recognized him in the hallway and came upstairs to make sure you didn’t. “But why?” You wondered. “Come on. Let’s not keep them waiting.” He said and handed you the phone. “If I take it and go downstairs… What’s going to happen? What’s going to happen if I don’t?” Your thoughts were running in your head like crazy. 
“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.” You put your hand on the phone to take it from him but he didn’t let go.
“I didn’t give you an option to pass, (Y/N).” He said coldly.
“I’m not going downstairs.” You responded quickly with just as much seriousness in your voice. “And I think you know why.” You added scanning his face for information. He definitely knew.
“Listen, I-” He said and shot a glance down the stairs as if to make sure no one’s listening in and that’s when you saw him. Jungkook, making his way upstairs with a cocky smile on his face and his eyes fixed on you. “I told you to stay down there.” Yoongi hissed, but it didn’t seem to bother him. He stood on top of the stairs making it impossible for you to run anywhere.
“Listen to me.” He said tilting his head. “I don’t know what you think you saw that night, but I didn’t kill that man.” He said, still smiling. For some reason his confession didn’t make you any more comfortable.
“Thank god.” Yoongi said, rolling his eyes.
“I fucking ate him.” Jungkook said louder leaning towards you which made you step back and hit the wall with your back.
“For fuck’s sake, Jungkook!” Yoongi whisper-yelled and shoved his shoulder.
“That’s the truth.” Jungkook said straightening up and looking at him as if his explanation was somehow making things better. “He crossed me and I dealt with him my way.” He explained. You felt your blood become icy cold as you connected the dots in your head. “Drained of blood…”
“I think I’m gonna throw up.” You said and covered your mouth with your hand. 
“You see what you’re doing, you idiot?” Yoongi scolded him. “Get downstairs. Now.” He demanded, but Jungkook just looked at him with a smirk.
“I let you go willingly then.” He said lowering his face to yours. “But that won’t happen again.” He shook his head lightly. “Not tonight, no.” He whispered.
“Jungkook.” Yoongi said his name as a warning for him to stop. “Look at the state of her.” He grabbed your shoulder and tried to guide you past him, towards the stairs.
“Get off me.” You said still covering your mouth and turned to talk to your room.
“(Y/N), come on.” Yoongi called after you, but you didn’t stop.
“It’s okay, Yoongi. She’ll come around. I know it.” Jungkook said with confidence as you closed the door behind you.
“You had to intervene, didn’t you?” You heard Yoongi speak. “I was doing just fine with her.”
“We would have to talk eventually. Better sooner than later in my opinion.” Jungkook answered him.
“Idiot. We could’ve taken care of it without her finding out everything.” You couldn’t make sense of what they were saying. “Finding out what?” You thought. “That Jungkook is a psychopathic murderer who eats people? Eats people?!”
“Bullshit.” Jungkook fired back. “She saw me and you know it. There was no way around it.” You stood leaning on the door until their voices were no longer audible. Then you slid down to the ground and hid your face in your hands confused, afraid and unsure of what the next day will bring. “Fuck” You scoffed as you realised Yoongi still had your phone.
The next morning you woke up to the sound of your five thirty alarm, feeling as if you were hit by a bus. Every muscle in your body ached and your head felt heavy with thoughts and concerns. “What happened last night?” You wandered trying to recall the events one by one when you felt your phone vibrate under the pillow. You reached for the device and squinted, trying to read the text with your sleepy eyes. “Thanks for last night.” You read and looked at the unfamiliar number, wondering who it was. Before you could start wondering who the sender was your phone vibrated again. You threw your phone away from the bed as soon as you read the message. How does he have your number? You wraped yourself in one of your favourite hoodies and picked the phone up from the ground. The text was still lit up on the screen. “It’s Jungkook by the way.” You read again. Seeing his name written on the screen of your phone made you feel light headed. You sat down on the bed trying to gather your thoughts.
“Breakfast!” You heard Taehyung call from downstairs. ��Breakfast everybody!” He repeated and it made you wonder who he was calling since the two of you were the only people in the house and why in the hell was he up so early making breakfast. You made your way down the stairs still clutching onto your phone for dear life. Passing through the hallway made you gag as you remembered who you saw there last night. As you walked into the living room you heard Taehyung bustle around in the kitchen probably making a huge mess. “I am so lucky to have him.” You thought and stopped dead in your tracks.
“Hey, breakfast is ready.” Taehyung glanced at you and went back to flipping through the channels on TV.
“Why are you up so early?” You asked, confused.
“Oh, we never went to sleep.” He answered with a yawn.
“We?” You asked in disbelief.
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btsbaereacts · 4 years
BTS reaction to you exercising
What happens when BTS finds your exercising
Fluff, gender-neutral, mild suggestion of smut, but no actual smut
Let me know if you like it! :)
Jin opened the door to his room, not expecting to see you in such a compromising position. You were doing yoga with your butt in the air, pointed straight at him. Before he could stop himself, a burst of giggles erupted from his mouth.
“Hey, don’t laugh at me!” You joked.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect to find you like this.” He continued to laugh.
“I thought you wanted me to be bendy.” You winked before returning to your previous position. Jin felt his face heat up, and he decided to leave you to it.
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You were doing some deep squats when you heard the front door of the hotel room open. You hadn’t expected Yoongi to be back so early from rehearsals. You continued squatting, wanting to meet your daily squat challenge goal.
Instead of saying anything, Yoongi put down his bag, walked around you and turned on the TV. After a minute, he paused the show.
“You could take a break and come join me,” he stated.
“I have 10 more squats! I can’t stop now, or I’ll never finish.” You panted.
“Yeah, okay, well I’m not going to join you or anything.”
“You already danced all day, you don’t have to.”
After finishing your last squat, you walked over to the couch to join him. He pretended to be disgusted by your sweat, but you buried your face into his neck anyway.
“You’re lucky I love you.” He said.
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You loved Zumba, but you never did it while the boys were around. They were all amazing dancers, especially Hoseok, your boyfriend. You tried to be good at dancing, but honestly, it never worked out. Knowing that the boys were out for rehearsals or press or something (you could never keep their schedule straight), you pressed play on a new dance.
After a few attempts, sweat was starting to drip down your face, and you were sure you were getting the hang of it. Just as the chorus came back around, Hoseok stepped into the living room. He started laughing and ran over to join you.
