#jugheadxreader imagine
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yourjughead · 7 years ago
This Girl
Jughead x Reader
Requested:  “ Can you please write me a smut with jughead?? I don’t care what it’s about. Anything as long as it’s super smuttyyyyyy. Thank you!! (I love your writing😍😍😍😍)” by havensmommy12417 combined with “A jughead fic with another serpent girl would be nice. Like she would give him shit and stuff but would really care for him and would reluctant about him being of it. Idk just a idea” by annony.
Warnings: Smut and fluff.
Based off the episode where FP is released from prison and Betty and Jughead throw that party for him in the bar. 
A/N: requested months and months ago lol sorry.
Jughead POV “Hey there Jug, how are things?” yn threw herself down next to me on one of the benches at the empty quarry. “Nothing much ynn” I had lot of on my mind and while I loved talking with my Serpent partner in crime, I didn’t feel a lot like talking. “Really? You weren’t in school, so where’d you hide the body” i smiled at her humor. “Nah its nothing, its just Penney” yn rolled her eyes at me. When i told her what I did, to say she was furious would be putting it lightly. “I told you so, such a witch” “There’s good news though…” “Really? Not a lot of that floating around this side of town” “My dad is getting out” “Oh my god Jug that’s amazing!” her voice reverberated off the walls of the empty quarry. She hugged me tightly, the smell of her perfume coursing through me. I’m happy she was the first person I told, it was nice to get a definite positive reaction. “So why are you hanging out here by yourself loner?” she separated from me again. “I was just thinking about what my dad is going to say when he finds out about Penny.” “Not going to lie to you jug, he’s probably going to be super annoyed-” i looked away from her. It was the truth but i didn’t want to hear it. She took my hand in hers and rubbed the back of it. “-but it’s going to be alright Jug, you’ve gotten through worse” i gave her a small genuine smile. This girl. This girl is as tough as the old boots she wears and just as reliable. My phone buzzed. “Oh bettys home from school…I should go tell her” “You should” yn gave me a smile that didn’t seem to be all there. - “That’s great news Juggy!” betty grabbed me into a hug after I told her the news outside of Pops. Shes awesome. “Why-why do you smell like perfume?” “Oh, must have happened when i told yn earlier, anyway-” “You told yn before me?” she interrupted me, pulling back from me slightly but still holding my arms. “Yeah…she came to check on me when I wasn’t in school, nothing major” “Mmmkay” she didn’t seem to convinced. Veronica and Archie seemed to be in an argument as they both came up behind us. I can’t wait to tell them, Archie will be happy for me while Betty seemed to sulk. “Umm I just remembered I have to do something, I’ll catch you guys later.” before i could object she took off. Ill just have to talk to her later. ~ 3rd Person. You and Toni were busy working your bar shift. Mopping up spilled drinks while the Whyte Wyrm hummed around you both. Betty walked in, with all eyes on the girl next door. You didn’t mind Betty, you had a neutral relationship, nothing crazy. Still you didn’t want to spend any time extra around a northsider than you had to, in the nicest way possible. You left the bar as Betty stepped to talk to Toni. As much as you tried to not listen you couldn’t help but overhear Bettys plan. You shook your head, neither Toni or you and many  of the girl juniors took part in that part of the initiation. You were all trying to phase it out of style and this northsider planning to do it wasnt going to help the cause. ~ Jughead POV My dads party was in full swing, it was so great of Betty to organise it and wow she looked great. Seeing her look so amazing made Pennys words harder to block out. “Hey Jug great party” the sight of yn caught my breath. She looked utterly stunning. “Listen Jug i have to warn you abou-” “-Jug! Come on Karaoke is starting” Kevin cut off yn and dragged me away. Wait what was she going to say?! Warn me about what?! ~ I broke my dad’s heart, I just broke my dad’s heart and now I just broke Betty’s heart. I can’t believe she thought that was a good idea. She broke my heart. I let her walk away, I made her walk away, it’s for the best and that hurts the most. I slid down the side of a car once she had gone and let the cold travel through me. What an absolute mess I have made. I wanted to scream and shout and physically tear my world down around me just so it could match what I felt was happening. “Jughead? Is there a reason that your sitting by my car-” she laughed but then saw my face fully and changed her tone “-Jug what’s wrong?!” I hadn’t even realised I was crying, I could feel the cold from the ground quickly being replaced by YNs warmth as she sat next to me. She slung an arm around me and pulled herself closer. “Tell me what’s happened” and I did simply that. I just rambled and rambled until my hand she held stopped shaking. I could tell this girl anything. “Sweetie its okay, it’ll be okay, you can fix things with Betty and I’ll help you with Penny” “No no I can’t drag anyone else down with me, especially you” “You’re not dragging me down if I go choose to go with you Juggy” she continued to rub the back of my hands while she spoke softly. I pulled a hand from hers and replaced it on her cheek, pulling her in slightly to kiss her tenderly. In that moment I forgot I was on the freezing cold floor of a car park outside of a bar, I was just completely melted into her aura. Then it stopped. “Juggy what are you doing?” she suddenly pulled from me and the cold air returned. “I-I-I-” “You just broke up with your girlfriend and as much as I want this to happen, I can’t have you waking up tomorrow and thinking oh god what a mistake” “I don’t think this is a mistake” i pulled her back in and it really felt like it killed her to tear back away from me. Tears started to form in her intoxicating eyes as she stood from the ground and backed away. Another broken hearted casualty. “Umm I have to- I have to go back to work and- Umm you should go home and text me when you get there and- and I’ll talk to you soon- im so sorry” her voice broke more and more with every word before she put her hands to her mouth and took off back to the bar. Back to the cold i had chosen to surround myself with. ~ 1 week later- Night - Third Person “Who is it?” you replied to the knocking on your trailer door but got no answer. You pulled the door open, a hand hovering over the bat by the door. Jughead let himself in, closing the door behind him without taking his wild eyes off you. He came chest to chest with you walking you back until you found your back against the back wall. “This isn’t a mistake” his warm breath sent shivers down your spine with his wicked smirk helping it along. A gaspy breath left you the moment his hands grabbed your hips and then it was taken away when Jugheads pressed his lips hungrily against yours. Your arms went around his neck and he reached to his hair, ripping off his beanie and then sent his hands to your ass to lift you. A whimper left you as you wrapped your legs around his waist and were pushed harder against the wall. His lips ran down to mark your neck hungrily as your fingers coursed through his raven locks. “Wait wait Juggy, what about betty?” you tried to gain as much awareness of the whirlwind situation as possible. “She’s not you, she was never you and I’ve always wanted you, I’m just sorry I took so long to realise it” his sincere eyes made your heart crumple and you both kissed again more gently.   “I’d follow you anywhere Juggy, I’ll help you with this Penny situation but just- just not tonight” your ran a hand through his hair again, tugging the back of his hair teasingly, his grin grew and he met your neck hungrily once again. The whirlwind countiuned as you found yourself thrown onto the bed and quickly stripping off any betraying fabric that would separate the two of you. His hands ran rampant all over every inch of our body which you simply craved. His teeth tenderly sinking into your chest encouraged by your soft moans. Your own hands helped Jughead to be guided into you. You both release groans and moans at the feeling of Jughead entering you. After adjusting he began moving slowly, picking up the speed as he went. He buried his face in your necks as your nails dug into his shoulder blades. Jughead sent one hand tracing around your thighs, the other bent and holding him up above your head. Your back arched further with every movement and groan that left Jughead. The feeling of your walls tightening around his member sent him into overdrive as he hit his peek, shouting your name and collapsing slightly on top of you. Only not pulling out and continuing to move sloppily until finally you hit earth shattering status shortly after with the band snapping, sending you swearing and screaming Jugheads names as your high is ridden out. Jughead rolled over next you in a huffing mess. He pulled your trembling body into his and covered you both before taking a moment to catch his breath. “Wow i regret that” you hit him into the chest at his breathless “No I really don’t, maybe we should do it again ynn-ie” you giggled at him while he rolled into you, kissing your neck. You pushed him back playfully before burying yourself in his chest, allowing him to wrap an arm around you. “Well that was fun but we really should try and sort this thing out with Penny” you sat up only to be pulled back down by Jughead. “Mmm tomorrow” he hummed against your skin with closed eyes as he traced little circles on the small of your back. This Girl is all Jughead could think of.
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haileygarciasunshine · 4 years ago
Jughead Jones Masterlist
Created: 02/09/21
Last Updated: 02/09/21
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“What are you so salty at Jughead?”
“Oh nothing - just listening to the details of your new relationship with Captain Douchepants is all.”
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editorandchief · 7 years ago
Need A ride | Jughead Jones
Summary: reader watching as Jughead leaves the drive in for the final time.
Pair: JugheadxReader
Warning: None
Jughead had just finished spray painting 'jughead was here' on the drive-in wall when he turns around and sees you leaned up against your car waiting for him.
"Hey handsome, need a ride?"
He walks up to the call and stands in front of you.
"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Well I talked to my parent, and since I love you and since they love you they said you could stay with us." You informed.
"(Y/N) I couldn't possibly-."
"Reject this offer? That's what I told my parents. Now get in the car." You said walking to the drivers side and getting into the car.
Jughead stands there for a while before realizing your not gonna let him go anywhere else unless it to your house, and gets in.
"So home?" He asked.
"Yep, but first we need to stop by pop's and pick up and order, we're having burgers tonight." You inform seeing a bright smile makes it way onto his face. "Yeah I bet now you wanna come." You mumble before driving off.
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river-serpents · 7 years ago
Tears (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Summary: Sweet Pea gets into a fight with his girlfriend, Y/N, and she starts crying, causing Sweets to do something unexpected.
Warnings: Just some cursing
“Pea, can we please talk about this?” you asked as you say down on the brown leather couch in his trailer.
The room was silent.
The boy who you have been dating for almost 6 months now, the boy who you have grown to love, was well, being a bit difficult.
He huffed and crossed his arms leaning against the wall.
“I told you no” he said.
“Sweet Pea! It’s ridiculous! You need to learn how to take a chill pill! You can’t fight everyone who you disagree with! Physically or verbally! It’s not healthy! Or safe!” you exclaimed trying to look at him, but he refused to turn to you.
“It’s none of your fucking business what I do!” he yelled, causing you to wince a bit.
“Oh, really? Your girlfriend of almost six months now can’t try to talk to you when she’s worried about you? That’s none of your girlfriends’ business?” you questioned Sweet Pea.
“I can do whatever the hell I want. I don’t need you to keep blabbering on about this! I’m fine!” he yelled.
“Sweet Pea, you may have lasted this long, but you’re going to end up doing something you regret, or getting hurt. I don’t want to see that happen!” You tried to reason with him.
“Will you just shut the hell up already and let this go? Get it through your fucking head Y/N! This is the way I am! If you don’t like it, then you can leave!” He roared.
The room went silent.
Your thoughts were spiraling and your head went numb. You felt your breathing get heavy and your eyes getting wet. You felt your nose beginning to leak and your body start to tremble.
He wants me gone?
A sob creeped up your throat and you slammed your hand over your mouth.
“Oh jesus fucking christ, Y/N-“ he started but you ran down the trailer and into the bathroom, locking the door.
You sat down on the floor, leaning your back up against the bathtub.
“FUCK!” you heard Sweet Pea yell and you heard a loud boom from him probably punching ... something.
Your sobs grew louder as the thoughts in your head began piling onto each other.
It’s over.
He hates you.
You’re so stupid, you should’ve just kept quiet.
You’re an awful girlfriend. Why would you say those things?
~Meanwhile with Sweet Pea~
Sweet Pea gripped into his one hand, trying to ease the pain from him punching the wall.
He sat on the couch where you just were and stared at the fist-sized hole in the wall.
God, i’m an asshole.
Part of the reason why he got so angry was because he knew you were right. He knew what he was doing wasn’t good and that he was probably going to end up dead because of his own doing.
He just didn’t know how to deal with it. The truth, hurts. It’s scary. He registered the fact that there needed to be a change, but he didn’t even know where to begin.
And you made her cry, nice work dipshit.
He could hear your sobs loud and clear from where he was sitting. They only made him feel worse.
What the fuck do I do?
He sat for a moment, thinking of what to do.
He slowly got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen.
