#juan carlos cristobal
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petit-papillion · 1 year ago
Charles admiring this pencil artwork by Juan Carlos Cristobal
🎥 EatPrayLeclerc
And posing with the artist!
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Charles with Juan Carlos Cristobal | Los Angeles | 9 November 2023
📸 bliss_n16
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months ago
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Día de las Naciones Unidas para la Cooperación Sur-Sur, Día Internacional de Acción contra la Migraña, Día del Programador, Día Internacional del Crochet, Semana Europea del Cáncer de Pulmón, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Guido, San Macedonio y Dulce nombre de María.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1986
En el norte de Vietnam mueren 400 personas y resultan heridas más de 2.600 a causa del ciclón Wayne.
En Etiopía, una Junta Militar derroca a Haile Selasie, emperador que ha regido los destinos del país durante 40 años. (Hace 50 años)
En Bruselas (Bélgica) y hasta el día 14 se celebra una conferencia geográfica internacional con el fin de suprimir el comercio de esclavos africanos y abrir dicho continente a la civilización. Para ello, y formada por varios comités nacionales, se constituye la Asociación para la Civilización y Exploración del África Central. (Hace 148 años)
En la ciudad chilena de Valparaíso, se funda el periódico "El Mercurio", el decano de los diarios de chilenos. (Hace 187 años)
En Rusia se firma el tratado de San Petersburgo que pone fin a la guerra ruso-persa. Aprovechando las revueltas que habían estallado en Persia, el zar Pedro I el Grande ocupó el litoral que dicho país poseía en el Mar Caspio. (Hace 301 años)
Pedro I el Grande, Zar de Rusia, recluye a la actual regente, su hermanastra Sofía, en un convento de Moscú y asume el poder. (Hace 335 años)
Un ejército de auxilio, al mando del rey polaco Juan III, expulsa en la batalla de Kahlenberg a las huestes turcas que sitían Viena (Austria) desde el 14 de julio. Los panaderos, que desempeñaron un papel importante en la resistencia, conmemorarán el sitio de Viena y la derrota de los otomanos con un sabroso bollo hojaldrado en forma de media luna al que llamarán croissant. (Hace 341 años)
El emperador Carlos V abdica y se desliga de los problemas políticos para retirarse al Monasterio de Yuste, en Cáceres (España). Allí pasará el resto de sus días apartado de los problemas de gobierno aunque seguirá muy de cerca los acontecimientos de la época. (Hace 468 años)
De la isla La Española zarpa como pasajero el almirante Cristobal Colón, acompañado de su hermano y de su hijo, de regreso al Reino de Castilla (actual España), a donde llegará el 7 de noviembre tras un complicado y tormentoso viaje. A su vuelta le esperarán las deudas y ver cómo sus privilegios serán cuestionados. (Hace 520 años)
Al amanecer de este día, en su cuarto y último viaje el Almirante Cristóbal Colón y sus cuatro naves, que se están viendo sometidos a los embates de una terrible tormenta desde hace días, se aproximan a un Cabo en la desembocadura de un río (el Coco). Al encontrar allí el mar en relativa calma que le sirve de refugio para sus navíos, Colón pronuncia la conocida frase "Gracias a Dios que al fin salimos de esas honduras", por lo que el cabo se quedará para siempre con el nombre de "Cabo Gracias a Dios". De esta manera es como se produce el primer contacto con las tierras de la actual Nicaragua. Desde allí, Colón y sus navegantes continuarán su viaje rumbo al sur. (Hace 522 años)
En España, las tropas de Fernando IV, comandadas por Guzmán el Bueno, conquistan Gibraltar a los musulmanes, tras un breve y duro asedio. A los más de 1.000 vencidos se les da libertad para que crucen el estrecho y vuelvan a su tierra. (Hace 715 años)
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ifreakingloveroyals · 10 months ago
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22 December 2011 | New Spain's Minister of Treasury and Civil Services Cristobal Montoro Romero is sworn in in front of Spain's Minister of Justice Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, King Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen Sofía of Spain during a ceremony at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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notibuena · 2 years ago
La Fiscal General del Estado Diana Salazar pide que las 37 personas involucradas en el presunto caso de corrupción sean procesadas. Entre los implicados mencionados por la fiscal se encuentra el ex presidente de la república y gran parte de su familia, gerentes de Coca Codo Sinclair, embajadores chinos, funcionarios públicos, personal de la empresa Recorsa, Asesor Jurídico de Recorsa y Representantes Legales de varias personas Jurídicas.
Lista de los involucrados
Lenín Moreno, expresidente de la República.
Rocío González, esposa del expresidente.
Irina Moreno, hija del expresidente.
Edwin Moreno, hermano del expresidente.
Guillermo Moreno, hermano del expresidente.
Jaquelina V., cuñada del expresidente.
Martha G., cuñada del expresidente.
Xavier José M.C
Conto Augusto P.M
Maria Auxiliadora P.H
Juan Carlos P.H.
Patricia de las Mercedes P.H
Manuel Ignacio P.H
Victoria María P. Ch
Juan Manuel D. P
Francisco José Ch.C
Dos EX Gerentes de Coca Codo Sinclair y la esposa de uno de ellos
Henrry de Jésus G.C
Luciano Enrique C.V
María Augusta del Rocío B.C
Francisco Enrique C.L
El Ex embajador chino
Cai. R
Yang H.
Song D.
Wu Y.
Alie A,
Funcionarios públicos y personal de la empresa Recorsa
Ximena del Rocio D.V
Pablo Anibal A.A
Mónica Alexandra O. J
Mauricio Xavier P.D.A.D
Pablo Honorio Z.M
Francisco Esteban E.N
Asesor jurídico de la empresa Recorsa y representantes legales de varias personas jurídicas.
José Eduardo C.V
Juan Cristobal S.S
Antonio Germénico S.S
Rocío del Carmen G.E.
