#julia samuel
ahmetcumhur-blog · 9 days
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fenblight · 1 year
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hbcsource · 1 year
Helena Bonham Carter - Therapy Works “The shortest distance between two people is laughter" My next guest is award-winning actress, Helena Bonham Carter. She is a total original, funny and wise, thoughtful, irreverent and utterly herself. In this joyous, meaningful and wide ranging conversation which had moments of great humour it was Helena’s inspirational wisdom that ran through it most profoundly. In this conversation, we discussed: The big dilemma we all face in finding our purpose and the complexity of what makes us humanHow Helena won’t let difficult events defeat her but she “will make music of what remains”How we are all a multiplicity of beings and why it helps us to choose life and joy and not take ourselves too seriouslyThe painful consequences of divorce, what helps and how it takes proper time to process these big life changing events The wisdom of the Victorians to wear black at painful times to honour the loss and let the world know “I am not my normal self” How singing can be a marvellous antidote to self criticism and shame.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
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kammartinez · 1 year
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skippiefritz · 6 months
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"when I'm older, I want to make stories with my sister, Julia! I'll write, and she'll draw!"
as an autistic person you have no idea how much they mean to me
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texaschainsawmascara · 2 months
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Preacher’s Daughter trilogy concept
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sirianasims · 5 months
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Chapter 38
Long Story Short
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“I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a great woman.”
“Thank you for coming.”
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My heart ached for Samuel as he stoically received their condolences. The room slowly emptied.
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Samuel’s father stood mutely by the casket, grief lining his face. Hailey was talking to him in soothing tones.
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Our big girl. I still couldn’t quite believe that one of my babies went to high school. And Ivy would join her soon.
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At least Julia and the twins would still be little for a while. I glanced down at Julia. She always kept close to us when we were out.
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Much unlike Kieran and Liam who were probably tearing something apart somewhere. Ivy had taken them outside during the service because they kept trying to eat the flowers.
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The last people had finally left and Samuel looked exhausted. I went to him.
“You’re doing great, honey.”
“Thank you.” He kissed me as a sharp voice sounded behind us.
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“Samuel, my boy, that was a very nice eulogy.”
He sighed deeply and let go of me.
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“Thank you, aunt Jana.”
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I only knew a little about Jana Ward. She was Kailani’s twin sister and lived in the enormous Ward mansion in Del Sol Valley, not far from my mother and Conrad. She and Kailani hadn’t been on speaking terms for decades. I suspected the mansion had something to do with it.
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“I see that your brother never showed up. Typical. He never had any respect for his elders.”
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The tension radiated from Samuel’s body.
“Charlie is still missing.”
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“Oh? Surely he must be dead then. No one would be impolite enough to miss their own mother’s funeral. Even you and your entire brood showed up.”
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I could see Samuel’s jaw working and felt Julia anxiously moving closer to me.
I desperately looked around for my father.
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He was already walking towards us.
“Dad, could you…”
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“I know, monkey. My grandpa sense was tingling. Julia, could you help me find your brothers, please?”
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He picked her up and carried her towards the door.
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I immediately moved in on Samuel and his horrible aunt.
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“Say, Mrs. Ward, I believe you know my mother?”
I knew very well that she didn’t, my mother had always avoided her at all cost. Despite Jana’s pretentiousness, the fact was that she was nowhere near famous enough to move in the same circles as Conrad.
Jana turned to me, finally acknowledging my existence.
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“Your mother, dearie?”
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“Katherine Richards? She and my stepfather Conrad live near you?”
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“Ah, no, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them properly. Quite silly, really, we are practically neighbours…”
“Oh, then you must allow me to introduce you!”
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I led her away from Samuel and towards Conrad and my mother, sending them an apologetic smile.
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Conrad simply waited politely, a mischievous glint in his eyes as always. Jana wouldn’t know what hit her.
beginning / previous / next
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muppet-facts · 2 months
Muppet Fact #1075
Julia's brother Samuel plays the clarinet.
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Sesame Street. Episode 5122. April 8, 2021.
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deafchild2000 · 4 months
I don't care how you guys feel about Charlotte, if there's one thing I'm glad S2 (in it's prime) explored - it was generational merfolk magic.
(Admitting Charlotte truther here) I find it fascinating exploring Mako Island and the generations of mermaids over the years for many reasons. Let's be honest, there's plenty of H2O fanfiction on Fanfiction.Net that tried exploring the H2O gang growing up and having powers to various degrees. Some focus on adulthood and drag it out while others get to the marriage and children phase a bit too quickly, but a few stand out just right (and by right, I mean "I could read this as if I'm watching it on TV"). But what I gather trying to read is Next Generation fics. Some writers opt to say the girls had normal children and don't tell them the Secret - which leads to history repeating and the daughters and/or sons finding their way onto Mako and going through the Metamorphosis. Others say the children are born with their powers, therefore automatically in on the Secret. And I think I recall a fic that ventured into the girls (or maybe just Cleo) becoming grandmothers themselves.
