#julez draws literally
wild-moss-art · 3 years
okay i love that lineart trick, but now i've gotta ask how you do your colouring, it looks so cool especially how you do your shading and how you blur your colours !!
OOoh I'm so glad you liked it!! :D Here is how I do my colors(sorry it turned out rly long lol):
Step 1: First, I think it's important to never color on a white background. Personally I think that really limits the range of colors and nuance that looks good, so I always change the background to gray or another color just to make my flats more vibrant. Then, I just pick colors I like and fill in the flats. I try to tint my blacks and whites with blues because I think straight blacks and whites look bad. Here is what it looks like at this stage:
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Step 2: Shading! I like to shade with warm colors, I think cool colors can wash out a piece too much. It does vary, but usually I will pick a bright maroon for shadows and a pale pink for highlights. I create a multiply layer to put the shadows on and an add layer to put the highlights on, then use selections to limit where I’m placing the shadows and highlights. For this step I use a hard round brush with pressure transparency control. Sometimes, I will make another add layer for additional highlights in another color, because I think painting lights is fun. Here’s what it looks like at this stage:
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Step 3: Once I’ve filled in the shading, I’ll add a simple background if I haven’t already sketched one in(If I have, I’ll just color that). This next trick I learned from @phinniasart (if you dont know their art please check it out!!) and basically what you do is copy the figure(I only copy the figure or foreground of the piece, essentially only the things I want to stand out), blur the copy, and set the layer to hard light mode. Depending on how it looks I’ll make this layer somewhat transparent. This effectively saturates the colors and softens up the lines. Here’s what it looks like:
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Step 4: Lastly, filters! I learned everything in this section from Marc Brunet on Youtube. First, I copy the whole canvas and paste it on top of everything. Then, I mess around with the curves/levels to back off any colors that are too strong, or emphasize any colors that are too weak. In this example, I backed off the reds and blues and emphasized the greens. I also used the alpha channel to brighten the entire image. Next, I add a very slight chromatic aberration effect to the entire canvas; I keep it slight so it’s barely visible, just enough to add a little depth to my colors. Lastly, I add a noise filter on top of everything, at around 5-10% just to make everything a little bit crunchier and more cohesive. I think the filters someone uses are a huge part of their overarching style so I’d mess around with random filters until you find something you like!
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That’s how I color! I hope this helps n I love sharing tips and tricks, so I’m happy to answer any questions. Also love learning about other people’s tricks, so please feel free to share yours with me!
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ozpins-coffeemug · 4 years
The 3rd member of the RWBYou-Team. (Lapis @julez-draws, Beryl @myself)
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I made her based on my best friend. She is very uncreative when it comes to characters and stories so yeah...
Why did I chose the name Cass for her. As you can read above Cass means "clever". I can tell you, she is clever. Sometimes its scary....
Obsidian is a gemstone, as well as Cassiterite, thus she fits into the Team theme. (Also Cassiterites are commonly black and not white as i stated above, sorry for that.)
I gave her the semblance 'Intuition'. Mechanical Intuition. She loves to do handicrafts and she is good at it!
She can make literally anything if you are patient enough.
Weapon: We decided to give her a sword, since she is a fencer. Lucian is a combination of our names :) cute right.
Her eyes are blue/greyish (you can see hers at the right side - i love to take pictures of eyes sorry lol) and she has dark brown locks. I also gave her foldable wings she can use in battle since she loves them so much 😅
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