#juice Ortiz fluff
Happy Birthday Juan
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
This is very short, but I hope everyone likes it. This is the fic for the poll a few months ago.
Contains: Fluff on fluff on fluff, very mild angst.
1.5K words
You make sure Juice has the best birthday ever.
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You made sure to climb out of bed with the quiet of a church mouse, hoping last night's pre-birthday "gift" had tired Juice out enough that he would say asleep.
It must have worked because you managed to slip on your clothes and brush your teeth before heading out of the bedroom. Happy was already at the counter, having stayed the night after a nice dinner due to "bike troubles."
"I need a favor."
Happy offered you a soft smile, "I think I know what you're going to ask me little girl but go a head."
You smiled, "I have a plan for Juice's birthday, I need you to find some reason to stay the night tomorrow. I'd ask one of the others but they can't keep secrets for shit."
Happy chuckled, "I can do that, what are you planning?"
You went into detail, Happy nodding along, pausing to add his two cents now and then. 
He was taking his head as you finished, "and how do you plan to keep him asleep for the first part of this?"
You gave Happy a look, "we're going to play Uno all night long, how the fuck do you think Hap? I spend a lot of money of some very fancy underwear and I'm going to put it to good use." 
Happy was unfazed, "alright then, how about I tell the guys while you're busy with that, that way we don't have to do everything?"
You shoved his shoulder lovingly, "we make a great team."
Happy sighed, "yeah yeah, you've already roped me in, no need to butter me up more."
You started making breakfast while Happy called Chibs, making sure to be as quiet as you could so you didn't wake Juice. It took a little longer than usual, but Happy didn't take long on his phone call, so he helped. As you just placed the last egg on the plate, you heard the door open and Juice came out rubbing his face. 
"Happy birthday dearest, I made you breakfast." 
Juice smiled and walked over to you, pressing his lips to your cheek, "I am one lucky man." He sat down and tucked in while you put in the second part of your plan. 
Chibs showed up a few minutes after Juice had finished breakfast with the tow truck for Happy's bike, doing his best to look sad. He sat at the table with a sigh and looked at Juice, "I'm sorry man, I know you were planning to spend your day with your girl, but we've had a rush of parts that need to be inventoried." 
You made a sad face, "really, can't you call in someone else to do it?" 
Chibs shook his head, "sorry lass, we need all hands on deck." 
Juice sighed, "it's alright, we've had this happen before, I should be home by four." 
You walked over and gave Juice a hug, glaring at Chibs as his smile widened as if to say, "don't blow this." 
Juice walked away a little crestfallen and you moved on to stage three. 
Juice arrived at T-M to a small surprise, Chibs had led him to believe that there were wall-to-wall boxes, but the shipment wasn't much bigger than average. Jax walked over and gave me a hug, "sorry man, I knew you had plans today but we need to get this shit done."
Juice nodded, "it's fine, it won't take us long."
"Wow, you're really going all out." Lyla looked over the ingredients on the counter with a smile on her face.
You smiled back, "I wanted to cook all his favourites, Happy's giving me updates, we have a few hours before he gets home." You picked up the sugar and butter, "I'll do the caramel if you tackle cake batter?"
She nodded, "done. What's after that?"
You thought for a moment, "I have to put the stew in the pressure cooker and make the mix for the pot stickers. This won't take long so I'm hoping we'll be done with most of the stuff in the next two hours."
Lyla smiled, "that sounds like a plan."
Juice called you on his lunch break and you did your best to keep the noise down so he wouldn't catch on, "how's your day been handsome?" 
You could hear his smile, "better now that I'm talking to you, they guys are trying to take it easy on me but I'm not sure when I'll be home." 
Oh shit, the oven
"What was that dollface?" 
You and Lyla shared a look, "I'm making myself some tuna toast, sorry about that." 
There was a pause and you could hear the disappointment in his voice, "oh, but you'll stay on the phone until my break is done right?" 
You felt your heart hurt, but you buried it, "of course, it will stay warm for ages. Have you gotten any gifts yet?" 
You knew he hadn't, you have carefully hidden all his gifts from the guys in the spare room, "no, I don't think they got me anything, I didn't ask anyway." 
You took a deep breath, it was taking everything not to blurt out the truth, "we'll see, maybe they'll give you something before you leave." 
There was a shout in the background, his lunch break was done, "I gotta go, I'll see you later. Love you." 
"Love you too Juicy." 
He sounded a bit deflated when he hung up so you went back to work, you were going to make sure today was the best birthday he had ever had. 
Juice felt his mood drop as the day went on, by the time the guys started to leave his birthday really felt like any other day. He could tell his friends were trying, they let him have the first pick of the donuts, they didn't ask him to do as much as they normally would but it was still a disappointment, you had been telling him for weeks that you were going to make sure today was a good day.
To top it off, his partner at clear passages had called him just as he and Jax were locking up to tell him that something was wrong and that he needed to come by.
He called you just before he got on his bike, hoping that hearing your voice would give him the mood boost he needed to keep going, "hey dollface, I got bad news."
He could hear noise in the background but he figured it was just the TV, "oh no, what's wrong." You knew what was wrong, nothing, the Clear Passages "problem" was just a detour so everyone could be there by the time Juice got home.
"A bunch of money's been stolen at the weed shop, I'll probably be there till late tonight."
You did your best to sound sad, "I'm sorry Juicy, how about we take the weekend off to make up for all this? We can go to that little country house we love so much."
There was a pause and then his mood picked up, "I'd love that, I'll be home as soon as I can. Love you y/n."
"Love you too Juicy."
When Juice got to Clear Passages, he was surprised there were no police there. He ran up to his partner, who offered him a slightly embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, I miscounted then, in a panic, put half of the cash down and walked away, then I forgot where I had left it. False alarm."
Juice breathed a sigh of relief, "no worries man, I'm gonna head back home, it's been a long day."
His partner nodded, "sure, happy birthday Juice."
Juice waved his hand, "thanks."
You were lucky Juice pulled up to the house when he did because you didn't think you could hold it in any longer. You shooed back room and sat on the couch, doing your best to act natural as he opened the door, "you're home early, I thought something was wrong?"
Juice shot you a wide smile and opened his arms for a hug, "nah, nothing was wrong." You hugged him as hard as you could and he must have picked up on something because he pulled away and looked over your face, "what are you up to?"
Your eyes went wide, "nothing, nothing at all. Just don't go into the spare room whatever you do."
There was no signs of what was going on around that house and everyone had parked their cars and bikes in the backyard so Juice couldn't see them when he drove in. He brushed pasted you and placed his hand on the door to the spare room as you held back a smile.
He smirked at you and flung it open "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!"
There was a burst of streamers and Juice's face broke out into a grin, "I fucking knew it, I knew you were planning something." Everyone was there and the room was decked out with balloons and decorations, there was a table piled high with gifts and something off to the side that looked suspiciously like some had tried to wrap a motorbike.
You smiled and walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I hope you didn't because this took weeks to plan but knowing these guys, they gave it away."
Juice captured you in a kiss and you leaned into it, placing you hand on the back of his head as he deepened it.
The crowd broke into a cheer and you separated from each other, "Happy birthday my love."
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drakoneve · 1 year
Destined Meetings
request: Hey, do you think you could write something where the reader is related to tig somehow, and they're in charming for work or college and they start a relationship with juice? Cute and a little angsty at first?
pairing: Juice Ortiz x Trager!Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: club crimes, reader's mom isn't the best + suggested childhood trauma, alcohol and drug (maryj) use
a/n: there will be another part for sure, but i might make this a bit of a mini-series, lmk what you think. happy reading!
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Tig hardly ever talked about it, but he'd been married once. He would rather die than ever admit he loved anyone but Dawn and Fawn, but he loved her. And you, his sweet, sweet Y/n.
His heart clenched at the thought of you. You were only two years old at the time of the accident. The day your mother decided she had had enough of Tig and the life he came with and that she needed to run.
It was that day, when your mother pulled out of Charming and never looked back. She only made it two towns over before she took a reckless turn right off an overpass into oncoming traffic.
Tig could remember the look on Unser's face as he approached the older man in the TM parking lot like yesterday, and how he wished he could go back and convince your mom not to go. Or to leave you, at least.
Unser had just began working with the club back then, and this case in particular had always stuck with him. A woman trying to escape her outlaw husband with their baby daughter who ends up getting into a horrific accident that ends up killing them both? One of the saddest stories Unser had ever heard.
Except for the fact none of it was true.
Because there you stood, alive and well, right in front of the Chief's desk.
"I know it sounds crazy," you shake your head, hopeful look on your face. "I wouldn't believe it either, actually. And I don't really have any proof other than my memories, but I'm sure it's him."
The aging polaroid in you had provided him of a much younger Tig and a woman he recognizes to be your mother back when she was pregnant with you.
"No, no," he waves your worries away. "I believe you. In fact, I remember your mother, vaguely, and you look a lot like her."
You grimace. "Yeah, I've been told a few times. So do you know where I can find Alexander?"
Chief Unser pulls a pen from his shirt pocket and begins writing on a slip of paper on his desk. "This is the address of the Teller-Morrow, the automotive shop your dad works at. I would take you there myself, but I'm swamped here."
"Oh, it's no issue," you shrug and take the slip of paper. "I can get there myself. Thank you for everything, though."
You turn and begin to leave when Unser calls for you to stop.
"I forgot to mention, your dad goes by 'Tig.'"
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
Juice stretched out his arms and popped his neck while he wiped his hands with a rag. Two weeks of waiting for one part was finally over, and he could get this damn Taurus out of the shop. He tossed the rag into his toolbox when a sleek black car comes rumbling into the lot.
He leaves the garage to get a closer look and notices the car is actually a classic, a well taken care of (or well restored) '69 Chevy. While he admires the car he notices you, too.
Your hair is partly clipped back, with enough loose enough to frame your face in a casual look. You're pretty, and admittedly he'd be more distracted by you but Juice can tell by the look on your face you're nervous. Juice would know, it's a look he's had to learn to hide.
