#jude bellingham tarot reading
skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
jude bellingham reading: as a boyfriend
hi everyone! i got a request to do a reading on jude as a boyfriend so here I am delivering it! I'll try my best to be consistent when it comes to posting so please be patient cause my life is quite hectic ty <3
personal readings
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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6 of pentacles, 7 of pentacles rx, 4 of wands, the empress | victim | gemini: curiosity, intellect and networking | turtle
jude is someone very generous when he is in a relationship, wether that'd be with time, affection, but mainly materially. i see jude as a provider, as he seems to have an innate want to take on the provider role in the relationship. his gemini venus tells me that he is happy having his s.o pursue their dreams, however, he'll be a safety net for them to retreat, as he loves to provide. the 7 of pentacles rx could indicate that he could be never satisfied with his material wealth, could have a scarce mindset and feels a burden to always provide. i think he has this need to feel wanted and has a mindset where he always needs to chase. there's this feeling of feeling stimulated by always working towards a goal. 7 of pentacles rx tells me jude could be someone who struggles to leave even if the relationship isn't working out. he's someone who could struggle with codependency, as when he's invested in something/someone, he will give his all sometimes to his own detriment. jude is a private lover, and prefers to not have his romantic life in the limelight. he could be very protective, and pursue those who he can build a home/family with. someone who gets along with his family could be very important to him as well. i feel that jude also prioritises people who he can create a safe home environment with. he looks for people who feel "home" to him however that may be. jude observes what his person is like when they're with his friends/family, as their opinion could influence his perception of his s.o. i see him as a social butterfly in a relationship, constantly wanting to do dates that involve others or do domestic activities such as cooking or baking. he loves celebrating and enjoying life, and ultimately loves creating memories and experiences with the people he cherishes most. jude can be someone who takes on a nurturing role in the relationship, i think this characteristic is innate within him due to him being the eldest in his family. he's got a softness within him and is willing to put others before himself.
with the victim card, this tells me jude's a bit of a pessimist and this tells me that whenever there's conflict in the relationship he could resort to a victim mentality. this isn't necessarily negative though, as this tells me his energy in love is still inexperienced (makes sense cause he's only 20). his energy can seem a bit hot and cold in a relationship due to his gemini venus, but this isn't malicious, he just enjoys having activities and independence outside the relationship. jude seeks intellectual stimulation from his partner and looks for someone he can have a playful relationship with. as a partner, he could really enjoy banter, he could want someone that could be his verbal sparring partner and enjoys a relationship that starts from a friendship. jude could also enjoy networking with his partner's friends as well. he has a lot of curiosity when he's with his partner, and loves getting to know them to their core. the turtle is an interesting figure, as it describes an ancient soul who is grounded, trusting and is at home with themselves. this describes that jude is an individual who seeks adventure and is peaceful and adventurous, there's also a duality to him as he is still figuring out himself yet has a lot of wisdom from within. he can take on a mentor or caretaker role in a relationship as those traits seem natural to him.
so that's it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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cyor · 3 months
Jude Bellingham ideal type reading
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A go-getter. Someone resilient. Someone that works hard to achieve their goals and ambitions. A person with drive and super passionate. Competent, trustable and mature. I see that he really can’t stress enough on people that are mature and “feet on the ground”, because Jude himself is someone grounded, so a no-bullshit individual is one of the things that he aims for the most. Someone inspirational, he wants to be amazed by his partner. Able to keep a positive mindset regardless of the circumstances and the failures. A bit spiritual as well. Maybe someone older than him. He really likes to feel that sense of pride and admiration for the person he likes because of their hard work. This is someone pretty similar to him and also his mother as well? He might view his mother as someone who is very wise and a strong presence (that he cherishes so much) in his life. Loyal, committed. Someone he can trust with his life.
