bakersgrief · 1 month
a/n: I can't draw it, at least not yet, so I decided to write it. Bear Juza! ...Mostly. Everyone is trans and jubantai gives you cavities, basically.
Everyone around Juza could see how they changed. They were becoming more comfortable and confident. Their effort and passion was helping them grow into one of the finest actors anybody knew, breathing life and love into their roles.
Those around Juza could also see they were healing. Juza wouldn't say they had ever been unhealthy, exactly, but it was obvious that they were becoming healthier and happier by the day.
The truth was, Juza had been hurt. They had been hurting for a long time, before joining Mankai. That was where the healing started. And soon, the growth.
It started with a bit of hair. Juza had hair in most of the usual places, but they noticed their chest seemed to be getting fuzzier lately. Over the course of a few weeks, the sparse chest hairs their teenage self possessed grew like a patch of ferns. Soft curls adorned their chest more thickly than before; curls that had trailed down their abs and stomach and up their back and shoulders. It was a little unnerving for them. Juza felt as if it contributed to their masculine, intimidating image. They were surprised by how much their partners seemed to like it.
Laying in bed, Taichi ran her slender fingers through the cloud of curls on Juza's chest.
"It's so soft and fluffy, Juza-san! I didn't think you could get even better for cuddling!" Taichi threw her arm over Juza's abdomen, snuggling closer into their side.
"Can't believe you ended up even more hairy than you were before. You were already gettin' a shadow by the time we went to bed," Banri mused from zir position on Juza's other side. Taichi agreed enthusiastically.
"Yeah," she chirped. "Now they get it at 4 o'clock! You're so cool, Juza-san!"
Juza felt reassured by his lovers' praise. It seemed a shame that their body was changing just as they had been becoming more comfortable in it. Oh well, that was life. (Or, "say-la-vee", as Homare-san would say.)
Time passed. People changed and grew. Perhaps it was fitting that Juza's body was changing now that their life had taken a turn for the better, as if puberty had decided to hold off on hitting them like a truck until they had learned to love their body and their self more than before.
But hair wasn't the end of it. Oh no. As time passed, Juza found the muscles they had gained from constant fights (and maintained from being an actor) were slowly being hidden under a layer of fat. Their body was growing bigger and softer, less hard ridges and more curves.
That was something they didn't dislike. A lot of people disliked having a pudgy tummy, but Juza was very happy with their new soft, squishy body.
Kumon had launched ximself into xer big brother's chest. Juza and Kumon would always be brothers. Regardless of the fact that neither were quite boys anymore.
Kumon squeezed xer big brother enthusiastically.
"You're so squishy, Nii-chan!!!" Xe hollered.
Even though they hated loud noises, Kumon's noises would never be a nuisance to Juza. Xe knew when they needed quiet.
"Thanks, Kumon." Juza chuckled, patting xer head.
Their mother could hardly believe the change her eldest had been through. There they were, on her doorstep. Completely changed from the lonely, angry teenage boy of two years ago.
She could barely keep the tears from falling as she wrapped them in a hug.
"Uh! ...Hi, mom."
"You look so good, baby! You've gained weight- that's so good..."
Juza smiled privately. They thought so, too.
"Hey, Ban-chan! Maybe we should start calling Juza-san Kuma-chan instead."
"Ha? Why would we do that?"
"Well, they're a bear now, right?!"
"Does it even count as a bear if they're not a man?"
"...I don't mind being a bear."
Taichi snuggled deeper into the space between her partners.
"You're our bear!"
Banri reached over and pinched one of Juza's love handles.
"Oi, keep it in the bedroom." They growled.
"Whatever." Ze retorted.
"You're lucky I'm happy being a little femme, otherwise I'd beat you out in the hair department."
"Bullshiiiiiit~" Taichi sang, giggling.
The three of them cuddled closer on the couch, another happy day drawing to a close in the Mankai dorms.
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badboyportrait · 2 years
rating: T relationships: banri/taichi/juza characters: juza, makino, background & cameo characters tags: character study, symbolic murder, gender revelations, delinquent-typical violence, ghosts, nonbinary character, autistic character, extended metaphors word count: 12,569
summary: juza kills o high's strongest several times over. they don't mourn. (fallen blood spoilers)
This ghost wears no kimono. He looks the way Juza remembers him, in his bloodstained O High uniform and a swollen lip. He stands in a corner of the room with his hands in his pockets, hunched into himself. He looks like a mirage. He looks like a memory. Juza can’t breathe.
