navybrat817 · 4 years
First and Last
A late addition to @jtargaryen18​‘s 4K challenge. Congrats, Snow Queen! You deserve it!!! Pairing: Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader, Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader Summary: Masquerading as Beta was an easy choice. Too bad Bucky Barnes had other plans for you. Word Count: 3,500 Warnings: Rape/Non-Con (do NOT read if this upsets you!), possessive behavior, forced bond. 18+ Please!!! This is not beta-read, so any and all mistakes are my own!
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"Captain Rogers? You wanted to see me, sir?" you asked as you walked into his office, pausing when he closed a file on his desk.
"Steve," he replied kindly, gesturing to the chair at the front of his desk. "Please, take a seat."
You walked over and quietly sat down, wondering why you had been called in. 
"Relax. You're not in any kind of trouble," he assured you, smiling a bit when you looked more comfortable. "I actually wanted to tell you that you've been doing an excellent job."
"Oh. Thank you, Cap- Steve," you said, trying not to preen under the praise. It wasn't something most betas would do. 
As far as everyone knew, that's what you were...a beta. A strong, capable force to be reckoned with. Someone still respectful to Alphas, but not one to be coddled or treated differently because biology dictated it. That wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to be treated as an equal.
Society had come far, but not far enough. When you presented as an omega, you were treated as fragile and expected to find an alpha to serve. And some certainly tried to push their way in. So you took defense classes. You were smart. You studied. You weren't going to limit yourself just because some people were still stuck in the old mindset. 
It wasn't easy having everything changed to state that you were a beta, but it got you where you were. Fellow agents and everyone else alike treated you fairly because of how hard you worked. The scent blockers and suppressants helped you maintain the masquerade. Only your medical file told the truth and no one had access to that. If they knew the truth...it would all be undone. 
"And I see you're taking some time off for yourself, which is good."
"Just a short leave," you brushed off. You still had to have heats and you were thankful they weren't that often. You were also meticulous in your scheduling. The risk of an alpha catching an unmated omega in heat was too much to leave to chance. Especially if a bond was forced on you. 
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," he began, leaning back in his chair. "It's not my place to ask what you plan to do on your own time, but I just want to make sure you feel comfortable and safe here. Things have been...tense and a few have noticed."
"You mean with Sergeant Barnes?" you questioned.
"Yes," he nodded sadly. 
"It's nothing, sir. It's...silly."
The Captain's look was almost one of disapproval. "It's enough to make you look uncomfortable, so I'd like to hear what you have to say."
"I don't think Sergeant Barnes likes me very much," you blurted out, lowering your eyes. It sounded so childish. What was wrong with you today?
A small chuckle brought your gaze back up. "Just out of curiosity, why would you think he doesn't like you?"
How were you supposed to answer that? Truthfully, it was difficult to be around Bucky. You were drawn to him. You had been since the two of you met. He was a strong Alpha and it broke your heart what he had been through. It seemed like he felt a spark until he was told that you were a beta. You distanced yourself almost immediately and it was for the best. You weren't ready to be bonded or to reveal to anyone what you were.
Still, you didn't want things to be tense since you had to work together. You tried to get him to talk to you, but he barely said a word. Switching tactics, you did your best to be silent around him. That seemed to upset him more. The glares and subtle growls were unnerving, but you kept your cool. Just like you trained yourself to do.
"I just don't think he does."
"It's tough for Bucky to get close to some after everything."
"And we'll...after the last mission…" you trailed off. 
"What the hell were you thinking?!" Bucky snapped once two of you were out of sight.
"I wasn't?" it came out more of a question than an answer. "I did what I had to and the bullet didn't even hit me."
"That was meant for me and you could've been killed," he said in a low voice.
"I know it was...but you've been hurt enough," you countered, shrugging off your jacket and tossing it away.
Your words stunned him as he caught the garment in mid-air. The astonished look stayed for a second longer before he scowled. "Don't do something so careless again. Do you understand me?"
"Is this how you thank other agents who save your life?" you muttered as you tried to walk past, stopping when the metal hand gripped your arm.
Bucky's eyes were cold when he leaned down. Your entire body went stiff, fearing that he would try to scent you. No. Your blockers were strong. No way could he pick up anything. Relief didn't fill you though when his lips touched your ear. "That's. An. Order."
Your head tilted slightly in response to his tone, quickly stopping it from moving more. You weren't sure if he meant to slip into his alpha voice and it was hard to control your reaction. Thankfully, you bit back the whine that bubbled in your throat. "Yes, sir."
You couldn't help but shiver as he released you and walked away.
"Bucky was more angry at himself than at you," Steve's voice brought you back to the present. "That being said, he has been more moody than usual and I just wanted to make sure this leave didn't have anything to do with that.”
"I appreciate the concern, but I had this leave planned. I feel safe here."
Relief went through you when Steve nodded. "I won't keep you then. Just enjoy the time off and we'll touch base after."
"Thank you, Steve. I will," you smiled as you stood up to go, feeling a bit lightheaded. 
"Is everything alright?"
"Just fine. Stood up too fast. I really need that break," you teased as you went toward the door.
"Oh, one more thing?" he called out before you left. "Bucky does like you. Just remember that."
You nodded in thanks as you shut the door. That was...strange the way he said that. You didn't dwell on it. You just needed to grab your bag and go. 
You were about to head to your floor when you caught Bucky's scent close by. The alpha turned the corner, his eyes meeting yours immediately. In a Henley and jeans, he still carried himself with raw power. You nearly purred when he walked toward you and...God, you needed to keep it together.
"Sergeant Barnes," you exhaled before you cleared your throat.
"I thought you were on leave," he grumbled as he regarded you.
"I'm about to head out."
"Not without your jacket. I still have it," he told you.
"Oh," you said, realizing you never got it back after the mission. "Yeah, I can get it right now."
He wordlessly led you to the elevator, not looking at you as you both stepped in. Your head spun as he stayed close. He may have been called the Winter Soldier, but his scent was like a warm campfire. His scent was always enticing to you. Combined with the leather he wore, it made your knees feel weak. 
You nearly stumbled out when the doors opened. "Just eager to go."
Bucky narrowed his eyes as he walked past you. Shame filled you as you followed. You didn't want him upset with you. You didn't...Something was off. You needed to get your jacket and head out fast. 
"I can wait out here," you offered when he opened his door. When he didn't respond, you took a few cautious steps inside and allowed him to follow.
His scent was even stronger as he shut the door. And it felt so warm. You hadn't expected it to be. 
"Wait right here," he ordered, pointing at the couch as he went to his bedroom. 
You immediately went to take a seat, like he had given you a command. Your heart was beating a bit faster. You were starting to get nervous. Maybe being in close proximity to Bucky was getting to you. Just another sign that you needed to go. 
Bucky emerged a moment later with your jacket, making you stand. Your legs actually wobbled. 
"Thank you. I really appreciate it," you recovered with a smile as you reached for it. 
"One thing first," he said, pulling it away before you could take it. 
"Um...sure," you said as you lowered your hand.
"Did you know that scent blockers don't always stop scents from transferring to fabrics?"
Bucky stared into your eyes as he brought the garment up, pointing at a spot on the collar. "Most people wouldn't notice, but then again...I'm not a regular alpha."
"Sergeant…" you tried as you moved away from the couch. 
"Hydra did a lot of things to me...and my senses are exceptionally heightened," he explained, dropping the jacket to the floor. "I knew your scent was off the moment we met."
You glanced around the room for something to defend yourself. It was only then did you notice the water and snacks nearby...things you always stocked up for yourself when you were in heat.
"It didn't make sense to me because everyone said you were a beta, but you didn't smell like one. And no matter how hard you tried...you didn't act like one either."
"Bucky, I need to go," you said, proud that your voice didn't waver when you used his name.
"You were too...sweet around me. Even when you didn't speak to me, you looked my way for approval," he continued as he slowly stalked you.
"You don't know what you're talking about," you whispered. It was too hot in the room. His scent was too strong. "I'm not-"
"Don't lie to me," he snapped, making you flinch. "When I caught your scent on your jacket, I knew that you were hiding from me...Omega."
You threw the punch the moment the word left his mouth, but he easily dodged it. In fact, he looked amused that you tried. 
"I'm leaving."
"I found your medical records," he stated as he dodged another punch, like you didn't speak. "And your suppressants."
"No," you whispered, your breathing heavier as you tried to kick. Your motions were sluggish. Careless. It wasn't right. "I've been taking them...every day."
"You've been taking the pills in your bottle," he agreed. "The ones I put there."
You wanted to scream that he was wrong, but it made sense now. The room wasn't hot. You were. The dizziness. The slow, weak movements. And the fact that you were starting to feel slick...
"You had no right!" you yelled as you backed into the door. 
"You had no right," he said quietly as he caged you in, which was somehow more threatening than him yelling back. "Denying your need...denying your nature...denying ME."
You felt like you were suffocating when Bucky's mouth descended on yours. It was pathetic how easily his tongue slid past your lips. Your whimper was consumed as he took over, just a small taste of what was to come. Each sweep of his tongue made it harder to fight. You hated feeling weak.
"Let me go," you snarled when he pulled his lips away, but the sound was kittenish and small.
"You lied to me," he snarled back as he tore your clothes to pieces. "You lied to yourself."
"Stop," you gasped when his hands roamed your heated skin, his eyes full of hunger as he took in the sight of you. 
"Do you know how many mornings I woke up hard thinking of you? Do you know how empty I felt each time I came because it wasn't inside you?"
"You can't. We can't," you begged. You weren't ready for this. 
"How many agents I almost killed just for looking at you?" he continued as he kicked your legs apart, pressing his closed hardness against you. He was huge. He would tear you apart.
"Stop," you begged again when he ground his hips, your slick dampening his jeans.
"You belong to me. I belong to you," he swore, a frenzied look in his eyes. "You knew. You know."
You had denied your alpha. Your mate. It wasn't to hurt him. You just wanted to live your own life. Couldn't he understand that?
"Bucky, it's...not too late," you panted when his hand moved between your bodies. You were already so wet. "We can...talk. After...my heat. I promise."
"You're not denying me again, omega," he rumbled when his first finger breached you. "Fuck, doll. You're tight for me."
You gasped when another finger pushed in. You didn't want it to be like this. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. You couldn't even push him away. Your body was out of your control. 
The digits curled inside you, the lewd, squelching sound a reminder that your body was surrendering to him. "Alpha."
The growl he let out was feral as he quickly pulled his fingers out and yanked your shaking form from the door. You didn't even make it to the bedroom. He just put you on your knees right there. 
“Spread those legs for me, doll. Present for your alpha."
"Bucky, please," you pleaded.
"Present," he growled.
You trembled as you pressed your chest down, your ass in the air as you parted your legs. You didn't have to touch yourself to know you were drenched. And from the moan of satisfaction behind you, he was no doubt taking in the sight of your twitching hole.
"Such a pretty pussy for me to ruin...and we have your whole heat to make up for how long I had to wait," he said darkly as he undressed.
Your breaths came in quick pants as his body was suddenly draped over yours. As terrified as you were, your heat was beginning to drive your rational thoughts from your mind. His scent was intoxicating and you felt so empty. You wanted to be fucked, bred and claimed. You didn't dare to say that out loud. You couldn't.
"I thought Hydra took everything from me...but they couldn't take you. And I've waited too long for you."
Strong hands gripped your thighs to keep them apart, keeping you from moving when you felt his thick head slide along your soaked folds. "Bucky, please! I've never done this!"
You felt him freeze as the words rang out in the room. "You haven't?"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you pressed your cheek against the carpet. You hadn't meant to confess that, but your mind was fighting control of your body. "No one. I...I use toys. Bucky, please."
You couldn't tell at this point if you were begging to stop or for him to take you. Your body was at war with the rest of you. You wanted him...but you didn't want to lose yourself. If he took you, there would be no going back.
"You really were made for me."
You were certain anyone nearby would have heard you scream when he lined himself up and thrust deep. He felt enormous...so long and thick. You contracted around him, your body accommodating to his size. You wondered if you should scream again, but you knew no one was coming to save you. You couldn't even save yourself. 