Turn on’s
Very feminine energy. Intimidating. Neat and organized. I think Jude also likes those kinds of people that are always on his feet. To him that could mean that the person just cares a lot about him. Someone that doesn’t like negative energies and prefers to have a good laugh and time instead. Bright. He likes beautiful smiles and teeth. Family oriented and away from dramas. Stable person. Again strong and hard working. He adores it when his crush is someone that does something out of their life, almost like a stubborn person who’s workaholic/persistent about their goals. He might also like someone who has suffered a lot in their life and is searching for a light that will embrace them (him in this case).
Turn off’s
Of course, someone that is stuck, someone with too many problems in their life constantly and unable to get through them (specially if the issue is money-related. I think he’s been through situations where people just would constantly ask him for money) unstable people. Delusional people. Someone that makes everything about themselves and is unable to see through others. Overly-religious people. Energy all over the place. Failure, everlasting negativity. Laziness, sloppiness, poorly treated hair. People unable to move on.
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highesthealer · 3 months
Jude Bellingham
Ideal type
Full analysis part 2
reading by esoteric worm
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warnings: based on astrology. requests are open. instagram for more info soon…
Communicability. Jude can easily get bored with a person, so a person who knows what he needs and stands out from the crowd with his indifference will attract his attention. Likes to spend time with people with whom you can go anywhere in the world away from everyone at any time and they won't think long. Wants to find the golden mean, maybe something that will make him more reserved because he is so emotional. He respects people with good humor and a generous heart.
Freedom. He likes to flirt with cute, feminine girls, but in his soul are always the girls who are against stereotypes and live to the fullest, letting almost no one near them. He can like a person of any ethnicity and almost any body type. Loves the loose style like going to the beach every day. Opens up even more near people who enjoy any kind of touch.
Love. "This is my friend, we may not have liked each other in the past, but I was always happy with everything." "My partner's character is my motivation." "I don't know how I put up with this bro, but I'd like that for the rest of my life." His destiny is the one successful person he will not want to lose, but only admire.
Secrets. Jude does not hide that for the sake of his beloved will do everything and for the sake of entertainment can allow betrayal. Likes to be decided and dominated (out of work).
Part 3?
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ribesballtarot · 2 months
Team: Real Madrid
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What is his ideal type?
Two of swords, the devil, the sun, ten of swords reversed, the fool reversed, queen of wands reversed, the moon reversed, seven of swords, five of wands
His ideal type is someone who doesn't question him or is blinded or deceived by his antics, quiet literally someone that can see through him. Still, for him to be able to deceive and trick someone with a strong personality seems exciting, and attracts him. His ideal type is someone who is active, who might turn a blind eye when necessary in front of his actions. Someone who has their life figured out and will not hang on his shoulder dependingly. He wants someone who is equally as reckless as him, with a bit of an attitude. He doesn't care about smartness as long as the person con offer him something that he deems worth of keeping and nurturing. His ideal type is basically someone who will be his confidant, who can keep a secret and also; put up a fight. He likes a fun person, someone who isn't too serious, who doesn't bring him down with them or ties him down. A good outcast gets him riled up, but not to be sene on public with.
This is the type of someone who isn't looking for a relationship, exactly.
What personalities does he feel more attracted to?
Two of wands, queen of swords, king of wands, king of swords, the star reversed, high priestess, eight of cups reversed, two of cups reversed
Personality wise he feels attracted to go-getters, those people who have a lot of conversation and you never get bored with. A good old impulsive person, but in the right times if you know what I mean. This is someone who can hold themlsves back and they have auto-conteol. This shuffle makes me think of those people who seem really casual but then are batshit crazy. For sure it's mysterious, those who make you chase them. He likes personalities that make him work for it, to get to know more about them. He likes personalities who can detach fairly well from the world, without demanding much from him.
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ravenbloodshot · 11 months
Jude Bellingham (Soccer Player).... Personality Reading
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He's very disciplined about his sexual needs/lust. It's like he has a high sex drive but he doesn't act irrational bc of it and knows how to keep himself under control (I doubt he's easily seduced).
