#jung haemin angst
minkkumaz · 1 year
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there used to be so much love there, just two people completely infatuated with one another. you've been through so much with haemin, and you thought maybe he'd fight for your relationship. but even after all this hurt part of you still loved him.
PAIRING jung haemin x fem!reader WC 2.0k TAGS lovers to exes. angst. growing apart. asshole haemin. somewhat a timeline of denial to acceptance. miscommunication. OMI NOTE another little something for my @woonhakist because i love writing for her. except unlike prince sungho it's actually angst. sorry sungho ur getting booted out of this. this has been in my drafts for about a month but now i'm motivated to get it done for u hehe. i hope you like. ^_^ (inspired by just me by rin)
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the skys were clouded with pillows of dark gray. it had been rainy recently, the smell of wet pavement becoming more distinguishable as it continued. you wanted to assume that maybe it was his fault. the reason behind why your days were always so dark.
it was common to fear the unknown. being innocently unaware of what was going on behind the scenes was slowly eating at your insides; making you feel as if you were the dead carcass of a street animal, being fed on by rats.
things were different recently, he was different. haemin was going out more than usual, a breath of fresh air in comparison to the introverted persona you were used to. despite your worries, he convince you that you didn’t need to know where he was all the time.
“i’m just hanging out with kyungmin and a few other friends. do you have to be so worried?” he groaned.
“it’s not like that, haem! i just got curious…”
shouldn’t you be glad? that feeling of relief knowing he was blooming into a person that could celebrate with others. it was growth, but not in the way you expected. more or less, he was growing into someone unrecognizable.
phone dials were met with an empty line. and even when he did answer, he ended the call with a simple ‘bye’ and not ‘i love you more.’
still, you loved him to the moon and back. every couple went through a rough patch, you understood that when you agreed to be with him. though it was difficult to convince yourself you were content with how things were playing out.
often you took long walks to distract yourself from the unread text messages. it was this time at noon that was most gloomy. your umbrella collected droplets of water, dripping down the side to barely avoid you.
you saw couples on the streets, holding hands happily. they took photos together and shared hot drinks with eachother to battle the slight cold. you envied them.
because in your head, that position seemed almost unreachable. he was so far away from you, farther than you could even realize. what used to be something special between your heart and his wasn’t recognizable.
that day, you stopped going on walks. everything reminded you of the boy that was falling out of love. you came home quickly, trying to outrun your own thoughts. the bronze plate with your apartment number came into view as you dug through your bag to get the keys.
fumbling with the lock for a second, you finally open up to your home. immediately your gaze lands on an extra pair of shoes by the door, making your heart skip a beat slightly. tugging off your own, you set down your umbrella in a corner to dry.
when walking farther into the house, you see haemin sitting comfortably on the couch. he looked busy on his cell phone, paying almost no mind to your presence.
“haem! i didn’t know you would be home, where were you?” you smile fondly, letting yourself sit next to him.
“oh. i was just out for a bit.” he barley acknowledged your existence, angling his phone slightly away from your view. you noticed this, but said nothing.
“did you have fun? it was pretty rainy out today so i hope you weren’t cold.”
“yeah, it was fine.”
“that’s good! did you eat while you were out? i can always make us something for dinner, though i do need to get some groceries–”
“are you done with your questions?” he said bitterly, setting down the device to look at you.
“i’m sorry haem, we just haven’t spoken in awhile and i wanted to see how your day was.” you said in a whisper.
“don’t be so clingy, y/n. we see eachother everyday.” he tells you.
“oh. you’re right, i don’t know why i was being so silly.”
“mhm.” he mumbles under his breath before getting up from his seat towards the bathroom. 
after the door shut behind him, the pit at the bottom of your stomach grew deeper. this wasn’t like him at all. the excitement that would underlie his stoic demeanor because all the love he had for you was overflowing disappeared. could you even call it love when you didn’t exactly know what it was?
every romantic word hes ever told you felt meaningless; what happened to ‘you’re so pretty, y/n. you’re so sweet?’
you could hear haemin’s muffled voice from down the hall, before movement of caps and containers echoed the bathroom walls. it sounded like he was on a call with somebody. he came out soon after, shaking the remaining drops of water off of his clean hands. 
“i’m going out.” he calls out to you before pulling his coat off the rack.
“wait! didn’t you just go out? i can go with you if you’d like!”
“no, i’ll be out late and i know you get agitated if you’re in public for too long.”
“can’t you just stay in for a little then? what about a movie night like we always used to have?” you rushed over to him, desperate to spend any sort of time together, “i just miss you haem..”
