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illmoka · 3 months
⨳ ⁺ 𐃘 nae’s blog !!🥣 ˚
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Actually, Hajime did think about how the weather is always weirdly perfect. But he pushed it out of mind because dwelling on it further is kinda terrifying.
Oooh neat! My smart suspicious boy
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evilvvithin · 3 months
Face reveal?.
uh, no ? why ?
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phantomuheist · 4 months
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@doctor-yamagishi said: "What drew you to Takemi's clinic?"
Unprompted | Always accepting
Oh, that's a new face he wasn't expecting to see. Takemi worked alone, so why was this man here? Maybe he's a new assistant. Akira froze upon seeing him for a moment, sizing him up and trying to assess his behavior. He didn't seem like someone who had ill intentions towards him at first glance, if he was even aware of the rumors circulating Shujin Academy and himself in particular.
Time to say something instead of standing there.
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"Um, I'm out of the medication she provides me. You could say that I'm a regular patient of hers. I'm also part of an experimental drug she's been making. Are you new here?"
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prythianpages · 5 months
Mahonia and taro for the ask game 💕
Hello 🥰
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I love hanging out with my friends, going out and exploring cafes/shops/museums. I just love feeling 💕 and I tend to express it through writing, whether it’s literally one sentence, a poem or a fanfic. If I’m happy, I’ll write fluff. If I’m sad, I’ll write angst.
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
A lot has happened in my personal and academic life the past 2-3 years. I just finished my last day of school ever this past Friday and will be graduating in 2 weeks so I would tell them, “I made it 🥹” bc there were many times where I thought I wouldn’t and debated dropping out of school temporary but my friends really helped me through my struggles 🤍 I’d also tell them that I faced my fears of needles and got my first tattoo and a second ear piercing (I got my first ear piercing when I was a baby) and that I’m excited to pick up on some new hobbies.
Based off this ask game.
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fulltum · 1 year
A gluttonous little catboy manages to get the fridge open and gorges himself on lunchmeats and pickles. When his owner comes home to an empty fridge and a full cat, they decides to punish this by pouring what's left- the entire milk jug- down his greedy, greedy throat. Already so bloated and aching, he isn't prepared for what the lactose intolerance is doing to his poor belly.
Yessss and think about what the pickles alone would do to his tum, maybe the jar was full when he started and he fishes each one out, eventually getting so carried away he starts swallowing down some of them whole... and then all of that vinegar and acid reacts with the milk his owner forces into his throat, curdling the milk and turning the contents of his entire tum into a sour, horrible, lactose-rich soup.
All he can do is roll around on the floor, crying and holding his gassy, aching belly as it expands even bigger from its reaction to the lactose, begging his owner to make it better or give him some tummy medicine. His owner tells him that medicine is only for good kitties and that he should remember this is a punishment, then steps on his taut, aching, bloated tum to reinforce the point.
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kiigan · 1 month
dare Itachi to kiss someone Anonymous suggested: ...kiss Sasori... >:)
ㅤ...Well, this is about to get awkward. Probably, very awkward. With the potential to become incredibly awkward. Is there even anything in the Akatsuki code of conduct that either permits or forbids kissing a co-worker? Work ethics and all that? Then again - his former ANBU captain used to read mature-rated novels during missions, why is Itachi even surprised at this point. If anything, he is the oddball here.
ㅤMaybe he's making a big deal out of something that won't even be felt? Because it won't, right? Sasori's body is artificial, if it cannot feel pain then surely it was also not constructed with receptors for something as elusive as human affection. What receptors would those be, even? Meissner's corpuscle, for registering changes in texture and slow vibrations? Add it to the list of things to read about and learn later. For the time being, he presses his lips to the puppet master's and pulls back almost immediately - trying his best to keep the usual impassive facade on, though the results this time are anybody's guess.
«...For the sake of a bet. Please, disregard it.»
i promise i'm not making any Ken doll jokes in my head @shinnogi @akasunaa @sasori-rp
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tau1tvec · 8 months
🤍 For the couple who has been together the longest. 🍰 For the couple who have just started their relationship.
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🤍 What is their favorite or most admired quality in the other?
Their thirst for adventure, which I also admire bc it makes playing them fun!
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🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
Still haven't decided on the one, but here's one I listened to recently while thinking about them.