Mercedes del Pilar C.A
Carlos Oswaldo A.A
Presuntos actos ilícitos se desarrolló dentro del proyecto hidroeléctrico Coca Codo Sinclair. El cohecho tiene su cabida entre 2009 y 2018. Diana Salazar informó que las investigaciones empezaron desde el 28 de marzo 2019 y en ese entonces era conocida como el caso Ina papers. Actualmente la fiscal reconoce judicialmente como Caso Sinohydro: por las implicaciones y repercusiones dentro del mismo. Este caso tiene     un alcance interestatal y trasnacional según lo que dió a conocer la fiscal Diana Salazar.
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judyconda · 2 years ago
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#SpiritualSunday: Santo Niño de Cebu (Part II) The Santo Niño de Cebú was originally produced by Flemish artisans, according to a hagiography, based on a vision of Teresa of Ávila, the 16th century Discalced Carmelite mystic. In early 1521, a Spanish expedition ordered by King Charles V and led by Ferdinand Magellan was on a voyage from Spain to find a westward route to the Spice Islands. After crossing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in April 7, 1521, they landed in Limasawa, Southern Leyte, and met a local ruler named Raja Kulambu, who introduced him to Rajah Humabon, ruler of Cebu Island, and his chief consort, Hara Humamay. On April 14 1521, Magellan presented them with three gifts: a bust of Christ as the Ecce Homo, an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Santo Niño as part of their baptism and strategic alliance. As Humabon adopted the Catholic faith, he took the Christian name of "Carlos" (after Charles V), while Humamay was christened "Juana" (after Joanna of Castile, Charles' mother). According to Antonio Pigafetta – Magellan's memoir writer, along with the ruler, about 500 males along with the Queen and 40 women were also converted by Father Valderrama. At the ceremony, Raja Kulambu of Limawasa also converted and was given the name Don "Juan", while his Muslim captain was named Don "Cristobal" #pitsenior #pitsenyor #santoniño #santoniñodecebu #feastday #SpiritualSunday #Spiritual #Spirituality #Mystique #Spiritique #sacredmystics #catholicart #catholicculture #catholiceducation #catholique #catholiques #romancatholic #romancatholicchurch #catholicmystics #catholicworld #intothemystic #catholic #catholicism #contemplate #Mindfulness #tradition #traditional #traditionalvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnb8vyqy6XR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noframewasted · 7 years ago
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TAMBIÉN LA LLUVIA (2010) - Icíar Bollaín
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transtranscendence · 4 years ago
2011 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For the unknown person murdered on June 1, 2011, in Goiandia, Goiás, Brazil.
For Matilde, murdered on June 2, 2011, in Ampliación Las Bajadas, Veracruz, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on June 3, 2011, in Poncitlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
For Mailda dos Santos (Maria do Bairro), murdered on June 8, 2011 in Lagoa Encantada, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Carla Tovar Cardenas, murdered on June 12, 2011, in Tala, Jalisco, Mexico.
For “Nathan Eugene Davis”, murdered on June 13, 2011, in Northborough Drive, Houston, TX.
For Kenia Silva Nascimento, murdered on June 18, 2011, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on June 19, 2011, in Sabaneta, Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela. 
For the 2 unknown people murdered on June 21, 2011, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
For Karla, murdered on June 27, 2011, in Juarez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
For Casandra Hernández, murdered on June 30, 2011, in Calarca, Quindio, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on July 6, 2011, in Vilhena, Rondônia, Brazil.
For Thalia, murdered on July 6, 2011, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on July 12, 2011, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Cinthia Gonzalez Garrido Rodriguez, murdered on July 14, 2011, in Calama, El Loa, Chile
For Shayara Soares Santana Pereira, murdered on July 16, 2011, in Belford Roxo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Val de Souza, murdered on July 17, 2011, in Ariquemes, Rondônia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 18, 2011, in Zona 5, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Samantha, murdered on July 22, 2011, in Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on August 6, 2011, in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Gaby, murdered on August 6, 2011, in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on August 11, 2011, in Tlalpan, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
For Wajahat, murdered on August 14, 2011, in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
For Baby Lourenço Gonçalves, murdered on August 17, 2011, in São José, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on August 20, 2011, in Tiquisate, Escuintla, Guatemala.
For Roberta Machado Amorim, murdered on August 20, 2011, in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For La Frutera, murdered on August 21, 2011, in Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on August 24, 2011, in Paris, France.
For the unknown person murdered on August 25, 2011, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
For “Victor Manuel” Ulloa Morales, murdered on August 31, 2011, in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortés, Honduras.
For Adriana, murdered on September 5, 2011, in Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 7, 2011, in Santa Branca, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 8, 2011, in São Raimundo Nonato, Piauí, Brazil.
For Suzi Divino da Silva, murdered on September 8, 2011, in Nova Fatima, Paraná, Brazil.
For Luana de Oliveira Batista, murdered on September 8, 2011, in Rondonpolis, Mato Grosso, Brazil. 
For Simone Santos Rodrigues, murdered on September 9, 2011, in Eunapolis, Bahia, Brazil.
For Gaurav Gopalan, murdered on September 10, 2011, in Washington, D.C.
For “Carlos Eduardo” Ferreira de Oliveira, murdered on September 12, 2011, in Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For “Jorge Alexis” Ortiz Hernández, murdered on September 17, 2011, in San Cristobal, Chiapas, Venezuela.
For La Denisse, murdered on September 19, 2011, in Galeana, Zacatepec, Morelos, Mexico.
For the unknown person murdered on September 20, 2011, in Boa Viagem, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Lucie Parkin, murdered on September 20, 2011, in Hayward, CA, USA.
For the unknown person murdered on September 22, 2011, in Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 25, 2011, in Basaksehir, Istanbul, Turkey.
For the unknown person murdered on September 28, 2011, in Nova Serrana, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 3, 2011, in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
For Paloma Perez, murdered on October 3, 2011, in San Juan de Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
For Tierrita, murdered on October 4, 2011, in Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic.
For Paloma Rodrigues da Cunha, murdered on October 5, 2011, in Rua Perimetral, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For Ramazan Cetin, murdered on October 6, 2011, in Gaziantep, Turkey.