You heard his footsteps and you had calmed yoursle down. So much so, that you found yourself laying down on the bathroom floor, your eyes fluttering, and eventually falling asleep.
Sweet Pea was busy trying to do something completely extra. He found some spaghetti noodles in the cabinent and a jar of pasta sauce.
I can do this.
He got two pots out, filled one with water and started boiling it, pouring the pasta in. He then put the sauce in the other pot and turned the stove on.
He then opened another cabinent that had your collection of candles in it and pulled some out.
He went over to the living area and set one candle on the coffee table and some on the windowsill, taking a lighter out of his pocket and setting fire to the candles wick.
He ran back over to the kitchen and gave everything a stir before going over to the bedroom and grabbing a blanket, dragging it over to the living room and putting it on the floor in between the coffee table and the couch. He then took two pillows off the couch and set them with the blanket.
He went back to the kitchen, finishing up the pasta and sauce. He turned the stove off and started to place the food on some plates and then setting them on the coffee table with some forks.
He went to the fridge and grabbed two of your favorite drink, one for him and one for you and set those on the coffee table. He then opened a cabinent next to the TV and pulled out your favorite movie and put it in the DVD player.
He then heard small foot steps and turned around to see you standing there. Your eyes still red and puffy, your hair that was in a messy bun, an absolute mess.
He walked up to you and just wrapped his arms around you, causing your head to lightly slam into his chest.
“I’m so sorry. You’re right, I need to get my act together. I just don’t know how, but i’m going to try.” he said. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a squeeze.
“It’s okay Sweet-“
“It’s not okay! It’s not, but I hope this can help” he said and led you into the living room.
You smiled seeing everything he did for you.
“I love you” you said, looking at him.
“I love you too” he smiled.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s eat” you chuckled as you took a seat on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table, him following behind you.
“You didn’t have to do this you know” you said with a mouthful of spaghetti.
“I’ll do anything for you” he laughed as he patted your head, then pressing play on the movie.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to send in requests!
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nataliehasanimagination · 7 years ago
Pairing- Jughead x Reader
Warnings- None
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"Juggie, babe, I love you but I'm right," I said to my boyfriend.
"Mmm, but are you really?" Jughead asked me making a face.
"Yeah," I said. "I'm right. I'm always right."
Tags- @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky @iamwarrenspeace
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jughead-jones-wuzhere · 7 years ago
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Author’s Note: Part 2. Again, very long. I’m exploring dialogue, so... 
The House of the Rising Sun : The Second Night
Oh, Kiss me quick And make my heart go crazy
“He’s a fucking pig and he’s gonna get what’s coming to him for it.”
Jughead looked up from his straw, sucking up his milkshake.  
“How’s he gonna ‘get what’s coming to him’? The school system sure as hell isn’t big on karma.”
The sharp eyed girl opposite him folded her diamond studded arms.
Jughead glanced between her and the timid blond sitting quiet, but equally determined, beside her.
“We’ll just have to take things into our own hands, I guess.”
“Betty, you can’t possibly agree…” He looked to the blond, who seemed aghast.
“Yes,” she enunciated, “I do, Jughead. You’re right, the school isn’t going to do anything, especially since Chuck is the principle’s son. But that doesn’t mean we have to do nothing.”
Jughead leaned forward, “What exactly are you going to do?”
“Veronica has a plan.”
“Me?” she looked to Betty, “It’s your plan. And a damn good one too.”
“Are you gonna tell me, or…” Jughead shrugged, finishing up the last of his fries.
The girls glanced at each other. A decision was made. Veronica faced Jughead.
“It’s probably better if you don’t know.”
Sigh that sigh and whisper oh so low Tell me that tonight will last forever
“You know what?” he leaned back after a moment of silence, “Whatever it is, just don’t kill anyone, ok? I’ve got enough to write about at the moment.”
“Oh, you’ll wish you could write about this!” Veronica smirked. Jughead rolled his eyes. And a silence fell over the table as the three took an entirely coincidental and wholly meaningful toast of milkshakes.
Say that you will leave me never Kiss me quick because I love you so.
“What is this song?” Betty asked, smiling, “It’s nice.”
“Elvis. Kiss me Quick.”
Both girls peered at the boy in ponderous silence. Jughead glanced up from his shake, cheeks flushing a slight peach.
“I sit here a lot, ok?” he mumbled, “I can’t help but pick up on some of this stuff.”
“Well, he is the King of Rock.” Veronica sneered, “Who can blame you, Juggie?”
A snicker and a glare exchanged between the two. The song came to a slow end, the vinyl switching and the next song echoing throughout the diner.
I’m looking for a girlfriend, I gotta find myself somebody to love…
“Hey what’s this song, Juggie?” Veronica grinned, “I’m sure you know all about that struggle, am I right?”
“Fuck off.” The boy spat, unable to hide the slight smile on his lips.
“Speaking of which, we better. We have that meeting--” She glanced suggestively at Veronica, “And I still have to go over physics for the test tomorrow.”
“Too busy plotting world domination.” Veronica joked.
“I might as well go home too.” Jughead shrugged, eyes cast down, “It’s… getting late and all.”
The three rose, paid their bill and exited the diner. The night breeze, like an ocean, coasted against the back of Jughead’s neck, running a tingle down his spine. His mother used to say that meant a ghost just walked through you. Jughead followed behind Veronica and Betty, wondering if ghosts existed in the tropics when a loud, single shrieking ring broke the silence. Luckily, neither of the girls saw him twitch in surprise.
“Ah,” Betty reached into her pocket, pulling out her cell, the screen illuminated with a text. She furrowed her brow, eyes shifting left and right over the words.
“Ronnie, we’re meeting here instead.”
“Here?” the brunette turned to Betty, lowering her voice, “Isn’t that kind of conspicuous?”
Jughead’s gaze glazed over the forest on the side of the road, pretending to not listen. Clearly, this had to do with the top secret plan Betty concocted.
“Uhm, Jughead, you go on ahead. We’re gonna stop by somewhere real quick.”
Jughead rolled his eyes, “That’s not vague and suspicious at all.”
“Need-to-know, Juggie.” Veronica replied, taking Betty by the arm, “We’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” He stopped her from striding past him, “I’m going with you guys.”
“Didn’t I just say—“
“I’ll keep my distance so you can have your privacy, ok? Just, now’s not the best time to be meeting sketchy people on your own.”
“I have Betty.”
“There’s a killer on the loose.”
“I hope this isn’t some masculinity thing.” Veronica rolled her eyes. Jughead frowned.
“No, I just think there should be a witness. For the newspapers, you know? So they get it right in the obituaries.”
“So clever, how do you do it?”
“Just shut up and go to the meeting place, ok?”
Veronica folded her arms, glaring him down. Betty stood to the side, witness to the stare-down.
“Look, let’s just let him come, Ronnie. He’s not gonna stop us from doing what we need to.”
“How can you be so sure?” she asked, eyes unmoving from the beanie-headed boy.
“He’s Jughead.” She shrugged, “We can trust him, I promise.”
Veronica seemed unmoving in her conviction. However, a moment later, her arms came down to her hips.
With a sigh, the boy followed her and Betty around Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe.
“It’s just here, I think.” Veronica said, looking down at the message on Betty’s phone.
They rounded the shoppe, the streetlight on the corner coming into view. Jughead’s forehead knit together. His lips fell open, as if to say something, which never made its way out.
“Which one of you is Betty?” she asked, cigarette smoke escaping her lungs as she spoke.
The leather jacket was gone this time. So was the Cheville and the brunette that came with it. She was alone again, clad in a denim jacket and black tights. Her eyes shifted from Betty to Veronica to Jughead, a mutual look of surprise contorting his features.
“If it isn’t Bruce Wayne.” Her expression shifted to a full-lipped grin, “Come to slum again, Master Wayne?”
This last sentence she spoke in an inflection like Alfred the Butler. Betty and Veronica turned to look back at Jughead, both equally lost.
Jughead grimaced, glaring at the two for an instant before turning around to head to the diner, “You guys do what you came to do. I’m gonna wait by Pop’s.”
Betty watched him lean against the back door of the diner, observing from the distance as the girl stood beneath the street light, waiting. Betty turned back to her, climbing the short hill to the streetlight.
The exchange was made beneath the light like a performance. As quickly as they’d come, Betty and Veronica returned to Jughead’s side, sighing.
“Ready to go?”
He pushed himself off the wall, frowning. “I hope you guys know what you’re doing.”
“Trust us, Jughead.”
“How do you know her anyways?” Veronica interrupted.
Before he could respond, the girl called from the distance, still lingering beneath the street lamp.
“Hey, Batman, come here.”
He didn’t miss the twitch of Veronica’s lip.
“You heard her… Batman.”
“I’m gonna fall back. You guys go ahead and leave.” He tucked his hands in his pockets and made for the street lamp. The girls bid their farewells, making towards home.
The Girl leaned against the lamp post, smoking a cigarette and staring him down. Jughead stood across from her, keeping his distance. A moment of silence passed between the two.
“What’d they ask for?” he finally met her eyes, “And why do you have it?”
“From what I understand,” she flicked the butt of the cigarette between them, “That’s none of your business, is it?”
“They’re my friends.”
“A therapist wouldn’t give you any scratch.”
“You’re not a therapist.”
“We play by the same rules.” She gave a tight-lipped smile. “And as for why I have what your friends are looking for… well, maybe you should reconsider the friends you keep if they need to come to someone like me in the first place, Pleasantville.”
“Would you stop calling me those names?” He rolled his eyes.
“You’ve never told me your real name, have you?” she chuckled.
He pressed his lips shut. Point taken.
“Jughead Jones… the Third.”
Her laugh rippled through the night air, childish, almost.
“You mean to tell me there were two men before you who saw fit to call themselves that too?”
He glared in silence. She held her hands up, “Sorry, Sorry. Just… funny is all.”
“You know what’s not funny?” he took a step forward, “The fact that you’re meeting my friends in the middle of the night under a sketchy streetlamp to trade money for God-knows-what.”
“Hey, they were the ones—“
“You know there’s a killer on the loose, don’t you?”
“So you’ve said already.”
“Then why are you doing this? What are you even doing here?”
She waited for him to calm down, noticing the fire behind his sea green eyes. When his shoulders relaxed, she retaliated.
“Look. Your friends were the ones who needed my services on such short notice, ok? And if I’m telling the truth, it’s not even me, it’s—“
She bit her lip, then huffed in frustration.  Jughead watched in silence, following her gaze to the street.
“Your boyfriend?”
She turned to him sharply.
“You’re doing this for him?”
“He had more pressing matters at the moment.”
“Is he coming to pick you up again?”
She didn’t respond. Her fingers went to her jacket pocket, pulling out the carton of cigarettes to light another.
“You should’ve just said no.”
At this, she glared at him, rolling her eyes and taking a puff. Amid the silence, the fateful jukebox continued to play.
Stopped into a church I passed along the way Well, I got down on my knees And I pretend to pray
“You gonna leave now, or what?” she asked.
He crouched to the floor, picking up a stick and drawing invisible images in the concrete. “I told you, there’s a killer on the loose.”
He didn’t respond. A small smile creeped on the Girl’s lips.
“Well aren’t you a knight in shining armor.”
“The Dark Knight indeed.”
“Oh, Jesus.”
The Girl laughed.
“Listen, if you’re not the killer, you shouldn’t be out here alone.”
“And if I am?”
“You won’t do anything if I’m here.”
She flicked the burnt ash off her cigarette. “And what if I kill you?”
He looked up at her, a smirk on his lips, “I’d like to see you try, Gotham.”
She grinned. Within a moment, however, the smile faded. “You know, your friends oughta be careful.”
Jughead pursed his lips, nodding. “Try telling them that.”
“Look, I don’t know what they’re planning, but… it isn’t good. That’s all I can tell you.”
He nodded, about to speak, when the sound of the jukebox was overcome by the revving of an engine. They both turned to see the headlights of the old Cheville tearing down the street, closer and closer, brighter and brighter. With a screech, the car came to a stop before them. The same brunette boy sat in the driver’s seat, one hand on the wheel, the other on the gear shift.
“Nice talkin’ to you, Batman.” The Girl said, crushing her cigarette beneath her boot.
She hopped into the car. The boy leaned forward, kissing her on the lips. She fumbled to return the gesture, surprised.
“You cold?”
