#jung ilhoon scenarios
killingmebtob · 6 years
[[☾]] Goodbye, Stranger // Jung Ilhoon
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Author: @killingmebtob // Gen & Fiq
Title: Goodbye, Stranger 
Characters: Jung Ilhoon 
Summary: He had always wanted to see her in a wedding dress. But never in his life would he have thought that he’d see her in one without him by her side
Author’s note: Basically it’s to fit the prompt of the month: wedding! Got a little wild while planning this but damn this was exciting eeps. Exciting and a little stressful hehe~
Warning: NSFW, Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex
I swirled the glass of cognac in my hand before taking a sip from it. The liquor burned my throat while I scrunched my nose at the smell. Even though I appreciated the taste, the smell was something I would never get used to. I stared at the amber liquid while trying my best to forget the memories that came with it. Now was not the time nor the place for flashbacks. As I placed the glass back on the countertop, I glanced around and felt weirdly reassured that I was the only one in the hotel bar. At least no one would be here if I cry, I thought wryly.
I slouched slightly forward over the counter as I placed my head on my palm. The bartender was pretty handsome for a young man. He had shaggy blonde hair that ended at the nape of his neck and his five o’clock shadow accentuated his roguish look. He wore his uniform neat; a white collared shirt that was rolled up to his elbow that revealed his tattoos, and a black crisp vest over it. His eyes were dark and mischievous as he flirted shamelessly with me. But one look at my hand and he stepped away. In fact, he was standing far away while pointedly ignoring me. Shame, he would have been a good distraction from my thoughts.
I did not know how I found my way to the hotel bar at midnight. Even though I did not always drink, tonight found me nursing my pre-wedding jitters over a few glasses of cognac. I lifted my right hand up, the single diamond ring reflected the bar’s minimal lighting. It glinted brightly; a symbol of my impending future and the end of my freedom. It was my reminder of what was to come tomorrow. Most importantly, it was my reminder of promises and new beginnings while it closed the door to my past. I sighed and reached out for my cognac. Just for tonight then, let me indulge in my own nostalgia.
I fingered the cloth of my black dress as I acknowledged the implications of this outfit; a simple halter neck floor-length black dress. It was held up by a clasp at the neck, revealing my whole back while a short zipper started from my hip downwards. It did not hide much and that was the intention when we bought the dress. I smirked sadly as memories of him invaded my thoughts. I did not know nor understand why I brought the dress over to the hotel, just that I had to wear it one last time. Before I gave myself fully to my fiancé. Nostalgia also found me using his cologne as the faint smell of Valentino Uomo emitted from me. Somewhere along the way, even I became confused with what I was trying to remember. He belonged in the past, a past that would never happen. So why was I doing my damndest to remember him, to remember an us that no longer existed?
All of a sudden, a whiff of male cologne wafted next to me, indicating that someone had joined me by the bar. I frowned, identifying the smell instantly. In fact, it was the exact same one that I was using. I shifted in my chair as the new patron took the seat next to me.
“A glass of cognac please, same as the lady.”
A husky voice filled the silence that had surrounded me. My body stiffened as I recognised that voice immediately. In fact, I had constantly woken up from my nightmares to this very voice. I glanced up in shock and at once, our eyes met. Even after three years, I was still familiar with the expressions that flitted across his face as he studied me from head to toe. His stare burned into mine and I gasped inwardly when I distinguished the familiar look of longing, pain, and passion in them. Emotions that I was sure were reflected in mine as well. Everything about him triggered our memories and feelings that I had kept hidden all this time. He blinked once, an act that allowed him to reign his emotions in before he nodded cordially at me.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Jung Ilhoon greeted, a hint of a painful smile ghosting his lips.
“You always turn to alcohol when you’re nervous about something,” he remarked as he appeared to recall our past drinking sessions.
I smiled weakly at the comment. To avoid responding, I took a small gulp of my liquor, appreciating that it no longer stung as much. It was my fourth glass and truth to be told, I was slightly tipsy. It did not help that Ilhoon was drinking with me; in fact, his presence actually made me drink much more than I had intended. It was painfully awkward at first when we realised that we finally met each other after three years. However, alcohol and some light bantering allowed us to settle into the sense of familiarity that had always been between us. Even though we were catching up, there was never the sense that we had left each other’s lives.
That might be because you stalk his Facebook more than necessary, my thoughts interjected. Frowning, I physically waved my hand at my head as if to ignore them. My actions caught Ilhoon’s attention and he chuckled.
“Bad thoughts again?” he inquired, subtly pulling my glass away from me.
“Yeah, a little,” I mumbled. “I’m getting married tomorrow.”
I did not know what spurred me to reveal that but I knew that he was aware of it. In fact, both of us were hyper and agonizingly aware of the wedding bands on our respective fingers. It was the one conversation that we had avoided until my intoxicated mind started controlling my mouth. As expected, he did not look surprised at my announcement. Instead, he just nodded as if we were discussing the weather.
“Yeah, I know,” he answered after a while before gulping down his drink.
I frowned, wondering how he had found out. Shrugging it off, I tried to hold my head up while maintaining my sense of rationality and self-control. Eyeing me from the corner of his eye, Ilhoon wordlessly stood up. In a smooth motion, he took off his coat before placing it gently over my shoulders. It was warm, and it smelled just like him. With the same tenderness, he massaged the nape of my neck, just the way that I liked it, as he silently urged me to rest. Muttering my thanks, I leaned forward and rested my head over my arms. However, I was aware when his fingers lingered and brushed a line down my bare shoulders.  
“How are you dealing with your trauma?” he asked all of a sudden.
His unexpected question temporarily pulled me away from my stupor. Without lifting my head up, I turned to face him, and my heart squeezed when I noticed the familiar look of concern on his face.
“A little better,” I whispered. “I still can’t get into cars without getting anxiety.”
Six years ago, my brother passed away in a car accident, a victim of careless driving. The driver, his friend who had just received his license for three months, was distracted and rammed the car into the divider. Both did not make it out alive and my only brother’s death broke me. I turned self-destructive as I tried to make sense of my unexpected lost. Ilhoon had been the one who had stayed with me throughout. Day and night, he stayed as I destroyed myself and he continued to stay while I collected myself again. Only he knew that following that accident, I developed a phobia of getting into cars as the image of my brother’s car crash permeated my mind. I had somehow managed to keep the story a secret from my fiancé who did not question my weird habits. He just accepted me as I was, a feat that made me grateful until today.
Ilhoon nodded pensively as if he too was remembering the moments that we had shared. I continued to stare at him, taking in his soft features. His hair was a little shorter than before which made his cheeks more angular. My gaze lingered at the small beauty marks near his jaw, smiling fondly when I recalled how I used to trace them with my lips. This man before me was perfect in every sense, so why did we have to end things the way we did?
I reached out for my cognac. Noticing that, Ilhoon pushed it further away. Instead, he gave me a glass of water which he had asked for a while ago. He had always been perceptive of me. He did not say much, he did not whisper sweet nothings in my ear. He never told me what I wanted to hear and he did not mollycoddle me. Instead, he made me confront my problems and told me what I needed to hear in my messed-up life. He was passionate and confrontational; his temper was only rivaled by mine. While my fiancé was accommodating, Ilhoon pushed me to face my issues. It was our similar passionate feelings that had kept us together but at the end of the day, they ultimately drove us apart. I wanted to reach out to him, to hold him one last time as I brushed the soft strands of his hair. Unknowingly, I had acted on my thoughts as Ilhoon intertwined his fingers with my outstretched hand. His warmth coursed through me and this familiar touch made my heart ache even more.  
“I never did thank you for introducing me to cognac, did I?” I slurred as I squeezed his hand.
He chuckled at my words as he returned the squeeze. Gently, he pulled me closer to him while he supported my body.
“Now I’m regretting it since you’re drunk,” he muttered into my ear.
I felt the bed dipped under my weight as Ilhoon gingerly placed me near the edge. My head felt heavy as the alcohol coursed through my bloodstream. Ignoring my mumblings and protests, he pushed me to lie down before taking off my heels. Upon doing so, I heard him went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He came back soon after and he placed the cup on my bedside table. Taking a seat next to me, he gently pulled me up and after adjusting my weight on him, handed me the drink. Silently, I took it while murmuring my thanks. We stayed in this position for a while as he watched me finished the whole cup. Once he was satisfied that I had finished, he placed it on the table before helping me to lie down again. However, I resisted his touch and instead, held on to his sleeves.
“Don’t go, please,” I whispered, barely registering what I was doing. “Please, stay with me tonight. I’m sorry, please, just stay.”
My vision started getting blurry as I felt the tears welled up in my eyes. Trust alcohol to make my true feelings bare to him. I looked down on my lap, afraid of seeing the rejection on his face. A part of me screamed at what I was doing. I was being needy and clinging on to my memories of him yet I ignored the objections. He was finally here, right beside me, after three years. I was not about to let him go without saying what I had held back that night he left my life.
I felt his hand wrapped around mine. Instead of pushing me away, he took my hand in his and rubbed circular motions on it. His touch comforted me and it was this sense of familiarity that unleashed my emotional torrent. I sniffed as I inwardly acknowledged that I had been craving for his touch, his warmth and most importantly, I had longed for him. For the past three years, I had woken up reaching out for him, only to be grasping cold thin air or someone else entirely. A huge sob rocked through me as I gripped his hand tighter as if I was squeezing the life out of it. I hunched forward as I fought the pain in my chest that threatened to suffocate me. Why did we let go of each other when it was killing us like this?
“I’m so sorry. For all the things that I said that night, I didn’t mean any of them. So please, don’t let me go anymore,” I cried out as I pulled his hand closer to my chest. “Stay, just for tonight.”
My voice cracked as I pleaded. I gasped for breath as I gave up fighting my tears. Even after all this while, I was only comfortable breaking down in front of him. Another sob wracked my frame and I buried my face in his chest. Silently, Ilhoon wrapped an arm around my shoulders and he pulled me closer. He hushed me as he took in everything quietly. He did not murmur words of comfort, instead, his very touch was how he had always shown his love and care. As I cried, I could not help but notice how we still fit into each other perfectly. Every nook and crook of our body complemented each other, as if we were made for one another. This felt right. This was home.
“You know we can’t be together, we did not work out then,” Ilhoon muttered against my hair.