 "Fuck, my perfect omega. Mine."
Your teeth sank into your lower lip to keep as quiet as you could, but it didn't stop you from crying out when he moved. The overwhelming pressure and fullness reminded you that this was real...Every inch of his cock split you open, carving out a place inside you that now belonged to him. Maybe it always had. You were certain you'd never feel empty again.
Your breath caught in your throat when he rolled his hips. You couldn't trick your body into being something else and this claim proved it. Everything you worked for was being fucked out of you. Every moan that slipped out spurred him on. You could never deny what he brought out of you.
"You smell so sweet. Can't wait to taste you...fuck you with my tongue until you scream that you're mine. Or maybe I won't let you come until you really beg...show me that you're sorry from hiding it from me."
"Fuck, omega. That's it. Scream for me. Keep grinding that tight pussy down on my cock. Take me."
The brutal slaps of skin-on-skin taunted you, feeling him stroke a fire within you. He hit parts of you that your toys never seemed to reach. Tears fell from the overwhelming desire he produced. And for the part of you forever changed. Pieces of yourself were breaking and he filled the cracks with himself. Even if he let you go, he would forever be a part of you.
"You're mine, doll. You hear me?" he grunted in your ear.
"Yes, I'm yours."
"My. Name."
"Bucky!" you shouted, spots starting to fill your vision the further he brought you the edge.
"You're gonna give me a family. Just like I always wanted. Fuck."
"Family?" you whined. He couldn't mean that. He couldn't get you pregnant.
"I'm gonna fill you up, doll. You're gonna take my knot so well."
"N-No," you moaned as you gripped the carpet. 
"Still fighting," he groaned, making you cry out when he snapped his hips harder. "My beautiful, sweet omega, I'm gonna come until it's dripping out of you. Until you can taste me. And after I knock you up, I'm gonna do it all over again."
You wailed as you tried to fight off the pleasure building at his words. A fresh wave of slick was produced as the thought of being round and filled with him popped into your mind. Right now, you wanted it. You wanted all of it. 
"Are you mine?"
"Yes," you moaned.
"Then come on your alpha's cock like a good omega," he demanded, his Alpha command undeniable.
You came with the force of a supernova, the explosion of pleasure racking your body. You were shocked the carpet didn't tear from your grip. You tried to hide your face as you moaned, but a hand to your head kept you still as he kept his punishing pace. 
"Doll...Fuck," he snarled as he rode out your orgasm.
A part of you that was always denied finally felt sated. Your combined scents only made the ecstasy stronger. It continued until you heard him groan deep in warning. That made your breath catch, combined with feeling him swell. "Bucky, I can't!" you pleaded. You couldn't take it. 
"You can...you were made for me."
You cried out as his knot pushed inside you, the sound mixing with his ferocious growl. The burn made your cry fade into a hiss before it triggered another orgasm. You felt like you were floating as your bodies locked together. Feeling him come, the heavy stream blending a fresh wave of slick, made your eyes roll back. It was hot, thick and you knew it wouldn't be the last time you felt it. 
"One more thing, doll."
You were clenching around him, more waves of pleasure washing over you, before you felt his teeth graze your neck. "B...Bucky?" you were barely able to speak.
"Never letting you go, doll," he promised, his voice dark and low against your skin. "Ever."
Your scream died in your throat when he sank his teeth in. You felt the mating bond snap into place, like strings had been tied around your mind, body, heart and soul. It didn't matter if you took another suppressant. Scent blockers wouldn't do a thing. Your life was no longer your own. You were his now.
"No one else is going to have you," he whispered as your eyes drifted shut. "I'm your first and last...Alpha and Omega."
Steve glanced at his phone when it rang, a warm smile on his face as he answered. "Hey, Buck."
"Hey, punk. Just checking in."
"How did it go?" Steve asked. 
"We bonded. It's...going to be a bit of a fight once the heat is over."
"I know...you have a stubborn omega on your hands, but strong. You finally have your mate," he smiled.
"I do," Bucky said fondly. "Thanks for your help."
"Thank Bruce. He was able to match up the placebos to look like the suppressants."
"...What if my sweet omega is a runner?"
"Your mate isn't getting away...Ever," the Captain promised as he reopened your file, the word OMEGA right at the top. "We'll make sure of that."
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Little doll
Pairing: dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: stockholm syndrome, manipulation, controlling!Bucky, unhealthy relationship, mentions of violence in the past (no graphic description), smut, vaginal sex, oral sex (both male and female receiving), vaginal and anal fingering, slight praise kink.
Summary: You used to be a strong-willed independent woman, but after a whole lot of training, you’ve finally become Bucky’s perfect little doll for him to own, love and take care of. 
A/N: I had this idea in mind today and wrote this in a couple of hours for @jtargaryen18​ ‘s 4k writing challenge. Congrats! I hope it’s decent lmfao 
There is no graphic violence or non-con in this story, but it’s stated/hinted pretty heavily that these things did happen in the past. Reader has no physical description. 18+ only. English is my third language so sorry for any mistakes.
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7.09 am
There’s a pulsing ache between your legs and a hot breath fanning over your neck that sends tingles down your spine.
“Baby?” you mumble in a daze, still half asleep, moaning and clutching the sheets when you feel a finger tease your entrance.  
“‘Morning, sleepyhead.” Bucky murmurs, peppering your cheeks with small kisses. 
You can’t fight back the smile that spreads on your face and you slowly pry your eyes open, finding your husband already looking at you in adoration. He lets his lips move downwards, nipping the skin of your throat and sucking little bruises there. A moan escapes you when the hand that was kneading your breasts pinches one of your nipples while his fingers keep sliding in and out of your pussy, sending jolts of pleasure all over your body.
You’re burning up, feeling a familiar pressure build up in your core already. You’ve been together for years, but you’ll never get over how good he is at this.  
His hands are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The hair on his chest and lower abdomen rubs on your sensitive skin, and you can’t get enough of all this. You never will. 
His name is on your lips like a prayer as you beg him for more, for that sweet release only he can give you. He complies, spreading your legs and settling between them. He trails open mouthed kisses down your body, slowly bringing his face to your awaiting cunt. The anticipation of what he’ll do to you is killing you slowly. He licks a strip of your dripping pussy and dips his tongue in your folds, pushing as far as he can go.
“So sweet.” 
He groans against you when you grab a fistful of his long hair and the vibration goes straight to your core, making the knot inside you tighter. You grind your hips against his face, fucking yourself with his mouth and crying out loud in pleasure. 
“So wet, so needy, all for me.”
He draws circles on your swollen clit and crooks a couple of fingers inside of you, hitting that sweet spot that makes your toes curl and your back arch even more. 
You’re writhing underneath him, desperate for a release.
“Please, faster.” you moan, bucking your hips wildly.
“Beg for it.” he demands, jerking four fingers inside of you.
His bruising touch, the vibration inside your cunt, his soft kisses. It’s all too much and still not enough.
“Please Bucky, please let me cum all over your face, please, please, I’ll be good for you.” you beg like the cockslut you are.
He sucks hard on your clit, and that’s all it takes to tip you over the edge, body shaking uncontrollably and vision going white. .
You’re spent, panting on the bed and feeling the familiar burn that his beard leaves behind on the soft skin of your inner thighs. Your walls flutter around nothing, and somehow you want more.
“Such a good girl for me.” He looks at you through half lidded eyes, lips red and swollen, face covered in your slick. You taste yourself on his tongue when he dips down and slants his mouth against yours, reigniting the fire inside of you.
“Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want to come again, all over my cock? Yes?”
You whine, feeling yourself grow hotter than before. “Yes, please, fuck me.”
He thrusts inside you, slowly at first, faster once he can sheathe himself fully without feeling any pain. You’re still sore from yesterday, but the familiar stretch of his thick cock is so good that you ignore the burn. You only feel him and the pleasure he’s giving you.
“So perfect, made for me, my sweet girl.” he grunts in your ear, and the praise sends jolts of electricity directly to your cunt.
Your hands are roaming over his hard muscles and your walls are clenching down on his cock, impatient for another orgasm to wreck you.
The room is filled with the lewd sounds of him fucking you, his balls hitting your ass, the squelch of your arousal, and he’s so vocal with his moans and grunts that you could come hard just listening to him.
His pace is more frantic than before. Your walls are milking him as he pounds into you relentlessly. Just when you thought you couldn’t feel more pleasure, Bucky dips his hand behind you, fingers covered in your slick teasing your back entrance and pushing inside you, finding no resistance in your relaxed state. His pubic bone hits your clit repeatedly and you’re so full of his cock and fingers and him that you see stars.
“Cum pretty girl, cum all over my cock. Show me how good you are.”
He snaps his hips harder against you and you cry out when the pressure in your core releases, jolts of pleasure shooting from your cunt to the rest of your body, vision going blank. 
He swallows your cries with his mouth, and the feeling of you clenching around him is enough to send him over the edge too. His thrusts become sloppier and he cums hard, holding onto your waist with a bruising grip and biting down on your bottom lip.
He collapses on top of you, and you relish in the feeling of his hot release filling you up.
“Love you.” he mumbles, caressing your cheeks.
“Love you more.” you whisper with a smile, scratching his scalp the way that makes him purr like a cat.
You stay impossibly close for what feels like hours, Bucky still inside you, encompassing your whole body, until the alarm clock goes off and he lifts himself up with a grunt. He stares in fascination as his cum slowly drips out of your cunt and onto the sheets.
“Don’t wanna go to work today, doll.” he whines, clinging onto you again and pouting like a child, “Wanna stay in bed with you.”
You chuckle, because he’s always so needy in the morning, and push him off you.
“We’ll stay like this all weekend, I promise. Now go get ready.”
The smell of freshly brewed coffee invades the kitchen and your senses. You love the fragrance, even though you aren’t allowed to drink it. Bucky says it’s bad for a dainty doll like you. You remember you used to be addicted to caffeine before; it was the only thing that kept you going during your long, strenuous shifts at the hospital you worked at as a nurse. Bucky provides for you now, so you don’t have to worry about that exhaustion anymore.
You drink loose leaf herbal tea these days.
You smile when a ray of light shining through the window hits the diamond ring on your fourth finger, projecting a kaleidoscope of colors on the walls. The eggs are sizzling in the pan, the bread slices are toasting in the oven and you can hear the faint noise of Bucky taking a shower.
You arrange the table the way he likes it: buttered toast and scrambled eggs on a plate, yoghurt and cut up fruit in a little stained glass container, a steaming mug of coffee, a tall glass of ice cold water and fresh flowers in a vase; the paper towel goes to the right side of the plate, with a fork and a knife with the sharp side that faces left on top of it. You nod in satisfaction at the spread and remove the strainer from your teacup.
Bucky greets you with a peck on the lips and a bright smile. He pulls the chair back for you, ever the gentleman, and sits on the other one, “Any plans for today?”
“The usual, y’know. I may go for a walk at the park, if that’s okay with you?” you hesitate on the last part, giving him a hopeful smile. You love to collect the wildflowers in the meadow and feed the ducks at the pond. Plus, walking is good for your health, and Bucky has you exercise at least once a day anyways.
“Of course you can, princess. Do you have enough birdseed or do you need more?” he asks, chewing a mouthful of eggs and toast, “I’ll give you extra money if you want to get it.”
You’re grateful he agreed. Truth be told, he hardly ever denies you anything now that you’ve learnt to behave. “Thanks, but it should be enough to last me another week, I think. Is Steve coming for dinner tonight?”
He shakes his head and sips on the coffee you made him, just the way he likes it: two sugars, one splash of full fat milk, a sprinkle of chocolate powder. “No, I think the punk’s staying home with Sharon tonight, ‘member her?”
You nod. You do remember Sharon. They’ve been dating for a while. She is a nurse like you used to be. Would Steve make her keep the job? 