AO3 link
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mikaelcipher · 11 months
I am once again thinking jubantai dying their hair together
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@ryusxnka asked:
'Pon arriving at the third division's barracks, he does not cease his foot movement's velocity, for anyone, till he ultimately locates the man he had come to seek out. " ----- Oi, Captain Ichimaru! " he calls forth from behind, lack of interest, not so effortlessly perceivable, written 'gainst countenance. " Please accept this piece of candy on behalf of the Tenth Division. " once the merchandise was distributed, he pivots and forthwith absconds ''fore any quantity of utterance could be articulated in turn. / For Ichimaru!!
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A slender form slinks upright when the call is heard, he turns to realise the small form of the individual in his midst, a playful smile is offered in greeting but before he can do much more than that, there's something being slipped into his hands. Long, lanky fingers gracefully grasp the offering.
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"Ara ara, what's this now, chibi-jubantai?"
No sooner had he spared the inquistive words to notice that the small third seat had taken to quickly abscond from the scene entirely.
Curious indeed. A slitted gaze falls down to the item in hand.
Such delightful mystery. Could be sweet. Could be a prank~.
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romijuli · 2 years
“This is a serious fic,” I say, drafting up a post full of shitposty sentences describing it,
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usatokkiss · 10 months
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r63 jubantai sketches from tonight
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ideal jubantai dynamic is taichi walking into a room and saying "WOW it sure would be GREAT if at least ONE of my boyfriends kissed me RIGHT NOW >:3"
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taichissu · 11 months
Taichi and Banri >:3
[gestures to my blog theme] sir they are my brand
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people don't GET why bantai is so good and i'm about to tell you why because it's 4am and i am unstoppable
it's about the domestic intimacy of close friends; having been so close in age, all of jubantai probably felt a special bond the moment they met, considering the rest of aki, sakyo and omi, were adults - i could talk about the different sorts of bonds among jubantai but this post is about bantai - with banri and taichi both being more open and friendly, i feel like they became friends very easily
the domestic intimacy you experience with one of your best friends when you live together; playing games, hanging out, eating dinner, knowing those small things about each other that nobody else knows just because you spend so much time together
it's about their initial bond as the outcasts; after taichi confessing to sabotaging the play run and working for godza, banri is the one demanding taichi show them his portrait - demanding taichi shows them the real taichi; why was it banri who was willing to give taichi a second chance? because he was in the same spot earlier; he ran away and was accepted back despite always causing trouble and drama, banri was given that second chance, banri was excused for his selfish actions and asshole behavior, all caused by the turmoil deep within him, so WHO would be more suitable to give taichi a second chance if not the troupe leader?
it's about them mirroring each other; no matter how you look at it, they both just want the same thing - to be seen - they mirror each other so well showing how they are complete opposites (banri; talented, popular, eye-catching, emotionally inept / taichi: lacking talent, attention-seeking, plain, emotional) and yet still seek the same thing, both of them want to be seen, they want their real selves to be seen; banri wants to be seen as who he is without all the backhanded compliments and empty adoration, taichi wants to be seen as someone more than just a throwaway background role
it's about both of them seeing each other as the reflection of what they lack; banri sees taichi's passion, drive, hard work, emotional maturity, and realizes he could never be him, he could never possibly reach this level of dedication and genuineness / taichi sees banri's effortless talent, popularity, stage presence, ability to steal the spotlight - he sees banri is what he's always dreamed to be but what's been out of reach his whole life
and it's about them being rivals; people always forget they are rivals!!!! taichi declared to banri that he will beat him on stage as a rival and banri accepted it; it means SO MUCH because it means banri sees taichi as a threat, he sees him as not only an equal but someone who's a challenge, and there's nothing that riles banri up more than a challenge
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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criticalcrux · 1 year
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           E ven while receiving commendation wasn't foreign, he oftentimes believed he wasn't meritorious of it. " ------- I'm simply carrying out my duties as captain, Sir. "
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It was a weary gaze that accompanied a gentle tip of his hat. He noted a subtle resentment but also a detectable humbleness in the Jubantai taichou.
"Well, it's a good thing that you are, every little bit helps, in times like these.
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yakeisoda · 2 years
just wanted to say i commissioned you a year or two ago and it's been my desktop wallpaper since then (and the sidebar images on my tumblr here)! i gush about it pretty much every time my friends see my wallpaper and it gives me strength every day :)
HELLO!!!!!!11 omg ur the jubantai comms thank u so much this is so sweet 😭😭🫶🫶 im soso happy u liked it still to this day wah!!!
