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إلزمْ ثغرك .. Stay Put and Guard Your Station
إلزمْ ثغرك.. واعلم أنكَ لن تجدَ واقعاً أشدَّ فساداً من الواقع الذي نُبِّئ فيه الأنبي��ءُ وأُرسِلَ فيه الرُّسُل ولولا شِدَّةُ فسادِه ما أُرسِلُوا،
ولستَ أكرمَ على الله من رُسُلِه ليُصلِحَ لك-دون سَعيٍ منك- واقعاً لم يُصلِحْهُ لهم، وقد أكرمكَ اللهُ بإيجادك في واقعٍ شبيهٍ بواقعهم لتصلحهُ كما أصلحوه؛فإن لم تكن منهم فَسِرْ على آثارهم تكن معهم، ولا تنتظر في حياتك ثمرةَ سيرك
؛فموسى مات في التيه، وعيسى رُفع في الفتنة،
ومحمدٌ- عليه وعلى أنبياء الله ورسله الصلاة والسلام-ارتدَّ أعرابُ جزيرته بعد موته، ولو وضعَ أبو بكر رضي الله عنه يَده على خَدِّهِ ويئس- حين انتقض عليه أعرابُ الجزيرة- ما وصلكَ مما وصلكَ من الدين شيء..
حسبك أن تؤذِّنَ كما أذَّنَ إبراهيم،ومَا عَسى يبلغُ صوتُ إبراهيم!! إنما عليكَ الأذانُ وعلى الله البلاغ،ولكلِ ثغرٍ أذانُه، وكثيرٌ من الثغورِ شاغرة؛
فإن وجدتَ ثغركَ فالزمه -وذلكَ عبادتُك-وإن لم تجده فابحث عنه - وذلك أيضاً عبادتُك -حَسْبُكَ ألا يراكَ اللهُ إلا على ثَغرٍ
أو باحثاً عن ثغر!!✨
-------------- Stay Put and Guard Your Station
And know that you are not going to find a reality or situation or condition worse than what the prophets and messengers endured and were foretold! Had it not been for the severity of the corruption, decadence and debauchery they would not have been sent!
And remember Oh Muslims!You are not more honorable than the messengers of Allah to rectify and reform your condition/situation like they did.
Allah has blessed you to be in a semi-reality like theirs albeit much much less for you to help in reforming so do help to make things better.
If you are not one of righteous reformers then at least follow their footsteps in righteousness. Don’t wait or expect in your life the the reaping of the fruits of your endeavours; for Prophet Musa passed away in the diaspora and Prophet Essa was raised up high to Heaven during a severe tribulation.
And after the death of Prophet Muhammed, may peace and blessings be upon him and all the prophets and messengers of Allah, the Arabs reneged in the peninsula. If Abu-Bakar may Allah be pleased with him gave in and resigned to his lot and comfort when the Arabs of the peninsula rebelled and reneged, the message of Islam wouldn’t have reached you and me.
It’s at least sufficient for you to announce the call as Prophet Ibrahim did. How far can the voice of Ibrahim in the call reach?
It’s incumbent upon you to call and convey the Message of Islam; by ordaining goodness and forbidding evils and know that ultimately the guidance only descends from Allah, Glory be to Him.
And heed the fact that for every place and station you’re guarding is a call. The stations abound; there are many of them! If you find your own suitable station adhere to it as it is your act of worship to please Your Creator.
If you can’t find a station to protect abd guard endeavour hard to locate it and your endeavoring is in itself an act of worship.
Be wary and careful not to be seen by Allah having a station or guarding one or even searching for one!
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Reflections on Surat al-Hujurat تأمُّلات في سورة الحجرات
تأمُّلات في سورة الحجرات (7) 22 -11-1442هـ
(إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم)
نَصِلُ اليومَ إلى آخِرِ المطافِ في تأمُّلِنا في سُورَةِ الحُجُرات، السُّورةُ التي اعتنت بِتَهذيبِ الأخلاقِ وإصلاحِ النّفوسِ وتَعزيزِ الأُخوّة بينَ المؤمنين ..
تكلّمْنا عن اجْتنابِ كثيرٍ مِن الظّنّ، وعن حُرْمَةِ التّجسُّسِ على عِبادِ اللهِ المؤمنين،
وتكلّمْنا عن كبيرَةِ الغِيبةِ وعواقِبِها
. واليومَ إن شاء اللهُ تعالى نَتأمّلُ في قَوْلِهِ تعالى (يا أيُّها النّاسُ إنّا خَلَقْناكم مِن ذَكَرٍ وأُنْثى وجَعَلْناكم شُعُوبًا وقَبائِلَ ل��تَعارَفُوا إنَّ أكْرَمَكم عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أتْقاكم إنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ) سُئِلَ أعْرابِيٌّ: أتُحِبُّ أنْ تَدْخُلَ الجَنَّةَ وأنْتَ باهِلِيٌّ؟ فَأطْرَقَ حِينًا ثُمَّ قالَ "عَلى شَرْطِ أنْ لا يَعْلَمَ أهْلُ الجَنَّةِ أنِّي باهِلِيٌّ!!"
هكذا كان العَرَبُ قَبْلَ الإسلام، كُلٌّ يَظُنُّ أنّهُ خيرٌ مِن الآخرِ لأنّهُ مِن القبيلَةِ الفُلانيةِ وأنّ فُلانًا وضيعٌ لأنّهُ مِن القبيلَةِ الفُلانيّة!! هذا المَنْطِقُ الجاهليُّ القبيحُ يَجُرُّ إلى الخُصوماتِ والتَّقاتُلِ، مَنْطِقٌ أحْمَق تَتَفَرَّعُ عنهُ أنواعُ المعايبِ الأخلاقيّةِ والسُّلوكيّةِ مِن السُّخْرِيَةِ واللَّمْزِ والظَّنِّ والتَّجَسُّسِ والِاغْتِيابِ الوارِدَةِ فِي الآياتِ السّابِقَةِ، فَجاءَتْ هَذِهِ الآيَةُ لِتَأْدِيبِ المُؤْمِنِينَ عَلى اجْتِنابِ ما كانَ مِنهم مِن قِيَمِ الجاهِلِيَّةِ، واقْتِلاعِ جُذُورِها الباقِيَةِ في النُّفُوسِ بِسَبَبِ اخْتِلاطِ الوفودِ في طَبَقاتِ المُؤْمِنِينَ بَعْدَ سَنَةِ الوُفُودِ لَمّا كَثُرَ الدّاخِلُونَ في الإسْلامِ مِن أنحاءِ جَزيرةِ العَرَب (يا أيُّها النّاسُ إنّا خَلَقْناكم مِن ذَكَرٍ وأُنْثى وجَعَلْناكم شُعُوبًا وقَبائِلَ لِتَعارَفُوا) هذا خِطابٌ واضِحٌ مِن ربِّ النّاسٍ خالِقِهم وخالِقِ أبيهِم آدَمَ مِن تُراب، وخالِقِ أُمِّهِم حَوّاء، خِطابٌ يُذَكِّرُ بهِ اللهُ النّاسَ بِأنَّ أصْلَهم واحِدٌ!!