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samuhelll · 3 months
@celesteye asked: is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? details about ocs headcanons (accepting)
sam never used to sleep.
before losing his immortality and his heart being forced back into him, sam’s body maintained an unchanging stasis. this means that he never aged. his hair never grew. he was never hungry, never thirsty, never tired.
after losing it, that changed.
now, sam needs sleep. it doesn’t always come easily to him. he can lie up on his back staring at the strange blank ceiling for an indiscernible amount of time, his head pregnant with a primordial stew of feelings and thoughts and memories or the future, how he's going to live, if he is, sometimes nothing at all.
he’s a heavy sleeper. he favors one side even with no one else in it. he wakes up with the birds. a graceless sleeper. he drools. he used to favor sleeping on his belly until the back pain became intolearable. nobody knows how many people have shared his bed.
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deqncas · 1 month
When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) <3
omg ty marti <3
here it goes:
Over and Out – 5sos
Heaven Help Us – MCR
I Never Told You What I Do for a Living – MCR
Time to Dance – p!atd
Watch Out – EXO-CBX
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hidefire · 2 months
📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 
oh this is so tough, because I guess for rain you could call like… all of her a headcanon technically. but one of my favorite headcanons is just that rain really loves soft and fluffy things. it’s one of those headcanons that is really simple on the surface but the more you think about it the more sad that you get.
also really like thinking abt the fact that rain has her brother’s guitar. idk if she even knows but her brother’s guitar is actually passed down from their father. so it’s like a sentimental family heirloom on accident.
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titanofthemoon · 2 months
"Do you have a crush on anyone? Celebrity, co-worker, etc.?"
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"Celebrities? Not so much. Would you believe that I was incredibly boy crazy when I first entered patriarch's world? It's so embarrassing now. Looking back, I'm not even sure if it was real, of if I was that way for my own sake. Maybe it was performative, maybe it was the novelty of it all, but getting to know males as more than an "other" settled all of that down real quick. As for other people.... I've had passing attractions, but little more than that. I think it takes a lot for me to get to the full-blown crush stage. Or I get to know someone really well, and it skips the crush stage right to romantic love. That's when you know you've probably spent a little too much time with co-workers. A bad idea in general." ((Looking at you, Roy and Kyle))
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fatexbound · 6 months
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@autonomousxselves said: “I know you’re going through a rough time. Can I get you anything?” -Ikutsuki @ MC
random dialogue … sentence starters pt. ? | Accepting
SEES had just suffered their first casualty, a little more than a week ago. Aragaki had been shot, with Amada holding him in shock. By the time they had arrived after defeating the two Shadows, he only managed to utter a few words before passing away in Sanada's arms. This was... never supposed to happen. He had failed them, as a leader. This wasn't in his plans, although he kept wondering where they had gone off to on a full moon operation. Makoto didn't shed a tear for him at his funeral, but his best solution was to isolate himself in his room and attempt to process it on his own.
Death didn't frighten him, but... what if he slowly lost everyone over time? It was all his fault, wasn't it?
A knock on his door and a voice broke him out of his self-loathing and he blinked slowly, getting his bearings. He had found himself sitting on the floor against his door and hugging his knees close to his chest. He had to get up now.
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"...Water is fine." Of course, he hadn't eaten anything in days, but it didn't bother him at all. He could starve for all he cared. "Just leave me alone... it's all my fault..."
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evilvvithin · 5 months
Miles didn't deserve to win the poll he DIDN'T EVEN DEFEAT MURKOFF? All he did was go somewhere he shouldn't have unarmed and die as a consequences. Heather killed God
He did.
People say Heather defeated God but Miles become one
(edit) not to mention you know like nothing about outlast i assume, but Miles got to the core of everything and then became "god". With the expectation god in Outlast is a scientific experiment inspired by actual irl project, mk ultra.
Good for Heather defeating some God
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suspendingtime · 4 months
💌 sending this to the twelve nicest people who seem to have a good heart! Feel free to pass it along! if you got this, you must be pretty awesome
This is too kind! 🥰 Thanks.
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prythianpages · 6 months
4, 14 (if there are any), and 24
Also, I totally agree ab Elain and the Suriel love is absolutely - total homie right there and befriending mythical creatures never fails to make me feel warm and happy
Yes! I only wish we got to see a bit more of the Suriel 🖤
4. Do you have a favorite quote from one of the books?
I really love “to the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered.”
14. Favorite SJM Theory?
There’s a theory that Tamlin somehow saved Rhys’s sister and sent her somewhere else, linking it to why there’s a star pool in his court. It might be a stretch but like with many SJM stuff, I feel like there’s more to the story of her death and it’d be nice if this one were true 🥺
24. What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
Probably Tamlin. I think a lot about him and though I don’t condone the wrongs he’s done (esp since Rhys has also done some wrongs, still love him but idk how I felt about the pregnancy secret thing), I would like to see his redemption arc. Home boy is suffering too 😔 I hope he gets his happy ending eventually.
Based on this ask game.
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