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top100countdown · 7 months ago
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Top 100 Coolest People of All-Time
Judith Davis is an Australian actress. In a career spanning over four decades of both screen and stage, she has been commended for her versatility and regarded as one of the finest actresses of her generation. Frequent collaborator Woody Allen described her as "one of the most exciting actresses in the world".
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23 APRIL 1955
Judy Davis is an Australian actress who has worked on stage and screen.
Davis has appeared in My Brilliant Career (1979), High Tide (1987), Husbands and Wives (1992), Dark Blood (1993, the last film of River Phoenix), Marie Antoinette (2006), The Dressmaker (2015), Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows (2001, Judy Garland), The Reagans (2003, Nancy Reagan), Fued: Bette and Joan (2017, Hedda Hopper) and Nitram (2021, mother of Martin Bryant).
            Davis was born in Perth, Western Australia and was brought up in a strict Catholic home. She got involved in acting in 1977 when she studied Dramatic Art in Sydney. She is married to actor Colin Friels (married 1984), they have two children, and live in Birchgrove, NSW.
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#judydavis #hightide #hightide1987
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catlover85 · 11 months ago
I need to find a Judy Davis lesbian fanfiction somewhere! I've tried writing my own, but they turn out stupid. Anyone know of any? #judydavis #lesbian #fanfiction
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witcherfan · 4 years ago
March 28th 2021 Last nite I watched a movie on Amazon Prime called The Dress Maker.
It was really really really good.
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almasgeeks · 4 years ago
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#Ratched 💉 nuevo trailer mañana.🚨 Mereces que alguien te tenga piedad. El creador de "American Horror Story" nos invita a presenciar los orígenes de uno de los personajes más emblemáticos del mundo: la enfermera Ratched. Con Sarah Paulson en la piel de esta escalofriante enfermera, "Ratched" llega a Netflix el próximo 18 de septiembre. 💉 💉 💉 💉 💉 💉 💉 💉 Actúan #SarahPaulson, #CynthiaNixon, #JudyDavis, #SharonStone, #JonJonBriones, #FinnWittrock, #CharlieCarver, #AliceEnglert, #AmandaPlummer, #CoreyStoll, #SophieOkonedo y #VincentDOnofrio. @mssarahcatharinepaulson @mrrpmurphy @cynthiaenixon @sharonstone @jonjonbriones @finnwittrock @charliecarver @aliceenglert.actual @vincentdonofrio @NetflixLat @RatchedNetflix . . . . . #ryanmurphy #ratchednetflix #netflixratched #netflixlatinoamérica #netflixlat #netflixtv #netflixoriginals #netflixoriginalseries #tvshow #showtv #panamá #pty #panama #cool #geeks #geek #almasgeeks (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2ls-gBniU/?igshid=1p7eb6lgqrus
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horrorpaingoredeath · 5 years ago
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#bartonfink #bluray #psychologicalthriller #psychological #thriller #johntorturro #johngoodman #judydavis #michaellerner #johnmahoney #thecoenbrothers (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gbsCxp2hF/?igshid=l4iykgjgj0di
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josephfrady · 6 years ago
#celebrity #1998 DIR #woodyallen CAST #judydavis #joemantegna #andregregory #comedy #movie #blackandwhite DP #svennykvist (à New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yrd_ljD5Y/?igshid=1qztd94mkwahh
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refugiodoscinefilos · 2 years ago
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Barton Fink • Barton Fink, Delírios de Hollywood (1991)
Direção.: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen*
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El segundo capítulo de la nueva serie de #appletvplus está protagonizado por #nicolekidman y #judydavis . un emotivo capítulo que trata sobre el difícil proceso de mudar a una madre con #alzhemer de su espacio e imponerle una nueva vida junto a su hija para poder ser cuidada y custodiada. Muy emotivo y magníficamente actuado. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcasJgTr_cE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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karluscherry · 4 years ago
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#AvePopule!⠀ ⠀ #Recensione di #Ratched, serie originale Netflix creata da @mrrpmurphy (Ryan Murphy) ed @eromansky (Evan Romansky), basata sul personaggio di Mildred Ratched del romanzo #QualcunoVolòsulNidodelCuculo. Con @mssarahcatharinepaulson (Sarah Paulson), @finnwittrock , @cynthiaenixon , #JudyDavis, @jonjonbriones , @sharonstone e @vincentdonofrio.⠀ ⠀ A voi è piaciuto? Fatemi sapere qui sotto cosa ne pensate con un commento! 👇🏻⠀ ⠀ Link in bio! Date un’occhiata e ditemi cosa ne pensate!👆🏻⠀ ⠀ @karlus_cherry⠀ @karlus_cherry⠀ @karlus_cherry⠀ ⠀ Seguitemi👆🏻 per essere aggiornati sui contenuti che pubblico!⠀ ⠀ E date un’occhiata al mio secondo canale dove chiacchiero con il mio migliore amico, @gugliemo.zillo !⠀ (presso Padua, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhrKueFr56/?igshid=1q67baiqjn8po
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cinefast · 4 years ago
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The #sofunny #judydavis as #ratched #nursebucket (à North California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLKwy9KBDI/?igshid=1ww2y0pd7sbcs
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bobbybutz · 4 years ago
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#nursebetsybucket #nursebucket #judydavis #ratched #wbutz••• https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVIc57AoQ1/?igshid=1kwok2ml7yv01
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raquelzine · 4 years ago
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Qué ver en casa: #Ratched Precuela de Alguien Voló sobre el Nido del Cuco, que nos llega de la mano de Ryan Murphy.