She glanced at Jughead, slightly red from the kiss. He stood straight, expression stoic.
“Yeah, a little.”
The brunette shrugged off his leather jacket. She slid one sleeve through, turning in her seat to slide the other arm in. That’s when Jughead saw it; the green, coiled snake, embroidered on her back. She pulled the jacket on, brushing her hair behind her ear. She glanced at Jughead over her shoulder.
“See you around, Batman.”
He stood silent as the Cheville cruised into the distance.
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riverdaleromances · 8 years ago
Third Times A Charm (Part 3) - Jughead x Reader
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The third time I saw her, I was devastated. It felt as though I had been stabbed in the chest, piecing into my heart and sucking the life out of me. I was stunned, shocked, flabbergasted and yet, I couldn’t do anything about it.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to turn around, run out those doors and never look back. Maybe mum and Jellybean would want to see me? Toledo isn’t that far away. I felt lost, humiliated but there’s nothing I can do to fix it. I don’t owe her anything, I can’t say something. It isn’t my place.
If she wants to sit there and ruin her life by doing the one thing I never thought would happen then, I didn’t know her at all, not really. I thought we had become friends, maybe even more then friends but I guess I was wrong.
Silence filled my ears as I continue wondering aimlessly down the dark halls of the school. Quick footsteps break my calming silence and a sudden tap on my shoulder break me out of my thought. I already know who it is but I turn around anyway. Turning around, I come face to face with (Y/N) in all her glory. Normally, I’d smile at her adorable eyes and cute little smile, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, not after what I just witnessed.
I was on my way to the blue and gold, travelling down the bleak and drab hallway of this unwelcoming school. It was late in the afternoon, school had finished and nearly everyone had gone home. I was peacefully walking down the hall when I noticed the boy’s locker room lights were still on. Curious, I walked towards the door and was about to turn the lights off when I heard voices talking.
“I know baby, I know” the voice spoke. It was deeper, more masculine. I instantly recognised it as Chucks. I immediately felt sorry for the girl I knew was in the locker room because I can tell that Chuck doesn’t like her. He only wants her for one thing and one thing only.
“You don’t get it Chuck…” I heard. This soft voice which I could barely hear begin to speak. The voice was one of an angel, sent by the gods to grace us with her beauty. There’s only one voice I know as melodic as that. (Y/N)’s.
Why does this not surprise me? When will this buffoon give up!? He knows she’s not interested in him and hates his guts, so why keep trying?
Balling my fists and taking a deep breath, interest got the best of me and I had to see what was exactly going on. I peak my head around the corner and see (Y/N) pressed up against the locker and Chuck inching closer towards her. He had this intense look in his eyes and I knew what was about to happen. (Y/N) was going to push him away, give him a piece of her mind and storm off, leaving a frazzled Chuck to contemplate his life.
I waited and waited but that never came. Chuck keep getting closer and closer and my temper was growing shorter but my legs were stiff and I couldn’t move.
Suddenly, Chuck closed the gap between them with a kiss. The force of this kiss pushed her harshly into the lockers behind her, a loud bang rung in my ears as I watched the horrific scene unfold. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around waist and running his fingers through her hair. Her arms were pushed flat up against his chest with no chance of escape.
As per usual, I was looking in her eyes for any sign of fear, or annoyance or anything but to my dismay, I see nothing. Her eyes are pressed shut and she looks like she may be enjoying this. I cannot even bear to look at Chuck and how much I know he is enjoying this right now!
I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was going to vomit or pass out or both. I had to get out of here. I abruptly turned around ready to sprint out of here when I accidently knocked over a bin causing a loud crash to slice through the awkward silence.
Leaving the bin, I brusquely walk out down the hallway, ready to leave the school, go home and punch something, preferably chuck!
*End of flashback*
“Hey Jug, what’s wrong?” She asks so sweetly, her voice wavering ever so slightly. I stared at her features and how stunning they were. How her (Y/E/C) eyes shone bright and stared into my soul, how when she frowns her eyebrows knit together causing cute little lines on her forehead to appear and how when I look at her lips and just how much I want to grab her and kiss her so passionately, it nearly kills me.
But, when I look at her lips, I notice how her lipstick is smudged and I picture that god-awful kiss shared between her and he who shall not be named.
“Oh, nothing” I replied briefly, thoughts swarming around inside my head. “I was just leaving,” I turned around to leave, saying anything to get me out of this situation. “Wait, Juggie?” She asked, grabbing my hand and spinning me around to face her. She looked so hurt by my actions but I was too exhausted to care.
“I know you saw that. But I-I can-n explain! I was just trying to use the bathroom when-“ She mumbled quickly, trying to explain the horror I had just witnessed.
“Look (Y/N), I’m not gonna ask what you did with Chuck in the Locker room, but I’m asking you now right now, if you feel something, anything for me (Y/N)? I thought we had connected, I like you and I thought we had something special, but I guess not. I can’t do this anymore, I’m sorry.” I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I had just done the one thing I swore I would never do, pour my heart out to a girl and majorly embarrass myself.
“Jug, of course I like you. We’ve only known each other for a few weeks and I feel like I’ve known you my whole life! I like you so much, more than anything else in this world, I like you more than I like myself right now but…” she sighed, “I can’t give you the answer you want!” She yelled, tears welling in her eyes but I could see her determinated not to let them fall.
“Why?” I ask, confused as to what she’s referring to.
“I just- I don’t know, you are so amazing to me! You have already done so much for me and that I am grateful for but like I said I can’t give you the answer I know you’re hoping!” It’s like flood gates had opened and tears were just spilling over, no signal that they were going to stop anytime soon.
“Don’t do that! Don’t push me away!” I whispered tenderly, grabbing a hold of her hand only for her to rip it away. “I WILL RUIN YOU! Everything I touch shatters into a thousand pieces and you Jughead Jones are not something I want broken” She cries.
“How will you break me!?” I shout, once again confused by her words. “You are so perfect. I’ve never been good enough for you, I’ll never be good enough for you! I am the Wednesday Adams looking freak who trolls the internet like the scrawny mutant I have always been!” I sigh, “Look, you can push me away, shove me for all I care but I will never, ever stop caring about you! So, you can run off to Chuck, be with him but just know that when he breaks your heart like I know he will and when you come running back to me, I will be there to pick up the pieces and put you back together again” I cry, actual tears slipping from my eyes. I was so exposed right now and normally I’d retreat back into my own world and close back off again but this time it was different, she made me different. She made me better.
I was exhausted. Emotionally and physically drained and I had to get out of here. “(Y/N), I can’t do this anymore. I think its best if we just don’t see each other anymore, it’s too painful. I’m sorry.”
Turning once again I begin to make my way down the long corridor for what I hope would be the last time tonight. Wiping away the last of my tears I shove my hands in my pockets and gingerly walk towards the exit.
“I DON’T LOVE CHUCK, I LOVE YOU!” She screamed and I paused. Turning around slowly I let her continue. “I know we only just met and we both have so much baggage but, I love you Jug.” (Y/N) said as she walked towards me wearing the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
This was it. I was not letting her go this time. We were both staring at each other, eyes flicking to and from the other’s lips. I took a chance, I took two large steps forward and crashed my lips into hers. A spark ignited and fireworks exploded around us. As cliché as it sounds I felt like the whole world had stopped. Placing my hands tentatively on her face I pulled (Y/N) closer and she did the same.
Pulling away we stared at each other. All was quiet until a giggled erupted from her lips and a crimson red blushed formed on her perfect cheeks. “(Y/N), I love you too,” I reply, taking her hand in mine and pressing a light kiss against her forehead. We began to walk towards the exit, together this time. Hand in hand, side by side. Together.
“Please don’t tell me I have to beat up chuck again?” I laughed, poking her side. She squirmed away from me but my grip on her hand kept her in place. “I don’t think my knuckles can withstand a beating like that again!” She laughed, snorting in the process.
We walked out of the school gates that day, both broken, battered and beaten but content.
I was never really a superstitious person. I didn’t believe in walking under ladders or that seeing a black cat was an omen of bad luck but, ever since I met you that changed. I still don’t really believe in luck, or hope but I do believe that meeting you was lucky and that she is my good luck charm, my rabbits foot, my lucky sock, my one and only love.
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yourjughead · 7 years ago
Synopsis: Jughead has a run in with a very powerful member of the Serpents his first week of school, you.
Pairings: Jugheadxreader
Warnings: Swearing, lots of dialogue
A/N: I know I've already posted today but I quite like this idea of mine, let me know what you think kittens!
Jughead POV
“Well are you going to sit with us?” Sweet Peas tone was testing. I'm a loner, I'm not meant to make friends here, isolation is protection right?
“Yeah Id rather not sit you people”
“What's that supposed to mean Jones?” Fangs Fogarty half barked at me.
“Problem?” A new voice from the shadows behind Sweet Pea echoed, the whole cafeteria, Ghoulies and all, silenced. This somehow does not feel like it's going to end well...for me. Sweet Peas smirk grew before he raised an eyebrow.
“Umm no oh great omniscient being?” Sweet Pea instantly jumped to his feet in defense to my snarky comments.
“Easy SP, don't damage the precious cargo” the laugh, I assumed from a girl, still stayed shielded in the dimly lit hellhole. A silhouette then emerge on top of a lunch bench, the light shining behind it like in a super hero film.
“Oh thanks for sparing me your Highness” I fake bowed but on returning to my original stance, the towering being that is Sweet Pea almost shoulder to shoulder with me….well his shoulders are far past mine but you get the idea.
“Watch it Jones” Sweet Peas forearm jostled me back slightly. The silhouette lightly chuckling behind him.
“Huh, cute” then emerged the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life, Y/C/H flowing with green streaks, okay seriously who is the Southside's hairdresser. She adorned the infamous Serpent jacket and a slight scar on her cheek, she could easily be a Bond villain...or a Bond girl.
“I hate to interrupt your and Sweet Peas flirting Jones but you either sit or go make some other
friends” she gestured to the still silent Ghoulies, eyes fixed on the Serpent's green haired queen. Why though?
“And you are?” I tried to sound as blasé as possible even though I was kind of very terrified.
“I said watch it Jones! Show some respect!” Sweet Pea caught my shirt this time. He could possibly be worse than Reggie...She rolled her eyes and sighed, I assume at Sweet Peas defense of her.
“Maybe if I knew who I was respecting?” Pushing his buttons is too easy
“YN YLN” her voice came, clear as a bell before Sweet Pea could threaten me again. Nothing but confidence from the beauty. Sweet Pea raising an eyebrow. Ugh, hate him already.
“And….” Okay I was really chancing my luck, I heard Sweet Pea practically growl and Toni, sitting down behind him, shook her head at me warningly. I could feel the whole cafeteria glance between each other
“Oh my oh my, aren't we brazen our first week? Legacy or not, you need to watch your mouth” she stepped closer towards me, she really was beautiful….and totally intimidating.
“Especially around me” she practically bit.
“What's a legacy” the whole cafeteria started laughing then, she left smirking.
“It's what you are, Bonehead is it?” The cafeteria snickered at her mockery of me, time to play their game.
“Names Jughead, it's the name you'll be screaming out loud in bed later” this time Sweet Pea pushed me back forcefully into the wall before catching me tightly by the collar of my shirt and producing a switch blade, the cafeteria returning to silence.
“I'm not going to warn you again Jones!” Okay two things 1) Where are all the teachers, if you sharpen your pencil too much in Riverdale High it's confiscated and you get detention and 2) I clearly do not understand the rules of their game. My eyes met YNs as she smirked before running her tongue over her teeth before she stepped much closer to me.
The bell rang, saving my ass but then again this isn't Riverdale High so no one moved. We're not in Kansas anymore.
“so clever Bonehead” she caught my face in one hand, I didn't move for fear of being lacerated by Sweet Pea.
“The clever ones are always so fun to break” she then let go of my face with a jerk and strutted off, Sweet Pea giving me a warning look before relieving the pressure he held over me.
“You better watch yourself Jones, Legacy or not, you're still fresh meat and the Ghoulies are starving”
Toni caught my arm and pulled me through the ever crowded halls and into the newspaper room.
“ONLY AFTER YOU DISSED US SO THEREFORE YOU WENT FOR HER FIRST!” I rubbed my hand down my face slowly, oh God I've made a right mess.