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virtuous-absolute · 11 months
@crimsonstray asked:
"Your big brother looks like you too, hitsugaya-taichou!"
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A huffed sigh results from hearing the comment and the jubantai captain's eyes shut in a disregarding manner.
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"You cant possibly be serious or so adamantly dim." A pause, perhaps he'd hear a confession from the red-haired lieutenant of having only been joking. It could have been a way to prod at Hitsugaya's nerves as so often times he'd been the one to be burdened and targeted by others who were inclined to such frivolous antics.
It proved to be all for naught as it became clear that the benefit of the doubt was far too much credit put forward.
"Don't be absurd, that was not my brother. Really, if you fail to connect the dots here, you truly must be a hopeless case. I will say this once, Abarai-fukutaichou, and please allow it to sink in. I have no brother."
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kazeshinigami · 2 years
' lieutenant hisagi ! ' the tinier shinigami came up to him after he exited from a meeting, coming up from behind and seeming a bit nervous, fidgeting a bit before bowing before him. ' i am a-yeong desrosiers, third chair of the jubantai! ' she came up with a bit of a rush, making it awkward when some of her wavy locks got stuck in her face from the movement, making her brush it to the side quickly before continuing.
' i apologize if this is seen as rude but, i have heard from rangiku and others about you being interested and playing guitar. i.. do as well, captain otoribashi has been teaching me for some months now but i never really have someone else to practice or play with. i was just wondering, if you would be okay.. with us playing and practicing together? ' it wasn't any type of love confession, she was just trying to get more friends in the gotei thirthteen - especially ones into music like her.
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Taken a bit by surprise with the unexpected address, Shuuhei waits for a sense of what this is about, nodding politely in the meanwhile. He’s somewhat aware of the third seat, given how much busy-work he does for the tenth division’s lieutenant, but he appreciates the reminder of the name to go with the face.
When the subject matter for the conversation finally appears, however, Shuuhei grows self-conscious. He scratches the short hair at the base of his skull as he searches for how to reply without seeming dismissive. “That’s a kind offer. But, um… I think the better question would be if you would be okay with it. Just because I’m interested and I play doesn’t mean I’m any good at it.” After all, Kurosaki Ichigo had once mistaken him for a wailing ghost. If that isn’t telling of Shuuhei’s level (or lack) of skill, he doesn’t know what is. “I would hate to be more of an impediment than a benefit.”
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blitzcricket · 5 years
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“Wow, it sure does look like everyone has something going on. Complicated things... Intimate things... I guess the war really did sorta throw us all into the middle of this sorta everyday struggle. No more watching on the sidelines...” She murmured, sighing wistfully as if to miss those quieter days. But well....there was no helping that now. So many of them had jobs....responsibilities..... whole new lives.
And then she glanced at the three boars she had tied together like pieces of a triforce.
“I guess you’ll have to wait till tomorrow when things are a bit more quiet, Megaboar.”
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ryusxnka · 3 years
There's a small parallel where Tosh asks Ran if she feels uneasy to which she replies "What are you talking about?" Supposed minutes later Halibel asks Tosh why his reiatsu shook to which he recycles the exact phrase. They are polar opposites but both reacted similarly avoidant/sensitive with their respective feelings. Poor jubantai was probably the most emotionally affected by that war huh TT_TT
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       Hello, Anony. -They do share that parallel, yes, but the meaning behind the phrase is diminutively dissimilar to one another, i think. Rangiku says it as an endeavor to clandestine her true feelings in regards to Gin because she knows if she answered genuinely or even straight up saying no, it would worry her captain and thus deter his focus. - so she feigns things dismissively by saying “ What are you talking about? “ Sadly, in spite of him not saying anything, he knows that in actuality, that she wasn’t okay, but speaks not on it so to not belittle since they respect each other. - When he says it to Halibel, it’s to hide a source of weakness - hide his concern for his lieutenant and comrades that were struggling in that instant. Even though Halibel, herself, knew he was feigning for they both shared that trait. - worrying for those around them. But be that as it may, i do agree that squad ten got heavily affected by both wars. Most squads have suffered in some way or another. Squad ten seems to be emotionally the most affected, however. They can try to hide it, but they’re terrible at it. Even Isshin, when he was captain, hid things about white and Masaki from Toshiro and Rangiku. A big flaw they have, indeed, is bottling shit up instead of opening up in a healthy manner which would for sure provide them less burdens.