Bucky doesn’t seem to notice your pensive mood and checks his phone as he finishes the last of his strawberries. “God, it’s 8.35 already. I gotta hurry sweetheart, don’t want to be late again like yesterday.” he says with a mischievous smirk.
You feel warmth creep up your face at the memory of the reason why he was late, and you clench your thighs shut as you recall the image of you bent over this same table you’re at and him pounding into you from behind. He wouldn’t leave unless he gave you one more, and then another, until you were shaking and crying in pleasure. 
You both get up. He grabs his jacket and backpack, you hand him the lunch you’ve packed for him. He pulls you in for a sweet kiss, holding you by the waist. You taste the coffee lingering on his tongue and it reminds you of another life.  
He pulls away and nuzzles your hair, hugging you tightly. “I’ll miss you.” He mumbles in your ear, inhaling the calming scent of the lavender shampoo he’s chosen for you.
“I’ll miss you more. Have a good day at work.”
“Thank you, have fun at the park. Behave.”
You wave him goodbye from the front porch and stand there until his sleek black car disappears in the distance. You sigh, missing him already, and get inside, ready to start your day.
9.00 am
Bucky is a business manager at Stark’s IT company and his job is a 9-5, Monday to Friday, which means every week day you start your chores after he leaves.
He likes the house spotless and you never want to disappoint him. You shudder at the thought of what happens when you do. Thankfully, it hasn’t occurred in a while. Only bad girls get punished, and you hate punishments too much to be one.
You start downstairs: you open all the windows to let the fresh morning air inside and get to work. You vacuum and mop the floors, disinfect the kitchen counter and empty the dishwasher, sanitize every surface in the bathroom until it’s squeaky clean and smells like Bucky’s favorite lemon scented detergent. Then you move upstairs: you wipe down all the furniture, scrub the ensuite, change the soiled sheets and sort through the hamper, separating whites and colored.
You hum as you work, proud of yourself because you’ve perfected the cleaning routine in your time with your husband, so now it only takes you an hour and a half now to do the entire house.
You grab the basket of dirty linen and clothes and head downstairs to do the chore you hate the most: laundry. The basement where the washer and dryer are makes you quiver in fear when you think of it, but you haven’t found the courage to ask Bucky to move the appliances upstairs yet. Sometimes you still have nightmares about your time there, and Bucky has to hold you and rock you all night to calm you down.
It’s where you spent the first six months after he took you, locked up all alone. He’d visit you every night, but you didn’t appreciate that. You feel guilty now for all those times you fought him, especially the one time you managed to break his nose with your elbow and sprinted upstairs. He caught you just one step before the front door. God, you were so stupid. You’re lucky he got to you in time. What would a girl like you do without a man like him?
As punishment, you spent a week locked in a wardrobe, with no food and barely enough water to survive. You stopped fighting after that, and when he got you out you sobbed on his shoulder and let him hold you and bathe you. You slept in his bed that night, and all the nights that followed in these 3 years. 
Bucky never meant to hurt you, only take care of you, but you were too stupid to understand that back then. You understand now.
12.55 pm
It’s a beautiful spring day, the sun is bright and there’s a light breeze blowing from west. 
You think of how you weren’t allowed to leave the house until a year and half ago. You missed the outdoors. But Bucky is a fair man and he lets you go wherever you want now that he can trust you. He even takes you on weekend trips wherever you desire. Maybe if you’re good enough, one day he’ll buy you a car, so you won’t have to walk everywhere.
You still have a tracker implanted in your forearm, but that’s for your own safety.
You spread a blanket underneath your favorite tree; from your position you can see both the water and the meadow, and that lovely wooden bridge over the pond too. 
You’re basking in the sun as you reflect on all the new hobbies you’ve picked up now that you don’t have to spend the better part of your days in a hospital.
You embroider, you try out new recipes, you read, you do yoga, you paint and draw, you collect flowers and leaves and you dry them up in your botanical journal. You’ve become quite good at taking care of the garden in these past few months, and the roses you’ve planted are growing nice and strong. Sometimes you go for a swim in the ocean, some others you go shopping. The house is entirely decorated in your paintings, and you often give them to Bucky’s friends and family too.
You don’t have friends or family anymore. You only have Bucky.
You never thought you would enjoy these activities so much, just like you never thought you could be so free. Of your job, of so much pain and sorrow, of the hardship that comes with free will, of the choices you make that weigh you down until you can’t sleep anymore.
Who knew having your freedom taken away would be so liberating. Not you. 
You have Bucky to thank for that. He always knows what’s best for you.
5.29 pm
Bucky’s been thinking about you all day and as soon as he’s clocked out, he couldn’t come back home fast enough. He smiles when the front door opens and he’s hit by the smell of freshly baked cookies. You really spoil him too much.
You run into his arms as soon as you realize he’s back, hugging him tightly, mumbling about how much you’ve missed him.
You’ve made dinner for him, just like he expects of you. Homemade basil pesto pasta, grilled salmon, oven roasted vegetables, white wine for him, tonic water for you because alcohol is bad for little dolls, white chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
You chat about your days over food, and when you’re both done you clean up while he changes into more comfortable clothes.
He has a reward for you, since you’ve been so good lately, but he wants you to earn it.
“On your knees.” he commands, and like the perfect doll you are, you comply.
You look up at him with your innocent doe eyes and Bucky knows he could come at the sight of you so beautiful, so obedient alone. His hands work swiftly as he pulls down his sweats and gets his already hard cock out. 
“I want to fuck your mouth.” he says, tracing your lips with his red tip, “Open up, doll.”
You do as he says. You take him in your mouth and his eyes instinctively roll back at the feeling of your wet tongue licking a strip from base to tip; your cheeks hollow around him, sucking him off, one hand pumping his length and the other massaging his balls.
He aches for more, so he grabs a fistful of your hair in what is probably a painful grip, judging from the way you gasp, and he takes that as an opportunity to slant himself inside your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. He shoves himself deeper and deeper until you can't breathe, your face is red and your eyes full of tears. You steady yourself holding onto his thick thigs as he keeps fucking your mouth harder, balls slapping your chin.
Saliva is dripping down on your face as you’re choking on his cock, and those gagging noise you make vibrate against him, making this all the more pleasurable. He knows you won’t complain anyways, no matter how much he abuses your mouth or your cunt.
He knows you’ll always comply. He’s made sure of that.
With a last thrust in your mouth he pulls out just in time to paint your face with his hot spurt. You look perfect with tears streaming down your cheeks and his cum all over you.
“You did so good princess.” he praises you, and you smile up at him, “Go get cleaned up now, we’re watching a movie. You choose.”
You beam, and he knows you’ll choose one of those Disney movies you like so much.
Good girls always get a prize.
11.00 pm is your bedtime. Little dolls need their 8 hours of sleep.
You’re already fast asleep, and Bucky looks in complete devotion and adoration at your form. You’re so pretty, so perfect, so completely his.
You’ve been so good lately that he hasn’t had to punish or discipline you in more than six months.
You’re no longer the stubborn woman you used to be, the one that broke his nose and resisted all he’s put you through for months. You’re finally a little doll for him to own, love and care for. His little doll to dress up and play with. He’s especially happy tonight, because he knows you’ll love the reward for being so good this time. 
It’s only taken Steve two years, because Sharon wasn’t as strong as you, but he’s done now.
Bucky knows how lonely you can get. Tomorrow you too will have a friend, another little obedient doll like you to play with.
read my other dark!bucky fic here
I hope you liked this! If you did, please reblog and let me know what you thought of it. 🥺
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Summary- 2.6k Bucky x You. Based on a ASK from anon-Hella Bi Bitch. Hydra tramautized you and you go to Bucky for comfort. Angst/Fluff. Also written for @jtargaryen18​ 4k Challenge. 
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“Sweetheart. They are not coming.” Brock leered over your face, his hot breath washing over you, and it was almost impossible to miss the leer in his brown eyes as he cupped your face. If you had the capabilities, you would jerk away, but you were strapped down. All over, even your head was strapped flush to the hard metal table. The only thing you would do that would be satisfactory was work your mouth, draw up that last bit of spittle you had left and spat at him, making him curse while jerking back. 
It would be worth the pain he would cause next, knowing that at least he couldn't break you, just tie you down. Captain would be here soon, Iron Man, Natasha, Bucky… someone, someone would come for you. 
Brock retaliated by slamming an open palm across your face, biting back a cry, a burst of blood interrupted from your nose, racing down your face. 
As parched as you were, you welcomed the hot iron taste swarming your mouth, even through the pain. 
“Rumlow! You will step away from the girl. We need her.” 
Dread filled you as his face went from rage, to a cold smirk, pulling away from you. “Don't worry sweetheart, once they are done breaking you, you and I are going to do great things.” 
Your eyes flickered to the Hydra Agent, laying out his supplies, tools of pain and vials of poison to flood your system. Nauseated, you looked back up to the ceiling, and squeezed your eyes shut, clamping your mouth shut. Tears welled up, you would probably be gone, dead before the team would find you. It was what you hoped for now. 
You would rather die then let them turn you evil. Wasn't there a saying? You either die a hero or turn into a villian. You prayed, prayed for death instead. 
A year you were tested on, preyed on until you became a shell. Moved from base to base, handled by various people. None had a shred of kindness, and Brock especially took joy in your torture. 
He was able to use the various instruments, had access to your cell whenever he wanted. Your personal bodyguard, your personal hell. In these times you sink away from yourself, your body started to work on their command, your mind an empty shell of your former self. Intelligent? Yes, but yourself, no. 
It wasn't complete yet, there was still a shred of you left. Holding on, barely. 
Your rescue happened one sunny afternoon, but you weren't to ever know this. You were deep underground, away from air and light. They had just dumped you in your cell when there coms went off. To weak to pay attention to the Hydra agents fear as they hurriedly locked you in, you crawled to your cot and folded yourself onto it. Another day of survived hell. Squeezing your eyes shut, you really just wished for it to end. At this point in any manner. So much pain. To much.
Alone for a while, you start to drift off into nothingness when metal on metal jolted you awake with a terrified whimper. You heard the clang on your bars and lifted your head up to see Bucky trying to see who was curled up on the cot. 
“B-b-bucky?” You eased up slowly to make sure you weren't seeing things, and then right next to him Steve stepped up, flipping his shield to hang on his back. 
“Doll, we finally found you.” Bucky exclaimed with relief, grasping the bars and wrenching them as hard as he could, the metal whining in protest, but it wasn't strong enough to hold him back from what he wanted. 
Steve kept a watch of Bucky's six, speaking into the com at his ear. “We got her, Bucky is collecting Y/N now, have the jet ready Clint. Nat, you just about done? Sam, cover us when we come up."
“Five more seconds and data is secure, Tony can blow this hell hole to dust.” 
Bucky's arm went around you for support as you went to stand, sore from earlier, he saw you hobble forward and he swept you up. 
“Just faster this way Doll, come on Steve. Before Stark gets trigger happy.” Bolting for the nearest set of stairs, everything became a blur as Bucky and Steve bolted from the building. Hiding your face in Buckys shoulder, you never did see that sunny afternoon. 
A shadow passed over Bucky and Steve bolting across the ground, and when you glanced up, lifting your head off Buckys shoulder, the flash of red and silver covered out the blue sky above, and you smiled to yourself, between Sam, Steve and Bucky, you were safe. Exhaustion dipped your head back to Buckys shoulder.
It wasn't long till you were back at Stark Towers, which hadn't been your home in a year. Bucky carried you down into the medic bay with Sam close by. The rest of the team went to debrief on the mission, knowing you were taken cared of. Bucky easily set you down on the table, hovering nearby, he seemed hesitant to leave you, you who were so quiet, so shut down. Sam hovered close by, his jaw clenched. Quiet at well. Not knowing what to say or do, You just stared at the floor till Bruce came in. 
“Give us some privacy Bucky? I need to give her a full examination.” Bruce said softly, and your eyes welled up with tears, hiding away from them both. Bucky shook his head in refusal. “I'm not leaving her alone.” 