Instead of following the choreography, he grabbed your hands and started to spin you around.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me you liked to dance! We could have been dancing together all this time.” He pouted.
You gave him a quick peck. “I thought you would laugh at me.”
“Of course I’ll laugh at you, but I still want to dance with you!” Hoseok laughed.
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After finally moving all of your stuff, including a very large treadmill, into your and Namjoon’s new apartment, you decided it was the perfect time for a run. Namjoon was in the shower, and you figured he would be finished just in time for you to shower post-run.
After lacing up your shoes, you jumped on the treadmill. Like always, you blasted hip-hop from your living room speakers to pump you up.
Eventually, Namjoon walked in wearing just a towel. He watched you running and starting rapping along with the chorus. After a few more minutes, you slowed down your speed. He threw a small towel at you.
“Need to take a shower?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be done in a few minutes.” You said, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“Not if I can help it,” he winked. After wrapping his arms around your waist, he picked you up, carrying you into the bathroom.
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Jimin was always asking you to come to the dance studio with him. He had created a dance to your favorite slow song that you two could do together. The problem: you were awful at dancing.
“But Jiminie, you know I’m terrible at dancing.” You moaned as he pulled your arm, dragging you onto the floor.
“But I don’t, because you won’t dance with me.” He pouted.
“Fine. But you can’t laugh at me.”
Jimin slowly showed you the moves. They weren’t as difficult as you had imagined them to be.
“Stop looking in the mirror. Just look at me.” Jimin carefully turned your head towards him. He started going through the steps with you again, and somehow you managed to keep up. There were a few stumbles here and there, but for the first time, Jimin was getting his wish of dancing with you.
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You had just started your strength training video for the day. The boys were at an interview, and you were in one of their hotel rooms. In just your shorts and workout gear, you began copying the moves from the video instructor. You hated exercising but knew you weren’t blessed with a metabolism that would allow you to stay small without it.
After the 30-minute session ended, you laid down on the floor. You were too tired to make your way to the shower. Closing your eyes for just a moment, you needed to relax. Before you knew it, you heard the door opening. Jungkook, Hoseok, and your boyfriend, Taehyung stepped into the room.
Jungkook and Hoseok immediately began to laugh at you laying on the floor. Your heart sunk. Being embarrassed by your boyfriend's best friends was not something you ever wanted to experience again.
“Stop, get out.” Taehyung pushed the other two boys out of the door. He ran up to you and held your chin up. “You look so beautiful.”
You could hardly look at him with how embarrassed you were feeling.
“I don’t,” you whispered.
“You always look beautiful. I love you so much.” Taehyung smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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You were on your way back to the dorms after a quick morning run. Just when the building was insight, you spotted Jungkook and Jimin coming back with coffees in hand. Waving to Jungkook, you missed your footing and tripped.
You flew forward, catching yourself with your hands. Jungkook immediately shoved the coffees into Jimin’s hands, not caring that Jimin didn’t catch both of them. He ran over to you and helped you off the street.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He gasped, looking you up and down.
“Ouch.” You stated, holding up the palms of your hands which had just started to bleed.
“Come one,” Jungkook pulled you towards the building and helped you inside. Once in the dorms, he quickly found a towel and wet it. He started dabbing at your hands. “You have to be more careful.”
“I was just excited to see you.”
“I know, but you made me spill your coffee when you fell.”
You pouted hearing that your coffee was outside on the sidewalk.
“It’s okay, I took Yoongi’s coffee for you.” Jungkook smiled and pulled the coffee off the counter-top. You leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his nose.
“I love you.” You smiled.
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Requests are open! Let me know if you like it <3
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fictionalarsonist · 4 years
heartache — pt.2
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pairing ›_yoonkook
content ›_angst ; fluff ; underage drinking ; mild language ; jealous!yoongi rating ›_pg word count ›_4.3k
premise ›_they’re two idiots in love still figuring things out.
a/n ›_this is an unplanned follow up to the heartache drabble, requested by taesboba and jazzy3120 at ao3. I hope they enjoy it as well as everyone else who reads. Feedback is always appreciated. edit ›_(Aug.2nd) had to change the title because part 3 was requested. 😂😂 the funny thing is, I wrote heartache as part of a drabble in which I compromised myself in not writing too much, but i'm always happy to take requests. credit › _thank you so much to @mindays​ for beta-reading and helping me out with this one for me. _😘💕
「 ao3 | masterlist 」
[ heartache | part 2 | epilogue ] 
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The car stopped and Yoongi looked through the window, part of him expected to see Jungkook somewhere among the other students. He felt the driver’s eyes on him through the rearview mirror and forced himself to divert his attention, sliding his wallet out of his jacket’s pocket to pay the man.
“Look,” the man started, chewing his gum way too obnoxiously for Yoongi’s taste, “If you don’t have a dorm or anything and— y’know, need a place to stay...”
Yoongi saw him reaching inside over the panel and for a piece of paper and a pen, write something down and slide the paper in the folded bills before handing it to him.
“It’s cheap and somewhere— near ,” the man cracks a contained laughter that shakes his shoulders a little, “I guess we could say that?” His laughter dies when Yoongi doesn’t seem to respond to his antics, “Just try giving a call, okay? Have fun in college, kid.”
Yoongi pocketed the money and stepped out of the car, glad that he could breath fresh, untainted air yet again. Yoongi swung his backpack on his shoulder, the old thing could fall apart any day, but he’s oddly attached to it. He shifted the gym bag he’s been carrying from one hand to another after shoving the money in his pocket and leaving his hand tucked in there as he took a quick look around.
Yoongi isn’t exactly what one would call a very good navigator, but he could remember by heart the address Jungkook gave to him. He walked straight along the park until the second intersection, then he crossed the street. Yoongi can’t help but to notice how these traditional colleges have the same type of environment and architecture, but the locations are always random or so it seems.
One could never know where everything is supposed to be. Yoongi recalls how long it took him and Hoseok to figure out the different paths and shortcuts to go from one place to another. Jungkook, being the ever infamous golden boy that he is, always figures things out as if it was nothing to others. Hoseok told him about it, Hoseok would always update him on anything Jungkook related— Not that Yoongi ever asked him too. But, he couldn’t just— Simply ignore it and not listen to it. He just pretended he didn’t.