By sight and sound nothing seemed to be wrong with your car, and Juice can't help but wonder why you're here.
You shut the engine off and exit your vehicle, all the while silently composing yourself. Heart thudding in your chest, you wonder if you're doing the right thing.
Juice takes the moment you shut the door to approach further.
"Hello," he greets politely, friendly smile on his face. "I'm Juice, and I'll be taking care of you today. What seems to be the problem?"
"Oh, no," you shake your head and laugh nervously. "Nothing's wrong with her. I'm actually-"
You pause, close your eyes for a second and bite the inside of your bottom lip. Juice can't help but watch you fondly, finding you oddly adorable.
Finally you open your eyes and flash a bright, genuine smile.
Damn, I'm made, he thinks.
"This is gonna sound completely insane," you explain, nervously clasping your hands together. "But, um, I'm looking for Alexa- well, no, Tig, Tig Trager."
Juice raises his brows. "Tig? Uh, I don't know if now's the best time."
It's true, he's currently in Oakland with Jax and Chibs on quick business.
"Look, I know it's inconvenient and you don't know me," you plead. You're closer now and Juice can smell your sweet perfume and practically feel your hopefulness. "But until a couple months ago I had no idea my dad was even alive. And then I found out I was here for weeks before realizing he's here, too."
Your dad? There has to be a story there. Juice raises his hands to either side of your arms, holding you still in hopes to assure you.
"It's okay," he says sternly, but in an endearing way. "Tig's not here right now but he should be soon, so let's head on inside and you can tell me a little bit about you. Just to be sure, no offense."
You smile, relieved to be believed to some extent rather than none. "Thank you, Juice. Thank you."
Juice leads you into the Teller-Morrow through the garage entrance into the larger building. From what you could see on the outside you wouldn't have imagined such a spacious clubhouse inside.
Inside were several pool tables, a couch with mini pieces about, a bar with stools, and other tables each with their own set of chairs. Decorations littered the walls and floors and you laughed to yourself as you noted a nearly full ashtray on almost every surface and a wall completely dedicated to mugshots.
Juice leads you to the bar where he gestures for you to sit as he makes his way around. You slip onto a stool and watch patiently as Juice finds two glasses and turns to you.
"What's your preference?"
You shrug, "Whatever, I'm not partial. On the rocks, though."
He serves you and pours his own drink before setting the bottle down and leaning on the bar on his elbows in front of you.
"So tell me about you," Juice presses softly. He can tell by your fingers circling the rim of your glass that you're not excited for this conversation but he has no choice. "You said you've been here for a few weeks, where'd you live before?"
"Nevada, mostly," you tell him before sipping on your drink. "My mother moved us around a couple times and we lived in Colorado for a while before eventually settling in Sparks."
"Why'd you guys move around?"
You drain the rest of your drink quickly in hopes it'll support you through this conversation. Juice begins to refill your glass without being asked.
"I didn't know it then, but my mom was running from the Sons," you confess.
Juice's eyes widen slightly as he looked you over. What could you know about the club? They were notorious around Charming sure, but with their recent run ins with the ATF has the club struggling and making choices they wouldn't normally make.
You continue, "It wasn't until I graduated high school and I left that she told me my dad was actually alive. Then she told me about the Sons of Anarchy, and everything else I did on my own."
Juice nods, unsure of what to say. He nurses his drink for a moment before reaching for your hand.
"This life is complicated, but we're a family here."
The gesture, simple as it is, riles up all the pent up feelings you've mastered all your life comes rushing forward as tears brim your eyes.
"Family," you repeat and pull your hand from Juice to wipe your tears. "What a weird concept?"
The two of you talk well into the evening and you end up migrating to the couch with a bottle and a large bowl of buttery popcorn. Juice made good company. He's genuine, gunny, and from the way he talks you can tell the Sons are something special to him.
He tells you about himself in turn for the vulnerable information you've given him. You learn he was born and raised in New York before coming to Charming, and he has a little sister behind in the city. Juice tells you he works in the TM garage alongside what he does for the club.
"I'm not stupid," you tell him once you notice his hesitance. "It's not hard to find information on the club from the locals around here."
He chuckles softly, "Yeah, I'm sure. If you have any questions, you can ask me."
Before you can the rumbling of bikes coming into the TM parking lot distracts you. Instinctively you grabbed Juice's hand, but let go just as fast as you'd grabbed him. Luckily before he can say anything the door bursts open and income more Sons.
The first is a younger blond man with piercing blue eyes and you notice the President patch on his left. He greets Juice happily before his eyes look to you, and he looks confused but seemingly brushes it off and goes to the bar.
Your dad walks in near arm in arm with another handsome man with scarred cheeks, obviously older than he is in the polaroid you own, but otherwise he seems the same. Its as if he can feel your gaze as he turns to meet his blue eyes to your own.
You stand, trying to ignore the thumping of your heart in your chest. "Hi, Tig," you greet, silently cursing the waver in your voice. Immediately the polaroid is out of your back pocket and in your hand. "My name's Y/n, and my mom's Y/m/n."
He takes the polaroid from you without a word and holds it carefully in his hands. His friend has stepped away towards Juice, likely for questioning.
"I saw Unser earlier today," you continue on. "He told me that I have a grave here in Charming, so does mom. Funny, considering she always told me you were the dead one."
You take a shaky breath in, trying to keep from bursting into tears. "I just... I wanted you to know I'm not dead, very much alive. I don't, like, expect anything from you I just knew I had to say something."
Tig finally breaks away from the polaroid to meet your eyes again, and it makes you feel a bit better to see his blue eyes are as tear filled as your own.
He raises one hand to cup your cheek, thumb moving to wipe your tears. "Losing you was the worst pain of my life," he admits softly.
His words crumble your resolve, the walls you'd spent your adolescence building to protect yourself fell faster than they were constructed. You practically fall into his arms, and the two of you break down as you hold each other.
As you sob into Tig's chest he merely cradles you the way he wishes he'd been able to all these years. The way he deserved to have been there for you. He holds you tight against him like he's afraid you'll dissipate and it'll be decades before he sees you again.
"We're gonna be okay, baby," he tells you. "We're gonna be okay."
This time, he's not going to be letting you go so easy.
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willowsages-blog · 5 months
Your babies: Juice ortiz x female reader
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You're an interior designer. You're trying to work in your office when you can hear giggling you
left your office and slowly walked downstairs, and you secretly watched your husband Juice in the kitchen.
You had twin daughters, and your husband Juice was carrying both of them he was singing to the both of them with a big smile on his face,
Juice began spinning, which made them laugh even harder
Your babies were so in love with their father,
Juice was the best dad in the world,
He was patient,
And very protective,
One of your daughters noticed you and called your name ' Mama!''
You walked in the kitchen and then hugged your babies,
Your husband then kissed your cheek, '' i love you..''
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cloveroctobers · 7 months
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A/N: Juice was always my man when it came to SOA and I’ll forever be traumatized and bitter over his storyline + how he was treated. That’s probably one of the reasons why I’ll never do a rewatch tbfh. In my mind he’s thriving and I’ve always wanted happiness for him and that’s what he’s gonna get here! Also my first time ever writing for this man so go easy on me although this is more HC (my version) form. Have a happy love day whether it’s with a significant other, family, friends, or just yourself! know that you’re always worthy and capable of receiving and giving love and not just on this one day of the year 🩷🫡
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: 19. "can i see your hand?" / "sure, why?" / "so i can see how well it fits with mine." + 35. "let's take a stupid walk for our stupid mental health!"
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When you got word from your mother that Juan was back in town for good, you had to see so for yourself.
January’s always been gloomy but when you came face to face with the man you haven’t seen in years at the front door of his mother’s, you wanted to collapse but managed to keep your composure.
Juan’s sad but somewhat still warm eyes are unsure at first, taking in your facial expression but you clear his concerns as you’re yanking him tightly to your body in a tender embrace.
And he feels like he might just break down himself in your arms.
You were just what he needed.
The both of you had to make up for lost time and Juan had to keep convincing you that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Things didn’t work out in his favor in California (little did you know, he barely made it out alive) and Juan never wanted you to visit, although your older brother and his girlfriend, Saskia lived out there—which means you took trips but in a sense you learned to accept that was Juan’s way of protecting you from the demons that latched onto his soul.
You couldn’t take it personally since Ms. Hilda, his mother never visited either but spoke to him every couple of months—which may have been hard or if not harder for her.
Although the both of your mother’s were good friends that didn’t mean the both of you didn’t have your share of childhood trauma’s (because of them) that bled into your adulthood.
Nonetheless the both of you spent a month reconnecting, taking each day by day as it took to rebuild a friendship.
It felt right having Juan back in your life and he can honestly say the same.
“I never knew how much I missed you until I saw your face again,” he said to you over the phone one night.
Juan’s always been a sweetheart and never had an issue expressing his love for you to the point many kids back in school questioned if you were dating.
It never happened but that didn’t mean Juan didn’t want it to yet you found yourself in a few relationships here and there. Which was brought up by your mother during a birthday dinner for your brother (who was visiting) that February.
“I find it hard to believe that you’re still single. I mean hell, when is anybody going to give me a grandchild?” Your mother chatted over a glass of Cabernet playfully glaring at your brother who cleared his throat before setting her eyes back on you, “You know I saw Marlon just the other day?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at this. You’ve only been at the table for ten minutes, supposedly going over the menu and yet here your mother was worrying about children and your love life.
And she just had to bring your college ex into it.
“Really,” you gave faux interest as you viewed the entrees.
“Mhm. He’s been divorced for a few years now and he’s single. I even showed him a picture of you to see if he remembered you. He laughed about it and said he thought you were with Juan now.”
Your brother is coughing now on his own drink and his girlfriend of four years is patting him on the back.
