#jude bellingham astrology reading
skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
jude bellingham reading: as a boyfriend
hi everyone! i got a request to do a reading on jude as a boyfriend so here I am delivering it! I'll try my best to be consistent when it comes to posting so please be patient cause my life is quite hectic ty <3
personal readings
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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6 of pentacles, 7 of pentacles rx, 4 of wands, the empress | victim | gemini: curiosity, intellect and networking | turtle
jude is someone very generous when he is in a relationship, wether that'd be with time, affection, but mainly materially. i see jude as a provider, as he seems to have an innate want to take on the provider role in the relationship. his gemini venus tells me that he is happy having his s.o pursue their dreams, however, he'll be a safety net for them to retreat, as he loves to provide. the 7 of pentacles rx could indicate that he could be never satisfied with his material wealth, could have a scarce mindset and feels a burden to always provide. i think he has this need to feel wanted and has a mindset where he always needs to chase. there's this feeling of feeling stimulated by always working towards a goal. 7 of pentacles rx tells me jude could be someone who struggles to leave even if the relationship isn't working out. he's someone who could struggle with codependency, as when he's invested in something/someone, he will give his all sometimes to his own detriment. jude is a private lover, and prefers to not have his romantic life in the limelight. he could be very protective, and pursue those who he can build a home/family with. someone who gets along with his family could be very important to him as well. i feel that jude also prioritises people who he can create a safe home environment with. he looks for people who feel "home" to him however that may be. jude observes what his person is like when they're with his friends/family, as their opinion could influence his perception of his s.o. i see him as a social butterfly in a relationship, constantly wanting to do dates that involve others or do domestic activities such as cooking or baking. he loves celebrating and enjoying life, and ultimately loves creating memories and experiences with the people he cherishes most. jude can be someone who takes on a nurturing role in the relationship, i think this characteristic is innate within him due to him being the eldest in his family. he's got a softness within him and is willing to put others before himself.
with the victim card, this tells me jude's a bit of a pessimist and this tells me that whenever there's conflict in the relationship he could resort to a victim mentality. this isn't necessarily negative though, as this tells me his energy in love is still inexperienced (makes sense cause he's only 20). his energy can seem a bit hot and cold in a relationship due to his gemini venus, but this isn't malicious, he just enjoys having activities and independence outside the relationship. jude seeks intellectual stimulation from his partner and looks for someone he can have a playful relationship with. as a partner, he could really enjoy banter, he could want someone that could be his verbal sparring partner and enjoys a relationship that starts from a friendship. jude could also enjoy networking with his partner's friends as well. he has a lot of curiosity when he's with his partner, and loves getting to know them to their core. the turtle is an interesting figure, as it describes an ancient soul who is grounded, trusting and is at home with themselves. this describes that jude is an individual who seeks adventure and is peaceful and adventurous, there's also a duality to him as he is still figuring out himself yet has a lot of wisdom from within. he can take on a mentor or caretaker role in a relationship as those traits seem natural to him.
so that's it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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highesthealer · 3 months
Jude Bellingham
Ideal type
Full analysis part 2
reading by esoteric worm
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warnings: based on astrology. requests are open. instagram for more info soon…
Communicability. Jude can easily get bored with a person, so a person who knows what he needs and stands out from the crowd with his indifference will attract his attention. Likes to spend time with people with whom you can go anywhere in the world away from everyone at any time and they won't think long. Wants to find the golden mean, maybe something that will make him more reserved because he is so emotional. He respects people with good humor and a generous heart.
Freedom. He likes to flirt with cute, feminine girls, but in his soul are always the girls who are against stereotypes and live to the fullest, letting almost no one near them. He can like a person of any ethnicity and almost any body type. Loves the loose style like going to the beach every day. Opens up even more near people who enjoy any kind of touch.
Love. "This is my friend, we may not have liked each other in the past, but I was always happy with everything." "My partner's character is my motivation." "I don't know how I put up with this bro, but I'd like that for the rest of my life." His destiny is the one successful person he will not want to lose, but only admire.
Secrets. Jude does not hide that for the sake of his beloved will do everything and for the sake of entertainment can allow betrayal. Likes to be decided and dominated (out of work).
Part 3?