Reaching out, I wrapped my arms around his lean waist and gripped him tight. I felt him stiffened from the contact but he relaxed as he continued pressing kisses on my head. We held on to each other like this for a while, each of us nursing our own set of memories. No words were said between us because everything we wanted to share was evident from our touch. Three years did not do anything to dampen our feelings, instead, it only served to remind me of what we had to let go and leave behind. Because we loved each other too much, we had to let us go.
Realising that this moment was finite, I looked up and held his gaze. He met my eyes steadily, his emotions clear on his face. Hesitatingly, I placed a hand on his cheek. Like a force of habit, he closed his eyes and turned his head into it slightly before kissing my wrist softly. The touch of his lips on my bare skin sent warm shivers down my spine. That familiar peck was enough to send memories flooding back in, as if I was watching a movie about the happy moments we shared. That same lips had made me smiled once long ago; the same lips that could easily find the right words to say. Vividly, I remembered the way he had brushed them against my skin when he teased me as if it was only yesterday. Everything about him felt so familiar, as if he had never left. But time had been unkind to us because he remained steadfast a stranger in my life now.  
After all, he was now just a stranger who knew all of my secrets.
Using the momentum, I pulled away from him briefly. As if he sensed what I was about to do, he held onto me while I straddled his lap. I pressed my forehead against his, relishing in the way our breathing echoed and mingled with each other. However, it was not enough. Everything about him reminded me of what I once had. Not satisfied that there was a space between us, I pressed my breasts against his chest while I buried my head in the crook of his neck. Our intentions remained unspoken but it was clear what we both wanted and needed.
My lips sought the sensitive spot on his neck, teasing and kissing it softly. However, I needed more and started sucking and nibbling on the spot repeatedly. His moan filled the air as he gripped my waist tighter while he angled his neck to give me more space. I alternated between kissing and sucking it hard, knowing that I would leave a mark on his pale skin. He groaned and his finger teased the zipper on my hip. I rocked into him slowly, building up the rhythm as I brushed my pussy against his growing length. He let out a feral groan and gripped my hips as he guided me into our familiar rhythm. However, I slapped his hand away and using the momentum, I pushed him down on the bed. He did not resist and instead, he wrapped his hands around my neck and unclasped the dress, letting it fall to my hip while baring my breasts to his mouth. He took one in and started licking the erected nipple in a circular motion before sucking on the tip.
“Don’t stop,” I moaned as I arched my body to him.
As expected, Ilhoon stopped devoting his attention to my breasts and instead, teased me by pulling me down and bringing my lips to his. With a sense of urgency, he ravaged my lips by pulling and sucking my lower lip painfully. When I gasped in pain, he took advantage and slipped his tongue in. Knowing exactly what he wanted, I matched his pace and allowed him to control our kiss. It was messy, our teeth clashed against each other more than once but I welcomed his insistent need to possess me. He traced his fingers on my shoulder blades before settling on the base of my spine.
The feel of cold metal against cold skin.
At once, I pulled away and broke the kiss. Panting, I stared into his brown orbs and finally realised the implications of the touch. Or more specifically, what had touched me. As if it read my mind, the light glinted off my wedding ring, a similar echo to the one on his finger. Ilhoon noticed the shift in the room. One look on my face and he deciphered what had transpired in my mind. Wordlessly, he extracted himself from under me while he retrieved his coat that had fallen from my shoulders.
“Go rest. You have a big day tomorrow,” he stated simply, his face a mask of his previous emotions.
Ilhoon patted my head once and was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand for the second time.
“Stay. Stay until I fall asleep,” I whispered, my voice soft that it was barely heard.
Ignoring how weak I sounded, I observed how he debated with himself before making his choice. A million thoughts flickered behind his eyes before he decided. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he nodded stiffly before pulling himself away without touching me. He draped his coat on one of the armchairs while I settled properly on the bed. Silently, I indicated to him to lie next to me on the left side of the bed. His usual side of the bed. Sighing, he kicked off his shoes before he laid down uncomfortably. Both of us laid on our sides and we stared at each other unblinkingly, as if we were trying to memorise everything about each other. Too soon, sleep found me and I dozed off, thoughts of Ilhoon still clear in my mind. When morning came, I found myself reaching out for the cold indentations that he had left behind on the bed.
I squinted my eyes as the sun rays entered the room through the blinds. The clock hanging on the wall in front of my bed indicated that it was a quarter past eight. I was going to be late for my big day if I was going to stay in bed. As I sat up, my head throbbed from the expected hungover while my mind torturously played last night’s events on repeat. Groaning, I tried to push myself up and off the bed, feeling entirely disoriented and parched after last night.
“Honey, are you awake?”
I heard my mother’s sweet voice from outside the toilet door.
“In here!”
I called out and soon enough, the door was pushed open. My beautiful mother stepped into my line of sight just as I had finished washing up, a wide grin etched on her face. She was proud that her daughter had finally decided to settle down after she found the love of her life.
At least, that was what she thought he was.
But after last night, I knew who my heart still ached for.  
About an hour before the ceremony, I found myself hiding in a small secluded room behind the ballroom. After extracting myself from the hired stylists and badgering bridesmaids, I had conscripted the help of a hotel staff to find an empty room for me to relax before exchanging our vows. Recognising the pre-wedding jitters, she had led me to this room, saying that it was actually an unused storage area where staffs had their breaks. Before she left, I told her to knock on the door when my time was up.
As I popped my knuckles, I heard the door opened before clicking shut, as if someone had just locked it. Whirling, my eyes found Ilhoon standing behind me, his back pressed against the door while his hand remained at the doorknob. He was dressed as a groom, a hint that he too was having his wedding in the same hotel and day as me.
“What are you doing here,” I hissed urgently as panic crept up.
He did not respond. Instead, his gaze remained transfixed on me. His expression darkened as he studied me from top to bottom, his eyes lingering at certain places. Finally, he stared directly at me and I recognised the pure unadulterated hunger behind them. I gulped as a warm tingling shiver ran through me. Instinctively, I stepped back, unsure of how to react. He stalked forward, his movements graceful just like a predator who had found its willing prey.
“I thought I could ignore you,” he started, his voice a hushed whisper. “But one look at you in that dress and I know I can’t anymore.”
A step forward. A step backward. Just like a game, both of us were on a tightrope. One move and we would fall. But why did I think that the fall was what both of us were aiming for?
“Can’t what?” I asked, my voice a raspy whisper.
He did not reply. Too soon, my back found the opposite end of the wall, signaling that I had no other place to run to. He had blocked off any available exit as he closed the distance between us. I trembled in anticipation and fear, recognising the familiarity of this situation. Still quiet, Ilhoon finally stood before me with a hair’s breadth between us. Our eyes still locked on each other, he reached out to brush a finger down my cheek. I hissed under my breath from his touch while urging my body to resist him. This was our game, this was how we liked to play.
“I thought I could get you out of my mind. But seeing you in this fucking dress and the thought of you standing next to a fucking bastard…” he trailed off, his finger edging lower as it met the dress’s neckline.
“It makes you mad, doesn’t it,” I breathed. “That I’m about to be promised off to some other man, that I’m about to fuck –”
Growling, he pressed the palm of his hand against my lips to silence me. A stormy look entered his eyes as he silently dared me to finish that statement. I met his stare directly, challenging and not backing down. He smirked and stepped closer until our foreheads touched.
“I forgot how foul-mouthed you can get,” he muttered.
“Well, I learned from the best.”
He chuckled softly and for a moment, the aggression receded from his eyes. He traced my lips with his finger once before leaning closer and repeating that gesture with his own lips and tongue. Just before I was about to respond to it, he broke away. But he did not step back. Instead, he pressed our foreheads together as if he was trying to control himself.
“I’ve always wanted to see you in a wedding dress. But never in my life would I have thought that I’d see you in one without me by your side.”
“We did not work out then,” I threw his words back at him.
I sensed him stiffened as he took in my words. His eyes reflected regrets as he pulled back to stare into mine. I could see the images in his head running by, all the moments we had together; be it the good or the bad. As if something in him snapped, without another word exchanged, he slammed his lips against mine. I squealed in surprise at the sudden attack but soon responded to it. Our kiss started to get aggressive, both of us seeking dominance as we nipped and sucked on each other’s lips and tongues. He did not give me room to breathe and neither did I. I felt his fingers tightened on my wrists, as if he was forming his own personal manacles. I eventually relinquished control and just like what I used to do, I gave in to him, feeling him smile against my lips in victory.
I felt his hands snaking around my waist, heading downwards and giving my ass a tight squeeze before slapping a cheek lightly. As if on cue, I did a small jump and wrapped my legs around his waist, albeit with some difficulty due to the dress. He took my weight perfectly and with the same ease as before. With our mouths still busy, I felt him head towards somewhere in the room. When I felt him putting me on a desk, I managed to stable myself as he took a small step back. However, I pulled him closer and enjoyed how our uneven panting filling filled up the quiet room. He reached out to caress the tip of my lip, wiping the lipstick stain that had smudged. His lips were red from the intense kiss, and from the red ink on my lips.
“I won’t stop,” he uttered, his eyes daring me to challenge him.
Smiling simply, I closed the distance and nipped the side of his neck. “I know.”
With that, his hand reached for the hem of my dress and hitched it up slightly, his palm smoothing the skin of my thigh through my stockings. I let out a moan that I did not bother to hide. His whole arm soon disappeared under my dress; the very dress that was personally chosen by my soon-to-be husband. His hand took its time to reach my core that had been wet ever since the kiss. Smirking, he met my lust-filled gaze before putting his other hand under my dress. Soon, I heard a distinct rip as he tore my stockings. However, any arguments I had over that was swallowed when I felt his fingers massaging my clit through my thong.
“Such a naughty girl, were you waiting for this?” He teased, pulling my thong to the side slightly to access to my clit. He pinched it lightly once before inserting a finger in and I threw my head back, both of my hands gripping the end of the desk to prevent myself from falling. He reached his hand out and wrapped it around the side of my neck, pulling me closer to him as he leaned down for another kiss. He swallowed all of my throaty moans while he inserted another finger, stretching my walls around them. He built a languid rhythm while arching the tip of his fingers a little to reach my spot. His kisses echoed his fingers; his tongue reaching out into my mouth at the same time as he pumped into me. Easily, I felt my orgasm building in me as the sensation grew. He increased his pace. My walls convulsed around his fingers, speaking for me to inform him about how close I am. While I was about to get thrown over by my pleasure, he pulled his fingers out. He broke the kiss to suck on his fingers, which were coated with my juices.