أيْ أنَّهم في أصْلِ الخِلْقَةِ سَواءٌ!! وأنّهُ جَعَلَهُم - بِحِكْمَتِهِ – شُعوبًا وقبائلَ لِيَتعارَفوا،فأفرادُ العائِلَةِ الواحِدَةِ مُتَعارِفُونَ،والعَشِيرَةُ مجموعةُ عائلاتٍ مُتَعارِفُونَ ولا يَخْلُونَ عَنِ انْتِسابٍ ومُصاهَرَةٍ، وهَكَذا تَتَعارَفُ العَشائِرُ مَعَ البُطُونِ، والبُطُونُ مَعَ العَمائِرِ، والعَمائِرُ مَعَ القَبائِلِ، والقَبائِلُ مَعَ الشُّعُوبِ،كُلُّ دَرَجَةٍ تَأْتَلِفُ مِن مَجْمُوعِ الدَّرَجاتِ الَّتِي دُونَها في هَيْكَلٍ عجيب وتقْسِيمٍ رَتيبٍ ألْهَمَ اللَّهُ إيّاهُ البَشَر، نِظامًا مُحْكَمًا يَرْبِطونَ بهِ أواصِرَهُمْ، ويَتعارَفونَ دُونَ مَشَقَّةٍ ولا عَناء.. هذا هو الأصل، فَماذا فَعَلَتِ الجاهليّةُ بهذا المقْصد،مَقْصَدْ(لِتعارَفوا) فَعَلَتْ بهِ الأفاعيل،وجَعَلَتْهُ ساحةَ فَخْرٍ وأنَفَةٍ وخُيلاءَ،وأداةَ تَفْضيلٍ وتحقير،فَحَوّلَتِ الجاهليّةُ (لتعارَفوا) إلى (لِتفاخ��وا ولتنازَعوا) وهذا واللهِ مِن نَقْصِ العقل، وغِيابِ التّقوى.. وها نحنُ نَرَى اليومَ كَيَفَ تُبْعَثُ تلك الانحرافاتُ الجاهليّةُ مِن جديد، مِن قِبَلِ بعضِ النّاسِ بِسببِ البُعْدِ عن جَوْهَرِ القرآنِ وضَعْفِ الاهتداءِ بِهَدْيِه!! معاشِرَ الإخوة، لقد كان النّبيُّ (ص) يَقِظًا لِـمِثْلِ هذا الخللِ حِينَ يَتَسرَّبُ للمُجْتمَعِ المُؤمِن، فَيْحِسِمُهُ بِكُلِّ قُوّة!! يُخبِرُ جابِرُ بنُ عبدِ اللهِ رَضيَ اللهُ بواقِعةٍ ظهَرَتْ فيها دَعْوى الجاهِليَّةِ والتَّعصُّبِ القَبَليِّ، فيَرْوي أنَّهم خَرَجُوا في غَزْوةٍ معَ رَسولِ اللهِ (ص) قيلَ: غَزْوةُ المـُرَيْسيعِ «بَني المُصطَلِقِ» سَنةَ ستٍّ منَ الهِجرةِ، وقدْ خَرَج المُنافِقونَ مع النَّبيِّ (ص) في هذه الغَزْوةِ؛
لأنَّ السَّفرَ كان قَريبًا، فطَمِعوا في غَنيمةٍ باردة. وقدِ اجْتمَعَ ناسٌ مِن المُهاجِرينَ حتَّى كَثُروا، وكان مِن المُهاجِرينَ رَجلٌ«لَعَّابٌ»،أي:يَلعَبُ بالحِرابِ، وقيلَ: مزَّاحٌ، واسمُه "جَهْجاهُ بنُ قَيسٍ الغِفاريُّ" وكان أَجيرَ عُمرَ بنِ الخطَّابِ رَضيَ اللهُ عنه، فكسَعَ أنْصاريًّا!![أي: ضرَبَ دُبُرَه بيَدِه أو بِرِجلِه] فغضِبَ الأنْصاريُّ -وهو سِنانُ بنُ وَبَرةَ- غَضَبًا شَديدًا، حتَّى تَداعَوْا[أي:اسْتَغاثوا] كلُّ واحدٍ منهما يُنادي على جَماعَتِه وقَبيلتِه الَّتي يَنتسِبُ لها، فقال الأنْصاريُّ"يَا لَلأنْصارِ"وقال المُهاجِريُّ: "يَا لَلمُهاجِرينَ" فخرَجَ النَّبيُّ (ص) فقال: (ما بالُ دَعْوى الجاهِليَّةِ؟!) [أي: ما حالُ دَعْوى الجاهِليَّةِ حضَرَت حَتّى جَعَلَتْكُم تَتَناصَرونَ بالآباءِ فِيما بينَكُم؟كيفَ وقد جمَعَكُم الإسلامُ وألّفَ بين قلوبِكم!]ثُمَّ سَأَل النَّبيُّ (ص) عن سَببِ شِجارِهم، فأُخبِرَ بكَسْعةِ المُهاجِريِّ للأنْصاريِّ، فقال النَّبيُّ (ص) (دَعُوها) أي تِلْكَ العصبيّةَ العَمياء (فإنَّها مُنْتِنة) والنّتَنُ هو العَفَنُ ذُو الرّائحةِ الكريهة!! تأمّلوا اخْتيارَ النّبيِّ (ص) هذا الوصفَ الذّميمَ جِدًّا للعصبيّةِ!!وتأمّلوا كيفَ تَرَكَ النّبيُّ (ص) سَببَ الشّجار من ضَرْبِ المُهاجِريِّ للأنصاريّ والْتَفَتَ إلى ما هو أخطرُ وهو دَعْوَىَ الجاهليّة الّتي يَنْتَصِرُ كُلُّ واحدٍ مِنهم فيها بِقبيلَتِهِ أو عَشيرَتِهِ على الآخر!!ولذلكَ خَطَبَ (ص) الناسَ بعدَ ذلكَ يومَ فتحِ مكةَ فقال (يا أيها الناسُ إنَّ اللهَ قد أذهبَ عنكم عُبِّيَّةَ الجاهليّةِ [أي أذ��هبَ عنكُم بالإسلامِ تَكَبُّرَ الجاهليةِ وتَجَبُّرَها]
قال: وتَعَاظُمَها بآبائها، فالناسُ رجلانِ، رجلٌ بَرٌّ تقيٌّ كريمٌ على اللهِ، وفاجرٌ شقيٌّ هيِّنٌ على اللهِ - أي هذا هو المِقياس المُعْتبَرُ بعدَ الإسلام،البِرُّ والتقوى،لا الحَسَبُ ولا النّسَب قال: والناسُ بنو آدمَ وخَلَقَ اللهُ آدمَ من تُرابِ) (قال اللهُ "يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَى وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوْا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ) أخرجهُ الترمذيُّ وهو صحيح. وليسَ في فَتْحِ مكّةَ فقط، بل حتّى في حَجّةِ الوداعِ أعلَنها(ص)مَرّةً أُخرى لِكُلِّ النّاس!!أخبرَ جابرُ بنُ عبدِ اللهِ أنّه (ص) قال للنّاسِ في أوْسَطِ أيَّامِ التَّشْريقِ (يا أيها الناسُ! إنَّ ربَّكم واحدٌ، وإنَّ أباكُم واحدٌ، أَلَا لا فَضلَ لعربيٍّ على عَجَميٍّ،ولا لعجَميٍّ على عربيٍّ، ولا لأحمرَ على أسودَ،ولا لأسودَ على أحمرَ إلّا بالتّقْوَى إنَّ أكرمَكم عند اللهِ أتقاكُم،ألا هل بلَّغتُ؟) قالوا : بلى يا رسولَ اللهِ!! قال: فلْيُبَلِّغِ الشاهدُ الغائبَ)فَما يَزالُ المُسلمُ يُبْتَلَى في مَدَى اتِّباعِهِ لِمَنْهَجِ القرآنِ في قِيَمِه، وفي نَظَرِهِ وقِياسِهِ في التّقديمِ والتّأخيرِ، ومِن ذلكَ مَدَى قَناعَتِهِ بِهذهِ الآيةِ الكريمةِ في سُورةِ الحُجُرات،ومَدَى تَطبيقهِ إيّاها في حَياتِهِ وسائرِ عَلاقاتِه!!(إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ)