For “Jefferson” Diogo de Cezaro, murdered on October 10, 2011, in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
For Joana Faria, murdered on October 10, 2011, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 10, 2011, in General Paz, Córdoba, Argentina.
For Sandy, murdered on October 13, 2011, in Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil.
For “Maicon Michel” Cardoso da Silva Westenhofen, murdered on October 15, 2011, in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
For Elisa Sabatella Brasil, murdered on October 15, 2011, in Cacoal, Rondônia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 17, 2011, in Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
For Lulu, murdered on October 18, 2011, in Medellin, Antioquia, Columbia.
For Talha, murdered on October 22, 2011, in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
For the 2 unknown people murdered on October 23, 2011, in Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Dudu Paixão de Jesus, murdered on October 23, 2011, in Camaçari, Bahia, Brazil.
For Fogao Ferreira Rodrigues, murdered on October 24, 2011, in Carmo da Mata, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For “The Key”, murdered on October 24, 2011, in Berisso, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For Malu dos Santos Moraes, murdered on October 24, 2011, in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil.
For Gabi Pereira Dantas, murdered on October 27, 2011, in Lagarto, Sergipe, Brazil.
For Jessica Rollon, murdered on November 1, 2011, in Ciserano, Lombardy, Italy.
For Luana de Oliveira Moreira, murdered on November 2, 2011, in Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil.
For Muneer, murdered on November 4, 2011, in Bhati Gate, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on November 8, 2011, in Formosa, Argentina.
For Y.M.A. Zambrano, murdered on November 10, 2011, in Venezuela.
For Angela, murdered on November 17, 2011, in Arroyo Pantanoso, Montevideo, Uruguay.
For Samira dos Santos, murdered on November 17, 2011, in Boca do Rio, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. 
For the unknown person murdered on November 18, 2011, in Prado de Maria, Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on November 18, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Shakira Quinonez Ortega, murdered on November 25, 2011, in Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.
For Brenting Dolliole, murdered on November 26, 2011, in New Orleans, LA.
For the unknown person murdered on November 26, 2011, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Gardenia, murdered on November 26, 2011, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Carol, murdered on November 29, 2011, in Jardin Boa Esperanca, Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Sarita da Costa Rodrigues, murdered on November 29, 2011, in Jacaranda, Camocim, Ceará, Brazil.
For Suely Scalla Melo Oliveira, murdered on December 3, 2011, in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
For “Pascual Ake Beh”, murdered on December 4, 2011, in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
For C.P. Juarez Quiroz, murdered on December 4, 2011, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Ursula, murdered on December 4, 2011, in Alvorada, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For Esmeralda Severino da Silva, murdered on December 7, 2011, in Lagoa Mundau, Alagoas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 8, 2011, in Patos, Paraíba, Brazil.
For Luningning Alsade, murdered on December 9, 2011, in Cebu City, Philippines.
For La Loba Fonseca, murdered on December 11, 2011, in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
For the unknown person murdered on December 13, 2011, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Perla Mora, murdered on December 13, 2011, in Chimbas, San Juan, Argentina.
For Erica Hernandez, murdered on December 17, 2011, in Detroit, MI, USA.
For “Frederico” Claret dos Santos, murdered on December 19, 2011, in Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For “Marvin Geovany” Ramos Miranda, murdered on December 20, 2011, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras.
For Patricia Costa Alves, murdered on December 20, 2011, in Posto Horizonte, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 23, 2011, in Cesteros, Chimalhuacan, Estado de México, Mexico.
For Natalia Ferreira, murdered on December 23, 2011, in Jardim Paraiso, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Fabiola, murdered on December 24, 2011, in Chihuahua, Mexico.
For Bruninha dos Santos Lima, murdered on December 24, 2011, in Apucarana, Paraná, Brazil.
For Mona, murdered on December 27, 2011, in R. Japura, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Githe Goines, murdered on December 29, 2011, in New Orleans, LA.
For Magnolia Barbosa da Silva, murdered on December 29, 2011, in Centro, Maringa, Paraná, Brazil.
For Dee Dee Pearson, murdered on December 31, 2011, in Kansas City, MO.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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obrasdeartecomentadas · 5 years ago
Las imágenes de Ketsueki Koibito (c. 2001) están marcadas por una negativa. Quizá, la sensación de estar fuera de lugar, de no pertenecer. 
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Si el artista renegado no puede o no quiere amoldarse a ningún código social, su trabajo, en consecuencia, presenta lenguajes visuales irreconciliables. Así, en el repertorio de Koibito confluyen la sintaxis del imaginario suburbano mexicano y la del manga japonés. Inventa imágenes desarraigadas que le permiten articular su identidad personal, sus caprichos y obsesiones en un universo extraño, agresivo, ensimismado. Operando desde márgenes geográficos, simbólicos y sociales, el trabajo de Ketsueki —acuarelas, dibujos digitales y análogos— es, además, sumamente expresivo del estado de la producción visual mexicana actual.
Sus ilustraciones circulan por el internet como artefactos virales. Son, acaso, la culminación de cierta tendencia lúdica en la pintura nacional reciente, que incorpora logotipos de Farmacias Similares, OXXO y diversas marcas de productos mexicanos. Habría que comprender esta oleada como un estilo humorístico que coquetea con la posibilidad de volverse viral. Por lo mismo, produce rechazo entre los sectores artísticos bienpensantes. Se le considera un truco efectista, pasando por alto la posibilidad de que no solo se trata de una moda, sino de una relectura consecuente (a veces irónica, a veces frívola) del paisaje nacional y de la vida cotidiana. 
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La apropiación paródica de la iconografía popular se vuelve una estrategia que incrementa la posibilidad de circulación de la obra, haciéndola accesible para un público no especializado. Sin duda, un gran número de artistas jóvenes moviliza su obra a partir de un impulso viral, el cual, sin importar el soporte, pretende establecer una interlocución humorística con el espectador, agilizando la circulación de la pintura-meme.
