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yourpostisonpinterest · 1 year ago
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i found your post on pinterest!
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botanyshitposts · 5 years ago
hey my partner wants to know are onions like trees? the layers of onions and tree rings. thank
actually no. as always is the case with plants, the truth is worse than fiction and the rings are actually there because onions are bulbs with layers of thick, fleshy leaves for storage (yeah......leaves), and the super tiny tougher part at the bottom is the actual stem that can send up a new shoot every once in a while
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growth type: nuclear fallout shelter
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star-anise · 5 years ago
so this is, i guess, post public or private whichever's more useful; how do i find local activism? I know there's protests happening in my town but usually I don't hear where until it's in the newspaper the next day. I see posts from ppl talking about how they get asked about protests and the asker is totally a cop; I understand their suspicion and I don't want me asking to give info to cops, but I don't know how to even start. (you're not local to me, this is a "how do i" general question)
I was talking this over lately with my ex, since there are actually a lot of differences of opinion on the subject of how open to be about your activism on social media. She comes from the suspicious, decentralized, “don’t let them see your face don’t let them follow you home never admit anything” school of thought and is very twitchy that she’s now an activist of record and her city’s Chief of Police just started following her on Twitter, because that’s the opposite of what she’s used to.
But someone else we know is the chief of communications for a national nonprofit who’s kind of like... “Privacy is dead, they’re going to figure out who you are anyway, if you don’t have a CSIS* file are you really an activist, might as well put everything on Facebook where it’s easy to find and operate under the assumption that the police are watching you all the time and at least one member of your group is inevitably an undercover police officer.”
(*CSIS = Canadian Security and Intelligence Service)
So I think part of the murkiness of things is because activists are innately a very heterogenous group and everyone does things a little differently. Some groups are registered nonprofits with boards of directors and publish their minutes online; some you can only learn the existence of by being an established regular in the local scene for years and being invited over one day. 
I’m not really afraid of the police finding out this information mostly just because the police already know so why don’t ordinary activists become as effective at networking with each other as the police are at finding all of us.
So these are a few of the pathways I’ve found:
1. Show up to things - Find established groups that operate in the public eye for some kind of social cause (Food Not Bombs, your local LGBTQ+ organization, an anti-racism group, an environmental group, or even just the campaign of a progressive politician) and show up to whatever things there are to show up to, and talk with people. With enough time you’ll get to know the different leanings and personalities of the people around you, and hear about what else they’re doing. So your actual “work” might just be making sandwiches or handing out flyers, but you’ll get to network with people and learn about your local scene.
2. Subscribe to local sources of news - Independent local newspapers or newsletters often have more information than the big syndicated ones, and often have more coverage of local events like city council meetings or local activist or special interest groups. Community associations, social justicey religious assemblies, and local social groups also have newsletters that often feature advertisements for planning meetings. Poke around and see what you can access, 
3. Start at the top on social media - Figure out who your local elected officials and media figures are--your city councillors, your local independent newspaper’s publishers and writers, local academics or public policy wonks. Watch their feeds; they might know where the interesting stuff is, and the traffic in their posts is often other local people who care about local politics. They might post about what’s going on, or you can try striking up conversations with them.
There are a lot of other paths, too. I tend rather towards the more legally approved end of activism, the kind of people who testify at legislative committees and submit policy briefs, partly because I’m disabled enough that leaving the goddamn house is a challenge and the most covert things I run online are Tumblr sideblogs. For finding the less licit stuff, you might have to get advice from somebody else.
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iztarshi · 5 years ago
ART and Names
After thinking about it, while Murderbot has a lot of complicated feelings about names (as shown by considering its “real name” to be the one it won’t allow anyone to use) ART seems largely indifferent to them. I suspect it considers its hardcoded address to be its “real name”, and aside from that it tends to refer to itself by whatever people are already calling it. It titles “Perihelion and SecUnit’s list of Suppositions” but is also probably the one who wrote “ART sent me” on Three’s helmet, since that was written in machine language.