He's no sore loser, very good at accepting defeat in a healthy way. Doesn't throw a temper tantrum and likely won't be one of those soccer players that act all dramatic, throwing themselves around, pretending to be hurt. He has a sort of class about him
I think he ignores his wants alot. Like if he wanted to eat a bunch of junk food or partake in sex, he ignores these desires.
He has this childlike innocence to him, it could be bc he's young, but his mind isn't very dirty/corrupt and he's quite naive. I feel like he's more naive socially than anything, I doubt he can read ppl well and just goes off what they say to him (which he could end up being deceived). He could still have a child's mindset so I think he will need mature support from other adults to guide him (like a wise mentor)
He has problems with holding himself responsible/accountable. And he's quite cynical and prone to depression. He's like the kind of person that believes in fate or 'the universe' but only to blame situations on that. it's as if he sometimes believes 'oh its fate doing, there's nothing I can do to fix this" or "it's God's will". This mindset holds him back from taking action to fix his problems instead he sits back, slumps his shoulders, hangs his head and says "I guess this is my fate".
Okay, so. Remember when I told you guys he's obsessive, well that's showing up again. He's possessive and obsessive in romantic relationships, controlling too. Doesn't want his partner out of his sight and texts/calls too much to the point of love bombing. Too clingy, too passionate, too intense, too much of a cancer lol (I love y'all cancers though ❤). He should be careful with who he marry (or should I say his partner should be careful marrying him). He can get into a nasty divorce. The guy also gives "if I can't have you, nobody can" vibes sooooooo........
I will admit, I said he's quite a disciplined guy but in relationships (especially when he falls in love), all that sexual/emotional/physical disciplinance goes out the window. He also can become obsessed with getting with a person that doesn't want him.
This guy's suffers from mental health problems and has abandonment issues, he feels alone and like a outcast a lot. I see some anxiety and panic attacks. He's constantly on an emotional rollercoaster, highs and lows.
He has feminine gentleness about him, can take on a caretaker role. He's quite fragile.
Ik he's mixed (European/African) but he could feel like he doesn't belong to neither his black side or his white side. Has some identity issues. But I see he has interest in exploring his roots for both sides (idky his energy gives off someone who was raised by a single parent).
Has some drinking problems and is surrounded by a lot of yes men (ppl constantly lying to him).
Has some interest in the wars happening rn, may or may not end up saying something about the Israel-Hamas situation on social media. Even if he doesn't, irl he has a grounded stance on the matter
Wicked Games by The Weekend is a song that fits this readings energy
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outsidereveries · 6 months
Hi babe, could u do a personality reading abt jude bellingham? I love ur content
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jude bellingham's personality
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what he was like in his childhood: personally, i am unaware of how wealthy his family was during that time, but he was aware of the hard times his parents had during his childhood.. therefore, jude's family might've had more hardships than most people, and jude was aware of them. he might've wanted more toys or things, related to his hobbies during jude's childhood and it feels like (to me) he received them at later time, when his parents could afford them. despite these times his family was in, jude was very happy, very optimistic child who wants to achieve his dreams. jude wanted for his family to live well and not.. in these hard situations they were in. because jude started playing football since he was 6/7, he just worked really hard to make his parents proud.
off-topic, edit: since i got aware that his parents have had always money (jude went to private school), then his parents might've had not enough savings.
which qualities has changed during puberty: he started to adapt with the football industry, therefore he got a lot more courageous than before (confident too). he also started to balance in one way or another his personal life with his public one (i've seen some videos when fans of him were near him in a way k-pop fans would be and i got a bit worried tbh but if he's fine with this, then he just adapted with it).