Por otro lado, la difusión de una pieza ya no se supedita al formato de exhibición convencional, físico, sino que puede darse en múltiples puntos geográficos gracias a su publicación en redes sociales. Conforme se trastocan las reglas del juego, el arte resulta innegablemente sellado por la era del prosumidor (1). ¿Cómo puede el artista divulgar su trabajo sintiéndose desligado del circuito artístico tradicional? Si a ello sumamos una ligera desconfianza ante los mecanismos del establishment, acentuada por tendencias antisociales, la visibilidad virtual es la batalla continua del productor visual contemporáneo: síntoma de una lógica mercantil que precariza y mira con condescendencia al artista en busca de la consolidación.
Las imágenes de Ketsueki han conseguido sortear aquellos obstáculos e imposiciones, dándole la espalda a las maniobras del sistema del arte. Sus ilustraciones no están mediadas por la mirada paternalista del museo, tampoco por el cobijo mercantil de una galería, sino por la tan despreciada vox, el like, expresión vacua para la autoridad crítica que, aún carente de un enfoque sociológico, tacha de banal la circulación de una imagen artística mediante shares o likes. 
No menos significativo es el hecho de que el estilo de Ketsueki, por el uso dispar de referencias, la invención de narrativas alucinantes situadas en contextos periféricos y la representación enfática del imaginario femenino adolescente, no se adecúe a las exigencias del Arte Hegemónico en mayúsculas: solemne, discursivo, sin infantilismos.
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Indomabilidad y ambigüedad que se intensifican si recordamos que el único marco interpretativo que disponemos para leer este corpus sea las redes sociales de su autora, sin ninguna otra parafernalia o complemento. Insisto en el uso del término “lectura”, pues ellas poseen una cualidad narrativa innegable, no solo por nutrirse del manga y adoptar el uso de onomatopeyas y cajas de texto en japonés, sino porque, debido a la inserción de siglas, leyendas, letreros, frases, fragmentos de canciones en español, varias funcionan como iconotextos, es decir, plantean una fusión plena entre el lenguaje verbal y el visual (2). 
Ketsueki cuenta relatos a dos planos, con/fundiendo la realidad nacional mexicana y sus personajes célebres con la ficción del manga, como ocurre en la reinterpretación de Cepillín basada en Uzumaki. 
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Curiosamente, en otro estado del país, otro joven artista, Gusano Local, imagina a nuestro presidente como ciborg de Inuyashiki. La educación sentimental que provee la animación japonesa, aunado a la notable destreza manual para mimetizarla, nos introduce al mundo psico-social del otaku, quien recurre al “animanga” como válvula de escape ante una realidad en ocasiones insatisfactoria. Los adultos son su propia caricatura.
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Ketsueki narra un relato de formación (coming-of-age), la crónica huraña del incómodo ingreso a la adultez y el aferramiento a la infancia tardía: no es gratuita la insistencia en reapropiarse de personajes como los Teletubbies o Melody.
La agresiva realidad suburbana se convierte en una fantasía edulcorada. Una figura redentora sobresale en la mayoría de sus ilustraciones: San Judas, el Doctor Simi, el Niño Dios o la Virgen de Guadalupe. A propósito, Ketsueki imagina una Virgen ornamentada cuya cabeza es reemplazada por la de un robot de Evangelion, devolviendo a la imagen su potencia sincrética. 
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Para Serge Gruzinski, la Virgen de Guadalupe se erige como una poderosa imagen barroca donde se superponen distintas capas de relatos marianos, así como las heteróclitas devociones de la Colonia (3). Ídolos animados suplantan a la imagen religiosa novohispana (4). Ejemplo de ello es la Guadalupana Hatsune Miku, obra de Jazmín Tzuc Pech, joven artista radicada en la península de Yucatán. No parece arriesgado afirmar que, a su corta edad, el estilo de Ketsueki ha hecho escuela.  
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Pero su mirada transmite mayor franqueza cuando se trata del género paisajístico. En una ilustración destaca un carrito de tortas con el rotulado típico del comercio informal con Seated Ballerina (2017) de fondo, monumento kitsch inflable de Jeff Koons instalado el año pasado afuera del Museo Jumex. Estampa de una modernidad absurda, Plaza Carso emerge como un sitio donde alta y baja cultura colapsan en una escenografía blanqueada y excluyente.
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Otro dibujo anuncia el rotulado de un concierto de la boyband surcoreana BTS. Frente a él, un estudiante solitario ha detenido su trayecto para observar por un instante el desolador muro. Por medio de irrupciones humorísticas sobre el paisaje, Ketsueki satiriza el fanatismo k-pop experimentado desde los márgenes de la urbe mexicana. Reportaje animado sobre la ola Hallyu propagándose, a causa de una globalización estridente, de la misma forma que la música grupera. En la obra de Ketsueki, la cultura fandom y sus inagotables manifestaciones audiovisuales son un mecanismo de resistencia/existencia para distorsionar una realidad contradictoria y chocante.
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Juan Pablo Ramos (@elguaruradelucero)
(1) Martín Rodríguez Gaona define a los prosumidores como “productores y consumidores de textos (e imágenes) que mezclan, sin ningún tipo de prejuicios, afanes publicitarios y artísticos, el discurso público y lo íntimo, la actualidad política y lo lúdico, la individualidad y la máscara”. Véase La lira de las masas: internet y la crisis de la ciudad letrada: Una aproximación a la poesía de los nativos digitales, Madrid, Páginas de Espuma, 2019, edición Kindle, s/p, cap. “Internet y la crisis de la ciudad letrada”.
(2) Retomo de los estudios intermediales el término “iconotexto”, acuñado por Peter Wagner. No son pocos los fenómenos iconotextuales en la cultura visual mexicana. Véase María Andrea Gioivine, “Poesía e imagen en México: De los caligramas de José Juan Tablada a los trabajos de intervención tipográfica de Carlos Amorales”, A Contracorriente: Revista de Historia Social y Literatura en América Latina, vol. 16, no. 1, 2018, p. 7.