Then again, of course, this was before that day. Before Yoongi saw the mess that he created. That late afternoon when he cornered Hoseok and made him trace Jungkook’s phone location, grabbed his friend’s car keys and rushed to the place he still knows by heart because that's where Jungkook would always oh-so-coincidentally bump into him with his friends and his girlfriend. Saying he felt like a piece of trash seeing Jungkook wasted like that is an understatement.
It took so much of Yoongi to keep himself together and try helping Jungkook at that moment when he himself was a turmoil inside, not knowing how to feel or how to act. The only thing he knew was that that scene right there was dangerous and he knew Jungkook’s story with alcohol so it made it all worse— All the more scary and Yoongi just couldn’t stop blaming himself.
Not when he arrived nor when he managed to get Jungkook to throw up all that was inside of him and sober a little. Not when he had Jungkook in his arms and felt so powerless because even though he was there he kept pushing Yoongi away and this could be too late for them.
It was hard, stumbling on his thoughts and uncertainties in front of Jungkook sitting across from him in that truck. The way Jungkook looked at him, utterly vulnerable, physically sick, and emotionally hurt when Yoongi— very inappropriately, mind you—  gathered whatever courage he could to finally spell it out his confession.
It could be called a miracle that things turned out good considering how much of a neglecting asshole he was for so long. Now, he’s doing again, dragging himself halfway across the country to meet that annoying brat that is his boyfriend. Six months is too long, Skype calls, phone calls, texts. Nothing’s anywhere near being good enough when Yoongi thinks of just how they were together almost the entire time over their summer break. Even so, it wasn’t enough.
Yoongi’s not quite sure what he expected, but Jungkook is nothing he could imagine and the thrill of a new relationship still burns between them very frustratingly with the many miles that keeps them apart. It’s almost consequential that one of them decided to reach out first and see the other, and since Jungkook’s still going over his finals Yoongi decided to arrange his final project’s schedule around it.
A quick look around told Yoongi he’s close enough. He could see the statue, ‘The Patron’ as Jungkook told him it’s called. And as Jungkook said, it’s decorated with some weird accessories provided by some students that were starting to celebrate the end of another semester, or, in other cases, the end of their major. Yoongi recognizes Jungkook’s contribution to the mess, he’s seen before in the picture Jungkook sent him to let him know what the statue looks like on the ‘How to get to my dorm’ file.
It’s quite unbelievable how the dean doesn’t even try to stop this anymore. His college, on the other hand, would have the staff throwing a fit just for the sombrero on the statue’s head. Jungkoook’s contribution is a copy of Yoongi’s tattoo, painted in white on the dark green statue, at the same place Yoongi has it. A little too detailed, Yoongi thinks, and way too unnecessary as he said before, but professing that to the bratty Jungkook only earned him an amused chuckle and a very teasing-toned reply.
“Oh! C’mon, hyung!” Jungkook started all by himself, knowing his teasing would always stir a nerve in Yoongi, “It’s the end of my second semester. My first year, my first collaboration on the project! I was told to contribute with something that means something important to me.”
“My tattoo?” Yoongi replied, refusing to acknowledge how affected he was by the way Jungkook smiled at him with a purpose and Yoongi liked even less that Jungkook quickly shifted into his mocking demeanor.
“Well, it’s not like I could draw you there. I couldn’t pin you there either,” though, despite his worlds, Jungkook seems to be putting some thought into it.
“Whatever you’re thinking of — Just don’t!” He tried to cut  Jungkook off when the other half-smiled to himself and shifted in bed to lay down.
“I swear, hyung. I’d be a waste, if I could bring you all the way here, I’d pin you right on this bed.” Jungkook provoked, placing his laptop beside him instead. “Do you have any idea of how much I miss you right now? — ”
Yoongi doesn’t really want to think of how Jungkook’s voice sounded so purposefully provocative and instantly made him weak. It’s just embarrassing how things turned out to be. Not that Yoongi doesn’t like it, but he prefers not to think about the way goosebumps runs over his skin and he’s always so responsive to Jungkook.
Jungkook, on the other hand, has been enjoying himself all too much, pushing some limits here and there and seeing Yoongi just allowing him with nothing but meaningless protests. Yoongi’s been quite pathetic, while Jungkook has been enjoying having this effect on his hyung a little bit too much for Yoongi’s liking. Jungkook isn’t Yoongi’s first relationship, but with him everything’s so much more than Yoongi ever had. 
The statue certainly means he’s going the right way and Yoongi decides not to let his mind wander too much or he might get lost which isn't the ideal at the moment. So, from the statue he should take the second left. Jungkook said he’d be in class and would meet him at the apartment, his roommate moved out— Seokjin, or Jin-hyung as Jungkook likes to call him, Yoongi remembers well because Jungkook couldn’t stop singing praises about the guy that Yoongi saw plenty of times on Jungkook’s social media.
It doesn’t quite surprise Yoongi that he recognizes Seokjin when he looks over and he definitely doesn’t need a second glance to clearly see Jungkook beside him. Yoongi pauses his steps as he stops and stands there, furrowing his brows. His watch tells him he’s not late or early, actually, he’s right on time. Jungkook had told him he’d be in class for two and a half hours, so why is he in the middle of the campus, talking to his ex-roommate? Without as much as a second thought Yoongi finds his feet taking him their way.
“You’ll be okay without me around, right?” Jin asks.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, hyung.” Jungkook smiles with a shrug.
Jin takes a once-over at Jungkook and his eyes stop at the messy hair falling over the younger’s eyes.
“You really should cut your hair,” Jin says introspectively, reaching out to try and arrange the loose strands, running his hand through Jungkook’s hair.
“Alright! Geez!” Jungkook starts complaining, pulling back from Jin’s obsessive mania of getting everything into place. “I will, hyung! When the finals are over-,” Jungkook tries to lean back to escape from Jin’s obsessive behavior of always fixing everything.
Jungkook’s heels scrape the gravaled ground as he turns to Yoongi walking up to him with purpose. Jungkook’s first reaction would be greeting Yoongi as he meant to do since they parted ways, but something tells him that there doesn't seem to be a space for that at the moment. Whatever Jungkook says is lost in the wind while Yoongi locks eyes with Jin as he coolly retracts his hand from Jungkook’s hair. Seemingly unfazed by Yoongi’s hard, threatening stare.