what he's faking: i'd say nothing, however he repress his emotions in front of the public eyes. he admires highly the attention he receives because of his work and is very thankful, however he is just so thankful that he watches the other people in his industry and how is like a job to them, so jude just tries to not show it that much because everyone else isn't showing it as much as jude personally wants to. he also would like to be transparent to the public eye (to be honest and himself) but again because of his industry repress these thoughts and intentions.
what's also fake but tries not to be: his love life, i believe so. he tries to find his special person, but it just.. won't work. he just loves football (soccer) very much and is just too busy to do what he loves. jude might waits for his soulmate/twin flame at this point, so he just does what he loves to do. i doubt these cards are for his family, especially his brother. from what i felt, jude's energy is really pure and geniune, so i just really doubt there's anything fake about his family as he is very thankful to them and loves very dearly.
what's genuine: his charisma, his aura/energy, his love for the soccer/football.
what we don't see: jude actually knows his worth. possibly related to his family and what they went through around his childhood, he tries to negotiate anything as much as he can/could. jude tries to get more than his personal expectations, such as goals, money and etc. as much as he dreams about his future, he acts through it and thinks realistically. he might hide what he wants to do or will do, but this is better for jude himself because that works for him.
political views: jude is personally dissapointed in uk's current government (this doesn't have to do with the royal family at all as i saw their current prime minister) because there was a private conversation that happened in the past. whether if it happened recently (months ago or even weeks/days) or a year-two, there was political offer to jude. not for him to join the politics but for him to support something he doesn't actually supports, so he refused. bellingham seemed to not trust uk's current government because he saw the truth about them. he feels proud to refuse their offer (it seems to have a big amount of money if he accepted it), so he would be the happiest if he sees them receiving their karma. jude would want new elections to uk as soon as possible.
what's mixing between his morals and the fame: the dynamic life the celebrity life is offering. jude is more simplistic, he feels that his home is surrounding his family and not the fame itself. jude dislikes the long distance and really tries to be with them as much as possible.
would he choose the fame over his standarts: obviously, no. his family is before everything.
religious/spiritual views: might be an atheist or believes in specific religion but not to this extent the religious people believe. from spiritual perspective, he seems less woke as he puts his effort first before everything else (at least, from achieving his desires's pov).
controversial things he agrees with: that everyone shouldn't go after the fame and/or money at all costs. he believes that everyone should think through their future a bit and plan before acting.
addictions (either more prone to has them or might have them): bellingham seems to be an over-achiever, whether if it's about himself or not. i can see bellingham taking similar route to berbatov, where dimitar has a foundation to gifted kids. i see something similar for jude. you might be wondering where is the addiction here, and i'll answer. jude might be very, very stubborn about how he personally works. with the time, if he starts of course, he might try to do everything alone (with his family at its maximum, maybe?). basically, overworking/overachieving.
destruction traits: risking everything for an idea he wants to do.. possibly his impulsivity/stubborness.
qualities he's proud to have: how hardworking he is.. and how he balances his job with his personal life too.
intentions for the future: doing the same as usual. he will work even harder to be at its best form!
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
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Jude Bellingham Mini Personality Reading
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QoW, PoP, 20S, 7oS, The Empress rx, Strength rv & Sun rv
Okay... so for Jude he's a really sensitive person! (CANCER STELLIUM. Andd he has a gentle and warm personality, he may possibly also believe in spirituality but specifically on the workings of the Universe. He is a very social person, which also gives him the upper hand to forge connections with people and he has a lot of friends.
Jude is a daydreamer, he daydreams a lot and he is a really open minded person who is able to see all different perspectives at once. As I said he does believe in the workings of the universe he MAY accept failures, but he will NOT forget about the loss at all!
Apart from him constantly remembering his failures, he pushes really hard to improve from the last time and make himself, his team, his fans and family members proud.
Jude is also a bit too trusting at times, he needs to learn how to keep people around him at arms length because, humans in this world are genuinely weird asf. He may be strong mentally to a certain extent, but he must still learn how to avoid being taken advantage of!