(3) Serge Gruzinski, La guerra de las imágenes. De Cristobal Colón a “Blade Runner” (1492-2019), México, FCE, 2013, p. 108.
(4) Una ilustración de Ketsueki reformula el tema cristiano de la Piedad, suplantando a María por un Doctor Simi y al Jesús doliente por una colegiala de cabello pintado. Otros ejercicios de suplantación iconoclasta presentan al niño dios vestido con la indumentaria del OXXO, o sustituido por un Teletubbie.
Juan Pablo Ramos (1993) vive y escribe en la Ciudad de México. Es Maestro en Letras Españolas con mención honorífica por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Su investigación se enfoca en las tendencias autobiográficas y experimentales en la narrativa española a partir de los años sesenta. Se ha hospedado en instituciones como el Centro de la Imagen, Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros La Tallera y la Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). Actualmente gestiona proyectos curatoriales para MASHIMON y UNIÓN (espacio para artistas).
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restaurantinsanjuan · 4 years ago
The Best Things to See, Eat, and Do in San Juan
Why come to Puerto Rico when you could travel in Mexico, or Miami, or even the Dominican Republic nearby? Great inquiry. Come to Puerto Rico to encounter the unusual impression of being in a completely unique nation (gas by the liter, streets by the kilometer, Spanish is spoken) while as yet being in the United States (same dollar, same president, no requirement for a visa). An outing here is a 3-for-1 deal of Caribbean sea shores, tropical rainforests, and wonderful mountainscapes - with the uncommon special reward of not one but rather three bioluminescent sounds. There's sufficient to see and do in Puerto Rico to keep you occupied for quite a long time.
All things considered, at the top of any Puerto Rico agenda ought to be San Juan, the dynamic capital city where most of the island's visitors land. Set up in 1521, this is the most established European-established settlement in the US and the second-most seasoned in the Americas. You don't need to squint too difficult to see that rich history around you: The pastel-hued Spanish frontier structures and thin cobblestone roads of the Old Town are ensured by seventeenth century strongholds and a 15-foot-thick crisscrossing divider. Take a mobile tour around Old San Juan to get the full impact. Additionally of historical import: The piña colada was concocted here.
Be that as it may, San Juan is something beyond enchanting old stuff and tourist shops. It's a mosaic of steadily advancing areas, similar to the cosmopolitan Miami vibes of Condado, or the fashionable person bars and road craft of Santurce. Regardless of whether you're here for the afternoon or remaining for a whole week, here are the best things to do in San Juan.
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The Best Things to See on a Trip to Puerto Rico
Tour the history-pressed San Juan, zip line through a tropical rainforest, and hit the sea shore.
Visit the absolute most seasoned fortresses in the Americas
We should move the touristy stuff first, will we? Two tremendous fortresses front San Juan's northern face. To the west, the sixteenth century Castillo San Felipe del Morro (normally known as El Morro) is undoubtedly perhaps the most notable attractions in Puerto Rico. With its essential area ignoring the San Juan Bay, El Morro protected this port city from 1539 to as of late as WWII.
Passage into El Morro costs just $7.00 - save your ticket, since it likewise incorporates section to "that other fortification," Castillo San Cristobal, inside 24 hours of procurement. This is fundamentally El Morro's neglected younger sibling, yet San Cristobal is cool too! It's the biggest European fortress in the Americas and features the notorious Devil's Guerite (Garita del Diablo). Rumors have spread far and wide suggesting that warriors would randomly vanish as they stood watch in this guerite.
It's about a mile stroll from one fortress to the next, and the walk alone is breathtaking, with pastel provincial houses on one side and a capturing blue ocean on the other. A mammoth esplanade fronting El Morro fills in as a public social event spot, and is a great spot to take a break.
Take a look at the lead representative's home
After you visit the fortresses, walk the waterfront down to La Fortaleza, another walled compound where the island's Governor lives. You're not permitted to go in - it's in a real sense the Governor's home and office - yet you'll see it from the entryway. Lately, the First Lady has stepped up and brighten Fortaleza Street paving the way to the fundamental door. Right now, it's adorned with many bright umbrellas drifting over the road.
Snap a selfie at La Puerta de la Bandera
Since 2012, the passage doors of a flimsy structure on San José Street have become a significant image for Puerto Ricans living under the island's present financial emergency. Craftsman Rosenda Álvarez initially painted the doors with the Puerto Rican banner, just to revisit her painting four years after the fact, quiet the red and blue shades of the banner, and paint them dark all things considered. It was an analysis to the questionable monetary oversight board that is currently controlling the island funds. The structure is presently a famous selfie spot among tourists and local people.
Chase for noticeable (dead) local people in the graveyard
Despite the fact that it's found right close to El Morro, this pioneer time graveyard is regularly neglected by tourists. It lies right external the divider, confronting the ocean. The Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis Cemetery is the last resting spot of a few noticeable Puerto Ricans - among the most acclaimed names discovered here are Pedro Albizu Campos, Jose Celso Barbosa, and José de Diego, among numerous others.
Chill with something fruity
In the event that you see a little kart with "piraguas" composed on it, do not spare a moment! Piraguas are squashed ice cones seasoned with nearby natural product syrups like cherry, enthusiasm organic product, strawberry, tamarind, coconut, and lemon. Sadly they're a withering practice, yet they can in any case be found in Old San Juan, particularly close to El Morro and Paseo la Princesa.
You'll likewise see hand crafted popsicles sold to a great extent at inhabitants' front doors, generally for $1. These are paletas, seasoned with pretty much every natural product on the island. Guava. Coconut. Other stuff. I got one that was an orange-and-cream blend, and I discovered it some way or another gooier than I'd anticipated. It was likewise truly reviving. Which was fundamental around noontime in the late spring, when the city can be, ah, I'll simply say it, abusively hot.