“did anything i say get into your head? you don’t need to so clingy, i’m just going out with a couple friends.”
“haemin…” you reached out to his hand, fingertips barely getting the chance to touch him before he was pulling away like you were the plague.
“god. i can’t do this anymore, y/n. i just want to live without you bothering me constantly!” he complains, sliding both of his shoes on forcefully.
“what is that supposed to mean?” you furrow your eyebrows worriedly.
“it means that i’m having a hard time pretending like i haven’t fallen out of love with you.” he sighs, “just give it a break, y/n. you knew were never going to last."
it felt like your world was collapsing around you. there was a confused look on his face as you stood there silently, trying not to cry. you wondered what it felt like to die, and if it felt anything like this.
they say your life flashes before your eyes, yet all that flashed was memories of what you and haemin used to be. you felt stupid to think that maybe it was salvageable, but the sorry truth hurt much more than this ill fantasy.
“but you promised me. you promised me that we would work through everything together, haem. was that a lie?” you choked.
“i wouldn’t make an empty promise like that, don’t twist my words.” he muttered.
“i’m not twisting anything! when you first confessed to me you said so many sweet things and promised to always–”
“i said give it up. that was almost a year ago, okay? you can’t expect me to keep a promise like that for so long.”
“are you serious right now haemin? after all that we’ve been through?” you uttered with a hurt tone.
“i cared about you, okay? but i can’t handle this anymore.”
“you’re my first boyfriend, i– i can’t let you go without at least talking first!” your words came out as a broken sob, but haemin only looked at you with disgust.
“and you were my worst.” he scoffed, “i can’t be with someone who isn’t mature enough to understand when i need time away.”
“don’t even look at me right now, y/n.. i don’t want to hear you speak. i’ll come back and get my things later.” he leaves you with a bitter ending, before leaving out the door.
watching the love of your life leave you with no closure and not a second word was starting to physically pain you. you felt yourself drop to your knees as his sentences rung in your mind, stringing themselves into a sequence of utmost heartbreak.
cold hardwood floors comforted the red - hot heat that began to rise up your face like a wild fire. you were embarrassed of yourself, disappointed that you couldn’t grow enough for him to see you. see that you could change.
and while he was out with no doubt in his mind that he made the right decision, your world was shattering in the comfort of the home you used to share with him.
the only time he messaged you was him asking for you to pack up all of his stuff for an easier pickup. it was clear he didn’t want to see you anymore than he had to. would he see how mature you had become in the four hours he was gone if you obeyed him?
boxing up all of his things neatly, you stripped every memory the two of you ever shared together. your house feeling ever so empty from the lack of love, trapped in between cardboard walls. 
for what it was worth, you attempted to write a note to send off with him. however, your vision was too blurry with your tears, and you couldn’t keep them in. the smudged ink added for dramatic effect, but it was too much that it was impossible to read coherent words.
your head was scrambled everywhere, and for a second you thought he was right when he said you were immature. it felt like when you were back in highschool giving him silly love notes to hide in his backpack pocket. it reminded you of how he said that they were all still there, as he never bothered to clean them out.
why couldn’t things be the way that they used to? throwing away so much because there was a lack of communication. you wanted to see him, be with him. feel the pure touch of his lips sending shockwaves to your beating heart.
but since that day, you never saw him once. rushing to grab all of his things and get out of your life, barely escaping your desperate grasp. what was once a fond moment became a distant daydream.
you were so blinded by your infatuation for him, despite the fact he never thought of you like that. once again you failed to understand much.
and things only got harder from then on, your plush pillow absorbing your tears. the air in your room only grew heavier as time continued. 
at first days, then weeks, and months were going by that you gave him so much love from afar. a comfortable distance through your phone screen where he couldn’t spit such hurtful words to you again. it was difficult to bear with his selfish sense of care.
stalking him on social media didn’t get you anywhere really. he already moved on from you. though you were unsure whether your jealousy blossomed from the fact that she was beautiful, or that he moved on extremely fast. maybe it was both.
posts of his hand intertwined with hers, captioned with cheesy song lyrics that used to hold so much meaning to you. your music taste always tended to rub off on him. 
there were long paragraphs declaring how much she meant to him, and how she was such a breath of fresh air in comparison to his past relationships. these sacred words that used to be yours. and while you remembered what the two of you had together, he could only think of her.
still, you loved him.
but things got easier, even when you thought they wouldn’t. it took some time for you to realize that being alone was a lot easier on the heart. 
there was a big takeaway from this, being that the only thing he taught you what it was like to feel unloved. though everything that happened when things were okay, you’d never take for granted. 
the sky felt brighter, and you made your walks frequent again. you remembered thinking how dreary he’d make your days seem, but it felt like you were finally able to see the sun again. because throughout the multitude of stars in the galaxy, one always shone the brightest.
even when you were blinded by a haze, it was still there. maybe you were the star.