Glancing to your right you stare at Juan rubbing at his face in thought, who mentally seemed to be having a tough day today. He stayed at your house last night and apologized over breakfast about how he got into these dark moods.
You assured him that he didn’t have to apologize for his feelings. Asking if he wanted to be your plus one tonight, only if it was up for it.
He’d push through it for you because he was devoted to being near you as much as possible since he didn’t want to lose anymore time with his best friend.
How would Marlon assume this? You’re turning back to your mother now, furrowed brows while you reply, “why did he think that?”
“He said he saw the both of you running around the park together. He wanted to say hi but you and Juan seemed to be racing and he didn’t want to interrupt.” Your mother informs, staring at you two underneath her eyelashes with her lips moving back to the rim of her glass.
This didn’t make you feel any sort of way because you also haven’t seen Marlon in years either. You weren’t really checking for him but—the breakup didnt turn sour—it was mutual! however it was interesting to see different perspectives on how people viewed you and Juan.
Juan was gone from New York by the time you both reached your early twenties and by then you were still with Marlon. Juan would visit up at school and hung out with you two a couple of times! even when Marlon tried to put him onto some college girls…there was a part of Juan that felt like he was guilty of something.
Even when he engaged in activities—sure it may have felt great in the moment but he always ended up feeling like shit since he wanted it to be you.
So yes you were part of the reason why he got out of New York and to find a better sense of direction for himself.
You’re shrugging your shoulders redirecting the conversation, “well..I’m sorry things didn’t work out with his wife.”
“Are you?”
“Mom! Chill.” Your brother stepped in which you were somewhat thankful for. Why were you always getting shit on when you knew it was on the tip of your mother’s tongue that your brother “should” be thinking about marriage since she hinted at you once before during your girl’s day.
Although you and your dad both were aware that your brother didn’t want to get married.
“I’m just saying you should think about it or what about that guy from high school? The funny looking one.”
“They were both goofy to me. Especially Stu.” Your brother snorted while you shielded your middle finger from your mother to direct at your sibling.
Your first boyfriend was senior year and he cheated on you with a redhead because he got dumped prior to asking you out. It made sense to him but definitely not to you.
Yeah that’s highschool stupidity for you!
Juan shuddered at the mention of your first boyfriend, “man that guy? He was ridiculously obnoxious in and outside of class and hung out with that other guy…the one who gave me serious serial killer vibes.”
“You did always say that,” you laughed to yourself and couldn’t deny it. You never wanted to be alone with Stu’s best friend at the time, the way his dark eyes bored into yours always made you feel uneasy.
“He’s harmless!” Stu would persuade you before always leaving you with him for at least a minute or two.
Your mother pried, “Well where is he now?”
“Hell if I know? Probably married to another redhead with three or four kids? Still possibly cheating? What is this, a walk down memory lane?”
Juan could sense you were getting agitated about this and placed his hand right above your knee which made you exhale.
Your mother is raising her hands, “I’m just looking out for you and your brother’s happiness. That’s all.”
“I am happy. Go dig in his business then, it’s his birthday anyway.” You suggested while your mother just scoffed.
Raising your brows, your mother continued knowing that you were always ready to challenge her, “I will but when’s the last time you’ve been in a serious relationship?”
“Are you the expert when it comes to relationships now? You waited six months after the divorce from dad to get married to someone else. You settled for dad’s bullshit for years and now suddenly you want to micromanage what goes on in mine? Are you keeping this same energy with your step kids?”
Your brother is calling your name as a warning now but you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t triggered.
growing up having your mother constantly in your ear saying to you, “you’ll never get a bf because of xyz.” Simply from little stupid things you would do as a pre-teen to teenage years was damaging because you were just an insecure kid not worrying about romantic relationships in the slightest. Although you had a mother who seemed to be more concerned about the male gaze for you.
So what if your room got messy? So what if there were days where you didn’t want to be bothered with your hair? Or was too much in grown folks business when your mother would gossip on the phone about inappropriate subjects right in front of you! while also bringing up all of your business to her friends or family members like some sort of humiliation tactic and then never taking your emotions into account when you voiced your discomfort?
Don’t get it wrong, of course you had love for your mother but you couldn’t erase what was said and done. A list of things that still stuck with you and things that you should perhaps just “let go of,” yet she still felt comfortable to talk about your love life like you were some low self-esteem kid.
You never had that relationship where you felt safe to share anything with your mother because of her critiques.
“Hold on now, I’m just trying to make conversation—
“You don’t need to. Not when it comes with an opinion i never asked for to match.”
Then comes the tears and Saskia is tending to her, whisking your mother away to the bathroom with her crying to Sas about how she, “tries to be a good mother and these are the things she gets.”
“Did you have to do this on my day?” Your brother sighs while your eyes are in slits.
“You and dad are the exact same, always expecting me to just take it. I don’t give a damn if it was Easter, if she’s coming at me then I’m going to let her know. I know she’ll always be mom but she refuses to ever see my side on anything.”
“Why does it have to be about sides? We’re family at the end of the day.”
The famous excuse for it all so it seems!
“And we must always be on some we are the world bullshit too, no matter what huh?”
Juan covers his snort at this, which earns him a look from your brother, leaving Juan to mumble out an apology.
It’s quiet for a moment as your brother tries to figure out how to make this okay but you don’t want to stick around to continue this dinner. In your eyes it felt ruined already.
Only seconds pass when you decide it’s best if you go. You’re on your feet, slipping back into your outerwear before wrapping an arm across your brother’s shoulders squeezing him as you peck his temple.
“Love you, mean it. I’ll take you out myself at another time.” You say as all your older brother can do is nod his head, briefly resting his hand on top of yours before you let go.
You’re peering at Juan who’s still seated and say, “want to take a walk with me?”
“Sure, whatever you want, yeah!” He sits up before grabbing his beanie and jacket, “I don’t care.”
You quickly begin to walk off before your sas and your mom come back, sending a silent message to your old friend that you’ll be outside.
Your brother tells Juan, “look after my sister, okay?”
“You got it,” Juan says, wishing the older man another birthday wish before making his way out to you.
The both of you are now walking side by side, enjoying the city’s lights and each other’s company.
“Thanks for coming with me. The longer I sat there getting into it with my mom the faster my brain was telling me to get the fuck out. I figured: let's take a stupid walk for our stupid mental health!"
Juan chuckles at this, “I know what you mean. I also had a disagreement with my sister too before I crashed at yours.”
That revealed just a dash about what led to Juan’s mood last night.
“Yeah?” Your eyes peep to the left of you at the beanie-wearing man, “You want to talk about it?”
It wasn’t much different with what went down with you and yours. Except Juan’s mother was the one to break it up and scold him for defending himself against his sister.
She still felt like he didn’t have himself together (despite the fact that he was now working at a mechanic shop and had a side tech gig at an outlet mall—paid under the table now! If you’re talking about his mental then that was a different story!) either and was the main one who told him not to go out to California. She begged him to stay and that began their estrangement.
His sister blamed him for his own unhappiness and if he would have stayed here maybe he wouldn’t have dealt with that darkness charming brought him.
Which hurt to hear.
He walks even closer to you now as he said, “nah, not really if that’s okay?”
“What?” You lightly bumped his shoulder, “Course it is, just know you can when you want to.”
He gives you a lopsided smile, “Thanks.”
You loop an arm around Juan’s waist, resting your head against his shoulder, as you blended into the city together.
Juan’s dreamed of times like these except you were miles apart but hearts still in sync.
The silence between you two lets you know that you’re both holding onto something so heavy but find that it doesn’t weigh as much when you’re both near each other.
By the time you’re making your way back to your side of town, one subway ride later and more miles to walk back to your place—the night feels like any normal routine.
Eventually the both of you fall into chatter and soft smiles as you continue your rest on the subway, head tucked underneath juice’s chin that his facial hair still pricks your thick hair but you don’t mind.
You’re both laughing about old times when you reach your 1975 raised ranch, half standing on the steps and you’re wiping the tears from the corner of your eyes, “you coming in?”
The last thing Juan wanted to do was head back to his ma’s side of town so a dip of his head was all that you needed, sending him a smile and a nudge of your head to welcome him back inside.
“We gotta eat something although you’re really not supposed to eat after seven…”Juan says to you after kicking off his shoes and heading straight from the main entrance pass the living room right to the kitchen.
“I forgot how much of a health freak you are.” You tease, hanging up your coats in the near by closet.
Juan’s mumbling to himself as he moves around the cut off kitchen, “And you need more fruits and veggies in here. What’s the point of having a juicer and having nothing to use it?”
“My common law sister in law? If you believe in that sort of thing! got it for me. It works as decoration,” You argued, “I can just go buy me a fruit or veggie juice.”
“And be wasteful of this beautiful gift?”
“If you want it, I’ll regift it to you for a belated Christmas gift then.” You sass, going to lean in the archway.
Juan shakes his head while he’s eyeing all the ingredients he’s laid out on the counter, “no point in doing that if I’m just going to be over here majority of the time anyway.”
“Oh is that right?”
“I mean…yeah…if you’re comfortable with that.”
You roll your eyes, “I’ll take you for as long as I can have you, Juanie and you know that.”
He casts a smile over his shoulder at you before waving his hand along formally towards the dining room, “have a seat. This won’t be anything extravagant since your selection of food kinda sucks…we’ll talk about that later but I need my work space clear.”
You saluted, “heard chef,” before you walked into the next room over.
Which leaves you to send off a text to your brother letting him know you both made it safe before choosing to browse social media.
The words of your mother did get into your head as you’re sitting here searching up your two exes and you laugh to yourself at how foolish you were being. You haven’t though about either of those two in a long time, not in the same way you thought about Juan nearly every day.
Yet here you were letting your mother get into your head again: about two men that didn’t hold meaning to your life now.
“Bon appetite.” Juan tells you after awhile, placing the plates down on the table and picking the seat right next to you.
“And what do we call this meal?”
“P.O. In 10. Which stands for: party’s over in ten minutes.”
