#jumin han prompt
marshmallowprotection · 10 months
“i’m never more at peace than i am in your arms.” reminds me of jumin </3
After a long, arduous day of monotonous work, Jumin isn't one to think of rest. It's not because he doesn't want to rest, you know that, but instead, because he's always thinking of his next project. He has plenty of those, always burning at the back of his head with what he can do to not only benefit animals just like Elizabeth the 3rd, but his fellow man, as well.
He just wants to put his heart into what he's doing every step of the way.
Ever since you came into his life, you noticed that subtle shift in his work. It wasn't as if he wasn't conscientious of his decisions before you smiled at him with mirth and joy, but when you came in with a gentle hand and reminded him of the humanity everyone around him claimed that he denied, he knew he could finally be himself without fearing shame or judgment.
To be called an unfeeling robot was something of his nightmares, but when you see him for what he is, it... helps him feel confident in a way he didn't before. You wouldn't say that he lacked confidence, but you would say that there was something liberating about seeing him with a smile on his face.
A smile that his father's decisions couldn't destroy. 
However, even though he's not one to think of rest and relaxation, he has one guilty pleasure he always partakes when he arrives home for the evening. He finds you, wherever you may be, and he drapes both of his arms around your shoulders. His lips brush against the side of your head, you lean into his embrace, and you both share a whisper in that moment that says: Welcome home and I'm home.
You sighed as he clung to you with everything he had inside, “I’m never more at peace than I am in your arms.”
"And I you, my love," he murmured.
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nebulous-tundra · 2 years
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
For the holiday day of the event, I used the below prompt for the cast from Mystic Messenger! Though there’s not a lot of headcanons, I hope any fans of the series enjoy this small collection of headcanons I wrote up 😊 And just a reminder that I’m really appreciative of all you lovely constant readers who put up with (and some who even encourage) me writing all the unrequested prompts and having fun with them!
Have you ever gone to a pumpkin patch?
I do think both V and Jumin have been to a pumpkin patch at least once. They went together to one when they were both kids, when Jihyun was on a trip abroad with Jumin. The Chairman had business to take care of in America and the nanny thought it would be fun for the then 9–10-year-old boys to go pick out pumpkins in the pumpkin patch and to carve them into Jack o’ Lanterns. V and Rika would also go to one later on in V’s life. He really loves the look of the pumpkin patches and had wanted to capture some pictures, especially ones of Rika enjoying herself and choosing a pumpkin. He gets one of her holding her prized pumpkin while sitting on a hay bale that becomes one of his favourite pictures of her.
Zen has also been to a pumpkin patch before. It wasn’t so much because he was really interested in choosing a pumpkin or anything really to do with Halloween, at least in personal terms. He was along assisting some of the stage crew for a Halloween inspired play he was a part of. They needed pumpkins as prompts and the stage crew just didn’t have enough people free to go and pick all the ones they would need, so Zen had agreed to lend a hand.
Jaehee has never been to a pumpkin patch. It’s not something that really interests her and she wouldn’t know anything about which pumpkin to pick, about how to go about choosing one or anything like that.
Yoosung hasn’t been to a pumpkin patch before, but he really does have an interest in going to one. The thing is that he wants to go visit a pumpkin patch with his first partner, as a cute date idea. It’s a romantic little fantasy, him and his first lover going and picking out a pumpkin together, maybe getting a hay bale ride while they’re there or going through a corn maze if it’s available before they’d go home and work on carving the pumpkin together.
Saeyoung has been to a pumpkin patch, back during his university days with a group of friends. It was one of the few times when he could really just relax, pretend to be someone else entirely, someone normal, and just experience the day as anyone else would. He has really fond memories of the event, but he doesn’t want to revisit one. He just feels like he might be disappointed if he does.
Saeran has never been to a pumpkin patch. He knows they exist; he knows of their connection to Halloween and autumn fun but that’s about it. However, because autumn is his favourite season and he has a real fascination for the creepiness and macabre Halloween holiday, he’s always been curious about going to one. He’s just a little unsure about going by himself to one so he’s never taken the step to experience it.
Vanderwood has never been to a pumpkin patch, and he has zero interest in doing so. He’ll be just fine if he never has to go to one in his life.
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elvendara · 1 year
Michael's edition
1 October 2023—GHOST
He wrinkled his nose as the wine touched his lips. Warm. Had he really been sitting here long enough for it to no longer be cool. With a sigh he set the glass down and rubbed at his temples. Standing he stretched his long legs and ran a long-fingered hand through his short dark hair. A glance towards the glass with storm grey eyes had him rethinking picking it up. With a sigh he did and swallowed what remained. No sense letting it go to waste.
Making his way to the kitchen he had to slow down, feeling the effects of the alcohol finally. Outside his home it thundered, the rain tattooing a discordant melody all around him. He stopped midway, eyes on the floor, grazing his stockinged feet. Slowly and with great hesitation, his eyes made their way to the portrait hung prominently on the wall. His normally vibrant eyes darkened as tears welled up. Pain struck him in the chest with the deafening beating of his heart.
There he stood, behind his late wife Lillie and their son. The boy was no more than six in the portrait, he was now a young man in his prime, away at University. He had taken after his wife in features and coloring. His auburn hair being the envy of many. It was often difficult to look at his son, seeing his wife’s eyes reflected back at him. In the last year they had seen each other only twice. At the funeral, and for Christmas. The boy had a life of his own after all. Jumin was happy for him, but he also thought that the reason he didn’t see him more was because it was too hard for him to see his father so sad.
An unbelievable amount of people thought a year was long enough to grieve, so now he spent much of his time alone with his own thoughts. He finally let himself gaze upon his wife. Certainly, since the portrait was taken, she had thickened around the middle, etched some fine lines around her face, even grown a few grey hairs, just as he had. But she had always been beautiful in his eyes. Her honey brown eyes stared back at him, that kind and benevolent smile radiant on her face. He remembered what it felt like to run his fingers through her thick hair, and the smell of her shampoo. She rarely wore perfume, but the smell of her hair lingered on the pillow, the sheets, her clothing, and in the air if she had recently been there.
His body broke into shuddering cries as the thunder and lighting continued to roar. It was as if the world grieved with him. The wind howling and destructive as if his insides tore through the countryside. He dropped to his knees, the glass shattering on the wood floor.
“Jumin.” The whisper carried in the wind, fluttering and disjointed. “J…u…m…i…n…” the elongated syllables hung in the air, surrounding his broken body.
He blinked and startled as the scent of Lillie’s hair wafted across his nose. Rising to his feet quickly he turned, unsure of what was happening. Had he finally lost his mind?
A loud clap of tunder sounded directly above his head as lightning flashed through the windows as if paparazzi stood outside with flashing bulbs. It startled him and he wrapped his arms around his head, a soft whine escaping his mouth.
“Stop! Please! No!” he stammered, choking back more sobs.
“My love.” Lillie’s voice was soft and soothing. Just the way she sounded when she was about to scold him for something.
“L…Lillie?” he dropped his arms and turned towards the voice. In the hallway stood his wife. He knew she wasn’t really there, she was dead. Dead and gone, never to return. But there, there she was anyway, all he had to do was reach out and touch her. She looked healthy, not at all the emaciated thing she had become as the disease ate her from the inside out. He had wasted no money on finding someone, somewhere to help her. But cancer didn’t care about money.
She smiled at him and held her arms open. He stepped into those welcome arms, unaware of the glass pressing through his socks and into his skin. Blood trailed as he took several steps, but he was beyond physical pain. She wrapped her arms around him, and he buried his head into her soft bosom. He missed the feel of her. Her perspective on anything and everything. She was his rock, his sounding board, his conscience. He loved her and he missed her.