فإذا عظّمَ المُسلمُ ربَّهُ حقَّ التّعظيم، كان لهُ فِيما قَسَمَ اللهُ تعالى مِن وَصايا وواجباتٍ وقِيَمٍ وآدابٍ مِن التّعظيمِ ما يُساوي تَعظيمَهُ لِربِّه،لأنّها صَادِرةٌ عَنهُ تعالى.أليسَ اللهُ تعالى هو مَقْصَدُنا؟
أليسَ في رِضوانِهِ سعادَتُنا؟
أليسَ هو فوقَ كُلِّ (عُرْفٍ لايُقِرُّه)؟
وفَوْقَ كُلِّ مَنْهجٍ لا يَرْضاه؟
بلى والله.. إذن، ونحنُ نَقرأُ سُورةَ الحُجُرات، ونقرأُ ما فيها مِن أوامِرَ وآدابٍ وقِيَم، فَلْنَقْرأْها بِنِيّةِ الإقرارِ والتّصديقِ والاتّباعِ.. وفي ذلكَ فَلْيَتنافِسِ المُتنافِسون
Reflections on Surat al-Hujurat (7) 22-11-1442 H
Sheik Abdulaziz Al-Suwaidan
{The best among you in the Sight of Allah, [the Almighty] is the most righteous.} Today we reach the end of our contemplation of Surat al-Hujurat, [The Chambers of the Home of Allah’s Messenger PBUH], the Surah that concerns the refinement of morality, the reform of souls and the promotion of brotherhood among believers.
We talked about avoiding most suspicions, about the prohibition of spying on the faithful servants of Allah, as well as backbiting and its consequences. Today, hopefully, we reflect on his statement of Allah, the Almighty (O people, we created you from a male and a female and made you races and tribes that you may know one another, verily the best among you to Allah in the Sight of Allah is the most righteous. Allah is All-Knowing, Well-Experienced.).
A Bedouin was once asked: “Would you like to be in Jannah, Paradise while you are Baheli [a person from the tribe of Bahel; a known tribe from Arabia]?” He thought deeply for a minute and said, "On one condition, that the people of Paradise do not know that I am a Baheli!”
This is how the Arabs were before Islam, everyone thought that they were better than the other because they were from a certain tribe, and that the other person was of lower status because they were from a different tribe!This ugly, ignorant logic is what led people into rivalries and fights; a foolish logic that branched out into various types of immoral and mean behavioral defects,including ridicule, libel, suspicion, espionage and alienation, all contained and mentioned in the previous verses.
So, this verse came to discipline the believers so that they would avoid the values of ignorance; and to eradicate their remnants in the souls, because of the mingling that took place between the delegations and the believers after the “Year of Delegations”, due to the increase in reverts to Islam from across the Arabian Peninsula.
(O people, We created you from a male and a female and made you peoples and tribes to get to know each other.) The Glorious Quran 48:13
This is a clear address from the Lord of the people, their Creator, the Creator of their father Adam from soil, and the Creator of their mother Eve, an address in which Allah reminds people that their origin is the same!That is, they are equal and alike in terms of the origin of their creation! In His wisdom, He made them peoples and tribes to get to know each other, as members of the same family are familiar with one another; and a clan is only a group of families who have ties of friendship, association and marriages; this is how they always have been.Thus, clans get to know the lower sections of the tribe; these, in turn, would know the rest of the members of the various ranks of the tribe like bricks in a single building. Bricks make up buildings, just as individuals make up tribes. Such is the wonderful structure that Allah has taught people; it is a strong system whereby they create ties with one another and come to know each other without trouble or difficulty.