Amena started out calling it ART because MB had and ART probably told her that was fine when she stopped and corrected herself.
This does seem to be an ART thing and not just a bot thing, though, because Miki sets store by names. Not only does it call itself Miki it picks up that it’s being told a name that isn’t what MB thinks of itself as and questions that. Later it also asks whether MB would prefer Ren or SecUnit and uses both until it has a chance to ask.
It might be common for CR bots not to care about names, though, since they don’t have them.
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systlin · 6 years ago
are you interested in reeling silk at all? for instance if your silkworm population grows exponentially and surplus to requirements? or do you just prefer spinning?
TBH I just really like spinning. I’ve not got any interest in reeling silk. I like the feeling of a big floof of fiber in my hands and spinning it. 
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iambickilometer · 5 years ago
julstorres replied to your post “my blog is laughably out of date and I’m not sure I’m actually gonna...”
all of tumblr is good omens now
part of why I’m back tbh
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lozenger8 · 6 years ago
julstorres replied to your post:
vermofftiss: jenroses: kayliemalinza: ...
loz so american biscuits & cinnamon rolls rise, they’re leavened. The tube of dough you can buy at the store to bake without having to mix it yourself is under pressure, because it’s producing gas. so yes they kinda pop out when you open the tube.
Thank you so much for explaining that to me. I’ve always made cinnamon rolls/biscuits/scones from scratch and then frozen them.
That being a product you can buy is buckwild to me. I am pretty sure we don’t have anything remotely like that here. We can get par-baked bread rolls and croissants that we then complete the bake on, but they’ve already fully been through the rising/proofing process. 
So they wouldn’t have much of a shelf-life, would they? I’m going to have to research this.
ETA: I found a youtube video and for real, this stuff is ????!!!!! to me. 
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paintedrecs · 8 years ago
Asexual Derek Hale, Sterek-style
Sterek fandom is so active and expansive that it’s hard to not find what you’re looking for, no matter what specific kinds of tropes/characterizations/headcanons you’re into. One that I’ve always wished for more of, though, is ace!Derek. While my personal headcanon is more in line with demisexuality, I think that asexuality is (a) an interesting and realistic choice for his character and (b) something that’s simply not explored enough in general, particularly in the healthy, happy, monogamous context.
I’ve been meaning to compile and post this list for a while, so here are ten lovely monogamous Sterek fics with ace!Derek. Because how can you resist Stiles loving and committing to a Derek who doesn’t see sex as the ultimate conclusion to a healthy relationship?
(More complete explanation of why I created this list, if you’re interested.)
Title: Ten Years Author: @jentnova​ (tumblr fic)
Summary: Derek spends the afternoon in the kitchen with Stiles, bickering about everything from seasoning to dessert, and Derek’s going to miss that. Stiles puts a hand on his hip at one point and says it’s only a month and Derek nods, tries for a smile.
They’ve been living together for four years and sharing a bed for two and never once has Stiles asked him for something he can’t give. Derek can let him do this. He knows Stiles will be back.
Title: I'm Not Gonna Wait Until The Winter (I'm Just Gonna Wait Until The Springtime) Author: JenNova  Word Count: 7,382 Published: 2012-11-21 Rating: Mature
Summary: Stiles' grin splits his face and lights up his eyes and Derek feels his heart stutter in his chest. Jesus Christ.
“Any time, dude,” Stiles says. “Well. Any time within reason. Especially on school nights.”
Stiles is gone with that, to sneak back into his house, and Derek's left with a realisation settling deep into his bones.
When the hell did he find time to start falling for Stiles?