“My love, you have so much more life to live. Don’t shut yourself away like this.” She cooed into his hair, her fingers tangled in the strands.
“I miss you so much. How…how can I go on?” he sobbed.
“You must. I know you loved me, I felt it every single day. You know what it is to love and be loved. Those who care about you are worried. Our son is worried. You must be strong my love. Not only for you, but for me and everything I will now miss. You must be there for our son, for our grandchildren, if there will be any, for our friends and family. You have grieved alone too long. You need to start living, even if it hurts.”
“I…I can’t! I don’t want to! I want to be with you! Take me with you!” he pleaded.
“It’s not your time. Don’t let it run out like this. Live! Live my love! Live!” he voice was stern but kind as it faded into nothing, as did she.
“NO!” Jumin screamed and dropped to his hands and knees. “NO!” he slammed his fists into the floor with force. He collapsed as the storm continued to rage outside. Once his body was spent of tears he sighed and took several deep breaths.
Live? Could he? Without her at his side? He thought about her words, about how much time he still had to live, about his son and his future. Yes, life was for the living. He would hold onto that small straw.
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rfaromance · 2 years
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Graphic design obviously is NOT my passion, but this has "Seven MC/Rika kinnie given free reign with picsart" energy, so it works!
We have 8 days of Hannukah, and 7 main routes + 2 side characters very popular among fandom! Why not spread some holiday cheer for all your faves (or the same fave 8 times)?
I tried to make the prompts generic enough, but they were all made with Hannukah in mind since it is an 8-day list. These are also the 8 nights of Hannukah, in case you were wondering! It happens to coincide with Christmas this year.
Writing, art, edits, anything creative will do! Please, have fun with it. And there's no pressure to do all the days. It's a busy time of year. Tag with #RFAholiday2022 so I can find it!
Happy holidays!!
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 years
“Hm, hhmm~” Shiri hummed softly as she fried the homemade dinner. ~ I hope Juju would like the food.. I’m a little worried because-~ “tkhgh !” Shiri winced in pain, a drop of oil blistering the back of her palm. “I really am not used to cooking.. I hope my clumsiness won’t ruin the taste of the meal for Juju.” Shiri mumbled to herself, anxiety slightly pricking her heart.
But eyeing the schnitzel, it seemed tasty, a perfect golden brown crust. She covered it in the special sauce and toppings, she hoped it would taste as well as it looked. Shiri then plated their homemade dinner at their dining table.
“I’m all aglow, and now I know. The key to our Heaven is mine..”
Coming in late, exhausted from work Jumin sighed. A sound unnoticed by our flighty wife, lost in daydreams.
“So this is what makes life divine, h hm huhummm~”
Hearing the sound of his love’s sweet voice he could feel his soul becoming soothed by her clear, loving energy. Her soft singing making him smile warmly.
Wanting to surprise her, he embraced her in a big, bear hug from behind, startling her. “My lovely Shiri, I missed you so much.”
Quickly after her alarmed hic, she recognized her beloved’s warm bassy voice whispering in her ear. His hug, whisper and touch made her melt and feel like a puddle of gooey honey, warming her from within.
“I’m so happy you’re back, HanniBunny ! I, um. I cooked something for you !”
“Oh? Oh. Come to think of it I do smell chicken.”
“It’s Schnitzel Parmigiana, your childhood favorite! I thought you’d like a little nostalgia. I wanted you to more thoroughly enjoy your meals, rather than just eating them to satisfy your dietary needs. Life is meant to be enjoyed !”
Shiri turned, hugging JujuBear, this time initiated by her own sweet self. “Just like how I enjoy being embraced by your loving, tender and passionate heart.”
“Heh, just hearing you say that makes me feel so lucky and blessed to have you, Shiri. You’re so charming and sweet, yet so genuine and poetic. It’s no wonder I fell so deeply in love with you, my lovely wife Shiri.” Juju’s slender fingers gently tilted Shiri’s face upwards to meet his silver gaze, quivering with love, as he leaned down to softly and languidly kiss his sweet Cherie’s rose pink lips.
His hot tongue caressing her own made both their hearts flutter and race like birds’ wings set free as their souls intertwined into one, fully melting into their own private inner world.
“J-Juju..” Shiri sighed her love’s name, exhaling raggedly, eyes glossy with desire, love and overwhelming heat, encompassing her entire being. “We- We should eat the food before it gets cold.”
Juju, wiping their shared saliva from the edge of his lips, he licked the remnants of Shiri’s mark from his slightly damp hand. Intense gaze never leaving his precious wife’s.
“Well, when it comes to you, Shiri, my hunger knows no bounds. Your touch and taste are far sweeter than any candy in the world. I can never get enough.”
“But I wouldn’t want your efforts to go to waste, with all of the love you poured into it so-“
With a last passionate kiss, Juju hugs Shiri fiercely and protectively to him, keeping their bodies so close she could feel Jumin’s rapid heartbeat racing reverberating in her own chest. Their heartbeats creating a precious melody of their own, mixing with the sound of their moans and love-filled sighs.
Finally seated in their comfy and plush chairs by their window balcony after their passionate welcome back home greeting, they started eating.
Shiri felt fluttery and nervous as she eyed Jumin taking the first bite of her homemade meal.
“Shiri, this is. It tastes so warm and filling..it takes me back. When I used to have evening dinners with Jihyun’s family when we were younger. This is, an absolute delight to the senses.”
Her eyes glimmered in delight at Juju’s words. “Really? Oh gosh! I’m so happy! I’m sure we could arrange for an all RFA gathering soon so we could catch up on what each of us has been doing lately! You probably miss Jihyun, huh? After all he is your first and best childhood friend.” Shiri smiled knowingly and affectionately, before quickly and hurriedly clarifying “Oh, not that I’m jealous ! I know how you cherish us is both equal yet different.”
“Yes, my angel. You know me so well. You are my greatest gift of love, and Jihyun is like- a brother from a long lost family of mine. Both equally dear to me. And you know no one could ever replace you, my dove, right?” Jumin reached out his hand to tenderly and lovingly caress my cheek from across the small table.
“Yea..I know, my love HanniJuju.” Shiri replied, smiling contentedly as her hand gently covered his.
During their romantic meal, Jumin caught a glimpse of one of their engagement (pre-marital) photos, hung up elegantly upon the wall above their shared bed. In that picture was Shiri, peppering loving, playful yet slightly possessive kiss marks all upon Jumin’s face; his being beaming brightly at her affections.
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(Art Credits : ShiawaseJanaiyo)
Just being reminded of that time made Jumin’s heart feel so warm and blissful. Like the smooth velvety creaminess of drinking hot foamed coffee during winter times (or, if you consider Shiri’s taste; it would definitely be hot cocoa). It reminded him of home. Shiri was home to Juju, in everything she did she always poured her heart and soul into it if it meant helping and cherishing her loved ones.
“Remember our engagement photoshoot Shiri?”
“Oh. The one you felt was as important as our future wedding photoshoot because it showcased deeply and dearly how-“
(Both at once): “it encompassed the way our love blossomed through the years.”
Amused by their synchronicity, they couldn’t help but chuckle and giggle a little.
“I love you. You’re my one and only” Shiri confessed a loving reminder, adoring her HanniBunnyHubbyBear.
“You’re my only love as well, dear soul. I hope our love will continue to blossom through many more years to come as we live our lives together.”