Well... since Jude is literally so attractive, and he's aware that he can literally bag any woman he wants lol ANDD he LOVES keeping his roster full lol! Jude is also very overprotective over those he loves, and more specifically his future girlfriend/wife (Jude is a literal walking cancer!) andd he may be a bit egoistic but he knows how to not let it get to his head because of his mature personality! Unfortunately Jude is also easily prone to having mental health issues and fluctuations of emotions.
Thank you for reading 📦
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bellestarot · 1 month
Jude Bellingham's Reading
August 08, 2024
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Right Now
He's waiting on a guy his age for something, but it's not clear what it might be. This person is someone he's close to, like a friend.
He's really tired or fed up with the party lifestyle he's living. I think he's super bored because everything is just so predictable—the way things are done and how the night always ends. He's been feeling a bit drained from that part of his life.
He's been working a lot too, helping out his family, or if he has kids, he's been providing the best he can for them financially. I also see him as really passionate and bold. Maybe he has some fire signs in his chart. He's got his eye on someone and is basically competing with someone else for their attention.
Love Life
He's apparently in a relationship or has a very genuine connection with someone he loves a lot. It's a really sincere bond, but right now, he feels rejected by this person.
It's like he tried to get closer, and they didn't want to talk at that moment, so he's been feeling a bit upset about it. They seem distant from each other right now. I'm not sure if he's traveling or if the other person is, but there's a significant distance between them, which has been an obstacle, especially for their communication and what they really want to say to each other.
He loves this person a lot, but it was quite difficult to win them over because they have a strong personality. He had to use all his tricks to win over the person he has now, and he feels like their arrival in his life changed everything, turning it completely upside down.
He admires this person a lot—it's his ideal type—and he definitely has plans to build something big with them.
Right now, he's really happy working in a team with others. There's a guy he's very close to, possibly an earth sign, and they have a lot of projects in mind. They make a great duo, and he really values that. However, there are some things he finds draining, and it seems like the universe is giving him these challenges as a test of patience and effort. He’s dealing with some things that feel like too much to handle, but there's a bigger meaning behind it all.
There's a woman he really wants to work with, and it seems like it’s related to various things, including sponsorships or something profitable that he knows will be good for his career. He’s really hoping for this partnership because he thinks it would look great visually with them working side by side.
He has many proposals and opportunities coming his way, but he's unsure about which one to choose. He still has a lot of doubts about how to make the right decision because he worries about making wrong or hasty choices and then regretting them later.
He financially supports his family, and I think something went wrong with a money-related situation. It's like they made an investment, and it didn’t yield the return they were expecting.
They feel that the trust they had in it didn’t pay off as hoped, leading to a lot of disappointment. What they thought would be amazing turned out to be good but not enough for them, overall.
But he has a good connection with his family, even though they’re distant right now—maybe just talking through calls. He really loves his family, and there's a chance that someone in the family might be expecting a baby, which makes him really happy too.
He really loves his friends. I think there's a Libra friend he loves spending time with. There’s another friend who is more of a party buddy than someone he has deep conversations with because he doesn't like how this person talks—he finds it a bit rude. But he enjoys hanging out with them because they’re fun.
There's also a friend he's physically attracted to, so there might be a friends-with-benefits situation there. And then there’s another friend who he feels betrayed by.
He feels like he's suffering because of something he did to a friend in the past, and now he's experiencing a similar situation himself. The energy is always heavy with this situation. So, he’s waiting to see what the next steps will be in this friendship.
He’ll definitely be in a long and happy relationship with someone. I see that this person will be much more mature than he is and very beautiful. They might even have a child together and I can see him getting married in the future.
He’ll be pressured to make a decision about his work that will result in a definite end to something.
I also see him working with a female figure in the future, which will generate a lot of money for both of them. This partnership will lead him to make some significant changes in his life.