“Okay okay maybe I can fix it” she looked at me like I had three heads. I feel like I know nothing about this new world.
“What's a legacy?”
“You are”
“Oh really I would have never gathered that from all of you saying it” she punched me into the arm for my sarcasm.
“Your dad was in the Serpent's, your mom wasn't but irregardless of that, you were still born from some portion of Serpent blood, you were always going to be Serpent, never had to fight for it but-”
“Yeah but your mom is a Serpent and no one is calling you a Legacy” I interrupted
“Well if you had let me finish”
“Anywaaaay, you're only a Legacy if your serpent parent is of a high enough rank, the rest of us have to prove ourselves so currently the only Serpent Legacies in this school are you and-”
“What about yn, is she a legacy?” She laughed at my question, thankfully not hitting me for interrupting her again.
“YN YLN’ great great great grandfather started the Serpents” she smiled at the shock etched on my face.
“Yup, YN YLN is Serpent Royalty, 100% pure blood and she's the next leader and thankfully she's deserving of it” I nodded slowly, now even more terrified of yn. This is some mafia shit.
“She's a fair leader and knows all the ins and outs of the Serpents, she's proved herself to be invaluable already and strong in every aspect of the word and so we are fiercely loyal. I wouldn't cross her Jughead, she might find your snarkiness cute for now but don't get on her nerves, it'll be hell for all of us” her eyes were honest and I knew while she respected YN, she also feared her, I think they all did.
“Oh and if you haven't already guessed, Sweet Pea is her second. Dude follows her around like a puppy so if you're planning to bash our beloved leader, don't do it around him” she laughed but it didn't ease my nerves.
“Actually, just don't.” Her tone was harsher then.
“Ghoulies seem to be afraid of her?”
“Yeah of course they are are! The amount of them who have attempted to take her down as a way of earning the stripes is ridiculous, she's never been beaten though. Did you miss the part where I said she's Serpent Royalty?” She sighed, I was clearly an exhausting student.
“Most adults are afraid of her so please Jughead, just stay under her radar”
“I think we're gone past flying under the radar Toni” I just thought she was a wanna be, my ego has taken a right bashing but yn, yn was an enigma wrapped in a mystery.
Please please give me feedback my lovelies, please!
Much love Xx
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juggie-imagines · 8 years ago
Bitter Sweet
Jughead x Reader 
Requested: - Anonymous said: Hey um... I don't know if you do requests... but I'll just request and see what happens I guess? Okay, I really enjoy your writings and I was wondering if you could do a Jugheadxreader story where the reader is kinda depressed2 
can you do a jughead/riverdale imagine where jughead breaks up with the reader, and the whole "squad" leaves the reader, so in despair she goes to the river to kill herself ( like what Cheryl did ) and Jughead saves her?
Words: 2752
Warnings: self harm; depression; suicide attempt; suicidal thoughts.
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"I'm sorry Y/N, I still love you but-"
"Then why are you leaving me! This isn't fair." I sobbed and gripped his shirt in my hands trying to stop keep him close.
"Y/N please. You're making this harder for both of us. I promise you're not losing me or anyone else." He sighed and carefully pried my hands off of him and wiped my tears before walking me the rest of the way home.
I tried to go to bed but my thoughts kept me up as well as my constant crying and pain. I didn't get any sleep that night despite how hard I tried to calm down and try get a few hours of rest. When my alarm went off in the morning I was already up, I pulled myself out of bed after convincing myself that it would be the best thing to do. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a huge baggy sweater from my cupboard and put them on before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I looked in the mirror and only then could I see how badly I needed to rest, my eyes were puffy, red and had dark circles around them and tears stains ran down my cheeks with the general paleness of my face topping it all off. I left my face alone, make up can't cover all this up so I just did my hair and went to my room fetching my bag and stepping outside.
I waited outside for two minutes out of habit which made nearly cry again, Jug always walked me to school, even before we were dating but I guess he doesn't need me anymore even if we were just friends. So I walked to school all by myself with tears threatening to fall the whole way there. Once I got to school I cheered up a little when I saw Betty at her locker which is a few paces from mine, I strolled over to her and greeted her with a sigh which made her turn around quickly in curiosity.
"Oh hey Y/N... I've got to go." She said bluntly and basically ran off in the other direction as I laughed which wasn't a happy laugh it was a sad laugh at the crushing realization of the reality of my new world.
I spent the rest of the day trying to confront the people I used to call best friends but they all made up an excuse to leave before I even got my first sentence out. Even Archie ignored me, Archie Andrews, we had known each other since first grade and now it's like we had never met. I blame Jug for all of this, he's turned the people closest to me against me and what pisses me off even more is that I haven't seen him all day, I thought I wasn't going to "lose him or anyone else."
At lunch I walked into the court yard and looked over to our table but when Veronica caught my eyes and quickly looked away I sighed and stalked off to the bathroom with tears welling at my eyes. I sat in a stall crying again because I was now left with no one but why? Had I done something? Had Jug told them something? I tried to call him, I didn't even have a reason why but when he didn't answer it caused my tears to fall even harder. I skipped the lesson after lunch and stayed in my stall, staring blankly at the wall once I had no more tears left to cry. Why did he leave? He knows I not stable for this. I've been having a bad time and he knows I've been struggling through it just for him.
I went home eventually, I could only hope it was going to be better tomorrow. If it was my choice I would be staying in bed all day tomorrow and the next day and the next but if my mom found out she would send me to the therapist again and that just makes my depression worse. I drew a bath and stripped down before I even went up to my room because if I went in there I would never leave my bed. I soaked in the bath for hours which made my mind go to places I hated but the thoughts consumed me as I lay there. The razor is right there, just lean forward. Your painkillers are in the cabinet two steps away. Do it. Do something. Make him regret what he did. All I did was cry because Jug taught me I was much more than these thoughts, I was much more than another suicide case.
After a while it became too overwhelming and I leant forward taking the razor in my hand and examining it with a slightly blurred vision as the tears filled my eyes again. I pulled the blades out and placed them on the side of the bath. I stared at them for a moment then picked one up and bringing it to my wrist and pressing down as I cut a horizontal line from one side of my arm to the other. I watched the blood bead up from the wound. When I started cutting Jug was the one who convinced me to stop and he always told me he would be there for me if I needed him and he always helped me through the toughest times but now I was left to face them alone. I took the blade in my hand again loving the way it felt as it sliced through my thin skin. The newly cut line was contrasting against the finer pink-purple scars and even more with the white ones and as I dragged the blade over my skin there was a subtle pattern of red, pink and white scars. Each one of them held a meaning, it might not be a good one but there was still a story to them.
I had got out the bath when the cuts stopped bleeding and the water had turned a light pink. I wrapped a towel around me and traipsed upstairs to my room before pulling on a hoodie and going to sleep.
I woke up to my phone alarm and hoped that this was all a horrible dream but when I pulled my sleeve back the  cuts running all the way up to my mid forearm proved otherwise. I lay in bed for twenty more minutes before attempting to get up which left me with ten minutes to get ready for school. When I did get up I put no effort into looking good, I pulled a pair of joggers on, left the hoodie on that I had slept in and wrapped my hair into a messy bun. I walked out the house and looked up and down the street but there was no sign of Jughead, he has erased himself from my life completely. My day was much like yesterday's, no one talked to me, everyone I confronted blew me off and I was physically exhausted from all the emotional baggage. I stayed in The Bathroom Stall for most of the day too which made matters worse because it gave me a place and time to think and that usually brought negativity along with it. 
As the week progressed it got worse and worse, my fatigue and depression consumed me and my thoughts and it had taken sever physical effects, my whole face was constantly swollen, pale and was bruising a little by my eyes due to me rubbing my eyes from all the tears, my eyes were red and irritated with dark bags surrounding them and lastly my body was now riddled with cuts from my razor. There were slits all the way up to my mid forarm on both arms, all over both my thighs and some on my hips. I spent basically my whole day in The Bathroom Stall now because I firstly couldn't handle the stress of class over the fact that I have lost everything I ever had and secondly I was surviving on one cup of coffee and cereal bar every day which doesn't have enough nutrients in it to keep me going for the school day along with my cuts trying to heal.
I saw him for the first time on Thursday when I left The Stall at lunch to get a bottle of water out my locker. We made eye contact in the hall and his eyes widened in concern, I quickly turned and went to my locker but I heard him following me and when I got to my locker my weak hands battled to open it up because of the faulty hinges. He stood behind me in silence before stepping forward and helping me, I let him because I was to exhausted to protest against him. I took my water and thanked him quietly as I tried to step away but he put an arm out and examined me, his face dropped because he could see how hurt I was.  
“Y/N…” He whispered not finding the words to fix all this.
“Why?” I laughed as tears filled my eyes again and after a few moments I walked off because I could tell he was keeping something from me and he wouldn't tell me, the something that probably stole my whole life from me.
Once I made it to The Stall again my brain started conjuring sickening thoughts, if he did love you he would have helped you more than opening a stupid locker. He doesn't care anymore. No one cares. You have no one anyway. Just end it all. One simple plan can end all this suffering. That's when my demons had convinced me there was no point and once I had excepted it I started brainstorming revolting ways that I could escape this torture.
That afternoon I left school and went home writing a note to my family, the only people who actually deserved one. The note read “I'm sorry mom and dad, I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry I kept this from you, I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I love you all so much, but it had to end. I hope Sweet Water River doesn't become as bitter as my soul once I'm gone. Love Y/N.” my tears wet the page as my hand sprawled untidy handwriting all over it. I got up once writing the note and headed out the house towards Sweet Water River.
It took me about fifteen minutes because the snow had fallen heavily last night which made my walk that more difficult but when I got there I stood in awe at how peaceful my death was going to be. I sighed and sat on a rock reflecting for a moments but as I thought back to these recent events it reminded me why I was doing this. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks but this had become so familiar over the past few days I didn't even think anything of it as I stood up and took the first paces down to the river bank. Everything slowed down as I walked further over the iced river, I heard  nothing but my heart thumping loudly and my breaths soft and deep as I stepped as lightly as possible trying to get to the center.
“Y/N!” I heard someone shriek behind me just as I got a few meters from my desired spot, I turned around and looked up only to see Jug half climbing and jogging down the riverbank.I  heard the small sound the ice fracturing as I watched Jug run towards me and when he was about thirty feet away I felt the ice around me give in. I shrieked in surprise and grabbed on to the surface quickly, Jug had sprinted over to me and took my hand forcefully before pulling me up withinn seconds. I held onto him and sobbed the hardest I've ever before and he just stood there holding me tightly against him for a moment before he picked me up and took me his truck just off the river’s edge.
He put me in the passenger side before jogging around to the drivers side and starting the truck trying to put the heater on full blast to try warm me. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he undressed me, my body was shaking from the cold and my lips had turned blue. He held back sobs as he discovered more and more cuts covering my starved body. Once he got my clothes of he shrugged his denim jacket off and pulled his wool sweater over his head before putting it on me and covering my legs with his jacket and driving off to my house.
He speeded down the main road and took two lefts into my street before parking in front of my house and coming back around to my side of the car and carrying me inside. He took me upstairs to my room and placed me in the bed then he went downstairs for a minute and returned with a cup of instant soup and a mug of coffe in each hand, he put them down on the night stand and climbed into bed with me pulling me close to him. We both broke down into ugly, choking, sobbing as we clung onto each other too afraid we will lose one another again.
“I'm sorry!” I screamed into his chest while he shook his head and combed his fingers through my hair.
“I'm so fucking sorry Y/N.” He whispered and rubbed my arms trying to warm me up. I shushed him and kissed his shoulder.
“Why?” I asked for the millionth time this week and finally I was going to get an answer.
“I was forced to break up with you, a gang had come into the White Whyrm on Sunday when I was trying to ask the other Serpents about my dad and they knew my dad and Kevin were close to me which made me a close connection to the murder, so they took me and they drove me to Thornhill. They told me to break up with you, tell all my friends to ignore you and I as well or else they would come for you guys too and after the stuff I lived through that night I knew I had to protect you guys.” He took a shaky breath and pulled his shirt up revealing blue and black branding all over his torso, I drew in a sharp breath and traced a finger over a piece which made him wince in pain I pulled back my hand and motioned for him to go on. “So on Monday I was sent to school with a spy and I was forced to tell you all to keep quiet and leave you and I alone but I couldn't warn you about anything because if it was to suspicious they said they would take you guys to Thornhill, that's why I was so blunt.” He sighed and I wrapped myself around him as I cried again.