See the rotunda in the Puerto Rican Capitol
The capitol building is a marble structure fronting the Atlantic, not a long way from Fort San Cristobal. Passageway is totally free, Monday through Friday. Look upward at the roof, where the history of Puerto Rico is portrayed in a dazzling, point by point mosaic. Remain in the focal point of the rotunda, and you'll be encircled by glass-encased duplicates of the Puerto Rican and U.S. constitutions. Outside, the Puerto Rican and U.S. banners fly one next to the other.
Visit the most established house of God in Puerto Rico
In the first place, look at the gallery at Casa Blanca, a house worked for the Spanish traveler Ponce de León and his family. De León, who broadly (and uselessly) looked for the wellspring of youth, kicked the bucket on a campaign before he could move in. Walk a couple of squares to the San Juan Bautista basilica where Ponce de Leon moved in, and where he'll remain forever; he's entombed inside.
There's nothing extravagant about the design, however San Juan Bautista is the most established church in Puerto Rico and the second most seasoned in the Americas. Notwithstanding the tomb of de León, it contains the holy place to Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago - the principal Puerto Rican and the main layman in the history of the United States to be beatified.
Dance to the beat of "Despacito" in La Perla
La Perla has gained notoriety for strict hundreds of years. This historic shanty town was initially settled in the nineteenth century to house previous slaves and destitute workers who weren't permitted to live inside the city dividers. Today, the area appreciates newly discovered acclaim as where Luis Fonsi shot his music video for "Despacito." It was hit hard by Hurricane Maria is still amidst remaking. In case you're nearby on a Sunday night, go celebrating at La 39 Bar, a shoddy bar based on the top of a house that was mostly obliterated during the typhoon. Request a Medalla, the most mainstream brew in Puerto Rico.
Go to a well known speakeasy mixed drink bar
Likewise featured in the "Despacito" music vid is the speakeasy El Condal. This spot is so well known among local people, it doesn't require a sign outside. It's found where the well known Hijos de Borinquen bar used to be (you can in any case see the first name inside, painted on the divider), and El Condal holds the calm vibe of the famous unique.
It's tourist-accommodating, however as you advance inside you'll discover more than tourists drinking - and moving - there. Past the covered up indirect access are four more individual spaces, including a wine-bar, dance floor, and basement like bar - each with its own music, vibe, climate, beverages, and food. You may even get spendy and drop $9 on a mixed drink.
Attempt a delectable tripleta
Puerto Rico has no deficiency of delightful road food, particularly since the food-truck fever has assumed control over the island. In any case, Puerto Rico has had its own customary food-truck dish throughout recent decades - it's called tripleta. What's a tripleta? It's a sandwich. Tripleta implies three, so this sandwich has marinated barbecued 3D square steak, ham or pork, and chicken. It is served on a portion of yam bread with chips, mayonnaise, and ketchup. Trust me, it is delightful! Among the most famous tripletas is El Mariachi, found in Caguas and numerous different districts. You can visit best Italian restaurant in San Juan.
Absorb the Miami vibes along Ashford Avenue
Ashford Avenue feels like a Caribbean adaptation of Miami Beach with its Miami-style design, very good quality stores, popular lodgings, and beachfront bistros. Stroll along the road to absorb the climate, chill at the beachfront Ventana del Mar Park, have a dynamic night at the historic La Concha Resort, or tune in to live groups at the Hard Rock Café.
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maximumphilosopheranchor · 4 years ago
Carlos Rey Emperador, Episode 14
Tavera: “...the studies tire him [Philip], he doesn’t like riding and doesn’t show interest in the matters of state”
Me: Excuse me, what?
Philip enjoyed riding and hunting very much, as well as studying when he finally got the right tutors. His intellectual curiosity and capacity was huge but for some reason this episode only gives him a gardening thing (Philip loved plants but common). And Granvelle wasn’t his tutor, for God’s sake, not even close! Where are Juan de Zúñiga, Siliceo, Juan Cristobal Calvete de Estrella, Honorato Juan, Juan Gines de Sepulveda and Francisco de Vargas Mexia? Or at least one of them?
Also, Philip on his wedding night having sex first with his wife and then with his mistress? Ugh, just no.
Another unfortunate things is that Marcel Borràs doesn’t resemble Philip (and overacts in trying to pass for a teenager), and they gave him an awful hairstyle. I think that the casting department could have found someone more suitable, especially visually. The same can be said about the actress who plays Maria Manuela. The real Maria Manuela was plump and red-haired.
BUT despite all inaccuracies I like that they show Philip’s soft side, his sensitivity and thoughtfulness. 
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cucoficial · 4 years ago
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Los 20 CRUZADOS CITADOS que saldrán a recuperar terreno en el Campeonato PlanVital 2020 (Fecha 22) frente a Stgo. Wanderers: • Alexander Aravena • Aarón Astudillo • Luciano Aued • Juan Cornejo • Matías Dituro • Cristobal Finch • Juan Fuentes • José Pedro Fuenzalida • Valber Huerta • Benjamín Iglesias • Clemente Montes • Alfonso Parot • Edson Puch • Raimundo Rebolledo • Ignacio Saavedra • Carlos Salomón • Gonzalo Tapia • Cristopher Toselli • Diego Valencia • Fernando Zampedri Se ausentan: • Francisco Silva (Desgarro en sóleo derecho) • Marcelino Núñez (Desgarro en psoas derecho) • César Munder (Esguince de tobillo) • Tomás Asta-buruaga (Desgarro en recto anterior derecho) • Gastón Lezcano (Tendinitis en bíceps femoral izquierdo) • Germán Lanaro (Rotura de ligamento cruzado anterior) • Diego Buonanotte (Expulsión en pleito vs Audax Italiano) CON TODO, CRUZADOS!!!