“I thought you’d be in class,” Yoongi speaks up, his eyes taking their time to look away from the calm and collected Jin in front of him to Jungkook.
“I should , but the professor didn’t show up,” Jungkook says, “I was about to go home and wait for you when I met Jin-hyung.”
Yoongi’s eyes quickly land on Jin again, clearly displeased to see that he’s still there. Jungkook’s eyes find Yoongi’s backpack hanging from his fingers and he tries to take it from him, though Yoongi’s fingers have a firm grip on it.
“Just give it, hyung,” Jungkook insists.
“You already have enough on you,” Yoongi contests, resisting even though Jungkook doesn’t let go, nodding at Jungkook’s own backpack and the books under his arm.
“I’m alright, hyung.” Jungkook assures him in a half-annoyed tone, his fingers forcing Yoongi’s to let him take it.
Yoongi sighs and Jungkook knows he’s embarrassed with this, it’s been a pleasure apart from everything else to know this other side of Yoongi. It’s been all the more fun to explore this side of Yoongi too, but Jungkook knows now’s not the moment to push it further. Not with the way Yoongi looked at Jin just a moment before.
Jungkook’s eyes snap at Jin for a moment. “Oh, right. I almost forgot.” Jungkook says with one of his mischievous smiles he knows Yoongi’s always suspicious about and he gave his boyfriend plenty of reasons to be suspicious of, although not enough— or so Jungkook thinks.
“Hyung,” Jin’s attention never left them but his eyes had been softly watching Yoongi with something rather unreadable in them, they slide over to Jungkook, “This is Min Yoongi-hyung—”
“Ah!” Jin extends his hand, “Of course.”
Jungkook turns to Yoongi next and manners his hand to Jin, “I told you about Jin-hyung before, right?”
“Yeah, you did,” Yoongi speaks up loosely.
Against his own will Yoongi pulls out his hand from his pocket and takes Jin’s hand firmly in his locking eyes with the guy. Yoongi doesn’t want to let his mind go over unnecessary things, but he didn’t like how Jin’s taller and perfectly put together self is presented to him. But, the real reason as to why Yoongi gets put-off by Jin is that arrogant smile flashing towards him as if Jin knows something Yoongi doesn’t.
“It’s good finally meeting you,” Jin says with a casual politeness that is an obvious characteristic of him, even not knowing him Yoongi could see it. “You know,” Jin smiles pleasantly, but it just makes it harder for Yoongi to not dislike the guy, “Jungkook’s always talking about you.”
“I’m sure he’d do that. I’m his boyfriend.”
Yoongi finds himself saying, squeezing Jin’s hands in his and pulling back harshly. Jin raises an eyebrow, tilting his head with a clear contradicted expression at first that only lasts for a second before he portraits his signature polite smile.
“Well, I’m just his roommate— Well, I mean ex -roommate, right?” Jin lets out what Yoongi clearly sees as a posed smile, a posed chuckle that he has no doubt others can easily fall for. Not him. “I was kicked out.”
“I didn’t kick you out, hyung!” Jungkook protests.
“Oh, c’mon, Kookie!” Jin seems to genuinely enjoy calling Jungkook that nickname, Yoongi, on the other hand, isclose to having enough of it. “I got pretty sick and tired of you complaining about how our living arrangements wouldn’t allow your boyfriend to come over and stay with you. It was too clear for me to not take the hint, it just worries me about the rent, though.”
“Don’t worry, hyung. I got it.” Jungkook reassures him.
“Well, if you say so—” Jin shrugs dismissively, “Let me know if something comes up. I can always move back in.”
If only looks could kill, Jin would be a dead man long before he could finish saying that with that ridiculous, arrogant, posed smile that’s started to rub off on Yoongi in the wrong way everytime Jin does it.
[ ⁕⁕⁕ ]
“Hyung?” Jungkook calls out for the nth time as they walk to Jungkook’s place. “Hyung, what’s wrong?” Jungkook insists on despite knowing it might not be the best idea, “Hyung! Yoongi-hyung!”
“I’m just fucking tired, okay?” Yoongi speaks between his teeth and Jungkook sighs as the elevator doors open and they step in.
Yoongi turns to look at Jungkook, examining him.
“What~?” Jungkook asks, half-irritated now.
“What’s the problem with your hair?”
“Huh?” Jungkook looks up, not being able to reach up to check it since his hands are busy.
“That guy was running his hands in your hair when I saw you. What’s wrong with it?” Yoongi asks with even less patience and Jungkook chuckles looking back at him.
“Ah, that. Jin’s kind of obsessed with everything being clean and right… I don’t know,” Jungkook shrugs, “He keeps nagging at me.”
“You don’t wash your hair?”
“Wha- No! Hyung, no!” Jungkook laughs, “It’s just that— I should’ve got a new cut, but I can’t find the time to do it, since there’s still some finals to go through and some stupid project I have to finish. I just haven’t had time to go to a barber since he moved out.”
“I think it’s just fine like this,” Yoongi speaks up, “Just cut the ends, I think. So it won’t fall over your eyes.”
He’s not used to this yet. Especially since he knows the provocative smile Jungkook’s wearing right now.
“Thank you, hyung. Actually, I was thinking... I was thinking of just cutting a little just so the hair won’t fall on my face, but I’ll keep the long bangs.”
Yoongi sees Jungkook moving closer to him, he looks over only to find his boyfriend’s face just a breath away from the distance of him. Yoongi turns to look at the closed doors again and feels Jungkook’s breathy chuckle on his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Yoongi can pretty much feel the blood running to the surface.
Jungkook’s always a brat, always finding a way to get to him, the problem is Yoongi finds himself being pretty vulnerable to it.
“But, hyung~,” Jungkook breaths on his skin and Yoongi gulps down the tension building up on his muscles, “That’s only if you’d think I look hot like that. If you really like it, you know?”
Yoongi feels thankful when the doors slide open and he clears his throat. He’d move his feet to bolt out of the elevator first if his feet didn’t seem to be glued down at the moment. He watches Jungkook, with that stupid smug face of his, walk out first.