You both stare at each other and let out a laugh, “how clever.”
A struggle meal of: ground turkey on ranch Doritos topped with cheese and left over black olives with a side of strawberry moscato was your dinner for that night and you didn’t dare complain.
Juan’s gone into one of his rapid conversations of one of his old friends, a guy named chibs that he would have loved for you to meet and of course you find it sweet that he still found someone to speak highly of when he’s vaguely told you that all was not well in charming.
“can i see your hand?" You suddenly ask the man who’s grown out his hair and sported facial hair that made him appear older.
Juan’s finishing off the last of his homemade nacho’s, stuffing his face but doesn’t hesistate as he places his smooth veiny but much larger one into yours, “sure, why?"
You’re tracing the lines of his palm and recall the time the both of you went to a palm reader on senior skip day for shits and giggles although Juan seemed to believe every word the lady said.
He said he had a great tía from Puerto Rico that he met once or twice who was very spiritual but different from a palm reader. His mother got pissed off when she brought her work to the house that one time when she was supposed to be looking after him and his sister.
That soon became Juan’s job.
You wondered about how these hands had to scrap their way through just to survive.
Then you explain, “so i can see how well it fits with mine." Before interlacing your right with his and Juan can’t help but to grin at you.
And there’s that boyish smile that spreads to the corners of his eyes that you can’t resist while he speaks with you, “You’re so cute, you’re corny. If you wanted to makeout, all you had to do was just say so.”
You don’t think about it, “alright, maybe I do.”
“What?! Don’t joke like that.” Juan’s eyes are wide now, ready to slip his hand right from yours.
“I’m not.” You lift your shoulders as Juan sits back in the chair with a sigh.
Juan’s staring at you with a curiosity that makes you want to look away but you can’t.
“What if all we needed was to just be honest with ourselves and look at what’s directly in front of us.”
“…I don’t follow.”
“Us, Juan! I always felt like i was waiting for something, even with the others after Stu and Marlon. There was always this pull and maybe that was you…and if this is all in my head just say that. You can tell me.”
Juan rubs at his face in thought. He already knew how he felt about you and how it never went away.
“No…it’s not all in your head. I don’t know if you know this but…you’ve always been it for me and I—learned to be okay with just being your best friend since that’s what you always wanted from me. I thought moving across the country was the answer but that only hurt us more.”
“Part of me felt like you didn’t care who I was with. You just took it for what it was.”
“You’re so wrong,” Juan scoffed out some laughter, “I just wanted you be happy and not be selfish about wishing it was me that got to do everything with you all the time. They took my space.”
You instantly reply, “Never could.”
“No, blockhead.” You lightly grip and shake his shoulders.
“Now we’re down to the insults I see.”
You shrug with a smirk, “Let me kiss you…just to see.”
“See what?” Juan felt his heart hammering in his chest now, “That we’re completely in love with each other? A kiss won’t tell me what I don’t already know, babe.”
A scrunch of your nose is present, “Not you sounding like you don’t want to kiss me—
Sighing you got up from the chair and plopped right down in Juan’s lap, wrapping your arms across his shoulders and staring into his eyes that softened as they settled on your close proximity.
“You smell nice,” he awkwardly says, carefully placing his hands right down on your hip.
You laugh as you move your hands to cup his face, lightly caressing your thumbs over his facial hair, looking at his lips and then back to his eyes before you lean forward to place your lips right on his.
His hands tighten around you but his shoulders seem to relax. Juan can’t hold back the moan in the back of his throat that escapes his parted lips but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you back.
There’s tongue in there somewhere in the mix and the hold the both of you have on each other is enough to erase the miles that were once placed between you.
His hooked nose brushes against yours as you pull back, eyes closed and trying to catch your breath. His forehead rests against yours and Juan has to clear his throat and blink several times in hopes of getting rid of the static that sits in the center of his bottom lip.
“Wow,” he exhales with a grin while you’re playing with the strand of curls at the back of his head.
A satisfied smile is on your face, “What was that shit you were talking?”
“I wasn’t talking shit,” Juan frowns, “I was just saying that my heart already knows what it wants without putting my lips on yours. I loved you the moment your mom forced you to be my friend.”
You shake your head with a smile, “that didn’t take much force, Ortiz. I always thought you could be the one.”
“And…you never said anything why? That would have saved us a lot of time!”
You shrug, “I think our love story is meant to start now.”
“Nope it’s been a W.I.P. but now the progress is actually progressing…”
You squint, “With both of us tasting like Doritos and strawberry wine?”
“If it makes sense to mother universe then who am I to argue with her?”
“At least one of us gets it then.” You kiss his cheek and go to move off his lap but he yanks you right back, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, that maybe love’s always got our back in the end.”
“So…that’s what’s poking me right now?”
Juan feels his face burn, “Sorry—I—couldn’t help it.”
“I could—
“No. Nope. Not yet, let me just hold you and get used to the fact that I get to kiss you from now on. If…we get to labeling each other that is.”
“You want to be mine, Ortiz?”
“Don’t tell me you can’t tell.” He groans pressing his forehead into your shoulder leaving you laughing.
“Only if I get to be yours.”
“Fuck yeah!”
You nuzzle your face against his profile as you hum, “I’ll love you even more for the rest of my life Juan Carlos Ortiz…sounds like a plan?”
And he feels his heart swell at that, knowing that he didn’t have to be alone anymore the longer he had you in his arms.
“Sounds like the best plan, yet. And I love you too, so much.” He gently says into your ear before you turn to him again, capturing his lips once more.
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February fluff anthology series continues here.
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sons of anarchy fans!! i have decided!!
as well as writing for jax, i'll now also write for juice, chibs, and opie.
if you have any thoughts (filthy or otherwise... the filthier the better... ;)) please send them my way... <3
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this old man makes me feral. i won't apologise ✋🏻
edit - read my first chibs fic here.
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Would anyone be interested in reading a fanfiction that I want to write? It will be a Sons of Anarchy story. If so, please like or reblog. :) 18+ years old only, please!
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imagininghim · 1 year
Chapter 30
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A/N: It's been so so long since I've wrote and I tried to re-read the other chpaters to remember what I've written. So, I hope it's as good as before.
I do apologize for the short chapter. I am working through going through all the chapters and editing them and making some minor changes, I will update if there is any major changes!
My original plan was to stay in par with the show but I have decided to change that and go in a different way, there will still be some parts that are in par with the show but most of the story will start to go in a different route.
I am currently finishing up the end of my Psychology degree which is why I haven't written in a while but I hope you guys still enjoy it!
Like, comment, and reblog!
Waking to the sun bright in my eyes, Jax's arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled brightly as I glanced down at my hand to see the sparkling diamond ring on my hand. I twisted towards the nightstand and reached for my phone.
"Happily ever after won't be so happy when I get my hands on you." The message read from an unknown number. My stomach dropped as I slipped out from underneath Jax's grip and proceeded to get dressed.
I glanced back at Jax, noticing he was sound asleep before heading out the door and out into the club. Walking out I seen Tig and Chibs sitting at the bar.
"Goodmorning Dollface" Tig chirped as he poured up a cup of coffee laying it on the bar and sliding it towards me.
"Good morning, I'm gonna head up to the roof for a little while." The boys both nodded as I rose up and proceeded to the roof.
The sun was shining, beating the heat into the roof. I placed the cup of coffee on the ledge, hauling my phone out again re-reading the text over and over again.
What am I going to do?
I paced back and forth contemplating whether or not I should tell the Jax and the club or leave it, but I was torn away from my thoughts by the sound of foots steps approaching behind me. I jumped when I felt two warm hands taking ahold of my hips.
"Hey, you okay?" I felt some of the tension leave my shoulders when I heard the sound of Jax's voice. Turning to face him, I slid my phone into my back pocket of my shorts and gave him a smile.
"Yeah, of course. You just spooked me a little, is all." He looked at me a bit skeptical before shrugging it off and nodding.
"You weren't there when I woke up, I came to find you and Tig said you were up here." I took a seat and picked up my coffee.
"I just came out for a bit of sunshine and fresh air is all." Taking a seat next to me, Jax reached over and took the cup from my hands and took a sip.
"The club and I have to do a run today, we should be back in about three days. I got Gemma and the prospects checking in on you while were gone." I nodded with a small smile, the thought of the text swirling around in my thoughts. "Are you sure everything's okay? I can try to sta-"
"No!" I cut Jax off before continuing, No, I'm fine. Just tired, you go deal with club business and don't worry about me." I could tell that he knew something was up but he gave me a nod and a quick kiss before climbing down the latter.
Sliding my phone from my back pocket, I re-read the text over and over again.
What the fuck am I gonna do?
~~ Time Skip ~~
The boys finished in church as the prospects loaded the guns into the duffel bags, I leaned against the bar as Jax made his way over to me.
"You stay safe, don't leave here unless someone is with you." I gave him a small chuckle, laying my hands against his chest playing with the strings on his hoodie.
"I don't need a babysitter Jax. I am a big girl, I can handle myself." He stared at me without blinking. "Okay fine, I'll make someone comes with me." He gave me his famous Teller smirk before placing his lips against mine.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made us tear apart. Jax turned around to reveal the Opie standing behind him.
"It's time to go." He nodded before turning back to me.
"I love you, stay safe. We'll be gone three days tops." I pressed my lips to his. Pulling away I spoke,
"I love you, stay safe." And with that they headed out.
When the club was empty and the boys were gone, I felt my phone vibrate.
"Looks like someones all alone with no big bad biker to protect them."
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denim-devil · 2 years
Sons Of Anarchy | MASTERLIST
Smut - 💌
Angst - 💧
Fluff - 🍬
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Jax Teller
Sweet, with a mean streak 💌 - coming soon
Cigarette Daydream 💌 - coming soon
Chibs Telfort
Juice Ortiz
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aravenamongcrows · 2 years
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Chapter 15: Low Hanging Fruit
Sydney and Tig continue to stumble their way through all of the truths that neither of them want to face, meanwhile Zobelle and his crew ramp up their tactics to takedown SAMCRO by proposing a tempting offer to the one man who wants them gone the most.