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juancarlosphotog · 5 years ago
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Even under the fall of the Amanda and Cristobal storms Salvadorans have come outside to seek help. * Beatriz holds a makeshift white flag with the phrase “WE NEED HELP S.O.S.” on the side of the street hoping to be able to get food supplies, she has two children and was temporarily laid of from the factory job.Thousands of Salvadorans are using the white flag as a sign of hunger and the need of food assistance. / Aún bajo la caída de las tormentas Amanda y Cristóbal, los salvadoreños han salido a pedir ayuda. * Beatriz sostiene una bandera blanca improvisada con la frase "SE NECESITA AYUDA S.O.S." En el lado de la calle, con la esperanza de poder obtener alimentos, tiene dos hijos y fue despedida temporalmente de la de la fábrica donde trabaja. Miles de salvadoreños están usando la bandera blanca como señal de hambre y la necesidad de asistencia alimentaria. * * #EverydayElSalvador #CoronaVirus #Quarantine2020 #Quarantine #LatinAmerica #CentralAmerica #pandemia #Cuarentena #pandemic #COVID19SV #StayHome #photojournalism #QuedateEnCasa #ElSalvador #pandemia #pandemic #socialdistancing2020 #Nayib #EverydayLatinAmerica #COVIDElSalvador #covidlatam #hanslucas #CentralAmerica #ESvisible #JuanCarlos #2020copyright * * * © Juan Carlos - All Rights Reserved / Todos los Derechos Reservados * * * Represented by Hans Lucas @studiohanslucas/@hl_latinamerica (France) and @beelduine De Beeldunie (Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGmfEbFIiuFWm-YK0ILcLg_9ljX3KZQNCPSQc0/?igshid=1qdibig58pl3h
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years ago
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27th July >> (@ZenitEnglish) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis Offers Condolences After Death of Cuba’s Cardinal Jaime Ortega. Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal of Havana.
Pope Francis sent his condolences 27th July 2019, after the death of Cuban Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega, Archbishop Emeritus of San Cristobal of Havana, who died at the age of 82 on 26th July 2019.
The pope expresses his “paternal proximity” to the clergy and the faithful of the archdiocese, in a Spanish telegram signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and addressed to the Archbishop of San Cristóbal of Havana, Mgr. Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez.
He offered his prayers for the eternal rest of the deceased, “who served the Church and his brothers in the various offices that Providence entrusted to him” and conferred his apostolic blessing “as a sign of Christian hope in the risen Lord”.
The Cardinal was born in Jagüey Grande in the diocese and province of Matanzas, Cuba, on 18 October 1936.
His father was first a worker in the sugar factory close to the village where he was born, and subsequently a shop-keeper.
When he was five years old, his family moved to the city of Matanzas. There he completed his compulsory education at the prestigious school Arturo Echemendía. He completed his higher education at the Advanced Institute for Secondary Studies of Matanzas, a state-run student center.
He earned a diploma in arts and sciences in 1955 and after one year at the university, entered the diocesan seminary of San Alberto Magno, directed by the Fathers of the Foreign Mission of Quebec.
After four years studying humanities and philosophy, the Bishop sent him to study theology at the seminary of the Foreign Mission in Quebec, Canada.
He then returned to Cuba and was ordained priest on August 2, 1964, in the Cathedral of Matanzas. His ministry as Coadjutor Vicar of Cárdenas was interrupted in 1966 when he was detained in work camps known by the initials UMAP. In 1967, at the end of his imprisonment, he was appointed parish priest of Jagüey Grande, his native town.
Like all parish priests in Cuba during this period when priests were few and far between, he was in charge of several parishes and churches. In 1969 he was appointed parish priest of the Cathedral of Matanzas. Responsible for the parish of Pueblo Nuevo in the city and another two churches outside it, at the same time he was also President of the Diocesan Commission for Catechesis and maintained an active apostolate with the youth of the Diocese. In those years, very difficult for the Church’s pastoral activities, he founded a youth movement, which included among the various forms of the apostolate summer camps for young people and evangelization by the means of theatricals, performed by the young people themselves.
For several years, in addition to his pastoral activities in the city of Matanzas, he taught at the Sts. Charles and Ambrose inter diocesan seminary in Havana, which he visited once a week to give courses in moral theology.
On 4 December 1978, John Paul II named him Bishop of Pinar del Rio. He was consecrated on January 14, 1979, in the Cathedral of Matanzas, and on January 21, he took possession of his diocese where he remained three years only.
On November 20, 1981, he was promoted to the Archdiocese of Havana as Archbishop. On December 27, he took possession of this new See. In charge of this Archdiocese for over thirty-four years (Pope Francis accepted his resignation on April 26, 2016), he created new parishes, set up the Diocesan Council for Pastoral Initiatives, rebuilt more than 40 churches and parish houses, founded a priests’ residence for the priests of the Diocese and of the whole of Cuba for meetings, retreats or simply for holidays, created a lay centre for meetings with a library, chapel and guest rooms, built two centres for meetings and conferences especially for youth. These are some of the principle initiatives undertaken by the Archbishop who always showed special interest in the laity and above all, in young people. In 1991 he set up Caritas in Havana, thus founding Caritas Cuba and in 2011 the cultural center Padre Félix Varela for the education of laypeople. The Archbishop’s chief concern was for vocations to the priesthood. In Havana, there is the Inter-diocesan Seminary San Carlos y San Ambrosio. Thanks to his homilies, the archdiocesan monthly bulletin Aqui la Iglesia and other speeches and messages, he made himself known to the people in his archdiocese who listened to his opinions and followed his guidance despite the fact that the Church in Cuba hasn’t had access to the media for a long time.
He was President of the Cuban Conference of Catholic Bishops for four times (1988-1998 and 2001-2007) and from 1995 to 1999 Second Vice-President of the Latin American Episcopal Council (C.E.L.A.M.). He was also Consultor of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
He received degrees Honoris Causa from the Barry and St. Thomas Universities (Florida), University of San Francisco (California), Providence College (Rhode Island) and Boston College (Massachusetts). In January 2001 he received an Honoris Causa doctorate from St. John’s University (New York).
In January 1998 he welcomed Pope John Paul II during his historic journey to Cuba and again Pope Benedict XVI in March 2012. He himself again welcomed Pope Francis during his visit in Cuba in September 2015 and during his stop in Havana for his historical encounter with His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, on 12 February 2016.