“What did they want from you?” I asked quietly.
“They wanted to know what I knew and I told them everything in the first hour but they kept me there all week determined to get more out of me.” He sighed and rubbed his temples, I snuggled closer into him, glad that everything was better now and that we could figure the situation out together.
“I'm sorry I broke the promise.” I said lifting his sweater that was covering my body revealing the cuts once again.” His hand traced them gently, he pressed kisses on to them carefully trying not to hurt me further.
“I told everyone what I just told you now, everything is going to be much better I promise.” He sighed, “I'm so glad I found your note in time, I don't know what I  would have done without you in my life.” He said holding back a sob. “Hell, I couldn't even believe my eyes when I saw you at school earlier, my heart literally broke.” He said with tears trailing down his cheeks I wiped them away and kissed him before laying next to him and pulling us closer together and falling into a peaceful slumber for the first time this week.
@savvythetommo because I know how much you wanted this 😂😏 didn't want you to miss out ❤️❤️
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Warnings: none!
Summary: The reader and Jughead are asked to help Kevin by recording the making of ‘Carrie: The Musical’. 
Word Count: 2601
A/N: Hey guys! I managed to get my first one-shot out for this blog! WOO! I hope you guys enjoy this idea that I had inspired by Episode 2x18. Bear with me as it is my first time writing with these characters :)
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“Carrie the Musical will be the most epic three-night-spectacular of your lives,” Kevin announced to the group, looking way too excited and enthusiastic for a Monday morning. “You all have to be part of it!”
At that moment, you and Jughead let out a simultaneous groan. Kevin, Betty, Veronica and Archie looked over at the pair of you.
“Oh, come on Y/N!” Betty exclaimed, “I understand Jug not wanting to sing and dance, but why not you? I’ve heard you sing to yourself, and you’re great!”
You just shook your head as Betty was speaking. Singing? Sure it was fun to do when the only audience you had to worry about was your shower curtain. But singing on stage with over 100 pairs of eyes on you was too far a stretch for your liking.
“I’m sorry guys, but I just wouldn’t do the story justice,” you sighed. “Plus, I’m afraid you’d get a whole lot of stage fright when I’m in that spotlight. You wouldn’t want that Kevin, now would you?”
“Don’t you think we all feel a bit nervous about performing to half of Riverdale?” Archie added plainly.
“Says you Archie! At least you and V have performed on a stage before, on several occasions might I add,” you exclaimed, frustrated that no-one really seemed to understand what you were feeling. Although you did glance your eyes over to Jughead and he seemed just as uncomfortable at the conversation as you.
“Enough!” Kevin cut in, “As much as I love you Y/N, I need to have the very best and most professional actors that I can to make ‘Carrie’ iconic again!”
“Great!” you breathed, “Problem sorted then.”
You heard Jughead give a small breath of laughter, only just audible enough for you to hear.
“But just hold on one moment, Y/N. You and Jughead can’t just not be involved with my impending masterpiece, even if you aren’t confident enough to share your musical gift… or lack thereof,” Kevin said, looking Jughead’s way, causing Jughead to just roll his eyes.
Kevin continued, “So it’s settled. You will both be assigned to documenting every behind-the-scenes action and music practice session, in order to keep this feeling alive forever!” Kevin looked like he was in a state of total euphoria, before quickly grabbing his books, that laid on the bench you were all seated at, and walking away.
You and the core four all looked around at one another, knowing that the next few weeks were going to be crazy.
It was the afternoon of the same day that Kevin had told you the way in which you would still be involved with ‘Carrie’, and the bell had just gone to alert you that is was time to head home and sleep the rest of the day away. You were packing your biology books into your bag, when you saw the glimpse of a beanie-wearing guy sit into the recently-empty seat next to you.
“So Y/N,” Jughead began with a sigh, “I guess we should try and talk about how we are going to manage this thing out. Otherwise I know Kevin will be giving us grief until we actually start filming.”
“Yeah I suppose we should,” you added. You made it sound so casual and laidback for someone whose heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. Fortunately, you were the only one who knew your true feelings towards Jughead, because if anyone, especially Veronica, found out, you knew that they would bug you until you made a move. You weren’t ready to tell anyone. Not yet.
“How about we get out of this dingy prison they have so lovingly nicknamed ‘school’, and head to Pop’s to talk more?” you suggested, which got a laugh out of Jughead. He nodded, quickly hopping up from his seat, and gesturing for you to link your arm with his. You knew that he was just being Jughead, but you couldn’t help your cheeks turn a light shade of red. You accepted the offer and wandered out the classroom and onward to Pop’s Diner.
It was a week after you met up with Juggie at Pop’s to discuss how you would negotiate sharing the role of documenting the entire process of creating ‘Carrie’. It was such a special afternoon, just you two alone, eating your go-to burgers and talking until the sun began to slip behind the treeline.
Rehearsals began this afternoon, after school, and you agreed to meet Jughead outside the school auditorium a few minutes before rehearsal was scheduled to start.
You were there way too early, that you waited a good 10 minutes before he turned up.
“Hey Y/N, have you been waiting here long?” he asked, before you shook your head.
The pair of you made your way inside the auditorium, taking a seat in the general audience seats. Jughead began to pull out two cameras from his bag, setting them down on the seat in between the both of you.
“Alright, so like we agreed, I’ll video,” he muttered as he continued to grab other cords and tidbits from his bag, “And you shall photograph what should be a ‘life-changing musical.’” He spoke in imitation of Kevin’s often over-the-top enthusiasm.
You gave a small laugh at the Southside Serpent, and picked up a camera, before quickly taking a photo of Jughead.
“Hey! Aren’t you supposed to be taking photos of anyone but me?” Jughead asked, confusion and laughter in his tone.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Jughead Jones,” you responded, smiling as you brought the camera back up to your eyes and took another candid shot of him. When you viewed the photo you had just taken, you couldn’t help but feel your heart melt.
The next week felt like it went by extremely quickly, with rehearsals every day after school, and both days of the weekend. Even though you weren’t singing or dancing or doing any acting, taking photos of everyone that was performing made you feel exhausted just trying to keep up with them.
But while it was a tiring week, it was always worth it. You wish you could say it was because you were helping out one of your closest friends, Kevin, to document his artistry. But then you would be lying.
Spending every day and so many moments with Jughead was what made everything worth it. You had so many opportunities to chat and laugh, and even if you didn’t want to admit it, enjoy the musical performances together.
Although you were both on documenting protocol, they were often times that you weren’t with one another, as you may have been up on stage getting up-close footage of Cheryl as Carrie White, or the intimate love songs that Archie and Betty would sing to one another. In fact, you even captured a hilarious photograph of Veronica’s face of jealousy and pettiness when the pair were singing. Oh goodness, that girl was such a classic.
You actually hadn’t seen any of the footage that Jughead had taken during the week, as he insisted it was no good, and needed to be edited together in an interesting montage style video before being viewed by anyone.
It was nearing the end of the 9th day of rehearsals, and both you and Jughead were doing your own thing, capturing photos and video of the cast singing the finale song, until Kevin called cut to finish the scene.
“Thank you for all of your hard work everyone, I will see you tomorrow same time, same place!” Kevin yelled out to the cast on stage, and motioned for everyone to move out of the auditorium, before shouting again, “Jughead and Y/N! Can you please meet me over by the stage please?”
Jughead was already side of stage, so he slowly wandered out and sat on the edge of the stage, legs dangling down and lay his camera beside him. You walked quickly from the back of the auditorium to the stage, and stood beside Kevin, who was in front of Jughead.
“Alright guys,” Kevin began, “I thought since we are about half way through rehearsals now, I was wondering if I could see what you guys have documented so far! Then I can know if we need any more snaps of anything else.”
“Sure!” you said excitedly, knowing full well you were actually super proud of the photos you had taken, and knew that Kev would be excited to see them as well. But as you said that, Jughead quickly stood up.
“Actually sorry Kevin,” Jughead started to explain, “I actually would prefer it if you saw the end product of the video. It’s just that I don’t really think that it looks…”
Jughead was quickly interrupted by Kevin snatching away the camera from the stage, from where Jughead had left it, and began to turn it on.
“I’m sorry Jughead, but I will feel much better about the end product if I know what the footage is like,” Kevin explained.
Kevin pressed play on one of the videos taken a few days earlier, and Jughead jumped from the stage trying to stop him, but you quickly pushed him away, trying to see the video for yourself.
The video began showing Veronica starting her solo song, and began to pan to the backup dancers who were clicking to the beat. So far it was looking really great, and you saw Kev smile at the sight of his masterpiece.
The footage continued to go between Veronica and the backup dancers for a little while, before it began to pan around to the rows of seats where the audience would sit. Where you were sitting. The video began to zoom in closer and closer, till it was just you in the frame. You saw yourself snapping a few photos with the flash going off. Each time you took a photo, you saw yourself look down at your camera and smile at the photo you had just taken. It felt like you were being filmed for what felt like over a minute before the video finally ended.
Why would he film you? Was it just part of the documenting process? Maybe it was just that one video.
You looked over at Jughead for a response, and he was just sitting back on the stage, head in his hands. Kev looked slightly confused, but moved across to the next video and hit play.
This time the video started pointing at the ground for a few seconds, before it slowly turned upward towards side stage. It zoomed closer and closer to the person standing in the wings, with her camera flashing towards Archie and Betty who were singing their duet. And that person was you, again. You felt your heart pick up several paces faster and your mouth fall slightly ajar, as you watched the camera continue to focus on you. Even as you moved out of the wings and onto the main stage, the video continued to follow your every move, never once changing focus.
Kevin paused the video, looked at you briefly and then scrunched his forehead at Jughead, who was still looking towards the ground.
“Uh… Jughead…” Kevin stammered, “What’s going on?”
Jughead raised his head, and you saw a pain in his eyes, as he looked earnestly at Kevin to drop the subject. Kevin took a few moments to register the hint, and he walked over to Jughead and placed the camera beside him once again.
“I’m just going to head off,” Kev said awkwardly, before she shuffled quickly out of the auditorium.
You stood in silence, looking at Jughead for answers. He looked towards you and prepared himself to say something, but nothing came out.
You had a million thoughts running through your brain in those moments of silence. Why would he film you? Did he think you were a suspect in the Black Hood case? Was he trying to catch you in a moment of embarrassment? But you still had no clue whatsoever.
“Y/N,” Jughead finally said, interrupting your thoughts, “You were never meant to see them.”
You furrowed your brow, and exclaimed, “Well, why would you film me in the first place? Is this apart of some crazy scheme to humiliate me or something?” You felt a sense of anger in your tone.
“No, god no!” Jughead responded, shaking his head as he hopped off the stage and took a step towards you, “It’s just that…” He trailed off, stuck in his words.
“That what, Jug?” you asked softly.
“You fascinate me, Y/N. You light up any room you walk into, and I just wanted to see you over and over, even when we weren’t together,” he said, and then quickly spat out, “But not like in a creepy way! Sorry if it came out really creepy and stalkerish, because it’s not like that at all.”
You let out a small laugh, and you began to feel your eyes prick with happy tears. “No! It didn’t sound like that at all.”
Taking a step closer to Jughead, you began to feel your heart in your throat, begging to be released. You took a deep breath, before beginning to talk.
“Jug, I haven’t been able to tell you this, because I’ve felt so certain that it would end in rejection. But, you are just always on my mind, and I feel so warm and safe with you, and I just couldn’t imagine my life without you and I…”
Your sentence was interrupted by the feeling of a pair of lips pressing against your own. Jughead slowly pulled his lips away from yours, but still kept his head close.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N,” he whispered, and you couldn’t help but beam from ear to ear, “And for the record, all those things you said about me, I feel the same for you.”
You didn’t hesitate to return the kiss that he had given you a few moments earlier. It lasted many moments longer than before, and you could feel Jughead begin to smile during the kiss. You didn’t want this moment to end. It was everything you could have asked for, and more.
Finally, you began to lift your lips from his, and you stood up straight again, turning your gaze to the camera that still laid on the stage.