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
om! older brothers reacting to mc playing mystic messenger
✎ includes: lucifer, mammon, leviathan
✎ warnings: none
"I've missed my bed..." you mumble, flopping onto your mattress in the HoL. You pull out your phone, opening your favorite otome game: Mystic Messenger.
You had endured a long day at RAD, full of making excuses for slipping out of your classes. You couldn't help it: to get a good ending in Mystic Messenger, you had to complete a certain percentage of the daily chatrooms. So, whenever you heard that familiar 'ping' notification, you would excuse yourself and stalk off to the nearest bathroom, closet, or any place where you could be alone.
With all of your classes and chores done, you could finally laze around in bed, playing at your own leisure without the threat of a professor or classmate looming over your shoulder. That was, until a knock rang at your door, prompting the entrance of a certain demon.
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LUCIFER stood in the doorway cautiously, entering your room just as you clicked on a chat room with 707.
"MC, I'm here to get that classical vinyl I left here last night- oh... am I interrupting something?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the amount of text messages appearing on your phone screen.
"Oh, no! Come in," you wave the demon over. Despite Lucifer's otherwise sophisticated nature, he couldn't help but sneak a peek at your phone, which was conveniently held in his field of vision.... Only to see 707 taking up the whole chat room, spamming text messages and emoticons at lightning speed.
"MC, who is that? he texts like Mammon," Lucifer scoffed with disgust. "are you... dating someone?"
"It's a character in a game, Lucifer!" you smiled, staring at your phone screen. "don't worry about it."
"Oh." Lucifer stated curtly. his hand subconsciously slid over his chest, as he felt a surge of blood pumping through his veins.
A game? I feel relieved that another demon, angel, or even that human solomon hasn't beaten me to MC's affection... but still...!
You felt a soft hand on your cheek. Tearing your eyes away from the screen, you found your face inches away from Lucifer's blood-red eyes, which were staring deep into your soul.
"Remember, MC... You belong to me. No one else... Game or otherwise." His sweet voice dripped onto your tongue like honey.
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MAMMON bounded into your room for no reason, as per usual. It had become customary at this point for him to come over, sit on your bed, and simply chill with you almost every day.
"MC, you've been on your phone all day, who are you talking to that's not me?" Mammon pouted, laying on the bed next to you, dramatically splaying his arms out for your attention.
"Mammon, don't be an attention whore," You joked. "There's no need to be jealous."
"Hey, don't go around calling me jealous! I don't get jealous!" Mammon protested.
He suddenly froze when he saw what looked like an incoming call on your phone screen... From somebody named 'Jumin Han.' You accepted the call before Mammon unexpectedly threw himself across your lap.
"WHO'S JUMIN HAN?" He yelled, basically tackling you.
"HeYY! Get off me!" You shoved the demon, but to no avail. After a short power struggle for your phone, he finally grabbed it and yelled into the receiver.
"I just closed a deal with an oil company in the middle east... the life of a future CEO is always busy," the game character, Jumin stated in his cold tone.
"Ugh, even his cold way of speaking reminds me of Lucifer!" Mammon groaned. "Wait... A future CEO? So... What I'm hearing is that he's rich?"
"Get off me, Mammon!" You groaned. "It's just a game!"
"Hey, Jumin Han! I don't care who you are, or how powerful your credit card is. MC is MY HUMAN, ya hear?!"
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LEVIATHAN knocks on your door before entering, his Nintendo Switch console in hand.
"MC, don't tell me you forgot about our MarioKart tournament today! Levi sighed.
"Nope, I haven't-- I just have to finish this chat really quick," you said, waving Leviathan over to your bed.
The purple-haired boy blushed, but complied with your request. As he sat next to you, the bed dipped slightly from his weight, and you smiled at your phone screen, scooting close to Leviathan to fill in the awkward space and get more cozy. However, Levi's embarrassed attitude vanished entirely as he glanced at your phone.
"Ooh, is that Mystic Messenger? I love that game!" Leviathan gushed.
"You... You've played it?" You asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Of course! I've played every single route and unlocked most of the DLC!" He grinned proudly. "But, MC... Don't get too attached to that app, alright?"
You looked at Levi, whose face was red as he refused to make eye contact with you.
"Don't be jealous, Leviathan. You know that I love talking to you all day, every day."
"H-Hey, that's not what I meant! But you're right! I'll always be here for you, unlike them!"
The two of you spend the rest of the night talking about your experiences with the game, its backstory, and other fandoms that the both of you are in together.
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juminweek2019 · 23 days
Jumin Week 2024 News!
Ok, so apparently this is happening! 🫨
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After doing the math I think we have enough people willing to participate to make Jumin Week 2024 a reality
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About the prompts, I thought we could go with the second most voted theme from last year: that's it The Language of Flowers.
Now, as maybe you know, there's a TON of flowers with meaning because the Victorians were super repressed! So, to make things simpler I thought to use the wedding bouquets from The RFA last year which are exactly 7 flowers. Fortunately someone on Instagram made a post about it, so I'm posting it now so you can start working on the prompts until we have the schedule ready and pretty 🙂:
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Also, because I suppose those who voted for flowers already had an idea what they wanted to write/draw/etc, I'm open to suggestions about what flower they want to be included as a prompt, so feel free to send an ask if you want to request a specific flower, but only if you are going to participate as a writer/an artist/etc.. (btw Jumin's bouquet is the Serbian Bellflower, that would be our prompt for his birthday 👀)
Also I'm going to make a poll whether we are having a parallel theme or not, with the tarot cards Major Arcana (but on the weekend, super tired right now OTL)
Let me know what you think? Do you like this theme? Any suggestions? Doubts? Feel free to drop an ask or comments in the tags/reblogs! Remember this may be the last Jumin Week so don't keep to yourself anything!
(if you are new and have any doubt you can also check this blog for past submissions)
For The Han!!! 👑✨💜💜💜
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Edit: I forgot to mention Jumin Week starts on the 5/10 with Jumin's Birthday for time reasons.
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yoosungisbabie · 1 year
all that really matters - day four
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jumin x mc
rating: T
prompt: acts of service
warnings: slightly suggestive phrases/moments
word count: 2,925
ao3 link
She had forgotten about the reporters outside, flinching as a flurry of clicks and flashes started around her. Instinctively, she turned her face away, pressing her cheek into Jumin’s chest as he walked without hesitation. “Mr. Han!” “Is she injured?” “What dress is she wearing?”
“And that concludes our event for this evening. Thank you all for coming. Please have a wonderful evening.” The moving of chairs and dishes clattering quickly replaced the announcer’s clear voice.
Jumin placed his napkin on the table, clearing his throat as she ensured she had her phone and purse. As her fiancé straightened his tie and buttoned his jacket closed, she readied herself for the next few hours of business jargon and conversations that she would have to focus on trying to keep up with.
“Mr. Han,” she heard from behind them, seeing Jumin turn his head. As he moved to stand, the conversation around them rose in volume. She stood to join them when Jumin offered both his hand and a light smile towards her.
“My love, this is Mr. Yang, our head of finances at C&R,” he explained, nodding once at her and letting go of her hand so she could shake Mr. Yang’s.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she grinned, shaking his hand firmly but gently. The older man’s eyebrows rose, looking back and forth between the two of them.
“You’ve heard of me?” he wondered, releasing her hand.
“Of course!” she laughed lightly. “Jumin and his father would be lost without you.” Mr. Yang smiled sheepishly, swatting the air as if to push her comment away.
“Not at all,” he murmured, shaking his head. Jumin chuckled shortly, glancing down at her feet and moving his chair just a little as she stepped out from between them.