27th JULY 2019 21:24FRANCIS
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cemeteryexploration · 2 years ago
3. Panteon Policia Federal (blanco): En el concurso para los planos del panteon del personal de policia y bomberos de la Capital Federal, obtuvo el 1er premio el proyecto presentador por los arquitectos Carlos Devoto, Blas J. Dhers y Oscar Lopez Cabanillas, egresados de la escuela de Arquitectura en 1914. Los autores del proyecto calcularon para este una capacidad de 1250 nichos, contando entre ellos 50 de honor y 926 urnas incluyendo 120 de honor. El panteon fue construido en 1922 (ya 100 años en 2022). Su caracteristica mas sobresaliente ez la cupula celeste que lo corona. En este ambito reposan los servidores sacrificados en aras del orden publico. Destacados: Comisario Inspector Evaristo Meneses (1907-1992). Sepultado con honores.
4. Asociacion socorros mutuos FFAA: Panteon Nuestra Señora del Lujan/ Ex panteon B. La idea de crearun lugar donde sepultar dignamente asus muertos surge de un grupo de oficiales comandados por el coronel Baldomero Fluguerto Sotelo que comenzaron a reunir fondos para tal fin, creando lo que se dio en llamar Panteon Militar. Mientras se juntaban fondos, las sepulturas se llevaban a cabo en una boveda dadaen prestamo. El 2 de julio de 1888 se aprobo la construccion de una boveda en el cementerio de laRecoleta, que fueutilizada temporariamente, pero ante la posibilidad de su ampliacion se la vendio para iniciar el panteon en el cementerio de Chacarita, en manos de la empresa constructora Garibaldi Galli. Hacia fines de 1905 se iniciaron las obras que concluyeron el 24cde febrero de 1907. El panteon disponia de nichos para ataud, urnas para restos reducidos y casilleros para cenizas, con una capacidad de 1350 nichos y 3400 casilleros. Entre otros distinguidos oficiales, destacan el Coronel Francisco Uzal, el Tte Gral. Adolfo Arana, el Mayor Clemente Marambio, el Tte Cnel. Alberto Lopez y en lugar de privilegio en la capilla, el Cnel. Baldomero Fluguerto Sotelo (sus cenizas descansan en una urna de bronce y vidrio). Tambien se mencionan a:
- Vicente Ruiz Moreno:heroe civil, cirujano de guarnicion y miembro de la comision directiva del hospital Militar, fallece durante la epidemia de fiebre amarilla el 3 de mayo de 1871.
-Cristobal Cajal: cirujano, expuso la problematica de no contar con asistencia sanitaria gratuita y creando un consultorio para tal fin. Surge asi en 1884 la sociedad de Beneficencia, bajo la presidencia de doña Fidelina Rodriguez de Goicochea. Aquel consultorio fue el origen del hospital, a cuyo frente se distinguieron los eminentes medicos filantropicos Dr Ramon Madariaga y su colega el Dr Armando Lopez Torres. Practica en 1899 la primer autopsia en el cementerio de la ciudad santafesina El Trebol y fallece en 1901.
-Gral de Brigada Abel Miranda: Fue testigo de un accidente aereo en el centro de la ciudad de Cordoba, ocurrido el 17 de agosto de 1938 durante un homenaje a San Martin. En el acto se encontraba en un palco junto a efectivos de la IV division del ejercito, que estaban a su mando. En 1940, un grupo de oficiales, encabezados por los coroneles Vago y Lascalea inician un golpe contra el vicepresidente Castillo, en ejrrcicio de la presidencia. El movimiento fracaso por la reticencia del comandante dr division, Miranda, quien se nego a entrar en accion.
-Juan Cornell: (1798-1887) Abuelo del General Ricardo Cornel.
-Ricardo Cornell: veterano de la expedicion al desierto, nieto de Juan Cornell. En una ocasion al asistir a un velatorio de un oficial cuya familia carecia de recursos para darle sepultura, decidio encaminar el proyecto en ciernes de una mutual militar hacia un objetivo primordial: subsidio por fallecimiento y satisfaccion de las necesidades personales. Asi en 1901, en la biblioteca del Estado Mayor del ejercito, es rubricada el acta fundacional de la Sociedad Militar Seguro de Vida, institucion que duro largos años.
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pontepilasofi · 3 years ago
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Festival de Futsal Copa Feria Internacional de San Sebastián. . ¿Te sumarás al reto del tabloncillo? . Torneo avalado por la Asociación Tachirense de Fútbol. . Inscripciones abiertas con el entrenador Juan Carlos Guerrero @asofuttachira 📱04247769001 . ¡Siempre apoyando los mejores evento!. . Somos: @pontepilasofi "somos más que una empresa". . #sancristobal #amemoslaferia #2022 #venezuela #concierto #cucuta #eventos #gochosporelmundo #tachira #video #likeforlikes #publicidad #eventos #fiss2022 (en San Cristobal - Edo Tachira) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYdTwGjBsvg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carlos-ritter · 3 years ago
VICTORIA 'Icnocuicatl' from Salomon Ligthelm on Vimeo.
Directors Cut
Victoria Client: Yune Helena Aranguren Sanchez & Cristobal Gonzales Production Company: MediaMonks Client: Victoria Agency: Ogilvy Mexico Creative Director: Rodrigo del Oso Creative Director: Jose Mario Muñoz Creative VP: Jessica Apellaniz Account Executive : Nuri Briseño DP: Farhad Ghaderi Steadicam: Christian Gibson EP: Maarten Sundermann EP: Diego Flores EP: Marcelo Planchart EP: Juan Carlos La Madrid 1st AD: Hector Cruz 2nd AD: Daniel Flores Moreno Wardrobe: Lorena Ledezma Art DIrector: Luis Rojas Producer: Yasser Eluani Dir Rep: Nicholas Berglund Post: MediaMonks Post Producer: Elena Shaimanova Grade: Simon Bourne Edit: Jamie Foord Additional Editing: Salomon Ligthelm
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