“You know,” you began, “We’re going to have to spend a lot more time actually filming the musical, otherwise at the end of all of this, Kevin will be in complete outrage.”
He gave a laugh, and nodded. “Yeah, I kind of dropped the ball on that one there. But since I won’t be seeing you through the lens of the camera as much anymore, maybe we could debrief after each rehearsal, you know, for the sake of the musical.”
You gave a small laugh at Jughead, whose demeanour seem lighter than usual now, and nodded along, “Mhmm, sure. I guess if it’s for the sake of the musical, then we must.”
Jughead walked over to the stage, grabbed his camera and walked to where his bag was laying, before slinging it over his shoulder. He then reached out his hand towards you, with a gleam of joy in his eyes. You gladly grabbed onto it, and slowly made your way out of the auditorium.
You didn’t really know where you were going to end up, but you figured it was likely it would be a booth at Pop’s.You both had a lot to discuss… oh, about the musical of course…
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writing-in-riverdale · 8 years ago
cheerleader | jughead jones x reader
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written by: yours truly
edited by: @jugheadxreaderinyourhead
anonymous said: if you write smut, could you do a jugheadxreader where like in ‘hypnotized’ he’s got “cheerleader kink” or something but like he’s dating the reader and he goes to pick her up after cheerleading practice but he gets there early and he walks in the gym to see her dancing to the routine and gets flustered and they have sex in the locker rooms? if you don’t write smut could you just hint towards it at the end?? thanks so much
chapter song: focus // ariana grande
warnings: mild smut
jughead’s pov
i walk toward the gym, helmet in hand as i stroll through the halls of riverdale high. my girlfriend had asked me to pick her up from practice so i decided to surprise her and turn up early.
i was hoping to catch a glimpse of her in her river vixen facade. something about her in her uniform and cheering made me feel some type of way.
i just couldn’t get enough of it.
the loud speakers rang through the school as i neared the door, the music growing louder with every step. pushing on the door the music fills your eyes clearer than before.
♫"i can tell you’re curious, it’s written on your lips. ain’t no need to hold it back, go head and talk your shit"♫
i sneak toward the back trying to stay out of sight as i searched the crowd for y/n until my eyes land on her, in the middle of the formation, that's my, girl i smirked to myself, leaning against the gym wall.
i watched her dance her best, flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she moved along with the beat. her hips grinding in an agonising manner.
her uniform, or therefore the lack of, drove me crazy. watching as she flips and dances, her skirt seems to spin showing off a little of what i seemed to yearn for.
♫"let’s find a light inside our universe now, where ain’t nobody keep on holding us down. just come and get it, let them say what they say.“♫
♫” ‘cause im about to put them all away, woooo"♫
a smirk creeps on my face as i watch her totally outshine the HBIC also known as miss cheryl blossom. i had seen y/n cheer on many occasions and i always saw that she possessed more talent than the red head.
the only thing holding her back from captain spot was the lack of blossom for a last name. everyone knew it- even cheryl-
she made her work harder than any of the oyhrt girls and took every opportunity she could to discredit her. that made her feel anything less than amazing.
unfortunately i always seemed to be the root of all of cheryl’s hideous jealously. dating a southside serpent was frowned upon for anyone living on the northside.
let alone a socialite river vixen as beautiful as y/n. some would say it was a crime that she could do better that. she deserved better.
out of all the things i knew - call me selfish but i was in love with her and i didn’t want anyone to have the chance to treat her anything above what i was.
♫"focus on me, fuh, fuh, focus on me, wooooo. focus on me, fuh, fuh, focus on me wooooo.“♫
♫"focus on me, fuh, fuh, focus on me, wooooo. focus on me, fuh, fuh, focus on me wooooo.“♫
♫"focus on me, ooooh yeah"♫
a smile spreads like wild fire on my face as they finish their number. all the girls seeming to bend over in defeat and exhaustion, my girlfriend on the other hand...
she continued to practice. i push myself off the wall walking toward the group clapping my hands, gaining the attention of the whole squad.
a hot headed cheryl turns to y/n a scowl on her face “this is a closed practice” she spits.
not even that can steal the grin on her face as she rushes toward me throwing her arms around my neck as mine dart to her waist wrapping around tightly as her feet leave the floor.
we join our lips in a long heated kiss, the whole gym staring at the two of us.
i pull back, grinning, placing y/n back on the ground. we turn and watch the blossoms face turn as red as her hair. she giggles into my chest fiddling with the ends of my leather jacket.
“practice is over!” cheryl yells flicking her hair off her tall shoudlers and storming out of the gym, minions at her hip.
“thanks for coming to get me” she purs pecking my lips. i kissed back. my arm slung around her waist. “wait is that your helmet? oh my you bought your bike?!” she squeals.
i rolled my eyes bring my lip between her teeth “sure is- you wanna go for a ride?”. she smirks nodding her head furiously.
“lets go”.
she laces her soft hands with mine and pulls me out of the gym and toward the front of the school. her small skirt swishing in the light wind.
she releases my hand as she rushes toward my bike, circling around it with a wild smirk on her face as she runs her hand along the seat to the handles.
“do i get to wear the jacket?” she teased and i roll my eyes crossing my leather clad arms over my chest. i retort with a cute shake of the head.
“fine- you always looked better with it anyway” she flirts swinging her leg over the bike straddling the seat, her tiny skirt rising to show of her long legs.
i lick my lips heading toward the motorbike jumping on, feeling her shift on the bike, shuffling toward me as she pulls herself flush against my back.
"you good babe?” i ask the girl, trying to distract myself from the warm body pressed against my own.
“let's go baby” she teases fiddling with my collar before wrapping her soft arms around my waist, securing herself.
i speed off and out of the school parking lot. planning on taking the long way home, i wanted to show y/n the scenic view of riverdale. there was something so different about the view from a motorbike.
the absence of y/n’s hands from my waist is noticed in an instant, i furrow my brows getting ready to turn to make sure the cheerleader was still on the back of my bike when she places her hand on my thigh.
almost swerving off the road at the sudden contact, her warm hands massaging my inner thigh, enough for me to imagine the growing heat between her two long legs.
i tense under her touch cussing out loud as i crave her touch. “y/n baby” i groan as she works her way over my crotch.
i can hear her giggle as she brushes over my bulge bucking her hips against my back.
gripping the handles, my knuckles turning white as i try to focus on the open road, cussing i miss the turn off and speed toward the southside.
i need to get the hell off this bike.
her hands work their way over my bulge, every stroke sending me closer and closer to the edge.
i can feel her laughter vibrate through my chest as she brings her legs up over my own.
the engine hums underneath us as we rapidly approach the trailer, her legs wrapping around me as her hips rock into me pulling my focus from the road.
i moan as her hands move faster, removing one hand and gripping onto her thigh, trying to release some of the built up sexual frustration.
the trailer comes into sight and i skid infront. y/n’s grip tightens her hands shooting from my lap to my chest clinging to me as the bike comes to a screeching halt.
i move swiftly off the bike turning to see a blush creeping up on y/n’s face. taking one look at the gorgeous river vixen on the back of my bike i lick my lips.
she turns on the seat, dangling her legs in front of me, parting them ever so slightly.
charging forward i crash my lips onto hers, my hands gripping at her thighs and tugging the beautiful girl into me. her legs wrapping around my waist.
i pull her onto my hips, off the bike and into the house throwing her down on the bed.
my eyes scan her body as she fiddles with the tiny blue skirt “so are you going to help me out of this uniform or am i going to have to do it myself?”
tag list: @hauntedcherryblossombanana-blog @sadbreakfastclb @jugandbettsdetectiveagency @hiimalyssawriter  @kindfloweroflove @fragilefrances @mydelightfulcollectiontyphoon @onceuponagladerhead @natalieroseg @mhysaofdrxgons
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kl4us4 · 8 years ago
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YOU’RE HERE (Jughead Jones x Reader)
Request: i see that you do jugheadxreader, could u do one that centres around ep12?
It was a difficult situation. Betty, Archie, and Veronica each had their own motives behind why they broke into FP’s trailer. 
Betty, being a loyal friend to you decided to make sure you were safe from your best friends dad. Especially since you had begun to get closer to Jug. If FP really murdered Jason, who knew who he had next on his hitlist? 
Archie, being a loyal friend to Juggie wanted to make sure he was safe too. The redheaded boy already spent years watching his best friend be torn apart by his deadbeat dad. The last thing he wanted was to see Jughead break again. 
And Veronica Lodge? Who knew the mysteries that were still centered around her father? Curiosity had gotten the better of her. The need to know if her father organised the death of Jason Blossom was like an itch on her skin, burning to be scratched. 
You stand in a circle, everyones voices in hushed whispers. Crossing your arms, you look down at your prom dress. And to think, this was meant to be a perfect night. “You need to tell him.” You warn sternly, “You’re meant to be his best friends.” 
V sighs, her eyes full of regret and worry. “We didn’t do it out of malice, Y/N.” 
Archie agrees. When you look up, your eyes meet his. “We were trying to protect you. Both of you.” Archie, being one of your longest friends - just like jug - has pure intentions. But you can’t help but feel the pain that this will cause Juggie when he finds out. 
You sigh, “That doesn’t make it okay.” 
Hearing approaching footsteps, your shoulder tense. By the look in everyones eyes, it’s Jughead behind you. You turn around. “Guys, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?” His lips are in an awkward smile, you cherish it while it lasts. 
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” You cross your arms, looking at Betty, V, and Arch.
Jughead comes to a stop, standing beside you. “Tell me what?”
V gives a small nod, not liking the situation. But he knows what’s right. “We went to your dad's trailer to search it, Jughead.”
“Why would you guys do that?” He wonders, his features incredulous.
Betty looks down in shame. “My mom put us up to it. She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason.” 
Archie speaks up to his best friend. “We were wrong. All of us. We didn't find anything. And Jug, we were only doing it to prove that-”
“-That my dad wasn't a murderer? You went behind my back, Archie?” Jug interrupts, anger taking over slightly. 
You take a step towards him, placing your hand on his shoulder gently. Juggie-”
He shakes your hand off of him, stepping away from you. “You all lied to me? All of you.” His blue eyes land on yours, painful tears clouding them. 
You shake your head, looking up at him. “No. Jug, I had no idea any of this was happening.” Looking to your friends, you feel your eyes begin to burn. They excluded you from this, especially when they knew how much you care about Jughead. You warned them against doing anything but they didn’t listen. 
A myriad of footsteps interrupts the conversation and everyone looks to the group of adults led by Kevin. “There they are.” Kev sighs in relief. "You have to listen. All of you.” His voice is urgent and rushed, impatient to get the information out. “My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead.” 
It’s almost as if all the air was wiped from Jughead’s lungs. He feels like he can’t breathe. The worst possible thought rushes to his head. Is his dad dead? “What about my dad?”
Kevin had searched high and low through all of prom just to be able to tell him. But now that the time has come, he looks at Jugheads face, and he’s not sure he can do it. Through the feeling of his heart sinking for his friend, Kevin puts on a brave face. After all, Jughead deserves to know. “He was just arrested. For the murder of Jason Blossom.”
Jughead thought he couldn’t breathe before. He thought his twisted mind had already come up with the worst possible scenario. He was wrong. In many ways, this was worse than his dad being dead. Arrested. For murdering the Blossom’s son. 
His mind ran and it ran wild. This whole time, he wasn’t writing a novel about Riverdales biggest mystery, he was writing  novel about a murder his father had committed. Could it really be true? Did his friends have something to do with it?
Jughead didn’t stick around to ask any questions or seek any answers. His last movement is to grab onto your hand before he practically drags you from the hallway and to the closest exit. 
He sits in your car, his hands shaking at the wheel as he cries silently. You stand at the open door. “Jughead.” You repeat his name, not sure if he’ll hear you this time. “Let me drive. I’ll take you to the station to see him-”
“No, no.” He interrupts quickly. He doesn’t feel like he could stomach seeing his dad right now. He’s not fully convinced that his dad was innocent. He wanted to stay as far away from him as possible. 
Your eyebrows are furrowed as you watch the boy you care about just sit, breaking into a million pieces. “His trailer?” You suggest. It sounds dumb to go there but you know Jughead. 
He shakes his head, rejecting the idea. 