This is the original system. What did the period of ignorance do with this purpose, the purpose of knowing each other? It destroyed and distorted it completely. People turned it into a reason for false pride, boasting and arrogance. They turned it into a tool of discrimination and disparagement. So, the period of ignorance turned the essential principle of knowing each other into a principle of bragging and fighting among each other. By Allah! This is lack of reason and absence of piety.
Today we see how these ignorant deviations are being revived again by some people due to becoming distant from the essence of the Glorious Qur'an, and lack of taking guidance from it!Dear brothers, the prophet PBUH was alert to such dysfunctions when they trickled into the society of the believers. He PBUH would resolve instances of it with full decisiveness! Jaber bin Abdullah, (may Allah be pleased with him) related an incident that took place during the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger PBUH, where a claim of the period of ignorance and tribal intolerance appeared and took place amongst believers at that time. He recounts that the Muslims set out with the Messenger of Allah PBUH in a battle which said to have been the battle of Al-Muraisee’a, also known as the battle of "Bani AlMustaleq” in the sixth year of Hijra [migration].
The hypocrites accompanied the Prophet PBUH in this battle, because the distance was close, and they coveted an easy booty.Some of the immigrants gathered until they became large in number, and one of the immigrants was a man of "sport", i.e., playing with spears, and it was also said: he was a merry person who joked a lot. His name is "Jahjah bin Qais al-Ghafari".
He was a worker or servant to Omar bin AlKhattab, (may Allah be pleased with him). This man jokingly struck an Ansari on the behind, either with his hand or foot! [the Ansaar were those who supported and welcomed Allah’s Messenger PBUH upon arrival and residing in Madina; then known as Yathrib.] The Ansari, whose name was Sinan bin Wabara, became very angry.
The people started calling upon the tribes to which he belonged.The Ansari man said, "O Ansaar!” (meaning, come to my support and fulfill my call!) while the man who was from the immigrants said, “O Muhajireen!” Allah’s Messenger PBUH came out and asked, “What is the case with this call of the Jaahiliyya?” Meaning, how was this call of the Jahiliyya being given, and leads you to support each other based on your lineage? How can this be, when Islam united you and brought your hearts close together?Then, the Prophet PBUH asked why they were fighting, and he PBUH was told what the immigrant did to the Ansari.The Prophet PBUH commanded all of those people to quit calling for such blind and cursed tribal and clannish ties as it stinks and has a very bad and disliked smell!Reflect on how the Prophet PBUH left the cause of the fight between the immigrant and Ansar and turned to what is more dangerous, which is the claim of ignorance in which each of them tries to win over and fight for his tribe or clan over the other!Therefore, Allah’s Messenger PBUH addressed the people and spoke to them on the day of the Conquest of Mecca and said,
"O people, Allah has removed the false claims of Jahiliyyeh, and its blemishes, with Islam. He relieved you from the false claims of the period of ignorance m and its false pride, as well as boasting of one’s forefathers. People are but two types: a man of righteousness and piety, who is very dear and near to Allah, the Almighty and another who is dissolute and immoral who is least respected and considered by Allah, the Almighty. Thus, this is the measure considered after Islam, righteousness and piety; neither false pride with lineage, nor the glorious deeds of forefather.He said: “People are the sons of Adam and Allah created Adam from the dust [i.e. soil]” Allah, the Almighty said in the Glorious Quran,
"O people, we created you from a male and female and made you peoples and tribes to know that the most generous and honorable in the Sight of Allah is the one who is most piou.” Tirmithee reported this Hadith, which is sound and true.This was not only in the Conquest of Makkah, but even in the Farewell Pilgrim, where he PBUH declared it again to all people!Jaber bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) related that he PBUH told the people in the middle of the days of the Tashreeq days [staying in Mina during Hajj]. (O people! Your Lord is one, and your [great-grand-father is one], there is no virtue for an Arab over Ajami, [i.e. non-Arab], nor for a red man over a black man, nor for black man over a red one except due to piety. Truly, the best and most respected in the Sight of Allah is the most pious person.” He PBUH turned to the people in the crowd and asked: “Have I conveyed my message to you faithfully? They replied, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah!” He PBUH announced, "Let those who are present inform those absent.”A Muslim continues to be tried and tested as to the extent to which he follows the Qur'an's approach in its values, perspective and practice. This includes the extent to which he is convinced of this verse in Sura al-Hujurat [The Chambers of the Prophet’s home], “Indeed, the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most pious” and the extent to which he applies it on his life and other relationships!If a Muslim honors His Lord in a full and true fashion, he would glorify the Rights of Allah, including the commandments, obligations, values and manners that He enjoined upon His creatures, because these are coming from Him, the Almighty.
Isn't Allah our Destination?
Doesn’t our happiness lie in His pleasure? Isn't He above all principles the He rejects and refuses?
And isn’t He above all approaches He does not like?
Yes, I swear to God; by Allah, the Almighty.Hence, as we read the Surah of the Chambers, and as we read its commandments, morals and values, let us read them with the intention of acknowledging, believing and following.
And in that, let the competitors compete.
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The Fertile Genes الجينات الخصبة
الجينات الخصبة
أ.د خالد الشريدة
جامعة القصيم .. بريدة
إذا كانت الجينات هي الوحدات الأساسية للوراثة في الكائنات الحية .. فإنها أحد المعجزات الربانية التي أودعها الله في خلقه والمسؤولة عن الوظائف الحيوية في الجسم لكنني هنا أتحدث من منظور آخر
وهو تلك الخصوبة الموروثة التي تنتقل من جيل إلى جيل لا في صفاتها الجسمية .. ولكن في صفاتها الأخلاقية من السمو والطيبة والعطاء وخدمة الخلق والصلاح والإصلاح الذي جعله الله ( جينا) موروثا وسنة ربانية جزاء لكل من كان معطاء لدينه ومصلحا في دنياه
خصوبة الجينات الاجتماعية لفتة أطرحها لنحلق في معانيها ونرى مدى اثرها في الحياة الاجتماعية.*هذا المعنى ( الجينات الخصبة) ابتداء يؤكده كتاب الله حيث إن ميراث الكتاب كان للذين اصطفاهم سبحانه وصفتهم التي زرعت فيهم وفي أجيالهم اللاحقة أنهم ( يهدون بأمرنا).ثم في آل عمران قال ( إن الله اصطفى آدم ونوحا وآل إبراهيم وآل عمران على العالمين) لماذا ؟ لأنهم كانوا يسارعون في الخيرات ويدعون الله رغبا ورهبا وكانوا لله خاشعين. فهؤلاء الأنبياء المذكورون كانوا يتوارثون من بعضهم مكارم الأخلاق وفضائلها
(وهذه هي خصوبة الجينات التي أقصدها) ثم هي صفات الصالحين المصلحين أنهم لا يعملون الخيرات فقط بل يسارعون فيها ويتسابقون إليها كما في سورة ( المؤمنون) أية ٦١
أُولئِكَ يُسارِعونَ فِي الخَيراتِ وَهُم لَها سابِقونَ *إذا المفهوم الاجتماعي ( السنني) الذي نتطارحه الآن هو نوع جديد من التفكير في ( الميراث الاجتماعي)* الذي ينتقل من جيل لآخر وفق ما كانت عليه مسيرة الآباء والأجداد طال الزمن أو قصر.حتى عد بعض المفسرين الخير ( الكنز) الذي ساقه الله على يد ( الخضر) لليتيمين لا لكونهما يتيمين ولكن كان أبوهما صالحا ..إذا العلة في إقامة الجدار كانت ( وكان ابوهما صالحا) ..