“Okay, but on the other side of the curtain, if Y/N needs you, she will call you.” Bruce looked over at you to confirm that was okay, and you nodded, still unable to look at any of them. Your shame and fear pounding at you. Sam clasped Buckys forearm, nodding his head to the door. "We will just be on the other side." When Bucky stepped on the other side, you could see the worried look flashing across his face, somewhat in recgonition to your pain. Sam gave you a slight nod, and a smile of encouragement.
Why couldnt you be stronger? 
The start of your recovery was rough, locked in your room a lot. It took some time for you to open back up to the team. Bring a sense of normalcy to you again. Your normal for the past year has been to be tortured. Everyday life was a lot. Things so simple, like going to get a glass of water, took all your willpower to do. The team, they did everything they could to make it easier.  Natasha and Clint immediately made you a part of their movie nights. At first you would sit stiffly away from them, not wanting to be touched by anyone. But soon you loosened up. Curling up against Clint while his arm draped over you, your feet in Natasha’s lap while she painted your nails. “How are the nightmares Y/N?” Natasha would ask, and you could feel Clint tighten his arm around you slightly, listening. It was no secret, your nightmares were a nightly occurrence, often waking up screaming and trying to hide somewhere in the room. 
“They are fine, fewer and fewer every day.” You lied, covering your shame. 
Steve, you often went with Steve out for walks where he would find some subject to draw. You would lay in the sun, while your friend sketched away at some piece of nearby building, sometimes a landscape. Once he even did you while you were sitting a bit away, catching your profile watching the clouds above. Often you two would sit in easy silence, not needing to have long intense conversations, you were just happy to be with your friend. Once in a while you would ask him. “Steve, you think I can join the team soon?” 
The blonde man would hum, and his blue eyes would shift over towards you a moment before going back to his paper. “Y/N, don't rush it. You were there for a year. I'm not putting you in the field before you're ready. Here, what do you think?” He would flip his pad around and of course it was his way of saying, No. Not Now. Maybe not ever.
Sam often had you over to his apartment to help with meals. You figured it was to make sure you were eating properly. At least one square meal. When you asked him, he scoffed. "Actually taking these cooking classes, I make enough for two. Lets face it, your better company then I could ask for. Besides Steve and Bucky are not adventurous like you. They wanna boil everything." Sam snorted, stiring his jambalaya. "Chop this up." He said quickly, handing you a knife. You always felt safer with something, Sam noticed this the first time you joined him, and you flinched when he drew out a butchers blade. From then on, you were set on chopping duties. You began to really look forward to cooking nights with Sam.
"No girlfriends to have cooking dates with?" You would tease when you set to chopping and Sam would give you that grin of his.
"Sure, I just test them on you first Precious. Gotts make sure they are decent enough to feed to others."
"Yea, I'm real Precious if your using me as a gineau pig." You stick your tongue out st your friend, but secretly you don't mind.
Tony, he was more energetic. Often you would be sitting down in his workshop, laughing at his attempts to improve the Ironman suit. It became a habit to keep a fire extinguisher nearby. “Tony, I don't think you should try this.” You said warily as he put on his new thruster boots. “Aww come on, what's the worst that can happen?” He grinned, and winked. 
He ended up shooting around the room like a balloon just untied, crashing into walls and bouncing off the floor. When he finally came to a stop, his feet were on fire. 
Jumping down with the extinguisher, you yelled “Tony!” and covered him with the foam, once it ended and the billionaire blinked it away, swiping the foam off his face. 
“I had it under control Y/N.” 
“Sure you did.” You squirted him one last time to retaliate before putting it away, and holding your hand out to him, helping him up. 
“Payback Y/N, payback.” Tony glared before pulling you into a hug, getting you covered to. At first it was fine, until you didnt feel Tony anymore and you struggled. Tony immediately let go, and you covered your face in shame. “Im sorry, I'm so sorry Tony.” He shook his head and gently grasped your wrist just enough to uncover your face. “Y/N, it's okay to feel like that. I should have asked first.” You gave an apologetic smile and he winked. The good thing with Tony was that he moved on from your attacks like they never happened, and for that you were forever grateful to your friend.
Bucky, he was the only one that you would find wandering late at night, like you were. When everyone else was fast asleep, you would be pacing the tower, afraid of sleep. It would happen, eventually. Your body would give into its demands, and you would go under into your nightmares. But until that happened though, you found ways to distract yourself. Sometimes it was video games on mute, you would bake muffins for the teams breakfast, get lost in Tony's library he allowed you access to. It was in these wanderings you found Bucky, bumping into him in random places. 
Eventually you two started to really get to know each other. Your late nights would be spent together. You opened up more and more, talking about what Hydra and Brock did to you during that year, Bucky making similar confessions while you two sat outside, away from the confines of the building. Quite a few times you both watched the sun start to come up far off to the east, and Bucky's arm would settle over you while your head tipped onto his shoulder. 
“Buck, I don't know if I will ever just be okay. Steve doesn't seem to think so.” 
“Doll, I came back from it.” He simply said, and you looked up at him, giving a half smile. 
“Your stronger than me.” 
His brow arched as he looked down at you. “That's not true. I had help, Steve, Shuri. I could have never done it alone. Why I know you will come back from this. Your not alone.” 
It gave you something to think about the rest of that day. 
You were so tired after two days going, you couldn't help but pass out, exhausted. You fell into bed in your sleep shorts and a tank, curling up while the world faded away. 
The nightmares though, flashbacks of all those times you were helpless, unable to fight back and could do nothing more than hold back your screams. It never helped, they still fell from you till you were horse from it, rolling from your bed as visions of various doctors plagued you, Hydra Agents beating on you, and Brock he was always in the darkness, watching with anticipation. When he would finally step from the shadows, you knew it wasn't just a nightmare anymore. It was hell. It was what sent you hiding while you were still sleeping. 
This night the jarring motion falling from your bed woke you, before Brock could get to you. Covering your head, you sobbed into your knees, so completely at a loss of how to fix yourself. Your shoulders shook, and you huddled there on the floor for a moment till your legs and back started to ache from being hunched over. Sniffling, you grasp the side of your bed and pull yourself to sit on the edge, wiping the tears from your face. The room felt cold. Reminiscent of your time with Hydra. No warmth, dark shadows stretching like they were reaching to claim you, in which you withdraw your feet off the floor, trying to talk yourself through what you felt was another oncoming panic attack. You had to get out of there, there was no way you could sleep in here tonight. 
Grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders, you edge around your bed, trying not to let yourself get psyched out that Brock might be hiding in your room, he wasn't. He couldn't. It was impossible to break into Stark Towers, right? Into the living room you went, looking over your shoulder at what was your bedroom. Even your couch felt too close to the memories. 
It wasn't even a thought, you eased into the hallway and started down familiar doors. Steve, Natasha, Wanda… when you paused in front of one. It had no special markings, nothing to signify to any other that it was a special door, but for you it was. Hesitating for a second, you reached out and gave a quick rap of the knuckles, waiting. 
Bucky heard it, that quick knock knock. He never slept deeply, always aware of his surroundings, years of training and his own deep rooted fears that something was going to happen. When he opened his door to you, the blanket you had on you just about swallowed you, and your face peeked out, red rimmed eyes and ruddy cheeks. He knew you had been crying, were about to start crying as you were standing there. Bucky stepped back to let you in. 
“Sorry Bucky, I just… don't want to be in my apartment tonight.” Your head dropped as you stepped in, and he softly shut the door behind you. 
Standing there for a moment, you didn't know where to go from there, and he stepped in closer, encircling his arms around your cocooned blanket and you could feel the rush of a sob squeaking from you, pressing in against his t shirt. Bucky tucked you in close, feeling his own eyes prick with tears feeling you break in his arms, your shoulders shaking and even the blanket couldn't seem to keep you feeling safe now. But his arms did. They were strong and hard, encircling you. “Come on Doll, your exhausted I can feel it.” 
You didn't struggle as he led you down the small hallway to the back bedrooms, and  expected him to put you in a guest room that you knew all these apartments had. But he didn't. 
He brought you right into his room, and sat you on the edge of his bed. 
“Are you okay unwrapping from this?” He questioned, his hands resting on the blanket where you clutched it around you like a protective shield. You sniffled and dried your face on it momentarily before nodding, letting your grip go. He eased it off, and folded it. Resting at the end should you want it back. 
“Give me two seconds Doll.” He disappeared into his closet and with the door half shut, pulled on a pair of sweats over his boxers, and switched out his tear wet shirt for a dry one. When he came back out, you were right where he left you, feet dangling over the edge of the bed, and your fingers clasped in your lap. When he came around and stretched out, half propped up on pillows, you looked over your shoulder at him. “Can you leave the light on Buck? Just a little bit?” 
“Of course Y/N. '' Reaching to the lamp, he turned it on a softer setting and saw you visibly relax your shoulders as you looked around, and could still see all the corners of the room. Pushing back to get in the bed, you tucked yourself in against your friend's side, letting your head fall to his shoulder. 
“They must have been pretty bad this time.” Bucky said as he lifted a blanket over the two of you, and you nodded. “I kept seeing Him in the dark, coming for me.” Bucky was well aware who you were talking about, having shared with him before some that had happened to you. You lifted Bucky's arm and placed it around your shoulder, his palm pressing against your arm and tucking you in closer, dropping the softest of kisses on top of your head. “Even when I was awake, it was like he was just out of sight, waiting for me to drop my guard.” 
“We won't let him get to you Doll, not again.” 
There was a soft shuffle of blankets as you got comfier against him, and your arm locked around his middle, your voice muffled against his shirt. 
“I know Buck, that's why I came to you.” 
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Description: Asexual!Bucky thinks he is broken beyond repair, until you show him that he has been complete all this while.
Warnings: Angst, bad language, mention of sex toys, romance and fluff
@jtargaryen18 organised a writing challenge for reaching 4k followers and of course I have to participate multiple times! 😍 I am sorry this entry is a little late 🙈
My Main Masterlist
A/N: This is the first time I am writing an asexual character. Whatever I have written is based upon my knowledge that I have gathered by reading various articles and posts on asexuality. The reason I am writing this is because I want to have an equal amount of straight and LGBTQ+ stories in my masterlist, so that there's something for everyone to enjoy. Hence, if you are an asexual person or know someone who is, and you realise that anything in my story is incorrectly represented, then please let me know. I will immediately correct it, issue an apology and accept my mistake publicly. 
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
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"I cannot fucking believe this!" Karen shouted, "What are you like gay or something?"
Bucky winced at her venomous words. "You need to leave," he said in a quiet, respectful tone.
"Like hell I am going to leave. I want answers!" she placed her hands on her hips and stomped her foot. "What is it? Am I not sexy enough for you? Are you not attracted by this?!" she gestured towards the skimpy lingerie currently hugging her body.
Bucky met her eyes as he responded, "I do not want to have sex with you." 
She huffed, clearly not convinced, "Why not? We have been going out for what, 3 months now? And you still don't want to have sex with me? What is the issue here? Is it-" she paused suddenly, her eyes traveling down his torso to his crotch, "You can't get it up can you?" she sneered.
Bucky shook his head, too exhausted to deal with her, "Karen, it's nothing like that. I just do not want to get physical with you. That's all."
"Oh! Ooooohh!" she bent backwards a bit, "So it was fine to hug me, cuddle with me and hold my hands. But when it comes to sex, you suddenly become a pious celibate saint! What the fuck Bucky?"
Bucky sighed, and handed Karen back her coat, "We are done. Please leave."
She laughed dryly, "Oh abso-fucking-lutely we are done. You know what I think?" she asked while wearing the coat, "I think that you are too old grandpa and that your tiny ass tortured gay dick cannot salute on its own. Because no man in his right mind would deny this," she again pointed to herself. "Super-soldier my ass," she muttered as she left.
The door to his apartment closed with a loud bang, leaving an echo in its wake. Bucky stood still, rooted to his spot. If it were not for the silent tears rolling down his cheeks, anybody could have mistaken him for a statue. 
Slowly, he sat on the floor, his gentle sobs rocking his body as he hugged his knees. 