“Dearest, if you would like to make your way to the downstairs lounge, I can meet you there,” Jumin softly said as he leaned close to speak in her ear. She smiled, nodding up at him and understanding through his eyes that he didn’t want her to stand and be bored with their conversation.
“Of course,” she whispered back, bowing slightly at Mr. Yang as he did the same. “It was lovely to meet you!” she smiled, hearing him scoff in surprise as she moved away from them. She maneuvered through the banquet hall, glad to stretch her legs after spending the last two hours at their tables. However, there wasn’t much relief, as the shoes she’d bought for that evening were far more uncomfortable than she could have imagined.
She said brief hellos to a few people she vaguely recognized as she passed by, following the small crowd down the stairs to the lounge and bar beneath them. She held onto the railing for dear life, trying to walk as fast as possible even though she was one of the youngest and, therefore, fastest at the event. Her heels were both unstable and very high, and along with the fact that she could feel them digging into her ankles, she was surprised when she made it down the stairs without crying out in pain.
Despite how quickly the bar and surrounding tables were filling, light jazz played overhead, making the atmosphere feel slightly more relaxed than upstairs. She glanced around the room, finding a table near the window and heading towards it.
“Mrs. Han!” someone called out, startling her. She jumped, turning to her left as a man she hadn’t met before approached her with a friendly smile. Smiling back, she bowed to him and chuckled to herself.
“I’m not quite Mrs. Han yet, but I’m glad I can already respond to the name,” she smiled, seeing the man furrow his eyebrows.
“Forgive me! You’re only recently engaged, am I right?” he wondered, reaching out to shake her hand. She met him halfway, surprised at how strong of a grip he had.
“Right,” she nodded. He let go of her right hand, pointing at her left.
“May I?” he asked, and she lifted her hand in confusion. She understood as he gently held her hand, greatly contrasting the shake they’d just shared, and looked down through his glasses at her engagement ring.
“You can tell a lot through the ring,” he mumbled, pulling her hand closer.
“Is that so?” she laughed, watching him examine it closely. He blinked a couple of times before grunting and patting her hand in finality.
“It’ll do,” he nodded, flashing a smile at her. She laughed a little, glancing at it herself and smiling.
“I’ll let him know you approve, Mr…” she started, trailing off once she realized she didn’t know who she was speaking to.
“How rude of me not to introduce myself. I’m the head of PK Holdings, a company very involved with your fiancé’s,” he explained, clasping his hands behind his back. Her eyebrows raised in recognition even though he still hadn’t given his name, remembering that Jumin had called him out as someone who would probably approach one or both at the gala that night.
“Mr. Park! It’s so lovely to finally meet you,” she grinned, watching the older man blink at her in surprise. “Jumin has told me how easy it is to work with you.” The corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile briefly before he let out a bellowing laugh, making her laugh a little in both surprise and amusement.
“That boy,” he chuckled, smoothing his tie and shaking his head with a fond smile. “Ah! I believe he’s waiting for you, so I won’t keep you any longer. I’m looking forward to your wedding,” he said, drawing her eyes to the bar behind them, where Jumin was picking up two drinks.
“Thank you, Mr. Park. I’ll see you again soon,” she smiled, throwing him a small wave as she started over to Jumin. Their eyes met as he turned around, his expression briefly softening before he seemed to notice something.
“Jumin,” she sighed happily, receiving her glass of champagne from him. He leaned down to kiss her cheek, giving her goosebumps.
“How did you fare with Mr. Park?” he wondered, finding her hand at her side and placing it on his arm as they walked towards the windows.
“He examined my ring for a good 30 seconds,” she snickered, gladly hanging on his arm as she tried to steady herself and avoid any pain points with her heels. Jumin hummed thoughtfully, taking her hand and holding it as she sat down at the table they’d chosen so she could steady herself.
“That indeed sounds like him,” he mused, sitting across from her and undoing his jacket button. They both took a sip of their drinks, him of his wine and her of her bubbles.
“He said “It’ll do,” she relayed, watching as Jumin looked the slightest bit offended.
“It’ll do,” he repeated lowly, leaning back in his chair and looking out at the view. “I would be interested to see his opinion change when he sees your wedding band.” She pressed her lips together, her tongue tingling from the champagne, and butterflies began to swirl in her stomach. She couldn’t help the rampant excitement whenever they mentioned the big day.
“He seemed very nice,” she continued, beginning to cross one leg over the other to get comfortable but deciding against it. Putting too much weight on one foot hurt too much at that point, and when she instinctively reached down to rub her ankles, she played it off as fixing the skirt of her dress. They only had a few more hours here, and she didn’t want Jumin to leave the event early for something so trivial.
“Judging our relationship based on the choice of ring is very nice, yes,” Jumin teased, making her roll her eyes and smirk.
“Either way, I’m glad I was prepared for tonight,” she noted, seeing him tilt his head.
“Our preparations helped?” She nodded and took another sip, thinking about all the slideshows that Jaehee and Jumin had prepared to help her begin to memorize all of the most important people who would be there that night.
“If I’m going to be a regular guest at your company’s events, it would be good to know as much as I can,” she replied, seeing Jumin nod thoughtfully.
“Do let me know if it overwhelms you,” he murmured, meeting her eyes again. She smiled, shaking her head.
“I’ll be fine. Besides, how can the future wife of the future chairman be clueless?” she teased, watching a small smirk grace his lips.
“I like that title for you—future wife of the future chairman. Rolls off the tongue,” he said, jesting back at her. She chuckled, rolling her eyes again and looking out at the crowds that began to gather at the larger tables.
“Where to next?” she wondered. “I’m sure you have a list of people you need to speak with tonight.” Jumin slowly turned the wine glass as it sat on the table, not meeting her eyes.
“My list was short, and therefore I have already completed it,” he said, looking up at her. She furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for the punchline. “Besides, this wine tastes horrible. How could I stay any longer?” There it was. She scoffed, standing up and avoiding scrunching her face up in pain. Her calves were becoming sore, and her toes felt like they would be pressed together for the rest of time.
“Come on,” she laughed, holding a hand out for him and grabbing her glass. “I’ll come with you.” Jumin stood to meet her, buttoning his jacket again and keeping her gaze.
“I wasn’t joking, my love. I’ve talked to everyone I needed to already,” he reiterated, pulling her hand to his and intertwining their fingers. She searched his eyes, wondering if maybe he just didn’t want to admit he was tired. He returned her stare, looking lovingly back at her. She couldn’t help but give in, raising her eyebrows in mild surprise.
“In that case, I suppose we could meander our way to the exit,” she shrugged, placing her glass back down and squeezing his hand.
“Perfect,” he smiled, holding her hand at his side and walking a pace in front of her to lead the way.
Multiple people greeted them as they walked past, but no one tried to stop them for a conversation. She could have sworn that there were far more people that Jumin should have talked to, but those thoughts quickly shifted back to focusing on walking as painlessly as possible. After a few moments, she linked her arm with Jumin’s again, using him for support while being as subtle as possible about it.
A moment of relief came in the elevator, and she leaned against his shoulder to look up at him.
“Would you like to pop open a bottle of something you’ll actually enjoy once we’re home?” she wondered, seeing him smile and glance down at her.
“Among other things,” he nodded, making her bite the tip of her tongue and watch the elevator descend through the floors instead.
Once they arrived on the ground floor, she steeled herself for only a few more minutes of the horrible heels she’d chosen. It was like the universe knew that she was almost done, making the walk through the lobby the most painful part of the night thus far.