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
Jude Bellingham x Daniel Castilla Chart Reading
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People have been talking about how Jude and Daniel look alike! I wanted to pull out their charts here are their similar placements :
Jude Bellingham D1 Chart : Ardra Sun, Mercury, Moon & Saturn
Daniel Castilla D1 Chart : Ardra Ascendant
The Ardra ascendant falls right on to Jude’s stellium and that is also in the 11H. Andd the 11H represents social media, community and etc and many people have been talking about their semi identical looks.
I also checked out their Synastry chart and Daniel’s moon (another indicator of physical appearance in Vedic astrology) was conjunct Jude’s MC. The only reason why people mention their similarities is because of Jude’s Taper Fade on both of the guys.
welp! that’s it’s for today, I wish I could type more but I have history and geography work to do lol! laterrr!
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judesbelligoal · 3 months
I don’t believe in tarot so reading Jude Bellingham readings is so funny to because they’re all so different lol. One will say “he’s into go getters, goal achievers, stands out from the crowd type of girl, successful, feminine” then another literally word for word said
“he’s into people from the slums.”
Another one said he’s gonna get with someone like a stay at home mom that isn’t very physically attractive, while another one says he’s gonna end up with an IG baddie or someone who looks like an IG baddie lol.
It’s all so entertaining to me lol, not to rag on people who believe in tarot and astrology, it’s just my opinion
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skylinesnsunshines · 4 months
Heyy! I loved your Jude reading as boyfriend! We’d love if if you did an ideal type plss 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Love your readings!
thank you <3 here is the reading! hope you like it. apologies for being mia recently, I've been dealing with health issues and have been struggling but hopefully am back now.
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
personal readings
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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8 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, ace of swords, 3 of cups rx | oyster, poet, venus: give and receive love, find value and see beauty
now before i go further, i do wanna preface that jude's energy seems like he's still figuring it out and that this is his ideal type in the current moment. he's only 20 so it's natural that he is unsure of what he truly wants in a long-term partner, so this is subject to change as he continuously experiences life and figures out what he wants. i do feel that he is currently very focused on his career and being in a relationship isn't his priority, so this is just the energy that i am just picking up currently. the first feeling i get is that currently, he wants his person to be financially secure and can support themselves. although he does like providing for his loved ones, i see that he finds it attractive if his s.o is a go-getter and isn't solely dependent on him. pentacles represent earth energy, so jude could be looking for someone who is very grounded and rational. i can see that he models his ideal type after his mother (not in a freudian way), but him seeing his mother able to multitask by taking care of him and also working inspires him. i can see that jude would like to end up with someone patient and diligent when it comes to their personal and work life. by that i mean, someone who can multitask and have a healthy balance of both. 2 of pentacles can be someone resourceful, and adaptable. this card also tells me that he likes detail-oriented people, and always makes decisions concerning their future. i envision him as a perfectionist when it comes to his job and likes to meet someone who values their craft as much as he does. i feel that he is quite picky with who he wants to end up with long-term, as he can be prone to taking on the advice and energies of those around him. i feel that he prioritises having those who have a growth mindset around him, so that is one of the traits that he looks for. ace of swords tells me he likes it when his s.o is straightforward and able to articulate themselves, by this i mean explaining their thoughts, ideas, feelings and other things. ace of swords tells me that he likes people who have fresh ideas and creativity, as these ideas and creativity can be channelled into their work which inspires jude. i also see that one of his deal-breakers is honesty so if his person lies to him at any level, he might feel really betrayed and take it to heart. now 3 of cups rx is interesting, i think jude looks for someone who has a high level of independence. i envision that jude enjoys the chase of pursuing someone, and likes to keep that spark alive by playfully still "chasing" that person even though they are already in a relationship. i feel jude is more of an extrovert, and he wants someone that balances him out in that aspect as his gemini venus seeks someone with duality. now this other interpretation could be weird so bear with me, but if you follow jude you might notice that he always has his friends or family with him. while his friends hold significance to him, i feel that when he has a partner he will slowly integrate them into his family to always be there for him when it comes to his games. i feel like right now he could be overly dependent on others, and when he finds his person he will be more secure and put his emotional satisfaction into having his special person always there for him.