Decades of torture by the hands of Hydra had left him crippled, physically, mentally and emotionally. When he had been saved by Steve, he had started to piece his life back together, bit by bit. Things such as books, movies, music became tiny jigsaw pieces that slowly filled the void in his life. 
After the final galactic battle with Thanos, Bucky had been officially initiated to the Avengers team, or rather what was left of it. The team soon became an extended family, a family that Bucky was still getting used to. It was especially irksome when Sam and Scott decided to set him up on a date with Karen from Research & Development (R&D), despite his protests.
It wasn't that Bucky didn't desire a relationship. He wanted to be close to someone, experience romance, feel their heartbeat in a close embrace and place light kisses on their forehead. 
But he didn't want to have sex.
At first, he thought he might not have met the right woman. So he searched for porn online, which did little to sway his feelings. He put the issue on a backburner, the safety of the people and the urgency of his missions steering the wheel of his life for a while. 
But when Sam and Scott proudly announced their grand plans for Bucky's date, he remembered his "issue" again. He looked at Karen closely whenever they went on dates together. She looked perfect. Beautiful hair, soft glowing skin, curves in all the right places, all packed in a graceful, slender body.
Bucky liked being close to her, but he was still not getting aroused. Hence, he stopped her advancements everytime she tried to get physical. Karen tolerated it for a while, before her patience wore out tonight.
As the sun rose in the sky, Bucky was still seated on the floor, his cheeks now stained with tears that had stopped sometime in the night, though a sniff escaped from him every few minutes. He looked at the sunlight pouring in from the window, broken by the window-panes, landing at his feet in two rays with a comforting warmth. It was in that moment that Bucky realised, Hydra had truly broken him.
"We have various types of dildos available. There's The Classic, Textured, Long and Thin, Short and Thick, Vibrators, Transparent Plexiglass Dildos, Strap-Ons, G-Spot Dildos, Double-Ended, Squirting Dildos and ones that also come with a suction grip. Are you looking for yourself or are you looking for something to enjoy with your partner?" the helpful saleswoman asked you.
You stroked your chin in thought, "It's only for me. I already have a vibrator that I bought about a year back. The G-Spot ones have never really worked for me. I am looking to try something new. What is the suction grip one?" 
The attendant handed you the dildo and showed you the suction grip at the end of it, "You can use this to place and stick it on any flat surface you want, whether it's the floor or the wall or the side of your desk. It guarantees a completely hands-free pleasurable experience."
You stuck it on the wall besides the showcase to test the theory. It worked. "Neat! I will take this one," you smiled as the attendant went to fetch a fresh piece.
You paid for your new sex toy and walked back to the Avengers compound with your small white shopping bag in tow.
When you reached your desk, you heard Karen bitching as usual about something to Jessica. At first, you blocked them out like you did almost everyday, but then a name in their conversation caught your attention.
"He's the Winter Soldier alright. He's completely frozen down there," Karen whispered loudly with disgust. 
"Even that red sexy lingerie didn't do anything for him?" Jessica gasped dramatically.
"That's crazy! That hot-red piece will convert even the most gayest of the guys! And it didn't do anything for him? Wow," Jessica responded.
Karen added, "You know something? I have always thought he was extremely weird. Like, dude, I know you were tortured by Hydra or whatever, but get over it man! It's been years since he was free. He should enjoy life and stop being such a wimp. I am 100% sure he is impotent."
"You know I was digging into him the other night," Jessica said in a hushed whisper, "and I saw a message board online which suggested that his penis has been completely cut by Hydra. This person knows all such secrets about these alleged superheros. You should follow him."
"What is his username?"
"Proud-Flat-Earther-MotherFuckers. Wait, I will send you the link," Jessica offered. 
Having heard enough of their nonsense, you made your way towards the HR department. Maybe both Karen and Jessica had forgotten, but talking about the personal lives of Avengers was strictly against the rules and was considered as reason enough to fire employees. 
You filed a complaint with the HR and within a few hours, both the women were fired on the spot. You savored the moment with relish, as their faces turned aghast at the realisation that their actions had consequences. You went up to them, watching the pair clean their desks, with unabashed glee. 
"You know something Karen?" you asked her, "Just because a man refuses to have sex, it didn't mean that he's a wimp, or gay or an impotent. But if you do choose to think of him that way, then it surely makes you a sexiest and a homophobic person."
Karen looked at you furiously, "You bitch! I lost my job because you went and blabbed in front of the HR!"
You chuckled at her outburst, "Oh my dearest Karen. Yes I did go and rat you out to the HR. But that's not what got the two of you fired."
"Then what did?" Jessica asked as she joined the conversation. 
You folded your hands for effect, "Your hateful comments and toxic views cost you your jobs. People like you think that just by using the latest iPhone or following the latest trends, you are a modern, 21st century person. But in reality, it is your open mindset which makes you a member of the modern society. If you would open your mind just as much as you open your legs, trust me, the two of you will be much better off."
You turned to leave, but stopped yourself, "Just a suggestion. Stop using words like gay and impotent as insults. It will help you retain your next job for a longer time." You winked at their speechless faces, and happily returned to your desk. 
Your job in R&D was taxing and so, you always found yourself working late. Today was no exception either. As you left your office at around 8pm, you saw Bucky heading towards the elevator which led to his apartment. You always had a soft spot for the brunette super-soldier. For starters, you couldn't even begin to comprehend the tortures he must have endured in his past. And the fact that he was trying to piece his life back together again? It was truly commendable.
He always kept to himself, his eyes downcast and his body language unsure. And after what you had heard today, you felt even more sorry for the guy. Turning towards the cafeteria, you picked up a box of vanilla-strawberry French macarons for him, thanking the heavens above for the free food available at the Avengers compound. You held the white bag with macarons in your left hand, being mindful of not confusing it with the similar white bag in your right which contained your new sex toy. 
A few moments later, you found yourself in front of his apartment. You had visited him twice before to adjust his vibranium arm or to sort out a few tweaks, but never before had you visited him so late in the evening. 
You knocked, feeling a little hesitant as you did so. He was surprised to find you standing on the opposite of the door, however, he still greeted you courteously nonetheless. 
Before you could state your reason for the visit, he said sincerely, "I heard what you did today. Thank you. I really appreciated it."
Now it was your turn to be surprised, "Oh. Ummm. It's okay really Mr Barnes. It was nothing. You don't need to-"
"No. It wasn't just nothing. You could have turned a deaf ear and ignored them. Yet you chose to stand-up for me. Thank you," a small smile laced his face and you melted on the spot.
You had a crush on Bucky. A BIG one. Could anyone blame you? This guy was a hot, sexy mess of an ice-cream sundae that left you hungry for more even on the coldest nights of the year. 
You realised you were staring into his steel-blue eyes like a creep, and immediately cleared your throat. "What-what they did was wrong. Karen had no right to demean you for your desires or lack of them. I-," you sighed, "I am sorry for what she said. It was disrespectful and hurtful. So I brought you something that I hope will cheer you up."
You awkwardly raised your right hand, "I got you some vanilla-strawberry macarons from the cafeteria."
Bucky did cheer up a bit at the mention of his favourite food. He eagerly took the bag with a huge smile, "Thank you," he said once again as you shook your head. "Thank you for everything you do to keep us safe Mr Barnes. I must be on my way now. Goodnight," and with that you left, grinning like an idiot.
You took a bath, ate your dinner and slipped into comfortable pyjamas. Excited to try your new sex toy tonight, you unpacked the bag expecting to see the nondescript box of the dildo. Instead, 5 delicious macarons stared back at you with innocence. 
You stumbled backwards in shock, the impact of your action settling like a dull, heavy weight in your stomach. "Oh no no no no," you whispered, horrified.
You immediately rushed to your window and pulled aside the curtain to look at Bucky's building, as if expecting to see him staring daggers at you. One of the privileges of working with the Avengers? You got to stay in a nice apartment within the compound itself. Your residential complex was a little further away from the main building, covered easily by 15 minutes of walking. 
Feeling hyper, you frantically searched for a coat and almost ran out of your house. You rushed back in to keep the box in the bag and again, dashed towards the elevator. 
Hoping that Bucky would have yet to open the box, you sent a silent prayer to all the gods and goddesses in the skies above, even Thor. Meh, you never know when an ex-Avenger could be of help.
You sprinted towards the other building, a multitude of thoughts clouding your mind- What if he was offended by it? Would he file a complaint against me? It would be sorta ironic if I was fired for this! Shit he would think my apology was false and I am probably mocking him.
You reached his apartment, a panting, huffing mess of a person. You knocked frantically, his door shaking with force at your desperation. However, you jumped as Bucky whispered your name from behind you, "Are you okay? What's going on?" he asked with concern as you turned around to face him.
"Did-did you op-open the bo-ox?" you questioned him while panting like a dog. 
He furrowed his brows in response, "No I was planning to open it in a few minutes. Please tell me what's going on. Why do you look so scared?"
You bent over double, your stomach cramping thanks to your impromptu running, "Thi-this is your bag," you held up the package, "That ba-bag is mine."
"Okay," Bucky said slowly, still unsure of your behaviour, "Should I open the door to retrieve your bag?"
You nodded as he stepped aside, "Why are you not wearing any shoes?"
You looked down at your feet at his query, small blades of grass had stuck to your naked feet along with dirt. "I was in a hur-hurry to get to you," you managed to say between your breaths.
Bucky just nodded in response. It was then that you noticed the pack of paper tissues in his hand. He opened the door and stepped inside, beckoning you to follow him. He pointed to the white bag kept on the table while he looked at it with worry. "Will it explode?" he solicited.
"Uhh no," you replied awkwardly.
"Is it dangerous?" curiosity etched on Bucky's face as you swapped the bags.
"No, it's nothing like that," you looked down at your feet, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks with embarrassment.
He narrowed his eyes, "Then what is it?"
"I can't tell you," you quietly admitted, "but here are your macarons. I am really sorry for this. Didn't mean to disturb you from whatever you had planned," you pointed to the box of tissues still in his hand. 
Bucky noticed the underlying question in your statement, "I was about to watch a movie. So needed these to clear the mess."
Your eyes went wide at his sincerity. While you had a crush on him, you definitely did not want to know about Bucky's late night masturbation adventures. Shaking your head, you raised your hands and started walking backwards, "I am sorry I disturbed your nightly… activities. I get out of your hair."
"Actually, would you like to join me for the movie?" Bucky asked hopefully, "We have the macarons and you seem like you need to calm your nerves."
You were surprised for the third time that day. Did Bucky just ask you to masturbate with him? Or have sex while eating the macarons? Or did he want to eat them after you guys have had sex? A flurry of questions swirled in your mind as you stared at him with a slightly open mouth. 
Bucky interpreted your gaze and stumbled to clarify himself, "As friends! Would you like to watch a movie with me as a friend?"
You slowly nodded your affirmation, "Yeah okay. Which movie are we watching?" 
"The Notebook," he revealed with a smile, "It's an extremely emotional movie. Ummm what's the term? Tear-jerker? Uhh yeah, it's a real tear-jerker of a movie."
"Oh so that's why…" you pointed at the tissues. "Yeah," he confirmed, "I tend to cry a lot while watching that movie. And… ummm… I am the kind of person who cries ugly. You know, all tears and snot. So yeah… I need the whole box."
"That's… that's actually sweet," you smiled, "Trust me you are not alone. I start crying as soon as the titles appear on the screen."
He got excited at your confession, "Yes! Exactly! It's because you know what's going to come and you are just mentally preparing yourself."
You chuckled with him in affirmation as he led you further into his apartment.
You freshened up a bit in his washroom, making sure to clean your feet and the residue on your face from the sweat.
Bucky was standing besides your bag when you entered the living room, "Now that we are friends," he intoned, "will you please tell me what's inside of this?"
You sighed, "Mr Barnes-." 
"Bucky," he corrected you and you smiled. 
"Will you promise me you will not take any offense or be insulted by it? I really did not mean to swap the bags."
"I trust you," Bucky said with assurance.