“Darling,” he called, making her tense and wonder if he had noticed her struggling after all. “There is a professional photographer near the door. Would you like to take a picture? You are absolutely stunning tonight,” he wondered, slowing to a halt as he gauged her reaction. She glanced over, seeing two chairs in front of a camera on a tripod.
“I’d love to,” she smiled, looking down at her dress and smoothing it out. “I would hate to forget my first corporate gala.” Jumin let out a short laugh through his nose, leading her over to the photographer.
“Good evening, Mr. Han,” the young man greeted them, readying his camera quickly. “It would be my pleasure to photograph you two. May I suggest some poses?”
“I would like most of them with my fianceé in the chair. Her dress and posture will make for a gorgeous picture, don’t you think?” Jumin gushed, making her hands tremble slightly as she sat down. The photographer instructed Jumin where to stand and how to place his hands, one of them draped over the back of the chair so that his fingertips brushed her shoulder.
“And now, miss, if you would move your hand over your lap– perfect! Let’s take a few shots with this pose,” he said excitedly, the shutter clicking as he took multiple pictures quickly.
After a few more poses, Jumin deemed that enough and handed the man a small stack of cash.
“Thank you,” she smiled at the photographer, moving to stand before Jumin placed a hand over hers on the arm of the chair. She blinked up at him, resting her weight back down on the cushion as he moved to kneel in front of her.
“What is it?” she wondered, seeing him adjusting the skirt of her dress.
“Uncross your legs for me,” he spoke softly, making heat flush under her skin as his fingers slipped around her ankle. She did as he said, her heart racing as he carefully slipped her heels off. Her anticipation boiled down to confusion as he dusted them off and handed them to her. She took them hesitantly, looking to Jumin for an explanation.
“Would it be alright if I carried you?” he asked, looking up at her from where he kneeled. She blinked at him, opening her mouth for a moment before speaking.
“Sure, Jumin, but–” She stopped as he wrapped a hand around her waist to pull her towards the front of her chair, looping his other arm beneath her knees. He picked her up and pulled her to his chest with ease, making sure her skirt was appropriately draped as she made multiple noises of confusion and surprise. Someone opened the door to the venue for them to exit, but she could barely hear it over the sound of her heart racing at the unexpected situation.
She had forgotten about the reporters outside, flinching as a flurry of clicks and flashes started around her. Instinctively, she turned her face away, pressing her cheek into Jumin’s chest as he walked without hesitation.
“Mr. Han!”
“Is she injured?”
“What dress is she wearing?”
She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling embarrassment flood her body as she imagined all the articles already being written. Jumin remained quiet, walking a few more paces until she heard a car door open. He lowered her down, helping her into the car while serving as a barrier between her and the cameras. She threw the heels on the floor, covering her face and folding over on herself. She groaned, feeling Jumin settle in beside her and close the car door.
“Jumin, what was that?” she asked through her hands, wanting to flop onto his lap but also wanting to hear his explanation before she showed him affection of any kind.
“I could tell as soon as you stood up from our dinner table that your heels were causing you tremendous pain. Why didn’t you say anything, my love?” he wondered, making her squint up at him through her hands.
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing,” she responded, grateful when Driver Kim pulled away from the curb. She sat up straight, kicking at one of the heels absentmindedly.
“Your health and comfort are anything but nothing,” he replied, reaching over to take her hand and lift it to his lips for a gentle string of kisses.
“The universe will punish you somehow for this,” she grumbled with a small smile she was trying to restrain.
“For taking care of my fianceé? I hardly think so,” he disagreed, putting their intertwined hands in his lap and looking at her.
“I appreciate what you did, Jumin, but I really would have been okay for a few more steps,” she explained, watching him rub her fingers thoughtfully.
“I was just practicing for when I carry you over the threshold,” he said quietly, making her chuckle.
“I should have guessed you would want to. You’re so superstitious,” she scoffed teasingly as he looked up with a slight pout that always managed to get him out of trouble.
“I can’t take any chances,” he replied, making her laugh and give up on making him regret what he’d done.
“You’re unbearable,” she lied, watching his face relax at the sound of her laugh. He leaned over to kiss her cheek tenderly, making her stomach flip.
“Now, which sales associate helped you with these Louboutins?” he wondered quietly, his face still close to hers. She met his eyes, her stare narrowing at him.
“Leave Jinsoo alone, please,” she sighed, knowing he could find out what he wanted to know within minutes, even if she wouldn’t tell him.
“Ah, Jinsoo. My next target,” he said menacingly, making her stare at him before bursting into laughter again. He watched her with a growing smile, stroking his chin like he was a villain deep in thought.
“Jumin, please. She’s only doing her job,” she said through her laughter, knowing he was completely joking.
“I will have my revenge,” he muttered, pushing her to laugh again and lean into his side. He gave in and laughed with her, pulling her closer as she continued to fight for the saleslady until Jumin gave up his playful charade.
Their ride home was full of laughter, and he promised to help her soothe her feet at home, utterly content that he had made her smile again.
hello!! thank you so much for reading this! and thank you all so much for all the support I've received already this week <3 it means so so much to me!
stay tuned for the last two days! thank you again!
Mel x
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brighteststar707 · 11 months
23 & jumin if there's a slot open 👀✨
Hi Anon! Thank you for the request!
Original prompt list can be found here
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Being Unable to Keep Their Eyes Off Them
✦ Jumin x gn!Reader ✦ Words: 1328
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You had heard the rumours about Jumin Han. Of course you had. You were in close – and slightly overlapping – social circles. You had seen the pictures plastered over magazine covers and passed around between your friends from time to time. You had heard the tales of people who had been so lucky as to meet him, even. They were never shy to give you the details: how handsome and charming he is in person, how he always knows just what to say, how he has the ability to leave people speechless.  
But nothing could have prepared you for the real thing.
You were at a charity party organized by an organization called the RFA, invited as part of a group. The room was full of people, all from various backgrounds, by the look of it, and all full of an energy that was contagious. There was a live band, beautiful twinkling lights, a buffet so extensive it could please everyone in attendance.
You were having fun so far. You had been drifting around the room, introducing yourself to people and enjoying the food and drinks being brought around. As far as parties go, this would have made the top of your list already, and that was even before you saw him.
Because an hour after you had arrived, you had met most of the party organizers, save for one. One who had, up until a few minutes ago, been caught up in planning tidbits backstage. But he was hard to miss when he finally reemerged.
A lot of the guests were occupied, either dancing, eating, or talking. But you were off to the side, taking a moment to yourself when you saw him for the first time.
The very same man you had seen so many times before through the pictures, who you had heard so much about through the grapevine. Jumin Han himself.
He is handsome, with dark hair parted neatly and a well-cut black suit. The photographers had managed to capture the way everything about him was drawn out in long lines. He was elegant while making it look effortless. Even sheltered from the lights, his hair was shiny and combed in an attempt to make it look effortless.
From where you're standing, you can see his expression as he surveys the hall from the wings. There is a small smirk forming in the corner of his mouth, a certain look of satisfaction that has yet to be caught on camera and published. For a second, you feel like someone uncovering secrets not meant for the public, finding a treasure meant to be coveted.
He holds himself well, as if there is a string tied to his head pulling him up like in the old exercises you were taught. It only helps him look taller, more confident.
At first glance, it's easy for you to write him off. He is a handsome successful man with enough charm to get nearly anyone to sign their money away to him. He is simply the object of your friends' fantasies.
But you cannot take your eyes off him. The curve of his shoulders, the calm happiness on his face. He is mesmerising.
He must feel your eyes on him because he turns sharply to look at you from the stage. When they meet yours, you feel a jolt go through you. You are no stranger to parties, but for the first time, there is some small part of you that wants to hide. You feel seen. His eyes, from where you're standing, are pitch black and piercing.