I attempted to stabilise my breathing from the overwhelming pleasure as he moaned softly against his own fingers while he tasted me. His eyes clouded with lust as his dark orbs stared through me, burning a hole with his hot gaze. My hands went to the zip of his pants, in a breeze fishing his hard cock out of its cover. He hissed in pleasure, feeling my hand wrapped around it. Sick of my teasing, he pulled my hand away by my wrist.
“We don’t have much time,” he muttered, stepping closer to me to brush his cock against my wet entrance.
However, as soon as he said that, he paused his actions. I glanced up at him in frustration, not comprehending his hesitance. Growling, I rubbed my wet pussy against his cock to urge him on. He hissed before forcefully kissing me in response.
“I don’t have a condom,” Ilhoon muttered between kisses, causing me to stifle a laugh.
“I’m on pills,” I said breathily while rubbing against his length. “Besides, I want to feel you when you fuck me.”
With a feral growl, he plunged into me without any warning, his full length hitting bottom in a go. I buried my face in his shoulder to suppress a shout of pain. To make up for his rough start, he kept still to allow me to adjust to his familiar size. Hearing my breathing slowed down, he started to move. His fast and deep thrusts were strong enough to hurt me. I whimpered against his white shirt, not caring that my makeup would dirty his important outfit. He rocked his hips slightly as he tried to find his usual angle. After hearing my satisfied gasp, he kept to our old constant rhythm; quickening to build up a pace before slowing it down when he knew I was getting used to it. He wanted to drag my orgasm. However, we did not have the luxury of time. I nipped his ear and suckled on his earlobe before moving to the sensitive spot on his neck. He recognised the silent urge to hurry up and he slammed harder into me.
“Are you close?” He murmured after moans.
I nodded my head, tightening my arms around his neck as I felt the pain from his grip on my waist. With a few more deep thrusts, I felt my body convulsing and I came undone while he continued thrusting through my orgasm. His pacing became erratic as he sought for his release. A drawn-out groan from him indicated he was close too. Knowing exactly what he needed, I teased his sensitive ear, smirking to myself when I heard him moan in pleasure. After a few deep thrusts, I felt his cum painting my walls, his fingernails digging into my dress against my skin. He continued thrusting as he came down from his high. Feeling that his cock had softened slightly in me, he pulled out with shaky breaths. Not a word was spoken as we tried to slow down our breathing. Hot liquid, a mixture of his cum and mine, trickled down my thigh. Once he had calmed himself down enough, he started looking around the room and nodded to himself after he found something. Walking towards it, he reappeared in my field of vision with a roll of tissues. I eyed his every action as he bent down to wipe the white substance off my leg. Muttering thanks, I waited while he cleaned up, not trusting myself to move.
From my angle, I realised his white shirt had my makeup smudged on it. Feeling guilty, I attempted to dust it off. The sudden contact startled him as his shoulders jumped in surprise and his action came to a halt for a moment. After making sure that no evidence were left at the crime scene, I wiggled my butt to get off the desk. He extended a hand to help me down, I politely took it, stumbling a little as I tried to stand on my jelly legs.
“Your stockings…” he asked while gesturing to the ripped fabric that dangled weirdly on my legs. Using his shoulder to balance myself, I unbuckled my heels and took the fabric off.
“I have extras,” I mumbled, waving off his concern.
He nodded in a daze, most probably in disbelief at what just happened. Somehow, an awkward silence had befallen between us as we avoided each other's gaze. Soon, we heard noises from outside and we knew it was time.
“I better,” he cleared his throat as a pause. “Get going.”
I could only nod, finally meeting his glistening and turbulent eyes. Pain and sadness flickered behind them and I smiled weakly in response. I reached a hand out to cup his cheek, pressing a soft and cordial kiss on his stained lips. He closed his eyes and took in a ragged breath.
“As expected, you look really beautiful in white,” he barely whispered.
Before I could reply, he placed a chaste kiss on my forehead and turned on his heels towards the door, leaving the room without another glance or word.
After concocting excuses for my slightly ruined makeup and ripped stockings to my best friend (“I was sleeping on my arms. My stockings were ripped after I tripped and fell.”), I was finally ushered to the ballroom looking my best. Placing a hand on my father’s offered arm, he led me down the aisle towards the entrance and the start of my brand new life. A smart-looking man stood at the altar as he waited for me nervously. He beamed with excitement and his ignorant smile triggered a new wave of guilt in me as my mind played back what had occurred just a few moments ago. I faked a smile, schooling my features so that he would not suspect anything. My father entrusted me to him, placing my hand into his with a few warnings. Before he left, I gave him a tight hug as he secretly wiped the falling tears away from his eyes. Soon I joined my soon-to-be husband, my eyes softening when I saw how awe-stricken he was.
“You look beautiful, I…” he trailed off as he stared into my eyes through the veil. I chuckled at his loss of words before mouthing a thank you. The officiator cleared his throat, indicating that he was about to start.
“Do you take her as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”
“I do.”
He assured his promise loud and clear, without any hesitance. As he lovingly looked at me, I saw how excited he was to share the rest of his life with me. Here he was, ready to give and devote his whole heart to me. I felt the corner of my eyes turning wet from his dedication. Despite our prickly beginning, he continued to shower me with love and adoration as he patiently waited for me to direct my feelings to him. At this altar, right before everyone and in front of the man I was about to agree to spend the rest of my life with, I hesitated.
Did I really want this? Especially after last night and earlier, was this the happy ending that I envisioned?
“Do you take him as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?” For a moment, I saw Ilhoon’s face right before me as he replaced the man standing next to me. I bit back my cry as I witnessed the future that would never happen. Blinking my tears away, I smiled up at my fiancé. This was the point of no return. Making this promise meant a permanent goodbye to him. It meant leaving the regrets and feelings from the past, in the past. It meant continuing my life without him anymore.
It meant keeping our last time a secret until my death do us part.
“I do.”
My husband swooped down to kiss me, earning the cheers of the crowd. However, just as his lips met mine, I felt something trickling down my leg and I closed my eyes, knowing instantly what it was.
Just like his own personal parting gift.
Goodbye, stranger.
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kmbtob-monthly · 6 years
August 2018 # 2 : I Love the Rain... I Used To.
Title: I Love the Rain... I Used To.
Author: Mika
Summary: It was raining when I met him, and I am thankful for that. But if there’s one thing we don’t agree on, it is about the rain. Because I love the rain, everything about it makes me feel good and he is the opposite, he hates it.
Your name: submit What is this?
I love the rain.
He hated it.
When you’re already having a bad day and then it suddenly rains, it sucks right? When you broke up with your girlfriend/boyfriend or when you got scolded by your boss at work, when things just don’t turn out the way you wanted them to be and the rain pours right after, it’s like the sky is playing a joke on you, isn’t it?
But that’s not the case for me. Everything about the rain makes me feel good. The sound it makes when it hits the roof, its unique refreshing smell, the way it showers my skin like it’s planting small kisses on my face. I like the rain in whatever circumstance I am in.
Well at least I used to.
Just like now, it was also raining when I met him. This is the same restaurant too, also the same time and the same month.
I can’t believe it has been three years already.
August 2015
“They’re what?” My mind can’t process what my sister was saying over the phone.
“Mom and dad are getting a divorce.” She said in a shaky voice.
I am aware that our parents fight often. There was always this silent war between them whenever I come home but I didn’t know it was this bad for them to come up with that decision. I mean, they’ve been married for more than 20 years, why would they separate now?
I was lost in thoughts for a while when the waiter caught my attention.
“Pleasant afternoon ma’am! The usual?” a genuine smile never left his face, it was actually contagious that I smiled as well. I nodded and he held up an okay sign.
I’ve been coming here to eat lunch for quite some time. He was usually the waiter who served me and I always order the same, carbonara, chicken fajitas and red iced tea.
I was suppose to meet a client here today, unfortunately, he said he changed his mind about the proposal so... I ended up preparing for nothing. Yeah, I think this is one of my unlucky days.
My hand continued to twirl the pasta on the fork. I thought of my parents, my sister and then my job. Suddenly, I’m not that hungry.
In a few moments, the bright afternoon sunlight was replaced by gray clouds and soon enough, droplets of rain started to fall.
Is it strange that I find comfort in the rain? It warms my heart and it feels like it’s sympathizing with me.
At least the sky understood what I was feeling.
When I finished, I paid for the meal and headed out. It is a good thing I always carry my umbrella so I will be prepared when it rains.
The moment I took a step out of the restaurant, a man with a mullet hairstyle was yelling over the phone that I couldn’t help but here every word he was saying.
“What? I’m coming there now! Where are you?” he sounded angry.
He repeated the place where the person whom he was talking to said to him and I realized I was going there too.
“I left my motorcycle at the building, I’ll go there as soon as I can. Wait for-“ he paused then looked at his phone “sht! My battery is dead.” he ran his hand through his hazelnut brown hair.
“I hate this rain.” He mumbled to himself. I saw that there was no umbrella or even a coat with him. He was about to run for it.
The distance from the restaurant to the building is not that long but the rain is getting heavier and the wind is getting stronger. He’ll get soaked before he even gets there.
I reached out and tapped his shoulder “Uhm, excuse me-”
“What?!” his eyebrows were knit when he faced me.
Wow. He has quite a temper.
He noticed that I was startled with his response “Sorry. But I need to hurry.”
“It’s okay. It’s just that- I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I heard that you were going to 63 square and I’m going there too.” I saw his expression softened “We can share my umbrella.”
I know he’s a stranger and maybe not in a good mood right now but I think it was an emergency so I might as well help him.
He was hesitant at first but he later agreed and we shared my umbrella, it was big enough to cover us both and h did not have a big built anyway.
We reached the building, and I noticed that his angry face a while ago and was turned into a worried one “I maybe shameless right now” he looked at me directly, I saw desperation in his eyes “But I will be gutsy in asking you another favor, if you’re not busy, can you help me find my niece? She’s lost somewhere in this building and my phone is dead.”
I didn’t even think twice and immediately nodded. He hasn’t memorized his niece’s number so we’re a little bit in trouble.
We asked the front desk if they saw a little girl, about 8 years of age and he described to them how tall she was but none of them saw her.
We searched more until I saw a girl who surprisingly looked like him and she was crying sitting at the edge of one of the plant boxes. I told him and he came rushing to her.
“Uncle Ilhoon-“ the little girl’s voice trembled
Ilhoon hugged her “Sshh, it’s okay Yana. Tell me, what happened? Why are you here?” both of us sat down beside her, she was sobbing uncontrollably so I rubbed her back gently.