"It's…it is a sex toy," you mumbled quietly. Any normal human wouldn't have heard you, but Bucky's enhanced hearing caught your words flawlessly. 
He took a moment to process your words, and finally, to your amazement, burst out laughing. 
You sheepishly smiled at his reaction as your heart felt a little lighter. "That is embarrassing," he agreed with a wide grin. 
The two of you settled on the couch as Bucky's chuckles lessened. He kept the box of macarons between you two, but hesitated to begin the movie.
You sensed his curiosity, and clarified, "I haven't been in a relationship in a very long time. It's been… 2 years I guess… since my last breakup." You took a deep breath, "And my job doesn't exactly leave a lot of time on my hands for dating or one-night-stands."
Bucky seemed to consider your words for what felt like a long time. Finally, he asked quietly, "What does it feel like? To… to want another person… sexually?"
You blinked your eyes, thinking you must have misheard him. But then, his gaze met yours, and you knew his question was sincere.
"It feels like…," you raked your mind in search for the appropriate words, "...like your entire body is on fire, and you need the touch of the other person to quench your thirst. Like, just for a few moments, you want to shut your mind, and let your body think for you."
Bucky nodded slowly as you finished, "But what if you feel that in your heart? And not for your body?"
You squint your eyes at his question, "What do you mean Bucky?"
He placed his head in his hands, "I just… I don't feel like that with anyone. I mean, I don't want to have sex. Trust me I have tried everything. Literally everything. Still I don't feel aroused… I am broken, aren't I? Because this is abnormal, right? No matter how hard I try I will never be normal."
Your heart shattered at his words. You had heard about his horrid nightmares, but to think that he was struggling to accept himself, thinking that he was broken, even when he had so much love to give, was depressing. You could not just stand by and watch.
Gently, you placed a hand on his shoulder, "Bucky, look at me." When he didn't comply, you urged him, "Bucky, you are not broken. It is completely normal to not have any sexual desires."
"No it's not," he scoffed.
"Yes it is," you coerced him, "Do you know what is asexuality? It is the complete absence of sexual desires. Many people-"
He interrupted you, "There is no such thing. You are making this up."
"I am not," you replied indignantly, "Research indicates that more than 1% of the American population is asexual. Also, experts believe that more people might be asexuals because they think that they "haven't found the right person yet"," you ended with air quotes.
With no reaction from him, you sighed and got up, "Do yourself a favour. Use the internet and learn about asexuality. It will help put your mind at ease." You left after giving that piece of advice.
Bucky stayed in the same position for a few moments after your departure. He nibbled on a macaron as he considered the movie playing in front of him. Unable to focus, he promptly shut it all and carried the box to his bed. The macarons disappeared into his mouth as he tossed and turned, feeling restless. 
There was no way asexuality was a thing. If it was, then how come there were no movies, tv shows or even advertisements on asexuality? That's because it wasn't normal, right? Maybe you had just lied to him to make him feel better? Maybe you took pity on him?
He looked at his phone on the table near the tv set, your final words repeating in his head in a loop. The combination of tiredness and laziness encouraged him to take your advice in the morning.
You didn't see Bucky for 3 days after your fateful encounter with him. The fact that you still had your job at the Avengers Tower meant that he hadn't filed a complaint yet with the HR. And for that you were grateful. Friday came and you found yourself working late, again. It was around 10pm and you were still in your lab, almost done with the work. That's when you heard the small swoosh of the lab doors opening and closing.
You looked up from your table, and found Bucky staring intently at you with his blue eyes. He cleared his throat and tentatively took a step towards you. "You were right," he said slowly, "I researched online, read a few articles and spoke with the in-house therapist. I am an," he took a deep breath, "an asexual."
You closed your laptop and smiled at his confession, "How are you feeling now?"
"Honestly? A little bit better. I feel somewhat free," he admitted while gripping the white bag in his hand a little bit tighter.
"That's great! I am so proud of the progress you have made," you beamed at him, but sensed his hesitance as you neared him.
"What's wrong?" you gently inquired.
"You are… not… I mean… by any chance… asexual?" he winced at his own question.
You chuckled lightly, "No I am not."
"Ahh, then it's okay," he murmured and turned as if to leave.
You stopped him by placing a hand on his firm bicep, "What's going on?"
He shifted on his feet, visibly uncomfortable and anxious, "I was just… no nevermind it's stupid."
"Bucky," you said his name in a stern voice.
He sighed again, "I thought… I mean I owe you a movie because… of that night… and so… you know… would you like to watch it? The movie? But why would you? You deserve better… you are not an asexual. You are normal. Why would you want to go on a date with me?" he finally ended his mumbling.
You looked at him with squinted eyes, trying to decipher what he had muttered. "Did you just say you would like to go on a date with me? But it was stupid because you are an asexual and I am normal?" you blinked as he nodded.
"Who told you that you are not normal?" you asked him, a little irritated, "Bucky look at me." This time he complied, "You. Are. Normal. As normal as me, as the other Avengers or as anybody else in the world. Do not, for even one goddamn second, think that there's something wrong with you because there isn't. Are you listening to me? Am I clear?" you wagged your forefinger at him.
Amused at your outburst, he nodded with a sheepish grin. Clearing his throat, he asked you again, "Would you like to watch a movie with me tomorrow? As a date?"
You placed your hands on your waist, "Yes."
His grin widened as he asked you the next question, "Still mad at me?"
"Maybe these cupcakes will help," he shyly held up the white bag in front of you, "I made sure they were cupcakes," he added with a smirk.
You graciously accepted the bag, "Cupcakes will always help."
"Great! It's a date then. Tomorrow… at 4pm? My apartment?" Bucky suggested.
You agreed, and he left with a goodbye. As soon as he was out of sight, you opened the box, expecting to see the usual cupcakes inside. Instead, you found that the sweet treats were decorated with cute messages such as "U R Cute" , "Be Mine?" , "So Sweet" and so on. Feeling mushy at his adorable gesture, you bit into the sweet treat as you headed back to your apartment.
The next day, you made sure to wear a purple dress, complete with black, grey and white accessories - the colours of the asexual flag. Bucky beamed at you as he welcomed you into his apartment. He had made a snack mix from popcorn, crispy pretzels, chips and nachos, the perfect accompaniment to any movie according to him, and you couldn't agree more.
The pair of you watched The Notebook in silence, except for a few sobs and sniffs here and there and the straight up bawling during the emotional parts of the movie.
After a while, the film ended but your date continued. The two of you talked about everything, right from the meaningful discussions about the government policies to random questions like "which mythical creature would you be and why?"
Soon, it was time for you to head back to your apartment. Bucky offered to walk you and you happily agreed. But before you left, he asked you nervously, "Would you like to have a second date?"
"I would love to," you beamed, "Which movie should we watch the next time?"
He ran his hand in his somewhat disheveled hair, "Uhh… I actually made a date jar. Wait, I will get it."
He brought over a glass jar, filled with tiny bits of folded paper, "I thought we could have dates that start from each English alphabet. We can pick and choose at random from the jar."
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes again at his thoughtful and romantic gesture. You gingerly picked one note from the jar, excited for the adventure that awaited the two of you.
It took more than 2 years for the pair of you to finish every date in the date jar, except for one. Whether it was jet-skiing in the ocean, taking classes for flamenco dance, him teaching you self-defense or going on a wildlife safari together, you and Bucky finally got through it all. Only the letter "P" was now left.
In these 2 years, any distance between the two of you had practically vanished. Bucky was comfortable in removing his bionic arm in front of you. Moreover, he had started sharing everything with you. Right from his darkest and disturbing nightmares to a pretty butterfly that he may have seen during his missions, Bucky made it a point to ensure that you were a part of his life, and you had absolutely no complaints.
The two of you had also discussed about your sexual desires, and Bucky had been comfortable with you using your sex toys as and when you wished.
Bucky was the perfect boyfriend anybody could ask for. He was considerate, thoughtful, a hardcore feminist and gave the best foot-rubs in the world. And so you were nervous. Nervous because the two of you had never actually sat down to talk about the nature of your relationship. And as the day of the last date loomed nearer, your anxiety increased. At first, you thought of making a second date jar, but he had quickly dismissed the idea, stating that he would be caught up with multiple things after the last date ended.
As you sat in the car that Bucky had sent for you, your apprehension grew. Bucky always picked you up, however this time, he had asked you to come alone in the car. Maybe he wanted to break up with you?
By the time you reached the park it was pitch black. You were sure Bucky had paid the guards to keep the gates of the park open just for you.
As soon as you entered, you saw the pathway lined with 25 lamp posts, leading you towards a breathtaking archway decorated with fairy lights and your favourite flowers.
On every lamp post, a photograph of the two of you - which were taken on your dates - was stuck along with a note. The notes described how he fell in love with you over and over again on every single date. Your progress was slow, as read each of his meticulously written words with tears in your eyes. You collected all of his notes and the photographs, and finally headed towards the lit archway.
When you entered it, the instrumental notes of the song "All of Me" by John Legend reached your ears.
You walked ahead and reached a bend. Upon crossing it, you were showered with rose petals as the live music grew louder. And at the end of the archway, your boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes, was standing in a tuxedo, looking as sinfully good as the forbidden fruit. The entire area around him was lit with soft fairy lights that cascaded gracefully between tall lamp posts. Even on the ground, small wooden lamps illuminated the grass across the area. A live band was playing the music and your Bucky was standing with the most gorgeous bouquet of red roses that you had ever seen.
Your vision turned blurry as you started crying, and looking at your tears, he started sobbing as well. "No no no I can't cry now," he managed to say between his sobs while giving you his handkerchief, "I have to do this."
He got down on one knee and took your hand in his. You both laughed as you started crying harder. He took a deep breath and said your name, "These 2 years have been the most magical years of my life. You have accepted me as who I am, what I am, and never once tried to change me or make fun of me for it. I never thought I would be treated with the amount of respect that-" he started crying, unable to finish his sentence.
You sat beside him and handed him your kerchief. "Yes," you said with a tear-stained smile.
"Let me ask you first!" he exclaimed between his sobs.
You laughed and wiped your snot as he cleared his throat, "I love you so much. You are the only one I want to-" he started crying again.
"Yes!" you answered his unsaid question.
"I haven't asked you yet!" he exclaimed again as the two of you giggled between your sobs.
"Okay c'mon Bucky you can do this," he muttered to himself as you beamed at him. "Okay," he looked into your eyes and whispered your name, "Will you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming my wife?"
You choked up at finally hearing the words. Rendered speechless, you could only nod as fresh tears escaped your eyes.
"You have to say yes!" he almost shouted with excitement.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!!" you matched his enthusiasm as he slipped a ring onto your finger. His large arms then engulfed you in a bear hug, wrapping you in a safe and secure space for eternity to come.
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Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Bucky taglist: @loustan90
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
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JTargaryen18′s 4K Challenge
First, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who follows me. I never expected to get to 1K, much less 4K. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you. 💕 I just passed my 1 year anniversary here.
I haven’t done a challenge before to mark a personal milestone but people have been asking for Seb fics and it gave me an idea to do something similar to the Chris challenge from June because everyone really seemed to enjoy that. And we do NOT have enough fics of Mackie/Sam Wilson.
So a challenge for the month of August. No prompts, no signups, no muss, no fuss.
When: Now thru August 31, 2020
What: 1) Fics about Sebastian Stan or Anthony Mackie or any character either of them have played. This will get us warmed up for Falcon and the Winter Soldier this fall (Fingers crossed). Whoever you choose has to be the center of the fic. POV is your choice.
Must be a minimum of 500 words. No max.
Head canons are also welcome.
They can’t be part of an existing series or previously published.  
You don’t have to follow me but tag me please. If you don’t see it posted in 2-3 days follow up.
Must include the tag #JTargaryen18s4K
Can be dark, fluffy, angsty, or any other type of story you want to write
Can be reader insert or original characters
Ethnic, Interracial, LGBTQ+ and polyamorous stories are welcome and encouraged. 
