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menoflettersofficiall · 5 years ago
It's just a beginning of the beginning 🧘🏻‍♂️ The Beginning of an End💥 & The End of the Begging🍃 We have become one year strong today✊🏻 💫A small faction of light striving to enlighten the chained minds of enslaved mAsses of the world💫 ⚠️ This is an open letter to the New World Order : @thisisbillgates (We have personal affection with you!)🏴‍☠️ WE ARE COMING FOR YOU & NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY THIS IS GONNA END BAD FOR You ⏳ THE NEW EARTH IS ALREADY Here WE ARE NOT TRAPPED HERE WITH YOU, YOU ARE TRAPPED HERE WITH US! ⚠️ We are Grateful to the Universe for this live, Mother Earth, Purpose and whole of our existence 🙏🏻💓 We are Grateful to the 269 followers we have as we are posting this video Thanks for all of your love and support 🙏🏻😇 We are thankful to all the 'Gurus' that showed us the path of light & Wisdom ;The Supreme being the Universe & the Mother Nature 🧘🏻‍♂️🙏🏻☯️🗿 Some of them whom we can remember are @realeyesofficial @liberatedhitesh @sparshsinghofficial @punia_gameoflife @tengra @connecting_consciousness @_friendofman @project_knowledge @davidickeofficial @alex.jones.infowars @what_on_earth_is_happening @foundconscious @fsthnow @lukewearechange @thefreethoughtproject @theconsciousresistance @corbettreport @sadhguru @theantimedia @mintpress @collective_evolution @themindunleashedofficial @official_in5d @billcooper_2020 Anarchy Partner @anarchy4freedom Activism Partner @sparshsinghofficial Spirituality Partner @liberatedhitesh & @punia_gameoflife Miscellaneous @vivid_._snaps @unpolitically.political @spiritual_gangster_xx We Apologize and Thank anyone whom we forgot to mention unintentionally 🙏🏻 #vaxxeddocumentary #vaxxedmovement #vaxxed💉 #provaxxer #antivaxx #vaccineinjuryadvocate #vaccinekill #vaççineskillandinjure #newworldorderiscoming #agenda21depopulationplan #genocide2020 #silentweaponsforquietwars #newworldordertruth #plandemic #scamdemic #scamdemic2020 #thenewnormal #thenewnormalsnotnormal #5dactivation #thetruthaboutcancer #truthaboutvacciens #londonrealarmy #drrashidbuttar #drbiswarooproychowdhury #wakeupsheeples #censorshipisreal #truthers #plandemicdocumentary #judymikovits #makeorwellfictionagain (at The End - This is where it starts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdg9I5naCW/?igshid=22oqq3bwo3kf
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unitedintentions · 7 years ago
The Truth Behind The Vaccine Scandals With Judy Mikovits, Ph.d
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unitedintentions · 7 years ago
The Truth Behind The Vaccine Scandals With Judy Mikovits, PH.D.
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menoflettersofficiall · 4 years ago
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Health Impacts of five jee on various body parts An analysis based on various research studies Follow are the source links A 5G Wireless Future – Dr. Cindy Russell Latest on 5G Spectrum – EMFields Solutions Ltd IJMTER ISSN (online) 2349 – 9745 Evolution of Mobile Generation Technology: 1G to 5G and Review of Upcoming Wireless Technology 5G by Lopa J. Vora https://5g.co.uk/news/5g-spectrum-auction-results/4336/ https://www.radiomagonline.com/trends/at-t-charter-experimenting-in-los-angeles-with-5g-using-28-ghz-spectrum ehtrust.org/internet-things-poses-human-health-risks-scientists-question-safety-untested-5g-technology-international-conference ➖ #plandemic2 #plandemic2020 #newworldorder2020 #scamdemic #coronahoax2020 #plannedshudown #plannedagenda #coronalies #fakevirus2020 #fakenewscoronavírus #indianconspiracy#indiaagainst5g #5gishere #fivegee #fivejee #5gapocalypse #5gtrojanhorse #sayerji #mercola #mikeadams #derrickbroze #jamescorbett #greenmedinfo #judymikovits #mikkiwillis #60hertzproject (at The End Of The World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFw3BFOhKgU/?igshid=1eho58msuxo3c
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menoflettersofficiall · 5 years ago
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Full video in IGTV 📹 Note that both the man reporting in the video, Ben Fellows, and David Knight, who presents it to us, show a certain level of scepticism about the claims. Ben Fellows’ strategy will be to get access to the vaccine and the trials in order that vaccines may be lab-tested independently. Ben Fellows comes from the group www.govote.org.uk and reports on information received from a GlaxoSmithKline whistleblower on what is believed to be some of the ingredients in the vaccine (or one of them) currently being trialled. @sparshsinghofficial @liberatedhitesh @connecting_consciousness @foundconscious @project_knowledge @oldworld_noworld_2.0 @bharat_vidya @school_of_vedic_science @indiancontents @fittuber @saliljamdar @ytengra @friendofman @realeyesofficial @stop5gnow @thetrippyindian @friendofman @abhiandniyu @realeyesofficial @fing_rohan @the_baigan_vines @punia_gameoflife #vaxxeddocumentary #vaxxedmovement #vaxxed💉 #provaxxer #antivaxx #vaccineinjuryadvocate #vaccinekill #vaççineskillandinjure #newworldorderiscoming #agenda21depopulationplan #genocide2020 #silentweaponsforquietwars #newworldordertruth #plandemic #scamdemic #scamdemic2020 #thenewnormal #thenewnormalsnotnormal #5dactivation #thetruthaboutcancer #truthaboutvacciens #londonrealarmy #drrashidbuttar #drbiswarooproychowdhury #wakeupsheeples #censorshipisreal #truthers #plandemicdocumentary #judymikovits #makeorwellfictionagain https://www.instagram.com/p/CBs-QLInd1L/?igshid=1rzmuukgg2yuf
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