Title: The Long Way Home Author: @lielabell Word Count: 3,541 Published: 2012-11-21 Rating: Teen
Summary: "Uh, don't take this the wrong way," Stiles says the first time-- the hopefully only time-- Derek kisses him, "but I'm not into you. Like, yeah, your body is hot and all, but your personality kinda is not and I'm the sort of guy that, well," he shrugs, a rueful smile on his face. "It's called demisexual. Look it up." And then he bites his lower lip, grabs his backpack and hightails it out of there, leaving Derek alone, his hands clenched helplessly into fists at his sides.
Title: I Surrender To The Strawberry Ice Cream Author: jmtorres ( @julstorres ) Word Count: 1,894 Published: 2014-06-23 Rating: Teen
Summary: So it's trope fic; the trope is accidentally married. Stiles has moved in with a werewolf and his dad wants to know when he's getting grandkids and Stiles and Derek haven't even had sex. At least partially because Stiles never got around to asking what exactly their relationship is.
Title: What (Not) to Tell Your Friends Author: @wilddragonflying, impalagirl ( @deanonastick ) Word Count: 8,043 Published: 2016-05-05 Rating: Teen
Summary: "Speaking of Derek," Erica says, leaning forward interestedly. "What about him? You've been together, what, five years now?"
"Nearly seven."
"Shit, really? Well, he's obviously the longest relationship you've ever had - was it a shock when your desperate, wanton lust for each other started to die down?"
Stiles laughs. "Erica, Derek and I don't have sex."
"Yeah, pull the other one."
"We don't!"
Stiles has never seen so many jaws drop at once. "What?"
Title: The A Word Author: notafamousperson Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Word Count: 2,435 Published: 2015-03-22 Rating: Mature
Summary: He'd never even heard of the word before. Didn't even know that something like that existed.
Derek didn't know that there was a word to describe him other than broken.
Title: Impulse Decisions Author: @cannibalswelcome Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Word Count: 804 Published: 2015-01-11 Rating: Teen
Summary: He was talking under his breath, and probably too low for a human to hear him, but the steady stream of comments might as well have been shouted into Derek’s ears.
Title: Something Missing Author: @billtheradish Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Word Count: 40,840 Published: 2015-07-13 Rating: Mature Summary: "There's--always been something wrong, I think. Or maybe it just started in middle school. I don't know." That was when he'd started noticing, at least. He already knew he was different, wasn't human. Had to keep track of what everyone else was doing anyway so he could fake it, if he had to. He just didn't know what to do when he realized he was faking something his sisters hadn't had to. "I just know I'm not--haven't ever--wanted. People. Like that."
Title: Kiss?  Author: @clotpolesonly Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Word Count: 3,565 Published: 2016-08-21 Rating: Gen Summary: Derek likes kissing Stiles, honestly he does. Until he doesn't.
Title: Free Condoms With Purchase & Bonus Material Author: dragon_temeraire ( @dragon-temeraire ) Word Count: 5,449  Published: 2016-10-30 & 2017-01-27 Rating: Explicit 
Summary: Derek is an ace guy working at a sex shop, and he has a bit of a crush on one of the regulars (who he might have come out to, oops).
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howlingmoonrise · 5 years ago
you're a psoh fan? wow can you pls rec some good leon/d fics pls ily forever
i’ve been meaning write up a psoh fic rec post for a while anyway so here we go!!! this is short-ish bc i could ramble on forever about psoh fics and i have SO MANY FAVES so this only is the cream of the cream of the crop, but if you’d like some more you need only ask! (also lacking my ffn faves because i currently don’t have my bookmarks on me sob sob)
ALSO please note i forgot to jot down the ratings while i was doing this so i’m trusting y’all to take a look at the ratings/warnings before reading them
sadie, sadie by @telanu​
i REALLY can’t recommend this one enough. it’s only available on mediaminer nowadays and afaik telanu herself no longer has access to it but it’s sooooo worth it to go there and read that glorious fic, it’s my absolute fave in this fandom and across several others. i’ve already saved this fic a thousand times over just in case the site dies anytime soon because i can’t picture my life without being able to read this fic again.
other people might also recommend you unwilling sleep by the same author, and while her writing style remains excellent, ss has ruined me for everything else. i got legit fic hangover after reading it, but absolutely DO take a look at all the other fics by telanu, they’re all incredible. features truly fantastic banter, excellent smut, and beyond amazing characterization. 
i can legit quote whole parts of this fic by heart, that’s how much it stuck to me.