the oyster card describes someone patient, generous and masterful. if you envision an oyster they usually have a harder outer shell protecting an inner treasure, and i feel like this can describe his ideal person. someone who is independent and seems tough on the outside, but has an incredibly giving and beautiful nature that others can see. i have a feeling that jude finds beauty in little quirks and that he finds them endearing, so someone who is humble but has confidence in themselves would be very attractive to him. linking the poet card back to the ace of swords, he might feel enamoured if his person has a way with words. i'm getting the feeling that his top 3 love languages for receiving are quality time, physical touch and words of affirmation (due to his gemini placements). he finds inspiration in people who always know what to say, and offer comfort and encouragement with words. venus represents beauty and while it can easily be interpreted as him valuing physical beauty, jude finds having an emotional connection a large priority. i feel that jude finds people who carry and present themselves as a classic or timeless beauty very attractive. venus can also represent finances, so again this goes back to someone who has a stable income, and i'm hearing the word "self-made" which tells me he has a lot of admiration for those who can provide for themselves.
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so that’s it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
jude bellingham reading: personality
hi everyone! this is my first non-kpop reading!! i am so nervous but excited bc ive been wanting to expand my horizons for a while. i have another footballer lined up for a reading but feel free to request others if you are curious. please remember this is just for fun and i am just a girl w cards <3 ok thank you! hope u enjoy
personal readings
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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9 of pentacles, 9 of cups, 3 of cups, 9 of wands | athlete | house seven: profound relationships, intimacy, and romantic partnerships | snake
firstly i just wanna say wow with three 9 cards. from a numerology perspective with multiple 9 cards, individuals with this energy achieve success early on in their lives as 9 signifies completion, so although jude has many admirers, he unfortunately has people waiting for his downfall due to envy. this energy tells me that jude is a very lucky and well-rounded individual, i sense a feeling of nonchalant-ness as his talent and work ethic come so natural to him. the 9 of pentacles tell me that jude is someone who thoroughly enjoys the fruits of his labour, he could be someone who loves indulging in luxury wether that'd be food, travel, experiences, etc. i also get the feeling that he loves spoiling those around him. he could be someone who loves presenting himself as someone diplomatic, tactful and well-mannered. with the 9 of cups, i see jude as someone who is emotionally fulfilled and can be idealistic. this card indicates someone positive, optimistic, content and fulfilled, however i do feel that jude could be someone who wears rose coloured glasses and has a sense of naivety. i just pick up on very youthful energy with jude, sheltered to an extent as well. i envision him as someone who sees the good in people and prefers to focus on the positives than the negatives. now i literally laughed when i pulled the 3 of cups, as that tells me that jude could have a tendency to be very dependent in his relationship, whether that would be familial, friendship or even romantic. i sense that he is someone who is easily influenced when in groups and is more of a "go with the flow" type of person. he might struggle with doing stuff himself or trusting his intuition, as I feel he relies heavily on the opinions and perspectives of those around him to encourage him. this card also tells me that jude's a social butterfly, he could be the type to enjoy going out to parties, socialising and meeting new people. there's this energy of lightheartedness as I feel that he's a really compassionate and collaborative individual, he gives me the type to love doing group projects hahaha. he's someone who's very in tune with others' needs and can read a room very well. i think one of his biggest fears could be coming across as rude or insincere to others, which could be due to his upbringing. gives me the energy that he can be quite the hedonistic individual and approach life with a "glass half full" mindset. the 9 of wands as the hidden energy could indicate that jude is someone who is still unsure about himself. it makes sense since he's only 20, but I think sometimes when he thinks about his life/position too much he can get easily overwhelmed. it's obvious that he has lots of pressure, but I feel that most of the pressure is self-inflicted. he could also be overly cautious or paranoid, so any decision he makes he will always have multiple backup plans and avoid taking risks (he's a dream for his pr team lmao). i also get a feeling of restlessness with this card, and that this is the side of himself when he is vulnerable and that he rarely shows. i get the feeling that he is still figuring himself out and enjoying the lighthearted aspects of life currently. as he gets older I feel he will obviously mature, and understand himself more. but right now, he just seems very lighthearted and youthful (just like most boys his age rn) and that the "real deep stuff" will come to his realisation later in life.