حتى يتم حفظ الكنز لهما. إذا الصلاح ( الموروث) كان الفاعل الأهم في هذا الحدث. وليس هو الأب المباشر بل قيل بأنه السادس او حتى العاشر.إذا ربما يدخر الله كنوزا نرثها لا لطبيعة الكد والمعاش المعتاد للناس حتى يورثوا المال وإنما الأعمال الصالحات بمختلف تنوعها تكسب المال وتورثه وتكسب المكانة والسمعة والأثر الطيب كذلك ..وهذا ملمح اجتماعي ( إيماني) نحتاج لتأمله والتفكير فيه وتداوله بين الناس لأثره الكبير في حياتنا وعلى مستقبل أجيالنا.حتى الذين يتحدثون عن الاستدامة أقول بأن هذا معنى عظيم يستحق أن يكون مسارا مهما للاهتمام. ( استدامة الخير).
إذا الجينات الخصبة لا تنتقل من الوالدين او الأجداد فقط وتؤثر على قسمات الوجه ولون البشرة والطول والقصر .. وإنما تؤثر بما هو أهم من من ذلك وهو العطاء والصلاح والبذل لسعادة البشر وهدايتهم. ومن جميل هدايات هذا المعنى أن نعي ونستوعب وأن نعلم ونتعلم ونعلِّم الجميع بأن صدقات أفعالنا لا يتوقف اثرها على افعالنا الحالية وإنما يدخرها الله في أجيالنا ثم تكون لنا موازينها العظمى يوم نلقاه.وحينما يتفهم الناس مثل هذا المعنى العظيم ( الجينات الخصبة)*
فإنما يزيدون من أعمالهم الصالحة التي تخدم البلاد والعباد ويؤدون أماناتهم وأعمالهم بكل صدق ومسؤولية.وتأملوا مواقف الصحابة والتابعين واعمالا جليلة لرجالات ونساء في تاريخنا.إمام التابعين سعيد ابن المسيب كان يقول " إني لأصلي فأذكر ولدي فأزيد في صلاتي رجاء أن أُحفَظَ فيه".وعن احد التابعين قوله لابنه ( إني لأزيد في صلاتي من أجلك يا بني" !!ومما لا يخفى آثار تربية النساء الصالحات على ظاهرة العلم والعلماء في تاريخنا .. فكم من عِلم وعَلَم وإمام كأحمد بن حنبل والبخاري وغيرهم كانوا نتاجا لأمهات صالحات ..
وكم كان لهم ولغيرهم من الآثار الخصبة في حياتنا إلى يومنا هذا ومستقبلنا. ( أوليست هذه خصوبة) ؟ !!إنها خصوبة متدفقة بقوة نظير كمية الصلاح والإصلاح الذي تحمله بين مكوناتها.*بل إن صلاح الرجل والمرأة يحفظ الله به الاقربين والأحداث والظواهر والمظاهر وكل ذلك حسب تقدير الله وفضله ورحمته وحسب كمية ( الخصوبة الصالحة التي تتكاثر في واقع الناس).يحكى عن محمد بن المنكدر انه قال " أن الله ليحفظ بالرجل الصالح ولده وولد ولده والدويرات التي حوله ؛ فما يزالون في حفظ من الله وستر"!! *ونحن نشهد ونقرأ كم ورث العلماء* من علماء .. وكم ورثت الاسر التي لها اثر من قيادات ..
*وواقعنا يشهد على هذه الحقيقة السننية الباقية ما بقيت خصوبة الخير فينا وفي أجيالنا.ولا تزال تتوارد الافكار حول هذا المعنى الخصب( الجينات الخصبة) لكنني آثرت أن لا يطول المقام والمقال فآثرت عدة جوانب لتأملها والتفكير فيها لكل من يقرأ هذه السطور. والأمل أن تكون بحثا في المستقبل القريب.
جعل الله بذوركم خصبة وآثاركم جمة تعود على دينكم ودنياكم وذرياتكم بكل خير وصلاح وفلاح في الدنيا والآخرة
The Fertile Genes
Khalid Shraidah, University of Qassim Buraida
Translated by: Rasha Khan
Recorded by Dr. Khalid Ibrahim Al-Dossary
Genes, which are the basic units for passing on traits in living beings, are also divine miracles placed by Allah in His creation. Genes are mainly responsible for biological processes that occur in the body. However, here I will be talking from a different perspective, about a certain kind of fertility that is passed on from one generation to another, not in their physical traits but in their morals. These include virtue, goodness, being a giving person, serving the creation, being righteous and improving conditions. Allah has made this aspect a hereditary gene and a divine law, as a reward for everyone who gives selflessly for the sake of his religion, and improves conditions in the world he lives in.
The fertility of social genes is an important aspect to bring attention to. I am presenting it here so that we may dive into its meanings and see the extent of its impact in social life.
The concept of “fertile genes” has been emphasized by the Book of Allah, in which it is stated that the Book will be inherited to all those of His slaves whom He the Almighty has especially chosen. The quality which has been engrained in these chosen ones, and in their succeeding generations, is that “they guided (others) by Our Command.”