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© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz !
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yawn-junn · 11 months
hihi! i was wondering if i could request haemin x fem reader and he’s like comforting her after she’s been burnt out from school, if you’re uncomfortable with this that’s completely okay! thank you so much anyways! your writing never fails to put a smile on my face btw, i’m always excited to see read your works! 🫶🏼
✂Addictive Love - Haemin~ ༝༚༝༚♡゙
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✂Special thanks too: Anon, Haemin, 8Turn
✂Note: I'm still sick and can't really focus but I hope you enjoy ♡︎ also happy Halloween everyone
✂TW: Slight angst : crying : stress : school : homework : Bones cracking : Haemin basically babying reader : sitting on Haemins lap : Haemin changing reader : reader wears makeup :
✂Taglist: @bunnie-stay-p1ece
✂Words: 619
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Doubt filled your mind as you skimmed through the pages your professor provided you, the deeper you went into the text book more tears piled in your eyes, before you knew it you were a crying mess. Unbeknownst to you, you're boyfriend of two years Jung Haemin, was planning a surprise for you.
He noticed you've distanced yourself. Only staying at school or, in your room studying or, doing homework. While you were sobbing over you're text books Haemin had arrived at your house with a huge bouquet, arranged of you're favorite flowers. Haemin noticed how quiet the house was while he was taking his shoes off, no matter how hard he listened he couldn't hear you're pencil, you're sighs of frustration, nothing he heard absolutely nothing.
Worried, Haemin set his journey up the stairs, off to your room. Softly calling out your name after approaching every room, finally he made it to your room. The sound of your silent cried through the door broke Haemin's heart immensely. He slowly creaked the door open so as to not startle you, seeing you curled up on your seat tears running down your face, caused Haemin to almost drop the flowers.
Rushing to your side, Haemin sat your flowers on your desk, embracing you in a huge hug, "hey your ok...don't worry ok? It'll all be over soon, Don't worry about it" Haemin whispered in your ear petting your hair. Before rocking the two of you back and forth, Haemin picked you up, before quickly sitting in your seat and, placing you on his lap, after 30 minutes or so you're tears calmed down.
Before you could speak Haemin shushed you pushing you back into his chest "shh don't say anything. You don't have to explain anything to me...just rest ok?" Haemin assured in a soft voice. Haemin continued to rock you back and forth, almost like a mother would, to stop her infant from crying. Upon noticing you've fallen asleep, Haemin unwrapped one arm from around you, still rocking you with his body and other arm, as he flipped through the pages of your text books and packets.
Once gathering the information he needed Haemin grabbed you're pencil and began writing, his hand writing an exact replica of your's writing down answers he knew pausing to think on one's he didn't. A few hours later Haemin finished you're work, while still rocking you back and forth on his lap. Hooking his arms under you're butt he lifted both you and him up, his bones audibly cracking as he stretched.
Making his way over to you're bed he sat you down, before going to your closet to grab you're sleep clothes, making his way back over to you he changed you into you're pajamas. Grabbing makeup wipes to wipe off whatever you had on, once he got you're makeup completely off he brushed his fingers through you're hair.
Admiring your peaceful face. Haemin eventually laid down next to you tucking you and him in, turning towards you kissing you're head, then eventually falling asleep with you nuzzled deep in his arms. The next morning Haemin made sure you got your flowers, of course keeping one so he knew when they died and, made you memorize what he wrote down assuring you "don't memorize the formula's instead memorize the answers" he told you, making sure you were stress free that whole day.
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8turning · 1 year
⌕ . . . 8turn !
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thank you for showing interest in my works! please refrain from spam liking any of my fics and happy reading! ♡
note. i do not write for yungyu and seungheon.
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★ . . . hyung line + jangshinz !
⠀⠀having an older, introverted s/o [fluff. gn. headcannon]
⠀⠀pet names they'd call their s/o [fluff. gn. headcannon]
⠀⠀love languages & how they express their love [fluff. gn. headcannon]
⠀⠀jangshinz — two versus one [fluff. gn. scenario]
⠀⠀when they're pining over you [fluff. gn. headcannon]
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★ . . . moon jaeyun !