the athlete card for the athlete!! what a surprise LMAO. this card describes an individual who is dedicated to transcending physical limits and develops personal willpower and strength of spirit. another thing I picked up is that jude could love feeling like the "people's champion" and he feels a large sense of fulfilment if he knows he has inspired people or influenced them. i also pick up on the energy that he loves working towards something physical, in this case, it could be towards his physical body as he feels satisfaction with tangible things. i see that he enjoys the competitiveness of his job, as well as "performing", but the feeling of him enjoying being people's role model is what motivates him more. again, the 7th house card which reiterates the 3 of cups points earlier, he really prioritises harmony and puts a lot of his worth in his connections with others. he could also be a libra rising cause he does give me that vibe. although this card does indicate romance and its importance, with jude currently I feel like he is prioritising his business partnerships with others and ways to elevate himself in that realm. the snake card tells me that jude is a charismatic and creative individual, he could have an untapped creative side. he could also be someone who jumps from one project or another, like start and stop multiple projects cause he has a lot of ideas.
so that's it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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highesthealer · 3 months
Jude Bellingham reading by esoteric worm
Full analysis
Part 1
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warnings: based on astrology. requests are open
He knows what he wants in a job, but he never thought soccer would be the only profit. He is a versatile person, but many things he can't accept in his head. Well mannered, but his head is a mess. He is a great friend who will always support and help. Likes being outdoors. Likes to be in the child's position.
Jude’s dad is more stricter than a mother, but his mother may be more protective of her sons than necessary. That can make Jude have a lot of high standards for girls. Like, "Why aren't you like my mom?"
He's a smart and cunning guy, but naive. He has leadership qualities, but he can bend under the person who is morally stronger than him.
He does not have a specific type of girl because he has no serious intentions for the next few years in terms of relationships. In his 20s he wants to go out, try something and enjoy the status in society with different interesting, successful people.
It's hard to genuinely surprise him. Jude’s mom is a strong-willed woman who has labored since childhood to not let her sons let anyone hurt their feelings.
The woman who can be remembered by Jude for the rest of his life is a woman more successful than him with a very complex character. Her face can look always serious, disgruntled, her body is athletic, nationality is not important.
Can date women who have so low self-esteem but look like dolls. He likes famous Instagram girls. He likes being a lifeguard because that way he is not vulnerable and can tell people what to do and they will obey him.
He loves children and knows they understand everything. He has no experience of love yet. Jude wants to diversify that and meet the right person and realize, yes, by any means necessary, I want children with this person.
Jude can have relationships with fans, he loves the fact that people agree to do anything for him. He will have star sickness, but it will pass after one situation in his life.
He is a good man. He is honored to respect and have people like his friends around him for now. He also likes to give gifts to his friends and jokes a lot.
Part 2 is already done.
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cardboardheartss · 5 months
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Packaging-list Sequel
Kpop Readings
TWICE Jeongyeon Future Career Mini Reading
ENHYPEN Sunghoon and Danielle’s Thoughts Mini Reading
HYBE Brazilian Kpop Idol?
Mingyu and Marina Ruy Barbosa First Impressions Mini Reading
PSYCHIC FEVER Jimmy as a Best Friend
SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu and IVE’s Wonyoung Thoughts of Each Other
NEWJEANS Danielle and Dua Lipa Thoughts Of Each Ofher
Min Hee Jin vs HYBE Situation Reading
NEWJEANS Members Current Energy Reading (26/04/2024)
Min Hee Jin Thoughts On Pinkpantheress
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North American & European Readings
Avatar The Last Airbender Cast Thoughts On The Series
Kiawentiio Mini Personality Reading
Gordon Cormier Mini Personality Reading
Dallas Liu Mini Personality Reading
Sims Live Action Movie Mini Reading
Where is Kate Middleton Reading + Update
Mason Mount Mini Personality Reading
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Eastern & South Eastern Readings
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Jude Bellingham D1 Chart Analysis
Kim So Hyun Birth Chart Analysis
Min Hee Jin Birth Chart Mini Analysis
Nara Smith D1 Chart + Astrocatography
Kim Beom Vedic Chart Analysis
Tyla D1 Chart Analysis
Uma Jammeh (S11 Love Island Contestant) Chart Analysis
NEWJEANS D1 Chart Analysis
Hyein and Go Min Si Vedic Astrology Analysis
KATSEYE D1 Chart Analysis
Mimii Ngulube (S11 Love Island Contestant) Chart Analysis
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
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Packaging-list + Packaging-listt+ CARDBOARDHEARTSS NEWSS
📦no harassment/hate asks
📦no racism, homophobia, transphobia, colourism, anti-blackness, islamophobia, bullying, fatphobia, misogyny, pro-israel
📦do not rush me as well, i WILL get to your ask
📦no 18+ readings (I’m a minor)
📦no love life, ideal type, idol/celeb future spouse readings, idol/celeb family members readings, any thing related to death
📦I only accept mini personality readings, first impressions, friendship readings, (insert name) as a friend, peoples thoughts of each other!