Then in Surah Aal Imraan Allah said: “Indeed, Allah chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imraan over all the worlds.” Why? Because they used to hasten to do good deeds and supplicate Allah out of hope and fear, and they were humbly submissive to Allah. The prophets mentioned in this Ayah used to inherit the best of morals and virtues from each other. This is the fertility of genes that I am referring to. Another quality of righteous people who improve conditions around them is that they do not just do good deeds; rather, they hasten to do them and compete with each other to do them. As mentioned in Surah Al Muminoon, Ayah 61: “It is those who hasten to good deeds, and outstrip others therein.”
Thus, the social concept, comprising Allah’s divine laws when it comes to the lives of His creation, which we are presenting now is a new way of thinking about social inheritance that is passed on from one generation to another, as per the ways of fathers and grandfathers, whether over a long or short period of time. In fact, some scholars of Tafseer consider that the treasure which Allah brought forth at the hands of Al Khidhr for the two orphans in Surah Al Kahf was not brought forth due to their being orphans. Rather, it was because their father had been righteous. Thus, their treasure was kept safe for them.
Thus, righteousness (the inheritance or legacy) was the most important factor in this event. It is said that the father in the story was not even their direct father, but a sixth or even tenth forebear. Thus, Allah may have treasures in store for us which we will inherit not by the efforts and hard work people usually put in so that they can hand down wealth to their inheritors; rather, it is different kinds if good deeds that will cause us to inherit that wealth, and with it, a position, reputation and good influence as well.
This is a social and faith-related aspect that we need to contemplate and spread among people due to its huge impact on our lives and the future of coming generations. Even to those who speak about sustainability, I say that this concept of “the sustainability of goodness” is a great concept that deserves our care and attention.
Fertile genes are not just genes that are transferred from parents and grandparents and affect the facial features, skin color, and height. Rather, these genes affect something greater than that, which is the extent of giving, righteousness, and efforts made for the happiness and guidance of human beings.
One of the beautiful things we can glean from this concept is that we should become aware, and we should know, learn and teach others, that the charity of our deeds does not stop at our current actions; rather, Allah stores it for our coming generations. We will have the great rewards of our actions in our scales on the Day we meet Him. When people understand this great concept of “fertile genes”, they will imcrease their good deeds which serve the land and the people. They will perform their duties and fulfil their obligations which integrity and a sense of responsibility.
Contemplate the stances of the Companions and the Successors of the Companions, and the great deeds of the men and women in our history. One of them says, “When I pray, I remember my son, so I increase my prayer that he may be protected after me.”It is also narrated from one of the Successors of the Companions that he said to his son: “I increase my prayer for your sake, O my son!”
The impact of upbringing at the hands of righteous women is clear in the phenomenon of seeking knowledge and the scholars in our history. So many famous scholars and leaders, such as Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Al Bukhaari and others, were the product of righteous mothers. What fertile effects they and others like them had on our lives and until today, and on our futures as well. Is this not fertility? It is fertitlity that is flowing with a strength proportionate to the amount of righteousness and improvement of conditions that it contains among its ingredients. Indeed, it is through the righteousness of a man and woman that Allah protects their near and dear ones, as well as their image and reputation among people, all in accordance with Allah’s decree, favour, mercy and the amount of fertility of righteousness, which is reproduced in the real world where people live.
It is narrated from Muhammad bin Al Munkadir that he said, “Indeed, Allah protects the children of a righteous man, his children’s children and the little houses around them. They remain in Allah’s protection and covering.” We see and read about how many scholars have inherited scholars, and how many leaders inherited influential families. Our reality bears witness to this truth of divine law taking place as long as the fertility of goodness remains in us and our generations.
My thoughts on this fertile concept, that of “fertile genes”, keep occurring one after the other. However, I prefer to not make this too long; therefore, I have mentioned certain aspects of it for the contemplation and reflection of all those who read these lines. It is hope that this will be a subject of research in the future.
May Allah make your seeds fertile and your impact great in a way that leads to goodness, righteousness and success in this world and the hereafter, for your religion, your worldly life, and your offspring.
My podcast The Fertile Genes
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أيها الشهر ترفق Oh Sacred month! Slow down
Oh Sacred month!
Slow down,
The separation tears 😭 have started trickling down on our cheeks
And the hearts 💕 of the lovers have torn apart
May we catch the caravan of the accepted by Allah;
May we be saved from Hellfire
Oh Ramadhan leave us not till the Most Gracious is pleased with us,
Be gentle oh Ramadhan; still we have callous hearts 💕 and thirsty souls,
Yesterday we would say “Welcome Ramadhan” and now we are saying, “ Slow it down Ramadhan”,
Your steps oh Ramadhan are racing very fast; you come to us with longing hearts 💕 and you leave us in haste,
Glory be to The One Who has described Ramadhan with several days!!
So be graciously kind to Ramadhan as it is a light visitor like a shadow full with gifts and quick to depart,
Oh Allah accept what has passed from our deeds and help us in the remaining few days; Oh Allah save our necks and the necks of our parents, brothers, sisters, children, relatives and all our loved ones from Hellfire.
Oh Allah accept our fasting, supplications, Qiyam, and our good deeds. Ameen
Let’s say these days this supplication profusely.
“ Oh Allah You are The One Who pardons greatly and You love to pardon, so pardon me.”
أيها الشهر ترفق دمع الفراق تدفق وفؤاد المحبين تمزق،
عسى بركب المقبولين نلحق وعسى من النيران نعتق.
فلا تفارفنا إلا ورضى الرحمٰن علينا تحقق
ترفّق يا رمضان .. فما زالت القلوب قاسيةً والأرواح عطشى.
بالأمس كنا نقول رَمضان أهلا والآن نقول رمضانُ مهلاً
ما أسرعَ خُطاك تأتي على شوقٍ وتَمضي على عجل
فسبحان من وصفك بأيام معدودات
فــأحسِنوا إلى رمضان فإنه زائر خفيف الظل
كثير الهدايا سريع الإرتحال
يارب تقبل منّا ما مضى و أعنّا على ما بقى وأعتق رقابنا من النار ووالدينا وأخواننا وأخواتنا وذرياتنا وكل أحبابنا
وتقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام.
لنكثر من قول : اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنا
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" السرّ في الصلاة أنها لا تغيّر العالم. الصلاة تغيّرنا نحن.. ونحن نغير العالم."