It’s as if, under his gaze, you're being cut up and evaluated. How curious. Before you have a chance to get too self-conscious for being caught staring, his eyebrows quirk. Amusement.
It's a good look on him, and it does nothing to dissuade you from looking at him. In fact, it makes you want to look more. So, challenged by his expression, you do.
From the tips of his toes (in some very nice and even more expensive shoes) to the well-tailored suit, the slight taper at his waist and up to the broad shoulders. And then his face. As handsome as everyone has always said, the mouth pursed in appraisal and eyes holding so much just out of view. You have a feeling that if you were closer, you’d fall right into them. Idly, you wonder if he’d let you ever get that close.
What an odd thing to think.  
He nods quickly, pleased by your quick interaction, and then has his attention called by someone else at the party. He leaves the stage quickly and leaves you alone with your own company again.
You had thought that that was the end of it. You had wandered around the hall some more, drifting between groups of people and turning over your little encounter in your head. Something about that quick change in expression, the switch that turned him from calculating to mischeivous was almost endearing (and you had so often heard him described as cold).
You were caught in the middle of a conversation a little out of your depth, nodding vaguely and offering very little of your own contributions when you felt it again: that strange tingly feeling down your spine that you were being watched.
You shifted your gaze slightly to look over the shoulder of the person opposite you (you’re sure they won’t notice, they’re so caught up in the point they’re making) and find yourself locking eyes with Jumin Han again.
This time, he has the nerve to be embarrassed about being caught, if the delightful shade of soft pink in his cheeks is enough to judge by. You hold his gaze for a few seconds longer, shooting him what you hope is a smug look. Before you look away, he smiles. This is nothing like what you’ve seen in pictures before, this is something genuine, that even you – a stranger – know is valuable to see in real life.
Regrettably, your conversation partner has noticed your attention drifting elsewhere and there’s something in their tone that’s vaguely offended, so you turn back to them to try and placate them. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Jumin’s dark silhouette flitting out of sight. You try to stamp out the flicker of disappointment that wells up in you.
The conversation goes on for longer than you want it to, as if you’re being punished for getting distracted earlier. What you want to tell them is that they’d be distracted too if they caught the most attractive man in the country checking them out (not once but twice!), but you hold your tongue. You’re have a feeling it would only make things worse.  
Eventually you find a moment to excuse yourself – and apologise again - and slip away from the group. You quickly turn on your heel, meaning to make a beeline for outside. You’re urgently in need of some fresh air.
In your rush, you bump headfirst into another guest. A guest in a well-tailored dark suit and firm chest. Oh. You have a feeling it’s no coincidence it’s him you’ve bumped into.
The stranger with the beautiful dark eyes who has been watching you for the past hour stands in front of you, taller now that there is no distance between you both.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” You exclaim, stumbling a few steps backwards.
He smiles warmly, with a hint of humour in the corners of his mouth. Is he laughing at you?
“Please, don’t apologize. It was my fault.” He extends a hand to you. “I don’t believe we’ve met before. My name is Jumin Han.”
But you knew that already.
You shake his hand, your smile matching his in mirth.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
And you might have heard a lot about him before, but you know so little, and with this opportunity presenting himself, you intend to find out much more.   
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shxtodxroki · 21 days
Bee's Flufftober 2024 Masterlist
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Hello and welcome to my masterlist for Flufftober 2024! Here you can find all of my planned works for each day’s prompt, featuring various characters from various fandoms!
Note: As of now, only some of the characters are filled in for these prompts. I’m still accepting votes/requests for which characters y’all want me to include for this year, and so far I’ve only filled in characters that were specifically requested with certain prompts and I'm currently going through and putting the most popular characters in the survey with prompts, so this list will change a lot in the next few days.
But there are still spots open, and a few extra prompts too, so if you want to see a specific character I write for with a specific prompt, please feel free to send in a request to my asks or fill out this form here if you want to give your input on which characters should be included!
I hope you enjoy, and happy (early) Flufftober everyone! <3
Flufftober 2024
Day 1: Lost Pet Meet Cute feat. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Day 2: “Left. Other Left!” feat. Undecided
Day 3: Favorite Scent feat. Undecided
Day 4: Market Day feat. Undecided
Day 5: Acorn, Chestnut, Pine Cone Alternate Prompt: Written But Never Sent feat. Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Day 6: Mistaken Identity feat. Undecided
Day 7: Hoodie Weather feat. Undecided
Day 8: Chopping & Piling Wood feat. Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Day 9: “Don’t do that!” “But…” feat. Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Day 10: Bet, Game, Contest feat. Undecided
Day 11: Ingredients And Spells feat. Undecided
Day 12: “This is spooky.” “Really?” feat. Undecided
Day 13: Attic, Cellar, Hidden Room feat. Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia)
Day 14:  Fantasy AU/Mundane AU feat. Undecided (Maybe switch to alternate prompt)
Day 15: “What are you wearing?” “It’s laundry day!” feat. Tetsurou Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Day 16: Yes, No, Maybe feat. Undecided
Day 17: Only One Bed feat. Undecided
Day 18: Bewitched feat. Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Day 19: Yarn feat. Undecided (Maybe switch to alternate prompt)
Day 20: Paw feat. Undecided (Maybe switch to alternate prompt)
Day 21: Bonfire feat. Undecided
Day 22: Heirloom feat. Undecided (Maybe switch to alternate prompt)
Day 23: Stormy Night feat. Undecided
Day 24: Comfort Food feat. Undecided
Day 25: Haunted House feat. Undecided
Day 26: “I can’t find it.” feat. Undecided
Day 27: Afternoon Stroll feat. Undecided
Day 28: Lucky Charm feat. Undecided
Day 29: Time Capsule feat. Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
Day 30: “Forever?” feat. Undecided
Day 31: Make a Wish feat. Undecided
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siriuslygay1981 · 11 months
Introduction post!!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You can call me Star/Basra/Bea, I go by them all :).
They/them! And he/she sparingly
Queer(not really labeled.) Poly!
I like cosmology/astronomy, writing, music and reading! I'm a writer, an artist, I love learning new things and I am always looking for friends! I have too many hobbies to list but I'm open to discussing them more if asked!
` * 🔭🐇
Things I'll post Abt/Fandoms I'm in:
Marauders era, Harry Potter, Stranger things, Good omens,Marvel, DC (specifically batman-robin-redhood stuff),Anime, Artrick, dune, that 70s show, Dexter, Bojack hm, twd, Alice in borderland, killing Eve, lupin, and Cobra Kai. Writing and in general probably random rants about whatever thing I've watched/read recently. I will reblog the most random post that I relate to or just want to reblog too ofc. I might post art sometimes ! My writing too ofc!!
Fav Characters; Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, regulus black, James Potter, Peter parker, Wade Wilson (dp), iron man, black widow, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Paul atreudies, hawk/Eli, Jason Todd, Tim drake, dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred, Evan rosier, 10th Dr, art donaldson, tashi Duncan, izuku midoriya, bakugou katsuki, denki kaminari, Ken kaneki, oikawa tooru, Satori tendou, Harley Quinn, blaise zambini, Sirius black, Bellatrix black, narcissa black, lily Evans, marlene McKinnon, remus lupin, grover, matt murdock, jumin han, 707, Eric forman, Steven hyde, Donna pinciotti, Clarke griffin, Octavia Blake, finn the human,Lexi grey, Penelope featherington, Colin BRIDGERTON, Benedict bridgerton, Kate BRIDGERTON, Daphne BRIDGERTON, Eloise BRIDGERTON, Oliver marks, James Farrow, Neil josten, Andrew minyard, Neil perry, raven, beast boy, mon-el, (Names every character ever)
。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。
hate comments
Slurs/racism/homophobia etc etc
Eveyone can:
Reply/ask questions
Ask to be friends
Texting me on here
Ask to collab
Mutuals only:
Asking for socials
Asking personal info
♥︎̶̶ ´ ˘ ` ۫ ִ ׂ🪕 ◟♡ ˒
My spotify-
My ao3-
I give permission to use any idea I've written/talked about as long as it's credited and I'm tagged (I'd love to see it :) ) Unless I've mentioned otherwise
Beta reader applications are open! If you wish to be a beta reader for any WIP (published or not) let me know!