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mansetmalatya · 5 years ago
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Klasikleşen bir film olan “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Guguk Kuşu”nun öncesini anlatacak yeni Netflix yapımı dizi “Ratched”den resmi fragmanı yayınlandı.  Ryan Murphy yapımcılığında olan “Ratched”ın başrolü olarak Sarah Paulson’ı görebileceğiz. Resmi fragmanı yayınlanan dizi, Jack Nicholson’ın klasik filmi “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”in öncesini anlatacak. Dizi, filmin kötü karakteri olan Mildred Ratched (Sarah Paulson)’ın hikâyesini odağına alıyor. “American Horror Story” ile tanınan Ryan Murphy, “Ratched” dizisinde de aynı atmosferi yakalamışa benziyor. 1947’de geçen “Ratched”, Mildred’in Kuzey Kaliforniya’da bir akıl hastanesinde iş araması ile başlıyor. Yeni tedaviler, rahatsız edici insan deneyleri ve “zihin çalışmaları” ile tanınan bu hastanede, Ratched kendini işine adamış bir hemşire olarak yer ediniyor. Burada geçirdiği zaman içerisinde sağlık sisteminin iyice içine giren Ratched, insanların sonradan canavar olabildiklerini, böyle doğmadıklarını kanıtlıyor. Cynthia Nixon, Judy Davis, Sharon Stone, Jon Jon Briones ve Finn Wittrock gibi isimleri de kadrosunda barından “Ratched” 18 Eylül 2020 tarihinde Netflix üzerinden yayınlanmaya başlayacak. Read the full article
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astrangeweirdsblog · 5 years ago
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Nurses are the heart of healthcare... Pic from the upcoming series @ratchednetflix Plot- A young nurse at a mental institution becomes jaded and bitter before turning into a full-fledged monster to her patients. Adapted from-One flew over the cuckoos nest. Starring - @mssarahcatharinepaulson @sharonstone @finnwittrock @jonjonbriones @charliecarver Premieres on 18th Sep 2020 #ratchednetflix #ratched #thriller #nurse #mystery #psychothriller #netflixseries #psychonurse #hospital #misterythriller #sarahpaulson #charliecarver #maxcarver #sharonstone #jonjonbriones #finnwittrock #judydavis #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #adaptation #adaptedfromanovel https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfsfJNpuKT/?igshid=o0me6eov2hy1
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almasgeeks · 5 years ago
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#Ratched 💉 Con #SarahPaulson, creada por #RyanMurphy. Septiembre 18 gran estreno en @Netflix 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 RATCHED es una serie dramática de suspenso que cuenta la historia de origen de la enfermera del asilo Mildred Ratched. En 1947, Mildred llega al norte de California para buscar empleo en un hospital psiquiátrico líder donde se han iniciado nuevos e inquietantes experimentos en la mente humana. En una misión clandestina, Mildred se presenta a sí misma como la imagen perfecta de lo que debería ser una enfermera dedicada, pero las ruedas siempre giran y cuando comienza a infiltrarse en el sistema de atención de salud mental y aquellos dentro de él, el elegante exterior de Mildred oculta una creciente oscuridad que ha estado ardiendo por mucho tiempo, revelando que los verdaderos monstruos se hacen, no nacen. 💉 Inspirada en el personaje icónico e inolvidable de la enfermera Ratched en One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Atrapado Sin Salida) y fue creado por #EvanRomansky. La serie está protagonizada por Sarah Paulson, #CynthiaNixon, #JudyDavis, #SharonStone, #JonJonBriones, #FinnWittrock, #CharlieCarver, #AliceEnglert, #AmandaPlummer, #CoreyStoll, #SophieOkonedo y #VincentDOnofrio. @NetflixLat 💊 💉 😱 💊 💉 😱 💊 #ratchednetflix #netflixlatinoamérica #netflixlat #netflixtv #netflixoriginals #netflixoriginalseries #tvshow #showtv #panamá #pty #panama #geeks #geek #almasgeeks (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDP00L2BBDc/?igshid=aycm9rvk4qhw
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