“It’s dad.” Ilhoon’s forehead wrinkled up again at the word dad. “I saw him come in here, so I followed him. I was happy to see him but I don’t think he felt the same when he saw me.” She almost stopped crying now “When I called him dad, he pushed me away and said that I am not his daughter. He was with a girl and he told her that he doesn’t know me.” Her eyes were filled with tears again. “I got lost and I didn’t want mom to worry, so I called you.”
Ilhoon wrapped his arms on Yana again to make her calm down “Don’t cry, uncle is here. Let’s get you home, don’t go wandering alone like that again okay?” she nodded in his embrace and we stood up.
I noticed Ilhoon was a lot paler than before. Maybe it was because of the searching we did and he did worry a lot about his niece.
I was about to ask him if he’s okay when he suddenly passed out and fell to the ground.
Kneeling, I shook him to wake him up but I felt that he was warm. I put my hand to his forehead and compared his temperature with mine and I was alarmed when I felt him burning.
Yana and I rushed him to the hospital. The doctor said that it was because of over fatigue that’s why his fever was so high. He said that we need not to worry, for Ilhoon only needs rest and enough sleep.
I sat beside the bed and looked at him closely. His facial features were a little bit feminine so I easily recognized his niece, she looks exactly like him. His eye bags were prominent, it looks like he hasn’t been sleeping right or maybe even eating right since he look so thin. Despite the sickly look, he is definitely handsome.
Come to think of it, he almost ran out in the rain with a high fever. My heart softened with the thought. He really loves Yana and will do anything to protect her. And based on their conversation a while ago, he was like a father to her.
“Yana, can I get your mom’s number? I’ll tell her that you’re uncle is here at the hospital.” She gave me her number and I dialed it on my phone.
After a few moments, a lady came knocking on the door. I was not surprised when I saw that she was also pretty like her daughter, and she is literally the girl version of Ilhoon.
She told me she is his older sister and I learnt that Minjoo is her name. I introduced myself first told her what happened and assured her that Ilhoon is already safe.
We talked for a bit more and we were interrupted when my boss called. He was asking where I was and that I was needed at the office immediately.
“Thank you so much for never leaving Yana here alone, and for taking my brother here even though you are busy. We are indebted to your kindness.” She sincerely said when I told her that I need to go back to work.
I shook my head “It’s really no big deal, It’s not right to leave the situation as it is. I need to do something.”
She held my hand “Bless your good heart. Only good things will come your way now.”
Her words made my heart swell with happiness “Thank you, and you too. Take care and I hope Ilhoon will get better soon.”
We bid our goodbyes and I looked at Ilhoon before heading to the door.
I really hope he’ll be fine.
It has been a few days since the incident happened when a received a text messaged from an unregistered number.
“Hi. Is this (Y/N)’s number? I’m Jung Ilhoon, the one you helped last time. I got your number from my noona and I realized I haven’t said my thanks to you.”
I replied back telling him that this is my number and I also asked if he’s already okay.
“Yes, I am fine now. If you have time, I want to personally thank you and maybe have coffee some time?”
As I read his text again and a thought came into my mind that he had some other intention.
Is he…? Nah.
I just brushed the idea off and texted him back
“Sure, I’m free this weekend.”
I smiled at his reply
“This weekend sounds good. See you then.”
Saturday came and we agreed to meet at a cafe near my workplace. He was already there when I came and I am glad that he looks healthier than the last time.
He really has that cold aura surrounding him but it instantly disappeared when he saw me and his thin lips curved upward.
“Hi.” He said still smiling and gestured me to sit.
I sat across him “Hello, I’m sorry. Did you wait long?”
“Not really, I just arrived here.” He shook his head and handed me the menu “Here, you can order anything. It’s on me, as a thank you.”
I’m not really used to people spending their money for me so I said that there was no need for that but he insisted on treating me and I didn’t argue anymore.
Ilhoon is different from the first time I met him. I thought he’s the serious type of guy but he’s actually funny and quite talkative. I can tell that he is smart and he has a lot creative ideas going on his mind, it’s like when he will offer you something and you will end up buying it because of his excellent persuading skills.
It’s like we haven’t seen each other for years that we conversed almost endlessly. We never ran out of topics to discuss. Maybe we have that same vibe, you know when you meet a person and you instantly clicked? I felt it at that moment. We talked so much that I didn’t notice the time. I met him a few hours after lunch and now the sun was almost setting.
It was already past 5 when we decided to part ways. He offered to give me a ride home. I declined it and I lied when I said I have to stop somewhere nearby.
The truth is, I’m really scared of riding motorcycles, and I saw that Ilhoon rides one. My aunt and I had an accident while riding her scooter when I was young and I’m still scared of riding them even up to now.
“Are you sure?” he asked while taking his helmet.
I smiled then nodded “Yes, thank you for today. Say hi to Yana for me.”
“Okay then, I will.” He nodded then pursed his lips “Take care.”
“You too, take care.” I patted his arm and I was about to walk away.
“Wait-“ he said, stopping me from turning around “Can I see you again?”
I was confused for a while and then I felt my heart started beating fast.
Is he asking me out?
“Maybe… yes?”
I really do want to see him again after this and I want to know him more.
The next time we went out, we watched a movie and ate dinner together. After that, it was followed by another meeting and then another one and another one until we got comfortable around each other.
One time, he asked me something. It was the end-of-the-date for today kind of time and as usual, he will offer me a ride home and I will think of another excuse after saying no to him. But then he asked me why this time.
“Why won’t you let me give you a ride home?” he asked after eating the tip of the ice cream cone. We went to the amusement park today and decided to grab some desserts before going home.
I don’t want to lie to him every time he will ask me so I told him the truth about the accident and I was stunned when he gave me his spare helmet.
“Do you trust me?” Ilhoon asked in a soft voice.
“What?” I absentmindedly asked. He moved closer to me.
His beautiful eyes never left mine, I felt my knees weaken. “I was asking if you trust me.”
His gaze has this some kind of effect on me that I just can’t not give in. Before I knew it, I was already seated behind him on his motorcycle.
He guided my arm and encircled it around his waist. “Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with me.”
I can hear my heart racing inside my chest, I don’t know if it’s because I’m overcoming my phobia for the first time or this level of skinship we are having.
“Are you ready?”
I just closed my eyes, buried my face in his back and embraced him tighter. He chuckled and started the engine. “Here we go!”
He started off slow and was gradually speeding up, it was a summer night so the breeze was really perfect. I lifted my head up this time and I squealed a little when he went faster.
Little by little, my uneasy went away and was replaced by excitement. I love how the wind was blowing in my face and I appreciate more the city lights that flashed here and there. I can’t help but shout to release what I was feeling.
“That was amazing.” I swear that I was smiling the whole ride. He drove me to different places first before dropping me home.
“I’m glad you loved it. I hope your not scared anymore.” He said as he got off the motorcycle.
I was so happy that I hugged him “Thank you, I felt like I was missing half of my life being scared of riding this.” I whispered to him.
“Me too” he said as he caressed my hair “Perhaps I missed half of my life if I haven’t met you.”
After a few months of dating, we became official and it was not long when we decided to live together, he then moved in at my place.
It’s nice waking up to see an angel beside you. I often rouse up before him and stare at him for a while, then trace his beauty marks on his cheek that reaches up under his eye, his perfectly chiseled nose and kiss his soft lips that was enough to wake him up.
Ilhoon isn’t really vocal of his feelings but I know that he loves me and I love him too. We get along most of the time, we like doing the same things, having an addiction on the same brands and we also love the same kind of music. And if there’s one particular thing that we didn’t agree on, it was the rain.
I love the rain, and he hates it.
It was raining one time and we were at the porch. He was reading a book and I went out in the rain, calling him out to play. He just shook his head and gave me a firm “no”. I still insisted but he is sticking with his decision.
I had an idea and quietly turned on the water hose when he wasn’t looking and sprinkled him a little. I laughed at his annoyed face and sprinkled him some more.
“Why you- come here!” He chased me and I knew that it was a success in tricking him.
We laughed and danced under the rain, just letting the water shower us. I used to think that the typical scenes in movies where the guy back hugs the girl and spins her around was a bit cheesy, nevertheless, we did that. Never thought that I’d enjoy playing in the rain this much now that I have someone to share the special moment with.
“Y/N” he called me.
“Hmm?” I faced him and slightly played with his wet hair.
Ilhoon leaned in closer “I love you.”
He rarely say it but when he does, he makes sure that the timing is perfect and that he is sincere in saying it. And those things makes my heart flutter.
“I love you too.”
He captured my lips with his in a second. It was always sweet and gentle like it’s the first time.
“I’ve always dream of this.“ I said when the kiss ended.
“Kissing under the rain?” he asked coyly.
I giddily nodded and he kissed me again.
I finished drying my hair and joined Ilhoon in bed. He wrapped an arm around me as I rested my head in his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and it was now my favorite sound.
“Why do you hate the rain?” I randomly asked.
I felt him shrugged “I just don’t like it. It’s irritating.” Ilhoon’s hand tapped a rhythm on my shoulder “Why do you ask?”
“Then why did you follow me out there?”
“Hmm.” He paused for a while “Let’s just say that I hate you less than the rain.”
I lifted my head to face him “What did you say?!”
He laughed at me and that was it. It was enough for me to start a pillow fight.
August 2016
A year has passed since our first encounter and I realized that a lot of good things happen since that day. Although mom and dad really separated, they remained in good terms and the heavy atmosphere at home was gone. I also got promoted at work.
For me and Ilhoon, it was always rainbows and butterflies, until recently, we both started to get busier.
It was not a problem at first but now, we barely have time for each other. He came home every other night and it was reduced to once a week. I started to get worried and wondered if he was still eating and sleeping okay. It got to the point that a thought of him having another woman also crossed my mind.
Until one time I confronted him and he got furious. I mean, why? He was the one who was barely home and now he’s angry at me?
“Are we still okay? What happened to us?” My tears flowed like river on my cheeks. I was getting tired of our setting everyday.
4 words.
It took only four words to make my world crumble down.
“Let’s just stop this.”
He left after saying that and he never came back.
It was days that turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and he still isn’t home. I didn’t contact him, nor did he.
It was also raining today, and I remembered him again, how we danced and played in the rain. Every memory just hurts so much. I just wanted to move on with everything so I cleaned up the house, unfortunately, every bit of it reminds me of him. I was doing fine until I found a plastic ring under the sofa.