⠀⠀late-night getaway [fluff. gn. 2.1k]
⠀⠀stay behind [fluff. gn. 1.2k]
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★ . . . ji myungho !
⠀⠀paper rings [fluff. gn. 550]
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★ . . . yang minho !
⠀⠀a shoulder to lean on [fluff. comfort. minimal angst. gn. 1.9k]
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★ . . . cho yoonsung !
⠀⠀yoonsung as a boyfriend [fluff. gn. headcannon]
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★ . . . jung haemin !
⠀⠀heartful [fluff. gn. 3.3k]
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★ . . . cho kyungmin !
⠀⠀inside job [fluff. gn. 2.2k]
⠀⠀love dive [fluff. minimal angst. gn. 2.7k]
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© 8TURNING 2023.
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woonhakist · 3 months
✧.•☀︎︎.*•⇜↻—8TURN MASTERLIST
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fluff (f)。crack (c)。angst (a)。suggestive (s)。fav (⚘)。
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written fics
THE ERAS ft. 8TURN | f, a, s | ongoing series ➤ a series of 8turn taylor swift songfics.
coming soon!
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the way i loved you | a | 2.7k wc | ⚘ ➤ your current boyfriend was near perfect, but he could never set your heart ablaze the way myungho did.
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coming soon!
coming soon!
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written fics
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coming soon!
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written fics
coming soon!
coming soon!
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written fics
love bite | f | 0.6k wc ➤ silently conveying your love for haemin came in many sudden, irresistible forms; including biting.
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sweet nothing | a, f | 1.8k wc | ⚘ ➤ never in a million years would you imagine letting kyungmin go, even if you needed nothing more than to do just that.
coming soon!
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written fics
august | a | 1.0k wc ➤ all throughout summer, you had fallen on your knees, burned in the sun, and scraped your body, but nothing had hurt you more than yungyu did.
coming soon!
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written fics
coming soon!
coming soon!
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0 notes
minkkumaz · 1 year
8TURN ﹙a safe haven for turnings﹚ ˊˎ-
─── follow where your 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁 guides fluff (f). angst (a). hurt/comfort (hc). trigger warning (tw). suggestive (s). request (✧). personal favorite (♬)
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JI MYUNGHO ✉️₊ ˚ ⊹
SOMEONE OLDER (a) (s) 1.7k la poésie romantique. words spoken passionately, yet holding no sincere meaning when spoken by all your past loves. but he held the key to your heart that no man ever could, establishing the belief that you didn't need anyone other than him; not even your own father. because myungho could treat you right, couldn't he?
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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YANG MINHO ✉️₊ ˚ ⊹
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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you taught me how to feel unloved (a) 2.0k there used to be so much love there, just two people completely infatuated with one another. you've been through so much with haemin, and you thought maybe he'd fight for your relationship. but even after all this hurt part of you still loved him.
GLITTER ON OUR BLUSHED CHEEKS (f) 0.6k haemin was the perfect boyfriend, and you couldn't stop admiring him. for their recent comeback, they seemed to use a lot of glitter to freckle his cheeks. but you thought he sparkled without it!
dream lost xx; try tonight
slowly falling in love texts (f)
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dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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LEE YUNGYU ✉️₊ ˚ ⊹
FRESH HUGS AND LAUNDRY SHEETS (f) 1.1k yungyu was constantly working hard into the night to practice lyrics or come up with something new. because of this, it was hard to make time for things such as laundry. with nothing but a smile on your face, you take care of these tasks for him, being awarded with many cuddles once he gets home! SLEEPING UNDER THE SUN (f) (✧) 2.1k it was the groups day off, meaning there was free range to do anything you guys pleased. when a beach day was recommended, it was happily agreed upon, therefore everyone prepared! when you and yungyu play too hard, you both sit down to relax; unknowing that sleep was creeping on the two of you.
THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT US (f) 0.9k dating within the idol industry was strictly forbidden. yet behind the scenes, you and yungyu have something that could only be described as 'a little more than friends.' after he sees you after music bank, he has something to tell you.
dream lost xx; try tonight
slowly falling in love texts (f)
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dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
dream lost xx; try tonight
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OT8 ✉️₊ ˚ ⊹
DISTANT LANDS AND OTHER ADVENTURES (f) (a) (h+c) 4 parts come on, grab you friends and we'll go to very distant lands! the ideologies between you and each boy was an adventure on it's own, so why not explore it some more? wandering through the forest and doing so as you please; analyzing their minds, their love, their everything.
dream lost xx; try tonight
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© 2024 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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