(AO3) (Wattpad) (FF.net)
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Gasp! It's so fluffy in here!!
How could I not request Juice Ortiz & Falling off the bed? They were meant to be together.
A Roll in the Hay
Contains: Fluff, smut (oral sex M and F receiving, fingering, P in V.
1.4K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #Sp's fluffiest Smutfest
"I could never be jealous of a potato, a potato can't do for you what I can."
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"These new sheets are amazing, we should have done this so much sooner."
Juice laughed and slid into bed next to you, shaking his head as you slid your legs around, "they are very nice but we haven't broken them in yet."
You smiled, "there's no time like the present."
Juice rolled on top of you and pressed his lips to yours, the kiss soft and full of affection, "no, there's isn't. It's still early, we have plenty of time to enjoy our night too."
You sighed, "so you're in one of these moods are you?"
Juice kissed you again, deeper this time, "yep, I'm going to go get some snacks and water because I have big plans."
"How big?"
Juice got up with a grin, "huge."
Juice returned a few minutes later with his arms will, "I got all your favourites."
You smiled, "of course you did, can I thank you for being so thoughtful?"
He rushed to drop the food and water as you stood up and sauntered over to him. He smiled as you ran your hand down his bare chest, "how are you going to thank me?"
You bit your lower lip, "how do you think?"
Juice chuckled and reached out, taking the hem of your sleep shirt in his hand, "does it involve you on your knees?"
You nodded, "yep." You kissed his chest, Juice sighing as you licked his nipple. His hand found the back of your head as you kissed down his torso and over his abs, finally sinking down to the floor with a smile.
You traced the tip of your finger along the hem of his sweatpants, his cock beginning to grow hard inside the fabric. You yanked them down, boxers and all and it sprung free, Juice's head lulling to the side as you took the base in your hand and licked the tip. Juice's hand found your cheek and his fingers stroked your skin as you sucked his tip into your mouth, your moan making Juice grunt.
"I'm going to bring you snacks all the time, can I bring them to your office too?" You let out an mmhhhm and Juice's hips twitched, "you look so fucking good with my dick in your mouth."
You sucked him down further, jacking your hand while reaching up with the other, Juice meeting you by his hips to take your hand in his, his thumb pressing lovingly into the back of your hand. You moved your other hand from his hips and cupped his balls, lifting them closer to his body while Juice's hips started to buck.
Juice squeezed your hand rhythmically and his hips sped up but the courtesy tap to your cheek never came and then Juice was yanking you up, "hey I wasn't done."
Juice chalked, "we have all night, lay on the bed for me?"
You shook your head, "we do have all night and we both know you can go more than more round so why are you denying me?"
Juice kissed you "because it's fun." You sighed and did as he asked, getting comfortable while he followed behind you. He sat between your spread legs and tapped your hip before wrapping his fingers around the hem of your panties and waiting for you to lift your hips so he could remove them.
He threw them behind him and ran his hand from your ankle to your upper thigh then his lips followed the path his hand took seconds before. He lifted your legs over his shoulder and smiled at you, "may I?"
You smiled, "you may." He didn't waste any time diving in, his mouth licking you from entrance to clit. Juice moaned, and you reached down and placed your hands on his head to push him closer. Juice wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked as your hips bucked into his mouth.
His forearm moved across your body to hold you down as the other shoved your legs open further, then moved to your core, his fingers circling your entrance before he slid two fingers inside your and pressed his fingertips to your G-spot.
You whimpered and you could feel Juice smile against your skin, he pushed you down onto the bed as his fingers scissored you open and you fought the urge to dig your nails into his scalp so he'd hurry up, but Juice seemly wanted to take his time.
"Please, don't tease me just because you want to take you time." Juice's chuckle had you flying towards the edge and he pressed your G-spot hard as you fell over it. "Ah fuck." Juice brought you down slowly and then he was kissing your inner thigh with gentle affection.
"Is that better?"
You smiled, "yes, much better. Thank you." He smiled and kissed his way up your body, finally landing on your lips and cupping your face while he kissed you.
He hovered over your, slotting himself between your spread legs, "I feel like I should be the one thank you."
Your smile widened, "I know exactly how you can do that." You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in, Juice raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, that'll work." You giggled and rubbed his nose with yours, Juice's face filling with joy. You did your best to suppress your smile as you shifted your leg to the back of his knee, held him tight to your body and rolled over.
It was a little haphazard but Juice started to laugh, "you think that's going to work on me?" He didn't need as much strength to flip your positions, but he miscalculated and went over the side, taking you with him as you landed on him with an oomph.
There was a pause and he started to laugh, lifting his hand up to stroke your face as you pushed yourself up on his chest, "are you alright my love?"
He smiled, "I'm fine, I didn't fall far."
You shook your head, "shall we try that again?"
He bit his lip, "or I could just fuck you here and then we don't have to worry about the sheets."
You swallowed, desire filling your chest, "here is good." You dropped your head and kissed him, deep and slow. You reached down and grabbed his cock, running it up and down your slit before kissing him one last time and sliding down onto it. Juice's mouth fell open and you kissed his cheek, then his jaw and finally his lips as you started to move.
Juice placed his hands on your back, rubbing your skin as you sunk down on him over and over again. With a gentle smile he sat up, shifted your legs so you were in his lap and bucked his hips into you. He wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you into his chest. He buried his face in your neck and whispered praise into your skin.
"I love you so much y/n."
You pulled back and smiled at him, cupping his face for a kiss and he shoved his hand between you to rub your clit, "I love you too Juan."
Juice ground his hips and you rested your head on his shoulder as he took over. His fingers circled faster and you bit his shoulder as you clenched around him, "there you go, my good girl."
Juice kept thrusting, holding you tight as he followed you into bliss. You sighed and rolled off him, both you and Juice lying down on the floor next to each other, "we should get on the bed, this can't be good for our backs."
You sighed, "yeah, I think I have bruises." Juice stood up and took you with him. Bringing you to the bed but not before reaching across and grabbing the snacks he brought in before.
"Potato chips or chocolate?"
You took the bag of chips with a smile, "I love you so much."
Just after you opened it, he reached into the bag and stole one, "hey, that was mine."
He chuckled, "I swear you love potatoes more than me sometimes."
You huffed, "tomorrow we are going to that fancy place in Stockton and I'm buying you those fires deep fried in duck fat."
He smiled, "I'd rather just eat you."
You shook your head, "I'm pretty sure eating people meat is illegal."
He rolled his eyes with affection, "that's not what I meant and you know it."
"Yeah, I know. You're just funny when you're jealous."
Juice gasped in fake indignation, "I could never be jealous of a potato, a potato can't do for you what I can."
You leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, "wait until you have the duck fat fries."
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Rescue you - Flufftober 23
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Summary: When your ex comes to town, Jax sees red.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Clay Morrow, Wayne Unser, Harry "Opie" Winston, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager
Warnings: angst, mentions of a past abusive relationship, protective Jax, angry Jax, light violence against the reader, implied character’s death, fluff, hurt & comfort, blood
A/N: I didn't name her ex. You can imagine any guy. I imagined Brock Rumlow because he's hot and a bad guy. 😳 I'm a visual writer and need to imagine a face.
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The day you met Jax Teller changed your opinion about men.
Until then, you believed every man is like your ex. Angry, loud, and thoughtless.
Jax is different. He’s rough around the edges, strong, wild, and yes, dangerous. But with you, he’s gentle and kind. You never felt safer than in his arms.
In those fleeting moments, you can spend alone, he dreams of another life. A life without violence, and maybe, children running around the house.
Your boyfriend is not a man of many words. He shows you his feelings with soft touches and small gestures.
The tea he brews for you every morning before you must go to work. A soft kiss goodnight. Or the way he hugs you. All these small gestures tell you Jax Teller loves you.
You believe in him, and his love. Jax will never hurt you or leave you for some other girl. He promised to love and protect you for the rest of his life.
Today, you must believe in his love, and hang on. If only you can hang on and wait for Jax to find out what happened to you…
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Four hours earlier, …
“Bye, have a great weekend,” you wave at your colleagues from the library. They return the gesture and wish you a great weekend too.
You yawn as you make your way toward your car. Only a few more minutes apart you from meeting up with your boyfriend.
“Look what I finally found.”
You freeze. That voice.
How you wished to never hear his voice again. You lived in a bubble for the better of two years. Your relationship with Jax is going steady, and your past is only a few burned pictures, and torn memories you refuse to talk about.
“No. You can’t be here,” you shake your head as you look at your ex. He smirks darkly at your reaction. Your hands tremble and your eyes sting with tears. “What a pity he didn’t pick you up today, huh? Every Friday night your fine boyfriend has something better today than bringing his girl home.”
“What do you want here? You can’t be here.” You take a step back, and another as your heart hammers in your chest. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” he looks over your shoulder, checking if anyone is watching you. “I can’t just let you go, can I?”
“You had fling after fling,” you sneer when he tries to touch your cheek. Slapping his hand away you glare at him. “What do you really want?”
“I can’t have my girl run around with that bastard. Jax Teller, Y/N? Really?” He scoffs when you look around the area for help. “No one is coming for your aid, babe. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Fuck you!” Your head snaps to the left when his hand slaps your cheek hard. You gasp, and press your hand to your cheek, fighting the tears wanting to break free. If you cry now, he’ll know how scared you are.
He grabs your arm, tugging harshly. “You will come with me and shut your mouth. After I’m done with the chapter of the sons in this shitshow of a town, you can thank me by being very nice to me…”
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Now, the clubhouse, …
“Where is she? What can you tell me?” Jax nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Juice, you need to do your thing…trace her phone or shit.”