It - something by Litaraniel
oh man. this one has a dreamy sort of writing, if that makes sense? it has a completely different writing style from most prose you’ll find out there, written in sort of-- bursts of thought and feeling, and it’s truly excellent. The style is perfect for this fic and really delivers you a full-force punch in the throat by the end. it’s a fic i just keep coming back to time and time again.
Sinister and Exquisite by thursdaystgiles ( @moku-youbi​ )
full disclosure: it’s a carmen san diego crossover. DON’T let this put you off, however, because it’s one of the best fics this fandom has to offer. i haven’t watched carmen san diego at all and i can guarantee that once you get past the first scene (featuring csd characters only, which initially made me turn away because i wasn’t into it), you’re golden. it’s legit so gooooood, with tons of pining and d/leon chasing and great characterizations. 
Jiuling by thursdaystgiles
yeah yeah i know, two recs by the same author in a row but can you blame me? thursdaystgiles is one of my favourite psoh writers and her style is excelleeeeent. fair warning, this one is mostly smut, but i’m always a slut for intelligent leon who can keep up with d plus the tension written between them is a++++
Differential by Cheloya ( @produdfctititty​ )
cheloya is the the absolute QUEEN of papa d/vesca and if you’re also into that you’re in for a treat because she’s got TONS of that! this oneshot is one of her d/leon works, however (featuring papa and chris) and it’s such a loving slice of life fic, i always melt a little bit whenever i reread it. her papa characterization is always a treat to read, and there’s so few fics where he actually interacts with d and leon (particularly in a family-like setting instead of a villainous one) that this one is an automatic fave. you can really taste the found family of d&leon&chris on this one.
Distant by jmtorres ( @julstorres​ )
i’ve laughed SO HARD with this fic, honestly. when i’m in a mood for a short reread of one of my faves, this is the go-to that always leaves me satisfied and gets me in the mood for reading more psoh stuff. it’s semi-epistolary and the letters are mostly short and easy reads with plenty of normal prose in-between, so even if you tend to dislike the epistolary style this won’t bother you. the prose is light and hilarious and GREAT, i’m rereading the fic as we speak and the urge to quote every few sentences is huuuuge. the whole squid exchange in particular always sends me into hysterics, i love this fic to death and back
Long Time Travelling by Nym ( @wibblywobblywritery )
i’m forever grateful nym acceded to reposting this fic on ao3 years after it stopped being up. it’s one of my favourite psoh fics, and my favourite by her (you’ll see many other fic recs listing her fics Beauty and Drive, but for me this one - THIS ONE - is the cream of the crop). it’s a fic that explores a lot of leon’s psyche when even he doesn’t know himself, lovely and heartbreaking in parts, and it resonates deeply. i’ve written pages upon pages of comments on this fic so it’s probably best if i don’t start rambling about this or i’ll never stop skldhflksdjglkjds
i hope you enjoy these anon! let me know if you’d like more recs!
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jmtorres · 2 years ago
ok to be fair i changed it from the closest variant of my username available at the time (julstorres) to the username i consistently use across platforms when i discovered it was available (jmtorres)
Reblog if you have changed your tumblr URL at least once during your time on the site.
This is a serious thing. Im curious how many people over the course of year(s) kept the same tumblr handle. A ton of the people I follow have changed their over time.
As far as I know Im one of the few who havent. Few being relative as there are millions of tumblr users. But yeah.
Social experiment.