My Pfp- cuckooboo_ on Instagram!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Request info-
I won't do inc3st, I won't do illegal, I won't force myself to write what I don't vibe with and I'll tell you that.
I'll do NSfw, I'll do any ship, any scenario! I might even do x reader. I'll link my stories from my Tumblr on my pinned post too. You can request in Asks or messages.
I'll be posting my own stuff that I want to post until someone asks for SMTHN specific!
Black brothers angst- Angsty, sad, Regulus' hopes and dreams squashed.
Regulus Dying- Regulus' last moments
Dorlene word prompt- Dorcas being a simp
Rosekiller quote prompt- Silly little guys, short interaction.
Jegulus- Fluff mostly. Right before Regulus leaves for the cave.
Rosekiller quote prompt thing - Miscommunication, slight angst
Wolfstar Short - Small crack one shot
PANDALILY domestic - Lily's pov of her day to day with Pandora
Rosekiller prompt Part 2 - slight angst, comfort, hea
Rosekiller mircrofic- Word prompt, may 24th. Word:Favorite
JEGULUS mircrofic- Microfic based off of a fanart!
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juminies · 2 years
feelings of insecurity don't tend to magically disappear. sometimes they just find a different way to manifest.
jumin x reader, 1174 words, angst and comfort
You don’t think he was this restless even when Elizabeth went missing, truly.
He tosses and turns behind you in bed as your thoughts go into overdrive. You can’t help but notice that he’s careful not to touch, and it’s unsettlingly uncharacteristic for him, and he moves ever so slowly as though he’s trying his hardest for you not to notice. And something is going on, surely, but he’d tell you, wouldn’t he?
It seems his restlessness is starting to rub off on you.
He gets out of bed far before he needs to, just like he had the morning before. He turns off the alarm clock so it doesn’t wake you – something he typically wouldn’t do. He’s always liked to say goodbye before he goes to work. And you’re not asleep, because you're worrying, but you pretend anyway. For his sake, if no one else’s. He leaves without a word, and you drag yourself out of bed immediately afterwards.
Jaehee calls you a couple of hours later.
“Is everything alright?” you ask.
“Yes,” is her automatic response; pre-programmed. Today, though, she retracts her statement and produces a counter. “Well, not entirely. I hate to ask, really, but,” she says, almost as if it’s an inquiry.
“Go ahead.”
“Are things okay at home?”
You pause for you’re not sure how long; the words dry up on your tongue.
“Apologies,” Jaehee continues. “I know I shouldn’t be intruding on your personal life. It’s just that Mr. Han seems–”
“I’m not sure,” you murmur before she can finish her thought. Besides, you’re also not sure that you want to hear the rest of it.
Jaehee clears her throat. She quickly utters another apology and says something about a meeting, which you don’t quite catch through your growing confusion. The line goes dead before you think to wish her luck.
Jumin doesn’t pick up when you call him during the usual time for his lunch break. You get a text just before it’s scheduled to end that reads:
Our meeting overran. I’ll see you later.
For some reason you don’t have it in you to reply.
He comes home late. Not unusual, really, except for the fact he’d usually let you know. He goes to hang his coat on the rack by the door, Elizabeth strutting over to greet him as he does. She mewls softly and rubs herself against his leg.
“Hello, pretty,” he mutters to her.
You sigh at the words, putting your book down on the arm of the sofa as you do. It prompts him to turn to you. The eye contact is brief and uncomfortable, so he looks down to fiddle with his cufflinks as he speaks.
“Apologies. Some things went astray in a board meeting and I had to stay a while longer to fix them,” he explains.
“It’s okay,” you offer.
He walks over and sits beside you on the couch; leaves a strange lingering space between you that Elizabeth takes advantage of and jumps into. He automatically reaches down to pet her, and her purrs barely cut through the tension bubbling up in the room.
Nobody says anything. You try to continue reading. He scrolls on his phone with his free hand. Ten, fifteen minutes pass as you read the same page over and over. You don’t take in a word of it. There’s no focusing, not like this.
You find yourself inching closer to him as you finally cave, and ask, “Jumin, what’s wrong?”
And, for whatever reason, when you turn to look at him, he seems genuinely surprised that you noticed.
“You’re being weird,” you go on. “You’ve barely talked to me in two days and you’re avoiding getting too close to me. Ever since we met you’ve emphasised trust and communication, but I feel like you’re keeping something to yourself. I don’t want you to do that. Even if you think it’s for my sake.”
He confirms your suspicions immediately, as he clarifies with a despondent chuckle, “I didn’t think I was making it that obvious.”
“You were,” you whisper. “I tried to tell myself it was all in my head, but Jaehee called me this morning, and–” you cut yourself off with a sharp breath in.
Even avoiding looking at you, it’s as though he acts on auto-pilot when he hears your voice waver. He moves over and presses his thigh against yours as Elizabeth jumps down from his lap. The air of hesitancy he holds leaves immediately once he feels your touch, and he relaxes his weight onto you like he belongs there.
Another pause. Then, “I’m sorry,” he says.
“Talk to me,” you tell him. “Please.”
And more silence – until he takes a deep breath. One you’re almost sure shakes on the way out.
“I’m scared,” he mumbles ever so quietly. His voice drops to an even lower volume, impossibly so, as he adds, “of losing you.”
Your hand finds its way to his cheek, soothing. You say nothing when you find it wet. He still doesn’t look at you.
“I didn’t want you to get the impression that I don’t trust you, if I had told you. Because I do. So deeply. The logical part of me tells me you’ll stay. So I figured this should be my problem to fix,” he confesses with a deep sigh. “I know you’re not like them. However, it appears that seeing the people you believe care for you slip away so many times takes its toll. All I desire is what’s best for you. I don’t want you to leave, but if you want to leave I’ll let you. I can’t hold you here against your will, is what I learned the last time I felt this way. And so I, perhaps foolishly, thought that giving you space was the right decision. It seems I’ve only hurt you in the process. Forgive me, love, I’m still learning.”
“I’ll never want to leave. I promise.”
“You could change your mind. You’re permitted to do so, as a human being with feelings. Please don’t make promises when you’re uncertain how the future will play out.”
“I’m not uncertain,” you assure. “And if I do change my mind – and it’s a huge if – you’ll be the first to know. And even if I change my mind, even if I want to leave, I won’t completely abandon you, Jumin. I couldn’t leave someone I love so much behind without a word. If you want me to be, if you need me to be, I’ll be there to support you even then. It’ll just be a little different. Harder, maybe, but you’ll be alright, in the end.”
“I think you may give me more credit for being strong than is due,” he says.
“Well, at least for now–” you lift his hand with your free one and press a kiss to his knuckles “–you don’t need to be.”
He sighs again. Another tear brushes a finger of the hand still gently rubbing his cheek as his eyes close. “Thank you.”