“What’s this for?” I got confused when he slid a toy ring from a box of candies on my finger.
“I want to marry to someday. For now, I will work hard to give you your dream wedding and that plastic one will turn into a real one.” He said and hugged me before whispering those magic words in my ear.
A tear rolled down my cheek and I immediately looked for my phone. I was about to call him when my phone rang.
It was Ilhoon.
“I’m sorry” was the first thing he said.
I was crying non-stop now “I’m sorry too.”
“Don’t cry. I’m coming there now.”
“I love you. Come home fast.”
“I will. I love you too.”
That’s the last thing he said before he ended the call.
August 2018 (present)
I shouldn’t have said that he should come home fast. I should’ve said to take care on the way and do not worry about me.
That day, it was raining hard and the road was slippery. He sped up at a narrow road and it made the motorcycle slip away from its course, causing him to fall, he was okay till there but...there was an accelerating truck on the opposite side of the road that was directed towards him.
I blamed everything on the rain.
I used to love everything about it. Now I just hate it. I hate the way it sounds, it’s like bullets falling on the rooftop, I hate the way it smells, I hate the way my clothes get wet and my hair gets drenched.
Everytime it rains, it just reminded me of him.
And I will never look at the rain the same way again.
Now, I have finished paying for my meal and took a step out of the restaurant. I readied to open my umbrella when someone tapped me on my shoulder.
“Excuse me, are you getting to the other side of the road?” he asked me and I nodded as a reply, he then continued “I was wondering if I can share with your umbrella? I just need to get there as soon as I can.”
I caught the pleading in his voice and I agreed. I recognized him as the manager of the restaurant since he was guiding and helping the waiters a while ago but something tells me I’ve see him before, more earlier than today.
When we got to the other side he bowed to me “Thank you so much, miss…?”
I said my name and he smiled a toothy smile that was contagious that I smiled too.
And then that spark something in me.
He was the waiter who usually served me three years ago.
“Nice to meet you!
I’m Eunkwang”
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vitaminbtob · 3 years
!Melodies watch at your own risk!
Alexa play "Missing you By BTOB" 😭💙
[Like/reblog if use 🌸 Please don't repost]
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roastedkentang · 4 years
Brief Moment
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summary: “It’s time for me to go now, baby. I’ll be gone briefly and before you know it, I’m back in your arms”
pairing: ilhoon x reader
genre: romance, soft drabble
“Are you ready?” I asked, walking up to him from behind while he fixed his black Fred Perry beanie on his head in the mirror. My arms immediately wrapped around his torso, interlocking my fingers on his toned abs before resting my head softly on his back. My heart felt heavy knowing that he will be away for awhile and I’ll be left alone during his absence.
Ilhoon sighed deeply, bearing the guilt that has been bothering him for the past weeks. It was hard for him as it was for me. It took him a few days to compose himself before breaking down the news to me. I knew it was coming in the nearest time being but I wasn’t ready to let him go.
 His hands rested on mine and I closed my eyes, just cherishing this moment with him. I have this habit of spooning Ilhoon from behind whenever he stands in front of the mirror getting ready for whatever occasion. The feeling of resting my head on his back while we sway side by side slowly really has that calming effect on me. It relieves me even more when his hands automatically rest on top of mine act as his natural instinct. The heavy feeling tugged my heart and I took a deep breath before tightening my grip on his torso.
Neither of us said a word. We didn’t really need to. The comfortable silence lingering within the room was too calming for us to say something. In this moment, we just stood there and cherishing the remaining time that was running out.
“I’m sorry I have to leave you like this” Ilhoon apologised. 
He loosened my grip before turning around to face me. With those words left his mouth, tears started to swell up in my eyes and as a reflex I immediately face the floor, not really wanting to make eye contact with the person I love the most in this world because I know I’ll lose it if I look at him. I heard Ilhoon took a sharp breath before taking my hands into his, holding it tightly.
“Look at me, baby. Please” he pleaded. My heart ached more.
“Hey,” one of his hands let go, but still holding my two small hands into his other while his other hand cupped my cheek, slightly and ever so softly tilted my head up so that I was forced to look into his two deep brown eyes, “Look at me, please?”
With tears pooling at the edge of my eyes, I looked at him only to see the rim of his eyes were red. Tears rolled down on his right cheek and I wiped it off with my fingers. Ilhoon leaned in further into my touch which made him cry even more. His lips were trembling with much fear of having to leave me all alone. To see him like this broke my heart to million pieces, I couldn’t stand seeing him cry.
“Say something. I want to hear your voice”
“I’m not ready to let you go” I sobbed. I’m not strong enough.
“I know. I’m not ready to leave you all by yourself, but I need to go. It’s my responsibility” Ilhoon cupped my face with his two hands and I rested mine on his hips, gripping his black long sleeved jumper.
Ilhoon pulled me closer and I melted into his touch in an instant. My head rested on his shoulder while he caressed my hair softly. I breathed in his scent, trying to take everything in before he leaves. My two small hands clutched onto his shirt tightly as if he’d disappear into dust, not caring it’d get crumpled. I just wanted to hold him a little longer than usual.
“Don’t you dare forget about me, okay?” I breathed out. My voice sounded hoarse.
“How can I forget you? You’re always on my mind”
We just stood there in each other’s arms, swaying side by side. I myself wasn’t sure if I could survive without him by my side. It’d be the first time we live away from each other ever since we got together 3 years ago. Even if we had our hardships of fighting, we’d always find our way back to each other.
“It won’t be that long, baby. I promise. I love you so much, you know that don’t you?” Ilhoon asked before pulling away slightly to look at me as he say those 3 little words. I smiled softly at him.
“I know. And yes, I do. I love you so much too, always”
My index finger traced his facial features, drawing invisible lines on his soft cheeks, his perfect nose, his forehead, down to his chin and lastly on his plump pink lips. My eyes fell upon his lips, up to his dark brown eyes then back to his lips, my own way of asking his permission to kiss him.
Without wasting anymore time, he leaned in and our lips crashed for the nth time ever since we started dating. The kiss wasn’t heated but it wasn’t a simple peck either. It was soft and slow, full of passion and meaning. I could feel the love that he was giving through our last kiss we were sharing together. His soft lips molded perfectly together with mine, the familiar feeling that I’ve always loved so much. A slightly salty taste suddenly came in contact and that was when I realised I was crying. Ilhoon pulled away and planted a lingering kiss on my forehead. I’m going to miss him a lot.
“Can you stay strong for me?” He asked.
I nodded.
“Smile, baby. I will always be with you” Ilhoon wiped my tears away with his thumb. I chuckled and smiled softly for him. Ilhoon always has his own way to make me smile no matter what.
“I’ll always be with you too. I’m so proud of you, angel”
“Hey, I was the one who supposed to call you that” Ilhoon laughed lightly. His laugh was like musics to my ears.
“Well, it’s not my fault that you were born on the 4th of October and automatically claimed that nickname ever since then” I joked.
“Still, you’re my angel too” he replied.
A long pause surfaced through the air and we just look at each other one last time. He had to go now. I have to let him go.
“It’s time for me to go now, baby. I’ll be gone briefly and before you know it, I’m back in your arms”
Ilhoon’s soothing words calmed the tugging feeling inside my heart and at that moment, I put my trust in him. He’ll be back soon. 21 months is not that long of a wait anyway.
“I know. I love you so much, angel” I breathed out, trying my best to hold back my tears.
He leaned for another kiss one last time, taking everything in. Somehow I know time will fly away in a blink of an eye and he’ll come back manlier than ever before. It’s just for a brief moment. I just have to be strong for him, whatever it takes.
“And I love you the most, my shining star”
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Celebrate (Ilhoon)
requests are encouraged! please read my guidelines before submitting your request!
Genre: fluff; Hogwarts au; Ilhoon as a Gryffindor Quidditch Announcer; brief mentions of SHINee’s Minho and Exo’s Kai
Word Count: 279
Your boyfriend had developed the rather embarrassing habit of flirting with you in front of the entire school, courtesy of his role as the Quidditch Announcer.
“And that stunning capture of the golden snitch by Gryffindor Seeker Kim Jongin— or, as I hear the ladies call him, Kai— proves once again that Gryffindor is, in fact, the greatest house of all time,” Ilhoon declared after the triling conclusion of the final game of the season. 
Once he was sure that Professor McGonagall was too busy celebrating Slytherin’s defeat to scold him, Ilhoon continued, “And on an unrelated note, I would like to take the chance to remind all of you that although Y/N is the most beautiful person in this school, she loves me now and forever—”
Perhaps sensing your embarrassment from where you stood in the stands, as far away from Ilhoon as you could manage, McGonagall yanked Ilhoon away from the speaker. Faintly, you could hear her lecture, “Go celebrate with her instead of abusing your post to embarrass us all.”
Oblivious to your somewhat playful yet entirely genuine glare, Ilhoon swing an arm around your shoulder as he cheered, “I knew Choi Minho would beat those old snakes again!” And then, with a smile that made you forget the frequent humiliation his shamelessness often caused you, Ilhoon said, “You heard McGonagall, didn’t you? We have to celebrate!” before pressing a surprise kiss to your lips. 
And although she had every right to punish him for the inappropriate display, McGonagall merely pursed her lips, mumbled a stiff, “Young people today,” and returned to mocking Snape in an earnest effort to ensure Ilhoon’s celebratory kiss went unpunished.
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
BTOB Meeting Your Parents
“BTOB reaction to meeting their S/O’s parents”
Eunkwang: Wins everyone over with his humour, but tries to tone it down the first few times he meets them. The more they meet, the more comfortable he’ll become. He’s just naturally likeable though so don’t be surprised if every time you visit your parents, they ask you to bring him with you.
Minhyuk: Somehow manages to get on equally well with both of your parents. He manages to find something to relate to with pretty much every member of your family he meets. Practically begs your parents to break out the baby photos too.
Changsub: Will always turns up with food, he doesn’t want anyone to feel pressured thinking that they have to cook just bc he’s there. Just bursts into the kitchen and starts handing out plates to everyone, totally makes himself at home.
Hyunsik: His shyness would probably work in his favour in this kinda situation tbh, at least initially. They’d leave thinking he was super polite and such a good listener, but really he was just scared he’d say something super weird and freak them out. 
Peniel: Aaah, those good ol’ fashioned American manners. He’d make the biggest effort to call everyone “Sir” or “Maam”. Will shake hands on first meeting and make sure that they both know his intentions with dating their child are good and pure lol.