I see him going through a “tower moment” where he’ll need to disconnect from the materialistic world he’s been living in to reconnect with his emotions, with people, and with conversations.
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bubbleonice · 2 months
What’s next on your list? I am so excited😭🙏🏻
Something like this:
extra update Timmy and Kylie
Lucky Blue and Nara Smith
Dynamic reading Jin BTS and Moonbyul from Mamamoo
Johnny Depp
Jude Bellingham
Joe Burrow
Edvin and Omar
Jason Mamoa
18+ Timothee Chalamet erotic tarot
18+ Austin Butler erotic tarot
Update Zendaya and Tom Holland
Update Evan Peters
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eternalterror · 11 months
what does Jude Bellingham think of his fans and the dating rumors about him and some girls?
Right now, his fans make him feel as if he’s carrying a heavy burden and taking on too much. He can even think they’re deluding themselves or don’t see him clearly.
I don’t know if there’s any truth to these rumors, but he isn’t taking responsibility for whatever being said. He’s hot tempered and being pretty stubborn right now.
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judesbelligoal · 3 months
I don’t believe in tarot so reading Jude Bellingham readings is so funny to because they’re all so different lol. One will say “he’s into go getters, goal achievers, stands out from the crowd type of girl, successful, feminine” then another literally word for word said
“he’s into people from the slums.”
Another one said he’s gonna get with someone like a stay at home mom that isn’t very physically attractive, while another one says he’s gonna end up with an IG baddie or someone who looks like an IG baddie lol.
It’s all so entertaining to me lol, not to rag on people who believe in tarot and astrology, it’s just my opinion
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skylinesnsunshines · 4 months
Heyy! I loved your Jude reading as boyfriend! We’d love if if you did an ideal type plss 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Love your readings!
thank you <3 here is the reading! hope you like it. apologies for being mia recently, I've been dealing with health issues and have been struggling but hopefully am back now.
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
personal readings
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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8 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, ace of swords, 3 of cups rx | oyster, poet, venus: give and receive love, find value and see beauty
now before i go further, i do wanna preface that jude's energy seems like he's still figuring it out and that this is his ideal type in the current moment. he's only 20 so it's natural that he is unsure of what he truly wants in a long-term partner, so this is subject to change as he continuously experiences life and figures out what he wants. i do feel that he is currently very focused on his career and being in a relationship isn't his priority, so this is just the energy that i am just picking up currently. the first feeling i get is that currently, he wants his person to be financially secure and can support themselves. although he does like providing for his loved ones, i see that he finds it attractive if his s.o is a go-getter and isn't solely dependent on him. pentacles represent earth energy, so jude could be looking for someone who is very grounded and rational. i can see that he models his ideal type after his mother (not in a freudian way), but him seeing his mother able to multitask by taking care of him and also working inspires him. i can see that jude would like to end up with someone patient and diligent when it comes to their personal and work life. by that i mean, someone who can multitask and have a healthy balance of both. 2 of pentacles can be someone resourceful, and adaptable. this card also tells me that he likes detail-oriented people, and always makes decisions concerning their future. i envision him as a perfectionist when it comes to his job and likes to meet someone who values their craft as much as he does. i feel that he is quite picky with who he wants to end up with long-term, as he can be prone to taking on the advice and energies of those around him. i feel that he prioritises having those who have a growth mindset around him, so that is one of the traits that he looks for. ace of swords tells me he likes it when his s.o is straightforward and able to articulate themselves, by this i mean explaining their thoughts, ideas, feelings and other things. ace of swords tells me that he likes people who have fresh ideas and creativity, as these ideas and creativity can be channelled into their work which inspires jude. i also see that one of his deal-breakers is honesty so if his person lies to him at any level, he might feel really betrayed and take it to heart. now 3 of cups rx is interesting, i think jude looks for someone who has a high level of independence. i envision that jude enjoys the chase of pursuing someone, and likes to keep that spark alive by playfully still "chasing" that person even though they are already in a relationship. i feel jude is more of an extrovert, and he wants someone that balances him out in that aspect as his gemini venus seeks someone with duality. now this other interpretation could be weird so bear with me, but if you follow jude you might notice that he always has his friends or family with him. while his friends hold significance to him, i feel that when he has a partner he will slowly integrate them into his family to always be there for him when it comes to his games. i feel like right now he could be overly dependent on others, and when he finds his person he will be more secure and put his emotional satisfaction into having his special person always there for him.