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
For the Disney day of the event, to kind of take a beloved topic and use it for the various fandoms, I decided to do a little post about the Mystic Messengers and their favourite Disney characters! I hope you lovelies will enjoy!
Jihyun’s mother liked to show him Disney movies in various languages on the rare occasions she got to spend overnights with him. She would always end their evenings with one before bedtime, so V became knowledgeable about at least the classic Disney movies. He always particularly loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She loved the Beast for everything he was, even the worst of him, was truly kind while being intelligent and he loved everything about that movie, from the love story to the songs to the art and the villains.
Jumin has watched almost all the Disney films as they came out and has been to the majority of the Disney parks. His father definitely thought that Disney was something of a cultural touchstone, especially among children, and that it would give Jumin something to talk about with other children, such as those born to the Chairman’s business contacts. Because Jumin grew up with them, he finds he has a nostalgic connection with Disney and does keep up with the newer movies. His favourite is a more recent one, but he really enjoys Coco. The music, the colours and art, the storyline, he felt it was all really beautiful. However, as much as he loves the movie and feels for the main character, his favourite character is still from the classic movies, Quasimodo. It was actually the animated Hunchback of Notre Dame that made Jumin want to go and read the classic novel.
Zen loves Disney movies because they’re the perfect mix of music and story. He prefers the movies that have more music in them and can do perfect renditions of all of his favourite Disney songs, especially ‘Go The Distance’ from Hercules. Speaking of Hercules, it’s his second favourite Disney movie. Aladdin just barely tops it out for his most favourite and it’s Aladdin himself who is Zen’s favourite Disney character.
Jaehee has actually gone her whole life without seeing any of the animated Disney films. Any Disney film she has seen is only because it was a film made by someone else that Disney acquired the rights to. Because of this, she does technically have a favourite Disney character, with it being Maria from The Sound of Music.
Yoosung actually is another one who really does enjoy Disney films, even as an adult. He’s watched the majority of the classics, with The Lion King being his favourite. He loves Simba and kind of wished he could be like Simba when he was a kid, but as an adult, his favourite character would have to be Marlin from Finding Nemo. That movie always makes Yoosung tear up every time he watches it.
Saeyoung gets into moods where he’ll want to binge Disney films, just because they’re usually light watches, with happy endings and catchy music, and they don’t take a lot of mental power to watch. He really, really connected to Stitch from Lilo & Stitch for reasons he can’t even rightly explain and it’s his favourite Disney character by far.
Saeran, for the aesthetics and for the story, really does enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus both. They’re the only Disney movies he really watches with any regularity, as Disney movies aren’t normally really his thing. His favourite character is actually Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, with Binx from Hocus Pocus being a really close second.
Vanderwood has actually never watched a Disney movie in his life up until he met Saeyoung. It’s Seven who makes Vanderwood sit through them whenever Saeyoung gets in a Disney mood, so his choice of characters is based off the maybe four Disney movies he’s ever seen. I do think Vanderwood really enjoys the more live action Disney movies, and his favourite is Tron Legacy, with Sam Flynn being his favourite Disney hero.
Rika always connected more with the villains in Disney films than the heroes. It’s really hard for her to pick an absolute favourite among them but she’s really fond of both Maleficent and Ursula. She especially loves Ursula’s voice, which she finds really soothing for some reason and she knows all the words to ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’.
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jafndaegur · 2 years
Hi Jaf! For the kissing prompt can you do #17 for Jumin please? I love the way you write the mysme characters
@jumin-ssi thank you so much for requesting a birthday prompt! I totally forgot I started writing these😅 I hope you enjoy!
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Jumin Han x Reader
Prompt 17: Tucking their hands benath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surpise at the sensation of cold / warm hands on their skin.
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“Darling, are you ready to call it a night?” Jumin’s voice lilted from the bathroom before he made his way back to the bed.
You hardly had a moment to finish buttoning up your shirt when he entered your line of sight. His grey gaze was narrowed and his brow lifted in slight confusion.
“Didn’t I have a pajama set tailored for your use?” He looked at you thoughtfully, “I could have sworn I had left that on Assistant Kang’s docket a few weeks back.”
You smoothed down his shirt, which you had pilfered to sleep in, and offered him a smug grin. “Perhap I like this more.”
The look in his gaze changed, and you noted with a pleasant fondness that he was warring with pushing back on how you "really will sleep better in a set perfectly altered to your form"…and something else, something a little more primal. Something a little headier clouded his gaze, as if realizing your pajamas was one of his shirts.
Jumin didn’t say anything as he stepped toe-to-toe with you, resting his hands on the small of your waist. You hummed noncommittally and found yourself all to pleased when he leaned down to kiss you. Your breath fluttered as he urgently moved his mouth against yours, and you couldn’t help but rock back on your heels, feeling light headed. In that moment you felt him hitch the hem of your stolen shirt up, and butterflies swarmed in your stomach.
Suddenly you pulled back, a surprised squeak bursting past your kiss as his frigid and wet fingers pinched your sides.
“Jumin!” You squawked, trying to wiggle away as he tickled your sides. “Your hands are freezing and wet! Did you just wash your hands?!”
He laughed, the sound melodious and carefree. A rarity for him. “I apologize, I couldn’t resist.”
“I urge you to resist.” You pouted. “Now I’m cold.”
“I’m sorry, darling.” Jumin kissed the crown of your head, a stray chuckle still reverberating through his chest. “Perhaps you’d like me to warm you up? Or perhaps I can interest you in a lovely pair of fleeced lined pajamas that are perfectly measured to you?”
“Have you always been this cheeky?”
“I’m afraid so.”
You snorted and hugged him close, amused when you found that he was still laughing to himself.
“You dork, Jumin.”
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sughuru · 10 months
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i.warning, this blog is meant for my writings which means it is multi-fandom. it also contains spoilers to the source material that i will be writing for. writer and owner of this blog is eighteen and goes by any pronouns. current hyperfixation is jujutsu kaisen.
drop prompts or headcanons in my inbox for me to work with!
open to just talking and being friends! come say hi through my inbox! we could talk about our interests or if you have songs or shows to recommend, i'd be happy to hear about it too!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated, if you like my work please spam them instead of liking as my blog can get flagged, thank you!
if you’d like to be mutuals, drop by and say hi or just comment here to be mutuals ! i would love to get to know you and if you’re a writer, i’d love to read your work <3
*ੈ library: main masterlist.
© SUGHURU. do not copy, repost, modify or translate any of my works on any platforms.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ABOUT ME.
*ੈ hi, i am xia! current obsession: jujutsu kaisen, studying, korean/douyin make up, korean skincare shows: jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, free! iwatobi swim club, saiki k, the promised neverland -> more. games: genshin impact, mystic messenger, hi3rd, tears of themis, mlqc. favs: raiden ei, kaeya alberich, albedo kreideprinz. gojo satoru, iori utahime, megumi fushiguro. jumin han, 707. saiki kusuo. raiden mei, elysia
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ HA, YOU LOST?
#-xia's announcements -> blog notices
#-xia's talks -> rambles, rants, personal thoughts, my diary…pretty much?
#-xia's works -> my works
contains spoilers of any kind. owner is eighteen (18). keep that in mind. do not interact if you are a racist, homophobic, transphobic, fit the basic dni criteria, my irl. i write when i want so i may disappear from time to time as i am a full-time student currently on my last year of high school. if you do send in an ask, i'll be sure to read each of them! any similarities are coincidental. layout inspiration goes to @/chuluoyi on tumblr. blog started: 2/12/23
thank you for reading till the end! i hope to see you soon! <3
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