As Yoongi follows Jungkook down the hall he tries not to think about it, he really tries not to, but he can’t help it. Jin sets him off, he just knew it’d be like that, he didn’t like the way Jungkook kept singing nothing but praises about the guy. How intelligent, eloquent, caring, or whatever this Jin guy is, how they went out and this and that happened, how Jin knows almost everyone who’s someone around the campus.
Yoongi can’t stop thinking how many times Jin walked down this hall together with Jungkook and this is so fucking silly, but Yoongi can’t get out of his mind how freely Jin acted around Jungkook. This was nothing like someone who sees the other as just a friend and Yoongi’s not sure if Jungkook’s oblivious enough not to see it or if he’s pretending not to. Either way, it doesn't help the case.
Yoongi closes the door behind him and gives a quick look at the apartment’s living room. Everything’s organized and clean, something he knows Jungkook isn’t that good at.
“What?” Jungkook asks, his eyes trained on Yoongi.
“Was it you or your ex- roommate who cleaned the place?” Yoongi wishes he didn’t say it like that, but the words just rolled out of his lips.
Yoongi finds it odd how close Jungkook’s voice sounds, so he looks up only to be caged in by Jungkook’s body and the wall behind him. He didn’t even have the time to take off his shoes.
“Are you jealous, hyung?” Jungkook provokes, stepping closer to Yoongi now pressed with his back flat against the wall. Jungkook had that stupid smug grin pulling the corners of his lips, “Are you thinking of Jin being here with me, is that it?”
Yoongi moves his head and Jungkook presses his hand on the wall next to Yoongi’s head, grinning when their lips brush much to Yoongi’s dismay. Jungkook humms, low and provoking and Yoongi swallows around nothing, taking a sharp breath, his eyes drawn to his boyfriend’s lips molded into that stupid grin Yoongi’s oh-so-tempted to cover with his own lips.
But before he can do anything, Jungkook moves his lips to Yoongi’s ear and Yoongi tries his best to not allow his body to shake with the goosebumps that run under his skin so violently. This is the aftermath of pent-up sexual tension between them and Yoongi knows it. He wants Jungkook just as much as he knows Jungkook wants him. Yoongi has been pushing the boundary and testing Jungkook on it, only to be surprised by the younger’s immediate reaction.
Jungkook’s lips brush on his earlobe just for a moment before he pulls away enough just so all Yoongi can feel is his skin tingling under Jungkook’s breath.
“Hyung,” Jungkook breaths on his skin and chuckles when Yoongi can’t stop the tremble that shakes through him, “Hyung, do you think I’d even think of someone else? Me?”
Yoongi isn’t conscious of Jungkook’s hand sliding down the wall beside him until he feels his hand pulling his body and Yoongi can’t help but to be compliant. His hand reaches up on its own until he has a firm grip on Jungkook’s sleeve. 
“My Yoongi-hyung.”
Yoongi’s eyes close once Jungkook’s lips touch his jaw light as a feather, brushing on the spot as Jungkook’s hand takes a firm grip on his waist, pressing Yoongi’s side to his chest tightly, leaving Yoongi wanting more than that.
“I could never look at some other guy,” Jungkook speaks smoothly against his skin, lowering his lips down Yoongi’s neck, stopping unexpectedly to press his lips at random spots, causing Yoongi’s pulse to jolt and race each time. “Not when I know I can have you.”
Jungkook’s hand slid down Yoongi’s side, finding the hem of the shirt under the jacket. Yoongi’s hand grips tightly on his boyfriend's biceps and he licks his lips. Jungkook glances at Yoongi’s face just enough to see him frowning; swallowing thickly around his words and Jungkook knows what he wants to say.
They’ve been waiting for this, to hold each other, feel each other like this, push the boundaries they couldn’t dare to during that summer break when Jungkook was nothing but an inexcusable, pathetic mess and Yoongi couldn’t, for the life of him, put together a comprehensive sentence right now. Yet, this seems to be going too far too fast, Jungkook knows and he doesn’t want to force anything, but it’s so deliciously pleasing to have Yoongi there for him, so pliant and responsive.
Yoongi feels Jungkook’s fingertips pressing on the small of his back, tracing his skin without pressing yet. Yoongi finds himself edging against him and even though this isn’t supposed to be happening, not now. Maybe Jungkook doesn’t know, maybe he can’t tell, but somewhere under the haze and warmth of the feeling of having Jungkook surrounding him, Yoongi knows this is just too soon.
“I craved you the whole semester, y’know?” Jungkook mutters against his skin and Yoongi tries his best not to close his eyes, it’s what Jungkook wants and he’s not willing to let him have it. “You don’t know how much I keep thinking about how your voice sounds over the phone- I loved seeing your face flushed that day too.”
Yoongi can’t help it, his eyes close before he notices as he feels Jungkook nibbling on his skin, at a particular soft spot near his clavicle. He fists Jungkook’s jacket and feels the smug grin pressed on his skin and he wants to complain, but all he’s able to muster is a deep groan that has Jungkook humming along as if they’re singing  a song together. Yoongi hates this as much as he wants to keep it going.
“I keep thinking about that one time you called me drunk in the middle of the night, hyung~” The words color Yoongi’s mind with blurry faint memories, the embarrassment of what happened serves off a remedy to make him snap out of this trace, just enough to get him to think of saying something.
His lips part even if he doesn’t know what he’d say and Yoongi hears the sound of a struggled gasp falls from his own lips when Jungkook all knowingly pressing an open-mouthed kiss on his pulse while his arm circle his middle underneath the shirt and his hand now presses harder on his skin. This is ridiculous, it’s nothing much. Yet, Yoongi can’t help himself. He loses himself in Jungkook’s warmth just as easily.
But, next thing he knows, he can’t feel Jungkook anymore, even so, Yoongi’s still into that haze Jungkook wrapped him in, still too lost to see through it all and Jungkook gives him a moment. He stands there, watching this new side of Yoongi; once he sees his hyung is stable again, Jungkook pulls away and he can see the confusion in Yoongi’s eyes looking for him. Jungkook wishes he didn’t have to stop there, but there’s still time.
Jungkook walks away with one of his soft smiles, taking a last look at how flustered Yoongi looks pressed up against that wall, pretending his fingertips doesn’t still tingle, craving for the touch of Yoongi’s skin again. He just has to pretend to not be that much affected and it’s not easy.