“Jax, you need to calm the fuck down,” Clay tries to calm Jax. One of them got kidnapped, an old lady. He’s furious and ready to rip anyone apart. “We will find your old lady.”
“She left the library four hours ago, Clay! Four fucking hours!” Jax kicks a chair out of his way. “If anyone touched one hair on her head, I’ll kill them…I’ll kill them all.”
“We talked to her colleagues and the owner of the shop across the street. Her colleagues didn’t see shit. Y/N left the library wished them a nice weekend and walked toward her car,” Tig grunts.
“Yeah, they didn’t even want to talk to us because you scared the shit out of them,” Opie bites back. “Anyways,” he clears his throat as he looks at Jax. Opie can see the fear in his friend’s eyes, and it breaks his heart a little. “The old geezer across the street said, that there was a guy and a girl. The guy hit the girl, and that was when he called the cops.”
“We checked the cameras from the stores nearby,” Unser tries to get Jax’s attention. “One of them captured the car of the bastard. We got a license plate and a name.”
“We’ve got a name?” Jax grabs Unser by his collar. “What are we waiting for then? You had a name for how long?”
“Twenty minutes, Jax,” the sheriff grunts. “I’m not an idiot, and I like the girl.”
“Who is he? Who dared to raise his hand against my girl?” Jax is out of it. He’s ready to rip the sheriff apart, limp by limp if he doesn’t get answers soon. “Tell me his name, UNSER!”
Unser yells your ex’s name, making Jax gasp. You told him about what happened with the man you dated before him. “We need to find them!”
“Jax, calm down! We are on it! Juice is on it,” Clay tries to calm your boyfriend down again.
“I try to hack her service provider to find out about her last location. Give me more time,” Juice tries his best to remain calm. He’s used to working under pressure. But these are exceptional circumstances. “Just one more minute…“
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You try not to think about what will happen if Jax doesn’t find you. Your ex was taunting you over the last hours, telling you how much he will enjoy watching Jax despair when he finds your broken body.
Taking deep breaths, you try to remember all the times Jax told you how much he loves you, or how he asked you to go for a ride with him for the first time.
The silence is deafening, and worse than your ex yelling at you. It takes a toll on you, as it feels like seconds turn into hours.
You hide your face in the palms of your hands, silently crying as you fear that you’ll never see Jax again.
“Where is she?” someone yells loud enough for you to hear. “I’ll kill you!” Gunshots hit the wall, and you scream as one of the bullets breaks through the door and hits the wall next to you.
“Y/N! BABY! Where are you!” It’s Jax. Jax found you!
“HERE!” You scream his name. “I’M HERE!”
The door flings open, revealing a beyond-worried Jax. His face is covered in bruises, and blood covers to his knuckles, but all you can think about is that he's here.
He tugs his gun away as you run toward him to throw yourself into his arms. “I knew you’ll find me…I just knew…” He breathes you in. "I knew it..."
“Did he hurt you? Did he touch you, baby?”
“No…I mean he hit me but…no…I…you’re here,” you cry into his chest. “You’re…here…”
"I told you," he kisses the crown of your hair, "I'll burn the world for you and kill anyone hurting my girl..."
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juancarlos-ortiz · 4 months
Safe - Juice Ortiz x Reader (Daughter!Reader x Dad!Happy Lowman)
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A/N: I hope you enjoy anon! I'm sorry this ended up being more Reader x Happy (daughter/father) than Juice x Reader. I'm thinking of doing a part 2 if anyone is interested. Also, lets say that reader is early 20s and Happy was like 15 when she was conceived otherwise I feel like the age gaps would get a little inappropriate.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex (off page), kissing, swearing, mentions of killing and violence
Word Count: 1984 words
You wiped the sweat from your brow as you panted, your chest rising and falling rapidly with each inhale and exhale. Sitting up, you leaned onto one side, resting your weight on your elbow on the bed as you looked down at Juice. He was puffing like you, a satiated smile spreading across his face as he let his eyes roam down the length of your body hungrily. You rolled your eyes and huffed out a laugh, dragging the top sheet up from the end of the bed and draping it over your clammy skin. "No, no, no," Juice tutted, ripping the sheet away from you. "Don't hide from me now." He gently nudged you back down, leaning over you and grazing his teeth against the soft skin of the top of your breast.
You gasped lightly, trembling as his hands began to map the warm skin of your torso. "Juice," mumbled as he kissed your exposed chest, slowly making his way towards your peaked nipple. "Hmmm?" he hummed against your skin, drawing a shuddered breath out of you. "We gotta get up," you pushed him off you gently and he groaned, flopping onto his back dramatically and throwing his arm over his eyes to shield them. "Don't wanna," he pouted. You laughed and leaned over, pressing your mouth against his. "You need to get to TM and I told Jax I would watch Abel today, since Gemma isn't up for it and Tara is working."
Juice groaned again. "Do you think bikers can take sick days?" he asked. You just laughed, standing up and grabbing both of your towels from where they hung on the back of your bedroom door. You threw them at him, staring hungrily at his naked form as he made his way to your ensuite. "Your dad has really been giving me shit lately, it's almost like he knows somethings going on," he said. Your stomach soured, any inkling of arousal now completely extinguished. "I really don’t appreciate you bringing up my father after what we've just been doing," you grated out. Juice only laughed, disappearing into your bathroom and turning the shower on.
You pulled on your dressing gown and made your way to your kitchen, switching the electric kettle on and grabbing two mugs out of the cupboard. The low rumble of a motorcycle engine made you pause, tilting your head to the side as you listened. The noise got closer, and suddenly your pulse began to sprint as the bike audibly slowed down out the front of your house. You rushed to the front door, peaking through the curtained window to the side of it. "Shit," you cursed as you watched Happy Lowman swing himself off his bike, undoing his helmet. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," you whispered in a panic, running to your bathroom.
You dragged the shower curtain open quickly, making Juice jump. "Jesus Christ, sweetheart, couldn't wait to get in here huh?" he wiggled his eyebrows seductively. "Juice, baby, I need you to be quiet, ok," you said, waving your hand at him to get him to shut up. His brow furrowed in confusion. "It's funny that you mentioned my dad…" you trailed off. Juice's eyebrows shot up his forehead. "What?!" he asked. You held a finger to your lips as you heard your front door open. "Ok, keep quiet and let me get rid of him."
"'Ey kid, you here?" Happy called out. You left the bathroom, shutting the door behind you and making your way out to where your father stood. You ran a hand over your hair and pulled your dressing gown closer to your body as you walked towards him. "Hey dad, not like you to swing by this early," you smiled, trying to act calm while your heart thundered in your chest. Happy looked you up and down, a scowl on his face. Hiding things from your dad was damn near impossible, and when you did you felt extremely guilty for it. But with your situation with Juice, you had no choice. There was no way he would allow it, and you didn’t want Juice to end up as another tattoo on your fathers stomach.
"You don't want me here?" he grunted, flicking the toothpick in his mouth from side to side. You laughed awkwardly, resting your fists on your hips as you shook your head. "What? No! Of course I want you here, I just… wasn't expecting you that's all," you rambled, motioning to the kitchen. "Otherwise I would of made you some breakfast." Happy's eyes drifted to the kitchen, landing on the two mugs you had left out. You swallowed, your smile faltering. "Looks like you were expecting someone," he scowled. You nodded slowly. "Yeah, I mean, I heard your bike coming so… I thought you might want a coffee or something," you smiled. "But you came from your bedroom?" he asked. You huffed out a frustrated laugh. "Geez, what's with the interrogation?"
Happy only tilted his head, crossing his arms as his mouth pulled into a grumpy frown. "I was running to turn the shower off," you explained. Happy shook his head. You could feel your lies unravelling at the seams, your stomach beginning to feel queasy. "Shower's still on," he prodded. You swallowed thickly, nodding. "I know, I'll go turn it off now," you turned on your heel and began to walk away. "Why is Juice's bike out the front?" he asked. You froze immediately, cold washing over you from head to toe. Slowly you turned, meeting your fathers eyes. "Is it?" you asked, your voice a higher octave. "Maybe he knows the neighbours or something," you tried to shrug nonchalantly, scrabbling to hold onto your last efforts to keep your secret.
"Wrong," was all you father said before he brushed past you, heading into your room. You spun after him, grasping his arm in an attempt to stop him from going any further. "Wait, no wait, dad please I can explain," you pleaded as he shrugged out of your grip. He opened your bedroom door and froze when he saw Juice's cut and clothes folded neatly on the armchair in the corner of your room. Happy turned to you, his face now in an angry grimace. "Don't hurt him," you begged, your voice a hoarse whisper. Happy just kept moving, pulling open the bathroom door and ripping the shower curtain to the side. Juice yelped, covering his groin, his eyes bouncing between you and Happy frantically. "Oh, hey Hap," he said awkwardly, a scared smile on his face. "Fancy seeing you here?"
"Get dressed," Happy barked. "And get to the clubhouse. Now. Before I do something to make you both cry." He pulled the curtain shut and spun to face you. "Living room, now," he growled. "I think there's some things you need to tell me." You nodded, your eyes downcast, unable to meet his stare. Happy left the room and you followed miserably, your heart feeling ready to fracture. No doubt this was the end of you and Juice, there was no way in hell Happy would let you keep seeing him, especially after you had lied about it. Despite being a legal adult, you still never wanted to do things to disappoint your father. Even if it meant sacrificing your own happiness. That and you wanted to prevent the amount of dead bodies piling up in the San Joaquin area.
You slowly sat down on the couch, the backs of your eyes stinging and a lump forming in your throat. You tried to squash the sensations, knowing Happy wouldn’t have any sympathy for tears at this moment. You heard your bedroom door open as Juice stepped out, now fulling clothed, doing his cut up. He stopped when he saw you sitting on the couch, your hands folded in your lap timidly, your eyes brimming silver with unshed tears. He glanced between you and Happy, and for a second you were sure he was going to make his way to you , perhaps comfort you. But instead he turned, and made his way to the front door. It wasn't until the door had closed and you heard his bike start up and pull away that Happy spoke.