the oyster card describes someone patient, generous and masterful. if you envision an oyster they usually have a harder outer shell protecting an inner treasure, and i feel like this can describe his ideal person. someone who is independent and seems tough on the outside, but has an incredibly giving and beautiful nature that others can see. i have a feeling that jude finds beauty in little quirks and that he finds them endearing, so someone who is humble but has confidence in themselves would be very attractive to him. linking the poet card back to the ace of swords, he might feel enamoured if his person has a way with words. i'm getting the feeling that his top 3 love languages for receiving are quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation (due to his gemini placements). he finds inspiration in people who always know what to say, and offer comfort and encouragement with words. venus represents beauty and while it can easily be interpreted as him valuing physical beauty, jude finds having an emotional connection a large priority. i feel that jude finds people who carry and present themselves as a classic or timeless beauty very attractive. venus can also represent finances, so again this goes back to someone who has a stable income, and i'm hearing the word "self-made" which tells me he has a lot of admiration for those who can provide for themselves.
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so that’s it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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blackcatreadstarot · 8 months
Upcoming tarot readings:
*requests for the readings are always open Lando Norris Future Spouse Joe Alwyn career and love reading Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeanne love reading Anahi career and love reading Neymar career and love reading (including his relationship with Bruna) Sebastian Stan Future Spouse Pedro Pascal Future Spouse Travis Kielce & Taylor Swift love reading Jude Bellingham love reading Jude Bellingham Future Spouse Isa Hernaez Future Spouse
Jonah Hauer king & Jessica Alexander Lewis Hemilton love life for 2024 (including if he wants a family and get married in general) Sergio Perez career (including if he will ever be WDC) Ayo Edebiri love reading Ayo Edebiri & Jeremy Allen White reading Playboi carti love and career
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highesthealer · 3 months
Jude Bellingham reading by esoteric worm
Full analysis
Part 1
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warnings: based on astrology. requests are open
He knows what he wants in a job, but he never thought soccer would be the only profit. He is a versatile person, but many things he can't accept in his head. Well mannered, but his head is a mess. He is a great friend who will always support and help. Likes being outdoors. Likes to be in the child's position.
Jude’s dad is more stricter than a mother, but his mother may be more protective of her sons than necessary. That can make Jude have a lot of high standards for girls. Like, "Why aren't you like my mom?"
He's a smart and cunning guy, but naive. He has leadership qualities, but he can bend under the person who is morally stronger than him.
He does not have a specific type of girl because he has no serious intentions for the next few years in terms of relationships. In his 20s he wants to go out, try something and enjoy the status in society with different interesting, successful people.
It's hard to genuinely surprise him. Jude’s mom is a strong-willed woman who has labored since childhood to not let her sons let anyone hurt their feelings.
The woman who can be remembered by Jude for the rest of his life is a woman more successful than him with a very complex character. Her face can look always serious, disgruntled, her body is athletic, nationality is not important.
Can date women who have so low self-esteem but look like dolls. He likes famous Instagram girls. He likes being a lifeguard because that way he is not vulnerable and can tell people what to do and they will obey him.
He loves children and knows they understand everything. He has no experience of love yet. Jude wants to diversify that and meet the right person and realize, yes, by any means necessary, I want children with this person.
Jude can have relationships with fans, he loves the fact that people agree to do anything for him. He will have star sickness, but it will pass after one situation in his life.