كنتُ شابا صغيرا، وكانت التياراتُ تلاحقنا في كل مكان، في كل كتاب، في كل نقاش، كانت أيام الثانوية أصعب أيام، وهي أيام الشك والحيرة، والضياع والزوغان بين مدارس الفكر الوضعي.وأخذتني المدارس، واستلهمت كبار مفكري العالم، فانقطعت مدة طويلة متبتّلا بالفكر الألماني، ومع أني أقرأ من صغري بالإنجليزية، إلا أن تراجم الإنجليز لجوته، وتشيلر، وكانت، ونيتشه، وريلكه، أخذت بلبي، ثم تعرفت على شبنهاور فصقل فكر نيتشه في رأسي عن عنفوان القوة، وعدّل البأس والجبروت، وكأنه دين يُبَشّر به، أخذني نيتشه إلى مسوّغاته، ومبرراته الصعبة التي كانت بمشقة تسلق جبال بافاريا، وكانت القمة هي ما أسماه مصطلحا "بالإرادة العليّة"، ثم قذفني إلى شواطئ برتراند الرسل المتصوف المادي الرياضي، وهُمْتُ بعد ذاك بمدارس الفابية مع برناردشو في شقـِّهِ الجاد، وتبتلتُ مع إنجلز..
*وأخذ الفكرُ يجرفني تماما وبعيدا عن الروح المتصلة بالسماء،* حيث اليقين كل شيء، حيث الإيمان هو الشمس التي تسطع من بعيد، ولكنها أقرب لك من أي عنصر في الكون، لأنها طاقة الوجود، *فضعت كثيرا، وتجبرت بما سفحت من معلومات وكتب، وظننت أني في تلك السن الباكرة قد جمعتُ سحرَ العلوم، وكأني خيميائي المعرفة*
ولم أعد أقرأ الكتبَ التي كنت أتوسّدها في السابق حتى يغالبني النوم من أمهات الثقافة الدينية في التفسير والفقه الحديث، والأدب العربي.. ونفضتُ عني ما حسبت وقتها أنه عالمٌ عتيقٌ مليءٌ بغبار الغابر من التاريخ المعتم، إلى معارف تُشرق فيها أنوارُ العقل الإنساني متوهجا سواء في التاريخ أو المعاصر. *.. ثم تركتُ الصلاة.*
وكان مدرّسي -يرحمه الله- في اللغة العربية رجل من غزة متدين، وقويم الفكر، ويؤثرني لميلي إلى الاطلاع، ولظهوري في اللغة، ثم توطدتْ بيننا صداقةٌ غير صفيّة، *حتى انتزعتني أفكار الوجودية، والتي كانت أول مزالقي نحو كل الفلسفات،* وصار يقف ضد هذا التوجه ويحذرني كثيرا، ويقول لي لستَ في سنٍّ تحكم فيها على العالم، ولا على معارف أمتك ولا أمم الآخرين..
*ارجع إلى منبعك، وانهل منه، وتقوّ، ثم رِدْ من كل منهل،* وستجد أنك ستتذوقه وتعرف مكوّناته، ولكن لن تدخله جوفك؛ لأن ذائقتك المعرفية المتينة من بنيان تشرّبك المعرفي لدينك وثقافتك ستمنعك من ذاك. ولكني تماديت، وشعرت أنّ موجة مشرقة أخذتني منه بعيدا تاركا له كل بحار الظلام.! وأنا في طريقي المادي الجديد، بدأت في سن السابعة عشرة أكتب لمجلة "الجمهور" اللبنانية، وكانوا يحسبوني شخصا كبيرا في بلادي، ويخاطبوني كما يخاطبون الكبار، وتـُرسل لي تحويلات النقد، ثم صرتُ أكتب في مجلةٍ إنجليزيةٍ تصدر من البحرين، *ودار اسمي تحت اسم المفكر المتحرر* وكانت كتاباتي تنضح عما في داخلي من معلومات وكتبٍ سفحتها سنوات لا أرفع رأسي من متن كتابٍ إلا إلى آخر، فأغوتني علوم الفلك والإنسان، والحفريات التاريخية، والطب، والجغرافيا.. وكنت أقرأ لعلماء أتأكد من كونهم غير روحانيين.. حتى لا يشوشوا عليّ بأفكار لا تثبت بالاستدلال المادي..
وانفتحت أمامي المجلاتُ والصحف، وصرت أكتب وأنا في الثانوية بغزارةٍ لمجلات وجرائد في لبنان، الكويت، إيران، البحرين، وأمريكا.. *وانفتنتُ بنفسي..* *وأرى أستاذي، وأكاد أطل عليه بمكابرةٍ من علٍ.*
*"لماذا لم تعد تصلي؟"
سألني أستاذي بحدة عميقة،* فأجبته: "وهل تغير الصلاةُ العالم؟" فأجابني إجابة طيرت عقلي، وخلخلت أركانَ نفسي التي ظننت أنها مكينة: *"نعم الصلاة لا تغيّر العالم، ولكنها تغيرنا فنغير نحن العالم"* ولكني صارعت أثر الجملة المريعة.. ومضيت في غيِّي.
مرت سنوات، عدت للمنزل.. وكان بيتنا لا مهادنة فيه بالنسبة للصلاة وفي المسجد، كان أبي يجعل من خروجه للمسجد طقسا ضوئيا، ووالدتي توقظنا للصلاة قبل أن يصدح الأذان.. جرْجرتُ نفسي وعدتُ للصلاة، ولكن مكابرتي كانت في الداخل. ويوماً مرضتُ.. *وقال لي الطبيب: "آسف يا نجيب، ستموت لا محالة بعد تسعة أشهر"!* كنت في مدينة تاكوما الساحلية بأمريكا، ورحتُ وحيدا إلى تلة خضراء، ورأيت المحيط الجبّارَ شاسعا أمامي.. ولا شيء إلا أنا والسماء والماء.. والموت، والحياة. وسألت نفسي هل أغيّرُ شيئا؟"!
ورحت متأملا، والدموع تنفر فتغطي شساعة المحيط بسرابيةٍ مهيبةٍ مبهمة.. *وفجأة، قفزت تلك العبارة إلى رأسي:* " الصلاة تغيرنا، ونحن نغير العالم"..
وبسرعة ذهبت إلى حيث أقيم وأبرقت لأستاذي تلك الجملة بلا مقدمات ولا خواتيم.. وردّ عليّ: " لقد استردك الله.. عش مطمئنا."