“I’ll put your things in my room,” he speaks up, not sure if Yoongi actually hears him, then he leaves before he can get any response. Yoongi could very well ask to stay in the other room and Jungkook doesn’t want that.
Yoongi runs his hands over his face and groans, this time disapprovingly of himself. He doesn’t recall how it started, but he’s relieved Jungkook seems to understand, or, at least, Yoongi hopes he does. Jungkook has always been a brat and he could’ve stopped just because he felt like it, but Yoongi wanted to think it’s because he understood. He pushes himself off the wall and finds himself lost inside the rather small apartment.
“I cleaned it because I knew you’d nag at me, hyung,” Jungkook says ever so casually as he walks in the living room again, as if what just happened was nothing but a speck of Yoongi’s imagination that came out vivid enough to leave the burn on his skin where Jungkook had touched him, “Are you hungry?”
Yoongi swallows, fighting off the awkwardness of not quite knowing what to do with himself and he sees Jungkook grinning to himself as he steps into the kitchen area.
“Why? Did you cook?” Yoongi didn’t even try to hide his skepticism and chose to sit on the couch, he looks down only to see Jungkook’s notebook open on top of a stack of books. He skims the page and naturally doesn’t understand a word.
“I’m living alone for over a year now, hyung,” Jungkook points out and looks back only to see Yoongi running his hand on the back of his neck, to make himself feel better. “If you’re tired just lay down a bit, I just have to heat this up. I’ll call you when I’m done.”
Yoongi can hear Jungkook saying something about the bed, but to him, the couch sounds good enough. He tries to keeps his eyes open just a little while, just to drawn in the sound of Jungkook in the kitchen; different than what Yoongi imagined, Jungkook’s not loud, he barely makes any noise and he doesn know if he’s trying to be quiet or this is who he is while cooking. Just one of the things Yoongi would like to find out over these weeks. He hears the fridge being opened and the knife slicing the vegetables, hitting the cutting board and the place’s small and quiet enough for Yoongi to hear the shuffle of Jungkook’s bare feet on the floor and he sleeps with an unexpected reassurance.
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⇽ part 01 | epilogue ⇾
17 notes · View notes
cloudbeom · 5 years
Reactions to you getting a call about your parent/s death
warnings: parent/s death
Genre: Angst; fluff
Summary : A call can ruin a good day
A/n: I was supposed to post this yesterday but my stupid ass forgot a member smh I hate myself. I want to try to post regularly but all writers know that’s just say, but I really wanna try my hardest this time! Anyways, feel free to request and enjoy!
Kim Seokjin
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"Jagi, your phone is buzzing" Jin said, not turning around from his work when he heard your phone vibrate next to him, and you took it, lightly kissing his forehead as you tried to balance the phone on your shoulder as you wiped a plate.
"Hey (sister name)" You said cheerfully, expecting her to call for details on the movie night you had talked about before, but suddenly, her next words proved it was not what you expected
"(Y/n), Mom.. s-she's.. she's gone.." (Sister name) sobbed through the speaker, and suddenly, you felt numb, the plate slipping out of your hands, as you fell to your knees, the phone falling from your shoulder.
As soon as he heard the plate shatter, Jin stood from his seat and turned to look at you, only to see you ready to collapse any soon, and he ran to you, grabbing the small of your waist so you could support yourself on the counter, so the glass won't hurt you
"Jagi?" Jin whispered when your breathing evened a little, his hands rubbing small circles on your back "What happened?" "Mom.." You chocked on a sob, and suddenly, Jin pulled you into his chest, just in time for you to break down. "She's gone Jin.."
Jin stayed silent and let you cry, calmly stroking your hair and kissing your forehead. Knowing words can’t take away the pain
Min Yoongi
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Yoongi had been in his studio working on some new songs for their comeback, when he suddenly heard his phone vibrate.
Usually he'd put it on silent, but guessed he forgot as he picked up the mere distraction to decline the call, but when he saw your name, he considered to answer it, just because he knew you never called if it wasn't an emergency.
In the end, he did accept the call, and the first thing he heard was the sound of your breath hitching.
"(Y/n)?" Yoongi asked, immediately jumping to his feet in alarm "What happened baby? Are you okay?" "Mom and dad… The-they got into an accident.. I-I'm on the way to the hospital with (sister's name) right now"
Yoongi took a deep breath, knowing your in a lot of pain right now, your sister probably forced you to call him and if it weren’t for her, you would have been in the house bawling your eyes out right now, so the first thing he did was storm out of his studio, then the apartment.
"Wait for me, (Y/n)"
Jung Hoseok
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"That was amazing Hobi" You clapped and then stood to kiss him as he panted, smiling at your support. "You did amazing! Just like always" You said, handing him a bottle of water, just then did your phone rang.
"Oh?" You looked at the caller, and saw it was your brother "Gimme a sec, I need to take this." You said before kissing him once more on the cheek, and he smiled in response as you walked outside to answer the call, gulping down his drink while walking to Jeongguk to compliment his precision, and it ended up with a circle of compliments between him, Jeongguk and Jimin.
They laughed it off and was about to turn the music back on to practice one more time, when suddenly Jin went inside the room only to peek a little, and looked at Hoseok
"Why is (Y/n) crying in the hallway?" He asked, the tone in his voice filled with concern.
Alarm bells went off and Hoseok ran out, hoping you weren’t far away.
When he saw you in the halls, your forehead pressed against the wall and tears silently flowing out of your eyes, he swore your heart broke.
"Oh (Y/n)" he said, coming up to hug you tightly, his arms going around your fragile body and pulling you against him, letting you cry into his chest. "What happened?"
"Dad, he-he was involved in an accident.." You sobbed, and Hoseok could only kiss your forehead, not knowing how to make you feel better, but knowing he should be there for you.
Kim Namjoon
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"Namjoonnn~" You sang as you spun in one of his chairs as he worked in his studio, he chuckled but did not turn around, used to your weird and random personality. He tapped his chin with his pen, trying to come up with some lyrics to his new song he wanted to make, and as he was doing so, he heard a knock on his door.
"Hyung? Can you help me for a second?" Jimin had came in to ask the leader, and without hesitation, Namjoon stood up, taking his headphones off
"Sure, I'll be right back" He said, passing you and kissing your forehead softly before going out.