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axelit0 · 3 years
Random A3! headcanons
I have already uploaded a headcanon, a natsugumi one specifically, this one!
There are gonna be lots of different headcanos, maybe a ship or an LGBT one here or there so if you don’t like those, I suggest you to not read this. Also, this is more like a memo so everything is really unorganized
This is gonna be super long because I have no self-control :)
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Banri punches walls when he is angry, I think I saw this on a fanfiction and I love it, it fits so well????????
Once, Chikage convinced everyone in Mankai, and when I say everyone is EVERYONE, that birds weren’t real and that they worked for the government
Taichi wears braces!!! He also has one or two pimples because of his acne, but azami helps him with them! Aaand he is a bit tanner than the sprites in the game as well HE HAS SHARP FANGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I headcanon that one time Taichi went out with his friends and when he returned to the dorms he had a septum on AHSHAHAHHAH Sakyo scolded him, but he kept it on lol
Trans Taichi, yeah that’s it (no i’m not projecting on him for the 3rd time shut uP)
Also bisexual Taichi
Kazu is an ATLA fan and one time he drew the summer troupes as benders!
You know that Kumon wants Omi to teach him to make sweets for Juza, right? Well, add Taichi and Banri in there (yeah I ship JuBanTai what about it)
This is basically canon but Kumon and Yuki go on shopping trips for accessories together! Sometimes they bring the whole troupe or Azuma and Homare because they are rich and will probably spoil them (The last part was Yuki’s idea)
Homare knows how to cook, but only carrots and noodles. Like, don’t ask him to make you a sandwich because he will probably burn the kitchen Same with Itaru
Sakuya puts sticky notes on the members’ desks praising them for their hard work! (mostly to Tsuzuru, and he leaves some snacks for him too)
I think I’ve read this long time ago, but Tsuzuru would call Sakuya and Masumi by his little brothers’ names when he is really tired
This is practically canon but Tsuzuru and Omi are The Moms™
Kumon will help Tenma to memorize his lines, and he falls asleep in his lap while Tenma caresses his hair and- *sobs* (KyuTen brainrot yes thats me)
Kazu and Misumi go on triangle-finding dates!!!!!
AroAce Homare and ace demiromantic Yuki, yeah
Tsuzuru and Kazu had a cringe emo era (kind like those videos of people saying that Sans is their boyfriend, but less cringey, idk if that made sense)
he/they Azuma and Kumon, also bigender Muku
Tenma names his bonsais after characters of the plays he has done with the summer troupe, like, one might be Sky, other Akiyama, etc... (when Yuki discovered, the teasing never stopped)
Tenma and Tsumugi go shopping for gardening supplies together and it’s beautiful
Muku gets super tall when he grows up and it’s amazing
When Juza entered Mankai, the summer troupe had to hold Yuki, because he almost ripped off Juza’s shoes and hit him with them
Sakoda, Taichi and Kumon are best friends, don’t @ m
I think that I said this before, but everyone in Mankai has slept with Azuma at least once
that’s it????? I don’t really have anything else lmao (I will probably add something when i finish acts 6 and 7)
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romijuli · 2 years
Hmmmmm... Banri!
Mister straight pride himse—
Favorite thing: I love his arc a LOT. Also the gifted kid burnout thing is a mood.
Least favorite thing: shakes him. Be nice to banri
Favorite line: SUTORETTO NA PURAIDOOO seriously though his portrait. And all of re:portrait actually I get stupid emotional listening to that song
BROTP: GAMERS. They’re so funny. Why is citron not in that link skill.
OTP: jubantai! Bansaku! I love them both.
NOTP: the obvious
Random headcanon: WAIT DID I GIVE SAKYO A HEADCANON OH NO. Okay majorly angsty but: at least early in-story I wouldn’t necessarily say he has a death with but I WOULD say he’s kinda…uncaring about what happens to himself? Actually that might just be canon oops.
Unpopular opinion: god what ARE the unpopular banri opinions.
Associated song: I ACTUALLY DO HAVE ONE FOR BANRI I can’t link cause I’m with family atm but Wannabe by DEMONDICE gives me SUCH banri vibes: the first chorus is very YEAH I’M SO FUCKING COOL YOU TOTALLY WISH YOU WERE ME and then the final chorus is very. Not. Just that kinda “my self-confidence is an act (to some extent)” deal.
Fave pic:
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Every time I see this cg from the hourly twitters my brain immediately jumps to “are they committing arson” and I never want anyone to correct me
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