“Okay.” You sigh as you place your hand on his cold ones. He looks up at you, his gaze questioning your actions. “Get up. I’m taking you to mine.”
In your room, Jughead takes a seat on your bed. His shoulders slump as he takes his hat off and discards it to the side. His eyes are red, contrasting the tone of his skin. He looks sickly pale, almost as if he’s ice cold. You feel your heart break for him. 
“I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling.” You admit to him, eyebrows furrowed as you watch him. No one could anticipate what happened.
Since everyone else had aided in breaking into his dad’s trailer, he had no one else except you. He’s lucky to call you his best friend. Jughead just shrugs at your attempt to make him feel better. 
 "You don't have to try to make me feel better." He tells you truthfully, "All I need is to be with you. If that's okay." He mumbles the last part, looking at his hands fidgeting restlessly. 
 You sit next to him, "It's more than okay." Your legs rest against one another's. 
"You're the only one that's on my side." He states, his voice sounding calm as shiny tears rest below his eyes. He wipes them away with the sleeve of his jacket.
 You sigh, looking at the broken boy sitting on your bed. "Jug, come on, you know that's not true." 
 "You don’t doubt me, you never have. Everyone else was so ready to incriminate my father. But... not you." He turns to you now, his blue eyes piercing yours. "Y/N," he sounds completely broken now, his eyebrows furrowed as he squeezes his eyes shut for a few seconds, "I can't believe this is happening."
 You're not sure what to say now. There's nothing you can say, really. His dad’s in prison now, all the evidence is against him. He's already confessed to Jason Blossoms murder. Nothing can be said or done, and Jughead can sense it. You're silent, so you take him into your arms. 
"It's okay. You're okay." 
 "How can you say that?" He cries, his fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt as he breaks down. He pulls back and you know you've said the wrong thing.
 "Juggie, I know you just want a home." You express, your eyes glossy too. The room is quiet and still. He watches you. "A good dad. Your sister and your mom back. I know how much it means to you." 
 He presses his fingers into the corners of his eyes and wipes away his tears, "Y/N." 
 "No, listen." You add quickly, "You deserve that. All of it. And I'm sorry that your dad can't give that to you. I'm so sorry, Jughead." 
 He sighs, shaking his head slightly. He moves closer to you, his fingers moving to inch your face closer to his. For a few seconds before the kiss, his breath mixes with yours. There’s a moment of waiting; of hesitation. But then it shifts to clarity. 
He presses his lips to yours. It's gentle at first, slow, steady, silent. Instead of showing his emotions, his puts them into the kiss and lays you back gently. When he pulls back, the two of you look at each other. His eyes rest on yours before he lays down next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight hug. 
 "Jug," You breathe, feeling your heart flutter. Anyone could see this coming from miles away. You just can’t believe it happened so quickly. "Just because it seems so far away doesn't mean it won't happen. You're going to have the home you want, I believe that." 
 He gives you a small smile, running his fingers through his raven hair. "You're my home, Y/N. You're here."
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jughead-jones-wuzhere · 8 years ago
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Author’s Note: A super long first installment to a multi-chaptered but possibly non-linear story. My first Riverdale work.
The House of the Rising Sun : The First Night
Click Click Click Click The sound echoed in rapid succession.
“What do I say to her, though?”
Mid-rhythm the clicking stopped. Sea green eyes shifted from the blue light of the laptop screen before them. The redhead’s face was dotted with light patterns burned into his retinae from staring at the screen for too long. Maybe these things wouldn’t make him blind, but maybe there was something to this “It’ll ruin your eyes” narrative parents all over the nation had adopted so many years ago.
“You’re still here?” his voice was slightly hoarse.
“I don’t know what to say.”
He arched a brow and his fingers continued to dance over the keyboard. The snark dripped from his words: “The truth’s probably a good place to start.”
“I don’t mean what, I mean how.”
“You literally said ‘what.’” He enunciated, “And anyways the only ‘how’ is with your words.”
The jock sighed, pursing his lips. Despite his best efforts, Jughead met his eyes and shrugged. “Just tell her, Arch. It doesn’t have to be a poem for the ages… I’m sure Betty’ll appreciate any explanation you can offer her.”  
“I just… don’t wanna hurt her.”
“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
The look on his friend’s face instantly inspired regret. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re right.” Archie sighed, “I can’t expect this to be… clean.”
“Interesting choice of words.” Jughead furrowed his brow, “Arch, if there’s anyone in this entire town who’ll try to keep things… clean, it’s Betty. She’s your best friend. She’ll listen to whatever you have to say.”
Archie nodded, more to himself than anything else, the confidence building in his chest. Jughead leaned back in his booth.
“I’ll see you in school, Jug.” The jock pressed his lips together in what would have been a smile if he could muster the strength. His friend nodded, saluting the boy farewell. As the door shut behind him, the diner felt silent, save for the soft distant chords of some 50’s nostalgia track playing from the vintage jukebox at the other end of the diner.
Jughead folded his arms, staring blankly at the screen. His lip curled in and he bit down, eyes shifting from left to right over the words until they seemed to coalesce into one illiterate jumble of black text. With a sigh, the boy leaned his head back against the booth, closing his eyes.
The Moon belongs to everyone The best things in life are free…
The distant ambiance came into focus, the words of the record echoing against the diner walls. Whether he consciously willed it or not, his sneaker clad foot began to tap to the simple beat.
The flowers in spring And the robins that sing…
A half-sarcastic laugh escaped his lips. He opened his eyes. Staring down at the table.
The sunbeams that shine They’re yours they’re mine…
“It’s gettin’ late don’cha think?”
Jughead straightened in his seat, looking up to see the smiling labor-worn owner of the shop.
“Yeah, Pop. I should get going.”
“Don’t want you to be missin’ school on my account, now. Come on by tomorrow, I’ll give you a milkshake on the house.”
And love can come to everyone…
“You sure it’s not more of a frequent customer deal?” his lip curved in a gentle smirk.
And so it shall always be…
The man laughed, placing a warm hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I’ll be seein’ you tomorrow, Night Hawk.”
The best things in life are free…
Jughead slung his backpack over one shoulder as the door swung shut behind him. Through the glass, the jukebox continued on to the next record, muffled by the glass.
If you said goodbye to me tonight There would still be music left to write…
The cool summer air blew through what short strands of his black curls hung loose from his beanie. With slow, heavy steps, the boy began his departure from the chock’lit shoppe.
What else could I do I’m so inspired by you…
The song, clear and loud, stopped him in his tracks. Perplexed, Jughead glanced around to the diner, no one but Pop Tate visible through the glass.
That hasn’t happened for the longest time…
The disembodied voice hummed to the muffled tune, pausing every now and then. He took another step forward, this time towards the street. The humming grew steadily louder.
Once I thought my innocence was gone Now I know that happiness goes on….
Louder still, the raven-haired boy walked slow and steady, cautious of revealing himself too soon.
That’s where you found me…
The voice- She, he assumed from the pitch- paused and sang quickly through the lyrics she’d fallen behind on.
When you put your arms around me…
Around the corner of the chock’lit shoppe, she stood, rocking back and forth on her heels to the tune of the song.
I haven’t been there for the longest time…
Her arms floated in the air in a sort of intoxicated dance. A cigarette burned between her fingers.
“Woah-oh-ohh-ohhh for the longest time” she sung into the empty street, stopping to take a puff of the cancer stick.
“I had second thoughts at the st—oh shit that’s not right.” She stopped rocking on her heels. Jughead scoffed, unable to entirely stifle his laugh. In an instant she turned around, her dark eyes making contact with his. She brought the cigarette to her lips. Inhaled. Squinted her eyes. Parted her lips, and exhaled.
“You here for the bus too?”
The boy glanced at the vacant street and shrugged, “I don’t think where you’re standing’s a bus stop…. And no.”
She scrutinized him, her gaze wandering from his shoes to the trademark beanie. The lack of conversation—along with her conspicuous image— prompted him to do the same. Her sneakers and distressed shirt screamed “out of town,” but it was her jacket – of the black leather variety—which indicated exactly where. Jughead took another step forward, tilting his head in hopes of catching a hint of the back of her jacket.
“You know, you don’t look right.”
Momentarily distracted, the raven-haired boy furrowed his brow. She smiled and laughed.
“No, no not like that. I just mean you don’t look like the rest of the people around here. Less… Pleasantville and more… Batman, I guess.”
“I look like Batman?” he arched a brow.
“Of course not,” she rolled her eyes, “You know what I mean. Like, Gotham and shit.”
“Yeah, well, every bell curve’s got an outlier.”
She shrugged and nodded, taking another hit of the cigarette. “That’s true. But in Gotham you’d be right there in the middle. What’s that called? The middle?”
“The normal distribution?”
“Yeah, that.” She grinned, “You’d be part of the normal distribution. Isn’t that funny?”
“I’m not entirely sure I follow.”
“Well it’s all about location, location, location. Have you ever thought about that? In Pleasantville you’re always gonna be the odd one out. But in a place like Gotham, where everyone’s the odd one out, you’re just another digit in the consensus.”
“So no one’s special, it’s just a matter of where you are.” He took another step forward. She leaned against the pole of a street lamp and watched him, cigarette burning in her fingers. Jughead pursed his lips. “That’s kind of Nihilistic, don’t you think?”
She knitted her brow, contemplating the question before shaking her head. She took another puff and blew the smoke out of her lungs as she responded, “No, I don’t think it is. It’s just the facts.”
“But what it does say,” she pushed herself off the street lamp, flicking the butt of the cigarette to the floor, “Is that you’re one smart son of a bitch.”
Her sneaker crushed the ashes into the cement. “You can stay in Pleasantville for the rest of your life, Batman, and you’re not gonna ever be part of the normal distribution.”
Jughead frowned. “How does that make me ‘smart’?”
Her smile stretched, but the wrinkles around her eyes seemed to disappear. “Well doesn’t that mean you’ll always be special?”
He didn’t respond. She pressed her lips together, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets as her shoe continued to grind the cigarette into the sidewalk. Jughead mirrored her posture, hiding his hands in his own denim jacket and watched her. Pop’s jukebox hummed quietly in the distance.
Wind me up, I really walk Wind me up, I really talk Wind me up and I’ll come straight to you
“It’s Peggy March.”
He turned to face her. She shrugged.
“You looked like you were listening to it. It’s Peggy March. “Wind up doll.””
When he didn’t say anything, she reached into her pocket, pulling out another cigarette and a pack of matches.
“How long does the bus take to get here usually?” he asked, looking around for any sign that the area was, in fact, a bus stop.
She removed the cigarette from her lips and shrugged, “Shouldn’t you know, Pleasantville? This is your neck of the woods.”
“Yeah?” he took another step forward. She was hardly an arm’s length away, “And what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Where’s your neck of the woods?”
“Not here.” She scoffed.
Jughead’s frown deepened. He turned to face the street, nose pinching at the smoke reaching his nostrils.
“You know there’s a murderer on the loose, right?”
She leaned her head against the street light post. “Is that right?”
“Yeah. It is.” He turned to look at her, catching the uninterested expression on her face. “You know anything about it?”
“Yeah,” she smirked, “It was me, Mr. Wayne. The mastermind behind it all.”
She flicked the ashes off her cigarette onto the street. “Is that what you wanna hear?”
“No.” his voice softened just slightly. He hadn’t noticed when the cutting tone entered his words. “I’ve just… never seen you here before.”
“So I’m a suspect, then?”
“That’s not the point.” He rolled his eyes. She took a puff of her cancer stick and stared at him silently. Feeling her eyes on him, he looked her way. She smiled, lips parted just slightly as if to say something when her eyes shifted to look behind him.
“Ah,” she tossed the half-finished cigarette.
“Don’t litter—“
“Looks like the bus is here.”
He turned around to catch the distant glow of two headlights.
“You wanna know where I’m from, Pleasantville?”
He turned back to face her, the smirk twitching at the corner of her lips. The bus engine roared like a motorcycle as is it sped towards them, growing louder and louder. She took a step closer. And another. And another. Her hands slid into her pockets and she spoke quietly, hardly a few inches from his face.
“I’m a Gotham native.” She breathed a laugh, “You should come visit sometime, Dark Knight. Maybe you’ll find it more pleasant than Pleasantville.”