2) Gifsets, art, or edits created for the challenge of Seb, Mackie, or any of their characters are welcome too.
Should be your own work
They have to meet Tumblr’s policies (or they might yank them)
They can’t be previously published.
You don’t have to follow me but tag me because I’m sharing these too
Must include the tag #JTargaryen18s4K
Posting: I’ll be posting these as I get to them. 
Other stuff: Just a couple more notes.
Limit of 3 fics per author please.
Must be for this challenge only. I got into a couple of snarls with people in other challenges last time. I was cool with double dipping but they weren’t.
I reserve the right to not reblog any post.
No sexual situations with minors, no bodily functions (urine, water sports, feces), and no snuff (character is deliberately killed after sex scenario). Non-con and dub-con must fall into within the bounds of commonly posted dark fics.
Questions are welcome.
Thank you!
120 notes · View notes
“I’ve Got The Perfect Name”
Summary- 2.9k Sam Wilson x You. Your in training with the Avenger Team and have a slight mishap. No one else is bothered by it, but you can’t seem to get over it. Sam takes you out to early morning breakfast to his favorite place to take your mind off it. Its fluffy fluff. No warnings. Unless you count Bucky stealing food off someones plate a warning. Written for @jtargaryen18​ 4k challenge. Congrats babes! Much love always. 
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The day Tony Stark came out as Ironman, things changed. The world changed. Suddenly superheroes were no longer something from comic books and movies, but real actual people, and you wanted nothing more than to become one.
This whole new world opened up, and you were quick to join in, putting in your schooling to join SHIELD. Specifically Nichols Fury. Your time working with Nicholas Fury really opened your eyes to possibilities you never could have fathomed. Being a Shield Agent trained you in all manners of fight styles and technology. So years down the road you had to move on from Shield when Captain, Black Widow and newly recruited Falcon proved it was compromised. Yet you followed Fury, your work had become everything for you.  
Life happened, the snap happened, and you continued on through it as best you could. The losses, there was no way to properly mourn. You tried, once in a while to deal with it, attending Steve Rogers support groups, the two of you would talk one on one. You told him about your history with Shield and Fury, he told you more and more about the Avengers, those people he considered family. You could see the pain it caused him. 
“You don't have to Steve, it's okay.” 
“No I got to, it's how we keep their memory alive.” He would simply say. You left it at that, maybe you were helping him as much as he was helping you. Over time, he became more then someone you once worked with, he became a friend. 
The day came when the snap was reversed, and Steve Rogers called you the next day with urgency. “We have to talk, meet me at that cafe by your apartment.” 
When you two happened to meet an hour later, he slid a folder across the table at you. “I have an offer for you.” 
You landed on the tarmac designed specifically for War Machine and for the new Captain America. Sam, he really wasn't about to give up his wings, not for the new title. You let out a frustrated exhale as you stepped away from the bullseye target and Sam landed down as you were walking away. 
“Y/N! Come back here, it wasn't your fault.” His red wings folded behind him, and he jogged over to where you were opening the door and going back into the compound, undoing clasps and the harness holding your own wings and sliding them off. 
“I spiraled out of control. If that had been a mission Sam, I could have hurt someone!” You snapped out as you pushed your own set of wings into the lock up. “I need to do better than this.” 
Sam shrugged off his own and put it next to yours. “You are just learning still. It's only been a few months. When I first got the wings with Riley, we were crashing all over the damn place. It takes time. I'm ready to have you join the team now actually, if you weren't so damn stubborn.” trying to reassure you, you shrugged him off, closing the lockers door. You still felt like you were failing the team, and Rogers. He had believed in you when he gave you this opportunity, and still you were making mistakes. Sam might brush it off as small, but for you they were huge, significant. 
“Well I say I'm not.” your arms folding over your chest and sighing. “I have to be perfect, you guys can't afford to have someone making basic mistakes.” 
“Y/N, you know you can’t be perfect, no one is.” He started, but you already were walking away from Sam to go back down to the lounge, when he stopped you, frowning a bit. “You do know that right?” eyes studying yours and you gave a sharp nod, and forced a smile. 
“Sure Wilson, don't worry. Tomorrows a new day.” Extracting yourself from his grasp, you continued to the lounge area, leaving Wilson frustrated with being unable to get you to calm down.  
Inside the lounge area, you went immediately to the kitchen, searching for something. Anything that can take your mind off your mistake today, pulling open the fridge door, and slamming it shut again with an aggravated sigh, then onto the cupboards and drawers. Yanking open one, you saw a half crumpled bag of Mint Milanos, and snatched the bag, unrolling it. Taking out a cookie you munched on it, when a deep voice from behind you made you jump and spin around, catching sight of Bucky sitting at the table, a ripe purple plum rolling between his metal fingers. “Bad day Y/N?” He sunk his teeth into the fruit and chewed it. 
“Disappointed in myself.” You dug for another cookie and crammed it in your mouth. 
Bucky used his foot to push out a chair, and you went to sit in it, snapping your next cookie in half and offering him half of it, which he shook his head at. 
“Sounds kinda like you're beating yourself up, I haven't heard of anyone being hurt. So what happened?”
You picked at the cookie a bit before taking a bite, chewing it slowly and setting the rest aside. “Clint be mad if I eat all his cookies.” Bucky snorted with laughter and took another bite of his plum. 
“He aint gonna care. Probably won't be back for another few months now that he's back home with Laura and the kids. So? Wilson getting on your nerves, cause I could give you a few payback tips.” 
“No no… Sam was helpful. He’s been trying his hardest training me with the wings. Sam told me to be careful of those updrafts, and one caught me unaware, I turned when I should have tilted.” you continued on, Bucky listening and when you tapered off, Bucky had finished his plum, the pit left behind that he made a toss, which it kerplunked into the nearby garbage can. 
“So you made a mistake today. You learn from it and dont do it tomorrow.” 
“And what happens when I make a mistake in a mission Buck?” 
He wiped his hands against his thighs, and moved to a stand, grabbing two beers from the fridge and handing you one. “You make it right, your human Y/N, just like the rest of us. You wouldn't fault any of us on a minor thing, would you? I hope not, cause then I would be fucked.” Tipping his bottle to yours with a clink, he left it at that. 
You still couldn't shake the feeling, wandering the compound early in the morning hours, you wanted to test the wings again, prove to yourself that Rogers wasn't wrong in picking you to take the Falcons place. You were just about to go up the stairs back to the tamarac when Sam came out of nowhere and grasped your arm. 
“No way Y/N, you know you can't go flying along in the middle of the damn night. At least not yet.” 
“I wasn't- Okay okay, I hear you. I just can't sleep.” You gave in, and let go of the handle, stepping away to show Sam that you weren't serious about actually doing it. 
He seemed to study you, and then in the dark his grin flashed bright. “I got something better in mind.” Tugging you away, you followed him down, heading towards the garage. 
“Well what's that Wilson?” 
“Oh you will see, get in the car.” He opened the passenger side door, and you folded your arms in defiance. 
“You know it is only fair to tell a person where they are going. What if sweat pants and a hoodie isn't proper attire.” 
Giving you a nudge, in which you complied, he shut the door and went behind the wheel. “I assure you, you will be fancy enough there. Promise.” The drive was quick being 4 in the morning and no traffic. You leaned forward to read the sign above where he stopped. 
“The Wayside? You took me to an all night diner?” 
“Sure did, best place to get breakfast this early in the morning. Plus you were driving me nuts at the compound. Up all night, pacing around, beating yourself up over nothing” Sam insisted, and got out of the car, you followed suit, wrapping your arms around yourself as his own went over your shoulder, leading you inside. You scowled at him and rolled your eyes. 
“I was doing no such thing.” 
“Sure you weren’t Y/N. Morning Sal!” Sam called cheerfully to the cook just in sight in the kitchen, he gave a wave of his spatula in salute to Sam and turned back to his stove, where you could see he was preparing to start cooking. Sam scanned the room, and then pointed at a booth near the entrance, situating you on a specific side. “Perfect, exactly where we need to be.” 
“Need to be?” You questioned as you sat down, glancing out the window to a sky starting to lighten up, another car pulling into the parking lot. 
“Yup, take your mind off yesterday, get a damn good breakfast and just chill.” Sam explained what he wanted, and you listened closely, laughed with a light shake of the head, arching a brow with a grin on your face. Just what Sam was looking for. 
“You actually do this often?” you say as a waitress grabs a couple menus, making her way over, dropping them off. 
“Sam, two mornings in a row? I say you must be growing sweet on me, cause Sal’s cooking isn't that amazing.” 
“Awww you know I'm always sweet on you.” Sam flirted back while you took the menu, and flicked it open. Nearby you could hear Sal cursing in the kitchen, the waitress rolling her eyes. “Don't mind him, he does that every morning. Get you two something to drink? Coffee, tea, juice, milk, water?” 
You snapped your menu closed with a smile to your waitress, even if you were still bleary eyed and half asleep. Your eyes darted to her name tag before answering. “Coffee please Sara.” She jotted down before waving off Sam's request. 
“Orange Juice and coffee, black?” She quirked a brow and Sam confirmed with a wink, and nodded. “Be right back you two.” Her flats clicked on the linoleum floor while she went around the counter, and grabbed mugs. You settled in your booth seat, your back leaning against the wall as your legs stretched out on the seat, glancing at Sam. 
“So… you actually sweet on Sara?” You grinned at him, and he nodded. 
“I've been thinking about asking her out. She's a sweetheart and I would love to get to know her better. I just haven't yet.” 
“And, what's stopping you Wilson? You wait too long, and someone else is going to beat you to it.” 
Sam glanced out the window a minute, shrugging a bit. “Eh, seems like we’re always heading out doing something, and do I really want to drag someone into a life where she's worried? How is that fair?” 
“Well…” You drifted off, Sam wasn't wrong. The thought had crossed your mind before. It would be alot to ask anyone to wait around, not knowing. As Avengers, they could be called on day or night, plus couldn't talk about their mission. Your partner wouldn't have any idea. “... Ask her. She should be able to make that decision for herself, right? You don't know, she might be okay with it, ya know? Besides, its just a date. Get out and have fun.” 
“I could say the same for you Y/N.” He snorted, and caught Sara heading back over, flashing his bright grin and thanking her as she set down your coffees and his orange juice. “Can I set you two up?” She untucked her pen from her ear and grasped a pad from her apron. You were prompt in ordering your blueberry pancakes with sausage, Sam with hashbrowns, bacon and two fried eggs. Your foot nudged him under the table, and he flashed you a look. Since he wasn't ready, you didn't push any further for now. Left alone again, you picked up your conversation where it was left off. 
“Same for me? Just cause I haven't dated in several months.” 
“Ha, you haven't gone for a night out since you took the wings.” He sipped from his coffee cup while you were prompt grasping sugar and cream, dumping it in. 
“Well I'm in training, I don't have time.” 
“You're done with training Y/N, the wings are yours anytime you want.” His eyes lifted to catch yours, and you could feel unease as to how he turned this right around on you. Back to what was keeping you awake, the reason you and Sam were even out at 4 AM. “I even got a kickass name for you Y/N, since you can't have Falcon.” 
You picked up his straw that Martha left for his orange juice, twiddling it between your fingers. “Wait, why not? You're not the Falcon anymore, since you took the shield.” 
“Falcons mine, I still got the wings, Red Wing. I'm not giving that up. But, now hear me out.” He sounded so excited that you made a go on motion while prying off the top of the straws paper, listening. “We can call you, The Kestrel.” 
That made you snort, bust out into a laugh, looking at him with amusement. “The Kestrel? Oh damn, where did you come up with that?” 
“Come on, it's cool. You're smaller than me, and your wings do that hover in place thing. Know what Kestrels do when hunting? They hover over a spot till their prey bolts in fear. Then BAM! strike. Its badass name, you should consider it.” 
“When did you go all Nat Geo on me Sam?” You purse your lips at the end of the straw and blew, shooting the paper at him, which he swatted away. Grabbing the straw from you, he stuck it in his orange juice and drank. 