He is a good man. He is honored to respect and have people like his friends around him for now. He also likes to give gifts to his friends and jokes a lot.
Part 2 is already done.
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ribesballtarot · 3 months
Team: Real Madrid
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Who is Jude Bellingham when the cameras aren't on?
The hermit, three of wands, the lovers reversed, king of pentacles, ten of wands reversed, justice reversed, judgement, ace of swords.
Not as willing to engage in social setting or meeting new people as one might think, but still he always shows up due to modesty and influence. He's confident, though not that good at communicating and being forward with what he really wants from others. He struggles forming connections, specially if it involved the opposite sex. He's not very committed, neither does he often take accountability for his actions. Behind cameras he doesn't present as someone who is burdened with responsabilities, but rather someone that has been rebirthed through his success. His accomplishments actually make up a lot of who he is and how he acts.
What is Jude Bellingham's -overall- personality?
Knight of pentacles, the devil, four of cups, queen of cups, nine of wands, ten of cups reversed, the moon reversed, king of wands reversed.
His personality is very driven and sexual, he actually gets off on the adrenaline that playing the sport and being on top gives him, more than the opposite sex. This is someone whose personality is based a lot on his ambitions and how much they make him feel psychally before it reaches mental stimulation. He is somewhat self-absorbed, and emotional, he always needs more and more and more, to be challenged. He can become manipulative and suffer from turmoil consequently after it. His imagination tends to run wild, he's got very surrealistic expectations and a lot of unatachable dreams right now. He always expects the next best thing.
What parts of himself does he try to hide from the public?
King of wands reversed, the magician, the moon, judgement, the world reversed, ace of cups
He tries to hide the fact that he's too demanding of himself and others equally, because he constantly looks for the next best thing he also needs to be surrounded by the best. That he's *deep* or so to say, introspective, somewhat creative and therefore sensitive. That he's for lack of better word, lazy —or at least he feels like he is. As if things come easy to him more times than it has been presented for him to actually work through perfecting his skills.—
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Jude Bellinghams Current Energy Reading
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His Current Energy : KoW rx, 3oS, 2oC, PoP rx & The Star
I believe Jude is extremely angry and just overly emotional at the moment. He seems to be really disappointed and disheartened about the whole Greenwood drama, but he feels like the pain will somehow pass as time goes by.
I also believe he’s currently being supported by the people close to him, or he thinks that the whole situation may have affected his reputation, which would probably also affect his future contracts and business partnerships.
What does Jude think about his POSSIBLE suspension : AoW rx, 4oP rx, 4oW, KNoS & 4oS
He’s really disappointed and sad, because he will obviously be unable to play games and spend time with his teammates. He thinks he’ll face some financial losses due to his inability to participate in games.
I think he’s also slightly ok with it… because he’ll be able to go home? He knows that he’ll have never ending support from those around him who genuinely love him.
IF he gets suspended (which I really hope he doesn’t), he’ll comeback more mature and will have learnt from his current mistakes, and he will probably HATE La Liga for mistreating him this way as well.(like he’s gonna be soo mad at them lol😭)
But for the overall energy (4oS) I think Jude really wanted a break, he feels like he’s been working nonstop and needs a little rest…
My thoughts on the whole situation :
For Jude… I believe that he should tread carefully from now onwards because he has A LOT of envious people in his life! He needs to be careful about who he hangs out with, what he says because… humans in general are really weird and dangerous as well.
I mean… firstly, Jude is literally half black… which is already an issue because well, La Liga is known for their racism.
Imagine suspending Jude over what he said, I mean… was he wrong though?! Like he wasn’t…🚶🏽‍♀️
On Jude’s side though, he should REALLY work on controlling his emotions… ANDD just protecting his energy from all the evil eye he receives from those around him and on social media! 🧿
Because I mean… we’ve all seen the amount of people literally praying on him and his brothers downfall too…
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