The bus—a 1970 convertible Chevelle—screeched to a halt before the lamp post. A broad shouldered brunette sat at the wheel, his tattoo clad arm resting on the head rest of the passenger seat. Behind him sat two equally grungy, equally lean boys, and a small blonde in a dress.
“Hey love,” the driver said, leaning forward as if to see through a window that wasn’t there, “Ready?”
Jughead scrutinized the boy, who returned the favor. Although his demeanor gave off the impression of a real hard ass, his expression felt somehow somber.
“Well,” the girl sighed, “I’ll see you around, Batman.”
And without waiting for a response, she hopped over the door and into the passenger seat, where the tattooed brunette kissed her on the cheek. His hand came down from the seat to switch gears as he mumbled, not quietly enough, “Who’s he?”
“Oh, him?”
She turned to spare one last glance at the beanie headed boy, a wide smile lifting her lips. “He’s here to save us all. Isn’t that right?”
Before he could open his mouth, the car sped off, turning sharply around the corner and disappearing out of sight. Jughead stood under the street light and watched until the hum of the engine faded into the distance. He then turned on his heel, and headed back the way he came, stepping over the half-finished cigarette on the sidewalk as the jukebox sung faintly over the wind.
Unforgettable… That’s what you are…
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mrsjugheadjonesthethird · 8 years ago
Helping out (Jughead x Reader)
Prompt: Hi! Can you do JugheadxReader (female) where she's rich, like richer than the Blossoms and she helps Jughead because she know he needs the money (when he still lived at the school) and now that he's living with Archie he tries to tell her he doesn't need it anymore but is really embarrassed - and his friends didn't know she was helping him. You can give it your own spin. Thanks!
A/n: Sorry this is so short! xxx
Helping Out (Jughead x Reader)
You slip the envelope in his locker like you do every week.
When you found out he was living at the Drive-In, you had tried to help save it. But you couldn’t do it, even with your parents help.
Your family was one of the wealthier ones, but unlike the Blossoms, your family was kinder and gave a lot of the fortune away.
Your family had offered him a place at your house on the outskirts of town. A room just for him with an actual bed and willingly to buy him some newer clothes.
He refused to take the offer. Later that night, you had talked to your parents about sharing your weekly allowance with him. He needed it more than you did. They agreed and gave you half of it in cash to give to him.
That was almost two months ago.
For two months, you’ve been leaving an envelope of cash in his locker. He needed food, clothes, etc. so he never complained too much.
You were walking along the lockers when you hear your name.
“(Y/n)!” Turning, you see the beanie boy waving towards you.
You send him a soft smile and make your way over to him and his friends.
“Sup, Jughead.” His face turns a light shade of pink and he pulls you away from his little group. All their eyes on the both of you.
“Listen, (Y/n). I-” He looks down at his hands. “I wanted to thank you for everything but I don’t need the help anymore.” His face now bright red.
You nod your head and pull his chin up so his eyes met yours. “Are you staying with someone?”
“Yeah. Uh Archie found out about me staying at the school. I’m staying with him and his dad now.”
“Okay. Are you sure you don’t want it anymore?” You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t need all of that money, Jug. I don’t mind sharing with you. Whether you save it or spend it is up to you. But I think you should let me share it until you at least get another job. Or Focus on your studies and get into a good college.”
His eyes widen. “I can’t get into-”
You place your manicured finger against his lips. “Shush. You’re smart and My parents don’t mind helping you out, Forsythe.” You give him your signature grin.
“I don't know how I could repay you, (Y/n). For everything you’ve done for me.” His voice soft and full of confusion and gratitude.
A thought pops into your head.
“How about Pops and we’ll figure it out? Pick me up around 7pm.” with that, you leave him, bewildered as you walk away. A spring in your step.
Tag List:  @isitfuckingfridayyet @barbarachern @yazminmcd @casismyguardianangel @jealousbitxh @kindfloweroflove @lustfulskam @cat200037 @xxnaomixxblr @baasooreexiiaa @apocalypticangell @morgan--lee--currant @superoriginalteenwolf @heir-of-light-33 @mesmerizedbyblackandwhite @murderyoursoul @irrajj @fan-of-many-bands @multiversegalaxygirl @mrssstilinski @molethemollie @anotherweekinhell @katshrev @saycute1998 @milkshakejones @itsjaynebird @bangtanbookfrog242 @awesomefandomsunited @imagine-lovebug @imperfectanatomy @sgarrett49 @theatregeek01 @annoyingsibling @xbobaaa @theselfishllama @kaylinfayezink @nooneshoney @intwoweeks @duckseverywherex @young-gh0st @royalworldtraveler @sweetmisseddreams2002 @raifusfandom @siaralovesgaming @kristinaorfanakos @rice-seedling @divastar777 @saltedpeanuts @in-need-of-a-social-life @kingpendleton @nadya0128 @thesuitelifeofjughead @gigglygaymush @darkxwithoutxlight @bex09 @frackinawesomeninja @r-ivertales @purple-alien-monkey @miss-mia-rae @masterlistts 
and my love: @full-dark-no-starsxx
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protectjugheadjonesiii · 8 years ago
The Reader and the Writer
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Anon requests: Hey! Omg your Jughead series Beanies and Negotiations are fantastic and very well written, I'm new here and I'm already a fan. I was wondering if you took any requests? If you do I was wondering if you could write a jughead imagine, where reader is new to town, she's very shy at first but is smart and witty just like Jughead. She actually hides a really dark past which is why she's so shy, Jughead is beyond curious, trying to figure her out and help her while falling for her. smut or fluff! ^_^
Jughead imagine with reader being new to town and shy!! PS love your writing
heeeyy ^_^ could you write a jugheadxreader imagine where she's new to riverdale and she has a huge crush on him and his smart witty comments but she's really shy and he tries to figure her out (maybe she has a secret!) fluff or smut at the end if you write that please ^_^ your writing is amazing btw, don't ever stop!
Pairing: Jughead x Reader
Description: New girls can’t hide in a small town like Riverdale
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,188
A/N: this one ends with a cliffhanger, so brace yourselves. Enjoy!
Jughead sat in his usual booth at Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe, writing his story about Jason Blossom. His focus was interrupted when he heard the jingle of the bell, signaling that a new customer had arrived.  He looked up and saw an unfamiliar face, which struck his curiosity.  Familiar faces were an extremely rare occurrence in a town as small as Riverdale.  The stranger walked up to the counter, and requested an order under the last name of (Y/L/N).  Jughead narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall if that name was familiar, but his mind reached a dead end.  While she waited, the new girl scanned the diner.  Her eyes landed on a mysterious figured sitting in a booth near the back with nothing but a laptop and a coffee cup on his table.  They made eye contact, and for a second (Y/N) considered going over to the stranger’s booth and trying to get to know them, but then the waiter brought her food and she exited the diner.
He saw her again three days later, sitting in his usual booth.  There was an untouched chocolate milkshake in front of her, all of her attention focused on her book.
“Wuthering Heights?” he inquired, stepping closer towards the booth. Setting her book down, the girl looked up at Jughead.  She nodded. “You’re in my booth, you know.” The girl’s eyes widened and she grabbed her book, getting ready to leave.
“Sorry,” she mumbled as she stood up.
“I didn’t say you have to leave,” Jughead explained, gesturing for her to sit back down.  “I’m just warning you that I’m gonna join you.” A small smile grew on the girl’s face as she returned to her seat.  “What’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” the girl answered.
“Well my name’s Jughead,” he introduced himself.  “Are you new to Riverdale?  I haven’t seen you around.”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) nodded. “My family just moved here last week.”
“Welcome to Riverdale, (Y/N),” Jughead smiled, “a small town with some of the worst people, and some of the best burgers.”
(Y/N) began to find herself frequenting Pop’s quite often.  At first, she couldn’t place her finger on the reason.  The only thing she ever did there was read, eat, and occasionally talk to Jughead.  Then, she realized it was the latter that kept drawing her back.  She and Jughead didn’t even speak to each other too much; in fact, there were days where they would both sit at their booth, Jughead on his laptop and (Y/N)’s nose in a book, and neither would say a word the whole night.
“So what are you writing?” (Y/N) asked.  It had been a month since she had met Jughead.
“A novel about Jason Blossom’s death,” he responded nonchalantly, eyes remaining on the laptop screen.  He didn’t see (Y/N) tense up at the name.
Pretty soon, (Y/N) was introduced to Jughead’s other friends.  It started with Betty and Veronica when they walked in one day and spotted Jughead with (Y/N).
“Jughead!” Veronica called out as she strode over to the booth, Betty right next to her.  “Who is this?”  She turned to face (Y/N), a smirk etched on her face.  (Y/N) blushed and avoided eye contact, resorting to sticking her nose in her book.
“She’s a friend of mine,” Jughead introduced her, “(Y/N).  (Y/N), this is Veronica,” he gestured to the brunette, “and that’s Betty.”  He pointed at the blonde.  (Y/N) peeked up from her book and waved hello, then turned back to the novel.
“Quiet, huh?” Veronica inquired, sliding into the booth next to her.  “No biggie.  I do enough talking for two people.”
“Sorry, what was your last name?” Betty asked, sitting down next to Jughead.
“(Y/L/N),” she answered. Betty’s eyebrows furrowed, recognizing the name, but she remained silent.
Archie was the next to meet (Y/N): he met her a week later, when Jughead wasn’t around.  He entered Pop’s, and saw someone occupying Jughead’s usual booth.
“You know,” he said, approaching the booth, “that booth is my friend’s.”
“Does it have his name on it?” she retorted, raising an eyebrow.  She contained her chuckles, knowing exactly who Archie was talking about.
“May as well,” Archie replied with a laugh.  “See my friend, his name is Jughead, isn’t much of a people person.  He chooses this booth because it’s far away enough from the entrance so that no one will approach him unless they’re specifically looking for him.”
“Sounds like a drama queen,” she commented.  
“He is,” Archie chuckled. “Anyways, he’s here almost every night, so he’ll be here any minute.  I’m just giving you a heads up.”  As soon as Archie finished his sentence, the diner door opened and in walked Jughead. He made a beeline to his booth and sat across from (Y/N), opening his laptop and beginning to type right away.
“You two know each other?” Jughead asked, refusing to tear his eyes from his computer.  (Y/N) smirked.
“Just met, actually. He was warning me about some drama queen who sits here every night.  You wouldn’t happen to know who he’s talking about, would you?” (Y/N) replied sassily. Jughead lifted his gaze to meet her eyes.
“Ha ha, (Y/N), very funny,” he voice dripped with sarcasm, but his eyes twinkled.  Archie confusedly looked between his friend and the stranger.
“So you know who he is?” he asked her.  She smirked and nodded.
“Oh yeah.  I’ve been sitting in his booth for over a month now. I’m still waiting for him to kick me out.”  When she noticed Archie was still looking at her with a puzzled expression, she stuck out a hand and introduced herself, “I’m (Y/N).”
“Archie,” he responded, shaking her hand.  “Damn, a whole month in the same booth with him?  I don’t know how you’ve survived.”  (Y/N) laughed.
“Honestly I don’t either.”
“So are you new?” Archie questioned.  She nodded.
“Yeah, everyone asks me that.  Is that like some small town thing, everyone knowing everyone?” she asked, and both boys nodded.  “So that’s how everyone figures I’m new.”
“When’d you move here?” Archie inquired.
“July 1st.” Jughead perked up when he heard her say that.  He had never thought to ask (Y/N) when she moved to Riverdale.  She was here when Jason Blossom was murdered.
It was another month later when Jughead asked (Y/N) to help him with his book.
“You’re reading all the time,” he explained himself.  “You’ve gotta know a thing or two about writing.”
“I really don’t,” (Y/N) shut him down, shoving her nose in Macbeth.
“Oh come on, (Y/N),” Jughead groaned.  “What’s with you and my novel?  Every time I even try to talk about it, you change the subject.  What’s up with that?”
“Nothing, Jughead, it’s nothing,” she replied, her voice growing sharp.  “I just don’t want to help with your book.”  She grabbed her book and stomped out of the diner, leaving a confused Jughead behind.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” he muttered to himself, minimizing his document where he wrote his story.  He opened up Google and typed in her name.  The results began to pop up, and Jughead scrolled through them, reading article after article. He sighed, “Oh God, (Y/N).”
Part 2 here   Part 3 here   Part 4 here
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