If youve NEVER changed your URL Click Here
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alexseanchai · 5 years ago
@julstorres in my defense, I tag my shit 😛
(they say, cheerfully not tagging shit)
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notcuddles · 6 years ago
julstorres replied to your post: star-anise: THINGS I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW: Why...
op is working on this project @betterbinderproject if you want to go see where they’ve gone with the idea
Oh neat, they’ve done some interesting work
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elljayvee · 6 years ago
author meme
@johnlockedinwarstan​ tagged me!
Author name: Laura JV, very occasionally jacquez h. valentine (which came about when fuzzicat called me that as a joke back in due South fandom like...20 years ago). 
Fandom(s) I write for: a lot? more than 10 on Ao3, and it doesn’t have all my old work on it (because I’m lazy and haven’t moved it all). Fandoms I’m most likely to write for in the near future: Good Omens, Star Trek (TOS), Game of Thrones (JAIME/BRIENNE 5EVA), Sherlock.
Most popular one shot: Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen, MCU, Steve/Bucky. By a lot! This story trickles in comments on the regular, still. I have to think people are finding it on old recs lists? I’m very fond of it personally; it’s a fluffy bisexual pre-WWII tropefest.
Most popular multi chapter fic: Contamination, Sherlock, genfic. This was, I think, only my second 10K+ words story ever. It was written before the second season of the show, so it’s wildly AU at this point.
Favorite fic: Like, of all time? OF ALL TIME? How Ray Got His Groove Back by Aristide & Bone. But there are so many good ones out there, why should I choose? 
Most Nervous to Post: I’m usually nervous before posting and I’m never sure people are going to come along with me, but it’s rarely worse from one time to another. If I liked the idea enough to write it and post it then I’m fine. 
How do you chose titles: It varies! Sometimes the title floats to the top, sometimes I have to go looking. I often end up reading a lot of poetry with similar themes to the story in a title quest if a story is being particularly difficult. 
Do you outline: Depends. Longer stories, always. Shorter ones, rarely. 
How many stories are…
Complete:��There’s 134 on Ao3. I don’t know how many I’ve never moved over.
WIP: I no longer post WIPs, since I have gotten bogged down on that TWICE and never finished them. But WIPs on my hard drive or google drive number in the high double digits somewhere.
Coming soon: I have a Sherlock story that’s like 98% done and a Harry Potter one probably around 75% done, but I doubt either of those will be out particularly soon. I meant to have the Sherlock one done in June but I’m struggling with getting part of the emotional arc to work.
Do you accept prompts: not usually
Tag five people: @basinke @educatedinyellow @niqaeli @laurashapiro-noreally @julstorres
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halffizzbin · 6 years ago
captain-snark replied to your post: julstorres replied to your post: ...
i also love the fact that the ketchup one works because vinegar. I mean, maybe if you REALLY needed to clean something and didn’t just have vinegar on hand.
LMAO I know!!! Part of the stupidity of lifehack culture is the prevalence of advice that's like BET YOU'VE NEVER THOUGHT TO USE *THIS!!!* and you're like "yeah that's because the normal way is cheaper and faster but thanks."
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gwinny5k · 6 years ago
@turquoise27 invited anyone to play the Top 10 TV Gif Game (I don’t know what it’s actually called I just call it that) so I’m going to do it! You list your 10 favorite shows using only gifs.
I’m going to tag some folks @markwatnae @an-archangel-in-powerarmor @cmdthenerd @julstorres @bigheadofhair
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lozenger8 · 6 years ago
scottstiles replied to your post: julstorres replied to your post : ...
but they do taste yummy in the end! especially if you roll chocolates into it :)
Divvy, researching this is harder than I thought. I have some questions: 
1. Do you store them in the pantry or the fridge? 
2. Once you have bought such a packet, how long will it be before it expires? (My brain is insisting it would be 3 days MAX, but my heart is saying ‘... but where would the convenience be then?’)
3. How long has this been a thing?
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