Ilhoon: Attempts to bond with them by buying them stuff. He’ll spend the proceeding weeks before meeting them asking you what they’re into or anything they totally hate. “Would they feel weird if I got them something too expensive??? Aaah this is so hard...I don’T KNOW THESE PEOPLE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THEM GIFTS??!?”
Sungjae: Would probably end up accidentally calling your mother Mum; he’d be totally mortified about it but she’d probably find it cute. Shows your parents all the photos he’s taken of you doing dumb shit over the years 
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bts-parktaehyung · 8 years
Mile High Club
Pairing: Jung Ilhoon X Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1464
You were on your way home with your boyfriend, Ilhoon, so he could meet your parents. You had moved to South Korea about 3 years ago and started dating Jung Ilhoon about a year and a half ago. It was decided by everyone (your parents) that it was time for him to meet your parents as you had already met his and they loved you.
On the plane ride home, the two of you rode first class as to not draw any unwanted attention from Ilhoon's fans. The both of you were used to flying by now and had it down to a science. Ilhoon pulled out both of your travel pillows, handing yours to you and shoving his behind his head. He leaned over and pecked you on the lips before leaning back into his seat as you both took a nap.
About an hour later, you woke up to find Ilhoon awake and on his laptop. You sat up and stretched, lying your head on his shoulder. "Hey, jagi. Did you have a good nap?" He asked, kissing the top of your head. You nodded, not ready to talk after your long slumber. Ilhoon laughed, closing his laptop and putting it away. "Are you excited to see your parents?" He wrapped an arm around you as you nodded again in response. "Mm good. I'm excited to meet them." He admitted, taking his arm back, making you to whine. "It was hurting my arm, sweetheart." He laughed, kissing your cheek.
"Sorry, oppa." You smiled sweetly, turning to look out the window. "Are you excited to see my old room?" You asked, turning back to look at him.
He smirked, "will we be staying in your old room?" You laughed, nodding your head and narrowing your eyes at him.
"Why?" You asked, suspicious of what he was getting at.
"Oh, cool," he said slowly and sliding his hand onto your bare knee.
"Ilhoon!" You whispered, raising your eyebrows at him. He laughed, leaning in and kissing your neck.
"What?" He asked between kisses, acting completing innocent. You giggled as his face was buried in your neck and his hand slid between your legs. You didn't know if you should stop him before his hand disappeared under your skirt, or not.
You decided against it, hoping a flight attendant or another passenger wouldn't walk by and see. "Are you gonna be good girl for oppa, baby?" He whispered, gently biting your ear. Your breath hitched as his hand slid further up the inside of your leg. You took in a deep breath and made more room for his hand by parting your legs. "Good girl, jagi." He gently kissed your neck, sliding his hand all the way up to your panties.
Your routine for plane travel with Ilhoon didn't include this kind of PDA and this change of plans excited you. "Ilhoon..." You breathed, closing your eyes as his fingers teased you over the thin fabric of your underwear. He smirked, brushing hair out of your face with his free hand. You opened your eyes, smiling at him before he kissed you sweetly, cancelling out the dirty things he was doing to you under your skirt.
When he pulled away and you opened your eyes, you saw the top of a flight attendant's head coming your way over the seats in front of you. "Shit." You mumbled, pushing Ilhoon's hand away and straightening yourself out. Ilhoon whined in protest before the attendant greeted the two of you, making him jump. He quickly leaning back into his own seat as you watched his whole face turn a bright shade of red.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you." She laughed softly, apologizing. You shook your head at her.
"No, you're fine. He's just jumpy." You smiled, leaning over him and whispering, "he's going to meet my parents." She nodded her head with smile.
"Ah, I see. Well good luck!" She said politely before walking away.
"I am not nervous!" He said, turning his attention back to you. You giggled at your embarrassed boyfriend while he scolded you. When, suddenly, his expression changed and he bit his lip. He took your hand as he stood up, pulling you up with him.
"Ilhoon, what are you doing?" You asked, completely lost. He winked at you before dragging you back to the bathroom. He stopped in front of the door, as you gave him a 'you've got to be kidding me' look. He opened the door and pulled you into the tiny room, shutting the door behind you. "Ilhoon, this is a bad idea," you whispered.
"Come on, jagi. Please. It's something new and you have to do something about this." His voice was low and suggestive as he pushed your hand against his erection.
You bit your lip in thought as he stared at you, hoping you'd agree. Finally, you gave in and Ilhoon smiled so big you could see all his perfect white teeth. When he kissed you, it started off sweet and ended passionate as he picked you up to sit you on the counter behind you. You felt his hands slide up your thighs and grab your panties, pulling them down your smooth legs. After ridding you of your panties, he started undoing his belt and pants, smiling at you.
Once he was done fumbling with his pants, he pulled you to the edge of the counter. You bit your lip, equally nervous and excited. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed him slowly. You felt his member between your legs, making your heart beat faster. If anyone knocked on the door, you had no idea what was going to happen. He pushed himself into you, erasing all nervousness and replacing it with pleasure as he slowly pumped himself into you. You pulled away from the kiss, burying your face in his neck.
"Jagi," he whispered, biting your ear. "You feel so good." He groaned quietly. Placing your hands on the edge of the counter, your head dropped back as you let out a sigh. He smirked, staring up at you; eyes closed, biting your lip, hair tousled a little.
You sat up straight, unbuttoning your blouse. You watched Ilhoon bite his lip as he stared at your hands work the buttons. Once you finished, he kissed your cleavage before licking and biting. His thrusts got harder and faster, bringing you more pleasure. It was getting harder to stay quiet as he sucked bruises into your chest, gripping your ass as he fucked you senseless. Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the counter for dear life, feeling your orgasm approach.
Suddenly, Ilhoon quickly pulled out, pulling you off the counter and turning you around. You bent over, bracing your hands on the mirror and watching the steam collect on the mirror from your sweaty hands. He slowly went back in, teasing you with little thrusts. The new angle had your knees weak as he began pounding into you. Seconds later, you felt him throb inside of you as he squeezed your hips tightly, definitely leaving bruises.
Before you could stand up to straighten yourself out, Ilhoon's hand was between your legs. You gasped as his thumb rubbed circles into you, guiding you to your release. "Ilhoon." You moaned quietly. He smirked behind you as your legs gave out and he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you up. Your mouth dropped open as the pleasure coursed through you.
"Are you okay, jagi?" He asked, holding you up with his arm still around you as you turned around.
"Perfect." You smiled, pecking his lips. "Now let's get out of here." You added, looking for your underwear as you buttoned your shirt. Ilhoon rinsed his hand off and did up his pants before opening the door, pushing you through it before you could find your panties. "Ilhoon," you whispered as he lead you down the aisle of seats, "I don't have my undies on." He smirked as you both sat in your seats.
"I have them." He smiled, looking over at your flustered expression. Your face got hot as you stared back at him. "You won't be needing them." He winked.
"Ilhoon!" You whispered, smacking his chest. He laughed, grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers through yours.
"How do you like being part of the mile high club, baby?" He asked, kissing your hand. You glared at him before smiling, not being able to keep a straight face.
"I'm thinking we might have to renew our membership on the way home." You replied, leaving him shocked as you turned to look out the window. So far, the trip was off to a great start and you couldn't wait for the rest of it.
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ahgasetay · 6 years
rain walks | ilhoon
Admin: jade
Genre: fluff
Word count: 0.251K
Pairing: fem!readerX male!idol
Warnings: none!
Prompt: “you can’t spell stupid with out u and I” from @incorrectprompts
Authors note: just a small drabble that came to mind
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You grinned as you cuddled with Ilhoon, he was running his fingers through your hair as your head was on his chest. He hummed songs to you as you laid there. You held onto him then looked out the windows at the gray overcast sky. “I like it out there,” you smiled softly as Ilhoon looked at you. “You like that crappy weather?” You nodded and smiled. As he looked at you in disbelief. “I love it out there,” You watched as it started to rain a little. “Now I like it even more,” he kept playing with your hair and smiled. “Can we go outside and walk around?” You grinned as he looked at you. “You really want to go out there now as it’s raining? That’d be stupid, we’ll get all wet,”
You giggled as you let go of him and ran to the bedroom for your shoes. “You can’t spell stupid without u and i,” you grabbed your shoes and his then walked back out to him. He shook his head and couldn’t help but smile as he put his shoes on as you grabbed the coats.
“We’re really doing this?” He looked at you with a half-smirk, half-smile as you nodded quickly. “You’re lucky I love you,” you giggled as you leaned down and kissed him. He took your hand and walked out with you and smiled. You grinned as you skipped and swung your arm and he giggled at you. “You’re adorableeee,” he giggled and grinned.
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chogiwakeupsheeple · 6 years
BtoB’s Ilhoon; One Picture, A Thousand Words
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Genre: Smut     Pairing: Ilhoon x Male reader     Words: 548
A picture says a thousand words, or so the saying goes. In this case, you would’ve preferred if Ilhoon had simply used his words.
AN: oh so you thought this would be fluffy based on the gif and title? hah, bamboozled again
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Falling in love means doing stuff like going on spontaneous dates, endless flirting and staying up all night texting while feeling the butterflies in your stomach caused by a simple heart emoji. However, having been in love for a long time mostly consists of staying in, ordering takeout and watching bad rom-coms in your onesies; now that's what you and Ilhoon called a proper date.
The takeout had already been devoured but none of you intended to clean it, instead you left the boxes on the table as you continued watching whatever movie was playing. Or rather, you were watching and making stupid and, if you do say so yourself, hilarious comments along the way while Ilhoon was on his phone, scrolling through various social media. As the lead actress confessed her love to some other hot Hollywood actor, you couldn’t help but look over at Ilhoon and feel your heart fill with love. Being lazy with your boyfriend dressed in his silly onesie was the best date you could ever imagine - even if he fell asleep during the movie a couple of times.
The second movie of the night ended with the same cliché lovey-dovey ending as the previous one had, and you were just about to put on movie number three when your phone buzzed on the table. You weren’t initially going to check it, thinking it wasn’t anything important but then you noticed Ilhoon staring at your phone, then at you, then back to phone like he was mentally telling you to check. ‘‘What have you done now?’‘ you asked with a sigh and you could tell he was trying hard to act innocent. ‘‘Absolutely nothing’‘ he answered while failing to hide a smirk. You hesitantly grabbed your phoned and, sure enough, there was one message from Ilhoon with a picture attached.