You just stayed on the chair, spinning until you got dizzy. You stood up, wanting to see what your boyfriend had written for his rap, and suddenly your phone rang.
"Hello~?" You sang into the receiver, knowing it was your older brother and thinking it was a hangout call or something.
"(Y/n), you need to come to the hospital" he said, his tone more serious than yours, and your face dropped immediately.
"What- why?"  You asked, biting your nail, a habit you did when you got nervous "(brother's name), what's wrong?"
"It- it's mom" he said, a brief static pause, "The surgery was a fail"
And just at that moment, Namjoon went in.
"Baby?" He asked when he saw your horrified expression, "What's wrong?"
You dropped your phone and your lips quivered, tears filling your eyes. Namjoon- who had no idea what happened, rushed towards you and wrapped his arms around your fragile form, brushing your hair back and kissing your forehead
"What happened?" He asked in a soft whisper, holding your sobbing form close to him
"M-Mom.." you sobbed, and that was all it took for him to understand, rocking you silently, and letting you cry for as long as you want.
"Cry as much as you want, I'm here for you"
Park Jimin
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"But the popcorn!" you pouted when Jimin buried you in the blanket mountain
"We're watching the news, Jagiya~" Jimin laughed, because you both we're watching the award show Jimin and his members attended and you wanted to enjoy it, so you insisted on heating the popcorn just because you were hungry, and Jimin just laughed it off and let you do your thing.
"We're sorry to interrupt your program for this emergency news" The news reporter said, and you turned to the TV from the microwave to see what was happening. "This morning, a car collided with a truck and resulted in a fatal accident, the scene had been too violent to find out who the victims were"
You sighed and shook your head, turning the microwave on, feeling bad for whoever it was. But then the news didn't end there
"But according to the license plate, the victims appear to be (Your mother's name) and-"
Your eyes widened and went numb.
"Jagi!" Jimin panicked, running to you and hugged your body as it went limp. "Jagiya.."
You wanted to say something, but all you did was trash around in his arms, screaming and crying, and Jimin, with a broken heart, tried to calm you down, and once you did, he let you cry in his arms.
If he could take the pain, he would. But now all he can do, was hold you as you sobbed
Kim Taehyung
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Of course it had to happen during their concert,
And as if fate hated you, it had to happen during Taehyung's solo.
You wanted to ignore the call, but seeing the caller was your sister, you had to pick it up. And boy, were you a mess.
"Namjoon, I have to go," you told the leader, who was concerned at first, asking why you had to go
"Why? Is something wrong?" he asked, and you bit your lip, a small sob escaping your lips
"I have to go," You said through tears, and Namjoon, taken aback, nodded and told you that he would tell Taehyung after.
As the cheers came as Taehyung was lowered down, he had expected you to come and smother him with kisses and compliments and hugs, but when he saw Namjoon behind his stylist with a sad look, he knew something happened.
"Hyung, where's (Y/n)?" Taehyung asked, panting.
"She went somewhere, she was crying, do you know what happened?" He asked, a hand on the panting Taehyung
"Oh shit"
Taehyung ran, hoping to catch after you. Just last week your mother had been admitted to hospital because of a heart failure, the doctors had told you a miracle would save her, and after the first three days, you and your sister had thought the miracle had came, but the reason you were crying and ran out during his solo performance, there was no other explanation.
Luckily, you weren’t able to catch a taxi because you had fell into a ball of sadness, sobbing like you never had before, and it was the first time Taehyung had saw you so sad.
He slowed down his running and crouched down next to your sobbing form, letting his fingers brush your hair
"She didn't make it, Tae" You sobbed, and Tae pulled you into his embrace, whispering how much he loves you.
Because he knew what it felt, how to lose someone you loved so much. And he was there for you.
Jeon Jeongguk
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"Jungkoook, pleaseee come cuddle!" You whined at his bed, watching him play overwatch on the perfect rainy cuddle weather day.
"Just one more round," He chuckled
"You said that one round ago, and an HOUR ago" you pouted, rolling on your back as you whipped out your phone, knowing you'll fall asleep before you get his cuddles.
You suddenly got a call from your brother, and you picked up, thinking he wanted to invite you somewhere.
Jungkook had lost again, and he decided to rage quit. Finally deciding to cuddle with you.
He turned his chair to face you and what he saw broke his heart.
You were looking at him with tears in your eyes, your phone was on your ear and you were biting your bottom lip, trembling. Jungkook's eyes widened, wondering what was it you had been calling about.
Once your brother hung up, that was when your dam broke, and you started to break down, covering your face with the sleeves of Jungkook's hoodie you were wearing, and he reacted immediately, running over to crouch at the edge of the bed, trying to pull your hands from your face.
"(Y/n) look at me," Jungkook instructed, and you did. His thumb brushed at your tear streaked face, and every sob leaving your mouth broke his heart more and more.
"She's gone" You said, then started to cover your face and cry again.
Jungkook needed no more further explanation as he pulled you into his arms, brushing your hair back softly and letting you cry into his shoulder for as long as it took the pain to heal.
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imagine-your-kpop · 7 years
BTS Reaction to their six year old son wanting to be a princess for Halloween
Jin: Jin and his son have been out all day running errand for the mom. he went to get he vaccines in the morning then a get well ice cream after worth, next they got new pants and churro’s to celebrate the new pants. Jin then brings up Halloween, he loved dressing up just as much as his son and asked what he wanted to be. “i want to be princesses jasmine” he was taken back at first, why not batman or a ghost or even Aladdin but his explanation was golden “i want to be jasmine cause she is rich and pretty and i want to me rich and pretty. with a pet tiger” Jin was legit impressed but his sons logic “oooohhhh i raised you right you right my boy, we’ll get you the costume after we finish our cake”  
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Suga: He goes in to his sons room to see him dressing in a coloring book like normal and sees that hes drawing in a princess dress as best as his skills will allow him. When yoongi asks about it his son tells him “i wanna be a princess too, they are so pretty” yoongi has literally no response to this so he  just says okay and walks out the room all awkward and over to you in the living room “uh so your son want to be pretty, i think that your department sooooo” 
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Namjoon: You and your son was in a great conversation about how being in a Disney movie would be so great. Your son brought up the point that you both wouldn't have to lift a single finger cause you would get a butler. You entertain this idea by saying “your daddy can be our butler, he’ll take great care of us” good idea according to your son. As if on queue Namjoon came out of the room from a nap and was automatically bombarded with butler jokes and commands. him being so dazed he actually went to get you both some orange juice until he realized it. “ah? hahah whoa when did i become a butler?” “when me and our son agreed on being princess this year” good luck namjoon 
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J-hope: Hoseok asked first of what he wanted his son to be and after a long debate on what would be a cool costume his son finally suggest he should be a princess. “okay if your a princess then i can be the king right?” “no your the my horse” now you have a sassy ass son, you dying in the background, and hoseok speechless from his own son throwing shade at him.  