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Kpop Readings
NEWJEANS Hanni and Halle Bailey First impressions
Jenny Park Mini Personality reading
Latrice Kabamba Mini Personality reading
Jam Republic Mini Group Dynamic reading
NEWJEANS Hanni and LE SSERAFIM Yunjin Friendship Dynamic Mini Reading
How do ITZY and NCT view each other
BLACKPINK Lisa and Rihanna First Impressions
NEWJEANS Minji Current Energy (30/01/2024)
Jenny Park and (G)I-DLE Miyeon First Impressions
NEWJEANS Danielle Mini Personality reading
LE SSERAFIM Coachella 2024
(G)-IDLE Minnie Mini Personality reading
NEWJEANS Minji Mini Personality Reading
(G)-IDLE Shuhua Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Yunjin Mini Career Reading
IU Mini Personality Reading
NEWJEANS members love languages
LLOUD Mini Reading
NEWJEANS x TYLA Collaboration?
IU x NEWJEANS Hyein Collaboration
ATEEZ Coachella 2024 Reading
LE SSERAFIM Twitter Drama
NEWJEANS Comeback Mini Reading
Tomorrow X Together Comeback Mini Reading
KOZ Future Girl Group Mini Reading
LE SSERAFIM Eunchae Mini Career Reading
Kpop Exposé Reading
Lucas Mini Reading
NEWJEANS Hanni Mini Personality Reading
NEWJEANS Hyein Mini Personality Reading
NEWJEANS Haerin Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Yunjin Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Sakura Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Chaewon Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Kazhua Mini Personality Reading
LE SSERAFIM Eunchae Mini Personality Reading
NCT 127’s Johnny and Willow Smith First Impressions
STRAY KIDS Hyunjin and Anne Hathaway First Impressions
BLACKPINK’s Lisa and Taylor Swift First Impressions
P1HARMONY Jeongseob Mini Personality Reading
BOYSNEXTDOOR Leehan Mini Personality Reading
TWICE Sana Mini Personality Reading
Minji Mini Career Reading
NEWJEANS Haerin Green vs Red Flags
BLACKPINK Jisoo and Yara Shahidi’s First Impressions of Each Other
LE SSERAFIM Yunjin and ENHYPEN Jay Friendship Dynamics
BLACKPINK Lisa and TYLA Mini Reading
TWICE Jeongyeon Solo
NEWJEANS Hyein Mini Career Reading
LE SSERAFIM Yunjin St*rbucks Apology?
Teo Yoo and Jaehyun Vedic Astrology Mini Analysis
RIIZE Solar Return Chart Transit Chart Mini Analysis
Pinkpantheress and NEWJEANS Collaboration?