"You keepin' shit from me now?" he asked. You shrugged, picking at one of your nails. "You would never have allowed it," you sniffed, blinking the tears away. "Allowed what?" Happy prompted. You looked up at him, pulling your bottom lip into your mouth. You motioned your head towards the front door that Juice had left through. "Juice and I…" you leant back into the cushions of the couch. "And what are you?" Happy asked. Your brows pulled together. "What?" you questioned. "You and Juice," Happy grated. "What are you?" You scoffed and shook your head. "You really want me to explain?" you choked out. Happy shook his head. "You his Old Lady, or what?" he pressed.
Your mouth pressed into a line, and you shook your head. "No, it's not like that it's just… casual," you said. Happy's face turned bitter. "What, so you would be ok with it if I was his Old Lady?" you asked, confused and a little hopeful. It was your fathers turn to shrug. "Just don’t want you being treated like some croweater," he admitted. You sat up straighter, shaking your head. "He doesn’t treat me like that dad," you said, holding a hand up when Happy tried to cut you off. "Seriously, he's so sweet. The sweetest. And kind and generous, and thoughtful. He's funny and understanding and-" "Alright alright, I get it," Happy cut you off. "I feel safe with him," you admitted. "There's not many people I can say that about."
Happy knew you were right. Since you were young it had been you and him. Your mom had split and even though he had his mom and aunt to help out when you were younger, you two had basically been joined at the hip. He had been there for every bumped head, scraped knee, fractured bone and broken heart since you had entered this world. He was your safe place to land, and to hear you admit that someone else made you feel that way too - although in an obviously different way - had him feeling conflicted. On the one hand, he didn’t want to share you. Wanted to hide you from the world and not let anyone ever know about you. But on the other hand, you weren't his little girl anymore. At least not physically. You were all grown up, and to know that someone other than him made you feel safe, well… who was he to stand in your way.
Slowly he nodded his head. "Gonna take me a while to be really ok with it," he said. "But I ain't gonna stop you from doing what you want. Or being with who you want. Especially if he makes you happy." You stood abruptly from the couch, a slow smile spreading across your face. "Wait, what?" you sputtered. "If he makes you happy then I don’t see why I should stop… whatever it is you’re doing," he gestured vaguely. You grinned and raced over to your father, wrapping your arms around his middle tightly. He gripped you back, resting his cheek on the top of your head. "But if he hurts you, then he's gotta die. Like a lot," he vowed. You rolled your eyes and pulled away. "Yeah, yeah, drama queen," you pushed Happy away. "Gonna go talk to him," Happy said, moving towards the front door. "Wait, wait, what? No, what?" you blabbed, following him. "Gotta make sure he knows what'll happen if he fucks this up," he explained. "You're not gonna hurt him are you?" you asked. Happy smiled dryly. "Don't worry. I'll leave his pretty face alone."
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fluffyprettykitty · 4 months
Spring Drabble Sleepover!!!
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running from may 14th to may 19th
*time indicates when requests will be accepted, asks will be rolling through according to inspiration and time allowed!
Hello and welcome to me not having written anything since January???? Let's rectify this by celebrating a little as summer might have officially started but true summer doesn't start till late June here!
Onto the main thing now!
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided. As usual, you know!
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed at my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
Sons of Anarchy: Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Jax Teller
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron
Marvel: Sam Wilson, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes
Triple Frontier: Benny Miller, Will Miller, Santiago Garcia
aus: bakery, book store, celebrity, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbour, stripper, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, titty fucking, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, lactation, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, shopping spree, cinema, coffee.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, repairing things, changing bedsheets, ordering takeout, falling asleep, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
no pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer @sunflowersteves @jen-with-a-pen @eulalielatibule @moonlight-prose @e-dubbc11 @soulores @targaryenvampireslayer
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garbinge · 1 year
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Day 20 from these April Prompts: Picnic
Summary: Just a biker picnic gone wrong.
Words: 1.3k words
A/N: First time writing juice and I decided to go a little more fluff heavy which I think made me stuggle with this a little more than I thought so I added in some angst at the end lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of guns, bullets, shooting, blood, wounds, not too much though, but also flulff in the beginning hehe. SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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Normally the scene of hundreds of bikers in the park would turn heads but this was the one time a year where everyone in Charming accepted it. The annual Charming x Redwood fundraiser, food, raffles, contests, all to raise money for Charming schools and recreation. 
The entire Redwood charter was there obviously, but the invite had extended out to multiple charters in the surrounding areas. That’s why the park had been packed with kuttes and bikes. 
You had just laid down your picnic blanket and put out your bag full of snacks that you had bought from one of the concession stands that were set up. You pulled a book out of your bag and were about to sit down when you heard your name being called. Turning, you saw Gemma with her hands full making her way over to one of the raffle tables. 
“I need you to help me set this up.” Gemma called over to you. 
With a deep sigh that you tried to hide well you made your way over. The one ask, turned into many and before you knew it you were all over the little area of the park you were permitted to be on. 
Just as you were setting up a table full of baked goods, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You jumped back out of reflex but you relaxed when you heard his laugh and you moved back into his arms. 
“Hey, I’ve been lookin’ for you.” He squeezed you a little tighter before you turned around in his arms resting your hands on his kutte. “Where ya been?”
“I’ve been around, Gemma asked for my help setting up. I laid out some stuff over there,” You pointed to your blanket that was abandoned near one of the larger trees in the area. 
“You wanna go chill for a bit? I miss you.” His voice was chipper. 
It was true, between your job, the club, and just everyday life things, it had been a while since you just had a moment alone with your boyfriend. 
“I wish I could but Gem’s got me setting this up and then I’m on kid duty.” Your head moved over your shoulder where the swingset was to point towards the group of kids who were running around frantically, climbing on things and making havoc. 
Juice let out a laugh, his hands still wrapped around you. 
“You two go, be in love.” Gemma’s voice alerted from the other side of the table as she placed down more sweets. “I got this and I’ll have one of the girls watch the kids.” 
It was rare that Gemma offered compassion to anyone let alone you. Your brows frowned as you stared at her in question. “You sure?” 
“Yea, I’m sure. Just wrap it up,” Her brows lifted and a smile crept up on her face, “we got enough gremlins runnin’ around right now, don’t need more.” 
The comment earned a chuckle from both you and Juice. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the picnic blanket before Gemma could change her mind. 
Juice made himself at home on the blanket without a second thought, using the tree as a backrest and patting next to him for you to join. Grabbing your book from your bag you plopped down on the blanket, using Juice’s lap as a headrest. His hand came and began to caress the top of your head, causing you to close your eyes for a minute and soak in the affection. 
“Whatcha readin’?” Juice asked, looking down at the book that was now laying flat, open, and down on your chest. 
“Nothing if you keep massaging my head like that.” You hummed still with your eyes closed. 
Juice let out a chuckle and then his face went into confusion. “I’m not sure if that means I should stop or keep going.” His hand had stopped moving now, but it was still on the crown of your head. 
You smiled while grabbing the hand on your head and bringing it to your lips to place a soft kiss to it before picking back up the book. “I got snacks over there, feel free to have at it.” 
Before Juice was able to even think about grabbing a snack, his name was being called by the club. 
“Juicey!” Chibbs’ accented raised voice alerted you both to look over at the group of guys who were in the middle of getting into something. The lot of them were laughing and drinking which made you realize it wasn’t something club related they needed him for, but maybe just as much you missed him they did too. Juice’s smile grew on his face even when he looked back at you. 
“Go.” You rolled your eyes, if you wanted time with Juice you were going to have to plan it later, if he said no to them now, he’d just be called over later. 
“Love you.” He pecked your cheek before getting up and jogging over to the guys, leaving you alone on the picnic blanket. 
You weren’t alone for much longer before you were dragged back over to the life of the party. At least it included the group of guys, you were able to get some time in with Juice even if it wasn’t just the two of you. 
The group of you stood as you played some version of cornhole in the middle of the park, you had so many drinks that it had turned into some form of soccer and cornhole combined. 
“Come on, Tiggy, toss it over.” You called out as Juice stood behind you blocking the cornhole board as Tig kicked the bean bag over with a laugh. Before the bean bag reached halfway over to you, there was a loud popping noise causing pretty much everyone around you to get alert. That was until the popping continued and it sounded almost like cracking. There wasn’t a chance for you to get a glimpse at what was happening because Juice was moving on top of you. His arm moved over your body and he pushed you to crouch down as he blocked you from the outside world. 
Bullets. His actions made you realize you were being shot at. Some of the guys were quick to respond by shooting back while others were quick to protect the innocents around them. Juice being one to come to your protection without second thought. Your heartbeat rose as your body thumped against the ground, Juice’s body heat against your back being the only thing to bring you any sort of security or comfort until the shooting stopped.
“Holy shit, you alright?” He spoke directly to your ear as he was crouched around you. 
“Yea, yea. I’m fine.” You were now standing up with him as he checked you over eagerly, not realizing your shoulder got clipped. “Next time, let’s just have a picnic by ourselves.” You joked while a part of you was being serious. 
Juice’s eyes went wide as they zoned in on your shoulder that was leaking blood out of it slowly, nothing fatal but enough to be a cause for concern. 
“Yea, good idea.” Juice quickly used his gloved hands to apply pressure to your wound which is when the reality of everything set in and the adrenaline wore off. Your face filled with worry and scrunched up in pain. His eyes met yours and while his expression was filled with worry too, it was also filled with determination.
“Hey, once we get this cleaned up, I’m takin’ you on the best fuckin’ picnic you ever had.”