“Since forever, You should try it sometime. Expand the brain.” Tapping his forehead, Sara was heading back over with two steaming plates, setting your stack of blueberry pancakes in front of you, and Sam's full breakfast in front of him. “Thanks Sara.” Sam smiled warmly at her this time, which was returned. 
“Enjoy you two, let me know if I can get anything else.” she looked at both of them, and then retreated back to help newly arriving customers settling at the counter. More regulars as she engaged in conversations with them. You couldn't help but watch Sam's lingering gaze follow her before he went back to his plate. You poured syrup on, and cut off your first piece. 
“How about this Sam, You go ask Sara on a date, and I will consider taking up the wings officially. Name and all, no more training. You and Buck both seem to think I'm ready.” compromising with him, you saw a flash of accomplishment in Sam’s eyes and an outreach of his hand. 
“Deal, shake on it, or it doesn't count.” 
Your hand reached across and gave a firm shake. Once your hands separated, you made a motion for him to go, in which he took a deep breath and slid himself from the booth. When approaching the counter, Sam caught Saras attention, and you went back to cutting pancakes, trying to not be obvious watching from the corner of your eye. You could see Sam putting on some of his charm, a warm smile, leaning in closer. 
Bucky suddenly fell into Sam's seat in the booth, grabbing a piece of bacon off his plate and crunching it. “Can't believe you two didnt invite me.” 
“Shut up Barnes, i'm trying to listen.” you scolded him, taking a glance to see both Sara and Sam had their phones out, and appearing to be setting up a time, exchanging numbers. 
“Oh! Is he finally doing it? About damn time. He's crushed on her forever now.” Now a piece of Sam's toast was gone. 
“We made a deal. I decided to officially step out of training if he asked her out.” 
Bucky looked at you in surprise, the triangle of toast hanging from his fingertips. “Well damn, the one time I sleep in, all this exciting stuff happens. What changed your mind?” 
“You and Sam.” Shrugging a bit. “Maybe you two were right, plus it was the incentive Sam apparently needed.” 
“Bucky, get your own breakfast!” Sam shoved back in the booth next to Bucky and grabbed his plate back from his friend. Bucky resettling in against the window, finishing off the piece of toast he had snagged earlier. 
“Why? I got yours.” he snickered and glanced back over your way. “Sam tell you his name yet?” 
“Mmhm, The Kestrel.” you chuckled and Sam shook a fork at you with a piece of egg at the end. 
“It's a cool name, and I stand by it.” 
“I will give it some thought. You get that date?” You change the subject, Bucky and You looking at him expectedly. 
“Matter of fact I did, tomorrow night I'm taking her out.” 
Bucky grinned, clapping Sam's shoulder. “Hell yea man, good for you.” Swiping another piece of bacon off his plate, the three of you continued on, the sun finally coming up to start the day, filling the cafe with easy laughter and the clinking of forks on plates.
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A Joint Effort
Description: Sam and Bucky are hesitant and unhappy to fulfill the task at hand.
Warning: None
Queen @jtargaryen18 reached 4k followers! Congratulations Jamie 🎉🎈💃🏻🎊!! This one-shot is my entry for her 4K celebration writing challenge. Click here to participate!
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"You are Captain America!" Bucky exclaimed. 
"And you are the Winter Soldier!" Sam retorted.
"I was the Winter Soldier! Am not anymore and you know that!" hissed Bucky. 
Sam raised his hands, "I did it last time. I am not going to do it again."
"Sam please," Bucky tried to plead with him, "Please don't make me do this. I was tortured by Hydra for decades."
"So? Dude you wrecked my car!" Sam argued aggressively.
"That was one time! ONE TIME!" Bucky raised a finger, "And my mind was being controlled." 
"Whatever man. You gotta do it," Sam pushed the tools towards Bucky.
He whimpered, "She won't talk to me if I do that to her! Remember last year, when it was your turn? She didn't even look at you for 3 months after that! What if my baby decides to hate me now?" wondered Bucky with a slight pout.
Sam folded his hands in resolution, "Then she will join the long list of people who detest you."
As Bucky kept on grumbling, Sam pushed a book towards him. "Look, I don't want to do this either, but we gotta do it for her. That's what the doctor said last time, remember? He said it's supposed to be an annual thing."
"But she hates it," Bucky tried to urge Sam, "She hates it when we do that to her. I mean just look at her right now, she's sleeping so peacefully."
Both the superheros walked towards the door and gazed into the next room, where a beautiful, graceful, furry feline was peacefully sleeping on the couch.
"How am I supposed to wake her up and give her a bath? Especially when it's torturous for her? Sam, that's inhuman," he feebly tried to argue.
Sam almost melted at the thought. Almost. 
Shaking his head, he squared his shoulders and said with determination, "You need to do this. We have to bathe her once every year. That's what the vet said. Now," he placed a book in Bucky's hand, "There are detailed instructions on how to give her a bath, complete with precautionary steps, guidelines and a blueprint of the tower in case she makes a run for it.'
Bucky squinted his eyes at him, "Your plan didn't work last time Sam."
"Of course it did!"
"Sam, the hospital staff thought you had been attacked by a wild animal," Bucky reminded him. 
Sam scoffed, "Not my fault you brought a cat from Wakanda! I mean, why didn't you just get one of your goats?"
"Gerald didn't want to come because Fiona was pregnant. And he had spent his entire life with Fiona and his parents at that farm, so I didn't want to separate him from his family," Bucky replied sincerely. 
Sam's eyes went as wide as teacup saucers. Slowly, he blinked twice and asked him, "Gerald?"
Bucky nodded, "The male goat, or buck, as they are usually called."
"... didn't want to leave Fiona?" Sam repeated slowly.
"Yeah, his wife, who is obviously a female goat, or a doe, as they are called," supplied Bucky as if it was obvious.
Sam still looked bewildered, so Bucky repeated, this time slowly, "Fiona was pregnant. And Gerald had-"
"No no. I heard you the first time," Sam interrupted him, "I was just having a hard time  processing all that information."
Bucky shrugged in response. Then an idea popped into his head, "I really miss Gerald these days. He was such a nice goat you know? All he ever-"
"Oh hell no! You are not going to emotionally blackmail me with your steel blue puppy eyes!" Sam exclaimed as Bucky gave up in defeat.
"Okay how about this? We do it together. I will lure her in with snacks, and lock the door. You prepare the tub and wash her while I hold her back and keep feeding her treats," suggested Bucky, "What do you think?"
Sam pondered for a moment, "Yeah okay. That could work."
Over the next hour, both the superheros bent over the book, outlining the new plan and jotting down the course of action.
Finally when they were ready, Bucky gently woke up Mrs Marshmallow. The white, soft and adorable feline opened her large eyes and yawned at him, looking a bit disgruntled to have been awoken from her sleep. But as soon as Bucky kept her favorite treats in front of her, she stretched and snacked on them.
Bucky kept placing treats on the ground in the form of a trail, so that Mrs Marshmallow followed him till they reached the entrance of the bathroom. He tentatively placed one last piece of treat inside the bathroom, and as soon as Mrs Marshmallow entered, Sam closed the door and locked it. 
Slowly chewing her food, Mrs Marshmallow looked up at the two of them, then took in her surroundings. 
"Sorry baby, but you need a bath," Bucky told her.
"I know baby, but we have to give you a bath. I am truly sorry honey but we have no choice," Bucky tried to reason with her.
"Meeeeeow! Meeeow!! Meeeeoooww!"
"Okay miss that kind of language will not be tolerated in this house," Sam scolded her as he picked her up and placed her in the tub.
The nightmare that ensued in the next 2 hours will probably haunt Sam and Bucky for the rest of their lives. 
A drenched Bucky opened the bathroom door and out walked a disgusted, and freshly washed Mrs Marshmallow, her tail swishing in annoyance and mistrust as she headed for the door of the apartment.
Soaked with soap and water, Sam went ahead and opened it for her as Bucky followed the pair, limping on his way.
Thanks to the commotion caused in the bathroom, quite a small crowd of people had gathered outside their apartment at the Avengers/Stark Tower.
Fury screamed and jumped aside as Mrs Marshmallow left the apartment and went towards Wanda. "Awww what did they do to you kitten?" she cooed at the feline.
Wanda gasped sarcastically, "Oh my God! Are you serious? We need to talk about this over catnip. C'mon," she led the cat towards her room, laughing all the way as Maria glared at Sam and Bucky.
"Are you kidding me?" Maria asked them, "Both of you are buff superheros. You fight terrorists, aliens and God knows what for a living! And you couldn't bathe a small cat?"
"Small cat?!" Fury looked at Maria with shock and fear, "Did you see the size of that monster?"
"Mrs Marshmallow is not a monster," both Sam and Bucky said in unison.
Maria rolled her eyes, "Just because one cat clawed out your eye that doesn't mean every cat is a monster."
"Wait…" muttered Bucky.
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Sam.
"Maria!" Fury said in a threatening tone.
She smirked and walked away, leaving the three men in uncomfortable silence.
"Sooooo-" Sam started to say, but Fury cut him off. "Not. A. Word. Am I clear?" Fury growled.
As soon as he left, both the men doubled down giggling, but immediately regretted it. 
"Let's head towards the med bay," Bucky suggested, limping towards Sam.
Sam nodded, "What do you know about Fury's eye?"
"All I have ever heard are urban myths and rumours," admitted Bucky, "It is said that back when he was still an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D, he met Captain Marvel and her pet cat, who was an alien. Giant tentacles would come out from the cat's mouth and swallow entire vehicles, jets, and even people! Some people say that it was the same cat that scratched out his eye."
"I wonder if any of it is true," Sam thought. 
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2 WEEKS LATER, Mrs Marshmallow was still sour with Sam and Bucky. Both the gentlemen tried to shower her with her favourite food, toys and what not. Still, there was no swaying the feline. Unknown to them, she was seeking revenge.
And so one night, when Bucky was fast asleep, Mrs Marshmallow entered his room stealthily and looked for his vibranium arm. He often removed it before sleeping and kept it on the chair besides his dresser. She slowly went towards the arm, and opened her mouth. Large, thick tentacles emerged from her mouth and grabbed the arm. The tentacles retracted back in her orifice as she swallowed the whole vibranium arm without flinching her eyes. 
She then turned towards Sam's room and swallowed the compact bag that contained his giant metal wings.
Bucky woke up a few hours later and immediately noticed his missing arm. "Sam! SAM! Where is my arm?" he shouted as he looked for him in the apartment.
Sam emerged from the kitchen with a bowl, whisking the pancake batter, "What's wrong? You need a hand?" he snickered. 
"Yes I need my hand!" Bucky showed him his shoulder stump, "Where did you hide it?"
"Hide what?"
"My arm! Ugh! Sam I am not in the mood for games!"
"And I am not playing any!" Sam defended himself, "I know I have hidden your arm in the past, and I know I have even laughed at you about it for days, because it's always hilarious, but-"
"I am checking your room," Bucky snapped and entered Sam's room. 
He came out a few minutes later, "Sam, even your wings are gone."
Sam dropped the pancake he was about to flip, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed in shock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y was there an unauthorised entry last night in our apartment?" Bucky asked the AI.
"No Mr Barnes," came the prompt reply.
"We need to inform Fury about the robbery and secure a perimeter," Sam supplied as they prepared to leave the apartment in a hurry, worried about a potential breach in the security system.
Both the superheros kept food and water for the cat and left. Mrs Marshmallow gladly ate her imported tuna mush in peace, relishing every bite with leisure without a care in the world.
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This fic was inspired by this beautiful image created by @muffinshark 😍😍😍
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Taglist for Bucky: @loustan90
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
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The Stories
There are a variety of themes and story types. Mind the tags and warnings. Please read responsibly.
Bucky Barnes
Little Doll by @navegandoaciegas
Misunderstood @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Saved @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Sam Wilson
A Joint Effort by @chris-evans-indian-fanfic
For The Love of You by  @allaboardthereadingrailroad 
I’ve Got the Perfect Name @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
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