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Jimin: While watching over his son him and the other members talk about Halloween coming up. his son get into the conversation saying that he wants to dress-up with his daddy, everyone including Jimin found this so cute cause ‘aww his son wants to do a cute little matching thing with his dad’ but when it came to deciding what he wanted to be the son explained “you should be prince Eric and i can be Arial. mommy says you look like that prince all time so you should be that” this just completely threw Jimin off guard and felt him speechless as the other members encouraged the idea and teased Jimin on his apparent resemblance 
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Taehyung: You and Taehyung were having a comfortable afternoon in the backyard. your son was having a play date with one of his female friends and they come running up to you both and propose they dress as pretty princess for Halloween year. When Taehyung suggested that his son be a prince but nope, according to your son “no princesses get to be cared for more than princes so i want to be a princess” to Taehyung his logic checked out “oh i see, well makes since, id want to be a princesses to if it meant breakfast in bed” so guess who got to be a princesses this Halloween? yep Taehyung’s son and Taehyung.
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Jungkook: Jungkoook was getting his makeup don’t for the annual Halloween party that BTS has for the fan when it 6 year-old son comes to him and the makeup artist. “daddy can noona make me look like a princess?” the makeup artist swooned over the cuteness of the little boy and promised him to look like the cutest little princess he could ever be. his son jumps with glee and skipped off to do whatever he could get his hands in all without getting real permission from his father. not like he would object anyways, his son was always a stubborn one.
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blood-sweat-and-sin · 7 years
Threesome with Taehyung and Jungkook? Bottom reader ;)
you love watching taehyung and jungkook do their vlives together. even today, when you’re only one hotel room door away from them, you can’t help but long to be with them and experience their silliness in person. you laugh at their stupid jokes and the way they shove way too much food into their mouths. however, your mood changes once they finish their food and start their completely innocent moans of satisfaction. 
“that was so good,” taehyung groans, rubbing his stomach. jungkook nods in agreement and licks his lips to collect the last bit of food that may be resting there. your eyes instinctively glue to the screen as you watch them perform such casual tasks that your mind can’t help but turn around into something more mature. you don’t even realize you’re sweating until one of them–you aren’t really sure which one–turns off the broadcast. only seconds after, the knock at your door jolts you out of your seat. you invite the two boys in, hoping they won’t take notice of your state.
“were you watching the broadcast, Y/N?” jungkook asks as he takes a seat on the bed. you nod, sitting back at the table in an attempt to hide yourself. 
“you’re probably hungry now from watching that,” tae comments.
“what?” you blurt out, admittedly louder and quicker than you should have.
“because we were eating all that food,” he clarifies slowly. “you’re acting a little weird, Y/N.”
“you okay?” jungkook chimes in. 
“right, the food,” you sigh. “yeah, I’m fine.” taehyung steps closer to you and scans your body with his eyes. you shift under his gaze.
“are you…?”
“you are!” tae exclaims. “wow, we must have put on a great show, jungkook.” you roll your eyes, hoping to shake the situation off quickly, but all your mind can focus on is how they did, in fact, put on an amazing show. and you can’t stop yourself from imagining what more they can do. taehyung smirks and looks over to jungkook.
“I wonder what we can do about that,” jungkook laughs. something about the look in his eyes tells you he isn’t kidding. 
“well, I don’t know about you, but I have room for some more,” taehyung says as he looks to you, expecting a response. your brain panics a little, since finding yourself in this situation is less than expected. you can’t bring yourself to form any words, so instead you nod. you want this more than anything.
taehyung grins and takes your hand, guiding you back to the bed where jungkook waits. from then on, little words are spoken, and whatever is spoken usually comes from tae who whispers praises and encouragements. you’re hesitant to remove any clothing, and jungkook only appears to be slightly more confident than you. but as soon as taehyung helps you both forward, your movements become smooth and natural. 
their mouths are eager to get to work. the boys lay you back onto the bed and waste no time kissing, licking, sucking their way over your exposed body. at some point you close your eyes to take in the sensations, but it isn’t hard to tell who’s who. tae is passionate, intense, and he can’t seem to get enough. jungkook is slower, calculated, yet still full of power. they love tasting you. their lips and tongues dance across the curves of you, linger and swirl around your nipples, indulge in the flavor of your thighs. 
you’re surprised to see jungkook get between your legs first. his lips suck you tenderly, his tongue licking long strokes and quickening every so often so that he can enjoy you reactions.
“that’s it,” tae coos as he watches jungkook. taehyung’s hands wander your body, squeezing you in random places. involuntary and soft “oh”s fall from you lips as the two work, and you’re sure they can make you cum from this. but before you get the chance, taehyung grips your legs and pulls you towards him. you watch him stroke and prepare his hard cock only moments before sliding into you. he goes slow enough to allow you a chance to get used to him. soon though, his hips are moving into you rhythmically. 
“oh, taehyung,” you moan as his cock drives deeper into you with each thrust. jungkoook’s mouth finds your nipples again, his hands petting your hair. though taehyung fucks you slowly, you feel your orgasm closing in. almost on impulse you find yourself speaking. “faster, taehyung. please.”
“sh,” tae breathes. your thighs shake in desperation, wanting nothing but more from him. instead of speeding up, he snaps his hips against you harder than before. his cock fills you so nicely. you feel jungkook’s teeth lightly snag your nipple, the very push you needed to reach that high.
you cum loudly, moaning their names as you dig your hands into the sheets. though you’re left breathless and dirty, you can’t help but smile. 
“that felt so good,” you mutter, letting your body relax into the bed.
“it’s not over yet,” tae whispers, placing a kiss into your thigh. “we didn’t cum yet.”
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