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
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*=smut, !=angst, #=fluff, (16+)= not exactly smut but not appropriate for under 16
[Jax Teller]
[Alexander “Tig” Trager]
!#Tig and his ol’ lady(16+)
#Tig who’s obsessed with his ol’ lady(16+)
[Happy Lowman]
[Harry “Opie” Winston]
[Filip “Chibs” Telford]
[Kip “Half-Sack” Epps]
[Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz]
[Herman Kozik]
[Tara Knowles]
[Gemma Teller]
[Wendy Case]
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Love Me Like You Do~Part 4
Juice Ortiz X Reader
The next three weeks had Juice always at Amethyst Edge with (Y/N). He found himself not wanting to be away from her for too long. He would help her with anything she needed done that was in his wheelhouse of tech knowledge.
When she was occupied with something else, he found himself staring at her. She was beautiful to him. He loved every thing about her; he didn’t even mind she had some extra “fluff” to her as she would always say.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice Opie walking up to him. When Opie clapped him on the shoulder, he jumped.
“Shit, Opie. Don’t do that.”
Opie looked from Juice to his sister, clearly seeing the look in the young biker’s eyes. “You okay over here? Seem to be lost in thought.”
Juice nodded. “Yeah. All good. Just finishing this up for (Y/N).”
“You two seem to be getting close these days. Something I need to know?”
He shook his head. “Nope. We’re just friends. She gets her tech advice from me and that’s it.”
Opie pulled up a chair and sat, leaning his arms on the back. “Dude, I know that look. I’ve been told I look at Donna that way.” He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh. “Listen, if you like her, tell her. I’m not going to stop you. You should know though, she’s had it rough growing up with her weight and all. Her mom was a bitch to her about it. Since she’s been home, I’ve noticed a dramatic change in how she carries herself. Those three years with her grandfather changed her. Just know it’s always been an issue with her. Always thinks nobody is going to love her the way she is.”
Juice watched you as Opie talked to him. He couldn’t believe you never felt loved for who you were. He turned back to his friend. “So you wouldn’t mind if I asked her on a date?”
Opie chuckled and patted the Puerto Rican on the shoulder. “Nope. Not at all. I just want her happy. But know this, you hurt her, I hurt you.”
Juice just nodded. Now that he knew he could, he would definitely try and win your heart and show you how much someone can love every bit of you.
“Earth to (Y/N)? You still with me?” Donna waved her hand in front of my face.
“Huh? Oh, I’m, where were we?”
“Finalizing the menu so we can get the food delivered next week. Are you okay?” She leaned on her elbows getting closer.
I nodded. “Yeah. Just some things on my mind is all.”
“Does it have to do with a certain Puerto Rican Son?” Donna smirked.
My head shot up to look at her. “What?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh come on! I see the way you two sneak glances at each other. I think he likes you.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Oh please. He’s just being nice and helping me out because I’m Opie’s sister and basically Jax’s adopted sister.”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Come on Donna. I know how I look, okay? I may have gained some confidence over the last few years and beginning to get more comfortable in my own skin, but that doesn’t mean someone as cute at Juice will think of me in any other way.”
She reached over and laid her hand on mine. “Honey, I’ve known you almost as long as I have Opie. You have always been beautiful. Just because your mom thought you didn’t look like she wanted you to, doesn’t mean your any less of a beauty. Any guy would be lucky to have you, especially Juice.”
I gave her a small smile. “Thanks, Donna. It’s hard still sometimes to fight down that voice that tells me I’m not worth it. It really does it when I think about him. Spending time with him lately has been great.”
“Then tell him you like him. I think he likes you, too.” She winked at me.
After our heart to heart, we finalized the menu, put the order in for all the dishes we’d need for front and back and interviewed one more waitress and kitchen worker.
The thought of telling him made my heart race, but maybe Donna was right. I should just tell Juice how I feel. Maybe it's time to take a chance. I took that chance when we were locking up for the day.
“Hey, Juan!” I yelled, smirking.
He turned on his bike and raised an eye brow at me, a smile on his face. “Yeah?”
“You wanna come join me for a drink? Maybe some food?” I had my hands in my shorts pockets and used my upper body to signal towards my apartment.
He took his helmet off and put it back on the bike. “Yeah. Why not?”
I waited for him to follow me around the side. Opie and the guys built me a security fence around the side and back of the bar to keep my apartment safe at night. After walking in, I activated the security code and Juice and I went inside. It was still early and I had a few things I could cook.
“Yeah. I could eat.” Juice made himself comfortable on the couch like he’s done many times.
���Spaghetti okay? Haven’t made my weekly shopping trip yet.” I laughed as I handed him a beer.
“My favorite.” And there it was. That million dollar smile that made me melt every time. I gave him a smile back and went to start on dinner.
He eventually joined me in the small kitchen and even helped. We talked about the opening of Amethyst Edge, our childhoods and just random things.
“No way! Seriously? How did he not know you braided his hair?” Juice laughed at the story I told about Opie and I as teenagers.
I laughed and shrugged. “I’m telling you, he’s a heavy sleeper. He was so late for school that he just got up and threw his clothes on, thinking his hair was still in the pony tail from the night before. When we got to school and seen everyone’s faces, he bolted for the bathroom. And I didn’t just do braids, I made different sections different types and put strips of hair extensions in.”
Juice doubled over in laughter, almost spilling his beer on the floor. “What did he do?”
“Came after me. He didn’t hurt me, of course, but he put bleach in my shampoo and I had blonde patches in my hair for a week or two until I dyed it.”
When the laughter subsided, we just looked at each other. I knew it was now or never for me to tell him. I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt nervously.
“What’s got you so nervous all of a sudden? You only do that when your nervous.”
I chuckled. “Didn’t know you paid that close attention.”
“Why wouldn’t I? I mean, every thing you do is amazing.”
“Really?” I whispered.
He scooted closer to me on the couch. “Yes, really. You’re a person who takes control. Everything has to be right or it doesn’t fit. You know what you want and make sure it’s done the right way. You chew on your bottom lip when you concentrate. When you laugh, your eyes sparkle a little brighter and you dance when you think no one is looking when any song comes on.”
I couldn’t believe it. He actually took notice of me. “Wow. I didn’t think anyone ever paid that close attention to me.”
“Well I do. I like you (Y/N). I really like you.” He looked into my eyes, his own brown eyes staring into mine.
He liked me. Just like I liked him. This beautiful tanned skin man that I’ve known just months likes me. My heart pounded as I tried to tell him I liked him, too. Before I could muster up the courage, his phone rang.
“Yeah?” He answered. “Okay. Be there in ten.” He closed his phone and looked at me. “Club business. I got to go.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
We stood and he pulled me in for a hug. “I’ll see you in a couple days, okay?”
I just nodded in response. He kissed the side of my head and was out the door. I followed behind to set the alarms again, waving goodbye to him as he drove off.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey, Gem. You need help with groceries?”
“The guys got them. How are you?” Gemma gave me a hug.
“I’m good. I’m excited for tonight. The guys don’t know yet. I wanted to surprise them. I’ve text them and said I needed them all here when they got back for some minor repairs.”
“This will be good. I love what you’ve done.” Gemma said as she looked around from her spot at the bar.
I leaned my back on the bar and looked around. “Me, too. I can’t wait to open this place up.”
“We’ve got everything ready back here, boss.”
“Thanks, Joe.”
I gathered the girls together and have them all a task, letting them get to know Serena before we officially opened. By the time the guys got to the bar, we had the tables pushed together and chairs lining both sides. We put all the food along the bar so everyone could serve themselves. You had just finished placing the last dessert when they walked in.
“Welcome home! Everyone grab a plate and find a seat! It’s our new family dinner tradition.” I received a hug from each one, Jax, Opie and Juice saved themselves for last.
After all the guys had food, I invited my crew to sit and eat with us, all of them telling me thank you and fixing a plate. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched everyone. I finally made myself a plate and sat at the end of the table facing everyone.
“Okay, gentlemen. I have an announcement. Not only is this a welcome home dinner, but it’s also a celebratory one. I received word this morning that Amethyst Edge officially passed every inspection and is now a licensed business and can officially open this weekend.”
Cheers went up all around. I couldn’t help the smile on my face as everyone cheered.
“So, tonight, we have dinner and celebrate. Starting tomorrow me and my wonderful crew will start preparing this place to welcome customers Friday night at 7. I want to thank each of you for everything you have done for me the last few months. As I told my brothers a while back, every time any of the Sons and their old lady comes in, two rounds of free drinks on the house. After that, you got to pay.”
“Even your favorite?” Tig called.
“No one said you were my favorite, Trager. But yes, Donna can drink for free any time.”
“Oh come on!” Was called around and laughs broke through.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright. Let’s eat everyone!”
Everyone enjoyed the company and food. Gemma gave me a wink from her end of the table, Opie gave me a proud smile, dad’s smile showed so much pride and love. Jax had his signature Teller smirk. Then there was Juice. He had the most beautiful smile that crinkled his eyes that he seemed to save for me when he looked at me.
I had yet to be able to tell him how I felt. Since our last conversation at dinner had been almost a week and we didn’t get to text much. I knew this week I wouldn’t get to spend much time with him either, seeing as how I’d be busy with the weekend opening.
I tried not to fret too much and enjoy myself. After dinner and dessert, everyone banned together and cleaned the dishes and took any leftovers in to go boxes.
“Yo! Everyone! Gather around!” Jax yelled. “(Y/N), the guys and I got you something to seal the deal on this place. Follow me.”
Jax led me outside, covering my eyes just before we stepped out. I could hear whispers all around me. He finally stopped me at the bottom of the steps.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
When I opened them, I gasped. On the roof of the entrance, proudly glowing was my new sign. “Amethyst Edge” was written in a beautiful script, painted in purple against a black background. The Reaper drawn into the wood behind it and it was lite up in a bright purple around the edges.
“Guys! It’s perfect. Thank you!”
Jax and Opie stood on either side of me, arms around my waist and dad standing behind me, hands on my shoulders. I leaned back into him and he kissed my head.
“Amethyst Edge is official, sweetheart.” He said to me.
“Yeah. It is. And I can’t wait to open.”
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