‘‘Yes, my prince?’‘ he answered with an even bigger smirk.
‘‘Did you... Did you just send me a dick pic?’‘
You had no idea why you were so surprised; you had seen his dick hundreds of times before on many occasions but getting a picture was new. Ilhoon simply laughed in response and scooted closer to look at your screen. ‘‘Looks good, doesn’t it?’‘ he asked, but you weren’t sure if he meant the picture or the penis; probably both. ‘‘When did you even take this?’‘ you asked, avoiding his question.
‘‘An hour ago in the bathroom’‘ he answered as he began rubbing your thigh softly, obviously trying to start something. ‘‘Babe, if you were in the mood you could’ve sent this an hour ago or, you know, simply have told me’‘ you remarked. ‘‘I know,’‘ he answered as he sneaked his hand closer to your crotch, ‘‘but where’s the fun in that?’‘ You couldn’t help but laugh at his silly attempt to woo you, but you had to admit that it was kinda hot having a picture you could now look at whenever you needed to. ‘‘Well,’‘ you began with a smirk, ‘‘I’d send you a picture in return but why would I do that when I could just show you the real deal.’‘ You caught Ilhoon swallowing hard at your remark, his eyes glued to your crotch while discreetly grinding down on the couch to get some much-needed friction.
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AN: aaaaa I’m so sorry for just ending it there but I truly couldn’t finish it. I didn’t just want to just ditch it completely tho, so if someone likes this prompt and is interested in finishing it, then please do so! ❤️
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gohyuck · 6 years
ink - j.i.
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ilhoon x reader
where you get tattooes
You’re being surreptitious without there being any reason to be.
Sighing, you press save on your half finished chords, checking the time - 2:44 am - before shutting your system down. You won’t get any more work done tonight, not while being this distracted.
It isn’t that big a deal, after all - it’s just a couple of strokes of ink filling the space on your right wrist. It’s a tribute to your hard work, too - the months of blood, sweat, and tears spent on the project condensed into one small wave. It’s simple and beautiful, and you don’t regret getting it. Hell - you’re proud of what your tattoo stands for.
March 8th, 2018. Big Wave - Jung Ilhoon’s solo debut. Produced by Ilhoon and by you. You’d briefly considered also getting 080318 etched into your skin instead but had decided against it, settling on just the elementary wave. Two tattoos dedicated to it - your first project as a producer for Cube - would be overkill. Besides, people could misconstrue Ilhoon’s solo debut date permanently being on your body as something more than the truth - that you’re just friends. Unfortunately. You don’t dwell on your wishful thinking.
It was a debut date for both of you, but he’s the one in the limelight. You’ve always been more of a behind-the-stage kind of person.
That’s tangential. You reprimand your own thoughts for strolling down forks in roads to meet more forks in roads, causing you to get farther and farther away from the predicament at hand.
That is - the predicament on your hand. You want Ilhoon to see your tattoo, but you don’t know how to show him it. You don’t know how he’ll react, and that scares you shitless for reasons beyond yourself. God knows that you’ve had countless opportunities to just let your sleeves ride up, to lean across from him and ‘accidentally’ flash your latest ink. You just can’t bring yourself to do so.
It’s why, for the past three weeks, you’ve been wearing sweatshirts and long sleeved shirts places.
It’s August.
As you chastise yourself for being such a goddamn weenie a knock on your apartment door startles you. You hurry to tug on the nearest hoodie - in not being able to let Ilhoon know about it, you haven’t told anyone else either.
“I’m home! Just give me a sec.”
A familiar laugh meets your ears in response, followed by a familiar face as you swing open the door. Ilhoon grins, ruffling your hair quickly as he shucks his shoes off at your front door.
“What’s up?”
Ilhoon doesn’t chance coming over to your apartment unless he’s got pressing information that you need to know - he doesn’t want to accidentally out where you live to anyone. It’s why, in fact, he’s standing in your apartment at 3 in the morning rather than 3 in the afternoon.
He smiles as he settles down on your couch, patting the seat next to him in a silent ask for you to join him. The moment you get within arm’s reach, he shifts closer to the end of the couch to make room. When you sit down on the opposite end, sitting farther from him than you mean to, he swings his feet onto your lap - that’s the extent of his skinship. It’s honestly a lot for him, actually.  
Leave it to Ilhoon to be more comfortable in your own home than you are.
You don’t sound short with him, but he wouldn’t consider you patient, either. It’s ass o’clock in the morning, after all, and you have to sleep sometime.
“I have something to show you.”
“It couldn’t have waited?”
“Have I ever waited?”
You fight a smile at this, rolling your eyes instead to show your - faked - displeasure instead. Ilhoon reads you perfectly and shoots you another grin, barely softer than the first one. He shuffles to sit straight, leaning towards you.
“Look at this,” His eyes gleam with excitement as he shakes his sleeve away from his hand. Before you can furrow your brows, he jabs his index finger in the space between you at the speed of light, forcing you to grab his hand to save yourself.
There’s a black line on the side of his finger that wasn’t there before.
You let out a breath of disbelief.
“You got a tattoo?”
“I have, like, five, but yeah. I got a tattoo.” His smile is still bright, but the corners are slipping slightly. “Why? You don’t like it?”
“No I - I just,” You stare at the simple wave on his finger for a second more, trying to pull your thoughts together. “I-”
You blink twice before realizing that the words just won’t come out. You’re forced, rather, to pull your right sleeve off, baring your own ink to Ilhoon, who, really, may as well be the world to you. It’s the end, you think, mind flashing forward to mobs of fans possibly realizing that you have the same tattoo. They wouldn’t buy an explanation of how none of this was planned, and even though BTOB and Ilhoon’s fans have never even neared being rude or territorial, the idea still scares you. You don’t want to impact his career negatively, and you don’t want to lose yours, either.
Ilhoon’s eyes widen as his smile drops completely to be replaced by an expression of shock. He grabs your wrist, albeit gently, to bring it closer to him.
It’s really over, now.
“They’re almost fucking identical, holy shit.”
“Yeah, fuck. If I’d have known I wouldn’t have -”
“This is fucking awesome - wait, what?”
“What?” Looking into Ilhoon’s eyes, you realize you’ve completely misread his expression. He doesn’t seem fearful, but he does look… excited?
“I mean… what if fans think that we’re dating?”
One corner of his mouth turns up. “My fans haven’t been wrong before - ow!”
“You’re the worst.” Nevertheless, your smile has started to return. “I’m being serious!”
“So am I!” Ilhoon brings his feet off of you, moving slightly closer to you. He grabs both of your wrists and tugs lightly, forcing you to keep your gaze on him. “This is proof as any that we should do… something. I’ve meant to ask for-fucking-ever and honestly, I think that this is the sign I’ve been waiting for. What do you say?”
You relax, letting the tension out of your shoulders with a long sigh. “What about the company?”
“Fuck the company.” Ilhoon’s gaze is gentler than usual even when paired by his harder words. You’re already getting used to it.
After what feels like seconds to you and eons to him, you nod, grabbing onto his wrists as well. He laughs, and you laugh, and within moments you’re both happier than ever in each others arms.
Eventually you both subside, and Ilhoon examines your wrist again as you trace over his newest tattoo. He stares at it for forever, even after you’ve stopped in your ministrations.
“You know,” Ilhoon begins thoughtfully. “We got a couple tattoo before being a couple.”
You don’t respond.
It’s 3:45 am., and you’re dead asleep.
Ilhoon smiles again, the kind he’s had reserved for you since he’d met you.
He leans in to whisper to you, even if he knows you won’t hear him.
“I’m glad I didn’t wait until the morning.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Idol Advent - Day Four
For the first twenty-five days of December we will be opening up a door on the Idol Advent tree to see who is behind it and waiting with a drabble to share!
To find out who is there for Day Four, click the keep reading!
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Ilhoon – Christmas Movies
 You plopped down onto the sofa beside Ilhoon and took the candy cane he held out to you as you nestled into his side. He then glanced at you weirdly as the movie began to play on the screen.
“I thought we were watching Christmas movies tonight.”
You nodded. “We are.”
“Y/N, this isn’t a Christmas movie.”
“What do you mean it’s not?” you asked, shooting your boyfriend a disapproving look. His grin faded at how serious you had gotten. “It’s Christmas Eve, this movie is perfect.”
Ilhoon scoffed and pointed his candy cane at you. “It’s Nightmare Before Christmas, this is a Halloween movie.”
“Ilhoon, it’s the night before Christmas. Clearly, this works as a movie for both holidays.”
You nodded adamantly. “This is a tradition for me. I watch it every Halloween and Christmas Eve.”
He smiled, nodding softly to himself in thought and then he kissed your cheek. “So, will this become part of our tradition together too?”
“Only if you plan to sing along with me.”
“You’re pretty serious about this movie,” Ilhoon observed and you grinned.
“Just as I am about you.”
He smirked. “Then let me get ready to sing.”
To read who is next, check back at 12pm NZST daily.
[Christmas 2018 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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killingmebtob · 6 years
You Weren’t Here // Jung Ilhoon
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Author: @killingmebtob // Gen
Title: You Weren’t Here
Characters: Jung Ilhoon x Reader
Summary: Y/N had a nightmare after an argument with Ilhoon,
Author’s Note: Been missing for too long or no one noticed AHAHA requests are now open! Do drop us some ^^
Your name: submit What is this?
It was dinner time. And it all started out with a concern from me.
"Stop stopping me from doing what I want, it's my job!" He shouted back, throwing his hands in the air.
"I'm not stopping you. I get it, it's what you do for a living, what I'm just saying is tone down with it. You've been coming home late and leaving home way too early. And at times, you spend the night in the studio. I'm just worried." I calmly said, trying to put out the fire.
"Because I'm rushing for our comeback! Why can't you understand? You said it was nice that I had something I'm passionate about!"
"It is! And I'm still proud of it! I'm saying it's not healthy like this!"
"So it's healthy to just laze around and do nothing like you?"
And that was enough to send my walls crumbling. Upon graduating from college just a few months ago, I still couldn't get a job and my boyfriend had to help out in terms of financial more than I do. He said he didn't mind it.
He said.
I push the chair to stand up, picking up the plate of uneaten food and placed it in the fridge. Without another word exchange, I headed towards the bedroom we share. But was stopped by him.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said softly. But I know. Him apologizing doesn't mean he gives in to the argument. It was just for that one sentence he threw at me.
"Step aside." I spat coldly. And I didn't need to say it twice.