أعظم صلاة أخذت بمجامعي كانت على ساحل الأطلسي في تاكوما الأمريكية.. وعرفت أن الله حق.. وعرفت ما معنى الحق.. وأن معناه النهائي في السماء لا في الأرض..
*ولم أمُتْ.. حتى الآن.*
المصدر : الاقتصادية
الاثنين الموافق 17 سبتمبر 2007
العدد 5089
6 notes
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“ The secret in true divine prayer is not in changing the world 🌎; it’s in changing us then we change the world 🌎 .”
I was very young when all types of thoughts chased us in every place, every book 📖, every discussion. The high school days were the most difficult days; they were the days of confusion, doubts, loss and evading school; being in man-made intellectual schools.
Those doctrines snatched me one by one and I was inspired by the most renowned western intellectuals. Being influenced, I retreated for a long time and meditated the German doctrines albeit my young age and being well-read in English!
However, the English interpretations for the German writers like, Goethe Schiller, kant, Nietzsche and Rilke fascinated me!!
Then I got to know Arthur Schopenhauer who inculcated the Nietzsche’s thoughts in me about the prime of power and the justice of strength and tyranny; it was like he was giving a glad tiding about a new religion!
Nietzsche drew me closer to his justifications and hard reasonings;they were like climbing Bavaria Mountains,the peak of which he terminologically called “The High Will”After that,he tossed me to the shores of Bertrand Russell,the mathematical materialist ascetic
Then, I lovingly delved in the Fabianism thought with Bernard Shaw in his serious demeanor and attitude till I joined Angels in his monasticism.
Those thoughts misled and took me away from the spirit connected with heaven, where certitude is everything. Where faith is a faraway shining sun but it was closer to you than any other element or thing!
Because it’s the energy of Existence! I really deviated a lot and became an overbearing transgressing individual due to my profuse confused knowledge and books 📚. I thought that at my early age I had accumulated the magic of all sciences as if I had been the alchemist of knowledge.
Never did I return to read the Islamic books 📚 in exegesis, jurisprudence, Hadith and Arabic literature which I used to pillow or use as a pillow before I was overcome by sleep 😴 !! I dusted off on myself what I thought at that time was full of the dust of the bygone/past days olden dark history; thinking that I was heading towards the glowing lights of human minds either in history and that current time ( so I thought ).
Then, I deserted/forsook truly divine prayers!My Arabic language teacher who was from Gaza,Palestine 🇵🇸, may Allah have mercy on his soul, was a pious man, very wise man who preferred me over other students due to my avid reading habit and distinction in Arabic. Later, we had a very strong friendship relationship and strange enough it was a disturbed one too.
That relationship continued till I was hijacked by the existentialism thoughts; it was my first slippery roads towards all philosophies. He would stand against my deviation and constantly warn me. He would say,“ You aren’t in an age that could judge on the world🌎neither are you to judge your nation knowledge or other nations! Go back to the water spring and drink from it and strengthen yourself;
Then you may take from other springs, taste some of them and know their ingredients but you will not swallow them.” You will have your own strong taste based on your strong knowledge, your religion and culture that have permeated the recesses of you; They will prevent you from that ( meaning from allowing it/them to enter your body).
Unfortunately, I continued to transgress and I became overbearing; I felt that a glowing tide or wave 🌊 took me faraway from him leaving for him all the seas of darkness!! On the new road of materialism,I at the age of 17 started writing articles to a Lebanese magazine titled “AlJumhoor” meaning the populace.
They thought I was a very important person in my country, they even addressed me as such!! They transmitted money for me. Then, I started writing for an English magazine published in Bahrain 🇧🇭. under a pseudo name was the “ The Free Intellectual”.
My writings would reveal my inner feelings from knowledge and books 📚 I imbibed for years; never raised my heads from them; hopping from a book to another! I was attracted by the astrology, humanities, historical fossils, medicine and geography!
I would read for scholars whom I’d make sure that they weren’t spiritualists so that they would not confuse me with abstract thoughts that aren’t materially proven!!
Journals profusely started opening up for me and my writings; while still in high school, I started writing ✍ a lot for newspapers and journals in Lebanon 🇱🇧, kuwait 🇰🇼, Iran 🇮🇷, Bahrain 🇧🇭, USA 🇺🇸!
I was mesmerized by and in love with myself!! I would arrogantly look at my teacher!He sternly asked me,“ Why have stopped praying?”I mockingly replied, “ Does prayer change the world 🌎?”He answered me with a reply that took me off tangent and shook my sobriety ( that is if I had one any way). He said, “ Yes, prayer doesn’t change the world 🌎, but it changes us to change the world 🌎!”
Alas, I arrogantly fought myself despite this horrific rocking statement, I continued wallowing in in my misguidance!! Years passed by, I returned home where there was no tolerance by my family for being lazy in performing prayers or for going to the mosque;my father would make his going to the mosque a radiating atmosphere.
My mother would wake us up before even the call was announced for prayer! I heavily dragged myself to go for prayer!!!😡 Then, there came that day when I became extremely sick 🤕; the Doctor agonizingly told me, “ Najeeb, you are certainly going to die in 9 months!!😱
I was in the coastal Tacoma, USA 🇺🇸 I alone travelled there; I went to the greenery hill; I saw the expansive huge ocean 🌊 in front of me; I was there and nothing was there except me, the sky 🌌, the water 💧; and death and life”! I asked myself, “ Should or must I change something?” I contemplated deeper; tears 😭 started to well-up in my eyes 👀 and dripped💧 down my face!! I imagined the tears 😭 vaguely covered a wide area of the ocean 🌊 in a mirage and august way!! Suddenly, the horrific rocking statement said by the Arabic Gazan teacher popped up in my head,
” Prayer changes us and we then change the world 🌎.”
I hurriedly went to where I resided and cabled the statement to my teacher 👨�� without any introductions or conclusions!!! He replied by saying, “ Allah has regained you or got you back, live peacefully!!”
The best prayer that made a very powerful spiritual impact on me was the one performed in Tacoma at the Atlantic shorelines; and it was there that I rediscovered myself.
I found that the Truth and its true meaning was up there in Heaven and not on this earthly life!!
By the way, I haven’t died yet!
Written By @najeebzamil Translated by @unlimited_abu Khalid Al-Dossary
Source: Iqtisadiah
Monday September 17,2007
Volume 5089
4 notes
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