(FYI: It's a lot more telling how long ago a fanfic was written if the mermen in them have orangey-gold tails or any other colors pre-Mako Mermaids.)
Overall, I do appreciate those stories, but that doesn't diminish my preference for the past mermaids or what they could've/would've done if taking the present canon into account. I wanna explore how being mermaids in the 50s had worked out, if Gracie's choice was what split the group up, or if it was the tip of the iceberg. But mostly, I wanna know why Gracie was the only one to have a family and the implications of her ties to Mako after no longer being a mermaid. Did Gracie leave and never look back? Could Annette have been an 80s mermaid if she had returned? And regardless of how she came in, was Charlotte being drawn to Mako and becoming a mermaid really shocking?
Or what about Julia? The only reason we found out she died was because her locket sold at an estate sale and ended up at a jewelry shop. But did that have to necessarily mean she was alone or could it be implied she did have family and they sold her stuff without realizing the significance of the locket? What if someone did try to look for it and couldn't track it down? Maybe, if not directly a grandchild, but a grand-niece or nephew?
So in that hypothesis, out of the 4 known members of the 50s group, Gracie and Julia had more reasons to have had families in their lives while Louise (an elderly widow) and Max (a recluse hermit) didn't.
I understand we got used to the iconic OG girls, but there are too many holes and plots to be left unexplored.
((Before I end on this note, let me send this off that next-generation tropes don't necessarily have to apply to children and grandchildren. I'll fan the flame that Kim Sertori could have received the torch and become a mermaid. Cleo and co. were off the college and with the moon pool supposedly damaged, it wouldn't be like more mermaid hijinx could occur...that they'd be aware of. And what if Taryn Marler (Julia in S2 and Sophie in S3) had been brought on as a twenty-something woman who endured Metamorphosis, unlike the teenagers before her? Her character - Rachel Samuels from Blue Water High S2, free to watch on YouTube - had a much more preferable persona for H2O, so why not combine them into someone fleshed out? Instead of the main characters having children or having them help out the next random group of teenaged Merfolk - why not focus on a narrative of a mermaid's siblings finally stepping into her shoes and a woman entering her adult years as a mermaid?))
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tygerland · 5 days
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"Hush, beating heart of Christabel!
Jesu, Maria, shield her well!
She folded her arms beneath her cloak and stole to the other side of the oak -
What sees she there . . . ?
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"Beneath the lamp the lady bowed and slowly rolled her eyes around,
Then drawing in her breath aloud - like one that shuddered - she unbound the cincture from beneath her breast.
Her silken robe and inner vest dropt to her feet and, full in view;
Behold! her bosom and half her side! a sight to dream of, not to tell!
O shield her! shield sweet Christabel!"
- Lines from the 1816 poem Christabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
"Christabel" photo, 1866, by Julia Margaret Cameron. Illustration, 2020; Erica Gazzoldi.
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bookaddict24-7 · 22 days
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (June 11th, 2024)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
There is a Door in this Darkness by Kristin Cashore
The Ghost of Us by James L. Sutter
Love, Off the Record by Samantha Markum
Brownstone by Samuel Teer & Marina Julia
The Wilderness of Girls by Madeline Claire Franklin
Hearts of Fire & Snow by David Bowles & Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Dead Girls Talking by Megan Cooley Peterson
Six More Months of June by Daisy Garrison
How to Get Over Your (Best Friend's) Ex by Kristi McManus
The Color of A Lie by Kim Johnson
New Sequels:
Icon & Inferno (Stars and Smoke #2) by Marie Lu
Happy reading!
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By Samuel Teer and Mar Julia.
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123countwithme · 3 months
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Part 2 here
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3mpty-wallets · 3 months
samuel es una de las series más maravillosas que he visto 😭😭😭
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stuff-diary · 4 months
Young Royals (Final season)
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Young Royals (Final season, 2024, Sweden)
Creators: Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung & Camilla Holter
Directors: Julia Lindström, Jerry Carlsson & Linnéa Roxeheim
We've finally reached the end of Young Royals, which has remained as enjoyable as always until its very last second. I must admit I felt like the show kept going in circles during these final episodes, and like maybe they took the angst a bit too far this time round. On top of that, sometimes subtlety went out the window when it came to handling certain social issues. But still, the finale itself was so f**king perfect and cathartic that it more than made up for any problems. I will definitely miss this show, cause these characters are so well-written and brilliantly-acted that you can't help but immerse yourself in their world.
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