Han So Hee Transit Chart Analysis
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North American and European Readings
Jude Bellingham Mini Personality reading
Jude Bellingham Current Energy (03/02/2024)
What do Real Madrid players think of Jude Bellingham
Jobe Bellingham Mini Personality reading
Trent Alexander Arnold Mini Personality reading
Levi Colwill Mni Personality reading
India Armateifio Mini Personality reading
Doja Cat Mini Personality reading
Tyla Mini Personality Reading
Melanie Martinez Personality reading
Jude Bellingham and Kylian Mbappe Dynamic
Alejandro Garnacho Mini Personality Reading
Hector Fort Mini Personality Reading
Joao Felix Mini Personality Reading
Alejandro Balde Mini Personality Reading
Marc Guiu Mini Personality Reading
Pinkpantheress Mini Personality Reading
Future of TikTok Mini Reading
Lolirock Mini Reading
Trump vs Biden Mini Reading
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Eastern and South-East Asian Readings
Nijiro Murakami Mini Personality Reading
Kitty Chicha Mini Personality Reading
Psychic Fever Mini Career Reading
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PAC Readings
Would your celebrity crush want to date you
What would you be known for if you were famous
What would BLACKPINK members think of you
What would BTS members think of you
What would NEWJEANS members think of you
What would TWICE members think of you
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Psychic Fever SR Chart Reading
Jude Bellingham Short Birth Chart Analysis
Pinkpantheress Singer Persona Chart Mini Analysis
LE SSERAFIM Solar Return Chart Analysis
LE SSERAFIM Encore Stage Transit Analysis
Kiawentiio Mini Birth Chart Observation
Teo Yoo and NCT Jaehyun Vedic Astrology Analysis
RIIZE Solar Return x Transit Chart Dating Scandal Analysis
Psychic Fever 2025 Solar Return
Psychic Fever II EP Analysis
TikTok and USA Synastry Mini Reading
Pinkpantheress D1 Chart Analysis
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Paid Tarot Readings
Vedic Chart Reading Booking : 🪷
Paid Tarot Reading Booking : 🃏
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cardboardheartss · 6 months
Jude Bellingham D1 Chart Analysis
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D1 Chart Analysis :
Jude’s POF (Part of Fortune) is in his 1H and is ruled by Magha. Jude is known for his perfect visuals and the infamous “Jude Bellingham Hairstyle” and people, specifically men when they rant about Jude they always mention his hairline.
Magha is thee most powerful Leo nakshatra, he has a very lucky placement because this really emphasizes his ability to be a good leader and a trendsetter too!!
He could possibly have a close connection with his ancestors, specifically the maternal side because he has Jupiter in the 12H, and that is the house of spirituality, this could potentially mean that they send him messages through dreams/subconsciously.
He has an 11H Stellium in (Adra/Migashira), Jude is a walking Rahu man. Jude has his Sun & Moon in the same sign as his Saturn, so there is a possibility that he does have restrictions in terms of FULLY speaking his mind and being open emotionally on social media and interviews.
Jude also has his Venus in Migashira. Migashira rules over the face, chin, cheeks, throat, vocal cord, arms, shoulders & upper ribs. This makes sense because wow! females love this man! Not every woman but people are aware of how attractive Jude is… I mean look at him! ( I literally sound like a simp 💀)
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. His Mercury is also in Migashira, remember Migashira rules over the throat and vocal cords?!people all over social media always talk about how mature he is and they love how he uses his words correctly.
Remember how I had mentioned in the beginning that Jude is also famous for his hairstyle “Jude Bellingham Cut” or “Jude Bellingham Taper Fade.” His Rahu placement is the 10H of Kritikka, and Kritikka rules over the crown of the head. Andd he’s an Ardra stellium too, and Ardra is know to rule over Hair too!!!!
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Remember that this is also a hairstyle, and hairstyles require you to use sharp objects to cut and shape. And Kritikka’s symbol is a knife, a sharp object that is used to cut something. Jude is an Ardra stellium (Rahu), and that’s ruled by hair. So if you put two and two together, you’ll be able to understand the correlation between the nakshatras and this Taper Fade trend.
I know this reaching but I want to talk about Jude and his infamous Belligol pose. For this part I will only mention the emphasized body parts from his ruling Nakshatras. Migashira (chin, arms, shoulders & upper ribs) & Ardra ( arms & shoulders). For Jude’s pose, all of these body parts are emphasized.
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Rahu in Vedic Astrology rules over insects and the Sun + Mars rule over four legged animals. In this case, if you put two and two together, you’ll see the correlation of these placements with the Anteater, they are known to eat ants, an insect and it’s four legged.
Jude’s mars is ruled over Aquarius (Shatabhisha) and Nakshatra’s ruling lord and planet are is also in Rahu and Saturn! In this case his Saturn is in his 11H, house of social media and social networking. This Saturn is at 9° (Sagittarius/Jupiter), Jude specifically does this pose once he’s no longer restricted from opposing teams because he was able to score goals.
Mercury the sign of communication is also in the 11H at 5° (Leo). This trend blew up really quickly, and it’s obviously really fun and easy to remember. Remember, Jude’s Leo cusp is in his 1H, and once again he’s known for the “Belligol” pose during and after his matches.🤍✨🏆
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That’s all for today everyone! If you made it till the very end, Thank you for Reading 🫲🏽😙🫱🏽
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