I buried myself in pillows. I hated the feeling of arguing with him. I love him, and so do he. But his stubbornness and hot temper can really get the best of him. And now feeling so awful, I can't even go to him for a cuddle.
The door clicked open, light from outside the bedroom shone into the darkness. I heard him let out a sigh. Upon the lack of my reaction, he announced that he'll be sleeping in the guest room.
He went towards the closet and pulled his sleeping clothes before heading out once more, silence that filled the air choking me the whole time. As the door was closed once again, I felt a tear rolling down from the side of my eye. Using the back of my hand to wipe it off, my eyelids fluttered close. I was drained after that heated argument.
"Sorry, I don't feel the way I did anymore." He coldly threw at me, without even turning around to face me. With luggage in his hands, he headed towards the door of our apartment and left. For good.
I sobbed, while running after him. As the door closed, I grabbed onto the door knob to push it open. But it wouldn't budge, not even an inch. The anxiety in me grew as my sobbing continued. He loves me, he can't leave just like this.
I felt myself helplessly dropped onto the ground as I banged on the door, wishing he would open it again and pull me into his embrace.
I gasped as I snapped my eyes open. My breathing was so quick I had to calm myself down. It was a nightmare, he's not leaving. But when I turned around, the space next to me was empty. The scene from last night came flooding back in. Pulling the blanket out of my legs, I headed towards our bathroom and splashed some water to keep myself from overthinking.
I'll just check that he hasn't leave, I persuaded myself. Tip-toeing to the guest room, I opened the door slightly, just enough for me to peek in. And there he was on the bed, sleeping soundly. Before I knew it, I found myself creeping up next to him and settled on the bed.
It woke him up as he murmured, "Y/N? What are you doing?"
"I had a nightmare and you weren't around." I mumbled back. His expression softened at the mention of my purpose. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.
"What was it about?" He carefully asked. We have always believe that talking about nightmares will prevent them from happening for real.
"You left me, for good. You said you don't love me anymore. I ran after you, but the door just couldn't open. I -" I choked as I felt my tears rising again. He shushed me to stop, burying my face into his chest as he patted the back of my head.
"I'm here alright, no one's leaving." He reassured me.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have -"
"It was my fault, you meant well but I took it the wrong way." He cut me off as I was about to apologize for starting the fight.
"I hate arguing with you."
"Me too."
I could hear him smiling through his words as we ended our argument.
"I'll come home earlier later, ok?" And I nodded, smiling with my eyes closed, tightening my grip around his body as I melted into his warmth.
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vitaminbtob · 4 years
⚠️ I cried while making this ⚠️
I know I said I'll be posting Hyunsik video after Changsub edit but i just wanted to share this one... I hope everyones like it 💙
[Like/reblog if use 🌸 Please don't repost]
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hyungtop · 7 years
Could you please do C / G / H / I / K / M / Q for Ilhoon (BtoB)? Thank you!🙈💕
G - Group Mates (how would they break the news to the group? how would their group mates interact with you?)
ilhoon is pretty straightforward so when the group is all together at practice or something, he’ll come out and say “i’m seeing someone.” cue lots of shouting and shocked faces. before introducing you to them, ilhoon would threaten ask that they act like decent human beings towards you. at first they really do try but eventually they protest, claiming that they must reveal their true selves in order for you to really know them. you’d end up becoming pretty good friends with them.
H - Hugs (how would they hug you? is it common for them to hug you?)
ilhoon likes to hold you, but he doesn’t exactly give you hugs. he gives you one-armed side hugs and that’s pretty much it. the only time he really holds your body against his is when you’re sad and in need of comfort.
I - Intimate (how touchy feely are they? when would they become comfortable to be touchy feely?)
ilhoon’s all up for casual touches, like wrapping an arm around your shoulders or resting his head on top of yours, little things like that. he’s like this from the time right before you guys start dating all the way into your relationship, because no matter how much he loves you, excessive contact still makes him uncomfortable. but he does get clingy when he’s done something wrong or wants something from you.
K - Kisses (how would they kiss you? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
tilhoon loves to give forehead kisses. they’re a nice way of saying “i care for you and you mean a lot to me” while keeping things mellow. ilhoon doesn’t really have a preference as to where he likes you to kiss him, anywhere is fine as long as the two of you don’t have an audience.
M - Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
on work days: lots of incoherent grumbling, burying heads under covers, and ilhoon’s sleepy morning voice. on weekends: you’ll probably wake before he does, so it’s up to you whether you want to stay in bed and wait for him to get up or get out of bed and do some chores, get some errands done. he’ll probably stir awake sometime just before noon and stretch while yawning loudly, then call for you to come back to bed with him.
Q - Quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail that you mention in passing? or do they kinda forget everything?)
ilhoon is one of those guys who has a “selective memory” (meaning that if it made you feel some type of extreme emotion, he definitely remembers. otherwise most other stuff just goes over his head.) he’s more likely to remember details if he’s involved, like the way you light up when he comes into the bedroom at night after work or how you gave him A Look the one time he tried to cook you dinner.
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
BTOB reacting to their s/o having a young child
“hay can u please do a btob reaction to a older gf who have a 6 years old son?” 
(A/N: lemme just clarify I think all the members would be supportive of you and your child, this is more of like, how they act around your child or how they try and like, get along with them okay ty, lemme know if you want something more specific)
Eunkwang: Now, Eunkwang pretty much is a child anyway. So in a weird way, I think he’d be quite happy finding out you have a child, now he has an appropriate outlet to be loud AND he gets to hang out with you at the same time, so its a win win.
Minhyuk: He's always seemed the most paternal out of the group, to me at least. So I don't even think he'd bat an eyelid tbh. He'd want to make sure both you and the child were happy at all times, would always arrive with gifts or food for you all whenever you were together.
Changsub: Another paternal member lol, this time he’d do his utmost to try and bond with your child by playing with them. He knows he can be...a lot to handle so he would probably try and tone down his energy though, so as to not scare or intimidate your child.
Hyunsik: He’d get nervous af tbh. Like he’d always said he wanted kids, but now the time has arrived to be around one he...he doesn't know what to do. Especially bc he can get quite shy anyway, he’d be a little awkward tbh.
Peniel: A SHY BOI. He doesn't wanna make the wrong impression when meeting your child for the first few times, so whilst he probably looks like he’s not really interested or trying at all; he’s shitting himself on the inside.
Ilhoon: Completely unaware of how to act around a child tbh. He’d try and act all super grown up about it but tbh I feel like he’d just be another awkward member. You’d probably have to reassure him that he’s not gonna break your child or sth lol...
Sungjae: Be prepared to have two kids to handle now tbh. In his defence, he does think that being super loud and rambunctious is a way to become closer and bond with your child, in reality, he’s just annoying lol. But he really is trying.
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kreacts · 7 years
Btob reaction to finding their s/o masturbating
Hello! Can I please request btob's reaction to finding their s/o masturbating? Thank you. 
Not really nsfw actually, just laughs really. 
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Eunkwang didn’t know you were home and you didn’t know he was home. He opened the door and when he saw you on the bed, half naked he would yell out, his yell mixing in with yours and he’d cover his eyes and promptly leave the room. “Shit, sorry y/n! I didn’t well- I didn’t think you’d, you know be,” he would stammer from beyond the door. It was a different thing when the two of you were having fun together and you were masturbating alone. It felt like he invaded your privacy. He’d lean against the door and start smiling slightly. “You can you know call me next time,” he’d say, grinning outside the door as his rubbed at his red cheeks. 
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When Minhyuk heard noises coming from your room he’d slowly open the door and peek in. It would take him a second as he realised what was happening and he’d start smiling and grinning over at you. “Ooh, so this was what you were doing, huh?” he’d tease, smiling as you already tried to cover up, pretending as if you had no idea what he was talking about. He’d already be tugging off his shirt, walking over towards the bed the two of you shared and tugging the covers away from you. “What? I thought you were being loud cause you wanted me to find you,” he’d say, laughing slightly. His smile would turn cheeky as he started to slide his hand up along your leg. “Should have waited for me.” 
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Neither of you had any idea that the other was home. You thought you could have some time to play with yourself but when your door suddenly burst open and Changsub walked it was all ruined. Changsub’s shocked face as he glanced you up and down nearly made you burst out laughing. As if the two of you hadn’t already seen each other naked. “What-what is happening. Without me?!” he’d ask, half offended that you didn’t call him. He’d be staring you up and down, shaking his head, ears turning a light red as he left the room. “Call me when you’re done then, traitor!” 
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Hyunsik would probably be a little taken off guard when he accidentally walked in on your masturbating. He’d bring his hand to his mouth while he suddenly giggled. “You having fun, y/n?” he’d ask. You were probably more shy than he was since you didn’t expect him to suddenly walk in. At this point he was pretty chilled with everything and so he’d make his way over to your bed and slowly climb onto it, giving you a small grin. He’d already be pulling the covers over the two of you, leaning down to kiss you. “Mind if I join then?” 
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“Oh! Okay! This is happening. You’re doing that and I just, well okay! Damn, y/n,” Peniel would just be stuttering out words and trying not to smile too much as he looked around the room, his gaze avoiding you completely. “Like, you want me to leave or? You know I could just,” he trailed off, shaking his head and looking over to the side. You clearly didn’t want him to leave and he couldn’t help the small, smug smile that formed on his face as he was already practically jumping onto to the bed. “I knew it. I’m the best, right y/n?”
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Ilhoon would walk into your room and wouldn’t even realise what you were doing since you were lying under the covers. He’d lay next to you and start tugging at the blankets before his eyes widened as he realised what you were doing earlier. He’d fall onto the bed, holding onto himself. “But, but I was in the living room. You walked right pass me. Have you forgotten me already? Have I been replaced?!” he’d ask, dramatically as he stared up at you, pretending to be sad. He’d tug the blankets away and start crawling beneath them. “I wanna have fun too, y/n.” 
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Sungjae would walk into your room and nearly walk right back out as he saw you. He’d gulp and start smiling shyly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. He’d turn around so he wasn’t facing you and he’d have to stop giggling. “Well, okay this was what you were doing,” he’d say, laughing out slightly and trying not show you how shy and slightly embarrassed he was. “My innocent eyes,” he’d say. It was far from innocent. This wasn’t the first time. When you called him over to the bed, he’d turn around smiling just a bit. “You sure, I mean it looked like you were having fun without me,” he’d tease just a bit but would yelp out when you practically heaved him towards the bed. 
✩ Indigo 
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